Exhibit 10.1

                                                                  EXECUTION COPY

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT




                                 JAMES L. BAYMAN

                                                                  April 26, 2000


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS



Period of Employment..............................................................................................1

Position, Duties, Responsibilities................................................................................2

Compensation, Compensation Plans,  Perquisites....................................................................3

Employee Benefit Plans............................................................................................4

Effect of Death or Disability.....................................................................................5



         Change in Control........................................................................................6

         For Cause or Voluntary Termination.......................................................................7

         Without Cause............................................................................................8


Non-Competition, Confidential Information and Non-Interference....................................................9



General Provisions...............................................................................................12

Amendment or Modification; Waiver................................................................................13


Successors to the Company........................................................................................13

Operation of Agreement...........................................................................................14

Enforcement Costs................................................................................................15


                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

Ohio corporation (the "Company"), and JAMES L. BAYMAN ("Bayman"), dated April
26, 2000, effective April 1, 2000.

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         WHEREAS: Bayman has been providing services to the Company as Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer pursuant to an Amended and Restated Employment
Agreement dated April 27, 1999, effective April 1, 1999, between Bayman and the
Company (the "1999 Agreement");

         WHEREAS: The Company and Bayman desire to replace the 1999 Agreement
with a new Employment Agreement in order to reflect certain modifications to the
terms and conditions of Bayman's employment as Chairman and Chief Executive

         WHEREAS: A new Employment Agreement containing such modified terms is
deemed necessary at the present time to meet the need for a continued strong
management without substantial change;

         WHEREAS: Together with other officers of the Company, Bayman has been
responsible for the success of the business of the Company.

         NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and between the Company and
Bayman as follows:

1.       Employment

                  The Company hereby agrees to continue to employ Bayman, and
         Bayman hereby agrees to remain in the employ of the Company, for the
         period set forth in Section 2 hereof (the "Period of Employment"), in
         the position and with the duties and responsibilities set forth in
         Section 3 hereof, and upon the other terms and conditions hereinafter

2.       Period of Employment

                  For purposes of this Agreement, the Period of Employment shall
         consist of the Period of Full Time Employment and the Period of
         Transition as described in this Section 2 as follows:

                           (a) For the purposes of this Agreement, the Period of
                  Full Time Employment shall continue for a two-year period from
                  the effective date hereof, subject to (i) the provisions of
                  Section 6 hereof; (ii) the earlier termination of


                  employment as set forth in Section 7 hereof; and (iii) the
                  commencement of the Period of Transition pursuant to Section
                  2(c) hereof.

                           (b) For purposes of this Agreement, the Period of
                  Transition shall continue for a three-year period from the
                  termination of the Period of Full Time Employment, subject to
                  (i) the provisions of Section 6 hereof and (ii) the earlier
                  termination of employment as set forth in Section 7 hereof.

                           (c) Not later than the February 1 next preceding the
                  first anniversary of this Agreement, Bayman may elect to
                  commence the Period of Transition effective on the first
                  anniversary of this Agreement. The Period of Transition shall
                  be a period of reduced employment responsibilities designed to
                  ensure Bayman's availability and support in the transition
                  from Bayman to his successor as Chairman and Chief Executive
                  Officer of the Company.

3.       Position, Duties, Responsibilities

         3.01 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER. During the Period of Full Time
         Employment, Bayman shall serve as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
         of the Company and shall have the responsibility for all of the
         operations of the Company including the authority, power and duties
         with regard to his position as may from time to time be assigned by the
         Board of Directors of the Company. Bayman's duties will include the
         supervision and direction of the corporate professional staff and the
         strategic direction of the Company's operations. He shall at all times
         during such period have the authority, power and duties of the person
         charged with the general management of the business and affairs of the
         areas assigned to him with authority to manage and direct all
         operations and affairs of those areas and to employ and discharge all
         employees thereof, reporting and being responsible only to the Board of
         Directors of the Company.

         3.02 BOARD MEMBERSHIP. It is further contemplated that at all times
         during the Period of Full Time Employment, Bayman shall serve and
         continue to serve as a member of its Board of Directors. In the event
         that Bayman's employment is terminated for any reason as provided in
         Section 7 hereof, Bayman agrees that he shall immediately submit his
         written resignation as a member of the Board of Directors of the
         Company, which may choose to either accept or reject such resignation.

         3.03 ATTENTION TO DUTIES. Throughout the Period of Full Time
         Employment, Bayman shall devote his full time and undivided attention
         during normal business hours to the business and affairs of the
         Company, except for reasonable vacations afforded the Company's
         executive officers and except for illness or incapacity, but nothing in
         this Agreement shall preclude Bayman from devoting reasonable time
         required for serving as a director or member of an advisory committee
         of any organization involving no conflict of interest with the
         interests of the Company, from engaging in charitable and community
         activities, and from managing his personal affairs, provided that such
         activities do not materially interfere with the regular performance of
         his duties and responsibilities under this Agreement.


