[TEAM ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LOGO]


     June 25, 1999

     Mr. David Black
     Film Recoveries, Inc.
     7069 So. Highland Drive, #250
     Salt Lake City, UT 84121

                                        RE: FILM LIBRARY

     Dear Mr. Black:

     Team Communications Group, Inc. ("TEAM") hereby makes the following firm
     offer to acquire the Film Library as specified below:

          1. Film Library: The 28 Films referenced on Exhibit 1.

          2. Purchase price: $1.9 Million.

          3. Rights to be acquired. All rights, title and interest in the
          Library worldwide currently owned or controlled by Film Libraries,
          Inc. ("FLI"), without limitation and as specified on Exhibit 1.

          4. Purchase Allocation: $1.9 Million will be payable as follows:
          $1,000,000 in cash and $900,000 payable in TEAM Common Stock, subject
          only to any allocable reduction in the purchase price pursuant to the
          delivery and acceptance provisions of Paragraph 5 below. The cash
          portion of the Purchase Price shall be payable to the Film Recoveries
          Trust Account at Brighten Bank (Account No. 41020645, ABA No.
          124302503). The purchase price will be payable as follows:

          a.   Ten percent (10%) of the cash portion of the purchase price in
               the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) shall be
               placed into a mutually acceptable escrow upon execution of this
               deal memo, such escrowed funds to be released to FLI pursuant to
               the delivery provisions referenced below in Paragraph 5.

          b.   The balance of the cash portion of Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars

            12300 WILSHIRE BLVD. SUITE 400 - LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 -
                      (310) 442-3500 - FAX (310) 442-3501
Mr. David Black
June 25, 1999
Page 2

          ($900,000) shall be payable pursuant to the delivery and acceptance
          provisions referenced in Paragraph 5 below.

     c.   Certificates representing the stock portion of the purchase price
          shall be placed in an escrow account in accordance with the provisions
          of Paragraph 5. The value of each share representing the stock portion
          shall be calculated based on the average bid price at closing for the
          previous ten (10) trading days preceding the execution day of this
          Agreement. TEAM agrees that all certificates of stock placed in the
          escrow account shall be registered no later than six months following
          the date on which such were placed in the escrow account.

5. Delivery, Acceptance and Payment: During the 30 day period commencing on
July 1, 1999 and ending on July 31, 1999 (the "Initial Delivery Period"), FLI
shall have the obligation to provide TEAM with (1) documentation of title
pursuant to Subparagraph 5 (a) below, and (2) access to Elements which meet the
standards set forth in Subparagraph 5(b) below. On the last day of the Initial
Delivery Period, all Films for which FLI has provided the necessary title
documents as well as Elements which meet the criteria of Subparagraph 5(b)
below shall be deemed accepted by TEAM. At such time during the Initial
Acceptance Period that two or more Films have been accepted, the $100,000
placed in the escrow account referenced above shall be released to FLI and
shall be applied against the purchase of said Films. The escrow account shall
contain strict instructions for the release of the funds upon acceptance of two
or more titles. All other Films which are accepted during the Initial Delivery
Period, shall be paid for by TEAM first in cash and than in stock, at a rate of
$76,000 per Film (after deducting any escrow funds released to Film Recoveries,
Inc.), with the cash portion to be wired directly to Film Recoveries, Inc. by
no later than the close of business on August 1, 1999 and the stock portion to
be placed in the escrow account to be established pursuant to Paragraph 4
(assuming that more than 12 Films have been accepted).

