
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The undersigned:

1.           The limited liability company Koninklijke Pakhoed N.V., established
             at Rotterdam, hereafter known as:  borrower


2.           The limited liability company [*], established in
             Amsterdam, hereafter known as:  the bank,


- -            that the bank has offered the borrower, in its letter dated 17
             August 1995, a multi-currency standby facility to replace the
             standby facility of NLG 50 million, dated 5 July 1991, and the
             standby facility of NLG 50 million, dated 16 October 1991, which
             hereby expire.

- -            that the bank and borrower wish to regulate the conditions under
             which borrower can avail itself of this facility;

stipulate to the following:

Article 1    Definitions

1.01         The following terms in this agreement are defined as follows:

a.           AIBOR:  the interest percentage for interbank deposits of 
             comparable maturity in guilders, as ascertained by De Nederlandsche
             Bank N.V. on the day of borrowing at 12:00 A.M. (Dutch time);

b.           Eurocurrency:  freely convertible U.S. Dollars, German Marks, 
             Pounds Sterling, Belgian Francs, French Francs, Swiss Francs,
             Swedish Krone and Australian Dollars.

c.           LIBOR:  the interest percentage at which interbank deposits in
             identical currency are offered for comparable amounts and
             maturities by the banks to first-class banks in the London
             Interbank Market at 11:00 A.M. (London time), two work days prior
             to the borrowing day;

d.           Limit:  the maximum amount of the facility, expressed in Dutch
             guilders, which may be (still) issued at any time, taking into
             account the provisions of Article 6;

e.           Countervalue:  the result of the outstanding amounts in 
             Eurocurrency, multiplied by the selling price as is established by
             the bank for the sale of Eurocurrency in return for Dutch guilders
             at 11:00 A.M.

f.           Due Date(s):  the date(s), by 12:00 A.M., on which borrower must 
             pay (back) any amount that it owes to the bank by reason of this

g.           Work Day:  a day on which banks in Amsterdam, London, and the place
             where any amount must be paid by virtue of this agreement, are open
             for bank business.

Article 2    Amount

2.01         The bank shall provide to borrower as of the date of signing of 
             this agreement and up to 1 December 2005 a facility in the amount
             of a maximum of f. 100,000,000.00 (in words: one hundred million
             guilders) or the Countervalue thereof in Eurocurrency, under the
             following conditions and provisions.

Article 3    Form

3.01         Borrower can avail itself of the facility by borrowing:

a.           in the form of one or more short-term loans in Dutch guilders, for
             periods of 1, 3, 6 or 12 months, in amounts of f. 1,000,000.00 or a
             multiple thereof;

b.           in the form of one or more medium-term loans in Dutch guilders, 
             with maturities of 2, 3, 4 or 5 years, in amounts of f.
             1,000,000.00 or a multiple thereof;

c.           in the form of one or more short-term loans in Eurocurrency, for
             periods of 1, 3, 6 or 12 months, in amounts with a Countervalue of
             f. 1,000,000.00 or a multiple thereof, rounded off to 100,000 in
             the particular currency.
3.02         Borrower must select the maturities of short-term and medium-term
             loans so that they do not exceed the term of the facility.

Article 4    Availability/Disbursement

4.01         The facility is only (still) available if borrower satisfies the
             ratios and obligations to the bank as stipulated in Article 11 and
             none of the events mentioned in Article 10 has occurred.

4.02         If borrower wishes to borrow one (or more) short-term loan(s) in
             Dutch guilders, it shall inform the bank of this by telephone, no
             later than 10:00 A.M. on the day of borrowing, indicating the
             desired amount and the desired period, this communication being
             binding on borrower on the day of the borrowing; the bank shall
             notify the borrower as soon as possible on the day of borrowing
             what the prevailing interest rate is for the desired borrowing in
             accordance with Article 5. Borrowing in the form of short-term
             loans in Dutch guilders can only be done within the Limit. The bank
             shall send a confirmation of each borrowing to Koninklijke Pakhoed
             N.V., according to the form included in Exhibit A. Such borrowing
             is regulated by the provisions contained in the respective
             confirmation, insofar as these differ from the provisions of this

4.03         If borrower wishes to borrow one (or more) medium-term loan(s) in
             Dutch guilders, it shall give the bank written notification of this
             no more than two weeks before the borrowing, indicating the date of
             borrowing, the desired amount and the desired period; the bank
             shall inform borrower as soon as possible, but no more than three
             weeks prior to the day of borrowing, what the interest rate is for
             the desired borrowing according to Article 5. After establishing
             the interest and acceptance thereof by borrower, said communication
             is irrevocable. Borrowing in the form of medium-term loans in Dutch
             guilders can only be done within the Limit and against signing of
             an acknowledgement of debt in accordance with the form included in
             Exhibit B of this agreement. Such borrowing is regulated by the
             provisions included int he respective acknowledgement of debt,
             insofar as these differ from the provisions of this agreement.

