[AUTO-GRAPHICS, INC. LOGO]


                                  Agreement for
                                  Licensing the
                          REMARC Bibliographic Database

                                     by the
                              Maruzen Company Ltd.

THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT, entered into this twenty-first day of February, 2001, is
made by and between Auto-Graphics, Inc., a California Corporation with its
principal place of business at 3201 Temple Avenue, Pomona, California 91768,
hereinafter referred to as A-G, and Maruzen Company Ltd., a Japanese Corporation
with its principal place of business at Maruzen No. 4 Building, 13-6 Nihombshi
3-chrome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 103-0027, hereinafter referred to as Maruzen.

1.      SCOPE OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement specifies the terms and conditions by
        which Maruzen will license from A-G, and A-G will provide to Maruzen the
        REMARC Bibliographic Database.

2.      DEFINED TERMS. For the purpose of this Agreement, unless the context
        otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the respective
        meanings set out below and grammatical variations of such terms shall
        have corresponding meanings:

        (a)     "Acceptance" of the REMARC Bibliographic Database shall occur
                upon written notice by Maruzen to A-G that the database has been
                physically received by Maruzen in readable format. In the event
                such notice has not been provided with fourteen (14) days of
                delivery of the database to Maruzen (in installable condition
                and format), the database shall be deemed accepted. In the event
                of written notice of non-acceptance is provided by Maruzen to
                A-G within such fourteen (14) day period, A-G shall promptly
                correct the applicable problem or problems and resubmit the
                database to Maruzen for acceptance as set forth herein. Such
                correction shall continue until Maruzen has either accepted the
                database, or following written notice of intention to terminate
                the Agreement in conjunction with A-G's failure to cure any such
                defect within thirty (30) days of its receipt of such notice of
                proposed termination.

        (b)     "REMARC Bibliographic Database" shall be defined as A-G's copy
                of the REMARC Bibliographic Database. The REMARC Bibliographic
                Database is a static database consisting of 4,500,000 MARC
                records representing items in the Library of Congress shelflist
                prior to 1968.

3.      ENTIRE AGREEMENT/PRECEDENCE. This Agreement will consist of this
        Agreement only, which will then be considered to make up the entire
        Agreement. Each of the parties hereto represents, warrants and covenants
        to the other that in entering into and performing this Agreement they
        are not relying upon any statement, representation, undertaking,
        agreement, covenant, promise, assurance, guarantee, warranty or other
        matter which is not expressly set forth and contained in this Agreement
        including the Proposal. No supplement, modification, or amendment of
        this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing specifically
        referencing this paragraph by the party sought to be bound thereby.

4.      PAYMENT TERMS. Total payment of $1.5 million will be made to A-G for the
        REMARC Bibliographic Database. Payments shall be made via wire transfer
        in accordance with A-G's wiring instructions, and must be guaranteed by
        a standby letter of credit in a form acceptable to A-G. All payments
        shall be in U.S. dollars. The following payment schedule shall apply:

        (a)     Payment of $300,000 within thirty (30) days of signing of this
                Agreement and of receipt of an itemized invoice submitted by
                A-G, and;

        (b)     Payment of $1,200,000 within thirty (30) days of Acceptance of
                the REMARC Bibliographic Database and of receipt of an itemized
                invoice submitted by A-G.

5.      VALIDITY. The invalidity in whole or in part of any provision of this
        Agreement shall not void or affect validity of any other provision of
        this Agreement.

6.      NOTICE. Any and all notices permitted or required to be given hereunder
        shall be deemed duly given (1) upon actual delivery, if delivery is by
        hand; or (2) upon delivery into the United States mail if delivery is by
        postage paid registered or certified return receipt requested mail; or
        (3) upon confirmed receipt of telefacsimile transmission. Each such
        notice shall be sent to the respective party at the address indicated
        below or to any other address as the respective party may designate from
        time to time.

               For A-G:          Name:          Auto-Graphics, Inc.
                                 Attn:          Roxanne Lyons
                                                Contracts Administrator
                                 Address:       3201 Temple Avenue
                                                Pomona, California 91768
                                 Telephone:     800-776-6939, ext. 417
                                 FAX:           909-595-3506
                                 Email:         rll@auto-graphics.com

               For Maruzen:      Name:          Maruzen Company Ltd.
                                 Attn:          Yasuto Iwasaki
                                                Senior General Manager
                                 Address:       Maruzen No. 4 Building
                                                13-6 Nihombshi 3-chrome, Chuo-ku
                                                Tokyo, Japan 103-0027
                                 Telephone:     81-3-3275-8598
                                 FAX:           81-3-3275-0656


                                 Email:         y_iwasaki@maruzen.co.jp


7.      TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated by Maruzen or A-G upon
        thirty (30) days' prior written notice from the aggrieved party to the
        party in default after occurrence of any of the following events:

        a.      If either Maruzen or A-G shall voluntarily or involuntarily go
                into liquidation or bankruptcy, or have a receiver or trustee
                appointed to administer either its property or affairs, which
                proceeding is not discharged within sixty (60) days, or if
                either one makes a general assignment of its property for the
                benefit of creditors; or

        b.      If either Maruzen or A-G shall commit a material breach of this
                Agreement and shall not cure the breach within thirty (30) days
                after receipt of notice in writing from the other specifying the
                violation. Failure to remit payment according to the terms in
                paragraph 4 shall be considered a material breach of contract
                for the purposes of this Agreement.

