STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT


                               BSN GLASSPACK N.V.


                                 SAXOPHONE B.V.

                          DATED AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2002

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

              PREAMBLE; RECITALS.............................................................................1

ARTICLE 1     SALE AND PURCHASE OF SHARES AND ADJUSTED DEBT..................................................2
   1.1.         Sale and Purchase............................................................................2
   1.2.         Adjustment of Debt...........................................................................2
   1.3.         Purchase Price...............................................................................2
   1.4.         Manner of Payments...........................................................................2

ARTICLE 2     REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE PURCHASER................................................2
   2.1.         Organization; Authority; Execution...........................................................3
   2.2.         Consents and Notices.........................................................................3
   2.3.         Effect of the Transaction....................................................................3

ARTICLE 3     REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE SELLER...................................................3
   3.1.         Organization; Authority; Execution...........................................................3
   3.2.         Capital......................................................................................4
   3.3.         Ownership of Stock...........................................................................5
   3.4.         Consents and Notices.........................................................................6
   3.5.         Effect of the Transaction....................................................................6
   3.6.         Compliance with Law..........................................................................7
   3.7.         Accounting and Financial Documents...........................................................8
   3.8.         Conduct of business..........................................................................8
   3.9.         Real Property...............................................................................10
   3.10.        Movable Property and Businesses.............................................................11
   3.11.        Intellectual Property Rights................................................................11
   3.12.        Indebtedness................................................................................11
   3.13.        Receivables.................................................................................12
   3.14.        Contracts...................................................................................12
   3.15.        Cancellation of related-party contracts and satisfaction of debts...........................13
   3.16.        Subsidies...................................................................................14
   3.17.        [intentionally omitted].....................................................................14
   3.18.        Employment Matters..........................................................................14
   3.19.        Pension and Other Employee Benefits Matters.................................................16
   3.20.        Tax, Social Security, Customs...............................................................17
   3.21.        Litigation..................................................................................18
   3.22.        Product Liability...........................................................................18
   3.23.        Bank Accounts and Signature Powers..........................................................18
   3.24.        Intermediaries..............................................................................19
   3.25.        Completeness of Representations and Warranties..............................................19
   3.26.        Seller's knowledge..........................................................................19


ARTICLE 4     COVENANTS OF THE PURCHASER....................................................................19
   4.1.         Best efforts undertaking....................................................................19
   4.2.         Confidentiality.............................................................................19
   4.3.         Non-solicitation............................................................................19
   4.4.         Transfer of cash............................................................................20
   4.5.         Cooperation in limiting application of fiscal unity anti-abuse rules........................20
   4.6.         Distribution agreements.....................................................................20

ARTICLE 5     COVENANTS OF THE SELLER.......................................................................20
   5.1.         Best efforts undertaking....................................................................21
   5.2.         Confidentiality.............................................................................21
   5.3.         Non-competition and non-solicitation........................................................21
   5.4.         Pension Matters.............................................................................22
   5.5.         Allocation of electricity...................................................................28
   5.6.         Service Agreement...........................................................................28
   5.7.         Disposition of real property and certain assets.............................................28
   5.8.         Purchase of Crystal products................................................................31
   5.9.         Insurance...................................................................................32

ARTICLE 6     OPTION TO TRANSFER CRYSTAL....................................................................32
   6.1.         Put; term...................................................................................32
   6.2.         Exercise....................................................................................32
   6.3.         Purchase of Additional Crystal Shares and rescheduling of Crystal Debt......................32
   6.4.         Extension of Put............................................................................33
   6.5.         Management of Crystal.......................................................................33
   6.6.         Lead Crystal Product operations.............................................................34
   6.7.         Trademark and trade name matters............................................................34
   6.8.         Consequences of exercise....................................................................34

ARTICLE 7     INDEMNIFICATION OF PURCHASER..................................................................38
   7.1.         Indemnification.............................................................................38
   7.2.         Environmental Matters.......................................................................38
   7.3.         Calculation of Damages......................................................................40
   7.4.         Method of Asserting Claims, etc.............................................................40
   7.5.         De minimis..................................................................................45
   7.6.         Deductible..................................................................................45
   7.7.         Maximum Amount..............................................................................45
   7.8.         Exceptions to limitations on indemnification................................................46
   7.9.         Interest....................................................................................46
   7.10.        Deadlines for Claims........................................................................46
   7.11.        Release.....................................................................................46
   7.12.        Seller's activities.........................................................................47
   7.13.        Crystal.....................................................................................47

ARTICLE 8     INDEMNIFICATION OF SELLER.....................................................................47
   8.1.         Indemnification.............................................................................47
   8.2.         Company's activities........................................................................48
   8.3.         Claims procedure, etc.......................................................................48


ARTICLE 9     DISPUTE RESOLUTION............................................................................48
   9.1.         Arbitration.................................................................................48
   9.2.         Language....................................................................................48
   9.3.         Waiver; enforcement.........................................................................48

ARTICLE 10    INTERPRETATION; DEFINITIONS...................................................................49
   10.1.        Headings....................................................................................49
   10.2.        Sections....................................................................................49
   10.3.        Definitions.................................................................................49

ARTICLE 11    GENERAL PROVISIONS............................................................................56
   11.1.        Cooperation.................................................................................56
   11.2.        Announcements...............................................................................56
   11.3.        Assignment..................................................................................56
   11.4.        Third Party Beneficiaries...................................................................56
   11.5.        Entire Agreement............................................................................57
   11.6.        Severability................................................................................57
   11.7.        Notices and Communications..................................................................57
   11.8.        Costs.......................................................................................58
   11.9.        No Waiver...................................................................................58
   11.10.       Governing Law...............................................................................58


                                TABLE OF ANNEXES

ANNEX 3.16           SUBSIDIES
ANNEX 3.18(c)        EMPLOYEES
ANNEX 3.19(b)        BSN PLAN
ANNEX 3.20(e)        TAX BURDENS
ANNEX 3.20(g)        TAX ELECTIONS
ANNEX 3.21           LITIGATION
ANNEX 5.4(c)         ABTN


                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

This Stock Purchase Agreement, dated as of December 31, 2002 (this "AGREEMENT"),
is between BSN Glasspack N.V., a limited liability company (naamloze
vennootschap) organized under the Laws of the Netherlands and having its
registered seat at Schiedam and its principal place of business at
Buitenhavenweg 116, 3113 BE Schiedam (the "SELLER") and Saxophone B.V., a
limited liability company (besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid)
organized under the Laws of the Netherlands and having its registered seat at
Amsterdam and its principal place of business at Koningslaan 34, 1075 AD
Amsterdam (the "PURCHASER"). The Seller and the Purchaser are referred to herein
collectively as the "PARTIES" and individually as a "PARTY".


A.       The Seller is the owner of all of the shares in the capital, consisting
         of eight hundred and twenty (820) registered shares with a nominal
         value of Euro 100 (one hundred euro) each and numbered 1 to 820 (the
         "SHARES"), of B.V. Koninklijke Nederlandsche Glasfabriek Leerdam, a
         limited liability company (besloten vennootschap met beperkte
         aansprakelijkheid) organized under the Laws of the Netherlands and
         having its registered seat at Leerdam and its principal place of
         business at Lingedijk 8, 4142 LD Leerdam (the "COMPANY"). The Company
         has a debt owed under a current account maintained with the Seller
         amounting to Euro 31,217,051.57 (including accrued interest through
         December 27, 2002) as of the date hereof (the "DEBT").

B.       The Purchaser has conducted a due diligence investigation of the
         Company and, for that purpose, was given access to certain confidential
         information about the Company by the Seller and the Company.

C.       The Company is the owner of all of the shares in the capital,
         consisting of hundred and forty (140) registered shares with a nominal
         value of Euro 100 (one hundred euro) each and numbered 1 to 140, of
         B.V. Leerdam Crystal, a limited liability company (besloten
         vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid) organized under the laws
         of the Netherlands and having its registered seat at Leerdam and its
         principal place of business at Lingedijk 8, 4142 LD Leerdam
         ("CRYSTAL"). Crystal has a debt owed under a current account maintained
         with BSN Glasspack Finance amounting to Euro 1,906,360.78 (including
         accrued interest through December 27, 2002) as of the date hereof (the
         "CRYSTAL DEBT").

D.       The Seller wishes to sell and transfer, and the Purchaser wishes to
         purchase, the Shares and the Debt (subject to adjustment as provided


E.       In light of the Purchaser's indirect acquisition of Crystal as a
         subsidiary of the Company, the Purchaser wishes to obtain, and the
         Seller agrees to grant, an option for the Purchaser to transfer Crystal
         to the Seller within a specified period of time.

         The Parties have therefore agreed as follows:

                                   ARTICLE 1

1.1.   Sale and Purchase. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
       the Seller hereby sells and transfers to the Purchaser, and the Purchaser
       hereby purchases from the Seller, the Shares and the Adjusted Debt, free
       and clear of all Encumbrances, as well as all rights attaching to the
       Shares (including entitlement to all of the dividends related to the
       profits made by the Company during the 2002 fiscal year) and the Adjusted

1.2.   Adjustment of Debt. The amount of the Debt transferred hereunder (the
       "ADJUSTED DEBT") shall be equal to the amount of the Debt, reduced by the
       euro equivalent of the amount of cash transferred to the Seller pursuant
       to Section 4.4. Such cash shall constitute a full repayment of the
       portion of the Debt not transferred hereunder.

1.3.   Purchase Price. The total consideration payable for the Shares and the
       Adjusted Debt shall be forty-two million, three hundred thousand euro
       (Euro 42,300,000) (the "PURCHASE PRICE"), payable on the date hereof, by
       wire transfer in immediately available funds to the account no 30003
       03620 00020117741 49 of the Seller opened with Societe Generale Paris
       Opera - France (SWIFT Code SOGEFRPPHPO). The Purchase Price amount is
       composed of an amount equal to the amount of the Adjusted Debt
       attributable to the Adjusted Debt, and the remainder attributable to the

1.4.   Manner of Payments. All payments to be made pursuant to this Agreement
       (other than the payment of the Purchase Price, which shall be paid in
       accordance with Section 1.3) shall be made in euros, for same day value,
       by wire transfer to the bank account notified in writing by the payee to
       the payor no later than three Business Days before the date of payment.

                                   ARTICLE 2

The Purchaser represents and warrants that the following statements are true and
correct as of the date hereof, unless otherwise stated:


2.1.   Organization; Authority; Execution.

       (a)  The Purchaser is a limited liability company duly organized and
            validly existing under the Laws of the Netherlands, and has the
            corporate power and authority to conduct its business as currently

       (b)  The Purchaser has the power and authority to enter into this
            Agreement and to carry out its obligations hereunder. The Purchaser
            has duly authorized the execution of this Agreement and the
            consummation of the Transaction, and no other corporate action on
            the part of the Purchaser is necessary to authorize the execution by
            it of this Agreement or the consummation of the Transaction.

       (c)  This Agreement has been duly executed by the Purchaser and
            constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Purchaser,
            enforceable against it in accordance with its terms.

2.2.   Consents and Notices. The Purchaser is not required to obtain any
       Consents from, make any filings with, or give any notices to any
       Governmental Authority or other Person that have not already been given
       in connection with the execution or enforceability of this Agreement or
       the consummation of the Transaction.

2.3.   Effect of the Transaction. The execution of this Agreement by the
       Purchaser, its performance of its obligations hereunder, and the
       consummation by it of the Transaction does not give rise to any conflict
       with, or violation or breach of, any provision of its organizational
       documents (including by-laws), any obligation (whether contractual or
       otherwise) of the Purchaser and/or one or more of its Affiliates, or of
       any applicable Law.

                                   ARTICLE 3

The Seller represents and warrants that the following statements are true and
correct as of the date hereof, unless otherwise stated:

3.1.   Organization; Authority; Execution.

       (a)  Each of the Seller, the Company and Crystal is a limited liability
            company duly organized and validly existing under the Laws of the
            Netherlands. Each of the Company and Crystal has the corporate power
            and authority to own, lease and operate the assets held or used by
            it and to conduct its business as currently conducted. The Company
            is duly registered with the trade register (handelsregister)


            at the Chamber of Commerce of Tiel, and the information contained in
            such trade register as reflected in extracts from such trade
            register dated April 4, 2002, copies of which are attached as ANNEX
            3.1, is correct and complete. A copy of the current organizational
            documents of the Company is attached hereto as ANNEX 3.1.

       (b)  The Seller has the power and authority to enter into this Agreement
            and to carry out its obligations hereunder. The Seller has duly
            authorized the execution of this Agreement and the consummation of
            the Transaction to the extent legally required, and no other
            corporate action on the part of the Company, the Seller or the
            Seller's Affiliates is necessary to authorize the execution by the
            Seller of this Agreement or the consummation of the Transaction.

       (c)  This Agreement has been duly executed by the Seller, and constitutes
            a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Seller, enforceable
            against it in accordance with its terms.

       (d)  None of the Seller, the Company and Crystal is the subject of any
            current or pending Proceeding under any bankruptcy, insolvency,
            moratorium on payments, judicial composition, dissolution,
            liquidation or any other debtor relief or similar Laws.

       (e)  There has been no proposal made or resolution adopted by any
            competent corporate body of the Seller, the Company or Crystal for
            the dissolution, liquidation, merger or split-up of any of them.

       (f)  The minute books or similar records of the Company contain an
            accurate record of all meetings and other corporate action of its
            stockholders, Board of Management or Directors or other governing
            bodies, and any committees thereof, since January 1, 2000. All of
            the registers, account books and corporate documents of the Company
            have been and continue to be regularly maintained, and give a true
            and fair account of the activities of the Company as required by
            legislation, regulations or internal rules, subject to
            irregularities that have no material adverse effect on the Company.

       (g)  The Seller has delivered to the Company, or the Company is otherwise
            in possession of, all corporate documents of the Company or to which
            the Company is entitled by Law.

3.2.   Capital.


       (a)  Other than the Shares, there are no outstanding shares or other
            securities (including warrants) issued by the Company. All of the
            Shares have been validly issued and are fully paid up. The Company
            has not issued any depositary receipts of shares (certificaten van
            aandelen). There are no options, warrants or other agreements or
            undertakings pursuant to which the Company is or could be bound to
            issue any shares or other securities (including warrants). No
            securities issued by the Company are listed on any stock exchange or
            unregulated market.

       (b)  Other than the shares in the capital of Crystal that are owned by
            the Company, there are no outstanding shares or other securities
            (including warrants) issued by Crystal. All of Crystal's shares have
            been validly issued and are fully paid up. Crystal has not issued
            any depositary receipts of shares (certificaten van aandelen). There
            are no options, warrants or other agreements or undertakings
            pursuant to which Crystal is or could be bound to issue any shares
            or other securities (including warrants). No securities issued by
            Crystal are listed on any stock exchange or unregulated market.

3.3.   Ownership of Stock.

       (a)  The Seller is the unconditional legal and beneficial owner and the
            holder of record of the Shares, free and clear of all Encumbrances.
            The rights of the Seller with respect to the Shares are not subject
            to revocation, rescission or any form of annulment whatsoever.

       (b)  None of the Shares have been transferred or encumbered in advance
            (bij voorbaat), and Seller has not received any notice (betekening)
            of an attachment (beslag) thereon;

       (c)  The Company is the unconditional legal and beneficial owner and the
            holder of record of all of the shares in the capital of Crystal,
            free and clear of all Encumbrances. The rights of the Company with
            respect to such shares are not subject to revocation, rescission or
            any form of annulment whatsoever. None of the shares of Crystal have
            been transferred or encumbered in advance (bij voorbaat), and the
            Company has not received any notice (betekening) of an attachment
            (beslag) thereon.

       (d)  Other than the shares of Crystal, the Company does not own and has
            not committed to acquire, directly or indirectly, any shareholding
            or other interest in any corporation, partnership or other entity.
            The Company does not serve as director or manager of any company or
            entity, other than Crystal.


