
                                  MASTER LEASE

                    (Del Monte Corporation Trust No. 1998-A)

                          Dated as of November 19, 1998


                  not in its individual capacity, but solely as
                              Certificate Trustee,
                                   as Lessor,


                        DEL MONTE CORPORATION, as Lessee





                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


            SECTION 2.1.  Acceptance and Lease of Sites.......................2
            SECTION 2.2.  Acceptance Procedure................................2
            SECTION 2.3.  Term................................................3


            SECTION 4.1.  Basic Rent..........................................4
            SECTION 4.2.  Supplemental Rent...................................4
            SECTION 4.3.  Method and Amount of Payment........................4
            SECTION 4.4.  Late Payment........................................5



            SECTION 7.1.  Waivers   ..........................................8


            SECTION 9.1.  Maintenance and Repair; Compliance
                            With Law..........................................10
            SECTION 9.2.  Improvements and Alterations........................11
            SECTION 9.3.  Title to Alterations................................13
            SECTION 9.4.  Maintenance and Repair Reports......................14
            SECTION 9.5.  Permitted Contests..................................14
            SECTION 9.6.  Liens...............................................15


            SECTION 11.1.  Required Coverages.................................16
            SECTION 11.2.  Delivery of Insurance Certificates.................18


            SECTION 13.1.  Event of Loss; Condemnation or Casualty............20
            SECTION 13.2.  Application of Payments Relating to an Event
                             of Loss..........................................20



            SECTION 13.3.  Application of Certain Payments Relating to a
            SECTION 13.4.  Casualty ..........................................21
            SECTION 13.5.  Negotiations.......................................22
            SECTION 13.6.  No Rent Abatement..................................22
            SECTION 13.7.  Notice of Environmental Matters....................22

            SECTION 14.1.  Non-Interference...................................23
            SECTION 14.2.  Certain Duties and Responsibilities
                             of Lessor........................................23

            SECTION 15.1.  Inspection.........................................24
            SECTION 15.2.  Reports............................................24

            SECTION 16.1.  Grant of Security Interest.........................24
            SECTION 16.2.  Attorney-in-Fact...................................25


            SECTION 18.1.  Remedies ..........................................28
            SECTION 18.2.  Proceeds of Sale; Deficiency.......................34
            SECTION 18.3.  Mortgage and Lease Supplement Remedies.............34
            SECTION 18.4.  Remedies Cumulative; No Waiver; Consents...........34
            SECTION 18.5.  Limitation of Recourse Liability...................35

            SECTION 19.1.  Right to Cure......................................36
            SECTION 19.2.  Grants and Releases of Easements...................36
            SECTION 19.3.  Power of Attorney..................................37

            SECTION 20.1.  Early Termination Option...........................38
            SECTION 20.2.  Required Purchase..................................38

            SECTION 21.1.  End of Term Options................................39
            SECTION 21.2.  Election of Options................................40
            SECTION 21.3.
            Renewal Options; Extension Options................................40

            SECTION 22.1.  Sale Option Procedures.............................41
            SECTION 22.2.  Sale...............................................42
            SECTION 22.3.  Application of Sale Proceeds and Recourse
            SECTION 22.4.  Appraisal..........................................44


            SECTION 23.1.  Binding Effect; Successors and Assigns;
            SECTION 23.2.  Severability.......................................45
            SECTION 23.3.  Notices  ..........................................45
            SECTION 23.4.  Amendment; Complete Agreements.....................45
            SECTION 23.5.  Headings ..........................................46
            SECTION 23.6.  Original Lease.....................................46
            SECTION 23.7.  GOVERNING LAW......................................46
            SECTION 23.8.  RESERVED...........................................47
            SECTION 23.9.  Liability of Lessor Limited........................47
            SECTION 23.10.  Estoppel Certificates.............................47
            SECTION 23.11.  No Joint Venture..................................48
            SECTION 23.12.  No Accord and Satisfaction........................48
            SECTION 23.13.  No Merger.........................................49
            SECTION 23.14.  Successor Lessor..................................49
            SECTION 23.15.  Survival..........................................49
            SECTION 23.16.  Transfer of Premises..............................49
            SECTION 23.17.  Enforcement of Certain Warranties.................50
            SECTION 23.18.  Security Interest in Funds........................51
            SECTION 23.19.  Recording of Lease Supplements....................51
            SECTION 23.20.  Nature of Transaction.............................52
EXHIBIT A-1 - Form of Lease Supplement (California)
EXHIBIT A-2 - Form of Lease Supplement (Indiana)



        THIS MASTER LEASE, dated as of November 19, 1998 (as amended,
supplemented, or otherwise modified from time to time, this "Lease"), is between
association, not in its individual capacity, except as expressly stated herein,
but solely as Certificate Trustee under the Trust Agreement, as Lessor
("Lessor"), and DEL MONTE CORPORATION, as Lessee ("Lessee").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

        A. Lessee desires to enter into the Overall Transaction for the purpose
of financing the acquisition of a fee interest in certain of the Sites and the
construction on the Sites of the Financed Improvements.

        B. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Operative
Documents, (i) Lessor will purchase on each Site Acquisition Date one or more
Sites from one or more third parties designated by Lessee on each Site
Acquisition Date or, in the case of the Modesto Site on the Site Acquisition
Date for such Site, Lessee and Certificate Trustee will enter into the Ground
Lease pursuant to which Lessee will lease the Modesto Site to Lessor, using
Advances funded by the Participants; (ii) during the Construction Period,
Construction Agent, using Advances funded by the Participants, will construct on
the Sites the Financed Improvements on behalf of Lessor and (iii) pursuant to
this Lease, Lessor will lease the Sites (or in the case of the Modesto Site,
sublease such Site) and the Financed Improvements to Lessee, and Lessee will
lease such Sites (or in the case of the Modesto Site, sublease such Site) and
Financed Improvements from Lessor.

        NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements herein
contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency
of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto, intending to be legally
bound hereby, hereby agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I
                          DEFINITIONS; LESSEE LIABILITY

        For all purposes hereof, the capitalized terms used herein and not
otherwise defined shall have the meanings assigned thereto in Appendix 1 to that
certain Participation Agreement dated as of even date herewith, among Lessee,
Guarantor, Lessor, Agent, and the Participants identified therein (the
"Participation Agreement"). Except as specially provided for at Section 18.5
hereof, all obligations imposed on the "Lessee" in this Lease shall be the full
recourse liability of Lessee.


                                   ARTICLE II
                          LEASE OF PREMISES; LEASE TERM

        SECTION 2.1. Acceptance and Lease of Sites. Lessor, subject to the
satisfaction or waiver of the conditions set forth in Article III of the
Participation Agreement, hereby agrees to accept delivery on each Site
Acquisition Date of fee title to each Site (or in the case of the Modesto Site,
a leasehold interest in) to be delivered on such Site Acquisition Date and of
the Financed Improvements to be constructed thereon pursuant to the terms of the
Construction Agency Agreement and to lease all of Lessor's interest in such Site
and Financed Improvements to Lessee hereunder, and Lessee hereby agrees,
expressly for the direct benefit of Lessor, to lease from Lessor for the Site
Term applicable to such Site, Lessor's interest in such Site and such Financed

        SECTION 2.2. Acceptance Procedure. Lessor hereby authorizes one or more
employees of Lessee, to be designated by Lessee, as the authorized
representative or representatives of Lessor to accept delivery of each Site
identified on the applicable Advance Request and the Financed Improvements to be
constructed thereon. Lessee hereby agrees that acceptance of delivery by such
authorized representative or representatives and the execution and delivery by
Lessee on each Site Acquisition Date of a Lease Supplement(in the form of
Exhibit A-1 or Exhibit A-2, as applicable, appropriately completed) with respect
to such Site and the Improvements now on such Site and all Improvements,
including without limitation all Financed Improvements, to be constructed during
the applicable Site Term shall, without further act, constitute the irrevocable
acceptance by Lessee of such Site and all such Improvements for all purposes of
this Lease and the other Operative Documents on the terms set forth therein and
herein and that such Site and such Improvements shall be deemed to be included
in the Premises and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease
during the applicable Site Term.

        SECTION 2.3. Term.

        (a) Site Term. Unless earlier terminated, the term of the Lease
Supplement with respect to each Site shall consist of (a) an interim period (the
"Interim Term") commencing on and including the Site Acquisition Date for such
Site and ending on but not including the earlier of (i) the Completion Date for
such Site or (ii) such Site becoming subject to this Lease pursuant to Section
5.1 of the Construction Agency Agreement, (b) a base term (the "Base Term")
commencing on and including the last day of the Interim Term for such Site (such
day, the "Base Term Commencement Date") and ending on but not including the
fifth anniversary of the Document Closing Date, and (c) if exercised and
approved pursuant to each of the terms and conditions of Section 2.14 of the
Participation Agreement, each Lease Renewal Term (the Interim Term, the Base


and the Lease Renewal Terms, if any, with respect to a Site collectively the
"Site Term").

        (b) Lease Term. The term of this Lease (the "Lease Term") shall begin on
the first occurring Site Acquisition Date and shall end on the last occurring
Site Expiration Date.

                                   ARTICLE III
                                 OTHER PROPERTY

        Lessee may from time to time own or hold under lease from Persons other
than Lessor, furniture, trade fixtures, equipment and other tangible personal
property located on or about any Site that is not subject to this Lease and does
not constitute a portion of the Financed Improvements. Lessor shall from time to
time, upon the reasonable request, and at the cost and expense of Lessee, which
request shall be accompanied by such supporting information and documents as
Lessor may reasonably require, promptly acknowledge in writing to Lessee or
other Persons that the particular items of furniture, trade fixtures and
equipment in question are not part of the Premises and that, subject to the
rights of Lessor hereunder and under any other Operative Documents, Lessor does
not own or have any other right or interest in or to such furniture, trade
fixtures and equipment.

                                   ARTICLE IV

        SECTION 4.1. Basic Rent. During the Base Term with respect to a Site and
any Lease Renewal Term, Lessee shall pay to Lessor Basic Rent (i) on each
Quarterly Payment Date, (ii) on the date required under Section 22.3 in
connection with Lessee's exercise of the Sale Option and (iii) on any date on
which this Lease terminates or upon demand following a Lease Event of Default
pursuant to Section 17.1. Basic Rent payable on each Quarterly Payment Date
shall be allocated to each Lease Supplement in the same proportion that the
Advances with respect to, or allocated to, the Site subject to such Lease
Supplement bears to the aggregate amount of all Advances made by the

        SECTION 4.2. Supplemental Rent. Lessee shall pay to Lessor, or to
whomever shall be entitled thereto as expressly provided herein or in any other
Operative Document (and Lessor hereby directs Lessee, on behalf of Lessor, to so
pay any such other Person), any and all Supplemental Rent promptly as the same
shall become due and payable and, in the event of any failure on the part of
Lessee to pay any Supplemental Rent, Lessor shall have all rights, powers and
remedies provided for herein or by law or in equity or otherwise in the case of
nonpayment of Basic Rent.


Lessee hereby reaffirms that its obligation to pay Supplemental Rent shall
include the payment of any and all Additional Costs. The expiration or other
termination of Lessee's obligations to pay Basic Rent hereunder shall not limit
or modify the obligations of Lessee with respect to Supplemental Rent.

        SECTION 4.3. Method and Amount of Payment. Basic Rent and Supplemental
Rent shall be paid by wire transfer to Lessor (or, in the case of Supplemental
Rent, to such Person as may be entitled thereto) at such place as Lessor (or
such other Person) shall specify in writing to Lessee pursuant to Schedule II to
the Participation Agreement or Section 9.3 of the Participation Agreement;
provided, however, that, so long as the Notes remain outstanding, Lessor directs
Lessee to pay Basic Rent directly to the Agent. Each payment of Rent shall be
made by Lessee prior to 12:00 noon New York time (and payments made after such
time shall be deemed to have been made on the next day) at the place of payment
in funds consisting of lawful currency of the United States of America which (in
the case of any amount payable to Lessor, Agent or any Participant or any other
Indemnitee) shall be immediately available on the scheduled date when such
payment shall be due unless with respect to Supplemental Rent, the scheduled
date shall not be a Business Day, in which case such payment shall be due and
made on the next succeeding Business Day. The provisions of the foregoing
sentence of this Section 4.3 shall be applicable only to Basic Rent and to
Supplemental Rent payable to, or on behalf of or for the account of, Lessor,
Agent, any Participant and any other Indemnitee.

        SECTION 4.4. Late Payment. If any Basic Rent shall not be paid when due,
Lessee shall pay to Lessor, or if any Supplemental Rent payable to or on behalf
or for the account of Lessor, Agent, any Participant, or other Indemnitee is not
paid when due, Lessee shall pay to whomever shall be entitled thereto, in each
case as Supplemental Rent, interest at the Overdue Rate (to the maximum extent
permitted by law) on such overdue amount from and including the due date thereof
(without regard to any applicable grace period) to but excluding the Business
Day of payment thereof.

