Exhibit 99(a)

                                            [FLUKE ELECTRONICS CORPORATION LOGO]

Effective Date:  December __, 2001

                              DISTRIBUTOR AGREEMENT

Fluke Electronics Corporation                  Transmation, Inc.
P.O. Box 9090 m/s: 215                         10 Vantage Point Drive, Ste. 1
Everett, WA  98206-9090                        Rochester, NY 14606
Telephone:  (425) 446-                         Telephone:    (716) 352-9720
Fax:  (425) 446-5778                           Fax:  (716) 352-1486

/s/ Christopher C. McMahon                 /s/ Robert G. Klimasewski
- ---------------------------                -------------------------------------
(Signature)                                             (Signature)

Christopher C. McMahon                     Robert G. Klimasewski
- ----------------------------------         -------------------------------------
(Typed Name)                                            (Typed Name)

Secretary                                  President
- ----------------------------------         -------------------------------------
  (Title)                                               (Title)

This agreement consisting of 3 numbered pages and the following Exhibits has
been executed in duplicate originals.

                  Exhibit A:        Transmation/Altek Products
                  Exhibit B:        Product Purchase Commitments

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NOTICES:  All notices shall be in writing by mail or fax to the address of each
          party above.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This Agreement is entered into between Fluke Electronics Corporation ("Fluke")
and Transmation, Inc. ("Transmation") Subject to the terms and conditions of
this Agreement, the parties agree as follows:


Fluke appoints Transmation to purchase, inventory, promote and resell on an
exclusive basis to end user customers or resellers anywhere in the world, the
Altek/Transmation products ("Products") listed on the Fluke price schedule(s)
identified in each Product Exhibit.

2.     TERM

This Agreement shall commence on the Closing of the Stock Purchase Agreement
between Transmation, Altek Industries Corp. and Fluke and shall expire on
December 31, 2006 unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of
Article 13. Thereafter this Agreement shall automatically renew for one-year
terms unless either party gives ninety (90) days written notice prior to the
expiration of the then-current term of the Agreement.


       a.     Fluke agrees to sell and Transmation agrees to buy Products at the
              net price stated on the price schedules referenced in each Product
              Exhibit A attached.

       b.     Fluke reserves the right to obsolete any of the Products upon
              giving at least 60 days advance notice to Transmation. Obsolete
              Products are Products removed from the line with no direct or
              substantially similar replacement. Fluke will not accept inventory
              returns of Obsolete Products.

       c.     Fluke reserves the right to increase the prices of Fluke Products
              by giving Transmation 90 days advance notice. If the price of a
              Product is increased, Fluke will apply the old price to firm
              orders received prior to the effective date, for shipment no later
              than 30 days after the effective date.

       d.     Fluke reserves the right to decrease the prices of Fluke Products
              by giving Transmation 30 days advance notice. If the list price of
              a Product is reduced, Fluke will credit Transmation for the
              difference between the old and new Transmation net price for items
              in Transmation's inventory purchased during the 90 days preceding
              the effective date of the price reduction. To obtain credit,
              Transmation must send Fluke within 15 days of the effective date
              of the price reduction an inventory report including quantity,
              model and serial number. Fluke reserves the right to audit such
              report. Promotional and other short term pricing adjustments are
              not subject to this provision.


       a.     Transmation shall comply with the Product Purchase Commitment
              requirements described in Exhibit B hereto.

       b.     Orders will be initiated by Transmation's written purchase order
              and will be binding upon acceptance by Fluke. Each order for
              Product must:

              (1)    Be received by Fluke during the term of this Agreement;

              (2)    Specify delivery dates no more than 60 days after the
                     Agreement's expiration date; and

              (3)    Specify delivery to an Authorized Shipping location
                     established in Exhibit A.

       c.     All deliveries shall be subject to Fluke's delivery schedule.
              Fluke shall endeavor to ship according to Transmation's requested
              schedule but shall not be liable for any failure or delay in
              filing an order due to causes beyond its reasonable control.

       d.     Delivery shall be F.O.B. Fluke shipping point. Title and risk of
              loss or damage shall pass to Transmation upon Fluke's delivery of
              Product to a common carrier.

       d.     Subject to Fluke's delivery schedule, Transmation may request
              changes in delivery dates of Products ordered by giving written
              notice prior to shipment.