3.4.   Consents and Notices.

       (a)  Except as set out in ANNEX 3.4, none of the Seller, its Affiliates
            or the Company is required to obtain any Consents from, make any
            filings with, or give any notices to any Governmental Authority or
            other Person in connection with the execution or enforceability of
            this Agreement or the consummation of any part of the Transaction.
            All Consents, filings or notices set out in ANNEX 3.4 have been
            obtained, filed or given, in each case in writing.

       (b)  The works council of the Company has been duly informed of and
            otherwise consulted on, and has given its advice on, the
            Transaction, in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining
            agreement and the Dutch Works Councils Act (Wet op de

       (c)  The relevant Dutch trade unions have been duly informed of the
            Transaction in accordance with the Dutch Merger Code (SER - besluit
            Fusiegedragsregels 2000 ter bescherming van de belangen van

3.5.   Effect of the Transaction. Except as indicated in ANNEX 3.5, the
       execution of this Agreement by the Seller, its performance of its
       obligations hereunder, and the consummation by it of the Transaction does
       not and will not constitute a breach of the Company's, the Seller's or
       the Seller's Affiliates' obligations vis-a-vis third parties and, without
       limiting the foregoing, will not give rise to any of the following:

       (a)  any conflict with, or violation of, any provision of the
            organizational documents (including articles of association or
            by-laws) of the Seller, its Affiliates or the Company;

       (b)  any conflict with, or violation or breach of, any applicable Law, or
            to the Seller's best knowledge, any other obligation of the Company;

       (c)  any loss by the Company of any Subsidy, to the Seller's best

       (d)  any breach of or default or event that, with the lapse of time or
            giving of notice would constitute a default, under any Contract of
            the Company, to the Seller's best knowledge, or any contractual
            cause for early termination of or acceleration of payment under any
            Contract of the Company, to the Seller's best knowledge;

       (e)  any obligation to pay a bonus or indemnity of any type whatsoever to
            any employee or corporate executive of the Company, to the Seller's
            best knowledge;


       (f)  any change to, suspension, cancellation or withdrawal of, any
            Consent granted to the Company, or any favorable Tax or Social
            benefit or regime enjoyed by the Company, to the Seller's best

       (g)  any entitlement for any party to be released from its obligations
            under the terms of any guarantee, comfort letter or other similar
            document issued as a surety or in support of any undertakings by the
            Company, to the Seller's best knowledge;

       (h)  any registration or creation of a pledge or other security interest
            on the assets of the Company, to the Seller's best knowledge; and

       (i)  any impairment to the continued ownership and use by the Company of
            the Intellectual Property Rights set out in ANNEX 3.11(a), to the
            Seller's best knowledge,

       unless such events or circumstances set out in paragraphs (b) through (i)
       would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a material adverse
       effect on the condition (financial or otherwise), income, properties,
       Liabilities or operations of the Company, or on the Purchaser's ownership
       of the Shares and the Adjusted Debt.

3.6.   Compliance with Law.  To the Seller's best knowledge:

       (a)  The Company is currently conducting, and has always conducted, its
            business in compliance with all applicable Laws, Consents, Permits
            and recommendations from Governmental Authorities, subject to
            irregularities that have no material adverse effect on the Company.

       (b)  The Company possesses all Consents and Permits required in
            connection with its operations as currently conducted, and all such
            Consents and Permits are in full force and effect, subject to
            irregularities that have no material adverse effect on the Company.
            There are no pending Proceedings to modify, suspend, terminate or
            otherwise limit any such Consent or Permit that would have a
            material adverse effect on the Company.

       (c)  A situation or practice by or involving the Company that is not in
            strict compliance with all applicable Laws, Consents, Permits or
            recommendations from Governmental Authorities, shall not constitute
            a breach of the representation and warranty given in this Section
            3.6, if the competent Governmental Authorities have accepted and/or
            tolerated such situation or practice with full knowledge of all
            facts and circumstances relevant to such non-compliance.


3.7.   Accounting and Financial Documents.

       (a)  ANNEX 3.7(a) contains complete and correct copies of the audited
            annual financial statements of the Company (balance sheet, profit
            and loss statement, cash flow statement and notes on the accounts
            (including off-balance sheet undertakings)), including the report
            and opinion of the independent auditor of the Company, as of and for
            the period ended December 31, 2001, prepared in accordance with
            Dutch GAAP (the "2001 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS").

       (b)  ANNEX 3.7(b) contains complete and correct copies of the unaudited
            financial statements of the Company (balance sheet, profit and loss
            statement and notes on the accounts (including off-balance sheet
            undertakings)) as of and for the period ended September 30, 2002,
            prepared in accordance with Dutch GAAP and including a comparison to
            the comparable period ended September 30, 2001 (the "2002 FINANCIAL
            STATEMENTS"; together with the 2001 Financial Statements, the

       (c)  The Financial Statements give a true and accurate account of the
            financial condition, assets, liabilities and results of operations
            of the Company as of the respective dates thereof and for the
            periods then ended. The 2001 Financial Statements have been
            certified without qualification by the independent auditor of the

       (d)  ANNEX 3.7(d) contains complete and correct copies of the unaudited
            financial statements of Crystal (balance sheet, profit and loss
            statement and cash flow statement) as of and for the period ended
            September 30, 2002, prepared in accordance with Dutch GAAP. Subject
            to customary year-end adjustments, such financial statements give a
            true and accurate account of the financial condition, assets,
            liabilities and results of operations of Crystal as of the date
            thereof and for the period then ended.

3.8.   Conduct of business. To the Seller's best knowledge, since September 30,
       2002, except as specifically contemplated herein or as indicated in ANNEX

       (a)  Each of the Company and Crystal has carried out its activities
            solely within the Ordinary Course of Business, using all reasonable
            efforts in accordance with past practice to (i) preserve the
            organization and value of its business, its goodwill and reputation,
            its relationships with clients, suppliers, customers, agents, public
            authorities and any other parties having business dealings with it,
            (ii) keep available the services of its employees, (iii) maintain
            all assets and properties in work-


            ing condition, and (iv) comply in all material respects with all
            contractual and other obligations applicable to its business.

       (b)  The Company has not terminated any business relationship that could
            materially affect its condition, financial or otherwise, or

       (c)  The Company has not undertaken any transaction materially modifying
            the substance of, or the rights over, its assets, such as any
            transfer, pledge, lease, grant of license or other rights to third
            parties with respect to its tangible or intangible assets, except
            for transactions that were entered into in the Ordinary Course of
            Business (excluding real estate transactions between or among the
            Company, Crystal, the Seller and the Seller's Affiliates);

       (d)  The Company has not declared any dividends or made any other
            distribution of profits, reserves or retained earnings;

       (e)  The Company has not incurred or become subject to any Liability or
            entered into any transaction that is outside the Ordinary Course of
            Business and that could materially affect its condition, financial
            or otherwise, or prospects;

       (f)  The Company has not accelerated the collection of, granted any
            discounts (other than in the Ordinary Course of Business) with
            respect to, or sold to third parties, any accounts receivable
            related to the Company, or delayed the payment of any payables
            related to the Company or any portion thereof;

       (g)  The Company has not changed the collective status of its employees
            as described in ANNEX 3.18(b), nor has it granted any additional
            benefit to any of its directors, consultants or employees, with the
            exception of compulsory salary increases made pursuant to the terms
            of the applicable collective bargaining agreement;

       (h)  The Company has not agreed to any merger, de-merger, spin-off or
            consolidation; changed its share capital, issued any securities of
            any nature whatsoever (including warrants), granted any stock
            options, or purchased any of its own securities;

       (i)  No amendments have been made to the organizational documents
            (including articles of association and by-laws) of the Company;

       (j)  The Company has not made any change in its accounting procedures or

       (k)  The Company has not made any capital expenditures in excess of Euro
            1,250,000 (or its equivalent in any other currency), nor has it
            committed to purchase orders or otherwise assumed liability for a
            capital expenditure of Euro 250,000 individually or


            Euro 500,000 in the aggregate (or the equivalent thereof in each
            case in any other currency) which remains an obligation of the
            Company on the date hereof;

       (l)  No material modifications to any Contract or other arrangement
            between the Company and the Seller or its Affiliates have been made,
            other than as specifically envisioned under this Agreement;

       (m)  The Company has not, except in the Ordinary Course of Business, (i)
            varied the terms of any existing indebtedness or guarantee; (ii)
            subjected any of its properties or other assets to any Encumbrance
            other than Permitted Encumbrances; (iii) discharged or satisfied any
            Encumbrance or paid or satisfied any Liability; (iv) cancelled,
            compromised, settled or otherwise adjusted any debt, claim or
            Proceeding or waived or released any right relating to its business;
            or (v) sold, assigned, transferred or otherwise disposed of any
            assets; and

       (n)  The Company has not agreed to do any of the foregoing.

3.9.   Real Property.

       (a)  ANNEX 3.9(a) sets out a complete and accurate list of real property
            owned by the Company. The Company has good and valid title to all
            such property, free and clear of all Encumbrances, except for
            Permitted Encumbrances and except as envisioned under the agreement
            or agreements to be entered into among the Company, the Seller and
            Crystal pursuant to Section 5.7.

       (b)  Upon the implementation of the arrangements set out in Section 5.7,
            each of the Company and Crystal will have a valid and subsisting
            right to use all parcels of real estate currently used (but not
            owned) by it, in each instance free and clear of all Encumbrances
            other than Permitted Encumbrances. Other than the parcels falling
            under the arrangements set out in Section 5.7, and except as set out
            in ANNEX 3.9(b), neither the Company nor Crystal leases or uses any
            real property not owned by it.

       (c)  There are no pending zoning, condemnation or expropriation
            Proceedings of which the Company is aware that would preclude or
            materially impair the use of any property owned, leased or used by
            the Company or Crystal.

       (d)  The buildings and other facilities or installations owned by the
            Company are not built or situated on land not owned by the Company,
            except to the extent such buildings or other facilities or
            installations are built or situated on the parcels of land that are
            the subject of the arrangements set out in Section 5.7(a).


3.10.  Movable Property and Businesses. To the Seller's best knowledge, except
       as set out in ANNEX 3.10, and upon implementation of the arrangements
       referred to in Section 5.7(d), the Company either owns free and clear of
       all Encumbrances other than Permitted Encumbrances, or uses under the
       terms of a valid lease or finance lease, all movable property, machinery
       and equipment that it uses.

3.11.  Intellectual Property Rights. To the Seller's best knowledge:

       (a)  ANNEX 3.11(a) sets out a complete and accurate list of all
            Intellectual Property Rights that the Company owns. Except as set
            out in ANNEX 3.11(a), (i) all such Intellectual Property Rights are
            valid and free from any Encumbrances; (ii) the Company has made all
            filings, payments and formalities necessary to ensure its full and
            exclusive ownership of such Intellectual Property Rights,
            enforceable against third parties; and (iii) no license or right to
            use of any of the Intellectual Property Rights set out therein has
            been granted.

       (b)  ANNEX 3.11(b) sets out a complete and accurate list of all
            Intellectual Property Rights that the Company uses under license,
            including an indication of which such licenses will terminate or
            will require renewal as a result of the Transaction.

       (c)  Except as set out in ANNEX 3.11(b), the Company is not infringing
            and has not infringed, and is not participating and has not
            participated in any infringement of, any Intellectual Property
            Rights of any other Person. Except as set out in ANNEX 3.11(b),
            there are no pending adverse claims with respect to any Intellectual
            Property Rights, either owned or licensed.

       (d)  Crystal validly uses the trade name "Royal Leerdam Crystal", as
            currently used, free from any Encumbrances. No license or right to
            use such trade name has been granted, and there are no pending
            adverse claims with respect to such trade name.

3.12.  Indebtedness.

       (a)  The Company has no Indebtedness, except for the Debt. The Seller has
            valid ownership of the Debt, free and clear of all Encumbrances. All
            interest on the Debt through and including December 27, 2002, has
            either been paid or is included in the amount of the Debt.

       (b)  Crystal has no Indebtedness, except for the Crystal Debt. BSN
            Glasspack Finance has valid ownership of the Crystal Debt, free and
            clear of all Encumbrances. All interest on the Crystal Debt through
            and including December 27, 2002, has either been paid or is included
            in the amount of the Crystal Debt.


3.13.  Receivables. To the Seller's best knowledge, all accounts receivable set
       out in the Financial Statements and all other rights of payment,
       including, without limitation, unbilled amounts and credits extended to
       third parties acquired by the Company between September 30, 2002, and the
       date hereof, have arisen from bona fide transactions in the Ordinary
       Course of Business, are free from any Encumbrances, and the reserves or
       write-offs for bad debts in the Financial Statements have been computed
       in a manner consistent with past practice.

3.14.  Contracts. To the Seller's best knowledge, ANNEX 3.14 sets out a complete
       and accurate list of all Contracts (setting forth an indication of the
       purpose of the contract, the names of the parties thereto, and its
       execution date), other than Contracts solely between or among the
       Company, Crystal, the Seller and/or the Seller's Affiliates and Contracts
       that this Agreement contemplates will be executed in connection with the
       Transaction, falling under any of the following categories:

       (a)  Contracts (including customer contracts and groups of contracts
            related to the same subject matter) involving the Company's
            obligation to pay, or entitlement to receive, under the normal
            course of such Contracts, a total amount in excess of Euro 250,000,
            or the equivalent thereof in any other currency, calculated on the
            date hereof;

       (b)  Contracts, the term of which exceeds one year or is unlimited in
            duration (with the exception of labor agreements), that the Company
            may not terminate on less than six months' notice without payment of
            an indemnity, and that involve the Company's obligation to pay, or
            entitlement to receive, under the normal course of such Contracts, a
            total amount in excess of Euro 50,000, or the equivalent thereof in
            any other currency, calculated on the date hereof;

       (c)  Contracts giving rise to the payment by the Company of finder's fees
            to the other party (or to any entity or individual connected
            therewith) in consideration for business referred to the Company by
            such party;

       (d)  Contracts providing for the sharing of profits, the payment of
            commissions, or the payment of any amounts based on profits or

       (e)  Contracts under which the Company is bound to refrain from competing
            or otherwise restricting the Company's ability to compete in its

       (f)  Contracts granting exclusive rights, other than exclusive
            arrangements with suppliers of goods or services not related to the
            Company's core commercial activities;


       (g)  Any outstanding loans granted by the Company;

       (h)  Guarantees, sureties, warranties and credit support agreements given
            by (i) the Seller or its Affiliates for the benefit of the Company
            (except for those that will be terminated or otherwise come to an
            end upon the consummation of the Transaction); or (ii) the Company,
            other than guarantees as to product performance or prepayments
            received, guarantees given in the Ordinary Course of Business, or
            guarantees to secure utility purchases or rental payments, but
            including such guarantees if to or for the benefit of the Seller or
            its Affiliates; and

       (i)  Contracts relating to the holding and/or transfer of securities or
            interest in any entity or to the control or management thereof.

       To the Seller's best knowledge, all such Contracts, together with all
       other contractual relationships falling within the scope of any
       representation or warranty set forth in this Article 3, are valid and
       binding and in full force and effect, and enforceable in accordance with
       their terms. To the Seller's best knowledge, the Company is not in breach
       of any such Contract and has not waived any right under any such Contract
       that could have a material adverse effect on the Company, and the Company
       has not received any notice of breach, default, acceleration or transfer
       under any such Contract. To the Seller's best knowledge, no other party
       to any Contract is in default thereunder. To the Seller's best knowledge,
       except as set out in ANNEX 3.14, all Persons that have entered into any
       such Contract entitling them to terminate such Contract or accelerate
       performance thereunder in the event of a change of control of the Company
       have waived such right in writing in connection with the Transaction.