4.04         If borrower wishes to borrow one (or more) short-term loan(s) in
             Eurocurrency, it shall inform the bank of this by telephone, no
             later than two work days prior to the borrowing before 10:00 A.M.,
             indicating the desired currency and period, this communication
             being binding on borrower on the day of the borrowing; the bank
             shall notify the borrower as soon as possible on the day of said
             communication what the prevailing interest rate is for the desired
             borrowing in accordance with Article 5. The bank shall include the
             relevant data for this loan in a written confirmation. Borrowing in
             the form of short-term loans in Eurocurrency can only be done
             within the Limit and insofar as the bank has funds up to the
             desired amounts and for the desired periods. The bank shall send a
             confirmation of each borrowing to Koninklijke Pakhoed N.V.,
             according to the form included in Exhibit A.

4.05         In event of borrowing in Eurocurrency, the bank is entitled to
             withhold from borrower an amount which is considered necessary,
             within reasonable bounds, to cover exchange rate risk. Likewise,
             the bank shall compute the Countervalue on the first Work Day of
             each calendar month. The amount thus computed is taken into
             consideration when determining whether borrowing is still possible
             within the Limit.

4.06         In the event that the Countervalue computed per Article 4.05,
             together with the total of the amounts borrowed in Dutch guilders,
             exceeds the Limit, borrower shall, at first demand of the bank,
             remit the amount by which the maximum credit facility is exceeded
             to a deposit account as indicated by the bank. In the latter case,
             a credit interest shall be paid on the thus-remitted amounts at the
             applicable market rates for borrowers. These amounts shall be paid
             back on first demand of borrower as soon as and as long as it
             appears that the exceeding of the maximum amount of the facility
             has diminished on a subsequent accounting date.

4.07         The disbursement of the short-term and/or medium-term loan(s) shall
             occur by crediting a bank account, to be specified by borrower,
             using the starting date of the particular loan as the value date.

4.08         The short-term loans borrowed under the agreements of 5 July 1991
             and 16 October 1991 as of the date of signing of this agreement, in
             a total amount of NLG 20,000,000 (in words: twenty million
             guilders), are considered as being assumed under this agreement,
             with the understanding that the interest applying to these
             short-term loans (i.e., established under the aforesaid previous
             agreements) remains in force until the end of the particular
             maturity of the short-term loans.

Article 5    Interest and Commission(s)

5.01         Borrower shall pay the following debit interest rate on the amounts
             in Dutch guilders borrowed during the term of this agreement:
a.           for short-term loans, AIBOR on the date of the borrowing, plus a
             surcharge of [*] per year; this debit interest rate is included in 
             the confirmation sent out for the particular short-term loan, and
             it is due on the last day of the period for which the short-term
             loan is borrowed and should be paid at the same time as the
             repayment of the principal on the Due Date of the short-term loan.

b.           for medium-term loans, "cost of funds" of the bank, plus a
             surcharge of [*] per year; this debit interest rate is included in
             the acknowledgement of debt signed for the particular medium-term
             loan, being due semiannually and charged to account after six
             months, on 1 July and 1 January of each year.

5.02         Borrower shall pay, on the amounts in Eurocurrency borrowed as
             short-term loan(s) during the term of this agreement, a debit
             interest rate equal to LIBOR, as ascertained two days prior to the
             day of borrowing, plus a surcharge of [*] per year. This debit
             interest rate is due on the last day of the period for which the
             short-term loan is borrowed and should be paid along with the
             repayment of the principal on the Due Date of the short-term loan,
             in the same currency as the principal.

5.03         The interest for borrowing under this facility shall be computed on
             the number of actual days elapsed, for Dutch guilders on the basis
             of a year of 360 days and for Eurocurrency according to the market
             practices applying to the particular currency.

5.04         Borrower shall owe, at three months from the date of signing of
             this agreement, a readiness commission of [*] per year (as of 1
             December 1998, this commission amounts to [*] per year) on the
             portion of the facility not borrowed on a daily basis, to be paid
             at the end of the respective period on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July
             and 1 October of each year.

5.05         As of the date on which any reduction of this facility takes effect
             as provided in Article 6, the readiness commission is no longer due
             on the amount of that reduction.

Article 6    Term, Reduction and Accelerated Redemption

6.01         The credit facility shall have a term until 1 December 2005, on
             which date borrower shall have paid to the bank the amount still
             owed by it by reason of this facility and this agreement, in a lump

6.02         As of 1 December 1996, borrower has the right to reduce this
             facility in whole or in part, provided it makes no (further) use
             thereof on the date of the desired accelerated reduction.

6.03         Borrower has the right to redeem the amounts borrowed as
             medium-term loans on an accelerated basis, provided it gives the
             bank written notice of its intention at least one month in advance.
             Such redeemed amounts can be again borrowed within the framework
             and the term of this facility.

