Washington D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the quarterly period ended:...............................September 30, 2000


                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the transition period from..........................to......................

Commission File Number:..................................................0-25980

                            FIRST CITIZENS BANC CORP
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                  OHIO                                    34-1558688
     (State or other jurisdiction of                   (I.R.S. Employer
     incorporation or organization)                 Identification Number)

                   100 EAST WATER STREET, SANDUSKY, OHIO 44870
               (Address of principle executive offices) (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (419) 625-4121

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                                           |X| Yes

                                          ---- No

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

                           Common Stock, no par value
                        Outstanding at November 13, 2000
                             4,087,619 common shares

                            FIRST CITIZENS BANC CORP

PART I.   Financial Information

ITEM 1.  Financial Statements:
         Consolidated Balance Sheets (unaudited)
            September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999.......................................................3
         Consolidated Statements of Income (unaudited)
            Three and nine months ended September 30, 2000 and 1999........................................4
         Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (unaudited)
            Three and nine months ended September 30, 2000 and 1999........................................5
         Consolidated Statement of Shareholders' Equity (unaudited)
            For the years ended December 31, 1999 and
            nine months ended September 30, 2000...........................................................6
         Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (unaudited)
            Nine months ended September 30, 2000 and 1999..................................................7
         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (unaudited).........................................8-15

ITEM 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
            Results of Operations......................................................................16-21

ITEM 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk....................................22-23

PART II.  Other Information

ITEM 1.  Legal Proceedings................................................................................24

ITEM 2.  Changes in Securities and Use of Proceeds........................................................24

ITEM 3.  Defaults Upon Senior Securities..................................................................24

ITEM 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders..............................................24

ITEM 5.  Other Information................................................................................24

ITEM 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.................................................................24

SIGNATURES ...............................................................................................25


                            FIRST CITIZENS BANC CORP
                           Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                                                 September 30,          December 31,
         Assets                                                                      2000                   1999
                                                                              -----------------      -----------------
Cash and due from banks                                                       $      15,547,917      $      14,598,566
Federal funds sold                                                                            0              4,600,000
Interest-bearing deposits                                                                51,031                 51,031
         Available-for-sale                                                         130,658,392            150,254,933
         Held-to-maturity (Estimated Fair Value of $366,428 at
                 September 30, 2000, and $407,765 at December 31, 1999)                 366,308                406,108
                                                                              -----------------      -----------------
                 Total securities                                                   131,024,700            150,661,041

Loans held for sale                                                                     160,000              2,217,250

Loans                                                                               327,538,080            288,719,850
         Less: Allowance for loan losses                                             (4,331,126)            (4,273,825)
                                                                              -----------------      -----------------
                 Net loans                                                          323,206,954            284,446,025

Office premises and equipment, net                                                    7,294,085              7,457,886
Intangible assets                                                                     1,950,880              2,197,916
Accrued interest and other assets                                                     6,902,355              5,990,342
                                                                              -----------------      -----------------

                 Total assets                                                 $     486,137,922      $     472,220,057
                                                                              =================      =================

         Noninterest-bearing deposits                                         $      42,663,038      $      40,246,502
         Interest-bearing deposits                                                  359,692,098            362,913,881
                                                                              -----------------      -----------------
                 Total deposits                                                     402,355,136            403,160,383

Federal Home Loan Bank borrowings                                                     1,542,106              1,958,960
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase                                        9,649,795             12,975,188
U. S. Treasury interest-bearing demand deposit note payable                           1,514,305              3,065,681
Notes payable to other financial institutions                                         6,000,000                      0
Federal funds purchased                                                              13,700,000                      0
Accrued interest, taxes and other expenses                                            2,593,651              2,865,057
                                                                              -----------------      -----------------
                 Total liabilities                                                  437,354,993            424,025,269

         Shareholders' Equity
Common stock, no par value; 10,000,000 shares authorized,
         4,263,401 shares issued                                                     23,257,520             23,257,520
Retained earnings                                                                    29,711,314             28,010,371
Treasury stock, 175,782 shares at cost at September 30, 2000,
         100,586 shares at cost at December 31, 1999                                 (4,817,680)            (2,877,032)
Accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss)                                           631,775               (196,071)
                                                                              -----------------      -----------------
                 Total shareholders' equity                                          48,782,929             48,194,788
                                                                              -----------------      -----------------

                 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                   $     486,137,922      $     472,220,057
                                                                              =================      =================

See notes to interim consolidated financial statements                                                       Page 3


                            FIRST CITIZENS BANC CORP
                  Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)

                                                    Three months ended          Nine months ended
                                                        September 30,             September 30,
                                             ---------------------------   -----------------------------
                                                  2000            1999          2000            1999
     Loans, including fees                   $  6,922,823   $  5,780,632   $ 19,262,789    $ 17,281,195
     Taxable securities                         1,279,607      1,667,880      4,211,589       5,062,013
     Nontaxable securities                        537,442        571,152      1,630,521       1,742,112
     Federal funds sold                                 0        153,220         41,293         483,027
     Other                                         10,526         19,105         34,165          51,348
                                             ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------
         Total interest income                  8,750,398      8,191,989     25,180,357      24,619,695

     Deposits                                   3,658,058      3,510,323     10,527,963      10,734,834
     FHLB Borrowings                               22,440         29,514         74,308         225,118
     Other                                        357,608        173,830        855,874         484,837
                                             ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------
         Total interest expense                 4,038,106      3,713,667     11,458,145      11,444,789
                                             ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------

NET INTEREST INCOME                             4,712,292      4,478,322     13,722,212      13,174,906

PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES                         284,000         75,000        499,000         231,000
                                             ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------

     PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES                  4,428,292      4,403,322     13,223,212      12,943,906

     Computer center data processing fees         274,455        238,012        836,742         972,399
     Service charges                              449,946        263,061      1,350,214         746,664
     Net gain/(loss) on sale of securities          9,923         19,455        (34,043)        750,316
     Net gain/(loss) on sale of loans              14,615         11,539        (50,078)        139,129
     Other                                        504,492        442,840      1,288,004       1,149,133
                                             ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------
         Total noninterest income               1,253,431        974,907      3,390,839       3,757,641

