THIS AGREEMENT               made the 2nd day of June, One thousand
                             nine hundred and ninety-nine


ASTORIA INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED whose registered office is situate at Room
2703, Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong (hereinafter called
"the Landlord") of the one part and

ROAD CHAMPS LIMITED whose registered office is situate at Units 1008-9, 10/F.,
Peninsula Centre, 67 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong
(hereinafter Called "the Tenant") of the other part.

WHEREBY IT IS AGREED by and between the parties hereto as follows: -

1.      The Landlord hereby lets to the Tenant and the Tenant takes from the
Landlord the premises known as Unit 1015 on 10th Floor, Peninsula Centre, No. 67
Mody Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong (hereinafter called "the said premises") Together
with the right in common with the Landlord and others having the like right to
use go pass and repass up down over and upon the common parts including inter
alia entrance passages halls staircases and lifts so far as the same are
necessary for the proper enjoyment of the said premises subject to the term and
conditions hereinafter contained TO HOLD the same unto the Tenant for the term
of TWO YEARS commencing from the 15th day of June 1999 and expiring on the 14th
HUNDRED AND TWENTY ONLY (HK $38,920.00) Hong Kong Currency per calendar month
payable in advance on the 1st day of each and every calendar month without
deduction Provided Further that the last of such payment shall be made pro-rate
according to the number of days then unexpired in the month on which such
payment is made.

2.      It is hereby agreed and declared that the said premises are let for the
use of an office by the Tenant only.

3.      The tenant hereby agrees with the Landlord as follows: -

        (a)     To pay the said rent at the times and in the manner aforesaid.

        (b)     To pay and discharge all rates taxes assessments duties charges
                impositions and other outgoings now or at any time hereafter to
                be imposed or charged by the Government of Hong Kong or other
                lawful authority in respect of the said premises upon the owner
                or occupier in respect thereof (Government Rent, Property Tax
                and all other outgoings of a capital or non-recurring nature

        (c)     To pay all charges for electricity, water and gas consumed by
                the Tenant in the said premises and all service, maintenance
                charges and management fees payable in respect of the said
                premises, including the deposits for the meters therefor.


        (d)     To well and sufficiently paint maintain and keep in good repair
                and condition the interior of the said premises, the furniture
                and fittings (if any) and all the Landlord's fixtures and
                additions thereto (fair wear and tear expected). In particular,
                the Tenant will at its own expense replace any broken or damaged
                window panes, fancoils, pipes, wires, drains, taps, wash-basins
                and cisterns on the said premises save and except damaged caused
                by the agent or servant of the Landlord.

        (e)     To take all diligent precautions and due care to protect the
                interior of the said premises against damage by fire storm
                typhoon or the like.

        (f)     To permit the Landlord and its agents with or without workmen or
                others at all reasonable times and upon reasonable notice being
                given to the Tenant to enter upon the said premises and to view
                the condition thereof and upon notice being given by the
                Landlord forthwith to repair in accordance therewith. Upon the
                Tenant failing to comply with the said notice the Landlord or
                its agents shall be entitled with or without workmen or others
                at all reasonable times and upon reasonable notice being given
                to the tenant to enter upon the said premises to carry out any
                repair and the Tenant shall be liable to pay the Landlord's
                costs of carrying out any such repair and incidental charges
                provided that in the event of any emergency the Landlord its
                servants or agents may enter without notice and forcibly if
                necessary, provided that the Landlord shall keep the Tenant
                indemnified for any loss and damages caused by the negligence of
                the Landlord or its agents in gaining such entry.

