Amended and Restated Effective January 1, 1994

December 6, 1994



                                Table of Contents



Article 1 - Definitions........................................................................................1
       1.1     Accrual Computation Period......................................................................2
       1.2     Accrued Benefit.................................................................................2

       1.3     Accrued Benefit Attributable to the Old Plan Account............................................2
       1.4     Accrued Benefit Attributable to Company Contributions...........................................2
       1.5     Actuarial Equivalent............................................................................2
       1.6     Affiliate or Subsidiary.........................................................................2
       1.7     Authorized Period of Absence....................................................................2
       1.8     Beneficiary.....................................................................................3
       1.9     Break in Service................................................................................3
       1.10    Code............................................................................................3
       1.11    Committee or Retirement Committee...............................................................3
       1.12    Company.........................................................................................3
       1.13    Controlled Group................................................................................3
       1.14    Covered Compensation............................................................................3
       1.15    Credited Service................................................................................4
       1.16    Earnings........................................................................................5
       1.17    Eligible Employee...............................................................................6
       1.18    Eligible Spouse.................................................................................6
       1.19    Eligibility Computation Period..................................................................6
       1.20    Employee........................................................................................6
       1.21    Employment Date.................................................................................6
       1.22    ERISA...........................................................................................6
       1.23    Final Average Earnings..........................................................................6
       1.24    Hour of Service.................................................................................7
       1.25    Investment Manager..............................................................................8
       1.26    Military Service................................................................................9
       1.27    Nonvested Former Participant....................................................................9
       1.28    Old Plan Account................................................................................9
       1.29    Participant.....................................................................................9
       1.30    Participation Date.............................................................................10
       1.31    Plan...........................................................................................10
       1.32    Plan Administrator.............................................................................10
       1.33    Plan Year......................................................................................10
       1.34    Retirement Date................................................................................10
       1.35    Social Security Taxable Wage Base..............................................................10
       1.36    Termination of Employment......................................................................10
       1.37    Trust Agreement................................................................................10
       1.39    Trustee........................................................................................10
       1.40    Vesting Computation Period.....................................................................10
       1.41    Year of Service................................................................................10


Article 2 - Participation.....................................................................................12
       2.1     Participation Date.............................................................................12
       2.2     Reinstatement of Active Participation..........................................................12

Article 3 - Retirement Date...................................................................................13
       3.1     Normal Retirement Date.........................................................................13
       3.2     Early Retirement Date..........................................................................13
       3.3     Late Retirement Date...........................................................................13
       3.4     Disability Retirement Date.....................................................................14

Article 4 - Amount of Accrued Benefit.........................................................................15
       4.1     Accrued Benefit................................................................................15
       4.2     Accrued Benefit Attributable to the Old Plan Account...........................................16
       4.3     Accrued Benefit Attributable to Company Contributions..........................................16
       4.4     Old Plan Account...............................................................................16

Article 5 - Amount of Retirement Income.......................................................................17
       5.1     Monthly Retirement Income......................................................................17
       5.2     Normal Retirement Income.......................................................................17
       5.3     Early Retirement Income........................................................................17
       5.4     Late Retirement Income.........................................................................17
       5.5     Disability Retirement Income...................................................................18
       5.6     Application for Retirement Income..............................................................18
       5.7     Forms of Retirement Income.....................................................................19
       5.8     Reemployment After Retirement..................................................................20
       5.9     Commencement of Benefits.......................................................................20

Article 6 - Termination and Vesting...........................................................................23
       6.1     Vesting........................................................................................23
       6.2     Termination Benefit............................................................................23
       6.3     Reemployment After Termination of Employment...................................................24

Article 7 - Disability Benefits...............................................................................25
       7.1     Determination of Disability....................................................................25
       7.2     Eligibility for Disability Benefits...........................................................25
       7.3     Disability Retirement Date.....................................................................25
       7.4     Disability Retirement Income...................................................................25

Article 8 - Death Benefits....................................................................................27
       8.1     Pre - Retirement Death Benefit.................................................................27
       8.2     Post - Retirement Death Benefit................................................................28
       8.3     Return of Old Plan Account.....................................................................29

Article 9 - Financing The Plan................................................................................30
       9.1     Company Contributions..........................................................................30
       9.2     Return of Company Contributions................................................................30
       9.3     Employee Contributions.........................................................................30

Article 10 - Termination of the Plan..........................................................................31
      10.1     Termination of Plan............................................................................31
      10.2     Procedures Upon Termination of Plan............................................................31


Article 11 - Top-Heavy Provisions.............................................................................32
      11.1     Top Heavy Plan.................................................................................32
      11.2     Definition of Terms............................................................................32
      11.3     Modification of Vesting Schedule...............................................................34
      11.4     Minimum Benefit................................................................................35
      11.5     Modification of Maximum Benefit................................................................35

Article 12 - Administration of the Plan.......................................................................36
      12.1     Administration.................................................................................36
      12.2     Records........................................................................................37
      12.3     Payment of Expenses............................................................................37
      12.4     Delegation of Authority........................................................................37
      12.5     Information Available..........................................................................37
      12.6     Claims Procedure...............................................................................38
      12.7     Fiduciary Capacity.............................................................................38
      12.8     Committee Liability............................................................................38

Article 13 - General Provisions...............................................................................39
      13.1     Amendment of Plan..............................................................................39
      13.2     Employment Status..............................................................................39
      13.3     Mergers or Consolidations......................................................................40
      13.4     Provision Against Anticipation.................................................................40
      13.5     Facility of Payment............................................................................40
      13.6     Construction...................................................................................40
      13.7     Legal Actions..................................................................................41
      13.8     Payment of Small Benefits......................................................................41
      13.9     Maximum Retirement Benefit.....................................................................42

      13.10    Additional Benefit Limits for Highly Compensated Employees.....................................45
      13.11    Eligible Rollover Distribution.................................................................48
      13.12    Procedures with Respect to Domestic Relations

Appendix I     ...............................................................................................52

Appendix II ..................................................................................................53

Appendix III .................................................................................................54


The Zions Bancorporation Pension Plan became effective on January 1, 1968. The
Plan has been amended and restated from time to time. This document amends and
restates the Plan, effective January 1, 1994, except where another effective
date is specifically provided.

Except as specifically provided in the Plan, the rights and benefits of any
Participant who terminates or retires prior to the effective date of this
restatement or any other amendment to the Plan will be determined pursuant to
the provisions of the Plan in effect on the earlier of his or her date of
retirement or termination.

The Plan and Trust thereunder are created and maintained for the primary purpose
of providing retirement benefits for eligible employees of Zions Bancorporation
and its affiliates. It is intended that the Plan and Trust qualify under 
Sections 401(a) and 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, 
and that they meet the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security 
Act of 1974, as amended.



1.1      Accrual Computation Period means a Plan Year.

1.2      Accrued Benefit means the monthly amount of benefit credited to a
         Participant in accordance with Article on the basis of an annuity
         payable for life beginning at age 65.

1.3      Accrued Benefit Attributable to the Old Plan Account is defined in 4.2 
         and 5.3.
1.4      Accrued Benefit Attributable to Company Contributions is defined in

1.5      Actuarial Equivalent means equality in value of the aggregate amounts
         expected to be received under different forms of payment based on
         Tables attached hereto as Appendices. Except as otherwise provided in
         this Plan, the 1984 Unisex Pension Mortality Table and a 6% interest
         assumption will be used for all other calculations of actuarial

1.6      Affiliate or Subsidiary means a member of a controlled group of
         corporations (as defined in Code Section 1563(a), determined without
         regard to Code Sections 1563(a)(4) and (e)(3)(C)), a group of trades or
         businesses (whether incorporated or not) which are under common control
         within the meaning of Code Section 414(c), or an affiliated service
         group (as defined in Code Sections 414(m) or 414(o)) of which Zions
         Bancorporation is a part. With respect to the Maximum Retirement
         Benefit defined in 13.9, in determining whether a corporation is a
         member of a controlled group of corporations the phrase "more than 50
         percent" will be substituted for the phrase "at least 80 percent" each
         place it appears in Code Section 1563(a)(1).

1.7      Authorized Period of Absence means an absence authorized by the Company
         for one or more of the following reasons:

         (a)      Approved leave of absence.

         (b)      Pregnancy.

         (c)      Jury duty.

         (d)      Military Service as defined in 1.26.

         (e)      Illness or injury, including disability.


         Any discretion of the Company under the provisions of this definition
         will be exercised without discrimination and in accordance with
         definitely established rules uniformly applicable to Employees or
         Participants whose approved periods of absence were occasioned by
         similar circumstances.

1.8      Beneficiary means the person or persons designated by a Participant to
         receive any benefit payable from the Plan under 8.3 upon the death of
         the Participant.

         If no Beneficiary designation is filed with the Committee or if the
         designated Beneficiary does not survive the Participant, the
         Participant will be deemed to have designated the following as
         Beneficiaries with priority in the order named:

         (a)      Surviving spouse,
         (b)      The Participant's estate.

1.9      Break in Service means an interruption in service due to a person's
         failure to complete at least 501 Hours of Service during a Vesting
         Computation Period or during an Eligibility Computation Period. A Break
         in Service will not occur during an Authorized Period of Absence unless
         the Employee fails to return to work for at least 30 days with the
         Company or any member of the Controlled Group after the expiration of
         the Authorized Period of Absence.

1.10     Code means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

1.11     Committee or Retirement Committee means the Committee which will
         administer the plan as described in Article 12.

1.12     Company means Zions Bancorporation and any Affiliate or Subsidiary
         which adopts this Plan with the consent of the Board of Directors of
         Zions Bancorporation.

1.13     Controlled Group means Zions Bancorporation and any Affiliate or
         Subsidiary. All employees of the Controlled Group will be treated as
         employed by a single employer for purposes of applying the provisions
         of qualification of the Plan; of minimum participation standards of the
         Plan; of minimum vesting standards of the Plan; and of limitation of
         benefits under the Plan.

1.14     Covered Compensation for a Plan Year means the average of the Social
         Security Taxable Wage Bases for each year in the 35-year period ending
         with the last day of the year in which the Participant attains (or will
         attain) Social Security Retirement Age as determined under the exact
         tables provided by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Covered
         Compensation for any Plan Year after 1991 will be equal to 1991 Covered


         For purposes of this, a Participant's Social Security Retirement Age
         is determined based on the following table:


                                                                Social Security
          Year of Birth                                         Retirement Age
          -------------                                         ---------------
          Before 1938                                                 65
          1938 to 1954                                                66
          1955 and after                                              67

1.15     Credited Service means service used to determine a Participant's 
         Accrued Benefit and is determined as follows:

         (a)  Credited Service shall be measured in calendar years and months.
              Each month shall be equal to one-twelfth of a year of Credited
              Service. Except as otherwise stated in this 1.15, Credited Service
              for Plan Years beginning after December 31, 1988 means the sum of
              an Employee's calendar years and months (or parts thereof) as an
              Eligible Employee during the period beginning on his or her
              Benefit Service Date. For purposes of this section, Benefit
              Service Date means the later of:

         (1)      the Participant's Employment Date,

         (2)      the first day of the month following the Participant's 21st 
                  birthday, or

         (3)      in the case of an Employee who is not credited with at
                  least 1,000 Hours of Service in his or her first Eligibility
                  Computation Period, the first day of the first Plan Year in
                  which the Employee is credited with at least 1,000 Hours of

         (b)  No Credited Service will be earned during a Plan Year beginning
              after December 31, 1988 unless the Employee completes at least
              1,000 Hours of Service during that Plan Year except as follows. In
              order to earn Credited Service during the Plan Year in which the
              Employee has a Benefit Service Date or during the Plan Year in
              which the Employee retires or dies, the Employee must complete
              83.33 Hours of Service multiplied by the number of calendar months
              during such Plan Year in which the Employee completes at least one
              Hour of Service. Effective January 1, 1995, the foregoing sentence
              shall also apply to a Plan Year in which the Employee incurs a
              Termination of Employment.