         3.04 OFFICE. Throughout the Period of Full Time Employment, Bayman's
         office shall be located at the corporate offices of the Company, and
         Bayman shall not be required to locate his office elsewhere without his
         prior written consent, nor shall he be required to be absent therefrom
         on travel status or otherwise more than a total of sixty (60) days in
         any calendar year nor more than fifteen (15) consecutive days at any
         one time. Upon the commencement of the Period of Transition, Bayman's
         office shall be relocated to an appropriate office which shall be
         mutually acceptable to Bayman and his successor as Chairman and Chief
         Executive Officer.

         3.05 PERIOD OF TRANSITION. Throughout the Period of Transition, Bayman:

                  (a) shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Chairman and
         Chief Executive Officer and shall perform such tasks as shall be
         reasonably requested of him from time to time by the Chairman and Chief
         Executive Officer;

                  (b) shall make himself available to serve as a nominee for
         election by the shareholders as a Director of the Company if so
         requested by the Compensation Committee and, if he is elected and does
         so serve, shall receive no additional compensation for his services as
         Director; and

                  (c) shall devote no more than five (5) days per month during
         normal business hours to the business affairs of the Company as
         requested from time to time by the Chairman and Chief Executive
         Officer, except for illness or incapacity, but nothing in this
         Agreement shall preclude Bayman from serving as a director or member of
         an advisory committee of any organization involving no conflict of
         interest with the interests of the Company, from engaging in charitable
         and community activities, and from managing his personal affairs,
         provided that such activities do not materially interfere with the
         regular performance of his duties and responsibilities under this

4.       Compensation and Perquisites

         4.01     COMPENSATION.

                  (a) For all services rendered by Bayman in any capacity during
                  the Period of Full Time Employment, including, without
                  limitation, services as an executive officer, director or
                  member of any committee of the Company or of any subsidiary,
                  division or affiliate thereof, Bayman shall be entitled as
                  compensation to the following:

                        (i)         A base salary, payable not less often than
                                    monthly, at the rate of $50,000 per month,
                                    with such increases in such rate as may be
                                    awarded from time to time by the Board of
                                    Directors of the Company or the Compensation
                                    Committee, as applicable; and


                       (ii)         Participation in the Company's 2000 Annual
                                    Incentive Plan (the "Annual Incentive Plan")
                                    in accordance with the provisions of such
                                    plan as in effect as of the date of this
                                    Agreement and as may be amended from time to
                                    time, conditioned upon and subject to
                                    Bayman's prior written consent to any such
                                    amendment as shall apply to him.

                  (b) For all services rendered by Bayman in any capacity during
                  the Period of Transition, Bayman shall be paid as compensation
                  a base salary, payable not less often than monthly, at a rate
                  of $110,000 per year, with such increases in such rate as may
                  be awarded from time to time by the Chief Executive Officer of
                  the Company.

                  (c) Any increase in salary, incentive compensation or other
                  form of compensation shall in no way diminish any other
                  obligation of the Company under this Agreement, unless
                  specifically agreed to in writing by Bayman.

         4.02 PERQUISITES. During the Period of Employment, Bayman shall be
         entitled to perquisites, including without limitation, an office,
         secretarial staff and clerical staff, and to fringe benefits comparable
         to those enjoyed by the elected executive officers of the Company, as
         well as to reimbursement, upon proper accounting, of reasonable
         business expenses and disbursements incurred by him in the course of
         his duties.

5.       Employee Benefit Plans

         5.01 BENEFIT PLANS. Bayman, his dependents, beneficiaries and estate
         shall be entitled to all payments and benefits and service credit for
         benefits during the Period of Employment to which executive officers of
         the Company, their dependents and beneficiaries are entitled as the
         result of the employment of such executive officers during the Period
         of Employment under the terms of employee plans and practices of the
         Company, including, without limitation, the Company's Retirement Plan,
         its Benefit Equalization Plan, its group life insurance plan, its
         accidental death and dismemberment insurance, its disability, medical
         and health and welfare plans, any key person individual life and
         disability policies, automobile expense reimbursement, club membership
         fees and dues, and other present or equivalent successor plans and
         practices of the Company, its subsidiaries and divisions, for which
         other executive officers, their dependents and beneficiaries are
         eligible except for the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan, and to
         all payments or other benefits under any such plan or practice after
         the Period of Employment as a result of participation in such plan or
         practice during the Period of Employment.

