Exhibit 10.4


  THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 26th day of October, 1993 by and

  PACIFIC GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY, a California corporation (hereinafter
referred to as "PGT"),

  PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, a corporation existing under the laws of the
State of California (hereinafter referred to as "Shipper").

  WHEREAS, PGT owns and operates a natural gas interstate pipeline transmission
system which extends from a point of interconnection with the pipeline
facilities of Alberta Natural Gas Company Ltd. (ANG) at the International
Boundary near Kingsgate, British Columbia, through the states of Idaho,
Washington and Oregon to a point of interconnection with Pacific Gas and
Electric Company at the Oregon-California border near Malin, Oregon; and

  WHEREAS, Shipper desires PGT, on a firm basis, to transport certain
quantities of natural gas from Kingsgate, British Columbia to Malin, Oregon for
ultimate delivery to Shipper, a local distribution company; and

  WHEREAS, puruant to FERC Order No. 636, et. seq., PGT will unbundle its firm
transportation and sales services, and PGT and Shipper will execute a new
service agreement for unbundles firm transportation service; and

  WHEREAS, this Agreement will supersede any prior agreements between PGT and
Shipper for firm gas sales or firm transportation,and willincorporate the
transportation rights thereunder into this Agreement; and

  WHEREAS, PGT is willing to transport certain quantities of natural gas for
Shipper, on a firm basis,

  NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:

                             GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY

  1.1  This Firm Transportation Agreement ("Agreement") is made pursuant to the
regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) contained in 18
CFR Part 284, as amended from time to time.
                             GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY

  1.2  This Agreement is subject to all valid legislation with respect to the
subject matters hereof, either state or federal, and to all valid present and
future decisions, orders, rules, regulations and ordinances of all duly
constituted governmental authorities having jurisdiction.

  1.3  Shipper shall reimburse PGT for any all filing fees incurred by PGT in
seeking governmental authorization for the initiation, extension, or
termination of service under this Agreement and Rate Schedule FTS-1.  Shipper
shall reimburse PGT for such fees at PGT's designated office within ten (10)
days of receipt of notice from PGT that such fees are due and payable.
Additionally, Shipper shall reimburse PGT for any and all penalty fees or fines
assessed PGT caused by the negligence of Shipper in not obtaining all proper
Canadian and domestic import/export licenses, surety bonds or any other
documents and approvals related to the Canadian exportation and subsequent
domestic importation of natural gas transported by PGT hereunder.


  2.1  Subject to the terms and provisions of this Agreement and PGT's
Transportation General Terms and Conditions contained in PGT's FERC Gas Tariff
First Revised Volume No. 1-A (Transportation General Terms and Conditions)
applicable to Rate Schedule FTS-1, daily receipts of gas by PGT from Shipper at
the point(s) of receipt shall be equal to daily deliveries of gas by PGT to
Shipper at the point(s) of delivery; provided, however, Shipper shall deliver
to PGT an additional quantity of natural gas at the point(s) of receipt as
compressor station fuel, line loss and unaccounted for gas as specified in the
Statement of Effective Rates and Charges of PGT's FERC Gas Tariff First Revised
Volume No. 1-A which by this reference is made a part hereof.  Any limitations
of the quantities to be received from each point of delivery shall be as
specified on the Exhibit A attached hereto.

  2.2  The maximum quantities of gas to be delivered by PGT for Shipper's
account at the point(s) of delivery are set forth in Exhibit A.

  2.3  In providing service to its existing or new customers, PGT will use the
priorities of service specified in Paragraph 18 of PGT's Transportation General
Terms and Conditions on file with the FERC.

  2.4  Prior to initiation of service, Shipper shall provide PGT with any
information required by the FERC, as well as the information identified in
Paragraphs 21, 28, and 29 of PGT's Transportation General Terms and Conditions
applicable to Rate Schedule FTS-1.

                               TERM OF AGREEMENT

  3.1  This Agreement shall become effective November 1, 1993, and shall
continue in full force and effect until October 31, 2005.  Thereafter, this
Agreement shall continue in effect from year to year unless Shipper gives PGT
twelve (12) months prior written notice of termination of this Agreement.  The
Agreeement shall terminate twelve (12) months after such notice.

                         POINTS OF RECEIPT AND DELIVERY

  4.1  The primary point of receipt of gas deliveries to PGT is as designated
in Exhibit A, attached hereto.

  4.2  The primary point of delivery of gas to Shipper is as designated in
Exhibit A, attached hereto.

  4.3  Shipper shall deliver or cause to be delivered to PGT the gas to be
transported hereunder at pressures sufficient to deliver such gas into PGT's
system at the point(s) of receipt.  PGT shall deliver the gas to be transported
hereunder to or for the account of Shipper at the pressures existing in PGT's
system at the point(s) of delivery.

  4.4  Pursuant to Paragraph 28 of PGT's Transportation General Terms and
Conditions, Shipper may designate other receipt and/or delivery points as
secondary receipt or delivery points.

                              OPERATING PROCEDURES

  5.1  Shipper shall conform to the operating procedures set forth in PGT's
Transportation General Terms and Conditions.

  5.2  Nothing in Section 5.1 shall compel PGT to transport gas pursuant to
Shipper's request on any given day.  PGT shall have the right to interrupt or
curtail the transport of gas for the account of Shipper pursuant to PGT's
Transportation General Terms and Conditions applicable to Rate Schedule FTS-1.

                          RATE(S), RATE SCHEDULES, AND

  6.1  Shipper shall pay PGT each month for services rendered pursuant to this
Agreement in accordance with PGT's Rate Schedule FTS-1, or superseding rate
schedule(s) on file with and subject to the jurisdiction of the FERC.

  6.2  Shipper shall compensate PGT each month for compressor station fuel,
line loss and other unaccounted for gas associated with this transportation
service provided herein in accordance with PGT's Rate Schedule FTS-1, or
superseding rate schedule(s), on file with and subject to the jurisdiction of
the FERC.

  6.3  This Agreement in all respects shall be and remains subject to the
applicable provisions of Rate Schedule FTS-1, or superseding rate schedule(s)
and of the applicable Transportation General Terms and Conditions of PGT's FERC
Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1-A on file with the FERC, all of which
are by this reference made a part hereof.

  6.4  PGT shall have the unilateral right from time to time to propose and
file with the FERC such changes in the rates and charges applicable to
transportation services pursuant to this Agreement, the rate schedule(s) under
which this service is hereunder provided, or any provisions of PGT's
Transportation General Terms and Conditions applicable to such services.
Shipper shall have the right to protest any such changes proposed by PGT and to
exercise any other rights that Shipper may have with respect thereto.


  7.1  This Agreement shall be interpreted according to the laws of the State
of California.

  7.2  Shipper agrees to indemnify and hold PGT harmless for refusal to
transport gas hereunder in the event any upstream or downstream transporter
fails to receive or deliver gas as contemplated by this Agreement.


  7.3  Unless herein provided to the contrary, any notice called for in this
Agreement shall be in writing and shall be considered as having been given if
delivered by registered mail or telex with all postage or charges prepaid, to
either PGT or Shipper at the place designated below.  Routine communications,
including monthly statements and payment, shall be considered as duly delivered
when received by ordinary mail.  Unless changed, the addresses of the parties
are as follows:

                      Room 1900
                      160 Spear Street
                      San Francisco, California 94105-1570
                      Attention:  President & CEO

           "Shipper"  PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY
                      77 Beale Street, Room 1611
                      Mail Code:  B16A, PO Box 770000
                      San Francisco, CA  94177
                      Attention:  Manager, Gas Services Department

  7.4  A waiver by either party of any one or more defaults by the other
hereunder shall not operate as a waiver of any future default or defaults,
whether of a like or of a different character.

  7.5  This Agreement may only be amended by an instrument in writing executed
by both parties hereto.

  7.6  Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create any rights or
obligations between the parties hereto after the expiration of the term set
forth herein, except that termination of this Agreement shall not relieve
either party of the obligation to correct any quantity imbalances or Shipper of
the obligation to pay any amounts due hereunder to PGT.

  7.7  Exhibits A and C attached hereto are incorporated herein by refernce and
made a part hereof for all purposes.

  IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed as of the day and year first above written.

                                   PACIFIC GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY

                                   By:  Paula G. Rosput

                                   Name:  Paula G. Rosput

                                   Title:   Senior Vice President

                                   Date:   October 26, 1993

                                   PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY
                                   By:   William R. Mazotti

                                   Name:   William R. Mazotti

                                   Title:    Vice President-Gas
                                             Services Operations

                                   Date:    October 26, 1993


                                   EXHIBIT A

                                     to the

                Dated _________________________________ Between
                         PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY

Receipt            Delivery          Maximum Daily Quantity (MDQ)   
Point(1)           Point(1)          (Delivered) MMBtu/d

                                     Summer(2)      Winter(3)

Kingsgate,         Malin,            1,023,120(4)   1,081,990
British Columbia   Oregon

(1)  Pursuant to Paragraph 29 of PGT's Transportation General Terms and
     Conditions, Shipper may designate other receipt and delivery points as
     "secondary receipt" and "secondary delivery" points.  For example, Shipper
     may designate Stanfield, Oregon and/or Spokane, Washington as secondary
     receipt points.

(2)  Summer -- months of May through October.

(3)  Winter -- months of November through April.

(4)  In accordance with FERC's October 1, 1993, order at Docket No. RS92-46
     Shipper's firm summer MDQ (Delivered) may exceed 1,023,120 MMBtu/d to the
     extent firm capacity is available on PGT's original system.  However, under
     no circumstances may Shipper's firm Summer MDQ (Delivered) exceed 1,081,990

                                   EXHIBIT C

                                     to the

                Dated _________________________________ Between
                         PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY

Type of Replacement Service:

Replacement Shipper:

Receipt Point:

Delivery Point:

Maximum Daily Quantity:

Commencment of Credit:

Termination of Credit:

Level of Credit:               _____  percent of the maximum rate defined as



                               applicable for service under Rate Schedule FTS-1

Other Terms and Conditions:

(1)  ________________________________________________________________________

(2)  ________________________________________________________________________

(3)  ________________________________________________________________________


                              RATE SCHEDULE FTS-1
                          FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE


    This rate schedule is available to any party (hereinafter called "Shipper")
    qualifying for service pursuant to the Commission's Regulations contained
    in 18 CFR Part 284, and who has executed a Firm Transportation Service
    Agreement with PGT in the form contained in this FERC Gas Tariff First
    Revised Volume No. 1-A.


    This rate schedule shall apply to firm gas transportation services
    performed by PGT for Shipper pursuant to the executed Firm Transportation
    Service Agreement between PGT and Shipper.  PGT shall receive from Shipper
    such daily quantities of gas up to the Shipper's Maximum Daily Quantity as
    specified in the executed Firm Transportation Service Agreement between PGT
    and Shipper and redeliver an amount equal to the quantity received less
    applicable compressor station fuel, line loss and other unaccounted for gas
    associated with the specific transportation service.  This transportation
    service shall be firm and not subject to curtailment or interruption except
    as provided in the Transportation General Terms and Conditions.

    Firm transportation service shall be subject to all provisions of the
    executed Firm Transportation Service Agreement between PGT and Shipper and
    the applicable Transportation General Terms and Conditions.


    Shipper shall pay PGT each month the sum of the Reservation Charge,
    applicable Reservation Surcharge, the Firm Transportation Charge and other
    applicable surcharges for the quantities of natural gas delivered.  The
    rate(s) and the Maximum Daily Quantity set forth in PGT's current Statement
    of Effective Rates and Charges for Transportation of Natural Gas in this
    FERC Gas Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1-A are applied to transportation
    service rendered under this rate schedule.


    3.1     Reservation Charge

            The monthly Reservation Charge shall be the currently effective
            rate times the distance, in pipeline miles, from the point(s) of
            receipt to the point(s) of delivery times the Shipper's Maximum
            Daily Quantity delivered.

                              RATE SCHEDULE FTS-1
                          FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE

3.  RATES (Continued)

    3.2     Reservation Surcharge

            Shippers converting to firm transportation under Rate Schedule
            FTS-1 from Rate Schedules T-1, T-2 or T-3 of PGT's Second Revised
            Volume No. 1 tariff shall pay a Reservation Surcharge.  The
            Reservation Surcharge shall be calculated in the following manner:
            The currently effective T-1, T-2 or T-3 Reservation Surcharge Rate
            times the distance, in pipeline miles, from the point(s) of receipt
            to the point(s) of delivery times the Shipper's Maximum Daily
            Quantity delivered.  The Reservation Surcharge Rates are stated on
            the Statement of Effective Rates and Charges of PGT's First Revised
            Volume No. 1-A tariff.

            Shipper's obligation to pay the Reservation Charge and applicable
            Reservation Surcharge is independent of Shipper's ability to obtain
            export authorization from the National Energy Board of Canada,
            Canadian provincial removal authority, and/or import authorization
            from the United States Department of Energy, and shall begin with
            the execution of the Firm Transportation Service Agreement by both
            parties.  The Reservation Charge and Reservation Surcharge due and
            payable shall be computed beginning in the month in which service
            is first available (prorated if beginning in the month in which
            service is available on a date other than the first day of the
            month).  Thereafter, the monthly Reservation Charge and Reservation
            Surcharge shall be due and payable each month during the Initial
            (and Subsequent) Term(s) of the Shipper's executed Firm
            Transportation Service Agreement and is unaffected by the quantity
            of gas transported by PGT to Shipper's delivery point(s) in any

    3.3     Firm Transportation Charge

            The monthly Firm Transportation Charge shall be the product of the

            (a)  The quantities of gas delivered during the month (MMBtu);

            (b)  An amount no less than the Minimum Delivery Rate, nor greater
                 than the Maximum Delivery Rate set forth in the Statement of
                 Effective Rates and Charges for Transportation of Natural Gas
                 in this FERC Gas Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1-A; and

            (c)  The distance, in pipeline miles, from the point(s) of receipt
                 to the point(s) of delivery.
                              RATE SCHEDULE FTS-1
                          FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE

3.  RATES (Continued)

    3.4     Delivery Rate Surcharge

            Shippers converting from Rate Schedule T-3 of PGT's Second Revised
            Volume No. 1 tariff shall receive a credit calculated as the
            product of the Delivery Rate Surcharge, the quantities of gas
            delivered during the month and the distance, in pipeline miles,
            from the point(s) of receipt to the point(s) of delivery.  The
            Delivery Rate Surcharge is stated on the Statement of Effective
            Rates and Charges of PGT's First Revised Volume No. 1-A Tariff.

    3.5     Shipper shall pay the Maximum Monthly Reservation Charge,
            applicable Reservation Surcharge, and the Maximum Delivery Rate for
            service under this rate schedule unless PGT offers to discount the
            Monthly Reservation Charge, Reservation Surcharge or the Delivery
            Rate or all to Shipper under this rate schedule.  If PGT elects to
            discount the Monthly Reservation Charge, Reservation Surcharge or
            the Delivery Rate or all, PGT shall, up to forty-eight (48) hours
            prior to such discount, by written notice, advise Shipper of the
            effective date of such charges and the quantity of gas so affected;
            provided, however, such discount shall not be anticompetitive or
            unduly discriminatory between individual shippers.  The rates for
            service under this rate schedule shall not be discounted below the
            Minimum Monthly Reservation Charge, the Minimum Delivery Rate, and
            applicable GSR and ACA Surcharges.

    3.6     Gas Supply Restructuring (GSR) Transition Cost Surcharge

            Shipper shall pay a GSR Transition Cost Surcharge for PGT's
            approved GSR costs as defined in Paragraph 30 of the Transportation
            General Terms and Conditions.  This surcharge is stated on the
            Statement of Effective Rates and Charges and is defined in
            Paragraph 30 of the Transportation General Terms and Conditions.
            The surcharge shall be the product of the surcharge rate, the
            quantities of gas delivered during the month and the distance in
            pipeline miles from the point(s) of receipt to the point(s) of

    3.7     Backhauls or upstream deliveries shall be subject to the same
            charges as forward haul or downstream transportation arrangements
            except that no gas shall be retained by PGT for compressor station
            fuel, line loss and other unaccounted-for gas.
                              RATE SCHEDULE FTS-1
                          FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE

3.  RATES (Continued)

    3.8     Direct Bills

            PG&E shall pay a Direct Bill for 100% of the costs allocated to the
            Direct Bill portion of Approved Gas Supply Restructuring (GSR)
            Costs excluding the amount to be collected from the Northwest
            Shippers as defined in Paragraph 30 of the Transportation General
            Terms and Conditions and credited against the Direct Bill portion
            of Approved GSR Costs as defined in Paragraph 30 of the
            Transportation General Terms and Conditions.  In accordance with
            Paragraph 30.5(b) of the Transportation General Terms and
            Conditions, PG&E may elect to pay its Direct Bill in a lump sum or
            select one of three payment plans as shown on the Statement of
            Rates and Charges for Transportation of Natural Gas.

    3.9     Capacity Release

            (a)  Releasing Shippers:

                 Shipper shall have the option to release capacity pursuant
                 to the provisions of PGT's capacity release program as
                 specified in the Transportation General Terms and
                 Conditions.  Shipper may release its capacity, up to
                 Shipper's Maximum Daily Quantity under this rate schedule,
                 in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 28 of PGT's
                 Transportation General Terms and Conditions of this FERC
                 Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1-A.  Shipper shall
                 pay a fee associated with the marketing of capacity by PGT
                 (if applicable) in accordance with Paragraph 28 of the
                 Transportation General Terms and Conditions.  This fee
                 shall be negotiated between PGT and the Releasing Shipper.

            (b)  Replacement Shippers:

                 Shipper may receive released capacity service under this
                 rate schedule pursuant to Paragraph 28 of the
                 Transportation General Terms and Conditions and is
                 required to execute a service agreement in the form
                 contained for capacity release under Rate Schedule FTS-1
                 in this First Revised Volume No. 1-A.