     Salaries, wages and benefits               1,795,099      1,627,367      5,150,170       5,043,280
     Net occupancy expense                        214,375        188,830        610,844         589,807
     Equipment expense                            280,027        216,575        800,648         609,464
     Computer processing                          164,388        163,361        517,701         296,636
     State franchise tax                          117,109        142,477        418,995         439,718
     Professional services                        109,720        297,664        467,012         759,113
     Amortization of intangible assets             81,512         81,512        247,036         244,536
     Other operating expenses                   1,261,491      1,038,096      3,228,395       2,899,172
                                             ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------
         Total noninterest expense              4,023,721      3,755,882     11,440,801      10,881,726
                                             ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------

         Income before taxes                    1,658,002      1,622,347      5,173,250       5,819,821

Income tax expense                                421,706        472,367      1,367,800       1,621,382
                                             ------------   ------------   ------------    ------------

         Net Income                          $  1,236,296   $  1,149,980   $  3,805,450    $  4,198,439
                                             ============   ============   ============    ============

     Earnings per share                      $       0.30   $       0.27   $       0.93    $       0.99
     Dividends declared per share            $       0.17   $       0.16   $       0.51    $       0.48
     Wtd. avg. shares during the period         4,094,548      4,253,920      4,113,867       4,259,995

See notes to interim consolidated financial statements                                        Page 4


                            FIRST CITIZENS BANC CORP
            Consolidated Comprehensive Income Statements (Unaudited)

                                              Three months ended            Nine months ended
                                                 September 30,                September 30,
                                               2000          1999           2000           1999
                                               ----          ----           ----           ----
Net income                                $ 1,236,296    $ 1,149,980    $ 3,805,450    $ 4,198,439

Other Comprehensive Income (Loss):

Unrealized holding gains and (losses)
on available for sale securities            1,566,262       (597,969)     1,220,266     (3,507,871)
Reclassification adjustment for (gains)
and losses later recognized in income          (9,923)       (19,455)        34,043       (750,316)
                                          -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------
Net unrealized gains and (losses)           1,556,339       (617,424)     1,254,309     (4,258,187)
Tax effect                                   (529,155)       209,924       (426,463)     1,447,785
                                          -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------
Total other comprehensive income (loss)     1,027,184       (407,500)       827,846     (2,810,402)
                                          -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------

Comprehensive income                      $ 2,263,480    $   742,480    $ 4,633,296    $ 1,388,037
                                          ===========    ===========    ===========    ===========

See notes to interim consolidated financial statements                                  Page 5


                            FIRST CITIZENS BANC CORP
      Condensed Consolidated Statement of Shareholders' Equity (Unaudited)
                                    Form 10-Q

                                                 Common Stock                                                      Other
                                         Outstanding                         Retained          Treasury         Comprehensive
                                           Shares           Amount           Earnings            Stock         Income/(Loss)
                                         ------------   ---------------    --------------    --------------    --------------
Balance, January 1, 1999                   4,263,401        23,257,520        26,811,264                0        3,672,147

Net income                                                                     6,062,169

Change in unrealized gain/(loss)
     on securities available for
     sale, net of reclassifications
     and tax effects                                                                                            (3,868,218)

Purchase of treasury stock, at cost         (100,586)                                          (2,877,032)

Cash dividends ($1.15 per share)                                              (4,863,062)
                                          ----------    ---------------   ---------------   --------------    --------------

Balance, December 31, 1999                 4,162,815        23,257,520        28,010,371       (2,877,032)        (196,071)

Net income                                                                     3,805,450
Change in unrealized gain/(loss)
     on securities available for
     sale, net of reclassifications
     and tax effects                                                                                               827,846

Purchase of treasury stock, at cost          (75,196)                                          (1,940,648)

Cash dividends ($.51 per share)                                               (2,104,507)
                                          ----------    --------------    --------------    -------------     ------------

Balance, September  30, 2000               4,087,619    $   23,257,520    $   29,711,314    $  (4,817,680)    $    631,775
                                          ==========    ==============    ==============    =============     ============

Balance, January 1, 1999                      53,740,931

Net income                                     6,062,169

Change in unrealized gain/(loss)
     on securities available for
     sale, net of reclassifications
     and tax effects                          (3,868,218)

Purchase of treasury stock, at cost           (2,877,032)

Cash dividends ($1.15 per share)              (4,863,062)

Balance, December 31, 1999                    48,194,788

Net income                                     3,805,450
Change in unrealized gain/(loss)
     on securities available for
     sale, net of reclassifications
     and tax effects                             827,846

Purchase of treasury stock, at cost           (1,940,648)

Cash dividends ($.51 per share)               (2,104,507)

Balance, September  30, 2000                $ 48,782,929

See notes to interim consolidated financial statements                Page 6


                            FIRST CITIZENS BANC CORP
                Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Unaudited)

                                                                             Nine months ended September 30,
                                                                                2000                1999
                                                                           ---------------     ---------------
Net cash from operating activities                                         $    9,728,391      $    4,853,181

Cash flows from investing activities
     Maturities of interest bearing deposits                                            -             197,251
     Maturities and calls of securities, held-to-maturity                          39,455             266,854
     Maturities and calls of securities, available-for-sale                    13,613,642          22,442,842
     Purchases of securities, available-for-sale                               (4,550,933)        (17,319,533)
     Proceeds from sale of securities, available-for-sale                      11,687,799           5,739,474
     Loans made to customers, net of principal collected                      (29,812,100)           (333,287)
     Loans purchased                                                           (7,364,271)                  -
     Change in federal funds sold                                               4,600,000           3,915,000
     Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                                  44,334               1,627
     Purchases of office premises and equipment                                  (592,941)           (844,975)
                                                                           --------------      --------------
            Net cash from investing activities                                (12.335,015)         14,065,253