5.     PAYMENT

       Payment shall be made in accordance with terms established in Exhibit A.
       Fluke reserves the right to modify these payment terms if, in its
       judgment, the Transmation's financial condition or payment record
       warrants, or upon giving notice of termination.


       Transmation agrees:

       a.     To meet the annual targets established by the Exhibits hereto or
              as otherwise agreed to in writing between Transmation and Fluke or
              Fluke Representative.

       b.     To issue a minimum initial stocking order and/or place minimum
              reorders as established in each Product Exhibit.

       c.     To use its best efforts to vigorously promote and expand the sale
              of Fluke Products by stocking Products and by devoting such
              management, manpower, time and effort as may be reasonably
              necessary to fully develop the available market potential for
              Fluke Products.

       d.     To provide a Resale Certificate whenever requested by Fluke. Until
              receipt of a requested certificate, Fluke will charge sales tax
              where applicable.

       e.     If in Fluke's sole discretion a Product recall or Product safety
              notice is required, Transmation shall deliver to its customers any
              notice provided by Fluke, or make the information required to
              deliver such notice available to Fluke solely for such purpose.


       a.     During the months of January, April, July and October, Transmation
              may return, freight and insurance prepaid, an unlimited quantity
              of current Products, for credit at the current net purchase price
              under the following conditions:

              (1)    A new order for an EQUAL DOLLAR VALUE is placed with Fluke
                     at the time of return;

              (2)    Fluke has given prior approval for the return of such

              (3)    The Products are unused and in their original cartons;

              (4)    Products are not obsolete models, unless Fluke has provided
                     notice as stated under Article 3b.; and

              (5)    Products were purchased no more than 1 year prior to the
                     return date.

              (6)    The amount of each such credit shall be applied to and
                     reduce Transmation's Product Purchase Commitment
                     requirement described in Exhibit B, for the year the
                     product is returned.

Fluke Transmation Agreement


       b.     Fluke will not accept return of used equipment from Transmation
              under any circumstances.

       c.     Instructions for return of damaged and DOA Products are included
              in the warranty statement.


       a.     Transmation agrees to vigorously promote the sales of Products
              through advertising and appropriate media including trade show
              exhibits, catalogs, sales aids, direct mailings, space advertising
              and other Fluke approved methods.

       b.     Fluke will provide sales literature and advertising materials in
              reasonable quantities as well as promotional plans and information
              to assist Transmation in selling the Products. Shipment shall be
              made F.O.B. point of origin. Such Material shall remain Fluke's
              property, and Transmation agrees to return material remaining in
              its possession upon request or upon termination or expiration of
              this Agreement.


Transmation shall perform the terms of the Agreement as an independent
contractor engaged in purchasing Products from Fluke for resale to Transmation's
END-USE customers ("Buyer"). Transmation and its employees are not agents,
employees, or legal representatives of Fluke for any purpose and have no
authority, express or implied, to represent or bind Fluke. Nothing contained in
this Agreement shall be construed as creating a joint venture or partnership
between Fluke and Transmation.


Each Fluke Product is warranted to be free from defects in material and
workmanship under normal use and service. The warranty period is controlled by
the documents furnished with each Product and begins on the date of shipment.
This warranty extends only to the original buyer or end-user customer of a Fluke
authorized reseller, and does not apply to fuses, disposable batteries or to any
Product which, in Fluke's opinion, has been misused, altered, neglected or
damaged by accident or abnormal conditions of operation or handling. Fluke
warrants that software will operate substantially in accordance with its
functional specifications for 90 days and that it has been properly recorded on
non-defective media. Fluke does not warrant that software will be error free or
operate without interruption.

Fluke authorized resellers shall extend this warranty on new and unused Products
to end-user customers only but have no authority to extend a greater or
different warranty on behalf of Fluke. Warranty support is available if Product
is purchased through a Fluke authorized sales outlet or Buyer has paid the
applicable international price. Fluke reserves the right to invoice Buyer for
importation costs of repair/replacement part when Product purchased in one
country is submitted for repair in another country.

