1 Exhibit (c)(3) EMPIRE VALUATION CONSULTANTS PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL March 20, 2001 Special Committee of Independent Directors of Hahn Automotive Warehouse, Inc. c/o William Buckingham, Director 24 Berkeley Street Rochester, New York 14607 Dear Committee: As an extension of Empire's presentation on March 14th, you have asked us to present to you an analysis of Hahn's net asset value ("NAV") and to advise you what consideration of its NAV is reasonable in light of the implied ranges in fair market value using the capitalization of income and market approaches which we previously discussed. In addition, you have asked me to review and comment on the March 15, 2001 letter to you from Eli Futerman and Daniel Chessin. NAV COMPUTATION - --------------- Exhibit 1 (attached) presents an estimate of Hahn's NAV using the following assumptions: Land and Building: The Company owns five properties with an original cost of $959,000 and a current book value of about $656,000. Based upon my discussions with Al Van Erp and a review of the property's real estate tax assessments, we have estimated a current market value of $1,292,000 and transaction costs of 7.5%. The majority of this market value was estimated for Hahn's Cleveland property, which was estimated at $1M. (+$539K) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5513 New York, N.Y. 10118 (212) 714-0122 Fax: (212) 714-0124 3255 Brighton Henrietta T. L. Road Rochester, N.Y. 14623 (716) 475-9260 Fax: (716) 475-9380 2 Special Committee of Independent Directors of Hahn Automotive Warehouse, Inc. March 20, 2001 Page 2 OTHER FIXED ASSETS: Capitalized Leases adjusted to zero. (-$2.7M) Leasehold Improvements adjusted to zero. (-$642K) Computer equip adjusted to 30% of cost (+$109K) Furn. & Fix. adjusted to 30% of cost (+$234K) Vehicles adjusted to 50% of cost (+$1.1M) INVENTORY: Adjusted to FIFO (no deferred tax booked) (+$2,879,000) GOODWILL: Adjusted to Zero (-$2,124,000) DEFERRED TAX ASSET: Adjusted to $1,899,000, which equaled $2,399,000 minus a $500K NYS tax exposure. (-$2,548,000) AUTOWORKS, LTD: No change to equity & receivable. The company history was losses in first two years and a $140+ profit in 2000. The outlook for 2001 is $50K profit to breakeven. IAUTOSPORTS: $90K investment was adjusted down 50%. Outlook uncertain. CC OF ROCH: Net equity of $58 adjusted down 50%. CAPITALIZED CLOSING COST: Adjusted to zero (-$504K) CONTINGENT LIAB. OPER. LEASES: Estimated at $1,353,000 Future lease obligation is about $3.5 million through 2006. CONTINGENT LIAB. AUTOWORKS: Estimated at $450K - midpoint of possible range. With the above adjustments, Hahn's estimated NAV is about $1.87 per share. If one remove the contingent liabilities (Tax $500K and operating leases $1,353,000) the NAV per share rises to $2.26/share. If one adjust the base NAV ($1.87) for a 10% adjustment to A/R & inventory, then NAV drops to $0.54 per share. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5513 New York, N.Y. 10118 (212) 714-0122 Fax: (212) 714-0124 3255 Brighton Henrietta T. L. Road Rochester, N.Y. 14623 (716) 475-9260 Fax: (716) 475-9380 3 Special Committee of Independent Directors of Hahn Automotive Warehouse, Inc. March 20, 2001 Page 3 Delaware Block Method Exhibit 2 presents a range of hypothetical values for Hahn's common stock using a weighting process often referred to as the Delaware Block Method. The concluded fair market value for Hahn's common stock are: High end: ($1.17 to $1.58) Low end: ($0.70 to $0.79) Mid point: ($0.94 to $1.04) If there is a dissenting case for Hahn, I believe that the appropriate weighting would be no more than 40% to NAV and more likely 20% to 30% weighting. The market approach would be given the highest weighting; however, at issue would be the appropriate control premium. I will discuss the March 15th response letter at today's meeting. Should you care to discuss any aspect of the above, please call me at (716) 475-9260. Sincerely, /s/ Terence L. Griswold Terence L. Griswold, ASA Managing Director TLG/mmc/Encs. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5513 New York, N.Y. 10118 (212) 714-0122 Fax: (212) 714-0124 3255 Brighton Henrietta T. L. Road Rochester, N.Y. 14623 (716) 475-9260 Fax: (716) 475-9380 4 EXHIBIT 1 HAHN AUTOMOTIVE WAREHOUSE INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CALCULATION OF NET ASSET VALUE DEC 31, MARKET ADJUSTED BOOK TRANSACTION NET ASSET 2000 ADJUSTMENTS VALUE COSTS VALUE ======================================================================== ASSETS - ------ Cash 80 80 80 Trade Receivables, Net 15,225 15,225 15,225 FIFO Inventory 47,695 47,695 47,695 Prepaid Expenses 450 450 450 Deferred Tax Benefit - S/T 1,449 (1,449) 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 64,899 (1,449) 63,450 0 63,450 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Land & Buildings 932 360 1,292 (97) 1,195 Buildings Under Capital Leases 4,422 (4,422) 0 0 Leasehold Improvements 2,241 (2,241) Computer Equip. - 30% of cost 2,628 (1,840) 788 788 Furniture & Fix - 30% of costs 4,023 (2,816) 1,207 1,207 Vehicles - 50% of costs 2,592 (1,296) 1,296 1,296 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 16,838 (12,255) 4,583 (97) 4,486 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (10,896) 10,896 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NET FIXED ASSETS 5,942 (1,359) 4,583 (97) 4,486 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Security Deposits 742 742 742 Deferred Tax Asset (adj. $500K for tax audit) 2,998 (1,099) 1,899 1,899 Goodwill 2,124 (2,124) 0 0 Inv. In Autoworks LTD 469 469 469 Inv. In iAutosports (Internet) 90 (45) 45 45 Inv in Long-term Rec. 1,389 1,389 1,389 Inv. In CC of Rochester 58 (29) 29 29 Inv. In Grand rental 1 (1) 0 0 CSVLI 429 429 429 Capitalized Closing Cost & Other 504 (504) 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OTHER ASSETS 8,804 (3,802) 5,002 0 5,002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ASSETS 79,645 (6,610) 73,035 (97) 72,938 ======================================================================== LIABILITIES - ----------- Current Portion of LTD and Capital Leases 2,170 2,170 2,170 Accounts Payable 9,342 9,342 9,342 Compensation Related Liabilities 1,215 1,215 1,215 Discontinued Operations 375 375 375 Other Accrued Expenses 4,158 4,158 4,158 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 17,260 0 17,260 0 17,260 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Obligations Under Credit Facility 37,788 37,788 37,788 Note Payable - Officer and Affiliates 1,445 1,445 1,445 Capital lease Obligation - ($7.1M through 2008) 2,706 2,706 2,706 Unaffilaited Lease obligation ($3.5M through 2006) 1,353 1,353 1,353 Other Long-term Debt 889 889 889 Contingent Liabilities -Autoworks 0 450 450 450 Other Liabilities 2,170 2,170 2,170 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL OTHER LIABILITIES 44,998 1,803 46,801 0 46,801 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL LIABILITIES 62,258 1,803 64,061 0 64,061 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Capital Stock 47 47 47 Paid-in Capital 25,975 25,975 25,975 Retained Earnings (10,391) (10,391) (10,391) Balance Sheet Adjustments 1,756 (8,413) (6,657) (97) (6,753) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY 17,387 (8,413) 8,974 (97) 8,878 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 79,645 (6,610) 73,035 (97) 72,939 ======================================================================== Marketable Net Asset Value 8,878 Shares Outstanding 4,745,014 Marketable Net Asset Value per Share $1.87 5 EXHIBIT 2 HAHN AUTOMOTIVE WAREHOUSE INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES WEIGHTING BETWEEN APPROACHES (DELAWARE BLOCK APPROACH) HIGH LOW AVG. ---- --- ---- INVESTMENT VALUE (CAPITALIZATION OF DEBT-FREE INCOME) 0.99000 0.95000 0.97000 MARKET VALUE 0.81000 0.75000 0.78000 NET ASSET VALUE 2.26000 0.54000 1.21000 1/3 WEIGHT EACH 1.35333 0.74667 0.98667 WEIGHT (30/30/40) 1.44400 0.72600 1.00900 WEIGHT (25/25/50) 1.58000 0.69500 1.04250 WEIGHT (40/40/20) 1.17200 0.78800 0.94200