1.       The Merger is conditional upon the Scheme becoming effective by not
         later than 31 December, 1999 or such later date as Offeree and Offeror
         may agree and the Court shall approve.

2.       The Scheme will become effective and binding following:

         (a)      approval by a majority in number representing three-fourths in
                  value of the holders of the Offeree Shares, present and
                  voting, either in person or by proxy, at the Court Meeting (or
                  any adjournment thereof);

         (b)      the passing of any resolutions required to implement the
                  Scheme and to amend the articles of association of Offeree in
                  the manner indicated in the paragraph headed "Structure of the
                  transaction" in the Announcement at the Extraordinary General
                  Meeting (or any adjournment thereof);

         (c)      the approval by the requisite majorities of votes of the
                  holders of Offeror Shares at the Special Meeting called for
                  the purpose of an amendment of Offeror's amended and restated
                  certificate of incorporation for the purpose of increasing the
                  authorised share capital of Offeror and the issuance of the
                  Offeror Shares pursuant to the Scheme; and

         (d)      sanction of the Scheme and confirmation of the reduction of
                  capital involved therein by the Court (in both cases, with or
                  without modification agreed by Offeror and Offeree), an office
                  copy of the Final Court Order being delivered for registration
                  to the Registrar of Companies in England and Wales and, in the
                  case of reduction of capital, registered by him.

3.       Offeree and Offeror have agreed, subject as stated in paragraph 4 of
         this Appendix, that the Merger will also be conditional upon the
         following matters, and, accordingly, an office copy of the Final Court
         Order will only be delivered for registration to the Registrar of
         Companies in England and Wales if:

         (a)      Offeror and Offeree have received a letter from KPMG Peat
                  Marwick dated within two New York Business Days prior to the
                  date of the Final Court Order (with KPMG Peat Marwick first
                  having received a supporting letter from Deloitte & Touche,
                  auditors to Offeree in terms reasonably satisfactory to KPMG
                  Peat Marwick) confirming that the Merger should be treated as
                  a pooling of interests under U.S.
                  GAAP if the Scheme is consummated;

         (b)      except as disclosed in the Offeree annual report and accounts
                  for the year ended 28 August, 1998, or as disclosed in the
                  interim report of Offeree for the 26 weeks ended 26 February,
                  1999 or as otherwise publicly announced by delivery of an
                  announcement to the Company Announcements Office of the London

                  Exchange prior to the date of this Announcement ("publicly
                  disclosed"), or as fairly disclosed in writing to Offeror
                  prior to the date of this Announcement (each and collectively
                  "Offeree Disclosed Matters"), since 28 August, 1998:

                  (i)      no investigation or enquiry by any Third Party (as
                           defined in paragraph (c) below) having statutory or
                           regulatory competence (other than the Court) and no
                           litigation, arbitration proceedings, prosecution or
                           other legal proceedings to which any member of the
                           Offeree Group is or may become a party (whether as
                           plaintiff or defendant or otherwise) has been
                           threatened in writing, announced or instituted by or
                           remains outstanding against or in respect of any
                           member of the Offeree Group which, in any such case,
                           is material and adverse in the context of the Offeree
                           Group taken as a whole;

                  (ii)     there has been no material adverse change in the
                           business, financial position, trading position or
                           profits or prospects of the Offeree Group taken as a

                  (iii)    no contingent or other liability of any member of the
                           Offeree Group has arisen or has become apparent or
                           has increased which would or could reasonably be
                           expected materially and adversely to affect the
                           Offeree Group taken as a whole;

                  (iv)     Offeror has not discovered regarding the Offeree
                           Group that:

                           (1)      any written financial, business or other
                                    information which has been publicly
                                    disclosed at any time by any member of the
                                    Offeree Group is misleading or contains
                                    misrepresentations of fact or omits to state
                                    a fact necessary to make the information
                                    contained therein not misleading in any case
                                    which has not subsequently and prior to the
                                    date of this Announcement been corrected by
                                    such disclosure, and, in any event, which is
                                    material in the context of the Offeree Group
                                    taken as a whole; or