         (c)  Except as otherwise stated in this 1.15, Credited Service for Plan
              Years beginning before January 1, 1989 means benefit service as
              defined under the terms of the Plan in effect on December 31,


         (d)  Credited Service will not include service earned during a period
              for which Years of Service are disregarded pursuant to 1.41(e).

         (e)  In the case of an Employee who is employed by an Affiliate or
              Subsidiary which either adopts this Plan with the consent of the
              Company or merges with the Company, Credited Service will not
              include service prior to the date of merger or adoption unless an
              earlier date is specifically designated for this purpose by the
              Board of Directors of Zions Bancorporation.

1.16     Earnings means a Participant's wages from the Company within the
         meaning of Code Section 3401(a), and all other payments of compensation
         to the Participant by the Company (in the course of the Company's trade
         or business), for which the Company is required to furnish a written
         statement to the Participant under Code Sections 6041(d) and 6051(a)(3)
         (IRS Form W-2 - wages, tips and other compensation). Earnings will also
         include elective contributions made by the Company on behalf of its
         Participants which are not includible in gross income under Code
         Sections 125, 402(e)(3), 402(h) or 403(b). Earnings will be reduced by
         reimbursements or other expense allowances, fringe benefits (cash and
         non-cash), moving expenses, deferred compensation (other than elective
         contributions described above), and welfare benefits. Earnings will
         also be reduced by directors fees, if any, paid to Highly Compensated
         Employees as defined in 13.10.

         Except as provided in 4.1(c), earnings will not exceed $200,000 for
         years prior to 1990. Each January 1 thereafter, this $200,000 limit
         will automatically be adjusted to the new dollar limit prescribed by
         the Secretary of the Treasury for that calendar year.

         Except as provided in 4.1(a) and (b), effective January 1, 1994, annual
         Earnings will not exceed $150,000 for 1994 or prior years. On January 1
         of each calendar year in which the Secretary of the Treasury prescribes
         a new dollar limit, this $150,000 limit will automatically be adjusted
         to that new limit. If a period over which Earnings is determined under
         the Plan (determination period) is less than 12 months, the $200,000
         and the $150,000 limitations for that period will be multiplied by a
         fraction, the numerator of which is the number of months in the
         determination period, and the denominator of which is 12. For this
         purpose, a determination period will not be considered to be less than
         12 months merely because a Participant is an Active Participant for
         less than a full Plan Year except that Earnings will be determined for
         the full Plan Year.

         In determining the compensation of a Participant for purposes of the
         $200,000 and the $150,000 limitations, the rules


         of Code Section 414(q)(6) will apply, except that in applying such
         rules, the term "family" will include only the spouse of the
         Participant and any lineal descendants of the Participant who have not
         attained age 19 before the close of the year.

1.17     Eligible Employee means any Employee of the Company except an Employee
         represented by a collective bargaining agent unless the terms of the
         collective bargaining agreement covering such Employee specifically
         provide for coverage under the Plan. The term "Eligible Employee" does
         not include a leased employee as defined in Code Section 414(n). This
         section is effective January 1, 1988.

1.18     Eligible Spouse means the legal spouse of the Participant at the time
         of the Participant's death except that a former spouse may be treated
         as an Eligible Spouse to the extent provided in a qualified domestic
         relations order as defined in Code Section 414(p).

1.19     Eligibility Computation Period means a 12-consecutive-month period
         beginning on an Employee's Employment Date. However, if such Employee
         fails to complete at least 1,000 Hours of Service during his or her
         initial 12-consecutive-month period, the Eligibility Computation Period
         becomes the Plan Year commencing with the Plan Year in which such
         initial period ends.

1.20     Employee means any person who is employed by any member of the
         Controlled Group.

1.21     Employment Date means the date on which an Employee first performs an 
         Hour of Service for any member of the Controlled Group.

1.22     ERISA means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as 

1.23     Final Average Earnings means the average of the Participant's Earnings
         as an Eligible Employee for the period of five consecutive calendar
         years ending on or before December 31, 1991 which produces the highest
         average. If the Participant has not been an Eligible Employee for five
         years, Final Average Earnings means the average of the Participant's
         Earnings over the Participant's full period of employment as an
         Eligible Employee before December 31, 1991.

         In determining Final Average Earnings, Plan Years after 1988 during
         which the Participant earns fewer than 1,000 Hours of Service will be
         disregarded and will not interrupt the consecutiveness of the prior and
         subsequent Plan Years.


         In determining Final Average Earnings, Earnings will be annualized in
         the Plan Year of hire if the employee earned 1,000 Hours of Service
         during the one-year period beginning on the Employee's Employment Date.
         Earnings are annualized by dividing actual earnings for the Plan Year
         (excluding bonuses) by the number of months of actual earnings, then
         multiplying the result by 12 then adding bonuses.

1.24     Hour of Service, effective January 1, 1989, means:

         (a)  each hour for which an Employee is paid, or entitled to payment,
              for the performance of duties for the Company;

         (b)  each hour for which an Employee is paid, or entitled to payment,
              by the Company on account of a period of time during which no
              duties are performed (whether or not the employment relationship
              has terminated) due to vacation, holiday, illness, incapacity
              (including disability), layoff, jury duty, military duty or leave
              of absence; provided, however, that an Employee will not be
              credited with more than 501 Hours of Service under this sentence
              for any continuous period during which he or she performs no
              duties for the Company. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions
              of this paragraph, no credit will be given:

              (1) for an Hour of Service for which the individual is directly or
                  indirectly paid, or entitled to payment, on account of a
                  period during which no duties are performed if such payment is
                  made or due under a plan maintained solely for the purpose of
                  complying with applicable workers' compensation, unemployment
                  compensation or disability insurance laws; or

              (2) for an Hour of Service for which a payment is made which
                  solely reimburses the individual for medical or medically
                  related expenses incurred;

         (c)  each hour not otherwise credited under the Plan for which back
              pay, irrespective of mitigation of damages, is either awarded or
              agreed to by the Company.

         (d)  Hours of Service will be credited for employment with other
              members of an affiliated service group, a controlled group of
              corporations, or a group of trades or businesses under common
              control of which the Company is a member.

         (e)  Hours of Service will also be credited for any individual
              considered an employee under Code Section 414(n).


         (f)  Solely for purposes of determining whether a Break in Service has
              occurred, an individual who is absent from work will receive
              credit for the Hours of Service which would have been credited to
              the individual but for such absence if the absence is (1) because
              of the pregnancy of the individual, (2) because of the birth of a
              child of the individual, (3) because of the placement of a child
              with the individual in connection with the adoption of such child
              by such individual, (4) for purposes of caring for such child for
              a period beginning immediately following such birth or placement,
              or (5) for family or medical leave required to be provided under
              the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Where such hours cannot
              be determined, eight Hours of Service per day of such absence will
              be used. The Hours of Service credited under this paragraph will
              be credited in the computation period in which the absence begins
              if the crediting is necessary to prevent a Break in Service in
              that period. In all other cases, such hours will be credited in
              the following computation period.

         (g)  The foregoing notwithstanding, Participants whose pay is solely on
              a commission basis will be credited with Hours of Service as

              (1) If the Participant's Earnings for a Plan Year are at least 750
                  multiplied by the lowest hourly rate of compensation payable
                  to employees in the same job classification as the
                  Participant, then the Participant will be credited with 1,000
                  Hours of Service for that Plan Year.

              (2) If the Participant's Earnings for a Plan Year are less than
                  750 multiplied by the lowest hourly rate of compensation
                  payable to employees in the same job classification as the
                  Participant, then the Participant will not be credited with
                  any Hours of Service for that Plan Year.

         (h)  The crediting of Hours of Service under this Plan will be applied
              under the rules of paragraphs (b) and (c) of the Department of
              Labor Regulation 2530.200b-2 and clause (f)(3)(ii) of the
              Department of Labor Regulation 2530.200b-3 which, by this
              reference, are specifically incorporated in full within this Plan.

1.25     Investment Manager means any fiduciary (other than a trustee, the 
         Company or the Committee):

         (a)  which has the power to manage, acquire, or dispose of any assets
              of the Plan; and


         (b)  which (1) is registered as an investment adviser under the
              Investment Advisers Act of 1940, or (2) is a bank, as defined in
              that Act, or (3) is an insurance company qualified to perform
              services described in item (a) above under the laws of more than
              one state; and

         (c)  which has acknowledged in writing that it is a fiduciary with
              respect to the Plan.

1.26     Military Service means the period of time during which a person is
         absent from active work for the Company or any member of the Controlled
         Group serving as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States in
         time of war or other emergency or under the laws of conscription in
         time of peace. Military Service includes time when such person has a
         right to reemployment at his or her former position or a substantially
         similar position upon separation from such Military Service, and such
         period of time, not exceeding 90 days, immediately following such
         Military Service as such person remains absent from active work for the
         Company or any member of the Controlled Group.

1.27     Nonvested Former Participant means a prior Participant who has incurred
         a Termination of Employment and who does not have a vested interest in
         accordance with 6.1.

1.28     Old Plan Account is defined in 4.4.

1.29     Participant means an Active Participant, Inactive Participant, 
         Terminated Vested Participant, Disabled Participant, or Retired 
         Participant, as defined below:

         (a)  "Active Participant" means an Eligible Employee who has met the
              requirements for participation described in Article 2.

         (b)  "Inactive Participant" means a prior Active Participant who is on
              an Authorized Period of Absence, or who is employed by a member of
              the Controlled Group other than the Company, or who is employed by
              the Company but is not an Eligible Employee.

         (c)  "Terminated Vested Participant" means a prior Eligible Employee
              who has incurred a Termination of Employment, who retains a vested
              interest in accordance with 6.1, and who is not currently
              receiving benefit payments under the Plan.

         (d)  "Disabled Participant" means a prior Active Participant who has a
              total and permanent disability as determined under Article 7.


         (e)  "Retired Participant" means a prior Eligible Employee who is
              receiving benefit payments under the Plan.

1.30     Participation Date is defined in 2.1.

1.31     Plan means the Zions Bancorporation Pension Plan.

1.32     Plan Administrator means the Committee which will administer the plan 
         as described in Article 12.

1.33     Plan Year means a calendar year.

1.34     Retirement Date means the date a Participant's monthly retirement 
         benefits begin in accordance with Article 3.

1.35     Social Security Taxable Wage Base means the contribution and benefit 
         base in effect under Section 230 of the Social Security Act for the 
         specified calendar year.

1.36     Termination of Employment means cessation of employment with the 
         Company or any member of the Controlled Group due to:

         (a)  voluntary or involuntary termination or separation of employment,

         (b)  failure to return to work for at least 30 days upon the expiration
              of any Authorized Period of Absence from the Company or any member
              of the Controlled Group, in which event cessation of active work
              will be deemed to have occurred at the time such Authorized Period
              of Absence expired. Transfer of employment, without interruption,
              between members of the Controlled Group will not be deemed a
              Termination of Employment.