During the period commencing August 1, 1999 and ending August 31, 1999 (the
"Delivery Cure Period"), FLI shall provide TEAM with access to any additional
Elements and title documents which (1) were not supplied by FLI during the
Initial Delivery Period or (2) which would render a Film (which was rejected
during the Initial Delivery Period) acceptable. On September 1, 1999, TEAM
shall wire transfer a payment to Film Recoveries, Inc. for all additional Films
which have been accepted during the Delivery Cure Period. TEAM acknowledges
that there are 28 Films referenced on Exhibit 1 and hereby agrees that it shall
not have the right to reduce the Purchase Price unless less than 25 of the
Films are delivered. In the event less than 12 Films have been accepted during
the Initial Delivery Period and the Cure Delivery Period, the cash portion of
the purchase price will be reduced by $76,000 for each Film not accepted and
all stock certificates placed in the escrow account referenced above shall be
released to TEAM without further
Mr. David Black
June 25, 1999
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     obligation to FLI. In the event that more than 12, but less than 25 Films
     have been accepted during the Initial Delivery Period and the Delivery Cure
     Period, then TEAM shall be entitled to reduce the stock portion of the
     purchase price by $76,000 for each said Film which was not accepted. All
     expenses related to the laboratories examining the Elements shall be borne
     by TEAM, provided that FLI shall pay all shipping costs to said

     The criteria by which a Film will be judged acceptable are as follows:

          a. Title:      FLI shall have the obligation to provide TEAM with
                         documentation which establishes FLI's ownership or
                         control of the rights being granted to TEAM, as well as
                         the existence of any substantial encumbrances which
                         will affect the future marketability. Residual or
                         producer's share payments which will be triggered by
                         future exploitation of the Films shall not be
                         considered an encumbrance to a Film, provided that FLI
                         shall represent and warrant that all such payments
                         which may have been triggered in the past are its sole
                         responsibility. The parties hereby acknowledge that the
                         United States Bankruptcy Court has adjudicated and
                         deposed of various issues related to the Film Library,
                         and that both parties have reviewed the terms and
                         conditions of said bankruptcy documents and hereby
                         accept the judgment of the Court in connection with all
                         issues adjudicated by such.

          b. Elements:   With regard to the videotape masters and underlying
                         film elements (the "Elements") to be purchased by TEAM
                         with regard to the Film Library, TEAM and FLI hereby
                         agree that during the Initial Delivery Period, FLI
                         shall be responsible for shipping the Elements for each
                         Film to one of the film or video laboratories listed on
                         Exhibit 2 to this agreement. TEAM shall instruct each
                         laboratory to immediately commence a quality check on
                         the applicable Elements upon their receipt by the
                         laboratory. Delivery of a Film shall be deemed complete
                         at such time as FLI has provided access to either a
                         usable video master pursuant to the following provision
                         or has provided access to a print or film negatives
                         which meet the following criteria. The standard by
                         which the quality of the Elements shall be are as

                         i. Videotape Masters: A videotape master shall be
                         deemed acceptable and delivered if it lacks excessive
                         audio or video defects which would render it unusable
                         for "broadcast rerun" purposes in

Mr. David Black
June 25, 1999
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        either the United States or the United Kingdom. Minor defects which are
        correctable at a reasonable cost shall not render a video master

        ii.  Film Elements: Print and/or negative material for a Film shall be
        deemed acceptable if the applicable Element lacks excessive scratches,
        tears and audio problems which would render it unusable for creating a
        video master. Film Elements which can be corrected by standard processes
        such as wet-gate printing or manipulation of audio tracks shall be
        deemed acceptable and delivered by TEAM. In the event usable visuals are
        available on one Element and the audio is usable on another, the
        combination of the two shall represent an accepted and delivered
        Element, provided that the cost of combining such is not excessive. TEAM
        and FLI acknowledge that foreign language tracks and M&E tracks are
        available for a substantial number of the Films. TEAM agrees that said
        Elements are to be transferred on an as-is basis with no reduction to
        the purchase price based on existence or condition.