                                    ARTICLE V
                                    NET LEASE

        This Lease shall constitute a net lease and, notwithstanding any other
provision of this Lease, it is intended that Basic Rent, Supplemental Rent, the
Lease Balance and all other amounts due and payable under the Operative
Documents shall be paid without counterclaim, setoff, deduction or defense of
any kind and without abatement, suspension, deferment, diminution or reduction
of any kind, and Lessee's obligation to pay all such amounts throughout the
Lease Term is absolute and unconditional. The obligations and


liabilities of Lessee hereunder shall in no way be released, discharged or
otherwise affected for any reason, including, to the maximum extent permitted by
law: (a) any defect in the condition, merchantability, design, construction,
quality or fitness for use of any portion of any Leased Property, or any failure
of any Leased Property to comply with all Applicable Laws and Regulations,
including any inability to occupy or use any Leased Property by reason of such
non-compliance; (b) any damage to, abandonment, loss, contamination of or
Release from or destruction of or any requisition or taking of any Leased
Property or any part thereof, including eviction; (c) any restriction,
prevention or curtailment of or interference with any use of any Leased Property
or any part thereof, including eviction; (d) any defect in title to or rights to
any Leased Property or any Lien on such title or rights or on any Leased
Property; (e) any change, waiver, extension, indulgence or other action or
omission or breach in respect of any obligation or liability of or by Lessor,
Agent or any Participant; (f) any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
composition, adjustment, dissolution, liquidation or other like proceedings
relating to Lessee, Lessor, Agent, any Participant or any other Person, or any
action taken with respect to this Lease by any trustee or receiver of Lessee,
Lessor, Agent, any Participant or any other Person, or by any court, in any such
proceeding; (g) any claim that Lessee has or might have against any Person,
including, without limitation, Lessor, Agent, or any Participant; (h) any
failure on the part of Lessor to perform or comply with any of the terms of this
Lease, any other Operative Document or of any other agreement whether or not
related to the Overall Transaction; (i) any invalidity or unenforceability or
disaffirmance against or by Lessee of this Lease or any provision hereof or any
of the other Operative Documents or any provision of any thereof; (j) the
impossibility of performance by Lessee, Lessor or both; (k) any action by any
court, administrative agency or other Authority; any restriction, prevention or
curtailment of or any use of any Leased Property or any part thereof or the
construction of any Alterations; (l) the failure of Lessee or Guarantor to
achieve any accounting or tax benefits or the characterization of the
transaction intended by Section 23.20 hereinbelow and Section 2.7 of the
Participation Agreement; or (m) any other occurrence whatsoever, whether similar
or dissimilar to the foregoing, whether or not Lessee shall have notice or
knowledge of any of the foregoing. Except as specifically set forth in Article
XIII or Section 20.1 of this Lease, this Lease shall be noncancellable by Lessee
for any reason whatsoever, and Lessee, to the extent permitted by Applicable
Laws and Regulations, waives all rights now or hereafter conferred by statute or
otherwise to quit, terminate or surrender this Lease, or to any diminution,
abatement or reduction of Rent payable by Lessee hereunder. If for any reason
whatsoever this Lease shall be terminated in whole or in part by operation of
law or otherwise, except as expressly provided in Article XIII or Section 20.1
of this Lease, Lessee shall, unless prohibited by Applicable Laws and


Regulations, nonetheless pay to Lessor (or, in the case of Supplemental Rent, to
whomever shall be entitled thereto) an amount equal to each Rent payment
(including the Lease Balance or any other amount due and payable under any
Operative Documents) at the time and in the manner that such payment would have
become due and payable under the terms of this Lease if it had not been
terminated in whole or in part. Each payment of Rent and any payment of the
Lease Balance made by Lessee hereunder shall be final and, absent manifest error
in the computation of the amount thereof, Lessee shall not seek or have any
right to recover all or any part of such payment from Lessor, Agent, any
Participant or any party to any agreements related thereto for any reason
whatsoever. Lessee assumes the sole responsibility for the condition, use,
operation, maintenance, and management of the Premises and Lessor shall have no
responsibility in respect thereof and shall have no liability for damage to the
property of Lessee or any subtenant of Lessee on any account or for any reason
whatsoever other than by reason of Lessor's willful misconduct or gross
negligence or negligence in the handling of funds; provided, however, any
liability of Lessor with respect to any such willful misconduct or gross
negligence or negligence in the handling of funds shall not limit or affect
Lessee's absolute obligations as set forth in this Article V. Without affecting
Lessee's obligation to pay Basic Rent, Supplemental Rent, the Lease Balance and
all other amounts due and payable under the Operative Documents or to perform
its obligations under the Operative Documents, Lessee may seek damages or any
other remedy at law or equity against Lessor for a breach by Lessor of its
obligations under this Lease or the Participation Agreement, subject to the
limitations set forth at Section 23.9.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                                 UTILITY CHARGES

        During the Lease Term Lessee shall pay or cause to be paid all charges
for electricity, power, gas, oil, water, telephone, sanitary sewer service and
all other rents and utilities used in or on each Leased Property during the
Lease Term. Lessee shall be entitled to receive any credit or refund with
respect to any utility charge paid by Lessee and the amount of any credit or
refund received by Lessor on account of any utility charges paid by Lessee, net
of the costs and expenses reasonably incurred by Lessor in obtaining such credit
or refund, shall be promptly paid over to Lessee. All charges for utilities
imposed with respect to a Leased Property for a billing period during which this
Lease expires or terminates (except pursuant to Article XX or Section 21.1(b),
in which case Lessee shall be solely responsible for all such charges) shall be
adjusted and prorated on a daily basis between Lessee and any purchaser of such
Leased Property, and each party shall pay or reimburse the other for each
party's pro rata share thereof;


provided, that in no event shall Lessor have any liability therefor.

                                   ARTICLE VII
                          CONDITION AND USE OF PREMISES

The Premises are let by Lessor "AS IS" in its present condition, subject to (a)
any rights of any parties in possession thereof, (b) the state of the title
thereto existing at the time Lessor acquired its interest in the Premises, (c)
any state of facts which an accurate survey or physical inspection might show
(including any survey delivered on the Document Closing Date, any Advance Date
or any Completion Date), (d) all Applicable Laws and Regulations, and (e) any
violations of Applicable Laws and Regulations which may exist at the
commencement of the Lease Term. Lessee has examined the Premises and (insofar as
Lessor is concerned) has found the same to be satisfactory. WITHOUT LIMITING THE
that Lessor hereby represents and warrants that as of the date of this Lease,
the Premises are free of Certificate Trustee Liens (such Certificate Trustee
representations and warranty being made by (x) Bank with respect to any
Certificate Trustee Liens attributable to Bank, and (y) Certificate Trustee with
respect to any Certificate Trustee Liens attributable to Certificate Trustee).
Lessee has been afforded full opportunity to inspect the Premises, is satisfied
with the results of its inspections and is entering into this Lease solely on
the basis of the results of its own inspections, and all risks incident to the
matters discussed in the preceding sentence, as between Lessor, Agent and the
Participants, on the one hand, and Lessee, on the other, are to be borne by
Lessee. The provisions of this Article VII have been negotiated, and, except to
the extent otherwise expressly stated, the foregoing provisions are intended to
be a complete exclusion and negation of any representations or warranties by any
of Lessor, Agent or the 


Participants, express or implied, with respect to the Premises (or any interest
therein), that may arise pursuant to any law now or hereafter in effect or

                                  ARTICLE VIII
                         NO LESSOR CONSENT OR LIABILITY

        Nothing contained in this Lease shall be construed as constituting the
consent or request of Lessor, expressed or implied, to or for the performance by
any contractor, mechanic, laborer, materialman, supplier or vendor of any labor
or services or for the furnishing of any materials for any construction,
alteration, addition, repair or demolition of or to the Premises or any part

                                   ARTICLE IX

        SECTION 9.1. Maintenance and Repair; Compliance With Law. At all times
during each Site Term with respect to each Site on and after the Base Term
Commencement Date for each Site with respect to the Financed Improvements to be
constructed thereon, Lessee, at its own expense, shall at all times (a) maintain
such Leased Property in good operating condition, subject to ordinary wear and
tear, and in any event at least as good as the condition of similar buildings
owned or leased by Guarantor or its Subsidiaries and in good repair and
condition; (b) maintain such Leased Property in accordance with all Applicable
Laws and Regulations in all material respects, whether or not such maintenance
requires structural modifications; (c) comply in all material respects with the
Insurance Requirements which are in effect at any time with respect to such
Leased Property or any part thereof; (d) use such Leased Property only in
accordance with Article X and cause such Leased Property to have at all times
the capacity and functional ability to be used, on a continuing basis and in
commercial operation, in accordance with Article X; (e) make all necessary or
appropriate repairs, replacements and renewals of such Leased Property or any
part thereof which may be required to keep such Leased Property in the condition
required by the preceding clauses (a) through (d), whether interior or exterior,
structural or nonstructural, ordinary or extraordinary, foreseen or unforeseen,
and including, without limitation, repairs, replacements and renewals that would
constitute capital expenditures under GAAP if incurred by an owner


of property; and (f) procure, maintain and comply in all material respects with
all material licenses, permits, orders, approvals, consents and other
authorizations required for the construction, use, maintenance and operation of
such Leased Property. Lessee waives any right that it may now have or hereafter
acquire to (x) require Lessor to maintain, repair, replace, alter, remove or
rebuild all or any part of such Leased Property or (y) make repairs at the
expense of Lessor pursuant to any Applicable Laws and Regulations or other

        SECTION 9.2. Improvements and Alterations.

                (a) In addition to Lessee's obligations as Construction Agent to
build the Financed Improvements on each Site under the Construction Agency
Agreement, on and after the Base Term Commencement Date with respect to a Site
(i) Lessee, at Lessee's own cost and expense, shall make alterations,
renovations, improvements and additions to such Leased Property or any part
thereof and substitutions and replacements therefor (collectively,
"Alterations") which are (A) necessary to repair or maintain such Leased
Property in the condition required by Section 9.1; (B) necessary in order for
such Leased Property to be in compliance in all material respects with
Applicable Laws and Regulations; or (C) necessary or advisable to restore such
Leased Property to its condition existing prior to a Casualty or Condemnation to
the extent required pursuant to Article XIII; and (ii) so long as no Lease Event
of Default has occurred and is continuing, Lessee, at Lessee's own cost and
expense, may undertake Alterations on such Leased Property so long as such
Alterations comply in all material respects with Applicable Laws and Regulations
except to the extent such non-compliance would not have a Material Adverse
Effect with Section 9.1 and subsection (b) of this Section 9.2.

                (b) The making of any Alterations must be in compliance with the
following requirements:

                (1) No such Alterations with a cost exceeding $1,000,000 shall
        be made or undertaken except upon not less than thirty days' prior
        written notice to Lessor.

                (2) Lessee shall not make any Alterations in violation of the
        terms of any restriction, easement, condition, covenant or other similar
        matter affecting title to or binding on such Leased Property.

                (3) No Alterations shall be undertaken until Lessee shall have
        procured and paid for, so far as the same may be required from time to
        time, all permits and authorizations relating to such Alterations of all
        municipal and other Authorities having jurisdiction over such Leased
        Property. Lessor, at Lessee's expense, shall join in the application for


        any such permit or authorization and execute and deliver any document in
        connection therewith, whenever such joinder is necessary or advisable.

                (4) The Alterations shall be completed in a good and workmanlike
        manner and in compliance in all material respects with all Applicable
        Laws and Regulations then in effect and with the standards imposed by
        any insurance policies required to be maintained hereunder.

                (5) All Alterations shall, when completed, be of such a
        character as to not materially adversely affect the Fair Market Value,
        utility, remaining economic useful life or residual value of such Leased
        Property from its Fair Market Value, utility, remaining economic useful
        life or residual value immediately prior to the making thereof or, in
        the case of Alterations being made by virtue of a Casualty or
        Condemnation, immediately prior to the occurrence of such Casualty or
        Condemnation. If such Alterations have a cost exceeding $1,000,000 and
        if requested by Required Participants, Lessor may engage an appraiser of
        nationally recognized standing, at Lessee's sole cost and expense, to
        determine (by appraisal methods satisfactory to the Required
        Participants) the projected Fair Market Value of such Leased Property
        following completion of the Alterations relating thereto.

                (6) Lessee shall have made adequate arrangements for payment of
        the cost of all Alterations when due so that the Leased Property shall
        at all times be free of Liens for labor and materials supplied or
        claimed to have been supplied to the Premises, other than Permitted
        Liens; provided, that Lessee shall have the right to engage in Permitted
        Contests in accordance with Section 9.5.