1.37     Trust Agreement means the agreement between the Company and the 

1.38     Trust Fund means all money or property held by the Trustee pursuant
         to the Trust Agreement.

1.39     Trustee means the trustee appointed by the Board of Directors of the
         Company and named as such in the Trust Agreement.

1.40     Vesting Computation Period means a calendar year.

1.41     Year of Service means a Vesting Computation Period after December 31,
         1988 during which an Employee completes 1,000 or more Hours of Service 
         except as follows:


         (a)  For Plan Years beginning after December 31, 1994, an Employee
              shall be credited with a partial Year of Service (measured in
              calendar months) in a Plan Year in which the Employee completes
              less than 1,000 Hours of Service but in which the Employee has a
              Benefit Service Date or in which the Employee retires, dies, or
              incurs a Termination of Employment if the Employee completes 83.33
              Hours of Service multiplied by the number of calendar months
              during such Plan Year in which the Employee completes at least one
              Hour of Service. The Employee will be credited with months of
              Service equal to the number of calendar months during the Plan
              Year in which the Employee completes at least one Hour of Service.
              Twelve months of Service shall equal a Year of Service.

         (b)  Years of Service also include years of vesting service earned
              before January 1, 1989 under the terms of the Plan in effect as of
              December 31, 1988.

         (c)  A Participant shall be credited in the 1989 Vesting Computation
              Period with 190 Hours of Service for each month in which the
              Participant earned at least one Hour of Service in his or her
              partial year of vesting service (if any) ending on December 31,

         (d)  The foregoing notwithstanding, a Participant must be at least age
              18 before he or she can earn a Year of Service.

         (e)  The foregoing notwithstanding, if a Participant who has no vested
              interest in the Plan incurs a Break in Service, Years of Service
              will not include:

              (1) service prior to a Break in Service which is not followed by a
                  Year of Service, and

              (2) service prior to five or more consecutive one year Breaks in
                  Service if the number of consecutive one year Breaks in
                  Service equals or exceeds the number of prior Years of


                                    Article 2


2.1      Participation Date

         (a)  An Eligible Employee who was an Active Participant in the Plan on
              December 31, 1993 will continue to be an Active Participant on
              January 1, 1994.

         (b)  Any other Eligible Employee will become an Active Participant in
              the Plan on the first day of the month coinciding with or next
              following the later of (1) the date on which the Employee
              completes an Eligibility Computation Period during which he or she
              completes at least 1,000 Hours of Service or (2) the Employee's
              21st birthday.

         Participation Date means the date a Participant first becomes an Active
         Participant, provided that the Participation Date of a Nonvested Former
         Participant who is reinstated under 2.2 after five or more consecutive
         one year Breaks in Service shall be the date of reinstatement.

2.2      Reinstatement of Active Participation

         A Terminated Vested Participant, a Retired Participant, an Inactive
         Participant, or a Nonvested Former Participant who again becomes an
         Eligible Employee or who returns from an Authorized Period of Absence
         will be reinstated as an Active Participant on the day he or she is
         reinstated as an Eligible Employee or returns from such Authorized
         Period of Absence.


                                    Article 3

                                 Retirement Date

3.1      Normal Retirement Date

         A Participant's Normal Retirement Date will be the first day of the
         month coincident with or next following his or her Normal Retirement

         If the Participant's Participation Date is on or after July 1, 1994,
         his or her Normal Retirement Age is the later of:

         (a)  his or her 65th birthday, or

         (b)  the earlier of:

              (1) the date the Participant completes five Years of Service, or

              (2) the fifth anniversary of his or her Participation Date
                  provided the Participant is an Employee on or after the later
                  of such date or his or her 65th birthday and earns at least
                  one Year of Service after any Break in Service.

         If the Participant's Participation Date is before July 1, 1994, the
         Participant's Normal Retirement Age is 65.

3.2      Early Retirement Date

         A Participant may retire prior to his or her Normal Retirement Date on
         an Early Retirement Date which, subject to his or her election, may be
         the first day of any month coincident with or following the latest of:

         (a)  the Participant's 55th birthday,

         (b)  the date on which the Participant completes ten Years of Service,

         (c)  the date of the Participant's Termination of Employment.

3.3      Late Retirement Date

         (a)  If a Participant continues in the service of the Company or any
              member of the Controlled Group beyond Normal Retirement Date, his
              or her Late Retirement Date will be the first day of any month
              coincident with or following the date of the Participant's
              Termination of Employment.


         (b)  A Participant's Late Retirement Date will not be later than the
              required beginning date described in 5.9(c) even if his or her
              employment continues after such date.

3.4      Disability Retirement Date

         Disability Retirement Date is defined in 7.3.


                                    Article 4

                            Amount of Accrued Benefit

4.1      Accrued Benefit

         A Participant's Accrued Benefit is equal to one twelfth of the greater

         (a)  the sum of:

              (1) the sum of the following determined without regard to the
                  $150,000 limitation under 1.14:

                  (A)  1.65% of Final Average Earnings determined as of December
                       31, 1991 multiplied by Credited Service earned as of    
                       December 31, 1991, and

                  (B)  1.65% of Earnings for each Plan Year beginning after
                       December 31, 1991 and before January 1, 1994 in which 
                       the Participant earns a full or partial year of 
                       Credited Service.

              (2) 1.65% of Earnings for each Plan Year after December 31, 1993
                  in which the Participant earns a full or partial year of
                  Credited Service.

         (b)  the sum of the following, determined as of December 31, 1991 and
              without regard to the $150,000 limitation under 1.16:

              (1) 1.15% of Final Average Earnings up to Covered Compensation
                  multiplied by Credited Service up to 35 years.

              (2) 1.65% of Final Average Earnings in excess of Covered
                  Compensation multiplied by Credited Service up to 35 years.

              (3) 1.0% of Final Average Earnings multiplied by Credited Service
                  in excess of 35 years.

         (c)  the annual accrued benefit on December 31, 1988 under the terms of
              the Plan as then in effect determined without regard to the
              $200,000 or $150,000 limitations under 1.16.

         A Participant will receive an Accrued Benefit for Military Service to
         the extent required by the Military Selective Service Act (or any prior
         or subsequent corresponding law).


4.2      Accrued Benefit Attributable to the Old Plan Account

         Effective January 1, 1988, the Accrued Benefit Attributable to the Old
         Plan Account as of the Participant's Normal Retirement Date will be
         equal to the Participant's Old Plan Account expressed as a monthly
         benefit under a life annuity commencing on his or her Normal Retirement
         Date using the Actuarial Equivalent basis for lump sum payments.

4.3      Accrued Benefit Attributable to Company Contributions

         The Accrued Benefit Attributable to Company Contributions will be equal
         to the excess, if any, of the Accrued Benefit over the Accrued Benefit
         Attributable to the Old Plan Account.

4.4      Old Plan Account

         A Participant's Old Plan Account is his or her individual account
         balance under this Plan which resulted from the transfer of funds from
         a terminated plan formerly sponsored by the Employer. The Old Plan
         Account shall include interest from the transfer date to the earlier of
         the Participant's Retirement Date or the date on which the
         Participant's Old Plan Account is otherwise payable pursuant to the
         provisions of this Plan (the determination date) as follows: The rate
         of interest shall be compounded annually. For Plan Years beginning
         before January 1, 1988, the interest rate shall be 5%. For each Plan
         Year beginning on or after January 1, 1988, the interest rate shall be
         120% of the federal mid-term rate (as defined in Code Section 1274) in
         effect on the first day of such Plan Year. For purposes of determining
         the Accrued Benefit Attributable to the Old Plan Account, the Old Plan
         Account shall also include interest, compounded annually, at the
         Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation's interest rate for valuing
         benefits under plans terminating on the first day of each Plan Year
         from the determination date to the Participant's Normal Retirement
         Date. In no event can a Participant's Old Plan Account be withdrawn
         prior to Termination of Employment, death or retirement. This section
         is effective January 1, 1988.

         Effective January 1, 1988, the Accrued Benefit Attributable to the Old
         Plan Account as of the Participant's Early Retirement Date will be
         equal to the monthly benefit determined under 4.2 and reduced as
         provided in Appendix III according to the Participant's age.


                                    Article 5

                           Amount of Retirement Income

5.1      Monthly Retirement Income

         A Participant's Monthly Retirement Income commencing on his or her
         Normal Retirement Date, Early Retirement Date, Late Retirement Date, or
         Disability Retirement Date will be equal to his or her Accrued Benefit
         as of such date adjusted to reflect the Form of Retirement Income
         elected and, in the case of an Early Retirement Date, adjusted to
         reflect the age of the Participant on the date benefit payments
         commence. In the case of a Disability Retirement Date, the Accrued
         Benefit will also be adjusted as provided under Article 7.

5.2      Normal Retirement Income

         The monthly amount of Retirement Income payable to a Participant
         retiring on his or her Normal Retirement Date will be equal to the
         Accrued Benefit earned to his or her Normal Retirement Date. This
         Retirement Income will be subject to adjustment depending on the Form
         of Retirement Income elected in accordance with 5.7.

5.3      Early Retirement Income

         The monthly amount of Retirement Income payable to a Participant
         retiring on an Early Retirement Date will be equal to the Accrued
         Benefit earned to his or her Early Retirement Date reduced by 1/3 of 1%
         for each month by which the Early Retirement Date precedes his or her
         Normal Retirement Date.

         The Accrued Benefit Attributable to the Old Plan Account as of the
         Participant's Early Retirement Date is determined under 4.4.

         This Retirement Income will be subject to adjustment depending on the
         Form of Payment elected in accordance with 5.7.

5.4      Late Retirement Income

         (a)  Effective January 1, 1988, the monthly amount of Retirement Income
              payable to a Participant retiring on a Late Retirement Date will
              be equal to his or her Accrued Benefit earned to the Late
              Retirement Date. This Retirement Income will be subject to
              adjustment depending on the Form of Retirement Income elected in
              accordance with 5.7.


         (b)  If the Participant earns additional Accrued Benefits after his or
              her Late Retirement Date, his or her Monthly Retirement Income
              will be redetermined as of the earlier of the Participant's
              required beginning date under 5.9(c) or the Participant's
              subsequent Termination of Employment. This redetermined benefit
              will be payable under the Form of Retirement Income elected on his
              or her Late Retirement Date in accordance with 5.7.

5.5      Disability Retirement Income

         Disability Retirement Income is described in 7.4.

5.6      Application for Retirement Income

         Each Participant must notify the Committee in writing of his or her
         intent to retire. Upon receipt of such notification, each married
         Participant will receive a written explanation of the terms and
         conditions of the various Forms of Retirement Income and the financial
         effect (in terms of dollars per monthly payment to the Participant and
         his or her surviving spouse) of electing a Form of Retirement Income
         other than the 50% Spouse Option. A Participant will have the right to
         elect or revise a previously elected Form of Retirement Income at any
         time during his or her Election Period.