3.15.  Cancellation of related-party contracts and satisfaction of debts. Except
       as specifically envisioned by this Agreement and except for the Debt and
       the Crystal Debt, the Seller has:

       (a)  repaid or procured the repayment to or by the Company or Crystal of
            any debt owed to or by the Company or Crystal (including, without
            limitation, amounts outstanding under any loans granted by or to the
            Company or Crystal) by or to any of the Seller, its Affiliates or
            any Related Person thereof, including all interest thereon, without
            any penalty for prepayment, with the exception of those debts that
            would have arisen from bona fide transactions between the Company,
            Crystal the Seller and/or its Affiliates in the Ordinary Course of
            Business and the payment of which would not have been delayed;


       (b)  terminated or procured the termination of, without any penalty or
            payment by, or Liability to, the Company or Crystal, all Contracts
            between any of the Seller, its Affiliates or any Related Person
            thereof, on the one hand, and the Company and/or Crystal, on the
            other hand (including, without limitation, arrangements for any
            services to be provided to the Company and/or Crystal by the Seller
            or its Affiliates other than pursuant to the Service Agreement to be
            entered into pursuant to Section 5.6), except for the foreign
            exchange contract entered into between the Company and BSN Glasspack
            Finance attached hereto as ANNEX 3.15(b), the benefits of which will
            remain fully available to the Company through December 31, 2003; and

       (c)  procured the full release, without any Liability to the Company or
            Crystal, effective as of the date hereof, of all past, present or
            future guarantor obligations of the Company and Crystal, in any form
            whatsoever, including as joint and several obligor, that benefit any
            of the Seller, its Affiliates or any Related Person thereof.

3.16.  Subsidies. To the Seller's best knowledge, ANNEX 3.16 sets out a complete
       and accurate list of all Subsidies that (i) either impose on the Company
       any obligations or conditions that remain in effect as of the date hereof
       or that will come into effect hereafter or (ii) provide for future
       benefits, setting out the status of each Subsidy, including the benefits
       thereof and any obligations or conditions imposed on the Company. To the
       Seller's best knowledge, except as set out in ANNEX 3.16, the Company is
       not in breach of any of the terms and conditions of any Subsidy.

3.17.  [intentionally omitted]

3.18.  Employment Matters. To the Seller's best knowledge:

       (a)  Except as set out in ANNEX 3.18(a), there are no current or pending
            collective or individual labor disputes with the employees of the
            Company which may materially affect the Company's condition,
            financial or otherwise, or prospects.

       (b)  ANNEX 3.18(b) sets out, for the Company and, where applicable, for
            each separate branch or facility:

            (i)    all applicable collective bargaining agreements;

            (ii)   the compensation scheme, including premiums, bonuses,
                   commissions, fringe benefits, applicable to all of the
                   employees or certain categories thereof; and


            (iii)  the profit-sharing, incentive, stock-options, company savings
                   and other similar plans.

       (c)  ANNEX 3.18(c) sets out a list of all employees of the Company and of
            Crystal as of the date hereof, together with their annual
            compensation, date of hire and length of service.

       (d)  ANNEX 3.18(d) sets out (i) copies of model employment agreements as
            entered into by the Company, and (ii) copies of all agreements under
            which certain employees or corporate officers enjoy benefits, the
            value of which would exceed by at least Euro 10,000 the value of
            those arising from the collective status referred to in Section
            3.18(b) or the model agreements attached hereto (including, without
            limitation, increased severance pay, extended notice periods, fringe
            benefits, and pensions), together with a list of the names of the
            beneficiaries of such agreements and the nature of the exceptional
            benefits granted.

       (e)  There are no existing undertakings or obligations of the Company, or
            by which it is bound, vis-a-vis former employees or corporate
            officers of the Company.

       (f)  The Company has no obligations vis-a-vis bodies representing its
            employees exceeding those provided for by applicable Law or the
            collective status referred to in Section 3.18(b).

       (g)  Except as set out in ANNEX 3.18(g), no pending claim has been made
            against the Company by any relevant authority for failure to comply
            with labor rules and regulations that is not fully and finally

       (h)  Neither the Seller nor the Company has undertaken to grant any
            benefits to any employees or corporate officers of the Company as a
            result of the completion of the Transaction.

       (i)  The Company has not made any commitment in connection with any
            Social plan which has not been performed, nor has the Company made
            any written commitment in connection with any future collective
            dismissal or reorganization, except for irregularities that have no
            material adverse effect on the Company.

       (j)  The Company is and has complied with all provisions of labor and
            Social Laws, the collective status described in Section 3.18(b), and
            individual employment contracts, except for irregularities that,
            individually or in the aggregate, have no material adverse effect on
            the Company.


       (k)  No senior executive of the Company has declared in writing his or
            her intention to resign, and no senior executive of the Company has
            resigned since the date three months before the date hereof.

3.19.  Pension and Other Employee Benefit Matters.

       (a)  ANNEX 3.19(a) sets out a complete and accurate list of all pension,
            pre-pension, health, disability and other employee benefit
            commitments of the Company and Crystal and all payment obligations
            of the Company and Crystal in connection with such commitments.

       (b)  The BSN Plan, a copy of which is attached as ANNEX 3.19(b), is the
            only collective and/or individual pension scheme to which the
            Company and Crystal are obligated to make any contribution or
            otherwise fulfill any commitment. The BSN Plan was implemented
            before June 1, 1999, and has not been altered in any material
            respect since June 1, 1999, other than as required by applicable

       (c)  Since the last date on which the pensionable salaries of employees
            of the Company and Crystal were determined, neither Company nor
            Crystal has granted, committed to or agreed to any salary increases
            or other adjustments to pensionable salaries that will or could
            result in back service or future service payment obligations other
            than as provided in the applicable collective bargaining agreements
            disclosed in ANNEX 3.18(b) for employees falling under the
            provisions of the applicable collective bargaining agreements.

       (d)  The BSN Plan and former collective and individual pension, health,
            disability or similar schemes of the Company or Crystal or
            applicable to the Company's or Crystal's employees (each a "FORMER
            PLAN") are and have been in material compliance with applicable Law,
            except for irregularities that have no material adverse effect on
            the Company, Crystal, the BSN Plan or Former Plan, as appropriate.

       (e)  All contributions due to the BSN Plan under applicable contract or
            Law are and have been made in full, and all other obligations to the
            BSN Plan arising under applicable contract or Law (including
            back-service payments) have been satisfied, in a timely manner, to
            the extent required by applicable Law.

       (f)  No Person has granted a waiver of participation in the BSN Plan with
            respect to any of the Company's or Crystal's employees.


       (g)  There are no current or pending Proceedings regarding the BSN Plan
            or any Former Plan, or the implementation thereof, and to the
            Seller's best knowledge, no such Proceedings have been threatened in

3.20.  Tax, Social Security, Customs.

       (a)  Each of the Company and Crystal has timely filed true, accurate and
            complete Tax and Social reports, returns and notices as required by
            applicable Laws, has withheld from its employees and timely paid to
            the appropriate Governmental Authority proper and accurate amounts
            for all periods through the date hereof as required by applicable
            Tax withholding provisions of applicable Laws, and has otherwise
            complied with all applicable Tax and Social Laws.

       (b)  Each of the Company and Crystal has timely paid all Taxes and Social
            Charges that became due before the date hereof. Each of the Company
            and Crystal has fully, duly and timely paid all corporate income
            taxes due on its share of the taxable profits of the current fiscal
            unity among the Company, Crystal, the Seller and certain of the
            Seller's Affiliates (the "FISCAL UNITY") for Dutch corporate income
            tax purposes (vennootschapsbelasting). The Seller has repaid, or
            caused the repayment of, all advances made by the Company or Crystal
            to other members of the Fiscal Unity for Taxes with respect to the
            fiscal year 2002.

       (c)  Except as set forth in ANNEX 3.20(c), to the Seller's best
            knowledge, (i) none of the Company, Crystal, the Seller and the
            Seller's Affiliates has received any written information request,
            notice of initiation of an audit or inquiry or similar written
            notice from any Tax or Social authorities or bodies relating to any
            Taxes for which the Company or Crystal is or may be liable, and (ii)
            no such audit or inquiry has been initiated.

       (d)  Neither the Company nor Crystal enjoys or has enjoyed any Tax or
            Social benefit, favorable regime or Consent in consideration for or
            subject to undertakings or obligations by which either of them is
            still bound. Neither the Company nor Crystal owns any asset (i) the
            tax value of which is materially less than its net book value, (ii)
            which is subject to any holding obligation, or (iii) to which any
            latent or contingent Tax or Social Liability not shown in the
            Financial Statements is attached. The information provided and the
            representations made to the Tax or Social authorities by the Company
            or Crystal in connection with the obtaining of any Tax or Social
            benefits, favorable regimes or Consents enjoyed by it were true,
            accurate and complete. The profit-sharing, incentive, stock-options,
            company sav-


            ings and other similar plans enjoyed by the Company's and
            Crystal's employees qualify for the Tax and Social exemptions
            normally applicable to them.

       (e)  To the Seller's best knowledge, and except as indicated in ANNEX
            3.20(e), neither the Company nor Crystal will incur any Tax burden
            as a result of the termination, subsequent to or as a result of the
            sale of the Shares or otherwise as a result of the Transaction, of
            any fiscal unity regime applicable to it.

       (f)  Neither the Company nor Crystal is entitled to any corporate income
            Tax receivables.

       (g)  A complete and accurate list of the Tax elections made by the
            Company and Crystal (including, but not limited to, elections
            related to fiscal unity regimes for corporate income tax and V.A.T.)
            is attached as ANNEX 3.20(g), together with copies of the fiscal
            unity decree (beschikking) for corporate income tax purposes and the
            fiscal unity decree for V.A.T. purposes.

       (h)  Except as a result of the fiscal unity election and the fiscal unity
            degree set out in ANNEX 3.20(g), neither the Company nor Crystal has
            assumed or is bound to assume the Tax Liabilities of any other
            Person or to indemnify such Person for such Tax Liabilities other
            than as required by applicable Law.

3.21.  Litigation. Except as set out in ANNEX 3.21, there are no current or
       pending Proceedings to which the Company is a party or in which the
       Company is otherwise involved, and to the Seller's best knowledge, no
       such Proceedings have been threatened in writing. There are no Judgments
       in force or outstanding against the Company that impose ongoing or future
       obligations on the Company.

3.22.  Product Liability. To the Seller's best knowledge, the Company has not
       been ordered or requested by any governmental or judicial authority, or
       by any professional or consumer body whatsoever, to recall any product
       manufactured or marketed by it, or to inform the users thereof of the
       existence of any defect in any such product or danger caused by, or
       related to, its use.

3.23.  Bank Accounts and Signature Powers. To the Seller's best knowledge, ANNEX
       3.23 sets out a complete and accurate list of the bank accounts and safe
       deposit boxes opened in the name of the Company, with the names of the
       persons authorized to operate such accounts or to have access to such
       deposit boxes, as well as a list of all of the powers of attorney granted
       by the Company with a description of the powers thus granted, their term
       and the positions occupied by the persons to whom they have been granted.


3.24.  Intermediaries. All negotiations relating to this Agreement have been
       carried out without the involvement of any person acting on behalf of the
       Seller or the Company in a manner that could give rise to any valid claim
       against the Company or the Purchaser for any broker's or finder's fee or
       similar compensation in connection with the transactions contemplated

3.25.  Completeness of Representations and Warranties. The Seller has not
       omitted to disclose to the Purchaser any facts of which the Seller has
       knowledge that would be necessary to make the information contained in
       this Agreement and its annexes, taken as a whole, not misleading.

3.26.  Seller's knowledge. Where the above representations and warranties are
       subject to the Seller's knowledge, the Seller's knowledge shall mean (i)
       the Seller's actual knowledge; (ii) knowledge of the Company, Crystal and
       their businesses that a reasonably prudent Person wholly owning companies
       of a comparable size and type has; (iii) knowledge that the Seller, using
       reasonably diligent efforts to obtain from the Company and Crystal all
       relevant information, would have; and (iv) knowledge that the Seller
       could reasonably be expected to have in its capacity as a co-owner and
       co-operator of the site at Leerdam.

                                   ARTICLE 4
                           COVENANTS OF THE PURCHASER

4.1.   Best efforts undertaking. In case any further action is necessary or
       desirable to carry out the purposes of this Agreement, the Purchaser
       shall use its best efforts to take or cause to be taken any such action.

4.2.   Confidentiality. For three years following the date hereof, the Purchaser
       shall refrain, and shall cause its Affiliates to refrain, from using in
       the manufacture of glass packaging (glass containers) or providing any
       third party (except for its advisors and bankers) any Confidential
       Information about the Seller or its Affiliates obtained in the course of
       negotiating the Transaction, other than as required by applicable Law or
       to enforce its rights under this Agreement.

4.3.   Non-solicitation. For two years following the date hereof, the Purchaser
       shall not employ or solicit for employment, either directly or
       indirectly, management employees of the Seller (except for such employees
       whose employment has been terminated by the Seller and for a cause not
       pertaining to the employees concerned), or incite any of those employees
       to leave any position they occupy now or in the future with the Seller.


       This prohibition shall not apply to advertisements placed in publications
       in general circulation.

4.4.   Transfer of cash.

       (a)  The Purchaser shall, within five Business Days after the date
            hereof, cause the Company to transfer to the Seller the cash balance
            credited on the bank accounts of the Company as of the close of
            business on the Business Day preceding the date hereof, excluding
            any amounts paid to the Company before the date hereof pursuant to
            Section 3.20(b), in full repayment of the portion of the Debt not
            transferred hereunder.

       (b)  The Purchaser shall, within five Business Days after the date
            hereof, cause Crystal to transfer to BSN Glasspack Finance the cash
            balance credited on the bank accounts of Crystal as of the close of
            business on the Business Day preceding the date hereof, excluding
            any amounts paid to Crystal pursuant to Section 3.20(b) before the
            date hereof, in partial repayment of the Crystal Debt.

4.5.   Cooperation in limiting application of fiscal unity anti-abuse rules. A
       copy of the request filed by the Fiscal Unity with the Dutch Tax
       authorities on behalf of the VG Holding B.V. (the parent of the Seller),
       the Company and Crystal to apply the Resolution of the Dutch
       Underminister of Finance dated February 15, 2002 (nr. CPP 2001/3580) in
       the event that the Dutch Tax authorities or a court in the final instance
       decide(s) that one or more transactions have occurred that will give rise
       to an additional Tax assessment imposed on the Seller according to
       Article 15 of the Corporation Tax Act 1969 and the 16th standard
       condition (Wet op de vennootschapsbelasting 1969, zestiende
       standaardvoorwaarde) is attached as ANNEX 4.5. Such request is intended
       to ensure that, where, pursuant to Article 15 of the Corporation Tax Act
       1969 and the 16th standard condition, a transaction has occurred that
       will give rise to an additional Tax assessment imposed on the Seller and
       its Affiliates, such additional Tax assessment is limited to only those
       particular assets that have been transferred between the Seller, its
       Affiliates, the Company and Crystal under the aforementioned
       transactions. In the event such assets cannot be identified, the
       Purchaser shall cooperate with the Seller to take such additional steps
       as are reasonably required to cause the fiscal unity anti-abuse rule to
       be limited to assets that have been transferred between the Seller, its
       Affiliate, the Company and Crystal under the aforementioned transactions.

4.6.   Distribution agreements. The Purchaser acknowledges that the Company has
       entered into agreements with Luigi Bormioli Corporation regarding the
       distribution of the Company's products in the United States and Canada,
       and with Royal Doulton Canada


       regarding the distribution of the Company's products in Canada. In
       addition to the payment of the Purchase Price, the Purchaser acknowledges
       and accepts all responsibility, expense and associated costs in the event
       that such agreements are terminated as contemplated by the Purchaser as a
       fundamental premise for its entering into the Transaction. The Purchaser
       acknowledges that the Seller shall not bear any responsibility for any
       such expenses and costs, whether incurred by the Purchaser or the
       Company. The Purchaser hereby waives any rights of rescission,
       cancellation and similar rights under Belgian law that it may have with
       respect to this Agreement arising out of the cancellation of such
       distribution agreements.

