For Ministry Use Only                        Ontario Corporation Number
A l'usage exclusif du ministere                Numero de la compagnie en Ontario

[LOGO]  Ministry of        Ministere de                        937896
        Consumer and       
        Commercial         la Consommation
        Relations          et du Commerce
This is to certify that    Ceci certifie que les
these articles are         cresents statuts entrent
effective on               en vigueur le

            June 26 Juin, 1991

        Director                      Directeur 
Business Corporations Act      Loi ce sur les compagnies




                             ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                            STATUTS DE MODIFICATION

   Form 3
  Business     1.   The present name of the corporation is:                Denomination sociale actuelle de la compagnie:
    Act,                                                LINCOLN WASTE MANAGEMENT INC.
    1982            _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

  Formule      2.   The name of the corporation is changed to              Nouvelle denomination sociale de la compagnie
  numero 3          (if applicable):                                       (s'il y a lieu):
Loi de 1982
  sur les                                                            N/A
 compagnies         _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
               3.   Date of incorporation/amalgamation:                    Date de la constitution ou de la fusion:

                                                                15 April 1991
                                                             (Day, Month, Year)
                                                             (jour, mois, annee)
               4.   The articles of the corporation are amended            Les statuts de la compagnie sont modifies de
                    as follows:                                            la facon suivante:
                                                   To change the number of shares that the
                                                   Corporation is authorized to issued by:
                                                     Deleting the special shares from the
                                                       Corporation's authorized capital.



5.   The amendment has been duly authorized as              La modification a ete dument autorisee conformement
     required by Sections 167 and 169 (as applicable)       a l'article 167 et, s'il y a lieu, a l'article 169
     of the Business Corporations Act.                      de la Loi sur les compagnies.

6.   The resolution authorizing the amendment was           Les actionnaires ou les administrateurs (le cas
     approved by the shareholders/directors (as             echeant) de la compagnie ont approuve la resolution
     applicable) of the corporation on                      autorisant la modification

                                                    25 June 1991
                                                 (Day, Month, Year)
                                                 (jour, mois, annee)

These articles are signed in duplicate.                     Les presents statuts sont signes en double exemplaire.

                                                                       LINCOLN WASTE MANAGEMENT INC.
                                                                           (Name of Corporation)
                                                                  (Denomination sociale de la compagnie)

                                                            /s/ R. Jon Williams                Secretary
                                                    By/Par: ___________________________________________________
                                                                    (Signature)         (Description of Office)
                                                                    (Signature)               (Fonction)