        (g)     Not without the previous written consent of the Landlord (which
                consent shall not be unreasonably with held or delayed) to erect
                install or alter any fixtures partitioning or other erection or
                installation in the said premises or any part thereof or without
                the like consent to make or permit or suffer to be made
                alterations in or additions to the electrical/gas wiring/piping
                and installations or to install or permit or suffer to be
                installed any equipment apparatus or machinery which imposes a
                weight on any part of the flooring in excess of that for which
                it is designed or which requires any additional electrical/gas
                main wiring/piping or which consumes electricity/gas not metered
                through the Tenant's separate meter. The Landlord shall be
                entitled to prescribe the maximum weight and permitted locations
                of safes and other heavy equipment and to require that the same
                stand on supports of such dimensions and material to distribute
                the weight as the Landlord may deem necessary.

        (h)     Not to transfer assign underlet or otherwise part with the
                possession of the said premises or any part thereof either by
                way of subletting lending sharing or other means whereby any
                person or persons not party to this Agreement obtains the use or
                possession of the said premises or any part thereof irrespective
                of whether any rental or other consideration is given for such
                use or possession and in the event of any such transfer
                subletting sharing assignment or parting with the possession of
                the said premises (whether for monetary consideration or not)
                this Agreement shall at the discretion of the Landlord determine
                and the Tenant shall forthwith surrender the said premises to
                the landlord. The tenancy shall be personal to the Tenant named
                in this Agreement and without in any way limiting the generality
                of the foregoing, the following acts and events shall, unless
                previously approved in


                writing by the Landlord (which approval the Landlord shall not
                be unreasonably withheld) be deemed to be breaches of this
                subclause: -

                (1)     in the case of a Tenant which is a partnership, the
                        taking in of one or more new partners whether on the
                        death or retirement of an existing partner or otherwise.

                (2)     in the case of tenant who is an individual (including a
                        sole surviving partner of a partnership tenant) the
                        death, insanity or other disability of that individual
                        to the intent that no right to use, possess, occupy or
                        enjoy the said premises or any part thereof shall vest
                        in the executors, administrators, personal
                        representatives, next of kin, trustee or committee of
                        any such individual.

                (3)     in the case of a tenant which is a corporation any
                        take-over reconstruction, amalgamation, merger,
                        voluntary liquidation or change in the person or persons
                        who owns or own a majority of its voting shares or who
                        otherwise has or have effective control thereof.

                (4)     the giving by the Tenant of a Power of Attorney or
                        similar authority whereby the donee of the Power obtains
                        the right to use, possess, occupy or enjoy the said
                        premises or any part thereof or does in fact use, occupy
                        or enjoy the same.

                (5)     the change of the Tenant's business name without the
                        previous written consent of the Landlord which consent
                        shall not be withheld or delayed.

        (i)     Not to do or permit or suffer to be done in or upon the said
                premises or any part thereof any act or thing which may be or
                become or cause a nuisance annoyance damage or disturbance to
                the Landlord or to any of the tenants or occupiers of the other
                parts of the said building or of the neighboring premises or
                which shall amount to a breach or non-observance of any of the
                covenants and conditions contained in the Government Lease of
                the said premises, the Occupation Permit and the Deed of Mutual
                Covenant or which shall be in anywise against the laws of
                regulations of the Government of Hong Kong.

        (j)     Not to keep or store or cause or permit or suffer to be kept or
                stored any arms, ammunition, gunpowder, salt-petre, or other
                explosive or inflammable substance in the said premises.

        (k)     Not to use or permit or suffer to be used the said premises or
                any part thereof for any illegal or immoral purposes.

        (l)     To observe and comply with all house rules and regulations made
                by the appropriate management authorities relating to the use
                and management of the common parts of the said building.

        (m)     Not to do or permit or suffer to be done anything in or upon the
                said building and the said premises which may infringe any laws,
                regulations, bye-laws and rules and all notices and requirement
                of the Governmental Departments and other competent authorities
                in connection with or in relation to the use and occupation of
                the said premises and the said building.

        (n)     Not to do or cause or permit or suffer to be done anything
                whereby the policy or policies of insurance on the said premises
                and/or the said building against damage by fire or against other
                damages howsoever caused may be rendered void or voidable or
                whereby the premium for such insurance may be liable to be


                increased and the Tenant shall indemnify the Landlord against
                such increased or additional premium as shall have been brought
                about or caused by its act or default.