                (7) The Alterations must be located solely on such Site.

        SECTION 9.3. Title to Alterations. Title to the following described
Alterations shall without further act vest in Lessor and shall be deemed to
constitute a part of a Leased Property and be subject to this Lease:

                (a) each of the Financed Improvements;

                (b) Alterations that are in replacement of or in substitution
for a portion of any Improvements existing on the date of this Lease with
respect to a Site or any Financed Improvements with respect to a Site;

                (c) Alterations that are required to be made pursuant to the
terms of Section 9.1 or 9.2(a)(i) hereof; or


                (d) Alterations that are Nonseverable.

                Lessee, at Lessor's request, shall execute and deliver any
deeds, bills of sale, assignments or other documents of conveyance reasonably
necessary to evidence the vesting of title in and to such Alterations to Lessor.

                If such Alterations are not within any of the categories set
forth in clauses (a) through (d) of this Section 9.3, then title to such
Alterations shall vest in Lessee and such Alterations shall not be deemed to be
Alterations which are part of the Premises.

                All Alterations to which Lessee shall have title may, so long as
removal thereof shall not result in the violation of any Applicable Laws and
Regulations and no Lease Event of Default is continuing, be removed at any time
by Lessee. Lessee agrees to notify Lessor in writing at least 30 days before it
removes any such Alterations which individually or in the aggregate had an
original cost exceeding $1,000,000, and Lessee shall at its expense prior to the
Lease Term Expiration Date repair any damage to the Premises caused by the
removal of such Alterations. Lessor (or the purchaser of the applicable Leased
Property) if Lessee elects the Sale Option or in connection with a Sale pursuant
to Section 18.1) may purchase from Lessee any such Alterations (if not already
owned by Lessor) that Lessee intends to remove from a Leased Property prior to
the Lease Term Expiration Date, which purchase shall be at the Fair Market Value
of such Alterations as determined by the Appraiser at the time of such purchase.
Title to any such Alterations shall vest in Lessor (or the purchaser of the
applicable Leased Property) if not removed from the Leased Property by Lessee
prior to the return of such Leased Property to Lessor or sale of such Leased
Property if Lessee elects the Sale Option or in connection with a Sale pursuant
to Section 18.1.

        SECTION 9.4. Maintenance and Repair Reports. During the Lease Term
Lessee shall keep maintenance and repair reports in sufficient detail, on the
same basis as records are kept for similar properties owned or leased by
Guarantor or its Subsidiaries, to indicate the nature and date of major work
done. Such reports shall be kept on file by Lessee at its offices during the
Lease Term, and shall be made available at Lessee's office to Lessor upon
reasonable request. Lessee shall give notice to Lessor of any Condemnation or
Casualty the cost to repair which is reasonably expected by Lessee to exceed
$500,000, promptly after Lessee has knowledge thereof.

        SECTION 9.5. Permitted Contests. If, to the extent and for so long as
(a) a contest of the legality, validity or applicability to any Leased Property
or any interest therein of, or the operation, use or maintenance thereof by,
Lessee of (i) any


Applicable Laws and Regulations, (ii) any term or condition of, or any
revocation or amendment of, or other proceeding relating to, any Governmental
Action, or (c) any Lien or Tax shall be made in good faith, by appropriate
proceedings initiated timely and diligently prosecuted, by Lessee or (b)
compliance with such Applicable Laws and Regulations, Governmental Action, Lien
or Tax shall have been excused or exempted by a valid nonconforming use permit,
waiver, extension or forbearance, Lessee shall not be required to comply with
such Applicable Laws and Regulations, Governmental Action, Lien or Tax but only
if and so long as any such contest or noncompliance shall in the reasonable
opinion of Lessor, acting at the direction of the Required Participants,
constitute a Permitted Contest.

                Lessor will not be required to join in any Permitted Contest
pursuant to this Section 9.5 unless a provision of any Applicable Laws and
Regulations requires, or, in the good faith opinion of Lessee, it is helpful to
Lessee, that such proceedings be brought by or in the name of Lessor; and in
that event, Lessor will join in the proceedings or permit them or any part
thereof to be brought in its name if and so long as no Lease Event of Default is
continuing and Lessee pays all related expenses, and Lessee shall be deemed to
have acknowledged and agreed that Lessor is indemnified therefor pursuant to
Article VII of the Participation Agreement.

        SECTION 9.6. Liens. During the Lease Term Lessee will not directly or
indirectly create, incur, assume or suffer to exist any Lien (other than
Permitted Liens) on or with respect to any portion of any Leased Property,
Lessor's title thereto, or any interest therein. Lessee, at its own expense,
will promptly pay, satisfy and otherwise take such actions as may be necessary
to keep the Premises free and clear of, and duly to discharge, eliminate or bond
in a manner reasonably satisfactory to Lessor, Agent and the Required
Participants, any such Lien (other than Permitted Liens) not accepted above if
the same shall arise at any time.

                                    ARTICLE X

        Each Leased Property shall be used only for the production (including
labeling), storage and distribution of processed and fresh fruits and vegetables
and fruit and vegetable products. Lessee shall not use any Site or any part
thereof for any purpose or in any manner that would materially adversely affect
the Fair Market Value, utility, remaining useful life or residual value of such
Leased Property. Lessee shall use each Leased Property in compliance in all
material respects with (a) any Applicable Laws and Regulations, except to the
extent permitted by Section 9.5, (b) any insurance policies required by Article
XI, and (c) all of


the Operative Documents. Lessee shall pay, or cause to be paid, all charges and
costs required in connection with the use of each Leased Property in accordance
with this Lease and the Participation Agreement. Lessee shall not commit or
permit any waste of any Leased Property or any part thereof.

                                   ARTICLE XI

        SECTION 11.1. Required Coverages. During the Site Term for each Leased
Property Lessee will provide or cause to be provided insurance with respect to
each such Leased Property of a character usually insured by Persons engaged in
the same or similar business similarly situated against loss or damage of the
kinds and in the amounts customarily insured against by such Persons, and carry
such other insurance as is usually carried by such Persons; provided, that in
any event Lessee will maintain:

                (a) Commercial General Liability Insurance. Combined single
limit insurance against claims for third-party bodily injury, including death
and third-party property damage occurring on, in or about each Leased Property
(including adjoining streets and sidewalks) in an amount at least equal to
$19,000,000 per occurrence. Following the Base Term Commencement Date for each
Leased Property, such coverage may be subject to deductibles or self-insured
retentions up to an amount that is customarily carried by a company of similar
size and engaged in business similar to Lessee; provided however, that during
the Construction Period with respect to a Leased Property there shall be no such
deductibles and self insurance amounts. (This coverage may be provided in a
combination of umbrella and excess liability policies.)

                (b) Property Insurance. Insurance against loss or damage
covering each Leased Property or any portion thereof by reason of any Peril (as
defined below) in an amount (following the Base Term Commencement Date for each
Leased Property, subject to such deductibles and/or self-insurance in such
minimum amounts as is carried by corporations owning and/or operating similar
properties; provided, however, that during the Construction Period with respect
to a Leased Property there shall be no such deductibles and self insurance
amounts; provided, however, that at no time shall the amount of such coverage be
less than the replacement cost of the Improvements with respect to a Leased
Property, including any costs that may be required to cause such Leased Property
to be reconstructed to then current Applicable Laws and Regulations. The term
"Peril" shall mean, collectively, fire, lightning, flood, windstorm, hail,
explosion, riot and civil commotion, vandalism and malicious mischief, damage
from aircraft, vehicles and smoke and all other perils covered by the "all risk
endorsement" then in use in the State in which such Leased Property


is located. Alternatively, at Lessee's election, such insurance shall be on a
coverage form reasonably available in the commercial insurance market at the
time of the most recent policy reviewed.

                (c) Workers' Compensation Insurance. Lessee shall, in the
construction of the Financed Improvements or other Alterations and the operation
of each Leased Property, comply with the applicable Workers' Compensation laws
and protect Lessor, Agent and the Participants against any liability under such

                (d) Builder's Risk Insurance. During the construction of any
Alteration costing in excess of $1,000,000, Lessee shall also maintain, for the
benefit of Lessor, all-risk Builders' Risk Insurance in an amount equal to the
greater of the replacement value of such Alterations and the aggregate cost for
the construction of same.

                (e) Other Insurance. Such other insurance, including worker's
compensation and business interruption insurance, in each case as is generally
carried by owners of similar properties in such amounts and against such risks
as are then customary for properties similar in use and to the extent required
by any Participant, flood insurance to the extent required by Applicable Law and
Regulations applicable to such Participant.

                Such insurance shall be written by reputable insurance companies
that are financially sound and solvent and otherwise reasonably appropriate
considering the amount and type of insurance being provided by such companies.
Any insurance company selected by Lessee shall be rated in A.M. Best's Insurance
Guide or any successor thereto (or if there be none, an organization having a
similar national reputation) and shall have a general policyholder rating of "A"
(or comparable rating for a rating by an organization other than A.M. Best) and
a financial rating of at least "X" (or comparable rating for a rating by an
organization other than A.M. Best) or be otherwise acceptable to the Required
Participants. In the case of liability insurance maintained by Lessee, it shall
name Lessor (both in its individual capacity and as trustee), Agent and each of
the Participants, as additional insureds and, in the case of property insurance
maintained by Lessee, it shall name Agent, as mortgagee and loss payee as its
interests may appear. Each policy referred to in this Section 11.1 shall provide
that: (i) it will not be canceled, materially modified or its limits reduced, or
allowed to lapse without renewal, except after not less than 30 days' prior
written notice to Lessor; (ii) the interests of Lessor, Agent and any
Participant shall not be invalidated by any act or negligence of or breach of
warranty or representation by Lessee or any Person having an interest in the
Premises or the Improvements; (iii) such insurance is primary with respect to
any other insurance carried by or available to Lessor, Agent or any Participant;
(iv) the insurer shall waive any right of subrogation,


setoff, counterclaim, or other deduction, whether by attachment or otherwise,
against Lessor; and (v) such policy shall contain a cross-liability clause
providing for coverage of Lessor, Agent and each Participant, as if separate
policies had been issued to each of them. Lessee will notify Lessor promptly of
any policy cancellation, reduction in policy limits, modification or amendment.

        SECTION 11.2. Delivery of Insurance Certificates. With respect to the
Site or Sites to be acquired on each Site Acquisition Date, Lessee shall deliver
to Lessor certificates of insurance satisfactory to Lessor evidencing the
existence of all insurance required to be maintained hereunder and setting forth
the respective coverages, limits of liability, carrier, policy number and period
of coverage. Thereafter, throughout the Lease Term, at the time each of Lessee's
insurance policies is renewed (but in no event less frequently than once each
year on or before December 31) or upon written request by any Lessor following a
Lease Event of Default, Lessee shall deliver to Lessor certificates of insurance
evidencing that all insurance required by Section 11.1 to be maintained by
Lessee with respect to the Premises is in effect.

                                   ARTICLE XII
                            ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLEASING

        Lessee during the Lease Term may not assign, mortgage or pledge to any
Person, including an Affiliate of Lessee, at any time, in whole or in part, any
of its right, title or interest in, to or under this Lease or any portion of any
Leased Property, and any such assignment, mortgage or pledge shall be void.
Except for the leasehold interest in the Modesto Site granted to Lessor pursuant
to the Ground Lease and as expressly permitted in this Article XII, Lessee may
not sublease, in whole or in part, any of its right, title or interest in, to or
under this Lease or any portion of any Leased Property to any Person, except
that, following the Final Completion Date, Lessee may enter into subleases with
(i) a direct or indirect wholly-owned Subsidiary of Guarantor and (ii) a Person
which is not a direct or indirect wholly-owned Subsidiary of Lessee ("Third
Party Sublease"); provided, however, that in no event shall the aggregate
subleased space (together with the nonexclusive use of any related or necessary
portion of any Site as necessary for access and parking) subject to all Third
Party Subleases exceed 30% of the aggregate net rentable square feet of any
Site. Lessee shall not sublease any portion of any Leased Property to, or permit
the sublease of any portion of any Leased Property by, any Person who shall then
be engaged in any proceedings for relief under any bankruptcy or insolvency law
or laws relating to the relief of debtors.


        No sublease hereunder will discharge or diminish any of Lessee's
obligations to Lessor hereunder, and Lessee shall remain directly and primarily
liable under the Lease with respect to the entire Premises. Each sublease
permitted hereby shall be made and shall expressly provide in writing that it is
subject and subordinate to this Lease and the rights of Lessor hereunder, shall
expressly provide for the surrender of the space subleased by the applicable
sublessee at the election of Lessor after a Lease Event of Default, and that
such provisions may be directly enforced by Lessor or Agent. All such subleases
under this Article XII shall expressly provide in writing for termination on or
prior to the Lease Expiration Date unless Lessee shall purchase all of the
Premises pursuant to Section 21.1(b) of this Lease.