Fluke's warranty obligation is limited, at Fluke's option, to refund of the
purchase price, free of charge repair, or replacement of a defective Product
which is returned to a Fluke authorized service center within the warranty

To obtain warranty service, Buyer or Transmation must contact its nearest Fluke
authorized service center or send the Product, with a description of the
difficulty, postage and insurance prepaid (FOB Destination), to the nearest
Fluke authorized service center. Fluke assumes no risk for damage in transit.
Following warranty repair, the Product will be returned to Buyer, transportation
prepaid (FOB Destination). If Fluke determines that the failure was caused by
misuse, alteration, accident or abnormal condition of operation or handling,
Fluke will provide an estimate of repair costs and obtain authorization before
commencing the work. Following repair, the Product will be returned to the Buyer
transportation prepaid and the Buyer will be billed for the repair and return
transportation charges (FOB Shipping Point).


Since some countries or states do not allow limitation of the term of an implied
warranty, or exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, the
limitations and exclusions of this warranty may not apply to every buyer. If any
provision of this Warranty is held invalid or unenforceable by a court of
competent jurisdiction, such holding will not affect the validity or
enforceability of any other provision.


       a.     Fluke may terminate this Agreement immediately by giving written
              notice at any time to Transmation, if Transmation:

              (1)    Makes any extraordinary arrangement with its creditors
                     generally, becomes bankrupt or insolvent, goes into
                     liquidation or winding up, ceases to function as a going
                     concern or changes ownership or control; or

              (2)    Is delinquent by more than eighty (80) days in payment of
                     amounts due to Fluke and Fluke has given Transmation ten
                     (10) days notice to cure such breach; or

              (3)    Makes or attempts to make any assignment of this Agreement
                     or any other obligation hereunder without the prior written
                     consent of Fluke, or has, in Fluke's sole opinion, engaged
                     in willful misconduct or any act which is detrimental to
                     the goodwill or best interest of Fluke; or

              (4)    Engages in solicitation of sales outside of the United

       b.     Upon termination of this Agreement, except with respect to firm
              orders already received, Transmation shall cease all sales of
              Products and shall discontinue all advertising of or reference to
              Products and to Fluke in relation to the Products, except in
              catalogs or literature that advertise Products with other
              manufacturer's Products and were printed prior to receipt of the
              termination notice. Fluke may, at its discretion, accept orders on
              C.O.D. terms for Products which Transmation was contractually
              obligated to furnish prior to the termination date and does not
              have available in its inventory, provided Transmation gives Fluke
              written notice of any such orders within 10 days of the
              termination date.

       c.     Within thirty (30) days after termination of this Agreement, shall
              repurchase from Transmation at Transmation's cost, all remaining
              inventory of new and unused Products, but not obsolete Products.
              Transmation shall prepay freight and insurance to return inventory
              to Fluke.

Fluke Transmation Agreement


       e.     Articles 5., 6.e, and 10 shall continue in effect after


       a.     This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance
              with the laws of the state of Washington.

       b.     This Agreement is independent of and unrelated to any existing
              distribution agreement between Transmation and Fluke for the
              purchase and sale of Fluke equipment. This Agreement sets forth
              the entire understanding of the parties regarding Transmation's
              purchase and sale of Transmation/Altek products and supersedes all
              prior agreements, and communications, whether oral or written,
              pertaining to its subject matter. This Agreement may not be
              modified or amended, including by purchase order or other
              document, except by Fluke. The failure of either party to enforce
              any of the provisions of this Agreement or the Exhibit(s) shall
              not be construed as a waiver of such provisions or of the right of
              such party thereafter to enforce each and every provision
              contained herein. If any term, clause or provision contained in
              the Agreement is declared or held invalid by a court of competent
              jurisdiction, such declaration or holding shall not affect the
              validity of any other term, clause or provision herein contained.
              Neither party shall assign this Agreement except with the consent
              of the other party.

                                   * * * * *
Fluke Transmation Agreement


                              DISTRIBUTOR AGREEMENT

                                    EXHIBIT A
                           TRANSMATION/ALTEK PRODUCTS


   See attached pages 2 and 3 to Exhibit A.