                 Shipper shall pay PGT each month the rates for
                 transportation service under this rate schedule and as set
                 forth in PGT's current Statement of Effective Rates and
                 Charges in this First Revised Volume No. 1-A.  The rates
                 to be paid shall be the sum of the Reservation Charge, any
                 applicable Reservation Surcharge and GSR Transition Cost
                 Surcharge, Delivery Rate and other applicable surcharges
                 or penalties.
                              RATE SCHEDULE FTS-1
                          FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE

                 The rates paid by Shipper receiving capacity release
                 transportation service shall be adjusted as provided on
                 Exhibit R in the executed Transportation Service Agreement
                 For Capacity Release between PGT and Shipper.


    Shipper shall furnish to PGT quantities of gas for compressor station fuel,
    line loss and other utility purposes, plus other unaccounted for gas used
    in the operation of PGT's combined pipeline system between the
    International Boundary near Kingsgate, British Columbia and the
    Oregon-California boundary for the transportation quantities of gas
    delivered by PGT to Shipper, based upon the effective fuel and line loss
    percentages in accordance with Paragraph 37 of the General Terms and


    All of the Transportation General Terms and Conditions except Paragraph 19
    are applicable to this rate schedule, unless otherwise stated in the
    executed Firm Transportation Service Agreement between PGT and Shipper.
    Any future modifications, additions or deletions to said Transportation
    General Terms and Conditions, unless otherwise provided, are applicable to
    firm transportation service rendered under this rate schedule, and by this
    reference, are made a part hereof.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

   No.                              Provision                                                    Sheet 
- ---------       ----------------------------------------------                                 ---------

     1          Definitions                                                                        52
     2          Gas Research Institute Charge Adjustment Provision                                 55
     3          Quality of Gas                                                                     56
     4          Measuring Equipment                                                                58
     5          Measurements                                                                       60
     6          Inspection of Equipment and Records                                                61
     7          Billing                                                                            61
     8          Payment                                                                            62
     9          Notice of Changes in Operating Conditions                                          63
    10          Force Majeure                                                                      63
    11          Warranty of Eligibility for Transportation                                         64
    12          Possession of Gas and Responsibility                                               64
    13          Indemnification                                                                    65
    14          Arbitration                                                                        65
    15          Governmental Regulations                                                           66
    16          Miscellaneous Provision                                                            66
    17          Transportation Service Agreement                                                   66
    18          Scheduling of Receipts and Deliveries                                              67
    19          Operating Provisions for Interruptible Transportation Service                      69
    20          Operating Provisions for Firm Transportation Service                               70
    21          Operating Provisions for Interruptible and Firm
                Transportation Service                                                             72
    22          Annual Charge Adjustment (ACA) Provision                                           85
    23          Shared Operating Personnel and Facilities                                          85
    24          Complaint Procedures                                                               86
    25          Information Concerning Availability and Pricing
                of Transportation Service and Capacity for
                Transportation                                                                     87
    26          Market Centers                                                                     88
    27          Planned PGT Capacity Curtailments and Interruptions                                88
    28          Capacity Release                                                                   89
    29          Flexible Receipt and Delivery Points                                              119
    30          Gas Supply Restructuring Transition Costs                                         123
    31          Former Buyer's Obligation for Unrecovered
                Account No. 191 Amounts                                                           127
    32          Equality of Transportation Service                                                129
    33          Right of First Refusal Upon Termination of
                Firm Shipper's Service Agreement                                                  130
    34          Electronic Bulletin Board                                                         132
    35          Crediting of Interruptible Transportation Revenues                                137
    36          Capacity Relinquishment                                                           139
    37          Fuel, Line Loss and Other Unaccounted For Gas
                Adjustment                                                                        140



    1.1         The word "day" shall mean a period of twenty-four (24)
                consecutive hours, beginning and ending at 7:00 o'clock a.m.
                Pacific Standard Time or such other time as Shipper and PGT may
                agree upon.

    1.2         The word "month" shall mean a period extending from the
                beginning of the first day in a calendar month to the beginning
                of the first day in the next succeeding calendar month.

    1.3         The term "Maximum Daily Quantity" shall mean the maximum daily
                quantity in MMBtu of gas which PGT agrees to receive inclusive
                of an allowance for compressor station fuel, line loss and
                other unaccounted for gas and transport for the account of
                Shipper on each day during each year during the term of
                Shipper's Transportation Service Agreement with PGT.

    1.4         The term "marketing affiliate" shall mean Pacific Gas and
                Electric Company.

    1.5         The word "gas" shall mean natural gas.

    1.6         The term "cubic foot of gas" shall mean that quantity of gas
                which, at a temperature of sixty degrees (60 degrees) 
                Fahrenheit and at a pressure of 14.73 pounds per square inch 
                absolute, occupies one (1) cubic foot.

    1.7         The term "Mcf" shall mean one thousand (1,000) cubic feet of
                gas and shall be measured as set forth in Paragraph 5 hereof.
                The term "MMcf" shall mean one million (1,000,000) cubic feet
                of gas.

    1.8         The term "Btu" shall mean British Thermal Unit.   The term
                "MMBtu" shall mean one million (1,000,000) British Thermal 

    1.9         The term "gross heating value" shall mean the number of
                Btu's in a cubic foot of gas at a temperature of sixty degrees
                (60 degrees) Fahrenheit, saturated with water vapor, and at an
                absolute pressure equivalent to thirty (30) inches of mercury
                at thirty-two degrees (32 degrees) Fahrenheit.

    1.10        The term "psig" shall mean pounds per square inch gauge.



1.  DEFINITIONS (Continued)

    1.11        Releasing Shipper:  A firm transportation Shipper which intends
                to post its service to be released to a Replacement Shipper,
                has posted the service for release, or has released its

    1.12        Replacement Shipper:  A Shipper which has contracted to utilize
                a Releasing Shipper's service for a specified period of time.

    1.13        Posting Period:  The period of time during which a Releasing
                Shipper may post, or have posted by the pipeline, all or a part
                of its service for release to a Replacement Shipper.

    1.14        Release Term:  The period of time during which a Releasing
                Shipper intends to release, or has released all or a portion of
                its contracted quantity of service to a Replacement Shipper.

    1.15        Bid Period:  The period of time during which a Replacement
                Shipper may bid to contract for a parcel which has been posted
                for release by a Releasing Shipper.

    1.16        The term "Agent" as defined in connection with PGT's Market
                Center Service is any party which contracts with PGT for Market
                Center Service and which itself is not a Shipper on PGT.

    1.17        Parcel: The term utilized to describe an amount of capacity,
                expressed in MMBtu/d, from a specific receipt point to a
                specific delivery point for a specific period of time which is
                released and bid on pursuant to the capacity release provisions
                contained in Paragraph 28 of these Transportation General Terms
                and Conditions.

    1.18        Primary Release: The term used to describe the release of
                capacity by a Releasing Shipper receiving service under a Part
                284 firm transportation rate schedule.

    1.19        Secondary Release: The term used to describe the release of
                capacity by a Replacement Shipper receiving service under a
                Part 284 firm transportation rate schedule.


1.  DEFINITIONS (Continued)

    1.20        Bid Reconciliation Period:  The period of time subsequent to
                the Bid Period during which bids are evaluated by PGT.

    1.21        Match Period:  The period of time subsequent to the Bid
                Reconciliation Period and before the notification deadline for
                awarding capacity for Prearranged Deals C and D during which
                the Prearranged Shipper may match the highest bid(s) any higher
                bids for the Parcel.



    2.1         Purpose:  PGT has joined with other gas enterprises in the
                formation of, and participation in, the activities and
                financing of the Gas Research Institute (GRI), an Illinois Not
                For Profit corporation.  GRI has been organized for the purpose
                of sponsoring Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D)
                programs in the field of natural and manufactured gas for the
                purpose of assisting all segments of the gas industry in
                providing adequate, reliable, safe, economic and
                environmentally acceptable gas service for the benefit of gas
                consumers and the general public.

                For the purpose of funding GRI's approved expenditures, this
                Paragraph 2 establishes a GRI Adjustment Charge to be
                applicable to PGT's Rate Schedules ITS-1 and FTS-1, in this
                FERC Gas Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1-A;  provided,
                however, such charge shall not be applicable to Shippers which
                are interstate pipelines and which include in their rates a
                charge for RD&D by GRI.

    2.2         Basis for the GRI Adjustment Charges:  The rate schedule
                specified in Paragraph 2.1 hereof shall include an increment
                for a GRI Adjustment Charge for RD&D.   Such GRI Adjustment
                Charge shall be that increment, adjusted to PGT's pressure base
                and heating value if required, which has been approved by
                Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Orders approving GRI's
                RD&D expenditures.  The GRI Adjustment Charge shall be
                reflected in the current Statement of Effective Rates and
                Charges for Transportation of Natural Gas in this FERC Gas
                Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1-A.

    2.3         Filing Procedure:  The notice period and proposed effective
                date of filings pursuant to this paragraph shall be as
                permitted under Section 4 of the Natural Gas Act;  provided,
                however, that any such filing shall not become effective unless
                it becomes effective without suspension or refund obligation.

    2.4         Remittance to GRI:  PGT shall remit to GRI, not later than
                fifteen (15) days after the receipt thereof, all monies
                received by virtue of the GRI Adjustment Charge, less any
                amounts properly payable to a Federal, State or Local authority
                relating to the monies received hereunder.



    3.1         Quality Standards:  The gas which Shipper delivers hereunder to
                PGT for transport (and the gas which PGT transports hereunder
                for Shipper) shall be merchantable gas at all times complying
                with the following quality requirements:

                (a)   Heating Value:  The gas delivered hereunder shall have a
                      gross heating value of not less than nine hundred
                      seventy-five (975) Btus per cubic foot, but with the
                      consent of Shipper, PGT may deliver gas at a lower gross
                      heating value.

                (b)   Freedom from Objectionable Matter:  The gas delivered

                      (1)  Shall be commercially free from sand, dust, gums,
                           crude oil, impurities and other objectionable
                           substances which may be injurious to pipelines or
                           which may interfere with its transmission through
                           pipelines or its commercial utilization.

                      (2)  Shall not have a hydrocarbon dew-point in excess of
                           fifteen degrees (15 degrees) Fahrenheit at pressures
                           up to eight hundred (800) psig.

                      (3)  Shall not contain more than one-quarter (1/4) grain
                           of hydrogen sulfide per one hundred (100) cubic

                      (4)  Shall not contain more than ten (10) grains of total
                           sulphur per one hundred (100) cubic feet.

                      (5)  Shall not contain more than two percent (2%) by
                           volume of carbon dioxide.

                      (6)  Shall not contain more than four (4) pounds of water
                           vapor per one million (1,000,000) cubic feet.

                      (7)  Shall not exceed one hundred ten degrees (110 
                           degrees) Fahrenheit in temperature at the point of

                      (8)  Shall be as free of oxygen as it can be kept through
                           the exercise of all reasonable precautions, and
                           shall not in any event contain more than four-tenths
                           of one percent (.04%) by volume of oxygen.


3.  QUALITY OF GAS (Continued)

    3.2         Quality Tests:

                (a)   The quality specifications of the gas received by PGT
                      hereunder shall be determined by tests which PGT shall
                      cause to be made at the International Boundary or such
                      other locations on PGT's system if required accordance
                      with this Paragraph 3.2.

                (b)   The gross heating value of gas delivered hereunder shall
                      be determined from read-outs of continuously operating
                      measuring instruments.  The method shall consist of one
                      or more of the following:

                      (1)  calorimeter

                      (2)  gas chromatograph

                      (3)  any other method mutually agreed upon by the parties.

                      Measurement of gross heating value with the calorimeters
                      shall comply with the standards set forth in the American
                      Society for Testing and Materials' ASTM D 1826-83 or any
                      subsequent revisions.  Analysis of gas with gas
                      chromatographs shall comply with the standards set forth
                      in ASTM D 1945-81 or any subsequent revisions.
                      Calculation of the gross heating value from compositional
                      analysis by gas chromatography shall comply with the
                      standards set forth in ASTM D 3588-81 or any subsequent

                      PGT or its agent shall calibrate and maintain the gross
                      heating value measurement device at intervals as agreed
                      upon by PGT and Shipper.  Shipper shall have access to
                      PGT's devices and shall be allowed to inspect the devices
                      and all charts or other records of measurement at any
                      reasonable time.

3.  QUALITY OF GAS (Continued)

    3.2         Quality Tests (Continued)

                (c)   Tests shall be made to determine the total sulphur,
                      hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and oxygen content of
                      the gas, by approved standard methods in general use in
                      the gas industry, and to determine  the hydrocarbon
                      dew-point and water vapor content of such gas by methods
                      satisfactory to the parties.  Tests shall be made
                      frequently enough to ensure that the gas is conforming
                      continuously to the quality requirements.  Shipper shall
                      have the right to require PGT to have remedied any
                      deficiency in quality of the gas and, in the event such
                      deficiency is not remedied, the right, in addition to all
                      other remedies available to it by law, to refuse to
                      accept such deficient gas until such deficiency is


    4.1         Installation:  Unless PGT and Shippers agree otherwise, all gas
                volume measuring equipment, devices and materials at the
                point(s) of receipt and/or delivery shall be furnished and
                installed by PGT at Shipper's expense including the tax-on-tax
                effect.   All such equipment, devices and materials shall be
                owned, maintained and operated by PGT.  Shipper may install and
                operate check measuring equipment provided it does not
                interfere with the use of PGT's equipment.

    4.2         Testing Meter Equipment:  The accuracy of either PGT's or
                Shippers measuring equipment shall be verified by test, using
                means and methods acceptable to the other party, at intervals
                mutually agreed upon, and at other times upon request.  Notice
                of the time and nature of each test shall be given by the
                entity conducting the test to the other entity sufficiently in
                advance to permit convenient arrangement for the presence of
                the representative of the other entity.  If, after notice, the
                other entity fails to have a representative present, the
                results of the test shall nevertheless be considered accurate
                until the next test.  If any of the measuring equipment is
                found to be registering inaccurately  in any  percentage, it
                shall be adjusted at once to read as accurately as possible.
                All  tests  of such  measuring equipment shall be made at the
                expense of the entity conducting the same, except that the
                other entity shall bear the expense of tests made at its
                request if the inaccuracy is found to be two percent (2%) or


    4.3         Correction and Adjustment:  If at any time any of the measuring
                equipment is registering inaccurately by an amount exceeding
                two percent (2%) at a reading corresponding to the average
                hourly rate of flow, the previous readings of such equipment
                shall be corrected to zero error for any period definitely
                known or agreed upon, or if not so known or agreed upon,
                one-half (1/2) of the elapsed time since the last test.  If the
                measuring equipment is out-of-service, the volume of gas
                delivered during such period shall be determined:

                (a)   By using the data recorded by any check measuring
                      equipment accurately registering; or

                (b)   If such check measuring equipment is not registering
                      accurately but the percentage of error is ascertainable
                      by a calibration test, by using the data recorded,
                      corrected to zero error; or

                (c)   If neither of the methods provided in (a) and (b) above
                      can be used, by estimating the quantity delivered, by
                      reference to deliveries under similar conditions during a
                      period when the equipment was registering accurately.

                      No correction shall be made in the recorded volumes of
                      gas delivered hereunder for measuring equipment
                      inaccuracies of two percent (2%) or less, and in no event
                      shall inaccuracies less than 25 Mcf be considered for



    5.1         Metering: The gas shall be metered by one or more orifice,
                turbine, or displacement-type meters, at the discretion of PGT.
                When orifice meters are used, they shall be installed and
                maintained, and volumes shall be measured, in accordance with
                the methods prescribed in ANSI/API 2530.  When turbine meters
                are used, they shall be installed and maintained, and volumes
                shall be measured, in accordance with methods prescribed in AGA
                Report No. 7 or any subsequent revision.  When displacement
                meters are used, the number of Mcf delivered hereunder shall be
                computed by including factors for pressure, temperature and
                deviation from Boyle's Law.  To accurately determine the
                deviation from Boyle's Law, a quantitative analysis of the gas
                components shall be made  at reasonable intervals with such
                apparatus as shall be agreed upon by both parties.

    5.2         Specific Gravity:  The specific gravity of the gas delivered
                hereunder shall be determined from the read-outs of
                continuously operating measuring instruments.  The method shall
                consist of one of the following:

                (a)  gravitometer
                (b)  gas chromatography
                (c)  other instruments acceptable to both parties

                Analysis of chromatographs shall comply with the standards set
                forth in ASTM D 1945-81 or any subsequent revision.
                Calculation of the specific gravity from compositional analysis
                by gas chromatography shall comply with the standards set forth
                in ASTM D 3588-81 or any subsequent revision.  Measurement of
                the specific gravity with a gravitometer shall comply with the
                standards set forth in ASTM D 1070-73 or any subsequent

    5.3         Flowing Temperature:  The arithmetic average of readings each
                day shall be deemed the gas temperature and used in computing
                the volumes of gas metered for each day unless another method
                is mutually agreed upon by both parties.



    6.1         Inspection of Equipment and Data:  PGT and Shipper shall have
                the right to inspect equipment installed or furnished by the
                other, and the charts and other measurement or test data of the
                other, at all times during business hours; but the reading,
                calibration and adjustment of such equipment and changing of
                charts shall be done only by the entity installing or
                furnishing same.  Unless PGT and Shipper otherwise agree, each
                shall preserve all original test data, charts and other similar
                records in such party's possession, for a period of at least
                six (6) years.

    6.2         Information for Billing:  When information necessary for
                billing by PGT is in the control of Shipper, Shipper shall
                furnish such information, estimated if actual is not available,
                to PGT on or before the third (3rd) working day of the month
                following the month transportation service was rendered.  If
                shipper furnishes estimated information, the actual information
                shall be furnished to PGT on or before the sixth (6th) working
                day of the month following the month transportation service was

    6.3         Verification of Computations:  PGT and Shipper shall have the
                right to examine at reasonable times the books, records and
                charts of the other to the extent necessary to verify the
                accuracy of any statement, charge or computation made pursuant
                to these Transportation General Terms and Conditions and to the
                rate schedules to which they apply, within twelve (12) months
                of any such statement, charge or computation.