8.      TAXES. Maruzen shall pay any sales, use, and personal property taxes
        arising out of or resulting from this Agreement.

9.      Maruzen's rights to transfer any interest in the REMARC Bibliographic
        Database shall be limited to the rights expressly set forth in this
        agreement, and Maruzen shall have no other rights to sell, assign, or in
        any other manner transfer or encumber A-G's ownership of the REMARC
        Bibliographic Database. Maruzen hereby agrees not to make the REMARC
        Bibliographic Database, or any technical information relating to the
        REMARC Bibliographic Database, available in any way for the use or
        benefit of any party except in accordance with the terms and conditions
        set forth in this agreement. Maruzen acknowledges that no rights of
        ownership or other proprietary rights in the REMARC Bibliographic
        Database are transferred to Maruzen nor to any other party by virtue of
        this agreement, and that title and all proprietary rights to the REMARC
        Bibliographic Database shall at all times remain in A-G.

10.     LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. In no event shall either party be liable to the
        other for any loss of profits, indirect, incidental, consequential or
        special damages, or any exemplary or punitive damages, arising out of or
        resulting from the breach of any provision of this Agreement.

11.     REPRESENTATION OF LICENSOR. Licensor (i.e. A-G) represents that it has
        full rights, power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to
        perform its obligations hereunder, and to grant Licensee (i.e. Maruzen)
        all rights provided herein.

12.     PROPERTY RIGHTS. Maruzen acknowledges and agrees that it is not, except
        as expressly contemplated under the terms of this Agreement, acquiring
        any property rights, whether by way of license, patent, trademark,
        copyright, or of any other nature whatsoever, in any proprietary
        information including any software or other intellectual property owned
        and/or employed by A-G for purposes of performing services under this

13.     EXCLUSIVITY. During the term of this Agreement including any extension
        thereof, and subject to Maruzen not being in default of payments to A-G
        for the REMARC Bibliographic Database, A-G agrees that it will not sell
        or otherwise provide the REMARC Bibliographic Database, or any work
        derived therefrom, which A-G is providing to Maruzen under the terms of


        this Agreement to any other vendor that performs the same service
        through the Internet or similar computer network within Japan.


        Notwithstanding the foregoing, under any circumstances which would
        entitle A-G to terminate this Agreement pursuant to paragraph 7.b above
        for an uncured material breach by Maruzen of its payment obligations
        hereunder, A-G may elect instead to terminate the exclusivity provided
        Maruzen under this paragraph 15.

14.     INDEMNIFICATION. Licensor shall indemnify and hold harmless Licensee,
        its parent, affiliated and subsidiary companies and the directors,
        officers, employees, representatives, agents, successors and assigns
        thereof from and against any and all losses, damages, costs and
        expenses, including but not limited to reasonable attorney's fees,
        resulting from, arising out of or incident to any suit, claim or demand
        based on Licensor's breach of the promises, covenants, representations
        and warranties made by it herein, including but not limited to any
        infringement of patent, copyright, trademark, or any other intellectual
        property rights of a third party, or Licensor's advertisement,
        promotion, sale or distribution of the REMARC Bibliographic Database.

15.     DATA USE/RESTRICTIONS. Maruzen acknowledges and agrees to the following:

        a.      The REMARC Bibliographic Database as provided by A-G to Maruzen
                pursuant to this Agreement is intended for and shall be
                re-licensed by Maruzen exclusively for use in its system and as
                a database re-seller within Japan. It is understood and
                acknowledged that Maruzen may act as an agent for NII (formerly
                NACSIS) in this capacity and within the framework of this

        b.      Maruzen represents and warrants that it has no intention to use
                or permit the use by any person or entity of all or any portion
                of the REMARC Bibliographic Database to create, enhance, sell,
                market or otherwise promote an online bibliographic cataloging
                system outside of Japan.

        c.      In furtherance of such intended use, Maruzen hereby acknowledges
                and agrees not to provide or otherwise make available in whole
                or in part the REMARC Bibliographic Database to any library,
                library organization, commercial vendor or any other person or
                entity for sale, lease, distribution by such entity and/or other
                use as a cataloging resource, product, and/or service except as
                indicated above to such entities or their respective customers
                outside of Japan.

        d.      The DATA USE/RESTRICTIONS as defined in 15.a, b, and c, will be
                in effect during the term of this Agreement and shall survive
                the expiration and/or termination of this Agreement.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties thereunto duly authorized have
executed this Agreement as of in February 21, 2001 in Pomona, California.


- --------------------------------       -----------------------------------------
(Authorized Signature)                 (Authorized Signature)

Michael Skiles                         Yusaku Takahashi
- --------------------------------       -----------------------------------------
(Printed Name)                         (Printed Name)

President                              Senior General Manager
- --------------------------------       -----------------------------------------
(Title)                                (Title)

- --------------------------------       -----------------------------------------
(Date)                                             (Date)

(Maruzen Contract 022101)