Cash flows from financing activities
     Repayment of FHLB borrowings                                                (416,854)        (11,141,290)
     Net change in deposits                                                      (805,247)        (13,096,346)
     Change in securities sold under agreements to repurchase                  (3,325,393)          4,661,191
     Change in U. S. Treasury interest-bearing demand note payable             (1,551,376)          2,895,448
     Change in federal funds purchased                                         13,700,000                   -
     Purchases of treasury stock                                               (1,940,648)         (1,221,832)
     Cash dividends paid                                                       (2,104,507)         (2,045,681)
                                                                           --------------      --------------
            Net cash from financing activities                                  3,555,975         (19,948,510)
                                                                           --------------      --------------

Net change in cash and due from banks                                             949,351          (1,030,076)
Cash and due from banks at beginning of period                                 14,598,566          16,443,613
                                                                           --------------      --------------
Cash and due from banks at end of period                                   $   15,547,917      $   15,413,537
                                                                           ==============      ==============

     Cash paid during the period for:
         Interest                                                          $   12,586,341      $   12,100,261
         Income taxes                                                      $    1,178,000      $    1,970,000
Supplemental noncash disclosures:
         Transfer of loans held-for-sale to portfolio                      $    2,138,027      $            0

See notes to interim consolidated financial statements                                             Page 7


                            First Citizens Banc Corp
         Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)   Consolidated Financial Statements

      The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of First
      Citizens Banc Corp (First Citizens) and it wholly-owned subsidiaries, The
      Citizens Banking Company (Citizens), The Castalia Banking Company
      (Castalia), The Farmers State Bank of New Washington (Farmers), SCC
      Resources, Inc. (SCC), R. A. Reynolds Appraisal Service, Inc., (Reynolds),
      and Mr. Money Finance Company, (Mr. Money), together referred to as the
      Corporation. All significant intercompany balances and transactions have
      been eliminated in consolidation.

      The consolidated financial statements have been prepared by the
      Corporation without audit. In the opinion of management, all adjustments
      (which include only normal recurring adjustments) necessary to present
      fairly the Corporation's financial position as of September 30, 2000 and
      its results of operations and changes in cash flows for the periods ended
      September 30, 2000 and 1999 have been made. The accompanying consolidated
      financial statements have been prepared in accordance with instructions of
      Form 10-Q, and therefore certain information and footnote disclosures
      normally included in financial statements prepared in accordance with
      generally accepted accounting principles have been omitted. The results of
      operations for the period ended September 30, 2000 are not necessarily
      indicative of the operating results for the full year. Reference is made
      to the accounting policies of the Corporation described in the notes to
      financial statements contained in the Corporation's 1999 annual report.
      The Corporation has consistently followed these policies in preparing this
      Form 10-Q.

      The Corporation provides financial services through its offices in the
      Ohio counties of Erie, Crawford, Marion and Union. Its primary deposit
      products are checking, savings, and term certificate accounts, and its
      primary lending products are residential mortgage, commercial, and
      installment loans. Substantially all loans are secured by specific items
      of collateral including business assets, consumer assets and real estate.
      Commercial loans are expected to be repaid from cash flow from operations
      of businesses. Real estate loans are secured by both residential and
      commercial real estate. Other financial instruments that potentially
      represent concentrations of credit risk include deposit accounts in other
      financial institutions. In 2000, SCC provided item processing for 10
      financial institutions in addition to the three subsidiary banks. SCC
      accounted for 4.5% of the Corporation's total revenues. Reynolds provides
      real estate appraisal services for lending purposes to subsidiary banks
      and other financial institutions. Reynolds accounts for less than 1.0% of
      total Corporation revenues. Mr. Money provides consumer and real estate
      financing that the Banks would not normally provide to B and C credits at
      a rate commensurate with the risk. Mr. Money accounts for less than 1.0%
      of total Corporation revenues. In September 2000 the Corporation formed
      two new affiliates; First Citizens Title Insurance Agency Inc. and First
      Citizens Insurance Agency Inc. First Citizens Title Insurance Agency Inc.
      has been formed to provide customers with a seamless mortgage product with
      improved service. First Citizens Insurance Agency Inc was formed to allow
      the Corporation to participate in commission revenue

                                                                          Page 8

                            First Citizens Banc Corp
         Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      generated through its third party insurance agreement. Management
      considers the Corporation to operate primarily in one reportable segment,

      To prepare financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
      accounting principles, management makes estimates and assumptions based on
      available information. These estimates and assumptions affect the amounts
      reported in financial statements and the disclosures provided, and future
      results could differ. The allowance for loan losses, fair values of
      financial instruments, and status of contingencies are particularly
      subject to change.

      Income tax expense is based on the effective tax rate expected to be
      applicable for the entire year. Income tax expense is the total of the
      current year income tax due or refundable and the change in deferred tax
      assets and liabilities. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are the
      expected future tax amounts for the temporary differences between carrying
      amounts and tax basis of assets and liabilities, computed using enacted
      tax rates. A valuation allowance, if needed, reduces deferred tax assets
      to the amount expected to be realized.

      Certain items in the 1999 financial statements have been reclassified to
      correspond with the 2000 presentation.

      In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued
      Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 133, "Accounting
      for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities." SFAS No. 133 requires
      companies to record derivatives on the balance sheet as assets or
      liabilities, measured at fair value. Gains or losses resulting from
      changes in the values of those derivatives would be accounted for
      depending on the use of the derivative and whether it qualifies for hedge
      accounting. The key criterion for hedge accounting is that the hedging
      relationship must be highly effective in achieving offsetting changes in
      fair value or cash flows. SFAS No. 133 does not allow hedging of a
      security that is classified as held to maturity. Accordingly, upon
      adoption of SFAS No. 133, companies may reclassify any security from held
      to maturity to available for sale if they wish to be able to hedge the
      security in the future. SFAS No. 133, as deferred by SFAS No. 137 and
      amended by SFAS No. 138, is effective for fiscal years beginning after
      June 15, 2000 with early adoption encouraged for any fiscal quarter
      beginning July 1, 1998 or later, with no retroactive application.
      Management does not expect the adoption of SFAS No. 133 to have a
      significant impact on the Corporation's financial statements.