         A Participant's Election Period is the 90 day period ending on the date
         his or her Retirement Income is to begin. The Committee will make
         Election Information available to a Participant within a reasonable
         period of time prior to the date Retirement Income is to begin. In no
         event will a Participant's Election Period end prior to the 30th day
         next following the day on which Election Information and the
         information provided in accordance with the first paragraph of this are
         first made available to him. For purposes of the Plan, Election
         Information means:

         (a)  a written explanation of the 50% Spouse Option and the relative
              financial effect of the payment of Monthly Retirement Income in
              that form and in the Life Annuity form; and

         (b)  a notification that Retirement Income payments will be made in the
              50% Spouse Option form (or the Life Annuity Form if the
              Participant is not married) unless he or she elects otherwise
              during the Election Period and his or her spouse consents to such


         The Participant must elect a form of payment in writing. An election of
         a form of payment other than a Spouse Option will not be valid without
         the written consent of the Participant's spouse. The spouse's consent
         must acknowledge the effect of the election and must be witnessed by a
         plan representative or notary public. The Participant may change his or
         her election at any time, and any number of times, during the 90 day
         period ending on the date his or her Retirement Income is to begin. The
         Participant may not change the form of payment without further spousal
         consent unless the spouse expressly permits such changes. The
         requirement for spouse's consent will be waived if the participant
         establishes to the satisfaction of the Committee that such consent
         cannot be obtained because there is no spouse, the spouse cannot be
         located or because of such other circumstances as the Secretary of the
         Treasury may by regulations prescribe.

         The election by the Participant and the consent of the spouse must be
         obtained no more than 90 days prior to the date benefit payments
         commence. If the spouse of a Participant who has elected a Spouse
         Option dies before Retirement Income payments begin, the Retirement
         Income will be paid to the Participant in the form of the Life Annuity.

5.7      Forms of Retirement Income

         A Participant retiring on his or her Normal, Early, Late, or Disability
         Retirement Date may elect one of the following Forms of Retirement
         Income payment:

         (a)  Spouse Option. A Spouse Option provides for a monthly payment
              during the Participant's life. After the Participant's death a
              percentage of the Participant's Retirement Income will be paid for
              life to the Participant's spouse. The percentage to be paid to the
              Participant's spouse will be 50%, 66 2/3% or 100% as elected by 
              the Participant. The monthly payment under the Spouse Option will
              be equal to the Actuarial Equivalent of the amount payable under
              the Life Annuity form.

         (b)  Life Annuity. The Life Annuity form provides for a monthly payment
              during the Participant's life, with the last payment being made
              for the month in which the Participant's death occurs.

         (c)  Lump Sum Payment of Old Plan Account Option. The Lump Sum Payment
              of Old Plan Account Option provides for a lump sum payment of the
              Participant's Old Plan Account as of the Participant's Retirement
              Date. The Participant's Accrued Benefit Attributable to Company
              Contributions is paid in a Life Annuity or Spouse


             Option form as elected by the Participant. This form of payment is
             available to a Participant only one time, at the earlier of his 
             or her retirement or Termination of Employment.

         (d) For purposes of this article, "spouse" means the legal spouse of
             the Participant on the date benefit payments commence.

5.8      Reemployment After Retirement

         In order to retire, a Participant must have a Termination of
         Employment. Effective January 1, 1992, if a Retired Participant is
         rehired by the Company, his or her Retirement Income will not be
         suspended. The Retired Participant may earn additional benefits as
         provided in Article 4. Any benefit attributable to service during the
         Participant's reemployment will be added to the Participant's
         Retirement Income and will be payable upon the earlier of the
         Participant's subsequent retirement or the Participant's required
         beginning date described in 5.9 (c).

         If the Participant dies during such period of reemployment, any death
         benefits attributable to service during the Participant's reemployment
         will be determined in accordance with Article 8. Any death benefit
         attributable to service before the Retired Participant's reemployment
         will be determined in accordance with the provisions of the applicable
         Form of Retirement Income elected at his or her original retirement.

5.9      Commencement of Benefits

         (a)  Retirement Income payments will begin on the later of the
              Retirement Date elected by the Participant or the first day of the
              month following the date on which the Participant applies for a
              retirement benefit.

         (b)  Unless a Participant elects otherwise, Retirement Income payments
              will begin not later than the 60th day after the end of the Plan
              Year in which:

              (1) the Participant's Normal Retirement Age, or

              (2) the Participant's Termination of Employment occurs, whichever
                  is later.

         (c)  The required beginning date described in this paragraph (c) will
              apply regardless of any election made by the Participant.


         (1)  Except as provided by subparagraphs (2), (3) and (4) below,
              Retirement Income payments will begin not later than April 1 of
              the calendar year following the calendar year in which the
              Participant attains age 70 1/2 whether or not such Participant's
              employment has terminated.

         (2)  A Participant who attained age 70 1/2 in 1988, who is not a 5%
              owner, and who has not retired by January 1, 1989, will be treated
              as having retired on January 1, 1989. Retirement Income payments
              will begin not later than April 1, 1990 for such Participants.

         (3)  Retirement Income payments for a Participant who attained age
              70 1/2 before January 1, 1988, and who is not a 5% owner will 
              begin not later than April 1 of the calendar year following the 
              later of (A) the calendar year in which the Participant attained 
              age 70 1/2, or (B) the calendar year in which the Participant 

         (4)  Retirement Income payments for a Participant who attained age
              70 1/2 before January 1, 1988, and who is a 5% owner will begin 
              not later than April 1 of the calendar year following the later 
              of (A) the calendar year in which the Participant attained age 
              70 1/2, or (B) the earlier of (i) the calendar year within which 
              ends the Plan Year in which the Participant becomes a 5% owner, 
              or (ii) the calendar year in which the Participant retires.

         (5)  A Participant is treated as a 5% owner for purposes of this
              paragraph (c), if such Participant is a 5% owner as defined in
              Code Section 416(i) at any time during the Plan Year ending within
              the calendar year in which such owner attains age 66 1/2 or any
              subsequent Plan Year. Once a Participant is described in this
              subparagraph, distributions will continue to such Participant even
              if such Participant ceases to own more than 5% of the Company in a
              subsequent year.

         (6)  If a Participant receives payments under this paragraph (c), such
              payments will be determined as if the Participant's Late
              Retirement Date were the date by which Retirement Income payments
              must be made under this paragraph (c). If the Participant
              continues to earn additional Accrued Benefits after this date, his
              or her Monthly Retirement Income will be redetermined on each
              January 1 following the date benefit payments commence. This
              redetermined benefit will be payable under the


                  Form of Retirement Income elected as of the Late Retirement
Date in accordance with 5.7.


                                    Article 6

                             Termination and Vesting

6.1      Vesting

         A Participant's vested Accrued Benefit will be equal to the sum of (a)
         and (b) below:

         (a)  The Participant's Accrued Benefit Attributable to the Old Plan
              Account determined in accordance with 4.2.

         (b)  Effective January 1, 1989, the Participant's Accrued Benefit
              Attributable to Company Contributions determined in accordance
              with multiplied by the vested percentage shown in the following

                  Years of Service                            Vested Percentage
                  Less than 5                                            0%
                  5 or more                                            100%

         In addition, an Employee's Accrued Benefit will be 100% vested on and
         after his or her Normal Retirement Age. A Participant will receive
         vesting credit for Military Service to the extent required by the
         Military Selective Service Act (or any prior or subsequent
         corresponding law).

6.2      Termination Benefit

         (a)  A Terminated Vested Participant will have the option of:

              (1) withdrawing his or her Old Plan Account, in which event the
                  Participant would be entitled to his or her vested Accrued
                  Benefit Attributable to Company Contributions commencing on
                  Normal or Early Retirement Date, or

              (2) leaving his or her Old Plan Account in the Plan, in which
                  event the Participant would be entitled to his or her vested
                  Accrued Benefit commencing on Normal or Early Retirement Date.

         (b)  The monthly amount of Retirement Income payable to a Terminated
              Vested Participant who retires on his or her Normal Retirement
              Date will be equal to the vested Accrued Benefit (or, if the Old
              Plan Account has been withdrawn, the vested Accrued Benefit
              Attributable to Company Contributions) earned to the date of
              Termination of Employment. This Retirement Income will be subject
              to adjustment depending on the Form of Retirement Income elected
              in accordance with 5.7.


         (c)  The monthly amount of Retirement Income payable to a Terminated
              Vested Participant who retires on an Early Retirement Date will be
              equal to the Accrued Benefit (or, if the Old Plan Account has been
              withdrawn, the vested Accrued Benefit Attributable to Company
              Contributions) earned to the date of Termination of Employment
              adjusted in accordance with 5.3 for the date benefit payments
              commence and the Form of Payment elected.

         (d)  Except as provided in 13.8, the Old Plan Account of a Participant
              will not be distributed pursuant to this 6.2 unless the
              Participant elects such distribution and the spouse of the
              Participant consents to the distribution not more than 90 days
              prior to the date of such distribution. The spouse's consent must
              acknowledge the effect of the election and must be witnessed by a
              plan representative or notary public. The requirement for spouse's
              consent will be waived if the Participant establishes to the
              satisfaction of the Committee that such consent cannot be obtained
              because there is no spouse, the spouse cannot be located or
              because of such other circumstances as the Secretary of the
              Treasury may by regulations prescribe.

6.3      Reemployment After Termination of Employment

         (a)  If a Terminated Vested Participant is subsequently reinstated as
              an Active Participant, his or her Retirement Income will be based
              on the Participant's Accrued Benefit under the provisions of the
              Plan in effect as of his or her subsequent termination or
              retirement except that it may not be less than the Participant's
              Accrued Benefit as of the prior termination.

         (b)  If a Nonvested Former Participant is subsequently reinstated as an
              Active Participant before the number of consecutive one year
              Breaks in Service equals or exceeds five, the appropriate Years of
              Service and Accrued Benefit will be reinstated. The Accrued
              Benefit for service prior to such Termination of Employment will
              be based on the provisions of the Plan in effect as of his or her
              subsequent termination or retirement except that it may not be
              less than the Participant's Accrued Benefit as of the prior


                                    Article 7

                               Disability Benefits

7.1      Determination of Disability

         A Participant has a total and permanent disability if:

         (a)  the Participant is no longer capable of performing the duties
              assigned to him or her by the Company due to physical or mental

         (b)  the Participant is entitled to disability retirement income
              payments under Title II of the Federal Social Security Act, and

         (c)  the Participant is eligible for disability benefits under the
              Company's Long Term Disability Plan. 
              It will be the responsibility of the Participant to submit proof 
              of disability satisfactory to the Committee.

7.2      Eligibility for Disability Benefits

         Effective January 1, 1989, a Disabled Participant or former Disabled
         Participant may retire on a Disability Retirement Date if the
         Participant has completed five Years of Service. A Disabled Participant
         who has four or more Years of Service may be credited with one
         additional Year of Service in the year he or she becomes disabled or in
         the following year. For this purpose, one month of total and permanent
         disability will be deemed to equal 190 Hours of Service.

7.3      Disability Retirement Date

         If the Participant's total and permanent disability continues until the
         Participant's Normal Retirement Date, the Participant's Disability
         Retirement Date shall be the Normal Retirement Date. If a Disabled
         Participant's total and permanent disability ends before the Normal
         Retirement Date, the Participant may retire on an Early, Normal, or
         Late Retirement Date, whichever applies, and such date will be his or
         her Disability Retirement Date.

