LEASE AGREEMENT




                            FLEXTRONICS INTERNATIONAL


                                 REF.: CL9508314


Parties           AN AGREEMENT made the Fifteenth day of August of the year One
                  Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-five between REAL ESTATE
                  registered office is situated at the fourth floor of Zhao
                  Shang Building, Zhao Shang Road, Shekou Industrial Zone,
                  Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, the People's Republic of China
                  (hereinafter called "the Landlord") of the one part, and
                  FLEXTRONICS INTERNATIONAL; (hereinafter called "the Tenant"),
                  whose registered office in the People's Republic of China is
                  situated at 5/F, Nan Shan Building Shekou, Shenzhen, Guangdong
                  Province, the People's Republic of China of the other part.


Premises          1.       The landlord shall let and the Tenant shall take the
                           NO. A6 NANHAI BUILDING OF HAIBIN GARDEN (Subject to
                           the pink mark in Appendix 1), (hereinafter referred
                           to as "the said premises") situated in Shekou,
                           Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, P.R.C. The premises in
                           this agreement is decorated in accordance with
                           Appendix 2, will be turned over to the Tenant used
                           for residence. The gross construction area is 2,906
                           square foot. The term of the lease is ONE YEAR
                           commencing from the Commencement Date hereinafter
                           defined in Clause 3 hereof.

Rent              2.       The monthly rent for the said premises for the said
                           term shall be Hong Kong Dollars Thirty Thousand Only
                           (HKD30,000.00) which sum(s) shall be inclusive of all
                           kinds assessed against the building, and insurance on
                           the building structure, Which said sum(s) shall be
                           payable in advance on the first day of each and every
                           calendar month without deduction whatsoever. The rent
                           shall be paid in Hong Kong Dollar by check or
                           banker's draft or direct bank transfer payable to
                           Landlord's account with China Bank, Shekou Branch,
                           account No. 0111030009661.

Period            3.       The term of the Lease shall be ONE YEAR, COMMENCING
                           ON SEPTEMBER 1, 1995, EXPIRING ON AUGUST 31, 1996,
                           both days inclusive.

                           During the term of the lease, the Tenant shall
                           submitted a written notice to the Landlord one month
                           in advance, if he desire to early terminate the lease
                           agreement. In the event that the lease is terminated
                           during the lease term, the Tenant shall pay in full
                           the rent for the remaining days within the lease


                                    If leasing is to be continued after the term
                           of lease expires, the submission of one month prior
                           notice shall also be required and a new lease shall
                           be signed. Then the landlord shall have the right to
                           terminate the lease or adjust the rental and other
                           terms and conditions by both parties negotiation.

Deposits          4.       Upon executed this agreement, the Tenant shall
                           deposit an amount of HKD60,000.00 to the Landlord's
                           account as a deposit for this agreement. This deposit
                           shall serve as security for the due performance and
                           observance of the agreements on the part of the
                           Tenant herein contained. At the expiration or sooner
                           determination of this Agreement if the Tenant shall
                           have paid all rent and other sums due thereunder and
                           if there shall be no breach of any of the agreements
                           on the Tenant's part to be observed and performed the
                           Landlord will refund the tenant the said deposit
                           within thirty (30) days after delivery of vacant
                           possession of the said premises to the Landlord and
                           upon settlement of all outstanding payments by the
                           Tenant but without any interest thereon.

                  5.       THE TENANT AGREES WITH THE LANDLORD as follows:

Rent                       (a)      To pay the rent herein reserved in manner
                                    aforesaid and other charges due thereunder
                                    in manner hereinafter mentioned.

Telephone/                 (b)      To pay and discharge punctually during the
telex utilities                     said term all charges for
and other                           water/electricity/telephone calls/telex
charges                             rental and other outgoing now or at any time
                                    hereafter consumed by the Tenant and
                                    chargeable in respect of the said premises
                                    which are not included in the rent as set
                                    specified above, and to make all reasonable
                                    and necessary deposits.

Good repair                (c)      To constantly keep the whole of the interior
of interior                         of said premises and every part thereof in
                                    proper and tenantable repair and condition
                                    including, but not limited to, all doors,
                                    windows, skylights, locks, hinges, bolts,
                                    floors, partitions and walls, and all the
                                    Landlord's installation fixtures, fittings
                                    and furniture therein at the Tenant's
                                    expense (fair wear and tear excepted).