         5.02 STOCK PLANS. Bayman shall be eligible to participate in the
         Company's 1991 Stock Option Plan and 2000 Stock Incentive Plan (which,
         together with any successor stock option plan or plans as may be in
         effect from time to time, are referred to herein as the "Option Plan");
         provided, however, that the grant of any stock options ("Options")
         under any Option Plan shall be at the sole discretion of the
         Compensation Committee of the


         Board of Directors of the Company. The Company has granted Bayman stock
         options at an option price equal to the fair market value of the
         Company's Common Shares at the date of grant. The terms and conditions
         of exercise of Options shall be as is set forth in Bayman's Stock
         Option Agreements (the "Option Agreements") with the Company; provided,
         however, that in the event of a Change in Control as defined in Section
         15.02 hereof, then notwithstanding the provisions of said Option
         Agreements, all options (including those granted to him under the 1982
         Incentive Stock Option Plan, the 1991 Stock Option Plan and the 2000
         Stock Incentive Plan) shall immediately be 100% vested and Bayman shall
         have the immediate right of exercise with respect to all Options and
         the underlying Common Shares covered by said Option Agreements. In the
         event that Bayman is discharged or resigns his employment during the
         one (1) year period following a Change in Control as defined in Section
         15.02 hereof, Bayman shall have the period of one (1) year after the
         date of such termination or resignation (or such longer period as may
         be specified in the Option Agreement) or the remainder of the term of
         such Options, whichever is shorter, to exercise his Options, and any
         such exercise shall be irrevocable. Bayman shall also be entitled to
         participate in the Company's 1999 Restricted Stock Plan.

6.       Effect of Death or Disability

         6.01 DEATH. In the event of the death of Bayman during the Period of
         Employment, the Period of Employment shall be deemed to have ended as
         of the close of business on the last day of the month in which death
         shall have occurred, and his legal representative shall be entitled to
         (i) the compensation provided for in Section 4.01(a)(i) or Section
         4.01(b) hereof, whichever is applicable, for the month in which death
         shall take place at the rate being paid at the time of death, (ii) an
         incentive cash bonus amount equal to his earned incentive cash bonus
         under the Annual Incentive Plan (or, if applicable, any predecessor
         annual incentive plan or arrangement) for the immediately preceding
         fiscal year, pro rated through the last date of the Period of
         Employment, and (iii) any benefits provided pursuant to Section 5.01
         hereof which are payable pursuant to the terms of the applicable plan
         or practice.

         6.02     Disability.

                  (a) The term "Disability," as used in this Agreement, shall
                  mean an illness or accident which prevents Bayman from
                  performing his duties under this Agreement for a period of six
                  (6) consecutive months. The Period of Employment shall be
                  deemed to have ended as of the close of business on the last
                  day of such six (6) month period but without prejudice to any
                  payments due Bayman during such six (6) month period or
                  pursuant to any disability plan or disability insurance

                  (b) In the event of the Disability of Bayman during the Period
                  of Employment, Bayman shall be entitled to (i) the
                  compensation provided for in Section 4.01(a)(i) or Section
                  4.01(b) hereof, whichever is applicable, at the rate being
                  paid at the time of the commencement of Disability, for the
                  period of such


                  Disability but not in excess of six (6) months, (ii) an
                  incentive cash bonus equal to his earned incentive cash bonus
                  under the Annual Incentive Plan (or, if applicable, any
                  predecessor annual incentive plan or arrangement) for the
                  immediately preceding fiscal year, pro rated through the last
                  date of the Period of Employment, and (iii) any benefits
                  provided pursuant to Section 5.01 hereof which are payable
                  pursuant to the terms of the applicable plan or practice,
                  except that Bayman shall not be subject to the payment cap
                  provided for by the Company's short-term disability plan.

                  (c) The amount of any payments due under this Section 6.02
                  shall be reduced by any payments which Bayman may be paid for
                  the same period under any disability plan of the Company or of
                  any subsidiary or affiliate thereof.

7.       Termination

         7.01 GENERAL. The Company may terminate Bayman's employment with or
         without Cause, and Bayman may voluntarily terminate his employment, at
         any time during the Period of Employment, subject to the provisions of
         this Section 7.

         7.02 CHANGE IN CONTROL. If, during the one (1) year period following a
         Change in Control of the Company as defined in Section 15.02 hereof,
         Bayman is discharged or voluntarily resigns his employment, there shall
         be paid or provided to Bayman, his dependents, beneficiaries and
         estate, as liquidated damages or severance pay, or both, the following:

                  (a)       (i)     The compensation provided for in Section
                                    4.01(a)(i) or Section 4.01(b) hereof,
                                    whichever is applicable, for the month in
                                    which termination shall have occurred at the
                                    rate being paid at the time of termination;

                           (ii)     An incentive cash bonus calculated based
                                    upon his earned incentive cash bonus under
                                    the Annual Incentive Plan for the
                                    immediately preceding fiscal year, pro rated
                                    for the then current fiscal year through his
                                    date of termination; plus

                          (iii)     An amount equal to the product of thirty-six
                                    (36) times his monthly base salary at the
                                    rate being paid at the time of termination;

                           (iv)     An amount equal to his earned incentive cash
                                    bonus under the Annual Incentive Plan (or,
                                    if applicable, any predecessor annual
                                    incentive plan or arrangement) for the three
                                    (3) previously completed fiscal years.

                  Such amounts shall be paid to Bayman in one payment
                  immediately upon his termination of employment.