                                                                          Page 9


                            First Citizens Banc Corp
         Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2)   Securities

        Securities at September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999 were as follows:

                                                                             September 30, 2000
               AVAILABLE FOR SALE                                      Gross Unrealized  Gross Unrealized
                                                    Amortized Cost          Gains              Losses          Fair Value
                                                  -----------------   ---------------   ------------------   ---------------
U.S. Treasury securities and obligations
     of U.S. Government corporations
     and agencies                                 $     54,409,982    $       55,463     $    (588,426)      $   53,877,019
Obligations of state and political
     subdivisions                                       49,698,546           371,547          (371,558)          49,698,535

Equity securities                                        6,437,344         1,814,699           (12,529)           8,239,514

Mortgage-backed securities                              11,787,168             3,706          (247,285)          11,543,589

Corporate obligations                                    7,368,119             6,356           (74,740)           7,299,735
                                                  ----------------    --------------     -------------       --------------
                                                  $    129,701,159    $    2,251,771     $  (1,294,538)      $  130,658,392
                                                  ================    ==============     =============       ==============

                                                                             September 30, 2000
               HELD TO MATURITY                                       Gross Unrealized   Gross Unrealized
                                                    Amortized Cost         Gains              Losses          Fair Value
                                                  -----------------   ---------------   ------------------   ---------------
Obligations of state and political
     subdivisions                                 $        232,500    $         177      $         (38)      $      232,639

Mortgage-backed securities                                 133,808              294               (313)             133,789
                                                  ----------------    --------------     -------------       --------------
                                                  $        366,308    $         471      $        (351)      $      366,428
                                                  ================    ==============     =============       ==============

                                                                         Page 10


                            First Citizens Banc Corp
         Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                               December 31, 1999
               AVAILABLE FOR SALE                                      Gross Unrealized  Gross Unrealized
                                                    Amortized Cost          Gains              Losses          Fair Value
                                                  -----------------   ---------------   ------------------   ---------------
U.S. Treasury securities and obligations
     of U.S. Government corporations
     and agencies                                $  64,114,363        $      32,178      $    (921,945)      $  63,224,596
Obligations of state and political
     subdivisions                                   53,004,191              328,583           (727,110)         52,605,664

Equity securities                                    6,246,748            1,513,660            (12,905)          7,747,503

Mortgage-backed securities                          14,013,938                6,463           (354,754)         13,665,647

Corporate obligations                               13,172,769                4,342           (165,588)         13,011,523
                                                 -------------        -------------      -------------       -------------
                                                 $ 150,552,009        $   1,885,226      $  (2,182,302)      $ 150,254,933
                                                 =============        =============      =============       =============

                                                                             December 31, 1999
               HELD TO MATURITY                                      Gross Unrealized  Gross Unrealized
                                                    Amortized Cost          Gains              Losses          Fair Value
                                                  -----------------   ---------------   ------------------   ---------------
Obligations of state and political
     subdivisions                                $     232,500        $         475      $         (31)      $     232,944

Mortgage-backed securities                             173,608                1,343               (130)            174,821
                                                 -------------        -------------      -------------       -------------
                                                 $     406,108        $       1,818      $        (161)      $     407,765
                                                 =============        =============      =============       =============

                                                                         Page 11

                            First Citizens Banc Corp
         Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The amortized cost and fair value of securities at September 30, 2000, by
contractual maturity, are shown below. Actual maturities may differ from
contractual maturities because issuers may have the right to call or prepay
obligations. Securities not due at a single maturity date, primarily
mortgage-backed securities and equity securities are shown separately.

AVAILABLE FOR SALE                        Amortized Cost    Fair Value
                                          --------------    ----------
Due in one year or less                   $ 18,874,131      $ 18,791,672
Due after one year through five years       76,481,154        76,017,563
Due after five years through ten years      16,121,362        16,066,054
Due after ten years                                  0                 0
Mortgage-backed securities                  11,787,168        11,543,589
Equity securities                            6,437,344         8,239,514
                                          ------------      ------------
    Total securities available for sale   $129,701,159      $130,658,392
                                          ============      ============

HELD TO MATURITY                          Amortized Cost     Fair Value
                                          ------------      ------------
Due in one year or less                   $     77,500      $     77,523
Due after one year through five years          155,000           155,116
Mortgage-backed securities                     133,808           133,789
                                          ------------      ------------
    Total securities held to maturity     $    366,308      $    366,428
                                          ============      ============

Sales of available for sale securities were as follows:

                        Three Months Ended          Nine Months Ended
                            September 30,              September 30,
                     ------------------------   ----------------------------
                        2000         1999            2000          1999
                     --------    ------------   -------------   ------------

Proceeds             $    --     $ 3,520,080    $ 11,687,799    $  5,739,474
Gross gains            9,923          22,659          32,562         753,520
Gross losses              --          (3,204)       (660,605)         (3,204)

No securities were called or settled by the issuer during the three months ended
September 30, 2000. Securities called or settled by the issuer during the nine
months ended September 30, 2000 resulted in gains of $4,000. No securities were
called or settled by the issuer during the three or nine months ended September
30, 1999. These gains are included in the totals above.

                                                                         Page 12

                            First Citizens Banc Corp
         Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Securities with a carrying value of approximately $60,336,000 and $62,614,000
were pledged as of September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999, respectively, to
secure public deposits, other deposits and liabilities as required by law.

