- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  SCHEDULE 14A
                                 (RULE 14A-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                               (AMENDMENT NO. 1)

Filed by the Registrant  [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]  Preliminary Proxy Statement               [ ]  CONFIDENTIAL, FOR USE OF THE COMMISSION
                                                    ONLY (AS PERMITTED BY RULE 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12.

                                  FIRST UNION


Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: .......

     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: ..........

     (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
         filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): ............

     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: ......................

     (5) Total fee paid: .......................................................

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1) Amount Previously Paid: ...............................................

     (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: .........................

     (3) Filing Party: .........................................................

     (4) Date Filed: ...........................................................
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                Draft of 11/4/00

                                FIRST UNION LOGO

                                  FIRST UNION



     You are cordially invited to attend the 2000 Special Meeting in lieu of
Annual Meeting (the "Meeting") of the Beneficiaries of First Union Real Estate
Equity and Mortgage Investments (the "Company"), which will be held in the
Turtle Bay Room of The New York Helmsley Hotel, located at 212 East 42nd Street,
New York, NY 10017, on November   , 2000, at 9:00 a.m., local time, for the
following purposes:

     1. To elect two Class I Trustees.

     2. To consent to the sale of certain properties of the Company and its
        subsidiaries (the "Properties") and certain other assets pursuant to two
        Contracts of Sale and a letter agreement, each dated as of September 15,
        2000, as amended (collectively, the "Sale Contract"), between the
        Company and certain subsidiaries of the Company, as sellers, and Radiant
        Investors, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as purchaser
        ("Purchaser"), for an aggregate purchase price of $205 million (the
        "Asset Sale").

     3. To approve an amendment to the Company's Amended Declaration of Trust
        eliminating shareholder approval requirements with respect to actions
        that would result in the Company being prevented from qualifying or
        continuing to qualify as a real estate investment trust ("REIT") under
        the Internal Revenue Code, as amended.

     4. To approve an amendment to the Company's Amended Declaration of Trust
        eliminating shareholder approval requirements with respect to the
        disposition of property of the Company.

     5. To transact such other business as may properly come before the Meeting.

     In the event that Proposal Two is approved, the amendments to the Company's
Amended Declaration of Trust proposed in Proposal Three and Proposal Four, if
also approved, would take effect upon consummation of the Asset Sale. In the
event that Proposal Two is not approved or the Asset Sale does not occur, the
amendments proposed in Proposal Three and Proposal Four would not become
effective, whether or not they were approved. The Company intends to consummate
the Asset Sale upon the approval of Proposal Two, whether or not Proposal Three
or Proposal Four are approved.

     The Board of Trustees of the Company is seeking beneficiary consent to the
Asset Sale in accordance with the Company's Amended Declaration of Trust, which
provides that no sale of more than 50% of the Company's property may be made
without the consent of holders of at least a majority of the outstanding shares
of beneficial interest, par value $1.00 per share, of the Company ("Shares"). A
vote to consent to the Asset Sale will be deemed a vote to consent to the sale
by the Company and its subsidiaries of more than 50% of the Company's property.

     The Asset Sale will constitute a sale by the Company and its subsidiaries
of approximately 73% of the book value of the Company's real estate properties,
or approximately 37% of the total book value of the Company's assets, for
aggregate consideration of $205 million. The book value of the Properties to be
sold is approximately $166 million as of June 30, 2000. As part of the
consideration, it is expected


that Purchaser will assume or repay approximately $125 million of mortgages on
the Properties. In the event the Purchaser is not able to assume or repay the
mortgages on one or more of the Properties, the Company may be required to
provide Purchaser with up to $46 million in financing. Based on written
assurances made by the Purchaser to the Company under the Sale Contract, the
Company does not expect that it will be required to provide financing to
Purchaser in connection with the Asset Sale. A vote to consent to the Asset Sale
will be deemed a vote to consent to the implementation of all provisions of the
Sale Contract including those that may be in the discretion of the Company, such
as the provision of financing with respect to the sale of certain of the

     Daniel Friedman, David Schonberger and Anne Zahner (the "Executives"), are
the managing members of Purchaser. They are also the principals of Radiant
Partners LLC ("Partners"), an asset management firm that has managed the assets
of the Company under a management contract since June 1, 2000. Under the
management contract, each Executive is a non-employee officer of the Company for
administrative purposes. Mr. Friedman serves as President and Mr. Schonberger
and Ms. Zahner serve as Executive Vice Presidents of the Company. On June 1,
2000, their employment agreements with the Company were terminated and they
received severance payments totaling approximately $2.3 million. Mr. Friedman
was formerly a Trustee of the Company from November 1998 through September 22,
2000. Material decisions regarding the Company are made either by the Board of
Trustees or the Executive Committee of the Board, neither of which currently
includes any of the Executives.

     The Company is in the process of exploring uses for the net cash proceeds
to be received from the Asset Sale, including, without limitation: implementing
or continuing a common or preferred share repurchase or similar program;
distributing such net proceeds to the Beneficiaries, including, but not
necessarily limited to, amounts required to satisfy certain REIT distribution
requirements resulting from previous asset sales and net income in 2000, if any;
and making new investments, including investments in real estate or non-real
estate assets or businesses.

     The Company believes that it will qualify as a REIT, subsequent to the
Asset Sale and will be able to maintain its REIT qualification in 2001. However,
the Asset Sale will limit the Company's flexibility with respect to maintaining
its REIT status. In the event that the Company was no longer a REIT, among other
consequences, the Company would no longer be required to distribute to its
shareholders, as dividends, 95% of its taxable income.

     The shares of the Company currently trade on the New York Stock Exchange
("NYSE") under the ticker symbols "FUR" for its common shares and "FURPrA" for
its preferred shares. In the event the Company was no longer a REIT, it might
lose its listing on the NYSE. The Company presently intends to maintain its NYSE
listing following the closing of the Asset Sale and believes that it will be
able to do so. In the event that its NYSE listing is not maintained, the Company
believes that it will be able to have its shares listed on another national
securities exchange, such as the American Stock Exchange. The Company believes
that failure to maintain its NYSE listing will not have a significant negative
impact on the liquidity of the trading in the shares of the Company.

     Concurrently with the execution of the Sale Contract, shareholders who
beneficially own, in the aggregate, approximately 32.59% of the outstanding
Shares, have agreed to consent to the Asset Sale.

     The Notice and Proxy Statement on the following pages contain important
details concerning the foregoing proposals. Please complete, sign and return
your proxy card in the enclosed envelope to ensure that your Shares will be
represented and voted at the Meeting even if you cannot attend. You are urged to
complete, sign and return the enclosed proxy card even if you plan to attend the

     I look forward to personally meeting all beneficiaries who are able to


                                          WILLIAM A. ACKMAN
November   , 2000                         Chairman of the Board of Trustees


                                FIRST UNION LOGO

                                  FIRST UNION


                                   NOTICE OF

                     2000 SPECIAL MEETING OF BENEFICIARIES


     Notice is hereby given that the 2000 Special Meeting in lieu of the Annual
Meeting of the Beneficiaries (the "Meeting") of First Union Real Estate Equity
and Mortgage Investments (the "Company"), will be held in the Turtle Bay Room of
The New York Helmsley Hotel, located at 212 East 42nd Street, New York, NY
10017, on November   , 2000 at 9:00 a.m., local time, for the following

     1. To elect as Trustees to Class I of the Board of Trustees Talton R. Embry
        and Steven S. Snider (the "Board's Nominees").

     2. To consent to the sale (the "Asset Sale") of certain properties (the
        "Properties") of the Company and its subsidiaries pursuant to two
        Contracts of Sale and a letter agreement, dated as of September 15, 2000
        and two amendments to one of the Contracts of Sale dated as of September
        29, 2000 and October 26, 2000, respectively (collectively, the "Sale
        Contract"), attached hereto as Appendices A, B, C and D, between the
        Company and its subsidiaries, 55 Public LLC, North Valley Tech, LLC,
        Printers Alley Garage, LLC, Southwest Shopping Centers Co. I, L.L.C, all
        Delaware limited liability companies, First Union Madison L.L.C., an
        Illinois limited liability company, and First Union Commercial
        Properties Expansion Company, a Delaware corporation (collectively,
        "Sellers" and individually, a "Seller"), and Radiant Investors LLC, a
        Delaware limited liability company ("Radiant" or "Purchaser").

     3. To approve an amendment to the Company's Amended Declaration of Trust
        eliminating shareholder approval requirements with respect to actions
        that would result in the Company being prevented from qualifying or
        continuing to qualify as a real estate investment trust under the
        Internal Revenue Code, as amended.

     4.To approve an amendment to the Company's Amended Declaration of Trust
       eliminating shareholder approval requirements with respect to the
       disposition of property of the Company.

     5. To transact such other business as may properly come before the Meeting.

     Beneficiaries of record at the close of business on [SEPTEMBER 29, 2000],
are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting.
                                          By order of the Board of Trustees

                                          WILLIAM A. ACKMAN
                                          Chairman of the Board of Trustees

[November , 2000]


                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Introduction................................................    1
Information About Forward-Looking Statements................    2
Summary.....................................................    4
Risks Relating to Proposal Two: Consent to the Asset Sale...   14
Risks Relating to Proposals Three and Four: Amendments to
  the Declaration of Trust..................................   16
Proposal One: Election of Trustees..........................   17
  Compensation of Trustees..................................   20
  Organization of Board of Trustees.........................   20
  Security Ownership of Trustees and Officers and Certain
     Beneficial Owners......................................   21
  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions............   23
  Executive Compensation....................................   25
  Employment Contracts, Termination of Employment and Change
     in Control Agreements..................................   26
  Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year.........................   27
  Aggregated Share Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and
     Fiscal Year End Option Values..........................   28
  Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation...   28
  Performance Graph.........................................   30
Proposal Two: Consent to the Asset Sale.....................   30
  History of the Company's Property Sales Program...........   31
  The Asset Sale............................................   32
  Interests of Management or Trustees in the Asset Sale.....   44
  Use of Proceeds of the Asset Sale.........................   45
  Plans for the Company Subsequent to the Asset Sale........   46
  The Parties...............................................   47
  Terms of the Sale Contract................................   49
  Terms of the Voting Agreements............................   53
  Accounting Treatment of the Asset Sale....................   54
  Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Asset Sale.........   54
  Government and Regulatory Approvals.......................   55
  No Dissenters' Rights.....................................   55
  Required Vote for Proposal................................   55
  Recommendation of the Board of Trustees...................   55
Pro Forma Financial Data of First Union Real Estate Equity
  and Mortgage Investments..................................   56
  First Union Real Estate Equity and Mortgage Investments
     Pro Forma Combined Balance Sheet as of June 30, 2000...   57
  First Union Real Estate Equity and Mortgage Investments
     Pro Forma Combined Statement of Operations for the Year
     Ended December 31, 1999................................   58
  First Union Real Estate Equity and Mortgage Investments
     Pro Forma Combined Statement of Operations for the Six
     Months Ended June 30, 2000.............................   59
  Notes to Pro Forma Combined Financial Statements..........   60
Selected Combined Financial Data of First Union Real Estate
  Equity and Mortgage Investments...........................   62
Proposals Three and Four: Amendments to the Declaration of
  Trust.....................................................   64
  Proposal Three: Amendment with Respect to REIT Status.....   64
  Proposal Four: Sale or Transfer of Trust Property.........   65
Selection of Auditors.......................................   66
Cost of Proxies and Solicitations...........................   66
Form 10-K Annual Report.....................................   67


Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance.....   67
Beneficiary Proposals.......................................   67
Market for the Shares.......................................   67
Experts.....................................................   67
Available Information.......................................   68
Incorporation of Certain Documents by Reference.............   68
Appendix A..................................................  A-1
Appendix B..................................................  B-1
Appendix C..................................................  C-1
Appendix D..................................................  D-1
Appendix E..................................................  E-1


                                  FIRST UNION



                                PROXY STATEMENT

                     2000 SPECIAL MEETING OF BENEFICIARIES

                               NOVEMBER    , 2000


     This Proxy Statement and the accompanying proxy are being sent by the Board
of Trustees (the "Board of Trustees," the "Board" or the "Trustees") of First
Union Real Estate Equity and Mortgage Investments ("First Union", the "Trust" or
the "Company") in connection with the solicitation of proxies from the holders
(the "Beneficiaries") of shares of beneficial interest, par value $1.00 per
share, of the Company ("Shares"), to be voted at the 2000 Special Meeting of
Beneficiaries in lieu of Annual Meeting, including any adjournment or
postponement thereof (the "Meeting"), to be held in the Turtle Bay Room of The
New York Helmsley Hotel, located at 212 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017, on
November   , 2000 at 9:00 a.m., local time, to take the actions set forth in the
Notice of Meeting provided with respect to the Meeting.

     The Board is seeking Beneficiary consent to the Asset Sale in accordance
with the Declaration of Trust, which provides that no sale of more than 50% of
the Company's property may be made without the consent of holders of at least a
majority of the outstanding Shares. The Asset Sale will constitute a sale by the
Company and its subsidiaries of approximately 73% of the book value of the
Company's real estate properties, or approximately 37% of the total book value
of the Company's assets.

     The principal office of the Company is located at 1212 Avenue of the
Americas, 18th Floor, New York, New York 10036. The approximate date on which
this Proxy Statement and the accompanying proxy are first being sent to the
Beneficiaries is             , 2000.

     The record date for determination of the Beneficiaries that are entitled to
vote at the Meeting is [September 29, 2000] (the "Record Date"). On that date,
          [41,045,774] Shares were outstanding. Each Share has one vote.
Abstentions and broker non-votes will be included in determining the number of
Shares present for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum.

     The Board's Nominees at the Meeting who receive the greatest number of
votes duly cast (although not necessarily a majority of the votes duly cast) by
the Shares represented at the Meeting will be elected as Trustees. The proxies
solicited for the Meeting cannot be voted for a greater number of persons than
the number of nominees named. Abstentions and broker non-votes will have no
effect on the election of the Board's Nominees to the Board of Trustees.

     The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding Shares as of the
Record Date is required to consent to the Asset Sale. Abstentions and broker
non-votes will have the same effect as a negative vote with respect to the
voting to consent to the Asset Sale.

     The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding Shares as of the
Record Date is required to consent to the amendments to the Amended and Restated
Declaration of Trust ("Declaration of Trust") proposed in Proposal Three and
Proposal Four (collectively, the "Amendments"). Abstentions and broker non-votes
will have the same effect as a negative vote with respect to the voting to
consent to the Amendments.


     In the event that Proposal Two is approved, the Amendments proposed in
Proposal Three and Proposal Four, if also approved, would take effect upon
consummation of the Asset Sale. In the event that Proposal Two is not approved
or the Asset Sale does not occur, the Amendments proposed in Proposal Three and
Proposal Four would not become effective, whether or not they were approved. The
Company intends to consummate the Asset Sale upon the approval of Proposal Two,
whether or not Proposal Three or Proposal Four are approved.

     Shares represented by properly executed proxy cards will be voted at the
Meeting as marked and, in the absence of specific instructions, will be voted
for the Board's Nominees, to consent to the Asset Sale and to approve the
Amendments and, in the discretion of the persons named as proxies, on all such
other business as may properly come before the Meeting.

     A Beneficiary may revoke his proxy at any time prior to its exercise by
giving notice to the Company in writing or by attending the Meeting and voting
in person (attendance alone at the Meeting will not by itself revoke a proxy).
The delivery of a subsequently dated proxy, which is properly completed, will
constitute a revocation of any earlier dated proxy. The revocation may be
delivered to the Company in care of Corporate Investor Communications, Inc. at
111 Commerce Road, Carlstadt, New Jersey 07072-2586 or to the Company at 1212
Avenue of the Americas, 18th Floor, New York, New York 10036, or any other
address provided by the Company.

     Gotham Partners Management Co. LLC and certain of its affiliates
(collectively, "Gotham"), which beneficially own approximately 14.15% of the
Shares and Apollo Real Estate Advisors II, L.P. and certain of its affiliates
(collectively, "Apollo"), which beneficially own approximately 7.25% of the
Shares, have each entered into agreements (each, a "Voting Agreement"), pursuant
to which they have agreed to vote to consent to the Asset Sale. In addition,
Magten Asset Management Corp. ("Magten"), which beneficially owns approximately
11.19% of the Shares, has agreed to vote those Shares with respect to which it
has voting control to consent to the Asset Sale.

     As far as the Board of Trustees is aware, no matters other than those
outlined in this Proxy Statement will be presented at the Meeting for action on
the part of the Beneficiaries. If any other matters are properly brought before
the Meeting, it is the intention of the persons named in the accompanying proxy
card to vote the Shares to which the proxy relates in accordance with their best


     Certain sections in this Proxy Statement, including "Risks Relating to the
Asset Sale," "Proposal Two: Consent to the Asset Sale," "-- Use of Proceeds of
the Asset Sale", "-- Plans for the Company Subsequent to the Asset Sale", "Pro
Forma Financial Data of First Union Real Estate Equity and Mortgage Investments"
and "Proposals Three and Four - Amendments to the Company's Declaration of
Trust" contain forward-looking statements that are based on current beliefs,
estimates and assumptions concerning the operations, future results, and
prospects of the Company. All statements that address operating performance,
events or developments that are anticipated to occur in the future, including
statements related to future sales, profits, expenses, income and earnings per
share, or statements expressing general optimism about future results, are
forward-looking statements. In addition, words such as "expects," "anticipates,"
"intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates," and variations of such words and
similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements.

     The statements described in the preceding paragraph constitute
"forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). Because forward-looking
statements are based on a number of beliefs, estimates and assumptions that
could cause actual results to materially differ from those in the
forward-looking statements, there is no assurance that forward-looking
statements will prove to be accurate.

     Any number of factors could affect future operations and results,
including, without limitation, the Company's ability to be profitable with a
smaller and less diverse portfolio that will generate less

revenue; the value of replacement assets, if any; the Company's ability to
maintain its real estate investment trust ("REIT") status; general industry and
economic conditions; interest rate trends; capital requirements; competition
from other companies and venues; changes in applicable laws, rules and
regulations (including changes in tax laws); the availability of equity and/or
debt financing in the amounts and on the terms necessary to support the
Company's future business; and those specific risks that are discussed in the
Risk Factors detailed in the Company's previously filed Annual Report on Form
10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1999.

     Forward-looking statements are subject to the safe harbors created in the
Exchange Act.

     The Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking
statements, whether as a result of new information or future events.



     The following is a brief summary of information contained elsewhere in this
Proxy Statement. This summary is not intended to be complete and is subject to
the detailed information appearing elsewhere in this Proxy Statement and the
appendices hereto.


TIME, DATE AND PLACE                     The Meeting will be held in the Turtle
                                         Bay Room of The New York Helmsley
                                         Hotel, located at 212 East 42nd Street,
                                         New York, NY 10017, on November   ,
                                         2000 at 9:00 a.m., local time.

PURPOSES OF THE MEETING                  1. To elect two Class I Trustees.

                                         The Board has recommended the election
                                         by shareholders of Messrs. Embry and
                                         Snider as Trustees for a term of three
                                         years, serving as Class I Trustees.

                                         2. To consent to the Asset Sale.

                                         The Board is seeking Beneficiary
                                         consent to the Asset Sale in accordance
                                         with the Declaration of Trust, which
                                         provides that no sale of more than 50%
                                         of the Company's property may be made
                                         without the consent of holders of at
                                         least a majority of the outstanding
                                         Shares. The Asset Sale will constitute
                                         a sale by the Company and its
                                         subsidiaries of approximately 73% of
                                         the book value of the Company's real
                                         estate properties, or approximately 37%
                                         of the total book value of the assets
                                         of the Company. Accordingly, a vote to
                                         consent to the Asset Sale will be
                                         deemed a vote to consent to the sale by
                                         the Company of more than 50% of the
                                         Company's property. See "Proposal Two:
                                         Consent to the Asset Sale -- History of
                                         the Company's Property Sales Program."

                                         3. To approve an amendment to the
                                            Declaration of Trust with respect to
                                            elimination of the requirement of
                                            shareholder approval for actions
                                            taken that would adversely affect
                                            qualification of the Company as a

                                         The Board is seeking Beneficiary
                                         approval of certain amendments to the
                                         Amended Declaration of Trust of the
                                         Company which would have the effect of
                                         eliminating shareholder approval
                                         requirements with respect to actions
                                         that would result in the Company being
                                         prevented from qualifying or continuing
                                         to qualify as a REIT under the Internal
                                         Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the

                                         4.To approve an amendment to the
                                           Declaration of Trust with respect to
                                           disposition of the property of the

                                         The Board is seeking Beneficiary
                                         approval of certain amendments to the
                                         Amended Declaration of Trust of


                                         the Company which would have the effect
                                         of eliminating shareholder approval
                                         requirements with respect to the
                                         disposition of property of the Company.

                                         5. To transact such other business as
                                            may properly come before the

RELATIONSHIP OF PROPOSALS                In the event that Proposal Two is
                                         approved, the Amendments proposed in
                                         Proposal Three and Proposal Four, if
                                         also approved, would take effect upon
                                         consummation of the Asset Sale. In the
                                         event that Proposal Two is not approved
                                         or the Asset Sale does not occur, the
                                         Amendments proposed in Proposal Three
                                         and Proposal Four would not become
                                         effective, whether or not they were
                                         approved. The Company intends to
                                         consummate the Asset Sale upon the
                                         approval of Proposal Two, whether or
                                         not Proposal Three or Proposal Four are

RECORD DATE                              [September 29, 2000.]


NOMINEES                                 The Board of Trustees has nominated Mr.
                                         Embry and Mr. Snider for election to
                                         the Board of Trustees at the Meeting.

TERM OF OFFICE                           The terms of office of the Class I
                                         Trustees elected at the Meeting will
                                         expire at the Company's Annual Meeting
                                         in 2003.


THE ASSET SALE                           The Company and certain of its
                                         subsidiaries will sell two shopping
                                         center properties, four office
                                         properties, six parking garages, one
                                         parking lot, a $1.5 million note
                                         receivable secured by a mortgage on a
                                         non-owned apartment property and
                                         certain assets used in the operation of
                                         the properties being sold
                                         (collectively, the "Properties").
                                         Purchaser will be the buyer of the
                                         Properties with the exception of the
                                         Huntington Garage in Cleveland, Ohio,
                                         which Purchaser has agreed that the
                                         Company may sell to a third party and
                                         which is currently under a contract of
                                         sale to a third party. As a part of the
                                         Asset Sale, Purchaser will receive the
                                         net operating income from the
                                         Properties from June 1, 2000 less (a)
                                         debt service on the Properties, (b)
                                         capital expenditures committed
                                         subsequent to May 9, 2000 and paid
                                         prior to closing and (c) 66.6% of the
                                         asset management fees paid to Partners
                                         from June 1, 2000 until the closing of
                                         the transaction.

CONSIDERATION TO BE RECEIVED             The aggregate purchase price for the
                                         Properties is $205 million and the
                                         Company estimates that, after deducting
                                         allocations to the Seller under the


                                         Contract and Seller's share of
                                         transaction costs, it will receive
                                         aggregate consideration of
                                         approximately $199 million. See
                                         "Summary -- Use of Proceeds," below. As
                                         part of the consideration, it is
                                         expected that mortgages on the
                                         Properties in the approximate amount of
                                         $125 million will be assumed or repaid
                                         (see "Proposal Two: Consent to the
                                         Asset Sale--Terms of the Sale
                                         Contract-The Purchase Price" and
                                         "--Liabilities to be Assumed"). In the
                                         event the Purchaser is not able to
                                         assume or repay existing mortgages on
                                         one or more of the Properties, the
                                         Company may be required to provide
                                         Purchaser with up to $46 million in
                                         financing. Based on written assurances
                                         made by the Purchaser to the Company
                                         under the Sale Contract, the Company
                                         does not expect that it will be
                                         required to provide financing to
                                         Purchaser in connection with the Asset
                                         Sale. The acquisition price of the
                                         Properties was determined as a result
                                         of arms-length negotiations between
                                         Purchaser and the Company. The book
                                         value as of June 30, 2000 of the real
                                         estate properties to be sold is
                                         approximately $166 million.

MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS                     First Union is a REIT whose primary
                                         business has been to buy, manage,
                                         improve the cash flow of and own
                                         retail, apartment, office and parking
                                         properties throughout the United States
                                         and Canada. First Union and First Union
                                         Management, Inc., a Delaware
                                         corporation and an affiliate of First
                                         Union ("FUMI"), have an organizational
                                         structure commonly referred to as
                                         "stapled," where the Shares are
                                         "stapled to" a proportionately equal
                                         interest in the common stock of FUMI,
                                         with some exceptions. The Shares may
                                         not be issued or transferred without
                                         their "stapled" counterparts in FUMI.
                                         The common stock of FUMI is held in
                                         trust for the benefit of the
                                         Beneficiaries. The primary asset of
                                         FUMI is the stock of VenTek
                                         International, Inc., a manufacturer of
                                         parking equipment.

                                         As of September 30, 2000, the Company
                                         and its subsidiaries owned, including
                                         under long-term ground leases, real
                                         estate properties consisting of: three
                                         shopping centers, five office
                                         properties and seven parking

SELLER                                   The Company and six of its direct and
                                         indirect wholly owned subsidiaries that
                                         own specific Properties that are
                                         parties to the Asset Sale.

PURCHASER                                Purchaser is a limited liability
                                         company whose three managing members,
                                         Daniel Friedman, David Schonberger and
                                         Anne Zahner, serve as officers of the
                                         Company pursuant to an Asset Management
                                         Agreement dated as of March 27, 2000,
                                         as amended,


                                         between the Company and Radiant
                                         Partners LLC ("Partners"). Purchaser
                                         has agreed to assign its interest in
                                         the Sale Contract to Radiant Venture I
                                         LLC ("Radiant Venture I") on or before
                                         the closing of the Asset Sale.
                                         Purchaser is the managing member of
                                         Radiant Venture I. The principal equity
                                         investors in Radiant Venture I are
                                         Purchaser and Landmark Equity Trust
                                         VII. Landmark Equity Trust VII is a
                                         real estate investment fund with
                                         approximately $400 million of committed

EXECUTIVES                               In November 1998, the Company hired
                                         Daniel Friedman as President and Chief
                                         Executive Officer of the Company, and
                                         David Schonberger and Anne Zahner, each
                                         as an Executive Vice President of the
                                         Company (the "Executives"). Each of the
                                         Executives entered into four-year
                                         employment agreements with the Company.
                                         Prior to joining the Company, each of
                                         the Executives was employed as an
                                         officer of Enterprise Asset Management,
                                         Inc., a private real estate firm
                                         unaffiliated with the Company. The
                                         original employment agreements
                                         contained provisions which would have
                                         required the Company to pay to each
                                         Executive lump sum settlement amounts
                                         in the event certain circumstances
                                         occurred, including substantial
                                         distributions by the Company to its
                                         shareholders, and the employment of the
                                         Executive was thereafter terminated.
                                         The original employment agreements with
                                         the Executives were amended in March
                                         2000 to provide that the Executives
                                         would be entitled to terminate their
                                         employment and receive severance
                                         payments totaling approximately $2.3
                                         million upon the occurrence of the
                                         distribution of the common shares of
                                         Imperial Parking Corporation to the
                                         shareholders of the Company and the
                                         refinancing of the Park Plaza Mall.
                                         These two events occurred in March and
                                         April of 2000, respectively, and the
                                         termination of Executives' employment
                                         became effective on June 1, 2000.

                                         Partners is an asset management firm
                                         founded in March 2000 by the Executives
                                         at the time the employment agreements
                                         were amended, and is an affiliate of
                                         Purchaser. Upon termination of the
                                         employment of the Executives, a
                                         management agreement between the
                                         Company and Partners became effective
                                         on June 1, 2000. The management
                                         agreement provides that Partners
                                         manages the corporate and real estate
                                         functions of the Company for an annual
                                         management fee of $1.5 million, from
                                         which are paid the salaries of the
                                         Executives and other employees of
                                         Partners as well as its overhead,
                                         including the leasing of its office
                                         space. Under the management agreement,
                                         each of the Executives re-


                                         mained a non-employee officer of the
                                         Company for administrative purposes.
                                         The officer status of the Executives
                                         will terminate upon the closing of the
                                         Asset Sale. Mr. Friedman was formerly a
                                         Trustee of the Company from November
                                         1998 through September 22, 2000.

INSIDER CONFLICTS OF INTEREST            The Executives are both the managing
                                         members of Purchaser and the principals
                                         of Partners. In April 2000, the
                                         Executives, on behalf of the Purchaser,
                                         made a proposal to acquire the Company
                                         or most of its real estate properties.
                                         The negotiation of that proposal
                                         ultimately resulted in the Sale
                                         Contract. The Executives had a conflict
                                         of interest during the negotiations
                                         which culminated in the Sale Contract,
                                         as they had gained knowledge through
                                         their employment with the Company
                                         regarding the properties that were the
                                         subject of the Radiant purchase
                                         proposal and were negotiating on behalf
                                         of Purchaser and it was in their best
                                         interest to obtain the price and terms
                                         for the sale most favorable to
                                         Purchaser. This was in conflict with
                                         the interests of the Company, which
                                         desired to obtain the price and terms
                                         for the sale most favorable to the

                                         The representatives of the Company who
                                         conducted the negotiations with
                                         Purchaser on behalf of the Company (the
                                         "Representatives") were the Chairman of
                                         the Board of the Company, William
                                         Ackman, and the Vice-Chairman of the
                                         Board of the Company, William Scully,
                                         each of whom has extensive experience
                                         in the real estate industry and is a
                                         member of the Executive Committee of
                                         the Board, to which approval of all
                                         dispositions and financings of the
                                         Company's real estate properties had
                                         been delegated by the Board. Each of
                                         the Representatives was knowledgeable
                                         regarding the real estate properties of
                                         the Company and served as
                                         Representatives without compensation.
                                         Other than Mr. Friedman, none of the
                                         Trustees of the Company, including the
                                         Representatives, or their affiliates
                                         had an interest in, or a relationship
                                         with, Purchaser or any of its

RECOMMENDATION                           The Board of Trustees of the Company
                                         has determined that entering into the
                                         Sale Contract was fair and reasonable
                                         to the Beneficiaries and in the best
                                         interests of the Company. The principal
                                         reasons for this determination are
                                         summarized as follows: The Board had
                                         explored, without success, the possible
                                         sale of the Company. The Board
                                         determined that a bulk sale of the
                                         Company's real properties would be more
                                         efficient and less costly than numerous
                                         individual property sales due to the
                                         transactional costs,


                                         the legal expense and management time
                                         involved in multiple sales.

                                         The Radiant proposal would yield a
                                         significant amount of cash proceeds to
                                         the Company, as opposed to other
                                         consideration in the form of securities
                                         or other non-liquid assets of the
                                         acquiring party, the valuation of which
                                         would be uncertain. The Radiant
                                         proposal was not contingent upon other
                                         significant events, such as the sale of
                                         the Park Plaza mall property, other
                                         than obtaining the financing of the
                                         purchase consideration. Although the
                                         Company's real estate properties had
                                         been marketed for sale for an extended
                                         period of time, the Radiant proposal
                                         was the only firm offer, subsequent to
                                         the sale of the Marathon properties in
                                         1999, that the Company has received for
                                         a significant amount of the Company's
                                         real estate properties, other than an
                                         offer that was deemed not as
                                         advantageous as the Radiant proposal.

                                         In addition, Radiant was very familiar
                                         with the properties under consideration
                                         and the normal due diligence review
                                         period required by a purchaser
                                         unfamiliar with the properties would be
                                         reduced, both lessening time delays and
                                         uncertainties with respect to reaching
                                         a definitive agreement. The Company and
                                         its affiliates, as Seller under the
                                         Sale Contract, were required to provide
                                         very limited representations with
                                         respect to the Properties; thus the
                                         Company was not subject to the
                                         potential liability with respect to the
                                         standard expanded representations and
                                         warranties that would likely have been
                                         required to be provided to a potential
                                         purchaser not as familiar with the
                                         Properties as was Radiant.

RISKS RELATING TO THE ASSET SALE         The Beneficiaries should consider all
                                         the information set forth in this Proxy
                                         Statement in deciding whether to vote
                                         to consent to the Asset Sale,
                                         including, without limitation, the
                                         following risks and considerations:

                                         - After the Asset Sale, the Company's
                                          real estate properties will consist of
                                          a shopping center property in Arkansas
                                          and an office property in Indiana. As
                                          a result, the Asset Sale will limit
                                          the Company's flexibility to engage in
                                          non-real estate related activities
                                          without adversely affecting its REIT
                                          status. The Company believes it will
                                          qualify as a REIT subsequent to the
                                          Asset Sale and in 2001, provided that
                                          it does not engage in transactions
                                          that would adversely affect its REIT

                                         - In the event the Company was no
                                          longer a REIT, among other
                                          consequences, the Company would


                                           no longer be required to distribute
                                           to its shareholders, as dividends,
                                           95% of its taxable income.

                                         - To maintain its REIT status after
                                          2001, the Company may need to invest
                                          in real estate mortgage investment
                                          conduits, or REMICs, which issue
                                          multiclass mortgage-backed securities.
                                          Investing in REMICs involves certain
                                          risks, including the failure of a
                                          counter-party to meet its commitments,
                                          adverse interest rate changes and the
                                          effects of prepayments on mortgage
                                          cash flows.

                                         - If any or all of the net proceeds of
                                          the Asset Sale are applied to the
                                          acquisition of replacement assets,
                                          there can be no assurance that the
                                          replacement assets will provide
                                          greater returns to the Company and the
                                          shareholders than the Properties to be

                                         - In the event that the Company was no
                                          longer a REIT, it might lose its
                                          listing on the NYSE. The Company does
                                          not believe that it will lose its NYSE
                                          listing as a result of the Asset Sale.

ASSET SALE                               First Union's remaining assets, after
                                         the Asset Sale, will consist primarily
                                         of the following (with approximate June
                                         30, 2000 book values in parentheses):
                                         two real estate properties: Park Plaza,
                                         a shopping mall located in Little Rock,
                                         Arkansas ($60,100,000) and Circle
                                         Tower, an office building located in
                                         Indianapolis, Indiana ($2,200,000);
                                         unrestricted cash ($95,200,000);
                                         restricted cash ($2,100,000); U.S.
                                         Treasury bills ($199,400,000); a
                                         preferred stock investment in HQ Global
                                         Workplaces, Inc. ($10,100,000);
                                         accounts receivable ($4,700,000); and
                                         the inventory of VenTek International,
                                         Inc. ("VenTek") ($4,400,000). The
                                         Company has made no firm decision
                                         regarding selling its remaining real
                                         estate assets, although it has retained
                                         a broker to solicit indications of
                                         interest in the purchase of the Park
                                         Plaza property. There are no plans for
                                         major improvements that the Company is
                                         considering for the properties that
                                         will remain after the Asset Sale. The
                                         Company does not anticipate selling its
                                         non-real estate assets in the near
                                         term, and has no immediate plans to do

                                         Liabilities of the Company after the
                                         Asset Sale will consist primarily of a
                                         mortgage loan collateralized by the
                                         Park Plaza property ($42,000,000);
                                         notes payable collateralized by the
                                         treasury bills ($145,100,000); the
                                         Company's 8 7/8% senior notes
                                         ($12,500,000); and accounts payable and
                                         accrued liabilities ($12,600,000). In
                                         addition, the Company has


                                         provided performance guarantees for the
                                         manufacturing and installation of
                                         transit ticket vending equipment with
                                         respect to VenTek. The guarantees of
                                         $5.3 million and $6.2 million expire in
                                         February 2001 and 2002, respectively.

USE OF PROCEEDS                          Under the Sale Contract, the aggregate
                                         purchase price for the Properties is
                                         $205 million. The Company expects to
                                         receive approximately $199 million in
                                         aggregate consideration for the
                                         Properties. The downward adjustments to
                                         the aggregate purchase price of $205
                                         million that result in the $199 million
                                         in aggregate consideration to the
                                         Company at closing of the Asset Sale
                                         are estimated to be approximately as
                                         follows: projected net operating income
                                         to Radiant from the Properties from
                                         June 1, 2000, less debt service,
                                         capital expenditures committed
                                         subsequent to May 9, 2000 and 66.6% of
                                         asset management fees paid to Partners
                                         from June 1, 2000 to closing: $660,000;
                                         reserve fund provided by a municipality
                                         for construction of improvements to 5th
                                         and Marshall Garage, in Richmond,
                                         Virginia: $2.3 million; prior Pecanland
                                         Mall outlot sale: $530,000; the
                                         Company's share of estimated closing
                                         costs (maximum $2.0 million); and legal
                                         and accounting fees and miscellaneous
                                         costs and adjustments: $1.0 million. Of
                                         the approximately $199 million, it is
                                         expected that approximately $74 million
                                         will be in cash and approximately $125
                                         million will be from the assumption or
                                         repayment of mortgage indebtedness on
                                         the Properties. The Company is in the
                                         process of exploring uses for the net
                                         cash proceeds to be received,
                                         including, without limitation:
                                         investment in real estate or non-real
                                         estate assets or businesses;
                                         implementing or continuing a common or
                                         preferred share repurchase or similar
                                         program; distributing such net proceeds
                                         to the Beneficiaries, including, but
                                         not necessarily limited to, amounts
                                         required to satisfy certain REIT
                                         distribution requirements resulting
                                         from previous asset sales and net
                                         income in 2000, if any; and making new
                                         investments, including investments in
                                         real estate mortgage investment
                                         conduits within the meaning of Section
                                         860D of the Code ("REMICs") to generate
                                         REIT-qualified income while maintaining

ASSET SALE                               The Company's long-term economic goal
                                         is to increase the per share net asset
                                         value of the Company at the highest
                                         possible rate, without undue risk. The
                                         Company continues to monitor the
                                         benefits of, and the restrictions
                                         imposed by, maintaining its REIT
                                         status. The Company presently desires
                                         and intends to maintain its status as a
                                         REIT for federal income tax purposes
                                         but, if appropriate, would consider


                                         other organizational structures. The
                                         Company has explored various
                                         acquisition, investment and business
                                         combination transactions and will most
                                         likely continue to explore such
                                         transactions. These transactions may
                                         include, without limitation, the
                                         acquisition of assets in exchange for
                                         securities of the Company and business
                                         combination transactions in which the
                                         Company is not the surviving entity.
                                         These transactions may also directly
                                         involve existing shareholders of the
                                         Company or entities in which such
                                         shareholders have significant
                                         interests. Ongoing discussions
                                         regarding such transactions are
                                         preliminary and numerous business,
                                         legal and tax-related issues must be
                                         resolved to assess the feasibility of
                                         any such transactions. There can be no
                                         assurance that any of these discussions
                                         will lead to any of such transactions
                                         subsequent to the Asset Sale.

                                         The Company is not aware of
                                         understandings or determinations, other
                                         than as disclosed in this Proxy
                                         Statement, as to the general direction
                                         of the Company after the Asset Sale.
                                         Determinations concerning material
                                         matters with respect to the Company
                                         will be made by the current Board of
                                         Trustees or its Executive Committee.
                                         The Board of Trustees has not
                                         determined whether or not to change the
                                         investment policies of the Company
                                         concerning the types of assets in which
                                         it will make investments; however, the
                                         investment authority of the Trustees
                                         set forth in the Declaration of Trust
                                         was amended at the 1999 Special Meeting
                                         of Shareholders to modify the Trustees'
                                         prior investment limitations. Certain
                                         members of the Board of Trustees are
                                         principals in Gotham, Apollo and
                                         Magten, and those individuals, as
                                         Trustees, have taken part in
                                         discussions about the post-sale
                                         operations of the Company. The Company
                                         does not plan to hire a full-time Chief
                                         Executive Officer after the Asset Sale.

                                         After the Asset Sale, the Asset
                                         Management Agreement will provide,
                                         among other things, for the management
                                         by Partners of the real estate
                                         properties remaining in the Company for
                                         a period of two years for an annual fee
                                         of $250,000, and that the Executives
                                         shall cease to be officers of the

CONDITIONS TO THE CLOSING                The Asset Sale is contingent upon,
                                         among other things, the consent of the
                                         Beneficiaries, the receipt of estoppel
                                         certificates from shopping center and
                                         office tenants, parking facility net
                                         lessees and lessors under three ground
                                         leases and other customary conditions.


THE CLOSING                              If the conditions to closing the Asset
                                         Sale are satisfied, the closing is
                                         expected to take place during December
                                         2000 (the "Closing Date").

TAX CONSEQUENCES OF THE ASSET SALE       The Asset Sale will have federal income
                                         tax consequences for both the Company
                                         and the Beneficiaries as described in
                                         "Proposal Two: Consent to the Asset
                                         Sale -- Federal Income Tax Consequences
                                         of the Asset Sale."

NO DISSENTERS' RIGHTS                    Under Ohio law, the Beneficiaries do
                                         not have dissenters' rights to receive
                                         payment for their Shares as a result of
                                         the Asset Sale.

REQUIRED VOTE FOR PROPOSAL               The affirmative vote of the holders of
                                         a majority of the outstanding Shares as
                                         of the Record Date is required to
                                         consent to the Asset Sale.

VOTING AGREEMENTS                        Gotham, which beneficially owns
                                         approximately 14.15% of the Shares and
                                         Apollo, which beneficially owns
                                         approximately 7.25% of the Shares, have
                                         each entered into agreements with
                                         Purchaser pursuant to which they have
                                         agreed to vote to consent to the Asset
                                         Sale. In addition, Magten, which
                                         beneficially owns approximately 11.19%
                                         of the Shares, has agreed to vote the
                                         Shares with respect to which it has
                                         voting control to consent to the Asset

TRUSTEES                                 The Board of Trustees has unanimously
                                         recommended that the Beneficiaries
                                         consent to the Asset Sale. In light of
                                         his affiliation with Purchaser (of
                                         which the Board was apprised), Daniel
                                         Friedman, a former member of the Board
                                         of Trustees and a principal of
                                         Purchaser, did not participate in the
                                         Board deliberations or approval with
                                         respect to the Asset Sale.


PROVISIONS TO BE AMENDED                 The provisions of Sections 11.19, 12.2
                                         and 2.8 of the Declaration of Trust are
                                         proposed to be amended (the
                                         "Amendments") by shareholder vote.

PROPOSAL THREE: REIT QUALIFICATION       The Declaration of Trust currently
                                         provides for shareholder approval in
                                         order for the Trustees to take an
                                         action or actions that would result in
                                         the Company being prevented from
                                         qualifying or continuing to qualify as
                                         an REIT. The Amendments would eliminate
                                         the requirement of shareholder approval
                                         with respect to such action or actions.

PROPERTY                                 The Declaration of Trust provides that
                                         shareholder approval is required with
                                         respect to the sale of 50% or more of
                                         the property of the Company. The
                                         Amendments would eliminate the
                                         requirement of shareholder approval for
                                         the disposition of property of the


RISKS OF THE AMENDMENTS                  The amendment eliminating the
                                         requirement of shareholder approval in
                                         order for the Trustees to take an
                                         action or actions that would result in
                                         the Company being prevented from
                                         qualifying or continuing to qualify as
                                         an REIT would have the effect of
                                         permitting the Board of Trustees,
                                         without approval of the shareholders,
                                         to take an action which would prevent
                                         the Trust from qualifying as a REIT.
                                         The amendment eliminating the
                                         requirement of shareholder approval for
                                         the disposition of property of the
                                         Company would have the effect of
                                         permitting the Board of Trustees,
                                         without approval of the shareholders,
                                         to sell any or all property of the
                                         Company, including properties purchased
                                         with the proceeds of the Asset Sale or
                                         otherwise acquired prior or subsequent
                                         to the Asset Sale.

EFFECTIVENESS OF THE AMENDMENTS          In the event that Proposal Two is
                                         approved, the Amendments proposed in
                                         Proposal Three and Proposal Four, if
                                         also approved, would take effect upon
                                         consummation of the Asset Sale. In the
                                         event that Proposal Two is not approved
                                         or the Asset Sale does not occur, the
                                         Amendments proposed in Proposal Three
                                         and Proposal Four would not become
                                         effective, whether or not they were
                                         approved. The Company intends to
                                         consummate the Asset Sale upon the
                                         approval of Proposal Two, whether or
                                         not Proposal Three or Proposal Four are

TRUSTEES                                 The Board of Trustees unanimously
                                         recommends that the Beneficiaries
                                         approve the Amendments set forth in
                                         Proposal Three and Proposal Four.



     The Asset Sale will reduce the Company's real estate properties to an
office building in Indianapolis, Indiana and a shopping center in Little Rock,
Arkansas. As a result, the Asset Sale will limit the Company's flexibility to
engage in non-real estate related activities without adversely affecting its
REIT status. Among the other assets of the Company subsequent to the Asset Sale
will be the Company's $10 million investment in the preferred stock of HQ Global
Workplaces, Inc., which is expected to qualify as a Taxable REIT Subsidiary
under the Code provisions effective January 1, 2001.

     By virtue of the income generated by its real estate assets and the gains
it will recognize on the sale of the Properties, including the sale of the
Huntington Garage, the Company believes that it will maintain its qualification
as a REIT for 2000 and 2001. This belief with respect to 2001, however, is
further based upon the assumption that there will not be a meaningful change
during 2001 in the amount or composition of the Company's assets as they exist
immediately following the Asset Sale. If the Company were to invest in
additional non-real estate assets after the Asset Sale, the Company might not
qualify as a REIT in 2001. The Company has no specific plans to invest in
additional non-real estate assets that would cause the Company to lose its REIT
status in 2001. See "Plans for the Company after the Asset Sale," below.


     The Company does not know whether it will continue to qualify as a REIT
after 2001. In order for the Company to qualify as a REIT after 2001, it would
have to implement affirmative strategies to do so, which may include, but not be
limited to: acquisition of real estate businesses or assets; distribution of
cash to shareholders; share repurchases; and acquisition of an unspecified
amount of interests in REMICs (i.e., real estate mortgage investment conduits
within the meaning of Section 860D of the Code).

     If the Company were to fail to qualify as a REIT, it would be subject to
federal income taxation as if it were a domestic corporation (i.e., its income
would be subject to a corporate level tax), and the Beneficiaries would be taxed
on distributions from the Company in the same manner as shareholders in ordinary
corporations (i.e., the distributions generally would be ordinary income). In
addition, the Company would not be required to distribute to its shareholders,
as dividends, 95% of its taxable income. Furthermore, if the Company had
significant net taxable income, it could be subject to potentially significant
corporate income tax liabilities, and, therefore, the amount of cash available
for distribution to the Beneficiaries would be reduced or eliminated and the
liquidity and results of operations could be negatively impacted. As an
additional consequence of losing its REIT status, the Company could not re-elect
REIT status for the four taxable years following the year during which
qualification is lost, and would permanently lose its grandfathered status as a
"stapled" REIT.

     If the Company were to lose its REIT status, it is not anticipated that
there would be, as a result, a significant negative impact on its capital

     Additionally, if the Company were to fail to qualify as a REIT, it might
lose its listing on the New York Stock Exchange. See "Failure to maintain its
REIT status may cause the Company to lose its New York Stock Exchange listing,"


     As discussed above, to maintain its REIT status after 2001, the Company may
invest in REMICs. Depending on the Company's other investments, if any, at such
time, the amount of the Company's investment in REMICs necessary to maintain
REIT status could be substantial. A REMIC is a vehicle that issues multiclass
mortgage-backed securities. Investing in REMICs involves certain risks,
including the failure of a counter-party to meet its commitments, adverse
interest rate changes and the effects of prepayments on mortgage cash flows.
Further, the yield characteristics of REMICs differ from those of traditional
fixed-income securities. The major differences typically include more frequent
interest and principal payments (usually monthly), the adjustability of interest
rates, and the possibility of prepayments of principal. The Company may fail to
recoup fully its investment in REMICs notwithstanding any direct or indirect
governmental agency or other guarantee. REMICs may also be less effective than
other types of U.S. government securities as a means of "locking in" interest


     If any or all of the net proceeds of the Asset Sale are applied to the
acquisition of replacement assets, there can be no assurance that the
replacement assets will provide greater returns to the Company and the
shareholders than the Properties to be sold.


     If the Company were to fail to qualify as a REIT, it might lose its listing
on the New York Stock Exchange. Whether the Company would lose its NYSE listing
would depend on the amount and composition of its assets, as well as many other
factors, at the time it fails to qualify as a REIT. If, at the time it fails to
qualify as a REIT, the Company's assets were substantially similar in amount to
its assets following the Asset Sale, the Company would most likely lose its NYSE
listing. On the other hand, if the Company had acquired significant additional
assets, then the Company would most likely not lose its NYSE listing. In either
event, if the Company loses its NYSE listing, the Company intends to have its


shares listed on another national securities exchange, such as the American
Stock Exchange. The Company believes that even if its assets at that time are
substantially similar to its assets following the Asset Sale, it will qualify
for listing on another national securities exchange.


     The Executives are the principals of Partners and are the managing members
of Purchaser. In April 2000, the Executives, on behalf of the Purchaser, made a
proposal to acquire the Company or a number of its real estate properties. The
negotiation of that proposal ultimately resulted in the Sale Contract. The
Executives had a conflict of interest during the negotiations which culminated
in the Sale Contract, as the Executives had gained knowledge through their
employment with the Company regarding the properties that were the subject of
the Radiant purchase proposal and were negotiating on behalf of Purchaser, and
it was in their best interest to obtain the price and terms for the sale most
favorable to Purchaser. This was in conflict with the interests of the Company,
which desired to obtain the price and terms for the sale most favorable to the
Company. On the other hand, each of the Representatives of the Company who
conducted the negotiations with Purchaser on behalf of the Company has extensive
experience in the real estate industry and was a member of the Executive
Committee of the Board, to which approval of all dispositions and financings of
the Company's real estate properties had been delegated by the Board. Each of
the Representatives was knowledgeable regarding the real estate properties of
the Company. Other than Mr. Friedman, none of the Trustees of the Company,
including the Representatives, or their affiliates had an interest in, or a
relationship with, Purchaser or any of its affiliates.


     No fairness opinion from an independent professional advisor to the Company
was obtained in connection with the Asset Sale, nor were independent appraisals
of the Properties obtained in connection with the Asset Sale. In connection with
its approval of the Sale Contract, the Board determined not to retain a third
party to render a fairness opinion or obtain independent property appraisals
regarding the Asset Sale because it (i) believed that the Company had ample
opportunity to determine the fair market value of the Properties by widely
marketing the Properties and the Company for an extended period of time and (ii)
the Board desired to avoid the expense of a fairness opinion. The Board of
Trustees of the Company is comprised of persons with extensive experience in the
real estate industry.



     The amendment eliminating the requirement of shareholder approval in order
for the Trustees to take an action or actions that would result in the Company
being prevented from qualifying or continuing to qualify as an REIT would have
the effect of permitting the Board of Trustees, without approval of the
shareholders, to take an action which would prevent the Trust from qualifying as

     Subsequent to the Asset Sale, the Board of Trustees may determine that it
is in the best interest of the Trust to dispose of part or all of the remaining
properties of the Trust, to make certain investments that do not enhance the
REIT qualification of the Trust, or to determine not to make certain other
investments for the purpose of generating REIT-qualified income. These or other
actions may be deemed to be actions which cause the Trust to fail to qualify as
a REIT for federal income tax purposes. In the event that the Company was no
longer a REIT, among other consequences, the Company would no longer be required
to distribute to its shareholders, as dividends, 95% of its taxable income. See
"Risks Relating To Proposal Two: Consent to the Asset Sale," above.



     The amendment eliminating the requirement of shareholder approval for the
disposition of property of the Company would have the effect of permitting the
Board of Trustees, without approval of the shareholders, to sell, exchange,
transfer or dispose of any or all property of the Company, in one or more
transactions, which may or may not be related, including properties purchased
with the proceeds of the Asset Sale or otherwise acquired prior or subsequent to
the Asset Sale.

     Subsequent to the Asset Sale, the Board of Trustees may determine that it
is in the best interest of the Trust to dispose of part or all of the remaining
properties of the Trust. These or other actions may be deemed to be actions
which cause the Trust to fail to qualify as a REIT for federal income tax
purposes. In the event that the Company was no longer a REIT, among other
consequences, the Company would no longer be required to distribute to its
shareholders, as dividends, 95% of its taxable income. See "Risks Relating To
Proposal Two: Consent to the Asset Sale," above.


     Under the Amended and Restated Declaration of Trust of the Company, the
Board of Trustees is divided into three classes, with each class as nearly equal
in number to the other classes as possible. The term of office of each class
expires in successive years. Accordingly, at each annual meeting, successors to
the Trustees whose terms expire at that meeting are elected to three-year terms.
Any vacancy occurring in a class of Trustees may be filled by a majority vote of
the Trustees remaining in office, effective for the remainder of the term for
such class.

     The Board of Trustees is currently comprised of nine Trustees and is
divided into three classes known as Class I, II and III whose terms expire in
2000, 2001 and 2002, respectively. The authorized number of Trustees has been
fixed at 15 by the shareholders and the authorized size of each class has been
fixed at five members. Class II is currently comprised of five members. Classes
I and III are currently comprised of two members and three vacancies in each
Class. See "--Remaining Trustees," below.


     Talton R. Embry and Steven S. Snider are the current Trustees whose terms
as members of Class I of the Board of Trustees will expire at the Meeting. Mr.
Embry was appointed by the Board of Trustees in September 2000 to fill a vacancy
in Class I. Mr. Snider was elected by shareholders as a Class I Trustee in 1998.
Messrs. Friedman and Shuchman, formerly Class I Trustees, resigned as Class I
Trustees effective in September 2000.

     Talton R. Embry and Steven S. Snider are nominees for election as Class I
Trustees at the Meeting (the "Board's Nominees"), to serve for a term of three
years expiring at the 2003 annual meeting, upon the election of successors.
While the Trustees do not anticipate that any of the Board's Nominees will be
unable to serve, if any is not available for election, proxies may be voted for
a substitute as well as for the other persons named.


     The Board of Trustees recommends a vote FOR the election of Messrs. Embry
and Snider as Trustees, to serve for a term of three years expiring at the 2003
annual meeting, upon the election of successors.

                                             PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS,                  PERIOD OF SERVICE   EXPIRATION
       ------------          ------------------------------------------------------  -----------------   ----------
Talton R. Embry (53)         Mr. Embry has been the Chairman of Magten Asset          September 2000        2000
                             Management Corp. ("Magten"), a private investment        to Date
                             management company, since 1998, where he is the chief
                             investment officer for Magten's clients. Mr. Embry has
                             been associated with Magten in various capacities
                             since 1978. Mr. Embry is also a director of Imperial
                             Parking Corporation ("Impark"), Anacomp, Inc., Salant
                             Corporation and BDK Holdings, Inc.
Steven S. Snider (43)        Mr. Snider has been a senior partner at Hale and Dorr    June 1998 to          2000
                             LLP ("Hale and Dorr"), a law firm, since June 1988 and   Date
                             a junior partner from June 1985 to June 1988.


     In September 2000, Mr. Berkowitz resigned as a Class II Trustee, Mr.
Klafter resigned as a Class III Trustee and Mr. Citrin was appointed a Class II
Trustee by the Board of Trustees. Ms. Tighe and Messrs. Garchik and Williams
have tendered their resignations as Class II Trustees effective upon the
adjournment of the Meeting. After the Meeting, there will be six Trustees with
two in each of the three Classes. The Trustees other than the Class I Trustees
nominated for election at the Meeting, whose terms of office as Trustee will
continue after the Meeting and will expire in the year set forth opposite his
name, upon the election and qualification of his successor, and certain
additional information with respect to each of them, are as follows:

                                 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS,            PERIOD OF SERVICE   EXPIRATION
    ------------       ------------------------------------------  -----------------   ----------
William A. Ackman      Mr. Ackman has been Chairman of the Board   June 1998 to Date      2001
  (34)                 of Trustees of the Company since June
                       1998. Since January 1, 1993, through a
                       company he owns, Mr. Ackman has served as
                       co-investment manager of three investment
                       funds: Gotham Partners L.P. ("Gotham LP"),
                       Gotham Partners III, L.P. ("Gotham III
                       LP") and Gotham International Advisors,
                       L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability
                       company ("GIA"). Mr. Ackman has been
                       Chairman and a director of Impark from
                       March 2000 to present.
Jeffrey B. Citrin      Mr. Citrin has been President of Blackacre  September 2000 to      2001
  (42)                 Capital Management LLC, a private fund      Date
                       engaged in real estate investment, since


                                 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS,            PERIOD OF SERVICE   EXPIRATION
    ------------       ------------------------------------------  -----------------   ----------
Daniel J. Altobello    Mr. Altobello has been a partner in         June 1998 to Date      2002
  (59)                 Ariston Investment Partners, a consulting
                       firm, since October 1995. Mr. Altobello
                       was Chairman of the Board of ONEX Food
                       Services, Inc., an airline catering
                       company from October 1995 to January 2000.
                       Mr. Altobello was the Chairman, President
                       and Chief Executive Officer of Caterair
                       International Corporation, an airline
                       catering company, from November 1989 until
                       October 1995. Mr. Altobello is a member of
                       the Board of Directors of ONEX Food
                       Services, Inc., American Management
                       Systems, Inc., Colorado Prime, Inc., Care
                       First, Inc., Care First of Maryland, Inc.,
                       Mesa Air Group, Inc., World Airways, Inc.,
                       Sodexho Marriott Services, Inc., Atlantic
                       Aviation Holdings, Thayer Capital Partners
                       and Friedman, Billings and Ramsey, Inc.
William A. Scully      Mr. Scully has been Vice Chairman of the    October 1998 to        2002
  (39)                 Board of Trustees of the Company since      Date
                       November 1998. Mr. Scully has been a
                       partner of Apollo Real Estate Advisors II,
                       L.P. ("Apollo") since 1996 and is
                       responsible for new investments and
                       investment management. Mr. Scully has been
                       a director of Impark from March 2000 to
                       present. From 1994 to 1996, Mr. Scully was
                       a Senior Vice President of O'Connor
                       Capital, Inc., the general partner of The
                       Argo Funds, and the Director of
                       Acquisitions for The Argo Funds. From 1993
                       to 1994, Mr. Scully directed private
                       investment activities for entities related
                       to Clark Construction and The Carlyle
                       Group, primarily in land development
                       projects in suburban Washington, D.C. Mr.
                       Scully was a member of GE Capital's
                       portfolio acquisitions group from 1991 to


                            COMPENSATION OF TRUSTEES

     Trustees, other than Messrs. Ackman, Berkowitz, Friedman, Klafter, Shuchman
and Scully, received in May 1999 for Board service an annual retainer fee of
2,500 restricted Shares. In addition, during 1999 they were paid an attendance
fee of $1,500 for each Board or committee meeting attended in person and a $500
fee for each Board or committee meeting attended telephonically. The
restrictions on the Shares granted to the Trustees in May 1999 will be removed
as of the Meeting in accordance with the 1999 Share Option Plan for Trustees.


     The Board of Trustees held 11 meetings during 1999. Each of the present
Trustees attended at least 75% of the aggregate of the meetings of the Board and
the committees of the Board on which he or she served. The Board has standing
Audit, Compensation and Nominating Committees.


     The Audit Committee is comprised entirely of Trustees who are not employees
of the Company. The Committee recommends to the Board the appointment of
auditors to examine and report on the combined financial statements, reviews
with the independent auditors the arrangements for and results of the audit
engagement, reviews the independence of the auditors, considers the range of
audit and non-audit fees and reviews the Company's system of internal accounting
controls. The members of the Audit Committee are Daniel J. Altobello (Chairman),
Steven S. Snider and James A. Williams. The Audit Committee held two meetings
during 1999.


     The Nominating Committee is responsible for recommending nominees to the
Board of Trustees to fill vacancies on the Board of Trustees and for evaluating
shareholder nominees for election as Trustees. The members of the Nominating
Committee are James A. Williams (Chairman), Stephen J. Garchik, Daniel Shuchman
and Mary Ann Tighe. The Nominating Committee did not meet during 1999.


     The Compensation Committee was formed on February 9, 1999 and held one
meeting during 1999. The Compensation Committee is responsible for making
recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding matters of employee and
officer compensation and overseeing of the administration of benefit plans of
the Trust. From June 3, 1998 through the date the Compensation Committee was
formed, the Board of Trustees was responsible for the hiring and compensation of
the Trust's executives. The members of the Compensation Committee are Daniel J.
Altobello (Chairman), William A. Ackman and James A. Williams.