                  (b) For the three (3) year period following the date of his
                  termination of employment, Bayman, his dependents,
                  beneficiaries and estate, shall continue to be entitled to all
                  benefits provided pursuant to Section 5.01 hereof which are
                  payable pursuant to the terms of the applicable plan or
                  practice, and service credit for benefits under all employee
                  benefit plans of the Company, including, without limitation,
                  the Company's Retirement Plan and Benefit Equalization Plan
                  referred to in Section 5.01 hereof, upon the same basis as
                  immediately prior to termination and, to the extent that such
                  benefits or service credit for benefits shall not be payable
                  or provided under any such plans to Bayman, his dependents,
                  beneficiaries and estate, by reason of his no longer being an
                  employee of the Company as the result of termination, or any
                  such plan, program or arrangement is discontinued or the
                  benefits thereunder are materially reduced, the Company shall
                  provide Bayman, his dependents, beneficiaries and estate, as
                  appropriate, a benefit or payment which places Bayman, his
                  dependents, beneficiaries and estate in at least as good of an
                  economic position (taking into account the favorable economic,
                  tax and legal characteristics customary for such plans,
                  policies or arrangements) as if the benefit to which such
                  persons were entitled to receive under such plans, programs
                  and arrangements immediately prior to termination had been

                  Any termination of Bayman's employment which either is (x) a
         termination by the Company other than for Cause or (y) a voluntary
         resignation by Bayman after the occurrence of an event which would
         constitute Good Reason under Section 15.03 hereof, which termination or
         resignation occurs within the period commencing on the commencement
         date of a tender offer for the Company's Common Shares, the execution
         of a letter of intent or the execution of a definitive agreement which,
         in each case, could reasonably be expected to lead to a Change in
         Control as defined in Section 15.02 hereof, and ending on either (A)
         the date of the Change in Control resulting from such tender offer or
         the consummation of the transaction contemplated by such letter of
         intent or such definitive agreement, as the case may be, or (B) the
         date as of which the Board of Directors determines in good faith that
         such tender offer has been withdrawn or has reached a final conclusion
         not resulting in a Change in Control or the transaction contemplated by
         such letter of intent or such definitive agreement is not to be
         consummated or if consummated, will not lead to a Change in Control, as
         the case may be, shall be deemed to be a termination under this Section

                  An election by Bayman to terminate his employment under the
         provisions of this Section 7.02 shall not be deemed a voluntary
         termination of employment by Bayman under Section 7.03 hereof. Further,
         an election by Bayman to terminate his employment under the provisions
         of subsection (y) of this Section 7.02 shall not be deemed to be a
         voluntary termination of employment for a Good Reason under Section
         7.04 hereof.

         purpose of any provision of this Agreement, the termination of Bayman's
         employment shall be deemed to have been for Cause only if:


                  (a) termination of his employment shall have been the result
                  of Bayman's conviction of any of the following offenses,
                  provided that such offense results in material economic harm
                  to the Company or has a materially adverse effect on the
                  Company's operations, property or business relationships: (i)
                  misappropriation of money or other property of the Company or
                  (ii) any felony;

                  (b) there has been a breach by Bayman during the Period of
                  Employment of the provisions of Section 3.03 hereof relating
                  to devotion of full time to the affairs of the Company or any
                  provision of Section 8 hereof, and such breach results in
                  demonstrable significant injury to the Company, and with
                  respect to any alleged breach of Section 3.03 hereof, Bayman
                  shall have failed to remedy such breach within thirty (30)
                  days after his receipt of written notice from the Company; or

                  (c) there has been a substantial and continued failure or
                  refusal to perform under this Agreement which Bayman shall
                  have failed to remedy within thirty (30) days after his
                  receipt of written notice from the Company.

                  If Bayman's employment is terminated by the Company for Cause,
         or if Bayman shall voluntarily terminate his employment with the
         Company without a Good Reason as defined in Section 15.03 hereof,
         Bayman shall be entitled to the compensation provided for in Section
         4.01(a)(i) or Section 4.01(b) hereof, whichever is applicable, through
         the date of such termination. Bayman shall not be entitled to any
         additional compensation or benefits (except for any vested benefits),
         and shall continue to be bound by the provisions of Section 8 hereof.

         to compliance by Bayman with the provisions of Section 8 hereof, if the
         Company shall terminate Bayman's employment without Cause or if Bayman
         shall voluntarily terminate his employment for a Good Reason as defined
         in Section 15.03 hereof, there shall be paid or provided to Bayman, his
         dependents, beneficiaries and estate, as liquidated damages or
         severance pay, or both, (i) the compensation provided for in Section
         4.01(a)(i) or Section 4.01(b) hereof, whichever is applicable, for the
         month in which termination shall have occurred at the rate being paid
         at the time of such termination; (ii) an incentive cash bonus
         calculated based upon his earned incentive cash bonus under the Annual
         Incentive Plan for the immediately preceding fiscal year, pro rated for
         the then current fiscal year through his date of termination; and (iii)
         the amount (the "Payment Amount") per month equal to 1/24th of (A)
         twenty-four (24) times his monthly base salary at the rate being paid
         at the time of termination PLUS (B) an amount equal to his earned
         incentive cash bonus under the Annual Incentive Plan (or, if
         applicable, any predecessor annual incentive plan or arrangement) for
         the two (2) previously completed fiscal years. Such Payment Amount
         shall be paid to Bayman or, in case of his prior death, to his legal
         representative or estate, in monthly installments at the end of each
         month commencing with the month next following that in which such
         termination shall have occurred, and continuing for a period of
         twenty-four (24) months. Bayman, his dependents, beneficiaries and
         estate shall also receive, for the twenty-four (24) month period