                           (2)      any written financial, business or other
                                    information (except for forecasts,
                                    statements of opinion, projections, budgets
                                    or estimates) disclosed by or on behalf of
                                    any member of the Offeree Group privately to
                                    any member of the Offeror Group or its
                                    advisers is misleading or contains a
                                    misrepresentation of fact or omits to state
                                    a fact necessary to make the information
                                    contained therein not misleading in any case
                                    which has not subsequently and prior to the
                                    date of this Announcement been corrected by
                                    such disclosure and, in any event, which is
                                    material in the context of the Offeree Group
                                    taken as a whole; or

                           (3)      any member of the Offeree Group is subject
                                    to any liability

                                    (contingent or otherwise) which has not been
                                    disclosed in the Offeree Disclosed Matters
                                    and which is materially adverse in the
                                    context of the Offeree Group taken as a

         (c)      no government or governmental, quasi-governmental,
                  supranational, statutory or regulatory body, or court, or
                  trade agency, or association, or institutional or professional
                  body (or other person or body having statutory or regulatory
                  competence) in any jurisdiction (each and collectively a
                  "Third Party") has instituted, implemented or threatened to
                  take any action, proceeding, suit, investigation or inquiry,
                  or has made, proposed or enacted any statute, regulation or
                  order, or taken any other steps, which would or might
                  reasonably be expected to:

                  (i)      make the Merger or Scheme or their respective
                           implementation or the acquisition of any shares in,
                           or control of, Offeree by Offeror or any member(s) of
                           the Offeror Group void, illegal or unenforceable
                           under the laws of any jurisdiction or otherwise
                           directly or indirectly restrain, prohibit, restrict,
                           delay or interfere with the implementation or
                           performance thereof or impose additional conditions
                           or obligations with respect thereto, or otherwise
                           challenge or interfere therewith, in each case in a
                           manner or to an extent that is material in the
                           context of the Merger; or

                  (ii)     require, prevent or delay the divestiture or alter
                           the terms of any proposed divestiture by any member
                           of the Offeree Group or (in connection with the
                           Scheme) any member of the Offeror Group of all or any
                           portion of their respective businesses, assets or
                           property, or impose any limitation on the ability of
                           any of them to conduct their respective businesses or
                           own their assets or property or any part thereof and
                           which in any such case is material in the context of
                           the Offeree Group or the Offeror Group (in each case
                           taken as a whole), being the group on which such
                           requirement or imposition is made, as the case may
                           be; or

                  (iii)    impose any limitation on, or result in any delay in
                           the ability of any member of the Offeror Group to
                           acquire, directly or indirectly, or to hold or
                           exercise effectively all or any rights of ownership
                           of any Offeree Shares held by any member of the
                           Offeror Group or on the ability of any member of the
                           Offeror Group to exercise management control over
                           Offeree or any member of the Offeree Group or on the
                           ability of Offeree or any member of the Offeree Group
                           or Offeror to hold or exercise effectively any rights
                           of ownership of shares or other securities (or the
                           equivalent) in any member of the Offeree Group held
                           or owned by it, in each case, in a manner or to an
                           extent which would be material in the context of the
                           Merger, the Offeror Group or the Offeree Group, as
                           the case may be; or

                  (iv)     require any member of the Offeror Group or the
                           Offeree Group to offer to

                           acquire any shares or other securities (or the
                           equivalent) owned by any third party in the capital
                           of any member of the Offeree Group or the Offeror
                           Group, in each case, in a manner or to an extent
                           which would be material in the context of the Offeror
                           Group or the Offeree Group taken as a whole, as the
                           case may be; or

                  (v)      impose any limitation on the ability of any member of
                           the Offeror Group or any member of the Offeree Group
                           to integrate or co-ordinate its business, or any part
                           of it, with the businesses of any other member of the
                           wider Offeror Group or the wider Offeree Group in
                           each case in a manner or to an extent which would be
                           material in the context of the Offeror Group or the
                           Offeree Group, as the case may be; or

                  (vi)     otherwise affect the business, financial position,
                           trading position or profits or prospects or value of
                           the Offeror Group or the Offeree Group, in each case
                           taken as a whole, in a manner which is material and

                  and all applicable waiting and other periods during which any
                  relevant authority could have intervened, in respect of the
                  Merger or the implementation of the Scheme or the acquisition
                  or proposed acquisition of any shares or other securities (or
                  the equivalent) in, or control of, Offeree by Offeror, have
                  expired, lapsed or terminated;