(3)   Loans

        Loans at September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999 were as follows:

                                 9/30/2000       12/31/1999
                                 ---------       ----------
Commercial and Agriculture    $ 36,499,205     $ 36,310,141
Commercial real estate          58,518,027       48,301,000
Real Estate - mortgage         194,011,107      168,643,326
Real Estate - construction       8,040,891        4,482,294
Consumer                        28,906,375       28,105,412
Credit card and other            2,511,136        3,967,453
Deferred loan fees                (923,144)        (977,613)
Unearned interest                  (25,517)        (112,163)
                              ------------     ------------
            Total             $327,538,080     $288,719,850
                              ============     ============

(4)   Allowance for Loan Losses

        A summary of the activity in the allowance for loan losses for the nine
        months ended September 30, 2000 and 1999 was as follows:

                                    2000             1999
                                    ----             ----
Balance January 1,            $  4,273,825     $  4,567,126
Loans charged-off                 (644,353)        (592,128)
Recoveries                         202,654          190,280
Provision for loan losses          499,000          231,000
                              ------------     ------------
Balance September 30,         $  4,331,126     $  4,396,278
                              ============     ============

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                            First Citizens Banc Corp
         Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Information regarding impaired loans was as follows for the nine months ended
September 30.

                                                    2000           1999
                                                    ----           ----
Average investment in impaired loans             $4,082,000     $3,756,000

Interest income recognized on impaired
    loans including interest income
    recognized on cash basis                        247,257        215,037

Interest Income recognized on impaired
     loans on cash basis                            247,257        215,037

Information regarding impaired loans at September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999
was as follows:

                                                             9/30/00       12/31/99
                                                             -------       --------
Balance impaired loans                                     $5,079,000     $4,160,000

Less portion for which no allowance for loan
     losses is allocated                                          ---            ---
                                                           ----------     ----------

Portion of impaired loan balance for which an
     allowance for credit losses is allocated              $5,079,000     $4,160,000
                                                           ==========     ==========

Portion of allowance for loan losses allocated to
     the impaired loan balace                              $1,241,000     $1,145,000
                                                           ==========     ==========

Nonperforming loans were as follows.

                                                   September 30,      December 31,
                                                       2000               1999
                                                   -------------      ------------
Loans past due over 90 days still on accrual        $  558,000         $  834,000
Nonaccrual                                           1,368,000          1,682,000

Nonperforming loans would include some loans, which are classified as impaired,
and smaller balance homogeneous loans, such as residential mortgages and
consumer loans, that are collectively evaluated for impairment.

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                            First Citizens Banc Corp
         Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(5)   Commitments, Contingencies and Off-Balance Sheet Risk

        Some financial instruments, such as loan commitments, credit lines,
        letters of credit and overdraft protection are issued to meet customers
        financing needs. These are agreements to provide credit or to support
        the credit of others, as long as the conditions established in the
        contract are met, and usually have expiration dates. Commitments may
        expire without being used. Off-balance-sheet risk of credit loss exists
        up to the face amount of these instruments, although material losses are
        not anticipated. The same credit policies are used to make such
        commitments as are used for loans, including obtaining collateral at
        exercise of commitment

        The contractual amount of financial instruments with off-balance-sheet
        risk was as follows for September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999.

                                                       Contract Amount
                                                September 30,     December 31,
                                                    2000              1999
                                                -------------     ------------
Commitment to extend credit:
      Lines of credit and construction loans    $26,138,000        $23,982,000
      Credit cards                                4,757,000          3,078,000
Letters of credit                                   329,000            507,000
                                                -----------        -----------
                                                $31,224,000        $27,567,000
                                                ===========        ===========

        Commitments to make loans are generally made for a period of one year or
        less. Fixed rate loan commitments included above totaled $7,005,000 at
        September 30, 2000 and had interest rates ranging from 5.25% to 10.00%
        with maturities extended up to 30 years. Fixed rate loan commitments
        included above totaled $4,484,000 at December 31, 1999 with interest
        rates ranging from 3.75% to 10.00% with maturities extended up to 30

        The Banks are required to maintain certain reserve balances on hand in
        accordance with the Federal Reserve Board requirements. The average
        reserve balance maintained in accordance with such requirements for the
        periods ended September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999 approximated
        $4,408,000 and $3,065,000.

                                                                         Page 15


                            First Citizens Banc Corp
           Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                            and Results of Operations
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


        The following discussion focuses on the consolidated financial condition
        of First Citizens Banc Corp at September 30, 2000, compared to December
        31, 1999 and the consolidated results of operations for the three-month
        and nine month periods ending September 30, 2000 compared to the same
        periods in 1999. This discussion should be read in conjunction with the
        consolidated financial statements and footnotes included in this Form

        The registrant is not aware of any trends, events or uncertainties that
        will have, or are reasonably likely to have, a material effect on the
        liquidity, capital resources, or operations except as discussed herein.
        Also, the registrant is not aware of any current recommendation by
        regulatory authorities, which would have a material effect if

        When used in this Form 10-Q or future filings by the Corporation with
        the Securities and Exchange Commission, in press releases or other
        public or shareholder communications, or in oral statements made with
        the approval of an authorized executive officer, the words or phrases
        "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is
        anticipated," "estimate," "project," "believe," or similar expressions
        are intended to identify "forward looking statements" within the meaning
        of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Corporation
        wishes to caution readers not to place undue reliance on any such
        forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made, and to
        advise readers that various factors, including regional and national
        economic conditions, changes in levels of market interest rates, credit
        risks of lending activities and competitive and regulatory factors,
        could effect the Corporation's financial performance and could cause the
        Corporation's actual results for future periods to differ materially
        from those anticipated or projected. The Corporation does not undertake,
        and specifically disclaims, any obligation to publicly release the
        result of any revisions, which may be made to any forward-looking
        statements to reflect occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events
        or circumstances after the date of such statements.

        See Exhibit 99, which is incorporated herein by reference.


        Total assets of the Corporation at September 30, 2000 totaled
        $486,137,922 compared to $472,220,057 at December 31, 1999. This was a
        increase of $13,917,865, or 2.9 percent. Within the structure of the
        assets, net loans have increased $38,760,929, or 13.6 percent since
        December 31, 1999, primarily in the area of commercial and residential
        real estate loans. Included in the increase in loans was $7,364,271 of
        commercial real estate and residential real estate loans purchased by
        Farmers from another financial institution. The loans were purchased to
        supplement local demand, which was not as strong as desired. Given
        similar circumstances, management would consider purchasing additional
        loans in the future. Additional loan growth

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                            First Citizens Banc Corp
           Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                            and Results of Operations
                                    Form 10-Q

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        could come from Mr. Money. Mr. Money was formed to service the needs of
        B and C credit customers for consumer and real estate financing that the
        Banks would not normally provide, and at a rate commensurate with the
        risk. Mr. Money had loans outstanding of $6,420,607 at September 30,
        2000. Loans held-for-sale decreased $2,057,250, or 92.8 percent from
        December 31, 1999. At September 30, 2000, the net loan to deposit ratio
        was 80.3 percent compared to 70.6 percent at December 31, 1999.