         following such termination, all benefits provided pursuant to Section
         5.01 hereof which are payable pursuant to the terms of the applicable
         plan or practice, and service credit for benefits under all employee
         benefit plans of the Company, including, without limitation, the
         Company's Retirement Plan and Benefit Equalization Plan referred to in
         Section 5.01 hereof, upon the same basis as immediately prior to
         termination and, to the extent that such benefits or service credit for
         benefits shall not be payable or provided under any such plans to
         Bayman, his dependents, beneficiaries and estate, by reason of his no
         longer being an employee of the Company as the result of termination,
         or any such plan, program or arrangement is discontinued or the
         benefits thereunder are materially reduced, the Company shall provide
         Bayman, his dependents, beneficiaries and estate, as appropriate, a
         benefit or payment which places Bayman, his dependents, beneficiaries
         and estate in at least as good of an economic position (taking into
         account the favorable economic, tax and legal characteristics customary
         for such plans, policies or arrangements) as if the benefit to which
         such persons were entitled to receive under such plans, programs and
         arrangements immediately prior to termination had been paid. In the
         event the Company fails to make such payments when due, then the
         remaining payments shall become due and payable immediately. Bayman
         shall be under no obligation to seek other employment, but without
         otherwise limiting the purposes or effect of this Section 7.04, any
         amounts payable to Bayman pursuant to Section 7.04(iii) hereof shall be
         reduced by any amounts which Bayman actually receives from another
         employer during the twenty-four (24) month period following the date of
         his termination without Cause, and any benefits payable to Bayman or
         his dependents pursuant to this Section 7.04 by reason of any "welfare
         benefit plan" of the Company (as the term "welfare benefit plan" is
         defined in Section 3(1) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
         of 1974, as amended) or perquisites shall be reduced to the extent
         comparable benefits or perquisites (or the cash equivalent thereof) are
         actually received by Bayman or his dependents from another employer
         during such period. Notwithstanding any provision in this Section 7.04
         to the contrary, all obligations of the Company and Bayman's right to
         any payment or benefit under this Section 7.04 shall cease upon
         Bayman's breach of any provision of Section 8 hereof.

         7.05 ARBITRATION. In the event that Bayman's employment shall be
         terminated by the Company during the Period of Employment or the
         Company shall withhold payments or provision of benefits because Bayman
         is alleged to be engaged in activities prohibited by Section 8 hereof
         or for any other reason, Bayman shall have the right, in addition to
         all other rights and remedies provided by law, at his election either
         to seek arbitration in the metropolitan area of Cleveland, Ohio, under
         the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration
         Association by serving a notice to arbitrate upon the Company or to
         institute a judicial proceeding, in either case within one hundred and
         twenty (120) days after having received notice of termination of his

8.       Non-Competition, Confidential Information and Non-Interference

         8.01 NON-COMPETITION. During the Period of Employment and the two (2)
         year period following the termination of his employment (except in the
         case of a voluntary or involuntary termination of employment within one
         (1) year after a Change in Control),


         Bayman shall not become an officer, director, joint venturer, employee,
         consultant or five percent (5%) shareholder (directly or indirectly),
         or promote or assist (financially or otherwise), any entity which
         competes with any business in which the Company or any of its
         affiliates are engaged as of the date of such termination of
         employment. Bayman understands that the foregoing restrictions may
         limit his ability to engage in certain business pursuits during the
         period provided for herein, but acknowledges that he will receive
         sufficiently higher remuneration and other benefits from the Company
         hereunder than he would otherwise receive to justify such restriction.
         Bayman acknowledges that he understands the effect of the provisions of
         this Section 8(a), and that he has had reasonable time to consider the
         effect of these provisions, and that he was encouraged to and had an
         opportunity to consult an attorney with respect to these provisions.

         8.02 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Except for information which is already
         in the public domain, or which is publicly disclosed by persons other
         than Bayman, or which is required by law or court order to be
         disclosed, or information given to Bayman by a third party not bound by
         any obligation of confidentiality, Bayman shall at all times during and
         after his employment with the Company hold in strictest confidence any
         and all confidential information within his knowledge and which is
         material to the business of the Company (whether acquired prior to or
         during his employment with the Company) concerning the inventions,
         products, processes, methods of distribution, customers, services,
         business, suppliers or trade secrets of the Company, except that Bayman
         may, in connection with the performance of his duties to the Company,
         divulge confidential information to the directors, officers, employees
         and shareholders of the Company and to the advisors, accountants,
         attorneys or lenders of the Company or such other individuals as deemed
         prudent in the course of business to carry out the responsibilities and
         duties of his position, or as required by law. Such confidential
         information includes, without limitation, financial information, sales
         information, price lists, marketing data, the identity and lists of
         actual and potential customers and technical information, all to the
         extent that such information is not intended by the Company for public