Indemnity         (d)      To be wholly responsible for any damage or injury
against                    caused to any other person or property directly or
damage/                    indirectly through the defective or damaged condition
injury                     of any part of the interior of the said premises
                           caused by the negligence of the Tenant and to make
                           good the same by payment or otherwise and to
                           indemnify the Landlord against all claims demands
                           actions and legal proceedings made upon the Landlord
                           by any person in respect thereof.

Inspection by     (e)      To permit the Landlord and all persons authorized by
the Landlord               him at all reasonable times by prior appointment (and
                           in case of emergency which may cause severe damage to
                           the said premises the Landlord or his agents may
                           enter without notice and forcibly if need be) to
                           enter into the said premises to view the condition of
                           the said premises and to carry out routine
                           maintenance service and to give or leave notice in
                           writing upon the said premises informing the Tenant
                           of any proposed work intended to be carried out by
                           the Landlord.

Pipes and         (f)      To permit the Landlord to erect use and maintain
conduits                   pipes and conduits in and through the said premises
                           in a manner not to interfere with the quiet enjoyment
                           by the Tenant of the said premises. The Landlord of
                           [sic] his agents shall have the right to enter the
                           said premises through prior appointment at reasonable
                           times by prior appointment to examine the same.

Illegal or        (g)      Not to use the said premises or any part thereof for
immoral                    any illegal or immoral purpose.

User              (h)      To use the said premises for the purpose of a private
                           residence only.

Alterations       (i)      Not to make or permit to be made any alterations in
and additions              or additions to the electrical installation or other
                           Landlord's fixtures or cut or damage or suffer to be
                           cut or damaged any doors windows walls structural
                           members or other fabric thereof without having first
                           obtained the written license and consent of the
                           Landlord therefor (such consent not to be
                           unreasonably withheld). In particular, any such
                           alterations or additions so approved shall be carried
                           out only by such person or contractor as shall be
                           approved by the Landlord, such approval not to be
                           unreasonably withheld. The Tenant shall be liable for
                           any defects (and any direct damages arising from such
                           defects) resulting from such alterations or additions
                           and the Tenant shall



                           remedy the said defects within reasonable time. In
                           the event that the Tenant requires addition or
                           improvement in the furniture, it shall be at the
                           Tenant's expense.

Assigning         (j)      Not to sub-lease or release or assign or transfer the
and                        benefit of this lease agreement; provided however,
underletting               that the Tenant shall be free to change, or
                           substitute the occupants of the said premises so long
                           as they are the Tenant's workers, employees,
                           consultants and their families.

Breach of         (k)      Not to do or permit to be done any act or thing(s)
insurance                  (such as, but not limited to, to use electric
policy                     equipment overloading, over voltage, electric line
                           contact, leakage of electricity, short circuiting, to
                           store any material by its natural heating,
                           spontaneous combustion, heating or drying) whereby
                           the policy or policies of insurance on the said
                           premises against damage by fire or against claims by
                           Third Parties for the time being subsisting may
                           become void or voidable or whereby the rate of
                           premium or premiums thereon may be increased and to
                           repay the Landlord on demand all sums paid by the
                           Landlord by way of increased premium or premiums
                           thereon and all expenses incurred by the Landlord in
                           and about any renewal of such policy or policies
                           rendered necessary by a breach of this clause.

Obstructions      (l)      Not to encumber or obstruct or permit to be
in common                  encumbered or obstructed with any boxes, packaging or
areas                      other obstruction of any kind or nature any of the
                           entrances, staircases, landings, passages, lifts,
                           lobbies or other parts of the said building in common
                           use and not to leave rubbish or any other article or
                           thing in any part of the said building not in the
                           exclusive occupation of the Tenant.

Delivery of       (m)      At the expiration or sooner termination of this
possession                 Agreement, the Tenant shall go through release
                           procedure and return the premises to the Landlord.
                           Within three days prior to termination of lease, the
                           Tenant shall check and count to see if the interior
                           equipment and furniture is complete and in good
                           condition, and compile a register to delivery such
                           equipment and furniture to the Management Office
                           authorized by the Landlord for inspection and
                           acceptance. Any damage caused by the Tenant's
                           improper use or negligence shall be compensated for
                           on the basis of the original cost. All of the
                           Tenant's personal property shall be removed prior to
                           the delivery of the premises. The tenant shall



                           have no right to delay the termination of this Lease
                           Agreement or to hinder the Landlord in leasing the
                           premises to another tenant.

