Exhibit 11 Re: Computation of Earnings Per Share
Second Bancorp Incorporated and Subsidiaries
(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                                                             For the Three Months Ended      For the Six Months Ended
                                                             June 30         June 30          June 30         June 30
                                                              2002             2001             2002            2001
                                                              ----             ----             ----            ----
Basic and Diluted
(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)
Weighted  average shares issued                            10,905,096        10,792,904        10,874,543        10,789,505
Less: Treasury shares                                        (946,168)         (785,000)         (926,197)         (775,539)
Net Weighted average shares outstanding                     9,958,928        10,007,904         9,948,346        10,013,966

Net income                                               $      4,353      $      4,258      $      9,036      $      8,345
Basic Earnings Per Share                                 $       0.44      $       0.42      $       0.91      $       0.83

Weighted  average shares issued                            10,905,096        10,792,904        10,874,543        10,789,505
Less: Treasury shares                                        (946,168)         (785,000)         (926,197)         (775,539)
Net effect of dilutive stock options - based on the
  treasury stock method using average market price            128,075            95,156           123,020            66,007
                                                           10,087,003        10,103,060        10,071,366        10,079,973

Net income                                               $      4,353      $      4,258      $      9,036      $      8,345
Diluted Earnings Per Share                               $       0.43      $       0.42      $       0.90      $       0.83

Basic and Diluted before cumulative effect of                                                                   June 30
    accounting change                                                                                            2001
Weighted  average shares issued                                                                                  10,789,505
Less: Treasury shares                                                                                              (775,539)
Net Weighted average shares outstanding                                                                          10,013,966

Net income                                                                                                     $      8,446
Basic Earnings Per Share                                                                                       $       0.84

Weighted  average shares issued                                                                                  10,789,505
Less: Treasury shares                                                                                              (775,539)
Net effect of dilutive stock options - based on the
  treasury stock method using average market price                                                                   66,007

Net income                                                                                                     $      8,446
Diluted Earnings Per Share                                                                                     $       0.84