                                   ARTICLE 5
                             COVENANTS OF THE SELLER

5.1.   Best efforts undertaking. In case any further action is necessary or
       desirable to carry out the purposes of this Agreement, the Seller shall
       use its best efforts to take or cause to be taken any such action.

5.2.   Confidentiality. For three years following the date hereof, the Seller
       shall refrain, and shall cause its Affiliates to refrain, from using in
       the manufacture of glass tableware or providing any third party (except
       for its advisors and bankers) any Confidential Information about the
       Purchaser, its Affiliates, the Company or Crystal obtained in the course
       of negotiating the Transaction, other than as required by applicable Law
       or to enforce its rights under this Agreement.

5.3.   Non-competition and non-solicitation.

       (a)  For three years following the date hereof, the Seller shall not
            (except as permitted by Section 5.3(b)) undertake, directly or
            indirectly, personally or through other individuals or entities,
            whether or not for compensation, throughout the world, any activity
            that might compete with the Company and/or Crystal.

       (b)  The Seller shall be entitled to purchase equity interests or assets
            of a third party that would otherwise result in a breach of Section
            5.3(a), provided that (i) the portion of the business so acquired
            that competes with the Company and/or Crystal (the "COMPETING
            BUSINESS") had an average annual turnover for the three years
            preceding such acquisition of no more thanEuro30 million; and (ii)
            the Competing Business represented no more than 25% of the average
            annual turnover of the acquired business as a whole for the three
            years preceding such acquisition. Promptly following the acquisition
            of any Competing Business authorized hereunder, the Seller shall
            grant the Purchaser an option, to remain available for


            25 Business Days, to purchase the Competing Business in cash at fair
            market value, as determined by an investment banker of international
            repute selected by the Seller. If the Purchaser does not exercise
            such option within 25 Business Days of the Purchaser's receipt of
            the option, the Seller shall use its best efforts to sell the
            Competing Business to a third party within six months of the
            consummation of the Seller's acquisition of the Competing Business.
            Before agreeing to any sale of the Competing Business for a price
            less than that determined by the investment banker pursuant to this
            section, the Seller shall offer the Competing Business to the
            Purchaser for such price. If the Purchaser does not accept such
            offer within 25 Business Days of its receipt of such offer, the
            Seller may proceed with the sale to a third party; provided,
            however, that if the sale to the third party is not consummated
            within six months after the Purchaser's rejection of such offer, the
            procedure contemplated in the preceding sentence shall be applicable
            before any sale can be made. For the avoidance of doubt, the
            procedures set out in this Section 5.3(b) shall apply to any
            Competing Business acquired within the three-year period referred to
            in Section 5.3(a), regardless of whether such procedures extend
            beyond such three-year period.

       (c)  For two years following the date hereof, the Seller shall not employ
            or solicit for employment, either directly or indirectly, management
            employees of the Company or Crystal (except for such employees whose
            employment has been terminated by the Company or Crystal and for a
            cause not pertaining to the employees concerned), or incite any of
            those employees to leave any position they occupy now or in the
            future with the Company or Crystal. This prohibition shall not apply
            to advertisements placed in publications in general circulation.

5.4.   Pension Matters.

       (a)  As of the date hereof, the coverage of the Eligible Employees for
            the benefits provided through the BSN Fund Foundation shall
            terminate, without prejudice to any rights under the BSN Plan and
            under this Agreement.

       (b)  As soon as reasonably practicable after the date hereof, the
            Purchaser shall establish a defined benefit plan providing the
            Eligible Employees with benefits comparable to those granted under
            the BSN Plan (the "PURCHASER'S PLAN") by implementing such actions
            as might be required to that effect, including (i) the incorporation
            of a foundation (stichting) (the "RL PENSION FOUNDATION") as
            referred to in Section 2.1(b) of the Dutch Pensions Act, (ii) the
            establishment of pension regulations (a pensioenreglement) in
            accordance with the Dutch Pensions Act, and (iii) the execution of
            an agreement between the RL Pension Foundation and the Com-


            pany and Crystal, as appropriate, as referred to in Section 3a of
            the Dutch Pensions Act.

       (c)  (i) The Seller shall seek to have the BSN Fund Foundation establish
            as of the Reference Date on its books and records (without having to
            segregate any actual assets) a separate account (the "Account"), to
            which shall be credited:

            (A)  an amount of assets (reflecting proportionally the combination
                 of total fixed income and non-fixed income assets managed by
                 the BSN Fund Foundation as of the Reference Date) equal to one
                 hundred and five percent (105%) of the aggregate value of the
                 vested and accrued pension obligations as of the Reference Date
                 with respect to Eligible Employees (excluding the effect of any
                 increase in their salaries for 2003) under (x) the Standard
                 Plan, calculated in accordance with Sections 18.2 and 18.3 of
                 the Standard Plan Regulations and based on the employment
                 status and credited service at the Reference Date and using
                 pensionable earnings based on the actual salary at the
                 Reference Date; and (y) the TOP Plan, calculated in accordance
                 with Section 12.3 of the TOP Plan Regulations, and, with
                 respect to Eligible Employees who are covered by the
                 transitional rules under Section 15 of the TOP Plan, calculated
                 on the basis of an assumed TOP retirement age of 60 or 62, as
                 the case may be, using the accrual rates set forth in Sections
                 15.3 and 15.4 of the TOP Plan Regulations, and in all cases
                 calculated based on the employment status, salary (for the
                 determination of pensionable earnings) and credited service
                 from April 1, 1998, as set forth in Sections 15.3 and 15.4 of
                 the TOP Plan, of Eligible Employees as of the Reference Date
                 and, unless otherwise provided herein, in accordance with the
                 actuarial assumptions set forth in the ABTN, a copy of which is
                 attached as ANNEX 5.4(c); and

            (B)  an amount equal to the portion of the Premium Deposit
                 outstanding on the Reference Date equal to the ratio between
                 the sum of the value of the TOP benefits for each Eligible
                 Employee projected to their early retirement age (less the TOP
                 benefits taken into account in paragraph (A) above and
                 excluding the TOP benefits accruing at 2 and 15/35%, 2 and
                 11/37% or 2 and 6/37%, as applicable, per year of service from
                 the Reference Date onwards) relative to the sum of the value of
                 the TOP benefits for each active employee covered under the BSN
                 Plan (including the Eligible Employees) projected to their
                 early retirement age


                 (less the TOP benefits as would be determined under paragraph
                 (A) above and excluding the TOP benefits accruing at 2 and
                 15/35%, 2 and 11/37% or 2 and 6/37%, as applicable, per year of
                 service from the Reference Date onwards), both determined in
                 accordance with the actuarial assumptions set forth in the

                 the aggregate amount calculated in accordance with (A) and
                 (B) above being subject to adjustment as provided below.

            (ii)   At any time between the Reference Date and the date seven
                   Business Days before the Pension Transfer Date, the Purchaser
                   may elect to convert all or any portion of the assets
                   credited to the Account into cash, with the understanding
                   that the cash proceeds from sale of the investments will be
                   promptly reinvested in high quality short-term interest
                   bearing government debt. Upon receipt of a written notice
                   from the Purchaser electing such cash conversion, the Seller
                   shall seek to have the BSN Plan convert the assets credited
                   to the Account (or the designated portion thereof) into cash,
                   in accordance with reasonable instructions as to the assets
                   to be converted. If the assets credited to the Account as of
                   the Reference Date have not been definitively ascertained at
                   the time of such election, the Seller shall seek to have the
                   BSN Plan (x) convert assets representing up to 70% (unless
                   otherwise agreed) of the reasonably estimated value of the
                   non-cash assets credited to the Account into cash, and (y) as
                   soon as the amount of assets to be credited to the Account as
                   of the Reference Date is definitively ascertained, convert
                   the remainder of such assets into cash, in each case to the
                   extent requested by the Purchaser and crediting the resulting
                   cash to the Account. The Seller shall seek to have the BSN
                   Plan convert such assets to cash within seven Business Days
                   after the Seller's receipt of written notice from the
                   Purchaser electing such conversion, on the basis of a
                   valuation of such assets made at the time of such conversion
                   to cash, it being understood that the Purchaser and the BSN
                   Fund shall not be responsible for fluctuations in the
                   valuation of such assets between the Reference Date and the
                   date of conversion of such assets, without prejudice to the
                   Purchaser's rights in the event that such assets are not
                   converted in a timely manner in accordance with this Section

            (iii)  From the Reference Date through the Pension Transfer Date,
                   the amount credited to the Account shall be:


       (A)  reduced by the amount of any benefit payments made to or in respect
            of any Eligible Employee who is entitled to such benefits under the
            BSN Plan, and who elects to transfer his or her accrued benefits to
            the RL Pension Foundation;

       (B)  reduced by the value of any benefits transferred to another pension
            plan or insurance company before the Pension Transfer Date at the
            request of an Eligible Employee, following the termination of such
            Eligible Employee's service with the Company or Crystal; and

       (C)  increased or reduced, as the case may be, on a monthly basis and on
            the Pension Transfer Date to reflect (x) if the Purchaser has not
            elected to convert any of the assets credited to the Account to
            cash, the time-weighted investment return on each category of assets
            credited to the Account from time to time over that period; and (y)
            if the Purchaser elects to convert some or all of the assets
            credited to the Account to cash, the time-weighted investment return
            on each category of assets credited to the Account and not converted
            to cash from time to time over that period, and an investment return
            on the cash credited to the Account at a rate per annum equal to the
            actual return on the high quality short-term interest bearing
            government debt in which such cash is to be invested pursuant to
            Section 5.4(c)(ii).

       (d)  On a day following the fulfillment of all conditions necessary to
            complete the transfer of assets and assumption of liabilities
            contemplated by this Section 5.4(d), including the granting of a
            consent by the PVK to such transfer, on which the Purchaser and the
            Seller may agree, or in the absence of such agreement 10 Business
            Days after the fulfillment of such conditions, (the "PENSION
            TRANSFER DATE"):

            (i)  the Seller shall seek to have the BSN Fund Foundation transfer
                 to the RL Pension Foundation (x) if the Purchaser has elected
                 to convert some or all the assets in the Account to cash
                 pursuant to Section 5.4(c)(ii), an amount in cash equal to the
                 cash balance of the Account attributable to such converted
                 assets as of the Pension Transfer Date; and (y) with respect to
                 assets that the Purchaser has not elected to convert in the
                 Account to cash pursuant to Section 5.4(c)(ii), assets credited
                 to the Account and valued as of the Pension Transfer Date; and

            (ii) the Purchaser shall cause the RL Pension Foundation to assume
                 from the BSN Fund Foundation, in consideration for the cash or
                 assets transferred to


                 it pursuant to Section 5.4(d)(i), liabilities equal to the
                 accrued benefits allocable to all Eligible Employees who are
                 participants in the BSN Plan as of the Pension Transfer Date
                 and who have consented to the transfer of their benefits
                 pursuant to Section 5.4(i).

            If the assets and/or cash transferred to the RL Pension Foundation
            on the Pension Transfer Date are insufficient to meet the funding
            requirements of the RL Pension Foundation, the Seller shall not, in
            the absence of any breach of this Agreement and without prejudice
            to Section 5.4(g), be liable for such shortfall.

       (e)  The Seller shall procure that all required filings and submissions
            to the PVK and other appropriate Governmental Authorities be made,
            and that all necessary amendments to the BSN Plan, the relevant
            provisions in the related pension regulations and the related
            agreement with the Seller are made, as may be required in connection
            with the contemplated transfer of cash or assets (including the
            establishment and operation of the Account and transfers to and from
            the Account) and assumption of liabilities described herein.

       (f)  Within the later of 60 days after obtaining all required approvals
            and 30 days after being notified of the establishment of the RL
            Pension Foundation, the Purchaser shall notify or procure that the
            RL Pension Foundation notifies the Eligible Employees (except for
            those referred to in Section 5.4(k)) in a legally appropriate manner
            of their right to transfer from the BSN Fund Foundation to the RL
            Pension Foundation of all their benefits accrued in the BSN Fund
            Foundation, the consequences of such transfer (including a reference
            to a waiver of all claims against the BSN Fund Foundation) and the
            consequences of not transferring.

       (g)  If and to the extent that the PVK or the BSN Fund Foundation does
            not approve the transfer of the cash or assets contemplated to be
            transferred pursuant to Section 5.4(d)(i), or is otherwise limited
            or restricted to do so, the excess of the amount required to be
            transferred over the amount permitted to be transferred shall be
            paid by the Seller to the Purchaser in cash on the Pension Transfer
            Date, in a manner that will secure for such amount the same tax
            treatment as the tax treatment enjoyed by the cash or assets
            transferred pursuant to Section 5.4(d)(i). If the BSN Fund
            Foundation does not take any other action requested by the Seller
            pursuant to its obligations hereunder, the Seller shall place the
            Purchaser and the RL Pension Foundation in the position they would
            have been in had the BSN Fund Foundation taken such action. The
            Parties shall meet and negotiate in good faith, and shall use their
            best efforts to implement, any steps (including modifications to the
            arrangements set out in this Section 5.4) reasonably necessary to


            cure the approval and cooperation of the PVK and BSN Fund Foundation
            and otherwise to implement this Section 5.4, it being understood
            that such negotiations shall not result in a reduction of the amount
            ultimately payable by the BSN Fund Foundation and/or the Seller to
            the RL Pension Foundation and/or the Purchaser pursuant to Sections
            5.4(d) and (g).

       (h)  The Purchaser shall bear all reasonable and customary costs
            associated with the transfer of the assets and assumption of the
            liabilities contemplated herein.

       (i)  If any Eligible Employee does not consent to the contemplated
            transfer of his or her benefits accrued in the BSN Fund Foundation
            to the RL Pension Foundation, such benefits shall continue to be met
            by the BSN Fund Foundation and shall continue to be governed by the
            terms and conditions of the BSN Plan. Eligible Employees who do not
            transfer their accrued benefits to the RL Pension Foundation will be
            treated as deferred vested plan members for purposes of Article 18
            of the Standard Plan and Article 12 of the TOP Plan from the
            Reference Date onwards. In this case, the amount credited to the
            Account as of the Reference Date shall be reduced by the amount that
            otherwise would be credited to the Account as of the Reference Date
            with respect to such non-consenting Eligible Employees pursuant to
            Section 5.4(c)(i)(A).

       (j)  From the date hereof until the Pension Transfer Date, the Seller
            shall provide or shall seek to have the BSN Fund Foundation provide
            to the Purchaser, the Company and Crystal all information and
            documents concerning the Account or otherwise reasonably necessary
            to ensure the effective transfer from the BSN Fund Foundation to the
            RL Pension Foundation envisioned in this Section 5.4 or to
            facilitate the Parties' compliance with their obligations hereunder.

       (k)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, each of the
            Company's and Crystal's employees listed in ANNEX 5.4(k) (which
            includes all employees who, as of the date hereof, have been on sick
            leave for a continuous period of at least three months), for so long
            as such employee has not fully recovered and resumed their duties
            with the Company or Crystal: (i) shall be considered to be a
            non-consenting employee within the meaning of Section 5.4(i); and
            (ii) shall remain fully covered by the BSN Plan, with the Seller or
            an Affiliate thereof continuing to make all payments and
            contributions required with respect to such employee's coverage
            under the BSN Plan. If any such employee fully recovers and resumes
            his or her duties with the Company or Crystal before becoming
            permanently disabled, and if such employee consents to the transfer
            of his or her benefits to the RL Pension Foundation: (x) if the
            Account has not yet been paid to the


            RL Pension Foundation, the employee shall no longer be considered a
            non-consenting employee; or (y) if the Account has been paid to the
            RL Pension Foundation, the Seller shall seek to procure the transfer
            of such employee's benefits from the BSN Fund Foundation to the RL
            Pension Foundation consistent with the principles of this Section
            5.4 (including the obligation to transfer 105% of the value of such
            employee's vested and accrued pension obligations pursuant to
            Section 5.4(c)(i)(A)); provided, however, that the Reference Date
            with respect to such employee shall be deemed to be the date on
            which such employee has fully recovered and resumes his or her
            active duties with the Company or Crystal.