                  6.       THE LANDLORD AGREES WITH THE TENANT as follows:

Quiet                      (a)      To permit the Tenant (duly paying the rent
enjoyment                           and other payments and observing and
                                    performing the terms and conditions herein
                                    contained) to have quiet possession and
                                    enjoyment of the said premises during the
                                    said term without interruption by the
                                    Landlord and free from any claims against
                                    the Landlord or anyone lawfully claiming
                                    under or through or trust [sic] for the
                                    Landlord save as specifically provided

Roof and                   (b)      To amend and repair such defects in the roof
main                                main electricity supply cables main drain
structures                          pipes main walls and exterior window frames
furniture                           and interior of equipment and furniture of
                                    the said premises therein as the Landlord
                                    shall discover or as the Tenant or other
                                    authorized person or Authority shall by
                                    notice in writing bring to the attention of
                                    the Landlord and to maintain the same in a
                                    proper state of repair and condition at the
                                    cost of the Landlord provided that the
                                    Landlord shall be entitled to be given a
                                    reasonable period of time wherein to view
                                    any such defects and to amend and repair the
                                    same provided further that the Landlord
                                    shall neither be liable to pay compensation
                                    to the Tenant in respect of any reasonable
                                    period during which due to circumstances
                                    beyond the control of the Landlord.

Maintenance                (c)      The Shekou Industrial Zone Property
                                    Management Company is authorized to be
                                    responsible for the maintenance and
                                    management of the common parts of the said

                  7.       IT IS HEREBY EXPRESSLY PROVIDED as follow:

Default                    (a)      If the rent hereby reserved or any part
                                    thereof or any other payments thereunder
                                    shall be in arrears for fifteen days
                                    (whether the same shall have been formally
                                    demanded or not) or in the case of the
                                    breach or non-performance of any of the
                                    stipulations and agreements by the Tenant
                                    hereinbefore contained (after 15 days'
                                    written notice to remedy the same has
                                    expired other than non-payment of rent in
                                    which case no written notice is required) or
                                    if the Tenant shall go into liquidation or
                                    shall have any order made or resolution
                                    passed for its winding up and the same is
                                    not dismissed within a period of sixty (60)
                                    days or shall enter into any composition or
                                    arrangements with its



                           creditors it shall be lawful for the Landlord at any
                           time thereafter to re-enter upon the said premises or
                           any part thereof in the name of the whole and
                           thereupon this Agreement shall absolutely determine
                           but without prejudice to any rights which may have
                           accrued to the Landlord by reason of any antecedent
                           breach of any of the obligations on the part of the
                           Tenant hereinbefore contained AND a written notice
                           served by the Landlord on the Tenant or left at the
                           said premises to the effect that the Landlord thereby
                           exercises the power of reentry shall be a full and
                           sufficient exercise of such power without actual
                           entry on the part of the Landlord. The Landlord may
                           set off against the deposit thereunder its actual
                           damages sustained as a direct consequence of any of
                           the events stipulated in the Clause 7(a) which
                           entitle the Landlord to re-enter the premises and
                           terminate this Agreement.

Abatement of      (b)      In case the said premises or any part thereof shall
rent                       at any time during the said term be destroyed or
                           damaged by flood, terminate lease fire, typhoon,
                           earthquake, landslide, termites, Act of God or
                           subsidence or any cause for which the Tenant shall
                           not be responsible so as to render the said premises
                           unfit for use of [sic] occupation the rent hereby
                           reserved or a fair proportion thereof according to
                           the nature and extent of the damage sustained shall
                           be suspended until the said premises shall again be
                           rendered fit for use provided Always that the
                           Landlord shall not be required to repair or reinstate
                           the said premises or any part thereof so destroyed or
                           damaged if by reason of the condition of the said
                           premises or any local regulations or other
                           circumstances beyond the control of the Landlord it
                           is not practicable or reasonable so to do or in such
                           circumstances, the Tenant shall be entitled, at his
                           option, to terminate this Agreement without any
                           further obligation hereunder or to receive from the
                           landlord a waiver or an abatement of rent in respect
                           thereof, but it shall not be entitled to claim
                           damages from the Landlord.