                         AND CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS

     The table below sets forth, with respect to Trustees, nominees for Trustee,
certain named executive officers, and all Trustees and executive officers as a
group, information relating to their beneficial ownership of Shares as of August
31, 2000:

                                                        AMOUNT AND NATURE
             ------------------------               --------------------------    -------
     William A. Ackman(2).........................           5,841,233            14.15%
     Daniel J. Altobello(3).......................               4,500                 *
     David P. Berkowitz(2)........................           5,841,233            14.15%
     Daniel P. Friedman (also an Executive
       Officer)(4)................................             348,983                 *
     Stephen J. Garchik(3,5)......................               7,500                 *
     David S. Klafter(5,6)........................                   0                --
     William A. Scully(7).........................                   0                --
     Daniel Shuchman(5,6).........................                   0                --
     Steven S. Snider(3)..........................               7,500                 *
     Mary Ann Tighe(3,5)..........................               7,500                 *
     James A. Williams(3,5,8).....................              21,500                 *
     Jeffrey Citrin(9)............................               7,970                 *
     Talton Embry(10,16)..........................           5,801,070            14.06%
     Anne N. Zahner(11)...........................             156,744                 *
     David Schonberger(11)........................             156,744                 *
All Trustees, Nominees and Executive Officers
  (15 in number) as a group(12)...................          12,361,244            29.95%

- ---------------
 * Beneficial ownership does not exceed 1%

     The following table sets forth, according to publicly available information
on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") as of the
dates indicated in the accompanying footnotes, except as otherwise indicated,
information concerning each person known by the Company to be the beneficial
owner of more than 5% of the Shares:

                                                     AMOUNT AND NATURE
                                                       OF BENEFICIAL
    ------------------------------------             -----------------            -------
Gotham Partners, L.P.(14)....................            5,841,233                14.15%
Gotham International Advisors, L.L.C
Gotham Partners III, L.P.
110 East 42nd Street
New York, New York 10017
Apollo Real Estate Investment Fund II,
  L.P.(15)...................................            2,990,379                 7.25%
Apollo Real Estate Advisors, L.P.
1301 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10019
Magten Asset Management Corp.(16)............            4,619,690                11.19%
35 East 21st Street
New York, New York 10010
Snyder Capital Management, L.P.(17)..........            4,519,000                10.95%
Snyder Capital Management, Inc.
350 California Street Suite 1460
San Francisco, California 94104

- ---------------

 (1) Pursuant to Rule 13d-3 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, a person is
     deemed to be a beneficial owner if he has or shares voting power or
     investment authority in respect of such security or has the right to
     acquire beneficial ownership within 60 days. The amounts shown in the above
     table do not purport to represent beneficial ownership except as


     determined in accordance with this Rule. Each Trustee and executive officer
     has sole voting and investment power with respect to the amounts shown or
     shared voting and investment powers with his or her spouse, except as
     indicated below.

 (2) Mr. Ackman is the President of Karenina Corporation, a general partner of
     Section H Partners ("Section H") and Mr. Berkowitz is the President of DPB
     Corporation ("DPB"), a general partner of Section H. Section H is the sole
     general partner of Gotham LP and Gotham III LP. Accordingly, Mr. Ackman,
     Mr. Berkowitz, Karenina Corporation, DPB and Section H may be deemed
     beneficial owners of Shares owned by Gotham LP and Gotham III LP. Gotham
     International Advisors, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company
     ("GIA"), has the power to vote and dispose of the Shares held for the
     account of Gotham Partners International, Limited, a Cayman exempted
     company ("Gotham International"), and accordingly, may be deemed the
     beneficial owner of such Shares. Mr. Ackman and Mr. Berkowitz are senior
     managing members of GIA and may be deemed beneficial owners of Shares owned
     by Gotham International. For purposes of this table, all of such ownership
     is included. The address of Messrs. Ackman and Berkowitz is c/o Gotham
     Partners L.P., 110 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10017.

 (3) Includes 2,500 share awards ("Share Awards") granted to each of Mr.
     Altobello, Mr. Garchik, Mr. Snider, Ms. Tighe and Mr. Williams (each, a
     "Grantee") under the Trust's 1999 Share Option Plan for Trustees, pursuant
     to which such Share Awards will generally become vested on the day
     immediately prior to the Meeting if the Grantee is still a member of the
     Board of Trustees at such time. Each Grantee currently has voting and
     dividend rights with respect to such Share Awards.

 (4) Includes 313,735 Shares that Mr. Friedman has the vested right to acquire
     through the exercise of options.

 (5) Mr. Klafter, Mr. Shuchman, Ms. Tighe and Mr. Williams are limited partners
     of Gotham LP and Mr. Garchik is a limited partner of the general partner of
     Gotham LP. As such, they have no right to vote or dispose of any Shares
     held by Gotham LP, and therefore do not beneficially own any Shares held by
     Gotham LP.

 (6) Mr. Klafter and Mr. Shuchman are limited partners of Section H and members
     of GIA. As limited partners of Section H, Mr. Klafter and Mr. Shuchman have
     no right to vote or dispose of any Shares held by Gotham LP or Gotham III
     LP and therefore do not beneficially own any Shares held by Gotham LP or
     Gotham III LP. As members of GIA, Mr. Klafter and Mr. Shuchman have no
     right to vote or dispose of any Shares held by Gotham International, and
     therefore do not beneficially own any Shares held by Gotham International.

 (7) Mr. Scully is a limited partner of Apollo. As a limited partner, he has no
     right to vote or dispose of any Shares held by Apollo, and therefore does
     not beneficially own any Shares held by Apollo.

 (8) Includes 4,200 shares that are owned through pension plans with respect to
     which Mr. Williams has sole voting power.

 (9) Includes 1,527 Shares owned directly and 3,809 Shares owned by minor
     children. Also includes 2,634 Shares owned by spouse, beneficial ownership
     of which is disclaimed. Mr. Citrin is President of Blackacre Capital
     Management LLC, which may be deemed to be under common control with
     Cerberus Partners L.P. Cerberus Partners L.P. and its affiliates
     beneficially own 1,769,615 Shares, in accordance with information provided
     by Mr. Citrin, beneficial ownership of which is disclaimed by Mr. Citrin.

(10) According to a Report of Changes in Beneficial Ownership on Form 4 filed by
     Mr. Embry for July 2000, at July 31, 2000, Mr. Embry was deemed to
     beneficially own 5,801,070 Shares. As the Chairman of Magten, Mr. Embry is
     deemed to beneficially own all of the Shares beneficially owned by Magten.
     He also beneficially owns additional Shares with respect to which he has
     sole voting and investment power.

(11) Includes 156,744 Shares which each of Mr. Schonberger and Ms. Zahner has
     the vested right to acquire through the exercise of options.

(12) Includes a total of 639,723 Shares, which are referenced in the first
     sentence of footnotes 4 and 9 and a total 12,500 Share Awards, which are
     referenced in footnote 3.

(13) Pursuant to Rule 13d-3 of the Exchange Act, a person is deemed to be a
     beneficial owner if he has or shares voting power or investment authority
     in respect of such security or has the right to acquire beneficial
     ownership within 60 days. The amounts shown in the above table do not
     purport to represent beneficial ownership except as determined in
     accordance with this Rule.

(14) The Company obtained the information regarding these holders from an
     amendment to Schedule 13D filed with the Commission on July 16, 1999 and
     from Gotham LP. Gotham LP has sole voting and investment power with respect
     to 4,331,121 Shares, GIA has shared voting and investment power with
     respect to 1,431,664 Shares and Gotham III LP has sole voting and
     investment power with respect to 78,448 Shares.

(15) The Company obtained the information regarding these holders from a
     Schedule 13D filed with the Commission on July 28, 1998. These holders have
     shared voting and investment power with respect to all Shares indicated.

(16) The information regarding Magten is as of December 31, 1999 and was
     obtained from a Schedule 13G filed with the Commission on March 10, 2000.
     Magten was deemed to beneficially own 4,619,690 Shares. Magten has shared
     investment power with respect to all of these Shares and has shared voting
     power with respect to 3,609,610 of these Shares.

(17) The information regarding these holders is as of December 31, 1999 and was
     obtained from an amendment to Schedule 13G filed with the Commission on
     February 15, 2000. These holders have shared voting power with respect to
     4,032,340 Shares and shared investment power with respect to 4,519,000




     In July 1998, Gotham LP and Gotham III LP funded $15 million of a $90
million original principal amount bridge loan (the "Bridge Loan") to the Company
that was needed to fund a tender offer to repurchase the Company's 8 7/8% Senior
Notes Due 2003 (the "Senior Notes"). Gotham LP and Gotham III LP, together with
its affiliate Gotham International Advisors LLC, beneficially own 14.15% of the
Shares. William A. Ackman and David P. Berkowitz indirectly control and have a
pecuniary interest in each of the foregoing Gotham entities.

     In January 1999, the Bridge Loan, was amended to:

     - extend the maturity of the Bridge Loan to August 11, 1999,

     - incorporate certain covenants from another credit facility into the
       Bridge Loan, and

     - modify the Company's obligation to conduct a rights offering to raise
       funds to repay all amounts outstanding under the Bridge Loan.

     In consideration for these amendments, the Company:

     - paid the lenders under the Bridge Loan a fee of $300,000,

     - increased the interest rate on the Bridge Loan from 9.875% to 12% per
       annum, and

     - paid the lenders under the Bridge Loan additional fees totaling
       $1,508,700 in 1999, which fees were determined based upon the outstanding
       principal balance of the Bridge Loan on various dates.

     The lenders under the Bridge Loan and the Company subsequently agreed to
require the Company to reduce the outstanding principal balance under the Bridge
Loan to less than approximately $38 million by May 15, 1999 and to allow $9
million of the net proceeds from the Company's proposed rights offering to be
used to repay amounts outstanding under another credit facility. This $9 million
portion of the Bridge Loan then bore interest at 15% per annum.

     The Bridge Loan was repaid in full in July 1999. During 1999, a total of
$5.2 million was paid as interest on the Bridge Loan, of which $934,426 was paid
to Gotham LP and Gotham III LP as lenders under the Bridge Loan. During 1999, a
total of $1,808,700 in fees were paid to the lenders in connection with the
Bridge Loan, of which $268,117 was paid to Gotham LP and Gotham III LP.


     In August 1998, the Company obtained standby purchase commitments from
Gotham LP and Gotham III LP in connection with the rights offering conducted to
repay the Bridge Loan.

     In April 1999, the Company amended its standby purchase commitments with
Gotham LP and Gotham III LP. Among other things, the parties agreed that:

     - Gotham Partners International, Ltd. ("Gotham International") would be
       added as another standby purchaser. William A. Ackman and David P.
       Berkowitz indirectly control and have a pecuniary interest in Gotham

     - the Company would conduct a rights offering for at least $20 million (the
       "First Offering") and for which the standby purchasers would "standby" to
       purchase up to such number of Shares that would result in gross proceeds
       to the Company of the lesser of $50 million and the amount of gross
       proceeds from the First Offering,

     - the Company would pay Gotham LP, Gotham III LP and Gotham International
       (collectively, "Gotham") an aggregate standby purchaser fee equal to
       $1,800,000 upon the execution of such amendments,


     - the standby purchaser would have certain customary rights to terminate
       their respective obligations, and

     - the standby purchase commitments would expire August 11, 1999.

     Due to the success of the First Offering, the Company did not have to
exercise its rights under the standby purchase commitments.

     In addition, in April 1999 Gotham agreed with the Company to standby
purchase commitments in connection with a potential second rights offering. The
Company, however, relieved Gotham of such obligations and no fees were paid to
Gotham in connection with any second offering.


     Pursuant to the standby purchase commitments, a registration rights
agreement ("Registration Rights Agreement") was entered into between the Company
and Gotham in November 1999 which provided for the registration by the Company
of Shares owned by Gotham at the expense of the Company. Under the Registration
Rights Agreement, Gotham requested that the Company file a shelf registration
statement relating to the offer and sale of all qualifying securities held by
Gotham. Under the Registration Rights Agreement, the shelf registration
statement was required to be filed on or before December 15, 1999. Gotham has
extended such required filing date on numerous occasions and the Company is
currently required to file such shelf registration statement on or before
January 31, 2001. Should the Company fail to file the shelf registration
statement by such date, absent a further extension by Gotham, it will likely be
in breach of its obligations under the Registration Rights Agreement and Gotham
will be entitled to seek specific performance by the Company and to pursue other
legal and equitable remedies.


     The Trust has engaged the law firm of Hale and Dorr to advise the Trust on
certain matters. Steven S. Snider, a member of the Board of Trustees, is a
senior partner at Hale and Dorr. In 1999, the Trust made $268,970 in payments to
Hale and Dorr for services rendered.

     The Trust leases four of its parking facilities to a third party which is
partially owned by an affiliate of Apollo. In 1999, the Trust received
approximately $4.0 million in rent from this third party with respect to these

     The Trust in December 1998 engaged Ackman-Ziff Real Estate Group LLC
("Ackman-Ziff") to arrange for mortgage financing on several properties of the
Trust. Lawrence D. Ackman, who is the father of William A. Ackman, is an equity
owner of Ackman-Ziff. The Board of Trustees was informed of the aforementioned
family relationship in advance of the engagement of Ackman-Ziff by the
management of the Trust. William A. Ackman did not participate in the decision
of management with respect to the engagement of Ackman-Ziff by the Company. In
1999, $609,952 in fees were paid to Ackman-Ziff.

     The related party transactions described above, including without
limitation, the Bridge Loan, the standby purchase commitments, the Registration
Rights Agreement, the engagement of Hale and Dorr for legal services, the
leasing of four parking facilities to an affiliate of Apollo and the engagement
of Ackman-Ziff for mortgage brokerage services were negotiated at arms length or
were subject to competitive bidding and the Trust believes that the terms of
such transactions were as favorable to the Trust as those that would have been
obtained from unrelated third parties.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The table below sets forth the plan and non-plan compensation awarded, paid
or earned for services rendered to the Company during each of the last three
years to or by the Chief Executive Officer during 1999 and each of the remaining
highest compensated executive officers of the Trust at December 31, 1999.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                           ANNUAL COMPENSATION                       COMPENSATION AWARDS
                             ------------------------------------------------   ------------------------------
                                                                                   SECURITIES          LTIP
                                                    BONUS      OTHER ANNUAL        UNDERLYING        PAYOUTS
- ---------------------------  ----   ------------   --------   ---------------   -----------------   ----------
Daniel P. Friedman........   1999     $342,833                                        376,483
  President and Chief        1998       56,667                                      1,080,000
  Executive Officer                                                                                  $126,414

Anne N. Zahner............   1999     $201,667     $135,000                           125,494
  Executive Vice President   1998       33,333                                        360,000        $  9,062

David Schonberger.........   1999     $201,667     $135,000                           125,494
  Executive Vice President   1998       33,333                                        360,000

Brenda J. Mixson..........   1999     $226,000     $100,000
  Chief Financial Officer

- ---------------

(1)Amounts shown for 1998 salaries are for a two-month period commencing
   November 1998.


                        AND CHANGE IN CONTROL AGREEMENTS


     In November 1998, the Trust entered into a four-year employment agreement
with Mr. Friedman. The agreement provided that he would be President and Chief
Executive Officer of the Trust and that the Trust would use its reasonable best
efforts to cause him to be elected to the Board of Trustees and its Executive
Committee. Under the agreement, Mr. Friedman received an annual base salary of
not less than $340,000, subject to annual review and increase by the Board of
Trustees by at least 5% each year, health and welfare benefits and 1,080,000
stock options, as described in the Stock Option tables below. Mr. Friedman was
also entitled to options to purchase additional Shares equal to 3% of the Shares
issued by the Trust in connection with raising an additional $120 million of
equity. Such options would have an exercise price equal to the purchase price of
the Shares offered for sale. Additionally, the Trust agreed to pay Mr. Friedman
long-term compensation as follows: one-third on the commencement of his
employment, and one-third on the second and fourth anniversaries of the
commencement of his employment.

     The Trust also entered into a four-year employment agreement with each of
Mr. Schonberger and Ms. Zahner in November 1998. Mr. Schonberger and Ms. Zahner
were Executive Vice Presidents of the Trust and received annual base salaries of
not less than $200,000 each, subject to annual review and increase by the Board
of Trustees by at least 5% each year, health and welfare benefits and 360,000
stock options, as described in the Stock Option tables below. Under each of
their employment agreements, Ms. Zahner and Mr. Schonberger were also entitled
to options to purchase additional Shares equal to 1% of the Shares issued by the
Trust in connection with raising an additional $120 million of equity. Such
options would have an exercise price equal to the purchase price of the Shares
offered for sale. Additionally, the Trust agreed to pay Ms. Zahner long-term
compensation as follows: one-third on the commencement of her employment, and
one-third on the second and fourth anniversaries of the commencement of her

     Each executive's employment could be terminated at any time; however, if
the Trust were to terminate such executive's employment without cause, or if he
or she terminated his or her employment for good reason or in the event of a
"change in control," the Trust would be required to: (1) continue to pay his or
her accrued but unpaid base salary and earned but unpaid bonuses and incentive
compensation, (2) provide benefits for a period of two years, and (3) pay a lump
sum equal to three times base salary, if the executive were terminated prior to
18 months from the commencement of his or her term, or a lump sum equal to two
and a half times base salary, if the executive were terminated after 18 months
from the commencement of his or her term.

     For purposes of the employment agreements, a "change in control" would have
occurred if any of the following events occur:

     (A) An acquisition (other than directly from the Trust or any subsidiary,
an employment benefit plan (in a trust forming a part thereof) maintained by the
Trust or any subsidiary of the Trust, or any person in connection with such
acquisition) of any voting securities of the Trust (treating all classes of
outstanding voting securities or other securities convertible into voting
securities as if they were converted into voting securities) by any person
(other than Gotham LP, Apollo or any affiliate of Gotham LP or Apollo)
immediately after which such person has beneficial ownership of 30% or more of
the combined voting power of the Trust's then outstanding voting securities.

     (B) Six of the ten individuals who were appointed to the Board of Trustees
after April 1, 1998 cease for any reason to be members of the Board; provided,
however, that if the election, or nomination for election by the Trust's
shareholders, of any new Trustee was approved by Mr. Friedman, such new Trustee
shall, for purposes of the employment agreement, be considered as a member of
the Board of Trustees who was appointed after April 1, 1998.


     (C) A merger, consolidation or reorganization involving the Trust, unless
certain circumstances had occurred.

     Notwithstanding the foregoing, a change in control shall not be deemed to
occur solely because any person acquired beneficial ownership of more than the
permitted amount of the outstanding voting securities as a result of the
acquisition of voting securities by the Trust which, by reducing the number of
voting securities outstanding, increases the proportional number of Shares
beneficially owned by such person, provided that if a change in control would
occur (but for the operation of this sentence) as a result of the acquisition of
voting securities by the Trust, and after such Share acquisition by the Trust,
such person becomes the beneficial owner of any additional voting securities
which increases the percentage of the then outstanding voting securities
beneficially owned by such person, then a change in control shall occur.


     In March 2000, the Trust amended the employment agreements of each of
Messrs. Friedman and Schonberger and Ms. Zahner (each, an "Executive"). The
amended agreements provided that after (i) the Impark spin-off and (ii) a sale
or financing of Park Plaza Mall (the "Park Plaza Financing"), each Executive may
terminate his or her employment with the Trust on or after June 1, 2000, and
then shall be entitled to receive a severance payment from the Company of
$1,001,000 for Mr. Friedman and $630,000 for each of Mr. Schonberger and Ms.
Zahner. The Impark spin-off and the Park Plaza Financing have occurred and each
Executive terminated his or her employment agreement and received the severance
payment on or about June 1, 2000. The amended employment agreements also
provided, among other things, that the options held by the Executives with
exercise prices of $8.50 and $6.50 were canceled and that certain additional
options granted in connection with the Rights Offering with an initial exercise
price of $4.00 per share would become immediately exercisable and expire eight
months after a termination of employment under certain circumstances. Prior to
termination of employment, each Executive was permitted to invest in other
businesses, provided that the Executive first offers such opportunity to the
Trust. Finally, the amended employment agreements provided that (A) two of the
Executives, Messrs. Friedman and Schonberger, would receive options to purchase
shares of Impark and (B) the Trust would pay Ms. Zahner an additional cash
payment of $110,000.

     For additional information with respect to Messrs. Friedman and
Schonberger, Ms. Zahner and Radiant Partners LLC, see "Proposal Two: Consent to
the Asset Sale -- The Parties: Purchaser," and " -- Interests of Management or
Trustees in the Asset Sale," below.

                       OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

                                                                                     POTENTIAL REALIZABLE
                                              INDIVIDUAL GRANTS                        VALUE AT ASSUMED
                           -------------------------------------------------------      ANNUAL RATES OF
                             NUMBER OF     % OF TOTAL                                     SHARE PRICE
                              SHARES        OPTIONS                                      APPRECIATION
                            UNDERLYING     GRANTED TO     EXERCISE                      FOR 10 YEARS(3)
                              OPTIONS      EMPLOYEES        PRICE       EXPIRATION   ---------------------
          NAME             GRANTED(1)(2)    IN 1999     PER SHARE($)       DATE       5%(#)        10%(#)
          ----             -------------   ----------   -------------   ----------   -------      --------
Daniel P. Friedman.......     376,483          60%          $3.69       11/2/2008      --           --
Anne N. Zahner...........     125,494          20%          $3.69       11/2/2008      --           --
David Schonberger........     125,494          20%          $3.69       11/2/2008      --           --
Brenda J. Mixson.........          --

- ---------------

(1) The options for Messrs. Friedman and Schonberger and Ms. Zahner were granted
    in accordance with each of their employment agreements based on the new
    equity raised from the Company's rights offering in May 1999. The options
    were issued under the 1994 Plan in the form of Incentive Stock Options to
    the maximum extent permitted by Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code of
    1986, as amended (the "Code") and Nonstatutory Stock Options. At the time of
    grant, the options had an exercise price of $4.00 per Share, representing
    the per Share issue price of the new equity. The options have a cost of
    capital feature, which provides that the exercise price will increase by 10%
    per annum, prorated monthly, and it will decrease by the


    amount of per share dividends or other distributions to shareholders;
    however, the increase in the exercise price will not begin until May 2,
    2000. During 1999, dividends declared of $.31 per share reduced the original
    exercise price. The options become exercisable ratably over four years and
    expire after 10 years, based on options that were previously granted in
    1998. Effective on May 17, 1999, the 1994 Plan was amended and restated and
    renamed the 1999 Long Term Incentive Plan.

(2) Effective June 1, 2000, in accordance with the provisions of their
    Employment Agreements, as amended, certain stock options held by the
    Executives were canceled and certain additional options granted in
    connection with the rights offering became immediately exercisable. See
    "Employment Contracts, Termination of Employment and Change in Control
    Agreements -- Amendments to Employment Agreements", above.

(3) The potential realizable value cannot be calculated because the amount of
    dividends or other distributions to shareholders, which decrease the per
    Share option price, are not determinable over the 10-year option life.

                       AND FISCAL YEAR END OPTION VALUES

                                                               NUMBER OF
                                                           SHARES UNDERLYING           VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                          UNEXERCISED OPTIONS          IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS
                           SHARES                        AT FISCAL YEAR END(#)         AT FISCAL YEAR END($)
                          ACQUIRED         VALUE      ---------------------------   ---------------------------
        ----           --------------   -----------   -------------   -----------   -------------   -----------
Daniel P. Friedman...                                   1,092,363       364,120       $299,305        $99,767
Anne N. Zahner.......                                     364,120       121,374       $ 99,767        $33,256
David Schonberger....                                     364,120       121,374       $ 99,767        $33,256
Brenda J. Mixson.....



     The Compensation Committee's policy with respect to the compensation of
executive officers is to pay cash and other compensation to attract and retain
high quality executive officers. The compensation packages provided to the Chief
Executive Officer and President and the Executive Vice Presidents (the
"Executives") were the outcome of negotiations between the Trust and the
individuals involved.

     In 1998, the Trust granted the three new members of management options at
strike prices significantly above market, each with a cost of capital feature.
It was provided that the strike prices of the options granted would increase by
10% per annum and would decrease by the amount of any dividends or distributions
made to shareholders; however, the increase in the strike prices did not begin
until May 2, 2000. Effective in March 2000, pursuant to amendments to their
employment agreements, the foregoing options were canceled. See the discussion
at "Employment Contracts, Termination of Employment and Change in Control
Agreements -- Amendments to Employment Agreements."

     The Compensation Committee's policy is that a substantial portion of an
executive officer's compensation is to be incentive based. That policy is
reflected in the compensation packages provided to the Executives by the
inclusion therein of stock options that were priced above the market price of
the Trust's common shares on the date of the grant, which options would gain
value only if the common shares of the Trust increased in value. The starting
salaries of the Executives, as provided in their respective employment
agreements, were not increased during the effectiveness of the agreements from
November 1998 through termination of the agreements in June 2000, except for a
5% increase, effective November 1999, as required under the employment
agreements. The salary amounts shown as being paid in 1998 to the Executives in
the Summary Compensation Table were for a period of less than two months, as
their employment commenced in November 1998. Mr. Friedman, as President and
Chief Executive Officer of the Company, did not receive a performance bonus
during 1998 or 1999. Mr. Schonberger and Ms. Zahner, as Executive Vice
Presidents, received performance bonuses for their roles in administrating the
successful sale and refinancing of numerous assets of the Trust, as directed by
the Board of Trustees. Ms. Mixson, who served as Chief Financial Officer during
1999 and did not


have an employment agreement with the Company, received a performance bonus of
$100,000 during 1999. These cash bonuses compensated these individuals for
superior individual performances in carrying out responsibilities assigned to
them by the Board of Trustees.

     In 1999, the Trust granted to Messrs. Friedman and Schonberger and Ms.
Zahner options at a strike price equal to the sales price of Shares in the
rights offering, pursuant to provisions in their employment agreements that
obligated the Trust to issue said options. Effective June 1, 2000, those options
became immediately exercisable. See the information provided for the foregoing
individuals in "Security Ownership of Trustees and Officers and Certain
Beneficial Owners", above.

     The Compensation Committee believes that option compensation is generally
only appropriate for those employees who can materially impact the value of the
entire company. Otherwise, the Trust intends to compensate executives with cash
bonuses based on an executive officer's performance in his or her particular
area of responsibility. To the extent consistent with the general business goals
of the Trust and its other compensation policies, the Board of Trustees and the
Compensation Committee structure annual bonus and long-term incentive awards
with the intention that compensation deductions attributable thereto would not
be limited by Section 162(m) of the Code.


     During 1999, Mr. Friedman served as Chief Executive Officer and President
pursuant to an employment agreement. See "Employment Contracts, Termination of
Employment and Change in Control Agreements -- Employment Agreements" for
further information. During the period of his employment in 1999, he received a
base salary at the rate of $340,000 per annum that was increased to $357,000 per
annum effective November 1999 and new options to purchase 376,483 Shares, which
were to become exercisable ratably over four years and expire in 2008. Due to
the amendment to the Employment Agreements and the termination of employment,
effective June 1, 2000, Mr. Friedman held options to purchase 313,735 shares,
exercisable immediately with an expiration of February 2001.


William A. Ackman
Daniel J. Altobello
James A. Williams


                               PERFORMANCE GRAPH

     The performance graph assumes $100 invested on December 31, 1994 in Shares,
all REITs and the NYSE Composite Index, with dividends reinvested when paid and
Share prices as of the last day of each calendar year. The total return for all
REITs was compiled by the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts.

                                                       FIRST UNION                  ALL REITS             NYSE COMPOSITE INDEX
                                                       -----------                  ---------             --------------------
1994                                                       100                         100                         100
1995                                                       112                         118                         131
1996                                                       209                         161                         161
1997                                                       283                         191                         218
1998                                                       101                         155                         258
1999                                                        89                         145                         287


     The Beneficiaries are being asked to consent to the Asset Sale. The Board
is seeking Beneficiary consent to the Asset Sale in accordance with the
Declaration of Trust, which provides that no sale of more than 50% of the
Company's property may be made without the consent of holders of at least a
majority of the outstanding Shares. The Asset Sale will constitute a sale by the
Company and its subsidiaries of more than 50% of the Company's property.
Accordingly, a vote to consent to the Asset Sale will be deemed a vote to
consent to the sale by the Company of more than 50% of the Company's property.
The Board of Trustees unanimously determined that the Sale Contract is fair and
reasonable to the Beneficiaries and in the best interests of the Company. Daniel
Friedman, a member of the Board of Trustees and a principal of Purchaser, did
not participate in the Board deliberations or approval with respect to the Asset

     The following information describes: (1) the history of the Company's
property sales program, (2) the Asset Sale, (3) how the Company will use the
proceeds from the Asset Sale and (4) the plans for the Company subsequent to the
Asset Sale. Also included is information with respect to the parties to the
Asset Sale, the interests of management or the Trustees in the Asset Sale, the
terms of the Sale Contract and the terms of the Voting Agreements.




     In June 1998, following a proxy contest successfully waged by Gotham, the
Board decided to examine the Company's holdings to determine which assets to
retain and which assets to liquidate as part of a sales program. The Company
hired several brokers to market its assets and to explore possible individual
asset or packaged asset sales.

     The following is a list of the properties that the Company had sold through
July 1999 as a result of this marketing effort in general chronological order as
to the date of sale:

                                            APPROXIMATE SIZE                          GROSS
       PROPERTY              LOCATION           (OWNED)            DATE SOLD       PROCEEDS($)
       --------              --------       ----------------   -----------------   -----------
Woodland Commons         Buffalo Grove, IL    170,000 sq.      February 1999       21,636,511
Shopping Center                               ft.
Beck Building (Office)   Shreveport, LA       185,000 sq.      March 1999           2,150,000
Sutter Buttes (Office)   Marysville, CA       427,000 sq.      April 1999           3,800,000
                                                               May 1999            37,400,000
Northwest Malls
  Valley Mall            Yakima, WA           272,000 sq.
  Valley North Mall      Wenatchee, WA        163,000 sq.
  Mall 205               Portland, OR         255,000 sq.
  Plaza 205              Portland, OR         167,000 sq.
Apartment Complexes                                            May 1999            86,000,000
  Somerset Lakes         Indianapolis, IN     360 units
  Steeplechase           Cincinnati, OH       272 units
  Briarwood              Fayetteville, NC     274 units
  Hunter's Creek         Cincinnati, OH       146 units
  Beech Lake             Durham, NC           345 units
  Woodfield Gardens      Charlotte, NC        132 units
  Windgate Place         Charlotte, NC        196 units
  Walden Village         Atlanta, GA          372 units
Magic Mile Parking Lot   Arlington, TX        1,000 spaces     May 1999             2,000,000
Two Mall Sales Package                                         June 1999           22,050,000
  Crossroads Mall        Fort Dodge, IA       332,000 sq.
  Kandi Mall             Willmar, MN          441,000 sq.
Fingerlakes Mall         Auburn, NY           405,000 sq.      June 1999            2,250,000
Mountaineer Mall         Morgantown, WV       618,000 sq.      July 1999           11,000,000
Fairgrounds Square Mall  Reading, PA          537,000 sq.      July 1999           24,750,000


     In July 1999, the Company and certain of its affiliated entities entered
into an agreement for the sale of six of the Company's mall properties (the
"Marathon Portfolio"). In connection with this Agreement, the Company sought and
received approval from its shareholders at a special meeting held November 16,
1999 (the "1999 Special Meeting"). The Marathon Portfolio sale was completed in
December 1999 and yielded gross proceeds of $191.5 million to the Company. The
following is a list of the properties the Company sold as part of the Marathon
Portfolio sale:

                                        APPROXIMATE SIZE
                                          (SQUARE FEET
     PROPERTY            LOCATION            OWNED)
     --------        ----------------  -------------------
Alexandria Mall      Alexandria, LA          634,000
Brazos Mall          Lake Jackson, TX        597,000
Killeen Mall         Killeen, TX             348,000
Mesilla Valley Mall  Las Cruces, NM          378,000
Shawnee Mall         Shawnee, OK             231,000
Villa Linda Mall     Santa Fe, NM            350,000


     Following the 1999 Special Meeting, the Company continued to sell selected
assets where management believed a suitable price could be obtained, and to
refinance other assets to provide additional liquidity to the Company. Other
than the Marathon Portfolio sale, among the significant sale, financing and
refinancing transactions that took place from October 1999 through September
2000, were the following:


                                   APPROXIMATE SIZE                     GROSS
    --------       -------------  -------------------   -----------  -----------
Crossroads Center  St. Cloud, MN        671,000         April 2000   80,100,000
Temple Mall(1)     Temple, TX           746,000         August 2000  12,850,000

- ---------------

(1) Amount indicated as gross proceeds is the amount of gross proceeds to the
    Company. The Company's ownership was represented by a 50% interest in a
    partnership with the other 50% owned by an unrelated third party. The amount
    of square footage owned is that owned by the partnership. The total gross
    proceeds of the sale to the partnership were $25,700,000.


                                            APPROXIMATE SIZE                       REFINANCING
        --------          ---------------  -------------------   ---------------   -----------
Park Plaza                Little Rock, AK        264,000         April 2000        42,500,000
Westgate Town Center(1)   Abilene, TX            185,000         September 2000     8,500,000(1)

- ---------------

(1) Financing proceeds of $7.5 million were available at the time of closing and
    an additional $1.0 million will be advanced upon completion of certain
    environmental work.


     Effective March 27, 2000, the Company transferred to Imperial Parking
Corporation certain parking facilities in connection with the distribution of
the common stock of Imperial Parking Corporation to the common shareholders of
the Company.

                                 THE ASSET SALE

     The properties proposed to be sold in the Asset Sale (individually, a
"Property" and collectively, the "Properties") have a combined book value as of
June 30, 2000 of $166 million and consist of: (i) four office properties: the 55
Public Square Building and the CEI Building in Cleveland, Ohio, the North Valley
Tech Center in Thornton, Colorado and the Two Rivers Business Center in
Clarksville, Tennessee; (ii) two shopping center properties: the Westgate Town
Center in Abilene, Texas and the Pecanland Mall in Monroe, Louisiana; (iii) six
parking garages: two located in Cleveland, Ohio and one located in each of
Chicago, Illinois, Columbus, Ohio, Nashville, Tennessee and Richmond, Virginia;
and (iv) one parking lot in Cleveland, Ohio. The Asset Sale also includes a note
receivable secured by a mortgage on an apartment property in Atlanta, Georgia
and certain assets used in the operation of the properties being sold. Certain
of the Properties had been the subject of inquiries and discussions with
potential purchasers as part of the Company's property sales program described
above. (See "History of the Company's Property Sales Program," above.)


     The following schedule provides certain information with respect to the
mortgage debt secured by the Properties:

                                            MAY 31, 2000                              MATURITY DATE
                 PROPERTY                   BALANCE ($)          INTEREST RATE           (MM/YY)
                 --------                   ------------    -----------------------   -------------
55 Public Square..........................   21,100,000     LIBOR + 325 bp                09/02
North Valley Tech Center..................   16,000,000     LIBOR + 295 bp                07/02
Pecanland Mall............................   37,913,058     12.25% + participation        12/17
Huntington Garage.........................    7,794,901     8.55%                         01/14
Long Street (1st Mortgage)................      605,735     8.63%                         02/09
Long Street (2nd Mortgage)................      787,500     8.25%                         10/03
Madison and Wells Garage..................   30,000,000     LIBOR + 175 bp                05/01
Printers Alley Garage.....................    4,000,000     LIBOR + 175 bp                07/01

     In addition, a mortgage loan secured by the Westgate Town Center in the
principal amount of $8.5 million, of which $7.5 million was advanced at the time
of closing in September 2000, has been obtained by the Company. This mortgage
debt shall be assumed by Purchaser as part of the Asset Sale.

     Under certain circumstances, the Company may provide financing to the
Purchaser to replace the mortgage indebtedness described above. See "Terms of
the Sale Contract - Possible Seller Financing", below.


     In September 1999, the Company engaged the investment banking firm of
Lazard Freres & Co. (the "Investment Banker") to render advice to it with
respect to the possible sale of the Company and interests in the Company or a
subsidiary or division of the Company to another corporation or business entity,
whether in the form of a merger, spin-off, or sale of assets or equity
securities or other interests (a "Transaction"). With the assistance of the
Investment Banker, the Company has received and evaluated a number of proposals
regarding a possible Transaction involving the Company and other public and
non-public companies.

     The Company initially instructed the Investment Banker to solicit a type of
purchase proposal which would value the Company's public stockholder base, NYSE
listing, paired-share structure and the available cash balances. The Investment
Banker developed a profile of the types of companies that would be potentially
interested in the attributes of the Company, which included public and private
real estate operating companies including equity and mortgage REITs, owners of
multiple real estate companies including opportunity funds and institutional
investors, and non-real estate companies seeking access to public capital and
the available cash balances. Discussions were held with approximately 40
different interested parties with respect to this engagement. Among those
parties who entered into confidentiality agreements and who undertook at least
initial due diligence with respect to the Company were several financially
capable purchasers, some of which were also public companies.

     Discussions were held with several interested parties with respect to a
possible Transaction prior to the receipt from Purchaser of its indication of
interest in a bulk sale of assets. A summary of the most significant of these
discussions follows:

     - A corporation was interested primarily in the cash balances and
       paired-share structure of the Company. It was active in the mortgage
       business and non-REIT qualified businesses. On the basis of its due
       diligence, the Company determined not to pursue a possible Transaction.
       No price was discussed and no firm offers or proposals were made.

     - A public company in the mortgage business expressed a desire to diversify
       its business into the REIT area by acquisition of the Company. After the
       commencement of discussions, the Taxable REIT Subsidiary ("TRS")
       provision of the Code was enacted, to be effective in January 2001. After
       preliminary discussions, this potential purchaser indicated that it
       believed it could achieve


       the flexibility it desired under the new TRS provisions without having to
       acquire a paired-share structure, such as that offered by the Company,
       and discussions were terminated by the potential purchaser. No price was
       discussed and no firm offers or proposals were made.

     - A public company in the real estate business conducted due diligence and
       held discussions with the Company with respect to the possible
       acquisition of the Company. The proposed transaction discussed was a
       stock-for-stock merger with consideration consisting of a preferred stock
       issue of the acquirer in the approximate amount of $50 million with the
       balance to be paid in common stock of the acquirer. The parties were
       unable to reach agreement on an exchange ratio and other business terms
       during the course of their discussions and the discussions eventually
       ceased. No firm offers or proposals were made.

     - Another public REIT conducted due diligence with respect to the assets of
       the Company and made a written proposal to acquire all of the Company's
       assets other than the Park Plaza Mall (including at least $111 million in
       cash, which was to include the proceeds of the sale of the Park Plaza
       Mall property), in exchange for shares of the common stock of the
       interested party, which were valued at approximately $131.7 million as of
       the date of the written proposal. The written proposal stated that it was
       not made on the basis of completed due diligence and was not an offer,
       but rather was an outline of the basis for further discussions. A
       condition of the proposal was that the Park Plaza Mall would be sold to a
       third party for at least $70 million. The Company responded to the
       written proposal with a draft term sheet outlining a transaction in which
       the interested party would acquire the Company, including approximately
       $90 million of cash on the Company's balance sheet, but excluding the
       Park Plaza Mall, and would keep the Company's preferred shares
       outstanding. The consideration for the acquisition, as proposed by the
       Company, would have consisted of an exchange of shares of the interested
       party's common stock for Shares at a specified exchange ratio, one
       three-year warrant for every ten Shares exchanged to purchase the
       interested party's common stock at a price of $36 per share (representing
       a premium of 30% over the then current trading price), and a commitment
       from the interested party to conduct a post-closing issuer tender offer
       for one million of its common shares, which represented approximately 10%
       of its common shares then outstanding, at a price to be negotiated.
       Discussions with the interested party ultimately ceased because the
       parties were unable to reach agreement on the exchange ratio and other
       business and financial terms of a transaction and, furthermore, the
       Company did not have an agreement to sell the Park Plaza Mall property.

     The representatives of the Company who conducted the negotiations with the
interested parties on behalf of the Company were the Chairman of the Company,
William Ackman, and the Vice-Chairman of the Company, William Scully, each of
whom has extensive experience in the real estate industry and serve the Company
without compensation in such capacities. In addition, representatives of the
Investment Banker solicited indications of interest in the sale of the Company
and assisted the Representatives in their negotiations with these interested
parties and potential purchasers. During the period of discussions with these
interested parties and potential purchasers, the Executives, in their capacity
as executive officers of the Company, participated in discussions as to whether
offers for sale or refinancing of various properties of the Company would be
pursued or not in the ordinary course of business. In this connection, see
"History of the Company's Property Sales Program -- Other Property Sale
Transactions" and "--Property Refinancing Transactions", above. In addition, the
Executives supplied information regarding the properties of the Company at the
direction of the Representatives to various interested parties and potential
purchasers in connection with the due diligence reviews being conducted by such
interested parties with respect to the possible sale of the Company.

     Subsequent to the 1999 Special Meeting, the Board had requested an analysis
by management of a possible plan of complete liquidation of the Company.
Management formulated a preliminary analysis of the issues that would be
involved in a complete liquidation of the Company; however, the Board did not
adopt a plan of complete liquidation. Among the factors considered by the Board
regarding a plan of complete liquidation were the following: the length of time
involved to complete a liquidation; the necessity of maintaining a substantial
amount of cash reserves in the Company during and subsequent


to liquidation to satisfy possible contingent liabilities; the possible negative
impact that announcement of a plan of liquidation would have on the value of the
Company and the ability to obtain a fair price for the assets of the Company;
funding the liquidation value of the preferred shares in the approximate face
amount of $33,725,000 then outstanding, subsequently reduced to $24,620,000 as
of June 30, 2000; and payment of the indebtedness of the Company, including
approximately $12.5 million of 8 7/8% Senior Notes. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, there can be no assurance that the Board of Trustees will not
consider and adopt a plan of complete liquidation with respect to the assets of
the Company in the future.


     In March 2000, the Executives formed Radiant Partners, LLC ("Partners") to
provide asset and corporate management services to the Company. Partners entered
into an Asset Management Agreement with the Company ("Asset Management
Agreement"), which became effective June 1, 2000, upon termination of the
employment of Messrs. Friedman and Schonberger and Ms. Zahner with the Company.
For a more detailed discussion of the Asset Management Agreement, see "Interests
of Management or Trustees in the Asset Sale", below.

     Mr. Ackman reported to the Board at its April 10, 2000 meeting, at which
Mr. Friedman was in attendance, that the discussions that he and Mr. Scully and
the Investment Banker had held with potential interested parties regarding the
sale of the Company had not produced a firm offer for the Company or even a
possible transaction that they believed worthy of further negotiation by the
Company. Mr. Ackman summarized the discussions to date for the Board. Mr. Ackman
also reported that, after consultation with several Board members, he had
indicated to Mr. Friedman that the Company would be receptive to a proposal from
the Executives for a bulk purchase of the real estate assets of the Company.
Subsequent to the report of Mr. Ackman at the April 10, 2000 Board meeting, Mr.
Friedman indicated to several Board members that the Executives were seriously
considering formulating a proposal with respect to the acquisition of the

     By a letter from Partners dated April 26, 2000, written on behalf of
Radiant, Radiant proposed to acquire the Company for cash consideration of $3.30
per Share. In its proposal letter, Radiant outlined two transaction
implementation alternatives, one of which involved the purchase of the Company
and the other of which involved the purchase of all the real estate and other
assets of the Company. The Company declined to accept the specific proposal and
entered into negotiations with Radiant with respect to the substance of the
proposal. The Representatives conducted the negotiations with Radiant on behalf
of the Company. Each of the Representatives has extensive experience in the real
estate industry and is a member of the Executive Committee of the Board, to
which approval of all dispositions and financings of the Company's real estate
properties had been delegated by the Board. Each of the Representatives was
knowledgeable regarding the real estate properties of the Company and both
served as Representatives without compensation. Other than Mr. Friedman, none of
the Trustees of the Company, including the Representatives, or their affiliates
had an interest in, or a relationship with, Purchaser or any of its affiliates.

     Mr. Friedman, who was a Trustee through September 22, 2000, recused himself
from all discussions and actions taken by the Board with respect to the Asset
Sale and with respect to any proposal from any other interested party received
subsequent to the April 26 proposal letter, except as specifically referenced
herein. In addition, except as specifically referenced herein, none of the
Executives were in attendance during the portions of the Board meetings during
which any of the Radiant proposals or any proposal from any other interested
party received subsequent to the April 26 proposal letter were discussed or
acted upon.

     The initial proposal of Radiant to purchase the Company for $3.30 per share
required the successful implementation of a number of steps, some of which were
not within the control of the parties, as follows: (i) Radiant would purchase
the bulk of the real estate assets of the Company for an amount to be determined
in consideration consisting of cash and the assumption of the first mortgage
debt and


assumption of liabilities of the Company directly related to the acquired
properties; (ii) the Company would be obligated to commence an exchange offer so
that $8.7 million in face amount of its outstanding preferred stock would be
exchanged for a new issue of perpetual preferred shares at terms to be
determined and the balance of the preferred shares would be purchased by the
Company from the holders thereof; (iii) the Company would provide a return of
capital distribution to its shareholders in an amount equal to the net proceeds
it received from the first two steps, upon their completion; and (iv) Radiant
would acquire all the outstanding common shares of the Company directly from the
holders thereof for an amount equal to the remaining unallocated portion of the
purchase price, which had not been determined. After discussion among Radiant,
the Representatives and the Investment Banker, the parties concluded that
Radiant's proposal to purchase the Company involved too many contingencies and
unknown costs and expenses. The Representatives, upon consultation with the
Investment Banker, assigned a low likelihood of success to the part of the
proposal regarding the acquisition of the Company.

     On the other hand, the part of the proposal regarding the purchase of the
real estate properties of the Company by Radiant was assigned by the
Representatives a higher likelihood of success than the Radiant proposal
regarding the acquisition of the Company. The proposal regarding the purchase of
the real estate properties of the Company entailed the purchase by Radiant of
all the real estate and other assets of the Company for consideration consisting
of an unspecified amount of cash, a purchase money mortgage on the Park Plaza
property of $21.2 million and assumption of all outstanding first mortgage debt
and other liabilities directly related to the acquired properties.

     On or about April 28, 2000, Mr. Ackman contacted Mr. Friedman and requested
that Radiant restate its offer as an offer to purchase the real estate
properties of the Company without the alternate proposal of the multi-step
acquisition of the Company. The Representatives pursued negotiations with
Radiant with respect to its real estate purchase proposal. The negotiations
involved a number of meetings and telephone conferences between either one or
both of the Representatives, on the one hand, and the Executives, on the other
hand. On May 1, 2000, Mr. Ackman met with the Executives and a representative
from UBS Warburg LLC, the initial advisor to Radiant with respect to raising
capital for and structuring the proposed transaction. This meeting was followed
by telephone conferences between Mr. Ackman and Mr. Friedman.

     These negotiations resulted in a new proposal letter from Radiant, dated
May 9, 2000, formulated as the purchase of selected assets of the Company for a
total consideration of $205 million consisting of approximately $80 million in
cash and the assumption of approximately $125 million in mortgage debt, secured
by the assets to be purchased. There were then continued telephonic conferences
between the parties, including on some occasions a representative of the
Investment Banker. On May 16, 2000, a meeting was held at which Mr. Ackman and a
representative of the Investment Banker were present on behalf of the Company,
and the Executives and a representative of UBS Warburg were present on behalf of
the Purchaser. The May 9, 2000 proposal letter of Radiant was subsequently
amended by a letter dated May 18, 2000, which proposed to purchase fewer assets
for a decreased purchase price of $195.2 million, in addition to reduced fees
for managing the assets remaining in the Company after the consummation of the

     A special telephonic meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Company was
held on May 19, 2000, to consider the amended May 9, 2000 Radiant proposal
letter. Representatives of the Investment Banker participated at the meeting.
After an extensive discussion among the Board, the Investment Banker and Company
counsel of the terms and conditions of the Radiant proposal letter, the Board
authorized the Representatives to continue to negotiate with Radiant an
acceptable price for the assets proposed to be purchased by Radiant. The Board
also authorized the Company to enter into an exclusivity arrangement with
Radiant with respect to Radiant's right to purchase real estate assets of the
Company for a period not to exceed 60 days. The purpose of the exclusivity
arrangement was to permit Radiant a reasonable period of time to explore
obtaining the financing required to complete the proposed transaction, and to
expend the necessary efforts and funds to obtain those financing commitments.


     On or about May 19, 2000, Mr. Ackman received from Northeastern Security
Development Corp. ("Northeastern Security"), a private real estate firm that had
previously purchased some parking assets from the Company in 1998, a written
expression of interest for all of the parking assets of the Company and the 55
Public Square office building in Cleveland, Ohio for an aggregate price of $110
million (the "Northeastern Proposal"), which represented an increase from a
previous expression of interest for $100 million. This investor had not
conducted due diligence on the properties at the time the proposal was made. The
Northeastern Proposal was forwarded to the members of the Board on or about May
22, 2000. Mr. Ackman discussed the proposal with several members of the Board
and concluded that the proposal was for the acquisition of properties that were
among the most saleable of the Company's properties and did not include an offer
for the Company's less saleable properties. Mr. Ackman believed, based on his
discussions with Northeastern Security, that the Northeastern Proposal could not
be improved upon but would remain available. Given the status of the Radiant
proposal, the Company decided not to pursue further discussions regarding the
Northeastern Proposal.

     Additional discussions were held between the Company and Radiant, including
a meeting at which Mr. Scully and the Executives were in attendance on May 30,
2000. Thereafter, further negotiations between the Representatives and Radiant
were held which resulted in a new proposal letter from Radiant dated May 31,
2000 pursuant to which Radiant offered total consideration of $199.2 million for
purchase of more assets of the Company than previously proposed in the amended
May 9 proposal letter. Thereafter, further discussions were held, primarily
telephonic discussions between the Representatives and Mr. Friedman.

     At its regularly scheduled meeting on June 13, 2000, the Board was updated
with respect to the status of negotiations with Radiant and the revised letter
of intent under discussion and negotiation with Radiant. The Board acknowledged
that the Investment Banker was engaged to and did solicit indications of
interest in the sale of the Company; that significant time and resources had
been devoted to exploring the possible sale of the Company to a third party and
no firm offer had been obtained. The Board also acknowledged that the Investment
Banker had assisted the Representatives in their negotiations with Radiant and
its advisors; however, the Investment Banker had not provided a written report
to the Company, nor did it express its views on what it believed would be a
"fair" offer.

     The Board concluded that there were two alternatives regarding the
disposition of the real estate assets of the Company:

     - To pursue a bulk sale of properties; or

     - To continue on the path of marketing different classes of properties or
      individual properties to an assortment of potential buyers over an
      indefinite period of time.

     After extensive deliberation the Board determined that a bulk sale proposal
had the following advantages:

     - A bulk sale would be more efficient and less costly than numerous
      individual property sales due to the transactional costs, the legal
      expense and management time involved in multiple sales; and

     - A bulk sale would ensure disposition of the properties in a short period
      of time as opposed to an extended sales program which would be carried out
      over an indefinite period of time and during which there would be
      continued expense, use of management time and maintenance of the assets,
      as well as market risks of diminished real estate values and other

     In addition, the Radiant bulk sale proposal was found to have the following

     - In the opinion of the Representatives, and as a result of their
      negotiations with Radiant, the Radiant proposal represented fair and
      reasonable consideration for the properties to be purchased.


     - The Radiant proposal would yield a significant amount of cash proceeds to
      the Company, as opposed to other consideration in the form of securities
      or other non-liquid assets of the acquiring party, the valuation of which
      would be uncertain.

     - The Radiant proposal was not contingent upon other significant events,
      such as the sale of the Park Plaza mall property, other than obtaining the
      financing of the purchase consideration.

     - Although the Company's real estate properties had been marketed for sale
      for an extended period of time, the Radiant proposal was the only firm
      offer, subsequent to the sale of the Marathon properties in 1999, that the
      Company had received to date for a significant amount of the Company's
      real estate properties, other than the Northeastern Proposal described

     - Radiant was very familiar with the properties under consideration and the
      normal due diligence review period required by a purchaser unfamiliar with
      the properties would be reduced, both lessening time delays and
      uncertainties with respect to reaching a definitive agreement.

     - The Board had the ability to terminate the proposed letter of intent with
      Radiant in the event of a superior offer.

     The Board also considered the following potentially negative factors in its
deliberations concerning the proposed letter of intent:

     - The risk that Radiant would not be able to obtain the requisite financing
      and otherwise perform under the proposed letter of intent.

     - The exclusivity provisions of the proposed letter of intent would not
      permit the Company, with certain exceptions which might have involved
      payments to Radiant, to dispose of the Properties during the period
      between the signing of the letter of intent and the closing of the Asset

     - The appearance of conflicts of interest with respect to a bulk sale of
      properties of the Company to an entity with respect to which a Trustee and
      officers of the Company were principals.

     Prior to approving the proposed letter of intent with Radiant, the Board
considered the conflicts of interest involving Radiant and the Executives. The
Board was aware that the Executives were principals in Partners, which had been
engaged to manage the properties of the Company, and that the Executives were
also principals of Radiant as Purchaser. The Board considered that the
Executives had a conflict of interest during the negotiations which culminated
in the Sale Contract, as the Executives had gained knowledge through their
employment with the Company regarding the properties that were the subject of
the Radiant purchase proposal and were negotiating on behalf of Purchaser, and
it was in their best interest to obtain the price and terms for the sale most
favorable to Purchaser. This was in conflict with the interests of the Company,
which desired to obtain the price and terms for the sale most favorable to the
Company. On the other hand, each of the Representatives of the Company who
conducted the negotiations with Purchaser on behalf of the Company has extensive
experience in the real estate industry and was a member of the Executive
Committee of the Board, to which approval of all dispositions and financings of
the Company's real estate properties had been delegated by the Board. Each of
the Representatives was knowledgeable regarding the real estate properties of
the Company. Other than Mr. Friedman, none of the Trustees of the Company,
including the Representatives, or their affiliates had an interest in, or a
relationship with, Purchaser or any of its affiliates.

     Based on the consideration of the foregoing factors and on the information
previously provided by the Investment Banker at the May 19, 2000 Board meeting
called to consider the Radiant proposal, as well as some additional
considerations, including those reflected in "Risks Relating to the Asset Sale",
above, the Board determined, at its June 13, 2000 meeting, that entering into
the proposed letter of intent with Radiant was fair and reasonable to the
Beneficiaries and in the best interest of the Company. The Board of Trustees
considered whether to obtain, and determined not to retain a third party to
render, a fairness opinion regarding the proposed Asset Sale because it (i)
believed the Company had ample opportunity to determine the fair market value of
the Properties by widely marketing the Properties and the Company for an
extended period of time and (ii) wanted to avoid the expense of a


fairness opinion. Pursuant to the property sales program initiated in 1998 (see
"History of the Company's Property Sales Program," above), the Company had been
engaged in evaluating the market value of, and soliciting offers with respect to
the purchase of, most of the properties of the Company. One of the results of
this sales program was the knowledge obtained by the Board with respect to the
fair value of the properties of the Company. Furthermore, the Board of the
Company is comprised of persons who have extensive experience in the real estate
industry apart from their role as Trustees of the Company. No independent
appraisals of the Properties were obtained in connection with the Asset Sale.
The proposed consideration to be paid to the Company in connection with the
Asset Sale was determined as a result of arms-length negotiations between the
Representatives and Radiant. The Investment Banker assisted the Representatives
in their negotiations with Radiant and its advisors. The Board authorized the
Representatives to continue to negotiate with Radiant with respect to, and to
enter into, the proposed letter of intent with Radiant.

     This discussion of the information and factors considered and given weight
by the Board of Trustees is not intended to be exhaustive, but is believed to
include all material factors considered by the Board of Trustees. In reaching
the determination to approve and recommend that the Beneficiaries consent to the
Asset Sale, the Board of Trustees did not undertake a separate analysis of each
of the factors considered, nor did it find it practical to and it did not assign
any relative or specific weight to any of the factors which were considered, and
individual Trustees may have given differing weights to different factors.


     Effective June 20, 2000, Partners, on behalf of its affiliate, Radiant, and
the Company entered into a letter of intent ("Letter of Intent") for the sale of
specific properties of the Company (the "Properties") which constituted most of
the Company's operating properties and a note receivable secured by a mortgage
on an apartment property for total consideration of $205 million consisting of
cash and the assumption of the first mortgage indebtedness on the Properties.

     The Letter of Intent provided for a transaction which contained the
following principal elements as respects the assets of the Company:

     - The sale of the Properties by the Company to Radiant for approximately
       $205.0 million (approximately $80 million in cash and $125 million in
       assumed mortgage debt, prior to expenses and closing adjustments).

     - The Properties would include:

          - 55 Public Square and CEI Office Buildings - Cleveland, Ohio

          - 55 Public Square Garage -- Cleveland, Ohio

          - West 3rd Street Parking Lot -- Cleveland, Ohio

          - North Valley Tech Center -- Thornton, Colorado

          - Two Rivers Business Center -- Clarksville, Tennessee

          - Westgate Town Center -- Abilene, Texas

          - Pecanland Mall -- Monroe, Louisiana

          - Huntington Garage -- Cleveland, Ohio

          - Long Street Garage -- Columbus, Ohio

          - Madison and Wells Garage -- Chicago, Illinois

          - Printers Alley Garage -- Nashville, Tennessee

          - 5th and Marshall Garage -- Richmond, Virginia


          - Club Associates' note receivable, face amount of approximately $1.5

          - Ancillary assets including furniture, fixtures and equipment and
            reserve and escrow accounts related to the Properties.

          - Net operating income from the Properties from June 1, 2000 less (a)
            debt service on the Properties, (b) capital expenditures committed
            subsequent to May 9, 2000 and (c) 66.6% of asset management fees
            paid to Partners from June 1, 2000 until the closing of the

     - The Company would retain ownership of the following assets:

          - Unrestricted cash and Treasury bills

          - Convertible preferred investment in HQ Global Workplaces, Inc.

          - Severance and prior trustees escrow account

          - Park Plaza Mall -- Little Rock, Arkansas

          - Circle Tower -- Indianapolis, Indiana

          - Temple Mall 50% partnership interest and loan -- Temple, Texas (sold
            in August 2000)

          - Peachtree Mall legal claim

     - The Company would remain liable for the following obligations:

          - 8.2% convertible perpetual preferred shares; $33,725,000 approximate
            face amount (reduced to $24,620,000 as of June 30, 2000)

          - 8.875% publicly-traded senior notes; $12,500,000 approximate face

          - Dallas management office lease

          - Certain liabilities arising out of the Properties arising prior to
            June 1, 2000, except for certain potential liabilities of the
            Westgate Town Center

          - Corporate expenses and liabilities not related to the Properties

          - Property level mortgage debt on retained assets

          - Other ordinary course liabilities

     - Subsequent to the closing of the Asset Sale, Partners would continue to
       manage the Company's remaining assets for $250,000 per year for two

     The Letter of Intent provided that if Radiant obtained a mutually
satisfactory mezzanine financing commitment of approximately $31.0 million for
the transaction by July 5, 2000, the Company would not, for a period of 45 days
thereafter, solicit or initiate any competing transaction proposals. During
these 45 days, the Company and Radiant were to negotiate a definitive purchase
and sale agreement while Radiant concurrently secured equity financing to obtain
the funding necessary to close the transaction. The Letter of Intent further
provided that if, after Radiant obtained a mutually satisfactory mezzanine
financing commitment, and the Company thereafter entered into a definitive
agreement in connection with a competing transaction proposal with respect to at
least $30.0 million of assets, the Company would reimburse Radiant for certain
of its reasonable fees and expenses, subject to a maximum of $750,000.


     Subsequent to the announcement of the June 20, 2000 Letter of Intent, the
Company was approached by several parties indicating unsolicited interest in the
Company or specific Company assets, as follows:

     - One potential purchaser was a private investment company which ultimately
      declined to pursue negotiations once the announcement of the Radiant
      mezzanine financing commitment was made on July 5, 2000. The party had not
      conducted due diligence at the time of the preliminary discussions. This
      potential purchaser indicated to the Company that it could not justify
      making an offer to match or exceed that made by Radiant.

     - A private real estate firm contacted the Company and indicated interest
      in the five principal parking properties of the Company, for which it had
      discussed an offer in the range of $72.5 million. The party had not
      conducted due diligence at the time of the preliminary discussions.