        Lessee shall, within fifteen (15) days after the execution of any Third
Party Sublease deliver to Agent a fully executed copy of such sublease.

                                  ARTICLE XIII

        SECTION 13.1. Event of Loss; Condemnation or Casualty.

                (a) If an Event of Loss shall occur during the Lease Term,
Lessee shall give Lessor prompt written notice of such occurrence and the date
thereof and Lessee shall purchase the Leased Property(ies) affected thereby from
Lessor on the next succeeding Quarterly Payment Date after the date such Event
of Loss shall have occurred or, if such Event of Loss shall have occurred within
ten (10) Business Days preceding a Quarterly Payment Date, then on the next
succeeding Quarterly Payment Date after such Event of Loss shall have occurred,
at a purchase price equal to the Purchase Amount of such Leased Property. In the
case of an Event of Taking which is deemed to have occurred because of a
requisition which is not scheduled to last beyond the earlier of the Lease
Expiration Date and Lessee's election of the Sale Option but which in fact is
continuing on the earlier of such dates, the foregoing purchase price shall be
paid on such earlier date.

                (b) Upon payment in full of all amounts payable pursuant to
Section 13.1(a), (i) the Site Term shall end with respect to the affected Leased
Property(ies), (ii) the obligations of Lessee hereunder with respect to the
affected Leased Property(ies) (other than any obligations expressed herein or
any other Operative Document as surviving termination of this Lease) shall
terminate as of the date of such payment. Lessor shall thereupon transfer its
right, title and interest in the affected Leased Property(ies) to Lessee in
accordance with Section 23.16(a) and (iii) the Lease Supplement for the affected
Leased Property(ies) shall be canceled.


        SECTION 13.2. Application of Payments Relating to an Event of Loss. All
Net Condemnation Proceeds and property insurance proceeds received at any time
by Lessee during the Lease Term from any Authority or other Person with respect
to any Event of Loss shall be promptly remitted to Lessor (up to, but not
exceeding, the amounts owed under Section 13.1(a)) and, upon the purchase of the
affected Leased Property(ies) by Lessee pursuant to Section 13.1(a) and the
payment by Lessee of the purchase price and all other amounts payable by Lessee
pursuant to Section 13.1(a), any such Net Condemnation Proceeds and property
insurance proceeds remaining thereafter shall be paid over to, or retained by,
Lessee, or as Lessee may direct.

        SECTION 13.3. Application of Certain Payments Relating to a
Condemnation. In case of a requisition for temporary use of all or a portion of
any Leased Property which is not an Event of Taking, this Lease shall remain in
full force and effect, without any abatement or reduction of Rent, and the
proceeds received from any Authority relating to a Condemnation for the affected
portion of the Leased Property shall, so long as no Lease Event of Default
exists and subject to Section 16.2, be paid to Lessee and, to the extent
applicable, shall be used by Lessee to repair and restore the affected Premises
to the condition required by Section 9.1. Notwithstanding anything herein to the
contrary, any portion of such proceeds that is awarded with respect to the time
period after the expiration or termination of the Lease Term (unless Lessee
shall have exercised an option to purchase all of the Premises and consummated
such purchase) shall be paid to Lessor; provided, that if Lessee has paid the
Lease Balance to Lessor, such proceeds (or the portion of such proceeds in
excess of portion thereof applied to the Lease Balance) shall be paid over to

        SECTION 13.4. Casualty. Upon any Casualty during the Lease Term with
respect to any portion of any Leased Property the cost of repair of which would
exceed $500,000 Lessee shall give to Lessor written notice thereof. As soon as
practicable after a Casualty, Lessee shall repair and rebuild the affected
portions of the Leased Property suffering such Casualty (or cause such affected
portions to be repaired and rebuilt) to the condition required to be maintained
by Section 9.1 hereof; provided, that the value and functional capability of
such item as restored is at least equivalent to the value and functional
capability of such item as in effect immediately prior to the occurrence of such
Casualty. So long as no Lease Event of Default or Material Default is
continuing, any insurance proceeds received with respect to any Casualty shall
be paid over to or retained by Lessee up to $500,000. Insurance proceeds
received with respect to any Casualty in excess of $500,000 shall be held by
Agent and made available to Lessee to pay costs actually incurred by Lessee to
restore the Premises as required herein.


        SECTION 13.5. Negotiations. In the event any part of any Leased Property
becomes subject to condemnation or requisition proceedings during the Lease
Term, Lessee shall give notice thereof to Lessor promptly after Lessee has
knowledge thereof and, to the extent permitted by any Applicable Laws and
Regulations, Lessee shall control the negotiations with the relevant Authority
unless a Lease Event of Default exists, in which case Lessor shall be entitled
to control such negotiations; provided, that in any event Lessor may participate
at Lessor's expense (or if a Lease Event of Default exists, at Lessee's expense)
in such negotiations; and provided in all cases, that no settlement will be made
without Lessor's prior written consent acting at the direction of the Required
Participants, not to be unreasonably withheld. Lessee shall give to Lessor such
information, and copies of such documents, which relate to such proceedings, or
which relate to the settlement of amounts due under insurance policies required
by Section 11.1, and are in the possession of Lessee, as are reasonably
requested by Lessor. If the proceedings relate to an Event of Taking, Lessee
shall act diligently in connection therewith. Nothing contained in this Section
13.5 shall diminish Lessor's rights with respect to Condemnation Proceeds and
property insurance proceeds under Section 13.2.

        SECTION 13.6. No Rent Abatement. Rent shall not abate hereunder by
reason of any Casualty, any Event of Loss, any Event of Taking or any
Condemnation of any portion of any Leased Property, and Lessee shall continue to
perform and fulfill all of Lessee's obligations, covenants and agreements
hereunder notwithstanding such Casualty, Event of Loss, Event of Taking or
Condemnation until the Lease Expiration Date.

        SECTION 13.7. Notice of Environmental Matters. Promptly, but in any
event within thirty (30) days from the date a Responsible Officer of Lessee has
actual knowledge thereof, Lessee shall provide to Lessor written notice of any
pending or, to Lessee's knowledge, threatened claim, action or proceeding
involving any Environmental Law or any Release on or in connection with any
Leased Property, which claim, action or proceeding would require in excess of
$250,000 in remediation costs in respect of such Leased Property (such claim,
action or proceeding, a "Material Environmental Claim"). All such notices shall
describe in reasonable detail the nature of the claim, action or proceeding and
Lessee's proposed response thereto. In addition, Lessee shall provide to Lessor,
within thirty (30) days of receipt, copies of all material written
communications with any Authority relating to any Material Environmental Claim.
Lessee shall also promptly provide such detailed reports of any such Material
Environmental Claims as may reasonably be requested by Lessor or Agent.


                                   ARTICLE XIV

        SECTION 14.1. Non-Interference. Subject to Lessor's cure rights, as
provided for in Article XIX, Lessor covenants that it will not interfere in
Lessee's use or possession of the Premises during the Lease Term, so long as no
Lease Event of Default has occurred and is continuing; it being agreed that
Lessee's remedies for breach of the foregoing covenant shall be limited to a
claim for damages or the commencement of proceedings to enjoin such breach. Such
right is independent of and shall not affect Lessee's obligations hereunder and
under the other Operative Documents or Lessor's rights otherwise to initiate
legal action to enforce the obligations of Lessee under this Lease. The
foregoing covenant shall not require Lessor to take any action contrary to, or
which would permit Lessee to use the Premises for a use not permitted under the
provisions of, this Lease.

        SECTION 14.2. Certain Duties and Responsibilities of Lessor. Lessor
undertakes to perform such duties and only such duties as are specifically set
forth herein and in the other Operative Documents, and no implied covenants or
obligations shall be read into this Lease against Lessor, and Lessor agrees that
it shall not, nor shall it have a duty to, manage, control, use, sell, maintain,
insure, register, lease, operate, modify, dispose of or otherwise deal with the
Premises or any other part of the Trust Estate in any manner whatsoever, except
as required by the terms of the Operative Documents and as otherwise provided

                                   ARTICLE XV
                             INSPECTION AND REPORTS

        SECTION 15.1. Inspection. Upon five (5) Business Days prior notice to
Lessee, Lessor or its authorized representatives (the "Inspecting Parties") at
any time during the Lease Term may inspect (a) the Premises and (b) the books
and records of Lessee relating to the Premises and make copies and abstracts
therefrom. All such inspections shall be during Lessee's normal business hours
(unless a Lease Event of Default has occurred and is existing)and shall be at
the expense and risk of the Inspecting Parties, except that one such inspection
in each calendar year shall be at Lessee's expense at a cost not to exceed
$1,000 per Site inspected and except that if a Lease Event of Default or Lease
Default has occurred and is continuing, Lessee shall reimburse the Inspecting
Parties for the reasonable costs of such inspections and, except for the
Inspecting Party's gross negligence or willful misconduct, such inspection shall
be at Lessee's risk. No inspection shall unreasonably interfere with Lessee's
operations. None of the Inspecting Parties shall have any duty to make any such
inspection or inquiry. None of the Inspecting Parties shall incur any liability
or obligation


by reason of making any such inspection or inquiry unless and to the extent such
Inspecting Party causes damage to the Premises or any property of Lessee or any
other Person during the course of such inspection.

        SECTION 15.2. Reports. To the extent permissible under Applicable Laws
and Regulations, during the Lease Term Lessee shall prepare and file in timely
fashion, or, where Lessor shall be required to file, Lessee shall prepare and
make available to Lessor within a reasonable time prior to the date for filing
and Lessor shall file, any reports with respect to the condition or operation of
the Premises that shall be required to be filed with any Authority.

                                   ARTICLE XVI

        SECTION 16.1. Grant of Security Interest. Title to the Premises are held
by Lessor, as security for the obligations of Lessee hereunder and under each of
the other Operative Documents to which it is a party until such time as Lessee
shall have fulfilled all of its obligations hereunder and under such other
Operative Documents. Lessee hereby assigns, grants, warrants and pledges to
Lessor for the benefit of the Participants a Lien against all of Lessee's right,
title and interest, whether now or hereafter existing or acquired, in the
Premises and the other Del Monte Collateral to secure the payment and
performance of all obligations of Lessee now or hereafter existing under this
Lease or any other Operative Document. Lessee shall, at its expense, promptly
and duly execute, acknowledge and deliver to Lessor and file, register and
record such documents and assurances including the Mortgages and any financing
statements and fixture filings and take such further actions as Lessor, Agent or
any Participant may from time to time reasonably request in order to carry out
more effectively the intent and purpose of this Lease and the other Operative
Documents, to establish and protect the rights and remedies created or intended
to be created in favor of Lessor hereunder and thereunder, and to establish,
perfect and maintain the right, title and interest of Lessor in and to the
Premises and the other Del Monte Collateral, subject to no Lien other than
Permitted Liens, and Lessee agrees to execute and deliver promptly such of the
foregoing Mortgages, financing statements and fixture filings or other documents
as may require execution by Lessee. To the extent permitted by Applicable Laws
and Regulations, Lessee hereby authorizes any such Mortgages, financing
statement and fixture filings to be filed without the necessity of the signature
of Lessee. Upon Lessee's request, Lessor shall at such time as all of the
obligations of Lessee under this Lease or any other Operative Documents have
been indefeasibly paid or performed in full (other than Lessee's contingent
obligations, if any, under Article VII of


the Participation Agreement and under Article VI of the Construction Agency
Agreement) execute and deliver termination statements and other appropriate
documentation reasonably requested by Lessee, all at Lessee's expense, to
evidence Lessor's release of its Lien against the Del Monte Collateral.

        SECTION 16.2. Attorney-in-Fact. Lessee hereby irrevocably appoints
Lessor as Lessee's attorney-in-fact, with full authority in the place and stead
of Lessee and in the name of Lessee or otherwise, from time to time in Lessor's
discretion, to execute any instrument which Lessor may deem necessary or
advisable to accomplish the purposes of this Lease (subject to any limitations
set forth in the Operative Documents), and to take any action (including any
action that Lessee is entitled to take), including, without limitation:

                (a) to ask, demand, collect, sue for, recover, compromise,
receive and give acquittance and receipts for money due and to become due under
or in connection with all or any portion of the Premises and the other Del Monte

                (b) to receive, endorse and collect any drafts or other
instruments, documents and chattel paper in connection with the foregoing clause

                (c) to file any claim or take any action or institute any
proceedings which Lessor may deem to be necessary or advisable for the
collection thereof or to enforce compliance with the terms and conditions of
this Lease; and

                (d) to perform any affirmative obligations of Lessee hereunder,
including the execution of mortgages, financing statements and other documents.