6. a. If at any time during the period commencing on the issuance of the stock
   pursuant to this Agreement and ending on the one year anniversary of such
   issuance ("Stock Escrow Period"), the value of the stock certificates placed
   in the escrow account has dropped more than 25% below its $900,000 value for
   a period of 10 consecutive trading days (based upon the value of the stock of
   the stock on the execution day of this Agreement), TEAM shall have the choice
   of immediately wiring a cash payment to FLI which represents the difference
   in value, or to add additional registered stock to the escrow account to
   bring the total value to $900,000, provided that TEAM shall only be obligated
   to make said cash payment or add additional shares one time during the
   initial six (6) months of the Stock Escrow Period and once during the second
   six (6) month period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that at any
   time during the Stock Escrow Period the stock value drops more than 50%, then
   TEAM shall immediately wire said cash payment or add said additional
   registered stock, at it's option. At anytime during the Stock Escrow Period,
   TEAM shall have the right to purchase all shares and pay to FLI $900,000. In
   the event that TEAM does not so purchase the shares, the shares will be
   released to FLI from the escrow account on the first trading day following
   the end of the Stock Escrow Period and the value of the each share
   representing the stock portion of the Purchase Price shall be calculated
   based on the average bid price at closing for the previous ten (10) trading
   days. In the event the value of the shares is less than the original
Mr. David Black
June 25, 1999
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        $900,000, TEAM shall immediately wire said cash payment or add
        additional registered and free trading stock, at it's option.

        b. In the event that TEAM elects to provide FLI with any additional
        shares of stock pursuant to section 6.a. above, and TEAM does not elect
        to purchase any of the Stock and FLI ultimately sells such stock, any
        portion of proceeds received by FLI in excess of $900,000 shall be due
        and payable to TEAM upon receipt by FLI of such excess amount.

        c. FLI and its assigns, successors and affiliates shall not engage is
        any short selling transaction with respect to any of the Stock acquired

        d. Film Libraries shall maintain a security interest in all of the
        Films, licenses of the Films and proceeds such licenses, provided that
        to such TEAM shall have the right to retain the first $1,350,000 in
        revenue which it collects from any such licenses entered into during the
        commencing upon execution of this Agreement and ending on the one year
        anniversary date of the stock issuance. All revenue which TEAM collects
        during this period which is in excess of $1,350,000 shall be received in
        trust for the benefit of FLI and immediately placed in an escrow account
        for Film Libraries benefit or, at TEAM's option, paid to Film Libraries
        in cash to reduce the stock portion of the Purchase Price. Film
        Libraries security in these revenues shall be secured by a letter(s) of
        assignment which reflects TEAM's right to retain the first $1,350,000 in
        revenue. In no event shall TEAM be required to place more than $900,000
        in revenue collected from said licenses into the escrow account.

7.  In the event TEAM violates any of the terms and conditions set out herein
    and fails to cure such violation within fifteen (15) business days from the
    date on which it receives written notice of said violation, Film Libraries
    shall have the immediate right to declare the entire unpaid balance due and
    payable, provided that TEAM shall be limited to a three (3) day cure period
    with regard to the payments due at the end of the Initial Delivery Period
    and the Delivery Cure Period. In the event that TEAM fails to cure a
    violation within the applicable cure period, Film Libraries shall either
    have the right to sell the library without court order or judicial
    foreclosure of any kind and thereafter obtain ownership of all of the film
    sold at public sale. Such sale shall take place in Salt Lake City, Utah.
    Film Libraries shall be required, prior to the sale, to advertise the sale
    for two consecutive weeks in the New York Times, The Los Angeles Times and
    the Daily Variety. Libraries shall be entitled to make credit bid at the
    sale. The proceeds of the sale shall first be applied to the unpaid balance
    of Film Libraries, together with costs of the
Mr. David Black
June 25, 1999
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          sale and a reasonable attorneys fees, with the remainder payable to
          TEAM. TEAM shall have the right to designate the order in which the
          films shall be sold at the sale.

     8.   The parties further agree that in the event there is a dispute over
          the terms and conditions contained herein, that said dispute will be
          litigated in Third Judicial District Court in and for Salt Lake
          County, State of Utah, and the parties specifically consent to the
          jurisdiction of said court. Each of the parties agree to sign all
          additional documents which are required to effectuate the terms and
          conditions of this Agreement.