     - In addition, subsequent to the announcement of the Letter of Intent, the
      Company received an unsolicited written indication of interest with
      respect to the purchase of the Pecanland Mall in Monroe, Louisiana and
      unsolicited indications of interest with respect to the Madison and Wells
      Garage in Chicago, Illinois.

     The exclusivity provisions of the Letter of Intent would not permit the
Company, with some exceptions which might involve payments to Radiant, to
dispose of the Properties during the period between the signing of the Letter of
Intent and the closing of the Asset Sale. In connection with the Company's
receipt of the foregoing unsolicited proposals for specific properties and the
Northeastern Proposal, the Representatives consulted with Radiant as to whether
Radiant would modify and resubmit the purchase proposal set forth in the Letter
of Intent to exclude any of such properties and were informed by Radiant that it
would not. The Board had already determined that the bulk property sale
transaction with Radiant was fair and reasonable, provided the advantages to the
Company outlined above and was preferable to a program of individual property
sales. The discussions with these firms regarding specific asset sales were
terminated as those proposals were deemed to not be sufficiently advantageous to
the Company to justify jeopardizing the proposed bulk property sale to Radiant
and therefore depriving the Company of the benefits of the transaction with
Radiant which were the subject of the Letter of Intent.

     On July 6, 2000, the Company announced that Radiant informed the Company
that Radiant had obtained a mezzanine financing commitment from PW Real Estate
Investments Inc., an affiliate of Paine Webber Real Estate Securities, Inc., for
approximately $31 million. As a result, in accordance with the Letter of Intent,
the Company was obligated not to solicit or initiate any competing transaction
proposals for 45 days, during which the Company and Radiant negotiated a
definitive purchase and sale agreement while Radiant endeavored to secure the
equity financing necessary for it to close the proposed transaction. Paine
Webber Incorporated, an affiliate of Paine Webber Real Estate Securities, Inc.,
had been retained in 1999 by the Company and First Union Management, Inc., an
affiliate of the Company, in connection with the transactions related to the
Imperial Parking Corporation spinoff, which were completed in March 2000. See
"History of the Company's Property Sales Program -- Imperial Parking Corporation
Spinoff", above. At the time of the engagement of PW Real Estate Investments,
Inc. by Radiant, Paine Webber Incorporated was no longer engaged by the Company.

     At its regularly scheduled meeting on August 2, 2000, the Board received an
update with respect to the status of the Radiant proposal. Radiant and its
advisors, PaineWebber Incorporated, provided the Board with a detailed status
report of Radiant's efforts to secure the equity financing in the approximate
amount of $50 million in order to commit to close the proposed transaction.
Radiant and its advisors requested the Board to grant an extension of the 45-day
exclusivity period, which had commenced on July 6, 2000. After the Radiant
representatives and advisors were excused from the meeting, the Board discussed
the Company's alternatives, including the pursuit of previous proposals it had
received for specific properties or groups of properties, such as the
Northeastern Proposal, that might still be available to the Company. After
extensive deliberations, the Board authorized the Company to grant a limited
extension of the exclusivity period to Radiant in return for certain
concessions, including the agreement of Radiant to make a substantial deposit to
be applied to the payment of the purchase price


for the Asset Sale, and would be partially forfeitable upon Radiant's
non-performance, and delegated to its Executive Committee the authority to
approve the terms of any such extension.

     As authorized by the Board, the Executive Committee approved an amendment
to the Letter of Intent effective August 17, 2000, whereby the exclusivity
period was extended from 45 to 60 days. Thus, this extended from August 20, 2000
to September 4, 2000 the exclusivity period and the period within which Radiant
and the Company were to negotiate a definitive agreement for Radiant's purchase
of the Properties from the Company. The actions of the Executive Committee were
later ratified by the Board.


     A special meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on August 23, 2000, to
consider and approve the terms of the Sale Contract. A draft of the Sale
Contract, in substantially final form, was circulated to the Board of Trustees
in advance of the meeting. At the meeting, the Investment Banker presented a
summary of its activities with respect to soliciting proposals for the sale of
the Company. The Board, on behalf of the Company, had retained experienced real
estate counsel that had no prior history of dealings with the Executives as
managers of the Company, to assist the Representatives in negotiation and
documentation of the terms of the Sale Contract between the Company and Radiant.
Counsel for the Company reviewed with the Board the provisions of the proposed
Sale Contract. In addition to the factors considered in connection with the
approval by the Board of the Letter of Intent with Radiant as outlined above in
"Negotiations with Respect to Radiant Proposal," the Board considered the
following additional factors as advantages with respect to the approval of the
Sale Contract:

     - The Company and its affiliates, as Seller under the Sale Contract, were
      required to provide very limited representations with respect to the
      Properties; thus the Company was not subject to the potential liability
      with respect to the standard expanded representations and warranties that
      would likely have been required to be provided to a potential purchaser
      not as familiar with the Properties as was the Purchaser.

     - The Purchaser would be purchasing the Properties generally on an "as is"

     - The Board had the ability to terminate the Sale Contract in the event of
      a superior offer.

     The Board also considered the following potentially negative factors in its
deliberations concerning the Asset Sale:

     - The risk that Radiant would not be able to obtain the requisite
      financing, including consents to assumption of mortgages or replacement
      financing, under the Sale Contract.

     - The exclusivity and indemnification provisions and the termination fees
      provided in the Sale Contract.

     - The litigation pending with respect to the Asset Sale.

     - The appearance of conflicts of interest with respect to a bulk sale of
      properties of the Company to an entity with respect to which a Trustee and
      officers of the Company were principals.

     Among the modifications made by the Sale Contract with respect to the
Properties to be sold referenced in the Letter of Intent were the following:

     - The Company could continue its efforts to sell the Huntington Garage,
       Cleveland, Ohio and could sell vacant land at the Pecanland Mall. If and
       to the extent those properties are sold, the Purchaser would receive a
       credit towards the payment of the purchase price in the amount of the net
       cash proceeds of such sales.

     - The Long Street Garage in Columbus, Ohio was subject to a right of first
       refusal held by a third party. If this right was exercised, this Property
       will be eliminated from the Asset Sale and the purchase price would be
       reduced by $5.2 million.


     - The Letter of Intent had provided that Radiant would have the right to
      receive a 20% interest in VenTek International, Inc., a subsidiary of
      First Union Management, Inc., an affiliate of the Company. There was no
      provision in the Sale Contract for the right of Purchaser to receive an
      interest in VenTek International, Inc.

     The litigation pending with respect to the Asset Sale, although considered
by the Board of Trustees, had no impact on the pricing of the transaction, which
had already been provided for in the Letter of Intent, the execution of which
preceded the filing of the litigation.

     After fully considering the matter and weighing the factors described
above, as well as the risks attendant to the transaction, including those
reflected in "Risks Relating to the Asset Sale", above, the Board of Trustees
determined that entering into the Sale Contract was fair and reasonable to the
Beneficiaries and in the best interests of the Company. In making these
determinations, the Board took into account the information provided by the
Investment Banker. The Board of Trustees again considered, as they had prior to
the approval of the Letter of Intent, whether to obtain, and determined not to
retain a third party to render, a fairness opinion regarding the Asset Sale
because it (i) believed the Company had ample opportunity to determine the fair
market value of the Properties by widely marketing the Properties and the
Company for an extended period of time and (ii) wanted to avoid the expense of a
fairness opinion. The proposed consideration to be paid to the Company in
connection with the Asset Sale was determined as a result of arms-length
negotiations between the Representatives and Radiant. The Investment Banker
assisted the Representatives in their negotiations with Radiant and its
advisors. The Investment Banker was engaged to and did solicit indications of
interest in the purchase of the Company, as described above. The Investment
Banker did not provide a written report to the Company, nor did it express its
views on what it believed would be a "fair" offer. The Company is not aware of
what advice, if any, the advisors of Purchaser provided to it in connection with
the Asset Sale.

     The Board unanimously authorized the Company to enter into the Sale
Contract with Radiant. Mr. Friedman, a member of the Board of Trustees and a
principal of Partners and one of the managing members of Radiant, did not
participate in the Board deliberations and approvals with respect to the Asset
Sale. As more than 70% of the Trustees have approved the Sale Contract, Section
12.2 of the Declaration of Trust provides that approval of the Sale Contract by
shareholders will occur upon the consent of the holders of at least a majority
of the outstanding Shares.

     This discussion of the information and factors considered and given weight
by the Board of Trustees is not intended to be exhaustive, but is believed to
include all material factors considered by the Board of Trustees. In reaching
the determination to approve and recommend that the Beneficiaries consent to the
Asset Sale, the Board of Trustees did not undertake a separate analysis of each
of the factors considered, nor did it find it practical to and it did not assign
any relative or specific weight to any of the factors which were considered, and
individual Trustees may have given differing weights to different factors.

     At the time the Sale Contract was executed, the Company and Radiant
formally terminated the Letter of Intent.


     The Company entered into a contract dated October 26, 2000 to sell the
Huntington Garage property in Cleveland, Ohio to Northeastern Security for a
purchase price of $21,250,000. Northeastern Security has made a deposit of
$1,000,000 to be applied against the purchase price. The sale is scheduled to
close no later than January 2001. See "Terms of the Sale Contract -- Purchase
Price," and "--Amendments to the Sale Contract," below.

     Following the execution of the Sale Contract, the Company notified the
party holding the right of first refusal for the purchase of the Long Street
Garage in Columbus, Ohio of the terms and conditions of


the offer by the Purchaser. Such party failed to exercise its right of first
refusal within the time frame permitted and as a result the Long Street Garage
is among the Properties that will be sold to Purchaser.



     In March 2000, the Trust amended the employment agreements of each of the
Executives. The amended agreements provided that after (i) the Impark spin-off
and (ii) a sale or financing of Park Plaza Mall (the "Park Plaza Financing"),
each Executive may terminate his or her employment with the Trust on or after
June 1, 2000, and then shall be entitled to receive a severance payment from the
Company of $1,001,000 for Mr. Friedman and $630,000 for each of Mr. Schonberger
and Ms. Zahner. The Impark spin-off and the Park Plaza Financing occurred and
each Executive terminated his or her employment agreement and received the
severance payment on or about June 1, 2000.

     Simultaneously with the execution of the amended employment agreements in
March 2000, the Trust entered into an asset management agreement (the "Asset
Management Agreement") with Partners, which is owned and controlled by the
Executives. The Asset Management Agreement became effective on June 1, 2000 when
the employment of each Executive with the Trust was terminated. As compensation
for its services, Partners receives an annual fee of $1,500,000, from which are
paid the salaries of the Executives and other employees of Partners as well as
its overhead, including the leasing of its office space.

     In addition, if the Company terminates the Asset Management Agreement under
certain circumstances within certain time periods, then Partners would also
receive a termination fee of between $500,000 and $750,000, unless the Asset
Management Agreement was terminated for default. However, in connection with the
Sale Contract, the Asset Management Agreement was amended by several amendments
dated May 31, 2000, June 16, 2000, August 17, 2000, September 15, 2000 and
October 23, 2000, respectively. The effect of these amendments was to extend,
most recently to January 16, 2001, the date prior to which either party may
notify the other party of its intention to terminate the Asset Management
Agreement, and in the case of any such termination the Asset Management
Agreement will terminate 30 days thereafter and the Company will not be
responsible for any incentive fee or termination payments otherwise provided for
thereunder. There can be no assurance that the Asset Management Agreement will
not be terminated prior to February 15, 2001. During the effectiveness of the
Asset Management Agreement and only until the consummation of the Asset Sale,
Partners will be responsible for conducting and overseeing the business and
financial affairs of the Company.

     The Asset Management Agreement has a two-year term; however, the Company
has the option of (i) extending the term for one more year and (ii) terminating
the Asset Management Agreement (A) for default, (B) in the event of a merger,
consolidation or other similar business combination transaction, (C) in the
event that the remaining equity of the Company has a fair market value of less
than $20,000,000 or (D) prior to February 15, 2001, on 30 days' written notice.


     The parties have agreed to modifications to the Asset Management Agreement
that shall take effect upon the consummation of the Asset Sale, whereupon
Partners shall manage only the following properties: Park Plaza Mall and Circle
Tower, as well as property accounts receivables and rent settlements, and the
Executives shall cease to be officers of the Company. The annual management fees
under the Asset Management Agreement shall be $250,000. The term of the modified
Agreement shall be for two years, unless earlier terminated. If the Company
terminates the modified Asset Management Agreement prior to the expiration of
the term without cause, the Company is required to pay Partners the remainder of
the unpaid annual fees which would have been paid through the balance of the



     In those circumstances under the Sale Contract where Seller is obligated to
reimburse Purchaser for certain fees and expenses, none of the reimbursement is
to be paid to Messrs. Friedman or Schonberger, Ms. Zahner or any entity in which
any of them have an interest. See "Terms of the Sale Contract -- Effect of
Termination," below.


     On June 22, 2000, a complaint was filed in New York Supreme Court, County
of New York, against the Company, its trustees and certain former trustees,
Radiant Partners, LLC and its principals by a purported shareholder of the
Company in connection with the Asset Sale (Brickell Partners v. Friedman, et
al.). On July 12, 2000, a complaint against the same defendants, making similar
allegations, was commenced by another purported shareholder of the Company in
the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, Ohio (Donald Cunningham v.
Friedman, et al.). Both of these lawsuits are purported class actions brought on
behalf of all shareholders of the Company. In these complaints, plaintiffs
allege that the terms of the proposed Asset Sale are unfair and that the
Company's officers and trustees breached their fiduciary duties to the Company's
shareholders by agreeing to a transaction that fails to maximize shareholder
value. Specifically, the lawsuits allege that Radiant Partners LLC, as a party
to the Asset Management Agreement with the Company, was made privy to inside
information regarding the Company's assets and that this allowed Radiant to
negotiate the purchase of the most valuable assets of the Company at the lowest
possible price, to the detriment of the Company's shareholders. The complaints
further allege that Radiant and the Company were not engaging in arm's length
negotiations and that Radiant is acting in its own self interest at the expense
of the interests of the Company's shareholders. Additionally, the complaints
allege, Radiant has material conflicts of interest. The lawsuits seek
preliminary and permanent injunctive relief against the consummation of the
Asset Sale in addition to unspecified damages, costs and attorney's fees.

     The Company believes that these lawsuits are without merit. The Company has
retained counsel with regard to these lawsuits and has given plaintiffs' counsel
the opportunity to review documents concerning the background to the Asset Sale.
In the event that plaintiffs continue the actions, the Company will seek
vigorously to defend the actions.

                       USE OF PROCEEDS OF THE ASSET SALE

     Under the Sale Contract, the aggregate purchase price for the Properties is
$205 million. The Company expects to receive approximately $199 million in
aggregate consideration for the Properties. The downward adjustments to the
aggregate purchase price of $205 million that result in the $199 million in
aggregate consideration to the Company are estimated to be at closing of the
Asset Sale as follows: projected net operating income to Radiant from the
Properties from June 1, 2000, less debt service, capital expenditures committed
subsequent to May 9, 2000 and 66.6% of asset management fees paid to Partners
from June 1, 2000 to closing: $660,000; reserve fund provided by a municipality
for construction of improvements to 5th and Marshall Garage, in Richmond,
Virginia: $2.3 million; prior Pecanland Mall outlot sale: $530,000; the
Company's share of estimated closing costs (maximum $2.0 million); and legal and
accounting fees and miscellaneous costs and adjustments: $1.0 million. Of the
approximately $199 million, it is expected that approximately $74 million will
be in cash and approximately $125 million will be from the assumption or
repayment of mortgage indebtedness on the Properties. See "Terms of the Sale
Contract -- Assets to be Transferred" and "-- Possible Seller Financing", below.
The Company is in the process of exploring alternative uses for the net cash
proceeds to be received, including, without limitation:

     - acquisition of interests in real estate or non-real estate assets or

     - implementing or continuing a common or preferred share repurchase or
       similar program;


     - distributing such net proceeds to the Beneficiaries, including, but not
       necessarily limited to, amounts required to satisfy certain REIT
       distribution requirements resulting from previous asset sales and net
       income in 2000, if any; and

     - making other new investments, including investments in REMICs to generate
      REIT-qualified income while maintaining liquidity.


     The Company's long-term economic goal is to increase the per share net
asset value of the Company at the highest possible rate, without undue risk. The
Company continues to monitor the benefits of, and the restrictions imposed by,
maintaining its REIT status. The Company presently desires and intends to
maintain its status as a REIT for federal income tax purposes but, if
appropriate, would consider other organizational structures. The Company has
explored various acquisition, investment and business combination transactions
and will most likely continue to explore such transactions. These transactions
may include, without limitation, the acquisition of assets in exchange for
securities of the Company and business combination transactions in which the
Company is not the surviving entity. These transactions may also directly
involve existing shareholders of the Company or entities in which such
shareholders have significant interests. Ongoing discussions regarding such
transactions are preliminary and numerous business, legal and tax-related issues
must be resolved to assess the feasibility of any such transactions. There can
be no assurance that any of these discussions will lead to any of such
transactions subsequent to the Asset Sale.

     The Company is not aware of understandings or determinations, other than as
disclosed in this Proxy Statement, as to the general direction of the Company
after the Asset Sale. Determinations concerning material matters with respect to
the Company will be made by the current Board of Trustees or its Executive
Committee. The Board of Trustees has not determined whether or not to change the
investment policies of the Company concerning the types of assets in which it
will make investments; however, the investment authorities of the Trustees set
forth in the Declaration of Trust were amended at the 1999 Special Meeting of
Shareholders to modify the Trustees' prior investment limitations. Certain
members of the Board of Trustees are principals in Gotham, Apollo and Magten,
and those individuals, as Trustees, have taken part in discussions about the
post-sale operations of the Company. The Company does not plan to hire a
full-time Chief Executive Officer after the Asset Sale.

     The Company's remaining assets after the Asset Sale will consist primarily
of the following (with approximate June 30, 2000 book values in parentheses):
two real estate properties, Park Plaza, a shopping mall located in Little Rock,
Arkansas ($60,100,000) and Circle Tower, an office building located in
Indianapolis, Indiana ($2,200,000); unrestricted cash ($95,200,000); restricted
cash ($2,100,000); U.S. Treasury bills ($199,400,000); a preferred stock
investment in HQ Global Workplaces, Inc. ($10,100,000); accounts receivable
($4,700,000); and VenTek inventory ($4,400,000). The Company has made no firm
decision regarding selling its remaining real estate assets, although it has
retained a broker to solicit indications of interest in the purchase of the Park
Plaza property. There are no plans for major improvements that the Company is
considering for the properties that will remain after the Asset Sale. The
Company does not anticipate selling its non-real estate assets in the near term,
and has no immediate plans to do so. Liabilities of the Company after the Asset
Sale will consist primarily of a mortgage loan collateralized by the Park Plaza
property ($42,000,000); notes payable collateralized by the treasury bills
($145,100,000); the Company's 8 7/8% senior notes ($12,500,000); and accounts
payable and accrued liabilities ($12,600,000). The Company has provided
performance guarantees for the manufacturing and installation of transit ticket
vending equipment with respect to VenTek. The guarantees of $5.3 million and
$6.2 million expire in February 2001 and 2002, respectively.

     The Company is evaluating possible new investment opportunities, including
investments in real estate or non-real estate assets or businesses. As an
example of the Company's acquisition of such interests, in June 2000, the
Company invested $10 million in the convertible preferred stock of HQ Global
Workplaces, Inc., a company created by the combination of HQ Global Workplaces


and which is a provider of flexible officing solutions. It is privately owned
and its controlling shareholder is Frontline Capital Group, a public company.
Gotham LP was the beneficial owner of approximately 6.37% of the common stock of
Frontline Capital Group as of June 29, 2000. The convertible preferred stock
investment accrues a 13.5% payable-in-kind dividend which increases annually.
The preferred stock and accrued PIK dividends are convertible into common stock
if and when HQ Global Workplaces conducts an initial public offering. In
addition, the Company received warrants with a nominal exercise price to acquire
approximately 0.40% of the outstanding common stock of HQ Global Workplaces on a
fully diluted basis. This investment was reviewed and approved by an independent
committee of the Board of Trustees prior to being approved by the full board of
the Company, due to the ownership interest of Gotham LP in Frontline Capital

     At the 1999 Special Meeting, shareholders approved an amendment to the
Declaration of Trust providing authority to the Board of Trustees to effectuate,
from time to time, reverse and forward splits of the Shares. The Board of
Trustees of the Company has considered a share combination or reverse split of
the Shares (the "Reverse Split"), whereby shareholders would receive one Share
for a number of Shares owned. It is anticipated that a Reverse Split with
respect to the Shares will be made effective by the Board of Trustees after the
record date for the Meeting. The precise timing and ratio of the Reverse Split
has not been determined.

     The Company is also considering implementing or continuing a common or
preferred share repurchase or similar program; distributing the net proceeds
from the Asset Sale to the Beneficiaries, including, but not necessarily limited
to, amounts required to satisfy certain REIT distribution requirements resulting
from previous asset sales and net income in 2000, if any; and making new
investments, including investments in REMICs to generate REIT-qualified income
while maintaining liquidity. See "Risks Relating to Proposal Two: Consent to the
Asset Sale", below.

     After the Asset Sale, the Asset Management Agreement will provide, among
other things, for the management by Partners of the real estate properties
remaining in the Company for a period of two years, for an annual fee of
$250,000 and that the Executives shall cease to be officers of the Company.

                                  THE PARTIES


     The Company is a REIT whose primary business has been to buy, manage,
improve cash flow of and own retail, apartment, office and parking properties
throughout the United States and Canada. The Company and FUMI have an
organizational structure commonly referred to as "stapled," where the Shares are
"stapled to" a proportionately equal interest in the common stock of FUMI, with
some exceptions. The Shares may not be issued or transferred without their
"stapled" counterparts in FUMI. The common stock of FUMI is held in trust for
the benefit of the Beneficiaries. The primary asset of FUMI is VenTek
International, Inc., a manufacturer of parking equipment.

     As of September 30, 2000, the Company owned, including under long-term
ground leases, real estate assets consisting of: three shopping centers, five
office properties and seven parking facilities. The Asset Sale will reduce the
Company's real estate property holdings to one shopping center and one office

     The Company's principal offices are located at 1212 Avenue of the Americas,
18th Floor, New York, New York 10036 (telephone number (212) 905-1100).


     In addition to the Company, six of its direct and indirect subsidiaries own
specific Properties. These six subsidiaries are 55 Public LLC, North Valley
Tech, LLC, Printers Alley Garage, LLC and Southwest Shopping Centers Co. I,
L.L.C, all Delaware limited liability companies, First Union Madison L.L.C., an
Illinois limited liability company, First Union Commercial Properties Expansion
Company, a Delaware corporation and First Westgate Mall, L.P., a Texas limited
partnership (collectively, the "Seller"). As part


of the financing of the Westgate Town Center in September 2000, the interests in
this property formerly owned by the Company and First Union Commercial
Properties Expansion Company were conveyed to First Westgate Mall, L.P., whose
general and limited partners are wholly owned by the Company.


     Purchaser, Radiant Investors LLC, is a limited liability company whose
three managing members, Daniel Friedman, David Schonberger and Anne Zahner,
serve as officers of the Company. These three individuals are also the
principals of Radiant Partners LLC, which manages the assets of the Company
under the Asset Management Agreement. The Sale Contract contains a provision
permitting assignment to an entity wholly owned by Purchaser, Landmark Realty
Advisors LLC and a minority equity investor, provided that such assignee shall
have a net worth of at least $40 million. Purchaser has agreed to assign its
interest in the Sale Contract to Radiant Venture I on or before the closing of
the Asset Sale. Purchaser is the managing member of Radiant Venture I. The
principal equity investors in Radiant Venture I are Radiant and Landmark Equity
Trust VII.

     Landmark Equity Trust VII is an affiliate of Landmark Equity Fund VII, a
real estate investment fund formed in 1997 with $400 million of committed
capital. The underlying investors for Landmark Equity Fund VII include pension
funds, insurance companies, endowments, foreign investors and individuals.
Landmark Realty Advisors LLC is the advisor to Landmark Equity Trust VII.
Landmark Realty Advisors LLC manages real estate funds with committed capital
exceeding $800 million. Landmark Realty Advisors LLC is an affiliate of Landmark
Partners, a diversified alternative investment firm. Since 1990 Landmark
Partners has participated in the formation of twelve alternative investment
funds with committed capital exceeding $2.9 billion.


     Purchaser's sources of funds for the $205 million purchase price to be paid
by Purchaser to the Seller for the Properties, as well as Purchaser's expenses
for the Asset Sale, are expected to be approximately as follows: $59 million of
equity; $14.2 million of new loans; $116.1 million of assumed loans; a credit of
$530,000 as a result of the sale of a vacant outlot; and a credit of the amount
of the net proceeds from the sale of the Huntington Garage property.

     - Of the $59 million in equity, $52.8 million is being provided by Landmark
      Equity Trust VII; $5.2 million is being provided by minority investors;
      and $1.0 million is being provided by the Executives.

     - Of the $14.2 million of new loans, $7.7 million is being provided by
      PaineWebber Incorporated and shall be secured by mortgages on the
      following properties: Two Rivers Business Center in Clarksville,
      Tennessee; West 3rd Street Parking Lot in Cleveland, Ohio; and the 5th and
      Marshall Garage in Richmond, Virginia. An additional $6.5 million is
      expected to be provided by the Salomon Brothers Realty Corp. on the North
      Valley Tech Center property in Thornton, Colorado and will be secured by
      that property, in addition to the existing mortgage loan of $16 million.

     - The $116.1 million of assumed mortgage loans represent Purchaser's
      assumption of the mortgage loans encumbering the Properties, except for
      the following: the $7.8 million loan on the Huntington Garage property, as
      Purchaser is not purchasing that property; and the two mortgages on the
      Long Street Garage properties in Columbus, Ohio, which total $1.4 million.

     - The credit of $530,000 is as a result of the Company's sale of a vacant
      outlot which is part of the Property known as Pecanland Mall.

     - The amended Sale Contract provides that the credit to Purchaser with
      respect to the sale of the Huntington Garage for the $21,250,000 contract
      price is to be the net proceeds of that sale, which are estimated to be
      approximately $20.9 million.


     The net transaction expenses, fees, closing adjustments and reserve
requirements of the Purchaser to be incurred in connection with the transaction
are expected to be approximately $5.6 million, which includes approximately
$350,000 of estimated expenses used in determining the net proceeds of the
Huntington Garage sale.

                           TERMS OF THE SALE CONTRACT

     The terms and conditions of the Asset Sale are contained in the Sale
Contract, the documents with respect to which are attached to this Proxy
Statement as Appendices A, B, C and D, and is incorporated herein by reference.
The description in this Proxy Statement of the terms and conditions of the Asset
Sale is subject to the more complete information set forth in the Sale Contract.


     The aggregate purchase price under the Sale Contract is $205 million
payable as follows: (i) $1 million (the "Initial Deposit"), upon the execution
of the Sale Contract, (ii) $6 million (the "First Additional Deposit") on
September 29, 2000, (iii) $3 million (the "Second Additional Deposit" and,
together with the Initial Deposit and the First Additional Deposit, the
"Deposit") no later than 3 business days after the Company has delivered
confirmation of the Beneficiaries' approval of the Sale Contract and (iv) the
balance, which is expected to include the assumption of the mortgages on certain
Properties (as described below), at the closing. Purchaser has paid to Seller
the Initial Deposit and the First Additional Deposit.

     The Company has entered into a contract to sell a Property, the Huntington
Garage, Cleveland, Ohio to Northeastern Security, an entity not affiliated with
Purchaser or the Company. The sale is scheduled to close on or before January
2001. Upon the closing of the Asset Sale, the Purchaser will receive a credit in
the amount of the net proceeds received or expected to be received from the sale
of the Huntington Garage property towards the $205 million purchase price. The
credit to Purchaser under the Sale Contract with respect to the Huntington
Garage sale will equal the contract sales price of $21,250,000 less certain
expenses of the Company in connection with the sale, which amount of net
proceeds is expected to be approximately $20.9 million. The Purchaser will also
receive a credit of approximately $530,000 toward the $205 million purchase
price as a result of the Company's sale of a vacant outlot which is part of the
Property known as Pecanland Mall. In addition, the Purchaser will receive
additional credits toward the purchase price in the event the Company is
successful in selling to other parties prior to closing the remaining vacant
land at Pecanland Mall. The amount of the credit will be the proceeds received
by the Company from the sale after deduction of Seller's fees, expenses and
other costs.

     The Purchaser has the right to a reduction in the purchase price in the
event it elects not to purchase certain individual Properties. This right may be
exercised by Purchaser in the following circumstances: (i) Seller electing not
to permit a Phase II environmental study of a Property after Purchaser's
environmental consultant has advised that one be performed, (ii) following
casualty losses greater than $500,000 to all Properties or on any Property,
Purchaser's equity investors or mezzanine lender withdraw their funding for a
Property that has suffered a casualty and Seller elects not to replace the
withdrawn financing, (iii) following Seller's failure to deliver sufficient
estoppel certificates from tenants of a Property, the lender providing mortgage
financing or Purchaser's mezzanine lender elect not to provide financing for the
Property and Seller declines to provide financing for the Property or (iv)
Seller's failure or refusal to eliminate certain matters affecting title to a
Property. In any of such events the amount of the reduction in the purchase
price will be the amount of the purchase price allocated to such Property in the
Sale Contract.



     The Properties proposed to be sold in the Asset Sale are (i) four office
properties, the 55 Public Square Building and the CEI Building in Cleveland,
Ohio, the North Valley Tech Center in Thornton, Colorado and the Two Rivers
Business Center in Clarksville, Tennessee, (ii) two shopping center properties,
the Westgate Town Center, Abilene, Texas and the Pecanland Mall in Monroe,
Louisiana, (iii) six parking garages, two located in Cleveland, Ohio and one
located in each of Chicago, Illinois, Columbus, Ohio, Nashville, Tennessee and
Richmond, Virginia and (iv) one parking lot in Cleveland, Ohio. The Asset Sale
also includes a note receivable in the outstanding principal amount of
approximately $1.5 million bearing interest at 10% and maturing in 2008 secured
by a mortgage on an apartment property in Atlanta, Georgia as well as the
furniture, fixtures and equipment used in the operation of the Properties and
the leases, contracts and books and records of the Sellers related to the
Properties. The Letter of Intent had provided that Radiant would have the right
to receive a 20% interest in VenTek International, Inc., a subsidiary of First
Union Management, Inc., an affiliate of the Company. There is no provision in
the Sale Contract for the right of Purchaser to receive an interest in VenTek
International, Inc. As permitted under the Sale Contract, the Company entered
into a contract to sell the Huntington Garage property to a third party
unaffiliated with Purchaser or the Company. See, "The Purchase Price," above. A
vacant outlot at the Pecanland Mall has been removed from the Properties because
it was sold. The remaining vacant land at Pecanland Mall may be removed from the
Properties under the circumstances described above in "The Purchase Price".


     Certain of the Properties are encumbered by mortgages whose aggregate
outstanding principal balance as of May 31, 2000 was approximately $118.2
million. See chart in "The Asset Sale", above. In addition, a mortgage loan in
the principal amount of $7.5 million was obtained in September 2000 by the
Company secured by the Westgate Town Center, and this mortgage debt will be
assumed by Purchaser as part of the Asset Sale. Under certain circumstances
where the holder of the existing mortgage on a Property does not permit the
assumption of its mortgage, the Seller may provide the financing for the
purchase of such Property. See "-- Possible Seller Financing" below. Based on
written assurances made by the Purchaser to the Company under the Sale Contract,
the Company does not expect that it will be required to provide financing to
Purchaser in connection with the Asset Sale.

     In addition, Purchaser will assume the liabilities associated with the
ownership, operation and use of the Properties after May 31, 2000 other than
capital expenditures committed before May 10, 2000. The amount of such capital
expenditures committed before May 10, 2000 and unpaid at July 31, 2000 was
approximately $2.8 million. The liabilities assumed include environmental
liabilities arising after May 31, 2000 to the extent Seller is not insured for
such liabilities. At the closing, Purchaser will be entitled to a credit against
the purchase price to the extent that the revenues received from the ownership,
operation and use of the Properties after May 31, 2000 exceeds the expenses
(including capital expenditures) of the ownership, operation and use of the
Properties after May 31, 2000. If the expenses exceed the revenues, the purchase
price will be increased by such amount.

     Seller has agreed to pay up to one-half of up to $4 million in fees
associated with the lenders' charges for assumption or prepayment of the
mortgages encumbering the Properties and the title, survey and recording
charges, transfer and sales taxes associated with the conveyance of the
Properties. If the amount exceeds $4 million, the Purchaser will pay the excess.


     The First Amendment to the Sale Contract was made effective on September
29, 2000, to acknowledge that Purchaser had made the First Additional Deposit of
$6.0 million, bringing the total Deposits to $7.0 million, and to provide that
if Purchaser was unable to obtain acceptable financing with respect to the
assumption or replacement of the mortgage loans on the Properties, Purchaser
would have the right to terminate the Sale Contract on or before October 26,
2000. The effect of this amendment was that, if


Purchaser so terminated the Sale Contract, the Deposits would be returned to
Purchaser less the amount of $125,000 which would be retained by the Company. If
Purchaser did not so terminate the Sale Contract, the Deposits would not be
refundable due to financing contingencies. Purchaser did not so terminate the
Sale Contract on or before October 26, 2000.

     The Second Amendment to Sale Contract was effective on October 26, 2000,
and memorialized Purchaser's confirmation that it had obtained firm commitments
for the "acceptable financing" referenced above. In addition, it acknowledged
the contract of Seller to sell the Huntington Garage property to a third party
and provided that Purchaser would receive a credit against the Purchase Price in
the amount of the net proceeds of said sale.


     In certain circumstances the Seller is obligated to provide financing for
the Purchaser's purchase of the Properties and in other circumstances the Seller
may elect to provide financing for the Purchaser's purchase of the Properties,
other than with respect to the Long Street property. The Seller is obligated to
provide Seller financing in the event the Properties, other than with respect to
the Long Street property, suffer casualty losses in excess of $500,000 and, as a
result the existing mortgage holder refuses to allow the Purchaser to assume the
mortgage on a Property or the Purchaser's proposed mortgage lender for a
Property refuses to fund its mortgage commitment. The maximum amount of such
financing Seller is obligated to provide for all Properties is $30 million,
except if a casualty is suffered by the Pecanland Mall, in which event the
maximum is $46 million. The term of such Seller financing will be two years at
an initial interest rate of 11% for the first six months, increasing to 12%
after six months for the remainder of the term. The Seller will be granted a
first lien on the Properties financed.

     The Seller is also obligated to provide financing in the event that the
holder of any existing mortgage on the Properties, other than with respect to
the Long Street property, does not consent to the Purchaser assuming such
mortgage, subject to the following limitations: (a) the total amount of
obligatory Seller financing does not exceed $30 million reduced by any Seller
financing Seller has provided as a result of casualty losses as described above,
and (b) Seller is not obligated to provide financing for the Pecanland Mall. The
maximum term of any Seller financing provided under these circumstances is 180
days and will be at an interest rate of 11% for the first 120 days and 15% for
the final 60 days. The Seller will be granted a first lien on the Properties

     Purchaser has provided written assurances to the Company that it has
obtained firm commitments for acceptable financing either in the form of a
consent to Purchaser's assumption of existing mortgages or new mortgage loans
with respect to all of the Properties it will purchase. Based on such written
assurances made by the Purchaser to the Company under the Sale Contract, the
Company does not expect that it will be required to provide financing to
Purchaser in connection with the Asset Sale.

     The Seller may elect to provide (or cause a third party to provide) Seller
financing for a Property in the following circumstances: (a) as a result of a
casualty the Purchaser's equity investors or mezzanine lender withdraw their
financing for a Property, other than with respect to the Long Street property,
or (b) as a result of Seller having failed to provide the required minimum
number of estoppel certificates for a Property, the Purchaser's mortgage lender
or mezzanine lender for such Property withdraws its financing for such Property.
In addition, if the Seller extends the closing date beyond December 29, 2000 as
a result of the special meeting of shareholders to approve the Sale Contract not
having been held, the Seller may elect to provide Seller financing to replace
the financing being provided by any lender to Purchaser who either refuses to
extend its financing commitment beyond December 29, 2000 or charges an extension
fee for closing beyond December 29, 2000.



     The Sale Contract contains various representations and warranties of Seller
and Purchaser. The respective representations and warranties of Seller and
Purchaser will survive the closing for six months.

     The representations of Seller relate generally to: corporate organization,
existence and authorization, enforceability and related matters; conflicts,
defaults and requisite consents; and absence of brokerage fees.

     The representations of Purchaser relate generally to authorization,
enforceability and related matters; conflicts, defaults and requisite consents;
and absence of brokerage fees.


     Purchaser has agreed to indemnify, defend and hold Seller harmless from and
against losses, claims, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees
and expenses (collectively, "Losses") arising from: (a) Purchaser's inspection
of the Properties, (b) Purchaser's failure to pay or perform any liabilities
assumed by it as part of the Asset Sale and (c) the claims of persons alleging
they are owed commissions or fees as a result of acting on behalf of the
Purchaser in the Asset Sale.

     Seller has agreed to indemnify, defend and hold Purchaser and related
parties harmless from and against Losses arising from claims of persons alleging
they are owed commissions or fees as a result of acting on behalf of the Seller
in the Asset Sale and to indemnify Purchaser from and against Losses arising
from claims by the Company's shareholders.


     Seller has agreed to continue to operate and maintain the Properties
consistent with current practice and to not terminate the Asset Management
Agreement except in the case of Partners' default. In the management of the
Properties by Partners pursuant to the Asset Management Agreement, Seller
recognizes that Partners will consult with Purchaser and be subject to
Purchaser's supervision. In addition, Seller has agreed not to enter into
contracts for operation or maintenance of the Properties unless they can be
cancelled without penalty on 30 days' written notice.

     Seller may not enter into, amend or terminate any lease or ground lease or
accept the surrender of any existing tenancy or approve any sublease without the
consent of Purchaser unless it is terminating the lease of a tenant (other than
an anchor tenant of a shopping center property) for a monetary default.


     With the exception of the outlots at Pecanland Mall, the Huntington Garage
and the Long Street Garage, Seller may not, directly or indirectly, solicit or
initiate any discussions with any person or entity other than Purchaser with a
view toward the sale of the Properties. The Company may, however, respond to,
pursue and negotiate a bona fide proposal, which is neither solicited nor
initiated by Seller, to directly or indirectly purchase any or all of the
Properties if the Board of Trustees or a committee thereof has determined that
(a) the alternative proposal may be more favorable to the shareholders of the
Company and (b) the party making the alternative proposal is reasonably likely
to have the financial resources to complete the transaction.


     The closing is conditioned upon consent to the Asset Sale by the
shareholders of the Company on or prior to December 26, 2000 (such date, the
"Shareholder Approval Deadline"), subject to extension in certain circumstances
at the election of Purchaser or Seller, but in no event later than April 30,

     In addition, the closing is conditioned upon Seller delivering to Purchaser
estoppel certificates in a specified form from a certain portion of the tenants
of the shopping center and office properties, the

lessors under the ground leases of three properties and the net lessees of the
parking facility properties. If Purchaser's lender refuses to fund as a result
of the missing estoppel certificates for any Property, Seller has the option to
provide such funding on equal or better terms, in which event Purchaser will be
required to purchase such Property. If Seller refuses to provide such financing,
Purchaser may elect to eliminate such Property from the Asset Sale with an
adjustment in the purchase price for the remaining Properties.

     The closing is also conditioned on the receipt of any antitrust clearances
the parties determine are necessary, and the Asset Management Agreement
remaining in place and being amended, as provided in the Sale Contract, unless
there has been a default by Partners. See "Interests of Management or Trustees
in the Asset Sale -- Asset Management Agreement", above.


     The closing will occur on a date (the "Closing Date") within two business
days after the consent by the Beneficiaries, but in no event later than December
29, 2000; except that, under certain circumstances, Purchaser may extend the
Closing Date to a date not later than January 31, 2001 and under certain
circumstances Seller may extend the Closing Date to a date not later than April
30, 2001.


     Either party may terminate the Sale Contract if any condition to that
party's obligation to close is not met on or before the Closing Date, if the
other party defaults under the Sale Contract, if the meeting of Beneficiaries
for approval of the sale has not been held prior to the second business day
before the Closing Date, or the Beneficiaries do not approve the sale at the
meeting held for such purpose. The Purchaser may terminate the Sale Contract if
Seller extends the Closing Date beyond December 29, 2000. In addition, the Sale
Contract will terminate upon notice from Seller if the Board of Trustees of the
Company or a committee thereof determines that the Company has a fiduciary duty
to accept, approve or recommend an alternative proposal.


     If Seller terminates the Sale Contract because Purchaser has defaulted
under the Sale Contract, then, as a sole remedy, Seller may retain the Deposit.
If Purchaser terminates the Sale Contract because Seller has defaulted under the
Sale Contract, Seller must return to Purchaser the entire Deposit paid by

     If the Sale Contract is terminated because the Beneficiaries did not
approve the sale or, at the option of Seller, upon notice from Seller as a
result of not having held the Beneficiary meeting to approve the sale by prior
to the second business day before the Closing Date or the determination of
Seller's Board or a committee thereof that the Company has a fiduciary duty to
accept, approve or recommend an alternative proposal, then in addition to the
return of the Deposit, Seller shall reimburse Purchaser for certain fees and
expenses up to a maximum of $3.0 million (the "Expense Reimbursement"). If the
Sale Contract is terminated after an extension of the Closing Date beyond
December 29, 2000, the maximum Expense Reimbursement will be $3.25 million. If
the Closing Date has been extended beyond January 31, 2001 and the Sale Contract
is terminated, the maximum Expense Reimbursement will be $3.5 million. In
addition, if the Sale Contract is terminated because of the determination of
Seller's Board or a committee thereof that the Company has a fiduciary duty to
accept, approve or recommend an alternative proposal, Seller is obligated to
reimburse Purchaser for up to an additional $2 million of fees and expenses paid
to or payable to Purchaser's equity investors.

     If the Sale Contract is terminated as a result of Seller's failure to clear
title exceptions, Purchaser's election to terminate the Sale Contract upon
Seller's extension of the Closing Date beyond December 29, 2000 or Purchaser's
election to terminate as a result of Seller's failure to hold a vote of the
Beneficiaries to approve the Sale Contract by December 29, 2000, Seller shall
reimburse Purchaser for one-half of certain fees and expenses up to a maximum of
one-half of the applicable maximum Expense

Reimbursement. Alternatively, if Seller obtains Beneficiary consent to the Asset
Sale and Seller defaults under the Sale Contract, then, in lieu of its other
remedies, Purchaser may obtain specific performance of the Sale Contract or
prosecute an action for damages in an amount not to exceed $10 million.

     In those circumstances where Seller is obligated to reimburse Purchaser for
certain fees and expenses, none of the reimbursement is to be paid to Messrs.
Friedman or Schonberger, Ms. Zahner or any entity in which any of them have an

                         TERMS OF THE VOTING AGREEMENTS

     In connection with the Sale Contract, each of Gotham and Apollo, in its
capacity as a shareholder, has signed an agreement with Purchaser (a "Voting
Agreement") to vote all of its Shares held as of the Record Date, which Shares,
in the aggregate, represent approximately 21.40% of the Company's Shares, to
consent to the Asset Sale. Gotham and Apollo each agreed to vote all of their
respective Shares (i) to consent to the Asset Sale, (ii) against any action that
would result in a breach of the Sale Contract or its Voting Agreement and (iii)
against any sale of the Properties to any party other than Purchaser.
Additionally, each of Gotham and Apollo agreed to appoint Purchaser as its proxy
to vote all of its Shares with respect to the sale of the Properties at any
meeting of the Beneficiaries called to consider the Asset Sale. Each Voting
Agreement will terminate upon the termination of the Sale Contract in accordance
with its terms or upon certain amendments, modifications or waivers of the Sale

     In addition, Magten, which beneficially owns 11.19% of the Shares, has
agreed to vote those Shares with respect to which it has voting control to
consent to the Asset Sale, subject to certain conditions. The agreement of
Magten will terminate upon termination of either of the Voting Agreements.

     The above summary of each voting agreement does not purport to be complete
and is subject to the text of each Voting Agreement, which are attached as
exhibits to the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K, filed with the Commission
on September 27, 2000 and which are incorporated herein by reference.


     The Asset Sale will be reflected on the Company's financial statements as a
sale of the assets with a net gain of approximately $28 million recognized for
the difference between the total proceeds under the Sale Contract and the book
value of the net assets sold.


     The following is a summary of the material federal income tax consequences
of the Asset Sale. The summary is not intended to be tax advice to any person,
nor is it binding upon the Internal Revenue Service. In addition, no information
is provided herein with respect to the tax consequences of the Asset Sale under
applicable state, local, or foreign tax laws.

     The Company will recognize gain or loss on the Asset Sale equal to the
difference between the amount realized by the Company from the Asset Sale and
the Company's adjusted tax basis in the assets sold. The amount realized by the
Company on the Asset Sale will equal the sum of the money received by the
Company, plus the amount of the liabilities assumed by Purchaser, plus the
amount of any liabilities to which the sold assets are subject. The Company will
be subject to federal income taxation on any gain it recognizes on the Asset
Sale unless the Company distributes to its Beneficiaries an amount equal to the
amount of the gain or chooses to apply ordinary tax losses available against the
gain. At this time, the Company anticipates recognizing a gain of approximately
$12 million on the Asset Sale.

     With respect to any gain the Company recognizes on the Asset Sale, the
Company may make, as a capital gain distribution, a distribution necessary to
satisfy in whole or in part certain REIT distribution


requirements resulting from the Asset Sale. In addition, the Company may choose
to apply ordinary tax losses available against all or part of the gain. If the
Company makes a capital gain distribution, the Company generally will not be
taxed on the gain, but instead the Beneficiaries will recognize a long-term
capital gain in the amount of that distribution. For individuals, long-term
capital gains are taxed at rates lower than ordinary income, generally at 20% or
25% depending on the nature of the capital gain.

     The Company believes that it will have sufficient available cash to make a
capital gain distribution equal to any gain it recognizes on the Asset Sale in
the event it chooses to do so. If the Company fails to make a required capital
gain distribution, then the following tax results will occur. The Company will
be taxed on the undistributed capital gain to the extent that the undistributed
gain exceeds available ordinary tax losses. Pursuant to an election the Company
anticipates it would make in such event, the Beneficiaries: (i) would recognize
a long-term capital gain in the amount of the Company's undistributed capital
gain; (ii) would be given a tax credit equal to the tax paid by the Company on
the undistributed capital gain (which credit generally should eliminate any tax
on the gain referred to in clause (i) and, in the case of the Beneficiaries who
are individuals, result in an excess credit that either can be used to shelter
capital gains from other sources or can result in a tax refund), and (iii) would
increase their basis in the Shares by the excess of the amount of capital gain
referred to in clause (i) over the amount of the tax credit referred to in
clause (ii).

     The Company urges each of the Beneficiaries to consult its tax advisor
regarding the specific tax consequences to the Beneficiary of a capital gain
distribution by the Company or, as discussed in the immediately preceding
paragraph, if the Company recognizes a capital gain on the Asset Sale and does
not make a capital gain distribution.

     In the event that the Asset Sale occurs during a tax year with respect to
which the Company does not retain its REIT status, it is anticipated that the
gain on the Asset Sale, to the extent that the undistributed gain exceeds
available ordinary tax losses, will be taxed at the normal federal and state
corporate rates and any distributions associated with the Asset Sale that the
shareholders receive will be taxed as normal dividend income.


     To the Company's knowledge, consummation of the Asset Sale does not require
any regulatory approvals other than receipt of appropriate federal antitrust
clearances deemed necessary by the parties to the Sale Contract and the federal
filings required under applicable United States securities laws in connection
with this Proxy Statement.

                             NO DISSENTERS' RIGHTS

     Under Ohio law, the Beneficiaries do not have dissenters' rights to receive
payment for their Shares as a result of the Asset Sale.

                           REQUIRED VOTE FOR PROPOSAL

     In accordance with the provisions of Article X of the Declaration of Trust,
the affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding Shares as of the Record
Date is required to consent to the Asset Sale.





     The Pro Forma Combined Balance Sheet of the Company as of June 30, 2000,
reflects three adjustment columns: the sale of Temple Mall in August 2000, the
proposed Asset Sale to Radiant and the sale of the Huntington Garage property.
The Pro Forma Combined Statement of Operations for the year ended December 31,
1999 reflects six adjustment columns: the properties sold by the Company prior
to December 31, 1999, the sale of the Crossroads Center property in April 2000,
the spinoff of Imperial Parking Corporation in March 2000, the sale of Temple
Mall in August 2000, the proposed Asset Sale to Radiant and the sale of the
Huntington Garage property. The Pro Forma Combined Statement of Operations for
the six months ended June 30, 2000, reflects four adjustment columns: the sale
of the Crossroads Center property, the sale of Temple Mall, the proposed Asset
Sale to Radiant and the sale of the Huntington Garage property.

     The Pro Forma Combined Balance Sheet of the Company assumes the sale of
Temple Mall, the proposed Asset Sale to Radiant and the sale of the Huntington
Garage property occurred on June 30, 2000, and the Pro Forma Combined Statements
of Operations assume that all transactions occurred at the beginning of the
periods presented. The Pro Forma Combined Statement of Operations for the twelve
months ended December 31, 1999 and for the six months ended June 30, 2000 are
not necessarily indicative of the actual results that would have occurred had
the pro forma transactions been consummated on the first day of the respective
periods or of future operations of the Company. The Pro Forma financial
statements do not take into consideration the increase in the Company's
liquidity or possible uses of those funds.

     The Pro Forma Combined Balance Sheet and Pro Forma Combined Statements of
Operations should be read in conjunction with the Notes to Pro Forma Combined
Financial Statements.


                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                         PRO FORMA ADJUSTMENTS
                                                                                PROPOSED     SALE OF
                                                                 TEMPLE MALL   HUNTINGTON   PROPERTIES
                                                    HISTORICAL    SALE (5)        SALE      TO RADIANT   PRO FORMA
                                                    ----------   -----------   ----------   ----------   ---------
Investment in real estate
  Land............................................  $  47,292                   $(1,600)    $ (38,807)   $   6,885
  Building and improvements.......................    247,137                    (6,602)     (177,838)      62,697
                                                    ---------      -------      -------     ---------    ---------
                                                      294,429                    (8,202)     (216,645)      69,582
  Less -- Accumulated depreciation................    (66,445)                    3,392        55,786       (7,267)
                                                    ---------      -------      -------     ---------    ---------
      Total investment in real estate.............    227,984                    (4,810)     (160,859)      62,315(3)
Investment in joint venture.......................      1,671      $(1,671)          --            --           --
Mortgage loans and notes receivable...............      2,698       (1,200)          --        (1,498)          --
Other assets
  Cash and cash equivalents -- unrestricted.......      9,305        3,600       13,000(1)     69,300(2)    95,205
                          -- restricted...........      4,882                        --        (2,746)       2,136(4)
  Accounts receivable and prepayments, net of
    allowances....................................      4,782                       (20)          (23)       4,739
  Investments.....................................    209,461                        --            --      209,461
  Inventory.......................................      4,424                        --            --        4,424
  Unamortized debt issue costs, net...............      1,815                       (96)       (1,294)         425
  Other...........................................        664                        --            --          664
                                                    ---------      -------      -------     ---------    ---------
      Total assets................................  $ 467,686      $   729      $ 8,074     $ (97,120)   $ 379,369
                                                    =========      =======      =======     =========    =========
  Mortgage loans..................................  $ 159,092                   $(7,769)    $(109,351)   $  41,972
  Notes payable...................................    145,117                        --            --      145,117
  Senior notes....................................     12,538                        --            --       12,538
  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities........     12,639                        --            --       12,639
  Deferred items..................................      2,675                        --        (2,260)         415
                                                    ---------      -------      -------     ---------    ---------
      Total liabilities...........................    332,061           --       (7,769)     (111,611)     212,681
                                                    ---------      -------      -------     ---------    ---------
Shareholders' equity
  Preferred shares of beneficial interest.........     23,171                        --            --       23,171
  Shares of beneficial interest...................     42,258                        --            --       42,258
  Additional paid in capital......................    218,595                        --            --      218,595
  Undistributed loss from operations..............   (148,399)     $   729       15,843        14,491     (117,336)
                                                    ---------      -------      -------     ---------    ---------
      Total shareholders' equity..................    135,625          729       15,843        14,491      166,688
                                                    ---------      -------      -------     ---------    ---------
      Total liabilities and shareholders'
        equity....................................  $ 467,686      $   729      $ 8,074     $ (97,120)   $ 379,369
                                                    =========      =======      =======     =========    =========

- ---------------

(1) Projected to receive approximately $13 million from the sale, after
    assumption of debt of $8 million (at June 30, 2000), and expenses related to
    the sale.

(2)Projected to receive approximately $71.6 million from the sale, after
   assumption of debt of $109 million (at June 30, 2000), expenses related to
   the sale and other adjustments. In addition, approximately $2.3 million of
   cash is expected to be transferred to Radiant for Richmond Garage

(3) The balance consists of fixed assets at Circle Tower of $2.225 million and
    at Park Plaza of $60.090 million.

(4) The balance of this account consists of a severance escrow of $1.152 million
    and Park Plaza Escrow balances of $.984 million.

(5) Temple Mall joint venture was sold in August 2000.


                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1999
                     (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

                                                                    PRO FORMA ADJUSTMENTS
                                                   PROPERTIES SOLD     SALE OF
                                                      PRIOR TO        CROSSROADS   SPINOFF OF   TEMPLE MALL
                                     HISTORICAL   DECEMBER 31, 1999      (1)         IMPARK      SALE (2)
                                     ----------   -----------------   ----------   ----------   -----------
  Rents............................   $109,839        $(53,647)        $(11,378)
  Sales............................      6,643
  Interest -- Mortgage loans.......        463
         -- Short-term
    investments....................      2,649            (567)              (7)    $(1,950)
  Equity in income from joint
    venture........................         64                                                     $(64)
  Management fees..................        332
  Other Income.....................        784
                                      --------        --------         --------     -------        ----
                                       120,774         (54,214)         (11,385)     (1,950)        (64)
                                      --------        --------         --------     -------        ----
  Property operating...............     36,224         (21,342)          (1,844)
  Cost of goods sold...............      8,670
  Real estate taxes................      9,937          (3,709)          (1,987)
  Depreciation and amortization....     25,331         (11,283)          (1,691)
  Interest -- Mortgage loans.......     28,264         (11,221)          (4,327)
         -- Notes payable..........      4,232          (4,193)
         -- Senior notes...........      1,113
         -- Bank loans and other...      4,833          (3,253)
  General and administrative.......     14,664
  Unrealized loss on carrying value
    of assets identified for
    disposition and impaired
    assets.........................      9,800
                                      --------        --------         --------     -------        ----
                                       143,068         (55,001)          (9,849)         --          --
                                      --------        --------         --------     -------        ----
Loss before capital gain,
  extraordinary loss, discontinued
  operations and preferred
  dividend.........................   $(22,294)       $    787         $ (1,536)    $(1,950)       $(64)
                                      ========        ========         ========     =======        ====

Per share data
Basic weighted average shares......     38,827
Diluted weighted average shares....     38,836
Loss before capital gain,
  extraordinary loss, discontinued
  operations and preferred
  dividend, basic and diluted......   $  (0.57)

                                      PRO FORMA ADJUSTMENTS
                                      PROPOSED     SALE OF
                                     HUNTINGTON   PROPERTIES
                                        SALE      TO RADIANT   PRO FORMA
                                     ----------   ----------   ---------
  Rents............................   $(2,231)     $(29,812)   $ 12,771
  Sales............................                               6,643
  Interest -- Mortgage loans.......                                 463
         -- Short-term
    investments....................                     (87)         38
  Equity in income from joint
    venture........................                      --
  Management fees..................                                 332
  Other Income.....................                                 784
                                      -------      --------    --------
                                       (2,231)      (29,899)     21,031
                                      -------      --------    --------
  Property operating...............       (78)       (8,574)      4,386
  Cost of goods sold...............                               8,670
  Real estate taxes................      (356)       (3,068)        817
  Depreciation and amortization....      (242)       (7,742)      4,373
  Interest -- Mortgage loans.......      (690)       (9,074)      2,952
         -- Notes payable..........                                  39
         -- Senior notes...........                               1,113
         -- Bank loans and other...                               1,580
  General and administrative.......                              14,664
  Unrealized loss on carrying value
    of assets identified for
    disposition and impaired
    assets.........................                               9,800
                                      -------      --------    --------
                                       (1,366)      (28,458)     48,394
                                      -------      --------    --------
Loss before capital gain,
  extraordinary loss, discontinued
  operations and preferred
  dividend.........................   $  (865)     $ (1,441)   $(27,363)
                                      =======      ========    ========
Per share data
Basic weighted average shares......                              38,827
Diluted weighted average shares....                              38,836
Loss before capital gain,
  extraordinary loss, discontinued
  operations and preferred
  dividend, basic and diluted......                            $  (0.70)

- ---------------

(1) Crossroads was sold in April 2000.

(2) Temple Mall was sold in August 2000.



                     FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2000
                     (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

                                                                PRO FORMA ADJUSTMENTS
                                                   SALE OF                     PROPOSED     SALE OF
                                                 CROSSROADS     TEMPLE MALL   HUNTINGTON   PROPERTIES
                                   HISTORICAL        (1)         SALE (2)        SALE      TO RADIANT   PRO FORMA
                                   ----------   -------------   -----------   ----------   ----------   ---------
  Rents..........................   $25,849        $(3,170)                    $(1,190)     $(15,035)    $ 6,454
  Sales..........................     4,579                                         --            --       4,579
  Interest -- Mortgage loans.....       150                        $(36)            --           (77)         37
           -- Short-term
           investments...........     4,535             (4)                                     (103)      4,428
  Dividends......................       112                                                       --         112
  Equity in loss from joint
     venture.....................      (115)                        115             --            --          --
  Other Income...................       179             (6)                                       --         173
                                    -------        -------         ----        -------      --------     -------
                                     35,289         (3,180)          79         (1,190)      (15,215)     15,783
                                    -------        -------         ----        -------      --------     -------
  Property operating.............     7,099           (655)                        (16)       (4,224)      2,204
  Cost of goods sold.............     4,434                                         --            --       4,434
  Real estate taxes..............     3,144           (707)                       (178)       (1,832)        427
  Depreciation and
     amortization................     6,222           (730)                       (134)       (4,300)      1,058
  Interest -- Mortgage loans.....     9,324         (2,571)                       (336)       (5,687)        730
           -- Notes payable......     2,632                                        (47)           (1)      2,584
           -- Senior notes.......       556                                         --            --         556
  General and administrative.....     7,901                                         --            --       7,901
                                    -------        -------         ----        -------      --------     -------
                                     41,312         (4,663)          --           (711)      (16,044)     19,894
                                    -------        -------         ----        -------      --------     -------
Loss before capital loss,
  extraordinary loss and
  preferred dividend.............   $(6,023)       $ 1,483         $ 79        $  (479)     $    829     $(4,111)
                                    =======        =======         ====        =======      ========     =======
Per share data
Basic weighted average shares....    42,470                                                               42,470
                                    =======                                                              =======
Diluted weighed average shares...    49,098                                                               49,098
                                    =======                                                              =======
Loss before capital loss,
  extraordinary loss and
  preferred dividend, basic and
  diluted........................   $ (0.14)                                                             $ (0.10)
                                    =======                                                              =======

- ---------------
(1) Crossroads was sold in April 2000.

(2) Temple Mall was sold in August 2000.




     In March 2000, the Registrant distributed all common stock of Impark to its
shareholders. One share of Impark common stock was distributed for every 20 of
the Registrant's common shares of beneficial interest held on March 20, 2000.
Approximately 2.1 million shares of Impark common stock were distributed. As
part of the spin-off, the Registrant repaid Impark's bank credit facility of
approximately $24.2 million, contributed approximately $7.5 million of cash,
contributed its 14 Canadian parking properties and $6.7 million for a parking
development located in San Francisco, California.