6.04         Accelerated redemption of any amount borrowed as short-term loan is
             not permitted, except in the instances mentioned by Article 10.

6.05         Reduction of this facility, insofar as it is not (yet) borrowed,
             carries no penalty.

6.06         In event of accelerated redemption of a medium-term loan, borrower
             shall pay to the bank the cash value of the difference between the
             interest yet to be paid during the remaining term of the loan and
             the interest which the bank can obtain by lending the amount to be
             redeemed at an accelerated pace to another first-class bank for a
             period equal to said remaining term. The cashing out shall occur at
             the last-mentioned interest rate.

Article 7    (Re) Payment

7.01         Borrower shall make all payments which it owes by virtue of this
             agreement to the bank on the Due Dates prior to 12:00 o'clock (by
             giro), without any setting off of debt or any other limitation or
             conditions of any kind. All Dutch taxes on the interest of this
             facility as such, not being taxes which are designated in the
             Netherlands as Income and/or Corporate Tax or as withholding tax,
             shall be charged to the borrower.

7.02         In event of accelerated demand for repayment as provided in Article
             10, all amounts owed to the bank shall be immediately paid off.

7.03         Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 10, borrower shall
             repay to the bank each amount borrowed under this facility as a
             loan on the Due Date of that particular loan.

7.04         If borrower wishes to again borrow a short-term or medium-term loan
             or portions thereof for a subsequent period, the repayment of that
             loan or the particular portion thereof 
             shall not in actuality occur and the repayment and the renewed
             provision of funds shall be considered to take place at the same
             time. In such instances, Article 4 applies accordingly.

7.05         If any Due Date is not a Work Day, the next following Work Day
             shall qualify as Due Date, unless the next following Work Day falls
             in a new calendar month, in which case the Work Day preceding the
             respective Due Date shall qualify as the Due Date.

7.06         Each payment shall be used, in the first place, to satisfy any
             expenses, then to pay for commissions and interest, and finally to
             redeem the principal.

Article 8    Nontimely Payments

8.01         In event of nontimely payment by borrower of any amount owed to the
             bank by it in virtue or in consequence of the present agreement,
             borrower shall be assessed a penalty interest of 1% per month on
             the amount paid late for the time during which this remains unpaid;
             for the outstanding amount, this penalty interest takes the place
             of the interest applying to the particular loan in Article 5; it is
             calculated up to the day of payment, portions of a month also being
             computed according to the number of days actually elapsed on the
             basis of a month of 30 days, and it should be paid at the same time
             as the payment of the last paid amount.

Article 9    Expenses, Proof of Indebtedness

9.01         All expenses which are reasonably connected with collection of the
             amount owed by virtue of this credit facility in court or out of
             court, and/or incurred by the bank in maintaining and exercising
             its rights, shall be charged to borrower.

9.02         Except for counter-evidence to be furnished by borrower, an extract
             from the books produced and signed by the bank shall qualify as
             full proof of the amounts owed by borrower by reason or virtue of
             this agreement, and also insofar as the magnitude and reason
             thereof are concerned.

Article 10   Accelerated Demand for Repayment

10.01        All amounts borrowed under this facility with the interest and
             whatever else the borrower owes the bank by reason of this
             agreement can be demanded immediately and in its entirely by the
             bank, without any summons or notice being required:

(a)          if borrower fails to fulfill any obligation to the bank by virtue
             of this agreement, or does not do so in timely or proper manner,
             and borrower still does not fulfill such an obligation within
             fourteen days of the bank's having made such a request of it;

(b)          if borrower requests suspension of payment, files for bankruptcy,
             is declared bankrupt, or if its real property or any significant
             portion thereof can be seized or if a writ of sequestration is
             converted into a garnishment order;

(c)          if borrower ceases its operations or resolves on dissolution;

(d)          if borrower transfers its operations to a new or different company 
             or otherwise alienates them;

(e)          if borrower is in default of any payment obligation by virtue of 
             any monetary loan provided or to be provided by third parties, any
             financing facility, or any long-term guarantee facility, each with
             an original maturity of more than twelve months, in consequence of
             which the respective monetary loan and/or facility is demanded to
             be repaid in its entirety at an accelerated date, with the
             understanding that the bank can only demand repayment under this
             agreement if the aforesaid default of borrower is so serious that
             the ability of borrower to satisfy its payment obligations under
             this agreement with respect to the bank is significantly

             By long-term guarantee facility is meant in this connection a
             long-term agreement between a bank and borrower, under which this
             bank, at the terms as stipulated between the respective bank and
             borrower, guarantees borrower's payment obligations with respect to
             third parties.

10.02        Borrower is obligated to notify the bank immediately of the
             occurrence of the aforesaid circumstances.

