I.       Product for DII Internal Consumption (existing business, no change):

         A.       Product transferred to Diodes Taiwan for internal consumption
                  will be sold at such discount as to which the parties may
                  agree from time to time from the lowest non-Vishay customer
                  ASP which will be "Transfer Price" for purposes of this

II.      Wafer Distribution to Taiwan Market

         A.       All Customer Orders to be forwarded to FabTech upon acceptance
                  by DII.

         B.       FabTech will provide schedules for orders not shipped from DII

         C.       FabTech will ship orders and bill DII in 1999 as follows;

                  1.       For Orders from Taiwan Semiconductor and Panjit
                           FabTech will bill at Transfer Price ((Sales Price -
                           Transfer Price)/2).

                  2.       For other customers FabTech will bill at Transfer

         D.        For Orders After 1999.

                  1.       For orders from customers with >$10,000 total per
                           month revenue: FabTech will bill at Transfer Price +
                           ((Sales Price - Transfer Price)/2).

                  2.       For orders from customers with <$10,000 total per
                           month revenue, FabTech will bill at Transfer Price.

                  3.       The per month revenue rate will be based on a three
                           month average.

         E.       DII to provide POS report each month indicating Customer, Part
                  number, Order Quantity, and Sales Price.

         F.       DII to provide six-month rolling forecast by customer and part
                  number by 10th of each month.

         G.       DII may decide to keep a small inventory to service minor
                  accounts. The cost of this inventory would be born by DII at
                  Transfer Price.

III.     FabTech Support:

         A.       Provide eight-week rolling ship schedule.

         B.       Provide sales collateral as developed.

         C.       Maintain inventory level of one-month forward forecast or 2000
                  wafers, whichever us lowest.

IV.      Terms will be FOB, net 30 from date of shipment. Any credit risk with
         customer will be the responsibility of Diodes. If Diodes wants FabTech
         to pay for shipping we would have to have to add this to the Transfer

V.       This agreement will be for 1999 and be re-negotiated, or terminated if
         it is not working, at either parties' request after 1999.

/s/  Walter Buchanan                Date: March 7, 1999

/s/  Steven Ho                      Date: March 7, 1999