     In April 2000, the Registrant sold Crossroads Shopping Center for $80.1
million, of which approximately $78.1 million was applied against a loan payable
to the purchaser, the assumption of the first mortgage debt on the property and
other liabilities. The Registrant recognized a gain on the sale of approximately
$59 million, less an extraordinary loss on extinguishment of debt of
approximately $2.4 million.


     In August 2000, the Registrant received approximately $2.4 million
representing its 50% non-controlling ownership interest in the net proceeds from
the sale of Temple Mall. The Registrant accounted for its interest in Temple
Mall as an investment in a joint venture using the equity method of accounting.
The Registrant will recognize a gain from the investment in a joint venture of
approximately $.7 million during the third quarter of 2000. Temple Mall was sold
for approximately $25.7 million, of which approximately $19.5 million was
applied against the first mortgage debt on the mall. In addition, the joint
venture repaid its $1.2 million note payable to the Registrant from cash


     In September 2000, the Registrant signed two sales contracts for a
significant asset sale to Radiant. The proposed transactions contemplate the
sale of certain real estate assets (the "Purchased Assets") for a sales price of
approximately $205 million (which includes approximately $117 million in assumed
mortgage debt at June 30, 2000) and subject to certain adjustments including the
Registrant's share of certain transaction costs.

     The assets assumed to be purchased by Radiant include:

     - 55 Public Square and CEI Office Buildings -- Cleveland, Ohio
     - 55 Public Square Garage -- Cleveland, Ohio
     - West Third Street Parking Lot -- Cleveland, Ohio
     - North Valley Tech Center -- Thornton, Colorado
     - Two Rivers Business Center -- Clarksville, Tennessee
     - Westgate Shopping Center -- Abilene, Texas
     - Pecanland Mall -- Monroe, Louisiana
     - Huntington Garage -- Cleveland, Ohio
     - Long Street Garage -- Columbus, Ohio
     - Madison and Wells Garage -- Chicago, Illinois
     - Printers Alley Garage -- Nashville, Tennessee
     - 5th and Marshall Garage -- Richmond, Virginia
     - Club Associates' note receivable, face amount of approximately $1.5

     - Ancillary assets including Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment, and
       reserve and escrow accounts of the purchased assets.


     - Net operating income from all of the Purchased Assets from June 1, 2000
       less capital expenditures committed subsequent to May 9, 2000 further
       reduced by 66.6% of asset management fees paid to Radiant Partners, LLC
       from June 1, 2000 until the closing of the transaction

     The Registrant would retain ownership of the following assets:

     - Unrestricted cash and Treasury bills
     - Convertible preferred investment in HQ Global Workplaces
     - Severance and prior trustees escrow account
     - Park Plaza Mall -- Little Rock, Arkansas
     - Circle Tower -- Indianapolis, Indiana
     - Peachtree Mall legal claim

     The Registrant will remain liable for the following obligations:

     - 8.2% convertible preferred shares
     - 8.875% Publicly-traded senior notes
     - Dallas management office lease (the Registrant has sub-leased this space)
     - Certain liabilities relating to the Purchased Assets arising prior to
       June 1, 2000, except for certain potential liabilities of the Westgate
       Shopping Center
     - Corporate expenses and liabilities not related to the Purchased Assets
     - Property level mortgage debt on retained assets
     - Other ordinary course liabilities

     Radiant Partners, LLC would continue to manage the Registrant's remaining
assets for $250,000 per year for two years.

     The sales contracts are subject to several conditions, including the
consent of shareholders of the Registrant. The closing, if it occurs, is
expected to occur during the fourth quarter of 2000, although it may be extended
under certain circumstances to a date not later than April 29, 2001.

     In October 2000, the Trust signed a definitive purchase agreement for the
sale of the Huntington Garage property in Cleveland, Ohio to Northeastern
Security Development Corp., a private real estate investment firm headquartered
in New York. The purchase price is $21,250,000 and the purchaser has made a
non-refundable deposit of $1,000,000 to be applied to the purchase price at
closing. The sale is expected to close no later than January 2001.

     This property is among those that Radiant agreed to acquire from the Trust
under the Sale Contract. Under the Sale Contract Radiant and the Trust had
agreed that the Trust was permitted to sell the Huntington Garage property to a
third party.

     The Sale Contract as amended provides that Radiant will receive a credit
towards the $205 million purchase price equal to the net sales price realized by
the Trust from the sale of the Huntington Garage. If the sale of the Huntington
Garage has not closed by the time the Sale Contract with Radiant closes, Radiant
will receive a post-closing credit of the net proceeds of the sale towards the
$205 million purchase price.


                              MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS

     Set forth below is selected combined financial data of the Company for the
six months ended June 30, 2000 and 1999 and for the years ended December 31,
1999, 1998, 1997, 1996 and 1995. The selected combined financial data for the
six-month periods has been derived from, and should be read in conjunction with,
the unaudited combined financial statements, accompanying notes and the
management's discussion and analysis section included in the Company's quarterly
reports on Form 10-Q for the periods ended June 30, 2000 and 1999. The selected
combined financial data for the twelve-month periods has been derived from,
should be read in conjunction with the audited combined financial statements,
accompanying notes and management's discussion and analysis section included in
the Company's Annual Reports on Form 10-K for the years ended December 31, 1999,
1998, 1997, 1996 and 1995.

                                                   SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                       JUNE 30,                       YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                  -------------------   ----------------------------------------------------
                                                    2000       1999       1999     1998(1)    1997(1)    1996(1)    1995(1)
                                                  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
Revenues (2)....................................  $ 35,289   $ 65,585   $120,774   $148,062   $110,539   $ 81,867   $ 79,205
Interest expense (2)............................    12,512     22,697     38,442     48,197     27,748     23,426     22,397
Depreciation and amortization (2) (3)...........     6,222     14,865     25,331     27,603     18,787     15,890     14,276
Income (loss) before unrealized loss on carrying
  value of assets identified for disposition and
  impaired assets, capital gains, net,
  extraordinary loss, cumulative effect of
  accounting changes, loss from discontinued
  operations and preferred dividend (2) (4) (5)
  (6) (7).......................................    (6,023)    (6,160)   (12,494)   (27,769)     7,278      1,681        881
Unrealized loss on carrying value of assets
  identified for disposition and impaired assets
  (6)...........................................        --     (9,002)    (9,800)   (36,000)        --         --    (14,000)
Capital gains, net..............................    59,141     27,789     28,334     10,346      1,468         --     31,577
Extraordinary loss from early extinguishment of
  debt (7)......................................    (5,459)        --     (5,508)    (2,399)      (226)      (286)      (910)
Cumulative effect of change in accounting for
  internal lease costs (3)......................        --         --         --         --         --         --     (4,325)
Loss from discontinued operations (4)...........        --     (1,609)    (6,836)   (27,696)    (2,844)        --         --
Net income (loss) before preferred dividend.....    47,659     11,018     (6,304)   (83,518)     5,676      1,395     13,223
Preferred dividend..............................    (1,416)    (1,416)    (2,833)    (2,999)    (4,831)      (845)        --
Net income (loss) applicable to shares of
  beneficial interest...........................    46,243      9,602     (9,137)   (86,517)       845        550     13,223
Net income (loss) applicable to shares of
  beneficial interest, basic....................  $   1.11   $   0.28   $  (0.24)  $  (2.81)  $   0.03   $   0.03   $   0.73
Net income (loss) applicable to shares of
  beneficial interest, diluted..................  $   0.97   $   0.28   $  (0.24)  $  (2.81)  $   0.03   $   0.03   $   0.73
Basic weighted average shares...................    42,470     34,536     38,827     30,772     24,537     17,172     18,059
  Stock options, treasury method................        --         --         --        243        571        367         --
  Restricted shares, treasury method............        --         --          9         --        307        167         58
  Conversion of preferred shares................     6,628      4,465         --         --         --         --         --
  Diluted weighted average shares...............    49,098     39,001     38,836     31,015     25,415     17,705     18,117
  Gross investment in real estate assets........  $294,429   $575,858   $324,251   $798,230   $746,867   $458,963   $449,080
  Total assets..................................   467,686    597,823    502,792    786,684    790,226    413,054    376,144
  Debt (8)......................................   316,747    318,994    283,217    553,576    458,637    254,868    258,454
  Shareholders' equity..........................   135,625    207,324    169,710    150,696    235,310    124,957     77,500
Net cash provided by (used for)
  Operations....................................  $  2,062   $  8,918   $  9,409   $  5,919   $ 15,940   $ 11,085   $ 12,989
  Investing.....................................  (104,824)   119,600    112,089    (52,429)  (112,233)   (47,002)   (28,345)
  Financing.....................................    61,522   (137,696)  (109,128)    72,781    110,124     35,466     15,783
Property net operating income (9)...............    15,751     35,470     61,651     77,049     53,055     47,349     44,086
EBIDA (9).......................................    11,295     29,986     48,446     45,032     48,982     40,152     37,554
Funds from (used in) operations after preferred
  dividends (9).................................    (1,746)     2,524      7,894    (13,784)    21,150     16,010     14,291
Preferred dividends declared....................     1,416      1,416      2,833      2,999      4,831        845         --
Dividends declared..............................     6,583         --     13,166      3,478     11,651      7,684      7,542
Dividends declared per share....................  $   0.16   $     --   $   0.31   $   0.11   $   0.44   $   0.44   $   0.41


- ---------------

(1) As a result of First Union's review of lives assigned to real estate assets
    for calculation of depreciation expense during the fourth quarter of 1998,
    reduced asset lives have been assigned effective January 1, 1998.
    Consequently, First Union has restated its Combined Financial Statements for
    the years ended December 31, 1995 through 1998.

(2) In September 1997, First Union acquired the interests of its joint venture
    partners in eight shopping malls and 50% of another mall. In 1999, First
    Union sold 27 properties. In 2000, First Union sold one shopping mall.

(3) In December 1995, First Union changed its method to directly expense
    internal leasing costs and recorded a $4.3 million noncash charge for the
    cumulative effect of the accounting change as of the beginning of 1995.

(4) The results of Impark have been classified as discontinued operations for
    1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000. Impark was spun off to the shareholders of the
    Trust in March 2000. In 1998, Impark recognized a $15 million reduction of

(5) In 1998, the loss before unrealized loss on carrying value of assets
    identified for disposition and impaired assets, capital gains, net,
    extraordinary loss, cumulative effect of accounting change and loss from
    discontinued operations included expenses of $17.6 million related to the
    proxy contest and the resulting change in the composition of the Trust's
    Board of Trustees. In 1995, income before unrealized loss on carrying value
    of assets identified for disposition and impaired assets, capital gains,
    net, extraordinary loss, cumulative effect of accounting change and loss
    from discontinued operations included $1.6 million of litigation and proxy

(6) For the six months ended June 30, 1999, the Trust recognized $9 million in
    losses on the carrying value of assets identified for disposition and
    impaired assets. For the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1995, the
    Trust recognized a $9.8 million, $36 million and $14 million loss on the
    carrying value of assets identified for disposition and impaired assets.

(7) In 2000, the Trust repaid a $10.6 million deferred obligation resulting in a
    prepayment penalty of $3.1 million and they also recognized an extraordinary
    loss on the early extinguishment of debt of $2.4 million in connection with
    the sale of Crossroads Mall. In 1999, the Trust repaid $46 million in
    mortgage debt resulting in a prepayment penalty of $5.5 million. In 1998,
    the Trust repaid approximately $87.5 million of its 8 7/8% Senior Notes
    resulting in $1.6 million in unamortized issue costs and solicitation fees
    being expensed. Also, in the fourth quarter of 1998, the Trust renegotiated
    its bank agreement and $90 million note payable resulting in $800,000 of
    deferred costs being expensed. In 1997 and 1996, the Trust renegotiated its
    bank credit agreements, resulting in a $226,000 and $286,000 charge,
    respectively, related to the write-off of unamortized costs. In November
    1995, the Trust repaid approximately $36 million of mortgage debt resulting
    in a $910,000 charge for the write-off of unamortized costs and prepayment

(8) Included in debt are senior notes, notes payable, bank loans and mortgage

(9) In addition to net income, First Union believes that three additional
    measures of operating performance -- property net operating income, EBIDA
    (as defined below) and funds from operations -- are helpful in understanding
    First Union's financial performance. Property net operating income (as
    defined below) measures the performance of First Union's real estate assets
    and is often used by investors and others in valuing real estate assets.
    EBIDA is used by lenders and others as an indication of an entity's ability
    to incur and service debt, to make capital expenditures and to fund other
    cash needs. Funds from operations (as defined below) is widely used by
    industry analysts as the appropriate measure of the performance of an equity
    REIT and provides a relevant basis for comparison among REITs. None of
    property net operating income, EBIDA or funds from operations (1) represent
    net income or cash flow from operations as defined by generally accepted
    accounting principles, (2) should be considered as an alternative to net
    income as a measure of operating performance or cash flows from operating,
    investing and financing activities, or (3) should be considered as an
    alternative to cash flows as a measure of liquidity. First Union's
    calculations of property net operating income, EBIDA and funds from
    operations may not be comparable to similarly titled measures of other
    REITs. In addition, all of these measures of operating performance exclude
    depreciation and amortization expenses and property net operating income and
    EBIDA also exclude interest expense. These excluded items are significant
    components in understanding and assessing First Union's financial

       Property net operating income is defined as rents and sales, less
       property operating expenses, cost of goods sold and real estate taxes.
       This supplemental measure is determined before debt service and
       depreciation and amortization expense.

       EBIDA is calculated by starting with the line that appears on the income
       statement for income (loss) before capital gains or loss, extraordinary
       loss, cumulative effect of accounting change, loss from discontinued
       operations and preferred dividend. Interest expense and the noncash
       charges for depreciation and amortization are added back and preferred
       dividend is deducted. For the six months ended June 30, 1999 and the
       years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1995, EBIDA is calculated before
       the $9 million, $9.8 million, $36 million and $14 million unrealized loss
       on the carrying value of assets identified for disposition and impaired
       assets, respectively.

       Funds from operations is a multi-step calculation:

        Income (loss) before capital gain or loss, extraordinary loss and
        cumulative effect of accounting changes, plus

        Noncash charges for depreciation and amortization of First Union and the
        joint venture interest, plus

        Amortization allocated to the minority interest and depreciation and
        amortization of debt issuance costs and other corporate assets, less

        Preferred dividend.

       Funds from operations is calculated before the unrealized loss on the
       carrying value of assets identified for disposition and impaired assets.

       First Union adopted this definition of funds from operations in 1997 as
       recommended by the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts
       (NAREIT), which does not add back depreciation and amortization of debt
       issuance costs and other corporate assets. Previously, First Union added
       back all depreciation and amortization. Accordingly, funds from
       operations and dividend payout as a percentage of funds from operations
       for the years 1995 through 1996 have been restated to conform to the
       NAREIT definition.



                              DECLARATION OF TRUST

     The Board of Trustees has determined that, effective upon consummation of
the Asset Sale, certain changes to the Declaration of Trust would be appropriate
to enable the Board of Trustees to take certain actions without having to obtain
shareholder approval. Accordingly, amendments (the "Amendments") to Sections
11.19, 12.2 and 2.8 of the Declaration of Trust are proposed for shareholder

     In the event that Proposal Two is approved, the amendments proposed in
Proposal Three and Proposal Four, if also approved, would take effect upon
consummation of the Asset Sale. In the event that Proposal Two is not approved
or the Asset Sale does not occur, the amendments to the Company's Amended
Declaration of Trust proposed in Proposal Three and Proposal Four would not
become effective, whether or not they were approved. The Company intends to
consummate the Asset Sale upon the approval of Proposal Two, whether or not
Proposal Three or Proposal Four are approved.

     The following information describes, with respect to each of Proposal Three
and Proposal Four: (i) the existing provisions of the Declaration of Trust with
respect to the Amendment covered by the Proposal, and (ii) the effects of the


     Under Section 11.19 of the Declaration of Trust as currently in effect, no
Trustee and no Beneficiary shall take any action which would cause the Trust to
abandon its purpose of providing an investment vehicle for numerous shareholders
with small holdings or which would, in the opinion of counsel for the Trust,
prevent the Trust from qualifying or continuing to qualify as a REIT under the
Internal Revenue Code and the Regulations thereunder unless certain Board and
shareholder approvals have been obtained in the manner therein specified.

     The Board of Trustees has determined to propose to shareholders that
Section 11.19 be amended by the elimination of the requirement that shareholder
approval be obtained prior to the Trustees taking an action or actions that
would result in the Trust being prevented from qualifying or continuing to
qualify as a REIT. As a result of this amendment of Section 11.19 the Board of
Trustees may, without having first to obtain shareholder approval, (i) determine
whether or not it is in the best interest of the Beneficiaries of the Trust for
the Trust to remain a REIT, or (ii) take actions in the best interest of the
Beneficiaries that may have the effect of preventing the Trust from qualifying
or continuing to qualify as a REIT.

     Section 11.19 of the Declaration of Trust, as proposed to be amended and
restated, is attached hereto as Appendix E.


     Subsequent to the Asset Sale, the Board of Trustees may determine that it
is in the best interest of the Trust to dispose of part or all of the remaining
properties of the Trust, to make certain investments that do not enhance the
REIT qualification of the Trust, or to determine not to make certain other
investments for the purpose of generating REIT-qualified income. These or other
actions may be deemed to be actions which cause the Trust to fail to qualify as
a REIT for federal income tax purposes. In the event that the Company was no
longer a REIT, among other consequences, the Company would no longer be required
to distribute to its shareholders, as dividends, 95% of its taxable income. See
"Risks Relating To Proposals Three and Four: Amendments to the Declaration of
Trust," above.


     In the event that Proposal Two is approved, the amendment proposed in
Proposal Three and Proposal Four, if also approved, would take effect upon
consummation of the Asset Sale. In the event that Proposal Two is not approved
or the Asset Sale does not occur, the amendments to the Company's


Amended Declaration of Trust proposed in Proposal Three and Proposal Four would
not become effective, whether or not they were approved. The Company intends to
consummate the Asset Sale upon the approval of Proposal Two, whether or not
Proposal Three or Proposal Four are approved.





     Under Section 12.2 of the Declaration of Trust as currently in effect, no
sale, exchange or other disposition of more than 50% of the Trust's property, or
the sale of the whole or any part of the Trust's property for any shares, bonds
or other securities or obligations of the purchaser as a step in proceedings
that would result in the merger, consolidation, dissolution or termination of
the Trust, shall be made without the consent of the Board and the shareholders
in the manner therein specified. The Asset Sale is being proposed for approval
by shareholders pursuant to the aforementioned provisions of Section 12.2 of the
Declaration of Trust.

     The Board of Trustees believes that the foregoing requirement, and any
requirement of shareholder approval with respect to the sale of all or part of
the property of the Trust, will be unduly burdensome on the Trust due to the
relatively small amount of real estate properties anticipated to be held by the
Trust subsequent to consummation of the Asset Sale. The Board of Trustees
believes that, subsequent to the Asset Sale, the Board may determine to dispose
of property of the Trust, in whole or in part, including properties acquired
subsequent to the Asset Sale, without the necessity of obtaining shareholder

     Accordingly, the Board of Trustees has recommended that Section 12.2 of the
Declaration of Trust be amended to eliminate the requirement of shareholder
approval with respect to the sale or disposition of the property of the Company,
as opposed to the current requirement of shareholder approval for the sale or
disposition of 50% or more of the property of the Trust.

     Section 12.2 of the Declaration of Trust, as proposed to be amended, would
allow the Trustees, effective subsequent to the Asset Sale, to sell, exchange,
transfer or otherwise dispose of any or all property of the Trust in one or more
transactions, which may or may not be related. Disposition of any property will
be approved by the Trustees applying their business judgment to determine
whether the sale is in the best interest of the Trust and the shareholders. The
Trustees have not established guidelines or criteria to make such

     Section 12.2 of the Declaration of Trust, as proposed to be amended and
restated, is attached hereto as Appendix E.


     Under Section 2.8 of the Declaration of Trust as currently in effect, the
Trustees are required to receive shareholder approval with respect to a transfer
of the Trust property or any part or parts thereof to another business entity in
exchange for the shares of that entity. In addition, no transfer of
substantially all of the Trust property is permitted to be made to any business
entity other than a REIT or an entity receiving similar tax treatment to a REIT.

     The Trustees believe that, subsequent to the Asset Sale, these requirements
of shareholder approval and the prohibition against transfer of property to a
non-REIT will be unduly restrictive to the Trust. Consistent with the amendments
to Section 11.19 and Section 12.2, the Board of Trustees has determined to
propose that the Declaration of Trust be amended to allow the Trustees,
subsequent to the Asset Sale, to transfer all or any part of the Trust property
to another entity without obtaining share-

holder approval. In addition, the entity to which the property is transferred
would not be required to be a REIT or receive equivalent tax treatment.

     Section 2.8 of the Declaration of Trust, as proposed to be amended and
restated, is attached hereto as Appendix E.


     Subsequent to the Asset Sale, the Board of Trustees may determine that it
is in the best interest of the Trust to dispose of part or all of the remaining
properties of the Trust. These or other actions may be deemed to be actions
which cause the Trust to fail to qualify as a REIT for federal income tax
purposes. In the event that the Company was no longer a REIT, among other
consequences, the Company would no longer be required to distribute to its
shareholders, as dividends, 95% of its taxable income. See "Risks Relating To
Proposals Three and Four: Amendments to the Declaration of Trust," above.

     In addition, pursuant to the amendments, the Board of Trustees may
determine to sell, exchange, transfer or otherwise dispose of any or all
property of the Trust in one or more transactions, which may or may not be
related, without the consent of the Shareholders. This authority would extend to
the sale, exchange, transfer or disposition of properties of the Trust acquired
subsequent to the Asset Sale.


     In the event that Proposal Two is approved, the amendments proposed in
Proposal Three and Proposal Four, if also approved, would take effect upon
consummation of the Asset Sale. In the event that Proposal Two is not approved
or the Asset Sale does not occur, the amendments to the Company's Amended
Declaration of Trust proposed in Proposal Three and Proposal Four would not
become effective, whether or not they were approved. The Company intends to
consummate the Asset Sale upon the approval of Proposal Two, whether or not
Proposal Three or Proposal Four are approved.



                             SELECTION OF AUDITORS

     The Company has selected Arthur Andersen LLP as its independent public
accountants for its fiscal year ending December 31, 2000. Arthur Andersen LLP
has been the Company's auditor since the founding of the Trust in 1961. A
representative of Arthur Andersen LLP is expected to be present at the Meeting
and will have the opportunity to make a statement if he or she so desires and to
respond to appropriate Beneficiary questions.


     The Company will bear the cost of preparing and mailing this Proxy
Statement, the accompanying proxy and any other related materials. The Company
has engaged Corporate Investor Communications Inc. ("CIC") to assist in the
search for beneficiaries and distribution of proxies, at a fee of [$1,000 ] plus
reimbursement of its out-of-pocket expenses. The Company will also pay the
standard charges and expenses of brokerage houses, or other nominees or
fiduciaries, for forwarding such materials to, and obtaining the proxies from,
beneficiaries for whose account they hold registered title to Shares of the
Company. In addition to use of the mail, proxies may be solicited personally, by
telephone or otherwise, by Trustees, officers and regular employees of the
Company without receiving additional compensation, as well as by employees of
CIC. The Company will pay the expense of such solicitation.


                            FORM 10-K ANNUAL REPORT



     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Trust's
Trustees and executive officers, and persons who own beneficially more than 10%
of the Shares of the Trust, to file reports of ownership and changes of
ownership with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Stock
Exchange. Copies of all filed reports are required to be furnished to the Trust
pursuant to Section 16(a). Based solely on the reports received by the Trust and
on written representations from reporting persons, the Trust believes that the
Trustees, executive officers, and greater than 10% beneficial owners complied
with all applicable filing requirements during the fiscal year ended December
31, 1999.

                             BENEFICIARY PROPOSALS

     Any beneficiary proposals intended to be presented at the 2001 Annual
Meeting of Beneficiaries must be received by the Company for inclusion in the
Company's proxy statement and form of proxy relating to that meeting on or
before [July 18, 2001]. In addition, under the Company's By-laws, beneficiaries
must comply with specified procedures to nominate Trustees or introduce an item
of business at an annual meeting. Nominations or an item of business to be
introduced at an annual meeting must be submitted in writing and received by the
Company generally not less than 120 days in advance of an annual meeting. To be
in proper written form, a shareholder's notice must contain the specific
information required by the Company's By-laws. A copy of the Company's By-laws
which describes the advance notice procedures can be obtained from the Company.
Any such proposals should be sent to the following address: First Union Real
Estate Equity and Mortgage Investments, 1212 Avenue of the Americas, 18th Floor,
New York, New York 10036, Attention: Neil H. Koenig, Interim Chief Financial

                             MARKET FOR THE SHARES

     The Company's Shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange (the "NYSE")
under the symbol "FUR." On June 21, 2000, the trading date preceding the public
announcement of the proposed Asset Sale, the high and low sale prices per share
for the Company's Shares, as reported by the NYSE, were $2.8125 and $2.4375,


     The Company's balance sheets as of December 31, 1999 and 1998, and the
Company's statements of income and comprehensive income, statements of changes
in cash and statements of shareholders' equity for the years ended December 31,
1999, 1998, and 1997 appearing in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the year ended December 31, 1999, have been audited by Arthur Andersen LLP,
independent public accountants, as indicated in their reports with respect
thereto, and are incorporated herein by reference in reliance upon the authority
of said firm as experts in giving said reports.


                             AVAILABLE INFORMATION

     The Company is subject to the informational requirements of the Exchange
Act, and in accordance therewith files reports and other information with the
Commission. Reports, proxy material and other information concerning the Company
can be inspected and copied at the offices of the Commission at 450 Fifth
Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 or at its regional offices, Citicorp
Center, 500 West Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois 60661-2511 and Seven World
Trade Center, Suite 1300, New York, New York 10048. Copies of such material can
be obtained from the Public Reference Section of the Commission at Judiciary
Plaza, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 at prescribed rates.
Information regarding the operation of the Public Reference Section of the
Commission may be obtained by calling the Commission at 1 (800) SEC-0330. In
addition, the Commission maintains a Web site on the Internet at
http://www.sec.gov that contains reports, proxy and information statements and
other information regarding registrants that file electronically with the
Commission, including the Company. The Company's outstanding Shares and
outstanding Series A Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Shares of Beneficial
Interest, $1.00 par value per share, are listed on the NYSE under the symbols,
"FUR" and "FURPrA," respectively, and all such reports, proxy material and other
information filed by the Company with the NYSE may be inspected at the offices
of the NYSE at 20 Broad Street, New York, New York 10005.

     No person is authorized to give any information or make any representation
about the proposals contained in this Proxy Statement that is different from or
in addition to the information contained in this Proxy Statement or any of the
attached or incorporated documents. The information contained in this document
speaks only as of the date of this document unless the information specifically
indicates that another date applies.


     The reports filed by the Company with the Commission (File No. 1-6249)
pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act since December 31, 1997,
including, but not limited to, the following reports filed in 2000, are
incorporated by reference into this Proxy Statement:

     1. First Union's Annual Report on Form 10-K, as amended, for the fiscal
        year ended December 31, 1999;

     2. First Union's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended
        March 31, 2000;

     3. First Union's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended
        June 30, 2000;

     4. First Union's Current Report on Form 8-K dated February 16, 2000;

     5. First Union's Current Report on Form 8-K dated May 11, 2000;

     6. First Union's Current Report on Form 8-K dated June 7, 2000;

     7. First Union's Current Report on Form 8-K dated June 30, 2000; and

     8. First Union's Current Report on Form 8-K dated [September 27, 2000.]

     All documents filed by the Company pursuant to Section 13(a), 13(c), 14 or
15(d) of the Exchange Act subsequent to the date of this Proxy Statement and
prior to the date of the Meeting shall be deemed to be incorporated by reference
into this Proxy Statement and to be a part hereof from the date of the filing of
such documents. Any statement contained in a document incorporated or deemed to
be incorporated by reference herein shall be deemed to be modified or superseded
for purposes of this Proxy Statement to the extent that a statement contained
herein, or in any other subsequently filed document which is or is deemed to be
incorporated by reference herein, modifies or supersedes any such statement. Any
such statement so modified or superseded will not be deemed, except as so
modified or superseded, to constitute a part of this Proxy Statement.

     The Company will provide without charge to each person, including any
beneficial owner, to whom this Proxy Statement is delivered, on the oral or
written request of such person, a copy of any of the foregoing documents
incorporated herein by reference (other than the exhibits to such documents
unless such exhibits are specifically incorporated by reference into such
documents). Requests should


be directed to First Union Real Estate Equity and Mortgage Investments, 1212
Avenue of the Americas, 18th Floor, New York, New York 10036, Attention: Neil H.
Koenig, Interim Chief Financial Officer, telephone (212) 905-1100.

                                          By Order of the Board of Trustees

                                          William A. Ackman
                                            Chairman of the Board of Trustees
                                          FIRST UNION REAL ESTATE EQUITY
                                            AND MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS


                                   APPENDIX A

                                CONTRACT OF SALE

     AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") made as of this 15th day of September, 2000,
by and among 55 Public LLC ("55 Public"), a Delaware limited liability company,
North Valley Tech, LLC ("North Valley Tech"), a Delaware limited liability
company, Southwest Shopping Centers Co. I, L.L.C ("Southwest Centers"), a
Delaware limited liability company, First Union Madison L.L.C. ("First Union
Madison"), an Illinois limited liability company, Printers Alley Garage, LLC
("Printers Alley"), a Delaware limited liability company, First Union Real
Estate Equity and Mortgage Investments ("FUR"), an Ohio unincorporated
association in the form of a business trust, First Union Commercial Properties
Expansion Company ("FUCP"), a Delaware corporation, each having an address at
551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1416, New York, New York 10176 (collectively, "Sellers"
and individually, a "Seller") and Radiant Investors LLC, a Delaware limited
liability company, having an address at c/o Radiant Partners LLC, 551 Fifth
Avenue, Suite 1416, New York, New York 10176 ("Purchaser").

                             W I T N E S S E T H :

     WHEREAS, 55 Public is the owner of 55 Public (office building), Cleveland,
Ohio ("55 Public Office Building") and 55 Public (garage), Cleveland, Ohio ("55
Public (Garage)"), as more particularly described in Schedules A-1 and A-2
annexed hereto and made a part hereof; and

     WHEREAS, FUR is the owner of CEI Building, Cleveland Ohio ("CEI"), as more
particularly described in Schedule A-3 annexed hereto and made a part hereof;

     WHEREAS, FUR and FUCP, collectively, are the owners of Westgate Shopping
Center, Abilene, Texas ("Westgate Shopping Center"), as more particularly
described in Schedule A-4 annexed hereto and made a part hereof (sometimes
herein FUR and FUCP are collectively referred to as "First Westgate"); and

     WHEREAS, Southwest Centers is the owner of Pecanland Mall, Monroe,
Louisiana ("Pecanland Mall"), as more particularly described on Schedule A-5 and
the land adjacent to Pecanland Mall ("Pecanland Mall Adjacent Land"), as more
particularly described in Schedule A-6 annexed hereto and made a part hereof;

     WHEREAS, FUR (i) has fee simple title to a portion of and (ii) is the
tenant under that certain ground lease ("Huntington Garage Ground Lease")
covering the remaining portion of the Huntington Garage, Cleveland, Ohio
("Huntington Garage"), as more particularly described in Schedule A-7 annexed
hereto and made a part hereof; and

     WHEREAS, First Union Madison is the owner of Madison and Wells Garage,
Chicago, Illinois ("Madison and Wells Garage"), as more particularly described
in Schedule A-8 annexed hereto and made a part hereof; and

     WHEREAS, Printers Alley is the owner of Printers Alley Garage, Nashville,
Tennessee ("Printers Alley Garage"), as more particularly described in Schedule
A-9 annexed hereto and made a part hereof; and

     WHEREAS, FUR is the owner of 5th and Marshall Garage, Richmond, Virginia
("5th and Marshall Garage"), as more particularly described in Schedule A-10
annexed hereto and made a part hereof; and

     WHEREAS, FUR is the owner of West Third Street Parking Lot, Cleveland, Ohio
("West Third Street Lot"), as more particularly described in Schedule A-11
annexed hereto and made a part hereof; and

     WHEREAS, North Valley Tech is the tenant under that certain ground lease
covering North Valley Tech Center, Thornton, Colorado ("North Valley Tech Center
Ground Lease"), as more particularly described in Schedule A-12 annexed hereto
and made a part hereof; and


     WHEREAS, FUR is the tenant under that certain ground lease covering Two
Rivers Business Center, Clarksville, Tennessee ("Two Rivers Business Center
Ground Lease"), as more particularly described in Schedule A-13 annexed hereto
and made a part hereof (the North Valley Tech Center Ground Lease, the Two
Rivers Business Center Ground Lease and the Huntington Garage Ground Lease are
collectively referred to as the "Ground Leases" and the land demised under each
Ground Lease shall hereinafter be referred to individually and collectively as
the "Ground Lease Land") (the leasehold estates of North Valley Tech and FUR
with respect to the North Valley Tech Center Ground Lease, the Two Rivers
Business Center Ground Lease and the Huntington Garage Ground Lease are
collectively referred to as the "Leasehold Estates"); and

     WHEREAS, the land demised and described in Schedules A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4,
A-5, A-6, A-7, A-8, A-9, A-10, A-11, A-12 and A-13 are collectively referred to
as the "Land"; and

     WHEREAS, each Seller desires to sell to Purchaser, and Purchaser desires to
purchase from each Seller, all of such Seller's right, title and interest in and
to its Property (as hereinafter defined)

     NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein
and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
is hereby acknowledged, Sellers and Purchaser agree as follows:

          1. Sale-Purchase. (a) Each Seller agrees to sell, assign and convey to
     Purchaser, and Purchaser agrees to purchase from such Seller, subject to
     the terms and conditions of this Agreement:

             (1) said Seller's respective (i) fee simple title in and to 55
        Public (Office Building), 55 Public (Garage), CEI, Westgate Shopping
        Center, Pecanland Mall, Pecanland Mall Adjacent Land, Huntington Garage,
        Madison and Wells Garage, Printers Alley Garage, 5th and Marshall
        Garage, West Third Street Lot; and (ii) interest in and to the Leasehold
        Estates together with the buildings and improvements located on the Land
        and Seller's right, title and interest, under each Ground Lease, in and
        to the buildings and improvements located on the Ground Lease Land
        (collectively, the "Buildings" and the Buildings, the Land and the
        Ground Lease Land are hereinafter collectively referred to as the
        "Premises"), and all of said Seller's respective right, title and
        interest, if any, in, to and under (A) all easements, rights of way,
        privileges, tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, strips, gores and
        other rights pertaining to its Premises (including, without limitation,
        the easements, access rights and other rights provided in reciprocal
        access and easement agreements and operating agreements affecting the
        Premises) (collectively, the "Appurtenances"); (B) any land in the bed
        of any street, road, avenue, alley, passage, common areas and other
        rights-of-way, open or proposed, public or private, in front of or
        adjoining its Premises or any portion thereof, and any award to be made
        in lieu thereof and in and to any unpaid award for damage to said
        Premises by reason of change of grade of any street occurring after the
        Proration Date (as hereinafter defined) (collectively, the "Adjoining
        Land"); (C) the fixtures, equipment, machinery, furniture, furnishings,
        maintenance vehicles and equipment, tools, appliances, supplies and
        other items of personal property of every kind and description (and
        replacements and substitutions thereof), now owned or hereafter acquired
        by such Seller and contained in or on, or used in connection with, the
        ownership, maintenance, use, occupancy and operation of its Premises
        (collectively, the "Personalty"); (D) all leases, subleases, lettings,
        licenses and other occupancy agreements and agreements governing the use
        of garage or parking lot spaces, and all amendments, modifications,
        supplements, additions, extensions and renewals thereof as permitted
        hereunder, and, except as expressly provided herein, security and other
        deposits thereunder affecting its Premises (collectively, "Leases"); (E)
        subject to the provisions of Section 21 hereof, all service agreements,
        maintenance agreements, supply agreements, union agreements and any
        other contracts and agreements affecting the Premises and all income
        therefrom (collectively, "Contracts"); (F) any assignable licenses,
        permits, approvals and certificates required or used in or relating to
        the ownership, use, maintenance, occupancy or operation of any part of
        the Premises (the "Licenses"); (G) all existing surveys, blueprints,
        drawings, plans and specifications (including,


        without limitation, structural, HVAC, mechanical and plumbing plans and
        specifications) and other documentation for or with respect to the
        Premises or any part thereof, all construction contracts and
        subcontracts; all warranties or guaranties given in connection with work
        performed at or on the Premises; all available tenant lists and data,
        all available lists of parkers and data, correspondence with past,
        present and prospective tenants, parkers, vendors, suppliers, utility
        companies and other third parties, booklets, manuals and promotional and
        advertising materials concerning the Premises or any part thereof, all
        trade names and trade marks pertaining to the Premises, and such other
        existing books, records and documents (including, without limitation,
        those relating to ad valorem taxes and leases) used in connection with
        the operation of the Premises or any part thereof (collectively, the
        "Intangible Property") and (H) all of Sellers' right, title and interest
        in and to all restricted, reserve and escrow accounts held by the
        mortgagees under those Mortgages (as hereinafter defined) which
        Purchaser shall assume at Closing (collectively, the "Escrow Accounts").
        The Land, the Buildings (or, as the case may be, a Seller's interest in
        a Building as tenant under a Ground Lease), the Leasehold Estates, the
        Appurtenances, the Adjoining Land, the Personalty, the Leases, the
        Contracts, the Licenses, the Escrow Accounts and the Intangible Property
        are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Properties" and, with
        respect to each Premises, the "Property"; and

             (2) that certain promissory note dated February, 1997, in the
        original principal amount of $1,800,000, made by Club Associates, a
        Georgia limited partnership, to FUR (the "Club Associates Note"), the
        mortgage or deed of trust securing the repayment of the Club Associates
        Note (the "Club Associates Mortgage") and such other documents or
        instruments executed and delivered in connection therewith (the "Club
        Associates Collateral Documents"; collectively with the Club Associates
        Note and the Club Associates Mortgage, the "Club Associates Loan

     The Properties and the Club Associates Loan Documents are hereinafter
collectively referred to as the "Sale Assets".

          (b) Notwithstanding that (i) the Pecanland Mall Adjacent Land is
     included in the Properties being sold hereunder, Southwest Centers has
     previously sold the parcel described on Schedule A-6-1 ("Schedule A-6-1
     Parcel") and shall be entitled to sell all or any part of the balance of
     the Pecanland Mall Adjacent Land (and all Property pertaining thereto) at
     or prior to the Closing provided that Purchaser shall receive a credit at
     the Closing against that portion of the Purchase Price payable to Southwest
     Centers (x) with respect to the Schedule A-6-1 Parcel, in the amount of
     $531,227, and (y) with respect to any portion of the balance of the
     Pecanland Mall Adjacent Land (and the Property pertaining thereto) that
     shall be sold prior to the Closing, in an amount equal to the Net Sales
     Price (as hereinafter defined) received by Southwest Centers from each such
     sale (collectively, "Pecanland Mall Adjacent Land Credit"); and (ii) the
     Huntington Garage is included in the Properties being sold hereunder, FUR
     shall be entitled to sell the Huntington Garage at or prior to the Closing
     provided that Purchaser shall receive a credit at the Closing against that
     portion of the Purchase Price payable to FUR in an amount equal to the Net
     Sales Price received by FUR from said sale ("Huntington Garage Credit"). A
     contract that FUR shall desire to execute for the sale of the Huntington
     Garage (the "Huntington Contract") shall be subject to the prior approval
     of Purchaser, such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed,
     it being agreed that if the gross purchase price for the sale of the
     Huntington Garage shall be less than $20,000,000 or those obligations of
     FUR which survive the closing of such sale are not otherwise customary and
     standard obligations in connection with the sale of a garage property,
     Purchaser shall be deemed to have been reasonable if Purchaser shall
     disapprove the Huntington Contract. If FUR shall deliver to Purchaser a
     term sheet for the sale of the Huntington Garage and Purchaser shall
     approve such term sheet, FUR shall thereafter have the right to enter into
     the Huntington Contract so long as the Huntington Contract shall be upon
     terms and conditions substantially similar to (or better than) the terms
     set forth in the term sheet; provided, however, that Purchaser shall have
     specifically consented (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or
     delayed) to those obligations that survive


     the closing of the sale of the Huntington Garage that Purchaser shall be
     required to assume pursuant to the terms hereof, it being agreed that
     Purchaser shall be deemed to be reasonable if any such provisions that
     shall survive closing are not otherwise customary and standard obligations
     with respect to the sale of a garage property. If FUR shall deliver to
     Purchaser a copy of the Huntington Contract for Purchaser's approval,
     Purchaser shall be deemed to have approved the Huntington Contract if
     Purchaser shall fail to deliver to FUR within five (5) business days a
     notice setting forth Purchaser's specific objections to the Huntington
     Contract. The term "Net Sales Price" shall mean an amount equal to the sum
     of (1) the gross sales price paid for the applicable Property, minus (2)
     any and all fees, expenses, charges and other costs incurred by the Seller
     in connection with the sale of said Property including, without limitation,
     brokerage commissions, attorney's fees and disbursements, transfer and
     similar taxes, sales and similar taxes, and title and recording charges.

          2. Purchase Price. (a) Purchaser shall pay to Sellers for the Sale
     ($199,800,000) DOLLARS (the "Purchase Price"), subject to apportionments to
     be made as provided in this Agreement, which Purchase Price shall be
     allocated among the Sale Assets in the manner set forth on Schedule B-1
     annexed hereto and made a part hereof. Purchaser shall pay the Purchase
     Price as follows:

             (i) Within one (1) business day after Purchaser has received a
        fully executed counterpart of this Agreement, SIX HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND
        ($650,000) DOLLARS by Purchaser, at its election, delivering its check
        to Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP (the "Escrowee"), payable to the order
        of "Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP, as Escrowee", subject to collection,
        or by wire transfer to the Escrowee of immediately available Federal
        funds in New York City (the "Initial Deposit"), provided, however, if
        the Initial Deposit is not received by Escrowee within one (1) business
        day after Purchaser has received a fully executed counterpart of this
        Agreement, Sellers, at their option, may declare this Agreement, null,
        void and of no force and effect, and may pursue its remedies against
        Purchaser upon said Initial Deposit, or in any other manner permitted by
        law, such remedies being cumulative;

             (ii) By no later than September 29, 2000 (the "First Additional
        Deposit Date"), TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE, SIX MILLION ($6,000,000.00)
        DOLLARS by Purchaser, at its election, delivering a certified check or
        an official bank check to Escrowee, payable to the order of "Stroock &
        Stroock & Lavan LLP, as Escrowee", or by wire transfer to the Escrowee
        of immediately available Federal funds in New York City or by letter of
        credit (the "First Additional Deposit");

             (iii) By no later than three (3) business days after FUR shall
        deliver the Shareholder Ratification to Purchaser (the "Second
        Additional Deposit Date"), TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE, THREE MILLION
        ($3,000,000) DOLLARS by Purchaser, at its election, delivering a
        certified check or an official bank check to Escrowee, payable to the
        order of "Stroock & Stroock & Lavan, LLP, as Escrowee", or by wire
        transfer to the Escrowee of immediately available Federal funds in New
        York City or by letter of credit (the "Second Additional Deposit", and
        together with the Initial Deposit and the First Additional Deposit being
        the "Deposit");

             (iv) Subject to the provisions of Section 25 hereof, by Purchaser
        assuming, at the Closing, all of the Sellers' liabilities and
        obligations under those certain mortgages described in Schedule C
        annexed hereto and made a part hereof and the promissory notes secured
        thereby (collectively, the "Mortgages"), which Mortgages had an
        aggregate outstanding principal balance as of the Proration Date (as
        defined in Section 6A below) of approximately ONE HUNDRED SIXTEEN
        ($116,807,958.90) DOLLARS; and

             (v) Subject to the provisions of Section 2(d) and Section 6 hereto,

        ($73,342,041.10) DOLLARS (the "Cash Balance"), allocated in the manner
        set forth on Schedule B-2 annexed hereto and made a part hereof, and as
        adjusted by the apportionments to be made as provided for in this
        Agreement, payable at the Closing by wire transfer to Sellers, or such
        persons or entities as Sellers may designate, of immediately available
        Federal funds in New York City. Sellers shall provide wiring
        instructions to Purchaser at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to

             (vi) (A) In the event Purchaser shall fail to make the First
        Additional Deposit hereunder, no later than the First Additional Deposit
        Date, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE, this Agreement shall thereupon
        immediately terminate and be null, void and of no force and effect and
        Escrowee shall disburse ONE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND ($125,000)
        DOLLARS of the Initial Deposit to Sellers, together with any interest
        earned on such amount, and the balance of the Initial Deposit or FIVE
        HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND ($525,000) DOLLARS to Purchaser, together
        with any interest earned on such amount. In addition, Purchaser agrees
        to deliver or cause to be delivered to Sellers all reports, studies,
        memorandums, tests, evaluations and assessments (collectively, the
        "Study") for each of the Properties obtained and/or conducted by or on
        behalf of Purchaser prior to and including the First Additional Deposit
        Date, together with all reliance letters from each provider of same
        which were obtained by Purchaser upon receipt of each Study. Purchaser
        agrees to use its good faith, reasonable efforts to obtain a reliance
        letter from the provider of each Study, which reliance letter shall
        provide that the Study prepared by the provider may be relied upon by
        the Seller that is the owner of the Property that is the subject of such
        Study, any prospective or actual purchaser of such Property and any
        prospective or actual lender that may provide financing to the owner of
        such Property.

                (B) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2(a)(vi)(A) to the
           contrary, in the event that Purchaser (or an affiliate thereof),
           enters into a Limited Liability Company Agreement (the "JV
           Agreement"), with U.S. Trust Corporation, National Association, As
           Trustees Under That Certain Agreement And Declaration Of Trust Dated
           As Of September 4, 1997, As Amended, Known As Landmark Equity Trust
           VII ("Landmark"), and such entity shall obtain commitments for
           Acceptable Financing, as such term shall be defined in the JV
           Agreement, for some or all of the Properties, after September 11,
           2000, and pursuant to the terms of the JV Agreement, Purchaser (or an
           affiliate thereof) is no longer obligated to return the Initial
           Contribution #1 (as such term shall be defined in the JV Agreement),
           then in the event Purchaser shall fail to make the First Additional
           Deposit hereunder, no later than the First Additional Deposit Date,
           TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE, this Agreement shall immediately terminate
           and be null, void and of no force and effect and Escrowee shall
           disburse the Initial Deposit, together with any additional deposit
           credited by Escrowee to this Agreement pursuant to the provisions of
           Section 2(a)(vii) below, to Sellers, together with any interest
           earned thereon. In addition, Purchaser shall deliver to Sellers each
           Study and all reliance letters thereto in accordance with the
           provisions of Section 2(a)(vi)(A). Notwithstanding the foregoing, if
           Purchaser (or an affiliate thereof) is obligated to return the
           Initial Contribution #1 prior to First Additional Deposit Date then
           the provisions of this Section 2(vi)(B) shall no longer be

             (vii) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2(a)(vi) to the
        contrary, in the event the right of first refusal is exercised to
        acquire that property being sold to Purchaser under the Long Street
        Contract (as defined in Section 20 below) any deposit then held under
        the Long Street Contract, plus all interest earned thereon, shall be
        credited by Escrowee (being the same escrowee as under the Long Street
        Contract) as an additional deposit under this Agreement, to be deemed
        part of the Deposit hereunder. Notwithstanding, should any deposit under
        the Long Street Contract be credited against the Deposit hereunder prior
        to the Purchaser making the First Additional Deposit hereunder such
        deposit under the Long Street Contract shall be credited by Escrowee to
        the Initial Deposit hereunder, and in the event this Agreement


        is terminated pursuant to the provisions of Section 2(a)(vi) above,
        Escrowee shall either: (a) in the event the conditions set forth in
        Section 2(a)(vi)(B) have not been satisfied, disburse One Hundred Twenty
        Five Thousand ($125,000) Dollars of the Initial Deposit to Sellers,
        together with any interest earned thereon, and the balance of the
        Initial Deposit (or $525,000) plus the amount of any deposit credited
        from the Long Street Contract, together with any interest earned on such
        amounts, to Purchaser or (ii) in the event the conditions of Section
        2(a)(vi)(B) have been satisfied, disburse the entire Initial Deposit and
        the amount of any deposit credited from the Long Street Contract,
        together with any interest earned thereon, to Sellers. In addition,
        Purchaser shall deliver to Sellers each Study and all reliance letters
        thereto in accordance with the provisions of Section 2(a)(vi)(A).

          (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2(a) to the contrary,
     Purchaser may, in lieu of delivering a check for the First Additional
     Deposit and/or the Second Additional Deposit, deliver to Escrowee a clean,
     irrevocable and unconditional letter of credit in the amount of the First
     Additional Deposit or the Second Additional Deposit, as the case may be,
     ("Letter of Credit") issued for the benefit of Escrowee by a New York City
     commercial bank which is a member of the New York City Clearing House
     Association (the issuer of such Letter of Credit being called the "Issuing
     Bank"), which Letter of Credit shall be presentable and payable at any
     branch office of the Issuing Bank located in New York City, have an initial
     term of not less than one (1) year and be in a form acceptable to Sellers.
     If the Letter of Credit is delivered to Escrowee, then Escrowee shall hold
     and draw upon the same in accordance with Section 23 of this Agreement. The
     Letter of Credit shall also provide that:

             (i) the Issuing Bank shall pay to Escrowee the full face amount of
        the Letter of Credit upon presentation of the Letter of Credit, a sight
        draft and a certificate executed by Escrowee stating that Escrowee is
        entitled to draw upon the Letter of Credit in accordance with the terms
        of this Agreement; and

             (ii) If Purchaser shall fail to deliver to the Escrowee a
        substitute Letter of Credit before twentieth (20th) day preceding the
        expiration date of the Letter of Credit, then Escrowee shall have the
        right to draw upon the Letter of Credit in the full face amount thereof
        (and in any event shall draw upon the Letter of Credit not later than
        ten (10) days prior to the expiration date of the Letter of Credit) and
        Sellers shall have the right to direct Escrowee to draw down upon the
        Letter of Credit, in which case, the Escrowee shall draw down upon the
        Letter of Credit. Escrowee shall hold the cash proceeds thereof on
        account of the Deposit hereunder, until the Closing occurs or this
        Agreement is terminated and such proceeds are disposed in accordance
        with the terms of this Agreement. If the Letter of Credit has been drawn
        upon pursuant to the preceding sentence and the Closing shall occur,
        then Escrowee shall pay to Sellers such proceeds and Purchaser shall
        receive a credit in the amount of such proceeds against the portion of
        the Purchase Price payable to Sellers. Upon a default by Purchaser,
        beyond the expiration of any applicable notice and cure periods, under
        this Agreement, Escrowee is hereby authorized and directed, at Sellers
        direction, to draw on the Letter of Credit and distribute the proceeds
        thereof in accordance with, and subject to, the provisions of Section 23
        hereof (including, without limitation, the notice provisions thereof)
        and the Sellers shall have the same remedies against such proceeds as
        the Sellers have against the Additional Deposit. Purchaser shall not
        receive any credit against the Purchase Price for the amount of the
        Letter of Credit, unless and to the extent the Sellers receive the
        proceeds thereof as provided in this Agreement. If the Escrowee has not
        drawn upon the Letter of Credit on or before the Closing, then the
        Escrowee shall also return to Purchaser at the Closing any original
        counterpart of the Letter of Credit then held by the Escrowee. If the
        Closing shall not occur and this Agreement is terminated, the Letter of
        Credit (and any proceeds thereof) shall be disposed of in accordance
        with the applicable provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding
        anything to the contrary contained herein, if, at any time, the Letter
        of Credit fails to comply


        with the provisions of this Section 2(b), then the Letter of Credit
        shall immediately be replaced by Purchaser with a letter of credit that
        complies with the provisions of this Section 2(b).

          (c) With respect to the Westgate Shopping Center, it is anticipated
     that a financing for the Westgate Shopping Center which will be secured by
     a mortgage (the "Westgate Financing") will occur prior to the Closing. If
     such financing of the Westgate Shopping Center shall occur prior to the
     Closing, the outstanding principal balance of the Westgate Financing as of
     the date of the closing of the Westgate Financing (which shall be in the
     approximate amount of $7,500,000) shall be credited against the Purchase
     Price to be paid for (and allocated to) the Westgate Shopping Center and
     the Cash Balance that shall be payable by Purchaser shall be reduced by the
     amount of the outstanding principal balance of the Westgate Financing as of
     the date of the closing of the Westgate Financing; provided, however, that
     the amount of any and all escrows established with and made to the holder
     of the Westgate Financing at the time of the closing of the Westgate
     Financing shall be added to the Cash Balance that shall be payable by
     Purchaser. Purchaser shall have the right to approve the terms and
     conditions of the Westgate Financing, which consent shall not be
     unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. All costs and expenses that
     shall have been incurred in connection with obtaining, and, if applicable,
     closing such Westgate Financing, including, without limitation, attorneys
     fees and brokerage expenses shall be borne by First Westgate. In addition,
     if First Westgate is required to deliver an agreement (which may be in the
     form of a guaranty or indemnification), respecting the terms and conditions
     of the Winn-Dixie Lease and/or K-Mart Lease at the Westgate Shopping
     Center, to the holder of the Westgate Financing, First Westgate shall
     deliver same; and Purchaser, at Closing, shall cause Indemnitor, as defined
     in Section 14(b)(xii) hereof, to provide to First Westgate a complete and
     unconditional indemnification, in form reasonably acceptable to First
     Westgate, against all liability that First Westgate shall incur on account
     of First Westgate having delivered such agreement. For the avoidance of
     doubt, the proceeds of the Westgate Financing shall be retained by First
     Westgate; the outstanding principal balance of the Westgate Financing as of
     the date of the closing of the Westgate Financing shall be credited against
     the Purchase Price to be paid for the Westgate Shopping Center and the Cash
     Balance that shall be payable by Purchaser shall be reduced by the amount
     of the outstanding principal balance of the Westgate Financing as of the
     date of the closing of the Westgate Financing.

          (d) Notwithstanding any provisions in this Agreement to the contrary,
     it shall not be a condition to the Closing hereunder that the Mortgages be
     assumed by and assigned to the Purchaser. In the event that the consent to
     the assignment to, and assumption by, the Purchaser of a Mortgage shall not
     be obtained from the holder of such Mortgage, then the Cash Balance payable
     at the Closing, subject to the provisions of Section 25 hereof, shall be
     increased by the amount of the outstanding principal balance of such
     Mortgage as of the Proration Date.

          (e) As additional consideration for the conveyance of the Sale Assets
     to Purchaser, Purchaser shall assume as of the Closing all liabilities
     arising out of (i) except as set forth in Section (2)(e)(ii) below, the
     ownership, operation and use of the Sale Assets from and after the
     Proration Date as though Purchaser acquired title to the Sale Assets at
     11:59 p.m. on said date, (ii) Capital Expenditures(as herein defined) for
     the Properties committed to by each Seller and/or any of their respective
     agents and/or authorized representatives after May 9, 2000, (which shall
     include, without limitation, those expenditures set forth on Schedule D
     annexed hereto), (iii) the value of the Capital Expenditures for the
     Properties committed to by each Seller and/or any of their respective
     agents and/or authorized representatives prior to May 9, 2000 which shall
     not have been performed by Sellers prior to the Closing Date and for which
     Purchaser shall have received a closing adjustment pursuant to Section
     6A(l) hereof and (iv) subject to the provisions of Section 21(j), all
     environmental liabilities which shall arise from and after the Proration
     Date, (collectively, "Assumed Liabilities"), and shall indemnify each
     Seller from and against any and all losses, liabilities, costs, damages,
     claims and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses)
     which such Seller may incur by reason of, or arising out of, or resulting
     from any or all Assumed Liabilities; provided, however, Assumed Liabilities
     shall not include any and all accrued and/or unpaid Pur-


     chaser Expenses (as such term is defined in Section 6B(b) hereof), which
     accrued and unpaid Purchaser Expenses shall remain the obligation of
     Sellers to satisfy. Each Seller shall be responsible for the payment of all
     Capital Expenditures that such Seller and/or its authorized agents or
     representatives shall have committed to on or before May 9, 2000 with
     respect to the Property owned by such Seller, including, without
     limitation, those expenditures set forth on Schedule E annexed hereto. For
     purposes of this Agreement, the term "Capital Expenditures" shall mean
     collectively, (A) those expenses set forth on Schedule D and Schedule E and
     (B) to the extent not otherwise set forth on Schedule D or Schedule E (1)
     expenses which in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
     cannot be expensed within the year in which such cost shall be incurred,
     (2) tenant improvement costs that a Seller shall be required to pay for
     pursuant to a Lease and (3) brokerage commissions that a Seller shall be
     required to pay with respect to a Lease; provided, however, that for
     purposes of this Agreement, Sellers shall have no obligation to pay for any
     tenant improvement costs or brokerage commissions that shall be payable by
     a Seller on account of a Lease or a renewal, extension, expansion or
     modification of a Lease that was entered into or exercised after May 9,
     2000. The obligation of Purchaser under this Section 2(e) shall survive the
     Closing. Sellers and Purchaser shall, from time to time, update Schedule D
     and Schedule E to reflect new information as it is available, and
     appropriate monetary adjustments shall be made as needed.

          (f) Except as otherwise set forth in Section 2(a)(vi) above, the party
     hereunder that shall be entitled to receive the Deposit shall receive all
     interest that shall have accrued thereon, and no interest on the Deposit
     that shall be delivered to Sellers shall be deemed to be credited against
     the Purchase Price.

          (g) The Deposit, together with all interest thereon, shall be held by
     Escrowee in accordance with Section 23 hereof.

          3. Permitted Encumbrances. Subject to the terms and provisions of this
     Agreement, title to each Property shall be sold, assigned and conveyed by
     Sellers to Purchaser, and Purchaser shall accept same, subject only to the
     following matters as they pertain to the applicable Property (collectively,
     the "Permitted Encumbrances"):

          (a) the state of facts shown on the applicable surveys described on
     Schedule F annexed hereto and made a part hereof (the "Surveys") and any
     other state of facts which the Surveys brought down to date might disclose
     or that any other accurate survey might show;

          (b) the applicable Mortgages and all liens and security interests
     created thereby or in connection therewith;

          (c) the applicable Leases;

          (d) all of the title exceptions specifically set forth on Schedule G-2
     attached hereto and made a part hereof (other than those items listed on
     the Title Reports set forth in Schedule G-1 hereto that shall be marked
     with the words "omit"):

          (e) right, lack of right, or restricted right of any owner of a
     Property to construct and/or maintain (and the right of any Governmental
     Authority (as herein defined) to require the removal of) any vault or
     vaulted area, in or under the streets, sidewalks or other areas abutting
     said Property and any applicable licensing statute, ordinance and
     regulation, and the terms of any license pertaining thereto;

          (f) all presently existing and future liens of (i) real estate taxes
     and (ii) water rates, water meter charges and vault taxes, water frontage
     charges and sewer taxes, rents and charges provided that the same shall be
     apportioned as provided in this Agreement;

          (g) all violations of laws, ordinances, codes, orders, restrictions,
     requirements or regulations of any Governmental Authority applicable to any
     Property whether or not noted in the records of or issued by, any
     Governmental Authority, existing on the Closing Date; "Governmental

     means any agency, instrumentality, department, commission, court, tribunal
     or board of any government, whether foreign or domestic and whether
     national, federal, state, provincial or local;

          (h) such matters as the Title Company (as hereinafter defined) shall
     be willing, without special premium to Purchaser, with respect to the title
     insurance policies issued by the Title Company to Purchaser and any lender
     with respect to an applicable Property on the Closing Date (collectively,
     the "Title Insurance Policies"), to omit as exceptions to coverage or, with
     respect to Title Insurance Policies issued to Purchaser only, except with
     insurance against collection out of or enforcement against the applicable

          (i) variations between the tax lot lines and the legal description of
     the Properties set forth on Schedules A-1 et seq. attached hereto;

          (j) all present and future laws, ordinances, codes, orders,
     restrictions, requirements and regulations, including, without limitation,
     zoning, building and environmental laws, ordinances, codes, restrictions,
     requirements and regulations, of all Governmental Authorities having or
     asserting jurisdiction over the Property and the use thereof;

          (k) so long as the Title Company shall omit the same from the Title
     Insurance Policies, any financing statements, chattel mortgages,
     conditional bills of sale or other form of security interest against
     personalty, encumbering personalty not owned by Sellers or filed more than
     five (5) years prior to the Closing Date;

          (l) in addition to those Permitted Encumbrances described in Section
     3(d) above, all other utility company rights, easements and franchises to
     maintain and operate lines, poles, wires, cables, pipes, distribution boxes
     and other fixtures and facilities in, over, under and upon the Premises;

          (m) in addition to the state of facts described in Subsection (a) of
     this Section 3, all other projections and/or encroachments of retaining
     walls, steps, fences or similar projections of objects on, under or above
     any adjoining streets of the Premises (or any property adjoining the
     Premises), or within any set-back areas, and encroachments of similar
     elements projecting from adjoining property over the Premises and
     variations between the lines of record title and fences, retaining walls,
     hedges, and the like;

          (n) in addition to those Permitted Encumbrances described in Section
     3(d) above, all other covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements,
     reservations and agreements of record, provided same are not violated by
     the existing structures or the present uses; and

          (o) subject to Section 4(a), all other liens affecting the Property
     except for the following (collectively, the "Seller Title Exceptions"):

             (i) liens arising from any of the shareholder lawsuits described in
        Section 22 hereof;

             (ii) liens arising from claims by any broker for a commission, fee
        or other compensation in connection with this transaction if the same
        arose by, through or on account of any alleged act of a Seller or any
        Seller's representatives (other than Radiant Partners LLC ("Radiant"));

             (iii) liens arising from any affirmative action or omission by a
        Seller which (A) pertains to a Property or any other asset which is the
        subject of the Asset Management Agreement (as hereinafter defined), and
        (B) was undertaken without the actual knowledge of Radiant;

             (iv) liens arising from any action by a Seller which do not pertain
        to the Sale Assets;

             (v) liens arising from the use, ownership and management of a
        Property which Seller, pursuant to Section 4(c), Section 6A(f) and
        Section 6A(l) hereof, shall be responsible to pay for; and

             (vi) any fines, judgments and/or penalties payable in conjunction
        with any violations noted in the records of any Governmental Authority
        against a Property prior to the Proration Date.