        At September 30, 2000, $130,658,392, or 99.7 percent of the security
        portfolio was classified as available for sale. The $366,308 remainder
        of the portfolio was classified as held to maturity. Securities
        decreased $19,636,341 from December 31, 1999. Some matured securities
        were not replaced and some additional securities were sold in order to
        increase liquidity and partially fund loan growth.

        For the nine months of operations in 2000, $499,000 was placed into the
        allowance for loan losses from earnings compared to $231,000 for the
        same period of 1999. The increased provision is mainly a result of loan
        growth. To identify probable losses in the portfolio, management uses
        the calculation of specific reserves, reserves for delinquencies and
        historical reserve allocations. The composition and overall level of the
        loan portfolio and charge-off activity are also factors used to
        determine provisions to the reserve. Charge-offs for the first nine
        months of 2000 were $644,353 compared to $592,128 for the same period of
        1999. The September 30, 2000 allowance for loan losses as a percent of
        total loans was 1.32 percent compared to 1.48 percent at December 31,

        Office premises and equipment have decreased $163,801 and intangible
        assets have decreased $247,036 since December 31, 1999. The decrease in
        office premises and equipment is attributed to new purchases of
        $592,941, disposals of $44,334 and depreciation of $712,408. Intangible
        assets decreased due to amortization.

        Accrued interest and other assets totaled $6,902,355 at September 30,
        2000 compared to $5,990,342 at December 31, 1999, an increase of
        $912,013. This increase was primarily due to increases in interest
        receivable at the banks of $608,663. This increase in interest
        receivable is largely due to timing of receipt of interest payments on

        Total deposits at September 30, 2000 decreased $805,247 from year-end
        1999. Noninterest-bearing deposits, representing demand deposit
        balances, increased $2,416,536 from year-end 1999. Interest-bearing
        deposits, including savings and time deposits, decreased $3,221,783 from
        year-end 1999. Interest bearing deposits are down in part because of
        efforts to control deposit costs. Such efforts have caused some of
        higher priced deposits to leave the banks. The year to date 2000 average
        balance of savings deposits has decreased $2,461,000 compared to the
        average balance of the same period for 1999. The current average rate of
        these deposits is 2.36 percent compared to 2.37 percent in 1999. The
        year to date 2000 average balance of time certificates has decreased
        $19,064,000 compared to the average balance for the same period for
        1999. In

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                            First Citizens Banc Corp
           Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                            and Results of Operations
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        conjunction with market conditions and in order to remain competitive,
        the banks have offered special rates on various certificates of deposit.
        In addition to an increase in the overall interest rate environment, the
        banks have experienced shifting toward the special rate certificates of
        deposit. Additionally, the banks increased usage of fed funds purchased
        as a funding source, which has led to an increase in the overall rate on
        interest-bearing liabilities. The current average rate on deposits is
        5.37 percent compared to 4.84 percent for the same period in 1999.

        Other borrowed funds have increased $8,406,377 from December 31, 1999 to
        September 30, 2000. Federal funds purchased have increased $13,700,000
        since December 31, 1999. The need for federal funds purchased is the
        result of growing loans and shrinking deposits. Management believes that
        in the short term, federal funds purchased are a better source of
        funding than higher priced deposits. Maturities or sales of securities
        could be used to pay down the federal funds purchased balance in the
        future. In addition, the Corporation has notes outstanding with other
        financial institutions totaling $6,000,000 at September 30, 2000. These
        notes were used to fund the loan growth at Mr. Money. Federal Home Loan
        Bank borrowings have decreased $416,854 as a result of scheduled pay
        downs. Securities sold under agreements to repurchase, which tend to
        fluctuate, have decreased $3,325,393 and U.S. Treasury Tax Demand Notes
        have decreased $1,551,376.

        Shareholders' equity at September 30, 2000 was $48,782,929, which was
        10.0 percent of total assets. Shareholders' equity at December 31, 1999
        was $48,194,788, which was 10.2 percent of total assets. The increase in
        shareholders' equity is made up of earnings of $3,805,450, less
        dividends paid of $2,104,507 and the purchase of 75,196 treasury shares
        for $1,940,648 and the increase in the market value of securities
        available for sale, net of tax, of $827,846. The Corporation paid cash
        dividends on February 1, May 1, and August 1, 2000, each at a rate of
        $.17 per share. Total outstanding shares at September 30, 2000 were


        Nine Months Ended September 30, 2000 and 1999

        Net income for the nine months ended September 30, 2000 was $3,805,450,
        or $.93 per common share compared to $4,198,439, or $.99 per common
        share for the same period in 1999. This was a decrease of $392,989, or
        9.4 percent. Some of the reasons for the changes are explained below.

        Total interest income for the first nine months of 2000 increased
        $560,662, or 2.3 percent compared to the same period in 1999. The
        average rate on earning assets on a tax equivalent basis for the first
        nine months of 2000 was 7.50 percent and 7.22 percent for the first nine
        months of 1999. The increase in yield due to the general increase in
        interest rates was partially offset by a decrease in the average balance
        of earning assets. Total interest expense for the first nine months of
        2000 has increased $13,356, or 0.1 percent compared to the same period
        of 1999. This increase

                                                                         Page 18

                            First Citizens Banc Corp
           Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                            and Results of Operations
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        is mainly attributed to a decrease in interest on deposits of $206,871,
        due to a lower average balance of interest-bearing deposits, a decrease
        in interest on FHLB borrowings of $150,810 and an increase in the
        interest on other borrowings of $371,037. Interest on other borrowings
        increased due to increased usage of fed funds purchased as a source of
        funding for loan growth. Interest on FHLB borrowings is down due to
        balances borrowed being lower in 2000. The Corporation made scheduled
        balloon payments on two FHLB advances during 1999, and elected not to
        replace them. The average rate on interest-bearing liabilities for the
        first nine months of 2000 was 4.06 percent compared to 3.89 percent for
        the same period of 1999. The net interest margin on a tax equivalent
        basis was 4.08 percent for the nine-month period ended September 30,
        2000 and 3.97 percent for the same period ended September 30, 1999.

