APRIL 22, 1996

VIA FAX NO. 31-10-213-0512

Dr. Sjoerd D. Eikelboom
Royal Pakhoed N.V.
333 Blaak
3011 GB Rotterdam
The Netherlands

       Re:   Univar Corporation
             Royal Pakhoed N.V.
             Environmental Due Diligence Agreement 

Dear Sjoerd:

        Reference is made to the Confidentiality and Standstill Agreement in
connection with a possible transaction involving Royal Pakhoed N.V. ("PAKHOED")
and Univar Corporation ("UNIVAR") dated April 12, 1996 and the "TENDER OFFER
PROTOCOL" attached thereto as Exhibit B. The Confidentiality and Standstill
Agreement contemplates performance of environmental due diligence of Univar to
be conducted on behalf of Pakhoed by Pakhoed's legal counsel, Graham & James
("G&J"), and Pakhoed's environmental consultant, Harding Lawson Associates
("HLA"). Both G&J and HLA have provided professional services for Univar in the
past and HLA continues to provide professional services for Univar. Univar and
Pakhoed hereby consent to G&J's and HLA's representation of Pakhoed in this
proposed transaction. Any defined terms beginning with an initial capital used
herein which are not defined in this Due Diligence Agreement shall have the same
meaning as in the Confidentiality and Standstill Agreement. In consideration of
the continued good faith negotiations between Pakhoed and Univar and the mutual
benefits accruing to Pakhoed and Univar by virtue of their cooperation in this
due diligence effort, Pakhoed and Univar agree as follows:

1.      Pakhoed and Univar agree to cooperate each with the other and the
        other's legal counsel as well as with HLA as provided in this Due
        Diligence Agreement. Any approval required of or from Pakhoed or Univar
        pursuant to this Due Diligence Agreement shall not be unreasonably
        withheld, conditioned or delayed. To the extent necessary or
        appropriate, Pakhoed and Univar and/or their legal counsel shall meet
        each with the other and with HLA, in person or via conference call, to
        implement this Due Diligence Agreement. The 

                                  Value Growth
Dr. Sjoerd D. Eikelboom
Due Diligence Agreement
April 22, 1996
Page 2

        scope of, approach for and other terms concerning as well as the work
        to be performed by HLA and G&J, and the time frame in which such work 
        shall be accomplished, are stated in the attached Exhibit A, "Due 
        Diligence Approach" ("SCOPE"), which is incorporated fully by this 

2.      Pakhoed shall pay all fees and costs of HLA's and G&J's performance of
        the Scope. Univar shall pay the costs of its legal counsel and the 
        cost of providing a location in the Seattle area for file review as 
        contemplated in the Scope. Pakhoed shall pay all other costs of its 
        due diligence and the cost of providing any document review facility 
        outside of the Seattle area.

3.      On the terms and for the limited purposes provided in the Scope, Univar
        grants Pakhoed, G&J and HLA access to its files and personnel (as 
        identified in the Scope) to perform the Scope.

4.      All preliminary and final results of due diligence shall be the sole
        property of Pakhoed and Pakhoed shall not provide Univar any information
        concerning its due diligence.

5.      All results, reports, and any information obtained or developed by
        Pakhoed, HLA or G&J pursuant to this Due Diligence Agreement and all 
        results, reports, and any other information obtained or developed 
        using information obtained in this due diligence shall constitute 
        "EVALUATION MATERIAL" under the Confidentiality and Standstill 
        Agreement, shall be subject to the terms and conditions therein and 
        shall be referred to herein as the "ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 
        MATERIAL." All Environmental Evaluation Material shall be G&J attorney 
        work product and shall be protected from disclosure by G&J's attorney-
        client privilege with Pakhoed and the attorney work product privilege,
        as well as other applicable privileges, and may not be provided to 
        or used by any person other than those employed by Pakhoed and its 
        Representatives who have an actual need to know such information, and 
        who shall be advised of and agree to be bound by the Confidentiality 
        and Standstill Agreement before Evaluation Material is provided to them.