          (p) Notwithstanding anything in Section 3(a) above to the contrary, in
     the event that any Survey for a Property brought down to date after the
     date hereof ("New Survey"), discloses a state of facts in which the Title
     Company will not issue a Title Policy (both terms as defined below) for
     such Property with an appropriate survey endorsement thereto, Purchaser may
     either (i) elect to accept said Seller's Property subject to such New
     Survey, without abatement of the Purchase Price, or (ii) elect not to
     accept said Seller's Property, in which event the Purchase Price pursuant
     to Section 2(a) hereof shall be reduced by the portion of the Purchase
     Price that is allocated to such Property pursuant to Schedule B-1 and the
     Cash Balance shall be reduced by the portion of the Cash Balance allocated
     to such Property pursuant to Schedule B-2.

          4. Title Insurance.

          (a) Purchaser acknowledges that it has previously received the title
     reports set forth on Schedule G-1 (individually, a "Title Report" and
     collectively the "Title Reports"). Based on Purchaser's review of the Title
     Reports, as of the date hereof, and their acceptance of same, there are no
     Title Objections (as hereinafter defined) set forth therein which do not
     constitute Permitted Encumbrances other than as set forth on Schedule G-2
     attached hereto. Purchaser shall at its own cost and expense, order updates
     of each Title Report from First American Title Insurance Company (the
     "Title Company") and shall instruct the Title Company to furnish a copy of
     each such updated Title Report (individually and collectively, the
     "Commitment") to Seller's attorneys, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP, 180
     Maiden Lane, New York, New York 10038, Attn: Peter A. Miller, Esq.,
     simultaneously with its delivery of same to Purchaser or its attorneys.
     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, if any Seller is
     unable to eliminate any exceptions to title which are not Permitted
     Encumbrances or which the Title Company refuses to omit from the Commitment
     ("Title Objections") by the Closing Date, Sellers may, in accordance with
     the provisions of Section 5 hereof, adjourn the Closing, from time to time,
     in order to attempt to eliminate such Title Objections. No Seller shall be
     required to bring any action or institute any proceeding, or to otherwise
     incur any costs or expenses in order to attempt to eliminate any Title
     Objections or to otherwise cause title to its Property to be in accordance
     with the terms of this Agreement on the Closing Date, except as otherwise
     set forth in Subsection 4(c) hereof. If, pursuant to the terms of this
     Agreement, any Seller does not elect or is unable to eliminate any such
     other Title Objections, then, subject to the provisions of Subsections 4(b)
     and 4(c) hereof, Purchaser may, by notice given to Sellers by the date
     which is the earlier of the Closing Date or thirty (30) days after the
     applicable Seller shall have delivered a notice to Purchaser stating that
     it will not eliminate such other Title Objections, either (i) elect to
     accept said Seller's Property subject to such other Title Objections,
     without any abatement of the Purchase Price, or (ii) elect not to accept
     said Seller's Property, in which event the Purchase Price pursuant to
     Section 2(a) hereof shall be reduced by the portion of the Purchase Price
     that is allocated to such Property pursuant to Schedule B-1 and the Cash
     Balance shall be reduced by the portion of the Cash Balance allocated to
     such property pursuant to Schedule B-2 and Sellers shall be required to
     reimburse Purchaser for certain expenses in accordance with the provisions
     of Section 16(d) hereof.

          (b) If on the Closing Date there are any liens or encumbrances which a
     Seller is obligated to satisfy under this Agreement or shall otherwise
     elect to satisfy, said Seller may use any part of the Cash Balance portion
     of the Purchase Price allocated to its Property or Properties to discharge
     the same, either by payment or by procuring a bond satisfactory to the
     Title Company.

          (c) If, at the Closing, any Property is subject to a Seller Title
     Exception in a liquidated amount that may be satisfied by the payment of
     money only, Purchaser shall bond such Seller Title Exceptions up to an
     aggregate of $5,000,000, in which case, such Seller Title Exceptions shall
     not be deemed to constitute a Title Objection provided that the Title
     Company shall omit the same from the applicable Title Insurance Policy, and
     provided further that the Seller that shall be the owner of the Property
     affected by such Seller Title Exception shall continue to remain liable for
     such Seller Title Exception(s). The disposition of a Seller Title Exception
     shall require the consent of the Title Company, Purchaser and the affected
     Seller. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Purchaser may, with-

     out Seller's consent, dispose of a Seller Title Exception provided such
     Seller is fully and unconditionally released from all liability thereunder
     at no expense or cost whatsoever to such Seller and a Seller shall have the
     right to dispose of a Seller Title Exception without Purchasers' consent,
     provided that settlement of such Seller Title Exception shall (i) result in
     the release of the bond posted by Purchaser respecting the Seller Title
     Exception, as described above, or (ii) if such bond shall continue to
     secure other obligations, the settlement of such Seller Title Exception
     shall not result in a draw down of the bond posted by Purchaser, and if
     such bond shall not continue to secure other obligations, the bond shall be
     released to Purchaser, or (iii) Seller shall deposit with Purchaser the
     amount of money required for the settlement of such Seller Title Exception
     prior to entering into such settlement thereof. Purchaser, to the extent of
     the funds that a Seller shall so deliver to Purchaser, shall, at the
     direction of such Seller, make a settlement directly to the party with whom
     such settlement shall be reached. In the event that all Seller Title
     Exceptions, which may be satisfied by the payment of money only, exceed
     $5,000,000, in the aggregate, Sellers may (i) provide one or more bonds in
     excess of the bonds to be provided by Purchaser, as described immediately
     above, so that the Title Company shall omit the same from the applicable
     Title Insurance Policy or (ii) elect to terminate this Agreement, in which
     event Purchaser shall be entitled to a return of, and Sellers shall
     promptly cause the Deposit to be delivered to Purchaser. Upon such return
     and delivery, this Agreement shall terminate and no party to this Agreement
     shall have any further obligations hereunder other than those arising under
     Sections 10, 16(d) and 23 hereof. Notwithstanding anything in this
     Subsection 4(c) to the contrary, if Sellers pursuant to the terms of the
     immediately preceding sentence, shall elect to terminate this Agreement,
     Purchaser shall have the right, to be exercised within five (5) days after
     Purchaser's receipt of Sellers' election to terminate this Agreement
     pursuant to this Section 4(c), to render Sellers' termination notice null
     and void, in which case, the Closing shall occur hereunder (x) without any
     reduction of the Purchase Price on account of the aggregate amount of the
     Seller Title Exceptions being greater than $5,000,000; provided that FUR
     and/or Sellers that shall be the owners of the Property(ies) affected by
     such Seller Title Exceptions shall continue to be liable for such Seller
     Title Exception; provided, however, FUR and/or Sellers shall not have any
     liability to Purchaser to the extent that the amount of the Seller Title
     Exceptions shall be greater than $5,000,000 in the aggregate or (y) to
     remove the subject Property from the transaction pursuant to the provisions
     of Section 4(a)(ii). If Purchaser shall elect to terminate this Agreement
     pursuant to the terms of this Section 4(c) and such termination shall not
     have been rendered null and void pursuant to the preceding sentence, Seller
     shall be required to reimburse Purchaser for certain expenses in accordance
     with the provisions of Section 16(d) hereof. In addition, if a Property is
     subject to a lien which was filed against a Property with the consent of
     the respective Seller or arising out of an affirmative act of Seller (each
     a "Consensual Lien") and such Consensual Lien is in a liquidated amount
     that may be satisfied by the payment of money only, then the applicable
     Seller shall (i) be obligated to discharge the same by payment or bonding
     and (ii) shall cause the Title Company to omit the same from the applicable
     Title Policy, without regard to the provisions of this Section 4(c)
     relating to Purchaser's obligation to bond any Sellers Title Exceptions up
     to an aggregate of $5,000,000.

          (d) If the Report discloses judgments, bankruptcies or other returns
     against other persons having names the same as, or similar to, that of a
     Seller, said Seller shall, if requested, deliver to the Title Company
     affidavits showing that such judgments, bankruptcies or other returns are
     not against such Seller in order to induce the Title Company to omit
     exceptions with respect to such judgments, bankruptcies or other returns or
     to insure over the same.

          5. Closing Date. (a) Subject to the satisfaction of all of the
     Conditions to Closing, as set forth in Section 20 hereof, the closing of
     title (the "Closing") shall take place at 10:00 A.M. on the earlier to
     occur of (A) the second (2nd) business day after FUR shall notify the
     Purchaser that it has received the Shareholder Ratification (as hereinafter
     defined in Section 16(a) hereof) and (B) December 29, 2000. The Closing
     shall occur at the office of the Escrowee, 180 Maiden Lane, New York, New
     York or at the offices of Purchaser's lender or its attorneys. Except as
     hereinafter set forth, TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE, with respect to
     Purchaser's and Sellers' obligation to

     close hereunder as of December 29, 2000. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if
     the closing of the sale of the Huntington Garage shall have occurred prior
     to December 29, 2000, Purchaser shall have the right to adjourn the
     Closing, at any time and from time to time to a date no later than the
     earlier of (i) forty five (45) days after the date that FUR shall notify
     Purchaser that it has received the Shareholder Ratification and (ii)
     January 31, 2001. TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE, with respect to Purchaser's
     obligation to close hereunder as of such date or if Sellers, in accordance
     with the terms of this Section 5(a) shall have adjourned the Closing, as of
     the date that the Closing shall have been adjourned to by Sellers. Solely
     in the event that FUR has not held a shareholders meeting to obtain the
     Shareholder Ratification, Sellers, subject to Section 5(b) below, shall
     have the right to adjourn the Closing, from time to time, to any date prior
     to April 30, 2001; provided that if Sellers shall have the right and shall
     desire to adjourn the Closing to a date after December 29, 2000 and such
     proposed adjourned date shall be later of (i) the last date that any lender
     providing mezzanine financing to Purchaser or any lender agreeing to
     provide mortgage financing for a Property shall be obligated to close its
     respective loan, or (ii) as to any Mortgage where the holder of such
     Mortgage has consented to Purchaser's assumption of such Mortgage, the last
     date that such holder's consent to such assignment shall be effective, each
     such lender shall agree to extend its outside closing date. Notwithstanding
     the provisions of this Section 5(a) to the contrary, if Sellers shall have
     the right and shall desire to adjourn the Closing to a date later than
     December 29, 2000, Purchaser shall have the right, by notice to Sellers, to
     elect to terminate this Agreement, on December 29, 2000 or February 28,
     2001 (provided that the Reasonable Expense Cap shall not be further
     increased pursuant to Section 16(b) for any adjournment of the Closing by
     Sellers past the date that Purchaser shall so elect to terminate) in which
     case, Purchaser shall be entitled to a return of the Deposit and Sellers
     shall reimburse Purchaser for certain expenses in accordance with the
     provisions of Section 16(d) hereof.

          (b) If Sellers shall have the right and shall desire to adjourn the
     Closing to a date later than December 29, 2000 and any of Purchaser's
     prospective lenders or the holders of any existing Mortgages shall require
     that Purchaser pay a fee as a condition to granting its consent to extend
     its outside closing date and Purchaser, pursuant to Section 5(a) shall not
     have elected to terminate this Agreement, Sellers, in their sole and
     absolute discretion, shall have the right to determine whether Purchaser
     shall pay such extension fees. If Sellers shall elect that Purchaser pay
     all extension fees (i) Sellers shall be required to pay, at such time, a
     portion of such extension fee to the lender providing the mezzanine
     financing to Purchaser in the aggregate amount of 50% of the first $300,000
     of extension fees that Purchaser shall, from time to time, be required to
     pay to such lender in order to extend the outside date, from time to time,
     and 85% of any extension fees that Purchaser shall be required to pay to
     such lender, from time to time, in excess of $300,000 and (ii) Sellers
     shall be required to pay, at such time, a portion of such extension fees to
     the lender providing mortgage financing to Purchaser or consenting to an
     assumption of a Mortgage in the aggregate amount of 50% of the first
     $300,000 of extension fees that Purchaser shall, from time to time, be
     required to pay in the aggregate, to such lenders that shall be providing
     mortgage financing in order to extend the outside date from time to time
     and 85% of any extension fees that Purchaser shall be required to pay to
     such lenders, from time to time, in excess of $300,000. Purchaser shall be
     required to pay the balance of all such extension fees. If a lender shall
     state that it will not extend its outside date or if Sellers shall advise
     Purchaser, in writing, that Sellers do not elect that Purchaser pay to a
     lender the extension fee that such lender is requiring that Purchaser pay,
     Sellers shall have the right, to provide (or to cause another party to
     provide) to Purchaser at the Closing, financing on the same or better terms
     than those terms that such lender was otherwise prepared to provide to
     Purchaser, including any origination and/or termination fees. Further, if
     Sellers shall elect to provide (or cause another party to provide) to
     Purchaser such financing, as set forth in the immediately preceding
     sentence, in such case, such Sellers shall then pay any and all break-up
     fees required by such lenders which break-up fees shall be credited against
     Reasonable Expenses, if any, for which Sellers are obligated to reimburse
     Purchaser in accordance with the provisions of Section 16 hereof.


          (c) If a lender shall not extend its outside date or if Sellers shall
     not elect to pay the fees for such extension, if any, and Sellers shall not
     have elected to provide Purchaser with the financing that such lender would
     otherwise have provided to Purchaser, in such case, TIME SHALL BE OF THE
     ESSENCE, with respect to Sellers' obligation to close hereunder as of
     December 29, 2000 or, if Purchaser, in accordance with the terms of Section
     5(a) shall have adjourned the Closing, as of the date that the closing
     shall have been adjourned to by Purchaser. If Sellers shall fail to close
     hereunder as of such date as to which TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE as to
     Sellers' obligation to close hereunder because FUR has not held a
     shareholders meeting to obtain the Shareholder Ratification, this Agreement
     shall terminate (provided Sellers obligations under Section 24(b) shall
     continue until such termination) and Sellers shall be required to reimburse
     Purchaser in accordance with the provisions of Section 16(b) hereof.

          (d) If the Purchase Price shall not be received by Sellers by 5:00
     p.m. (New York time) on the Closing Date (as defined below), the Closing
     Date for purposes of this Agreement, shall be deemed to have occurred on
     the next succeeding business day. If requested by Purchaser, Sellers shall
     endeavor to "pre-close" this transaction on one or more business days
     preceding the Closing. Upon payment of the balance of the Purchase Price by
     Purchaser, in the manner provided in Section 2 hereof, Sellers and
     Purchaser shall contemporaneously therewith deliver to each other the
     documents referred to in Section 14 hereof. The date on which the Closing
     shall take place is hereinafter referred to as the "Closing Date".

          6. Apportionments.

          A. For purposes of this Agreement, the "Proration Date" shall be May
     31, 2000, as of 11:59 p.m. on such date, so that Purchaser shall be
     treated, for purposes of this Section 6A, as if Purchaser was the owner of
     each Property and was entitled to any revenues and was responsible for any
     expenses from and after June 1, 2000 (other than as provided in Subsection
     6A(l) hereof). Any apportionments and prorations which are not expressly
     provided for below shall be made in accordance with the customs of the
     respective municipalities or counties, as applicable, in which the
     respective Properties are located. Purchaser and Sellers shall prepare a
     schedule of adjustments for each Premises ("Schedule of Adjustments") prior
     to the Closing Date. Such adjustments, if and to the extent known as of the
     Closing, shall be paid at Closing by Purchaser to each Seller for whom the
     prorations for its Property or Properties result in a net credit to said
     Seller or by a Seller to Purchaser if the prorations for its Property or
     Properties result in a net credit to Purchaser, by increasing or reducing,
     as the case may be, the amount of the portion of the Cash Balance to be
     paid by Purchaser at the Closing to each Seller. Any such adjustments not
     capable of being determined as of the Closing shall be paid by Purchaser to
     the applicable Sellers, or by the applicable Sellers to Purchaser, as the
     case may be, in cash as soon as practicable following the Closing. Any
     apportionment or proration errors made at the Closing are subject to
     correction if written notice thereof is given within one hundred eighty
     (180) days after the Closing. Purchaser and Sellers shall each act promptly
     and reasonably in connection with determining the prorations under this
     Section 6. This Section 6 shall survive the Closing.

             (a) (i) Interest on each Mortgage (whether or not such Mortgage
        shall be assumed by Purchaser at Closing) shall be prorated on an
        accrual basis. All interest payable under the Mortgages accruing and not
        paid prior to the Proration Date shall be the obligation of Sellers, and
        Purchaser shall be credited with an amount equal to such accrued and
        unpaid interest. Purchaser shall be responsible for all interest payable
        under the Mortgages and accruing after the Proration Date;

             (ii) If, at Closing, a Mortgage shall be assumed by Purchaser,
        Purchaser shall pay to Sellers at Closing the amount of monies that were
        in the tax and insurance reserve account and/or tenant
        collections/lockbox account held by the holder of such Mortgage as of
        the Proration Date, which accounts were, as of the Proration Date, in
        the approximate aggregate amount of $1,311,097, as more particularly set
        forth on Schedule H attached hereto. (Hereinaf-


        ter the tax and insurance reserve account and tenant collections/lockbox
        account shall be referred to collectively as the "tax and insurance
        reserve account"). In the event that a Mortgage shall not be assumed by
        Purchaser at Closing, Seller shall be entitled to receive all monies in
        such tax and insurance reserve account that shall be released by the
        holder of such Mortgage, provided that in the event that the amount any
        such tax and insurance reserve that is released to Sellers shall be
        greater than the amount of the balance of such tax and insurance reserve
        account as of the Proration Date, the amount of such excess shall be
        credited against the Cash Balance due from Purchaser at Closing and if
        the amount of any such tax and insurance reserve released to Sellers
        shall be less than the amount of the balance of such tax and insurances
        reserve account as of the Proration Date, the amount of the Cash Balance
        due from Purchaser at Closing shall be increased by the amount of such
        difference. Sellers and Purchaser shall, from time to time, update
        Schedule H to reflect new information as it is available.

                    (iii) Except as otherwise set forth in Subsection 6A(a)(ii)
               above and Subsection 6A(a)(iv) below, Purchaser shall be entitled
               to all monies held in any operating reserve account, ground rent
               reserve account, and any other reserves, escrows or escrow
               deposits (collectively, the "Other Escrows") made with, or held
               by, each holder of a Mortgage, as of March 31, 2000 (which
               balance of such Other Escrows, as of March 31, 2000, was in the
               approximate amount of $1,000,000 in the aggregate, as more
               particularly set forth on Schedule I attached hereto) whether or
               not the respective Mortgage shall be assumed by Purchaser at the
               Closing. Accordingly, if a Mortgage shall be assumed by Purchaser
               and the amount of monies held in the Other Escrows as of the
               Closing Date is less than the amount of monies that was held in
               the Other Escrows as of March 31, 2000, Purchaser shall be
               entitled to a credit against the Cash Balance due at Closing in
               the amount of such difference and if the amount of the Other
               Escrows as of the Proration Date shall be greater than the amount
               of the Other Escrows as of March 31, 2000, Sellers shall be
               entitled to a credit against the Cash Balance due at Closing in
               the amount of such excess. Further, if a Mortgage shall not be
               assumed by Purchaser at the Closing, each Seller shall be
               entitled to retain the monies in the Other Escrows which are
               released to such Seller by the holder of the respective Mortgage
               and Purchaser shall be entitled to a credit against the Cash
               Balance due at Closing in the amount of the Other Escrows held by
               the holder of such Mortgage as of March 31, 2000 and in the event
               that the amount of the Other Escrows released to a Seller in
               accordance with the terms of the immediately preceding sentence
               shall be greater than the amount of the Other Escrows as of the
               Proration Date, the amount of such excess shall also be credited
               against the Cash Balance due at Closing. Sellers and Purchaser
               shall, from time to time, update Schedule I to reflect new
               information as it is available.

                    (iv) Purchaser shall be entitled to all monies held in any
               capital expenditure reserve ("Capital Expenditures Escrow") made
               with or held by, each holder of a Mortgage, as of March 31, 2000
               (which Capital Expenditures Escrow were in the approximate amount
               $2,541,620.75, as of March 31, 2000 in the aggregate, as more
               particularly set forth on Schedule J attached hereto), whether or
               not the respective Mortgage shall be assumed by Purchaser at the
               Closing. Accordingly, if a Mortgage shall be assumed by Purchaser
               and the amount of monies held in the Capital Expenditures Escrow
               is less than the amount of monies that was held in such Capital
               Expenditures Escrow as of March 31, 2000, Purchaser shall be
               entitled to a credit against the Cash Balance due at Closing in
               the amount of such difference and if the amount of the Capital
               Expenditures Escrow as of the Proration Date shall be greater
               than the amount of the Capital Expenditures Escrow as of March
               31, 2000, Sellers shall be entitled to a credit against the Cash
               Balance due at Closing in the amount of such excess. Further, if
               a Mortgage shall not be assumed by Purchaser at the Closing,

               the Seller of the Property that was encumbered by such Mortgage
               shall be entitled to retain the monies in the Capital
               Expenditures Escrow which are released to such Seller by the
               holder of the such Mortgage, but, in such case, Purchaser shall
               be entitled to a credit against the Cash Balance due at Closing
               in the amount of the Capital Expenditures Escrow as of March 31,
               2000 and, in the event that the amount of the Capital
               Expenditures Escrow released to a Seller in accordance with the
               terms of the immediately preceding sentence shall be greater than
               the amount of the Capital Expenditures Escrow as of the Proration
               Date, the amount of such excess shall also be credited against
               the Cash Balance due at Closing. Sellers and Purchaser shall from
               time to time, update Schedule J to reflect new information as it
               is available.

                    (v) Upon the purchase of Madison and Wells Garage by First
               Union Madison, an escrow in the approximate amount of $600,000
               ("Madison Escrow") was established to secure the obligation of
               the prior owner of Madison and Wells Garage to pay for any
               increase in real estate taxes which are assessed for the period
               prior to the sale of such Property. Prior to the Closing, First
               Union Madison shall be entitled to use the Madison Escrow for the
               purposes for which it was intended and to draw upon funds in the
               Madison Escrow to accomplish same. At the Closing, First Union
               Madison shall assign to Purchaser, all of First Union Madison's
               rights and obligations under the Madison Escrow, if permitted by
               the terms of the Madison Escrow, or, if First Union Madison shall
               not be permitted to make such assignment by the terms of the
               Madison Escrow, First Union Madison shall return all remaining
               funds in the Madison Escrow to the prior owner of Madison and
               Wells Garage.

             (b) Rentals. "Rental" or "Rentals" as used herein includes fixed
        monthly rentals, additional rentals, percentage rentals, escalation
        rentals, retroactive rentals, operating cost pass-throughs, parking
        charges, utility charges, common area maintenance or management charges,
        administrative charges, and other sums and charges payable by Tenants
        (as hereinafter defined) under the Leases (all tenants, licensees,
        occupants and such other parties occupying space pursuant to a Lease
        shall herein be referred to individually as a "Tenant" or collectively
        as the "Tenants"). Subject to the provisions of Subsections 6(c) and
        6(d) hereof, Rentals shall be prorated at the Closing. Sellers shall be
        entitled to all Rentals accruing on or prior to the Proration Date and
        Purchaser shall be entitled to all Rentals accruing after the Proration
        Date. Purchaser shall not be entitled to any credit or adjustment for
        any free rent or abated rent accruing after the Proration Date.

             (c) Delinquent Rentals. Fixed monthly rentals are delinquent when
        payment thereof is due on or prior to the Proration Date but has not
        been made by the Proration Date (any such fixed monthly rentals that
        shall not be paid prior to the Proration Date being "Delinquent
        Rentals"). Delinquent Rentals shall be prorated between Purchaser and
        each Seller as of the Proration Date but shall not be paid or credited
        until they are actually collected by Purchaser or a Seller, as the case
        may be. Any fixed monthly rentals collected by Purchaser or a Seller, as
        the case may be, after the Proration Date less any costs of collection
        (including reasonable attorneys fees) reasonably allocable thereto shall
        be applied first to Delinquent Rentals, if any, and paid to the
        applicable Seller promptly upon receipt thereof in the amount of such
        Delinquent Rentals, then to fixed monthly rentals that shall accrue
        after the Proration Date and paid to Purchaser (but only at or after the
        Closing). Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Tenant shall be disputing
        the amount of the Delinquent Rentals that such Tenant shall owe to the
        applicable Seller, in such case, prior to the resolution of such
        dispute, such Seller, to the extent of such disputed Delinquent Rentals,
        shall not be entitled to receive payment of such Delinquent Rentals.
        Following the resolution of any dispute with a Tenant regarding the
        amount of Delinquent Rentals that such Tenant shall owe to the
        applicable Tenant, Purchaser shall pay to the applicable Seller, an
        amount equal to the lesser of (i) the amount of Delinquent Rentals that
        it is ultimately determined that such Tenant shall owe to the applicable
        Seller and (ii) the


        amount of payments of fixed monthly rentals that Purchaser shall have
        received pursuant to this Section 6(c). Sellers shall have the right to
        settle and/or compromise any dispute with a Tenant regarding any
        disputed Delinquent Rentals and in no event shall Purchaser have the
        right to settle and/or compromise any such dispute. Purchaser shall use
        reasonable efforts to collect Delinquent Rentals but shall have no
        obligation to commence a legal proceeding to collect such sums. Each
        Seller retains the right after the Closing to bring an action for
        damages against tenants for the recovery of Delinquent Rentals,
        provided, however, in no event shall any such action involve the
        termination of such tenant's Lease or the eviction of such tenant. The
        parties confirm that all amounts due and payable in respect of Leases
        which have expired or otherwise terminated prior to the Proration Date
        shall be the sole property of the applicable Seller and, notwithstanding
        anything to the contrary contained herein, such Seller may take such
        actions as it desires to collect such amounts. Notwithstanding the
        provisions of this Subsection 6(c) to the contrary, any amount collected
        by any Seller applicable to the period of time prior to the Proration
        Date in connection with any such action shall be retained by said
        Seller. Each Seller and Purchaser shall from time to time for a period
        of one (1) year following the Closing, and upon request of the other
        party, provide the requesting party with reasonably detailed information
        regarding the status of such party's collection of Delinquent Rentals.

             (d) Operating Cost Pass-Throughs, Etc. Operating cost
        pass-throughs, utility charges, common area maintenance charges,
        administrative charges, percentage rentals, additional rentals and other
        retroactive rental escalations, sums or charges payable by Tenants which
        accrue as of the Proration Date but are not then due and payable or
        collected ("Pass-Throughs"), shall be prorated as of the Proration Date;
        provided, however, no payment or credit thereof shall be made to the
        applicable Seller unless and until Purchaser and/or Seller collects same
        from the Tenants. All such amounts payable by Tenants for the period
        accruing prior to the Proration Date shall belong to the applicable
        Seller and all such amounts payable by Tenants for the period accruing
        after the Proration Date shall belong to Purchaser. Any Pass-Throughs
        collected by Purchaser or a Seller, as the case may be, after the
        Proration Date (less any costs of collection, including reasonable
        attorneys fees reasonably allocable thereto) shall be applied (i) first,
        if a Tenant making a payment shall designate the receivable against
        which such payment shall be applied, in accordance with such Tenant's
        written direction, and (ii) second, against such fiscal or calendar
        period for which the Pass-Throughs pertain and in which the Proration
        Date shall occur, it being agreed that the Pass-Throughs shall be
        allocated between Seller and Purchaser based upon the portion of such
        fiscal or calendar period that shall occur prior to the Proration Date
        and the portion of such fiscal or calendar period that shall occur after
        the Proration Date, (iii) third, to the period that occurs after the
        period described in clause (ii) above and (iv) fourth, to the period
        that occurs prior to the period described in clause (ii) above.

             (e) Taxes. Real estate taxes (including business improvement
        district charges) on a Property (excluding taxes paid directly to the
        taxing authority by Tenants or parties to a reciprocal easement
        agreement) shall be prorated based on the actual current tax bill. If
        such tax bill has not yet been received by the Closing Date, then
        Purchaser and each Seller shall estimate the real estate taxes based
        upon Purchaser's and such Seller's good faith estimate of the change in
        the amount of the previous year's tax bill and Purchaser and Seller
        shall after the Closing re-prorate the real estate taxes as soon as the
        actual current tax bill is available. All amounts payable for real
        estate taxes accruing through the Proration Date shall be the obligation
        of the applicable Seller and all amounts payable for real estate taxes
        accruing after the Proration Date shall be the obligation of Purchaser.
        If, after the Closing Date, any additional or supplemental real estate
        taxes are assessed against a Property by reason of back assessments,
        corrections to previous tax bills or other events occurring prior to the
        Proration Date, Purchaser and the applicable Seller shall re-prorate the
        real estate taxes following the Closing. Any delinquent taxes on a
        Property shall be paid at the Closing from funds accruing to the
        applicable Seller.

             (f) Operating Expenses. All utility service charges and fees for
        sewer, water, electricity, heat and air conditioning service, other
        utilities, fuel oil, elevator maintenance, taxes other than real estate
        taxes such as rental taxes, reciprocal easement agreement charges and
        fees, management fees (except that only two-thirds of the amount of
        management fees payable to Radiant Partners LLC shall be used for
        proration purposes), insurance, other ordinary and customary expenses
        incurred by a Seller in operating its Property that said Seller
        reasonably and customarily pays, and all other costs incurred in the
        ordinary course of business of such Seller in connection with the
        operation of its Property, shall be prorated on an accrual basis. The
        applicable Seller shall be responsible for all such expenses that accrue
        through the Proration Date and Purchaser shall be responsible for all
        such expenses which are payable or accrue after the Proration Date. Such
        Seller shall be credited with an amount equal to any prepaid expenses
        which relate to the period after the Proration Date and Purchaser shall
        be credited with an amount equal to any unpaid expenses which relate to
        the period prior to the Proration Date, but only if such expenses shall
        have been paid for by Sellers after the Proration Date and prior to the
        Closing Date. Operating expenses that have been paid directly by a
        tenant shall not be prorated.

             (g) Tenant Deposits. Purchaser shall be credited with and the
        applicable Seller shall be debited with the sum of all Tenant security
        deposits (and any interest due to Tenants thereon) required to be held
        by Sellers pursuant to the terms of the respective Leases, as more
        specifically set forth on Schedule K attached hereto; provided, however,
        Sellers shall be entitled to retain any administrative fees allowed by
        law that shall have accrued on such Tenant security deposits as of the
        Proration Date. Sellers and Purchaser shall, from time to time, update
        Schedule K to reflect new information as it is available.

             (h) Ground Leases. Rents and other charges due to the landlords
        under the Ground Leases shall be prorated as of the Proration Date. In
        addition, the Sellers shall receive a credit against the Purchase Price
        for any security deposit (and any interest due thereon) deposited by
        Sellers with the landlords under the Ground Leases.

             (i) License and Permit Fees. Periodically recurring governmental
        fees for transferable Licenses issued in respect of any Premises for the
        use of any part thereof, if assignable and to the extent assigned, shall
        be prorated between Purchaser and the applicable Seller as of the
        Proration Date on an accrual basis. Said Seller shall be responsible for
        all amounts due thereunder which accrue through the Proration Date and
        Purchaser shall be responsible for all amounts which accrue after the
        Proration Date.

             (j) Club Associates Note Interest. Interest due or paid, as the
        case may be, under the Club Associates Note shall be prorated as of the
        Proration Date.

             (k) Pecanland Mall Adjacent Land Credit; Huntington Garage Credit.
        Purchaser shall be entitled to a credit in the amount of $531,227
        arising out of the sale of the Schedule A-6-1 Parcel which occurred
        prior to the date hereof. In addition, if applicable, Purchaser, at the
        Closing, shall be entitled to the Pecanland Mall Adjacent Land Credit
        and the Huntington Garage Credit.

             (l) Capital Expenditures. If (i) any Seller, prior to the Proration
        Date, shall have paid for any Capital Expenditures that shall have been
        committed to after May 9, 2000, such Seller shall be entitled to a
        credit in the aggregate amount of such payments, (ii) any Seller at any
        time after the Proration Date, shall have paid for any Capital
        Expenditures that shall have been committed to by any Seller prior to
        May 9, 2000, Purchaser shall be entitled to a credit at Closing in the
        aggregate amount of such payments, (iii) any Capital Expenditures for
        the Properties committed to by each Seller and/or any of their
        respective agents and/or authorized representatives prior to May 9, 2000
        shall not have been performed by a Seller prior to the Closing Date,
        Purchaser shall be entitled to a credit at Closing in the amount of the
        value of such Capital Expenditures that shall not have been performed
        and (iv) if any Capital Expendi-

        tures of the nature described in clauses (2) and (3) of the definition
        of Capital Expenditures which were committed to prior to May 9, 2000
        shall remain unpaid as of the Proration Date, Purchaser shall be
        entitled to a credit in an amount equal to the aggregate amount of such
        unpaid Capital Expenditures but only if such unpaid Capital Expenditures
        shall have been paid for by Sellers after the Proration Date and prior
        to the Closing Date.

             (m) Other Accounts. Purchaser shall be entitled to a credit at
        Closing in an amount of $2,513,517 ("Richmond Fund") plus all interest
        earned thereon, less all hard and soft costs of construction that shall
        have been paid or shall be payable as of the Closing Date in connection
        with certain improvements to be made or being made to the 5th and
        Marshall Garage. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the
        improvements to the 5th and Marshall Garage shall not be considered a
        Capital Expenditure pursuant to Subsection 6A(l) above.

              (n) Other. Any other customary adjustments made in connection with
        the sale of properties similar in type to the applicable Property shall
        be prorated between Purchaser and each Seller as of the Proration Date.

             B. (a) Supplementing the provisions of Section 6A above, as to any
        Property, if the aggregate amount of Purchaser Revenue (as hereinafter
        defined) that Seller shall receive after the Proration Date shall be
        greater than the amount of Purchaser Expenses (as hereinafter defined)
        that such Seller shall have incurred and/or paid for after the Proration
        Date, the Purchase Price for such Property shall be decreased by the
        amount of such excess. In the alternative, as to any Property, if the
        aggregate amount of the Purchaser Revenue that Seller shall receive
        after the Proration Date shall be less than the amount of Purchaser
        Expenses that Seller shall have incurred and/or paid for after the
        Proration Date, the Purchase Price for such Property shall be increased
        by the amount such Purchaser Expenses exceed Purchaser Revenue.

              (b) For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Purchaser Revenue"
        shall mean all revenues that a Seller shall receive from the operation
        of a Property after the Proration Date which Purchaser, pursuant to the
        provisions of Section 6A above, shall be entitled to receive and the
        term "Purchaser Expenses" shall mean all expenses arising from the use,
        operation and management of a Property, including Capital Expenditures,
        which a Seller shall have incurred (whether or not payment shall have
        been made) from and after the Proration Date (or in the case of Capital
        Expenditures, including, without limitation, tenant improvement expenses
        from and after May 9, 2000).

          7. Assessments. If, on the Proration Date, the Premises or any part
     thereof shall be or shall have been affected by an assessment or
     assessments which are or may become payable in annual installments, and the
     first installment is then a charge or lien or has been paid, then for the
     purposes of this Agreement all the unpaid installments shall be deemed to
     be due and payable and to be a lien upon the Premises and shall be paid and
     discharged by the applicable Seller as of the Closing Date.

          8. Condition of the Sale Assets.

          (a) Sellers will permit Purchaser, for itself or on behalf of, or in
     conjunction with its prospective lenders or equity investors and each of
     their respective agents and representatives, the right to inspect the
     Buildings and review the books, records and Property files of the Sellers
     and to conduct or cause to be conducted such tests, evaluations and
     assessments of the Property as may be necessary, appropriate or desirable
     in connection with the acquisition of the Properties, provided, however,
     that all such inspections, tests, evaluations and assessments
     (collectively, "Inspection Activities") shall hereafter be subject to the
     following conditions:

             (i) No Inspection Activity which involves boring, digging, drilling
        or other physical intrusion of the Property shall be conducted without
        the prior written consent of the Sellers, which consent shall not be
        unreasonably withheld or delayed.

             (ii) Purchaser shall promptly restore the Property, at Purchaser's
        sole cost and expense, to the state and condition it was in prior to
        being disturbed or damaged by any Inspection Activity.

             (iii) Any Inspection Activity conducted with respect to a Building
        shall not be unreasonably intrusive and shall not have any adverse
        effect on the structural integrity of the Building.

             (iv) No Inspection Activity shall be conducted inside the space
        demised to any Tenant or otherwise in any manner that would interfere
        with the business or operations conducted by any Tenant.

             (v) Purchaser shall indemnify and hold harmless the Sellers and
        their respective members, trustees, directors, officers, employees and
        agents from and against any and all liability, claims, losses, damages,
        injuries to persons or to property and expenses (including, without
        limitation, reasonable legal fees and disbursements) suffered by the
        Sellers or their respective members, trustees, directors, offices,
        employees or agents by reason of or resulting from the Inspection

             (vi) All Inspection Activities shall be conducted in compliance
        with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations,
        ordinances, orders and permits.

             (vii) With respect to any inspections that Purchaser shall perform
        after the date hereof, Purchaser and/or its contractors shall procure
        the following insurance coverage to cover the risks associated with the
        Inspection Activities, in the minimum amounts set forth below:

                    (A) Workers Compensation Insurance in accordance with
               statutory requirements and Employer's Liability Insurance with a
               minimum limit of $500,000 each accident;

                    (B) Commercial General Liability Insurance (occurrence
               form), including premises, contractual liability,
               products/completed operations, independent contractors and broad
               form property damage coverage with the following limits of
               liability: Bodily Injury  -- $1,000,000 each occurrence; Property
               Damage -$1,000,000 each occurrence or $2,000,000 combined single

                    (C) Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance, including
               coverage for all owned, non-owned and hired automobiles used in
               the performance of the work with the following minimum limits of
               liability: Bodily Injury -- $1,000,000 each occurrence; Property
               Damage -- $1,000,000 each occurrence or $2,000,000 combined
               single limit; and

                    (D) Environmental/Pollution Liability, including bodily
               injury and property damage liability associated with the removal
               and/or disposal of hazardous wastes and/or materials with the
               following minimum limits of liability: Bodily
               Injury -- $2,000,000 each occurrence; Property
               Damage -- $2,000,000 each occurrence or $4,000,000 combined
               single limit.

             All insurance shall provide for thirty (30) days written notice
        prior to cancellation, shall name the applicable Seller as an additional
        insured, and shall provide that all liability coverage is primary and
        without the right of contribution from insurance carried by such Seller.
        Prior to commencing any Inspection Activity at or on a Property,
        Purchaser shall submit to the applicable Seller a binder of such
        insurance or certificates thereof with the same force and effect as a

             (viii) Prior to commencing any environmental Inspection Activity at
        or on the Property after the date hereof, Purchaser shall provide the
        applicable Seller at least five (5) business days advance notice of its
        intent to have such Inspection Activity performed.

             (ix) Each Seller shall at all times during the course of any
        Inspection Activities and after their completion have the right to
        inspect all Inspection Activities of Purchaser and its contrac-

        tors and their subcontractors at or on the Property. Each Seller shall
        also have the right to inspect and copy all studies, reports, test
        results, data and other information and material collected or generated
        in the course of any Inspection Activities.

             (x) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 8(a)(i) hereof, no
        environmental Inspection Activity other than a Phase I environmental
        site assessment shall be performed without the prior written consent of
        the applicable Seller.

             (xi) The rights granted to Purchaser under this Subsection 8(a) are
        solely for informational purposes, shall in no event be construed to
        modify the provisions of Subsection 8(b) hereof nor shall any
        information obtained through such Inspection Activity be a basis for
        Purchaser not performing its obligations under this Agreement.

          (b) Purchaser agrees to accept the Sale Assets in their "as is",
     "where is" condition on the date hereof, subject to (i) reasonable use,
     wear, tear and natural deterioration between the date hereof and the
     Closing Date, and (ii) the provisions of Section 9 hereof. Purchaser (i)
     has or will examine, inspect and investigate to the full satisfaction of
     Purchaser, the physical nature and condition of the Sale Assets, (ii) has
     or will independently investigate, analyze and appraise the value and
     profitability of the Sale Assets, and (iii) has reviewed such other
     documents and materials as Purchaser has deemed advisable. Purchaser
     acknowledges that, except as specifically set forth in this Agreement,
     neither Sellers, nor any real estate broker, employee, servant, agent,
     consultant, accountant, attorney or representative of any Seller has made
     any representations or warranties whatsoever regarding the subject matter
     of this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, including
     without limitation, with respect to the physical nature or condition of the
     Sale Assets, the revenues generated by or expenses associated with the Sale
     Assets, zoning laws, building codes, laws and regulations, environmental
     matters, the violation of any laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or
     orders of any Governmental Authority, water, sewer or other utilities,
     rents or other income, expenses applicable to the Sale Assets, capital
     expenditures, leases, existing or future operations of the Sale Assets or
     any other matter or thing affecting or related to the Sale Assets or the
     operation thereof. In executing, delivering and/or performing this
     Agreement, Purchaser has not relied upon and does not rely upon, and no
     Seller shall be liable or bound in any manner by, express or implied
     warranties, guaranties, promises, statements, representations or
     information pertaining to any of the matters set forth above in this
     Section 8 or otherwise made or furnished by any Seller or by any real
     estate broker, employee, servant, agent, consultant, accountant, attorney
     or any other person representing or purporting to represent any Seller to
     whomever made or given, directly or indirectly, verbally or in writing,
     unless such warranties, guaranties, promises, statements, representations
     or information are expressly and specifically set forth in this Agreement.

          (c) Purchaser waives and releases Sellers from any present or future
     claims arising from or relating to the presence or alleged presence of any
     Hazardous Materials (as hereinafter defined) in, on, under or about the
     Properties, including, without limitation, any claims under (i) any
     Environmental Laws (as hereinafter defined), (ii) any other federal, state
     or local law, ordinance, rule or regulation, now or hereafter in effect,
     that deals with or otherwise in any manner relates to, environmental
     matters of any kind, (iii) this Agreement, or (iv) the common law. The
     terms and provisions of this Subsection 8(c) shall survive the Closing.
     "Environmental Laws" mean all federal, state, local and foreign
     environmental, health and safety laws, codes and ordinances and all rules
     and regulations promulgated thereunder, including, without limitation laws
     relating to emissions, discharge, releases or threatened releases of
     pollutants, contaminants, chemicals, or industrial, toxic or hazardous
     substances or wastes into the environment (including, without limitation,
     air, surface water, ground water, land surface or subsurface strata) or
     otherwise relating to the manufacture, processing, distribution, use,
     treatment, storage, disposal, transport or handling of pollutants,
     contaminants, chemicals, or industrial, solid, toxic or hazardous
     substances or wastes. As used in this Agreement, the term "Hazardous
     Materials" includes, without limitation, (i) all substances which are
     designated pursuant to Section 311(b)(2)(A) of the Federal Water Pollution
     Control Act ("FWPCA"), 33 U.S.C. sec.1251 et seq.; (ii) any element,
     compound, mixture, solution, or

     substance which is designated pursuant to Section 102 of the Comprehensive
     Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act ("CERCLA"), 42
     U.S.C. sec.9601 et seq.; (iii) any hazardous waste having the
     characteristics which are identified under or listed pursuant to Section
     3001 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ("RCRA"), sec.6901 et
     seq.; (iv) any toxic pollutant listed under Section 307(a) of the FWPCA;
     (v) any hazardous air pollutant which is listed under Section 112 of the
     Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. sec.7401 et seq.; (vi) any imminently hazardous
     chemical substance or mixture with respect to which action has been taken
     pursuant to Section 7 of the Toxic Substance Control Act, 15 U.S.C.
     sec.2601 et seq.; and (vii) petroleum, petroleum products, petroleum
     by-products, petroleum decomposition by-products, and waste oil; (viii)
     "hazardous materials" within the meaning of the Hazardous Materials
     Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. sec.1802 et seq., (ix) any hazardous
     substance or material identified or regulated by or under any applicable
     provisions of the laws of the State in which the applicable Property is
     located; (x) asbestos or any asbestos containing materials; (xi) any
     radioactive material or substance; (xii) all toxic wastes, hazardous wastes
     and hazardous substances as defined by, used in, controlled by or subject
     to all implementing regulations adopted and publications promulgated
     pursuant to the foregoing statutes; and (xiii) any other hazardous or toxic
     substance or pollutant identified in or regulated under any other
     applicable federal, state or local laws.

          (d) Notwithstanding anything in this Section 8 to the contrary, in the
     event any Phase I environmental site assessment performed at a Property
     recommends that a Phase II environmental site assessment be performed on
     such Property, and the Seller of such Property notifies Purchaser that such
     Seller does not consent to the Phase II environmental site assessment being
     performed thereon, Purchaser must, within five (5) days after receipt of
     such Seller's notice pursuant to this Section 8(d), elect to either
     continue with this transaction without any abatement or adjustment to the
     Purchase Price or not purchase such Property that is the subject of the
     Phase II environmental assessment. If Purchaser shall elect not to purchase
     such Property, the Purchase Price pursuant to Section 2(a) hereof shall be
     reduced by the portion of the Purchase Price that is allocated to such
     Property pursuant to Schedule B-1 and the Cash Balance shall be reduced by
     the portion of the Cash Balance that is allocated to such Property pursuant
     to Schedule B-2. In addition, Sellers shall be required to reimburse
     Purchaser for certain expenses in accordance with the provisions of Section
     16(d) hereof.

          9. Casualty and Condemnation.

          (a) If, prior to the Closing, all or any portion of a Property is
     damaged by fire, the elements or any other casualty or is taken by eminent
     domain or otherwise, then, notwithstanding anything to the contrary implied
     or provided by law or in equity, Purchaser shall not have the right to
     terminate this Agreement and (i) the parties shall proceed to the Closing
     in accordance with this Agreement, (ii) all proceeds or awards received by
     the applicable Seller, or such Seller's rights to such proceeds or awards,
     from such taking or casualty (after deducting Seller's reasonable cost of
     collecting the same and any reasonable expenses that Seller shall have
     incurred in repairing or restoring the Property) shall be assigned by said
     Seller to Purchaser at the Closing, and (iii) the Purchase Price shall be
     abated to the extent of any deductible. Notwithstanding any provisions in
     this Section 9 to the contrary, if (1) all or a portion of a Property is
     damaged by fire, the elements or any other casualty, (2) the amount of such
     casualty, together with the amount of the casualty, if any, affecting any
     of the other Properties, shall be greater than $500,000 (the "Casualty
     Threshold") and (3) such Property is either subject to a mortgage
     commitment whereby the prospective lender will no longer finance such
     Property due to the casualty thereon or encumbered by a Mortgage whereby
     the holder of such Mortgage will no longer permit Purchaser to assume the
     Mortgage due to the casualty thereon, Sellers shall provide financing to
     Purchaser in an aggregate amount with respect to all of the Properties that
     shall be damaged by a fire, the elements or other casualty equal to the
     lesser of $30,000,000 and the amount by which the aggregate of the mortgage
     commitments and Mortgages described in clause (3) shall be greater than the
     Casualty Threshold; provided, however, if the Property described in clause
     (3) shall be the Pecanland Mall, then Sellers shall provide


     financing to Purchaser in an aggregate amount with respect to all of the
     Properties that shall be damaged by a fire, the elements or other casualty
     equal to the lesser of $46,000,000 and the amount by which the aggregate of
     the mortgage commitments and Mortgages described in clause (3) shall be
     greater than the Casualty Threshold. The amount of the PMM Financing to be
     provided for a Property shall not exceed the amount of Mortgage encumbering
     the Property at the time of the casualty or the amount of the mortgage
     commitment that Purchaser shall have received for such Property. Such
     financing shall be upon similar terms and conditions of the PMM Financing
     described in Section 25 hereof with the following exceptions: (a) the
     maturity date of the PMM Financing shall be the second anniversary of the
     Closing Date and (b) the interest rate for the first six (6) months shall
     be equal to eleven percent (11%) per annum and shall thereafter be equal to
     twelve percent (12%) per annum.

          (b) In the event Purchaser's equity investors and/or mezzanine lenders
     will no longer finance such Property due to the casualty thereon, Sellers
     shall have the right, but not the obligation, to increase the amount of PMM
     Financing to be provided under Section 9(a) above up to the amount of
     funding which such equity investor(s) and/or mezzanine lender(s) was to
     have financed with Purchaser. If Seller shall not elect to provide such
     additional PMM Financing, Seller shall so notify Purchaser of such fact.
     Purchaser must, within five (5) days after receipt of Seller's notice
     pursuant to this Section 9(b), elect either to continue with this
     transaction without any abatement or adjustment to the Purchase Price or to
     not purchase such Property that shall be affected by a casualty. If
     Purchaser shall fail to make the foregoing election within such five (5)
     day period, Purchaser shall be deemed to have elected to continue with the
     transaction without reduction or abatement of the Purchase Price. If
     Purchaser shall elect not to purchase a Property, the Purchase Price
     pursuant to Section 2(a) hereof shall be reduced by the portion of the
     Purchase Price that is allocated to such Property pursuant to Schedule B-1
     and the Cash Balance shall be reduced by the portion of the Cash Balance
     that is allocated to such Property pursuant to Schedule B-2. In addition,
     Sellers shall be required to reimburse Purchaser for certain expenses in
     accordance with the provisions of Section 16(d) hereof.

          10. Brokers.

          (a) Purchaser and Sellers represent to each other that they have not
     dealt with any broker or finder in connection with this transaction.

          (b) Purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold each Seller
     harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liability, costs and
     expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) resulting from any claim
     that may be made against such Seller by any broker, or any other person
     claiming a commission, fee or other compensation by reason of this
     transaction, if the same shall arise by, through or on account of any
     alleged act of Purchaser or Purchaser's representatives.

          (c) Sellers hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold Purchaser
     harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liability, costs and
     expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) resulting from any claim
     that may be made against Purchaser by any broker, or any other person
     claiming a commission, fee or other compensation by reason of this
     transaction, if the same shall arise by, through or on account of any
     alleged act of a Seller or any Seller's representatives.

          (d) The provisions of this Section 10 shall survive the Closing, or if
     the Closing does not occur, the termination of this Agreement.

          11. Tax Reduction Proceedings. If any Seller has heretofore filed
     applications for the reduction of the assessed valuation of its Premises
     and/or instituted certiorari proceedings to review such assessed valuations
     for any tax years prior to the tax year of Closing, Purchaser acknowledges
     and agrees that such Seller shall have sole control of such proceedings,
     including the right to withdraw, compromise and/or settle the same or cause
     the same to be brought on for trial and to take, conduct, withdraw and/or
     settle appeals, and Purchaser hereby consents to such actions as said
     Seller may take therein. Prior to the Closing, no Seller shall withdraw,
     compromise or settle any


     such proceedings for any fiscal period in which the Proration Date occurs
     or any subsequent fiscal period without the prior written consent of
     Purchaser, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Any
     refund or tax savings for any year or years prior to the tax year in which
     the Proration Date occurs shall belong solely to the applicable Seller. Any
     tax savings or refund for the tax year in which the Proration Date occurs
     shall be prorated in accordance with Section 6 hereof between the
     applicable Seller and Purchaser after deduction of reasonable attorneys'
     fees and other reasonable expenses related to the proceeding. Purchaser and
     such Seller shall each execute all consents, receipts, instruments and
     documents which may reasonably be requested in order to facilitate settling
     such proceeding and collecting the amount of any refund or tax savings. If
     Seller receives any tax refund or credit, Seller shall, after deducting the
     reasonable expenses of the collection thereof, pay to Purchaser, promptly
     after the receipt of such funds or credit, the portion, if any, of such
     refund or credit to which the past and/or present Tenants of the Building
     may be entitled (whether by way of refund or rent credit) under the terms
     of their respective Leases or any other agreements). The provisions of this
     Section 11 shall survive the Closing.

          12. Recording Charges, Transfer Taxes, Mortgage Assumption Costs,
     Title Insurance Charges, Survey Costs.

          (a) At the Closing, Sellers and Purchaser agree to complete, sign,
     acknowledge and file any and all forms required for the transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement with respect to transfer taxes and sales

          (b) Sellers, on the one hand, and Purchaser, on the other hand, shall
     each pay at the Closing, to the appropriate recipients and in the manner
     required by said recipients, fifty (50%) percent of the following costs
     associated with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, provided,
     however, in the event the aggregate amount of such costs shall exceed FOUR
     MILLION ($4,000,000) DOLLARS, the Sellers shall, collectively, pay only TWO
     MILLION ($2,000,000) DOLLARS in the aggregate and Purchaser shall pay the
     entire remaining balance thereof:

             (i) transfer or similar taxes;

             (ii) sales or similar taxes;

             (iii) costs incurred in connection with the assumption of the
        Mortgages by Purchaser, including without limitation, consent and
        assumption charges, and the attorney's fees and disbursements of
        mortgagees' counsel, but excluding, however, (x) any fees, charges or
        other costs imposed by the holders of the Mortgages by reason of any
        mezzanine or other financing obtained by Purchaser, which shall be
        Purchaser's sole responsibility and (y) any extensions and/or break-up
        fees due to a lender providing the mezzanine financing to Purchaser or
        to a lender providing mortgage financing to Purchaser or consenting to
        an assumption of a Mortgage, upon an adjournment of the Closing by
        Sellers to a date later than December 29, 2000, shall be handled in
        accordance with the provisions of Section 5(b) above;

             (iv) if a Mortgage is not assumed by Purchaser, costs incurred in
        connection with the prepayment of said Mortgage including, without
        limitation, prepayment fees, premiums and charges and the attorney's
        fees and disbursements of mortgagee's counsel;

             (v) title insurance premiums and costs;

             (vi) survey costs; and

             (vii) recording charges.

          (c) Each party shall be responsible for the payment of its own
     counsel's fees and disbursements and Purchaser shall be responsible for the
     payment of all costs it incurs with respect to any mezzanine or other
     financing that it obtains, except that if Seller, pursuant to Section 5,
     Section 9 and/or Section 25 hereof, shall provide any PMM Financing to
     Purchaser, Purchaser and such Seller shall each pay one-half ( 1/2) of the
     costs and expenses that such Seller shall incur in connection with
     providing such PMM Financing, including, without limitation, all reasonable
     attorneys fees and disbursements.

          (d) The obligations arising pursuant to this Section 12 shall survive
     the Closing.

          13. Representations and Warranties.

          (a) Each Seller, as to itself only, represents and warrants to
     Purchaser that the following are true and correct as of the date hereof and
     shall be true and correct in all material respects as of the Closing Date:

             (i) This Agreement, including the provisions of Section 16 hereof,
        constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligations of each Seller,
        enforceable against each Seller in accordance with its terms. Each
        Seller has taken all necessary action to authorize and approve the
        execution and delivery of this Agreement and, subject to obtaining the
        Shareholder Ratification (as hereinafter defined), will have taken all
        necessary actions to sell the Properties to Purchaser, subject to and in
        accordance with the terms of this Agreement, and the execution and
        delivery of this Agreement and the performance by each Seller of its
        obligations hereunder do not and will not (a) conflict with or violate
        any law, rule, judgment, regulation, order, writ, injunction or decree
        of any Governmental Authority with jurisdiction over such Seller or the
        Sale Assets, including, without limitation, the United States of
        America, any State in which the Sale Assets are located or any political
        subdivision of either of the foregoing, or any decision or ruling of any
        arbitrator in an arbitration to which said Seller is a party or by which
        such Seller or its Property is bound or affected, or (b) violate or
        constitute a default under any material document or instrument to which
        such Seller is a party or is bound or any of said Seller's
        organizational or governing documents.

                    (A) 55 Public, North Valley Tech, Southwest Centers and
               Printers Alley are each a limited liability company duly
               organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of

                    (B) First Union Madison is a limited liability company duly
               organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of

                    (C) FUR is an unincorporated association in the form of a
               business trust duly organized and created under the laws of the
               State of Ohio; and

                    (D) FUCP is a corporation duly formed and validly existing
               under the laws of the State of Delaware.

             (ii) No Seller is a "foreign person" as defined in the Internal
        Revenue Code Section 1445.

             (iii) No Seller is a party as debtor to any insolvency or
        bankruptcy proceeding or assignment for the benefit of creditors.

             (iv) Each Seller has the full right and authority and has obtained
        any and all corporate consents and board of trustees approvals required
        to enter into this Agreement, and subject to obtaining the Shareholder
        Ratification, will have obtained any and all corporate consents and
        board of trustee approvals required to consummate or cause to be
        consummated the sale and make or cause to be made transfers and
        assignments contemplated herein; the persons signing this Agreement on
        behalf of each Seller are authorized to do so; and this Agreement and
        all of the documents to be delivered by Sellers at the Closing have been
        authorized and properly executed and will constitute the valid and
        binding obligations of Seller, enforceable against Seller in accordance
        with their terms.

          (b) Purchaser represents and warrants to Sellers that the following
     are true and correct as of the date hereof and shall be true and correct in
     all material respects as of the Closing Date:

             (i) This Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and binding
        obligation of Purchaser, enforceable against Purchaser in accordance
        with its terms. Purchaser has taken all necessary action to authorize
        and approve the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the
        consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

             (ii) The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the
        performance by Purchaser of its obligations hereunder do not and will
        not (a) conflict with or violate any law, rule, judgment, regulation,
        order, writ, injunction or decree of any Governmental Authority with
        jurisdiction over Purchaser, including, without limitation, the United
        States of America, any State in which the Sale Assets are located or any
        political subdivision of either of the foregoing, or any decision or
        ruling of any arbitrator in an arbitration to which Purchaser is a party
        or by which Purchaser is bound or affected, or (b) violate or constitute
        a default under any material document or instrument to which Purchaser
        is a party or is bound or any of Purchaser's organizational or governing

          (c) The above-stated representations and warranties by Sellers and
     Purchaser shall survive the Closing for six (6) months.

          14. Deliveries to be made on the Closing Date.

          (a) Seller's Documents: Sellers, pursuant to the provisions of this
     Agreement, shall deliver or cause to be delivered to Purchaser on the
     Closing Date the following instruments, documents and items:

             (i) Duly executed and acknowledged bargain and sale deeds without
        covenants (or their equivalent for the State in which the applicable
        Property shall be located) (the "Deeds").

             (ii) Duly executed certifications as to each Seller's non-foreign
        status as prescribed in Section 18 hereof, if applicable.