         (d)      all necessary notifications and filings in any jurisdiction
                  have been made, all regulatory and statutory obligations in
                  any jurisdiction have been complied with, all necessary
                  waiting and other time periods (including any extension(s)
                  thereof) under any applicable legislation or regulations in
                  any jurisdiction have expired, lapsed or terminated, in each
                  case in respect of the Merger and the implementation of the
                  Scheme and the acquisition or proposed acquisition of any
                  shares or other securities (or the equivalent) in, or control
                  of, Offeree by Offeror or any member(s) of the Offeror Group
                  or in relation to the affairs of any member of the Offeree
                  Group and all authorisations, orders, recognitions, grants,
                  consents, licences, confirmations, clearances, permissions and
                  approvals necessary or appropriate in any jurisdiction
                  (collectively "Consents") (in terms and a form satisfactory to
                  Offeror, acting reasonably) in respect of the Merger and the
                  implementation of the Scheme or the acquisition or proposed
                  acquisition of any shares or other securities (or the
                  equivalent) in, or control of, Offeree by Offeror or any
                  member(s) of the Offeror Group or in relation to the affairs
                  of any member of the Offeree Group, have been obtained from
                  appropriate Third Parties together with those (without
                  prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) from any persons
                  or bodies with whom any member of the Offeror Group or any
                  member of the Offeree Group has entered into contractual
                  arrangements (and which are in any event material in the
                  context of the Offeror Group or the Offeree Group taken as a
                  whole (as the case maybe)) and all such Consents, together
                  with all Consents necessary for Offeree to carry on its
                  business, remain in full force and effect and all filings
                  necessary for such purpose have been

                  made or received and there has not been received any notice or
                  indication of any intention to revoke, suspend, restrict,
                  modify or not to renew the same;

         (e)      save as disclosed in Offeree Disclosed Materials, there is no
                  provision of any arrangement, agreement, licence, permit,
                  franchise or other binding instrument to which any member of
                  the Offeree Group is a party or by or to which any member of
                  the Offeree Group or any part of its assets may be bound,
                  entitled or subject (which is material in the context of the
                  Offeree Group taken as a whole) (collectively, "Offeree
                  Material Agreements") and which, in consequence of the Merger
                  or the Scheme or the acquisition or proposed acquisition of
                  any shares or other securities (or the equivalent) in or
                  control or management of Offeree or any member of the Offeree
                  Group by Offeror or any member(s) of the Offeror Group, could
                  or might reasonably be expected to (to an extent which is
                  material in the context of the Offeree Group taken as a whole)
                  result in:

                  (i)      any monies borrowed by or other indebtedness or
                           liability, actual or contingent, of or grant
                           available to, any member of the Offeree Group being
                           or becoming repayable or being capable of being
                           declared repayable immediately or prior to its stated
                           maturity, or the ability of any such member of the
                           Offeree Group to borrow monies or incur any
                           indebtedness being withdrawn or materially inhibited;

                  (ii)     the creation or enforcement of any liabilities or any
                           mortgage, charge or other security interest over the
                           whole or any part of the business, property or assets
                           of any member of the Offeree Group or any such
                           security interest (whenever and wherever arising or
                           having arisen) becoming enforceable; or

                  (iii)    any such Offeree Material Agreement being terminated
                           or adversely modified or any unduly onerous
                           obligation or liability arising under or any action
                           being taken pursuant to such Offeree Material
                           Agreement; or

                  (iv)     any assets or interests of any member of the Offeree
                           Group being or falling to be disposed of or charged
                           or any right arising under which any such asset or
                           interest could be required to be disposed of or
                           charged otherwise than in the ordinary course of
                           business; or

                  (v)      Offeree or any member of the Offeree Group ceasing to
                           be able to carry on its business under any name which
                           it at present uses; or

                  (vi)     the business, financial position, trading position or
                           profits or prospects or value of the Offeree Group
                           being adversely affected;

                  and no event has occurred which, under any such Offeree
                  Material Agreement, could reasonably be expected to result in
                  any event or circumstance referred to in

                  paragraphs 3(e)(i) to (vi);

         (f)      since 28 August, 1998 and except as disclosed pursuant to
                  Offeree Disclosed Matters or as would be disclosed by a search
                  at the Companies Registry for England and Wales against
                  Offeree made as at the business day immediately preceding the
                  date of this Announcement:

                  (i)      (save as between a wholly owned Subsidiary of Offeree
                           and Offeree or another wholly owned Subsidiary of
                           Offeree) no member of the Offeree Group has issued or
                           agreed to issue or authorised or proposed the issue
                           of additional shares of any class, or securities
                           convertible into, or rights, warrants or options to
                           subscribe for or acquire, any such shares or
                           convertible securities (save for any options granted,
                           and Offeree Shares unconditionally issued upon or
                           pursuant to the exercise of options granted, prior to
                           the date of this Announcement under the Action Share
                           Option Schemes and disclosed in writing to Offeror
                           prior to such date);

                  (ii)     no member of the Offeree Group has recommended,
                           declared, paid, made or proposed to recommend,
                           declare, pay or make any bonus, dividend or other
                           distribution (save as between a wholly-owned
                           Subsidiary of Offeree and Offeree or another
                           wholly-owned Subsidiary of Offeree) other than the
                           interim dividend of 1.35p net per Action Share
                           announced on 14 April, 1999 and payable on 9 June,
                           1999 to Action Shareholders on the register on 10
                           May, 1999;

                  (iii)    no member of the Offeree Group has made or authorised
                           or proposed or announced any material change in its
                           share or loan capital, outside the ordinary course of

                  (iv)     (save for transactions between a wholly-owed
                           Subsidiary of Offeree and Offeree or another
                           wholly-owned Subsidiary of Offeree) no member of the
                           Offeree Group has merged with or demerged or acquired
                           any body corporate or acquired or disposed of or
                           transferred, mortgaged or charged or created any
                           security interest over any assets or any right, title
                           or interest in any assets (other than in the ordinary
                           course of business) which is material to the Offeree
                           Group taken as a whole or authorised or proposed or
                           announced any intention to propose any acquisition,
                           demerger, disposal, or transfer as aforesaid;

                  (v)      no member of the Offeree Group has authorised, issued
                           or proposed the issue of any debentures, or (save in
                           the ordinary course of business) incurred or
                           increased any indebtedness or contingent liability of
                           an aggregate amount which is material in the context
                           of the Offeree Group taken as a whole;

                  (vi)     no member of the Offeree Group has purchased,
                           redeemed or repaid or announced any proposal to
                           purchase, redeem or repay any of its own shares or
                           other securities or reduced or made any other change
                           to any part of its share capital;

                  (vii)    no member of the Offeree Group has entered into or
                           varied any contract (including any guarantee),
                           arrangement, transaction or binding commitment
                           (whether in respect of capital expenditure or
                           otherwise), which is of a long-term, unduly onerous
                           or unusual nature or magnitude or which is or would
                           be restrictive of the business of any member of the
                           Offeree Group or which involves or would involve an
                           obligation of such a nature or magnitude and which is
                           other than in the ordinary course of business and
                           which in each case is material in the context of the
                           Offeree Group taken as a whole;

                  (viii)   except as referred to in this Announcement, neither
                           Offeree nor any of its Subsidiaries has entered into
                           or changed or made any offer (which remains open for
                           acceptance) to enter into or change the terms of any
                           contract (including any service contract) with any of
                           the directors of Offeree which is material in the
                           context of the Offeree Group taken as a whole;

                  (ix)     no member of the Offeree Group has taken any
                           corporate action or had any legal proceedings
                           instituted against it for its winding-up (voluntarily
                           or otherwise), dissolution or reorganisation or for
                           the appointment of a receiver, administrator,
                           administrative receiver, trustee or similar officer
                           of all or any of its assets or revenues or any
                           analogous proceedings in any jurisdiction or
                           appointed any analogous person in any jurisdiction
                           (in each case in a manner which could reasonably be
                           expected to have a material adverse effect on the
                           Offeree Group taken as a whole);

                  (x)      no member of the Offeree Group has been unable or has
                           admitted in writing that it is unable to pay its
                           debts or has stopped or suspended (or threatened to
                           stop or suspend) payment of its debts generally or
                           ceased or threatened to cease carrying on all or a
                           substantial part of its business;

                  (xi)     no member of the Offeree Group has waived or
                           compromised any claim which is material in the
                           context of the Offeree Group, taken as a whole;