   Minimum Reorder Per Authorized Location              $[***] Net Price

   Net 30 days from date of invoice


   Freight collect via UPS account number [***]


   FOB Shipping Point


   10 Vantage Point Drive, Rochester, New York

   35 Vantage Point Drive, Rochester, New York

- - CO-OP

   Annual Co-Op Reimbursement: [***]% of Previous Year Net Shipments.
   Programs for which co-op funds will be used and Fluke's cooperative share
   shall be pursuant to the terms and conditions of Fluke's Eligible
   Cooperative Advertising Programs, in its current or subsequently modified
   form, except that there shall be no co-op reimbursement for trade show

Fluke Transmation Agreement


       Fluke will pay Transmation a rebate on quarterly shipments of Product if
       Transmation meets or exceeds the moving shipment total of the prior four
       quarters and provides monthly point of sale reports.

       The first rebate will apply to an annualized five-month period from
       August 1 to December 31 of each year of this Agreement's term, and will
       be paid in January of the following year. Growth during the period is
       based on a rebate percentage that is based on annualized shipments from
       the same time period in the preceding year.

       Subsequent rebates will be paid quarterly based on a rebate percentage
       established using the growth of a moving four quarter shipment total
       compared to the previous moving four quarters shipment total. This
       shipment total will be provided under separate cover at the beginning of
       each new quarter. The rebate percentage determined will be multiplied by
       the current quarter's shipments to calculate the rebate to be paid.

           -------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------
             Growth             [***]%       [***]%       [***]%        [***]%
           -------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------
             Percentage         [***]%       [***]        [***]         [***]
           -------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- --------

Fluke Transmation Agreement


Fluke Transmation Agreement

                                    EXHIBIT B

                          PRODUCT PURCHASE COMMITMENTS

1.     PURCHASE COMMITMENT FOR FIRST TWO YEARS. Transmation hereby guarantees
that it will purchase from Fluke at least [***] of Product during each of the
first two years of this Agreement's initial five-year term. "Product," as used
in this Exhibit B for commitment purposes, shall include only [***].

2.     SUBSEQUENT PURCHASE COMMITMENTS. After the first two years of the
Agreement's term, Transmation's Product purchase commitment shall be for the
following amounts under the same terms and conditions as those set forth herein:

                                    YEAR 3: $[***]

                                    YEAR 4: $[***]

                                    YEAR 5: $[***]

Commitments for subsequent years will be as mutually agreed by the parties.

3.     PRODUCT PRICE INCREASES. In the event Fluke increases its Product prices,
Transmation's guaranteed purchase commitment shall be increased proportionately.

4.     ORDER PROCESS REQUIREMENTS. To ensure that Transmation does not attempt
to meet the guaranteed amount at the end of any year during this Agreement's
term by placing an unusually large order that manufacturing requirements would
prohibit Fluke from reasonably fulfilling, Transmation will meet the following

       a. Transmation shall place its last order of the year no later than
       October 31. Fluke shall not be required to deliver any number of Products
       in that purchase order that exceeds by [***] percent ([***] %) the
       average number of Products purchased each month over the preceding six
       months (the "Excess Product"). Fluke will make reasonable and diligent
       efforts to manufacture and deliver the Excess product, but it shall not
       be penalized if it is unable to do so until the next year. The Excess
       Product shall not be applied to Transmation's guaranteed $[***] purchase
       requirement for that subsequent year.

b.     If Transmation's final order for the year does not raise total purchases
to the guaranteed annual purchase amount, Fluke will invoice Transmation for the
difference between the total amount ordered and the balance needed to reach the
guaranteed amount. Transmation shall pay that amount to Fluke within 45 days of
receipt of Fluke's invoice. Delinquent amounts shall incur per annum interest of
[***] percent ([***]%),

5.     TERMINATION OF COMMITMENT OBLIGATIONS. If this agreement is terminated by
Fluke without cause, expires according to its terms, or if Transmation becomes a
non-exclusive distributor under this Agreement, Transmation shall not be
obligated to meet the purchase commitments described in this Exhibit B.

Fluke Transmation Agreement