       (l)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Purchaser
            shall not be entitled to make any claim based on the level of
            provisions, deposits or contingent assets recorded or disclosed in
            the Financial Statements in connection with pension and other
            matters referred to in this Section 5.4, to the extent that the
            Seller has complied with this Section 5.4.

5.5.   Allocation of electricity.

       (a)  The Company and Crystal on the one hand, and the Seller and its
            Affiliates on the other, shall be entitled to share pro rata in the
            benefits of any investment in increased electricity capacity,
            according to their respective share of the total cost of such

       (b)  In the event of any curtailment or rationing of electricity through
            and including December 31, 2007, that would affect the Company
            and/or Crystal, the Seller shall allocate to the Company and Crystal
            continuously a percentage of electricity available to the Seller and
            its Affiliates in Leerdam equal to the average amount of electricity
            used by the Company and Crystal in 2001 and 2002, expressed as a
            percentage of the total electricity used by the Seller, its
            Affiliates, the Company and Crystal in Leerdam in 2001 and 2002;
            provided, however, that any electricity made available during such
            curtailment or rationing solely because of improvements in capacity
            made after the date hereof shall be allocated according to Section

5.6.   Service Agreement. On the date hereof, the Seller shall enter into, and
       shall cause the Company, to enter into, a service agreement, pursuant to
       which the Seller will make available to the Company, and the Company will
       make available to the Seller, certain operation, management and
       procurement services, in the form attached as ANNEX 5.6.


5.7.   Disposition of real property and certain assets.

       (a)  As soon as reasonably practical hereafter, the Seller shall, and the
            Purchaser shall cause the Company to, negotiate in good faith and
            execute an agreement or agreements pursuant to which all real estate
            properties located on the industrial site of Leerdam, currently
            occupied exclusively or otherwise exclusively used by either of them
            (an "EXCLUSIVE OCCUPANT"), that are necessary for the conduct of its
            business as currently conducted, to which the Exclusive Occupant
            does not have full title and the partial or full title of which is
            held by the other (the "EXCLUSIVE USE PROPERTIES"), be leased and
            thereafter transferred to the Exclusive Occupant. A map outlining
            the Exclusive Use Properties is attached as ANNEX 5.7(a). Such
            agreement or agreements (and the Parties' conduct in the interim)
            shall be negotiated according to the following principles:

            (i)  each Exclusive Occupant shall have the exclusive right to
                 occupy and use the Exclusive Use Properties that it currently
                 occupies and uses;

            (ii) the Parties shall make their best efforts to transfer the title
                 to any Exclusive Use Properties to the relevant Exclusive
                 Occupant, provided, however, that any such transfer of title
                 shall be completed under arm's length conditions and after the
                 lapse of any time period necessary to implement such a transfer
                 and to mitigate in the most efficient manner any damages,
                 whether financial or otherwise, incurred to the transferor and
                 the transferee as a result of such transfer;

            (iii) any lease granted to an Exclusive Occupant in connection with
                 any of its Exclusive Use Properties shall be agreed under arm's
                 length conditions;

            (iv) each Exclusive Occupant shall bear all Taxes, costs and
                 expenses (including, without limitation, those related to
                 insurance, maintenance and repairs) incurred in connection with
                 and, more generally, shall comply with all obligations relating
                 to, its Exclusive Use Properties, as if such Exclusive Occupant
                 were the holder of the full title thereto.

       (b)  In the event of any dispute arising in connection with the
            implementation of Section 5.7(a), the Parties shall appoint an
            independent expert with appropriate expertise relating to the
            subject matter of such dispute to facilitate the resolution of such
            dispute. Such expert shall be selected by the Parties or, if the
            Parties fail to agree on such expert within 30 days of receipt of
            written notice of such dispute by either Party, appointed by the
            President of the International Chamber of Com-


            merce at the request of either Party. The Parties shall share
            equally the costs of such expert.

       (c)  The Company, Crystal and the Seller shall be entitled to continue
            the use of the properties, facilities and assets of the Company,
            Crystal and the Seller that have consistently been used jointly by
            them (as described and indicated in ANNEX 5.7(a)) (the "SHARED
            PROPERTIES"), according to the following principles:

            (i)   The owner of a Shared Property shall grant the other user(s)
                  access to and use of such Shared Property consistent with past
                  practice, subject to such reasonable changes as the users may
                  negotiate in good faith.

            (ii)  Any user of a Shared Property that it does not own may give
                  notice to the owner thereof of its intention to cease
                  permanently use of such Shared Property. After the later of
                  the expiration of 30 days from the receipt of such notice and
                  the actual cessation of use of such Shared Property, the user
                  giving notice shall have no further entitlement to use, and no
                  further obligations with respect to, such Shared Property. If
                  any user of a Shared Property that it does not own ceases to
                  use such Shared Property for a period of 6 months, the owner
                  of such Shared Property may terminate such user's entitlement
                  to access and use such Shared Property upon 3 months' written
                  notice, if such user does not object reasonably to such
                  termination and resume consistent use within such 3 months'

            (iii) The owners and users of Shared Properties shall take such
                  reasonable further steps as may be legally required to make
                  effective their and the other users' respective rights with
                  respect to the Shared Properties.

            (iv)  No later than 30 days before the end of each year, the users
                  of each Shared Property shall negotiate in good faith their
                  anticipated use (expressed as a percentage) of such Shared
                  Property in the subsequent year, based on past practice and
                  any reasonable anticipated changes. Unless otherwise provided
                  in the Service Agreement to be entered into pursuant to
                  Section 5.6, such users shall share all Taxes, costs and
                  expenses (including, without limitation, those related to
                  insurance, maintenance and repairs) incurred in connection
                  with such Shared Property according to their respective
                  percentage of use. If, at the end of any year, the owner of
                  such Shared Property estimates that actual use by any user
                  deviated by more than 15% from the agreed percentage, it shall
                  notify such estimate to the other user(s) in writing, setting
                  out the particular details of such estimate, and the users
                  shall endeavor to agree


                  in good faith on any appropriate reallocation of such Taxes,
                  costs and expenses according to the actual percentages of use.
                  If no such agreement is reached within 30 days of such written
                  notice, the owner or the user may commence proceedings under
                  Article 9.

            (v)   Any Taxes, costs and expenses incurred solely by reason of one
                  user's activities or use of a Shared Property shall be borne
                  exclusively by such user.

            (vi)  Unless otherwise provided in the Service Agreement to be
                  entered into pursuant to Section 5.6, and subject to the
                  allocation of costs and expenses pursuant to paragraphs (iv)
                  and (v), the owner of each Shared Property shall be
                  responsible for maintenance, insurance, payment of Taxes and
                  other actions necessary to maintain the utility of the Shared
                  Property for the other users.

       (d)  The assets set out in ANNEX 5.7(d) shall be transferred to the
            Company according to the same principles set out in Section 5.7(a),
            except that the Company shall have the continued exclusive use of
            such assets without charge during the interim between the date
            hereof and transfer, and such transfer shall be for a consideration
            of Euro 1.

       (e)  The Seller shall assign to the Company, and shall cause the Company
            to accept, an assignment, pursuant to which the Seller assigns all
            of its rights and obligations under two lease agreements between the
            Seller and Buijs v.o.f. Zand- en Grindhandel, in the form attached
            as ANNEX 5.7(e).

       (f)  The map attached as ANNEX 5.7(a) is to be interpreted assuming the
            accuracy of the information as to ownership of the relevant parcels
            attached to such map and without prejudice to the representations
            and warranties set out in Section 3.9. The exclusive or shared use
            of the facilities and land of the Seller, the Company and Crystal as
            of the date hereof, as shaded on the map in light of such ownership
            assumptions, shall determine whether such facilities and land
            constitute properties fully-owned and exclusively used by the owner,
            Exclusive Use Properties or Shared Properties. Notwithstanding any
            other provision of this Section 5.7, and without prejudice to the
            representations and warranties set out in Section 3.9, the map,
            which reflects the Parties' current best understanding, after
            careful consideration, of the use of the properties identified
            therein, may be revised in good faith based on the actual use and
            ownership of such properties as of the date hereof, consistent with
            the principles set out in Sections 5.7(a) and (c), to the extent
            that such actual use or ownership as of the date hereof is not
            correctly reflected by


            such map. The Party proposing any such revision shall present
            substantial evidence in support of any such revision within 60 days
            after the date hereof.

5.8.   Purchase of Crystal products. For each of the calendar years 2003 to
       2005, the Seller shall purchase from Crystal at leastEuro 150,000 of
       products manufactured by Crystal.

5.9.   Insurance. From the date hereof until the Company and Crystal obtain
       replacement coverage:

       (a)  The Seller shall ensure the continued coverage of the Company and
            Crystal for the insurance policies set out in ANNEX 5.9. The
            Purchaser shall make or cause the Company and/or Crystal to make all
            corresponding premium payments with respect to such insurance

       (b)  The Purchaser shall cause the Company and Crystal to take all
            reasonable steps promptly to obtain replacement coverage for such
            insurance policies.

       (c)  The Purchaser, the Company and Crystal shall be responsible for any
            costs and expenses incurred in connection with any claim made under
            such insurance policies, including without limitation any
            out-of-pocket expenses, deductibles and amounts in excess of any
            coverage limits.

                                   ARTICLE 6
                           OPTION TO TRANSFER CRYSTAL

6.1.   Put; term. The Seller hereby grants to the Purchaser an option to
       transfer Crystal to the Seller (the "PUT") for a price of Euro 1. The Put
       shall automatically expire and no longer be exercisable on April 1, 2003,
       unless the Purchaser notifies the Seller in writing before such date that
       it wishes to extend the exercise period, in which case the Put shall
       automatically expire and no longer be exercisable on or after July 1,

6.2.   Exercise. The Purchaser may give written notice to the Seller of its
       intent to exercise the Put at any time before the expiration of the Put.
       Upon the Seller's receipt of such notice, the Parties shall promptly take
       such actions as are necessary to complete the transfer of all of the
       shares of Crystal from the Company to the Seller for the agreed price
       ofEuro 1. Without prejudice to any rights the Seller may have arising out
       of Section 6.5, neither the Company nor the Purchaser shall be required
       to make any representation, warranty or covenant with respect to such
       transfer, except as specifically envisioned in this Agreement and apart
       from the obligation to deliver all of the shares of Crystal free and
       clear of all Encumbrances.


6.3.   Purchase of Additional Crystal Shares and rescheduling of Crystal Debt.
       Upon expiration of the Put (without it having been exercised):

       (a)  The Seller shall cause the holder of the Crystal Debt, and the
            Purchaser shall cause Crystal, to agree to reschedule an amount (the
            "RESCHEDULED CRYSTAL DEBT") of the Crystal Debt equal to the lesser
            of (i) the Crystal Debt as at December 31, 2002, less any amount
            repaid pursuant to Section 4.4(b); and (ii) Euro 1.6 million. Such
            Rescheduled Crystal Debt shall be repayable to the holder thereof in
            three equal annual installments due on December 31 of each year
            beginning with 2003, and shall not bear interest during such payment

       (b)  The Purchaser shall cause Crystal to issue additional capital stock
            for the amount of the Crystal Debt in excess of the Rescheduled
            Crystal Debt (the "ADDITIONAL CRYSTAL SHARES"), and the Seller shall
            cause the holder of the Crystal Debt at the time of such expiration
            to contribute such excess amount in kind to the capital of Crystal,
            resulting in a corresponding set-off for the amount of the Crystal
            Debt in excess of the Rescheduled Crystal Debt.

       (c)  Within one Business Day following the issuance of the Additional
            Crystal Shares, the Seller shall cause the holder of the Additional
            Crystal Shares to sell the Additional Crystal Shares to the
            Purchaser or the Company, at the Purchaser's direction, and the
            Purchaser shall purchase or cause the Company to purchase the
            Additional Crystal Shares for a price of Euro 1.

       (d)  The Purchaser shall cause the Company to assume or guarantee
            Crystal's obligations under this Section 6.3 within 15 days after
            the date hereof. Following the expiration of the Put, the Parties
            shall promptly take such actions as are necessary to complete the
            transfer of the Additional Crystal Shares to the Purchaser or the
            Company, at the Purchaser's direction, and the rescheduling of the
            Rescheduled Crystal Debt.

6.4.   Extension of Put. If the Purchaser elects to extend the Put pursuant to
       Section 6.1 beyond March 31, 2003, the Purchaser shall pay to the Seller
       an amount in consideration for the extension of the Put corresponding to
       the interest that would be payable on the Rescheduled Crystal Debt from
       and including April 1, 2003 through (a) if the Put is subsequently
       exercised, the date on which the Put is exercised; or (b) if the Put is
       not subsequently exercised, June 30, 2002, in either case calculated at a
       rate based on the actual average weighted cost incurred by BSN Glasspack
       Finance in obtaining external financing, plus a margin equal to that
       invoiced by BSN Glasspack Finance to its Affili-


       ates, consistent with past practice. Such amount shall be payable on
       the date of exercise or expiration of the Put, as applicable.

6.5.   Management of Crystal. From the date hereof until the earlier of the date
       on which the Put is exercised and the date on which the Put expires:

       (a)  The Purchaser shall manage or shall cause the Company to manage the
            business of Crystal, and shall cause Crystal to conduct its affairs
            in the Ordinary Course of Business, using all reasonable efforts in
            accordance with past practice to (i) preserve the organization and
            value of its business, its goodwill and reputation, its
            relationships with clients, suppliers, customers, agents, public
            authorities and any other parties having business dealings with it,
            (ii) keep available the services of its employees, (iii) maintain
            all assets and properties in working condition, and (iv) comply in
            all material respects with all contractual and other obligations
            applicable to its business.

       (b)  The Purchaser shall not and shall cause the Company not to take any
            action with respect to Crystal, and shall cause Crystal not to take
            any action, outside the Ordinary Course of Business without the
            Seller's written consent.

       (c)  The Purchaser shall provide or shall cause the Company to provide to
            the Seller the monthly financial statements of Crystal in a timely
            fashion. The Seller shall submit any inquiries with respect to such
            financial statements within 10 Business Days of the Seller's receipt

6.6.   Lead Crystal Product operations. From the date hereof until the earlier
       of the date on which the Put is exercised and the date on which the Put
       expires, the Purchaser shall not, and shall cause the Company not to,
       undertake the manufacture of Lead Crystal Products other than through the
       business of Crystal.

6.7.   Trademark and trade name matters. The Seller shall use its utmost best
       efforts to cooperate with the Purchaser in taking all reasonable measures
       to obtain assurances (including, as necessary, from the Royal Court of
       the Netherlands) regarding the continued ability of the Company to use
       its trade name and trademarks containing the words "Koninklijke" and/or
       "Royal", whether the Company remains affiliated with Crystal or not.

6.8.   Consequences of exercise. Subject to the condition precedent of the
       Purchaser exercising the Put, the Parties agree as follows, with respect
       to the period following such exercise:


       (a)  Confidentiality. Until December 31, 2005, the Purchaser shall
            refrain, and shall cause its Affiliates to refrain, from providing
            any third party (except for its advisors and bankers) any
            Confidential Information about Crystal obtained in the course of
            negotiating the Transaction, other than as required by applicable
            Law or to enforce its rights under this Agreement.

       (b)  Restriction of activities. The Purchaser shall cause the Company not
            to manufacture Lead Crystal Products at the Leerdam site until
            December 31, 2004, and not to use the trade name "Royal Leerdam" in
            connection with Lead Crystal Products thereafter, for so long as
            Crystal continues to use the trade name "Royal Leerdam Crystal". (c)
            Non-solicitation. Until December 31, 2004, the Purchaser shall not
            employ or solicit for employment, either directly or indirectly,
            management employees of Crystal (except for such employees whose
            employment has been terminated by Crystal and for a cause not
            pertaining to the employees concerned), or incite any of those
            employees to leave any position they occupy now or in the future
            with Crystal. This prohibition shall not apply to advertisements
            placed in publications in general circulation.