             (iii) Any consents of members, partners, shareholders or directors
        of any Seller whose consent shall be required to authorize the sale of
        the Properties to Purchaser, in form reasonably satisfactory to
        Purchaser and the Title Company.

             (iv) The Shareholder Ratification and the Board Consent.

             (v) Duly executed counterparts of an Assignment and Assumption of
        Leases for each Property in the form of Exhibit A annexed hereto and
        made a part hereof.

             (vi) Duly executed counterparts of an Assignment and Assumption for
        each Ground Lease in the form of Exhibit B annexed hereto and made a
        part hereof.

             (vii) Intentionally Deleted.

             (viii) The Leases, Contracts and Licenses affecting the Premises
        that are in Sellers' possession (other than those that are held by
        Radiant or any managing agent for the Premises and those Licenses that
        must remain at the Premises).

             (ix) The Estoppel Certificates required pursuant to Section 17

             (x) If required by Purchaser's mezzanine lender or any other lender
        providing financing for a Property, an updated Rent Roll together with a
        list of delinquent and unpaid rent, accompanied by an instrument
        executed by the applicable Seller, addressed to Purchaser, pursuant to
        which said Seller states, without representation or warranty, that it
        has no actual knowledge that said Rent Roll is not true and correct in
        all material respects as of the Closing Date. In addition, either such
        instrument (or a separate instrument) shall contain a provision pursuant
        to which Purchaser, acknowledges that it shall have no rights, remedies
        or recourse of any nature whatsoever against Seller by reason of the
        foregoing statement by Seller not being true, correct or complete in any
        respect. In the event that Purchaser's mezzanine lender or any other
        lender providing financing for a Property requires a certified updated
        Rent Roll, as described above in this Section 14(a)(x), pursuant to
        which Seller shall represent and warrant that is has no actual knowledge
        that said Rent Roll is not true and correct in all material respects as
        of the Closing Date, Purchaser shall cause to be provided to the Seller
        of such Property a complete and unconditional indemnification from
        Indemnitor, in form reasonably


        acceptable to Seller, against all liability that Seller shall incur on
        account of such Seller having delivered such representation and

             (xi) A letter to the tenants of the Premises in the form annexed
        hereto as Exhibit C.

             (xii) Duly executed counterparts of all transfer tax and sales tax
        returns required to be signed by Sellers.

             (xiii) If the Closing shall not be a "New York style" closing, each
        Seller shall deliver an indemnification to the Title Company pursuant to
        which Seller shall indemnify the Title Company against any liens that
        may arise from and after the Closing Date until the recordation of the
        Deeds but only if, and to the extent that, such liens shall arise on
        account of matters which such Seller pursuant to Section 6 hereof shall
        be required to pay for. Such other documents, instruments and deliveries
        as are otherwise required by this Agreement or required to record the
        Deeds or reasonably required by Purchaser in order to consummate the
        transactions contemplated hereby, provided that any such additional
        documents, instruments and deliveries shall not result in any Seller
        having any greater liabilities than are expressly provided herein.

             (xiv) With respect to any security deposits which are other than
        cash or that are in the form of a letter of credit (collectively, the
        "Non-Cash Security Deposits"), appropriate duly executed instruments of
        transfer or assignment of such Non-Cash Security Deposits which are
        required to establish Purchaser as the new beneficiary thereunder. With
        respect to any Non-Cash Security Deposit in the form of a letter of
        credit, if such letter of credit shall not, pursuant to its terms, be
        assignable, the applicable Seller shall cooperate with Purchaser to
        obtain a replacement letter of credit with respect thereto in favor of
        Purchaser, and, if a replacement letter of credit is not obtained and if
        requested by Purchaser following the Closing, said Seller shall draw on
        such letter of credit if the tenant for whom the same was given as a
        security deposit shall default under its Lease and Seller shall remit
        the proceeds thereof to Purchaser. Purchaser agrees to indemnify, defend
        and hold said Seller harmless from and against any and all costs, loss,
        damages and expenses of any kind or nature whatsoever (including
        reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) but excluding consequential
        damages arising out of or resulting from such Seller's presenting any
        such letter of credit for payment in accordance with Purchaser's
        request. The foregoing provisions shall survive the Closing.

             (xv) Duly executed counterparts of each Assignment and Assumption
        of Contracts and Permits, in the form of Exhibit D annexed hereto and
        made a part hereof.

             (xvi) A duly executed counterpart of a Blanket Bill of Sale and
        Assignment in the form of Exhibit E annexed hereto and made a part
        hereof pertaining to the Personalty, it being agreed that for purposes
        of this Agreement, the Personalty shall be deemed to have no value.

             (xvii) The Club Associates Note together with an allonge thereto
        endorsing the same to the order of Purchaser. A duly executed
        assignment, without recourse, warranty or representations, of the Club
        Associates Mortgage together with an assignment, without recourse,
        warranty or representations, of all of the Club Associates Collateral
        Documents in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Purchaser.
        Originals of the Club Associates Note, the Club Associates Mortgage and
        the Club Associates Collateral Documents shall be delivered to Purchaser
        at Closing.

             (xviii) Sellers shall furnish at Closing any and all information
        that may be necessary or appropriate to enable the "real estate broker"
        or "real estate reporting person," within the meaning of Section 6045(e)
        of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations promulgated thereunder,
        to comply with the reporting requirement of Section 6045(e) of the
        Internal Revenue Code.

             (xix) [Intentionally deleted.]


             (xx) A duly executed counterpart of a modification to the asset
        management agreement dated March   , 2000, as amended, between FUR and
        Radiant Partners, LLC ("Asset Management Agreement") in the form of
        Exhibit F annexed hereto and made a part hereof (the "Asset Management
        Agreement Modification").

             (xxi) Seller shall obtain and deliver to Purchaser at Closing all
        local customary documents required in connection with a sale of a
        Property, including such tax and other documents as may be necessary to
        record the applicable Deed or Assignment and Assumption of Ground Lease.
        To the extent any sums are required to be withheld or paid in connection
        with such sale, Purchaser is authorized to withhold from the Purchase
        Price the amount of tax and recording charges required to be paid,
        subject to Section 12(b) hereof, which apportioned amount shall be
        applied as necessary to pay the appropriate amounts and to record the
        subject deed. Sellers and Purchaser shall jointly retain local counsel
        in the various States in which the Property shall be located, to advise
        each party as to how to comply with the provisions of this Subsection
        14(a)(xxi). The cost of such local counsel shall be borne equally
        between Purchaser, on the one hand, and Sellers on the other.

          (b) Purchaser's Documents: Purchaser, pursuant to the provisions of
     this Agreement, shall deliver or cause to be delivered to Seller on the
     Closing Date the following instruments, documents and items:

          (i) Duly executed counterparts of each Assignment and Assumption of

          (ii) Duly executed counterparts of each Blanket Bill of Sale and

          (iii) Duly executed counterparts of all transfer tax and sales tax
     returns required to be signed by Purchaser.

          (iv) A consent or resolution of the members, partners, directors and
     shareholders, as applicable, of Purchaser authorizing the purchase of the
     Sale Assets, in a form reasonably satisfactory to Sellers.

          (v) The Mortgage Assumption Instrument (as hereinafter defined) in
     recordable form.

          (vi) Such other documents, instruments and deliveries as are otherwise
     required by this Agreement or required to record the Mortgage Assumption
     Instrument or reasonably required by Sellers in order to consummate the
     transactions contemplated hereby.

          (vii) Duly executed counterparts of each Assignment and Assumption of
     Contracts and Permits.

          (viii) A duly executed counterpart of the Asset Management Agreement

          (ix) Intentionally Deleted.

          (x) A duly executed counterpart of the Assignment and Assumption of
     Ground Lease for each of the Ground Leases.

          (xi) In the event that Southwest Centers shall have executed a
     contract of sale prior to the Closing to sell any portion of the Pecanland
     Mall Adjacent Land or FUR shall have executed a contract of sale prior to
     the Closing to sell the Huntington Garage ("Huntington Contract"), and the
     sale contemplated thereby shall not have closed prior to the Closing, then
     Southwest Centers or FUR, as applicable, shall execute and deliver to
     Purchaser at Closing an instrument, in form reasonably satisfactory to
     Southwest Centers or FUR, as the case may be, pursuant to which Southwest
     Centers or FUR, as applicable, shall assign such contract to Purchaser and
     Purchaser shall execute and deliver to Southwest Centers or FUR, as
     applicable, an instrument, in form reasonably satisfactory to Southwest
     Centers or FUR, as the case may be, pursuant to which Purchaser shall
     assume the obligations of Southwest Centers or FUR under such contract.


          (xii) If the sale of any portion of the Pecanland Mall Adjacent Land
     or the Huntington Garage shall close prior to the Closing Date, the entity
     which shall own one hundred (100%) percent of the beneficial interests in
     and to all of the Properties, as of the Closing Date, and has a net worth
     of at least Forty Million ($40,000,000) Dollars (the "Indemnitor") shall
     deliver to FUR an agreement in form and substance reasonably satisfactory
     to FUR, pursuant to which such parties shall indemnify and hold FUR
     harmless from and against any loss, cost, damage, claim or expense which
     FUR shall suffer or incur on account of any matter under the Huntington
     Contract (provided such obligations of FUR which survive the closing of the
     Huntington Garage sale are otherwise customary and standard obligations in
     connection with the sale of a garage property) or the contract for the sale
     of the Pecanland Mall Adjacent Land which shall survive the closing of the
     sale of the Huntington Garage and/or the Pecanland Mall Adjacent Land.

          (xiii) Evidence, reasonably satisfactory to Sellers, that Purchaser
     and/or a Permitted Assignee (as such term is defined in Section 35 hereof)
     has a net worth of at least $40,000,000.

          15. Default by Purchaser or Sellers.

          (a) If (i) Purchaser shall default in the payment of the Purchase
     Price, (ii) Purchaser shall otherwise default in the performance of any of
     the other terms and provisions of this Agreement on the part of Purchaser
     to be performed, and the Closing does not occur as a result thereof, and
     such default shall continue for five (5) business days after written notice
     to Purchaser (provided, however, notwithstanding the foregoing, time shall
     be of the essence with respect to Purchaser's obligation to pay the First
     Additional Deposit in accordance with Subsection 2(a)(ii) hereof, the
     Second Additional Deposit in accordance with Subsection 2(a)(iii) hereof
     and to close hereunder on such date set for Closing as to which TIME SHALL
     BE OF THE ESSENCE pursuant to Section 5 hereof), (iii) Purchaser shall
     default, beyond the expiration of any applicable notice and cure period,
     under the terms of the Long Street Contract, or (iv) (A) Purchaser shall
     commence any case, proceeding or other action under any laws relating to
     bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or relief of debtors, or seeks to
     have an order for relief entered with respect to it, or seeks to be
     adjudicated a bankrupt or insolvent, or seeks reorganization, arrangement,
     adjustment, liquidation, dissolution, composition or other relief with
     respect to it or its debts, or seeks the appointment of a receiver,
     trustee, custodian or other similar official for it or all or any
     substantial part of its property, or (B) Purchaser otherwise takes any
     action indicating its consent to, approval of, or acquiescence in, or in
     furtherance of, any of the acts described in clause (iv)(A), above, then in
     any of such cases, Purchaser shall be deemed to be in default hereunder.
     Purchaser acknowledges that if Purchaser shall default under this Agreement
     as aforesaid, Sellers will suffer substantial adverse financial
     consequences as a result thereof. Accordingly, Sellers, as their sole and
     absolute remedy against Purchaser, shall have the right to retain the
     Deposit and which Deposit shall constitute full and complete liquidated
     damages, it being agreed that Sellers' damages are difficult, if not
     impossible, to ascertain, and thereafter Purchaser and Sellers shall have
     no further rights or obligations under this Agreement, except those
     expressly provided herein to survive the termination of this Agreement.
     Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event Purchaser's default is the
     failure to pay the First Additional Deposit when required by Subsection
     2(a)(ii) hereof, Escrowee shall return the Initial Deposit in accordance
     with the terms of Subsection 2(a)(vi)(A) or Subsection 2(a)(vi)(B) hereof,
     as applicable. In the event there is more than one Purchaser (by virtue of
     a permitted assignment) and at least one but less than all of the
     Purchasers have committed a default or other act described in clauses (i),
     (ii), (iii) or (iv) of this Subsection 15(a), Sellers shall nonetheless be
     entitled to terminate this Agreement with respect to all Purchasers and
     retain the entire Deposit.

          (b) Except as provided in Section 16 hereof, and subject to the
     provisions thereof, (i) if any Seller shall default in conveying such
     Seller's Property to Purchaser pursuant to the terms hereof on the Closing
     Date or (ii) if any Seller shall default hereunder for any other reason and
     such default shall continue for five (5) business days after written notice
     to such Seller, Purchaser may, as its sole remedy, elect to either (x)
     terminate this Agreement, and direct the Escrowee to return the Deposit to
     Purchaser and Purchaser and Sellers shall thereafter have no further rights

     obligations under the Agreement, except those expressly provided herein to
     survive the termination of this Agreement, or (y) prosecute an action for
     specific performance of this Agreement by such Seller or an action for
     damages, but in no event shall Purchaser seek, or be entitled to collect,
     damages against Sellers exceeding Ten Million ($10,000,000) Dollars in the
     aggregate. Any such action for specific performance must be commenced
     against Sellers within ninety (90) days after the date that Sellers shall
     default hereunder, it being understood that if Purchaser shall fail to
     commence an action for specific performance within such period of time,
     Purchaser shall be deemed to have waived its right to commence an action
     for specific performance of this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything
     hereinabove in this Section 15(b) to the contrary, if FUR shall default,
     beyond the expiration of any applicable notice and cure period, under the
     terms of the Long Street Contract, Purchaser may, as its sole remedy,
     prosecute an action for specific performance of this Agreement by FUR,
     provided all conditions to closing hereunder have been satisfied and this
     Agreement has not been terminated pursuant to the terms hereof.

          16. Termination and Expense Reimbursement.

          (a) The obligations of Sellers to transfer the Sale Assets pursuant to
     this Agreement are contingent upon FUR, at FUR's sole cost and expense,
     obtaining approval for the sale contemplated hereby and any amendments to
     the organizational or governing documents of FUR necessary to consummate
     the sale contemplated hereby from shareholders of FUR holding the requisite
     number of shares in accordance with the organizational and governing
     documents of FUR (collectively, the "Shareholder Ratification") and this
     Agreement shall terminate, (i) if at a meeting called for the purpose of
     voting on such sale and such amendments, the shareholders of FUR do not
     approve the sale contemplated hereby and all of such amendments, upon the
     date of such meeting, (ii) at the option of FUR, upon the date FUR delivers
     notice of termination to Purchaser, if such meeting of the shareholders of
     FUR has not been held on or prior to the date (the "Shareholder Approval
     Deadline") which is three business days prior to the date as to which time
     is of the essence with respect to Purchaser's obligation to close pursuant
     to Section 5, (iii) at the option of Purchaser, upon the date Purchaser
     delivers notice of termination to FUR, if such meeting of the shareholders
     of FUR has not been held on or prior to the date which is three business
     days prior to the date as to which time is of the essence with respect to
     Sellers' obligation to close pursuant to Section 5, or (iv) at the option
     of FUR, to be exercised prior to the Shareholder Ratification, upon the
     date FUR delivers notice of termination to Purchaser, if the Board of
     Trustees of FUR, or a committee thereof, determines, after consultation
     with outside legal counsel, that it has a fiduciary duty under applicable
     law to accept, approve or recommend an Alternative Proposal (as defined in
     Section 24 below); and thereupon FUR shall promptly cause the Deposit to be
     returned to Purchaser and neither party shall have any further obligation
     to the other party under this Agreement, other than the obligations of FUR
     under this Section 16 and except for those provisions which are expressly
     stated herein to survive termination of this Agreement. Sellers make no
     representation or warranty herein that the Shareholder Ratification shall
     be obtained. The Board of Trustees of FUR shall recommend to the
     shareholders of FUR that they approve the sale contemplated hereby and any
     amendments to the organizational or governing documents of FUR necessary to
     consummate the sale contemplated hereby, unless the Board of Trustees of
     FUR, or a committee thereof, determines, after consultation with outside
     legal counsel, that it has a fiduciary duty under applicable law to accept,
     approve or recommend an Alternative Proposal (as defined in Section 24

          (b) If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 5(c), Section
     16(a)(i), Section 16(a)(ii), Section 16(a)(iv), Section 18(b) or Section
     20(b)(v), then Sellers shall be deemed unable to perform; provided that in
     lieu of any other remedies set forth in this Agreement (which Purchaser
     shall not be entitled to) except for the additional remedies, if any, set
     forth in Sections 16(c) and 16(d)(ii), FUR shall, in addition to causing
     the Deposit to be returned to Purchaser, reimburse Purchaser, as
     Purchaser's sole and exclusive remedy (subject to the additional remedy set
     forth in Section 16(c)), only for up to an amount equal to the Reasonable
     Expense Cap (as defined below) of documented out-of-pocket fees and
     expenses actually and reasonably incurred by Purchaser in


     connection with this Agreement and the sale contemplated hereby
     (collectively, "Reasonable Expenses"), provided that such Reasonable
     Expenses shall not include, and the term Reasonable Expenses shall not
     include, any fees or expenses paid or payable, directly or indirectly, to
     Purchaser's equity investors or any of such equity investors' respective
     lenders, equity investors or affiliates. For the avoidance of doubt,
     subject to the Reasonable Expense Cap, the term Reasonable Expenses shall
     include, but not be limited to, the commitment fees paid or payable to
     Purchaser's lenders pursuant to binding debt commitments and all Reasonable
     Expenses in connection therewith. The "Reasonable Expense Cap" shall be an
     amount equal to (i) the sum of (a) $3 million, (b) an additional $250,000
     if the Sellers adjourn the Closing pursuant to Section 5(a) to a date later
     than December 29, 2000, and (c) an additional $250,000 if the Sellers
     adjourn the Closing pursuant to Section 5(a) to a date later than February
     28, 2001, less (ii) (a) the amount of any fees paid, directly or
     indirectly, to Purchaser's lenders by Sellers pursuant to Section 5, (b) if
     Sellers shall elect to provide (or cause another party to provide)
     financing to Purchaser pursuant to Section 5(b), the amount of any fees
     which Sellers would otherwise have been required to pay, directly or
     indirectly, to Purchaser's lenders had Sellers elected that Purchaser pay
     extension fees to Purchaser's lenders, and (c) any amounts reimbursed
     pursuant to Section 16(d)(ii).

           (c) If this Agreement shall have been terminated pursuant to Section
     16(a)(iv), then FUR, in addition to the payments that shall be required to
     be made pursuant to Section 16(b) above, shall reimburse Purchaser (or pay
     directly to Purchaser's equity investors at their request), up to an
     additional $2 million of any previously unreimbursed documented
     out-of-pocket fees and expenses (not constituting Reasonable Expenses)
     actually and reasonably incurred by Purchaser and paid or payable to
     Purchaser's equity investors pursuant to the binding equity commitments,
     copies of which have been provided to Sellers.

        (d) (i) If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 4(c) (and
        not rendered null and void in accordance with terms of Section 4(c)),
        Section 5(a) and Section 16(a)(iii), then Sellers shall be deemed unable
        to perform; provided that in lieu of any other remedies set forth in
        this Agreement (which Purchaser shall not be entitled to), FUR shall, in
        addition to causing the Deposit to be returned to Purchaser, reimburse
        Purchaser, as Purchaser's sole and exclusive remedy, only for one-half
        of all Reasonable Expenses; provided that such reimbursement shall not
        exceed one-half of the Reasonable Expense Cap.

             (ii) If Purchaser shall elect not to purchase a particular Property
        or Properties pursuant to Section 4(a), Section 4(c), Section 8(d),
        Section 9(b) and Section 17 hereof, and the Purchase Price is reduced by
        the portion of the Purchase Price that is allocated to such
        Property(ies), as set forth in Section 4(a), Section 4(c), Section 8(d),
        Section 9(b) and Section 17; then in lieu of any other remedies set
        forth in this Agreement (which Purchaser shall not be entitled to), FUR
        shall reimburse Purchaser, as Purchaser's sole and exclusive remedy,
        only for those Reasonable Expenses allocated to such Property, to be set
        forth on Schedule N, which Schedule N shall be reasonably agreed to by
        Sellers and Purchaser by a date no later than September 29, 2000, and
        shall be attached hereto and made a part hereof; provided that such
        reimbursements shall not exceed, in the aggregate for all the
        Properties, one-half of the Reasonable Expense Cap.

           (e) Purchaser hereby covenants and agrees that no amounts reimbursed
     to Purchaser (or paid directly to Purchaser's equity investors) pursuant to
     Section 16(b), 16(c) or 16(d) shall be paid, directly or indirectly, to or
     for the benefit of Dan Friedman, David Schonberger or Anne Zahner or any
     entity in which any of them has an interest (other than actual documented
     third party expenses which have been paid by any of them). Any and all
     Reasonable Expenses or other amounts reimbursable pursuant to Section
     16(b), Section 16(c) or Section 16(d) shall be paid promptly and in no
     event later than 30 days after the termination of this Agreement.

          (f) For the avoidance of doubt, in the case of a default occurring
     after the date of obtaining the Shareholder Ratification, unless and until
     this Agreement shall have been terminated pursuant to Section 4(a), Section
     4(c) (and not rendered null and void in accordance with the terms of


     Section 4(c)), Section 5(a), Section 5(c), Section 16(a), Section 18(b) and
     Section 20(b)(v), the parties shall be entitled to pursue the remedies
     provided for in Section 15.

          17. Estoppel Certificates.

          As to (a) each Property that is not a parking lot or a parking garage,
     the Seller of each applicable Property shall use commercially reasonable
     efforts to deliver to Purchaser lease estoppel certificates (the "Tenant
     Estoppel Certificates"), in a form reasonably required by the lender that
     shall be providing mortgage financing for such Property (or in such other
     form or containing such other information as such tenant's lease shall
     require such tenant to provide), from (i) all tenants occupying 5,000
     square feet of space or more and (ii) from tenants under leases
     constituting not less than 80% of the balance of the occupied square
     footage of such Property, (b) the North Valley Tech Center Ground Lease,
     the Two Rivers Business Center Ground Lease and the Huntington Garage
     Ground Lease, North Valley Tech and FUR shall use commercially reasonable
     efforts to deliver to Purchaser an estoppel certificate from the landlord
     under the Ground Leases, in a form reasonably required by the lender that
     shall be providing mortgage financing for such Property (or in such other
     form or containing such other information as the applicable Ground Lease
     shall require such landlord to provide) and (c) each Property that is a
     parking lot or a parking garage that is net leased to a tenant thereof,
     such Seller shall use commercially reasonable efforts to deliver to
     Purchaser a Tenant Estoppel Certificate from the tenant under such Lease,
     in a form reasonably required by the lender that shall be providing
     financing for such Property (or in such other form or containing such other
     information as such tenant's lease shall require such tenant to provide).
     Notwithstanding the immediately preceding sentence to the contrary, any
     estoppel certificate that shall be delivered to Purchaser from a tenant
     which is not in the form reasonably required by the lender that shall be
     providing financing for such Property (or in such other form or containing
     such other information as such tenant's lease shall require such tenant to
     provide), shall qualify as an acceptable estoppel certificate provided that
     the Tenant's Estoppel Certificates confirms the material terms set forth in
     the lender's form of Tenant Estoppel Certificate. If Seller shall satisfy
     the condition described in clause (a)(i), clause (a)(ii), clause (b) and
     clause (c) above but Seller, on or before the Closing, is unable to deliver
     Tenant Estoppel Certificates from each of the tenants of such Property, the
     applicable Seller shall deliver to Purchaser, at Closing, a certificate
     ("Seller's Certificate"), executed by such Seller, whereby such Seller
     shall state, to the best of its knowledge, for the remaining tenants, the
     following: (a) the rent and other charges payable by each tenant under its
     respective lease and the amount, if any, of the security deposit(s) held by
     Seller; (b) the term of the respective lease(s) and (c) that the respective
     tenant is not in default under any of the terms of its lease or if in
     default the nature of such default. The Seller's Certificate shall survive
     the Closing for a period of six (6) months. A Seller's Certificate with
     respect to any tenant shall expire and be of no force and effect upon
     Purchaser's receipt of a Tenant Estoppel Certificate consistent with the
     information set forth in the Seller's Certificate. In addition, Seller
     shall not have any liability on account of any statement in a Seller's
     Estoppel Certificate which shall be untrue in any material respect if
     Purchaser or Radiant shall know or, in connection with its management of
     the Properties, should have known that such statement was untrue. If a
     Seller for a particular Property shall fail to deliver the minimum number
     of Tenant Estoppel Certificates that shall be required to be delivered
     pursuant to clause (a)(i) or clause (a)(ii) above or North Valley Tech or
     FUR shall fail to deliver the ground lease estoppel certificates that shall
     be required to be delivered pursuant to clause (b) above or the Sellers
     shall fail to deliver the Tenant Estoppel Certificate that shall be
     required to be delivered pursuant to clause (c) above and, as a result
     thereof the lender providing the mortgage financing for such Property or
     the lender providing mezzanine financing shall elect not to provide
     financing for such Property, in such case FUR shall have the right to elect
     to provide (or to cause another party to provide) to Purchaser the
     financing that such lender was otherwise prepared to provide to Purchaser,
     it being agreed that if FUR shall make such election, such loan shall be
     provided upon the same or better terms to Purchaser than those terms that
     were offered by Purchaser's mezzanine lender or mortgage lender. If Seller
     shall not elect to provide such financing, in such case, Purchaser, as its
     sole and absolute remedy, shall have the right to elect not to

     purchase such Property. If Purchaser shall make such election, the Purchase
     Price pursuant to Section 2(a) shall be reduced by the portion of the
     Purchase Price that is allocated to such Property pursuant to Schedule B-1
     and the Cash Balance shall be reduced by the portion of the Cash Balance
     that is allocated to such Property pursuant to Schedule B-2. In addition,
     the Seller of the Property that Purchaser shall elect not to purchase
     pursuant to this Section 17 shall reimburse Purchaser for certain expenses
     in accordance with the provisions of Section 16(d) hereof.

          18. Governmental Compliance.

          (a) FIRPTA Compliance. Sellers shall comply with the provisions of the
     Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act, Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
     as amended, Section 1445, as the same may from time to time be amended, or
     any successor or similar law (collectively, the "FIRPTA Code"). On the
     Closing Date, Sellers shall deliver to Purchaser certifications as to each
     Seller's non-foreign status which complies with the provisions of Section
     1445(b)(2) of the FIRPTA Code, and shall comply with any temporary or final
     regulations promulgated with respect thereto and any relevant revenue
     procedures or other officially published announcements of the Internal
     Revenue Service of the U.S. Department of the Treasury in connection
     therewith. If any Seller shall fail to deliver the foregoing certification
     to Purchaser at the Closing, Purchaser shall have the right to withhold ten
     percent (10%) of the portion of the Purchase Price allocated to said
     Seller's property and apply the same in accordance with the requirements of
     the FIRPTA Code.

          (b) HSR Compliance. Sellers and Purchaser will make as promptly as
     practicable all filings necessary, if any, under the HSR Act (as
     hereinafter defined) and other applicable federal, state and local
     antitrust, competition and other similar laws (collectively, the "Antitrust
     Laws") in order to obtain any required regulatory approvals, clearance or
     expirations of waiting periods (collectively, "Antitrust Clearance") in
     connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. The term
     "HSR Act" shall mean the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of
     1976, as amended. Subject to the limitations contained in the last sentence
     of this Subsection 18(b), Sellers and Purchaser shall each use their
     reasonable best efforts to resolve such objections, if any, as any
     governmental or regulatory authorities with jurisdiction over the
     enforcement of any Antitrust Laws may assert under any such Antitrust Laws
     with respect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. The
     parties shall consult with each other when dealing with such authorities
     and before submitting any application or other written communication to any
     such authority.

          19. Merger. Except as otherwise expressly provided to the contrary in
     this Agreement, no representations, warranties, covenants or other
     obligations of Sellers set forth in this Agreement shall survive the
     Closing, and no action based thereon shall be commenced after the Closing.
     The delivery and acceptance of the Deeds at the Closing, without the
     simultaneous execution and delivery of a specific agreement which by its
     terms shall survive the Closing, shall be deemed to constitute full
     compliance by the parties with all of the terms, conditions and covenants
     of this Agreement on their part to be performed except for those terms,
     conditions and covenants which this Agreement expressly provides will be
     performed after the Closing.

          20. Conditions to Closing.

          (a) Conditions to Purchaser's Obligation to Close. Purchaser's
     obligation to close hereunder shall be subject to the following conditions:

             (i) Sellers shall have performed, satisfied and complied with, or
        tendered performance of, in all material respects, all of the terms,
        conditions and covenants required by this Agreement to be performed or
        complied with by Sellers on or before the Closing Date and FUR, the
        seller under the Long Street Contract, shall have performed, satisfied
        and complied with, or tendered performance of, in all material respects,
        all of the covenants, agreements and conditions required by the Long
        Street Contract. For purposes of this Agreement, the Long Street
        Contract shall mean that certain Contract of Sale between FUR, as
        seller, and Purchaser, as purchaser, dated as of the date hereof,
        respecting the purchase of that certain property known as Long


        Street Garage, located in Columbus, Ohio. Except if the Long Street
        Contract is terminated pursuant to the terms thereof, Purchaser shall
        have no obligation to close hereunder unless FUR, as seller under the
        Long Street Contract, shall simultaneously close herewith.
        Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing sentence or
        any other provision of this Agreement, if for any reason FUR is unable
        to convey to Purchaser its right, title and interest in and to the Club
        Associates Loan Documents in accordance with the terms of this
        Agreement, then the Club Associates Loan Documents shall no longer be
        deemed to be a Sale Asset; however Purchaser shall nevertheless be
        obligated to close hereunder on the acquisition of the other Sale
        Assets, in which case the Purchase Price and the Cash Balance due at the
        Closing shall be reduced by the outstanding principal balance of the
        Club Associates Note as of the Closing Date.

             (ii) All representations and warranties of Sellers in this
        Agreement shall be true and correct in all material respects as of the
        date of this Agreement and as of the Closing Date.

             (iii) Any and all Antitrust Clearance required in connection with
        the transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall have been

             (iv) Seller shall have obtained the Shareholder Ratification
        pursuant to Section 16(a) hereof and the Board Consent.

             (v) The management of the Properties by Radiant shall be
        undisturbed through the Closing Date, except as may be permitted under
        the Asset Management Agreement by reason of Radiant's default

             (vi) No party other than Purchaser shall have any conditional or
        unconditional right and/or option to purchase any Property or have any
        rights of first refusal for any Property.

          The foregoing conditions under this Subsection 20(a), except for the
     condition in clauses (iii) and (iv), are for the benefit of Purchaser only,
     and Purchaser may, in its sole discretion, waive any or all of such
     conditions and close title under this Agreement without any abatement of,
     or credit against, the Purchase Price.

          (b) Conditions to Sellers' Obligation to Close. Sellers' obligation to
     close hereunder shall be subject to the following conditions:

             (i) Purchaser shall have performed, satisfied and complied with, or
        tendered performance of, in all material respects, all of the terms,
        conditions and covenants required by this Agreement and the Long Street
        Contract to be performed or complied with by Purchaser on or before the
        Closing Date. Seller shall have no obligations to close hereunder unless
        Purchaser closes simultaneously herewith on the Long Street Contract,
        unless by its term the Long Street Contract has been terminated.

             (ii) All representations and warranties of Purchaser in this
        Agreement shall be true and correct in all material respects as of the
        date of this Agreement, and as of the Closing Date.

             (iii) If a holder of a Mortgage shall permit Purchaser to purchase
        a Property subject to the lien of such Mortgage, Purchaser and the
        holder of such Mortgage shall have executed and delivered at the
        Closing, in recordable form and otherwise in a form satisfactory to
        Sellers, an instrument pursuant to which such Purchaser shall assume the
        applicable Seller's liabilities and obligations, as mortgagor, under
        such Mortgage (each a "Mortgage Assumption Instrument") and an
        instrument ("Release") pursuant to which the applicable Seller, as
        mortgagor, all principals and affiliates of such Seller (including,
        without limitation, FUR), all guarantors and indemnitors under
        guaranties and indemnities of said Seller's liabilities or obligations
        under such Mortgage (collectively, the "Seller Parties") shall be fully
        and completely unconditionally released from all liability and
        obligations under said Mortgage, guaranties and indemnities. In the
        event that Purchaser is unable to obtain a Release with respect to a
        Property, Purchaser shall cause Indemnitor to provide to the Seller of
        such Property and the other Seller

        Parties (a) a complete and unconditional indemnification, in a form
        reasonably acceptable to such Seller and the other Seller Parties,
        against all liability and obligations under said mortgage, guaranties
        and indemnities which may be asserted against any of the Seller Parties,
        other than with respect to those obligations of such Seller Parties
        which shall have accrued prior to the Proration Date and which pursuant
        to the terms of such Mortgage shall expressly survive the repayment of
        such Mortgage and (b) if applicable, that certain indemnification
        referred to in Section 2(c) above.

             (iv) Any and all Antitrust Clearance required in connection with
        the transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall have been

             (v) No judgment, injunction, order, decree or action by an federal,
        state or local government, court, or administrative or regulatory agency
        of competent authority preventing the sale contemplated hereby shall
        have become final and unappealable or shall be in effect as of the date
        as to which time is of the essence with respect to Purchaser's
        obligation to close pursuant to Section 5(a), it being understood that
        if this condition shall not be satisfied at Closing, this Agreement
        shall terminate and be null, void and of no further force and effect and
        FUR shall reimburse Purchaser for certain of its expenses in accordance
        with the provisions of Section 16(b) hereof.

     The foregoing conditions under this Subsection 20(b), except for the
condition in clause (iv), are for the benefit of Sellers only, and Sellers may,
in their sole discretion, waive any or all of such conditions and close title
under this Agreement without any increase in the Purchase Price.

          21. Prior to Closing.

          (a) Insurance. Until Closing, Sellers shall maintain all of the
     insurance policies described on Schedule L-1 in full force and effect or
     shall obtain replacement policies that shall provide substantially
     equivalent coverage.

          (b) Operation. Until Closing, each Seller shall operate and maintain
     its Property substantially in accordance with its current practices with
     respect to the operation and maintenance of such Property and shall not
     terminate the Asset Management Agreement expect as a result of Radiant's
     default, beyond the expiration of all applicable notice and cure periods
     thereunder. The parties acknowledge that to the extent not inconsistent
     with (i) the Asset Management Agreement, including, without limitation, the
     oversight powers of the Board of Trustees of FUR, or (ii) the fiduciary
     duties and other obligations of the principals of Radiant Partners, LLC to
     FUR as officers and/or directors of FUR, Radiant Partners, LLC shall
     exercise its rights and obligations under the Asset Management Agreement
     (x) consistent with the provisions of any asset management agreement to be
     entered into by Radiant Partners, LLC or its affiliates with the Purchaser
     (the "Purchaser Management Agreement"); (y) subject to Purchaser's
     supervision (in particular such supervision as provided for under the
     Purchaser Management Agreement); and (z) without limiting the generality of
     the foregoing, by routinely consulting with Purchaser as to its activities
     under the Asset Management Agreement and reasonably taking the views of
     Purchaser into account.

          (c) New Contracts. Between the date hereof and the Closing, each
     Seller will enter into only those Contracts which said Seller reasonably
     determines are necessary to carry out its obligations under Subsection
     21(b) and which shall be cancellable on not more than thirty (30) days'
     written notice (without penalty, unless said Seller agrees to pay any such
     termination penalty at Closing).

          (d) New Leases; Lease Extensions. Between the date hereof and the
     Closing Date, Sellers will not execute any new Leases or amend, terminate
     (except upon a monetary default by the tenant thereunder excluding any
     anchor tenant of a shopping center Property for which Purchasers consent
     shall be required) or accept the surrender of any existing tenancies or
     approve any subleases without the prior written consent of Purchaser, which
     consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed,
     provided, however, Purchaser's consent shall be deemed to have been given
     if Purchaser does not respond to a Seller within five (5) business days
     after Purchaser's

     receipt of written notice from such Seller requesting Purchaser's consent
     to a matter that is the subject of the provisions of this Section 21(d).
     Between the date hereof and the Closing Date, Sellers will not modify,
     amend or terminate any of the Ground Leases without the prior written
     consent of Purchaser, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,
     conditioned or delayed.

          (e) Employees. From and after the date hereof through and including
     the Closing or earlier termination of this Agreement, Sellers shall not
     hire any Employees without the prior written consent of Purchaser. Each
     Seller shall notify Purchaser reasonably promptly if Seller hires any

          (f) Contracts. At the Closing, Purchaser shall assume the Contracts.
     As used herein, the term "Contracts" shall include any new contracts
     entered into from and after the date hereof. Sellers shall notify in
     writing the vendors under those Contract(s) which Purchaser has not agreed
     to assume as of Closing that, provided that Closing occurs hereunder, the
     applicable Seller shall terminate such Contracts, effective as of the
     Closing Date; provided however, if any such non-assumed Contract does not
     permit Sellers to terminate same prior to Closing, Purchaser shall be
     required at Closing to assume all obligations thereunder until the
     effective date of the termination.

          (g) Sellers shall not, between the date hereof and the Closing Date,
     amend, modify, extend, renew, replace, supplement or consolidate any of the
     Mortgages without the consent of Purchaser.

          (h) FUR shall not, between the date hereof and the Closing Date,
     amend, modify or extend the Club Associates Note, the Club Associates
     Mortgage or the Club Associates Collateral Documents in any manner or
     accept any prepayment of funds due thereunder.

          (i) Sellers shall not initiate, consent to or approve any action with
     respect to zoning, or, unless required by law, any other governmental rules
     or regulations applicable to any part of the Properties.

          (j) Seller(s) maintains real estate environmental liability insurance,
     as more fully described on Schedule L-2. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
     Purchaser shall assume responsibility for the amount of any deductible
     applicable to the environmental liability insurance policies. Purchaser and
     each Seller agree to cooperate with the other and to perform, execute and
     deliver, such documents and instruments as may be reasonably necessary in
     connection with any claim or other matter arising under or relating to any
     of the environmental insurance policies. The provisions of this Subsection
     21(j) shall survive the closing.

     Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, including this
Section 21, if Radiant shall take any action with respect to a Property, whether
or not such action shall be permitted pursuant to the terms of the Asset
Management Agreement or Radiant shall fail to take an action which Radiant shall
be required to take pursuant to the terms of the Asset Management Agreement, in
such case, Purchaser shall be deemed to have consented to all actions that
Radiant shall have taken or shall have failed to take and in no event shall
Sellers be deemed to be in default under this Agreement on account thereof.

          22. Shareholder Lawsuits. To the extent of claims by shareholders of
     FUR against the Purchaser, to the fullest extent allowed by law FUR hereby
     indemnifies Purchaser from and against any and all damages, liability,
     loss, cost and expense (including, without limitation, reasonable
     attorney's fees and disbursements) incurred in connection with such claims;
     provided, that the foregoing indemnification shall not extend, directly or
     indirectly, to Radiant Partners LLC or its principals, except that nothing
     in this Agreement shall modify any pre-existing obligation of FUR to
     indemnify Radiant Partners LLC or its principals. To effect the
     indemnification provided herein, FUR covenants and agrees that it has and
     shall maintain a net worth of at least $30,000,000 through the later of (A)
     30 days after the Closing Date or (B) the resolution, after all appeals, of
     claims by shareholders of FUR against Purchaser. The provisions of this
     Section 22 shall survive the Closing of title.


          23. Deposit.

          (a) The Deposit shall be deposited with the Escrowee and shall be held
     in escrow pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Escrowee shall cause the
     Deposit to be deposited into an interest bearing account. Escrowee shall
     pay the Deposit to Sellers at the Closing upon the consummation thereof or
     otherwise to Sellers or Purchaser in accordance with this Agreement,
     subject, however, to the provisions of Subsection 2(b) hereof. If either
     party makes a demand upon Escrowee for delivery of the Deposit, Escrowee
     shall give notice to the other party of such demand. If a notice of such
     demand shall have been sent to the other party and a notice of objection to
     the proposed payment is not received from said other party within seven (7)
     business days after the giving of notice by Escrowee, Escrowee is hereby
     authorized to deliver the Deposit to the party who made the demand. If
     Escrowee receives a notice of objection within said period, then Escrowee
     shall continue to hold the Deposit and thereafter pay it to the party
     entitled when Escrowee receives (i) a notice from the objecting party
     withdrawing the objection, or (ii) a notice signed by both parties
     directing disposition of the Deposit, or (iii) a judgment or order of a
     court of competent jurisdiction directing the payment of the Deposit.

          (b) The parties further agree that:

             (i) Except for its gross negligence or willful misconduct, Escrowee
        shall be protected in relying upon the accuracy, acting in reliance upon
        the contents, and assuming the genuineness of any notice, demand,
        certificate, signature, instrument or other document which is given to
        Escrowee verifying the truth or accuracy of any such notice, demand,
        certificate, signature, instrument or other document;

             (ii) Escrowee shall not be bound in any way by any other contract
        or understanding between the parties hereto, whether or not Escrowee has
        knowledge thereof or consents thereto unless such consent is given in

             (iii) Escrowee's sole duties and responsibilities shall be to hold
        and disburse the Deposit in accordance with this Agreement; provided,
        however, that Escrowee shall have no responsibility for the clearing or
        collection of the check representing the Deposit;

             (iv) Escrowee shall not be liable for any action taken or omitted
        by Escrowee in good faith and believed by Escrowee to be authorized or
        within its rights or powers conferred upon it by this Agreement, except
        for damage caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of

             (v) Upon the disbursement of the Deposit in accordance with this
        Agreement, Escrowee shall be relieved and released from any liability
        under this Agreement;

             (vi) Escrowee may resign at any time upon at least ten (10) days
        prior written notice to the parties hereto. If, prior to the effective
        date of such resignation, the parties hereto shall all have approved, in
        writing, a successor escrow agent, then upon the resignation of
        Escrowee, Escrowee shall deliver the Deposit to such successor escrow
        agent. From and after such resignation and the delivery of the Deposit
        to such successor escrow agent, Escrowee shall be fully relieved of all
        of its duties, responsibilities and obligations under this Agreement,
        all of which duties, responsibilities and obligations shall be performed
        by the appointed successor escrow agent. If for any reason the parties
        hereto shall not approve a successor escrow agent within such period,
        Escrowee may bring any appropriate action or proceeding for leave to
        deposit the Deposit with a court of competent jurisdiction, pending the
        approval of a successor escrow agent, and upon such deposit Escrowee
        shall be fully relieved of all of its duties, responsibilities and
        obligations under this Agreement;

             (vii) Seller and Purchaser hereby agree to, jointly and severally,
        indemnify, defend and hold Escrowee harmless from and against any
        liabilities, damages, losses, costs or expenses incurred by, or claims
        or charges made against, Escrowee (including reasonable counsel fees


        and court costs) by reason of Escrowee's acting or failing to act in
        connection with any of the matters contemplated by this Agreement or in
        carrying out the terms of this Agreement, except as a result of
        Escrowee's gross negligence or willful misconduct;

             (viii) In the event that a dispute shall arise in connection with
        this Agreement, or as to the rights of any of the parties in and to, or
        the disposition of, the Deposit, Escrowee shall have the right to (w)
        hold and retain all or any part of the Deposit until such dispute is
        settled or finally determined by litigation, arbitration or otherwise,
        or (x) deposit the Deposit in an appropriate court of law, following
        which Escrowee shall thereby and thereafter be relieved and released
        from any liability or obligation under this Agreement, or (y) institute
        an action in interpleader or other similar action permitted by
        shareholders in the State of New York, or (z) interplead any of the
        parties in any action or proceeding which may be brought to determine
        the rights of the parties to all or any part of the Deposit; and

             (ix) Escrowee shall not have any liability or obligation for loss
        of all or any portion of the Deposit by reason of the insolvency or
        failure of the institution or depository with whom the escrow account is

          24. Exclusivity; Shareholder Approval and Press Releases

          (a) From and after the date hereof, no authorized officer, trustee,
     manager or director of FUR shall, directly or indirectly, solicit or
     initiate any discussions with any person or entity other than Purchaser or
     Purchaser's agents with a view toward the sale of all or any portion (other
     than the Pecanland Mall Adjacent Land (and the Property pertaining thereto)
     and the Huntington Garage) of the Sale Assets by Sellers. Notwithstanding
     the foregoing, FUR may respond to, pursue (including by providing
     information relating to Sellers and the Sale Assets which is non-public,
     confidential and/or proprietary in nature ("Evaluation Material") subject
     to a customary confidentiality agreement) and negotiate a bona fide
     proposal (an "Alternative Proposal") by any person or entity other than
     Purchaser, which is neither solicited nor initiated by an authorized
     officer, trustee, manager or director of FUR, to purchase, directly or
     indirectly (including, without limitation, by way of a merger, combination,
     consolidation, share exchange, tender offer or similar business combination
     transaction), any or all of the Sale Assets if the Board of Trustees of FUR
     or a committee thereof has determined that (i) such Alternative Proposal
     may be more favorable to the shareholders of FUR than the sale contemplated
     hereby, taking into account price, timing, closing conditions, the
     likelihood of completion and any other factors deemed relevant by the Board
     of Trustees of FUR or such committee, and (ii) the person or entity making
     the Alternative Proposal is reasonably likely to have the financial
     resources to consummate the transactions contemplated by such Alternative
     Proposal. FUR shall notify Purchaser if it responds to, pursues or
     negotiates an Alternative Proposal, shall provide Purchaser with a copy of
     any such written Alternative Proposal and shall keep Purchaser reasonably
     informed of the status of any such negotiations.

          (b) FUR shall use its reasonable best efforts to (i) prepare and file
     and clear with the Securities and Exchange Commission the proxy statement
     and any amendments or supplements thereto required to obtain the approval
     of the shareholders of FUR to the sale contemplated hereby and any
     amendments to the organizational or governing documents of FUR necessary to
     consummate the sale contemplated hereby as promptly as practicable and, in
     any event, before the date that would allow sufficient time to declare a
     record date, mail proxy statements, solicit proxies and conduct a meeting
     of FUR's shareholders in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and
     regulations and FUR's organizational and governing documents by no later
     than the Shareholder Approval Deadline, and (ii) duly call, give notice of,
     convene and hold such meeting on or before the Shareholder Approval

          (c) FUR and Purchaser shall consult with each other before issuing any
     press release or otherwise making any public statements with respect to the
     sale contemplated hereby and shall not issue any such press release or make
     any such public statement prior to such consultation, except


     as may be required or advisable under applicable law, rules or regulations
     (including, without limitation, the rules and regulations of the New York
     Stock Exchange).

          25. PMM Financing. (a) Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to
     the contrary (but subject to Section 25(b) hereof), in the event that the
     consent to the assumption by, and assignment to, Purchaser of a Mortgage is
     not obtained from the holder of such Mortgage (each such Mortgage being an
     "Unassumable Mortgage"), Purchaser and Seller shall remain obligated to
     close hereunder subject to the terms of this Agreement, provided however:

             (i) Sellers and/or its affiliates shall provide mortgage financing
        to Purchaser ("PMM Financing") in an aggregate amount equal to the
        lesser of (1) the aggregate outstanding principal balance of the
        Unassumable Mortgages as of the Proration Date and (2) the amount of
        Thirty Million Dollars ($30,000,000) less any PMM Financing that Sellers
        shall provide in accordance with the provisions of Section 9 hereof;

             (ii) as to any Property that is encumbered by an Unassumable
        Mortgage, the amount of the PMM Financing to be provided shall be in an
        amount requested by Purchaser, provided, however, as to any Property,
        the amount of the PMM Financing to be provided may not, without Sellers
        consent, be greater than the amount set forth on Schedule M with respect
        to the applicable Property.

             (iii) the PMM Financing shall have a term of 120 days, which term
        may be extended by Purchaser for an additional 60 days;

             (iv) the PMM Financing shall be payable as interest only on the
        principal balance of such PMM Financing, calculated at the interest rate
        of 11% per annum for the first 120 days of the term and 15% per annum
        for the additional 60 days of the term;

             (v) in the event of a default under the PMM Financing, the interest
        rate under such PMM Financing shall be payable at the lesser of: (a) 500
        basis points in excess of the then prevailing interest rate or (b) the
        maximum interest rate permitted by law; and

             (vi) the PMM Financing shall be secured by, among other things, a
        first mortgage lien on the Property, which was subject to the
        Unassumable Mortgage(s), including, but not limited to, all buildings
        and furniture, fixtures and equipment located thereon. The PMM Financing
        shall be upon terms and conditions reasonably acceptable to Sellers.

          (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the holder of the Mortgage
     encumbering the Pecanland Mall shall not consent to Purchaser's assumption
     of the Mortgage encumbering the Pecanland Mall, in no event shall Sellers
     have any obligation to provide any PMM Financing to Purchaser with respect
     to the Pecanland Mall and in such case, Purchaser and Seller shall remain
     obligated to close hereunder subject to the terms of this Agreement.

          26. Notices. All notices, requests, demands and other communications
     provided for by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to
     have been given (a) when hand delivered, or (b) if sent same day or
     overnight recognized commercial courier service, when received, or (c)
     three (3) business days after being mailed in any general or branch office
     of the United States Postal Service, enclosed in a registered or certified
     postpaid envelope, addressed to the address of the parties stated below or
     to such changed address as such party may have fixed by notice:

                            To each Seller:

                            c/o Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson
                            One New York Plaza
                            New York, N.Y. 10004-1980
                            Attention: Steven G. Scheinfeld, Esq.


                            with a copy to:

                            Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
                            180 Maiden Lane
                            New York, New York 10038-4982
                            Attention: Peter A. Miller, Esq.

                            To Purchaser:

                            c/o Radiant Partners LLC
                            551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1416
                            New York, New York 10176

                            with a copy to:

                            Goldberg Weprin & Ustin LLP
                            1501 Broadway
                            New York, New York 10036
                            Attention: Andrew W. Albstein, Esq.

                            To Escrowee:

                            Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
                            180 Maiden Lane
                            New York, New York 10038-4982
                            Attention: Peter A. Miller, Esq.

     provided, that any notice of change of address shall be effective only upon

          27. Amendments. This Agreement may not be modified or terminated
     orally or in any manner other than by an agreement in writing signed by all
     the parties hereto or their respective successors in interest.

          28. Governing Law; Construction. This Agreement shall be governed by
     and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York (except
     to such matters of real estate law that must be governed by the law of the
     State in which a particular Property is located), without giving effect to
     principles of conflicts of law.

          29. No Offer. This document is not an offer by Sellers, and under no
     circumstances shall this Agreement have any binding effect upon Purchaser
     or Sellers unless and until Purchaser and Sellers shall each have executed
     this Agreement and delivered to each other executed counterparts of this

          30. Partial Invalidity. If any provision of this Agreement is held to
     be invalid or unenforceable as against any person or under certain
     circumstances, the remainder of this Agreement and the applicability of
     such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected
     thereby. Each provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to
     the fullest extent permitted by law.

          31. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of
     counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, but all of which,
     taken together, shall constitute but one and the same instrument.

          32. No Third Party Beneficiaries. The warranties, representations,
     agreements and undertakings contained herein shall not be deemed to have
     been made for the benefit of any person or entity other than the parties

          33. Memorandum of Contract. Purchaser covenants and agrees that in no
     event will Purchaser record or cause to be recorded this Agreement or any
     memorandum hereof and that Purchaser's breach of this provision shall
     represent a default of the nature governed by Subsection 15(a) hereof


     and Sellers shall have all of the rights and remedies provided under
     Subsection 15(a) including, without limitation, the option of terminating
     this Agreement and retaining the Deposit as liquidated damages.

          34. Waiver. No failure or delay of either party in the exercise of any
     right given to such party hereunder or the waiver by any party of any
     condition hereunder for its benefit (unless the time specified herein for
     exercise of such right, or satisfaction of such condition, has expired)
     shall constitute a waiver of any other or further right nor shall any
     single or partial exercise of any right preclude other or further exercise
     thereof or any other right. The waiver of any breach hereunder shall not be
     deemed to be a waiver of any other or any subsequent breach hereof.

          35. Assignment. Purchaser shall not have the right to assign its
     rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written
     consent of Sellers, except that Purchaser may assign such rights and
     obligations to one or more entities with a net worth of at least
     $40,000,000 and with respect to which Radiant and/or its principals shall
     have an economic interest and maintains and/or participates in managerial
     control and direction of the business activities and operations of said
     entity (each such entity shall hereinafter be called a "Permitted
     Assignee"). Sellers hereby approve an assignment of Purchaser's rights and
     obligations under this Agreement to an entity wholly owned by Radiant,
     Landmark Realty Advisors LLC and a minority equity investor, provided that
     such assignee shall have a net worth of at least $40,000,000. In the event
     of any proposed transfer or assignment to a Permitted Assignee, the
     transfer or assignment shall not be deemed effective unless and until the
     proposed transferee or assignee executes, acknowledges and delivers to
     Sellers an instrument of assumption in form and consent reasonably
     satisfactory to Sellers pursuant to which it assumes and agrees to perform
     all obligations of Purchaser under this Agreement with respect to the
     applicable Property, including, but not limited to, all obligations of
     Purchaser which survive the Closing hereunder, agrees to be bound by all
     other terms and provisions of this Agreement insofar as they pertain to
     such Property, confirms that all representations and warranties made by
     Purchaser in this Agreement are true, accurate and complete as they pertain
     to such transferee or assignee (subject to any exceptions thereto that are
     reasonably acceptable to Sellers), and provides the addresses and
     telecopier numbers to which Notices to such transferee or assignee should
     be sent. In addition, in the event that Purchaser assigns its rights and
     obligations under this Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of this
     Section 35, to more than one entity, the Closing for all of the Properties
     must occur on the same Closing Date. Notwithstanding the above to the
     contrary, at Closing, Purchaser can direct that each Seller deliver a deed
     to any entity, with respect to such Property, as Purchaser shall designate,
     so long as such entity is owned one hundred (100%), directly or indirectly,
     by Purchaser or a Permitted Assignee.

          36. Interpretation. Words of any gender used in this Agreement shall
     include any other gender and words in the singular shall include the
     plural, and vice versa, unless the context requires otherwise. The words
     "herein," "hereof," "hereunder" and other similar compounds of the words
     "here" when used in this Agreement shall refer to the entire Agreement and
     not to any particular provision or section. As used in this Agreement, the
     term "business day" means every day other than (i) Saturdays and Sundays,
     (ii) all days observed by the Federal or New York State governments as
     legal holidays, and (iii) all days on which commercial banks in New York
     State are required by law to be closed.

          37. Construction. This Agreement shall be given a fair and reasonable
     construction in accordance with the intentions of the parties hereto. Each
     party hereto acknowledges that it has participated in the drafting of this
     Agreement, and any applicable rule of construction to the effect that
     ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be
     applied in connection with the construction or interpretation hereof. Each
     party has been represented by independent counsel in connection with this
     Agreement. For purposes of construction of this Agreement, provisions which
     are deleted or crossed out shall be treated as if never included herein.


          38. Access to Books and Records. For a period of one (1) year after
     the Closing, Purchaser shall give Sellers and their representatives access,
     during normal business hours and upon reasonable prior notice to Purchaser,
     to such books, accounts, records and Leases relating to the Properties and
     the other Sale Assets (including the right, at Sellers' expense, to make
     photostatic copies of same) as are reasonably necessary to enable Sellers
     to verify any rights or obligations of Sellers or Purchaser under this
     Agreement which survive the Closing and to enable Sellers to respond to any
     tax inquiries or audits, or to comply with any other obligations to
     Governmental Authorities.

          39. Binding Effect. This Agreement is binding upon, and shall inure to
     the benefit of, the parties and each of their respective successors and
     permitted assigns, if any.

          40. Waiver of Jury Trial. Each of Purchaser and Sellers hereby
     irrevocably waive all right to trial by jury in any action, proceeding or
     counterclaim arising out of or relating to this Agreement.

          41. Collectibility of Checks. If the Initial Deposit or Additional
     Deposit is paid by check and said check fails collection in due course,
     Sellers, at their option, may declare this Agreement null, void and of no
     force and effect, and may pursue its remedies against Purchaser upon said
     check, or in any other manner permitted by law, such remedies being

          42. Section Headings. The headings of the various sections of this
     Agreement have been inserted only for the purpose of convenience and are
     not part of this Agreement and shall not be deemed in any manner to modify,
     expand, explain or restrict any of the provisions of this Agreement.

          43. Federal I.D. Number/Social Security Number. 55 Public's Federal
     I.D. Numbers is 34-6513657; North Valley Tech's Federal I.D. Number is
     34-6513657; Southwest Centers' Federal I.D. Number is 34-1841344; First
     Union Madison's Federal I.D. Number is 34-6513657; Printers Alley's Federal
     I.D. Number is 34-6513657; FUR's Federal I.D. Number is 34-6513657; and
     FUCP's Federal I.D. Number is             . Purchaser's Federal I.D. Number
     is being applied for.

          44. Incorporation by Reference; Inconsistency. The Schedules and
     Exhibits to this Agreement are incorporated herein by reference and made a
     part hereof.

          45. Acquisition of Ownership Interest. Sellers and Purchaser agree
     that it may be more advantageous with respect to a particular Property for
     Purchaser to acquire a one hundred (100%) percent ownership interest in the
     applicable Seller entity and/or a constituent member or principal of such
     entity (or, at Purchaser's election, structure such a purchase whereby
     Seller shall retain a record ownership interest but not a beneficial
     interest or economic interest in such entity) in lieu of acquiring fee
     simple title to the Property. In the event Purchaser shall so elect to
     acquire such ownership interest in lieu of acquiring fee title with respect
     to a particular Property and provided that there is no material adverse
     effect to the applicable Seller, then the parties agree to cooperate with
     each other and perform, execute and deliver, such documents and instruments
     as may be reasonable and customary to effect such acquisition.

          46. (a) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the
     contrary, this Agreement is made and executed on behalf of FUR, by its
     officer(s) on behalf of the trustees thereof, and none of the trustees or
     any additional or successor trustee hereafter appointed, or any
     beneficiary, officer, employee or agent of FUR shall have any liability in
     his personal or individual capacity, but instead, all parties shall look
     solely to the property and assets of FUR for satisfaction of claims of any
     nature arising or in connection with this Agreement.

          (b) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the
     contrary, Sellers acknowledge and agree that they have not relied upon any
     representations, warranties or statements made or information provided by
     Purchaser, and that Sellers have relied on, inter alia, information
     provided by Radiant Partners LLC and its principals. In the event of any
     dispute regarding information received by Sellers from Radiant Partners LLC
     or its principals, Sellers will not seek to enforce any remedy to which
     they are entitled against Purchaser, but will look solely to the assets of


     Radiant Partners LLC and its principals, including, but not limited to
     their respective direct and indirect interests in the Purchaser. Except for
     Radiant Partners LLC and its principals, neither the Purchaser nor any
     holder of a legal or beneficial interest in the Purchaser shall have any
     obligation to Seller arising out of this Agreement except for the
     contractual obligations of Purchaser set forth in this Agreement.

          47. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement
     between the parties respecting the matters herein set forth and supersedes
     (i) any and all prior agreements between the parties hereto, except with
     respect to that certain letter agreement, dated April 28, 2000, between FUR
     and Radiant Partners LLC ("April 28, Letter"), which April 28 Letter shall
     survive the Closing hereunder, and (ii) that certain letter of intent,
     dated June 20, 2000, by and among Radiant Partners LLC, as purchaser, and
     FUR, as seller, respecting such matters. This Agreement may not be modified
     or amended except by written agreement signed by all parties hereto.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement on
the day and year first above written.


