. . . EXHIBIT 21 CVB FINANCIAL CORP. & SUBSIDIARIES CVB FINANCIAL CORP. (Formed 4-27-81) Chairman of the Board - George Borba Directors - John Borba, Ron Kruse**, John LoPorto, Jim Seley, San Vaccaro & Linn Wiley President - Linn Wiley Chief Financial Officer - Edward Biebrich*** Corporate Secretary - Donna Marchesi Board of Directors Meetings - Monthly CITIZENS BUSINESS BANK GOLDEN WEST ENTERPRISES, INC. (Formed 12-26-73 (Formed 2-23-81 Changed from Chino Valley Bank 4-1-96) Chgd. from Golden West Enterprises, Inc. 7-1-02) Chairman of the Board - G. Borba Chairman of the Board - G. Borba Directors - J.Borba, Kruse**, LoPorto, Seley, Directors - J.Borba, Kruse**, LoPorto, Seley, Vaccaro & Wiley Vaccaro & Wiley President - Linn Wiley President - Mike Mayfield Chief Financial Officer - Edward Biebrich*** Chief Financial Officer - Edward Biebrich*** Corporate Secretary - Donna Marchesi Corporate Secretary - Donna Marchesi Board of Directors Meetings - Monthly Board of Directors Meetings - Quarterly COMMUNITY TRUST DEED SERVICES (Formed 3-25-83) Chairman of the Board - George Borba Directors - J. Borba, R. Kruse**, J. LoPorto, J. Seley, S. Vaccaro & L. Wiley President - Linn Wiley Chief Financial Officer - Edward Biebrich*** Corporate Secretary - Donna Marchesi Board of Directors Meetings - January, April, May, July & October CHINO VALLEY BANCORP* (Formed 6-22-84) (Originally Appraisal Concepts, Inc. - 12-18-91 chgd. To Premier Results, Inc. - 3-20-96 chgd. To Chino Valley Bancorp) Chairman of the Board - George Borba Directors - J. Borba, R. Kruse**, J. LoPorto, J. Seley, S. Vaccaro & L. Wiley President - Linn Wiley Chief Financial Officer - Edward Biebrich*** Corporate Secretary - Donna Marchesi Board of Directors Meetings - February & May *shell company to protect the name CVB VENTURES, INC. (Formed 3-16-99) Chairman of the Board - George Borba Directors - J. Borba, R. Kruse**, J. LoPorto, J. Seley, S. Vaccaro & L. Wiley President - Linn Wiley Chief Financial Officer - Edward Biebrich*** Corporate Secretary - Donna Marchesi Board of Directors Meetings - January, April, May, July and October ORANGE NATIONAL BANCORP* (Acq. 10-4-99 with Orange Nat'l. Bank - 2-7-00 chgd. from ONB Mortgage Corp.) Chairman of the Board - George Borba Directors - J. Borba, R. Kruse**, J. LoPorto, J. Seley, S. Vaccaro & L. Wiley President - Linn Wiley Chief Financial Officer - Edward Biebrich*** Corporate Secretary - Donna Marchesi Board of Directors Meetings - February & May *shell company to protect the name **Vice Chariman ***Assistant Corp. Secretary