       (d)  Seller's non-competition covenant. For the purposes of Section 5.3,
            the manufacture and distribution of Lead Crystal Products shall not
            constitute an activity that competes with the Company.

       (e)  Sale of Crystal. Before agreeing to any sale to any third party of
            Crystal, or any substantial portion thereof, the Seller shall offer
            such business to the Purchaser for the price offered by such third
            party. If the Purchaser does not accept such offer within 25
            Business Days of the Purchaser's receipt of such offer, the Seller
            may proceed with the sale to a third party; provided, however, that
            if the sale to the third party is not consummated within six months
            after the Purchaser's rejection of such offer, the procedure
            contemplated in the preceding sentence shall be applicable before
            any sale can be made.

       (f)  Intellectual Property.

            (i)    The Purchaser shall not, and shall cause the Company not to,
                   object to the use by Crystal of the name "Royal Leerdam
                   Crystal" in connection with the production and distribution
                   by Crystal of Lead Crystal Products. The Purchaser shall, and
                   shall cause the Company to, take such further steps as are


                   reasonably requested by the Seller or Crystal that are
                   necessary to permit Crystal to continue such use.

            (ii)   For so long as the Company uses the trademark or trade name
                   "Royal Leerdam", the Seller shall cause Crystal not to object
                   to the use by the Company of the name "Royal Leerdam" in
                   connection with the production and distribution of the
                   Company's products, except as provided in Section 6.8(b).

            (iii)  For so long as the Company uses the trademark or trade name
                   "Royal Leerdam", the Seller shall, or shall cause Crystal to,
                   notify the Purchaser and the Company in writing of any
                   proposed use of the name "Royal Leerdam Crystal" in
                   connection with any products other than Lead Crystal
                   Products, or any registration of the name "Royal Leerdam
                   Crystal" as a trademark in any jurisdiction, at least 60 days
                   before such use commences or such registration application is
                   filed. The Purchaser may, within such 60-day period, notify
                   its objection to any such proposed use or registration on the
                   grounds that it would have an adverse effect on the goodwill
                   of the Company, its Intellectual Property Rights and/or its
                   products or the continued enjoyment by the Company of its
                   rights attached to the trademark "Royal Leerdam", which shall
                   be reasonably justified. Upon its receipt of such a notice,
                   the Seller shall not, and shall cause Crystal not to,
                   commence such use or file such registration application,
                   without prejudice to its right to challenge the grounds for
                   the Purchaser's objection.

            (iv)   Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit the
                   Company's right to use the name "Royal Leerdam", or to
                   require the Purchaser or the Company to take any steps to
                   limit such use, except for Section 6.8(b).

            (v)    The Purchaser shall cause the Company to transfer to Crystal
                   the registered trademarks "Leerdam Unica" and "Leerdam
                   Serica" for Euro 1 each.

       (g)  Service Agreement. The Purchaser shall cause the Company to provide
            the services to Crystal that are indicated in the Service Agreement
            referred to in Section 5.6 as conditional upon the exercise of the

       (h)  Real Property. The premises currently occupied and used by Crystal
            in the Royal Leerdam manufacturing building and the sales store
            adjacent to the parking lot near the main entrance to the Leerdam
            site shall not be considered either an Exclusive Use Property or a
            Shared Property. The Company shall grant Crystal a


            lease (expiring on the tenth anniversary of the date hereof) for
            such property on market terms and conditions, to include the
            following specific provisions:

            (i)    The Company shall be responsible for structural maintenance
                   (including walls, floor, carpeting, ceiling, roof, and
                   electrical, natural gas and water infrastructure) and for its
                   share of the showroom, entrance hall, toilets and conference

            (ii)   Crystal shall be responsible for structural maintenance for
                   the sales store.

            (iii)  Crystal shall be responsible for maintenance relating to the
                   manufacturing operation, ventilation of furnaces, lehrs and
                   any batch delivery systems.

            (iv)   Crystal shall have the financial responsibility for any
                   environmental remediation directly related to its activities
                   in the leased space.

            (v)    Rent shall be stated at an annual cost per square meter with
                   an automatic escalation clause at the Dutch CPI.

            (vi)   Real property tax allocation shall be consistent with the
                   methodology used between the Company and the Seller.

            (vii)  Crystal shall bear a portion of the insurance costs for the
                   relevant buildings proportionate to its share of the total
                   square meters of space in such buildings, as reasonably
                   determined by the Company.

            (viii) Crystal shall bear a portion of the costs on other shared
                   spaces, including the parking lots and roadways,
                   proportionate to its usage of such spaces.

            (ix)   Crystal may terminate the lease on six months' prior written

            The other premises occupied or used by Crystal shall be subject to
            the provisions of Section 5.7(a) - (c) and (f).

       (i)  Further obligations. The Seller's obligations under Sections 5.2,
            5.3, 5.5 and 5.8, to the extent they apply to Crystal, shall no
            longer be binding on the Seller.

       (j)  Pension matters.

            (i)    If the Account referred to in Section 5.4 has not yet been
                   paid to the RL Pension Foundation on the date of exercise of
                   the Put, the amount credited to such Account shall be reduced
                   as of such date to the amount that would have


                   been credited to the Account as of such date had the
                   employees of Crystal never been considered to be Eligible

            (ii)   If the Account referred to in Section 5.4 was paid to the RL
                   Pension Foundation before the date of exercise of the Put,
                   the Purchaser shall seek to cause the transfer, as soon as
                   reasonably practicable following such date, from the
                   Purchaser's Plan to the BSN Plan of such assets and
                   liabilities as would place the RL Pension Foundation and the
                   BSN Fund Foundation in the position they would have been in
                   had the employees of Crystal never been considered to be
                   Eligible Employees; provided, however, that the provisions of
                   Section 5.4(i) shall apply mutatis mutandi to such transfer.

                                   ARTICLE 7
                          INDEMNIFICATION OF PURCHASER

7.1.   Indemnification. The Seller shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the
       Purchaser (by way of a payment to be made to the Purchaser or the
       Company, at the Purchaser's direction) from and against any and all
       Damages that may be imposed on, incurred by or asserted against the
       Purchaser, the Company or any Affiliate thereof as a result of:

       (a)  any breach or inaccuracy of any representation or warranty of the
            Seller hereunder;

       (b)  any breach of any covenant or agreement of the Seller contained in
            this Agreement;

       (c)  any Liability for Taxes of the Seller or its Affiliates, including
            any Liability arising out of any Tax assessed at the level of the
            Fiscal Unity not allocable to the Company;

       (d)  any (past, present or future) Liability of the Company on account of
            Social Charges, pensions or other employee benefits, to any Person
            who was employed by the Company before the date hereof but who is
            permanently disabled and was transferred to the payroll of the
            Seller or any of its Affiliates.

       The Seller shall not be liable for any such Damages arising as a result
       of: (i) the passing of, or any change in, after the date hereof, any Law
       or administrative practice of any Governmental Authority not actually in
       force as of the date hereof (even if retroactive in effect), including,
       without limitation, any increase in the Tax rates in effect on the date
       hereof or the imposition of any Tax not in effect on the date hereof; or


       any matter, event, circumstances or qualifications disclosed or reflected
       in the annexes to this Agreement.

7.2.   Environmental Matters.

       (a)  The Seller shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Purchaser
            (by way of a payment to be made to the Purchaser or the Company, at
            the Purchaser's direction) from and against any and all Damages that
            may be imposed on, incurred by or asserted against the Purchaser,
            the Company or any Affiliate thereof as a result of any of the
            following events and circumstances, to the extent that they occurred
            or existed at any time on or before the date hereof:

             (i)   any pollution, contamination or Release that would violate or
                   require remediation under any applicable Law on the date
                   hereof, the source of which is or was any activity of the
                   Company or any property owned, leased, used or operated by

             (ii)  any pollution or contamination of any land, premises or
                   facilities owned, leased, used or operated by the Company
                   that would violate or require remediation under any
                   applicable Law on the date hereof;

             (iii) any storage or treatment of dangerous or toxic wastes or
                   substances on land owned, leased, used or operated by the
                   Company in a manner that would violate any applicable Law on
                   the date hereof;

             (iv)  any shipment or transportation of any dangerous or toxic
                   wastes or substances by the Company or at its direction at
                   any time before the date hereof in a manner that would
                   violate any applicable Law on the date hereof;

             (v)   any disposal of wastes by the Company or at its direction in
                   a manner that would violate any applicable Law on the date
                   hereof; and

             (vi)  any failure of the Company to obtain, maintain in full force
                   for the operation of the Company's business, submit timely
                   renewal applications for and comply with all Permits required
                   under applicable Environmental Laws.

       (b)  The Seller shall be obligated to make indemnification payments for
            claims arising out of the matters set out in this Section 7.2 only
            if the aggregate amount of such claims exceeds Euro 1 million.


       (c)  No disclosure by the Seller or any other Person, whether in this
            Agreement or otherwise, pertaining to the matters set out in Section
            7.2(a), shall qualify or limit the Seller's obligations under this
            Section 7.2.

       (d)  The Seller shall not be liable for any Damages under this Section
            7.2 arising as a result of the passing of, or any change in, after
            the date hereof, any Law or administrative practice of any
            Governmental Authority not actually in force as of the date hereof
            (even if retroactive in effect), except for orders, Judgments and
            decisions based on any Law actually in force as of the date hereof,
            but including, without limitation, any increase in the Tax rates in
            effect on the date hereof or the imposition of any Tax not in effect
            on the date hereof.

7.3.   Calculation of Damages. In calculating the amount of any Damages claimed
       by the Purchaser pursuant to this Article 7:

       (a)  the amount of any indemnification or other recoveries (including
            insurance proceeds) paid to the Purchaser or the Company by any
            third party with respect to such Damages shall be deducted;

       (b)  the amount of any reserve or provision included in the Financial
            Statements for Damages to which such claim relates shall be
            deducted; and

       (c)  the amount of the Damages shall be increased or reduced by an amount
            such that the Purchaser or the Company shall be, after having been
            indemnified and taking into account the Tax consequences of such
            payment (including Tax savings or Tax benefits, including without
            limitation any Tax reduction, credit, redemption or loss carry back
            or carry forward), in the same position as it would have been, had
            the Damages not occurred.

       In the event that the amount of any reduction in the amount of Damages
       calculated under this Section 7.3(a) is determined only after payment by
       the Seller of the amount otherwise required pursuant to this Article 6,
       the Purchaser or the Company shall repay to the Seller promptly after
       such determination any such payments that the Seller would not have had
       to make pursuant to this Article 6, had such determination been made at
       or prior to the time of such payment.

7.4.   Method of Asserting Claims, etc. All claims by the Purchaser shall be
       asserted and resolved as follows:

       (a)  Claim Notices. In the event that (i) any claim, demand or Proceeding
            is asserted or instituted by any Person other than the Purchaser
            and/or its Affiliates (including


            by any Governmental Authority) (a "THIRD PARTY") which could give
            rise to Damages for which the Seller would be liable to the
            Purchaser or the Company hereunder (any such claim, demand or
            Proceeding, a "THIRD PARTY CLAIM"), or (y) the Purchaser or the
            Company shall have a claim to be indemnified by the Seller which
            does not involve a Third Party Claim (any such claim, a "DIRECT
            CLAIM"), the Purchaser shall send to the Seller a written notice (a
            "CLAIM NOTICE") specifying the factual basis of such claim and the
            amount or a good faith estimated amount of related Damages (which
            estimate shall not be conclusive of the final amount of such claim),
            all with reasonable particularity and containing a reference to the
            provisions of this Agreement in respect of which a right to be
            indemnified is claimed, all supporting evidence in order for the
            Seller to assess the merits of the claim and the computation or
            estimate of Damages, as well as the mention of the beneficiary of
            the indemnification, if any.

       (b)  Time for Claim Notice. The Purchaser shall send a Claim Notice: (i)
            in the case of a Third Party Claim, within 30 days of receipt of
            actual notice by the Company of such Third Party Claim (or such
            shorter period as may be warranted under the circumstances), and
            (ii) in the case of a Direct Claim, with reasonable promptness in
            view of the circumstances (but in no event later than 30 days after
            or the Company first becomes aware of the facts upon which the
            Direct Claim is based); provided, however, that in either case any
            delay in sending a Claim Notice shall not result in the Purchaser or
            the Company forfeiting any right hereunder, but may result only in
            the deduction of an amount from any indemnity payable with respect
            to such Third Party Claim or Direct Claim, to the extent that the
            Seller establishes that such delay has actually prejudiced its
            defense against such Third Party Claim or Direct Claim. For purposes
            of this Section 7.4(b), the knowledge of the Company shall mean the
            knowledge of the general manager of the Company.

       (c)  Direct Claims. In the event of a Direct Claim, the Seller shall have
            30 days following its receipt of the relevant Claim Notice (the
            "DIRECT CLAIM REVIEW PERIOD") to make such investigation of the
            underlying claim as it considers necessary or desirable. If the
            relevant parties agree, on or prior to the expiration of the Direct
            Claim Review Period, upon the validity and amount of such claim, the
            Seller shall pay to the Purchaser, within 10 days following the date
            of such agreement, the agreed amount of such claim or Damage. If the
            Parties are unable to reach an agreement on or prior to the date of
            the expiration of the Direct Claim Review Period or if the Seller
            notifies the Purchaser during the Direct Claim Review Period that it
            disputes its liability to the Purchaser in respect of the under-


            lying claim, setting forth the reasons for such objection, the
            Seller or the Purchaser may commence proceedings pursuant to Article

       (d)  Third Party Claims.

            (i)    Third Party Claim Review Period. In the event of a Third
                   Party Claim, the Seller shall have 30 days following its
                   receipt of the relevant Claim Notice (the "THIRD PARTY CLAIM
                   REVIEW PERIOD") to make such investigation of the underlying
                   claim as it considers necessary or desirable and to notify
                   the Purchaser whether or not it: (x) disputes its liability
                   to the Purchaser in respect of such Third Party Claim (and if
                   so, the Seller shall set out the reasons for such
                   disagreement), and (y) elects to control the defense of such
                   Third Party Claim. If the Seller notifies the Purchaser
                   within the Third Party Claim Review Period that it disputes
                   its liability to the Purchaser in respect of the Third Party
                   Claim, and the Parties do not resolve such dispute by the end
                   of the Third Party Claim Period, either Party may commence
                   proceedings under Article 9.

            (ii)   Defense of Third Party Claims.

                   (A)  In the event that the Seller notifies the Purchaser
                        during the Third Party Claim Review Period that it
                        elects to control the defense of the Third Party Claim,
                        then until such time, if any, as it is determined or
                        agreed that the Seller has no liability to the Purchaser
                        in respect of such Third Party Claim, the Seller shall
                        have the right (but not the obligation) to control the
                        defense of such Third Party Claim and may retain counsel
                        of its choice to represent the Purchaser or the Company
                        and shall pay the fees and disbursements of such
                        counsel. To the extent requested by the Seller, the
                        Purchaser shall and shall cause the Company to take such
                        actions, provide such information, document, data as the
                        Seller shall consider reasonably necessary or
                        appropriate under the circumstances and to cooperate
                        with the Seller and its counsel in contesting any such
                        Third Party Claim, and shall refrain from taking any
                        action likely to jeopardize or interfere with the
                        defense of such claim. The Purchaser or the Company may
                        assist, at its expense, in the defense against any Third
                        Party Claim with counsel of its choice.

                   (B)  In the event that the Seller (x) does not elect to
                        control the defense of a Third Party Claim, (y) fails to
                        elect to control the defense of a Third


                        Party Claim on a timely basis, or (z) having elected to
                        control the defense of a Third Party Claim on a timely
                        basis, fails to assume control of any such defense with
                        reasonable promptness after written demand to such
                        effect by the Purchaser, the Purchaser shall conduct or
                        shall procure that the Company conducts the defense of
                        such Third Party Claim (subject to subsection (iv)
                        below) in good faith and using all reasonable means and
                        defenses available to it or to the Company and shall
                        have the right to retain counsel of its choice. The
                        Purchaser or the Company shall keep the Seller timely
                        informed of the development of the underlying claim. At
                        any time during the defense of such Third Party Claim,
                        the Seller shall have the right (x) to retain counsel of
                        its choice, at its expense, and (y) to make such
                        recommendation as it deems appropriate for the defense
                        of said Third Party Claim.