        Noninterest income for the first nine months of 2000 totaled $3,390,839,
        compared to $3,757,641 for the same period of 1999, a decrease of
        $366,802. Net gain on securities for the first nine months of 2000
        decreased $784,359 compared to 1999. Revenue from computer operations
        decreased $135,657 as a result of the sale of SCC's data processing
        contracts. The last remaining processing customers of SCC converted to
        Jack Henry and Associates by the end of the second quarter 1999. SCC
        still provides item processing for 10 financial institutions in addition
        to the three subsidiary banks. Other operating income increased
        $138,871, due mainly to increased revenue from point-of-sale terminal
        usage. Service charges on deposit accounts increased $603,550 as a
        result of a comprehensive review program of all service charges and fees
        undertaken at all three banks.

        Gain on the sale of loans decreased $189,207 for two reasons. Rising
        interest rates reduced the demand for fixed rate mortgages. This
        decreased the volume of loans sold, thereby reducing gains. The second
        reason is that $2,217,250 of held for sale loans were returned to the
        portfolio. These loans had experienced a decline in market value due to
        rising rates. They had also aged to the point that they were no longer
        traditionally saleable to FNMA. At this point, management returned these
        loans to the portfolio and recognized the valuation loss of $79,223.

        Noninterest expense for the nine months ended September 30, 2000 totaled
        $11,440,801 compared to $10,881,726 for the same period in 1999. This
        was an increase of $559,075, or 5.1 percent. Equipment expense increased
        $191,184 as a result of increased depreciation and maintenance expense.
        Salaries and benefits increased $106,890, or 2.1 percent compared to the
        first nine months of 1999 as a result of the Corporation adding
        employees at both the existing affiliates as well as the new affiliate,
        Mr. Money. Computer processing increased by $221,065 compared to last
        year. Through the middle of the second quarter 1999, the Corporation's
        computer processing was done by the affiliate, SCC Resources, Inc. The
        computer processing expense for 2000 represents nine months of
        processing through Jack Henry and Associates, while 1999 expense
        represents approximately five months of processing through Jack Henry
        and Associates. These increases were offset by a $292,101 decrease in
        professional fees. The Corporation had higher professional fees in 1999
        related to its conversion to JHA's software as well as to preparations
        made for Y2K issues.

                                                                         Page 19

                            First Citizens Banc Corp
           Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                            and Results of Operations
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Income tax expense for the first nine months of 2000 totaled $1,367,800
        compared to $1,621,382 for the first nine months of 1999. This was a
        decrease of $253,582, or 15.6 percent. The decrease

        in the federal income taxes is a result of the decrease in total income
        before taxes of $646,571, attributed mostly to reduced income from the
        sale of equity securities. The effective tax rates were comparable for
        the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2000 and September 30, 1999,
        at 26.4% and 27.8% respectively.

        Three Months Ended September 30, 2000 and 1999

        Net income for the three months ended September 30, 2000 was $1,236,296,
        or $.30 per common share compared to $1,149,980, or $.27 per common
        share for the same period in 1999. This was an increase of $86,316, or
        7.5 percent. Some of the reasons for the changes are explained below.
        Total interest income for the third quarter of 2000 increased $558,409,
        or 6.8 percent compared to the same period in 1999. The average rate on
        earning assets on a tax equivalent basis for the third quarter of 2000
        was 7.68 percent and 7.20 percent for the same period of 1999. Total
        interest expense for the third quarter of 2000 increased $324,439, or
        8.7 percent compared to the same period of 1999. Interest on deposits
        increased $147,735, in part due to an increase in rates. Federal funds
        were purchased to make up for this lost source of funding, with a
        corresponding increase to interest expense of $183,778. Management views
        this as a short term funding source that could be reduced through
        maturities or sales of securities in the future.

        The average rate on interest-bearing liabilities for the third quarter
        of 2000 was 4.24 percent compared to 3.79 percent for the same period of
        1999. The net interest margin on a tax equivalent basis was 4.12 percent
        for the three-month period ended September 30, 2000 and 4.04 percent for
        the same period ended September 30, 1999.

        Noninterest income for the third quarter of 2000 totaled $1,253,431,
        compared to $974,907 for the same period of 1999, an increase of
        $278,524. Gain on securities for the third quarter of 2000 decreased
        $9,532 compared to 1999. Revenue from computer operations increased
        $36,443. Other operating income increased $61,652. Service charges on
        deposit accounts increased $186,885 as a result of a comprehensive
        review program of all service charges and fees undertaken at all three

        Gain on the sale of loans have gone from $11,539 for the quarter ended
        September 30, 1999 to $14,615 for the same period in 2000, an increase
        of $3,076. Rising interest rates have reduced the demand for fixed rate
        mortgages. Decreased demand has led to a decrease in the volume of loans
        sold, thereby minimizing gains.