Lessee hereby acknowledges, consents and agrees that the power of attorney
granted pursuant to this Section 16.2 is irrevocable and coupled with an
interest. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the rights
and powers presently granted Lessor by this Section 16.2 may be exercised by
Lessor only upon the occurrence and during the continuance of a Lease Event of

                                  ARTICLE XVII
                             LEASE EVENTS OF DEFAULT

        The occurrence of any one or more of the following events, whether any
such event shall be voluntary or involuntary or come about or be effected by
operation of law or pursuant to or in compliance with any judgment, decree or
order of any court or any


order, rule or regulation of any administrative or governmental body, shall
constitute a "Lease Event of Default":

                (a) Lessee shall fail to make any payment of (i) Basic Rent and
such failure shall continue for a period of three days or (ii) amounts payable
pursuant to Section 13.1(a), Article XX, or Sections 21.1(b), 22.3 or 22.4 when

                (b) Lessee or Guarantor shall fail to make payment of any other
amount payable hereunder or under any of the other Operative Documents and such
failure shall continue for a period of five (5) days after the earlier of notice
to Lessee or Guarantor, as the case may be, of such failure or a Responsible
Officer of Lessee or Guarantor knew or reasonably should have known of such

                (c) Lessee shall fail to maintain insurance as required by
Section 11.1;

                (d) Lessee shall fail to purchase the Premises in accordance
with Section 20.2 or Lessee shall fail to sell all of the Premises on the Lease
Expiration Date in accordance with and satisfaction of each of the terms,
covenants, conditions and agreements set forth at Articles XXI and XXII in
connection with and following its exercise of the Sale Option, including each of
Lessee's obligations at Sections 21.1 and 21.2;

                (e) Lessee or Guarantor shall fail timely to perform or observe
any covenant, condition or agreement (not included in any other clause of this
Article XVII) to be performed or observed by it hereunder or under any other
Operative Document and such failure shall continue for a period of 30 days (but
in no event later than the Lease Expiration Date) after the earlier to occur of
(i) written notice thereof to Lessee from any Lessor, Agent or any Participant
or (ii) the date upon which a Responsible Officer of Lessee knew or reasonably
should have known thereof;

                (f) the occurrence of a Del Monte Event of Default;

                (g) Any Operative Document or the security interest and lien
granted under this Lease (except in accordance with its terms), in whole or in
part, terminates, ceases to be effective or ceases to be the legal, valid and
binding enforceable obligation of Lessee, Guarantor, or any of their Affiliates,
as the case may be, on account of, or as a result of, directly or indirectly,
any act or omission of Lessee, Guarantor or any of their Affiliates, or Lessee,
Guarantor or any of their Affiliates, directly or indirectly, contests in any
manner in any court the effectiveness, validity, binding nature or
enforceability thereof; or the security interest and lien securing Lessee's or
Guarantor's obligations under the Operative Documents, in whole or in part,
ceases to be a


perfected first priority security interest and lien on account of, or as a
result of, directly or indirectly, any action or omission of Lessee, Guarantor
of any of their Affiliates;

                (h) A Construction Agency Agreement Event of Default shall have
occurred and be continuing;

                (i) An Event of Default shall occur under any Material Credit

                (j) The Syndication (as defined in the Syndication Agreement) is
not fully completed on or before 90 days after the Document Closing Date; or

                (k) Lessee fails to replace any Non-Funding Participant within
the ninety (90) day period permitted for such replacement in Section 2.17 of the
Participation Agreement.

                                  ARTICLE XVIII

        SECTION 18.1. Remedies. During the existence of a Lease Event of
Default, at Lessor's option and without limiting Lessor in the exercise of any
other right or remedy Lessor may have on account of such default (including,
without limitation, the obligation of Lessee to purchase the Premises as set
forth below), and without any further demand or notice, Lessor may cause the
following to occur:

                (i) By notice to Lessee, Lessor may terminate Lessee's right to
        possession of the Premises. A notice given in connection with unlawful
        detainer proceedings specifying a time within which to cure a default
        shall terminate Lessee's right to possession if Lessee fails to cure the
        default within the time specified in the notice.

                (ii) Upon termination of Lessee's right to possession and
        without further demand or notice, Lessee shall surrender possession and
        vacate the Premises and deliver possession thereof, and Lessor may
        re-enter the Premises and remove any Persons in possession thereof.

                (iii) Lessor may terminate this Lease with respect to all or any
        of the Leased Properties and/or on and after the Base Term Commencement
        Date with respect to a Leased Property declare the aggregate outstanding
        Site Balance for such Leased Property to be immediately due and payable,
        and Lessor shall be entitled to (x) recover from Lessee the following
        amounts and (y) take the following actions:


                        (A) Lessee shall pay all accrued and unpaid Rent
        hereunder (including, without limitation, Basic Rent and Supplemental
        Rent) with respect to such Leased Property for the period commencing on
        the Base Term Commencement Date with respect to such Leased Property
        through the Final Rent Payment Date with respect to such Leased

                        (B) Lessor may elect either of the following with
        respect to any or all of the Leased Properties:

                        (1) Lessor may demand, by written notice to the Lessee
                specifying a payment date (the "Final Rent Payment Date") not
                earlier than ten (10) days after the date of such notice, that
                Lessee purchase such Leased Property, and Lessee shall pay to
                Lessor, on the Final Rent Payment Date (in lieu of Basic Rent
                with respect to such Leased Property due after the Final Rent
                Payment Date with respect to such Leased Property), an amount
                equal to the sum of (A) the Site Balance for such Leased
                Property computed for the period commencing on the Base Term
                Commencement Date with respect to such Leased Property to and
                including the Final Rent Payment Date with respect to such
                Leased Property, plus (B) all accrued and unpaid Rent with
                respect to such Leased Property due and unpaid for the period
                commencing on the Base Term Commencement Date with respect to
                such Leased Property to and including the Final Rent Payment
                Date with respect to such Leased Property, and upon payment of
                such amount, and the amount of all other sums due and payable by
                Lessee under this Lease and the other Operative Documents (and
                interest at the Overdue Rate on the amounts payable under this
                clause (B)(1) from the Final Rent Payment Date to the date of
                actual payment) with respect to such Leased Property, Lessor
                shall transfer to Lessee all of Lessor's right, title and
                interest in and to such Leased Property pursuant to Section
                23.16; or

                        (2) Lessor may sell its interest in such Leased Property
                and the other applicable Del Monte Collateral in which event
                Lessee shall pay to Lessor an amount equal to the excess, if
                any, of (x) all amounts due Lessor under clause (B)(1) above
                over (y) the net Sale Proceeds received by Lessor from the
                foregoing sale (provided, that in calculating such net Sale
                Proceeds, all expenses and Taxes incurred by Lessor or any of
                the Participants in connection with such sale, including,
                without limitation, legal fees, shall be deducted from such Sale

                        (C) Any other amount necessary to compensate Lessor for
        all the damages proximately caused by Lessee's failure to


        perform Lessee's obligation under this Lease or which in the ordinary
        course of things would be likely to result therefrom, including, but not
        limited to, the costs and expenses (including without limitation,
        reasonable attorneys' fees, advertising costs and brokers' commissions)
        of recovering possession of the Premises, removing Persons or property
        therefrom, placing the Premises in good order, condition, and repair,
        preparing and altering the Premises for reletting, and all other costs
        and expenses of reletting; and

                        (D) Such other amounts in addition to or in lieu of the
        foregoing as may be permitted from time to time by Applicable Laws and

                (iv) Lessor may enforce the Lien given hereunder pursuant to
        Section 16.1 hereof, Section 11 of the Lease Supplements, the Mortgages,
        the Uniform Commercial Code or any other Applicable Laws and Regulations
        to recover all damages caused by a Lease Event of Default, including any
        damages arising from Lessee's failure to purchase the Premises pursuant
        to Section 20.2 hereof.

                (v) If Lessee has breached this Lease, this Lease shall continue
        in effect for so long as Lessor does not terminate this Lease, and
        Lessor may enforce all of Lessor's rights and remedies under this Lease,
        including the right to recover the Rent hereunder (including, without
        limitation, Basic Rent (when applicable) and Supplemental Rent) as it
        becomes due under this Lease. Lessee's right to possession shall not be
        deemed to have been terminated by Lessor except pursuant to clause (iii)
        above. The following do not constitute a termination of this Lease:

                        (A) Acts of maintenance or preservation or efforts to
        relet the Premises;

                        (B) The appointment of a receiver upon the initiative of
        Lessor to protect Lessor's interest under this Lease;

                        (C) Withholding of consent to an assignment or
        subletting, or terminating a subletting or assignment by Lessee.

                (vi) In the event that Lessor elects to continue this Lease in
        full force and effect following the termination of Lessee's right of
        possession, Lessor, to the maximum extent permitted by Applicable Laws
        and Regulations, may enforce all its rights and remedies under this
        Lease, including, but not limited to, the right to recover Rent
        hereunder as it becomes due. During the continuance of a Lease Event of
        Default or


        following the termination of Lessee's right to possession, Lessor may
        enter the Premises in accordance with Applicable Laws and Regulations
        without terminating this Lease and sublet all or any part of the
        Premises for Lessee's account to any Person, for such term (which may be
        a period beyond the remaining Lease Term), at such rents and on such
        other terms and conditions as are commercially reasonable. In the event
        of any such subletting, rents received by Lessor from such subletting
        shall be applied (a) first, to the payment of the reasonable costs
        incurred by Lessor in maintaining, preserving, altering and preparing
        the Premises for subletting and other reasonable costs of subletting,
        including, but not limited to, brokers' commissions and attorneys' fees;
        (b) second, to the payment of Rent hereunder then due and payable; (c)
        third, to the payment of future Rent hereunder as the same may become
        due and payable hereunder; (d) fourth, to the payment of all other
        obligations of Lessee hereunder and under the other Operative Documents
        (including, without limitation, the Lease Balance), and (e) fifth, the
        balance, if any, shall be paid to Lessee upon (but not before)
        expiration of the Lease Term. If the rents received by Lessor from such
        subletting, after application as provided above, are insufficient in any
        period to pay the Rent due and payable hereunder for such period, Lessee
        shall pay such deficiency to Lessor upon demand. Notwithstanding any
        such subletting for Lessee's account without termination, Lessor may at
        any time thereafter, by written notice to Lessee, elect to terminate
        this Lease.

                (vii) Lessor may exercise any other right or remedy that may be
        available to it under Applicable Laws and Regulations or in equity, or
        proceed by appropriate court action (legal or equitable) to enforce the
        terms or to recover damages for the breach hereof, including those
        arising from a breach by Lessee of its obligations under Section 20.2
        hereof. Separate suits may be brought to collect any such damages for
        any Rent installment period(s), and such suits shall not in any manner
        prejudice Lessor's right to collect any such damages for any subsequent
        Rent installment period(s), or Lessor may defer any such suit until
        after the expiration of the Basic Term or any Renewal Term, in which
        event such suit shall be deemed not to have accrued until the expiration
        of the Lease Term.

                (viii) Lessor may retain and apply against Lessor's damages all
        sums which Lessor would, absent such Lease Event of Default, be required
        to pay to, or turn over to, Lessee pursuant to the terms of this Lease.

                (ix) As a matter of right and without notice to Lessee or anyone
        claiming under Lessee, and without regard to the then value of the Del
        Monte Collateral or the interest of


        Lessee therein, Lessor shall have the right to apply to any court having
        jurisdiction to appoint a receiver or receivers of the Del Monte
        Collateral at Lessee's sole cost and expense, and Lessee hereby
        irrevocably consents to such appointment and waives notice of any
        application therefor. Any such receiver or receivers shall have all the
        usual powers and duties of receivers in like or similar cases and all
        the powers and duties of Lessor in case of entry as provided in this
        Lease and shall continue as such and exercise all such powers until the
        latest to occur of (i) the date of confirmation of sale of the Del Monte
        Collateral; (ii) the disbursement of all proceeds of the Del Monte
        Collateral collected by such receiver and the payment of all expenses
        incurred in connection therewith; or (iii) the termination of such
        receivership with the consent of Lessor or pursuant to an order by a
        court of competent jurisdiction.

                (x) Lessor may exercise the remedies described in Section 11 of
        the Lease Supplements.