    7.1         Billing under Rate Schedules FTS-1 and ITS-1:  On or before the
                twentieth (20th) day of each month, PGT shall render a bill to
                each Shipper under Rate Schedule FTS-1 and a bill to each
                Shipper under Rate Schedule ITS-1, for the service rendered
                during the preceding month.



    8.1         Payment under Rate Schedules FTS-1 and ITS-1:  On or before the
                last day of each month, each Shipper under Rate Schedule FTS-1
                and each Shipper under Rate Schedule ITS-1 shall pay to or upon
                the  order of PGT in lawful money of the United States at PGT's
                office  in San Francisco, California, the amount of the bill
                rendered by PGT during the month in accordance with Paragraph
                7.1 of these Transportation General Terms and Conditions.

    8.2         Interest on Unpaid Amounts:  Should Shipper fail to pay the
                amount of any bill rendered by PGT when such amount is due,
                interest thereon shall accrue from the due date until paid at
                the rate of interest effective from time to time under 18 CFR
                Section 154.67.

    8.3         Remedies for Failure to Pay:  If such failure to pay continues
                for thirty (30) days after payment is due, PGT, in addition to
                any other remedy it may have, may suspend further delivery of
                gas  until such amount is paid, unless Shipper in good faith
                disputes the amount owing and pays such amount as it concedes
                to be correct.  Either party may submit to arbitration in
                accordance  with Paragraph 14 of these Transportation General
                Terms and Conditions any dispute as to the amount due PGT

    8.4         Late Billing:  If presentation of a bill by PGT is delayed
                after the date specified in Paragraph 7.1 hereof, then the time
                for payment shall be extended correspondingly unless Shipper is
                responsible for such delay.

    8.5         Adjustment of Billing Error:  In the event an error is
                discovered  in any bill rendered by PGT, the amount of such
                error shall be adjusted, provided that claim therefor shall
                have been made within  twelve (12) months from the date such
                bill was rendered.  The adjustment shall be made within thirty
                (30) days of such timely claim.


    PGT and Shipper shall each ensure that the other is notified from time to
    time as necessary of expected changes in the rates of delivery or receipt
    of gas, or in the pressures or other operating conditions, and the reason
    for such expected changes, so that they may be accommodated when they


    10.1        If either party shall fail to perform any obligation imposed
                upon it by these Transportation General Terms and Conditions or
                by an  executed Transportation Service Agreement, and such
                failure shall be caused, or materially contributed to, by force
                majeure which means any acts of God, strikes, lockouts, or
                other industrial  disturbances, acts of public enemies,
                sabotage, wars, blockades,  insurrections, riots, epidemics,
                landslides, lightning,  earthquakes, floods, storms, fires,
                washouts, extreme cold or  freezing weather, arrests and
                restraints of rulers and people,  civil disturbances,
                explosions, breakage of or accident to machinery or lines of
                pipe, hydrate obstructions of lines of pipe,  inability to
                obtain pipe, materials or equipment, legislative,
                administrative or judicial action which has been resisted in
                good faith by all reasonable legal means, any acts, omissions
                or  causes whether of the kind herein enumerated or otherwise
                not  reasonably within the control of the party invoking this
                paragraph and which by the exercise of due diligence such party
                could not have prevented the necessity for making repairs to,
                replacing, or  reconditioning machinery, equipment, or
                pipelines, not resulting from the fault or negligence of the
                party involving this paragraph, such failure shall be deemed
                not to be a breach of the obligation of such party, but such
                party shall use reasonable diligence to put itself in a
                position to carry out its  obligations.  Nothing contained
                herein shall be construed to require either party to settle a
                strike or lockout by acceding against its judgment to the
                demands of the opposing parties.


10.  FORCE MAJEURE (Continued)

    10.2        No such cause as described in Paragraph 10.1 affecting the
                performance of either party shall continue to relieve such
                party from its obligation after the expiration of a reasonable
                period of time within which by the use of due diligence such
                party could have remedied the situation preventing its
                performance, nor shall any such cause relieve either party from
                any obligation unless such party shall give notice thereof in
                writing to the other party with reasonable promptness; and like
                notice shall be given upon termination of such cause.

    10.3        No cause whatsoever, including without limitation the failure
                of PGT to perform and the causes specified in Paragraph 10.1,
                shall relieve Shipper from its obligations to make payments
                due, including the payments of reservation charges, for the
                duration of such cause.


    Any Shipper transporting gas on the PGT system under this FERC Gas Tariff
    First Revised Volume No. 1-A warrants for itself, its successors and
    assigns, that it will have at the time of delivery of the gas to PGT
    hereunder good title to such gas and that all gas delivered to PGT for
    transportation hereunder is eligible for the requested transportation  in
    interstate commerce under applicable rules, regulations or orders of the
    FERC, or other agency having jurisdiction.   Shipper will indemnify PGT and
    save it harmless from all suits, actions, damages, costs, losses, expenses
    (including reasonable attorney fees) and costs connected with regulatory
    proceedings, arising from breach of this warranty.


    PGT shall be deemed to be in control and possession of, and responsible
    for, all gas delivered from the time that such gas is received by it at the
    point of receipt to the time that it is delivered at the point of delivery.



    Shipper agrees to indemnify and hold harmless PGT, its officers, agents,
    employees and contractors against any liability, loss or damage whatsoever
    occurring in connection with or relating in any way to the executed
    Transportation Service Agreement, including costs and attorneys' fees,
    whether or not such liability, loss or damage results from any demand,
    claim, action, cause of action, or suit brought by Shipper or by any
    person, association or entity, public or private, that is not a party to
    the executed Transportation Service Agreement, where such liability, loss
    or damage is suffered by PGT, its officers, agents, employees or
    contractors as a direct or indirect result of any breach of the executed
    Transportation Service Agreement or sole or concurrent negligence or gross
    negligence or other tortious act(s) or omission(s) by Shipper, its
    officers, agents, employees or contractors.


    Any arbitration provided for or agreed to by Shipper and PGT shall be
    conducted in accordance with the following procedures and principles: Upon
    the written demand of either PGT or Shipper and within ten (10) days from
    the date of such demand, each entity shall appoint an arbitrator and the
    two arbitrators so appointed shall promptly thereafter appoint a third.  If
    either PGT or Shipper shall fail to appoint an arbitrator within ten (10)
    days from the date of such demand, then the arbitrator shall be appointed
    by a Superior Court of the State of California in accordance with the
    California Code of Civil Procedure.  If the two arbitrators shall fail
    within ten (10) days from their appointment to agree upon and appoint the
    third arbitrator, then upon the application of either PGT or Shipper such
    third arbitrator shall be appointed by a Superior Court of the State of
    California in accordance with the California Code of Civil Procedure.

    The arbitrators shall proceed immediately to hear and determine the matter
    in  controversy.  The award of the arbitrators, or a majority of them,
    shall be made within forty-five (45) days after the appointment of the
    third arbitrator, subject to any reasonable delay due to unforeseen
    circumstances.  The award of the arbitrators shall be drawn up in writing
    and signed by the arbitrators, or a majority of them, and shall be final
    and binding on both PGT and Shipper, and PGT and Shipper shall abide by the
    award and perform the terms and conditions thereof.  Unless otherwise
    determined by the arbitrators, the fees and expenses of the arbitrator
    named for each party shall be paid by that party and the fees and expenses
    of the third arbitrator shall be paid in equal proportion by both PGT and

    These Transportation General Terms and Conditions, the rate schedules to
    which they apply, and any executed Transportation Service Agreement are
    subject to valid laws, orders, rules and regulations of duly constituted
    authorities having jurisdiction.


    16.1        Waiver of Default:  No waiver by either PGT or Shipper of any
                default by the other in the performance of any provisions of an
                executed Transportation Service Agreement shall operate as a
                waiver of any continuing or future default, whether of a like
                or different character.

    16.2        Assignability:  An executed Transportation Service Agreement
                shall bind and inure to the respective successors and assignees
                of PGT and Shipper thereto, but no assignment shall release
                either party thereto from such party's obligations without the
                written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be
                unreasonably  withheld;  provided, however, nothing contained
                herein shall give Shipper the right to reassign or broker its
                right to ship the quantities of gas specified in the
                Transportation Service  Agreement on PGT's system to others.
                Further, nothing contained herein shall prevent either party
                from pledging, mortgaging or assigning its rights as security
                for its indebtedness and either party may assign to the pledgee
                or mortgagee (or to a trustee for the holder of such
                indebtedness) any money due or to become due under any service

    16.3        Effect of Headings:  The headings used throughout these
                Transportation General Terms and Conditions, the rate schedules
                to which they apply, and the executed Transportation Service
                Agreements are inserted for reference purposes only and are not
                to be considered or taken into account in construing the terms
                and  provisions of any paragraph nor to be deemed in any way to
                qualify, modify or explain the effects of any such terms or


    17.1        Form:  Shipper shall enter into a contract with PGT utilizing
                PGT's appropriate standard form of Transportation Service
    17.2        Term:  The term of the Transportation Service Agreement shall
                be agreed upon between Shipper and PGT at the time of the
                execution thereof.



    18.1        Priority 1 - Firm Service

                Firm transportation service under this FERC Gas Tariff First
                Revised Volume No. 1-A shall be provided when, and to the
                extent that, firm capacity is available in PGT's existing

                PGT shall provide service first for firm transportation
                Shippers for service at Shipper's primary receipt and delivery
                points in accordance with the applicable executed service
                agreements and rate schedules.

                Next, PGT will provide firm transportation service for service
                at  Shipper's secondary receipt and delivery points in
                accordance with the applicable executed service agreements and
                rate schedules.

                If full service cannot be provided, PGT shall provide service
                on a pro rata basis according to the respective total Maximum
                Daily Demand or Maximum Daily Quantity, as appropriate,
                specified in each executed service agreement, first for service
                at Shipper's primary receipt and delivery points and second for
                service at Shipper's secondary receipt and delivery points.

                When capacity is constrained at the receipt point,
                interruptible transport through that point will be curtailed
                first (in reverse order of the first-come, first-served (FCFS)
                queue), followed by secondary receipt firm transport (pro rata
                based on MDQ) and finally by primary receipt firm transport
                (pro rata based on MDQ).

                When capacity in constrained along PGT's mainline,
                interruptible transport will be curtailed first (in reverse
                order of the FCFS queue) followed by all firm transport (pro
                rata based on MDQ at that point).

                When capacity is constrained at the delivery point,
                interruptible transport through that point will be curtailed
                first (in reverse order of the FCFS queue), followed by
                secondary delivery firm transport (pro rata based on MDQ) and
                finally by primary delivery firm transport (pro rata based on



    18.1        Priority 1 - Firm Service (Continued)

                These provisions also apply for capacity released under PGT's
                capacity release program, and are subject to the terms and
                conditions as specified in executed firm service agreement
                between PGT and Shipper.  All service under the capacity
                release program shall be considered firm for purposes of
                priority of service.

                Priority 2 - Interruptible Service

                Interruptible transportation service under this FERC Gas Tariff
                First Revised Volume No. 1-A shall be provided when, and to the
                extent  that, capacity is available in PGT's existing
                facilities, which capacity is not subject to a prior claim
                under a pre-existing contract, service agreement, certificate
                or under Priority 1 -  Firm Service.  PGT will provide
                interruptible transportation  service among all Shippers
                requesting interruptible transportation service, as set forth
                in Paragraph 21 of these Transportation General Terms and
                Conditions, on a first-come, first-served basis as approved by
                the Commission in Docket No. CP87-159-000.

    18.2        Reserved.

    18.3        If, on any day, PGT determines that the capacity of its
                mainline system, or any portion thereof including the points at
                which gas is tendered for transportation, is insufficient to
                serve transportation requirements which are otherwise scheduled
                to receive service on such day, or to accept the quantities of
                gas tendered, capacity which requires allocation shall be
                allocated in a manner which results in curtailment of capacity,
                to zero if necessary, first to the last quantities scheduled,
                and then sequentially in reverse order to the scheduling
                provided for in Paragraph 18.1, except that mid-gas day
                nomination increases by interruptible Shippers shall not bump
                those interruptible Shipper's volumes already confirmed for
                that gas day.

    18.4        Upon termination of the executed Transportation Service
                Agreement Shipper's priority of service will terminate.



    18.5        PGT shall contract with Shippers requesting interruptible
                transportation service under this FERC Gas Tariff First Revised
                Volume No. 1-A on a first-come, first-served basis.

    18.6        A Shipper receiving service under ITS-1 or FTS-1 shall not lose
                its priority for purposes of this Paragraph 18 by the renewal
                or extension of term of that service; provided, however, any
                renewal  or extension must be pursuant to a rollover or
                evergreen provision of the Service Agreement.  Shipper's
                pre-existing  priority shall not apply, however, to any
                increase in transportation quantity or new primary points of


    The provisions of this Paragraph 19 shall be applicable to interruptible
    transportation service under Rate Schedule ITS-1 contained in this FERC Gas
    Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1-A.

    Interruptible transportation service under this FERC Gas Tariff First
    Revised Volume No. 1-A shall be provided when, and to the extent that,
    capacity  is available in PGT's existing facilities, which capacity is not
    subject to a prior claim under a pre-existing contract, service agreement,
    certificate or under another class of service.  Available interruptible
    capacity shall be allocated by PGT on a first-come, first-served basis as
    provided in Paragraph 18 and as determined by the date and time PGT
    receives a completed request for service under this FERC Gas Tariff which
    conforms to Paragraph 21 of these Transportation General Terms and
    Conditions.  In the event where natural gas tendered by Shipper to PGT at
    the  receipt point(s) for transportation, or delivered by PGT to Shipper
    (or for Shipper's account) at the delivery point(s), is commingled with
    other natural gas at the time of measurement, the determination of
    deliveries applicable to Shipper shall be made in accordance with operating
    arrangements satisfactory to Shipper, PGT and any third party transporting
    to or from PGT's system.



    If Shipper fails to nominate and tender gas within the later of:  (a)
    fifteen (15) days after initial notification by PGT of the availability  of
    service, (b) receipt of any necessary regulatory approvals, or (c) the
    installation of any necessary facilities, Shipper's priority date shall be
    deemed null and void, and the day Shipper first tenders gas to  PGT at any
    receipt point shall be Shipper's new assigned priority date  for service.
    Shipper's priority date designation pursuant to Section 2.3 of the
    Transportation Service Agreement shall not be deemed null and void, nor
    shall the Shipper's request for service be deemed null and void if
    Shipper's failure to nominate and tender gas is caused by an event of force
    majeure as defined in PGT's Transportation General Terms and Conditions.


    The provisions of this Paragraph 20 shall be applicable to firm
    transportation service under Rate Schedule FTS-1 contained in this FERC Gas
    Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1-A.  Firm transportation service under
    this FERC Gas Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1-A shall be provided when,
    and to the extent that, PGT determines  that firm capacity is available on
    PGT's existing facilities.  PGT shall not be required to provide firm
    transportation  service in the event firm capacity is unavailable.

    For capacity that becomes available other than the circumstances identified
    in Paragraphs 28 and 33, requests for firm capacity shall be accommodated
    in the following manner and subject to the following conditions and

    20.1        In order to be eligible for firm capacity, a party requesting
                service (requestor) must be deemed credit-worthy per Paragraph
                21.7 and submit a valid request in accordance with the
                provisions herein.

    20.2        PGT will post on its Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB) available
                capacity.  A requestor that submits a valid request may submit
                a bid via the EBB for the available capacity subsequent to
                PGT's posting of such capacity on the EBB.  The Bid Period will
                be 5 business days, during which time other requestors with
                valid requests may submit a bid.  All bids not withdrawn prior
                to the close of the Bidding Period shall be binding.  At the
                end of the Bidding Period, PGT will evaluate the bids and
                determine the bid(s) having the greatest economic value as
                determined in Paragraph 20.3.



    20.3        After the close of the Bidding Period, PGT may tender a Service
                Agreement for execution to the requestor(s) submitting the
                bid(s) having the greatest economic value for the capacity
                available, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 20.5.  The
                criteria for determining which requestor(s) has submitted the
                bid(s) with the greatest economic value shall be the Net
                Present Value (NPV) of the reservation charge as calculated at
                Paragraph 28 that requestor(s) would pay at the rates
                requestor(s) has bid, which shall not be less than the Minimum
                Rate nor greater than the Maximum Rate, as stated on the
                currently effective Statement of Rates and Charges governing
                such service, over the term of service specified in the
                request.  If the economic values of separate service requests
                are equal, then service shall be offered to such requestors on
                a pro-rata basis.

    20.4        If PGT accepts the winning bid(s) and tenders a Service
                Agreement, requestor(s) shall complete and return the Service
                Agreement within thirty (30) days.

    20.5        PGT shall not be obligated to tender or execute a Service
                Agreement for service at any rate less than the Maximum Rate
                set forth in the Statement of Effective Rates and Charges
                applicable to the service requested.