7.4      Disability Retirement Income

         A Disabled Participant will be entitled to a monthly Disability
         Retirement Income beginning on his or her Disability Retirement Date.
         The amount will be equal to the Accrued Benefit earned to the
         Disability Retirement Date adjusted under 5.3 to reflect the date
         benefit payments commence. Disability Retirement Income will also be


         to adjustment depending on the Form of Retirement Income elected in
         accordance with 5.7. In calculating the Accrued Benefit for purposes of
         this Article 7:

         (a)  Final Average Earnings will be the Final Average Earnings as of
              the earlier of the date of total and permanent disability or
              December 31, 1991.

         (b)  For Plan Years beginning on or after January 1, 1992, and before
              the earlier of the Participant's Normal Retirement Date or the end
              of the Participant's total and permanent disability, Earnings for
              each Plan Year will be the (annualized) Earnings in the Plan Year
              of the date of initial total and permanent disability. However, a
              Disabled Participant who is credited with the additional Year of
              Service under 7.2 will not be credited with Earnings for more than
              one Plan Year as a Disabled Participant.

         (c)  A Disabled Participant will be deemed to earn Credited Service for
              the months before January 1, 1992, during which he or she is a
              Disabled Participant, provided that no Participant will be deemed
              to earn more than one month of Credited Service during any month.
              However, a Disabled Participant who is credited with the
              additional Year of Service under 7.2 will not be credited with
              more than one twelve month period of Credited Service as a
              Disabled Participant.

         (d)  Effective January 1, 1989, a Disabled Participant will be deemed
              to meet the 1,000 Hours of Service requirement in each Plan Year
              in which he or she is a Disabled Participant to accrue a benefit
              under 4.1. However, a Disabled Participant who is credited with
              the additional Year of Service under 7.2 will not be credited with
              more than one extra Year of Service as a Disabled Participant.


                                    Article 8

                                 Death Benefits

8.1      Pre-Retirement Death Benefit

         (a)  Death After Eligibility for Retirement

         If a Participant (other than a Retired Participant) dies on or
         after the earliest date on which he or she could retire in accordance
         with Article 3, his or her Eligible Spouse, if any, will receive a
         monthly benefit equal to the amount the Eligible Spouse would have been
         entitled to if the Participant had elected the 50% Spouse Option and
         retired on the first day of the month coinciding with or following the
         date of death. This benefit will be payable monthly to the Eligible
         Spouse beginning on the first day of the month coinciding with or next
         following the Participant's death and will continue until the death of
         the Eligible Spouse.

         (b)  Death Before Eligibility for Retirement

         If a Participant who has a vested interest in his or her Accrued
         Benefit dies prior to the earliest date on which the Participant could
         retire in accordance with Article 3, his or her Eligible Spouse, if
         any, will receive a monthly benefit equal to the amount the Eligible
         Spouse would have been entitled to if the Participant had:

              (1) terminated employment on his or her date of death (if the
                  Participant was an Employee on the date of death),

              (2) survived to the earliest date on which he or she could retire
                  in accordance with Article 3 (the "Earliest Retirement Date"),

              (3) elected the 50% Spouse Option and retired on such Earliest
                  Retirement Date, and

              (4) died immediately after retiring.

         This benefit will be payable monthly to the Eligible Spouse beginning
         on the Participant's Earliest Retirement Date and will continue until
         the death of the Eligible Spouse.


         (c)  Alternate Death Benefit For Active Participants

              In lieu of the benefit described in paragraph (a) or paragraph
              (b), the Eligible Spouse of an Active Participant who has
              completed ten Years of Service and who dies after attaining age 55
              will receive the greater of:

              (1) 25% of the Participant's Earnings on the date of death, where
                  the 25% factor is reduced by 1/2 of 1% for each year the
                  Participant's age exceeds the age of his or her spouse; or

              (2) the benefit that would have been paid had the Participant
                  retired on the date of death and elected an immediate 100%
                  Spouse Option;

              provided that this benefit will not be paid unless it is greater
              than the Actuarial Equivalent of the benefit under (a) or (b),
              whichever is applicable.

         (d)  Alternate Death Benefit For Old Plan Accounts

              In lieu of the benefit described in (a) or (b), the Eligible
              Spouse of a Participant who has an Old Plan Account may elect to
              receive payment of the Old Plan Account as a lump sum payment as
              soon a practicable after the Participant's death. The
              Participant's Accrued Benefit Attributable to Company
              Contributions will be paid in accordance with (a) or (b),
              whichever applies.

         (e)  Benefits under this 8.1 will be paid as soon as practicable after
              the Participant's death except that the Eligible Spouse may elect
              to defer commencement of the benefit described in (a), (b), or (c)
              until any date which is before the Participant's Normal Retirement
              Date. An Eligible Spouse who makes an election under (d) may not
              defer receipt of the Old Plan Account.

         (f)  The benefit under (a) or (b) will apply to Terminated Vested
              Participants even if their Termination of Employment occurred
              prior to the effective date of these paragraphs.

8.2      Post-Retirement Death Benefit

         Death Benefits for a Retired Participant will be determined in
         accordance with the provisions of the applicable Form of Retirement
         Income elected.


8.3      Return of Old Plan Account

         Upon the death of the Participant or, if later, the death of the
         Eligible Spouse entitled to payments under 8.1 or 8.2, the
         Participant's remaining Old Plan Account, if any, will be paid to the
         Participant's Beneficiary. For purposes of this 8.3, the Participant's
         remaining Old Plan Account will be equal to the excess, if any, of:

         (a)  the Participant's Old Plan Account as of his or her date of death
              or, if earlier, Retirement Date over

         (b)  the sum of all amounts previously paid from the Trust Fund on such
              Participant's behalf.


                                    Article 9

                               Financing The Plan

9.1      Company Contributions

         (a)  The Company expects to make the contributions necessary to provide
              the benefits of the Plan. Such contributions will not be less than
              the amount necessary to meet the minimum funding standards of

         (b)  All contributions will be deposited in the Trust Fund and will be
              disbursed in accordance with the provisions of the Plan and the
              Trust Agreement. All benefit payments under the Plan will be paid
              from the Trust Fund. No person will have any interest in, or right
              to, any part of the assets of the Plan except as expressly
              provided in the Plan.

         (c)  Gains arising from experience under the Plan will not serve to
              increase the benefits otherwise due any Participant, but will be
              used to reduce future Company contributions.

9.2      Return of Company Contributions

(a)      Except as provided below and in 10.2, the assets of the Plan will never
         inure to the benefit of the Company and will be held for the exclusive
         purposes of providing benefits to Participants of the Plan and their
         Beneficiaries and defraying reasonable expenses of administering the

(b)      If a contribution is made by the Company by a mistake of fact, such
         contribution will be returned to the Company provided this is done
         within one year after the payment of such contribution.

(c)      Contributions are conditioned upon their current deductibility under
         Code Section 404. If a contribution deduction is disallowed, to the
         extent the deduction is disallowed, such contribution will be returned
         to the Company within one year after the disallowance.

9.3      Employee Contributions

         The Company pays the entire cost of the Plan. No employee contributions
         or rollovers are required or permitted.


                                    Article 10

                               Financing The Plan

10.1     Termination of Plan

         The Company expects to continue the Plan indefinitely but reserves the
         right to terminate the Plan in whole or in part.

10.2     Procedures Upon Termination of Plan

         Upon termination of the Plan, the following provisions will apply:

         (a)  Upon complete termination of the Plan, the Accrued Benefit of each
              Active or Inactive Participant will become fully vested and
              nonforfeitable (to the extent funded). No additional Employees
              will become Participants.

              Upon partial termination of Plan, the Accrued Benefit of each
              Active or Inactive Participant who is affected by such partial
              termination will become fully vested and nonforfeitable (to the
              extent funded).

         (b)  The assets of the Plan available to provide benefits will be
              allocated among Participants and their Beneficiaries in the manner
              and order prescribed by ERISA Section 4044.

              If any assets of the Plan remain after all liabilities of the Plan
              to Participants and their Beneficiaries have been satisfied or
              provided for, any residual assets will be paid to the Company,
              provided such payment does not contravene any provision of law.


                                   Article 11

                              Top-Heavy Provisions

11.1     Top-Heavy Plan

         Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan to the contrary, this
         article will apply if the Plan is a Top-Heavy Plan. The Plan will be a
         Top-Heavy Plan if, as of the Determination Date, the present value of
         the cumulative accrued benefits of Key Employees exceeds sixty percent
         of the present value of the cumulative accrued benefits under the Plan
         of all Participants and Beneficiaries (but excluding the value of the
         accrued benefits of former Key Employees and individuals who have not
         performed any services for the Company during the five year period
         ending on the Determination Date). This percentage will be computed in
         accordance with Code Section 416(g).

         In determining whether this Plan is a Top-Heavy Plan, all employers
         that are aggregated under Code Sections 414(b), (c) and (m) will be
         treated as a single employer. In addition, all plans that are part of
         the Aggregation Group will be treated as a single plan. In determining
         present values, mortality will be based on the 1984 Unisex Pension
         Mortality Table and the interest rate utilized will be five percent.

11.2     Definition of Terms

         For purposes of this article only, the following terms will have the
         following meanings:

         (a)  "Aggregation Group" means the Required Aggregation Group or, at
              the election of the Company, the Permissive Aggregation Group.

         (b)  "Average Compensation" means the Participant's Compensation
              averaged over the five consecutive Plan Years in which the
              Participant earned a Year of Service (if such Year of Service is
              not disregarded pursuant to 11.4) and in which the Participant's
              aggregate Compensation was the greatest. If the Participant
              received Compensation in fewer than five such Plan Years, his or
              her Compensation will be averaged over such lesser number of Plan

         (c)  "Compensation" for purposes of this article and 13.9 only means a
              Participant's wages from the Company within the meaning of Code
              Section 3401(a), and all other payments of compensation to the
              Participant by the Company (in the course of the Company's trade


              business), for which the Company is required to furnish a written
              statement to the Participant under Code Sections 6041(d) and
              6051(a)(3) (IRS Form W-2 - wages, tips and other compensation).

              Compensation will also be limited by the $200,000 and $150,000
              limits as described in 1.14

         (d)  "Determination Date" means the last day of the preceding Plan
              Year. This date will also be the valuation date for determining
              present values.

         (e)  "Key Employee" means an Employee, a former Employee, or the
              Beneficiary of a former Employee who, in the Plan Year containing
              the Determination Date, or any of the four preceding Plan Years,

              (1) An officer of the Company having an annual compensation from
                  the Company greater than 50 percent of the amount in effect
                  under Code Section 415(b)(1)(A) for the calendar year in which
                  any such Plan Year ends. Not more than fifty Employees (or, if
                  fewer, the greater of three Employees or ten percent of the
                  Employees not excluded under Code Section 414(q)(8)),
                  including those Employees included under paragraphs (2), (3)
                  and (4) below, will be considered as officers for purposes of
                  this subparagraph.

              (2) One of the ten Employees having an annual Compensation from
                  the Company greater than the amount in effect under Code
                  Section 415(c)(1)(A) for the calendar year in which any such
                  Plan Year ends and owning (or considered as owning within the
                  meaning of Code Section 318) both more than a one-half percent
                  interest and the largest interests in the Company.

              (3) A five-percent owner of the Company.

              (4) A one-percent owner of the Company having an annual
                  Compensation from the Company of more than $150,000 for a Plan

              Whether an Employee is a five-percent owner or a one-percent owner
              will be determined in accordance with Code Section 416(i).