     While the parties anticipate entering into a more formal purchase
agreement, this short form Agreement represents the agreement by TEAM to
purchase FLI's ownership and control of the Film Library and FLI's agreement to
sell such in accordance with the terms and conditions incorporated herein.

     Thank you.



     Jonathan D. (Jody) Shapiro
     President and Chief Operating Officer

     Agreed to and accepted:  7-1-99

     Film Libraries, Inc.

     Subject to approval by Film Libraries, Inc. Partners


     /s/ JOHN L. HUELER
     John L. Hueler
     President, on behalf of Film Libraries, Inc.

                                                               - VIA FACSIMILE -

                              M E M O R A N D U M




Please be advised that Film Library, Inc. has obtained approval from their
partners to accept the offer dated June 25, 1999 from TEAM. Film Library, Inc.
removes the subject to restrictions indicated on the signature page of the

Film Library, Inc.

- ----------------------------------
By: John L. Heuler
                               [TEAM LETTERHEAD]

June 25, 1999

Messrs. Jesse Weatherby and Lance Thompson
Film Brokers, Inc.
3708 Barham Boulevard, Suite 109
Los Angeles, CA 90068

                                Re: Film Library

Dear Messrs. Weatherby and Thompson:

Reference is hereby made to the Purchase Agreement of even date herewith made
by Team Communications Group, Inc. ("TEAM") and Film Libraries, Inc. ("FLI"),
whereby TEAM is acquiring the rights in the above-referenced Film Library. This
letter represents the agreement between TEAM and you in connection with
commissions to be paid to you in connection with TEAM's purchase of the Film
Library. This Agreement shall become binding upon TEAM and you at such time as
the Purchase Agreement is executed between TEAM and Film Libraries, Inc. The
Purchase Agreement which is attached as Schedule 1, is incorporated into this
agreement by this reference. Terms defined in the Purchase Agreement shall have
the same meaning when used herein.

     1.   Commission total amount: $300,000.00

     2.   Payable: $200,000 in cash, $100,000 in TEAM Common Stock. The cash
          portion of the commission shall be wire transferred to a bank account
          to be designated by you.

     3.   Payment Terms: $300,000 will be payable as follows:

     a.   Ten percent (10%) of the cash portion of the commission in the amount
          of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) shall be placed into a mutually
          acceptable escrow upon Film Libraries' execution of the Purchase
          Agreement.  At such time during the Initial Acceptance Period that
          two or more Films have been accepted, the $20,000 placed in the
          escrow account referenced above shall immediately be released to you
          and shall be applied against the commission due to you on the
          purchase of said Films. The escrow account shall contain strict
          instructions for the release of the funds upon acceptance of two or
          more titles.

     b.   The balance of the cash portion of One Hundred Eighty Thousand Dollars
          ($180,000) shall be payable in two installments, with the first
          payment of One Hundred Thousand Dollars
Messrs. Jesse Weatherby and Lance Thompson
June 25, 1999
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          ($100,000) on August 1, 1999 and the remaining Eighty Thousand Dollars
          ($80,000) due on September 1, 1999, subject only to the reduction
          provisions on Paragraph 5 below.