                (xi) Lessee hereby grants to Chicago Title Company, as trustee
        (together with all successor trustees, the "Trustee"), IN TRUST for the
        benefit of Lessor as security for the obligations hereunder A SECURITY
        INTEREST AND LIEN against the Premises WITH POWER OF SALE, and that,
        upon the occurrence of any Lease Event of Default, Lessor shall have the
        power and authority, to the extent provided by Applicable Laws, after
        proper notice and lapse of such time as may be required by Applicable
        Laws, to cause the Trustee to sell the Premises, or any portion thereof,
        at the time and place of sale fixed by Lessor in said notice of sale,
        either as a whole, or in separate lots or parcels or items and in such
        order as Lessor may elect, at auction to the highest bidder for cash in
        lawful money of the United States payable at the time of sale;
        accordingly, it is acknowledged that A POWER OF SALE HAS BEEN GRANTED IN
        DEFAULT BY LESSEE UNDER THIS INSTRUMENT, and (ii) upon the occurrence of
        a Lease Event of Default, Lessor, in lieu of or in addition to
        exercising any power of sale hereinabove given, may proceed by a suit or
        suits in equity or at law, whether for a foreclosure hereunder, or for
        the sale of the Premises, or against Lessee on a recourse basis for the
        Lease Balance and all accrued and unpaid interest on the Loans, all
        accrued and unpaid Yield on the Certificate Amounts, and all other
        amounts owing by Lessee under the Operative Documents with respect to
        such Premises, or for the specific performance of any covenant or
        agreement herein contained or in aid of the execution of any power
        herein granted, or for the appointment of a receiver pending any
        foreclosure hereunder or the sale of the Premises, or for


        the enforcement of any other appropriate legal or equitable remedy.

        Lessor acknowledges and agrees that upon the declaration of a Lease
Event of Default the amount due and owing by it to Lessor hereunder shall be the
Lease Balance and that to the maximum extent permitted by Applicable Laws,
Lessee waives any right to contest the Lease Balance as the liquidated sum due
upon acceleration of this Lease.

        SECTION 18.2. Proceeds of Sale; Deficiency. All payments received and
amounts held or realized by Lessor at any time when a Lease Event of Default
shall be continuing and after the Lease Balance shall have been accelerated
pursuant to this Article XVIII as well as all payments or amounts then held or
thereafter received by Lessor (except for rents received by Lessor from
subletting pursuant to Section 18.1(vi), which shall be distributed as set forth
therein) and the proceeds of sale pursuant to Section 18.1(iii)(B)(2) or
pursuant to the Mortgages shall be distributed forthwith upon receipt by Lessor
in accordance with Article III of the Loan Agreement.

        SECTION 18.3. Mortgage and Lease Supplement Remedies. Without limiting
any other remedies set forth in this Lease, Lessor and the Lessee agree that
upon the occurrence of a Lease Event of Default, the Lessor and Agent shall have
all the rights and may pursue any of the remedies provided to it in the
Mortgages and Lease Supplements the terms and provisions of which Mortgages and
the Lease Supplements are incorporated herein by this reference.

        SECTION 18.4. Remedies Cumulative; No Waiver; Consents. To the extent
permitted by, and subject to the mandatory requirements of, Applicable Laws and
Regulations, each and every right, power and remedy herein specifically given to
Lessor or otherwise in this Lease shall be cumulative and shall be in addition
to every other right, power and remedy herein specifically given or now or
hereafter existing at law, in equity or by statute, and each and every right,
power and remedy whether specifically herein given or otherwise existing may be
exercised from time to time and as often and in such order as may be deemed
expedient by Lessor, and the exercise or the beginning of the exercise of any
power or remedy shall not be construed to be a waiver of the right to exercise
at the same time or thereafter any other right, power or remedy. No delay or
omission by Lessor in the exercise of any right, power or remedy or in the
pursuit of any remedy shall impair any such right, power or remedy or be
construed to be a waiver of any default on the part of Lessee or be an
acquiescence therein. Lessor's consent to any request made by Lessee shall not
be deemed to constitute or preclude the necessity for obtaining Lessor's
consent, in the future, to all similar requests. No express or implied waiver by
Lessor of any Lease Event of Default shall in any way be, or be


construed to be, a waiver of any future or subsequent Lease Default or Lease
Event of Default. To the extent permitted by Applicable Laws and Regulations and
subject to the provisions of Section 18.1, Lessee hereby waives any rights now
or hereafter conferred by statute or otherwise that may require Lessor to sell,
lease or otherwise use the Premises, the other Del Monte Collateral or any part
thereof in mitigation of Lessor's damages upon the occurrence of a Lease Event
of Default or that may otherwise limit or modify any of Lessor's rights or
remedies under this Article XVIII.

        SECTION 18.5. Limitation of Recourse Liability. Notwithstanding anything
set forth herein to the contrary, prior to the commencement of the Base Term
with respect to a Lease Supplement for a Site, the aggregate amount payable by
Lessee on a recourse basis under this Article XVIII shall be subject to the
limitations on recourse liability set forth in Section 7.9 of the Participation
Agreement to the extent such amounts arose solely as a result of an Nonrelated
Construction Event relating directly to such Leased Property.

                                   ARTICLE XIX
                           RIGHT TO PERFORM FOR LESSEE

        SECTION 19.1. Right to Cure. If any Lease Default or Lease Event of
Default shall be continuing and in Lessor's reasonably exercised judgment Lessee
is not acting diligently and appropriately to cure such Lease Default or Lease
Event of Default, Lessor may, but shall not be obligated to, on five (5)
Business Days' prior notice to Lessee (except in the event of an emergency, in
which case only one Business Day's prior notice shall be required), cure such
Lease Default or Lease Event of Default, and Lessor shall not thereby be deemed
to have waived any default caused by such failure to cure, and the amount of
such payment and the amount of the expenses of Lessor (including reasonable
attorneys' fees and expenses) incurred in connection with such cure, together
with interest thereon at the Overdue Rate, shall be deemed Supplemental Rent,
payable by Lessee to Lessor upon demand.

        SECTION 19.2. Grants and Releases of Easements. Provided that no Default
or Lease Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, Lessor hereby
consents in each instance to the following actions by Lessee, in the name and
stead of Lessor and as Lessor's attorney-in-fact, but at Lessee's sole cost and
expense: (i) the granting of easements, licenses, rights-of-way and other rights
and privileges in the nature of easements reasonably necessary or desirable for
the use, repair or maintenance of any Leased Property in accordance with this
Lease; (ii) the release of existing easements or other rights in the nature of
easements which are for the benefit of any Leased Property; (iii) the dedication
or transfer of unimproved portions of any Leased Property for road,


highway or other public purposes; (iv) the execution of petitions to have any
Leased Property annexed to any municipal corporation or utility district; (v)
the execution of any covenants and restrictions affecting any Leased Property or
amendments or modifications thereto; and (vi) the execution or release of any
similar agreements; provided, however, that in each case Lessee, prior to taking
any such action, shall have delivered to Lessor an Officer's Certificate stating
that (x) such grant, release, dedication, transfer, annexation, or amendment or
similar agreement does not materially impair the Fair Market Value, residual
value, utility, operation or remaining useful life of the applicable Leased
Property, (y) such grant, release, dedication, transfer, annexation or amendment
will not cause the applicable Leased Property or any portion thereof to fail to
comply in any respect with the provisions of this Lease or any other Operative
Document or in any material respect with all Applicable Laws and Regulations
(including, without limitation, all applicable zoning, planning, building and
subdivision ordinances, all applicable restrictive covenants and all applicable
architectural approval requirements), and (z) Lessee shall timely pay and
perform any obligations of Lessor under such grant, release, dedication,
transfer, annexation or amendment during the Lease Term. Without limiting the
effectiveness of the foregoing or the power of attorney granted to Lessee
pursuant to Section 19.3, provided that no Material Default or Lease Event of
Default shall have occurred and be continuing, Lessor shall, upon the request of
Lessee, and at Lessee's sole cost and expense, execute and deliver any
instruments necessary or appropriate to confirm any such grant, release,
dedication, transfer, annexation or amendment to any Person permitted under
Sections 19.2 and 19.3.

        SECTION 19.3. Power of Attorney. Unless and until a Default or Lease
Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, the Lessor does, solely for the
purposes stated in Section 19.2, hereby irrevocably make, constitute and appoint
Lessee and any of its officers or designees its true and lawful
attorney-in-fact, with full power and authority to do any and all acts necessary
or proper to carry out the intent of Sections 19.2 and 19.3, including without
limitation, the right, power and authority (i) to take such actions described in
Section 19.2, and (ii) to execute such documents and agreements as the Lessee
may reasonably determine are necessary for the purposes of carrying out the
intent of Sections 19.2 and 19.3, and the Lessor hereby ratifies and confirms
all that Lessee as such attorney-in-fact or its substitute undertakes by virtue
of this power of attorney, which power is coupled with an interest and is
irrevocable. Lessor hereby agrees to execute, at Lessee's sole cost and expense,
such additional powers of attorney in recordable form as may be necessary for
the Lessee to carry out the intent of Sections 19.2 and 19.3.


                                   ARTICLE XX

        SECTION 20.1. Early Termination Option. Without limitation of Lessee's
purchase obligation pursuant to Section 20.2, on (1) any scheduled Quarterly
Payment Date following the expiration of the Construction Period for all of the
Sites, or (2) on any Business Day following the occurrence of a Lease Event of
Default of the types described in clause (ii) of the next sentence, Lessee may,
at its option, purchase all, but not less than all, of the Premises (the "Early
Termination Option") at a price equal to the Purchase Amount. Lessee's right to
purchase all of the Premises pursuant to this Section 20.1 shall terminate
automatically and without notice(i) upon the occurrence of a Lease Event of
Default arising as a result of an Insolvency Event and (ii) upon the occurrence
of any other Lease Event of Default, unless in the case of a Lease Event of
Default described in this clause (ii) Lessee delivers a written notice of its
election to exercise this option to purchase not less than three (3) days prior
to the date of the purchase and consummates the purchase within ten (10)
Business Days following the occurrence of such Lease Event of Default. In order
to exercise its option to purchase the Premises pursuant to this Section 20.1
and except as provided for in the clause(ii) of the foregoing sentence, Lessee
shall give to Lessor not less than ten (10) days' prior written notice of such
election to exercise, which election shall become irrevocable if not revoked or
extended by written notice to Lessor not later than five (5) days prior to the
end of such ten (10) day period. Upon receipt of the Purchase Amount, Lessor
shall transfer the Premises to Lessee, or its assigns, pursuant to Section
23.16, on the date set forth in the written notice delivered by Lessee pursuant
to this Section 20.1. If a Lease Event of Default of the type described in
clause (ii) above (other than a Lease Event of Default of the type described in
clause (a) or (b) of Article XVII) relates only to a specific Leased Property
but not all Leased Properties, the exercise of the Early Termination Option and
the purchase of such Leased Properties for the applicable Purchase Amount in
accordance with the requirements hereof shall be deemed to cure such Lease Event
of Default.

        SECTION 20.2. Required Purchase. Provided that Lessor has not exercised
any other remedy inconsistent therewith, Lessee shall be obligated to purchase
Lessor's interest in the Premises for the Purchase Amount (a) automatically and
without notice upon the occurrence of any Lease Event of Default arising as a
result of an Insolvency Event, (b) immediately upon written demand of Lessor
upon the occurrence of any other Lease Event of Default.


                                   ARTICLE XXI
                               END OF TERM OPTIONS

        SECTION 21.1. End of Term Options. At least 270 days before the
scheduled expiration date of the Lease Term, Lessee shall, by delivery of
written notice to Lessor and the Agent, exercise one of the following options:

                (a) Renew this Lease (together with each Lease Supplement) with
respect to all, but not less than all, of the Premises for five (5) additional
one-year Lease Renewal Terms (the "Renewal Option") on the terms and conditions
set forth herein and in the other Operative Documents; provided, however, such
Renewal Option shall be available at the end of the Base Term only if the
conditions to the Extension Option set forth in Section 2.14 of the
Participation Agreement are satisfied; and provided further, that the Renewal
Option shall not be available during the fifth Renewal Term; or

                (b) Purchase for cash for the Purchase Amount all, but not less
than all, of the Premises then subject to this Lease on the last day of the
Lease Term (the "Purchase Option"); and if Lessee shall have elected the
Purchase Option, Lessor shall, upon the payment to Lessor of the Purchase
Amount, transfer all of Lessor's right, title and interest in and to the
Premises pursuant to Section 23.16; or

                (c) Sell on behalf of Lessor for cash to a single purchaser not
in any way affiliated with Lessee or any of its Affiliates all, but not less
than all, of the Premises then subject to this Lease on the last day of the
Lease Term (the "Sale Option"). Lessee's right to sell the Premises pursuant to
the Sale Option shall be conditioned upon and subject to (i) the fulfillment by
Lessee of each of the terms and conditions set forth in Article XXII and (ii)
there not being at the time of such election any existing Third Party Subleases.
Lessee shall not enter into any additional subleases or renew any subleases with
respect to the Premises following Lessee's election of the Sale Option.
Following Lessee's election of the Sale Option, Lessee shall not remove any

        SECTION 21.2. Election of Options. To the extent that the Renewal Option
is available, unless Lessee shall have affirmatively elected in accordance
herewith the Purchase Option or the Sale Option, Lessee shall be deemed to have
elected the Renewal Option. To the extent that the Renewal Option is not
available for any reason (including because of the Participants' refusal to
consent to an Extension Option Request), unless Lessee shall have (a)
affirmatively elected the Sale Option within the time period provided for in
Section 21.1 and (b) satisfied each of the requirements in Article XXII, Lessee
shall be deemed to have


elected the Purchase Option. In addition, the Sale Option shall automatically be
revoked if there exists a Lease Default, Lease Event of Default or Event of Loss
at any time after the Sale Option is properly elected or Lessee fails to comply
with each of the terms and conditions set forth at Article XXII and Lessor shall
be entitled to exercise all rights and remedies provided in Article XVIII.
Lessee may not elect the Sale Option if there exists on the date the election is
made a Lease Default, a Lease Event of Default, an Event of Loss, or an
outstanding Extension Option Request.