6.      All such results, reports and documentary information shall bear, as a
        header on each page, the following legend:

                          PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL
                        DO NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE
Dr. Sjoerd D. Eikelboom
Due Diligence Agreement
April 22, 1996
Page 3


                                      Scott R. Vokey
                                   Preston Gates & Ellis
                                   5000 Columbia Center
                                     701 Fifth Avenue
                               Seattle, Washington 98104-7078
                                    Tel: (206) 623-7580 
                               Tel: (206) 467-7605 (direct)
                                    Fax: (206) 623-7022

8.      This Due Diligence Agreement shall be effective when signed by
        authorized representatives of Pakhoed, Univar, G&J and HLA and shall
        terminate upon the successful conclusion of the merger contemplated by
        the Confidentiality and Standstill Agreement. Each of the individuals
        signing below on behalf of Pakhoed, G&J, and HLA represents and
        warrants to Univar that he or she is authorized to sign on behalf of
        the entity he or she represents. This letter agreement may be executed
        in two or more counterparts by facsimile signature, all of which taken
        together shall constitute one instrument.

9.      Pakhoed acknowledges that upon the execution of this Due Diligence
        Agreement and agreement on the minimum acceptable tender offer price
        per Section 2.3 of the Tender Offer Protocol, the two year standstill
        provisions of the Confidentiality and Standstill Agreement are hereby


                                              Univar Corporation

                                              /s/William A. Butler

                                              William A. Butler
                                              Vice President, General Counsel
                                              and Corporate Secretary
Dr. Sjoerd D. Eikelboom
Due Diligence Agreement
April 22, 1996
Page 4


Royal Pakhoed N.V.                               Graham & James

By:_____________________________                 By:________________________

Name:___________________________                 Name:______________________

Title:__________________________                 Title:_____________________

Date:___________________________                 Date:______________________

Harding Lawson Associates

By: /s/ Victor R. Johnson, Jr.

Name: /s/ Victor R. Johnson, Jr.

Title: Senior Vice President

Date: 4/24/96

cc:   Wayne E. Grotheer, with Exhibit A
      Joel S. Summer, with Exhibit A
      Scott R. Vokey, with Exhibit A
      Richard B. Dodd, with Exhibit A
      Maureen Bennett, with Exhibit A
      Nicholas Unkovic, with Exhibit A
      Victor Johnson, with Exhibit A
Dr. Sjoerd D. Eikelboom
Due Diligence Agreement
April 22, 1996
Page 4


Royal Pakhoed N.V.                             Graham & James

By: /s/ S. Eikelboom                           By: /s/ Nicholas Unkovic
   ----------------------------                   --------------------------

Name: /s/ S. Eikelboom                         Name: /s/ Nicholas Unkovic
     --------------------------                     -------------------------

Title: Director                                Title: Partner
      -------------------------                      ------------------------

Date: 4/25/96                                  Date: 4/25/96
     --------------------------                     -------------------------

Harding Lawson Associates





cc:     Wayne E. Grotheer, with Exhibit A
        Joel S. Summer, with Exhibit A
        Scott R. Vokey, with Exhibit A
        Richard B. Dodd, with Exhibit A
        Maureen Bennett, with Exhibit A
        Nicholas Unkovic, with Exhibit A
        Victor Johnson, with Exhibit A
                             Exhibit A

                      Due Diligence Approach

                          April 22, 1996

A.      Guiding Principles

        Univar and Pakhoed wish to permit Pakhoed to evaluate (solely for
purposes of the proposed transaction) environmental and product, toxic tort and
similar liabilities related to Univar on the schedule set forth in the Protocol,
while preserving the confidentiality of the proposed transaction and of the
information collected during due diligence.

        Therefore, except as otherwise consented to by Univar, information
shall be gathered only from the sources and in accordance with the procedures
specified in this Due Diligence Approach and not from Univar facilities (other
than its Kirkland headquarters) or through contacts with regulatory agencies.
It is expected that some information will be needed from excluded sources, but
Univar will make that information available only as agreed by the parties, for
example by having Univar personnel or counsel obtain the information in a
manner designed to protect confidentiality.

        Subject to the limitations in this Due Diligence Approach, the due
diligence shall cover all known active and inactive Univar sites, in the US and
elsewhere, including offsite locations where Univar may be a responsible/liable

        It has been estimated that this due diligence should take six weeks,
but the Protocol requires that the due diligence be completed by May 24, 1996,
which is expected to allow less than a month for due diligence. Therefore, both
parties will make appropriate personnel and resources available on a priority
basis to accomplish the due diligence by May 24, 1996.