            (iii)  Counterclaim and Cross-Claim. To the extent reasonably
                   requested by the Seller and related to the claim in question,
                   the Purchaser shall make or shall procure that the Company
                   makes any counterclaim against any Person asserting such
                   Third Party Claim or any cross-claim against any other Person
                   that may be liable; provided, however, that the Purchaser or
                   the Company shall not be required to make any counterclaim or
                   cross-claim that could prejudice its commercial interests.
                   The Seller shall be responsible for all legal fees and costs
                   in relation with such counterclaim.

            (iv)   Settlement of Third Party Claims.

                   (A)  If the Seller elects to control of the defense of a
                        Third Party Claim as provided in Section 7.4(d)(ii), the
                        Seller shall not be liable for any Third Party Claim
                        which is settled or otherwise compromised or in respect
                        of which any admission of liability is made by the
                        Purchaser or the Company without its prior written
                        consent. In such connection, if the Purchaser or the
                        Company receives from a Third Party or if the Purchaser
                        or the Company proposes to make to a Third Party an
                        offer of settlement of such Third Party Claim (a
                        "SETTLEMENT OFFER"), the Purchaser or the Company shall
                        notify the Seller of such Settlement Offer promptly upon
                        receipt thereof from the Third Party and reasonably in
                        advance of responding thereto, or reasonably in advance
                        of making such Settlement Offer, and shall provide with
                        such notice all related supporting documentation
                        required to enable the Seller to assess the relative
                        merits of the Settlement Offer. At the reasonable


                        quest of either of the Parties, the Parties will consult
                        in good faith with respect to any such Settlement Offer.
                        Within 20 Business Days from the receipt of the
                        Settlement Offer notification, the Seller shall
                        determine whether to consent to the Settlement Offer,
                        which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. If a
                        Settlement Offer involving only the payment of monetary
                        damages is received, which the Seller, but not the
                        Purchaser, is willing to accept, the Purchaser may elect
                        to continue the defense of such Third Party Claim at its
                        own expense; provided that, in that case, the liability
                        of the Seller shall be limited to the lesser of: (i)
                        Damages calculated as if the Third Party Claim were
                        settled in accordance with the proposed Settlement
                        Offer, and (ii) the Damages actually suffered by the
                        Purchaser or the Company taking into account the final
                        determination of the Third Party Claim. The Seller shall
                        not consent to any Settlement Offer involving relief
                        other than or in addition to the payment of monetary
                        damages without the Purchaser's written consent.

                   (B)  If the Seller does not elect to control the defense of
                        the Third Party Claim, the Purchaser or the Company
                        shall keep the Seller timely informed of any Settlement
                        Offers it receives and any related negotiations, and
                        shall notify the Seller of its intention to accept or to
                        make any Settlement Offer it deems fair and reasonable,
                        without prejudice to any right of indemnification the
                        Purchaser may have against the Seller under this
                        Agreement, such notification providing the terms and
                        conditions of the Settlement Offer. Within 15 Business
                        Days of receipt of such notice, the Seller may deliver
                        to the Purchaser a notice either approving or disputing
                        the Settlement Offer. If the Seller disputes the
                        Settlement Offer and admits in writing its liability to
                        the Purchaser for all Damages arising out of such Third
                        Party Claim, the Seller may immediately assume the
                        control of the defense of such Third Party Claim
                        pursuant to Section 7.4(d)(ii)(A). If a notice disputing
                        a Settlement Offer contains no such admission, or if the
                        Seller does not deliver a notice within the 15-Business
                        Day period, the Purchaser or the Company shall be free
                        to enter into any settlement of such Third Party Claim,
                        without prejudice to their indemnification rights under
                        this Agreement.

       (e)  Cooperation. From and after the delivery of a Claim Notice
            hereunder, at the reasonable request of the Seller, the Purchaser
            shall and shall cause the Company


            to grant the Seller and its representatives (including professional
            advisors) reasonable access to the books, records, computerized
            systems, senior management, employees and properties of the
            Purchaser or of the Company to the extent reasonably related to the
            matters to which the Claim Notice relates. The Seller will not, and
            shall require that its representatives do not, use (except in
            connection with such Claim Notice, the defense of any related Third
            Party Claim and any counterclaims or cross-claims made pursuant to
            subsection (d)(iii) above) or disclose to any third party other than
            the Seller's representatives (except as may be required by
            applicable Laws) any information obtained pursuant to this Article
            6. All such access shall be granted during normal business hours,
            and shall be granted under conditions which will not unduly
            interfere with the business and operations of the Purchaser or of
            the Company.

       (f)  Mitigation. The Purchaser shall use its reasonable efforts and shall
            cause the Company to use its reasonable efforts to mitigate any
            Damages resulting from any matters giving rise to a claim for
            indemnification under this Article 7, including without limitation
            (i) pursuing in good faith any claim that it or the Company may have
            under any applicable insurance policy or similar arrangement; and
            (ii) not taking any action vis-a-vis any Governmental Authority or
            other third party aimed at causing a breach of any representations
            and warranties with the view to collect Damages that would not
            otherwise have been incurred and that would give rise to a claim for
            indemnification under this Article 7, other than as required by
            applicable Law or in the pursuit of other legitimate business

       (g)  Payment. Amounts payable by the Seller under this Article 7 with
            respect to Third Party Claims shall become due and payable
            immediately upon the Purchaser's or the Company's legal or
            contractual obligation to pay such amount to the relevant Third

       (h)  Subrogation. Upon the receipt of payment from the Seller with
            respect to any claim, the Purchaser shall subrogate the Seller in
            all of the Purchaser's and the Company's rights against Third
            Parties with respect to such claim.

7.5.   De minimis. Subject to Section 7.8, no indemnification shall be paid in
       connection with any claim under Section 7.1 for an amount less than Euro
       10,000 (it being understood that claims for amounts exceeding Euro
       10,000, are to be fully indemnified, subject to the terms of this
       Agreement, including the amount up to Euro 10,000), unless such claim
       involves a breach of a representation or warranty under Article 3 that is
       qualified by reference to the materiality of the breach. A series of
       claims having the same cause shall be considered together as one claim
       for the purposes of this Section 7.5.


7.6.   Deductible. Subject to Section 7.8, the Seller shall be obligated to make
       any indemnification payment only if the aggregate amount of the claims
       made by the Purchaser under Section 7.1 exceeds Euro 250,000, and in such
       case only for the excess of such claims over that amount.

7.7.   Maximum Amount. Subject to Section 7.8, the Seller's liability for claims
       under Sections 7.1 and 7.2 shall not exceedEuro12 million in the

7.8.   Exceptions to limitations on indemnification.

       (a)  Sections 7.5, 7.6 and 7.7 shall not apply to claims arising out of:

            (i)    the Seller's obligation to deliver the Shares and the
                   Adjusted Debt free and clear of all Encumbrances pursuant to
                   Section 1.1;

            (ii)   the Company's ownership of all of the shares in the capital
                   of Crystal free and clear of all Encumbrances;

            (iii)  the validity of the Company's existence and Crystal's
                   existence under the Laws of the Netherlands;

            (iv)   breaches of the Seller's representations under Section 3.12;

            (v)    the matters set out in Section 7.1(b), (c) and (d).

       (b)  Sections 7.5 and 7.6 shall not apply to claims arising out of
            Section 7.2.

7.9.   Interest. Any amounts due to the Company or the Purchaser, or to be
       repaid to the Seller, under this Article 6 shall automatically bear
       interest at a rate per annum equal to EURIBOR for three-month deposits
       plus 1.25% calculated on the basis of a 365-day year and the actual
       number of days elapsed, from the thirtieth day after the date of the
       corresponding initial payment giving rise to the right to indemnification
       or repayment.

7.10.  Deadlines for Claims. Any claim for breach of a representation or
       warranty under Section 7.1(a), except for claims for breach of the
       representations and warranties set out in Sections 7.8(a)(i), (ii) and
       (iii), shall give rise to indemnification only to the extent that the
       Purchaser notifies it to the Seller before the expiration of an 18-month
       period from the date hereof; provided, however, that claims related to
       Tax and Social matters can be made until the expiration of a three-month
       period after the expiration of the relevant statute of limitations, and
       claims for breach of the Seller's representations under Section 3.12
       related to intra-group Indebtedness can be made until the expiration of a
       5-year period from the date hereof. Any claim brought under Section 7.2
       shall give


       rise to indemnification only to the extent that the Purchaser notifies
       it to the Seller before the expiration of a 7-year period from the date

7.11.  Release. The Seller shall not be released from any obligations under this
       Article 6 as a result of (a) its lack of awareness of the events, facts
       or circumstances resulting in a claim hereunder (except where expressly
       specified); or (b) the approval of the yearly accounts of the current
       fiscal year by the shareholders' meeting of the Company.

7.12.  Seller's activities.

       (a)  The Seller shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Purchaser
            (by way of a payment to be made to the Purchaser or the Company, at
            the Purchaser's direction) from and against any and all Damages that
            may be imposed on, incurred by or asserted against the Purchaser,
            the Company or any Affiliate thereof as a result of any Liability
            arising out of the Seller's conduct of activities on the property or
            premises of the Company (including on Exclusive Use Properties and
            Shared Properties), whether before or after the date hereof.

       (b)  No disclosure by the Seller or any other Person, whether in this
            Agreement or otherwise, of any events, facts or circumstances
            pertaining to the matters set out in Section 7.12(a), shall qualify
            or limit the Seller's obligations under this Section 7.12.

       (c)  Claims brought under this Section 7.12 shall be subject to Sections
            7.3, 7.4, 7.9, and 7.11. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement
            to the contrary, claims brought under this Section 7.12 shall not be
            subject to Sections 7.5 through 7.8, or Section 7.10.

7.13.  Crystal. For so long as the Put has not been exercised, all references in
       this Article 7 to the Company shall be construed as references to Crystal
       as well as the Company, and the reference in Section 7.3(b) to the
       Financial Statements shall be construed to include the financial
       statements of Crystal referred to in Section 3.7(d). Any claim for
       Damages pursuant to this Article 7 with respect to Crystal shall be
       payable only upon expiration of the Put, assuming the Put has not been

                                   ARTICLE 8
                            INDEMNIFICATION OF SELLER

8.1.   Indemnification. Without prejudice to any rights under Article 7, the
       Purchaser shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Seller (by way of
       a payment to be made to the Seller or at the Seller's direction) from and
       against any and all Damages that may


       be imposed on, incurred by or asserted against the Seller or any
       Affiliate thereof as a result of:

       (a)  any breach or inaccuracy of any representation or warranty of the
            Purchaser hereunder; and

       (b)  any breach of any covenant or agreement of the Purchaser contained
            in this Agreement.

       The Purchaser shall not be liable for any such Damages arising as a
       result of: (i) the passing of, or any change in, after the date hereof,
       any Law or administrative practice of any Governmental Authority not
       actually in force as of the date hereof (even if retroactive in effect),
       including, without limitation, any increase in the Tax rates in effect on
       the date hereof or the imposition of any Tax not in effect on the date
       hereof; or (ii) any matter, event, circumstances or qualifications
       disclosed or reflected in the annexes to this Agreement.

8.2.   Company's activities.

       (a)  The Purchaser shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Seller
            from and against any and all Damages that may be imposed on,
            incurred by or asserted against the Seller as a result of any
            Liability arising out of the Company's conduct of activities (and,
            for so long as the Put has not been exercised, Crystal's conduct of
            activities) on the property or premises of the Seller (including on
            Exclusive Use Properties and Shared Properties), after the date

       (b)  No disclosure by the Purchaser or any other Person, whether in this
            Agreement or otherwise, of any events, facts or circumstances
            pertaining to the matters set out in Section 8.2(a), shall qualify
            or limit the Purchaser's obligations under this Section 8.2.

8.3.   Claims procedure, etc. Sections 7.3, 7.4, 7.9, and 7.11 shall apply
       mutatis mutandi to claims brought under this Article 8, so that
       references in such provisions to the Seller, on the one hand, and the
       Purchaser, the Company and Crystal, on the other, shall be reversed as

                                   ARTICLE 9
                               DISPUTE RESOLUTION

9.1.   Arbitration. Any disputes that may arise out of or in connection with
       this Agreement shall be settled finally and exclusively by arbitration by
       a single arbitrator appointed


       and proceeding in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the
       International Chamber of Commerce. The arbitration tribunal shall be
       located in Brussels.

9.2.   Language. All submissions and awards in relation to arbitration under
       this Agreement shall be made in English and all arbitration proceedings
       and all pleadings shall be in English.

9.3.   Waiver; enforcement. Any award made pursuant to this Article 9 shall be
       final and not subject to appeal. The Parties hereby waive all challenges
       to any such award. Any Party may present any such award in any court of
       competent jurisdiction for enforcement. In any such enforcement action,
       regardless of location, no Party will (and the Parties hereby waive any
       right to) seek to invalidate or modify the decision of the arbitrators or
       otherwise to invalidate or circumvent the procedures set out in this
       Article 9. The Parties understand and agree that this Article 9 may be
       specifically enforced by injunction or otherwise in any court of
       competent jurisdiction.

                                   ARTICLE 10
                           INTERPRETATION; DEFINITIONS

10.1.  Headings. The Article headings in this Agreement are for convenience of
       reference only and shall not be deemed in themselves to have any
       contractual value or particular interpretation.

10.2.  Sections. Unless otherwise specified, references in this Agreement to
       "Article", "Section" or "Annex" are to articles and sections of and
       annexes to this Agreement.

10.3.  Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have
       the following meanings:

       "2001 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS" has the meaning given to it in Section

       "2002 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS" has the meaning given to it in Section

       "ABTN" means the memorandum on the policy of the board of the BSN Fund
       Foundation (Actuariele en Bedrijfstechnische Nota) with attachments.

       "ACCOUNT" has the meaning given to it in Section 5.4(c)(i).

       "ADDITIONAL CRYSTAL SHARES" has the meaning given to it in Section

       "ADJUSTED DEBT" has the meaning given to it in Section 1.2.


       "AFFILIATE" means, with respect to any Person, any other Person that
       directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is
       controlled by, or is under common control with, such Person. Before and
       through the execution of this Agreement, the Company and Crystal shall
       not be considered Affiliates of the Seller or the Purchaser. Following
       the execution of this Agreement: (a) the Company shall be considered an
       Affiliate of the Purchaser; (b) for so long as the Put is not exercised,
       Crystal shall not be considered an Affiliate of the Seller and shall be
       considered an Affiliate of the Purchaser and the Company; and (c)
       immediately upon exercise of the Put, Crystal shall cease to be
       considered an Affiliate of the Purchaser and the Company and shall be
       considered an Affiliate of the Seller.

       "AGREEMENT" has the meaning given to it in the preamble hereto.

       "BSN FUND FOUNDATION" means Stichting Pensioenfonds Vereenigde
       Glasfabrieken, a foundation (stichting) incorporated under the laws of
       the Netherlands and having its registered seat at Utrecht, the
       Netherlands, which has established and currently operates the BSN Plan.

       "BSN PLAN" means the defined pension plan established and operated by the
       BSN Fund Foundation as at the date hereof to grant or to have granted
       pensions and other financial benefits to current and former employees
       (and the dependants thereof) of the Company, in accordance with, and
       consisting of and reflected in, the Standard Plan, the TOP Plan, the
       Funding Agreement and the ABTN.

       "BUSINESS DAY" means a day on which commercial banks and foreign exchange
       markets settle payments and are open for general business (including
       dealings in foreign exchange and foreign currency deposits) in New York
       and Amsterdam.

       "CLAIM NOTICE" has the meaning given to it in Section 7.4(a).

