AUTO-GRAPHICS, INC.
                               3201 Temple Avenue
                               Pomona, California

                               April 28, 2000

Via Personal Delivery

Mr. Michael Skiles
3201 Temple Ave.
Pomona, CA

        Re: Auto-Graphics, Inc.

Dear Mike:

          This letter will serve as Auto-Graphics, Inc.'s (the "Company") offer
of employment to you. If accepted by you, the offer and your acceptance, are
still subject to completion to the Company's satisfaction of certain remaining
"due diligence" regarding such employment including without limitation
contacting your prior employment references and such other background inquiry as
the Company deems appropriate under the circumstances.

        Position/Title:       President of Auto-Graphics, Inc. (the "Company")

        Starting Date:        No later than June 5, 2000, and earlier if
                              convenient (as discussed, it would be helpful if
                              you participate in some or all of the upcoming
                              trip by Cope/Flores to see A-G customers on the
                              East Coast and it is suggested that you attempt to
                              participate in Company matters on an informal
                              basis as soon as possible in an effort to expedite
                              your "hands on" involvement with Company business
                              at the actual "starting date"

        Responsibilities:     Senior officer in charge of and with day-to-day
                              responsibility for managing A-G's library services
                              and LibraryCard businesses and corporate staff,
                              and supervisorial responsibility for the Company's
                              other operating subsidiaries, reporting to


                              the Company's Board of Directors (and particularly
                              Robert Cope in his position as Chairman of the
                              Board of Directors. Of particular importance is
                              the development of a going forward company wide
                              strategic and general "business plan" including
                              operating/capital budgets for review,
                              consideration and approval by the Board of
                              Directors during the 60-120 period following
                              actual commencement of your employment with the
                              Company, and the regular/periodic (no less
                              frequently than annually) updating/review/approval
                              of such going forward plan(s)

        Compensation:         Salary - at the rate of $165,000 per year

                              Bonus - you will be eligible for year-end and/or
other performance bonuses based upon your contribution to the Company to be
determined from time to time in the sole discretion and election of the
Company's Board of Directors

        Stock Opportunities: (i) you will be provided the opportunity to
        purchase up to 15,000 shares of the Company's (restricted) Common Stock
        at $2.50 per share cash subject to the same one-third (5,000 shares) at
        the end of one year and two-thirds (10,000 shares) at the end of two
        years "vesting" periods provided for in the ensuing subparagraph, (ii)
        and, subject to approval of the Company's proposed new qualified stock
        option ("ISO") plan at the Company's upcoming annual meeting of
        stockholders, you will be granted 5-year options to purchase for cash
        75,000 shares of the Company's (restricted) Common Stock at the then
        fair market value of such stock at the date of grant under the proposed
        plan which options will "vest" (perfecting your right to actually
        exercise the option and purchase such shares of stock) 25,000 shares at
        the end of the 1st year following the date of grant and 50,000 shares at
        the end of the 2nd year following the date of grant (also see "Nature of
        Employment" relationship" herein relating to the Company's "at will"
        employment discretion/right of termination and possible effect on the
        "vesting" of the foregoing stock opportunities and the loss of your
        opportunities/benefits in respect thereof if the Company exercises its
        rights under such "at will" employment relationship).

        Vacation: You will be entitled to a paid vacation at the rate of five
        (5) weeks per calendar year to be prorated for the first year

        Moving Expenses: The Company will reimburse you for your


        moving expenses (from New York to the Los Angeles area) up to $8,500

        Benefits Package: Standard Company package per the Company's
        Employee Handbook, to be provided, as in effect from time to time

        Nature of Employment: "At will" employment relationship whereby the
        Company reserves the right to terminate the employment relationship in
        its discretion (with or without cause) upon reasonable notice and
        subject to the severance benefits provided for in the Company's Employee
        Handbook as in effect from time to time (and stock opportunities and
        rights referenced herein are likewise subject to and conditioned upon
        such "at will" employment relationship continuing at the Company's
        discretion during the periods of time referenced herein)

        Termination Benefit: If your employment is terminated by the Company for
        any reason other than "for cause" anytime prior to the one year
        anniversary of the commencement of such employment, you will receive, in
        addition to whatever other benefits might apply per the Employee
        Handbook, a termination/relocation benefit payment of $35,000

        If the foregoing terms/conditions are acceptable to you, subject to the
completion of the Company's "due diligence" within seven (7) business days from
the date of the return of this letter, please sign, date and return a copy of
this letter.We look forward to a productive and rewarding relationship.

                                       Very truly yours,


- ------------------------------
Michael Skiles


Dated:  April ___, 2000