
                                CREDIT AGREEMENT

The undersigned:

the limited liability company [*], hereafter known
as the Bank,


the limited liability company Pakhoed Holding N.V., established at Rotterdam,
Boompjes 60-68, hereafter known as Borrower,

stipulate to the following:

1.       The Bank shall provide on 1 September 1989 a revolving credit facility
         for an amount equal to NLG 50,000,000.00 (in words:  fifty million
         guilders) or the equivalent - in whole or in part - in any other
         convertible currency available to the Bank.

2.       Borrower is permitted to avail itself of the facility
         a.       by borrowing in current account
         b.       by overnight money loans
         c.       by fixed advances (cash loans) with a maturity of one to 
                  twelve months
         d.       by long-term loans, taking into account the total term of the

         The borrower is permitted at all times to repay and reborrow, whether
         in whole or in part, already borrowed sums in current account, fixed
         advances (cash loans) and overnight money loans or to convert them into
         long-term loans, taking into account the term of the facility for all
         of this.

3.       The following interest and conditions apply:

         a.       for borrowing in current account in Dutch guilders:
                  a debit interest rate of [*] per year above the discount rate
                  for promissory notes of De Nederlandsche Bank N.V., plus a
                  surcharge, depending on the money market, presently at 1%.
                  Changes in these surcharges shall be made known in a number of
                  newspapers of national circulation.

         b.       for borrowing in current account in foreign currency:
                  a debit interest rate based on the Eurocurrency market rates 
                  plus a margin of [*] per year.

Initials:  [*]                           Initials:  PAKHOED HOLDING N.V.
         c.       for overnight money loans and fixed advances (cash loans) in 
                  Dutch guilders and foreign currency: the interbank selling
                  prices with a comparable amount and maturity, as these are
                  quoted at Amsterdam (AIBOR) or London (LIBOR), plus a
                  surcharge of [*] per year.

         d.       for long-term loans:
                  the costs of interbank assumed loans with a comparable amount
                  and maturity plus a margin of [*] per year.

         e.       readiness commission:
                  [*] per quarter on the portion of the facility not borrowed, 
                  on a daily basis.

         f.       No closing commission shall be charged.

         g.       The interest and the readiness commission shall be calculated
                  for the actual number of days elapsing, each month being taken
                  at the correct number of days and a year being taken at 360
                  days, insofar as no other custom exists for the particular

         h.       The interest per Items a, b and d shall be paid at the end of 
                  each quarter. The interest per Item c should be paid at the
                  end of the agreed interest period.

         i.       The readiness commission shall be computed per quarter and 
                  payable at the end of the quarter, for the first time on 30
                  September 1989.

4.       a.       The facility shall be repaid in its entirety on 31 August

         b.       The facility can be reduced by borrower at all times, in whole
                  or in part, without penalty, provided that no (more) use
                  thereof is made on the day of the desired early reduction,
                  whereupon the readiness commission is payable solely on the
                  reduced and unused portion.

5.       Early redemption of long-term loans is permitted, provided such a
         redemption is reported to the Bank in writing at least five work days
         in advance. The expenses incurred by the Bank and the possibly lost
         income from reinvestment of the early redeemed amounts shall be charged
         to the borrower. Such redeemed amounts can be again borrowed within the
         framework and the maturity of this facility.

6.       The not yet redeemed portion of the principal can, with the interest
         and whatever else is owed by the borrower to the Bank by reason of this
         agreement, be demanded in its entirety and immediately by the Bank,
         without any summons or notice being required:

         a.       if borrower fails to fulfill any obligation to the Bank by 
                  virtue of this agreement, or does not do so in timely or
                  proper manner, and borrower still does not fulfill such an
                  obligation within fourteen days of the Bank's having made such
                  a request of it;
         b.       if borrower requests suspension of payment, files for 
                  bankruptcy, is declared bankrupt, or if its real property or
                  any significant portion thereof can be seized or if the
                  valuation of a writ of sequestration becomes final;
         c.       if borrower ceases its operations or resolves on dissolution;
         d.       if borrower transfers its operations to a new or different 
                  company or otherwise alienates them;

7.       Borrower shall be in default by the mere fact of the occurrence of one
         of the instances of immediate demandability mentioned in Article 6 of
         this agreement. It shall give the Bank immediate notice as soon as one
         or more of the facts occur which, by virtue of the provisions of this
         agreement, might make the sums borrowed under this facility demandable
         and of any change in its articles of association.