                  (xii)    Offeree has not made any alteration to its Memorandum
                           or Articles of Association (other than the
                           alterations agreed with Offeror to be proposed at the
                           Extraordinary General Meeting); and

                  (xiii)   no member of the Offeree Group has entered into any
                           contract, commitment, agreement or arrangement or
                           passed any resolution with respect to, or announced
                           an intention to, or to propose to effect any of the

                           matters or events referred to in this paragraph 3(f);

         (g)      the Offeror Shares to be issued pursuant to the Scheme have
                  been approved for trading upon notice of issuance on NASDAQ;

         (h)      Offeror has not discovered that, save for Offeree Disclosed

                  (i)      any past or present member of the Offeree Group has
                           not complied with all applicable legislation or
                           regulations of any jurisdiction with regard to the
                           storage, carriage, disposal, discharge, spillage,
                           leak or emission of any waste or hazardous substance
                           or any substance likely to impair the environment or
                           harm human health, which non-compliance or any other
                           disposal, discharge, spillage, leak or emission which
                           has occurred would be likely to give rise to any
                           liability (whether actual or contingent) on the part
                           of any member of the Offeree Group and which is
                           material in the context of the Offeree Group taken as
                           a whole; or

                  (ii)     there is or is likely to be any liability (whether
                           contingent or otherwise) to make good, repair,
                           reinstate or clean up any property now or previously
                           owned, occupied or made use of by any past or present
                           member of the Offeree Group, or in which any such
                           member may now or previously have had or be deemed to
                           have or have had an interest, under any environmental
                           legislation, notice, circular or order of any
                           relevant authority or to contribute to the cost
                           thereof or associated therewith or indemnify any
                           person in relation thereto, in any such case to an
                           extent which is material in the context of the
                           Offeree Group taken as a whole; or

                  (iii)    circumstances exist whereby a person or class of
                           persons would be likely to have a claim or claims in
                           respect of any product or process of manufacture or
                           materials used therein now or previously
                           manufactured, sold or carried out by any past or
                           present member of the Offeree Group which, in any
                           such case, would be material in the context of the
                           Offeree Group taken as a whole;

         (i)      each Affiliate of Offeree has properly executed and delivered
                  to Offeror an Affiliate Agreement;

         (j)      each of the executive Directors of Offeree has properly
                  executed and delivered to Offeror on the day before the
                  Effective Date deeds of variation of their respective service
                  agreements in the terms from time to time agreed between such
                  executive Directors, Offeror and Offeree, subject only to the
                  Scheme becoming effective; and

         (k)      Offeree has performed its obligations pursuant to the Merger
                  Agreement in all material respects.

4.       Offeror reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to waive all or
         any of conditions set out

         in paragraph 3 apart from paragraph 3(a), paragraph (b)(i) as read in
         conjunction with paragraph 3(c)(i) and paragraph 3(g) which may only be
         waived jointly by Offeree and Offeror.

5.       Offeree and Offeror have agreed, subject as stated in paragraph 6 of
         this Appendix, that the Merger will also be conditional upon the
         following matters, and accordingly, an office copy of the Final Court
         Order will only be delivered for registration to the Registrar of
         Companies in England and Wales if:

         (a)      clearances have been received, in a form reasonably acceptable
                  to the Directors of Offeree, from the Inland Revenue under
                  section 138 of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 and
                  under section 707 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988
                  for transactions involved in the Scheme; and

         (b)      Offeree has not discovered regarding the Offeror Group that
                  any written, financial, business or other information (except
                  for forecasts, statements of opinion, projections, budgets or
                  estimates) disclosed by or on behalf of any member of the
                  Offeror Group privately to any member of the Offeree Group or
                  its advisers contains a misstatement of fact or omits to state
                  a fact necessary to make the information contained therein not
                  misleading in any case which has not subsequently and prior to
                  the date of this Announcement been corrected by such
                  disclosure, and, in any event, which is material in the
                  context of the Offeror Group taken as a whole.

6.       Offeree reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to waive either
         or both of the conditions set out in paragraph 5.

7.       The Scheme will not proceed if the proposed Merger is referred to the
         Competition Commission before the date of the Court Meeting. In such
         event, neither Offeror nor any holder of Offeree Shares will be bound
         by any term of the Scheme.