              Neither the aggregation rules nor the rules under Code Sections
              414(b), (c) and (m) will apply in determining whether an Employee
              is a five-percent owner or a one-percent owner.


         (f)  "Non-key Employee" means an Employee (and any Beneficiary of an
              Employee) who is not a Key Employee.

         (g)  "Permissive Aggregation Group" means the Required Aggregation
              Group of plans plus any other plan or plans of the Company which,
              when considered as a group with the Required Aggregation Group,
              would continue to satisfy the requirements of Code Sections
              401(a)(4) and 410.

         (h)  "Required Aggregation Group" means:

              (1) Each stock bonus, pension, or profit sharing plan of the
                  Company in which a Key Employee participates in the Plan Year
                  containing the Determination Date or any of the four preceding
                  Plan Years which is intended to qualify under Code Section
                  401(a); and

              (2) Each other such stock bonus, pension or profit sharing plan of
                  an employer which enables any plan in which a Key Employee
                  participates to meet the requirements of Code Sections
                  401(a)(4) or 410.

         (i)  "Top-Heavy Group" means the Aggregation Group if the sum of (1)
              and (2) below exceeds sixty percent of a similar sum determined
              for all Employees (excluding former Key Employees and individuals
              who have not performed any services for the Company during the
              five year period ending on the Determination Date):

              (1) The present value of the cumulative accrued benefit for Key
                  Employees under all defined benefit plans included in such

              (2) The aggregate of the accounts of Key Employees under all
                  defined contribution plans included in such group.

              In a Top-Heavy Group, all plans in the Required Aggregation Group
              are Top-Heavy regardless of whether or not the individual plans
              are Top-Heavy.

11.3     Modification of Vesting Schedule

         If the Plan is a Top-Heavy Plan in a Plan Year, a Participant who is
         credited with an Hour of Service in such Plan Year will have his or her
         Vested Percentage for Accrued Benefit Attributable to Company
         Contributions determined in accordance with the following schedule if
         it produces a higher Vested Percentage than the schedule in 6.1(b).


         Years of Service                                Vested Percentage
         ----------------                                -----------------
            Less than 2                                          0%
                  2                                             20%
                  3                                             40%
                  4                                             60%
                  5                                             80%
             6 or more                                         100%

         A Participant's vested Accrued Benefit Attributable to Company
         Contributions will not be less than that determined as of the last day
         of the last Plan Year in which the Plan was a Top-Heavy Plan.

         If the Plan ceases to be Top-Heavy, each Participant with three or more
         Years of Service (determined as of the first day of the Plan Year in
         which the Plan ceases to be Top-Heavy) will continue to have his or
         her Vested Percentage for Accrued Benefit Attributable to Company
         Contributions determined in accordance with this 11.3.

11.4     Minimum Benefit

         If the Plan is Top-Heavy in a Plan Year, the Accrued Benefit as of the
         last day of such Plan Year for any Participant who is not a Key
         Employee, but who is employed or on an Authorized Period of Absence in
         such Plan Year, will not be less than the Actuarial Equivalent of an
         annual benefit payable in the form of a straight life annuity beginning
         on the Participant's Normal Retirement Date equal to the lesser of (i)
         two percent of the Participant's Average Compensation multiplied by
         Years of Service or (ii) twenty percent of the Participant's Average
         Compensation. For purposes of this 11.4, any Year of Service will be
         disregarded if:

              (1) the Plan was not a Top-Heavy Plan for any Plan Year ending
                  during such Year of Service, or

              (2) such Year of Service ended in a Plan Year beginning before
                  January 1, 1984.

         A Participant's Accrued Benefit as of any subsequent date will not be
         less than that determined as of the last day of the Plan Year in which
         the Plan was a Top-Heavy Plan.

11.5     Modification of Maximum Benefit

         If the Plan is a Top-Heavy Plan in a Plan Year, 13.9(i)(1)(b) and
         13.9(i)(2)(b) will be amended for such Plan Year by substitution of
         "100%" for "125%" where such percentage appears therein.


                                   Article 12

                           Administration of the Plan

12.1     Administration

         (a)  The Retirement Committee ("Committee") will consist of three or
              more individuals who will be appointed by the Board of Directors
              of the Company. The Committee will serve as Plan Administrator and
              as the named fiduciary pursuant to ERISA. The Committee will have
              complete control of the administration of the Plan, subject to the
              provisions hereof, with all powers necessary to enable it to carry
              out its duties properly in that respect. Not in limitation, but in
              amplification of the foregoing, it will have the power to
              interpret the Plan and to determine all questions that may arise
              hereunder, including all questions relating to the eligibility of
              Employees to participate in the Plan and the amount of benefit to
              which any Participant or Beneficiary may become entitled. Its
              decisions upon all matters within the scope of its authority will
              be final.

         (b)  The Committee will establish rules and procedures to be followed
              by Participants and Beneficiaries in filing applications for
              benefits, in furnishing and verifying proofs necessary to
              determine age or marital status, and in any other matters required
              to administer the Plan.

         (c)  The Committee will receive all applications for benefits and will
              determine all facts necessary to establish the right of the
              applicant to benefits under the provisions of the Plan and the
              amount thereof.

         (d)  The Committee will maintain accounts showing the fiscal
              transactions of the Plan, and will keep data required for the
              valuation of the assets and liabilities of the Plan. The Committee
              will also prepare an annual report showing in reasonable detail
              the assets and liabilities of the Plan and giving a brief account
              of the operation of the Plan for each year. The Committee will
              make the annual report available to each Participant as required
              by law.

         (e)  The Committee will appoint an enrolled actuary to make actuarial
              valuations of the liabilities of the Plan, to recommend the amount
              of contributions to be made by the Company and to perform such
              other services as the Committee will deem necessary or desirable
              in connection with the administration of the Plan. The Committee
              may also appoint such accountants, counsel, consultants and other
              persons the


              Committee deems necessary or desirable in connection with the
              administration of the Plan.

         (f)  The Committee will have the power to appoint or remove any
              Investment Manager or Managers and to manage (including the power
              to acquire and dispose of) any assets of the Plan.

         (g)  The Committee will have the power to appoint or remove the

         (h)  The Committee will be entitled to rely upon all tables,
              valuations, certificates and reports furnished by the accountant,
              consultant, administrator or actuary appointed by the Committee
              and upon all opinions given by any counsel selected or approved by

12.2     Records

         All acts and determinations of the Committee and the Company regarding
         this Plan will be duly recorded and all such records, together with
         such other documents as may be necessary for the administration of the
         Plan, will be preserved in the custody of the Committee.

12.3     Payment of Expenses

         All expenses that arise in connection with the administration of the
         Plan, including, but not limited to, the compensation of any enrolled
         actuary, accountant, legal counsel, consultant or other person who will
         be employed by the Committee in connection with the administration
         thereof, may be paid from the assets of the Plan.

12.4     Delegation of Authority

         The administrative duties and responsibilities set forth in 12.1 may be
         delegated by the Committee in whatever manner and extent it chooses to
         such person or persons as it selects. It will notify the Company and
         the Trustee of the authority conferred upon such person or persons.

12.5     Information Available

         Any Participant in the Plan or any Beneficiary receiving benefits under
         the Plan may examine copies of the Plan description, latest annual
         report, any bargaining agreement, the Plan, the Trust Agreement or any
         other instrument under which the Plan was established or is operated.
         The Committee will maintain all of these items in its office, or in
         such other place or places as it may designate from


         time to time for examination during reasonable business hours. Upon the
         written request of a Participant or Beneficiary receiving benefits
         under the Plan, the Committee will furnish a copy of any item listed in
         this 12.5. The Committee may make a reasonable charge to the requesting
         person for the copy furnished.

12.6     Claims Procedure

         The Committee will adopt procedures for the presentation of claims for
         benefits and for the review of the denial of such claims by the
         Committee. Detailed information regarding such procedures may be
         obtained by writing to the Retirement Committee. The decision of the
         Committee upon such review will be final, subject to appeal rights
         provided by law.

12.7     Fiduciary Capacity

         Any person may serve in more than one fiduciary capacity with respect
         to this Plan.

12.8     Committee Liability

         The members of the Committee will use ordinary care and diligence in
         the performance of their duties, but no member will be personally
         liable by virtue of any contract, agreement, or other instrument made
         or e xecuted as a member of the Committee, nor for any mistake of
         judgment made by him or her or by any other member, nor for any loss
         unless resulting from willful misconduct or failure to exercise good
         faith. No member of the Committee will be liable for the neglect,
         omission, or wrongdoing of any other member or of the agents or
         counsel of the Committee. The Company will indemnify each member of the
         Committee against, and hold him or her harmless from any and all
         expenses and liabilities arising out of any act or omission to act as a
         member of the Committee, except such liabilities and expenses as are
         due to willful misconduct or failure to exercise good faith.


                                   Article 13

                               General Provisions

13.1     Amendment of Plan

         (a)  The Company may amend the Plan at any time. Such amendments may
              include any remedial retroactive changes to comply with the
              requirements of any law or regulation issued by any governmental
              agency to which the Company is subject. No amendment will diminish
              or adversely affect any accrued interest or benefit of
              Participants or their Beneficiaries, except as may be required to
              comply with the requirements of any law or regulation issued by
              any governmental agency to which the Company is subject.

         (b)  If any amendment to the Plan changes the vesting schedule, each
              Participant who is an Employee with at least three Years of
              Service may elect to remain under the vesting schedule of the Plan
              prior to such amendment. If the Participant does not make the
              election within a reasonable time (as may be determined pursuant
              to governmental regulations from time to time), such Participant
              will be subject to the vesting schedule under the Plan as amended.
              In no event will the vesting percentage of the Participant's
              Accrued Benefit be reduced below the percentage attained by the
              Participant prior to such amendment.

         (c)  In no event will a Participant who terminates or retires on or
              after the date any amendment to the Plan is effective receive less
              than his or her vested percentage multiplied by the Accrued
              Benefit prior to such date. This amount will be adjusted for the
              date of retirement and form of payment on the basis in effect
              prior to such amendment.

         (d)  If any amendment to the Plan eliminates an optional form of
              payment, a Participant may continue to elect such form of payment
              with respect to any Accrued Benefit earned prior to the effective
              date of such amendment.

13.2     Employment Status

         Nothing contained in the Plan will be deemed to give any Employee the
         right to be retained in the employ of the Company or to interfere with
         the rights of the Company to discharge any Employee at any time.


13.3     Mergers or Consolidations

         If this Plan merges or consolidates with, or transfers its assets or
         liabilities to any other qualified plan of deferred compensation, no
         Participant will, as a result of such merger, consolidation or
         transfer, be entitled to a benefit on the day following such event
         which is less than the benefit to which he or she is entitled on the
         day preceding such event. For purposes of this 13.3, the benefit to
         which a Participant is entitled will be calculated based upon the
         assumption that a Plan termination and distribution of assets occurred
         on the day as of which the Participant's entitlement is being

13.4     Provision Against Anticipation

         No benefit under the Plan will be subject in any manner to
         anticipation, alienation, sale, transfer, assignment, pledge,
         encumbrance, charge or other legal process, and any attempt to do so
         will be void. The preceding sentence will not apply to a qualified
         domestic relations order pursuant to Code Section 414(p).