    21.1        Requests for interruptible and firm transportation service
                hereunder shall be made by providing the following information
                in writing utilizing PGT's Transportation Request Form to PGT:

                          TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FORM

________________________________ (Shipper) hereby requests gas transportation
service from Pacific Gas Transmission Company (PGT) in accordance with
Paragraph 21.1 of the Transportation General Terms and Conditions of PGT's
tariff and concurrently provides the following information relative to this

1.  Shipper's Name  ___________________________________________
    Business Address __________________________________________
    State or Province of Incorporation ________________________

2.  Requesting Party ____________________ Title _______________
    Contact Name ________________________ Phone _______________

3.   Shipper's Status:         LDC ____  Intrastate ____  End User ____
     (Check one)             Producer ____  Marketer/Broker __________
                             Gatherer ____  Interstate ____
                             Other __________________________________

4.   Type of Service Requested:  (Check all applicable)
         a.  Part 284  Interruptible ____
         b.  Part 284  Firm ____*
         c.  New Service ____
         d.  Amendment to PGT Contract #_______
         e.  Add/Change Receipt/Delivery Point ____
         f.  Authority to Bid for Released Capacity ____

         * PGT will accept requests for firm transportation service.  At such
         time that firm capacity may become available, PGT will evaluate such
         requests. Currently, no excess firm capacity is available on the PGT

5.   Type of Authority:     Blanket Section 7 (Part 284, Subpart G) ____
                            Section 311(a) (Part 284, Subpart B) ____



21.1 (Continued)

6.  If Shipper requests service under Section 311(a), provide the following
    information concerning the party on whose behalf the transportation will be
    provided (the "On Behalf of" party):

    (a)  The exact legal name of the "On Behalf Of" party:                


    (b)  The "On Behalf Of" party's address (if other than Shipper):      




    (c)  Is the "On Behalf Of" party:
         A Local Distribution Company ______
         An Intrastate Pipeline       ______

7.  If Shipper requests service under Section 311(a), Shipper must provide a
    certification that the service qualifies under 18 C.F.R. Section 284.102.
    To enable PGT to verify that the requested transportation service will
    qualify under 18 C.F.R. Section  284.102, the certification must provide
    facts showing that:

    (a)  the "On Behalf Of" party will have physical custody of and
         transport the natural gas at some point; or

    (b)  the "On Behalf Of" party will hold title to the natural gas at some
         point, which may occur prior to , during, or after the time that the
         gas is transported by PGT, for a purpose related to the "On Behalf Of"
         party's status and function as an intrastate pipeline or its status
         and function as a local distribution company; or

    (c)  the gas will be delivered to a customer that is either located in the
         "On Behalf Of" party's service area, if the "On Behalf Of" party is a
         local distribution company, or is physically able to receive direct
         deliveries of gas from the "On Behalf Of" party, if the "On Behalf Of"
         party is an interstate pipeline, and that "On Behalf Of" party has
         certified that it is on its behalf that PGT will be providing the
         requested transportation service.  (The "On Behalf Of" party's
         certification must be submitted with the Transportation Request Form.)



    21.1 (Continued)

8.  The intended use of the gas is:
    _____ utility or pipeline system supply
    _____ end use by industry or commerce
    _____ other (specify)

9.  Requested Commencement Date _______________ (not to exceed
    3 months from request date)
    Termination Date __________________
    Evergreen clause desired (Complete for Part 284 Interruptible or Firm
Service only):   Yes _____       No _____

10.  Transportation Quantities:
    a)   Total Maximum Daily Quantity (MDQ): __________ MMBtu/day
    b)   Total quantity for contract period: __________ MMBtu

11.  Notices to:
                 Mailing Address                                

                City                    State            Zip 

        Street Address (if P.O. Box was used above)            

                City                    State            Zip 

                Attention                         Title        

                Telephone Number          Fax Number



    21.1 (Continued)

    Invoices to: _______________________________________________________
                  Mailing Address                                    

                 City                      State            Zip     
                 Street Address (if P.O. Box was used above)        

                 City                      State            Zip     

                 Attention                         Title            

                 Telephone Number          Fax Number



    21.2     No transportation service will be conducted for the account of
             Shipper by PGT until PGT has received the completed service
             request form, unedited and complete as to form, and Shipper has
             been advised by PGT that the transportation service may commence.

    21.3     Reserved for future use

    21.4     PGT shall not be required to perform or continue service  on
             behalf of any Shipper that fails to comply with the terms
             contained in this Paragraph 21 and any and all terms of the
             applicable rate schedule and the terms of Shipper's executed
             Transportation Service Agreement with PGT.

    21.5     Upon request of PGT, Shipper shall from time to time submit
             estimates of daily, monthly and annual quantities of gas to be
             transported, including peak day requirements.

    21.6     Nominations:  Request for nomination of gas delivery shall be
             provided by Shipper via the Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB) , to
             PGT's Gas Control no later than 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time for
             deliveries during the following day.  The request by the
             downstream Shipper or customer, via the nomination process, for
             gas from a designated upstream Shipper and the corresponding
             supplier nomination designating the same downstream nomination as
             an acceptable customer is PGT's notice that a valid contractual
             arrangement between the two parties is in existence.  PGT requires
             that a valid Shipper designate, in writing, those individuals who
             will be authorized to place nominations for gas on the system.


    21.6     (Continued)

             Requests for nomination may be amended during the gas day provided
             the appropriate gas supply adjustment is made at the Shipper's
             receipt point.  Such amended requests will become effective when
             system operating conditions, as determined by PGT, permit the
             changes to occur.  Requests for nomination are for a daily rate,
             and will be delivered at a uniform hourly rate of requested
             quantity divided by 24.  Requests for nomination, as amended by
             Shipper and received by PGT, shall remain in effect, whether or
             not deliveries are made, until a new or amended request is
             provided by Shipper and received by PGT.  PGT reserves the right
             to reject any request for nomination that is less than 24 Mcf/day.
             PGT's primary method of nomination transmission shall be the
             Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB).  If and only if, the EBB system
             fails between PGT and Shippers shall PGT accept nominations via
             alternative means such as fax.

             Initial Service:  For purposes of scheduling commencement of
             initial transportation service five (5) business days prior to the
             day on which Shipper desires service to commence, or such lesser
             period of time as mutually agreed upon by PGT  and Shipper,
             Shipper will provide PGT a completed Customer Nomination Form
             provided to:

                 Pacific Gas Transmission Company
                 Gas Control Department
                 East 5105 3rd Avenue
                 P.O. Box 4389
                 Spokane, Washington 99212
                 Phone - 509-534-0657
                 Fax - 509-671-2225



    21.7     Credit-worthiness

    21.7     (A) Credit-worthiness for Firm Transportation Service

         (1)  PGT shall not be required to perform or to continue
         transportation service under this FERC Gas Tariff First Revised Volume
         1-A on behalf of any Shipper who is or has become insolvent or who,
         after PGT's request, fails within a reasonable period to establish or
         confirm credit-worthiness.  Shippers shall provide, initially and on a
         continuing basis, financial statements, evidence of debt and/or credit
         ratings, and other such information as is reasonably requested by PGT
         to establish or confirm Shipper's qualification for service.  Credit
         limits will be established based on the level of requested service and
         Shipper credit-worthiness as established by the following:

             (a) Credit-worthiness must be evidenced by at least a long term
                 bond (or other senior debt) rating of BBB or an equivalent

                 Such rating may be obtained in one of three ways:

                 (1) The rating will be determined by Standard and Poors or
                     another recognized U.S. or Canadian debt rating service;

                 (2) If Shipper's debt is not rated by a recognized debt rating
                     service, an equivalent rating as determined by PGT, based
                     on the financial rating methodology, criteria and ratios
                     for the industry of the Shipper as published by the above
                     rating agencies from time to time.  In general, such
                     equivalent rating will be based on the audited financial
                     statements for the Shipper's two most recent fiscal years,
                     all interim reports, and any other relevant information;



    21.7     (A) Credit-worthiness for Firm Transportation Service (Continued)

                 (3) Shipper may, at its own expense, obtain a private rating
                     from a recognized debt rating service, or request that an
                     independent accountant or financial advisor, mutually
                     acceptable to PGT and the Shipper, prepare an equivalent
                     evaluation based on the financial rating methodology,
                     criteria, and ratios for the industry of the Shipper as
                     published by the above rating agencies from time to time;

             (b) Approval by PGT's lenders.

         (2)  If Shipper does not establish or maintain credit-worthiness as
         described above, Shipper has the option of receiving transportation
         service under this FERC Gas Tariff by providing to PGT one of the
         following alternatives:

             (a) A guarantee of Shipper's financial performance in a form
                 satisfactory to PGT and for the term of the Gas Transportation
                 Agreement from a corporate affiliate of the Shipper or a third
                 party either of which meets the credit-worthiness standard
                 discussed above.

             (b) Other security acceptable to PGT's lenders.



    21.7 (B)  Credit-worthiness for Interruptible Transportation Service

         (1)  PGT shall not be required to perform or to continue interruptible
         transportation service under this FERC Gas Tariff First Revised Volume
         No. 1-A on behalf of any Shipper who is or has become insolvent or
         who, at PGT's request, fails within a  reasonable period to
         demonstrate credit-worthiness.  Shipper's credit-worthiness shall be
         determined by providing proof of least two of the items listed below:

             (a) A long-term bond or commercial paper rating from Standard and
                 Poors or Moody's equivalent to a "Ba" or better, or a
                 commercial paper rating from Standard and Poors or Moody's
                 equivalent to Prime-3 or better.

             (b) Audited financial statements for the two preceding years
                 showing good financial strength.

             (c) An estimated financial strength rating by Dun and Bradstreet
                 sufficient to cover the credit to be extended and a
                 corresponding Dun and Bradstreet composite credit appraisal of
                 "fair" or better.



21.7 (B)  Credit-worthiness for Interruptible Transportation Service

             (d) A demonstration by the Shipper that the Company has sufficient
                 financial capacity or backing to warrant an extension of
                 credit.  This demonstration could include proof of banking
                 relationships sufficient to cover the service agreement, or a
                 detailed listing of credit references within the industry,
                 exhibiting a good credit history.

         (2) If Shipper does not demonstrate credit-worthiness, Shipper has the
             option of receiving interruptible transportation service under
             this FERC Gas Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1-A if Shipper
             provides PGT a letter of credit in an amount equal to the cost of
             performing the  maximum level of service requested for a three (3)
             month period  of time.  The letter of credit must be from a credit
             worthy  financial institution and be in place before the
             Transportation  Service Agreement can be signed.  The Shipper also
             has the option  of receiving transportation service if Shipper
             prepays for transportation services on a month-to-month basis
             pursuant to the following terms:

             (a) For a calendar month in which transportation service is
                 desired (delivery month), Shipper must notify PGT no later
                 than eight (8) business days prior to the commencement of
                 delivery month (estimation date) of its estimation of the
                 maximum, cumulative gas deliveries (monthly estimation)
                 desired for the delivery month.  (For Shipper's initial
                 monthly estimation, the delivery month, or remaining portion
                 thereof, shall commence eight (8) days after the estimation
                 date.)   Notice of monthly estimation may be telephonic or
                 written; telephonic notices must be confirmed in writing and
                 received by PGT within five (5) business days.  PGT will
                 advise Shipper within forty-eight (48)  hours of the
                 estimation date of the exact dollar amount of the prepayment.
                 Shipper shall not deliver or receive gas in excess of the
                 monthly estimation during delivery month.


21.7 (B)  Credit-Worthiness for Interruptible Transportation Service

             (b) No later than three (3) business days (settlement date) prior
                 to commencement of delivery month, Shipper shall pay to PGT
                 and PGT shall have received from Shipper lawful money  of the
                 United States in an amount equal to the prepayment  amount
                 provided to Shipper by PGT described above.

             (c) On or before the twentieth (20th) day following delivery
                 month, PGT shall provide a statement to Shipper detailing the
                 transportation service provided during the delivery month.
                 The statement will reconcile the amount prepaid in accordance
                 with the monthly estimation, with the actual cost  of
                 transportation service provided, and provide a credit to
                 Shipper, if applicable.  Any such credit will be deducted
                 from the prepayment for the following month.  Should the
                 Shipper elect not to receive transportation services for the
                 following month, Shipper shall so notify PGT in writing; PGT
                 will issue a check to the Shipper within seven (7) business
                 days following receipt by PGT of such notice.

21.7 (C)  Credit-worthiness for Firm and Interruptible Transportation

         For purposes of this FERC Gas Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1-A the
         insolvency of a Shipper shall be evidenced by the filing by such
         Shipper or any parent entity thereof (hereinafter collectively
         referred in this paragraph to as "the Shipper") of a voluntary
         petition in bankruptcy or the entry of a decree or order by a court
         having jurisdiction in the premises adjudging the Shipper as bankrupt
         or insolvent, or approving as properly filed a petition  seeking
         reorganization, arrangement, adjustment or composition of or in
         respect of the Shipper under the Federal Bankruptcy Act or any Act or
         any other applicable federal or state law, or appointing a receiver,
         liquidator, assignee, trustee, sequestrator (or other similar
         official) of the Shipper


21.7 (C)  Credit-worthiness for Firm and Interruptible Transportation
Service (Continued)

              or composition of or in respect of the Shipper under the Federal
              Bankruptcy Act or any Act or any other applicable federal or
              state law, or appointing a receiver, liquidator, assignee,
              trustee, sequestrator (or other similar official) of the Shipper
              or of any substantial part of its property, or the ordering of
              the winding-up  liquidation of its  affairs, with said order or
              decree continuing unstayed and in effect for a period of sixty
              (60) consecutive days.

         21.8 Shipper shall not be entitled to receive transportation service
              under this FERC Gas Tariff First Revised Volume No. 1-A if
              Shipper is not current in its payments to PGT for any charge,
              rate or fee  authorized by the Commission for transportation
              service; provided, however, if the amount not current pertains to
              a bona fide dispute, including but not limited to force majeure
              claims relating to this FERC Gas Tariff, Shipper shall be
              entitled to receive or continue to receive transportation service
              if Shipper posts a bond satisfactory to PGT to cover the payment
              due PGT.



         21.9 A penalty shall be charged by PGT and paid in dollars by any
              Shipper who, upon notification by PGT of the existence of an
              overage in deliveries and/or takes, fails to correct such daily
              overage within a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours, except in
              those instances where it is necessary for PGT to protect the
              integrity of its system.   The applicable penalty shall be
              applied if:

                 (a)      The daily quantities exceed 10 percent or 50 MMBtu,
                          whichever is greater, of Shipper's Maximum Daily
                          Quantity, as specified in the executed Transportation
                          Service Agreement.

                          Penalty:  The penalty shall be $5 for each MMBtu of
                          gas exceeding the 10 percent or 50 MMBtu limits
                          specified therein.  In the event Shipper does not
                          balance within 45 days, commencing with the third day
                          after Shipper's receipt  of notification from PGT,
                          PGT shall also charge $5/MMBtu  for any remaining net
                          balance of overdeliveries which exists at the
                          conclusion of such 45-day period.

                 (b)      The Shipper delivers or causes to be delivered to an
                          individual delivery point a quantity which, after
                          appropriate reductions, exceeds by 10 percent or 50
                          MMBtu, whichever is greater, the quantities received
                          from PGT for delivery to the delivery point.

                          Penalty:  The penalty shall be $5 for each MMBtu of
                          gas exceeding  the 10 percent or 50 MMBtu limits
                          specified therein.  In the event Shipper does not
                          balance within 45 days, commencing with  the third
                          day after Shipper's receipt of notification from PGT,
                          PGT shall also charge $5/MMBtu for any remaining net
                          balance of overdeliveries which exists at the
                          conclusion of such 45-day period.



         21.9  (Continued)

                 (c)      The Shipper takes quantities from PGT which exceed by
                          more than 10 percent or 50 MMBtu, whichever is
                          greater, the quantities received by PGT after
                          appropriate reductions and the Shipper does not
                          correct the excess takes in two (2) days or less.

                          Penalty:  The penalty shall be $5/MMBtu which shall
                          apply to the total remaining net balance at the end
                          of the 45-day period (inclusive of takes in excess of
                          the limits occurring prior to commencement of the 45
                          day period), less  any previously assessed penalty
                          amounts; provided, however, such penalty charge shall
                          not be less than zero.

                 (d)      The quantity of gas which PGT, at Shipper's request,
                          has scheduled for delivery to PGT on any day exceeds
                          the quantity actually delivered to PGT on such day by
                          10 percent of the scheduled quantity or 50 MMBtu,
                          whichever is greater.

                          Penalty: The penalty shall be equivalent to the
                          otherwise applicable transportation rate multiplied
                          by the amount by which  the quantity scheduled for
                          delivery to PGT, minus the greater of 10 percent or
                          50 MMBtu exceeds the actual quantity delivered to
                          PGT multiplied by the pipeline distance.

         21.10   In the event that any penalty would otherwise be applicable
                 under these provisions as a direct consequence of any action
                 or failure to  take action by PGT or the failure of any
                 facility under PGT's control, or an event of force majeure as
                 defined in these Transportation General Terms and Conditions,
                 said penalty shall not apply.

         21.11   The payment of a penalty in dollars pursuant to Paragraph 21.9
                 shall under no circumstances be considered as giving any
                 shipper the right  to deliver or take overrun quantities.



    21.12    Balancing of thermally equivalent quantities of gas received and
             delivered shall be achieved as nearly as feasible on a daily
             basis,  with any cumulative imbalance accounted for on a monthly
             basis.    Imbalances shall be carried forward to the following
             month and     corrected to the extent possible.  PGT and Shipper
             shall use their  best efforts to eliminate any cumulative
             imbalance between receipts  and deliveries of gas as soon as
             possible but no later than sixty (60) days after the termination
             of the Service Agreement.  Transportation of gas during this sixty
             day period shall be for balancing purposes only.

    21.13    PGT shall not be obligated to install additional facilities, other
             than those specified in Paragraph 4.1 herein, that are required to
             provide service under this FERC Gas Tariff First Revised Volume
             No.  1-A; provided, however, PGT may install or Shipper may pay
             all of   the expenses incurred for installing additional
             facilities on a     nondiscriminatory basis and under terms that
             are mutually agreeable.  In the event PGT incurs the cost of
             installing additional facilities  on behalf of a Shipper, Shipper
             shall pay, in addition to the rate(s) stated in the applicable
             rate schedule, the prorated(based on Transportation Contract
             Demand) cost of service attributable to any such additional
             facilities until such time as a different allocation procedure is
             specified by Commission order.

    21.14    If Shipper fails, within 30 days of the date of PGT's tendering
             the Transportation Service Agreement to Shipper, to execute and
             deliver to PGT said Agreement, Shipper's transportation request
             for service, and its assigned priority date referenced in Section
             2.3 of the Agreement, shall be deemed null and void.  The date on
             which PGT receives the executed Transportation Service Agreement
             shall serve to establish Shipper's new assigned priority date.