                                55 PUBLIC LLC, a Delaware limited liability

                                By: 55 PUBLIC REALTY CORP., a Delaware
                                   corporation, Managing Member

                                    By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY
                                       Name: William A. Scully
                                       Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                NORTH VALLEY TECH LLC, a Delaware limited
                                liability company

                                By: NVT Corp., a Delaware corporation, its
                                   Managing Member

                                    By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY
                                       Name: William A. Scully
                                       Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                SOUTHWEST SHOPPING CENTERS CO. I, L.L.C.,
                                a Delaware limited liability company
                                By: First Union Southwest L.L.C., a Delaware
                                   limited liability company, its manager

                                    By: First Southwest I, Inc., a Delaware
                                      corporation, its manager

                                         By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY
                                           Name: William A. Scully
                                           Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                FIRST UNION MADISON L.L.C., an Illinois limited
                                liability company

                                By: First Union Real Estate Equity and Mortgage
                                   Investments, and Ohio business trust, its

                                    By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY
                                       Name: William A. Scully
                                       Title:  Authorized Signatory


                                PRINTER'S ALLEY GARAGE, LLC, a Delaware
                                limited liability company

                                By: First Union Real Estate Equity and Mortgage
                                    Investments, an Ohio business trust, its
                                   managing member

                                    By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY
                                       Name: William A. Scully
                                       Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                FIRST UNION REAL ESTATE EQUITY AND
                                MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS, an Ohio business trust

                                By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY
                                     Name: William A. Scully
                                     Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                FIRST UNION COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES
                                EXPANSION COMPANY

                                By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY
                                     Name: William A. Scully
                                     Title:  Authorized Signatory


                                RADIANT INVESTORS LLC, a Delaware limited
                                liability company

                                By: /s/ DANIEL P. FRIEDMAN
                                     Name: Daniel P. Friedman
                                     Title:  Managing Member

Receipt of Deposit is hereby acknowledged,
subject to collection


      Name: Peter A. Miller, Partner


                                   APPENDIX B

                                CONTRACT OF SALE

     AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") made as of this 15th day of September, 2000,
between First Union Real Estate Equity and Mortgage Investments, an Ohio
unincorporated association in the form of a business trust, having an address at
551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1416, New York, New York 10176 ("Seller" and sometimes
referred to herein as "FUR") and Radiant Investors LLC, a Delaware limited
liability company, having an address at c/o Radiant Partners LLC, 551 Fifth
Avenue, Suite 1416, New York, New York 10176 ("Purchaser").

                             W I T N E S S E T H :

     WHEREAS, Seller is the owner of Long Street Garage, Columbus, Ohio ("Long
Street Garage"), as more particularly described in Schedule A annexed hereto and
made a part hereto, and

     WHEREAS, the land demised and described in Schedule A is referred to as the
"Land"; and

     WHEREAS, Seller desires to sell to Purchaser, and Purchaser desires to
purchase from Seller, all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to the
Property (as hereinafter defined)

     NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein
and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
is hereby acknowledged, Seller and Purchaser agree as follows:

          1. Sale-Purchase. (a) Seller agrees to sell, assign and convey to
     Purchaser, and Purchaser agrees to purchase from Seller, subject to the
     terms and conditions of this Agreement, fee simple title in and to the Long
     Street Garage together with the buildings and improvements located on the
     Land (the "Building"; and the Building and the Land are hereinafter
     collectively referred to as the "Premises"), and all of Seller's right,
     title and interest, if any, in, to and under (A) all easements, rights of
     way, privileges, tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, strips, gores and
     other rights pertaining to the Premises (including, without limitation, the
     easements, access rights and other rights provided in reciprocal access and
     easement agreements and operating agreements affecting the Premises)
     (collectively, the "Appurtenances"); (B) any land in the bed of any street,
     road, avenue, alley, passage, common areas and other rights-of-way, open or
     proposed, public or private, in front of or adjoining the Premises or any
     portion thereof, and any award to be made in lieu thereof and in and to any
     unpaid award for damage to said Premises by reason of change of grade of
     any street occurring after the Proration Date (as hereinafter defined)
     (collectively, the "Adjoining Land"); (C) the fixtures, equipment,
     machinery, furniture, furnishings, maintenance vehicles and equipment,
     tools, appliances, supplies and other items of personal property of every
     kind and description (and replacements and substitutions thereof), now
     owned or hereafter acquired by Seller and contained in or on, or used in
     connection with, the ownership, maintenance, use, occupancy and operation
     of the Premises (collectively, the "Personalty"); (D) all leases,
     subleases, lettings, licenses and other occupancy agreements and agreements
     governing the use of garage or parking lot spaces, and all amendments,
     modifications, supplements, additions, extensions and renewals thereof as
     permitted hereunder, and, except as expressly provided herein, security and
     other deposits thereunder affecting the Premises (collectively, "Leases");
     (E) subject to the provisions of Section 21 hereof, all service agreements,
     maintenance agreements, supply agreements, union agreements and any other
     contracts and agreements affecting the Premises and all income therefrom
     (collectively, "Contracts"); (F) any assignable licenses, permits,
     approvals and certificates required or used in or relating to the
     ownership, use, maintenance, occupancy or operation of any part of the
     Premises (the "Licenses"); and (G) all existing surveys, blueprints,
     drawings, plans and specifications (including, without limitation,
     structural, HVAC, mechanical and plumbing plans and specifications) and
     other documentation for or with respect to the Premises or any part
     thereof, all construction contracts and subcontracts; all warranties or
     guaranties given in connec-


     tion with work performed at or on the Premises; all available tenant lists
     and data, all available lists of parkers and data, correspondence with
     past, present and prospective tenants, parkers, vendors, suppliers, utility
     companies and other third parties, booklets, manuals and promotional and
     advertising materials concerning the Premises or any part thereof, all
     trade names and trade marks pertaining to the Premises, and such other
     existing books, records and documents (including, without limitation, those
     relating to ad valorem taxes and leases) used in connection with the
     operation of the Premises or any part thereof (collectively, the
     "Intangible Property"). The Land, the Building, the Appurtenances, the
     Adjoining Land, the Personalty, the Leases, the Contracts, the Licenses,
     and the Intangible Property are hereinafter collectively referred to as the
     "Property" or the "Sale Assets".

          2. Purchase Price. (a) Purchaser shall pay to Seller for the Sale
     Assets the sum of FIVE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND ($5,200,000) DOLLARS
     (the "Purchase Price"), subject to apportionments to be made as provided in
     this Agreement. Purchaser shall pay the Purchase Price as follows:

                (i) Within one (1) business day after Purchaser has received a
           fully executed counterpart of this Agreement, THREE HUNDRED FIFTY
           THOUSAND ($350,000) DOLLARS by Purchaser, at its election, delivering
           its check to Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP (the "Escrowee"), payable
           to the order of "Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP, as Escrowee", subject
           to collection, or by wire transfer to the Escrowee of immediately
           available Federal funds in New York City (the "Deposit"), provided,
           however, if the Deposit is not received by Escrowee within one (1)
           business day after Purchaser has received a fully executed
           counterpart of this Agreement, Sellers, at their option, may declare
           this Agreement, null, void and of no force and effect, and may pursue
           its remedies against Purchaser upon said Deposit, or in any other
           manner permitted by law, such remedies being cumulative;

                (ii) FOUR MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND ($4,850,000)
           DOLLARS (the "Cash Balance"), as adjusted by the apportionments to be
           made as provided for in this Agreement, payable at the Closing by
           wire transfer to Seller, or such persons or entities as Seller may
           designate, of immediately available Federal funds in New York City.
           Seller shall provide wiring instructions to Purchaser at least
           forty-eight (48) hours prior to Closing

          (b) Notwithstanding any provisions in this Agreement to the contrary,
     it shall not be a condition to the Closing hereunder that the Mortgage be
     assumed by and assigned to the Purchaser; it being expressly understood
     that Seller shall pay off such Mortgage contemporaneously with the Closing

          (c) As additional consideration for the conveyance of the Sale Assets
     to Purchaser, Purchaser shall assume as of the Closing all liabilities
     arising out of (i) except as set forth in Section (2)(c)(ii) below, the
     ownership, operation and use of the Sale Assets from and after the
     Proration Date as though Purchaser acquired title to the Sale Assets at
     11:59 p.m. on said date, (ii) Capital Expenditures(as herein defined) for
     the Properties committed to by Seller and/or any of its respective agents
     and/or authorized representatives after May 9, 2000, (which shall include,
     without limitation, those expenditures set forth on Schedule C annexed
     hereto), and (iii) subject to the provisions of Section 21(i), all
     environmental liabilities which shall arise from and after the Proration
     Date, (collectively, "Assumed Liabilities"), and shall indemnify Seller
     from and against any and all losses, liabilities, costs, damages, claims
     and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses) which
     Seller may incur by reason of, or arising out of, or resulting from any or
     all Assumed Liabilities; provided, however, Assumed Liabilities shall not
     include any and all accrued and/or unpaid Purchaser Expenses (as such term
     is defined in Section 6B(b) hereof), which accrued and unpaid Purchaser
     Expenses shall remain the obligation of Seller to satisfy. For purposes of
     this Agreement, the term "Capital Expenditures" shall mean those expenses
     set forth on Schedule C and to the extent not otherwise set forth on
     Schedule C (1) expenses which in accordance with


     generally accepted accounting principles cannot be expensed within the year
     in which such cost shall be incurred, (2) tenant improvement costs that
     Seller shall be required to pay for pursuant to a Lease and (3) brokerage
     commissions that Seller shall be required to pay with respect to a Lease;
     provided, however, that for purposes of this Agreement, Seller shall have
     no obligation to pay for any tenant improvement costs or brokerage
     commissions that shall be payable by a Seller on account of a Lease or a
     renewal, extension, expansion or modification of a Lease that was entered
     into or exercised after May 9, 2000. The obligation of Purchaser under this
     Section 2(c) shall survive the Closing. Seller and Purchaser shall, from
     time to time, update Schedule C to reflect new information as it is
     available, and appropriate monetary adjustments shall be made as needed.

          (d) The party hereunder that shall be entitled to receive the Deposit
     shall receive all interest that shall have accrued thereon, and no interest
     on the Deposit that shall be delivered to Seller shall be deemed to be
     credited against the Purchase Price.

          (e) The Deposit, together with all interest thereon, shall be held by
     Escrowee in accordance with Section 23 hereof.

          3. Permitted Encumbrances. Subject to the terms and provisions of this
     Agreement, title to the Property shall be sold, assigned and conveyed by
     Seller to Purchaser, and Purchaser shall accept same, subject only to the
     following matters as they pertain to the applicable Property (collectively,
     the "Permitted Encumbrances"):

          (a) the state of facts shown on the survey described on Schedule D
     annexed hereto and made a part hereof (the "Survey") and any other state of
     facts which the Survey brought down to date might disclose or that any
     other accurate survey might show;

          (b) the applicable Leases;

          (c) all of the title exceptions specifically set forth on Schedule E-2
     attached hereto and made a part hereof (other than those items listed on
     the Title Report set forth in Schedule F-1 hereto that shall be marked with
     the words "omit");

          (d) right, lack of right, or restricted right of Seller to construct
     and/or maintain (and the right of any Governmental Authority (as herein
     defined) to require the removal of) any vault or vaulted area, in or under
     the streets, sidewalks or other areas abutting the Property and any
     applicable licensing statute, ordinance and regulation, and the terms of
     any license pertaining thereto;

          (e) all presently existing and future liens of (i) real estate taxes
     and (ii) water rates, water meter charges and vault taxes, water frontage
     charges and sewer taxes, rents and charges provided that the same shall be
     apportioned as provided in this Agreement;

          (f) all violations of laws, ordinances, codes, orders, restrictions,
     requirements or regulations of any Governmental Authority applicable to the
     Property whether or not noted in the records of or issued by, any
     Governmental Authority, existing on the Closing Date; "Governmental
     Authority" means any agency, instrumentality, department, commission,
     court, tribunal or board of any government, whether foreign or domestic and
     whether national, federal, state, provincial or local;

          (g) such matters as the Title Company (as hereinafter defined) shall
     be willing, without special premium to Purchaser, with respect to the title
     insurance policy issued by the Title Company to Purchaser and any lender
     with respect to the Property on the Closing Date (collectively, the "Title
     Insurance Policy"), to omit as exceptions to coverage or, with respect to
     the Title Insurance Policy issued to Purchaser only, except with insurance
     against collection out of or enforcement against the Property;

          (h) variations between the tax lot lines and the legal description of
     the Property set forth on Schedule A;

          (i) all present and future laws, ordinances, codes, orders,
     restrictions, requirements and regulations, including, without limitation,
     zoning, building and environmental laws, ordinances, codes,

     restrictions, requirements and regulations, of all Governmental Authorities
     having or asserting jurisdiction over the Property and the use thereof;

          (j) so long as the Title Company shall omit the same from the Title
     Insurance Policy, any financing statements, chattel mortgages, conditional
     bills of sale or other form of security interest against personalty,
     encumbering personalty not owned by Seller or filed more than five (5)
     years prior to the Closing Date;

          (k) in addition to those Permitted Encumbrances described in Section
     3(d) above, all other utility company rights, easements and franchises to
     maintain and operate lines, poles, wires, cables, pipes, distribution boxes
     and other fixtures and facilities in, over, under and upon the Premises;

          (l) in addition to the state of facts described in Subsection (a) of
     this Section 3, all other projections and/or encroachments of retaining
     walls, steps, fences or similar projections of objects on, under or above
     any adjoining streets of the Premises (or any property adjoining the
     Premises), or within any set-back areas, and encroachments of similar
     elements projecting from adjoining property over the Premises and
     variations between the lines of record title and fences, retaining walls,
     hedges, and the like;

          (m) in addition to those Permitted Encumbrances described in Section
     3(d) above, all other covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements,
     reservations and agreements of record, provided same are not violated by
     the existing structures or the present uses; and

          (n) subject to Section 4(a), all other liens affecting the Property
     except for the following (collectively, the "Seller Title Exceptions"):

             (i) liens arising from any of the shareholder lawsuits described in
        Section 22 hereof;

             (ii) liens arising from claims by any broker for a commission, fee
        or other compensation in connection with this transaction if the same
        arose by, through or on account of any alleged act of Seller or any of
        Seller's representatives (other than Radiant Partners LLC ("Radiant"));

             (iii) liens arising from any affirmative action or omission by
        Seller which (A) pertains to the Property or any other asset which is
        the subject of the Asset Management Agreement (as hereinafter defined),
        and (B) was undertaken without the actual knowledge of Radiant;

             (iv) liens arising from any action by a Seller which do not pertain
        to the Sale Assets;

             (v) liens arising from the use, ownership and management of the
        Property which Seller, pursuant to Section 4(c), Section 6A(f) and
        Section 6A(l) hereof, shall be responsible to pay for; and

             (vi) any fines, judgments and/or penalties payable in conjunction
        with any violations noted in the records of any Governmental Authority
        against the Property prior to the Proration Date.

          4. Title Insurance.

          (a) Purchaser acknowledges that it has previously received the title
     report set forth on Schedule E-1 (the "Title Report"). Based on Purchaser's
     review of the Title Report, as of the date hereof, and their acceptance of
     same, there are no Title Objections (as hereinafter defined) set forth
     therein which do not constitute Permitted Encumbrances other than as set
     forth on Schedule E-2 attached hereto. Purchaser shall at its own cost and
     expense, order an update of the Title Report from First American Title
     Insurance Company (the "Title Company") and shall instruct the Title
     Company to furnish a copy of such updated Title Report (the "Commitment")
     to Seller's attorneys, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP, 180 Maiden Lane, New
     York, New York 10038, Attn: Peter A. Miller, Esq., simultaneously with its
     delivery of same to Purchaser or its attorneys. Notwithstanding anything to
     the contrary contained herein, if Seller is unable to eliminate any
     exceptions to title which are not Permitted Encumbrances or which the Title
     Company refuses to omit from the Commitment ("Title


     Objections") by the Closing Date, Seller may, in accordance with the
     provisions of Section 5 hereof, adjourn the Closing, from time to time, in
     order to attempt to eliminate such Title Objections. Seller shall not be
     required to bring any action or institute any proceeding, or to otherwise
     incur any costs or expenses in order to attempt to eliminate any Title
     Objections or to otherwise cause title to the Property to be in accordance
     with the terms of this Agreement on the Closing Date, except as otherwise
     set forth in Subsection 4(c) hereof. If, pursuant to the terms of this
     Agreement, Seller does not elect or is unable to eliminate any such other
     Title Objections, then, subject to the provisions of Subsections 4(b) and
     4(c) hereof, Purchaser may, by notice given to Seller by the date which is
     the earlier of the Closing Date or thirty (30) days after Seller shall have
     delivered a notice to Purchaser stating that it will not eliminate such
     other Title Objections, either (i) elect to accept the Property subject to
     such other Title Objections, without any abatement of the Purchase Price,
     or (ii) terminate this Agreement, in which event, Escrowee shall disburse
     the Deposit hereunder to Purchaser. Upon termination of this Agreement
     pursuant to the provisions to this Section 4(a) neither party hereto shall
     have any further obligations hereunder other than those arising under
     Section 10 and 23 hereunder.

          (b) If on the Closing Date there are any liens or encumbrances which
     Seller is obligated to satisfy under this Agreement or shall otherwise
     elect to satisfy, Seller may use any part of the Cash Balance portion of
     the Purchase Price to discharge the same, either by payment or by procuring
     a bond satisfactory to the Title Company.

          (c) If the Property is subject to a lien which was filed against the
     Property with the consent of Seller or arising out of an affirmative act of
     Seller (each a "Consensual Lien") and such Consensual Lien is in a
     liquidated amount that may be satisfied by the payment of money only, then
     Seller shall (i) be obligated to discharge the same by payment or bonding
     and (ii) shall cause the Title Company to omit the same from the Title

          (d) If the Title Report discloses judgments, bankruptcies or other
     returns against other persons having names the same as, or similar to, that
     of Seller, Seller shall, if requested, deliver to the Title Company
     affidavits showing that such judgments, bankruptcies or other returns are
     not against Seller in order to induce the Title Company to omit exceptions
     with respect to such judgments, bankruptcies or other returns or to insure
     over the same.

          5. Closing Date. (a) Subject to the satisfaction of all of the
     Conditions to Closing, as set forth in Section 20 hereof, the closing of
     title (the "Closing") shall take place at 10:00 A.M. on the earlier to
     occur of (A) the second (2nd) business day after FUR shall notify the
     Purchaser that it has received the Shareholder Ratification (as hereinafter
     defined in Section 16 hereof) and (B) December 29, 2000. The Closing shall
     occur, at the office of the Escrowee, 180 Maiden Lane, New York, New York
     or at the offices of Purchaser's lender or its attorneys. Except as
     hereinafter set forth, TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE, with respect to
     Purchaser's and Seller's obligation to close hereunder as of December 29,
     2000. TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE, with respect to Purchaser's obligation
     to close hereunder as of December 29, 2000 or if Seller, in accordance with
     the terms of this Section 5(a) shall have adjourned the Closing, as of the
     date that the Closing shall have been adjourned to by Seller. Solely in the
     event that FUR has not held a shareholder meeting to obtain the Shareholder
     Ratification, Seller, subject to Section 5(b) below, Seller shall have the
     right to adjourn the Closing, from time to time, to any date prior to April
     30, 2001.

          (b) Intentionally deleted.

          (c) If a lender shall not extend its outside date, TIME SHALL BE OF
     THE ESSENCE, with respect to Seller's obligation to close hereunder as of
     December 29, 2000 or, if Purchaser, in accordance with the terms of Section
     5(a) shall have adjourned the Closing, as of the date that the closing
     shall have been adjourned to by Purchaser. If Seller shall fail to close
     hereunder as of such date as to which TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE as to
     Seller's obligation to close hereunder, this Agreement shall terminate and
     the Deposit shall be disbursed to Purchaser, together with all interest
     earned thereon.

          (d) If the Purchase Price shall not be received by Sellers by 5:00
     p.m. (New York time) on the Closing Date (as defined below), the Closing
     Date for purposes of this Agreement, shall be deemed to have occurred on
     the next succeeding business day. If requested by Purchaser, Seller shall
     endeavor to "pre-close" this transaction on one or more business days
     preceding the Closing. Upon payment of the balance of the Purchase Price by
     Purchaser, in the manner provided in Section 2 hereof, Seller and Purchaser
     shall contemporaneously therewith deliver to each other the documents
     referred to in Section 14 hereof. The date on which the Closing shall take
     place is hereinafter referred to as the "Closing Date".

     6. Apportionments.

     A. For purposes of this Agreement, the "Proration Date" shall be May 31,
     2000, as of 11:59 p.m. on such date, so that Purchaser shall be treated,
     for purposes of this Section 6A, as if Purchaser was the owner of the
     Property and was entitled to any revenues and was responsible for any
     expenses from and after June 1, 2000 (other than as provided in Subsection
     6A(l) hereof). Any apportionments and prorations which are not expressly
     provided for below shall be made in accordance with the customs of the
     respective municipalities or counties, as applicable, in which the Property
     is located. Purchaser and Seller shall prepare a schedule of adjustments
     for each Premises ("Schedule of Adjustments") prior to the Closing Date.
     Such adjustments, if and to the extent known as of the Closing, shall be
     paid at Closing by Purchaser to Seller for whom the prorations for the
     Property result in a net credit to Seller or by Seller to Purchaser if the
     prorations for the Property result in a net credit to Purchaser, by
     increasing or reducing, as the case may be, the amount of the portion of
     the Cash Balance to be paid by Purchaser at the Closing to Seller. Any such
     adjustments not capable of being determined as of the Closing shall be paid
     by Purchaser to Seller, or by Seller to Purchaser, as the case may be, in
     cash as soon as practicable following the Closing. Any apportionment or
     proration errors made at the Closing are subject to correction if written
     notice thereof is given within one hundred eighty (180) days after the
     Closing. Purchaser and Seller shall each act promptly and reasonably in
     connection with determining the prorations under this Section 6. This
     Section 6 shall survive the Closing.

          (a) (i) Interest on the Mortgage (as described in Schedule B annexed
     hereto and made a part hereof) shall be prorated on an accrual basis. All
     interest payable under the Mortgage accruing and not paid prior to the
     Proration Date shall be the obligation of Seller, and Purchaser shall be
     credited with an amount equal to such accrued and unpaid interest.
     Purchaser shall be responsible for all interest payable under the Mortgage
     and accruing after the Proration Date;

             (ii) At Closing, Seller shall be entitled to receive all monies in
        any tax and insurance reserve account that shall be released by the
        holder of the Mortgage, provided that in the event that the amount any
        such tax and insurance reserve that is released to Seller shall be
        greater than the amount of the balance of such tax and insurance reserve
        account as of the Proration Date, the amount of such excess shall be
        credited against the Cash Balance due from Purchaser at Closing and if
        the amount of any such tax and insurance reserve released to Seller
        shall be less than the amount of the balance of such tax and insurances
        reserve account as of the Proration Date, the amount of the Cash Balance
        due from Purchaser at Closing shall be increased by the amount of such
        difference. Seller and Purchaser shall, from time to time, update
        Schedule G to reflect new information as it is available.

             (iii) Except as otherwise set forth in Subsection 6A(a)(ii) above
        and Subsection 6A(a)(iv) below, at Closing, Purchaser shall be entitled
        to all monies held in any operating reserve account, ground rent reserve
        account, and any other reserves, escrows or escrow deposits
        (collectively, the "Other Escrows") made with, or held by, the holder of
        the Mortgage, as of March 31, 2000. Seller shall be entitled to retain
        the monies in the Other Escrows which are released to Seller by the
        holder of the Mortgage and Purchaser shall be entitled to a credit
        against the Cash Balance due at Closing in the amount of the Other
        Escrows held by the holder of the Mortgage as of March 31, 2000 and in
        the event that the amount of the Other Escrows


        released to Seller in accordance with the terms of the immediately
        preceding sentence shall be greater than the amount of the Other Escrows
        as of the Proration Date, the amount of such excess shall also be
        credited against the Cash Balance due at Closing.

             (iv) At Closing, Purchaser shall be entitled to all monies held in
        any capital expenditure reserve ("Capital Expenditures Escrow") made
        with or held by, the holder of the Mortgage, as of March 31, 2000.
        Seller shall be entitled to retain the monies in the Capital
        Expenditures Escrow which are released to Seller by the holder of the
        Mortgage, but, in such case, Purchaser shall be entitled to a credit
        against the Cash Balance due at Closing in the amount of the Capital
        Expenditures Escrow as of March 31, 2000 and, in the event that the
        amount of the Capital Expenditures Escrow released to Seller in
        accordance with the terms of the immediately preceding sentence shall be
        greater than the amount of the Capital Expenditures Escrow as of the
        Proration Date, the amount of such excess shall also be credited against
        the Cash Balance due at Closing.

          (b) Rentals. "Rental" or "Rentals" as used herein includes fixed
     monthly rentals, additional rentals, percentage rentals, escalation
     rentals, retroactive rentals, operating cost pass-throughs, parking
     charges, utility charges, common area maintenance or management charges,
     administrative charges, and other sums and charges payable by Tenants (as
     hereinafter defined) under the Leases (all tenants, licensees, occupants
     and such other parties occupying space pursuant to a Lease shall herein be
     referred to individually as a "Tenant" or collectively as the "Tenants").
     Subject to the provisions of Subsections 6(c) and 6(d) hereof, Rentals
     shall be prorated at the Closing. Seller shall be entitled to all Rentals
     accruing on or prior to the Proration Date and Purchaser shall be entitled
     to all Rentals accruing after the Proration Date. Purchaser shall not be
     entitled to any credit or adjustment for any free rent or abated rent
     accruing after the Proration Date.

          (c) Delinquent Rentals. Fixed monthly rentals are delinquent when
     payment thereof is due on or prior to the Proration Date but has not been
     made by the Proration Date (any such fixed monthly rentals that shall not
     be paid prior to the Proration Date being "Delinquent Rentals"). Delinquent
     Rentals shall be prorated between Purchaser and Seller as of the Proration
     Date but shall not be paid or credited until they are actually collected by
     Purchaser or Seller, as the case may be. Any fixed monthly rentals
     collected by Purchaser or Seller, as the case may be, after the Proration
     Date less any costs of collection (including reasonable attorneys fees)
     reasonably allocable thereto shall be applied first to Delinquent Rentals,
     if any, and paid to Seller promptly upon receipt thereof in the amount of
     such Delinquent Rentals, then to fixed monthly rentals that shall accrue
     after the Proration Date and paid to Purchaser (but only at or after the
     Closing). Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Tenant shall be disputing the
     amount of the Delinquent Rentals that such Tenant shall owe to Seller, in
     such case, prior to the resolution of such dispute, Seller, to the extent
     of such disputed Delinquent Rentals, shall not be entitled to receive
     payment of such Delinquent Rentals. Following the resolution of any dispute
     with a Tenant regarding the amount of Delinquent Rentals that such Tenant
     shall owe to the applicable Tenant, Purchaser shall pay to Seller, an
     amount equal to the lesser of (i) the amount of Delinquent Rentals that it
     is ultimately determined that such Tenant shall owe to Seller and (ii) the
     amount of payments of fixed monthly rentals that Purchaser shall have
     received pursuant to this Section 6(c). Seller shall have the right to
     settle and/or compromise any dispute with a Tenant regarding any disputed
     Delinquent Rentals and in no event shall Purchaser have the right to settle
     and/or compromise any such dispute. Purchaser shall use reasonable efforts
     to collect Delinquent Rentals but shall have no obligation to commence a
     legal proceeding to collect such sums. Seller retains the right after the
     Closing to bring an action for damages against tenants for the recovery of
     Delinquent Rentals, provided, however, in no event shall any such action
     involve the termination of such tenant's Lease or the eviction of such
     tenant. The parties confirm that all amounts due and payable in respect of
     Leases which have expired or otherwise terminated prior to the Proration
     Date shall be the sole property of the applicable Seller and,
     notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Seller may take
     such actions as it desires to collect such amounts. Notwithstanding the
     provisions of this Subsection 6(c) to the


     contrary, any amount collected by Seller applicable to the period of time
     prior to the Proration Date in connection with any such action shall be
     retained by Seller. Seller and Purchaser shall from time to time for a
     period of one (1) year following the Closing, and upon request of the other
     party, provide the requesting party with reasonably detailed information
     regarding the status of such party's collection of Delinquent Rentals.

          (d) Operating Cost Pass-Throughs, Etc. Operating cost pass-throughs,
     utility charges, common area maintenance charges, administrative charges,
     percentage rentals, additional rentals and other retroactive rental
     escalations, sums or charges payable by Tenants which accrue as of the
     Proration Date but are not then due and payable or collected
     ("Pass-Throughs"), shall be prorated as of the Proration Date; provided,
     however, no payment or credit thereof shall be made to Seller unless and
     until Purchaser and/or Seller collects same from the Tenants. All such
     amounts payable by Tenants for the period accruing prior to the Proration
     Date shall belong to the applicable Seller and all such amounts payable by
     Tenants for the period accruing after the Proration Date shall belong to
     Purchaser. Any Pass-Throughs collected by Purchaser or Seller, as the case
     may be, after the Proration Date (less any costs of collection, including
     reasonable attorneys fees reasonably allocable thereto) shall be applied
     (i) first, if a Tenant making a payment shall designate the receivable
     against which such payment shall be applied, in accordance with such
     Tenant's written direction, and (ii) second, against such fiscal or
     calendar period for which the Pass-Throughs pertain and in which the
     Proration Date shall occur, it being agreed that the Pass-Throughs shall be
     allocated between Seller and Purchaser based upon the portion of such
     fiscal or calendar period that shall occur prior to the Proration Date and
     the portion of such fiscal or calendar period that shall occur after the
     Proration Date, (iii) third, to Pass-Throughs for the period that occurs
     after the period described in clause (ii) above and (iv) fourth, to the
     period that occurs prior to the period described in clause (ii) above.

          (e) Taxes. Real estate taxes (including business improvement district
     charges) on the Property (excluding taxes paid directly to the taxing
     authority by Tenants or parties to a reciprocal easement agreement) shall
     be prorated based on the actual current tax bill. If such tax bill has not
     yet been received by the Closing Date, then Purchaser and Seller shall
     estimate the real estate taxes based upon Purchaser's and Seller's good
     faith estimate of the change in the amount of the previous year's tax bill
     and Purchaser and Seller shall after the Closing re-prorate the real estate
     taxes as soon as the actual current tax bill is available. All amounts
     payable for real estate taxes accruing through the Proration Date shall be
     the obligation of Seller and all amounts payable for real estate taxes
     accruing after the Proration Date shall be the obligation of Purchaser. If,
     after the Closing Date, any additional or supplemental real estate taxes
     are assessed against a Property by reason of back assessments, corrections
     to previous tax bills or other events occurring prior to the Proration
     Date, Purchaser and Seller shall re-prorate the real estate taxes following
     the Closing. Any delinquent taxes on a Property shall be paid at the
     Closing from funds accruing to the applicable Seller.

          (f) Operating Expenses. All utility service charges and fees for
     sewer, water, electricity, heat and air conditioning service, other
     utilities, fuel oil, elevator maintenance, taxes other than real estate
     taxes such as rental taxes, reciprocal easement agreement charges and fees,
     management fees, insurance, other ordinary and customary expenses incurred
     by a Seller in operating the Property that Seller reasonably and
     customarily pays, and all other costs incurred in the ordinary course of
     business of Seller in connection with the operation of the Property, shall
     be prorated on an accrual basis. Seller shall be responsible for all such
     expenses that accrue through the Proration Date and Purchaser shall be
     responsible for all such expenses which are payable or accrue after the
     Proration Date. Seller shall be credited with an amount equal to any
     prepaid expenses which relate to the period after the Proration Date and
     Purchaser shall be credited with an amount equal to any unpaid expenses
     which relate to the period prior to the Proration Date, but only if such
     expenses shall have been paid by Seller after the Proration Date and prior
     to the Closing Date. Operating expenses that have been paid directly by a
     tenant shall not be prorated.


          (g) Tenant Deposits. Purchaser shall be credited with and Seller shall
     be debited with the sum of any Tenant security deposits (and any interest
     due to Tenants thereon) held by Seller pursuant to the terms of the
     respective Leases; provided, however, Seller shall be entitled to retain
     any administrative fees allowed by law that shall have accrued on such
     Tenant security deposits as of the Proration Date.

          (h) Intentionally deleted.

          (i) License and Permit Fees. Periodically recurring governmental fees
     for transferable Licenses issued in respect of the Premises for the use of
     any part thereof, if assignable and to the extent assigned, shall be
     prorated between Purchaser and Seller as of the Proration Date on an
     accrual basis. Seller shall be responsible for all amounts due thereunder
     which accrue through the Proration Date and Purchaser shall be responsible
     for all amounts which accrue after the Proration Date.

          (j) Capital Expenditures. If (i) Seller, prior to the Proration Date,
     shall have paid for any Capital Expenditures that shall have been committed
     to after May 9, 2000, Seller shall be entitled to a credit in the aggregate
     amount of such payments, (ii) Seller at any time after the Proration Date,
     shall have paid for any Capital Expenditures that shall have been committed
     to by Seller prior to May 9, 2000, Purchaser shall be entitled to a credit
     at Closing in the aggregate amount of such payments, (iii) any Capital
     Expenditures for the Property committed to by Seller and/or any of its
     respective agents and/or authorized representatives prior to May 9, 2000
     shall not have been performed by Seller prior to the Closing Date,
     Purchaser shall be entitled to a credit at Closing in the amount of the
     value of such Capital Expenditures that shall not have been performed and
     (iv) if any Capital Expenditures of the nature described in clauses (2) and
     (3) of the definition of Capital Expenditures which were committed to prior
     to May 9, 2000 shall remain unpaid as of the Proration Date, Purchaser
     shall be entitled to a credit in an amount equal to the aggregate amount of
     such unpaid Capital Expenditures but only if such unpaid Capital
     Expenditures shall have been paid for by Seller after the Proration Date
     and prior to the Closing Date.

          (k) Other. Any other customary adjustments made in connection with the
     sale of properties similar in type to the Property shall be prorated
     between Purchaser and Seller as of the Proration Date.

          B. (a) Supplementing the provisions of Section 6A above, as to the
     Property, if the aggregate amount of Purchaser Revenue (as hereinafter
     defined) that Seller shall receive after the Proration Date shall be
     greater than the amount of Purchaser Expenses (as hereinafter defined) that
     Seller shall have incurred and/or paid for after the Proration Date, the
     Purchase Price for the Property shall be decreased by the amount of such
     excess. In the alternative, as to the Property, if the aggregate amount of
     the Purchaser Revenue that Seller shall receive after the Proration Date
     shall be less than the amount of Purchaser Expenses that Seller shall have
     incurred and/or paid for after the Proration Date, the Purchase Price for
     the Property shall be increased by the amount such Purchaser Expenses
     exceed Purchaser Revenue.

          (b) For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Purchaser Revenue" shall
     mean all revenues that Seller shall receive from the operation of the
     Property after the Proration Date which Purchaser, pursuant to the
     provisions of Section 6A above, shall be entitled to receive and the term
     "Purchaser Expenses" shall mean all expenses arising from the use,
     operation and management of a Property, including Capital Expenditures,
     which Seller shall have incurred (whether or not payment shall have been
     made) from and after the Proration Date (or in the case of Capital
     Expenditures, including, without limitation, tenant improvement expenses
     from and after May 9, 2000).

          7. Assessments. If, on the Proration Date, the Premises or any part
     thereof shall be or shall have been affected by an assessment or
     assessments which are or may become payable in annual installments, and the
     first installment is then a charge or lien or has been paid, then for the


     purposes of this Agreement all the unpaid installments shall be deemed to
     be due and payable and to be a lien upon the Premises and shall be paid and
     discharged by Seller as of the Closing Date.

     8. Condition of the Sale Assets.

          (a) Seller will permit Purchaser, for itself or on behalf of, or in
     conjunction with its prospective lenders or equity investors and each of
     their respective agents and representatives, the right to inspect the
     Building and review the books, records and Property files of Seller and to
     conduct or cause to be conducted such tests, evaluations and assessments of
     the Property as may be necessary, appropriate or desirable in connection
     with the acquisition of the Property, provided, however, that all such
     inspections, tests, evaluations and assessments (collectively, "Inspection
     Activities") shall hereafter be subject to the following conditions:

             (i) No Inspection Activity which involves boring, digging, drilling
        or other physical intrusion of the Property shall be conducted without
        the prior written consent of Seller, which consent shall not be
        unreasonably withheld or delayed.

             (ii) Purchaser shall promptly restore the Property, at Purchaser's
        sole cost and expense, to the state and condition it was in prior to
        being disturbed or damaged by any Inspection Activity.

             (iii) Any Inspection Activity conducted with respect to the
        Building shall not be unreasonably intrusive and shall not have any
        adverse effect on the structural integrity of the Building.

             (iv) No Inspection Activity shall be conducted inside the space
        demised to any Tenant or otherwise in any manner that would interfere
        with the business or operations conducted by any Tenant.

             (v) Purchaser shall indemnify and hold harmless Seller and its
        members, trustees, directors, officers, employees and agents from and
        against any and all liability, claims, losses, damages, injuries to
        persons or to property and expenses (including, without limitation,
        reasonable legal fees and disbursements) suffered by Seller or its
        members, trustees, directors, offices, employees or agents by reason of
        or resulting from the Inspection Activities.

             (vi) All Inspection Activities shall be conducted in compliance
        with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations,
        ordinances, orders and permits.

             (vii) With respect to any inspections that Purchaser shall perform
        after the date hereof, Purchaser and/or its contractors shall procure
        the following insurance coverage to cover the risks associated with the
        Inspection Activities, in the minimum amounts set forth below:

                (A) Workers Compensation Insurance in accordance with statutory
           requirements and Employer's Liability Insurance with a minimum limit
           of $500,000 each accident;

                (B) Commercial General Liability Insurance (occurrence form),
           including premises, contractual liability, products/completed
           operations, independent contractors and broad form property damage
           coverage with the following limits of liability: Bodily Injury --
           $1,000,000 each occurrence; Property Damage -- $1,000,000 each
           occurrence or $2,000,000 combined single limit;

                (C) Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance, including
           coverage for all owned, non-owned and hired automobiles used in the
           performance of the work with the following minimum limits of
           liability: Bodily Injury -- $1,000,000 each occurrence; Property
           Damage -- $1,000,000 each occurrence or $2,000,000 combined single
           limit; and

                (D) Environmental/Pollution Liability, including bodily injury
           and property damage liability associated with the removal and/or
           disposal of hazardous wastes and/or materials with the following
           minimum limits of liability: Bodily Injury -- $2,000,000 each occur-


           rence; Property Damage -- $2,000,000 each occurrence or $4,000,000
           combined single limit.

             All insurance shall provide for thirty (30) days written notice
        prior to cancellation, shall name Seller as an additional insured, and
        shall provide that all liability coverage is primary and without the
        right of contribution from insurance carried by Seller. Prior to
        commencing any Inspection Activity at or on the Property, Purchaser
        shall submit to Seller a binder of such insurance or certificates
        thereof with the same force and effect as a binder.

             (viii) Prior to commencing any environmental Inspection Activity at
        or on the Property after the date hereof, Purchaser shall provide Seller
        at least five (5) business days advance notice of its intent to have
        such Inspection Activity performed.

             (ix) Seller shall at all times during the course of any Inspection
        Activities and after their completion have the right to inspect all
        Inspection Activities of Purchaser and its contractors and their
        subcontractors at or on the Property. Seller shall also have the right
        to inspect and copy all studies, reports, test results, data and other
        information and material collected or generated in the course of any
        Inspection Activities.

             (x) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 8(a)(i) hereof, no
        environmental Inspection Activity other than a Phase I environmental
        site assessment shall be performed without the prior written consent of

             (xi) The rights granted to Purchaser under this Subsection 8(a) are
        solely for informational purposes, shall in no event be construed to
        modify the provisions of Subsection 8(b) hereof nor shall any
        information obtained through such Inspection Activity be a basis for
        Purchaser not performing its obligations under this Agreement.

          (b) Purchaser agrees to accept the Sale Assets in their "as is",
     "where is" condition on the date hereof, subject to (i) reasonable use,
     wear, tear and natural deterioration between the date hereof and the
     Closing Date, and (ii) the provisions of Section 9 hereof. Purchaser (i)
     has or will examine, inspect and investigate to the full satisfaction of
     Purchaser, the physical nature and condition of the Sale Assets, (ii) has
     or will independently investigate, analyze and appraise the value and
     profitability of the Sale Assets, and (iii) has reviewed such other
     documents and materials as Purchaser has deemed advisable. Purchaser
     acknowledges that, except as specifically set forth in this Agreement,
     neither Seller, nor any real estate broker, employee, servant, agent,
     consultant, accountant, attorney or representative of any Seller has made
     any representations or warranties whatsoever regarding the subject matter
     of this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, including
     without limitation, with respect to the physical nature or condition of the
     Sale Assets, the revenues generated by or expenses associated with the Sale
     Assets, zoning laws, building codes, laws and regulations, environmental
     matters, the violation of any laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or
     orders of any Governmental Authority, water, sewer or other utilities,
     rents or other income, expenses applicable to the Sale Assets, capital
     expenditures, leases, existing or future operations of the Sale Assets or
     any other matter or thing affecting or related to the Sale Assets or the
     operation thereof. In executing, delivering and/or performing this
     Agreement, Purchaser has not relied upon and does not rely upon, and Seller
     shall not be liable or bound in any manner by, express or implied
     warranties, guaranties, promises, statements, representations or
     information pertaining to any of the matters set forth above in this
     Section 8 or otherwise made or furnished by Seller or by any real estate
     broker, employee, servant, agent, consultant, accountant, attorney or any
     other person representing or purporting to represent Seller to whomever
     made or given, directly or indirectly, verbally or in writing, unless such
     warranties, guaranties, promises, statements, representations or
     information are expressly and specifically set forth in this Agreement.

          (c) Purchaser waives and releases Seller from any present or future
     claims arising from or relating to the presence or alleged presence of any
     Hazardous Materials (as hereinafter defined) in, on, under or about the
     Property, including, without limitation, any claims under (i) any Environ-


     mental Laws (as hereinafter defined), (ii) any other federal, state or
     local law, ordinance, rule or regulation, now or hereafter in effect, that
     deals with or otherwise in any manner relates to, environmental matters of
     any kind, (iii) this Agreement, or (iv) the common law. The terms and
     provisions of this Subsection 8(c) shall survive the Closing.
     "Environmental Laws" mean all federal, state, local and foreign
     environmental, health and safety laws, codes and ordinances and all rules
     and regulations promulgated thereunder, including, without limitation laws
     relating to emissions, discharge, releases or threatened releases of
     pollutants, contaminants, chemicals, or industrial, toxic or hazardous
     substances or wastes into the environment (including, without limitation,
     air, surface water, ground water, land surface or subsurface strata) or
     otherwise relating to the manufacture, processing, distribution, use,
     treatment, storage, disposal, transport or handling of pollutants,
     contaminants, chemicals, or industrial, solid, toxic or hazardous
     substances or wastes. As used in this Agreement, the term "Hazardous
     Materials" includes, without limitation, (i) all substances which are
     designated pursuant to Section 311(b)(2)(A) of the Federal Water Pollution
     Control Act ("FWPCA"), 33 U.S.C. sec.1251 et seq.; (ii) any element,
     compound, mixture, solution, or substance which is designated pursuant to
     Section 102 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and
     Liability Act ("CERCLA"), 42 U.S.C. sec.9601 et seq.; (iii) any hazardous
     waste having the characteristics which are identified under or listed
     pursuant to Section 3001 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
     ("RCRA"), sec.6901 et seq.; (iv) any toxic pollutant listed under Section
     307(a) of the FWPCA; (v) any hazardous air pollutant which is listed under
     Section 112 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. sec.7401 et seq.; (vi) any
     imminently hazardous chemical substance or mixture with respect to which
     action has been taken pursuant to Section 7 of the Toxic Substance Control
     Act, 15 U.S.C. sec.2601 et seq.; and (vii) petroleum, petroleum products,
     petroleum by-products, petroleum decomposition by-products, and waste oil;
     (viii) "hazardous materials" within the meaning of the Hazardous Materials
     Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. sec.1802 et seq., (ix) any hazardous
     substance or material identified or regulated by or under any applicable
     provisions of the laws of the State in which the Property is located; (x)
     asbestos or any asbestos containing materials; (xi) any radioactive
     material or substance; (xii) all toxic wastes, hazardous wastes and
     hazardous substances as defined by, used in, controlled by or subject to
     all implementing regulations adopted and publications promulgated pursuant
     to the foregoing statutes; and (xiii) any other hazardous or toxic
     substance or pollutant identified in or regulated under any other
     applicable federal, state or local laws.

     9. Casualty and Condemnation.

          (a) If, prior to the Closing, all or any portion of the Property is
     damaged by fire, the elements or any other casualty or is taken by eminent
     domain or otherwise, then, notwithstanding anything to the contrary implied
     or provided by law or in equity, Purchaser shall not have the right to
     terminate this Agreement and (i) the parties shall proceed to the Closing
     in accordance with this Agreement, (ii) all proceeds or awards received by
     Seller, or Seller's rights to such proceeds or awards, from such taking or
     casualty (after deducting Seller's reasonable cost of collecting the same
     and any reasonable expenses that Seller shall have incurred in repairing or
     restoring the Property) shall be assigned by Seller to Purchaser at the
     Closing, and (iii) the Purchase Price shall be abated to the extent of any

     10. Brokers.

          (a) Purchaser and Seller represent to each other that they have not
     dealt with any broker or finder in connection with this transaction.

          (b) Purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Seller
     harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liability, costs and
     expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) resulting from any claim
     that may be made against such Seller by any broker, or any other person
     claiming a commission, fee or other compensation by reason of this
     transaction, if the same shall arise by, through or on account of any
     alleged act of Purchaser or Purchaser's representatives.


          (c) Seller hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Purchaser
     harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liability, costs and
     expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) resulting from any claim
     that may be made against Purchaser by any broker, or any other person
     claiming a commission, fee or other compensation by reason of this
     transaction, if the same shall arise by, through or on account of any
     alleged act of Seller or any of Seller's representatives.

          (d) The provisions of this Section 10 shall survive the Closing, or if
     the Closing does not occur, the termination of this Agreement.

          11. Tax Reduction Proceedings. If Seller has heretofore filed
     applications for the reduction of the assessed valuation of the Premises
     and/or instituted certiorari proceedings to review such assessed valuations
     for any tax years prior to the tax year of Closing, Purchaser acknowledges
     and agrees that Seller shall have sole control of such proceedings,
     including the right to withdraw, compromise and/or settle the same or cause
     the same to be brought on for trial and to take, conduct, withdraw and/or
     settle appeals, and Purchaser hereby consents to such actions as Seller may
     take therein. Prior to the Closing, Seller shall not withdraw, compromise
     or settle any such proceedings for any fiscal period in which the Proration
     Date occurs or any subsequent fiscal period without the prior written
     consent of Purchaser, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or
     delayed. Any refund or tax savings for any year or years prior to the tax
     year in which the Proration Date occurs shall belong solely to Seller. Any
     tax savings or refund for the tax year in which the Proration Date occurs
     shall be prorated in accordance with Section 6 hereof between Seller and
     Purchaser after deduction of reasonable attorneys' fees and other
     reasonable expenses related to the proceeding. Purchaser and Seller shall
     each execute all consents, receipts, instruments and documents which may
     reasonably be requested in order to facilitate settling such proceeding and
     collecting the amount of any refund or tax savings. If Seller receives any
     tax refund or credit, Seller shall, after deducting the reasonable expenses
     of the collection thereof, pay to Purchaser, promptly after the receipt of
     such funds or credit, the portion, if any, of such refund or credit to
     which the past and/or present Tenants of the Building may be entitled
     (whether by way of refund or rent credit) under the terms of their
     respective Leases or any other agreements). The provisions of this Section
     11 shall survive the Closing.

          12. Recording Charges, Transfer Taxes, Mortgage Assumption Costs,
     Title Insurance Charges, Survey Costs.

             (a) At the Closing, Seller and Purchaser agree to complete, sign,
        acknowledge and file any and all forms required for the transactions
        contemplated by this Agreement with respect to transfer taxes and sales

             (b) Purchaser, on the one hand and Seller, on the other hand shall
        each pay at the Closing, to the appropriate recipients and in the manner
        required by said recipients, fifty (50%) percent of the following costs
        associated with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement:

                (i) transfer or similar taxes;

                (ii) sales or similar taxes;

                (iii) any extension and/or break up fees due to a lender
           providing the mezzanine financing to Purchaser or to a lender
           providing mortgage financing to Purchaser, upon an adjournment of the
           Closing by Seller to a date later than December 29, 2000;

                (iv) costs incurred in connection with the prepayment of the
           Mortgage including, without limitation, prepayment fees, premiums and
           charges and the attorney's fees and disbursements of mortgagee's

                (v) title insurance premiums and costs;

                (vi) survey costs; and

                (vii) recording charges;

             (c) Each party shall be responsible for the payment of its own
        counsel's fees and disbursements and Purchaser shall be responsible for
        the payment of all fees, charges and other costs it incurs with respect
        to any mezzanine or other financing that it obtains.

             (d) The obligations arising pursuant to this Section 12 shall
        survive the Closing.

          13. Representations and Warranties.

             (a) Seller, as to itself only, represents and warrants to Purchaser
        that the following are true and correct as of the date hereof and shall
        be true and correct in all material respects as of the Closing Date:

                (i) This Agreement, including the provisions of Section 16
           hereof, constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligations of
           Seller, enforceable against Seller in accordance with its terms.
           Seller has taken all necessary action to authorize and approve the
           execution and delivery of this Agreement and, subject to (A)
           obtaining the Shareholder Ratification (as hereinafter defined) and
           (B) the Right of First Refusal (as said term is defined Section 20)
           not having been exercised by the Tenant at the Property, will have
           taken all necessary actions to sell the Property to Purchaser,
           subject to and in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, and
           the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance by
           Seller of its obligations hereunder do not and will not (a) conflict
           with or violate any law, rule, judgment, regulation, order, writ,
           injunction or decree of any Governmental Authority with jurisdiction
           over Seller or the Sale Assets, including, without limitation, the
           United States of America, any State in which the Sale Assets are
           located or any political subdivision of either of the foregoing, or
           any decision or ruling of any arbitrator in an arbitration to which
           Seller is a party or by which Seller or the Property is bound or
           affected, or (b) violate or constitute a default under any material
           document or instrument to which Seller is a party or is bound or any
           of Seller's organizational or governing documents.

                (ii) FUR is an unincorporated association in the form of a
           business trust duly organized and created under the laws of the State
           of Ohio.

                (iii) Seller is not a "foreign person" as defined in the
           Internal Revenue Code Section 1445.

                (iv) Seller is not a party as debtor to any insolvency or
           bankruptcy proceeding or assignment for the benefit of creditors.

                (v) Seller has the full right and authority and has obtained any
           and all corporate consents and board of trustees approvals required
           to enter into this Agreement, and subject to (A) obtaining the
           Shareholder Ratification and (B) the Right of First Refusal, not
           having been exercised by the Tenant at the Property, will have
           obtained any and all corporate consents and board of trustee
           approvals required to consummate or cause to be consummated the sale
           and make or cause to be made transfers and assignments contemplated
           herein; the person signing this Agreement on behalf of Seller is
           authorized to do so; and this Agreement and all of the documents to
           be delivered by Seller at the Closing have been authorized and
           properly executed and will constitute the valid and binding
           obligations of Seller, enforceable against Seller in accordance with
           their terms.

             (b) Purchaser represents and warrants to Seller that the following
        are true and correct as of the date hereof and shall be true and correct
        in all material respects as of the Closing Date:

                (i) This Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and binding
           obligation of Purchaser, enforceable against Purchaser in accordance
           with its terms. Purchaser has taken all necessary action to authorize
           and approve the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the
           consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


                (ii) The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the
           performance by Purchaser of its obligations hereunder do not and will
           not (a) conflict with or violate any law, rule, judgment, regulation,
           order, writ, injunction or decree of any Governmental Authority with
           jurisdiction over Purchaser, including, without limitation, the
           United States of America, any State in which the Sale Assets are
           located or any political subdivision of either of the foregoing, or
           any decision or ruling of any arbitrator in an arbitration to which
           Purchaser is a party or by which Purchaser is bound or affected, or
           (b) violate or constitute a default under any material document or
           instrument to which Purchaser is a party or is bound or any of
           Purchaser's organizational or governing documents.

             (c) The above-stated representations and warranties by Seller and
        Purchaser shall survive the Closing for six (6) months.

          14. Deliveries to be made on the Closing Date.

             (a) Seller's Documents: Seller, pursuant to the provisions of this
        Agreement, shall deliver or cause to be delivered to Purchaser on the
        Closing Date the following instruments, documents and items:

                (i) A duly executed and acknowledged bargain and sale deed
           without covenants (or its equivalent for the State in which the
           Property shall be located) (the "Deed").

                (ii) A duly executed certification as to Seller's non-foreign
           status as prescribed in Section 18 hereof, if applicable.

                (iii) Any consents of members, partners, shareholders or
           directors of Seller whose consent shall be required to authorize the
           sale of the Property to Purchaser, in form reasonably satisfactory to
           Purchaser and the Title Company.

                (iv) The Shareholder Ratification and the Board Consent.

                (v) Duly executed counterparts of an Assignment and Assumption
           of Leases for the Property in the form of Exhibit A annexed hereto
           and made a part hereof.

                (vi) Intentionally deleted.

                (vii) Duly executed counterparts of a Blanket Bill of Sale and
           Assignment in the form of Exhibit D annexed hereto and made a part

                (viii) The Leases, Contracts and Licenses affecting the Premises
           that are in Seller's possession (other than those that are held by
           Radiant or any managing agent for the Premises and those Licenses
           that must remain at the Premises).

                (ix) The Estoppel Certificates required pursuant to Section 17

                (x) Intentionally deleted;

                (xi) A letter to the tenants of the Premises in the form annexed
           hereto as Exhibit B.

                (xii) Duly executed counterparts of all transfer tax and sales
           tax returns required to be signed by Seller.

                (xiii) If the Closing shall not be a "New York style" closing,
           Seller shall deliver an indemnification to the Title Company pursuant
           to which Seller shall indemnify the Title Company against any liens
           that may arise from and after the Closing Date until the recordation
           of the Deed but only if, and to the extent that, such liens shall
           arise on account of matters which Seller pursuant to Section 6 hereof
           shall be required to pay for. Such other documents, instruments and
           deliveries as are otherwise required by this Agreement or required to
           record the Deed or reasonably required by Purchaser in order to
           consummate the transactions contemplated hereby, provided that any
           such additional


           documents, instruments and deliveries shall not result in Seller
           having any greater liabilities than are expressly provided herein.

                (xiv) With respect to any security deposits which are other than
           cash or that are in the form of a letter of credit (collectively, the
           "Non-Cash Security Deposits"), appropriate duly executed instruments
           of transfer or assignment of such Non-Cash Security Deposits which
           are required to establish Purchaser as the new beneficiary
           thereunder. With respect to any Non-Cash Security Deposit in the form
           of a letter of credit, if such letter of credit shall not, pursuant
           to its terms, be assignable, Seller shall cooperate with Purchaser to
           obtain a replacement letter of credit with respect thereto in favor
           of Purchaser, and, if a replacement letter of credit is not obtained
           and if requested by Purchaser following the Closing, Seller shall
           draw on such letter of credit if the tenant for whom the same was
           given as a security deposit shall default under its Lease and Seller
           shall remit the proceeds thereof to Purchaser. Purchaser agrees to
           indemnify, defend and hold Seller harmless from and against any and
           all costs, loss, damages and expenses of any kind or nature
           whatsoever (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) but
           excluding consequential damages arising out of or resulting from
           Seller's presenting any such letter of credit for payment in
           accordance with Purchaser's request. The foregoing provisions shall
           survive the Closing.

                (xv) A duly executed counterpart of the Assignment and
           Assumption of Contracts and Permits, in the form of Exhibit C annexed
           hereto and made a part hereof.

                (xvi) A duly executed counterpart of a Blanket Bill of Sale and
           Assignment in the form of Exhibit D annexed hereto and made a part
           hereof pertaining to the Personalty, it being agreed that for
           purposes of this Agreement, the Personalty shall be deemed to have no

                (xvii) Seller shall furnish at Closing any and all information
           that may be necessary or appropriate to enable the "real estate
           broker" or "real estate reporting person," within the meaning of
           Section 6045(e) of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations
           promulgated thereunder, to comply with the reporting requirement of
           Section 6045(e) of the Internal Revenue Code.

                (xviii) Seller shall obtain and deliver to Purchaser at Closing
           all local customary documents required in connection with a sale of
           the Property, including such tax and other documents as may be
           necessary to record the Deed. Seller and Purchaser shall jointly
           retain local counsel in the States in which the Property shall be
           located, to advise each party as to how to comply with the provisions
           of this Subsection 14(a)(xviii). The cost of such local counsel shall
           be borne equally between Purchaser, on the one hand, and Seller on
           the other.

             (b) Purchaser's Documents: Purchaser, pursuant to the provisions of
        this Agreement, shall deliver or cause to be delivered to Seller on the
        Closing Date the following instruments, documents and items:

                (i) A duly executed counterpart of the Assignment and Assumption
           of Leases.

                (ii) A duly executed counterpart of the Blanket Bill of Sale and

                (iii) Duly executed counterparts of all transfer tax and sales
           tax returns required to be signed by Purchaser.

                (iv) A consent or resolution of the members, partners, directors
           and shareholders, as applicable, of Purchaser authorizing the
           purchase of the Sale Assets, in a form reasonably satisfactory to

                (v) Intentionally deleted.


                (vi) Such other documents, instruments and deliveries as are
           otherwise required by this Agreement or required to record the
           Mortgage Assumption Instrument or reasonably required by Seller in
           order to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

                (vii) A duly executed counterpart of the Assignment and
           Assumption of Contracts and Permits.

          15. Default by Purchaser or Seller.

             (a) If (i) Purchaser shall default in the payment of the Purchase
        Price, (ii) Purchaser shall otherwise default in the performance of any
        of the other terms and provisions of this Agreement on the part of
        Purchaser to be performed, and the Closing does not occur as a result
        thereof, and such default shall continue for five (5) business days
        after written notice to Purchaser (provided, however, notwithstanding
        the foregoing, time shall be of the essence with respect to Purchaser's
        obligation to close hereunder on such date set for Closing as to which
        TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE pursuant to Section 5 hereof), or (iii) (A)
        Purchaser shall commence any case, proceeding or other action under any
        laws relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or relief of
        debtors, or seeks to have an order for relief entered with respect to
        it, or seeks to be adjudicated a bankrupt or insolvent, or seeks
        reorganization, arrangement, adjustment, liquidation, dissolution,
        composition or other relief with respect to it or its debts, or seeks
        the appointment of a receiver, trustee, custodian or other similar
        official for it or all or any substantial part of its property, or (B)
        Purchaser otherwise takes any action indicating its consent to, approval
        of, or acquiescence in, or in furtherance of, any of the acts described
        in clause (iii)(A), above, then in any of such cases, Purchaser shall be
        deemed to be in default hereunder. Purchaser acknowledges that if
        Purchaser shall default under this Agreement as aforesaid, Seller will
        suffer substantial adverse financial consequences as a result thereof.
        Accordingly, Seller, as its sole and absolute remedy against Purchaser,
        shall have the right to retain the Deposit and which Deposit shall
        constitute full and complete liquidated damages, it being agreed that
        Seller's damages are difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain, and
        thereafter Purchaser and Seller shall have no further rights or
        obligations under this Agreement, except those expressly provided herein
        to survive the termination of this Agreement.

             (b) Except as provided in Section 16 hereof, and subject to the
        provisions thereof, (i) if Seller shall default in conveying the
        Property to Purchaser pursuant to the terms hereof on the Closing Date
        (provided this Agreement has not been terminated pursuant to the terms
        hereof), (ii) if Seller shall default hereunder for any other reason and
        such default shall continue for five (5) business days after written
        notice to Seller, Purchaser may, as its sole remedy, elect to either (x)
        terminate this Agreement, and direct Escrowee to return the Deposit
        Purchaser and Seller and Purchaser shall thereafter have no further
        rights or obligations under the Agreement, except those expressly
        provided herein to survive the termination of this Agreement, or (y)
        prosecute an action for specific performance of this Agreement by
        Seller. Any such action for specific performance must be commenced
        against Seller within ninety (90) days after the date that Seller shall
        default hereunder, it being understood that if Purchaser shall fail to
        commence an action for specific performance within such period of time,
        Purchaser shall be deemed to have waived its right to commence an action
        for specific performance of this Agreement.