        (o)     Not to obstruct or permit any employee or agent to obstruct any
                passageway lift staircase entrance exit or other common parts of
                the said building, and it is hereby expressly agreed that if any
                such obstruction shall happen and the Tenant shall fail to
                remove the same immediately upon request either to the Tenant or
                to the person then in charge of the said premises on the
                Tenant's behalf, the Landlord shall be entitled to dispose of
                the same in whatever manner the Landlord shall deem fit
                including inter alia destroying and disposing of the same as
                rubbish and selling the same on such terms and conditions as the
                Landlord may deem fit.

        (p)     Not to use the verandah of the said premises for the purposes of
                drying or hanging any clothing and not to exhibit or display
                anything on or near the verandah of the said premises or any
                part thereof in such a manner which will affect the appearance
                of the said building.

        (q)     Not to erect or permit to be erected outside the said premises
                any wireless or television aerial nor do to permit to be done
                anything to the external walls of the said premises which will
                affect the appearance of the said building.

        (r)     Not to place or allow to be placed any showboard name-bill
                placard advertisement or notice of any description upon the
                external walls and the windows of the said premises.

        (s)     Not to keep in the said premises any animal or domestic pet
                without the prior consent of the Landlord.

        (t)     To pay and make good to the Landlord all and every loss and
                damage whatsoever incurred or sustained by the Landlord as a
                consequence of every breach or non-observance of the Tenant's
                obligations and stipulations herein contained and to indemnify
                the Landlord from and against all actions claims liability costs
                and expenses thereby arising.

        (u)     At the expiration or sooner determination of this Agreement to
                deliver up to the Landlord the said premises in particular the
                furniture and fittings (if any) in good clean and tenantable
                repair condition (fair wear and tear excepted) as aforesaid
                together with any additional erections alterations or
                improvements which the Tenant may with the consent of the
                Landlord as aforesaid have made upon or in the said premises
                without payment of any compensation for such additional
                erections alterations or improvements Provided That the Landlord
                may at its discretion require the Tenant to reinstate remove or
                do away with any alternations fixtures or additions made to the
                said premises with or without the Landlord's consent or any part
                or portion thereof and make good and repair in a proper and
                workmanlike manner any damage to the said premises and the
                Landlord's fixtures and fittings therein as a result thereof
                before delivering up the said premises to the Landlord.

        (v)     To allow at all reasonable times by appointment within three
                calendar months immediately preceding the expiration of the said
                term prospective Tenants or occupiers to inspect the said


4.      The Landlord hereby agrees with the Tenant as follows: -

        (a)     That the Tenant paying the rent hereby reserved and performing
                and observing the terms and conditions herein contained and on
                the part of the Tenant to be performed and observed may
                peaceably hold and enjoy the said premises during the said term
                without any interruption by the Landlord or any person lawfully
                claiming through or under it.

        (b)     To pay Government rent, property tax and all outgoings of a
                capital or nonrecurring nature which are now or may hereafter
                during the said term be imposed by the Government upon the said

        (c)     To use its best endeavor at the Landlord's expense to procure
                the manager of the said building to maintain the main walls,
                main drains and main pipes, main structures, roof, lifts,
                electricity cables and all common areas and facilities of the
                said building and/or the said premises in good and substantial
                repair and condition throughout the said term.