13.5     Facility of Payment

         If any Participant or Beneficiary is physically or mentally incapable
         of giving a valid receipt for any payment due him and no legal
         representative has been appointed for such Participant or Beneficiary,
         the Committee may direct the Trustee to make such payment to any person
         or institution maintaining such Participant or Beneficiary and the
         release of such person or institution will be a valid and complete
         discharge for such payment. Any final payment or distribution to any
         Participant, the legal representative of the Participant, or to any
         Beneficiaries of such Participant in accordance with the provisions
         herein will be in full satisfaction of all claims against the Plan, the
         Committee, the Trustee and the Company arising under or by virtue of
         the Plan.

13.6     Construction

         The validity of the Plan or any of its provisions will be determined
         under and will be construed according to federal law and, to the extent
         permissible, according to the laws of the State of Washington. If any
         provision of the Plan is held illegal or invalid for any reason, such
         determination will not affect the remaining provisions of the Plan and
         the Plan will be construed and enforced as if said illegal or invalid
         provision had never been included.


13.7     Legal Actions

         The Committee will be the necessary party to any action or proceeding
         involving the assets held with respect to the Plan or the
         administration thereof. No Employee, Participant, former Participant or
         their Beneficiaries, or any other person having or claiming to have an
         interest in the Plan will be entitled to any notice or process. Any
         final judgment that may be entered in any such action or proceeding
         will be binding and conclusive on all persons having or claiming to
         have any interest in the Plan.

13.8     Payment of Small Benefits

         Effective January 1, 1989, if a Participant terminates employment,
         dies, or retires and the Actuarial Equivalent value of any benefit
         payable under the Plan to such Participant or his or her Beneficiary
         does not exceed $3,500, the Committee will pay the Actuarial Equivalent
         value of such benefit to the Participant or Beneficiary in a lump sum.
         This payment must be made before the first day of the first period for
         which an amount is payable as an annuity unless the Participant and the
         Participant's spouse, if any, give written consent. If a lump sum
         payment is made, no other benefit under the Plan will be due to the
         Participant or Beneficiary unless the Participant repays such amount
         with interest at the rate of five percent per year. Such repayment must
         be made prior to the earlier of:

         (1)  the fifth anniversary of the Participant's reemployment date, or

         (2)  the date the Participant incurs five consecutive one year Breaks
              in Service.

         If the Participant's Vested Percentage is zero, the Participant will be
         deemed to have received a distribution of the Vested Percentage of his
         or her Accrued Benefit and to have forfeited the nonvested percentage
         of his or her Accrued Benefit. The deemed distribution will be deemed
         repaid if the former Participant is reemployed by the Company before
         the date the former Participant incurs five consecutive one-year Breaks
         in Service. If repayment is made, the Accrued Benefit which the
         Participant had earned prior to the date he or she terminated
         employment will be reinstated pursuant to 6.3.

         If the Actuarial Equivalent value of the Participant's benefit at the
         time of a distribution exceeds $3,500, then such value at any
         subsequent time will be deemed to exceed $3,500.


13.9     Maximum Retirement Benefit

         (a)  For purposes of this 13.9 only, the following definitions will

              (1)  "Annual Benefit" means a retirement  benefit payable annually
                   in the form of a straight life annuity.  A benefit payable in
                   a form other than a straight life annuity will be adjusted to
                   be the Actuarial Equivalent of a straight life annuity before
                   applying the limitations of this 13.9.  However, no actuarial
                   adjustment  will be made for the value of a  qualified  joint
                   and  survivor  annuity or the value of benefits  that are not
                   directly related to retirement benefits.

              (2)  "Compensation" has the meaning defined in 11.2(c).

              (3)  "Limitation Year" means a Plan Year.

              (4)  "Social  Security  Retirement  Age" means the age used as the
                   retirement age for a Participant  under Section 216(l) of the
                   Social  Security Act except that such section will be applied
                   without  regard  to the age  increase  factor,  and as if the
                   early retirement age under Section 216(l)(2) of such Act were

         (b)  The Annual Benefit of a Participant may not at any time within a
              Limitation Year exceed the lesser of (1) or (2) below:

              (1)  $98,064 for 1989. Each January 1 this $98,064 limitation will
                   automatically  be  adjusted  to  the  new  dollar  limitation
                   prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury for that calendar
                   year.  The new  limitation  will  apply to  Limitation  Years
                   ending within the calendar year of the date of adjustment.

              (2)  100% of the annual average of the Participant's  Compensation
                   from the Company for the three  consecutive  Limitation Years
                   (or all Limitation  Years,  if fewer than three),  which give
                   the highest average.

         (c)  If the Annual Benefit payable to a Participant under this Plan and
              all other defined benefit plans of the Company does not exceed
              $10,000 and the Company has not maintained a defined contribution
              plan in which the Participant participated, the maximum otherwise
              imposed by this 13.9 will not apply.


         (d)  Service or participation less than ten years

              (1)  If a Participant has completed less than ten years of
                   participation in the Plan the limit otherwise imposed by
                   13.9(b)(1) will be multiplied by the ratio of the
                   Participant's years (or part thereof) of participation in the
                   Plan to ten. This ratio will not be less than one-tenth.

              (2)  If a Participant has completed less than ten Years of
                   Service, the limits otherwise imposed by 13.9(b)(2) and 
                   13.9(c) will be multiplied by the ratio of the Participant's 
                   Years of Service (or part thereof) to ten. This ratio will 
                   not be less than one-tenth.

              (3)  To the extent provided by the Secretary of the Treasury, this
                   13.9(d) will be applied separately with respect to each
                   change in the benefit structure of the Plan.

         (e)  If a Participant's benefit payments are to commence before the
              Participant's Social Security Retirement Age, the maximum benefit
              amount will be reduced as follows:

              (1)  If the Participant's benefit payments are to commence at or
                   after age 62 and the Participant's Social Security Retirement
                   age is 65, the amount described in 13.9(b)(1) will be reduced
                   by five-ninths of one percent for each month by which
                   benefits commence before the month in which the Participant
                   attains age 65 or,

              (2)  If the Participant's benefit payments are to commence at or
                   after age 62 and the Participant's Social Security Retirement
                   age is greater than 65, the amount described in 13.9(b)(1)
                   will be reduced by five-ninths of one percent for each of the
                   first 36 months and five twelfths of one percent for each of
                   the additional months (up to 24) by which benefits commence
                   before the month in which the participant attains Social
                   Security Retirement Age.

              (3)  If the Participant's benefit payments are to commence prior
                   to the month in which the Participant attains age 62, the
                   maximum benefit amount described in 13.9(b)(1) will reduced
                   to the Actuarial Equivalent of the limit at age 62 determined
                   pursuant to 13.9(e)(1) or 13.9(e)(2). For purposes of this
                   13.9(e) and 13.9(f) only, actuarial


                   equivalence will be computed using an interest rate of 5% and
                   the 1984 Unisex Pension Mortality Table.

         (f)  If a Participant's benefit payments are to commence after the
              Participant's Social Security Retirement Age, the maximum benefit
              amount described in 13.9(b)(1) will be actuarially increased.

         (g)  If the Accrued Benefit of any Participant as of the close of the
              last Limitation Year beginning before January 1, 1987 exceeds the
              benefit limitations under Code Section 415(b) then, for purposes
              of Code Section 415(b) and (e) such Participant's defined benefit
              dollar limitation under Code Section 415(b)(1) will be equal to
              his or her Accrued Benefit, determined as of such date as if the
              Participant had separated from service on that date. For purposes
              of this paragraph, any changes in the terms and conditions of the
              Plan or cost of living adjustments occurring after May 5, 1986
              will be disregarded.

         (h)  All defined benefit plans of the Company, terminated or not, will
              be considered as one plan for purposes of the limitations
              specified under this 13.9, and all entities of a controlled group
              of entities will be considered as one employer.

         (i)  In any case in which a person is a Participant in both a defined
              benefit plan and a defined contribution plan maintained by the
              Company or any Affiliate or Subsidiary of the Company, the sum of
              (1) and (2) below for any Limitation Year may not exceed 1.0:

              (1)  The defined benefit plan fraction for such Limitation Year is
                   equal to the quotient of (A) divided by (B) below:

                   (A)  The Annual Benefit of the Participant under the Plan and
                        all other defined benefit plans (determined as of the
                        close of such Limitation Year).

                   (B)  The lesser of 125% of the amount described in 13.9(b)(1)
                        and 140% of the amount described in 13.9(b)(2).

                   If the Employee was a participant in one or more defined
                   benefit plans maintained by the Company, or any Affiliate or
                   Subsidiary of the Company, which were in existence on May 5,
                   1986, the amount calculated in (B) will not be less than 125%
                   of the Employee's accrued benefit under such


                   defined benefit plans as of December 31, 1986, determined
                   without regard to any change in the terms or conditions of
                   the plan made after May 5, 1986, and without regard to any
                   cost of living adjustment occurring after May 5, 1986. The
                   preceding sentence only applies if the defined benefit plans
                   individually and in the aggregate satisfied the requirement
                   of Code Section 415 as in effect on December 31, 1986.

              (2)  The defined contribution plan fraction for such Limitation
                   Year is equal to the quotient of (A) divided by (B) below:

                   (A)  The aggregate of the annual additions to the
                        Participant's account under said defined contribution 
                        plan as of the close of such Limitation Year.

                   (B)  The lesser of 125% of the maximum annual additions to
                        such account for all Years of Service with the Company,
                        or 1.4 multiplied by 25% of the Participant's
                        Compensation for all Years of Service with the Company.

                   If the Plan satisfied the applicable requirements of Code
                   Section 415 as in effect for the last Plan Year beginning
                   before January 1, 1987, an amount will be subtracted from the
                   amount calculated in (A) (but not reducing the amount in (A)
                   to less than zero) so that the sum of the defined benefit
                   fraction and defined contribution fraction computed under
                   Code Section 415(e)(1) does not exceed 1.0 for such Plan Year
                   (determined as if the changes to Code Section 415 made by the
                   Tax Reform Act of 1986 and any technical corrections to such
                   act were in effect for such Plan Year).

              (3)  If the sum of (1) and (2) exceeds 1.0, the Annual Benefit
                   under this Plan will be limited to such amount as will reduce
                   such sum to 1.0.

13.10    Additional Benefit Limits for Highly Compensated Employees

         (a)  For purposes of this 13.10 only, the following definitions will

              (1)  "Benefit" means benefits under the Plan and includes any
                   loans in excess of the amounts set forth in Code Section
                   72(p)(2)(A), any annual periodic income, any withdrawal
                   values payable to


                   a living Employee and any death benefits not provided by
                   insurance on the Employee's life.

              (2)  "Current Liabilities" is defined in Code Section 412(l)(7)
                   provided that the Company may elect to use the value of
                   current liabilities as reported on Schedule B of the Plan's
                   most recent timely filed Form 5500 or Form 5500 C/R.
                   Alternatively, the Company may determine current liabilities
                   as of a later date.

              (3)  "Highly Compensated Employee" means:

                   (A)  Any Employee who performs services for the Controlled
                        Group during the determination year and who, during the
                        look-back year:

                        (i)  received Total Earnings in excess of $75,000 (as
                             adjusted by the Secretary of the Treasury for the
                             relevant year),

                        (ii) received Total Earnings in excess of $50,000 (as
                             adjusted by the Secretary of the Treasury for the
                             relevant year) and was a member of the top-paid
                             group for such year, or

                        (iii) was an officer (within the meaning of Code Section
                             416(i)) of the Controlled Group and received Total
                             Earnings during such year that were greater than
                             50% of the dollar limitation in effect under Code
                             Section 415(b)(1)(A).

