Filed by HMT Technology Corporation
                                             Pursuant to Rule 425 under the
                                             Securities Act of 1933 and Deemed
                                             filed Pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under
                                             the Securities and Exchange Act of
                                             1934. Subject Company:
                                             HMT Technology Corporation
                                             Commission File No. 000-27586

In an ongoing effort to keep you informed of the status of the merger between
Komag and HMT and answer questions pertaining to the merger, the following Q & A
is attached.

Q.) What will happen to my current benefit package? Will I have the same
benefits or will they change?

A.) Komag's benefit package is similar to HMT's. We are in the process of
reviewing both plans. The intent will be for the new company to provide a
benefit package which is consistent with plans provided in the past.

Q.) Why do mergers take so long to complete? It feels like this has gone on

A.) When two public companies who have been competitors merge, there are a
number of steps which must be taken. There are many entities involved and
mergers are subject to review by regulatory agencies such as the SEC and Justice
Departments, as well as the shareholders of each company. We are still on track
and expect the merger to be completed sometime during the current quarter.

Q.) Although there is support for the merger between HMT and Komag, I am
concerned about how this will affect my job. Will there be any duplication of
jobs? Will there be layoffs?

A.) As in any consolidation, there is the possibility of duplication of jobs, as
well as elimination of some functions. Once the merger is completed, the
management team of the combined company will evaluate the organization and will
size the new company based on business requirements. This evaluation may result
in a reduction of some jobs.

Q.)  When will I know if my job will be affected by the merger?

A.) Sizing the company based on a new business model may take some time. We will
attempt to advise employees as soon as the decisions are made.

Q.) Yes, but what if I am affected by a reduction in force?

A.) HMT is prepared to offer a separation package which will assist affected
employees in the transition to a new career. In the event you are impacted by a
reduction in force, you would receive sixty (60) days pay, plus one week of
severance for every year of service with HMT (partial years will be prorated)
and HMT will continue medical and dental coverage's through Cobra contributions
for sixty days from the date of your separation.

Q.)  What should I do while these decisions are being made?

A.) As an HMT employee, you should continue to perform your job as you have in
the past. We understand that employees are concerned about the uncertainty
regarding the potential for the merger to affect their job. As we have said
previously, we will do our best to make sure that all employees are treated
fairly and let you know as soon as final decisions are made.

Q.) Is HMT going to adopt Komag's policies and procedures or are they going to
adopt ours?

A.) Committees with representatives from both companies are reviewing practices
from both companies' to determine what is appropriate for the new company going

Q.)  When will we meet T.H. Tan and the management team from Komag?

A.) Plans are underway to schedule a meeting in the near future. The management
team for the new company is working on scheduling meetings with both HMT and
Komag employees. You will have an opportunity to meet with the new management
teams, as well as T.H. Tan.

I believe this will answer some of the many questions that you have and we will
continue to keep you updated as more information becomes available.

This communication  contains  forward-looking  statements that involve risks and
uncertainties  that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ  materially
from those contemplated by the  forward-looking  statements.  Factors that could
cause or contribute to such differences  include,  but are not limited to, risks
relating to the consummation of the contemplated merger, including the risk that
required regulatory  clearances or stockholder approval might not be obtained in
a timely  manner  or at all.  In  addition,  statements  in this  press  release
relating  to the  expected  benefits of the  contemplated  merger are subject to
risks relating to the timing and successful completion of technology and product
development efforts, integration of the technologies and businesses of Komag and
HMT,   unanticipated   expenditures,   changing  relationships  with  customers,
suppliers and strategic  partners and other factors described in the most recent
Form 10-Q,  most recent Form 10-K and other periodic  reports filed by Komag and
HMT, with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                   Additional Information and Where to find It

Komag has filed a Registration  Statement on SEC Form S-4 in connection with the
merger, and Komag and HMT expect to mail a Joint Proxy  Statement/Prospectus  to
stockholders of Komag and HMT containing information about the merger. Investors
and security holders are urged to read the Registration  Statement and the Joint
Proxy  Statement/Prospectus  carefully when they are available. The Registration
Statement  and the  Joint  Proxy  Statement/Prospectus  will  contain  important
information  about Komag,  HMT, the merger and related  matters.  Investors  and
security  holders will be able to obtain free copies of these documents  through
the  website  maintained  by the U.S.  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  at
http://www.sec.gov.  Free  copies of the Joint  Proxy  Statement/Prospectus  and
these  other  documents  may also be  obtained  from HMT by  directing a request
through the Investors Relations portion of website at  http://www.hmtt.com or by
mail to HMT Technology Corporation,  1055 Page Avenue Fremont, California 94538,
attention: Investor Relations, telephone: (510) 490-3100.

In   addition   to   the   Registration    Statement   and   the   Joint   Proxy
Statement/Prospectus,  Komag and HMT file annual, quarterly and special reports,
proxy  statements  and  other  information  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission.  You may read and copy any reports,  statements or other information
filed by Komag or HMT at the SEC  public  reference  rooms at 450 Fifth  Street,
N.W.,  Washington,  D.C.  20549  or at  any  of the  Commission's  other  public
reference  rooms in New York,  New York and Chicago,  Illinois.  Please call the
Commission at  1-800-SEC-0330 for
further  information on the public  reference  rooms.  Komag's and HMT's filings
with  the  Commission   are  also  available  to  the  public  from   commercial
document-retrieval  services and at the website  maintained by the Commission at

HMT  will  be,  and  certain  other  persons  named  below  may  be,  soliciting
proxiesfrom HMT  stockholders in favor of the adoption of the merger  agreement.
Thedirectors  and  executive  officers of HMT and the  directors  and  executive
officersof  Komag may be  deemed to be  participants  in HMT's  solicitation  of

The directors and executive officers of HMT have interests in the merger, someof
which  may  differ   from,   or  may  be  in   addition   to,   those  of  HMT's
stockholdersgenerally. Those interests are described in more detail in the Joint