        follows: -

        (a)     If the rent reserved or any part thereof shall be unpaid for
                seven (7) days after becoming payable (whether legally or
                formally demanded or not) or if the Tenant shall fail or neglect
                or perform or observe any term or condition herein contained and
                on the Tenant's part to be performed or observed or if the
                Tenant shall become bankrupt or in the case of a limited company
                shall go into liquidation or if a petition for the Tenant's
                bankruptcy or winding up, as the case may be, shall have been
                filed or if the Tenant shall enter into any composition or
                arrangement with creditors or shall suffer the Tenant's goods or
                other property to be levied on execution then and in any of the
                said cases it shall be lawful for the Landlord at any time
                thereafter to determine this Agreement and to re-enter the said
                premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole but
                without prejudice to any right of action of the Landlord in
                respect of any breach of the Tenant's terms and conditions
                herein contained and the deposit paid hereunder shall be
                forfeited to the Landlord but without prejudice to the
                Landlord's right to claim any further damages which the Landlord
                shall have sustained or may sustain and a written notice served
                by the Landlord on the Tenant to the effect that the Landlord
                thereby exercised the power of re-entry and determination
                hereinbefore contained shall be a full and sufficient exercise
                of such power.

        (b)     In the event of any breach of any term or condition on the part
                of the Tenant herein contained, the Landlord shall not by
                acceptance of rent or by any other act whatsoever or by any
                omission be deemed to have waived any such breach of term or
                condition notwithstanding any rule of law or equity to the
                contrary and that no consent to or waiver of any breach shall be
                binding on the Landlord unless the same is in writing of the

        (bb)    Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained in the event of
                default in payment by the Tenant in respect of any payments to
                be made hereunder for a period of seven days from the date on
                which the same falls due for payment, the


                Tenant shall further pay to the Landlord on demand interest on
                the amount in arrears at the rate of 1.5 percent (1.5)% per
                month calculated from the date on which the same becomes due for
                payment until the date of payment as liquidated damages and not
                as penalty provided that the demand and/or receipt by the
                Landlord of interest pursuant to this provision shall be without
                prejudice to and shall not affect the right of the Landlord to
                exercise any other right or remedy hereof (including the right
                of re-entry) exercisable under the terms of this Agreement.

        (c)     For the purpose of this Agreement any act default neglect or
                omission of any servant, agent, licensee, visitor and invitee of
                the Tenant shall be deemed to be the act default neglect or
                omission of the Tenant.

        (d)     In the event of the said premises or any part thereof at any
                time during the said term being damaged or destroyed by acts of
                war, fire, typhoon, earthquake, flood, white ants or subsidence
                of the soil so as to render the same unfit for occupation and
                use and the cause of which is not attributable to the acts or
                omissions of the Tenant then the rent hereby reserved or a fair
                proportion thereof according to the nature and extent of the
                damage sustained shall cease to be payable until the said
                premises shall have been again rendered fit for occupation and
                use PROVIDED ALWAYS that should the whole of the said premises
                or the greater part thereof be so destroyed or damaged by the
                happening of any of the above events as to be unfit for use and
                occupation the Landlord shall not be required to rebuild or
                reinstate the said premises or the said building if by reason of
                the condition of the same or any local Regulations or other
                circumstances beyond the control of the Landlord it is not
                practicable or reasonable to do so Provided that if the Landlord
                shall fail to reinstate or cause to be reinstated the said
                premises or the said building within six months of receiving a
                written notice to reinstate the same from the Tenant or if the
                said premises or the greater part thereof or the said building
                remain uninhabitable or inaccessible for a period of one month
                the Tenant my forthwith or within a responsible time thereafter
                by a written notice terminate this Agreement and thereupon the
                same and everything herein contained shall be void as from the
                date of occurrence of such damage or destruction and the
                Landlord shall forthwith refund to the Tenant the said deposit
                or the balance thereof but without prejudice to the rights and
                remedies of either party against the other in respect of any
                antecedent claim or breach or covenant.

        (e)     Any notice required to be served hereunder shall be sufficiently
                served on the Tenant if delivered or sent by post or left
                addressed to it at the said premises or at its registered office
                in Hong Kong and any notice to the Landlord shall be
                sufficiently served if sent to the Landlord by post at the
                Landlord's registered office in Hong Kong. A notice sent by post
                shall be deemed to have been received at the time when in due
                course of post it would be delivered at the address to which it
                is sent.

