1. This Promotional Shares Lock-In Agreement ("Agreement"), which was entered
into on the______________ day of______________, 1997, by and between Cuidao
Holding Corp., a Florida corporation ("Issuer"), whose principal place of
business is located at 3201 West Griffin Road, Suite 204, Ft. Lauderdale,
Florida 33312-6900, and ______________________________ ("Security Holder")
witnesses that:

        A.      The Issuer has filed an application with the Securities
                Administrators of the States set forth in Exhibit "A" hereto
                ("Administrators") to register 260,000 of its units ("Units"),
                each Unit consisting of one share of the Company's $.0001 par
                value common stock ("Common Stock") and one Common Stock
                Purchase Warrant ("Warrant"), for sale to public investors who
                are residents of those states ("Registration").

        B.      The Security Holder is the owner of _______ shares of Common
                Stock which are deemed to be "Promotional Shares" as defined in
                the North American Securities Administrators Association
                ("NASAA") Statement of Policy on Promotional Shares (the
                "Promotional Shares").

        C.      As a condition to Registration, the Issuer and Security Holder
                ("Signatories") agree to be bound by the terms of this

II. The Security Holder agrees not to sell, pledge, hypothecate, assign, grant
any option for the sale of, or otherwise transfer or dispose of, whether or not
for consideration, directly or indirectly, the Promotional Shares while the
Promotional Shares are subject to this Agreement.

III. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date first set forth
hereinabove, and shall terminate on the ninth anniversary of this Agreement,
unless terminated earlier with respect to some or all of the Promotional Shares
in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph IV of this Agreement.

IV. The restrictions on the transferability or disposition of the Promotional
Shares set forth in Paragraph II of this Agreement may be terminated as follows:

        A.      With respect to twenty-five percent (25%) of the Promotional
                Shares on the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth anniversary dates
                of this Agreement; or

        B.      With respect to one hundred percent (100%) of the Promotional
                Shares after the Issuer has had annual net earnings per share
                equal to, or greater than, five percent (5%) of the public
                offering price of the Units (the "Initial Public Offering
                Price"), according to generally accepted accounting principles

                ("GAAP"), after taxes and excluding extraordinary items, for any
                two consecutive fiscal years after the date of effectiveness of
                the Registration Statement; or

        C.      With respect to one hundred percent (100%) of the Promotional
                Shares after the Issuer has had average annual net earnings per
                share equal to, or greater than, five percent (5%) of the
                Initial Public Offering Price, according to GAAP, after taxes
                and excluding extraordinary items, for any five consecutive
                fiscal year period after the date of effectiveness of the
                Registration Statement; or

        D.      With respect to one hundred percent (100%) of the Promotional
                Shares on the date the securities subject to this Agreement
                become "Covered Securities" as defined under the National
                Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996; or

        E.      With respect to one hundred percent (100%) of the Promotional
                Shares on the date the Registration of the Units has been
                terminated if no Units were sold pursuant thereto.

V. The signatories to this Agreement agree and will cause the following:

        A.      So long as the Promotional Shares are restricted from transfer
                pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, Security Holder shall
                waive all of his/her/its rights, title and interests to receive
                cash or property dividends with respect to any Promotional
                Shares which are restricted from transfer hereunder.

        B.      So long as the Promotional Shares are restricted from transfer
                pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, Security Holder shall
                waive all of his/her/its rights, title and interests and
                participations in the assets of the Issuer with respect to the
                dissolution, liquidation, merger, consolidation, sale of assets,
                exchange, or any transaction or proceeding that results in the
                distribution of the assets of the Issuer.

        C.      Promotional Shares may be transferred by will, the laws of
                descent and distribution, the operation of law, or by order of
                any court of competent jurisdiction and proper venue.

        D.      Promotional Shares of a deceased Security Holder may be
                hypothecated to pay the expenses of the deceased Security
                Holder's estate. The hypothecated Promotional Shares shall
                remain subject to the terms of this Agreement. Promotional
                Shares may not be pledged to secure any other debt.

        E.      Promotional Shares may be transferred by gift to the Security
                Holder's family members, provided that the Promotional Shares
                shall remain subject to the terms of this Agreement.

        F.      A notice shall be placed on the face of each stock certificate
                of the Promotional Shares covered by the terms of the Agreement
                stating that the transfer of the stock evidenced by the
                certificate is restricted in accordance with the conditions set
                forth on the reverse side of the certificate, and a typed legend
                shall be placed on the reverse side of each stock certificate of
                the Promotional Shares representing stock covered by the
                Agreement which states that the sale or transfer of the shares
                evidenced by the certificate is subject to certain restrictions
                on transferability pursuant to an agreement between the Security
                Holder (whether beneficial or of record) and the Issuer, which
                agreement is on file with the Issuer and the stock transfer
                agent from which a copy is available upon request and without

        G.      While this Agreement remains in effect, the Issuer shall not
                increase the compensation and benefits to its officers and
                directors beyond that which is reasonable and customary for the
                industry in which the Issuer operates.

        H.      While this Agreement remains in effect, loans to the Issuer's
                officers, directors and employees shall comply in all respects
                with the NASAA Statement of Policy Regarding Affiliated

VI. A summary of the terms of this Agreement shall be included in any and all
offering documents related to the public offer and sale of the Units and in
subsequent annual reports of the Issuer.

VII. THEREFORE, the Issuer will cause the following:

        A.      A manually signed copy of this Agreement signed by the
                Signatories to be filed with the Administrators prior to the
                effective date of the Registration;

        B.      Copies of this Agreement and a statement of the per share
                Initial Public Offering Price to be provided to the Issuer's
                stock transfer agent;

        C.      Appropriate stock transfer orders to be placed with the Issuer's
                stock transfer agent against the sale or transfer of the shares
                covered by this Agreement prior to its expiration, except as may
                otherwise be provided in this Agreement;

        D.      The above stock restriction legends to be placed on the periodic
                statement sent to the registered owner if the securities subject
                to this Agreement are uncertificated securities.

Pursuant to the requirements of this Agreement, the Signatories have entered
into this Agreement, which may be written in multiple counterparts and each of
which shall be considered an original. The Signatories have signed the Agreement
in the capacities, and on the dates, indicated.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Signatories have executed this Agreement.


   C.  Michael Fisher, President


        Printed Name of Security Holder


        Title, if applicable