Interest on       (c)      Without prejudice to the Landlord's rights under
arrears of                 Clause 7(a) hereof, the Tenant shall pay interest on
rent                       all arrears of rent/electricity/water and other
                           charges due under this Agreement at a rate of 0.5%
                           per day from the due date to the date of payment.

Acts of           (d)      Any act default or omission of the agent, servant or
agents,                    visitor of the Tenant shall be deemed to be the act
servants, etc.             default or omission of the Tenant.


Liability and     (e)      The Landlord shall not be under any liability to the
indemnity                  Tenant or to any other person whosoever in respect of
                           any loss or damage to person or property sustained by
                           the Tenant or any such other person caused by or
                           through or in any way owing to the overflow of water
                           or the escape of fumes smoke fire or any other
                           substance or thing originating from anywhere within
                           the said premises unless such loss, damage or injury
                           is caused by the negligence or default of the
                           Landlord or its servants, agents or licensees. The
                           Tenant shall fully and effectually indemnify the
                           Landlord from and against all claims and demands made
                           against the Landlord by any person in respect of any
                           loss damage or injury caused by or through or in any
                           way owing to the overflow of water or the escape of
                           fumes smoke fire or any other substance or thing
                           originating from the said premises (unless such loss,
                           damage or injury is caused by the negligence or
                           default of the Landlord or its servants, agents or
                           licensees) or to the negligence or default of the
                           Tenant his servants, agents or licensees or to the
                           defective or damaged condition of the interior of
                           said premises or any fixtures or fittings the repair
                           for which the Tenant is responsible hereunder and
                           against all costs and expenses incurred by the
                           Landlord in respect of any such claim or demand.

Adjustment        (f)      If any time during the said term the charges for
of charges                 water/electricity and telephone calls shall in each
                           case be increased by the relevant authorities in
                           Shekou, the Landlord shall be entitled to serve a
                           notice in writing upon the Tenant increasing the
                           charges of the said utility by a similar amount and
                           the Tenant shall from the date specified in the said
                           notice pay such increased charges as therein

Reservations      (g)      The Landlord reserves the right exercisable at any
of Rights                  time or times to make or caused to be made any
                           structural or non-structural alteration or
                           improvement in or addition to entrances landings
                           staircases or any part of the said building in common

                           without incurring any liability to make any payment
                           of the Tenant on any account whatsoever except to the
                           extent such alterations or improvements substantially
                           impair Tenant's access to and use of the premises. In
                           the happening of such alternation [sic] or
                           improvement hereof the Landlord shall give to the
                           Tenant not less than three months' notice in writing
                           of any such change.

Notices           (h)      Any notice under this Agreement shall be in writing
                           and any bill statement or notice information writ
                           statement or claim or any other legal proceeding to
                           the Tenant shall be sufficiently served if



            left addressed to him/it at the said premises or any part thereof
            or sent to him/it or left at his/its last known address in
            China/overseas and any notice to the Landlord shall be sufficiently
            served if delivered to its registered address or sent to its
            registered address in China by registered post or delivered to its
            last known business address in China.

Applicable        8.       This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
law and                    all aspects in accordance with the laws of the
arbitration                People's Republic of China. Any dispute under of
                           [sic] arising out of this Agreement shall be referred
                           to a single arbitrator mutually agreed and appointed
                           in accordance with the laws or provisions of the
                           People's Republic of China relating to arbitration
                           for the time being in force.

Gender            It is hereby declared that (if the context permits or
                  requires) the singular number shall include the plural and the
                  masculine gender shall include the feminine and the neuter and
                  vice versa.

Marginal          The marginal notes are inserted for convenience only and shall
Notes             be ignored in the interpretation of this Agreement.

WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the foregoing Agreement to be executed
in their names, the day and year first above written.

LANDLORD                                TENANT                              
CHINA MERCHANTS                                                             
SHEKOU INDUSTRIAL ZONE                  
Representative:_____________________    Representative:_____________________ 
Date:  95 8 24                          Date:  August 24, 1995