          16. Termination and Expense Reimbursement.

          The obligation of Seller to transfer the Sale Assets pursuant to this
     Agreement are contingent upon FUR, at FUR's sole cost and expense,
     obtaining approval for the sale contemplated hereby and any amendments to
     the organizational or governing documents of FUR necessary to consummate
     the sale contemplated hereby from shareholders of FUR holding the requisite
     number of shares in accordance with the organizational and governing
     documents of FUR (collectively, the "Shareholder Ratification") and this
     Agreement shall terminate, (i) if at a meeting called for the purpose of
     voting on such sale and such amendments, the shareholders of FUR do not
     approve the

     sale contemplated hereby and all of such amendments, upon the date of such
     meeting, (ii) at the option of FUR, upon the date FUR delivers notice of
     termination to Purchaser, if such meeting of the shareholders of FUR has
     not been held on or prior to the date (the "Shareholder Approval Deadline")
     which is three business days prior to the date as to which time is of the
     essence with respect to Purchaser's obligation to close pursuant to Section
     5, (iii) at the option of Purchaser, upon the date Purchaser delivers
     notice of termination to FUR, if such meeting of the shareholders of FUR
     has not been held on or prior to the date which is three business days
     prior to the date as to which time is of the essence with respect to
     Seller's obligation to close pursuant to Section 5, or (iv) at the option
     of FUR, to be exercised prior to the Shareholder Ratification, upon the
     date FUR delivers notice of termination to Purchaser, if the Board of
     Trustees of FUR, or a committee thereof, determines, after consultation
     with outside legal counsel, that it has a fiduciary duty under applicable
     law to accept, approve or recommend an Alternative Proposal (as defined in
     Section 24 below); and thereupon FUR shall promptly cause the Deposit to be
     returned to Purchaser. This Agreement shall then terminate and neither
     party shall have any further obligation to the other party under this
     Agreement, except for those provisions which are expressly stated herein to
     survive termination of this Agreement. Seller makes no representation or
     warranty herein that the Shareholder Ratification shall be obtained. The
     Board of Trustees of FUR shall recommend to the shareholders of FUR that
     they approve the sale contemplated hereby and any amendments to the
     organizational or governing documents of FUR necessary to consummate the
     sale contemplated hereby, unless the Board of Trustees of FUR, or a
     committee thereof, determines, after consultation with outside legal
     counsel, that it has a fiduciary duty under applicable law to accept,
     approve or recommend an Alternative Proposal (as defined in Section 24

          17. Estoppel Certificates.

          Seller shall use commercially reasonable efforts to deliver to
     Purchaser a lease estoppel certificate (the "Tenant Estoppel Certificate")
     from the Tenant under the Lease, in a form reasonably required by the
     lender that shall be providing financing for the Property (or in such other
     form or containing such other information as the Tenant's lease shall
     require the tenant to provide). Notwithstanding the immediately preceding
     sentence to the contrary, any estoppel certificate that shall be delivered
     to Purchaser from the Tenant which is not in the form reasonably required
     by the lender that shall be providing financing for the Property (or in
     such other form or containing such other information as such Tenant's lease
     shall require such tenant to provide), shall qualify as an acceptable
     estoppel certificate provided that the Tenant's Estoppel Certificate
     confirms the material terms set forth in the lender's form of Tenant
     Estoppel Certificate. If Seller, on or before the Closing, is unable to
     deliver a Tenant Estoppel Certificate from the Tenant of the Property,
     Seller shall deliver to Purchaser, at Closing, a certificate ("Seller's
     Certificate"), executed by Seller, whereby Seller shall state, to the best
     of its knowledge, the following: (a) the rent and other charges payable by
     the Tenant under its Lease and the amount, if any, of the security
     deposit(s) held by Seller; (b) the term of the Lease and (c) that the
     Tenant is not in default under any of the terms of its Lease or if in
     default the nature of such default. The Seller's Certificate shall survive
     the Closing for a period of six (6) months. A Seller's Certificate with
     respect to the Tenant shall expire and be of no force and effect upon
     Purchaser's receipt of a Tenant Estoppel Certificate consistent with the
     information set forth in the Seller's Certificate. In addition, Seller
     shall not have any liability on account of any statement in a Seller's
     Estoppel Certificate which shall be untrue in any material respect if
     Purchaser or Radiant shall know or, in connection with its management of
     the Property, should have known that such statement was untrue. If Seller
     is unable to deliver the Tenant's Estoppel Certificate and fails to deliver
     a Seller's Certificate in the event such Tenant's Estoppel Certificate is
     not obtained, and as a result thereof the lender providing the mortgage
     financing for the Property or the lender providing mezzanine financing
     shall elect not to provide the financing for the Property, Purchaser, as
     its sole and absolute remedy, shall have the right to elect not to purchase
     the Property. If Purchaser shall make such election, the Escrowee shall
     deliver the Deposit hereunder to Purchaser. This Agreement shall then
     terminate and neither party shall have


     any further obligation to the other party under this Agreement, except for
     those provisions which are expressly stated to survive termination of this

          18. Governmental Compliance.

             (a) FIRPTA Compliance. Seller shall comply with the provisions of
        the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act, Internal Revenue Code
        of 1986, as amended, Section 1445, as the same may from time to time be
        amended, or any successor or similar law (collectively, the "FIRPTA
        Code"). On the Closing Date, Seller shall deliver to Purchaser
        certifications as to Seller's non-foreign status which complies with the
        provisions of Section 1445(b)(2) of the FIRPTA Code, and shall comply
        with any temporary or final regulations promulgated with respect thereto
        and any relevant revenue procedures or other officially published
        announcements of the Internal Revenue Service of the U.S. Department of
        the Treasury in connection therewith. If Seller shall fail to deliver
        the foregoing certification to Purchaser at the Closing, Purchaser shall
        have the right to withhold ten percent (10%) of the portion of the
        Purchase Price allocated to Seller's property and apply the same in
        accordance with the requirements of the FIRPTA Code.

             (b) HSR Compliance. Seller and Purchaser will make as promptly as
        practicable all filings necessary, if any, under the HSR Act (as
        hereinafter defined) and other applicable federal, state and local
        antitrust, competition and other similar laws (collectively, the
        "Antitrust Laws") in order to obtain any required regulatory approvals,
        clearance or expirations of waiting periods (collectively, "Antitrust
        Clearance") in connection with the transactions contemplated by this
        Agreement. The term "HSR Act" shall mean the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust
        Improvements Act of 1976, as amended. Subject to the limitations
        contained in the last sentence of this Subsection 18(b), Seller and
        Purchaser shall each use their reasonable best efforts to resolve such
        objections, if any, as any governmental or regulatory authorities with
        jurisdiction over the enforcement of any Antitrust Laws may assert under
        any such Antitrust Laws with respect to the transactions contemplated by
        this Agreement. The parties shall consult with each other when dealing
        with such authorities and before submitting any application or other
        written communication to any such authority.

          19. Merger. Except as otherwise expressly provided to the contrary in
     this Agreement, no representations, warranties, covenants or other
     obligations of Seller set forth in this Agreement shall survive the
     Closing, and no action based thereon shall be commenced after the Closing.
     The delivery and acceptance of the Deed at the Closing, without the
     simultaneous execution and delivery of a specific agreement which by its
     terms shall survive the Closing, shall be deemed to constitute full
     compliance by the parties with all of the terms, conditions and covenants
     of this Agreement on their part to be performed except for those terms,
     conditions and covenants which this Agreement expressly provides will be
     performed after the Closing.

          20. Conditions to Closing.

             (a) Conditions to Purchaser's Obligation to Close. Purchaser's
        obligation to close hereunder shall be subject to the following

                (i) Seller shall have performed, satisfied and complied with, or
           tendered performance of, in all material respects, all of the terms,
           conditions and covenants required by this Agreement to be performed
           or complied with by Seller on or before the Closing Date.
           Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any provision of this
           Agreement, if for any reason FUR is unable to convey to Purchaser its
           right, title and interest in and to the Property in accordance with
           the terms of this Agreement due to the fact that the Tenant at the
           Property has exercised its right to purchase the Property in
           accordance with the terms and conditions of its Lease (the "Right of
           First Refusal"), then this Agreement shall thereupon immediately
           terminate and be null, void and of no force and effect, except for
           those provisions which are expressly stated to survive termination of
           this Agreement, and


           Escrowee shall disburse the Deposit, together with any interest
           earned on such amount, to Purchaser. In addition, Purchaser agrees to
           deliver or cause to be delivered to Seller each Study prepared for
           the Property by or on behalf of Purchaser, together with all reliance
           letters from each provider of same which were obtained by Purchaser
           upon receipt of each Study.

                (ii) All representations and warranties of Seller in this
           Agreement shall be true and correct in all material respects as of
           the date of this Agreement and as of the Closing Date.

                (iii) Any and all Antitrust Clearance required in connection
           with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall have been

                (iv) Seller shall have obtained the Shareholder Ratification
           pursuant to Section 16(a) hereof and the Board Consent.

                (v) The management of the Property by Radiant shall be
           undisturbed through the Closing Date, except as may be permitted
           under the Asset Management Agreement by reason of Radiant's default

             The foregoing conditions under this Subsection 20(a), except for
        the condition in clauses (iii) and (iv), are for the benefit of
        Purchaser only, and Purchaser may, in its sole discretion, waive any or
        all of such conditions and close title under this Agreement without any
        abatement of, or credit against, the Purchase Price.

             (b) Conditions to Seller's Obligation to Close. Seller's obligation
        to close hereunder shall be subject to the following conditions:

                (i) Purchaser shall have performed, satisfied and complied with,
           or tendered performance of, in all material respects, all of the
           covenants, agreements and conditions required by this Agreement.

                (ii) All representations and warranties of Purchaser in this
           Agreement shall be true and correct in all material respects as of
           the date of this Agreement, and as of the Closing Date.

                (iii) Intentionally deleted.

                (iv) Any and all Antitrust Clearance required in connection with
           the transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall have been

                (v) No judgment, injunction, order, decree or action by an
           federal, state or local government, court, or administrative or
           regulatory agency of competent authority preventing the sale
           contemplated hereby shall have become final and unappealable or shall
           be in effect as of the date as to which time is of the essence with
           respect to Purchaser's obligation to close pursuant to Section 5(a),
           it being understood that if this condition shall not be satisfied at
           Closing, this Agreement shall terminate and be null, void and of no
           further force and effect, and the Escrowee shall disburse the Deposit
           to Purchaser.

             The foregoing conditions under this Subsection 20(b), except for
        the condition in clause (iv), are for the benefit of Seller only, and
        Seller may, in its sole discretion, waive any or all of such conditions
        and close title under this Agreement without any increase in the
        Purchase Price.

          21. Prior to Closing.

             (a) Insurance. Until Closing, Seller shall maintain all of the
        insurance policies described on Schedule H-1 in full force and effect or
        shall obtain replacement policies that shall provide substantially
        equivalent coverage.


             (b) Operation. Until Closing, Seller shall operate and maintain its
        Property substantially in accordance with its current practices with
        respect to the operation and maintenance of the Property.

             (c) New Contracts. Between the date hereof and the Closing, Seller
        will enter into only those Contracts which Seller reasonably determines
        are necessary to carry out its obligations under Subsection 21(b) and
        which shall be cancellable on not more than thirty (30) days' written
        notice (without penalty, unless said Seller agrees to pay any such
        termination penalty at Closing).

             (d) New Leases; Lease Extensions. Between the date hereof and the
        Closing Date, Seller will not execute any new Leases or amend, terminate
        (except upon a monetary default by the tenant thereunder) or accept the
        surrender of any existing tenancies or approve any subleases without the
        prior written consent of Purchaser, which consent shall not be
        unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, provided, however,
        Purchaser's consent shall be deemed to have been given if Purchaser does
        not respond to a Seller within five (5) business days after Purchaser's
        receipt of written notice from such Seller requesting Purchaser's
        consent to a matter that is the subject of the provisions of this
        Section 21(d).

             (e) Employees. From and after the date hereof through and including
        the Closing or earlier termination of this Agreement, Seller shall not
        hire any Employees without the prior written consent of Purchaser. Each
        Seller shall notify Purchaser reasonably promptly if Seller hires any

             (f) Contracts. At the Closing, Purchaser shall assume the
        Contracts. As used herein, the term "Contracts" shall include any new
        contracts entered into from and after the date hereof. Seller shall
        notify in writing the vendors under those Contract(s) which Purchaser
        has not agreed to assume as of Closing that, provided that Closing
        occurs hereunder, the applicable Seller shall terminate such Contracts,
        effective as of the Closing Date; provided however, if any such
        non-assumed Contract does not permit Seller to terminate same prior to
        Closing, Purchaser shall be required at Closing to assume all
        obligations thereunder until the effective date of the termination.

             (g) Seller shall not, between the date hereof and the Closing Date,
        amend, modify, extend, renew, replace, supplement or consolidate the
        Mortgage without the consent of Purchaser.

             (h) Seller shall not initiate, consent to or approve any action
        with respect to zoning, or, unless required by law, any other
        governmental rules or regulations applicable to any part of the

             (i) Seller maintains real estate environmental liability insurance,
        as more fully described on Schedule F-2. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
        Purchaser shall assume responsibility for the amount of any deductible
        applicable to the environmental liability insurance policies. Purchaser
        and Seller agree to cooperate with the other and to perform, execute and
        deliver, such documents and instruments as may be reasonably necessary
        in connection with any claim or other matter arising under or relating
        to any of the environmental insurance policies. The provisions of this
        Subsection 21(i) shall survive the closing.

          22. Shareholder Lawsuits. To the extent of claims by shareholders of
     FUR against the Purchaser, to the fullest extent allowed by law FUR hereby
     indemnifies Purchaser from and against any and all damages, liability,
     loss, cost and expense (including, without limitation, reasonable
     attorney's fees and disbursements) incurred in connection with such claims;
     provided, that the foregoing indemnification shall not extend, directly or
     indirectly, to Radiant Partners LLC or its principals, except that nothing
     in this Agreement shall modify any pre-existing obligation of FUR to
     indemnify Radiant Partners LLC or its principals. To effect the
     indemnification provided herein, FUR covenants and agrees that it has and
     shall maintain a net worth of at least $30,000,000 through the later of (A)
     30 days after the Closing Date or (B) the resolution, after all appeals, of
     claims by

     shareholders of FUR against Purchaser. The provisions of this Section 22
     shall survive the Closing of title.

          23. Deposit.

             (a) The Deposit shall be deposited with the Escrowee and shall be
        held in escrow pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Escrowee shall
        cause the Deposit to be deposited into an interest bearing account.
        Escrowee shall pay the Deposit to Seller at the Closing upon the
        consummation thereof or otherwise in accordance with this Agreement. If
        either party makes a demand upon Escrowee for delivery of the Deposit,
        Escrowee shall give notice to the other party of such demand. If a
        notice of such demand shall have been sent to the other party and a
        notice of objection to the proposed payment is not received from said
        other party within seven (7) business days after the giving of notice by
        Escrowee, Escrowee is hereby authorized to deliver the Deposit to the
        party who made the demand. If Escrowee receives a notice of objection
        within said period, then Escrowee shall continue to hold the Deposit and
        thereafter pay it to the party entitled when Escrowee receives (i) a
        notice from the objecting party withdrawing the objection, or (ii) a
        notice signed by both parties directing disposition of the Deposit, or
        (iii) a judgment or order of a court of competent jurisdiction directing
        the payment of the Deposit.

             (b) The parties further agree that:

                (i) Except for its gross negligence or willful misconduct,
           Escrowee shall be protected in relying upon the accuracy, acting in
           reliance upon the contents, and assuming the genuineness of any
           notice, demand, certificate, signature, instrument or other document
           which is given to Escrowee verifying the truth or accuracy of any
           such notice, demand, certificate, signature, instrument or other

                (ii) Escrowee shall not be bound in any way by any other
           contract or understanding between the parties hereto, whether or not
           Escrowee has knowledge thereof or consents thereto unless such
           consent is given in writing;

                (iii) Escrowee's sole duties and responsibilities shall be to
           hold and disburse the Deposit in accordance with this Agreement;
           provided, however, that Escrowee shall have no responsibility for the
           clearing or collection of the check representing the Deposit;

                (iv) Escrowee shall not be liable for any action taken or
           omitted by Escrowee in good faith and believed by Escrowee to be
           authorized or within its rights or powers conferred upon it by this
           Agreement, except for damage caused by the gross negligence or
           willful misconduct of Escrowee;

                (v) Upon the disbursement of the Deposit in accordance with this
           Agreement, Escrowee shall be relieved and released from any liability
           under this Agreement;

                (vi) Escrowee may resign at any time upon at least ten (10) days
           prior written notice to the parties hereto. If, prior to the
           effective date of such resignation, the parties hereto shall all have
           approved, in writing, a successor escrow agent, then upon the
           resignation of Escrowee, Escrowee shall deliver the Deposit to such
           successor escrow agent. From and after such resignation and the
           delivery of the Deposit to such successor escrow agent, Escrowee
           shall be fully relieved of all of its duties, responsibilities and
           obligations under this Agreement, all of which duties,
           responsibilities and obligations shall be performed by the appointed
           successor escrow agent. If for any reason the parties hereto shall
           not approve a successor escrow agent within such period, Escrowee may
           bring any appropriate action or proceeding for leave to deposit the
           Deposit with a court of competent jurisdiction, pending the approval
           of a successor escrow agent, and upon such deposit Escrowee shall be
           fully relieved of all of its duties, responsibilities and obligations
           under this Agreement;


                (vii) Seller and Purchaser hereby agree to, jointly and
           severally, indemnify, defend and hold Escrowee harmless from and
           against any liabilities, damages, losses, costs or expenses incurred
           by, or claims or charges made against, Escrowee (including reasonable
           counsel fees and court costs) by reason of Escrowee's acting or
           failing to act in connection with any of the matters contemplated by
           this Agreement or in carrying out the terms of this Agreement, except
           as a result of Escrowee's gross negligence or willful misconduct;

                (viii) In the event that a dispute shall arise in connection
           with this Agreement, or as to the rights of any of the parties in and
           to, or the disposition of, the Deposit, Escrowee shall have the right
           to (w) hold and retain all or any part of the Deposit until such
           dispute is settled or finally determined by litigation, arbitration
           or otherwise, or (x) deposit the Deposit in an appropriate court of
           law, following which Escrowee shall thereby and thereafter be
           relieved and released from any liability or obligation under this
           Agreement, or (y) institute an action in interpleader or other
           similar action permitted by stakeholders in the State of New York, or
           (z) interplead any of the parties in any action or proceeding which
           may be brought to determine the rights of the parties to all or any
           part of the Deposit; and

                (ix) Escrowee shall not have any liability or obligation for
           loss of all or any portion of the Deposit by reason of the insolvency
           or failure of the institution or depository with whom the escrow
           account is maintained.

          24. Exclusivity; Shareholder Approval and Press Releases

             (a) From and after the date hereof, no authorized officer, trustee,
        manager or director of FUR shall, directly or indirectly, solicit or
        initiate any discussions with any person or entity other than Purchaser
        or Purchaser's agents with a view toward the sale of all or any portion
        of the Sale Assets by Seller. Notwithstanding the foregoing, FUR may
        respond to, pursue (including by providing information relating to
        Seller and the Sale Assets which is non-public, confidential and/or
        proprietary in nature ("Evaluation Material") subject to a customary
        confidentiality agreement) and negotiate a bona fide proposal (an
        "Alternative Proposal") by any person or entity other than Purchaser,
        which is neither solicited nor initiated by an authorized officer,
        trustee, manager or director of FUR, to purchase, directly or indirectly
        (including, without limitation, by way of a merger, combination,
        consolidation, share exchange, tender offer or similar business
        combination transaction), any or all of the Sale Assets if the Board of
        Trustees of FUR or a committee thereof has determined that (i) such
        Alternative Proposal may be more favorable to the shareholders of FUR
        than the sale contemplated hereby, taking into account price, timing,
        closing conditions, the likelihood of completion and any other factors
        deemed relevant by the Board of Trustees of FUR or such committee, and
        (ii) the person or entity making the Alternative Proposal is reasonably
        likely to have the financial resources to consummate the transactions
        contemplated by such Alternative Proposal. FUR shall notify Purchaser if
        it responds to, pursues or negotiates an Alternative Proposal, shall
        provide Purchaser with a copy of any such written Alternative Proposal
        and shall keep Purchaser reasonably informed of the status of any such
        negotiations. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, FUR
        retains the right to negotiate with the Tenant at the Property with
        respect to the Right of First Refusal.

             (b) FUR shall use its reasonable best efforts to (i) prepare and
        file and clear with the Securities and Exchange Commission the proxy
        statement and any amendments or supplements thereto required to obtain
        the approval of the shareholders of FUR to the sale contemplated hereby
        and any amendments to the organizational or governing documents of FUR
        necessary to consummate the sale contemplated hereby as promptly as
        practicable and, in any event, before the date that would allow
        sufficient time to declare a record date, mail proxy statements, solicit
        proxies and conduct a meeting of FUR's shareholders in accordance with


        applicable laws, rules and regulations and FUR's organizational and
        governing documents by no later than the Shareholder Approval Deadline,
        and (ii) duly call, give notice of, convene and hold such meeting on or
        before the Shareholder Approval Deadline.

             (c) FUR and Purchaser shall consult with each other before issuing
        any press release or otherwise making any public statements with respect
        to the sale contemplated hereby and shall not issue any such press
        release or make any such public statement prior to such consultation,
        except as may be required or advisable under applicable law, rules or
        regulations (including, without limitation, the rules and regulations of
        the New York Stock Exchange).

          25. Intentionally deleted.

          26. Notices. All notices, requests, demands and other communications
     provided for by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to
     have been given (a) when hand delivered, or (b) if sent same day or
     overnight recognized commercial courier service, when received, or (c)
     three (3) business days after being mailed in any general or branch office
     of the United States Postal Service, enclosed in a registered or certified
     postpaid envelope, addressed to the address of the parties stated below or
     to such changed address as such party may have fixed by notice:

           To Seller:
           c/o Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson
           One New York Plaza
           New York, N.Y. 10004-1980
           Attention: Steven G. Scheinfeld, Esq.

           with a copy to:
           Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
           180 Maiden Lane
           New York, New York 10038-4982
           Attention: Peter A. Miller, Esq.

           To Purchaser:
           c/o Radiant Partners LLC
           551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1416
           New York, New York 10176

           with a copy to:
           Goldberg Weprin & Ustin LLP
           1501 Broadway
           New York, New York 10036
           Attention: Andrew W. Albstein, Esq.

           To Escrowee:
           Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
           180 Maiden Lane
           New York, New York 10038-4982
           Attention: Peter A. Miller, Esq.

           provided, that any notice of change of address shall be effective
           only upon receipt.

          27. Amendments. This Agreement may not be modified or terminated
     orally or in any manner other than by an agreement in writing signed by all
     the parties hereto or their respective successors in interest.

          28. Governing Law; Construction. This Agreement shall be governed by
     and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York (except
     to such matters of real estate law that


     must be governed by the law of the State in which the Property is located),
     without giving effect to principles of conflicts of law.

          29. No Offer. This document is not an offer by Seller, and under no
     circumstances shall this Agreement have any binding effect upon Purchaser
     or Seller unless and until Purchaser and Seller shall each have executed
     this Agreement and delivered to each other executed counterparts of this

          30. Partial Invalidity. If any provision of this Agreement is held to
     be invalid or unenforceable as against any person or under certain
     circumstances, the remainder of this Agreement and the applicability of
     such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected
     thereby. Each provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to
     the fullest extent permitted by law.

          31. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of
     counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, but all of which,
     taken together, shall constitute but one and the same instrument.

          32. No Third Party Beneficiaries. The warranties, representations,
     agreements and undertakings contained herein shall not be deemed to have
     been made for the benefit of any person or entity other than the parties

          33. Memorandum of Contract. Purchaser covenants and agrees that in no
     event will Purchaser record or cause to be recorded this Agreement or any
     memorandum hereof and that Purchaser's breach of this provision shall
     represent a default of the nature governed by Subsection 15(a) hereof and
     Seller shall have all of the rights and remedies provided under Subsection
     15(a) including, without limitation, the option of terminating this
     Agreement and retaining the Deposit as liquidated damages.

          34. Waiver. No failure or delay of either party in the exercise of any
     right given to such party hereunder or the waiver by any party of any
     condition hereunder for its benefit (unless the time specified herein for
     exercise of such right, or satisfaction of such condition, has expired)
     shall constitute a waiver of any other or further right nor shall any
     single or partial exercise of any right preclude other or further exercise
     thereof or any other right. The waiver of any breach hereunder shall not be
     deemed to be a waiver of any other or any subsequent breach hereof.

          35. Assignment. Purchaser shall not have the right to assign its
     rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written
     consent of Seller, except that Purchaser may assign such rights and
     obligations to one or more entities with a net worth of at least
     $40,000,000 and with respect to which Radiant and/or its principals shall
     have an economic interest and maintains and/or participates in managerial
     control and direction of the business activities and operations of said
     entity (each such entity shall hereinafter be called a "Permitted
     Assignee"). Seller hereby approve an assignment of Purchaser's rights and
     obligations under this Agreement to an entity wholly owned by Radiant,
     Landmark Realty Advisors LLC and a minority equity investor, provided that
     such assignee shall have a net worth of at least $40,000,000. In the event
     of any proposed transfer or assignment to a Permitted Assignee, the
     transfer or assignment shall not be deemed effective unless and until the
     proposed transferee or assignee executes, acknowledges and delivers to
     Seller an instrument of assumption in form and consent reasonably
     satisfactory to Seller pursuant to which it assumes and agrees to perform
     all obligations of Purchaser under this Agreement with respect to the
     applicable Property, including, but not limited to, all obligations of
     Purchaser which survive the Closing hereunder, agrees to be bound by all
     other terms and provisions of this Agreement, confirms that all
     representations and warranties made by Purchaser in this Agreement are
     true, accurate and complete as they pertain to such transferee or assignee
     (subject to any exceptions thereto that are reasonably acceptable to
     Seller), and provides the addresses and telecopier numbers to which Notices
     to such transferee or assignee should be sent. Notwithstanding the above to
     the contrary, at Closing, Purchaser can direct that Seller deliver a deed
     to an entity, with respect to


     the Property, as Purchaser shall designate, so long as such entity is owned
     one hundred (100%), directly or indirectly, by Purchaser or a Permitted

          36. Interpretation. Words of any gender used in this Agreement shall
     include any other gender and words in the singular shall include the
     plural, and vice versa, unless the context requires otherwise. The words
     "herein," "hereof," "hereunder" and other similar compounds of the words
     "here" when used in this Agreement shall refer to the entire Agreement and
     not to any particular provision or section. As used in this Agreement, the
     term "business day" means every day other than (i) Saturdays and Sundays,
     (ii) all days observed by the Federal or New York State governments as
     legal holidays, and (iii) all days on which commercial banks in New York
     State are required by law to be closed.

          37. Construction. This Agreement shall be given a fair and reasonable
     construction in accordance with the intentions of the parties hereto. Each
     party hereto acknowledges that it has participated in the drafting of this
     Agreement, and any applicable rule of construction to the effect that
     ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be
     applied in connection with the construction or interpretation hereof. Each
     party has been represented by independent counsel in connection with this
     Agreement. For purposes of construction of this Agreement, provisions which
     are deleted or crossed out shall be treated as if never included herein.

          38. Access to Books and Records. For a period of one (1) year after
     the Closing, Purchaser shall give Seller and its representatives access,
     during normal business hours and upon reasonable prior notice to Purchaser,
     to such books, accounts, records and Leases relating to the Property
     (including the right, at Seller's expense, to make photostatic copies of
     same) as are reasonably necessary to enable Seller to verify any rights or
     obligations of Seller or Purchaser under this Agreement which survive the
     Closing and to enable Seller to respond to any tax inquiries or audits, or
     to comply with any other obligations to Governmental Authorities.

          39. Binding Effect. This Agreement is binding upon, and shall inure to
     the benefit of, the parties and each of their respective successors and
     permitted assigns, if any.

          40. Waiver of Jury Trial. Each of Purchaser and Seller hereby
     irrevocably waive all right to trial by jury in any action, proceeding or
     counterclaim arising out of or relating to this Agreement.

          41. Collectibility of Checks. If the Deposit is paid by check and said
     check fails collection in due course, Seller, at its option, may declare
     this Agreement null, void and of no force and effect, and may pursue its
     remedies against Purchaser upon said check, or in any other manner
     permitted by law, such remedies being cumulative.

          42. Section Headings. The headings of the various sections of this
     Agreement have been inserted only for the purpose of convenience and are
     not part of this Agreement and shall not be deemed in any manner to modify,
     expand, explain or restrict any of the provisions of this Agreement.

          43. Federal I.D. Number/Social Security Number. FUR's Federal I.D.
     Number is 34-6513657. Purchaser's Federal I.D. Number is being applied for.

          44. Incorporation by Reference; Inconsistency. The Schedules and
     Exhibits to this Agreement are incorporated herein by reference and made a
     part hereof.

          45. Acquisition of Ownership Interest. Seller and Purchaser agree that
     it may be more advantageous with respect to the Property for Purchaser to
     acquire a one hundred (100%) percent ownership interest in the Seller
     entity and/or a constituent member or principal of such entity (or, at
     Purchaser's election, structure such a purchase whereby Seller shall retain
     a record ownership interest but not a beneficial interest or economic
     interest in such entity) in lieu of acquiring fee simple title to the
     Property. In the event Purchaser shall so elect to acquire such ownership
     interest in lieu of acquiring fee title with respect to the Property and
     provided that there is no material adverse effect to Seller, then the
     parties agree to cooperate with each other and perform, execute

     and deliver, such documents and instruments as may be reasonable and
     customary to effect such acquisition.

          46. (a) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the
     contrary, this Agreement is made and executed on behalf of FUR, by its
     officer(s) on behalf of the trustees thereof, and none of the trustees or
     any additional or successor trustee hereafter appointed, or any
     beneficiary, officer, employee or agent of FUR shall have any liability in
     his personal or individual capacity, but instead, all parties shall look
     solely to the property and assets of FUR for satisfaction of claims of any
     nature arising or in connection with this Agreement.

          (b) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the
     contrary, Seller acknowledges and agrees that it has not relied upon any
     representations, warranties or statements made or information provided by
     Purchaser, and that Seller has relied on, inter alia, information provided
     by Radiant Partners LLC and its principals. In the event of any dispute
     regarding information received by Seller from Radiant Partners LLC or its
     principals, Seller will not seek to enforce any remedy to which they are
     entitled against Purchaser, but will look solely to the assets of Radiant
     Partners LLC and its principals, including, but not limited to their
     respective direct and indirect interests in the Purchaser. Except for
     Radiant Partners LLC and its principals, neither the Purchaser nor any
     holder of a legal or beneficial interest in the Purchaser shall have any
     obligation to Seller arising out of this Agreement except for the
     contractual obligations of Purchaser set forth in this Agreement.

          47. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement
     between the parties respecting the matters herein set forth and supersedes
     (i) any and all prior agreements between the parties hereto, except with
     respect to that certain letter agreement, dated April 28, 2000, between FUR
     and Radiant Partners LLC ("April 28 Letter"), which April 28 Letter shall
     survive the Closing hereunder, and (ii) that certain letter of intent,
     dated June 20, 2000, by and among Radiant Partners LLC, as purchaser, and
     FUR, as seller, respecting such matters. This Agreement may not be modified
     or amended except by written agreement signed by all parties hereto.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement on
the day and year first above written.


                                          FIRST UNION REAL ESTATE EQUITY AND
                                          MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS,
                                          an Ohio business trust

                                          By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY
                                             Name: William A. Scully
                                           Title:  Vice Chairman


                                          RADIANT INVESTORS LLC,
                                          a Delaware limited liability company

                                          By: /s/ DANIEL P. FRIEDMAN
                                             Name: Daniel P. Friedman
                                           Title:  Managing Member

Receipt of Deposit is hereby acknowledged,
subject to collection


Name: Peter A. Miller, Partner


                                   APPENDIX C

                       First Union Real Estate Equity and
                              Mortgage Investments
                          551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1416
                            New York, New York 10176

                                                              September 15, 2000

Radiant Investors LLC
c/o Radiant Partners LLC
551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1416
New York, New York 10176

Re: Purchase of Long Street Garage Columbus, Ohio (the "Premises")

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     Reference is hereby made to that certain Contract of Sale, dated as of
September 15, 2000 (the "Contract") between First Union Real Estate and Mortgage
Investments ("FUR") and Radiant Investors LLC ("Purchaser"). All capitalized
terms used herein and not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to
them in the Contract.

     Notwithstanding the provisions of the Contract to the contrary, it is
agreed as follows:

          (i) In the event Purchaser shall fail to make the First Additional
     Deposit (as said term is defined in the First Union Contract) under the
     First Union Contract (as said term is defined in Section (x) below), no
     later than the First Additional Deposit Date (as said term is defined in
     the First Union Contract) and the Tenant has not then elected to purchase
     the Property pursuant to the terms of the Contract, the Contract shall
     thereupon immediately terminate and be null, void and of no force and
     effect and Escrowee shall disburse the Deposit to Purchaser, together with
     any interest earned on such amount. In addition, Purchaser agrees to
     deliver or cause to be delivered to FUR all reports, studies, memorandums,
     tests, evaluations and assessments (collectively, the "Study") for the
     Property obtained and/or conducted by or on behalf of Purchaser, together
     with all reliance letters from each provider of same which were obtained by
     Purchaser upon receipt of each Study. Purchaser agrees to use its good
     faith, reasonable efforts to obtain a reliance letter from the provider of
     each Study, which reliance letter shall provide that the Study prepared by
     the provider may be relied upon by FUR, any prospective or actual purchaser
     of the Property and any prospective or actual lender that may provide
     financing to the owner of the Property.

          (ii) Notwithstanding any provisions of Section (i) above to the
     contrary, in the event that Purchaser (or an affiliate thereof), enters
     into a Limited Liability Company Agreement of (the "JV Agreement"), with
     U.S. Trust Corporation, National Association, As Trustees Under That
     Certain Agreement And Declaration Of Trust Dated As Of September 4, 1997,
     As Amended, Known As Landmark Equity Trust VII ("Landmark"), and such
     entity shall obtain commitments for Acceptable Financing, as such term is
     defined in the JV Agreement, for some or all of the Properties (as such
     term shall be defined in the First Union Contract), in addition to the
     Property, from and after September 11, 2000, and pursuant to the terms of
     the JV Agreement, Purchaser or an affiliate thereof is no longer obligated
     to return the Initial Contribution #1 (as such term shall be defined in the
     JV Agreement), then in the event Purchaser shall fail to make the First
     Additional Deposit under the First Union Contract, no later than the First
     Additional Deposit Date, the Contract shall immediately terminate and be
     null, void and of no force and effect and Escrowee shall disburse the
     Deposit to FUR, together with any interest earned thereon. In addition,
     Purchaser shall deliver to FUR each Study and all reliance letters thereto
     in accordance with the provisions of Section (i) above. Notwithstanding the
     foregoing, if Purchaser (or an affiliate thereof) is obligated to return
     the Initial Contribution #1 prior to First Additional Deposit Date then the
     provisions of this Section (ii) shall no longer be applicable.

          (iii) In the event the Right of First Refusal (as said term is defined
     in Section 20(a) of the Contract) is exercised by the Tenant at the
     Property, the Deposit being held by Escrowee pursuant to the terms of this
     Agreement, plus all interest earned thereon, shall be credited by Escrowee
     (being the same escrowee as under the First Union Contract) as an
     additional deposit being held under the First Union Contract, and shall be
     deemed part of the "Deposit" under the First Union Contract. Should the
     Deposit under the Contract be credited to the First Union Contract prior to
     the Purchaser making the First Additional Deposit under the First Union
     Contract, the Deposit under the Contract shall be disbursed to the escrowee
     under the First Union Contract and shall be credited and added to the
     "Initial Deposit" (as said term is defined in the First Union Contract)
     under the First Union Contract.

          (iv) With respect to Section 5 of the Contract, if the closing of the
     sale of the Huntington Garage (as said term is defined in the First Union
     Contract) shall have occurred prior to December 29, 2000, Purchaser shall
     have the right to adjourn the Closing, at any time and from time to time to
     a date no later than the earlier of (i) forty five (45) days after the date
     that FUR shall notify Purchaser that it has received the Shareholder
     Ratification and (ii) January 31, 2001. TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE, with
     respect to Purchaser's obligation to close hereunder as of such date. If
     FUR shall have the right and shall desire to adjourn the Closing to a date
     after December 29, 2000 and such proposed adjourned date shall be later
     than the date that the lender providing mezzanine financing to Purchaser or
     any lender agreeing to provide mortgage financing for the Property shall be
     obligated to close its respective loan, each such lender shall have agreed
     to extend its outside closing date. Notwithstanding the provisions of this
     Section (iv) to the contrary, if FUR shall have the right and shall desire
     to adjourn the Closing to a date later than December 29, 2000, Purchaser
     shall have the right, by notice to FUR, to elect to terminate this
     Agreement, on December 29, 2000 or February 28, 2001, in which case, the
     Escrowee shall disburse the Deposit hereunder to the escrowee under the
     First Union Contract and the Deposit shall be credited and added to the
     "Deposit" being held under the First Union Contract.

          (v) With respect to Section 17 of the Contract, if Seller is unable to
     deliver the Tenant's Estoppel Certificate and fails to deliver a Seller's
     Certificate in the event such Tenant's Estoppel Certificate is not
     obtained, and as a result thereof the lender providing the mortgage
     financing for the Property or the lender providing mezzanine financing
     shall elect not to provide the financing for the Property, in such case FUR
     shall have the right to elect to provide (or to cause another party to
     provide) to Purchaser the financing that such lender was otherwise prepared
     to provide to Purchaser, it being agreed that if FUR shall make such
     election, such loan shall be provided upon the same or better terms to
     Purchaser than those terms that were offered by Purchaser's mezzanine
     lender or mortgage lender. If FUR shall not elect to provide such
     financing, in such case, Purchaser, as its sole and absolute remedy, shall
     have the right to elect not to purchase the Property. If Purchaser shall
     make such election, the Escrowee shall deliver the Deposit to the escrowee
     under the First Union Contract, and such Deposit shall be added to and
     become part of the "Deposit" being held under the First Union Contract. The
     Contract shall then terminate and neither party shall have any further
     obligation to the other party under the Contract, except for those
     provisions which are expressly stated to survive termination of the

          (vi) With respect to Sections 4(a), 5, 17 and 20(a)(i) of the
     Contract, in the event that Escrowee shall disburse the Deposit to
     Purchaser in accordance with the terms of such Sections, Purchaser hereby
     instructs Escrowee to disburse such Deposit directly to the escrowee under
     the First Union Contract and credit and add such Deposit to the "Deposit"
     being held under the First Union Contract. Should the Deposit under the
     Contract be credited to the First Union Contract prior to the Purchaser
     making the First Additional Deposit under the First Union Contract, the
     Deposit under the Contract shall be disbursed to the escrowee under the
     First Union Contract and shall be credited and added to the "Initial
     Deposit" (as said term is defined in the First Union Contract) under the
     First Union Contract.


          (vii) With respect to Section 6.A.(f) of the Contract, after the words
     "management fees" in the fourth line of such Section 6.A.(f) the following
     words shall be added immediately thereafter:

           "(except that only two-thirds of the amount of management fees
           payable to Radiant Partners LLC shall be used for proration

          (viii) With respect to Section 12(b) of the Contract, any amount which
     FUR shall be required to pay; under Section 12(b) of the Contract shall be
     credited against the maximum amount which FUR is required to pay in
     accordance with the terms of Section 12(b) of the First Union Contract, in
     the aggregate.

          (ix) With respect to the Section 15(a) of the Contract, clause (iv) is
     added immediately after clause (iii) (as an additional Purchaser default
     thereunder) as follows:

           "or (iv) Purchaser shall default, beyond the expiration of any
           applicable notice and cure period, under the terms of the First Union

          (x) With respect to Section 20(a)(i) of the Contract, the following
     language is hereby added to end of the first sentence of Section 20(a)(i):

           "and sellers under the First Union Contract shall have performed,
           satisfied and complied with, or tendered performance of, in all
           material respects, all of the covenants, agreements and conditions
           required by the First Union Contract. For purposes of this Agreement,
           the First Union Contract shall mean that certain Contract of Sale
           between FUR, among others, as sellers and Purchaser as purchaser,
           dated as of the date hereof, respecting the purchase of various
           office, garage and retail properties, among other things. Except as
           otherwise set forth immediately below, Purchaser shall have no
           obligation to close hereunder unless the sellers under the First
           Union Contract shall close simultaneously herewith."

          (xi) If required by Purchaser's mezzanine lender or any other lender
     providing financing for the Property, an updated Rent Roll together with a
     list of delinquent and unpaid rent, accompanied by an instrument executed
     by FUR, addressed to Purchaser, pursuant to which FUR states, without
     representation or warranty, that it has no actual knowledge that said Rent
     Roll is not true and correct in all material respects as of the Closing
     Date. In addition, either such instrument (or a separate instrument) shall
     contain a provision pursuant to which Purchaser, acknowledges that it shall
     have no rights, remedies or recourse of any nature whatsoever against FUR
     by reason of the foregoing statement by FUR not being true, correct or
     complete in any respect. In the event that Purchaser's mezzanine lender or
     any other lender providing financing for the Property requires a certified
     updated Rent Roll, as described above in this Section (vii), pursuant to
     which FUR shall represent and warrant that it has no actual knowledge that
     said Rent Roll is not true and correct in all material respects as of the
     Closing Date, Purchaser shall cause to be provided to FUR a complete and
     unconditional indemnification from an entity which shall own 100% of the
     beneficial interests in the Property and all of the properties being sold
     pursuant to the First Union Contract as of the Closing Date, and has a net
     worth of at least Forty Million ($40,000,000) Dollars, in form reasonably
     acceptable to FUR, against all liability that FUR shall incur on account of
     FUR having delivered such representation and warranty.

          (xii) With respect to Section 20(b)(i) of the Contract, the following
     language is hereby added to end of Section 20(b)(i):

           "and the First Union Contract. If the Tenant at the Property does not
           exercise its Right of First Refusal, then Seller shall have no
           obligation to close hereunder unless Purchaser closes simultaneously
           herewith on the First Union Contract on the Closing Date."


          (xiii) With respect to Section 21(b) of the Contract, the following
     language is hereby added to end of Section 21(b):

           "and shall not terminate that certain Asset Management Agreement,
           dated March, 2000, between Radiant Partners, LLC and FUR ("Asset
           Management Agreement"), except as a result of Radiant's default,
           beyond the expiration of all applicable notice and cure periods
           thereunder. The parties acknowledge that to the extent not
           inconsistent with (i) the Asset Management Agreement, including,
           without limitation, the oversight powers of the Board of Trustees of
           FUR, or (ii) the fiduciary duties and other obligations of the
           principals of Radiant Partners, LLC to FUR as officers and/or
           directors of FUR, Radiant Partners, LLC shall exercise its rights and
           obligations under the Asset Management Agreement (x) consistent with
           the provisions of any asset management agreement to be entered into
           by Radiant Partners, LLC or its affiliates with the Purchaser (the
           "Purchaser Management Agreement"); (y) subject to Purchaser's
           supervision (in particular such supervision as provided for under the
           Purchaser Management Agreement); and (z) without limiting the
           generality of the foregoing, by routinely consulting with Purchaser
           as to its activities under the Asset Management Agreement and
           reasonably taking the views of Purchaser into account."

          (xiv) If FUR shall default under the provisions of the Contract or
     fails to obtain Shareholder Ratification for the sale contemplated under
     the Contract, the provisions of Section 15(b) and Sections 16(b)-(e) of the
     First Union Contract, shall apply in determining any remedies Purchaser may
     have under the Contract, subject to the monetary limits set forth in such
     Sections of the First Union Contract.

     Please acknowledge your agreement with the foregoing by executing this
letter in the space provided below.

Very truly yours,

    Name: William A. Scully
    Title: Vice Chairman


RADIANT INVESTORS LLC, a Delaware limited liability company

    Name: Daniel P. Friedman
    Title: Managing Member


    Name: Peter A. Miller, Partner

For the limited purpose of acknowledging and agreeing to Section (xii) above.


    Name: Daniel P. Friedman
    Title: Managing Director


                                   APPENDIX D


     This First Amendment to the Contract of Sale (this "First Amendment") is
made and entered into as of this 29th day of September, 2000 by and among 55
Public LLC, North Valley Tech, LLC, Southwest Shopping Centers Co. I, L.L.C.,
First Union Madison L.L.C., Printer's Alley Garage, LLC, First Union Real Estate
Equity and Mortgage Investments and First Union Commercial Properties Expansion
Company, collectively as "Seller," and Radiant Investors LLC, as "Purchaser."

     WHEREAS, the Seller and the Purchaser have entered into a Contract of Sale
dated as of the 15th day of September, 2000 (the "Agreement") with respect to
the sale and purchase of the properties known as 55 Public Square/CEI Building,
Cleveland Ohio; North Valley Tech Center, Thornton, Colorado; Westgate Business
Center, Abilene, Texas; Madison & Wells Garage, Chicago, Illinois; Printer's
Alley Garage, Nashville, Tennessee; Pecanland Mall, Monroe, Louisiana; West 3rd
Street Lot, Cleveland, Ohio; Long Street Lot, Columbus, Ohio, 5th & Marshall
Garage, Richmond, Virginia; Two Rivers Business Center, Clarksville, Tennessee
and Huntington Garage, Cleveland, Ohio (collectively, the "Premises");

     WHEREAS, the Seller and the Purchaser desire to modify and amend the
Agreement as hereinafter set forth in this First Amendment, the provisions of
this First Amendment being paramount and the Agreement being construed

     NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto do hereby agree that the Agreement is
modified and amended as hereinafter set forth:

          1. All capitalized terms herein, unless otherwise defined, shall have
     the meaning ascribed in the Agreement.

          2. Section 2(a) of the Agreement is modified by providing that
     Schedules B-1 and B-2 will be provided by the parties and annexed to the
     Agreement on or before the Closing Date.

          3. Section 2(a)(vi) of the Agreement is modified by providing at the
     end thereof a new Section (C) as follows:

             (C) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 2(a)(ii),
        2(a)(vi)(A) and 2(a)(vi)(B) to the contrary, unless and until
        Purchaser has obtained firm commitments for Acceptable Financing
        (as such term is defined in the JV Agreement), Purchaser at its
        option may elect to terminate the Agreement on or before October
        26, 2000 and the Sellers shall receive the amount set forth at
        Section 2(a)(vi)(A) and the balance of the Deposit shall be paid to
        Purchaser. In such event, Purchaser shall deliver to Sellers each
        Study and all reliance letters thereto in accordance with the
        provisions of Section 2(a)(vi)(A). Purchaser shall regularly advise
        Seller of its progress in obtaining Acceptable Financing.

          4. Section 2(b) of the Agreement is modified to provide that Seller
     will accept a Letter of Credit from Fleet Bank, provided that same may be
     presented for payment at one of its New York City branches.

          5. Section 2(c) of the Agreement is modified to provide that the
     Westgate financing is in the amount of $8,500,000.00, of which
     $7,500,000.00 is to be advanced at Closing, and $1,000,000.00 is to be held
     in escrow.

          6. Schedule A-6 of the Agreement will be modified to reflect the
     accurate description of the Pecanland Mall Adjacent Land as and when the
     survey has been received and the new metes and bounds description has been
     provided by the Title Company.


          7. Section 3 of the Agreement is modified by providing at the end
     thereof a new Section 3(q) as follows:

             (q) Notwithstanding anything in Section 3(a) or 4(c) to the
        contrary, in the event and to the extent the revised metes and
        bounds description of the Pecanland Mall Adjacent Land referenced
        in paragraph 6 above results in a Title Company continuation of the
        Title Report referenced at Schedule G-1(iv) of the Agreement
        containing a new exception to title (not disclosed on the Title
        Report received as of the date hereof) having a material adverse
        effect on any Pecanland Mall Adjacent Land, Purchaser may exercise
        those options set forth at Section 3(p) with respect to such
        Pecanland Mall Adjacent Land.

          6. Except as modified hereby, the Agreement shall remain in full force
     and effect.


                                          55 PUBLIC LLC,
                                          a Delaware limited liability company

                                          By: 55 PUBLIC REALTY CORP., a Delaware
                                          corporation, Managing Member

                                          By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY

                                           Name: William A. Scully

                                           Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                          NORTH VALLEY TECH LLC,
                                          a Delaware limited liability company

                                          By: NVT Corp., a Delaware corporation,
                                          its Managing Member

                                          By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY

                                           Name: William A. Scully

                                           Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                          SOUTHWEST SHOPPING CENTERS CO. I,
                                          L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability

                                          By: First Union Southwest L.L.C., a
                                          Delaware limited liability company,
                                          its manager

                                          By: First Southwest I, Inc., a
                                          Delaware corporation, its manager

                                          By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY

                                           Name: William A. Scully

                                           Title:  Authorized Signatory


an Illinois limited liability company

By: First Union Real Estate Equity and Mortgage Investments, and Ohio business
trust, its member


   Name: William A. Scully

   Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                          PRINTER'S ALLEY GARAGE, LLC,
                                          a Delaware limited liability company

                                          By: First Union Real Estate Equity and
                                          Mortgage Investments, an Ohio business
                                          trust, its managing member

                                          By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY

                                           Name: William A. Scully

                                           Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                          FIRST UNION REAL ESTATE EQUITY AND
                                          MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS,
                                          an Ohio business trust

                                          By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY

                                           Name: William A. Scully

                                           Title:  Vice Chairman

                                          FIRST UNION COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES
                                          EXPANSION COMPANY

                                          By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY

                                           Name: William A. Scully

                                           Title:  Authorized Signatory


                                          RADIANT INVESTORS LLC,
                                          a Delaware limited liability company

                                          By: /s/ DANIEL P. FRIEDMAN

                                           Name: Daniel P. Friedman

                                           Title:  Managing Member



     This Second Amendment to the Contract of Sale (this "Second Amendment") is
made and entered into as of this 26th day of October, 2000 by and among 55
Public LLC, North Valley Tech, LLC, Southwest Shopping Centers Co. I, L.L.C.,
First Union Madison L.L.C., Printer's Alley Garage, LLC, First Union Real Estate
Equity and Mortgage Investments and First Union Commercial Properties Expansion
Company, collectively as "Seller" and Radiant Investors LLC, as "Purchaser."

     WHEREAS, the Seller and the Purchaser have entered into a Contract of Sale
dated as of the 15th day of September, 2000 (the "Agreement") with respect to
the sale and purchase of the properties known as 55 Public Square/CEI Building,
Cleveland, Ohio; North Valley Tech Center, Thornton, Colorado; Westgate Shopping
Center, Abilene, Texas; Madison & Wells Garage, Chicago, Illinois; Printer's
Alley Garage, Nashville, Tennessee; Pecanland Mall, Monroe, Louisiana; West 3rd
Street Parking Lot, Cleveland, Ohio; Long Street Lot, Columbus, Ohio; 5th and
Marshall Garage, Richmond, Virginia; Two Rivers Business Center, Clarksville,
Tennessee and Huntington Garage, Cleveland, Ohio (collectively, the "Premises");

     WHEREAS, the Seller and the Purchaser entered into the First Amendment to
Contract of Sale as of the 29th day of September, 2000 (the "First Amendment");

     WHEREAS, the Seller and the Purchaser desire further to modify and amend
the Agreement as hereinafter set forth in this Second Amendment, the provisions
of this Second Amendment being paramount and the Agreement, as modified by the
First Amendment (the "Existing Agreement") being construed accordingly.

     NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto do hereby agree that the Existing
Agreement is further modified and amended as hereinafter set forth:

          1. All capitalized terms herein, unless otherwise defined, shall have
     the meaning ascribed in the Existing Agreement.

          2. Supplementing paragraph 3 of the First Amendment and Section
     2(a)(vi) of the Existing Agreement, Purchaser confirms that it has obtained
     firm commitments for Acceptable Financing (as such term is defined in the
     JV Agreement).

          3. Pursuant to Section 1(b) of the Existing Agreement, FUR has entered
     into and Purchaser hereby consents to, the Purchase and Sale Agreement (the
     "Huntington Garage Contract") with Northeastern Security Development Corp.,
     dated October 26, 2000 for the sale of the Huntington Garage. Pursuant to
     the Huntington Garage Contract, Northeastern Security Development Corp. has
     deposited with Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company a $1 million good
     faith deposit.

          4. As a result of FUR having entered into the Huntington Garage

             (i) Purchaser shall not be required to acquire the Huntington
        Garage or assume or otherwise pay the principal balance of the mortgage
        encumbering the Huntington Garage, which mortgage shall be deleted as a
        "Mortgage" under the Existing Agreement; and

             (ii) the purchase price set forth at Section 2(a) of the Existing
        Agreement shall be reduced by (x) if the closing on the Huntington
        Garage has occurred prior to the Closing under the Existing Agreement,
        the Net Sales Price received by FUR from said sale, or (y) if the
        closing on the Huntington Garage has not occurred on or before the
        Closing under the Existing Agreement, $21,250,000.00, less the
        reasonable estimate of the parties of any and all fees, expenses,
        charges and other costs that would have been paid by FUR in connection
        with the sale of the Huntington Garage to Northeastern Security
        Development Corp. (the "Costs of Closing"), including, without
        limitation, brokerage fees, attorney's fees and disbursements and the
        transfer taxes, survey fees, escrow charges, recording fees and other
        closing costs payable by FUR under the Huntington Garage Contract. Two
        business days prior to the Closing under the Existing Agreement as
        amended hereby, the parties will jointly determine their estimate of


        the Costs of Closing which shall include reasonable supporting detail
        for the calculation of the Costs of Closing. Appropriate adjustments
        shall be made to Sections 2(a)(iv) and 2(a)(v) of the Existing Agreement
        to effect the foregoing.

          5. For computing Apportionments at Section 6A of the Existing
     Agreement, the Huntington Garage income and expenses, ordinary and capital,
     including monthly interest payments on the mortgage encumbering the
     Huntington Garage, shall be included in and subject to the Existing
     Agreement through the earlier of the date of the consummation of the sale
     of the Huntington Garage or the consummation of the sale of the Properties
     by the Seller to the Purchaser under and pursuant to the terms of the
     Existing Agreement.

          6. Except as modified hereby, the Existing Agreement shall remain in
     full force and effect.


                                          55 PUBLIC LLC,
                                          a Delaware limited liability company

                                          By: 55 PUBLIC REALTY CORP., a Delaware
                                          corporation, Managing Member

                                          By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY

                                           Name: William A. Scully

                                           Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                          NORTH VALLEY TECH LLC,
                                          a Delaware limited liability company

                                          By: NVT Corp., a Delaware corporation,
                                          its Managing Member

                                          By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY

                                           Name: William A. Scully

                                           Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                          SOUTHWEST SHOPPING CENTERS CO. I,
                                          L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability

                                          By: First Union Southwest L.L.C., a
                                          Delaware limited liability company,
                                          its manager

                                          By: First Union Southwest I, Inc., a
                                          Delaware corporation, its manager

                                          By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY

                                           Name: William A. Scully

                                           Title:  Authorized Signatory


                                          FIRST UNION MADISON L.L.C., an
                                          Illinois limited liability company

                                          By: First Union Real Estate Equity and
                                          Mortgage Investments, an Ohio
                                          Business trust, its member

                                          By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY

                                           Name: William A. Scully

                                           Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                          PRINTER'S ALLEY GARAGE, LLC, a
                                          Delaware limited liability company

                                          By: First Union Realty Equity and
                                          Mortgage Investments, an Ohio business
                                          trust, its managing member

                                          By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY

                                           Name: William A. Scully

                                           Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                          FIRST UNION REAL ESTATE EQUITY
                                          AND MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS, an
                                          Ohio business trust

                                          By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY

                                           Name: William A. Scully

                                           Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                          FIRST UNION COMMERCIAL
                                          PROPERTIES EXPANSION COMPANY

                                          By: /s/ WILLIAM A. SCULLY

                                           Name: William A. Scully

                                           Title:  Authorized Signatory


                                          RADIANT INVESTORS LLC, a
                                          Delaware limited liability company

                                          By: /s/ DANIEL P. FRIEDMAN

                                           Name: Daniel P. Friedman

                                           Title:  Managing Member


                                   APPENDIX E

     If the Amendments become effective, the following sections of the Amended
Declaration of Trust will be amended and restated to provide as follows:


     No Trustee and no Beneficiary shall take any action which would cause the
Trust to abandon its purpose of providing an investment vehicle for numerous
shareholders with small holdings or which would, in the opinion of counsel for
the Trust, furnished prior to such action, prevent the Trust from qualifying or
continuing to qualify as a "real estate investment trust" under the Internal
Revenue Code and the Regulations (proposed or in effect) thereunder unless at
least a majority of the Trustees then in office have approved such action. No
Beneficiary shall have any power to control the Trustees or the affairs of this
Trust, or to exercise any voting or approval powers, if such powers would at the
time in the opinion of counsel for the Trust (a) prevent the Beneficiaries from
being free from personal liability for the obligations of the Trust under any
applicable law, or (b) cause the Trust to be an illegal or invalid organization
under the law of any jurisdiction in which it owns property or does business.


     No merger of the Trust into another entity or no consolidation or
combination of the Trust with one or more other entities shall be made without
the consent of the holders of at least (i) a majority of the outstanding shares
if at least 70% of the Trustees have approved such action or (ii) 70% of the
outstanding shares if at least a majority but less than 70% of the Trustees have
approved such action, in either case given at a meeting of the shareholders held
for that purpose; provided that no vote of Trust shareholders shall be required
with respect to any merger intended merely to change the Trust from a trust
entity to a corporation and provided further that no vote of Trust shareholders
shall be required with respect to a merger of the Trust with another entity if
the Trust would be the surviving entity and if, after the transaction, no
shareholder would be in violation of any limitation on share ownership adopted
pursuant to Section 5.9. The Trustees shall have the power to sell, exchange
transfer or otherwise dispose of any or all Trust property upon approval of at
least a majority of the Trustees.


     The Trustees shall have power to cause to be organized or assist in
organizing under the laws of any jurisdiction a corporation or corporations or
any other trust, association, or other organization to take over the Trust
property or any part or parts thereof or to carry on any business in which this
Trust shall directly or indirectly have any interest, and to sell, convey, and
transfer the Trust property or any part or parts thereof to any such
corporation, trust, association, or organization in exchange for the shares or
securities thereof or otherwise, and to lend money to, subscribe for the shares
or securities of, and enter into any contracts with any such corporation, trust,
association or organization, or any corporation, trust, partnership,
association, or organization in which this Trust holds or is about to acquire
shares or any other interest.


                                  DETACH CARD

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                    TO BE HELD ON ________, NOVEMBER __, 2000

The undersigned hereby appoints William A. Ackman and William A. Scully, or any
one of them, each with power of substitution, attorney and proxy (the "Proxies")
for and in the name and place of the undersigned, to vote, as designated below,
all of the share of beneficial interest, par value $1.00 per share ("Shares"),
of First Union Real Estate Equity and Mortgage Investments (the "Company"), on
all matters at the Special Meeting of the Beneficiaries to be held at the Turtle
Bay Room of The New York Helmsley Hotel, located at 212 East 42nd Street, New
York, NY 10017, on November __, 2000, at 9:00 A.M. local time, or at any
adjournment or postponement thereof, according to the number of votes that the
undersigned could vote if personally present at the meeting.


      (except as marked to the contrary below)        to vote for all nominees listed below

                       Talton R. Embry, Steven S. Snider




         [ ]  FOR                  [ ]  AGAINST                [ ]  ABSTAIN


         [ ]  FOR                  [ ]  AGAINST                [ ]  ABSTAIN


         [ ]  FOR                  [ ]  AGAINST                [ ]  ABSTAIN


                                  DETACH CARD
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PROXY NO.                                                                 SHARES

(Continued from the other side)

In their discretion the Proxies are authorized to vote upon all other matters as
may properly come before the meeting.


                                                    Dated................., 2000


                                                    Signature (if jointly held)

                                                    Please sign exactly as your
                                                    name(s) appear(s) on this
                                                    Proxy. When Shares are held
                                                    by joint tenants, both
                                                    should sign. When signing as
                                                    attorney, executor,
                                                    administrator, trustee or
                                                    guardian, please give full
                                                    title as such. If a
                                                    corporation, please sign in
                                                    full corporate name by
                                                    president or other
                                                    authorized officer. If a
                                                    partnership, please sign in
                                                    partnership name by
                                                    authorized person.