    22.1     Purpose:  PGT shall recover from Shippers the annual charge
             assessedto PGT by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for
             budgetary expenses pursuant to Section 154.38(d)(6) of the
             Commission's regulations and Order No. 472 issued May 29, 1987.
             PGT shall recover this charge by means of an Annual Charge
             Adjustment (ACA); a per unit rate equivalent to the unit rate
             assessed against PGT by the Commission shall be included in PGT's
             transportation rates.  (During the period that this ACA provision
             is in effect, PGT shall not recover in a Natural Gas Act Section 4
             rate case annual charges recorded in FERC Account No. 928 assessed
             to PGT by the Commission pursuant to Order No. 472.)

    22.2     Filing Procedure:  The notice period and proposed effective date
             of filings pursuant to this paragraph shall be as permitted under
             Section 4 of the Natural Gas Act; provided, however, that any such
             filing shall not become effective unless they become effective
             without suspension or refund obligation.

    22.3     ACA Unit Rate Adjustment:  PGT's ACA unit rate shall be the unit
             rate used by the Commission to determine the annual charge
             assessment to PGT, and shall be reflected in the Statement of
             Effective Rates and Charges of this FERC Gas Tariff First Revised
             Volume No. 1-A.

    22.4     Affected Rate Schedules:  The ACA provision shall apply to all
             rate schedules contained in PGT's FERC Gas Tariff First Revised
             Volume No. 1-A.


    PGT and its marketing affiliate do not share any operating personnel.  PGT
    does not share any facilities with its marketing affiliate.  To the extent
    PG&E elects service under Rate Schedule USS-1, PGT employees involved with
    the implementation of USS-1 service will operate independently from PGT's
    pipeline operating employees.



    24.1     Any Shipper or potential Shipper may register a complaint
             regarding requested or provided transportation service.  The
             complaint may be communicated to PGT primarily by use of PGT's
             Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB) and secondarily either orally,
             and/or in writing.   Oral complaints should be made to PGT's
             Manager of Gas Control, telephone (509) 534-0657. Written
             complaints should be sent via registered or certified mail,
             facsimile (FAX No. (509) 536-2735) , or hand delivered to:

         Pacific Gas Transmission Company
         East 5105 3rd Avenue
         P.O. Box 4389
         Spokane, WA 99212
         Attention: Gas Control Manager

         Oral,  written and EBB-submitted complaints must contain the following
         minimum information:

         -   Shipper or potential Shipper's name, address, and FAX and
             telephone numbers;
         -   Shipper or potential Shipper's contact representative;
         -   A clear, concise statement of the complaint.

         Each complaint will be recorded in PGT's Transportation Service
         Complaint Log maintained by PGT's Gas Control  Department located in
         Spokane .    Complaints will be logged by date and time received by

    24.2     PGT will initially respond to each complaint within forty-eight
             (48) hours after PGT receives it.  PGT will provide a written
             response to each complaint within thirty (30) days after PGT
             receives it.   PGT's written response will be sent to Shipper or
             potential Shipper by certified or registered mail If the complaint
             was filed by the EBB, then PGT shall respond via the EBB.  A copy
             of all complaints  will be filed in the Transportation Service
             Complaint Log.



    25.1         Any affiliated or nonaffiliated Shipper or potential Shipper
                 may obtain information concerning the availability and pricing
                 of PGT's transportation services and the pipeline capacity
                 available for transportation by:

             (a) Contacting PGT at:

                 Pacific Gas Transmission Company
                 Marketing and Transportation Department
                 160 Spear Street, Suite 1919
                 San Francisco, CA 94105-1570
                 Telephone: (415) 973-6169

                 Inquiries may be made orally or in writing.

                 Upon request, PGT will provide to any Shipper or potential
                 Shipper a copy of its FERC Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume
                 No. 1- A, as well as any published notices concerning
                 discounts then available to existing Shippers on the PGT

             (b) Subscribing to PGT's twenty-four (24) hour Electronic Bulletin
                 Board by calling 1-800-238-2781.  The Electronic Bulletin
                 Board provides current information concerning the availability
                 and pricing of transportation service on the PGT system,
                 including all effective rates and discount notices, and
                 capacity available for transportation.

    25.2         The procedures to be followed by a potential Shipper
                 requesting transportation service from PGT or by an existing
                 Shipper requesting an amendment to its existing service or
                 additional service from PGT are specified in Paragraph 21 of
                 these Transportation General Terms and Conditions.



    25.3     The procedures to be followed by Shippers for submitting
             nominations for transportation service are specified in Paragraph
             21 of these Transportation General Terms and Conditions.


    The Market Center is defined as a point of interconnection between PGT and
    other pipelines and local distribution companies.  PGT shall provide for
    Market Centers on PGT.  Parties wishing to use Market Centers on the PGT
    system shall sign an agreement with PGT for this service.  At these Market
    Centers, Agents other than the pipeline Shippers, trade gas quantities
    without actively shipping the gas either upstream or downstream of the
    Market Center.

    Agents must nominate for the gas transactions in accordance with the
    nomination procedures of the Transportation General Terms and Conditions of
    First Revised Volume No. 1-A.  An Agent's nomination for upstream supply
    and downstream delivery must match the corresponding upstream Shipper
    nomination and the downstream customer request.


    27.1     When PGT needs to temporarily curtail or interrupt service to any
             Shipper hereunder for the purpose of making planned alterations or
             repairs, PGT shall give Shipper as much notice as possible of the
             process so that each Shipper's firm transportation requirements
             are taken into account in the planning process.

    27.2     In the spring of each year PGT shall publish on its electronic
             bulletin board (EBB) to all Shippers a schedule of planned major
             maintenance and repairs which affect system capacity.  The
             schedule shall show the estimated delivery point capacity for the
             next 12 months.

    27.3     On a daily basis PGT shall post, on its EBB, capacity for each
             forthcoming gas day plus the estimated capacity for the next two
             gas days.


    28.1     Eligibility to Release

             Any firm Shipper which contracts for firm transportation service
             under Part 284 of the Commission's regulations (Releasing Shipper)
             is eligible to release all or part of its capacity (Parcel) for
             use by another party (Replacement Shipper).  Any Replacement
             Shipper which has previously contracted for a Parcel may also
             release its capacity to another party as a secondary release
             subject to the terms and conditions described herein.

             Upon releasing a Parcel, consistent with the terms and conditions
             described herein, all Releasing Shippers shall remain ultimately
             liable for all reservation charges billable for the originally
             contracted service. The Releasing Shipper, whether a primary or
             secondary capacity holder, must post the capacity it seeks to
             release on PGT's Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB) prior to the
             close of the Posting Period defined herein.

             A Releasing Shipper may release all of its capacity for the
             remainder of the term of its contract and extinguish its
             contractual obligations to PGT provided that: 1) the Replacement
             Shipper for this capacity is creditworthy pursuant to PGT's credit
             standards; 2) that the rate paid by the Replacement Shipper be no
             less than the rate contracted between the Releasing Shipper and
             PGT for the maximum volume, for the remaining term of the contract
             or the Releasing Shipper's maximum tariff rate; and 3) the release
             is for all of the Releasing Shipper's capacity.  The release may
             be structured such that the right of first refusal may transfer to
             the Replacement Shipper even if the release has recall provisions
             and has been recalled by the Releasing Shipper at the end of the
             service agreement.


28. CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.2     Types of Release

             A Releasing Shipper may release a Parcel for a term (Release Term)
             up to or equivalent to the remaining term under its service
             agreement with PGT. Types of releases include:

             Rapid Release - one month or less, is not prearranged, requires
             bidding and is restricted to options 1 or 2 for the allocation of
             Parcels without recall provisions or special terms or conditions.

             Short term - three months or less, is not prearranged and requires

             Medium Term - over three months up to two years, is not
             prearranged, and requires bidding .

             Long term - equal to or greater than two years, is not
             prearranged, and requires bidding .

             Prearranged Deal-A - less than one calendar month .  This type of
             release is prearranged and does not require bidding.  This release
             cannot be rolled-over, renewed or otherwise extended beyond the
             term described above unless the Releasing Shipper follows the
             posting and bidding procedures that apply to the particular term
             sought contained in this Paragraph 28. The Releasing Shipper may
             not re-release this Parcel to the same Replacement Shipper until
             30 days after the term of the initial release has ended.
             Rollovers are permitted without bidding or a waiting period
             provided the Prearranged Shipper agrees to pay the maximum rate
             and meet all the other terms and conditions of the release.

             Prearranged Deal-B - equal to or greater than one month at the
             maximum rate bid pursuant to the methodology selected by Releasing
             Shipper.  This type of release is prearranged and does not require

             Prearranged Deal-C - one month up to two years at a rate less than
             the maximum rate bid pursuant to the methodology selected by the
             Releasing Shipper.  This type of release is prearranged, allows
             for bidding, and allows the right of first refusal. (Continued)

28. CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.2     Types of Releases (Continued)

             Prearranged Deal-D - two years or longer at a rate less than the
             maximum rate bid pursuant to the methodology selected by the
             Releasing Shipper.  This is type of release is prearranged, allows
             for bidding, and allows the right of first refusal .

    28.3     Notice Requirements

             Any Releasing Shipper electing to release capacity shall submit a
             notice via PGT's EBB that it elects to release firm capacity.  The
             notice shall set forth the following information:

             (a) Releasing Shipper's legal name, contract number, and the name,
                 title, address, telephone number, and fax number of the
                 individual responsible for authorizing the release of

             (b) Rate schedule of the Releasing Shipper.

             (c) Whether bidders will bid on the reservation charge or a
                 volumetric equivalent of the maximum reservation charge
                 applicable to the Parcel on a 100% load-factor basis.  If a
                 volumetric rate is used, Releasing Shipper must indicate
                 whether bids on a reservation charge basis will be accepted as
                 well and if so must specify the method of evaluating the two
                 types of bids.

             (d) Daily quantity of capacity to be released, expressed in
                 MMBtu/d, at the designated delivery point(s).  (This must not
                 exceed Releasing Shipper's maximum contract demand available
                 for capacity release and shall state the minimum quantity
                 expressed in MMBtu/d acceptable for release.)


28.  CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.3     Notice Requirements (Continued)

             (e) The term of the release, identifying the date release is to
                 begin and terminate.  The minimum release term acceptable to
                 PGT shall be one day.

             (f) Whether the Releasing Shipper is willing to consider release
                 for a shorter period of time than that specified in (e) above
                 and if so, the minimum acceptable period of release.

             (g) The receipt and delivery point.

             (h) Whether Option 1, 2, or 3 shall be used to determine the
                 highest valued bid.  If Option 3 is selected, Releasing
                 Shipper must describe the criteria by which bids are to be

             (i) Whether the Releasing Shipper wants PGT to market its released

             (j) Whether the Releasing Shipper requests to waive the
                 creditworthiness requirements and agrees in such event to
                 remain liable for all charges.

             (k) Whether Releasing Shipper is a marketing or other affiliate of

             (l) If release is a prearranged release, the Prearranged Shipper
                 must be qualified pursuant to the criteria of Paragraph
                 28.6(a) unless waived above.  Releasing Shipper shall include
                 the Prearranged Shipper bid information pursuant to Paragraph
                 28.6(b) with its release information and shall indicate
                 whether the Prearranged Shipper is affiliated with PGT or the
                 Releasing Shipper.

             (m) Any special nondiscriminatory terms and conditions applicable
                 to the release.

28.  CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.3     Notice Requirements (Continued)

             (n) Tie-breaker method preferred:  (1) pro rata, (2) lottery, (3)
                 order of submission (first-come/first-serve), (4) other.
                 Other method must be objectively stated, administratively
                 feasible as determined by PGT and nondiscriminatory.  If none
                 are selected, the system defaults to pro rata.

             (o) Recall provisions.  These provisions must be objectively
                 stated, nondiscriminatory, applicable to all bidders,
                 operationally and administratively feasible as determined by
                 PGT and in accordance with PGT's tariff.

             (p) The minimum rate (percentage of:  reservation charge or a
                 volumetric equivalent of the maximum reservation charge
                 applicable to the Parcel on a 100% load-factor basis)
                 acceptable to Releasor for this Parcel.

             (q) Whether the Releasing Shipper is willing to accept contingent
                 bids that extend beyond the close of the Bid Period and, if
                 so, any nondiscriminatory terms and conditions applicable to
                 such contingencies including the date by which such
                 contingency must be satisfied (which date shall not be later
                 than the last day upon which PGT must award capacity) and
                 whether, or for what time period, the next highest bidder(s)
                 will be obligated to acquire the capacity should the winning
                 contingent bidder be unable to satisfy the contingency
                 specified in its bid.

             (r) Whether the Releasing Shipper wants to specify a longer
                 bidding period for its Parcel than specified at Paragraph 

28.  CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.3     Notice Requirements (Continued)

             (n) Tie-breaker method preferred:  (1) pro rata, (2) lottery, (3)
                 order of submission (first-come/first-serve), (4) other.
                 Other method must be objectively stated, administratively
                 feasible as determined by PGT and nondiscriminatory.  If none
                 are selected, the system defaults to pro rata.

             (o) Recall provisions.  These provisions must be objectively
    stated, nondiscriminatory, applicable to all bidders, operationally and
    administratively feasible as determined by PGT and in accordance with PGT's

             (p) The minimum rate (percentage of:  reservation charge or a
                 volumetric equivalent of the maximum reservation charge
                 applicable to the Parcel on a 100% load-factor basis)
                 acceptable to Releasor for this Parcel.

             (q) Whether the Releasing Shipper is willing to accept contingent
                 bids that extend beyond the close of the Bid Period and, if
                 so, any nondiscriminatory terms and conditions applicable to
                 such contingencies including the date by which such
                 contingency must be satisfied (which date shall not be later
                 than the last day upon which PGT must award capacity) and
                 whether, or for what time period, the next highest bidder(s)
                 will be obligated to acquire the capacity should the winning
                 contingent bidder be unable to satisfy the contingency
                 specified in its bid.

             (r) Whether the Releasing Shipper wants to specify a longer
                 bidding period for its Parcel than specified at Paragraph 


28.  CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.4     Marketing of Capacity Fee

             PGT may act as a facilitator between a Releasing Shipper and a
             Replacement Shipper(s) that wishes to contract for that Releasing
             Shipper's capacity.  All such Parcels must be posted on the EBB
             initially.  A posting of a Parcel facilitated by PGT will include
             both the Parcel by the Releasing Shipper and the bid by the
             Prearranged Shipper.  A marketing of capacity fee shall be
             negotiated between PGT and Releasing Shipper in a
             nondiscriminatory manner.  Such a fee will apply when:  a
             Releasing Shipper requests PGT to market released capacity, PGT
             actively markets such capacity beyond posting on the EBB, and such
             marketing results in capacity being released to a Replacement

    28.5     Posting of a Parcel

             The posting of a Parcel constitutes an offer to release the
             capacity provided a willing Replacement Shipper submits a valid
             bid consistent with PGT's Transportation General Terms and
             Conditions.  The posting must contain the information contained in
             Paragraph 28.3.  Any specific conditions posted by the Releasing
             Shipper must be operationally feasible, nondiscriminatory to other
             shippers, and in conformance with PGT's tariffs.  If the Parcel is
             being released as a secondary release, then any recall provisions
             included in the primary release which may affect the re-release of
             this capacity must be included in the terms and conditions of the
             secondary release.  Each Parcel will be reviewed by PGT prior to
             posting on the EBB for bidding.  The receipt of a valid release
             will be acknowledged by the issuance of a release confirmation to
             the Releasing Shipper's EBB mailbox by PGT.

             It is the Releasing Shipper's sole responsibility to provide
             release and Prearranged Shipper bid information in advance of the
             close of the Posting Period.


28.  CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.5     Posting of a Parcel (Continued)

             Releasing Shippers who elect to release capacity and select Option
             3 for the highest valued bid methodology and/or include, in their
             release, nondiscriminatory recall provisions and/or special terms
             and conditions are required to submit their request to release
             capacity by  12:00 p.m. Pacific Time at least two business days
             before the close of the Posting Period.  This is to ensure
             adequate time for PGT to review and validate that the Option 3
             criteria and/or any recall and special terms and conditions are
             not discriminatory.

             All Prearranged Shipper bids are subject to the Prearranged
             Shipper(s) meeting the preliminary qualifications as defined in
             Paragraph 28.6(a) for Replacement Shippers.

             A Parcel may be revised or withdrawn by the Releasing Shipper at
             any time prior to the close of the Posting Period.  A Parcel
             cannot be revised after the close of the Posting Period.  Parcels
             may be withdrawn subsequent to the close of the Posting Period and
             up until the close of the Bid Period only in situations where the
             Releasing Shipper has an unanticipated need for the capacity.  In
             such instances, Releasing Shipper shall notify PGT via the EBB of
             its need to withdraw the Parcel due to an unanticipated need for
             the capacity.  The withdrawal or revision of a Parcel will
             terminate all bids submitted for that Parcel to date.  Replacement
             Shippers will need to resubmit their bids for the Parcel if the
             Parcel is resubmitted for release.

28.  CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.6     Bidding for a Parcel

             (a) Preliminary Qualification

                 To bid for a Parcel, a Replacement Shipper must: pre-qualify
                 by submitting a completed request for authority to bid for a
                 Parcel, meet PGT's credit criteria, and execute an FTS-1
                 service agreement for capacity release as set forth in these
                 Transportation General Terms and Conditions.

                 Replacement Shippers may carry out these requirements through
                 the use of PGT's EBB.  Replacement Shippers are encouraged to
                 pre-qualify in advance of any postings on PGT's EBB as credit
                 requirements will take differing amounts of time to process
                 depending on the particular financial profile of Replacement
                 Shippers.  The pre-qualification process will authorize a
                 pre-set maximum monthly financial exposure level for the
                 Replacement Shipper.  Such exposure levels may be adjusted by
                 PGT periodically re-evaluating a Replacement Shipper's

                 Releasing Shippers may exercise their option to waive the
                 credit requirements for any Replacement Shipper wishing to bid
                 on a Parcel posted by that Releasing Shipper.  Such waiver
                 must be made on a nondiscriminatory basis.  PGT must be
                 informed of such waiver via the EBB before it will authorize
                 such Replacement Shipper's participation with respect to that
                 particular Parcel.  In this instance, no pre-set maximum
                 monthly financial exposure level is applicable.