Article 11   Ratios/Negative Pledge

11.01        Borrower promises to ensure that, during the term of the Loan;
- -            on the consolidated balance sheet, a ratio between the current 
             assets and current liabilities, including obligations maturing
             within one year by reason of long and medium-term debt, shall
             always be maintained at a minimum of one to one (1:1);

- -            on the consolidated balance sheet, a ratio between long [term?]
             borrowed capital and shareholders' equity shall never exceed two
             point five to one (2.5:1).

             By long borrowed capital is meant here the sum of:

A.           all debts of long and medium-long term, excluding the obligations
             falling due within one year by reason of long and medium-long 
             debts, which should be listed among the current liabilities;

B.           one hundred percent (100%) of the provisions, minus the provision 
             for exchange differences and that portion of the provisions which
             is listed among the shareholders' equity, as indicated below.

             By shareholders' equity is meant here the sum of:

             -        share capital;
             -        share premium reserves;
             -        other free reserves, with the exception of a reserve 
                      resulting from revaluation of fixed assets;
             -        fifty percent (50%) of the taxation provision.

             The aforesaid ratios should always be read in agreement with and on
             the basis of the balance sheet and profit and loss statement,
             officially approved by the accountants, for the most recent fiscal
             year, with the accompanying explanation, produced in accordance
             with the statutory provisions regarding annual accounts.

11.02        Borrower promises not to take out any mortgage on its real property
             situated in the Netherlands without consent of the bank, on which
             approval the Bank may impose conditions.

11.03        Wherever this article speaks of real property, real rights are also
             understood thereby.

11.04        Borrower promises that all companies in which it directly possesses
             or will possess the majority of the voting capital, or in which it,
             together with or by means of one or more companies, whether or not
             directly associated with each other, in which it possesses the
             majority of the voting capital, possess or shall possess the
             majority of the voting capital, shall assume the same obligations
             as mentioned under Item 2 and Item 3 above.

Article 12   Figures and Other Information

12.01        Borrower is obligated to send to the bank each year, within six
             months of the closing out of the accounting year, its consolidated
             annual accounts approved by outside accountant. Furthermore,
             borrower, if it has borrowed any money under this credit facility,
             is obligated to furnish the bank the explanations which the bank
             may reasonably request of it, upon its demand.

Article 13   Banking Transactions

13.01        The bank has the "right of first refusal" as regards swap
             transactions with respect to this facility.

Article 14   General Conditions

14.01        The General Conditions dated 11 November 1987, shall apply to this
             agreement, unless otherwise expressly stipulated in this agreement,
             as have been filed by the Dutch Banking Association on 11 November
             1987 with the clerk of the District Courts of Amsterdam and
             Rotterdam, except for Articles 18, 19, 20, 21, 31 and 33.

Article 15   Notices

15.01        All notices and communications with respect to this agreement
             should be done in writing, per telex or telefax, unless otherwise
             expressly determined, and should be sent to:

             for the bank, to the address              [*]

             or telex                                  [*]
             or telefax                                [*]

             for the borrower, to the address:         Treasury Dept.
                                                       P. O. Box 863,
                                                       3000 AW ROTTERDAM or
                                                       Blaak 333
                                                       3011 GB ROTTERDAM

             or telefax                                010-4147956
             attention                                 Treasury Dept.

Thus signed in duplicate at Rotterdam on 5 December 1995.

[*]                                         Koninklijke Pakhoed N.V.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                    Exhibit A

Re:          Configuration of Short-Term Loans

Dear Sirs:

Re:  Standby Facility

With reference to our telephone conversation today, we hereby confirm that we
are providing you a rollover loan in the framework of the standby facility, as
established in the agreement concluded between Koninklijke Pakhoed N.V. and [*]
on 5 December 1995, under the following conditions:





- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                    Exhibit B


The undersigned

the limited liability company Koninklijke Pakhoed N.V., established in
Rotterdam, hereafter known as "the borrower"

declares that it has received a loan
and accordingly owes the ING Bank N.V., established in Amsterdam, hereafter
known as "the bank," the sum of
f                     (in words:                              ) and that it is
obligated to:

1)           Pay to the bank a fixed interest of ...% per year on the aforesaid
             sum or the unredeemed portion thereof, becoming due semiannually on
             the first of January and the first of July of each year, for the
             first time on next ..., for the period elapsing from today on.

2)           To redeem said amount at f. ... on ..., unless the duration of the
             loan is extended.

3)           Furthermore, this loan is subject to the conditions and provisions
             reported in the agreement signed between the borrower and the bank
             on ... to provide a credit facility of f. 100,000,000.00.

Thus signed in Rotterdam, on ...

             the borrower:

Borrower's signature:)1

N.B.)1.  Each signer for borrower should sign and print their name here:
Good for ... guilders with interest and expenses and to sign this statement.