        (f)     For the purpose of distress for rent in terms of Part III of the
                Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap.7) and for
                the purpose of this Agreement the rent in respect of the said
                premises shall be deemed to be in arrears if not paid in advance
                at the time and in the manner hereinbefore provided for payment


        (g)     The Tenant shall not be entitled to any compensation or
                abatement of rent in respect of any failure howsoever caused in
                respect of the lifts, electricity supply or other services
                provided to the said building.

        (h)     The Landlord does not warrant that the light and air to the
                premises would not be obstructed.

        (i)     The Landlord shall not be in any way liable to the Tenant or to
                any person or persons claiming any right title or interest under
                the Tenant or any person expressly or impliedly authorized by
                the Tenant to enter leave or remain on the said building or any
                part thereof for any damage to property or injury to person
                which may be sustained by the Tenant or any such person or
                persons as aforesaid on account of the defective or damaged
                condition of the said premises the said building and the
                Landlord's fixtures or fittings therein and any part thereof and
                in particular the Landlord shall not be responsible to the
                Tenant or any person or persons as aforesaid for any damage to
                property or injury to person caused by or through or in any way
                owing to the overflow of water or water leakage from any floor
                flat or premises or any part of the said building any typhoon
                electric current water pipes electric wiring or cables situated
                upon under or in any way connected with the said premises and/or
                the said building or dropping of cigarette ends broken pieces of
                glass or other articles from any floor flat premises or any part
                of the said building or neighborhood and the Tenant hereby
                agrees to indemnify the Landlord against all claims demands
                actions costs expenses whatsoever made upon the Landlord by any
                person or persons in respect of the matters aforesaid and
                further the Tenant shall be responsible for any damage which may
                be done to any part of the said premises or the Landlord's
                fixtures and fittings therein.


        (a)     The Tenant shall on or before the signing hereof deposit with
                the Landlord the sum specified in the Schedule hereto to secure
                the due observance and performance by the Tenant of the
                agreements stipulations and conditions herein contained and on
                the Tenant's part to be observed and performed. The said deposit
                shall be retained by the Landlord throughout the said term free
                of any interest to the Tenant and in the event of any breach or
                non-observance or nonperformance by the Tenant or any of the
                agreements stipulations or conditions aforesaid the Landlord
                shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement in which event the
                said deposit may be forfeited to the Landlord without prejudice
                to the Landlord's right of action to claim for any monetary loss
                or damage which the Landlord may sustain by reasons of the
                aforesaid breach non-observance or non-performance.
                Notwithstanding the foregoing the Landlord may in any such event
                at its option elect not to terminate this Agreement but to
                deduct from the deposit the amount of any monetary loss incurred
                by the Landlord in consequence of the breach non-observance or
                non-performance by the Tenant in which event the Tenant shall as
                a condition precedent to the continuation of the tenancy deposit
                with the Landlord shall forthwith be entitled to re-enter on the
                said premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole and
                to determine this Agreement in which event the deposit may be
                forfeited to the Landlord as hereinbefore provided.


        (b)     Subject as aforesaid the said deposit shall be refunded to the
                tenant by the Landlord without interest within thirty days after
                the expiration or sooner determination of this Agreement and
                delivery of vacant possession to the Landlord against the Tenant
                for any arrears of rent rates and other charges and for any
                breach non-observance or non-performance of any of the covenants
                agreements stipulations terms and conditions herein contained
                and on the part of the Tenant to be observed or performed
                whichever shall be the later.

7.      It is hereby expressly declared tat no key or construction money or
other premium of a similar nature has been paid by the Tenant or any person or
persons for and on behalf of the Tenant to the Landlord or any other person for
the grant of this tenancy.

8.      Where more than one person is party hereto as Landlord or Tenant, the
expression "the Landlord" and "the Tenant" shall where the context admits
include all either or any of such persons and their liability contained or
implied herein shall be joint and several.