                  Bayman also agrees that upon leaving the Company's employ he
         will not take with him, without the prior written consent of an officer
         authorized to act in the matter by the Board of Directors of the
         Company, any Company document, contract, internal financial or
         management reports, customers list, product list, price list, catalog,
         employee list, procedures, software, MIS data, drawing, blueprint,
         specification or other document of the Company, its subsidiaries,
         affiliates and divisions, which is of a confidential nature relating to
         the Company, its subsidiaries, affiliates and divisions, or, without
         limitation, relating to its or their methods of purchase or
         distribution, or any description of any trade secret, formulae or
         secret processes.

         8.03. NONINTERFERENCE. Bayman shall not, at any time during the Period
         of Employment or within the two (2) year period after his employment is
         terminated with the Company (except in the case of a voluntary or
         involuntary termination of employment within one (1) year after a
         Change in Control), without the prior written consent of the Company,
         directly or indirectly, induce or attempt to induce any employee, agent
         or other representative or associate of the Company to terminate his or
         her employment,


         representation or other relationship with the Company, or in any way
         directly or indirectly interfere with any relationship between the
         Company and its suppliers or customers.

         8.04. REMEDY. Bayman acknowledges that Sections 8.01, 8.02 and 8.03
         hereof were negotiated at arms length and are required for the fair and
         reasonable protection of the Company. Nevertheless, if any aspect of
         these restrictions is found to be unreasonable or otherwise
         unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the Company and
         Bayman intend for such restrictions to be modified by such court so as
         to be reasonable and enforceable and, as so modified by the court, to
         be fully enforced. Bayman and the Company further acknowledge and agree
         that a breach of those obligations and agreements will result in
         irreparable and continuing damage to the Company for which there will
         be no adequate remedy at law and, therefore, Bayman and the Company
         agree that in the event of any breach of said obligations and
         agreements the Company, and its successors and assigns, shall be
         entitled to injunctive relief and such other and further relief,
         including monetary damages, as is proper in the circumstances. It is
         further agreed that the running of the periods provided in Sections
         8.01 and 8.03 hereof shall be tolled during any period which Bayman
         shall be adjudged to have been in violation of any of his obligations
         under such Sections.

9.       Withholding

                  Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, all payments
         required to be made by the Company hereunder to Bayman or his estate or
         beneficiaries, shall be subject to the withholding of such amounts, if
         any, relating to tax and other payroll deductions as the Company may
         reasonably determine it should withhold pursuant to any applicable law
         or regulation. In lieu of withholding such amounts, the Company may
         accept other provisions to the end that it has sufficient funds to pay
         all taxes required by law to be withheld in respect of such payments or
         any of them.

10.      Notices

                  All notices, requests, demands and other communications
         provided for by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be
         sufficiently given if and when mailed in the continental United States
         by registered or certified mail or personally delivered to the party
         entitled thereto at the address stated herein or to such changed
         address as the addressee may have given by a similar notice:

                  To the Company:     Pioneer-Standard Electronics, Inc.
                                      6065 Parkland Boulevard
                                      Mayfield Heights, Ohio 44124
                                      Attention: Secretary or
                                                 Assistant Secretary


                  To Bayman:          James L. Bayman
                                      1760 County Line Road
                                      Gates Mills, OH 44040

11.      General Provisions

         11.01 NO SET-OFF OR COUNTER CLAIM. There shall be no right of set-off
         or counter claim, in respect of any claim, debt or obligation, against
         payments to Bayman, his dependents, beneficiaries or estate provided
         for in this Agreement.

         11.02 BENEFICIARY. No right or interest to or in any payments shall be
         assignable by Bayman; provided, however, that this provision shall not
         preclude him from designating one or more beneficiaries to receive any
         amount that may be payable after his death and shall not preclude the
         legal representative of his estate from assigning any right hereunder
         to the person or persons entitled thereto under his will or, in the
         case of intestacy, to the person or persons entitled thereto under the
         laws of intestacy applicable to his estate. The term "beneficiaries" as
         used in this Agreement shall mean a beneficiary or beneficiaries so
         designated to receive any such amount or, if no beneficiary has been so
         designated, the legal representative of Bayman's estate.

         11.03 ASSIGNMENT. No right, benefit or interest hereunder, shall be
         subject to anticipation, alienation, sale, assignment, encumbrance,
         charge, pledge, hypothecation, or set-off in respect of any claim, debt
         or obligation, or to execution, attachment, levy or similar process, or
         assignment by operation of law. Any attempt, voluntary or involuntary,
         to effect any action specified in the immediately preceding sentence
         shall, to the full extent permitted by law, be null, void and of no

         11.04 LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE. In the event of Bayman's death or a
         judicial determination of his incompetence, reference in this Agreement
         to Bayman shall be deemed, where appropriate, to refer to his legal
         representative or, where appropriate, to his beneficiary or

         11.05 HEADINGS. The titles to sections in this Agreement are intended
         solely for convenience and no provision of this Agreement is to be
         construed by reference to the title of any section.

