Exhibit 3.95

                                STATE OF GEORGIA

                            [STATE OF GEORGIA SEAL]

                          OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE

     I, Max Cleland, Secretary of State of the State of Georgia, do hereby
certify that

                               "SPORTSLIFE, INC."

has been duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Georgia on the 29th
day of December, 1983, by the filing of articles of incorporation in the office
of the Secretary of State and the fees therefor paid, as provided by law, and
that attached hereto is a true copy of said articles of incorporation.

                           IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
                   affixed the seal of my office, at the Capitol, in the City of
                                  Atlanta, this 29th day of December in the year
                                of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty
                              Three and of the Independence of the United States
                                           of America the Two Hundred and Eight.

                                                                 /s/ Max Cleland

                                      SECRETARY OF STATE, EX-OFFICIO CORPORATION
                                      COMMISSIONER OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA

                           ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                                SPORTSLIFE, INC.

                                   ARTICLE I.

     The name of the corporation is Sportslife, Inc.

                                  ARTICLE II.

     The corporation shall have perpetual duration.

                                  ARTICLE III.

     The corporation is organized pursuant to the provisions of the Georgia
Business Corporation Code.

                                  ARTICLE IV.

     The corporation is a corporation for profit and is organized for the
purpose of engaging in the operation of health clubs.  The corporation likewise
shall have authority to engage in any work, service or pursuit in any manner
ancillary or in aid of its general purposes as stated above.

                                   ARTICLE V.

     The corporation is authorized to carry on any other business whatsoever,
including but not limited to the providing of services capable of being carried
on for profit or calculated directly or indirectly to promote the interest of
the corporation or to enhance the value of its property, and to have, enjoy,
and exercise all of the rights, powers and privileges which are now or which
may hereafter be conferred upon corporations organized under the Georgia
Business Corporation Code pursuant to O.C.G.A. Sec.14-2-21.

                                  ARTICLE VI.

     The corporation shall have the authority to issue not more than One
Million (1,000,000) shares of common stock of one cent ($.01) par value.

                                  ARTICLE VII.

     The corporation shall not commence business until it shall have received
not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) in payment for the issuance of
shares of stock.

                                 ARTICLE VIII.

     The shareholders of the corporation shall have preemptive rights to
acquire additional shares of the corporate stock in proportion to the then
outstanding shares.

                                  ARTICLE IX.

     The initial registered office of the corporation shall be located at 810-J
Franklin Court, S.E., Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia 30067. The initial
registered agent of the corporation at said office shall be Lyle Ray Irwin, and
his written consent to such appointment is attached to these Articles of

                                   ARTICLE X.

     The business of the corporation shall be managed by its Board of
Directors, and the initial Board of Directors shall consist of four members who

     Name                                                 Address

     Lyle Ray Irwin                               810-J Franklin Court, S.E.
                                                  Marietta, Georgia 30067

     Richard P. Boggs                             810-J Franklin Court, S.E.
                                                  Marietta, Georgia 30067

     Gerald Alles                                 810-J Franklin Court, S.E.
                                                  Marietta, Georgia 30067

     Louis S. Off                                 810-J Franklin Court, S.E.
                                                  Marietta, Georgia 30067

                                  ARTICLE XI.

     The officers of the corporation shall consist of a President, Vice
President and Secretary/Treasurer. The by-laws shall provide for the filling of
vacancies of any and all of these offices, and the term of office of the
officers and the manner of election thereof. Any additions to the number of
officers shall be made at the discretion of the Board of Directors in accordance

with the provisions set out in the by-laws. The initial officers of the
corporation shall be determined by the Board of Directors at their first

                                  ARTICLE XII.

     The Board of Directors of the corporation may, from time to time and in its
discretion, distribute a portion of the assets of the corporation to its
shareholders out of the capital surplus of the corporation.

                                 ARTICLE XIII.

    The Board of Directors may, from time to time and at its discretion, cause
the corporation to purchase its own shares to the extent of unreserved and
unrestricted capital surplus available for said purchase.

                                  ARTICLE XIV.

     The name and address of the incorporator is Lyle Ray Irwin, 810-J Franklin
Court, S.E., Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia 30067.

                                  ARTICLE XV.

     The corporation shall be authorized to issue its stock in accordance with
the appropriate laws and regulations, so as to have its stock issued as Section
1244 Stock, in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code.

     IN WITNESS HWEREOF, the undersigned executes these Articles of

                                   /s/ Lyle Ray Irwin
                                   LYLE RAY IRWIN, Incorporator

                            CONSENT TO APPOINTMENT AS

                                 REGISTERED AGENT

TO: Secretary of State
    Ex-Officio Corporate Commissioner
    State of Georgia
    State Capitol
    Atlanta, Georgia

     I, LYLE RAY IRWIN, do hereby consent to serve as registered agent for the
corporation SPORTSLIFE, INC.

     This 21st day of December, 1983.

                                             /s/ Lyle Ray Irwin
                                             LYLE RAY IRWIN
                                             810-J Franklin Court, S.E.
                                             Marietta, Georgia, 30067

                                STATE OF GEORGIA

                            [STATE OF GEORGIA SEAL]

                          OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE

               I, Max Cleland, Secretary of State of the State of
               Georgia, do hereby certify that

based on a diligent search of the records on file in this office, I find that
the name of the following proposed domestic corporation to wit

                               "SPORTSLIFE, INC."

is not identical with or confusingly similar to the name of any other existing
domestic or domesticated or foreign corporation registered in the records on
file in this office or to the name of any other proposed domestic or
domesticated, or foreign corporation as shown by a certificate of the Secretary
of State heretofore issued and presently effective.

     This certificate is in full force and effective for a period and calendar
months from date of issuance. After such period of time, this certificate is

                            In TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand
                            and affixed the seal of my office, at the Capitol,
[STATE OF GEORGIA SEAL]     in the City of Atlanta, this 29th day of DECEMBER,
                            in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred
                            and Eighty THREE and of the Independence of the
                            United States of America the Two Hundred and EIGHT

                                     /s/ Max Cleland
                                     SECRETARY OF STATE (ILLEGIBLE)
                                     COMMISSIONER OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA