1 Exhibit No. 10(i)(e)(i) CAUTION: THIS FORM IS ONLY FOR USE BY RESIDENTS OF OH. RESIDENTS OF AK, DC, HI, ID, MT, NE, NM, ND, RI, SD, TN, UT, VT, WA, AND WY ARE NOT PERMITTED TO PURCHASE SHARES IN THIS OFFERING. RESIDENTS OF ALL OTHER STATES MUST USE A DIFFERENT FORM. INSTRUCTIONS TO OHIO INVESTOR SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT FOR FANZ ENTERPRISES, INC. Persons interested in purchasing shares of Common Stock, $.01 par value per share, ("Shares") of FanZ Enterprises, Inc. (the "Company") must : 1. FULLY complete and sign the attached Subscription Agreement (the "Agreement"); PLEASE COMPETE THE ENTIRE FORM. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU. 2. Include a check made payable to "FIRSTAR BANK, N.A., ESCROW ACCOUNT FOR FANZ ENTERPRISES, INC." (Please note the minimum amount of $250.00.) 3. Send the completed and signed AGREEMENT AND CHECK to: FanZ Enterprises, Inc. 5419 Cayman Drive Carmel, IN 46033 If and when accepted by the Company, the Agreement shall constitute a subscription for Shares of the Company. THE MINIMUM INVESTMENT IS $250.00 (25 SHARES). The Company reserves the right to reject in its entirety any subscription that is tendered or to allocate to any prospective purchaser a smaller number of Shares than the prospective purchaser has subscribed to purchase. In such event, the Company will return to you the Agreement, your payment (or a pro rata portion of your payment, if subscription is rejected only in part), with interest if your check or funds are deposited in the escrow account. A copy of the accepted Agreement will be returned to you as your receipt, and a stock certificate will be issued to you shortly thereafter. PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THE ATTACHED PAGES WITH YOUR CHECK NOTE: Before completing the attached subscription agreement, you should carefully and completely read the Company's Prospectus. In making your investment decision, you should rely only on the information in the Company's Prospectus and not on any other information. 2 OHIO INVESTOR SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT FOR FANZ ENTERPRISES, INC. I/we hereby irrevocably tender this Agreement for the purchase of _________ Shares (25 SHARES MINIMUM) at $10.00 per Share. With this Agreement, I/we tender payment in the amount of $_______ ($10.00 per Share; $250.00 MINIMUM INVESTMENT) for the Shares subscribed. In connection with this investment in the Company, I/we represent and warrant as follows: a. Prior to tendering payment for the Shares, I/we received the Company's Prospectus dated ____________________________________ 2001. b. I am/we are bona fide resident(s) of ________________________________,__________________________________. (State) (Country) c. I/we HAVE / DO NOT HAVE (please circle one) either (i) an individual or joint annual income with my spouse in excess of $65,000 and an individual or joint net worth with my spouse of $65,000 (including the value of homes, home furnishings and automobiles) OR (ii) an individual or joint net worth with my spouse of $500,000 (including the value of homes, home furnishings and automobiles)).(1) Representations (MUST initial all categories): ____ (A) I meet AT LEAST one of the economic standards set forth in Paragraph (c) above. ____ (B) I am purchasing the shares for my own account. ____ (C) I have received a copy of the Company's Prospectus. ____ (D) I understand that the shares being purchased are not liquid. Form/Type of Ownership for Shares Being Purchased ( MUST check one): ___ Individual ___ Minor with adult ___ Tenants-in-Common ___ Existing Partnership custodian under the ___ Joint Tenants ___ Corporation Uniform Gift To Minors Act ___ Trust For the person(s) who will be registered shareholder(s) (MUST FULLY COMPLETE): Name of shareholder as you would like it to appear on stock certificate:_______________________________ Name(s): __________________________________ Telephone:_______________________ Street Address:____________________________ Social Security or Taxpayer ID No.:_________________ City:______________ State: ______ Zip:_____ Date of Birth:___________________ Signature: ___________________________________ Date:_______________________ ___________________ (1) The Ohio Division of Securities restricted the sale of these securities to residents of Ohio. If you do not meet the income / net worth requirements in section (c) above, you may only purchase the minimum number of twenty-five Shares for a total investment of $250. If you meet the income / net worth requirements in section (c) above, you may purchase any amount of Shares, but any investment must not be less than the twenty-five Share minimum. 3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCEPTED BY: FANZ ENTERPRISES, INC. By:____________________________ Title:________________________ Date:___________ Method of Payment: _____________________ Item No.: ___________________ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------