                 Should a Releasing Shipper waive the credit requirements for a
                 Replacement Shipper, the Releasing Shipper shall be liable for
                 all charges incurred by the Replacement Shipper in the event
                 such Replacement Shipper defaults on payment to PGT for such
                 capacity release service.


28.  CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.6     Bidding for a Parcel (Continued)

             (a) Preliminary Qualification (Continued)

                 The execution of the FTS-1 service agreement for capacity
                 release is to be signed "electronically" by the Replacement
                 Shipper.  The Replacement Shipper shall execute the FTS-1
                 service agreement for capacity release (exhibits excluded)
                 through the use of an authorization code procedure on the EBB.

                 Upon notification by PGT of an award of a Parcel, PGT shall
                 complete Exhibit R with the particulars of the awarded Parcel
                 and Replacement Shipper shall execute, electronically, Exhibit
                 R to the FTS-1 service agreement for capacity release.

                 A hard copy of the FTS-1 service agreement for capacity
                 release, including Exhibit R (signed by hand by PGT and
                 Replacement Shipper), will follow subsequent to the awarding
                 of a Parcel.

                 A Replacement Shipper that subsequently obtains additional
                 Parcels is not required to execute an additional FTS-1 service
                 agreement for capacity release; rather, for each such
                 additional Parcel obtained, an additional Exhibit R
                 (designated sequentially "Exhibit R-2", "Exhibit R-3", etc.)
                 will be executed and amended to such Replacement Shipper's
                 FTS-1 service agreement for capacity release.

                 Once the Replacement Shipper has met PGT's preliminary
                 contractual and credit requirements, PGT will amend the
                 Replacement Shipper's authorization to add access to the
                 bidding and releasing portions of PGT's capacity release
                 program on its EBB.  This authorization, in combination with
                 the Replacement Shipper's password, which will be unique and
                 known only by the Replacement Shipper, will entitle the

28.  CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.6     Bidding for a Parcel (Continued)

             (a) Preliminary Qualification (Continued)

                 Replacement Shipper to submit a bid for a Parcel.  Once a
                 Replacement Shipper has acquired capacity, authority is
                 granted to the Replacement Shipper to release that capacity.

                 The execution of the FTS-1 service agreement for capacity
                 release and use of this authorization to submit a bid or to
                 release capacity will constitute an obligation on the part of
                 the Replacement Shipper to be bound by the terms and
                 conditions of PGT's capacity release program as set forth in
                 these Transportation General Terms and Conditions.

             (b) Submitting a Bid

                 All bids must be submitted through the use of PGT's EBB.  Such
                 bids shall be "open" for all participants to review.  The
                 particulars of all bids will be available for review but not
                 the identity of bidders.  PGT will post the identity of the
                 winning bidder(s) only.

                 A Replacement Shipper cannot request that its bid be "closed",
                 nor can a Releasing Shipper specify that "closed" bids be
                 submitted on its releases.   A Replacement Shipper may submit
                 only one bid per Parcel posted at any one point in time.  Bids
                 received after the close of the Bid Period shall be invalid.
                 The Replacement Shipper may bid for no more than the quantity
                 of the Parcel posted by the Releasing Shipper.  Simultaneous
                 bids for more than one Parcel are permitted.


28.  CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.6     Bidding for a Parcel (Continued)

             (b) Submitting a Bid (Continued)

                 A valid bid to contract for a Parcel must contain the
                 following information:

                 (1) Replacement Shipper's legal name, address, telephone and
                     fax numbers and the name and title of the individual
                     responsible for authorizing the bid.

                 (2) The identification of the Parcel bid on.

                 (3) Term of service requested.  The term of service must not
                     exceed the term included in the Parcel.

                 (4) Percentage of the applicable maximum rate, as identified
                     in the Parcel, that Replacement Shipper is willing to pay.
                     A Replacement Shipper may not bid below the minimum
                     applicable charge or rate nor above the maximum authorized
                     charge or rate for the Parcel.

                 (5) The quantity desired not to exceed the quantity contained
                     in the Parcel, expressed on a MMBtu/d delivered basis and
                     greater than the minimum quantity acceptable to
                     Replacement Shipper.

                 (6) Under Options 1 or 2 acceptance or rejection of all recall
                     provisions and special nondiscriminatory terms and
                     conditions of service associated with the release.
                     Rejection of any terms results in an invalid bid.

                 (7) Whether or not Replacement Shipper is an affiliate of the
                     Releasing Shipper.

                 (8) A statement as to whether or not Replacement Shipper is
                     affiliated with PGT.  


28.  CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.6     Bidding for a Parcel (Continued)

             (b) Submitting a Bid (Continued)

                 (9)   An affirmative statement that Replacement Shipper agrees
                       to be bound by the terms and conditions of Rate Schedule
                       FTS-1 and PGT's capacity release provisions in its 

                 (10)  Whether the bid is a contingent bid and the
                       contingencies which must be satisfied by the date
                       specified by the Releasing Shipper in its posting
                       of the Parcel.

             (c) Confirmation of Bids

                 The receipt of a valid bid by PGT will be acknowledged by the
                 issuance of a bid confirmation to the Replacement Shipper's
                 EBB mailbox by PGT.  It is the Replacement Shipper's sole
                 responsibility to verify the correctness of the submitted bid
                 and to take any corrective action necessary by resubmitting a
                 bid when notified of an invalid or incomplete bid by PGT via
                 the EBB.  This must be done before the close of the Bid

             (d) Withdrawn or Revision of Bids

                 A previously submitted bid may be withdrawn or revised and
                 resubmitted at any time prior to  the close of the Bid Period
                 with no obligation on the Replacement Shipper's part.
                 Resubmitted bids must be equal to or greater in value than the
                 initial bids.  Lower valued bids will be invalid.


28.  CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.7     Allocation of Parcels

             (a) Primary Allocation

                 Winning bids for Parcels shall be awarded based on one  of
                 the following three options to be selected by the
                 Releasing Shipper when posting a Parcel:

                 Option 1 - Price
                 Bids will be given priority based on the maximum rate bid as
                 represented by a Replacement Shipper's bid of the
                 percentage of:  the maximum authorized reservation charge
                 or a volumetric equivalent of the maximum reservation
                 charge applicable to the Parcel on a 100% load factor
                 basis.  Releasing Shippers using a volumetric rate and
                 wishing to accept reservation charge bids will be
                 considered an Option 3 criteria.  In this instance
                 Releasing Shipper must define the method for evaluating
                 such bids.  A bid queue will be maintained for each
                 individual Parcel.

                 Option 2 - Net Present Value

                 Bids will be given priority based on the net present value
                 per MMBtu for the term of the bid according to the following
                                                  (1 + i) -1
                             Present Value per unit = P * R *   _________
                                                                 i (1 + i)

                 where:       P = percent of the rate or charge that the 
                              Replacement Shipper is willing to pay.


28.  CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.7     Allocation of Parcels (Continued)

             (a) Primary Allocation (Continued)

                 R = Rate or charge calculated as:  The maximum authorized
                 reservation charge (or a volumetric equivalent of the maximum
                 reservation charge applicable to the Parcel on a 100% load
                 factor basis) in effect at the time of the bid for service
                 from the same receipt point to the same delivery point under
                 the Releasing Shipper's rate schedule.

                 i = FERC's annual interest rate divided by 12.

                 n = number of periods for which the bidder wishes to contract,
                 not to exceed the maximum periods to be released by the
                 Releasing Shipper.  For releases greater than or equal to one
                 month, the period is the number of months.  For releases less
                 than one month the period is the number of days.

                 A bid queue will be maintained for each individual Parcel.

                 Option 3 - Releasing Shipper's Criteria for Highest Valued Bids

                 Bids will be given priority based on the criteria established
                 by the Releasing Shipper for determining the highest valued
                 bids.  The criteria must be objectively stated, applicable to
                 all potential bidders, operationally and administratively
                 feasible as determined by PGT, nondiscriminatory, and in
                 conformance with PGT's tariff.  A bid queue will be maintained
                 for each individual Parcel.

                 If Releasing Shipper does not specify an option for
                 determining best bid, Option 2 will be the default option used.

                 Under all options, PGT will evaluate and rank all bids for


28.  CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.7     Allocation of Parcels (Continued)

             (b) Right of First Refusal

                 In the case of a Prearranged Shipper's bid for a Parcel with a
                 term equal to one month or greater, at a rate other than at
                 the highest valued bid, pursuant to the methodology specified
                 by the Releasing Shipper, if the bid submitted by a subsequent
                 Replacement Shipper exceeds the value of the Prearranged
                 Shipper's bid, the Prearranged Shipper will be allowed to
                 match the higher valued bid.  The Prearranged  Shipper will be
                 allowed  1 business day for releases up to two years and  5
                 business days for releases beyond two years from the close of
                 the Bid Reconciliation Period to match the higher valued bid,
                 otherwise,  the allocation will be awarded to subsequent
                 Replacement Shipper(s) in accordance with the primary and
                 secondary allocation mechanisms.

             (c) Secondary Allocation

                 To the extent there is more than one Replacement Shipper
                 submitting a winning bid, the Parcel shall be allocated  based
                 on one of the following tie-breaker methodologies to be
                 selected by the Releasing Shipper:  pro rata, lottery, order
                 of submission (first come/first serve), or by a method
                 designated by the Releasing Shipper.  Releasing Shipper's
                 method must be objectively stated, applicable to all bidders,
                 nondiscriminatory, administratively feasible as determined by
                 PGT and in accordance with PGT's tariffs.


28.  CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.7     Allocation of Parcels (Continued)

             (d) Confirmation of Allocation

                 Upon each completion of an allocation, the successful
                 Replacement Shipper(s) will be notified of the terms under
                 which they have contracted for the awarded Parcel.  The
                 notification will be provided in the form of a notice in the
                 Replacement Shipper's EBB mailbox.  The notice will include an
                 Exhibit R to the Replacement Shipper's Rate Schedule FTS-1
                 service agreement for capacity release which specifies the
                 pertinent terms of the Replacement Shipper's bid as well as
                 any additional terms specified by the Releasing Shipper.  The
                 Releasing Shipper will be notified of the terms under which
                 its Parcel has been awarded.  The notification will be
                 provided in the form of a notice in the Releasing Shipper's
                 EBB mailbox.  The notification will include an Exhibit C to
                 the Releasing Shipper's service agreement which specifies the
                 pertinent terms of the credit to be applied to the Releasing
                 Shipper as a result of the awarding of Parcel to the
                 Replacement Shipper(s).  In the case of multiple Replacement
                 Shippers and Parcels, an Exhibit C to the Releasing Shippers'
                 service agreement will be generated for each Parcel and
                 Replacement Shipper.  The Exhibit C's shall be numbered
                 sequentially as Exhibit C-1, C-2, etc.

             (e) Purging of Expired Bids

                 All unfulfilled bids, as well as any unfulfilled portions of
                 bids which receive a partial award, will become ineffective as
                 of the completion of bid reconciliation and the close of the
                 Bid Period.  Each unsuccessful Replacement Shipper which  has
                 bid shall receive a notice in its EBB mailbox indicating  the
                 ineffectiveness of the bid.

28. CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.7     Allocation of Parcels (Continued)

         (e) Purging of Expired Bids (Continued)

             Information regarding all bids for all Parcels shall be archived
             off-line before being purged from the system.

    28.8     Scheduling of Parcels, Bids and Notifications

         (a) Rapid Release - one month or less, not prearranged.

             Posting Period - up to 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the 3rd business
             day before the commencement of the Release Term.

             Bid Period - a period of 1 business day subsequent to the close of
             the Posting Period.  The Bid Period closes at 2:00 p.m. Pacific
             Time on the 2nd business day before the commencement of the
             Release Term.  Notification of the results of the bidding for
             Parcels will be posted at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the 2nd
             business day prior to the commencement of the Release Term.

         (b) Short-Term - three months or less, not prearranged.

             Posting Period - up to 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time 8 business days
             prior to the commencement of the Release Term.

             Bid Period - a period of 3 business days subsequent to the close
             of the Posting Period.  The Bid Period closes at 2:00 p.m.
             Pacific Time 5 business days prior to the commencement of the
             Release Term.

             Bid Reconciliation Period - a period of 3 business days subsequent
             to the close of the Bid Period.  The Bid Reconciliation Period
             closes at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time 2 business days prior to the
             commencement of the Release Term at which time notification of the
             results of the bidding for Parcels will be posted.


28. CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.8     Scheduling of Parcels, Bids and Notifications (Continued)

         (c) Medium-Term - over three months up to two years, not prearranged.

             Posting Period - up to  12:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the 17th
             business day before the commencement of the Release Term.

             Bid Period - a period of 10 business days subsequent to the close
             of the Posting Period.  The Bid Period closes at 2:00 p.m.
             Pacific Time on the  7th business day before the commencement of
             the Release Term.

             Bid Reconciliation Period - a period of 5 business days subsequent
             to the close of the Bid Period.  The Bid Reconciliation Period
             closes at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time  2 business days prior to the
             commencement of the Release Term, at which time notification of
             the results of the bidding for Parcels will be posted.

         (d) Long Term - two years or longer, not prearranged.

             Posting Period - up to  12:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the  30th
             business day before the commencement of the Release Term.

             Bid Period - a period of 20 business days subsequent to the close
             of the Posting Period.  The Bid Period closes at 2:00 p.m.
             Pacific Time on the  10th business day before the commencement of
             the Release Term.

             Bid Reconciliation Period - a period of 8 business days subsequent
             to the close of the Bid Period.  Notification of the results of
             the bidding for Parcels will be posted not later than 2:00 p.m.
             Pacific Time  2 business days prior to the commencement of the
             Release Term.


28. CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.8     Scheduling of Parcels, Bids and Notifications (Continued)

         (e) Prearranged Deal-A - less than one calendar month.

             Releasing Shipper must inform PGT via the EBB of the particulars
             of the prearranged deal by  12:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the 2nd
             business day before the commencement of the Release Term.

             Posting Period - PGT will post the particulars of the prearranged
             deal no later than  12:00 p.m. Pacific Time 2 business days after
             the commencement of the Release Term.

         (f) Prearranged Deal-B - equal to or greater than one month at the
             highest valued bid pursuant to the methodology selected by the
             Releasing Shipper.

             Posting Period - Releasing Shipper must submit the particulars of
             the prearranged deal to PGT for posting on the EBB no later than
             12:00 p.m. Pacific Time 2 business days before the commencement of
             the Release Term.

         (g) Prearranged Deal-C - one month up to two years.

             Posting Period - up to  12:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the  10th
             business day before the commencement of the Release Term.

             Bid Period - a period of 5 business days subsequent to the close
             of the Posting Period.  The Bid Period closes at 2:00 p.m.
             Pacific Time on the  5th business day before the commencement of
             the Release Term.

             Bid Reconciliation Period - a period of 2 business days subsequent
             to the close of the Bid Period.  The Bid Reconciliation Period
             closes at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the 3rd business day before
             the commencement of the Release Term.

28. CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.8     Scheduling of Parcels, Bids and Notifications (Continued)

         (g) Prearranged Deal-C - one month up to two years (Continued)

             Match Period - a period of 1 business day subsequent to the close
             of the Bid Reconciliation Period.  The Match Period closes at 2:00
             p.m. Pacific Time on the  2nd business day before the commencement
             of the Release Term.  At that time results of the bidding shall be
             posted no later than 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the 2nd business
             day before the commencement of the Release Term.

         (h) Prearranged Deal-D - two years or longer.

             Posting Period - up to  12:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the  30th
             business day before the commencement of the Release Term.

             Bid Period - a period of 20 business days subsequent to the close
             of the Posting Period.  The Bid Period closes at 2:00 p.m.
             Pacific Time on the  10th business day before the commencement of
             the Release Term.

             Bid Reconciliation Period - a period of 3 business days subsequent
             to the close of the Bid Period.  The Bid Reconciliation Period
             closes at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the 7th business day before
             the commencement of the Release Term.

             Match Period - a period of 5 business days subsequent to the close
             of the Bid Reconciliation Period.  The Match Period closes at 2:00
             p.m. Pacific Time on the  2nd business day before the commencement
             of the Release Term.  At that time the results of the bidding
             shall be posted no later than 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the 2nd
             business day before the commencement of  the Release Term.


28. CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.9     Crediting, Billing Adjustments and Refunds

         (a) Eligibility

             PGT shall provide revenue credits to any Releasing Shipper which
             releases capacity to a Replacement Shipper pursuant to the
             provisions of Paragraph 28.

         (b) Monthly Crediting Procedure

             Revenue credits for released capacity shall be credited monthly as
             an offset a Releasing Shipper's reservation charge (or the
             volumetric equivalent of the reservation charge on a 100%
             load-factor basis applicable to the Releasing Shipper.  This shall
             also be referred to in this Paragraph 28.9 as the equivalent
             volumetric rate) payable to PGT under the applicable rate schedule
             for the service that has been released.  PGT shall credit each
             month to the Releasing Shipper's account 100% of the revenues from
             the charges invoiced to the Replacement Shipper(s) for the
             reservation charge (or equivalent volumetric rate).

         (c) Billing Adjustments

             PGT shall apply the revenues received from Replacement Shippers
             first to the reservation charge (or equivalent volumetric rate)
             next to the GRI reservation surcharge, applicable Gas Supply
             Restructuring Surcharge, delivery rate, GRI and ACA charges and
             any applicable interest and penalties billed to the Replacement

             Should Replacement shipper default on payment to PGT of the
             reservation charge (or equivalent volumetric rate) PGT shall bill
             Releasing Shipper for such unpaid charges and apply interest to
             such adjustments in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 8
             of the Transportation General Terms and Conditions.


28. CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)

    28.9     Crediting, Billing Adjustments and Refunds (Continued)

         (d) Excess Revenue Credits

             Releasing Shipper is entitled to excess revenue credits resulting
             when the reservation charge (or equivalent volumetric rate)
             revenues actually received by PGT from the Replacement Shipper(s)
             exceed the reservation charge (or equivalent volumetric rate)
             revenues which would have been received by PGT from the Releasing
             Shipper if capacity was not released.

         (e) Refunds

             PGT shall track all changes in its rates approved by the
             Commission.  In the event the Commission orders refunds of any
             such rates charged by PGT and previously approved, PGT shall make
             corresponding refunds to all affected Shippers including Shippers
             receiving capacity release service.

             In such instances when rates to Replacement Shippers are reduced,
             PGT shall make corresponding adjustments to the crediting of
             revenues to Releasing Shippers for the period such refunds are


28. CAPACITY RELEASE (Continued)



    29.1  Firm Service

         (a) Addition of a Receipt Point

             Any firm Shipper receiving service under Part 284 of the
             Commission's regulations is entitled to use the receipt point
             specified in its service agreement as a primary receipt point.  A
             firm Shipper may add a secondary receipt point, provided the
             secondary receipt point is downstream of the primary receipt point
             at any time during the life of the contract.

             A firm Shipper may add secondary receipt points, provided the
             secondary receipt points are downstream of the primary receipt
             point, at any time during the life of the contract.  In this
             instance, firm Shippers who are billed under a reservation charge
             and a delivery rate will continue to be billed reservation charges
             based on the primary receipt point while delivery rates, including
             fuel, will be calculated on the receipt point actually used.
             Service at the secondary receipt point will be allocated pro rata
             to all firm Shippers using the point as a secondary receipt point
             after service is allocated to firm Shippers using the receipt
             point as a primary receipt point.

             To the extent additional meter station capacity or other
             facilities are required to effect the receipt point change, PGT
             will construct the additional capacity consistent with Paragraph

         (b) Changing a Receipt Point

             A firm Shipper may change primary receipt points to a downstream
             receipt point but will continue to be billed reservation charges
             based on the original primary receipt point.  Changes in receipt
             points will be permitted provided sufficient receipt point
             capacity exists at the receiving meter station and subject to any
             operating constraints.  To the extent additional meter station
             capacity or other facilities are required to effect the receipt
             point change, PGT will construct the additional capacity at the
             firm Shipper's expense consistent with Paragraph 21.13


    29.1  Firm Service (Continued)

         (c) Addition of a Delivery Point

             Each firm Shipper is entitled to an allocation of its MDQ to a
             delivery point(s) as its primary delivery point(s).

             A firm Shipper may add secondary delivery points provided the
             secondary delivery points are upstream of the primary delivery
             point, at any time during the life of the contract.  In this case,
             the firm Shipper will continue to be billed any applicable
             reservation charges based on the primary delivery point; however,
             delivery rates, including fuel, will be calculated based on the
             delivery point actually used.  Service at the secondary delivery
             point will be allocated pro rata to all firm Shippers using the
             point as a secondary delivery point after service is allocated to
             firm Shippers using the delivery point as a primary delivery

             A firm Shipper with primary deliveries allocated to a minor
             delivery point may add secondary delivery points to its contract
             provided that the addition of the secondary delivery point does
             not materially impact service to other firm Shippers.

             To the extent additional meter station and subject to any
             operating constraints capacity is required to effect the delivery
             point(s) change, PGT will construct the additional capacity
             consistent with Paragraph 21.13.



    29.1  Firm Service (Continued)

         (d) Changing a Delivery Point

             A firm Shipper may change primary delivery points, to a upstream
             delivery point but will continue to be billed reservation charges
             based on the original primary delivery point.  Changes in delivery
             points will be permitted provided sufficient delivery point
             capacity exists at the delivery meter station.  To the extent
             additional meter station and subject to any operating constraints
             capacity is required to effect the delivery point change, PGT will
             construct the additional capacity at the firm Shipper's expense
             consistent with Paragraph 21.13

             A firm Shipper with primary deliveries allocated to a minor
             delivery point may change primary delivery points in its contract
             provided that the change of primary delivery point does not
             materially impact service to other firm Shippers.

    29.2     Interruptible Service

         (a) Change of a Receipt/Delivery Point

             Interruptible Shippers will have the right to flexible receipt and
             delivery points, at a lower priority than firm or released

         (b) Addition of a Receipt Point

             Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, Shippers receiving
             service under any Part 284 interruptible transportation rate
             schedule may add any receipt point downstream of the primary
             receipt point on the PGT system at any time during the life of the
             contract with no effect on the Interruptible Shipper's previously
             granted interruptible transportation priority.  However, requests
             by an interruptible Shipper to increase its total MDQ and/or to
             add an upstream receipt point will be considered a new request for
             service and assigned an interruptible priority at the end of PGT's
             interruptible queue.


    29.2     Interruptible Service (Continued)

         (c) Addition of a Delivery Point

             An Interruptible Shipper may request interruptible service at
             additional delivery points at any time.  The request of an
             additional downstream delivery point, or a request to increase the
             delivery quantity at an existing delivery point, will be assigned
             an interruptible priority at the end of PGT's interruptible queue
             on a first-come first-served basis.



    30.1     Purpose

         This Paragraph 30 establishes the means by which PGT shall recover GSR
         Costs.  PGT will make one or more separate rate filings to recover GSR
         Costs pursuant to this Paragraph 30.

    30.2     Definitions

         The following defines certain terms as they are used in this Paragraph

         (a) "Gas Supply Restructuring Costs" shall mean amounts in cash or
             other consideration eligible for recovery under Order Nos. 500, et
             seq., or 528, et seq., or 636, et seq., or which are incurred to
             restructure, reform or terminate the existing International
             Contract between PGT and A&S and underlying A&S gas supply
             contracts, or to resolve claims by Canadian gas suppliers related
             to past or future liabilities or obligations of PGT or A&S under
             the International Contract and underlying A&S gas supply

         (b) "The Initial GSR Cost Collection Period" will consist of the three
             (3) years commencing with the effective date of the rate filing to
             recover GSR Costs.  An Initial GSR Cost Collection Period shall
             apply to each rate filing PGT makes to recover GSR Costs.

         (c) "Carryover GSR Cost Collection Period" will consist of the
             extension of the Initial GSR Collection Period in accordance with
             Paragraph 30.6 hereof to complete the full recovery (but no
             overrecovery) of PGT's GSR Costs.

         (d) "Approved GSR Costs" shall mean those GSR costs as defined in
             Paragraph 30.2(a) above, which are approved by FERC for recovery
             by PGT through the Transition Cost Recovery Mechanism as defined
             in this Paragraph 30.

         (e) "Northwest Shippers", for purposes of this paragraph, are defined
             as Washington Natural Gas Company, Cascade Natural Gas Company,
             Washington Water Power Company/WP Natural Gas and Northwest
             Natural Gas Company.
    30.3     Applicability of GSR Transition Costs
         GSR Transition Costs shall be applicable to all Shippers except those
         firm Shippers paying incremental rates on PGT which are also
         Supporting Parties to the FERC-approved settlement in Docket No.

    30.4     Recovery of Surcharge Amounts

         PGT shall recover from each Shipper meeting the applicability criteria
         defined in Paragraph 30.3 the affected Shipper's GSR Surcharge amounts
         and Direct Bill, if applicable, during the Initial GSR Cost Collection
         Period and shall continue to recover such amounts during any
         applicable Carryover GSR Cost Collection Period as necessary to
         complete the full recovery (but no overrecovery) of PGT's GSR Costs.

    30.5     Transition Cost Recovery Mechanism

         (a) Absorption -- PGT's shareholder shall absorb 25% of all Approved
             GSR Costs.

         (b) Direct Bill -- 25% of all Approved GSR Costs will be recovered by
             PGT through a Direct Bill.  A Direct Bill will be assessed to PG&E
             for 100% of the Direct Bill amount, excluding the amount to be
             collected from the Northwest Shippers and credited against the
             Direct Bill portion as defined in Paragraph 30.5(d).  PG&E may pay
             its Direct Bill in a lump sum, plus carrying charges on the
             principal amount accrued, in accordance with Paragraph 30.5(e)
             until the payment is made.  In lieu of paying the Direct Bill in a
             lump sum, PG&E may elect one of three payment schedules.  PG&E's
             Direct Bill amount and the monthly amount due under each extended
             payment option, which shall include carrying charges accrued on
             the unpaid balance in accordance with Paragraph 30.5(e), shall be
             specified in the Statement of Effective Rates and Charges of First
             Revised Volume No. 1-A.

         (c) GSR Transition Cost Surcharge -- 50% of all Approved GSR Costs
             will be recovered by PGT through a volumetric MMBtu-mile
             surcharge.  The GSR Transition Cost Surcharge shall include any
             applicable carrying charges accruing on the unrecovered balance.
             The GSR Transition Cost Surcharge shall be stated in the Statement
             of Effective Rates and Charges of PGT's FERC Gas Tariff First
             Revised Volume No. 1-A as the same may change from time to time,
             depending on PGT's GSR Costs.

    30.5     Transition Cost Recovery Mechanism (Continued)

         (d) Northwest Shippers' GSR Cost Responsibility -- All Northwest
             Shippers (excluding Washington Natural Gas Company) shall pay a
             Direct Bill and Washington Natural Gas shall pay a GSR transition
             cost surcharge (different from that provided in (c) above) for
             their share of GSR transition costs.  The Northwest Shippers'
             responsibility shall be equal to 1.3 percent of the Approved GSR
             costs that are not absorbed by PGT and in any event shall not
             exceed a total of $1,454,000.  Of this amount, one-third, up to
             $485,000, will be credited against the amount allocated to the
             Direct Bill as described in Paragraph 30.5(b), and two-thirds, up
             to $969,000, will be credited against the amount allocated to the
             GSR surcharge provided in Paragraph 30.5(c).  The amounts
             allocated to the Northwest Shippers as a group will be allocated
             among the individual Northwest Shippers based on the percentages
             shown below and will not exceed the applicable total amount for
             each Shipper.

                                                   Percentage      Amount
               Washington Natural Gas Company   55.02% up to  $  800,000
               Cascade Natural Gas Corporation  24.07% up to     350,000
               Washington Water Power Company/
               WP Natural Gas                   18.57% up to     270,000
               Northwest Natural Gas Company     2.34% up to      34,000

               Total Northwest Shippers        100.00%        $1,454,000

             Washington Water Power Company/WP Natural Gas (WWP), Cascade
             Natural Gas Corporation (CNG), and Northwest Natural Gas Company
             (NNG) will be billed and will pay immediately all amounts of the
             Approved GSR Costs allocated to them up to the total maximums
             noted above.  The total amount allocated to Washington Natural Gas
             Company (WNG) will be recovered through a volumetric surcharge
             over a three-year amortization period based on the approved
             commodity throughput for WNG.  Any amounts not recovered at the
             end of the 36-month amortization period will be due and payable in
             one lump sum.  Once the maximum GSR Costs applicable to Northwest
             Shipper(s), as such amounts may be adjusted pursuant to the
             application of rolled-in rates on the PGT system, have been
             collected then the GSR Cost tariff provisions will no longer apply
             to such Northwest Shipper(s).


    30.5     Transition Cost Recovery Mechanism (Continued)

         (e) Carrying Charges --  Carrying charges shall accrue beginning on
             the effective date of PGT's filing to recover GSR costs or the
             date PGT initiates payment for GSR costs, whichever is later.
             Carrying charges shall be calculated in accordance with Section
             154.67 of the Commission's regulations.

    30.6     Reconciliation

         (a) At the conclusion of the Initial GSR Cost Collection Period, PGT
             will determine its GSR Costs and the actual amounts of GSR
             Transition Cost Surcharge revenues.

         (b) If PGT's collections hereunder shall equal or exceed its GSR
             Costs, PGT shall file to terminate further collections hereunder.
             The amount of any excess collected shall be repaid to all Shippers
             affected hereby in proportion to the principal amount of GSR
             Transition Cost Surcharge payments they have provided pursuant to
             this Paragraph 30.  Within ninety (90) days of the termination of
             collections pursuant to this Paragraph 30, PGT will submit a
             report to the Commission setting out a comparison of its GSR costs
             and the amounts collected hereunder and any repayments to be
             provided hereunder.  Within thirty (30) days of the Commission's
             approval of such report, repayments, with applicable carrying
             charges, shall be paid.

         (c) If PGT's collections hereunder are less than its GSR Costs, PGT
             shall be permitted to recover such deficiency, including carrying
             charges, during the Carryover GSR Cost Collection Period by filing
             with the Commission GSR Transition Cost Surcharges within ninety
             (90) days of the conclusion of the Initial GSR Cost Collection
             Period.  The GSR Transition Cost Surcharge will be determined by
             dividing the remaining GSR costs by the applicable quantities
             underlying PGT's then-effective rates.  The GSR Transition Cost
             Surcharge shall be effective on the first day of the month
             following Commission approval of such filing.



    31.1     Purpose

         This Paragraph 31 establishes the disposition of PGT's FERC Account
         No. 191 as it exists on the day preceding the effectiveness of PGT's
         Compliance Filing in Docket No. RS92-46-000.

    31.2     Disposition of Account No. 191 Amounts

         Upon the effectiveness of PGT's Compliance Filing in Docket No.
         RS92-46, PGT shall be permitted to direct bill to Pacific Gas and
         Electric Company (PG&E):  (1) the total unrecovered amounts remaining
         in PGT's FERC Account No. 191; and (2) direct bill all prior period
         billing adjustments which PGT shall become obligated to pay, if such
         prior period adjustments arise from services provided or Gas purchased
         prior to the effectiveness of this Paragraph 31.  Upon the
         effectiveness of this Paragraph 31, the unrecovered Account No. 191
         Deferred Account Balance shall be adjusted to include a final
         reconciliation of amounts for exchange transactions and transportation
         imbalances recorded in Account No. 806.  If the balance of PGT's FERC
         Account No. 191 shall be a credit balance, or PGT later receives
         refunds from its suppliers for services provided prior to the
         effectiveness of this Paragraph 31, PGT shall refund such balance or
         refunds to PG&E.

    31.3     Amount of Direct Bills and Refund

         The amount of the Direct Bill and Refunds to PG&E shall consist of a
         prior Period Adjustment Component, as described in Paragraph 31.4
         hereof.  Each component shall reflect demand and commodity charges, as
         may be appropriate.

    31.4     Calculation of Prior Period Adjustment Component

         (a) The Prior Period Adjustment Component of PG&E's Direct Bill shall
             be computed by adding the commodity and demand portions of each
             prior period adjustment which has been charged or refunded to PGT,
             as the case may be and which have not been reflected in PGT's
             deferred account prior to application of this Paragraph 31.  The
             Prior Period Adjustment component shall be limited to a nine-
             month period which shall commence on the effective date of this


    31.4     Calculation of Prior Period Adjustment Component (Continued)

         (b) Carrying charges on all such amounts shall be calculated using the
             methods specified in Section 154.67 of the Commission's

    31.5     Nature of Obligations

         (a) The entire amount of PG&E's obligation to PGT as described in this
             Paragraph 31, including its subsections, shall be deemed to be due
             on the day prior to the date this Paragraph becomes effective.

         (b) PGT shall invoice PG&E for the Direct Bill component hereunder on
             or after the tenth day of the month following the effectiveness of
             this Paragraph 31.  The entire amount of PG&E's unrecovered
             Account No. 191 Direct Bill Amount shall be payable ten (10) days
             thereafter.  Should PG&E fail to pay any amount which shall become
             due hereunder interest thereon shall accrue at the rate computed
             using the factors specified in Section 154.67 of the Commission's
             regulations, until such time as the full amount due has been paid
             or collected.

         (c) PG&E shall have the option, in lieu of a lump sum payment of the
             total Direct Bill for its obligation for unrecovered Account No.
             191 amounts, of paying twelve (12) consecutive monthly payments
             equal to 1/12th of such amount.  Carrying charges on the total
             unrecovered Account No. 191 Direct Bill amount shall commence on
             the effective date of this Paragraph 31 and shall be calculated
             and included on each monthly invoice to the extent PG&E elects the
             twelve (12) month payment option.  Notwithstanding such election,
             PG&E may, at any time, pay the entire amount of its unpaid share
             of the unrecovered Account No. 191 Direct Bill amount to PGT, with
             no further obligation for carrying charges.



    31.5     Nature of Obligations (Continued)

         (d) The Prior Period Adjustment component shall be filed six (6) and
             twelve (12) months after the effective date of this Paragraph 31.
             Additional unrecovered Account No. 191 amounts will be direct
             billed in accordance with Paragraph 31.5(b), and refunds of
             Account No. 191 amounts will be paid by PGT to PG&E after approval
             of the Commission.  The filing made twelve (12) months after the
             effective date of this Paragraph 31 shall constitute PGT's final
             flowthrough of the Prior Period Adjustment component.

         (e) Carrying charges on unpaid unrecovered Account No. 191 Direct Bill
             amounts in the event PG&E elects to extend its payments in
             accordance with Paragraph 31.5(c) for the Prior Period component
             shall be calculated using the methods specified in Section 154.67
             of the Commission's regulations.

         (f) PGT will provide an accounting of the costs involved in the
             closeout of Account No. 191, and will provide any refund to PG&E
             within 60 days after the effective date of the tariff provisions
             submitted by PGT at Docket No. RS92-46-000 and, if necessary,
             subsequent adjustments will be refunded to or collected from PG&E
             within 60 days of these adjustments.


         PGT hereby states that the terms and conditions of service for all
    unbundled sales and transportation services provided in PGT's FERC Gas
    Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 and First Revised Volume No. 1-A, are
    provided on a basis that is equal in quality for all Shippers.  All
    Shippers can access all sellers of gas and receive the same quality of
    service on PGT whether their gas supplies are purchased from PGT or any
    other seller.  Furthermore, no preference is accorded to any affiliate of
    PGT for sales and transportation services provided by PGT.