         11.06 BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall
         inure to the benefit of (a) Bayman and, subject to the provisions of
         Sections 11.02 and 11.03 hereof, his heirs and legal representatives,
         and (b) the Company and its successors as provided in Section 14

         11.07 EXCISE TAX GROSS UP. Bayman shall be entitled to a cash payment
         (the "Excise Tax Gross-Up Payment") equal to the amount of excise taxes
         which Bayman is required to pay pursuant to Section 4999 of the
         Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Code"), as a result of any
         parachute payments as defined in Section 280G(b)(2)made by or on behalf
         of the Company or any successor thereto, under this Agreement or


         otherwise, resulting in an "excess parachute payment" as defined in
         Section 280G(b)(1) of the Code. In addition to the foregoing, the
         Excise Tax Gross-Up Payment due to Bayman under this Section 11.07
         shall be increased by the aggregate of the amount of federal, state and
         local income and excise taxes for which Bayman will be liable on
         account of the Excise Tax Gross-Up Payment to be made under this
         Section 11.07, such that Bayman will receive the Excise Tax Gross-Up
         Payment net of all income and excise taxes imposed on Bayman on account
         of the receipt of the Excise Tax Gross-Up Payment. The computation of
         the Excise Tax Gross-Up Payment shall be determined, at the expense of
         the Company, by an independent accounting, actuarial or consulting firm
         selected by the Company. Such Excise Tax Gross-Up Payment shall be made
         at such time as the Company shall determine, in its sole discretion,
         but in no event later than the date five (5) business days before the
         due date, without regard to any extension, for filing Bayman's federal
         income tax return for the calendar year for which it is determined that
         excise taxes are payable under Section 4999 of the Code.
         Notwithstanding the foregoing, there shall be no duplication of
         payments by the Company under this Section 11.07 in respect of excise
         taxes under Section 4999 of the Code to the extent the Company is
         making payments in respect of such excise taxes under any other
         arrangement with Bayman. In the event that Bayman is ultimately
         assessed with excise taxes under Section 4999 of the Code which exceed
         the amount of excise taxes used in computing Bayman's payment under
         this Section 11.07, the Company or its successor shall indemnify Bayman
         for such additional excise taxes plus any additional excise taxes,
         income taxes, interest and penalties resulting from the additional
         excise taxes and the indemnity hereunder.

12.      Amendment or Modification; Waiver

                  No provision of this Agreement may be amended or waived unless
         such amendment or waiver is authorized by the Board of Directors of the
         Company or the Compensation Committee thereof and is agreed to in
         writing, signed by Bayman and by an officer of the Company thereunto
         duly authorized by either the Board of Directors or the Compensation
         Committee. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement,
         no waiver by either party hereto of any breach by the other party
         hereto of any condition or provision of this Agreement to be performed
         by such other party shall be deemed a waiver of a subsequent breach of
         such condition or provision or a waiver of a similar or dissimilar
         provision or condition at the same or at any prior or subsequent time.

13.      Severability

                  In the event that any provision or portion of this Agreement
         shall be determined to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the
         remaining provisions and portions of this Agreement shall be unaffected
         thereby and shall remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent
         permitted by law.

14.      Successors to the Company

                  Except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement shall be
         binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Company and any successor
         of the Company, including,


         without limitation, any corporation which acquires directly or
         indirectly all or substantially all of the assets or capital stock of
         the Company whether by merger, consolidation, sale or otherwise (and
         such successor shall thereafter be deemed the Company for the purposes
         of this Agreement), but shall not otherwise be assignable by the

15.      Operation of Agreement

         15.01 EFFECTIVE DATE. This Agreement is effective April 1, 2000, and
         shall supersede any prior employment arrangement or agreement,
         including the 1999 Agreement, which shall be deemed to be terminated
         and null and void.

         15.02 CHANGE IN CONTROL. For the purpose of this Agreement, the term
         "Change in Control" of the Company shall mean a change in control of a
         nature that would be required to be reported in response to Item 6(e)
         of Schedule 14A of Regulation 14A promulgated under the Securities
         Exchange Act of 1934 as in effect on the date of this Agreement;
         provided that, without limitation, such a change in control shall be
         deemed to have occurred if and when (a) any "person" (as such term is
         used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d)(2) of the Securities Exchange Act of
         1934), excluding The Pioneer Stock Benefit Trust, any employee benefit
         plan of the Company, any trust established under any employee benefit
         plan of the Company, or any trustee of any trust established under any
         employee benefit plan of the Company, is or becomes a beneficial owner,
         directly or indirectly, of securities of the Company representing
         twenty percent (20%) or more of the combined voting power of the
         Company's then outstanding securities, or (b) during any period of
         twelve (12) consecutive months, commencing before or after the date of
         this Agreement, individuals who, at the beginning of such twelve (12)
         month period were directors of the Company for whom Bayman, as a
         shareholder, shall have voted, cease for any reason to constitute at
         least a majority of the Board of Directors of the Company.