                   (B)  Any Employee who is both (i) described in 12.10(a)(3)(A)
                        if the term "determination year" is substituted for the
                        term "look-back year" and (ii) is one of the 100
                        Employees who received the most Total Earnings from the
                        Controlled Group during the determination year.

                   (C)  Any Employee who is a 5% owner (as defined in Code
                        Section 416(i)(1)(A)(iii)) of the Company at any time
                        during the look-back year or the determination year.

                   (D)  If no officer has satisfied the compensation requirement
                        of 12.10(a)(3)(A)(iii) during either a determination
                        year or look- back year, the highest paid officer for
                        such determination year will be treated as


                        a Highly Compensated Eligible Employee if such officer
                        is an Eligible Employee. No more than 50 Employees (or
                        if less, the greater of three Employees or 10% of the
                        Employees) will be treated as officers.

                   (E)  For purposes of this 13.10 the following definitions
                        apply. The determination year is the Plan Year. The
                        look-back year is the 12-month period immediately
                        preceding the determination year. The top-paid group is
                        the top 20% of Employees ranked on the basis of
                        compensation received during the year and will be
                        determined in accordance with Code Section 414(q)(8) and
                        the regulations thereunder.

                   (F)  An Employee who is a 5% owner or one of the 10 highly
                        compensated employees in the Controlled Group paid the
                        greatest amount of Total Earnings during the Plan Year
                        and such Employee's spouse, lineal ascendants or
                        descendants and the spouses of such lineal ascendants or
                        descendants will be treated as a single Employee for
                        purposes of this 13.10.

              (4)  "Highly Compensated Former Employee" means any former
                   Employee who was a Highly Compensated Employee for a
                   separation year (as defined in Treasury Regulation section
                   1.414(q)-1T) or for any determination year ending on or
                   after the Employee attains age 55, as provided by Code
                   Section 414(q)(9) and the regulations thereunder.

              (5)  "Restricted Amount" is the excess of the accumulated amount
                   of distributions to a Restricted Employee over the
                   accumulated amount of the payments that would have been paid

                   (A)  a straight life annuity that is the actuarial equivalent
                        of the Restricted Employee's Benefit (other than a
                        social security supplement), plus

                   (B)  the amount of the payments that the Restricted Employee
                        is entitled to receive under a social security

                        For this purpose, an "accumulated amount" is the amount
                        of a payment increased by a reasonable amount of
                        interest from the date the payment was made (or would
                        have been made)


                        until the date for the determination of the Restricted

              (6)  "Restricted Employee" for any Plan Year means one of the 25
                   Highly Compensated Employees or Highly Compensated Former
                   Employees with the greatest compensation.

         (b)  In the event the Plan is terminated, the Benefit payable to any
              Highly Compensated Employee and any Highly Compensated Former
              Employee will be limited to a benefit which is nondiscriminatory
              under Code Section 401(a)(4).

         (c)  Prior to Plan termination, the annual payment to a Restricted
              Employee under the Plan will be limited to an amount equal to the
              annual payment that would have been paid under a straight life
              annuity that is the actuarial equivalent to the Restricted
              Employee's Benefit (not including any social security supplement)
              plus the amount of any social security supplement payments the
              Restricted Employee is entitled to receive.

         (d)  13.10(c) will not apply if:

              (1)  after payment of all Benefits to the Restricted Employee, the
                   value of Plan assets is 110% or more of the value of Current

              (2)  the value of Benefits payable to the Restricted Employee is
                   less than one percent of the value of Current Liabilities, or

              (3)  the present value of the Benefits payable to the Restricted
                   Employee is $3,500 or less, or

              (4)  upon receipt of a distribution from the Plan, the Restricted
                   Employee deposits in escrow property having a fair market
                   value equal to at least 125% of the Restricted Amount or,
                   alternatively, posts a bond or letter of credit in an amount
                   equal to at least 100% of the Restricted Amount.

13.11    Eligible Rollover Distribution

         (a)  This 13.11 applies to distributions made on or after January 1,
              1993. Notwithstanding any provision of the plan to the contrary
              that would otherwise limit a distributee's election under this
              13.11, a distributee may elect, at the time and in the manner
              prescribed by the plan administrator, to have any portion of an
              eligible rollover distribution paid directly to an


              eligible retirement plan specified by the distributee in a direct

         (b)  Definitions.

              (1)  Eligible rollover distribution: An eligible rollover
                   distribution is any distribution of all or any portion of the
                   balance to the credit of the distributee, except that an
                   eligible rollover distribution does not include: any
                   distribution that is one of a series of substantially equal
                   periodic payments (not less frequently than annually) made
                   for the life (or life expectancy) of the distributee or the
                   joint lives (or joint life expectancies) of the distributee
                   and the distributee's designated beneficiary, or for a
                   specified period of ten years or more; any distribution to
                   the extent such distribution is required under Code Section
                   401(a)(9); and the portion of any distribution that is not
                   includible in gross income (determined without regard to the
                   exclusion for net unrealized appreciation with respect to
                   employer securities).

              (2)  Eligible retirement plan: An eligible retirement plan is an
                   individual retirement account described in Code Section
                   408(a), an individual retirement annuity described in Code
                   Section 408(b), an annuity plan described in Code Section
                   403(a), or a qualified trust described in Code Section 401(a)
                   that accepts the distributee's eligible rollover
                   distribution. However, in the case of an eligible rollover
                   distribution to the surviving spouse, an eligible retirement
                   plan is an individual retirement account or individual
                   retirement annuity.

              (3)  Distributee: A distributee includes an employee or former
                   employee. In addition, the employee's or former employee's
                   surviving spouse and the employee's or former employee's
                   spouse or former spouse who is the alternate payee under a
                   qualified domestic relations order, as defined in Code
                   Section 414(p), are distributees with regard to the interest
                   of the spouse or former spouse.

              (4)  Direct rollover: A direct rollover is a payment by the plan
                   to the eligible retirement plan specified by the distributee.


13.12    Procedures with Respect to Domestic Relations Orders

         (a)  In the event that a domestic relations order is received by the
              Plan, the Committee shall promptly notify the affected Participant
              and any alternate payee (or such payee's designated
              representative) of the receipt of such order and the Plan's
              procedures for determining the qualified status of such order
              under Code Section 414(p). The Committee shall then, within a
              reasonable period after receipt of such order, determine whether
              such order is a qualified domestic relations order and notify the
              Participant and each alternate payee (or such payee's designated
              representative) of its determination. If a Participant or an
              alternate payee is dissatisfied with the determination of the
              Committee, the Participant may appeal the Committee's decision by
              following the Plan procedure for appealing denied claims.

         (b)  The term "domestic relations order" as used herein means any
              judgment, decree, or order (including approval of a property
              settlement agreement) which relates to the provision of child
              support, alimony payments, or marital property rights to a spouse,
              former spouse, child, or other dependent of a Participant, and is
              made pursuant to State law. The term "qualified domestic relations
              order" means a domestic relations order which assigns to an
              alternate payee the right to receive all or a portion of the
              benefits payable with respect to a Participant under the Plan, and
              meets the following requirements:

              (1)  A qualified domestic relations order must clearly specify:

                   (A)  Then name and last known mailing address of the
                        Participant and of each alternate payee,

                   (B)  The amount or percentage of the Participant's benefit to
                        be paid by the Plan to each alternate payee, or the
                        manner in which such percentage is to be determined,

                   (C)  The number of payments or period to which such order
                        applies, and

                   (D)  Each plan of the Company to which it applies.

              (2)  A qualified domestic relations order may not require the Plan
                   to provide:


                   (A)  Increased benefits (on the basis of actuarial value),

                   (B)  Benefits to an alternate payee which are required to be
                        paid to another alternate payee under another order
                        previously determined to be a qualified domestic
                        relations order, or

                   (C)  Any type or form of benefit, or any option, not
                        otherwise provided under the Plan except that benefits
                        (to the extent vested) may be paid to an alternate payee
                        on or after the date which is ten years before the
                        Participant's Normal Retirement Age without regard to
                        whether the Participant has terminated employment.

         (c)  During any period in which the qualified status of a domestic
              relations order is being determined, the Committee shall direct
              the Trustee to separately account for the amounts (referred to as
              "segregated amounts") which would have been payable to the
              alternate payee during such period if the order had been
              determined to be qualified. If within 18 months the order (or
              modification thereof) is determined to be a qualified domestic
              relations order, the Committee shall allow payment of such
              segregated amounts to the alternate payee. Otherwise, the
              segregated amounts shall be paid without regard to the court

     Executed this 16th day of December, 1994 at Salt Lake City, Utah.

                                       ZIONS BANCORPORATION

                                       by   /s/ Harris H. Simmons


  /s/ Gary L. Anderson
- --------------------------------------


                                   Appendix I

                              ZIONS BANCORPORATION

                                  PENSION PLAN

                        Joint and Survivor Option Factors

An Employee retiring at any age will have the following factors applied to his
or her Accrued Benefit.

                                                                               Joint & Survivor Option
                                                                       50%                 66 2/3%                100%
Spouse same age as Employee                                            .880                 .850                 .790

For each year the Spouse is younger than
the Employee subtract                                                 -.005                -.006                -.008

For each year the Spouse is older than
the Employee add                                                      +.005                +.006                +.008

The maximum adjustment for age differential is limited to 20 years.


                                   Appendix II

                              ZIONS BANCORPORATION

                                  PENSION PLAN

                                Lump Sum Factors

         For the purpose of calculating the lump sum equivalent of a
         Participant's Accrued Benefit as of any date in a Plan Year commencing
         after December 31, 1985, the 1984 Unisex Pension Mortality Table is
         used together with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation's interest
         rate(s) for valuing benefits under plans terminating on the first day
         of such Plan Year; provided that in no event shall such lump sum be
         less than the present value as of December 31, 1985 of a Participant's
         Accrued Benefit to December 31, 1985 on the basis of the following
         actuarial factors.

         Actuarial factors used prior to December 31, 1985 for valuing a
         deferred annuity of $1 per year commencing at age 65 and payable in
         monthly installments:

      Age                Factor            Age                Factor
      ---                ------            ---                ------
       32                0.6404             49                2.4180
       33                0.6920             50                2.6182
       34                0.7479             51                2.8357
       35                0.8082             52                3.0721
       36                0.8735             53                3.3292
       37                0.9441             54                3.6090
       38                1.0205             55                3.9138
       39                1.1031             56                4.2458
       40                1.1925             57                4.6080
       41                1.2892             58                5.0034
       42                1.3939             59                5.4356
       43                1.5073             60                5.9088
       44                1.6301             61                6.4279
       45                1.7632             62                6.9983
       46                1.9075             63                7.6261
       47                2.0639             64                8.3184
       48                2.2337             65                9.0836



                                  Appendix III

                              ZIONS BANCORPORATION

                                  PENSION PLAN

                    Early Retirement Old Plan Account Factors

                      Age                         Factor
                      ---                         ------
                       55                          .500
                       56                          .533
                       57                          .567
                       58                          .600
                       59                          .633
                       60                          .667
                       61                          .733
                       62                          .800
                       63                          .867
                       64                          .933
                       65                         1.000