9.      In this Agreement unless inconsistent with the context, words denoting
persons include corporations and firms; words denoting masculine gender include
feminine gender and neuter gender; and words denoting the singular number
include the plural number and vice versa.

10.     Each party shall bear his own solicitors' costs charges and expenses of
an incidental to this Agreement and the stamp duty (including the counterpart)
and registration fee, if any, on this agreement shall be borne equally by the
parties hereto.

11.     The Tenant hereby declares and confirms that the Tenant has duly
inspected the said premises and is fully aware that he is taking the said
premises in its present state and condition. The said premises is let on an "as
is" basis and in the physical state and condition as it stands and no warranty
or representation whatsoever has been given or is made by the Landlord or its
agents regarding the physical state and condition thereof or of the building of
which the said premises forms part.

12.     Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the Landlord hereby agrees to
grant a rent free period to the Tenant from 15th June 1999 to 14th July 1999 for
decoration purposes only. The management fee, air-conditioning charges,
government rates and all outgoings payable in respect of the said premises for
the said rent-free period shall be borne and paid by the Tenant solely.

13.     (a)     The said premises are at present subject to a tenancy agreement
                dated the 26th day of March 1997 (hereinafter referred as "the
                preceding Tenancy Agreement") made between the Landlord of the
                one part and one Toy Park (International) Limited (hereinafter
                referred to as "the preceding Tenant") of the other part for the
                term of two years commencing from the 1st day of June 1997 and
                expiring on the 31st day of May 1999 and upon such terms and
                conditions as therein more particularly mentioned. The preceding
                Tenant has agreed to deliver up vacant possession of the said
                premises to the Landlords on or before 31st May 1999


                (hereinafter referred to as "the Date of Surrender").
                Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, this Agreement
                is conditional upon the delivery of vacant possession of the
                premises by the preceding Tenant as scheduled. Should the
                preceding Tenant fail to deliver vacant possession of the
                premises on or before the Date of Surrender, this Agreement
                shall immediately become null and void and in such event the
                rental deposits paid hereunder by the Tenant to the Landlord
                shall be returned to the Tenant without compensation or costs.

        (b)     Notwithstanding the payment of rental deposits and the monthly
                rental (if any) by the Tenant herein, no relationship of the
                Landlord and the Tenant is hereby created unless and until the
                vacant possession of the said premises is delivered to the
                Landlord on the Date of Surrender.

        AS WITNESS the hands of the parties hereto the day and year first above


                                  THE SCHEDULE

        The deposits in the sum of HK$135,798.00 on the breakdown of which are
as follows: -

               (a)    Rental deposit                             HK$116,760.00

               (b)    Management fee and
                      Charges deposit                            HK$ 19,038.00


SIGNED by Mr. Lauw Siang Liong              )      For and on behalf of
                                            )      ASTORIA INVESTMENT
for and on behalf of the Landlord in the    )      CO., LTD.
presence of :- /s/ John Tso                 )      /s/ Lauw Siang Liong

SIGNED by Mr. Stephen G. Berman             )      For and on behalf of
                                            )      ROAD CHAMPS LTD.
for and on behalf of the Tenant in the      )
                                            )      /s/ Stephen G. Berman
presence of :- /s/ Wills Hon Yen-Ming       )

        RECEIVED the day and year first above written     )
of and from the Tenant HONG KONG DOLLARS ONE              )
HUNDRED AND NINETY EIGHT ONLY being the rental            )
deposits, management fee & air-conditioning charges       )
deposits above expressed to be paid by the Tenant to the  )
Landlord in respect of the said premises                  )HK$135,798.00

                                        For and on behalf of ASTORIA
                                        INVESTMENT CO., LTD.

                                        /s/ Lauw Siang Liong
                                        the Landlord


                          Date the 2nd day of June 1999



                               ROAD CHAMPS LIMITED

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                                TENANCY AGREEMENT

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