        Noninterest expense for the three months ended September 30, 2000
        totaled $4,023,721 compared to $3,755,882 for the same period in 1999.
        This was an increase of $267,839, or 7.1 percent. Equipment expense
        increased $63,452 as a result of increased depreciation and maintenance

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                            First Citizens Banc Corp
           Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                            and Results of Operations
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        expense. Salaries and benefits increased $167,732, or 10.3 percent
        compared to the third quarter of 1999 as a result of the Corporation
        adding employees at both the existing affiliates as well as the new
        affiliate, Mr. Money. Also, other expenses related to Mr. Money
        increased $75,619 in the third quarter of 2000. Professional fees
        decreased by $187,944 compared to the same period of 1999. The
        Corporation had higher professional fees in 1999 related to its
        conversion to JHA's software as well as to preparations made for Y2K

        Income tax expense for the second quarter of 2000 totaled $421,706
        compared to $472,367 for the same period of 1999. This was an decrease
        of $50,661, or 10.7 percent. The effective tax rates for the three-month
        periods ended September 30, 2000 and September 30, 1999, were 25.4% and
        29.1% respectively


        Shareholders' equity totaled $48,782,929 at September 30, 2000 compared
        to $48,194,788 at December 31, 1999. All of the capital ratios exceed
        the regulatory minimum guidelines as identified in the following table:

                                 Corporation Ratios            Regulatory
                              9/30/00         12/31/99         Minimums
                              -------         --------         ----------
Tier I Risk Based Capital      15.2%            17.3%             4.0%
Total Risk Based Capital       16.4%            18.7%             8.0%
Leverage Ratio                  9.6%             9.6%             4.0%

        The Corporation paid a cash dividend of $.17 per common share each on
        February 1, May 1, and August 1, 2000 compared to $.16 per common share
        each on February 1, May 1, and August 1, 1999.

        Capital expenditures totaled $592,941 for the first nine months of 2000
        compared to $844,975 for the same period of 1999.


        Liquidity as it relates to the banking entities of the Corporation is
        the ability to meet the cash demand and credit needs of its customers.
        The Banks, through their respective correspondent banks, maintain
        federal funds borrowing lines totaling $37,960,000 and the Banks have
        additional borrowing availability at the Federal Home Loan Bank of
        Cincinnati of $57,752,808 at September

                                                                         Page 21


                            First Citizens Banc Corp
           Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                            and Results of Operations
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        30, 2000. Finally, 99.7% of the Corporation's security portfolio has
        been classified as available for sale, which provides additional



        The Corporation's primary market risk exposure is interest rate risk
        and, to a lesser extent, liquidity risk. The Banks do not maintain a
        trading account for any class of financial instrument and the
        Corporation is not affected by foreign currency exchange rate risk or
        commodity price risk. Due to the basis in equities held by Farmers being
        so much less than the current fair value at this time, the Corporation
        is not subject to significant equity price risk.

        Interest rate risk is the risk that the Corporation's financial
        condition will be adversely affected due to movements in interest rates.
        The Corporation, like other financial institutions, is subject to
        interest rate risk to the extent that its interest-earning assets
        reprice differently than interest-bearing liabilities. The income of
        financial institutions is primarily derived from the excess of interest
        earned on interest-earning assets over interest paid on interest-bearing
        liabilities. One of the Corporation's principal financial objectives is
        to achieve long-term profitability while reducing its exposure to
        fluctuations in interest rates. Accordingly, the Corporation places
        great importance on monitoring and controlling interest rate risk.

        There are several methods employed by the Corporation to monitor and
        control interest rate risk. One such method is using gap analysis. The
        gap is defined as the repricing variance between rate sensitive assets
        and rate sensitive liabilities within certain periods. The repricing can
        occur due to changes in rates on variable products as well as maturities
        of interest-earning assets and interest-bearing liabilities. A high
        ratio of interest sensitive liabilities, generally referred to as a
        negative gap, tends to benefit net interest income during periods of
        falling rates as the average rate on interest-bearing liabilities falls
        faster than the average rate earned on interest-earning assets. The
        opposite holds true during periods of rising rates. The Corporation
        attempts to minimize the interest rate risk through management of the
        gap in order to achieve consistent shareholder return. The Corporation's
        Assets and Liability Management Policy is to maintain a laddered gap
        position. One strategy is to originate variable rate loans tied to
        market indices. Such loans reprice as the underlying market index
        changes. Currently, approximately 46.0 percent of the Corporation's loan
        portfolio reprices on at least an annual basis. The Corporation's usual
        practice is to invest excess funds in federal funds that mature and
        reprice daily.

        The Corporation's 1999 annual report details a table, which provides
        information about the Banks financial instruments that are sensitive to
        changes in interest rates as of December 31, 1999. The table is based on
        information and assumptions set forth in the notes. The Corporation
        believes the assumptions are reasonable. For loans, securities and
        liabilities with contractual maturities, the table represents principal
        cash flows and weighted average interest rate. For variable rate loans

                                                                         Page 22

                            First Citizens Banc Corp
           Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                            and Results of Operations
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        the contractual maturity and weighted average interest rate were used
        with an explanatory footnote as to repricing periods. For liabilities
        without contractual maturities such as demand and savings deposits, a
        decay rate was utilized to match their most likely withdrawal behavior.
        Management believes that no events have occurred since December 31, 1999
        which would significantly change the ratio of rate sensitive assets and
        liabilities for the given time horizon.

                                                                         Page 23


                            First Citizens Banc Corp
                                Other Information
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Part II - Other Information











ITEM 6.  (a) EXHIBIT NO. 27        Financial Data Schedule..................27
         (b) EXHIBIT NO. 99        Safe Harbor under the Private Securities
                                     Litigation Reform Act of 1995
         (c) REPORTS ON FORM 8-K - None.

                                                                         Page 24


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, The
registrant has caused this report to be signed on its behalf the undersigned
thereunto duly authorized.

First Citizens Banc Corp

/s/ David A. Voight                             November 10, 2000
- ------------------------------                  -----------------
David A. Voight                                 Date

/s/ James O. Miller                             November 10, 2000
- ------------------------------------            -----------------
James O. Miller                                 Date
Executive Vice President

                                                                         Page 25


                            First Citizens Banc Corp
                                Index to Exhibits
                                    Form 10-Q

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Number          Description                             Page Number
- -------         -----------                             -----------
27              Financial Data Schedule                 27

99              Safe Harbor Under the Private           Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99 to
                Securities Litigation Reform            Annual Report on Form 10-K for the Year Ended
                Act of 1995                             December 31, 1999 filed by the registrant on
                                                        March 24, 2000

                                                                         Page 26