        The due diligence will be conducted in a cooperative fashion designed to
limit to the extent possible the need to obtain information from excluded
sources while providing as much information as possible, keeping in mind the
practical limitations imposed by the time available and the need for

B.      Personnel

        Graham and James ("G&J") will retain Harding Lawson Associates ("HLA").
Pakhoed's due diligence will be conducted by representatives of Pakhoed, HLA
and G&J (the "Pakhoed team"). While Pakhoed retains the right to designate its
team, it is expected that those representatives will for most purposes include:
Rino Wong (Pakhoed); Vic Johnson ("VJ"), Larry Floyd ("LF") and Jim Briedlow
("JB") (HLA); and Maureen Bennett and either Andy Port or

Rupert Hansen (G&J). Others who may be involved on a less frequent basis include
Sjoerd Eikelboom, Roy Wansik and Jean Warren (Pakhoed) and Nick Unkovic (G&J).

        The Pakhoed team will have its primary contacts with Wayne Grotheer
("WG") and Joel Summer ("JS") (Univar) and Scott Vokey ("SRV") of Preston Gates
& Ellis ("PG&E"), but may also have contacts with Jim Wiborg, Paul Hough, Gary
Pruitt, Bill Butler and Rick Dodd (PG&E).

C.      Information Sources

        Univar will make available in an offsite data room at a site to be
designated by Pakhoed:

                1)      all relevant and reasonably accessible information
                        located in Univar's Kirkland headquarters or
                        headquarters storage or under PG&E's control,

                2)      Univar's FY 1997 capital budget,

                3)      to the extent reasonably available, existing lists of
                        known active and inactive Univar sites, including third
                        party sites where Univar may be a responsible/liable
                        party, and

                4)      on a priority basis, the assistance of the Univar
                        personnel and representatives described above.

        The Pakhoed team will also have access to information:

                1)      contained in the files of Pakhoed, G&J and HLA (provided
                        that HLA personnel other than VJ, LF and JB who have
                        worked for Univar may not be informed of this project or
                        that such information is being used),

                2)      available from commercially available data bases such as
                        commercial electronic due diligence services (such as
                        EDR) and from commercial serial photograph services,
                        city directory services and historical mapping services
                        (such as Sanborn),

                3)      available from other sources with prior permission of
                        Univar, and

                4)      derived from discussions with the Univar personnel and
                        representatives described above.

        Except as described above, the Pakhoed team will not, with respect to
Univar and without prior permission from Univar

                1)      contact any present or former Univar officers,
                        directors, employees, attorneys, consultants, agents or
                        other advisors, including without limitation present or
                        former project managers,

                2)      contact any regulatory agency or its present or former
                        personnel, contractors, consultants, attorneys or
                        advisors, or review or request copies of any regulatory
                        agency file,

                3)      visit, or request from any third person information
                        concerning, (a) any present or former Univar leased or
                        owned site or (b) any third party site at which Univar
                        is or may be a potentially responsible/liable party, or

                4)      review (a) the files of project managers or (b) files
                        located at Univar facilities.

It is nevertheless expected that, with respect to a limited number of sites or
pending or threatened litigation, information will be required from one or more
of the above excluded sources. It is also expected that information that cannot
now reasonably be anticipated will be required. The Pakhoed team will limit
requests for such information to the extent possible, and Univar will cooperate
to obtain such information in a manner agreeable to both Univar and Pakhoed.
With respect to regulatory agency contacts, due to the difficulty in scheduling
appointments with such agencies, the parties will use their best efforts to
identify and pursue any such required contacts as early as possible in the

D.      Due Diligence Process and Schedule

        The due diligence process will commence upon execution of this
agreement and agreement on the minimum acceptable tender offer price per
Section 2.3 of the Protocol, extending the Pakhoed standstill period to two
years. These conditions are expected to be fulfilled on April 26, 1996.

        Univar will make the information it is to provide (described above)
available in the data room on April 29, 1996. The due diligence will commence
that day with interviews of WG, JS and SRV, and will be completed no later than
May 24, 1996. The parties will make available the personnel and resources
necessary to accomplish this schedule.

E.      Uses of Due Diligence Information

        Neither Pakhoed, G&J, nor HLA will use any information developed during
the due diligence for any purpose other than evaluation of the potential
transaction, including but not limited to any attempt to require Univar to set
environmental reserves, change any accounting policy, force Univar to make any
disclosure, or in connection with any Univar project.

        Univar will not be required to develop any new cost estimates, and
Pakhoed, G&J and HLA will keep confidential and not disclose to Univar or to
any third parties any cost estimates or

other information that Pakhoed, G&J or HLA may develop, in the course of the
due diligence investigation.

        Pakhoed, HLA and G&J shall destroy all information developed pursuant
to this due diligence protocol, including without limitation notes, schedules,
and reports, if the potential transaction does not close in accordance with the
Confidentiality and Standstill Agreement dated April 12, 1996.