       "COMPETING BUSINESS" has the meaning given to it in Section 5.3(b).

       "COMPANY" has the meaning given to it in the recitals hereto.

       "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" means information concerning a Party or its
       Affiliates (regardless of the form of communication and original author
       of or person preparing such information), as well as any information or
       analyses derived from such information, disclosed to the other Party or
       its Affiliates, agents or representatives, other than (i) information
       that was already known to the Party at the time of such disclosure to
       such Party; (ii) information that is or becomes available to the public
       other than as a result of its disclosure by the Party receiving the
       information or such Party's Affiliates,


       agents or representatives; (iii) information that is obtained from
       another source, provided that the Party receiving the information did not
       know or have reason to believe that the source of such information was
       bound by a confidentiality agreement or other contractual, legal or
       fiduciary obligation with respect to such information; and (iv)
       information independently developed by the Party receiving the

       "CONSENT" means any consent, waiver, approval, positive advice,
       authorization, exemption, registration, license or declaration of or by,
       or filing with, any Person.

       "CONTRACT" means any agreement, contract, commitment or undertaking,
       whether or not in writing, to which the Company is a party or made by or
       given to the Company.

       "CRYSTAL" has the meaning given to it in the recitals hereto.

       "CRYSTAL DEBT" has the meaning given to it in the recitals hereto.

       "DAMAGES" means all Liabilities, damages, penalties, deficiencies,
       expenses, fees, losses or Judgments suffered by any party (including
       costs of investigation and defense and reasonable attorney's fees), in
       each case after the application of any amounts recovered under insurance
       contracts or similar arrangements, other than amounts recovered under
       such contracts or arrangements the premiums of which are adjusted by an
       amount equal to any proceeds paid, and other than amount recovered from
       third parties by the damaged party.

       "DEBT" has the meaning given to it in the recitals hereto.

       "DIRECT CLAIM" has the meaning given to it in Section 7.4(a).

       "DIRECT CLAIM REVIEW PERIOD" has the meaning given to it in Section

       "DUTCH CPI" means the Consumer Price Index-All Households
       (Consumentenprijsindex-Alle huishoudens), as reported by the Central
       Statistical Bureau of the Netherlands.

       "DUTCH GAAP" means the generally accepted accounting principles
       applicable in the Netherlands, as applied to the Company on a consistent

       "DUTCH PENSIONS ACT" means the Pensioen- en spaarfondsenwet.

       "ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES" means the employees of the Company and Crystal as
       set forth in ANNEX 3.18(c) and any individuals commencing employment with
       the Company and Crystal between the date hereof and the Pension Transfer
       Date, except for such employees who are ineligible for the BSN Plan by
       reason of their age or otherwise, for


       the duration of such ineligibility. If the Put is exercised, the
       employees of Crystal shall no longer be considered Eligible Employees.

       "ENCUMBRANCE" means any title defect, conflicting claim of ownership,
       mortgage, security interest, lien, pledge, claim, right of first refusal,
       right to use or occupy, option, charge, covenant, reservation, lease,
       order, decree, Judgment, stipulation, settlement, attachment, objection,
       limitation or any other similar restriction.

       "ENVIRONMENT" means soil, land surface or subsurface strata, surface
       waters (including navigable waters, ocean waters, streams, ponds,
       drainage basins and wetlands), groundwaters, drinking water supply,
       stream sediments, ambient air (including indoor air), plant and animal
       life, and any other environmental medium or natural resource.

       "ENVIRONMENTAL LAW" means any Law relating to public health and safety,
       worker health and safety, noise and pollution or protection of the
       Environment (including without limitation Laws relating to Releases of
       pollutants, contaminants or chemical, industrial, hazardous or toxic
       materials or wastes or otherwise relating to the testing,
       characterization, classification, manufacture, processing, distribution,
       use, treatment, storage, disposal, transport or handling of pollutants,
       contaminants or chemical, industrial, hazardous or toxic materials or

       "EXCLUSIVE OCCUPANT" has the meaning given to it in Section 5.7(a).

       "EXCLUSIVE USE PROPERTIES" has the meaning given to it in Section 5.7(a).

       "FINANCIAL STATEMENTS" means the 2001 Financial Statements and the 2002
       Financial Statements.

       "FISCAL UNITY" has the meaning given to it in Section 3.20(b).

       "FORMER PLAN" has the meaning given to it in Section 3.19(d).

       "FUNDING AGREEMENT" means the agreement between the Seller and the BSN
       Fund Foundation dated February 26, 1998 regarding the funding of the BSN

       "GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY" means any government or governmental or
       regulatory body or political subdivision thereof (or similar body),
       whether supranational, federal, state, local or foreign, or any agency or
       instrumentality thereof, or any court or arbitrator (public or private).


       "INDEBTEDNESS" means, in each case as determined under Dutch GAAP, any:
       (i) amounts borrowed from any Person, whether or not under normal
       commercial lending terms or upon the issue of bills, bonds or notes
       (including for the avoidance of doubt, all balances between or among the
       Company and Crystal on the one hand and the Seller and/or the Seller's
       Affiliates on the other); (ii) obligations in connection with receivables
       sold or discounted; (iii) obligations under foreign exchange contracts
       and all derivative instruments (including, without limitation, any
       interest or currency protection, hedging or financial future
       transactions) to the extent that such foreign exchange contracts or
       derivative instruments have been executed in connection with any
       indebtedness falling within the scope of this definition; (iv)
       obligations under any guarantee, counter-indemnity, letter of credit,
       indemnity or similar assurance against the financial loss of any Person,
       unless such obligations are subscribed to in the course of the Company's
       or Crystal's commercial activities to secure obligations other than
       indebtedness falling within the scope of this definition; and (v) accrued
       interest, prepayment penalties or other costs of discharge relating to
       the matters set out in clauses (i) through (iv); but excluding the Debt,
       the Crystal Debt and any payable linked to the operations of the Company
       and Crystal, including without limitation payables to suppliers and Tax
       authorities and Social and employee payables.

       "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS" means any patents, trademarks, trade
       names, designs, copyrights and other similar industrial or intellectual
       property rights.

       "JUDGMENT" means any judgment, order, preliminary or permanent
       injunction, temporary restraining order, ruling, award, consent decree or
       administrative act of any court, arbitrator, judicial or administrative
       authority or other Governmental Authority.

       "LAW" means any statute, act, law, EU directive that is directly
       enforceable, code, regulation, rule, order, decision or Judgment of any
       Governmental Authority.

       "LEAD CRYSTAL PRODUCTS" means handmade lead crystal glass products with a
       lead content of at least 24%.

       "LIABILITY" means any liability or obligations of any nature, whether
       known or unknown, accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise, and whether
       due or to become due.

       "ORDINARY COURSE OF BUSINESS" means, with respect to any entity, (i) the
       usual, regular and ordinary course of the business conducted by such
       entity consistent with past practice and custom, and (ii) all
       transactions being conducted on an arm's length basis.


       "PARTY" has the meaning given to it in the preamble hereto.

       "PENSION TRANSFER DATE" has the meaning given to it in Section 5.4(d).

       "PERMIT" means any permit, license or similar instrument.

       "PERMITTED ENCUMBRANCES" means (i) liens for Taxes not yet due, (ii)
       warehousemen's, mechanics', carriers', landlords', employees',
       repairmen's or similar liens imposed by applicable Law, created in the
       Ordinary Course of Business and for amounts not yet due and payable, and
       (iii) minor imperfections of title or minor Encumbrances that in the
       aggregate do not materially detract from the value of the property
       subject thereto or impair in any material respect the use of the property
       subject thereto.

       "PERSON" means any individual, partnership, corporation, trust,
       unincorporated organization, Governmental Authority or other entity.

       "PREMIUM DEPOSIT" means the amount of Euro 14,012,863, being the
       remainder as of the Reference Date of the advance provided by the Seller
       to the BSN Fund Foundation relating to the transitional rules under
       Section 15 of the TOP Plan.

       "PROCEEDING" means any legal, administrative, arbitration or other
       alternative dispute resolution suit, action, investigation, inquiry or
       other proceeding initiated by any Person, Governmental Authority or other

       "PURCHASE PRICE" has the meaning given to it in Section 1.2.

       "PURCHASER" has the meaning given to it in the preamble hereto.

       "PURCHASER'S PLAN" has the meaning given to it in Section 5.4(b).

       "PUT" has the meaning given to it in Section 6.1.

       "PVK" means the Pensioen- en Verzekeringskamer, the Dutch Pensions and
       Insurance Supervisory Board.

       "REFERENCE DATE" means December 31, 2002.

       "RELATED PERSON" means, with respect to any entity, any stockholder,
       member of the board of directors, member of the supervisory board, member
       of the management board or officer of such entity or any relative of any
       such person.


       "RELEASE" means any spilling, leaking, emitting, discharging, depositing,
       escaping, leaching, dumping or other releasing into the Environment,
       whether intentional or unintentional.

       "RESCHEDULED CRYSTAL DEBT" has the meaning given to it in Section 6.3(a).

       "RL PENSION FOUNDATION" has the meaning given to it in Section 5.4(b).

       "SELLER" has the meaning given to it in the preamble hereto.

       "SETTLEMENT OFFER" has the meaning given to it in Section 7.4(d)(iv)(A).

       "SHARED PROPERTY" has the meaning given to it in Section 5.7(b).

       "SHARES" has the meaning given to it in the recitals hereto.

       "SOCIAL" means related to Social Charges.

       "SOCIAL CHARGE" means any social security contribution and any other
       charge or liability relating to employment, including contributions
       relating to unemployment, medical costs, disability, death, pensions,
       retirement and vacation.

       "STANDARD PLAN" means the defined pension plan established and operated
       by the BSN Fund Foundation in accordance with, and consisting of and as
       reflected in, the Standard Plan Regulations, the Funding Agreement and
       the ABTN.

       "STANDARD PLAN REGULATIONS" means the Basis-Reglement of the BSN Fund

       "SUBSIDY" means any governmental, quasi-governmental or other public and
       private grant or subsidy that provides any reimbursement, refund,
       abatement, Tax reduction bonus, Tax exemption, Tax discounted loan, Tax
       rebate or other Tax advantage or Tax benefit.

       "TAX" and "TAXES" mean any taxes and more generally any mandatory levies
       (including their principal amount and, as the case may be, penalties,
       surcharges and interest thereon) whatever their legal characterization
       and beneficiary may be, including, without limitation: (i) corporation
       taxes, withholding taxes, Value Added Tax (V.A.T.), excise taxes,
       property taxes, business taxes, custom duties, transfer and contribution
       taxes, stamp duty, registration taxes and any taxes based on salaries,
       (ii) any duty paid in consideration for a service provided to the
       Company, (iii) any Liability of the Company determined on the basis of
       any tax or by reference to any taxable basis,


       and (iv) any tax due by a person other than the Company and for which the
       Company would be liable, in particular as a result of any joint and
       several obligation with such person, any obligation to hold harmless and
       indemnify such person, and any obligation to bear the taxes of such
       person (in particular as a result of a tax consolidation or any similar
       agreement). Where used as an adjective, "TAX" means related to Taxes.

       "THIRD PARTY" has the meaning given to it in Section 7.4(a).

       "THIRD PARTY CLAIM" has the meaning given to it in Section 7.4(a).

       "THIRD PARTY CLAIM REVIEW PERIOD" has the meaning given to it in Section

       "TOP PLAN" means the defined pension plan established and operated by the
       BSN Fund Foundation in accordance with, and consisting of and as
       reflected in, the TOP Plan Regulations, the Funding Agreement and the

       "TOP PLAN REGULATIONS" means the TOP-Reglement of the BSN Fund

       "TRANSACTION" means the sale and transfer of the Shares and the Adjusted
       Debt and the grant of the Put pursuant to this Agreement and all (i)
       actions to be taken and (ii) transactions and agreements to be entered
       into and carried out, pursuant to this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE 11
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

11.1.  Cooperation. Each of the Parties shall make every effort to ensure that
       all measures necessary or useful for the completion of the Transaction
       are taken in a timely manner. Each of the Parties shall also take all
       necessary steps to permit the other party and its attorneys to ascertain
       the satisfactory performance of all of its undertakings made herein.

11.2.  Announcements. After the date hereof, each Party shall use its best
       efforts to consult in good faith the other Party before the issuance or
       publication of any press release or other announcement with respect to
       this Agreement or the Transaction. No Party shall issue or publish any
       such press release or other announcement before January 6, 2003, without
       the written consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be
       unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event any
       such press release or announcement is required by or warranted (in the
       opinion of legal counsel) under applicable Law to be made by the Party
       proposing to issue the same, such Party may issue


       such press release or announcement, provided that it uses its best
       efforts to consult in good faith the other Party before such issuance.

11.3.  Assignment. This Agreement and the rights and obligations arising out of
       it shall not be transferable, either in whole or in part, without the
       prior written consent of the other Parties.

11.4.  Third Party Beneficiaries. Provided that the Company complies with and
       agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement in the
       same manner as if it had been the Purchaser, the Parties intend the
       Company to be a third-party beneficiary of this Agreement and for it to
       remain a third-party beneficiary of this Agreement, notwithstanding any
       sale of the Shares to any third party. Provided that the Put is not
       exercised, and provided that Crystal complies with and agrees to be bound
       by the terms and conditions of this Agreement in the same manner as if it
       had been the Purchaser, the Parties intend Crystal to be a third-party
       beneficiary of this Agreement and for it to remain a third-party
       beneficiary of this Agreement, notwithstanding any sale of the shares of
       Crystal to any third party. Except for the foregoing, nothing expressed
       or implied in this Agreement is intended or shall be construed to confer
       upon or give any Person other than the Parties and their successors and
       assigns any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement.

11.5.  Entire Agreement. This Agreement (including the annexes hereto)
       represents the entire agreement existing between the Parties relative to
       the subject matter hereof and supersedes all previous negotiations,
       discussions, correspondence, communications, understandings and
       agreements between the Parties relating to the subject matter of this
       Agreement. This Agreement may not be amended except by a written
       instrument signed by the Parties.

11.6.  Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid in
       whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions of the
       Agreement shall not be affected thereby. In such event, the Parties
       shall, to the extent possible, substitute for such invalid provision a
       valid provision corresponding to the spirit and purpose thereof.

11.7.  Notices and Communications. All notices and other communications required
       under or in connection with this Agreement shall be in writing and,
       except as otherwise expressly provided herein, shall be deemed to have
       been given when delivered in person, on the date of confirmed delivery by
       a nationally recognized overnight courier service, or in any other case
       upon actual receipt by the intended recipient. All such notices and other
       communications shall be dispatched to the appropriate party at the
       address specified below:


       If to the Purchaser, to:

              Libbey Inc.
              c/o Director of Corporate Business Development
              300 Madison Avenue
              Toledo, OH 43604

       If to the Seller, to:

              BSN Glasspack N.V.
              c/o  Rene Leenders
              Buitenhavenweg 116
              3113 BE Schiedam, The Netherlands

       or to such other addressee as the addressees above shall indicate to the
       other Parties in accordance with the provisions of this section.

11.8.  Costs. Unless otherwise stipulated herein, each Party shall be
       responsible for the payment of all fees and costs incurred by it in
       connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby,
       including the fees and disbursements of their respective financial
       advisors, accountants and counsel.

11.9.  No Waiver. The failure to exercise or delay in exercising a right or
       remedy under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of the right or
       remedy or a waiver of any other rights or remedies and no single or
       partial exercise of any right or remedy under this Agreement shall
       prevent any further exercise of the right or remedy or the exercise of
       any other right or remedy.

11.10. Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by the Laws of


Done in Brussels, on December 31, 2002 in 4 original copies.

                                     BSN GLASSPACK N.V.

                                     by:  /s/ Jean-Yves Schapiro
                                     Jean-Yves Schapiro
                                     Duly authorized

                                     SAXOPHONE B.V.

                                     by:  /s/ Mark E. Songer
                                     Mark E. Songer