        SECTION 21.3. Renewal Options; Extension Options. The exercise of any
Renewal Option by Lessee shall be subject to satisfaction of the following

                (i) on the Lease Expiration Date then in effect and on the date
        Lessee gives notice of its exercise of the Renewal Option, no Lease
        Event of Default or Lease Default shall have occurred and be continuing;

                (ii) Lessee shall not have exercised the Sale Option or the
        Purchase Option.

Lessee's exercise of a Renewal Option shall be deemed to be a representation by
Lessee that on both the Lease Expiration Date then in effect and the date Lessee
gives notice of its exercise of the Renewal Option, no Lease Event of Default or
Lease Default shall have occurred and be continuing. Following the Extension
Effective Date, each Renewal Option (other than the first) shall be at the sole
option of Lessee, not subject to the consent of the Participants.

                                  ARTICLE XXII
                                   SALE OPTION

        SECTION 22.1. Sale Option Procedures. If Lessee elects the Sale Option,
Lessee shall use its best commercial efforts as nonexclusive agent for Lessor to
obtain the highest all cash purchase price for the purchase of the Premises, and
in the event Lessee receives any bid, Lessee shall within five (5) Business Days
after receipt thereof, and at least twenty (20) Business Days prior to the Lease
Expiration Date, certify to Lessor in writing the amount and terms of such bid,
the name and address of the party (who shall not be Lessee, Guarantor or any
Affiliate of Lessee or Guarantor or any Person with whom Lessee or Guarantor has
an understanding or arrangement regarding their future use, possession or
ownership of the Premises), but who may be Lessor or a Participant, any
Affiliate thereof, or any Person contacted by any Participant (other than any
Person referred to in the foregoing parenthetical) submitting such bid. Unless
pursuant to the terms


of the bid submitted, the Sale Proceeds shall exceed the aggregate outstanding
Lease Balance as of the Lease Expiration Date any Participant may submit a bid
to Lessee not later than five (5) Business Days prior to the Lease Expiration
Date. Lessee shall bear its own expense and pay the expenses of Lessor and each
Participant in connection with any such bidding and sale process pursuant to
this Section 22.1 as well as all costs and expenses incurred by any party
(including a buyer or potential buyer) to place the Premises in the condition
required by Section 9.1 and costs of repair and alterations for improvements
desired by such buyer. None of the foregoing costs or expenses shall be deducted
from the Sale Proceeds or serve to reduce the purchase price to be paid for the
Premises. After Lessee shall have certified to Lessor all bids received, if all
such bids received on an all cash basis are for less than the aggregate
outstanding Lease Balance as of the Lease Expiration Date, any Participant, any
Affiliate thereof, or any Person contacted by any Participant may submit a
further bid or bids to Lessee not later than five (5) Business Days prior to the
Lease Expiration Date. On or before the Lease Expiration Date, so long as no
Lease Event of Default or Lease Default shall have occurred and be continuing:
(i) Lessee shall transfer all of Lessee's right, title and interest in the
Premises, or cause the Premises to be transferred, to the bidder, if any, which
shall have submitted the highest bid therefor at least twenty (20) (or in the
case of a Participant, any Affiliate thereof or Person contacted by a
Participant, five (5)) Business Days) prior to such Lease Expiration Date, in
the same manner and in the same condition and otherwise in accordance with all
of the terms of this Lease; (ii) subject to the prior or current payment by
Lessee of all amounts due under clause (iii) of this sentence, Lessor shall
comply with any conditions to transfer set forth in Section 22.2 and the
transfer provisions of Section 23.16 in order to transfer Lessor's right, title
and interest in and to the Premises for cash to such bidder; and (iii) Lessee
shall simultaneously pay to Lessor all of the amounts required pursuant to
Section 22.3. All costs related to a sale and delivery pursuant to this Section
22.1 including the cost of sales agents retained by Lessee, Lessor or the
Participants, improvements desired by the potential buyer, delivery of
documents, filing and documentary transfer fees, Taxes relating to or arising as
a result of such transfer, title insurance, certification and testing of the
Premises, environmental audits, legal costs, costs of notices, any advertisement
or other similar costs shall be borne entirely by Lessee, without regard to
whether such costs were incurred by Lessor, Lessee or any potentially qualified
buyer, and shall in no event be paid by the purchaser of the Premises or from
any of the Sale Proceeds or as a reduction to the purchase price. Neither Lessor
nor any Participant shall have any responsibility for procuring any purchaser;
provided, however, that Lessor and its designees may, at the direction of the
Required Participants, engage in activities to market and sell the Premises. Any
such activities undertaken by


Lessor pursuant to this Section 22.1 shall not reduce Lessee's obligations under
this Section 22.1 to use its best commercial efforts to sell the Premises in
accordance with the requirements of this Article XXII.

        SECTION 22.2. Sale. Lessee shall, on the Lease Expiration Date at
Lessee's own expense, transfer each Leased Property to the purchaser thereof
free and clear of all Liens other than Permitted Exceptions, in as good
condition as it was on the applicable Site Acquisition Date and on the
applicable Completion Date, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and in compliance
with all Applicable Laws and Regulations (and in any event without (x) any
asbestos installed or maintained in any part of the Premises, (y) any
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in, on or used, stored or located at the
Premises, and (z) any other Hazardous Materials). As a condition to Lessee's
rights hereunder, Lessee shall obtain all necessary governmental consents and
approvals and make all governmental filings required by Lessee or Lessor in
connection with any third party sale. Lessee shall cooperate with the purchaser
of the Premises in order to facilitate the ownership and operation of each
Leased Property by such purchaser after the date of the sale or transfer,
including providing all books, reports and records regarding the maintenance,
repair and ownership of the Premises and granting or assigning all licenses
necessary for the operation of each Leased Property and cooperating in seeking
and obtaining all necessary Governmental Action. As a further condition to
Lessee's rights hereunder, Lessee shall pay the total cost for the completion of
the Financed Improvements and of all Alterations commenced prior to the Lease
Expiration Date and for the repair and rebuilding of the affected portions of
each Leased Property suffering a Casualty. All Financed Improvements and
Alterations and all such repairs and rebuilding shall be completed prior to the
date of Lessee's election of the Sale Option. Prior to the Lease Expiration
Date, Lessee shall furnish to the Certificate Trustee, the Agent, the
Participants and the independent purchaser hereunder a reasonably current
Environmental Audit for each Leased Property dated no earlier than 45 days prior
to the Lease Expiration Date and addressed to each such party in form and
substance satisfactory in the sole discretion of such purchaser, the Certificate
Trustee, the Agent and the Required Participants. The obligations of Lessee
under this Section 22.2 shall survive the expiration or termination of this
Lease. Unless Lessee shall have exercised or been deemed to have exercised its
Purchase Option, Lessor shall at Lessee's expense be entitled to perform such
investigation, including obtaining reports of engineers and other experts as to
the condition and state of repair and maintenance of the Premises required by
this Section 22.2 and as to the compliance of the Premises with Applicable Laws
and Regulations including Environmental Laws, as it deems appropriate. Lessee,
at its sole cost and expense, shall cause the repair or other remediation of any
discrepancies between the actual condition


of the Premises and the condition required under this Lease, such repair or
remediation to be completed not later than the Lease Expiration Date.

        SECTION 22.3. Application of Sale Proceeds and Recourse Payments.

                (a) On the Lease Expiration Date in connection with an exercise
of the Sale Option, Lessee shall pay to Lessor all Rent then due together with
all other amounts due and payable by Lessee to Lessor, Agent, any Participant or
any Indemnitee. Lessee also shall pay to Lessor, as Supplemental Rent, from the
aggregate Sale Proceeds the aggregate outstanding Lease Balance as of the Lease
Expiration Date (as determined after the payment of all Rent due on such date).
If the Sale Proceeds exceed the Lease Balance as of the Lease Expiration Date,
Lessee shall retain the portion of the Sale Proceeds in excess thereof. If the
Sale Proceeds are less than the aggregate outstanding Lease Balance, Lessee
shall pay or shall cause to be paid to Lessor, as Supplemental Rent, on the
Lease Expiration Date, in addition to the Sale Proceeds an additional amount
equal to the lesser of (x) the Sales Recourse Amount and (y) the amount that the
Lease Balance exceeds the Sale Proceeds.

                (b) The obligation of Lessee to pay the amounts determined
pursuant to Sections 22.3(a) and 22.4 shall be recourse obligations of Lessee,
and such payments by Lessee shall not limit any other obligation of Lessee under
the Operative Documents, including pursuant to Article VII of the Participation

        SECTION 22.4. Appraisal. If any Participant expects that the Sale
Proceeds will be less than the outstanding Lease Balance as of the Lease
Expiration Date, Lessor (upon direction from such Participant) shall engage an
appraiser reasonably satisfactory to Lessee, at Lessee's expense, to determine
(by appraisal methods reasonably satisfactory to the Required Participants) the
Fair Market Value of the Premises then subject to this Lease as of the Lease
Expiration Date. If the Appraiser concludes that the Fair Market Value of such
Premises as of the Lease Expiration Date is in excess of the Sale Proceeds to be
obtained from the sale of the Premises, Lessee shall promptly pay to Lessor on
the date of such sale together with the Sale Proceeds, as Supplemental Rent,
such excess which, together with such Sale Proceeds and the Sales Recourse
Amount so paid to Lessor, shall not exceed the Lease Balance determined
immediately before the application of the foregoing amounts.


                                  ARTICLE XXIII

        SECTION 23.1. Binding Effect; Successors and Assigns; Survival. The
terms and provisions of this Lease, and the respective rights and obligations
hereunder of Lessor, Lessee, Agent and the Participants shall be binding upon
them and their respective successors, legal representatives and assigns
(including, in the case of Lessor, any Person to whom Lessor may transfer the
Premises or any interest therein in accordance with the provisions of the
Operative Documents), and inure to their benefit and the benefit of their
respective permitted successors, legal representatives and assigns.

        SECTION 23.2. Severability. Any provision of this Lease that shall be
prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction,
be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without
invalidating the remaining provisions hereof and any such prohibition or
unenforceability in any jurisdiction shall not invalidate or render
unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction, and Lessee shall remain
liable to perform its obligations hereunder except to the extent of such
unenforceability. To the extent permitted by Applicable Laws and Regulations,
Lessee hereby waives any provision of law that renders any provision hereof
prohibited or unenforceable in any respect.

        SECTION 23.3. Notices. Unless otherwise specified herein, all notices,
requests, demands or other communications to or upon the respective parties
hereto shall be in writing and shall be delivered and shall be deemed to have
been given in accordance with Section 9.3 of the Participation Agreement.

        SECTION 23.4. Amendment; Complete Agreements. Neither this Lease nor any
of the terms hereof may be terminated, amended, supplemented, waived or modified
orally, but only by an instrument in writing signed by the party against which
the enforcement of the termination, amendment, supplement, waiver or
modification shall be sought. This Lease, together with the other Operative
Documents, is intended by the parties as a final expression of their agreement
and as a complete and exclusive statement of the terms thereof, all
negotiations, considerations and representations between the parties having been
incorporated herein and therein. No course of prior dealings between the parties
or their officers, employees, agents or Affiliates shall be relevant or
admissible to supplement, explain, or vary any of the terms of this Lease or any
other Operative Document. Acceptance of, or acquiescence in, a course of
performance rendered under this or any prior agreement between the parties or
their Affiliates shall not be relevant or admissible to determine the meaning of
any of the terms of this Lease or any other Operative Document. No
representations, undertakings, or agreements have been made or relied upon in
the making of this


Lease other than those specifically set forth in the Operative Documents.