         Firm Shippers (original capacity holders) under PGT's firm
    transportation rate schedules of First Revised Volume No. 1-A shall have
    the right of first refusal at the termination of their service agreements.
    Original capacity holders must notify PGT one year prior to termination of
    their intent to terminate the service agreement.

         One year prior to the expiration of the service agreement, PGT will
    post a notice on its EBB that the original capacity holder's service
    agreement will terminate in one year and the original capacity holder has
    either elected or not elected to terminate.

    33.1     In the event original capacity holder elects termination, PGT
             shall subject this capacity to a bidding process.  PGT shall
             require bids be submitted no later than 6 months prior to the
             service agreement expiration.  The bid period will be 2 months.
             PGT will announce the bid winner(s) 1 month after the close of the
             bid period.  Tied bids will be awarded on a pro rata basis.
             Winning Shipper(s) and PGT must execute a new firm transportation
             service agreement prior to service commencement.

    33.2     In the event original capacity holder does not elect termination,
             PGT will commence open bidding 6 months prior to the service
             agreement termination.  The bid period will be 1 month.  The
             original capacity holder will have 1 month from the close of the
             bid period to match the highest bid(s).  PGT will announce the
             winning bid(s) within 1 month after the close of the match period.
             If the original capacity holder matches the highest bid(s), the
             capacity is awarded to the original capacity holder.  If the
             original capacity holder does not match the highest bid(s), the
             original capacity holder's bid shall be rejected.  If there is
             more than one winning bid, PGT shall award capacity on a pro rata
             basis.  New Shippers must execute a firm transportation service
             agreement with PGT prior to service commencement.  Original
             capacity holder is allowed to retain a portion of its capacity by
             matching price and term according to the procedure outlined in
             this provision.



    33.3     Bids shall be evaluated on the net present value incorporating
             price and term.  The price shall be the rate Shippers are willing
             to pay up to the maximum authorized rate.  The maximum term is 20

    33.4     If there are no competing bids other than that of the original
             capacity holder, the rate and terms of continuing service is to be
             negotiated between existing capacity holder and PGT.  In addition,
             in this instance, if the existing capacity holder agrees to pay
             the maximum authorized rate, the existing capacity holder may
             determine the term it desires and PGT must extend its contract to
             the existing capacity holder accordingly.

    33.5     Shippers who terminate their service agreements are not liable for
             any reservation charges or other charges applicable to the new
             Shipper contracting for this capacity.

    33.6     Only bona fide bids will be accepted.  A bona fide bid offer shall
             be: (a) submitted via PGT's EBB; (b) accepted in principle; and
             (c) pursuant to an arms-length transaction.  If the Service
             Agreement is not executed within 30 days, the request for capacity
             shall expire without prejudice to the prospective Shipper's right
             to submit a new request for capacity.  PGT shall then notify the
             Shipper via the EBB of the acceptable offer, if any, having the
             next greatest economic value in accordance with the provisions of
             this Paragraph.  If there is no other acceptable offer, the
             Shipper may continue service in accordance with this Paragraph.



    34.1     General

         PGT shall use US GasNet as an interim step to full implementation of
         Order No. 636 on its Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB), "Pacific Trail".
         PGT shall post capacity for release beginning October 14, 1993.  On
         November 1, 1993, PGT will utilize "Pacific Trail" for capacity
         release.  PGT shall maintain an EBB which will provide a range of
         electronic pipeline services and information to all parties on a
         nondiscriminatory basis.  The EBB is available to any party that has
         compatible equipment for electronic communication and transmission of
         data.  Access to the EBB is obtained by contacting PGT's Gas Control
         Department at 1-800-238-2781  and requesting a user identification.
         The EBB will operate 24 hours a day; however, certain functions may be
         limited to specific operating times during the business day.  There is
         no charge to use the EBB.

         PGT shall exercise reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and
         security of information presented on the EBB.

    34.2  Menu of Services and Information

         PGT's EBB will provide the following main menu of services and

                 (a) Capacity Release
                 (b) Bulletins and Capacity Available
                 (c) Nominations
                 (d) Submit Request for Firm or Interruptible Service
                 (e) Interruptible Transportation Queue
                 (f) Tariffs and Rates
                 (g) Account Status of Shipper
                 (h) Marketing Affiliate Information
                 (i) Buy-Sell Transactions in California
                 (j) Offers to Purchase Capacity
                 (k) Procedures for Filing Complaints
                 (l) E-mail to Other Shippers/PGT System Administrator
                 (m) EBB Mailbox



         34.2  Menu of Services and Information (Continued)

                 (a)      Capacity Release

          The capacity release menu would allow the following options:

                          (1)     Review Available Released Parcels
                          (2)     Submit/Check Status of Request for Authority
                                  to\ Bid/Release Capacity
                          (3)     Post/Withdraw Capacity for Release
                          (4)     Submit/Withdraw Bid for Released Capacity
                          (5)     Review the Status of Shipper's Active Bids
                          (6)     Review the Status of Shipper's Active
                                  Released Parcels
                          (7)     Review Shipper's Authority to Bid for Released
                          (8)     Review Transaction Log of Previous Releases

                 (b)      Bulletins and Capacity Available

                          The bulletins and capacity available menu would allow
                          the following options:

                          Capacity Availability Information:

                          (1)     At Receipt Points
                          (2)     At Major Delivery Points
                          (3)     At Minor Delivery Points
                          (4)     Projected Capacity
                          (5)     PGT Maintenance Schedules
                          (6)     Whether the Capacity is Available From PGT or
                                  Through PGT's Capacity Release Program
                          (7)     Operational Bulletins
                          (8)     Regulatory Bulletins (including: (1) any
                                  assignment by PGT of any portion of its
                                  international contract if PG&E reduces its
                                  firm sales rights and (2) the posting of
                                  notices of conversion)

                 (c)      Nominations

                          (1)     Submit Nominations to PGT Gas Control
                          (2)     Review Confirmation
                          (3)     E-mail to Gas Control


         34.2    Menu of Services and Information (Continued)

                 (d)      Submit Request for Firm or Interruptible Service

                 (e)      Interruptible Transportation Queue

                 (f)      Tariffs and Rates

                          The tariffs and rates menu would allow the following

                          (1)     Transportation Rates
                          (2)     Transportation Rate Discounts (including
                                  negotiated ITS-1 rates)
                          (3)     First Revised Volum No. 1-A - Tariff
                          (4)     Second Revised Volume No. 1 - Tariff

                 (g)      Account Status of Shippers

                 (h)      Marketing Affiliate Information

     The marketing affiliate information would allow the following options:

                          (1)     Transportation request data
                          (2)     Receipt/delivery point data
                          (3)     Delivery point discount data

                 (i)      Buy-Sell Transactions in California

                          PGT will provide the following information:

                          (1)     Rate Schedule Under Which Buy/Sell
                                  Transaction Is Conducted 
                          (2)     Name of End User 
                          (3)     Maximum Daily Amount To Be Purchased and 
                          (4)     Receipt and Delivery Points 
                          (5)     Term of Service 
                          (6)     Other Terms and Conditions



         34.2    Menu of Services and Information (Continued)

                 (j)      Offers to Purchase Capacity

    PGT shall post the following information on offers to purchase capacity:

                          (1)     Legal Name of Offerer
                          (2)     Name, telephone Number, Fax Number, Address
                                  of Contact Person and Alternate Contact 
                          (3)     Firm or Interruptible Service Requested 
                          (4)     Amount of Capacity Sought 
                          (5)     Term Sought 
                          (6)     Other Information

                 (k)      Procedures for Filing Complaints

                          The Procedures for filing complaints menu offers the
                          following options:

                          (1)     Review Complaint Procedure
                          (2)     Enter a Complaint
                          (3)     Send E-Mail to PGT System Administrator

                 (l)      E-Mail to other Shippers/PGT Systems Administrator

                 (m)      EBB Mailbox



         34.3    Historical Information

                 PGT will back up daily transaction information on the EBB.
                 This historical information shall be kept for a three-year
                 period and may be archived off-line.  Information that may be
                 accessed includes Parcel information and bid information
                 associated with that Parcel, including the identity of the
                 winning bid and bidder.

                 PGT will provide access to historical data in one of the
                 following manners:

                 (a)      Direct access by parties via the EBB.  In such cases,
                          data may be viewed, down loaded to a computer or
                          printed by the party.

                 (b)      PGT may elect to archive historical data off-line.
                          Parties may access this data by sending a written or
                          an electronic mail request to the PGT Capacity
                          Release System Administrator requesting such
                          historical data.  PGT will make such information
                          available to Shippers.



    Interruptible Transportation Revenue Credits

         (a)     Applicability.  Revenue credits from interruptible
         transportation revenues received by PGT from Rate Schedule ITS-1
         Shippers shall be provided to PGT's firm Shippers under Rate Schedules
         FTS-1, T-1, T-2 and T-3 (Eligible Shippers), excluding Shippers
         receiving service under a Capacity Release Service Agreement.

         (b)     Crediting Percentage.  PGT shall credit to Eligible Shippers
         90 percent of interruptible transportation revenues received during
         each 12-month period, commencing November 1st of each year, but only
         to the extent that such transportation revenues exceed the amount of
         fixed costs which were allocated to interruptible transportation (Cost
         Allocation Amount) by PGT as part of designing PGT's effective
         transportation rates during such 12-month period.  Costs allocated to
         interruptible service include costs allocated to existing facilities
         per Docket No. RP90-109-000 and to expansion facilities per Docket No.
         CP89-460-000.  To the extent that PGT is required to provide
         interruptible transportation revenue credits during any period during
         which this Paragraph 35 shall be or shall have been in effect for less
         than 12 months, a "Short Period", PGT shall pro rate the Cost
         Allocation Amount by the number of days during such Short Period as
         compared to the total number of days in such 12 months.  To calculate
         the interruptible transportation revenue credit due under the
         provisions of this paragraph, where applicable, such pro rated Cost
         Allocation Amount shall be compared to PGT's actual interruptible
         revenues for the Short Period.

         (c)     Timing of Credits.  Within 45 days after November 1st of each
         12-month period or after the end of a Short Period, if applicable, PGT
         shall determine the total amount of the applicable Rate Schedule ITS-1
         revenues received during the 12-month period or Short Period and the
         distribution of the interruptible revenue credits due to Eligible
         Shippers as described below.  Such revenue credits shall be reflected
         as a credit billing adjustment in the next invoices rendered to the
         Eligible Shippers.  In the event that such credit billing adjustment
         would result in a credit total invoice to any Shipper, PGT will refund
         the excess credit billing adjustment to the Shipper in cash within 15
         days after determination of the amount of the credit due to the



    Interruptible Transportation Revenue Credits (Continued)

         (d)     Exclusion.  Revenue credits shall not be awarded for that
         portion of interruptible revenues that are attributable to:  (1)
         relate to the recovery by PGT of variable costs, which portion shall
         be equal to the minimum usage charge for Rate Schedule FTS-1, (2) the
         recovery of Gas Supply Restructuring (GSR) costs to be recovered by a
         GSR volumetric surcharge under Rate Schedule ITS-1, and (3) relate to
         other volumetric surcharges such as GRI and ACA.

         (e)     Distribution Method.  Interruptible transportation revenue
         credits shall be credited to each Eligible Shipper on a pro rata basis
         in proportion to the reservation revenues received during the 12-month
         period or Short Period from each Eligible Shipper divided by the total
         reservation revenue for each Eligible Shipper received during such
         period.  The reservation revenues shall include the reservation
         charges which the Eligible Shippers actually pay prior to the
         distribution of all revenue credits, and including reservation charges
         applicable to capacity which was released into PGT's Capacity Release
         Programs during the 12-month period year or Short Period by the
         Eligible Shipper.

         (f)     PGT shall pay interest to Eligible Shippers on any revenue
         credits from the date such credits accrue.  Such interest shall be
         calculated based upon the rate of interest specified in Section
         154.67(c) of the Commission's regulations.



    Firm capacity holders are permitted to permanently relinquish capacity up
    to 60 days after issuance of an order accepting this tariff sheet by the
    FERC approving PGT's compliance filing at Docket No. RS92-46-000 or the
    effective date of the filing, whichever is later.

    PGT shall permit such capacity relinquishment only if a qualified
    Replacement Shipper(s) is found willing to assume the capacity for at least
    the remaining contract term and agrees to pay the Reservation Charge,
    including surcharges, the Relinquishing Shipper is obligated to pay.

    PGT shall post a notice of relinquishment on the EBB for competitive
    bidding.  Bids must be for at least the minimum term of the remaining
    contract term but may not be for a term of more than the remaining contract
    term plus 20 years.  Bids will be evaluated on a net present value basis
    utilizing the formula defined in Paragraph 28.  Tie bids will be awarded on
    a pro-rata basis.
                          GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS


    The effective fuel and line loss percentages under Rate Schedules FTS-1 and
    ITS-1 shall be adjusted downward to reflect reductions and may be adjusted
    upward to reflect increases in fuel usage and line loss in accordance with
    this Section 37.

         37.1    Computation of Effective Fuel and Line Loss Percentage

           The effective fuel and line loss percentage shall be the sum of the
           current fuel and line loss percentage and the fuel and line loss
           surcharge percentage.

         37.2    The Current Fuel and Line Loss Percentage

           (a)   For each month, the current fuel and line loss percentage
                 shall be determined in accordance with Section 37.2(c) hereof.
                 The current fuel and line loss shall be effective from the
                 first day of such month and shall remain in effect for the

           (b)   The current fuel and line loss percentage to be applicable for
                 the month shall be posted on PGT's Electronic Bulletin Board
                 not less than seven (7) days prior to the beginning of the

           (c)   The current fuel and line loss percentage for the month shall
                 be determined on the basis of (1) the estimated quantities of
                 gas to be delivered by PGT for the account of Shippers during
                 such month and (ii) the projected quantities of gas that shall
                 be required for fuel and line loss during such month, adjusted
                 for overrecoveries or underrecoveries of fuel and line loss
                 during such month preceding the month in which the current
                 fuel and line loss percentage is posted; provided, that the
                 percentage shall not exceed the maximum current fuel and line
                 loss percentage and shall not be less than the minimum current
                 fuel and line loss percentage set forth on the Statement of
                 Effective Rates and Charges.

                          GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS

    PERCENTAGES (Continued)

         37.2    The Current Fuel and Line Loss Percentage (Continued)

           (d)   At least thirty (30) days prior to July 1 and January 1, PGT
                 shall file with the Commission schedules supporting the
                 current fuel and line loss percentages applicable during the
                 six (6) months ending April 30 and October 31, respectively.

         37.3    The Fuel and Line Loss Surcharge Percentage

           (a)   For each six (6) month period beginning July 1 and January 1,
                 the fuel and line loss surcharge percentage shall be
                 determined in accordance with Section 37.3(c) hereof.  The
                 fuel and line loss surcharge percentage shall become effective
                 on July 1 and January 1 and shall remain in effective for the
                 six (6) month period ending December 31 and June 30,

           (b)   At least thirty (30) days prior to each July 1 and January 1,
                 PGT shall file with the Commission and post, as defined by
                 Section 154.16 of the Commission's regulations, the fuel and
                 line loss surcharge percentage, together with supporting

           (c)   The fuel and line loss percentage shall be computed by (i)
                 determining PGT's actual fuel and line loss for the six (6)
                 month period ending April 30, if the effective date is July 1,
                 or October 31, if the effective date is July 1, or October 31,
                 if the effective date is January 1, (ii) subtracting the
                 actual quantities retained by PGT during such six (6) month
                 period, and (iii) dividing the result by the estimated
                 quantities of gas to be delivered by PGT for the account of
                 Shippers during the six month period beginning with the
                 effective date of the fuel and line loss surcharge percentage.
                 If the percentage so determined is 0.0001% or less, the fuel
                 and line loss surcharge percentage shall be deemed to be zero.

Graphic Appendix List to Exhibit 10.4 of the Form 10-K


The substantive information conveyed by the Rapid Capacity Release (equal to or
less than one month) Time-line graph (appearing in Paragraph 28) is described
in the body of the electronic document in Paragraphs 28.2 and 28.8 as permitted
by Item 304 of Regulation S-T.

The substantive information conveyed by the Short Term Capacity Release (three
months or less) Time-line graph (appearing in Paragraph 28) is described in the
body of the electronic document in Paragraphs 28.2 and 28.8 as permitted by
Item 304 of Regulation S-T.

The substantive information conveyed by the Medium Term Capacity Release (over
three months up to two years) Time-line graph (appearing in Paragraph 28) is
described in the body of the electronic document in Paragraphs 28.2 and 28.8 as
permitted by Item 304 of Regulation S-T.

The substantive information conveyed by the Long Term Capacity Release (two
years or longer) Time-line graph (appearing in Paragraph 28) is described in
the body of the electronic document in Paragraphs 28.2 and 28.8 as permitted by
Item 304 of Regulation S-T.

The substantive information conveyed by the Capacity Release for Pre-Arranged
Deal-A (less than one calendar month) Time-line graph (appearing in Paragraph
28) is described in the body of the electronic document in Paragraphs 28.2 and
28.8 as permitted by Item 304 of Regulation S-T.

The substantive information conveyed by the Capacity Release for Pre-Arranged
Deal-B (equal to or greater than one month at highest value bid) Time-line
graph (appearing in Paragraph 28) is described in the body of the electronic
document in Paragraphs 28.2 and 28.8 as permitted by Item 304 of Regulation

The substantive information conveyed by the Capacity Release for Pre-Arranged
Deal-C (one month up to two years) Time-line graph (appearing in Paragraph 28)
is described in the body of the electronic document in Paragraphs 28.2 and 28.8
as permitted by Item 304 of Regulation S-T.

The substantive information conveyed by the Capacity Release for Pre-Arranged
Deal-D (two years or longer) Time-line graph (appearing in Paragraph 28) is
described in the body of the electronic document in Paragraphs 28.2 and 28.8 as
permitted by Item 304 of Regulation S-T.