     c.   Certification representing the stock portion of the purchase price
          shall be placed in a mutually acceptable escrow account, subject only
          to the provisions of Paragraph 5. The value of each share representing
          the stock portion shall be calculated based on the average bid price
          at closing for the previous ten (10) trading days preceding the
          execution day of this Agreement. TEAM agrees that all certificates of
          stock placed in the escrow account shall be registered no later than
          six months following the date on which such certificates were placed
          in the escrow account. Until such time as such shares are registered
          and become free trading, you shall retain a security interest in the
          Film Library for the value of the stock. In the event that TEAM is
          successful in raising in excess of $25,000,000 in any stock offering
          during the one year period following the placement of the stock
          certificates in the escrow account, TEAM shall immediately purchase
          all stocks from you and wire $100,000 to your bank account, subject
          only to any reduction pursuant to Paragraph 5. If at any time during
          the period commencing on the issuance of the stock certificates
          pursuant to this Agreement and ending on the one year anniversary of
          such issuance ("Stock Escrow Period"), the value of the stock
          certificates placed in the escrow account has dropped more than 25%
          below it $100,000 value for a period of 10 consecutive trading days
          (based upon the value of the stock on the execution day of this
          Agreement), TEAM shall have the choice of immediately wiring a cash
          payment to you which represents the difference in value, or to add
          additional registered stock to the escrow account to bring the total
          value to $100,000, provided that TEAM shall only be obligated to make
          said cash payment or add additional shares one time during the initial
          six (6) month period following the issuance of the stock and once
          during the second six (6) month period. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
          in the event that at any time during the Stock Escrow Period the stock
          value drops more than 50%, then TEAM shall immediately wire said cash
          payment or add said additional registered stock, at its option. At
          anytime during the Stock Escrow Period, TEAM shall have the right to
          purchase all shares and pay to you $100,000. In the event that TEAM
          does not so purchase the shares, the shares will be released to you
          from the escrow account on the first trading day following the end of
          the Stock Escrow Period and the value of each share representing the
          stock portion of the Purchase Price shall be calculated based on the
          average bid prices at closing for the previous ten (10) trading days.
          In the event the value of the shares is less than the original
          $100,000, TEAM shall immediately wire said cash payment or add
          additional registered and free trading stock, at its option.

     d.   In the event that TEAM elects to provide you with any additional
          shares of stock pursuant to section a. above, and TEAM does not elect
          to purchase any of the Stock and you ultimately sell such stock, any
          portion of proceeds received by you in excess of $100,000 shall be due
          and payable to TEAM upon receipt by you of such excess amount.

     e.   You and your assigns, successors and affiliates shall not engage in
          any short selling transaction with respect to any of the Stock
          acquired hereunder.
Messrs. Jesse Weatherby and Lance Thompson
June 25, 1999
Page 3

     4.   Commission Reduction: TEAM hereby agrees that it shall not have the
          right to reduce your commissions, unless FLI delivers less than 23
          Films. In the event that less than 23 Films are delivered, TEAM shall
          have the right to reduce your commissions by $12,000 for each Film
          which FLI fails to deliver under 23. Reductions in your commissions
          shall first be deducted from the stock portion of your commission and
          shall only reduce the cash portion in the event that the stock portion
          is reduced to a zero balance.

     5.   In the event that TEAM violates any of the terms and conditions set
          out herein and fails to cure such violation within fifteen (15)
          business days from the date on which it receives written notice of
          said violation, you shall have the immediate right to declare the
          entire unpaid balance due and payable, provided that TEAM shall be
          limited to a three (3) day cure period with regard to the payments due
          at the end of the Initial Delivery Period and the Delivery Cure
          Period, as well as the $20,000 to be escrowed upon execution of the
          Purchase Agreement with FLI. In the event that TEAM fails to cure a
          violation within the applicable cure period and Film Libraries forces
          a public sale of the Films, you shall receive any commissions owed to
          you prior to TEAM collection and retaining any proceeds of the sale.

     While the parties anticipate entering in to a more formal purchase
agreement, this short form Agreement represents the agreement by TEAM to pay
you the commission herein. Each of the parties agree to sign all additional
documents necessary to effectuate the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Thank you.



Jonathan D. (Jody) Shapiro
President and Chief Operating Officer

Agreed to and accepted:

Film Brokers, Inc.

By: /s/ JESSE WEATHERBY 7/2/99                 /s/ LANCE THOMPSON
    --------------------------                 ------------------
    Jesse Weatherby                            Lance Thompson

Any dispute that arises in connection with this agreement, will be submitted by
the applicable parties to the American Arbitration Association, whose judgement
shall be deemed final.