        SECTION 23.5. Headings. The Table of Contents and headings of the
various Articles and Sections of this Lease are for convenience of reference
only and shall not modify, define or limit any of the terms or provisions

        SECTION 23.6. Original Lease. The single executed original of this Lease
containing the receipt of Lessor therefor on or following the signature page
thereof shall be the "original executed counterpart" of this Lease. To the
extent that this Lease constitutes chattel paper, as such term is defined in the
UCC as in effect in any applicable jurisdiction, no security interest in this
Lease may be created through the transfer or possession of any counterpart other
than the "original executed counterpart."


        SECTION 23.8. RESERVED.

        SECTION 23.9. Liability of Lessor Limited. The parties hereto agree that
State Street Bank and Trust Company of California, N.A., in its individual
capacity (the "State Street CA"), shall have no personal liability whatsoever to
Lessee or its respective successors and assigns for any Claim based on or in
respect of this Lease or any of the other Operative Documents or arising in any
way from the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby; provided, however,
that State Street CA shall be liable in its individual capacity (a) for its own
willful misconduct or gross negligence (or negligence in the handling of funds),
(b) for liabilities that may result from the incorrectness of any representation
or warranty expressly made by it in its individual capacity in Section 4.3 of
the Participation Agreement or from the failure of State Street CA to perform
its covenants and agreements set forth in Section 6.2(a) of the Participation
Agreement, or (c) for any Tax based on or measured by any fees, commission or
compensation received by it for acting as Lessor as contemplated by the
Operative Documents. It is understood and agreed that, except as provided in the
preceding proviso: (i) State Street CA shall have no personal liability under
any of the Operative Documents as


a result of acting pursuant to and consistent with any of the Operative
Documents; (ii) all obligations of the Certificate Trustee to Lessee are solely
nonrecourse obligations except to the extent that it has received payment from
others; (iii) all such personal liability of State Street CA is expressly waived
and released as a condition of, and as consideration for, the execution and
delivery of the Operative Documents by State Street CA; and (iv) this Lease is
executed and delivered by State Street CA solely as Certificate Trustee in the
exercise of the powers expressly conferred upon it as Lessor under the Trust

        SECTION 23.10. Estoppel Certificates. Each party hereto agrees that at
any time and from time to time during the Lease Term, it will promptly, but in
no event later than thirty (30) days after request by the other party hereto,
execute, acknowledge and deliver to such other party or to any prospective
purchaser (if such prospective purchaser has signed a commitment letter or
letter of intent to purchase the Premises or any part thereof or to purchase any
Certificate), assignee or mortgagee or third party designated by such other
party, a certificate stating (a) that this Lease is unmodified and in force and
effect (or if there have been modifications, that this Lease is in force and
effect as modified, and identifying the modification agreements); (b) the date
to which Basic Rent has been paid; (c) in the case of an estoppel certificate to
be given by Lessee, whether or not there is any existing default by Lessee in
the payment of Basic Rent or any other sum of money hereunder, and whether or
not there is any other existing Lease Default or Lease Event of Default with
respect to which a notice of default has been served, and, if there is any such
default, specifying the nature and extent thereof; (d) in the case of an
estoppel certificate to be given by Lessee, whether or not, to the knowledge of
Lessee after due inquiry and investigation, there are any purported setoffs,
defenses or counterclaims against enforcement of the obligations to be performed
hereunder existing in favor of Lessee; and (e) other items that may be
reasonably requested; provided, that no such certificate may be requested unless
the requesting party has a good faith reason for such request. In addition,
Lessee, promptly, but in no event later than ten (10) Business Days after
request by any other party hereto, shall use commercially reasonable efforts to
obtain and deliver to such other party or to any prospective purchaser (if such
prospective purchaser has signed a commitment letter or letter of intent to
purchase the Premises or any part thereof or to purchase any Certificate),
assignee, mortgagee or third party designated by such other party, an estoppel
certificate from each subtenant under each sublease containing such items as
reasonably requested by the party requesting the same; provided, that no such
certificate may be requested unless the requesting party has a good faith reason
for such request.


        SECTION 23.11. No Joint Venture. Any intention to create a joint venture
or partnership relation hereunder or pursuant to any other Operative Document
between Lessor and Lessee is hereby expressly disclaimed.

        SECTION 23.12. No Accord and Satisfaction. The acceptance by Lessor of
any sums from Lessee (whether as Basic Rent or otherwise) in amounts which are
less than the amounts due and payable by Lessee hereunder is not intended, nor
shall be construed, to constitute an accord and satisfaction of any dispute
between Lessor and Lessee regarding sums due and payable by Lessee hereunder,
unless the Required Participants specifically deem it as such in writing.

        SECTION 23.13. No Merger. In no event shall the leasehold estate of
Lessee hereunder merge with any interests, estates or rights of Lessor in or to
the Premises, it being understood that such leasehold estate of Lessee hereunder
shall be deemed to be separate and distinct from Lessor's interests, estates and
rights in or to the Premises, notwithstanding that any such interests, estates
or rights shall at any time or times be held by or vested in the same Person.

        SECTION 23.14. Successor Lessor. Lessee agrees that, in the case of the
appointment of any successor certificate trustee pursuant to the Trust Agreement
and the other Operative Documents, such successor certificate trustee shall,
upon written notice by such successor certificate trustee to Lessee, succeed to
all the rights, powers and title of Lessor hereunder and shall be deemed to be
Lessor for all purposes hereof and without in any way altering the terms of this
Lease or Lessee's obligations hereunder.

        SECTION 23.15. Survival. The termination of this Lease pursuant to
Section 18.1 shall in no event relieve Lessee of its liabilities and obligations
hereunder which accrued prior to such termination, all of which shall survive
any such termination. The extension of any applicable statute of limitations by
Lessor, Lessee, any Participant or any other Indemnitee shall not affect such

        SECTION 23.16. Transfer of Premises. (a) Whenever pursuant to any
provision of this Lease, Lessor is required to transfer all or any portion of
the Premises or to any Leased Property to Lessee or to an independent third
party, such transfer shall be made at Lessee's expense by the transfer by a deed
and assignment of all of Lessor's interest in and to the applicable Premises on
an "as is, where is, with all faults" basis free and clear of all Certificate
Trustee Liens, without covenants or warranties of title, except for matters
arising by, through or under Lessor, and otherwise without recourse,
representation or warranty of any kind, and together with the due assumption by
Lessee (or such third party) of, and due


release of Lessor from, all obligations relating to the applicable Premises and
the applicable Del Monte Collateral. In connection with any transfer to an
independent third party, Lessee shall execute and deliver such documents,
certificates and estoppels as may be required to facilitate the transfer of the
applicable Premises. Any provision in this Lease or other Operative Document to
the contrary notwithstanding, Lessor shall not be obligated to make any such
transfer until Lessor and the Participants have received all Rent and other
amounts then due and owing by Lessee hereunder and under the other Operative
Documents. At or subsequent to the transfer or return of all or any of the
Premises, Lessee will provide Lessor with such lien and title searches as Lessor
may reasonably request to demonstrate to Lessor's satisfaction that the
applicable Premises are subject to no liens for which Lessor would be liable
under any warranties of title.

                (b) Lessee may assign to another Person its right, upon a
purchase by Lessee, to take title to the Premises or to any Leased Property
pursuant to Article XX or Section 21.1(b); provided, that (i) Lessee shall
exercise any such option, (ii) such assignee shall be bound by the provisions of
Article XX or Section 21.1(b),as applicable, with respect to the Premises or the
Leased Property to be purchased by it, (iii) Lessee shall have delivered to
Lessor proof that all necessary governmental approvals, consents and filings
with respect to such transfer, including the purchase of the Premises or any
Leased Property by any other Person as contemplated herein, have been obtained
or made, as applicable, and (iv) no such assignment shall release Lessee from
its obligations under any such Section, and Lessee shall remain personally
liable to Lessor for the payment of all amounts due under any such section and
Section 23.16.

        SECTION 23.17. Enforcement of Certain Warranties. Unless a Lease Event
of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, Lessor authorizes Lessee
(directly or through agents), at Lessee's expense, to assert, during the Lease
Term, all of Lessor's rights (if any) under any applicable warranty and any
other claim that Lessee or Lessor may have under the warranties provided to
Lessor in connection with the Financed Improvements and Lessor agrees to
cooperate, at Lessee's expense, with Lessee and its agents in asserting such
rights. Any amount recovered by Lessee under any such warranties shall be
retained by or paid over to Lessee, subject to Section 23.18.

        SECTION 23.18. Security Interest in Funds. As long as a Lease Event of
Default, or a Lease Default that upon notice or lapse of time, or both, would
become an Insolvency Event, shall have occurred and be continuing, any amount
that would otherwise be payable to Lessee under the Operative Documents shall be
paid to or retained by Lessor (including amounts to be paid to Lessee pursuant
to Article XIII or Section 23.17) as security for the performance


by Lessee in full of its obligations under this Lease and the other Operative
Documents, and it may be applied to the obligations of Lessee hereunder and
under the other Operative Documents and distributed pursuant to Section 18.2. At
such time as no Lease Event of Default, or no Lease Default that upon notice or
lapse of time, or both, would become an Insolvency Event, or failure to perform
shall be continuing, such amounts, net of any amounts previously applied to
Lessee's obligations hereunder or under any other Operative Documents, shall be
paid to Lessee. Any such amounts which are held pending payment to Lessee or
application hereunder shall be invested by Lessor as directed from time to time
in writing by Lessee, and at the expense and risk of Lessee, in Permitted
Investments. Any gain (including interest received) realized as the result of
any such investment (net of any fees, commissions and other expenses, if any,
incurred in connection with such investment) shall be applied from time to time
in the same manner as the principal invested. Lessor shall not be liable for any
losses on such investments or for any failure to make any investment. Lessee
will promptly pay to Lessor on demand, the amount of any loss realized as the
result of any such investment (together with any fees, commissions and other
expenses, if any, incurred in connection with such investment), such amount to
be held, paid and applied in the same manner as other amounts subject to this
Section 23.18.

        SECTION 23.19. Recording of Lease Supplements. Concurrently with the
execution and delivery of this Lease and concurrently with the execution and
delivery of each Lease Supplement, Lessor and Lessee shall execute, acknowledge
and cause to be recorded each such Lease Supplement or a memorandum thereof in
the official records of the Counties where each Site that is the subject of this
Lease or such Lease Supplement is located and in such other places as Lessor
deems necessary to perfect the Lien granted pursuant to this Lease or such Lease
Supplement. Notwithstanding the execution, delivery and recording of any such
Lease Supplement or memorandum thereof, the terms, covenants and conditions of
this Lease shall control.

        SECTION 23.20. Nature of Transaction. It is the intention of the parties

                (a) the Overall Transaction constitutes an operating lease from
Lessor to Lessee for purposes of Lessee's and Guarantor's financial reporting;

                (b) for federal and state income tax, property tax, bankruptcy
(including the substantive law upon which bankruptcy proceedings are based) and
real estate and Uniform Commercial Code purposes:


                (i) the Overall Transaction constitutes a financing by the
        Participants to Lessee, and on each Site Acquisition Date beneficial
        ownership in the Premises shall be deemed to pass directly to and that
        the Overall Transaction preserves beneficial ownership in the Premises
        in Lessee, and the obligations of Lessee to pay Basic Rent shall be
        treated as payments of interest to the Participants, and the payment by
        Lessee of any amounts in respect of the Lease Balance shall be treated
        as payments of principal to the Participants;

                (ii) Lessor holds title in the Premises as security for Lessee's
        and Guarantor's obligations under the Operative Documents, and the Lease
        grants a security interest or a lien, as the case may be, in the
        Premises and the other Del Monte Collateral in favor of the Certificate
        Trustee, and for the benefit of the Participants; and

                (iii) the Mortgages create liens and security interests in the
        Mortgaged Property defined therein for the benefit of all of the

Nevertheless, Lessee acknowledges and agrees that none of Certificate Trustee,
Agent, Arranger, or any Participant has made any representations or warranties
concerning the tax, accounting or legal characteristics of the Operative
Documents or any aspect of the Overall Transaction and that Lessee and Guarantor
have obtained and relied upon such tax, accounting and legal advice concerning
the Operative Documents and the Overall Transaction as each deems appropriate.

                            [SIGNATURE PAGES FOLLOW]


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have each caused this Lease to be duly 
executed and delivered by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized 
as of the day and year first above written.

                                        STATE STREET BANK AND TRUST
                                        COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, N.A., not in its
                                        individual capacity, but solely as
                                        Certificate Trustee

                                                               Name: Mark Henson
                                                 Title: Assistant Vice President

                                        DEL MONTE CORPORATION, as Lessee

                                                                   Name Printed:

Acknowledged in the
presence of:


Print Name:_________________


Print Name:_________________