8.       All Dutch taxes on the interest of this facility as such, which are not
         taxes which are designated in the Netherlands as Income and/or
         Corporate Taxes, or as withholding of these taxes, and all expenses
         which are reasonably connected with the maintenance of the rights from
         the agreement and/or with collection of the amount owed by reason of
         this facility, in court or out of court, shall be paid by the borrower.

9.       Borrower shall hand over the consolidated annual accounts, audited by a
         certified accountant, within three months of the appearance of its
         annual report, but no later than six months after the end of the last
         accounting year. Borrower shall furnish to the Bank, on its first
         demand, the explanations which the Bank may reasonably request.

10.      1.       Borrower promises to ensure that during the course of the loan

                  a.       a ratio between its current assets and current 
                           liabilities, including the obligations due within one
                           year from long and medium-long term debt, is always
                           maintained at 1:1, at least,
                  b.       a ratio between long borrowed capital and 
                           shareholders' equity of 2.5:1 is never exceeded in
                           the consolidated balance sheet.

Initials:  [*]                         Initials:  PAKHOED HOLDING N.V.
                  By long borrowed capital is meant here the sum of:

                  -        all debts of long and medium-long term, excluding the
                           obligations falling due within one year by reason of
                           long and medium-long debts, which should be listed
                           among the current liabilities;
                  -        100% of the provisions, minus the provision for
                           exchange differences and that portion of the
                           provisions which is listed among the shareholders'
                           equity, as indicated below.

                  By shareholders' equity is meant here the sum of:

                  -        share capital;
                  -        share premium reserves;
                  -        other free reserves, with the exception of a reserve
                           resulting from future revaluation of fixed assets;
                  -        50% of the taxation provision.

                  The aforesaid ratios should always be read in agreement with
                  and on the basis of the balance sheet and profit and loss
                  statement, officially approved by the accountants, for the
                  fiscal year 1973, with the accompanying explanation, which
                  accounting basis shall always be handled consistently in

         2.       Borrower promises not to take out any mortgage on its real
                  property situated in the Netherlands without consent of the
                  Bank, on which approval the Bank may impose conditions.

         3.       Wherever this article speaks of real property, real rights are
                  also understood thereby.

         4.       Borrower promises that all companies in which it directly
                  possesses or will possess the majority of the voting capital,
                  or in which it, together with or by means of one or more
                  companies, whether or not directly associated with each other,
                  in which it possesses the majority of the voting capital,
                  possess or shall possess the majority of the voting capital,
                  shall assume the same obligations as mentioned under Item 2
                  and Item 3 above.

11.      Notifications and communications with respect to this agreement should
         occur in writing, by telex or telefax, unless otherwise explicitly
         provided, and should be made at the addresses mentioned below:

         for the Bank:

         and for the borrower:
         Koninklijke Pakhoed N.V.
         Dept. Treasury
         P. O. Box 863
         3000 AW ROTTERDAM
         Telex:  22112
         Telefax:  010-4139829

12.      Dutch law applies to this agreement and its execution. Differences
         involving this agreement and the execution thereof shall be adjudicated
         in the first instance by the competent magistrates of Rotterdam.

13.      The "General Conditions" of the Bank, which are drawn up by the Dutch
         Banking Association and have been filed with the clerk of the District
         Courts of Amsterdam and Rotterdam on 11 November 1987 and which have
         been made known to the borrower, are also applicable to this agreement,
         but with the exception of Articles 18, 19, 20, 21 and 33. Where the
         conditions deviate, this agreement shall prevail.

Thus having been stipulated and drawn up in duplicate and signed in Rotterdam,
on 1 September 1989.

CREDIT [*]                                   PAKHOED HOLDING N.V.