         15.03 GOOD REASON. For the purpose of this Agreement, "Good Reason"
         shall mean the occurrence of: (a) any reduction during the period of
         Full Time Employment in Bayman's position, authority or title; (b) any
         material reduction during the period of Full Time Employment in
         Bayman's responsibilities or duties for the Company; (c) any material
         adverse change or reduction in the aggregate perquisites, benefits and
         payments to which Bayman is entitled pursuant to Sections 4.02 and 5.01
         hereof; (d) any change in Bayman's reporting relationship; (e) any
         relocation of Bayman's principal place of work with the Company to a
         location that exceeds by fifty (50) miles the distance from the
         location of his residence at the time of such relocation of Bayman's
         principal place of work with the Company to 6065 Parkland Boulevard,
         Mayfield Heights, Ohio; or (f) the material breach or material default
         by the Company of any of its agreements or obligations under any
         provision of this Agreement, unless such breach or default is
         substantially cured within a reasonable period of time (hereby defined
         as thirty (30) days) after written notice advising the Company of the
         acts or omissions constituting such breach or default is actually
         received by the Company. As used in Section 15.03(c), an "adverse
         change or material reduction" in the aggregate perquisites, benefits
         and payments to which Bayman is entitled pursuant to Sections 4.02 and
         5.01 shall be


         deemed to result from any reduction or any series of reductions which,
         in the aggregate, exceeds five percent (5%) of the value of such
         perquisites, benefits and payments determined as of the date of this
         Agreement. If Bayman claims the existence of a Good Reason, he shall
         give written notice to the Company of the event constituting Good
         Reason not later than ninety (90) days following the later to occur of
         the occurrence of the event (e.g., the actual reduction in
         compensation, the scheduled date of relocation or the date of the
         breach) constituting Good Reason or his actual knowledge thereof. If
         the event which Bayman claims to be a Good Reason is not cured within
         thirty (30) days following the date of such notice, Bayman must resign
         within ten (10) days following the thirty (30) day cure period in order
         to invoke his right to resign for Good Reason. If no such timely
         resignation occurs or no such timely written notices are given,
         Bayman's right to resign for Good Reason with respect to such event
         shall be permanently waived.

16.      Enforcement Costs

                  The Company is aware that upon the occurrence of a Change in
         Control the Board of Directors or a shareholder of the Company may then
         cause or attempt to cause the Company to refuse to comply with its
         obligations under this Agreement, or may cause or attempt to cause the
         Company to institute, or may institute, litigation seeking to have this
         Agreement declared unenforceable, or may take, or attempt to take,
         other action to deny Bayman the benefits intended under this Agreement.
         In these circumstances, the purpose of this Agreement could be
         frustrated. It is the intent of the Company that Bayman not be required
         to incur the expenses associated with the enforcement of his rights
         under this Agreement by litigation or other legal action because the
         cost and expense thereof would substantially detract from the benefits
         intended to be extended to Bayman hereunder, nor be bound to negotiate
         any settlement of his rights hereunder under threat of incurring such
         expenses. Accordingly, if following a Change in Control it should
         appear to Bayman that the Company has failed to comply with any of its
         obligations under this Agreement or in the event that the Company or
         any other person takes any action to declare this Agreement void or
         unenforceable, or institutes any litigation or other legal action
         designed to deny, diminish or to recover from, Bayman, the benefits
         intended to be provided to Bayman hereunder, and that Bayman has
         complied with all of his obligations under this Agreement, the Company
         irrevocably authorizes Bayman from time to time to retain counsel of
         his choice at the expense of the Company as provided in this Section
         16, to represent Bayman in connection with the initiation or defense of
         any litigation or other legal action, whether by or against the Company
         or any Director, officer, shareholder or other person affiliated with
         the Company, in any jurisdiction. Notwithstanding any existing or prior
         attorney-client relationship between the Company and such counsel, the
         Company irrevocably consents to Bayman entering into an attorney-client
         relationship with such counsel, and in that connection the Company and
         Bayman agree that a confidential relationship shall exist between
         Bayman and such counsel. The reasonable fees and expenses of counsel
         selected from time to time by Bayman as herein provided shall be paid
         or reimbursed to Bayman by the Company on a regular, periodic basis
         upon presentation by Bayman of a statement or statements prepared by
         such counsel in accordance with its customary practices, up to a
         maximum aggregate amount of $500,000.


                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this
Agreement as of the date first above written.

ATTEST:                             PIONEER-STANDARD ELECTRONICS, INC.

/s/ Nancy E. Hoyt                   By  /s/ Victor Gelb
- -----------------------------         ------------------------------------------
                                      Victor Gelb, Chairman of the Compensation


/s/ Nancy E. Hoyt                     /s/ James L. Bayman
- ----------------------------          ------------------------------------------
                                      James L. Bayman
