

                             REVISED AS OF JUNE 7, 2004

Date:                        May 6, 2004

To:                          Health Care Reit, Inc

Attention:                   Swaps Documentation Department

Facsimile NO:                1 419 247 2826

OUR REFERENCE:               GLOBAL NO. N304066N

                             TRANSACTION DESCRIBED BELOW

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The purpose of this letter agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions of
the Transaction entered into between Deutsche Bank AG ("DBAG") and Health Care
REIT, Inc ("Counterparty") on the Trade Date specified below (the
"Transaction"). This letter agreement constitutes a "Confirmation" as referred
to in the Agreement specified below.

The definitions and provisions contained in the 2000 ISDA Definitions (the
"Definitions") as published by the International Swaps and Derivatives
Association, Inc. are incorporated by reference herein. In the event of any
inconsistency between the Definitions and this Confirmation, this Confirmation
will govern.

For the purpose of this Confirmation, all references in the Definitions or the
Agreement to a "Swap Transaction" shall be deemed to be references to this

1. This Confirmation evidences a complete and binding agreement between DBAG
("Party A") and Counterparty ("Party B") as to the terms of the Transaction to
which this Confirmation relates. In addition, Party A and Party B agree to use
all reasonable efforts to negotiate, execute and deliver an agreement in the
form of the ISDA Master Agreement (Multicurrency-Cross Border) (the "ISDA
Form") (as may be amended, modified or supplemented from time to time, the
"Agreement") with such modifications as Party A and Party B will in good faith
agree. Upon execution by the parties of such Agreement, this Confirmation will
supplement, form a part of and be subject to the Agreement. All provisions
contained or incorporated by reference in such Agreement upon its execution
shall govern this Confirmation except as expressly modified below. Until Party A
and Party B execute and deliver the Agreement, this Confirmation, together with
all other documents referring to the ISDA Form (each a "Confirmation")
confirming Transactions (each a "Transaction") entered into between us
(notwithstanding anything to the contrary in a Confirmation) shall supplement,
form a part of, and be subject to an agreement in the form of the ISDA Form as
if Party A and Party B had executed an agreement on the Trade Date of the first
such Transaction between us in such form, with the Schedule thereto (i)
specifying only that (a) the governing law is the laws of the State of New York,

without reference to choice of law doctrine, provided, that such choice of law
shall be superseded by any choice of law provision specified in the Agreement
upon its execution, and (b) the Termination Currency is U.S. Dollars and (ii)
incorporating the addition to the definition of "Indemnifiable Tax" contained in
(page 48 of) the ISDA "User's Guide to the 1992 ISDA Master Agreements". In the
event of any inconsistency between the terms of this Confirmation, and the terms
of the Agreement, this Confirmation will prevail for the purpose of this

2. The terms of the particular Transaction to which this Confirmation relates
are as follows:

   Notional Amount:                             USD 50,000,000.00

   Trade Date:                                  May 6, 2004

   Effective Date:                              May 7, 2004

   Termination Date:                            November 15, 2013


   Fixed Rate Payer:                            DBAG

   Fixed Rate Payer Period End Dates:           The 15th day of May and November
                                                of each year, commencing May 15,
                                                2004, through and including the
                                                Termination Date with No

   Fixed Rate Payer Payment Dates:              The 15th day of May and November
                                                of each year, commencing May 15,
                                                2004, through and including the
                                                Termination Date

   Fixed Rate:                                  6.00%

   Fixed Rate Day Count Fraction:               30/360


   Fixed Rate Payer Business Day                Modified Following


   Floating Rate Payer:                         Counterparty

   Floating Rate Payer Period End Dates:        The 15th day of May and November
                                                of each year, commencing May 15,
                                                2004, through and including the
                                                Termination Date


   Floating Rate Payer Payment Dates:              The 15th day of May and
                                                   November of each year,
                                                   commencing May 15, 2004,
                                                   through and including the
                                                   Termination Date

   Floating Rate for initial Calculation Period:   1.78125%

   Floating Rate Option:                           USD-LIBOR-BBA

   Designated Maturity:                            Six months

   Spread:                                         Plus 0.705%

   Floating Rate Day Count Fraction:               Actual/360

   Reset Dates:                                    The last Floating Rate Payer
                                                   Business Day of each
                                                   Calculation Period or
                                                   Compounding Period, if
                                                   Compounding is applicable.

   Compounding:                                    Inapplicable


   Floating Rate Payer Business Day
   Convention:                                     Modified Following


        USD DBAG Payment Instructions:
        Account With:                              Deutsche Bank AG, New York
        SWIFT Code:                                DEUTUS33
        Favor Of:                                  Deutsche Bank AG, New York
        Account Number:                            100440170004

        USD Counterparty Payment Instructions:
        Account With:                              National City Bank
        SWIFT Code:                                NATCUS33
        Favor Of:                                  Health Care REITH, Inc, Ohio
        Account Number:                            10 57359


The Office of DBAG for this Transaction is New York.

The Office of Counterparty for this Transaction is Toledo.


     5. CALCULATION AGENT: The party specified as such in the Agreement, or if
                           not specified therein, DBAG.


     Counterparty, if it is a nonresident alien individual, foreign corporation,
     foreign partnership, foreign trust, or foreign estate, represents that it
     is a foreign person for purposes of US Treasury regulations relating to
     information reporting and backup withholding.

     Each party will be deemed to represent to the other party on the date on
     which it enters into this Transaction that (absent a written agreement
     between the parties that expressly imposes affirmative obligations to the
     contrary for this Transaction):

     (i) NON-RELIANCE. It is acting for its own account, and it has made its own
     independent decisions to enter into this Transaction and as to whether this
     Transaction is appropriate or proper for it based upon its own judgement
     and upon advice from such advisers as it has deemed necessary. It is not
     relying on any communication (written or oral) of the other party as
     investment advice or as a recommendation to enter into this Transaction; it
     being understood that information and explanations related to the terms and
     conditions of this Transaction shall not be considered investment advice or
     a recommendation to enter into this Transaction. No communication (written
     or oral) received from the other party shall be deemed to be an assurance
     or guarantee as to the expected results of this Transaction.

     (ii) ASSESSMENT AND UNDERSTANDING. It is capable of assessing the merits of
     and understanding (on its own behalf or through independent professional
     advice), and understands and accepts, the terms, conditions and risks of
     this Transaction. It is also capable of assuming, and assumes, the risks of
     this Transaction.

     (iii) STATUS OF PARTIES. The other party is not acting as a fiduciary for,
     or an adviser to it in respect of this Transaction.


     a) The "CROSS DEFAULT" provisions of Section 5(a)(vi) will apply to Party A
     and will apply to Party B.

     In connection therewith, "Specified Indebtedness" will have the meaning
     specified in Section 14, provided, however, that indebtedness or
     obligations in respect of deposits received in the ordinary course of the
     banking business of such person shall not constitute Specified

     "THRESHOLD AMOUNT" means with respect to Party A an amount equal to three
     percent (3%) of Shareholders' Equity and with respect to Party B, the
     amount specified from time to time in Section 8.4, "Other Defaults" of the
     Credit Agreement, which amount is currently $1,500,000

     "CREDIT AGREEMENT" means the Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as
     of August 23, 2002, among Party B, Keybank National Association, as
     Administrative Agent, Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., as Syndication Agent,
     UBS Warburg LLC, as Documentation Agent, and the other lenders party
     thereto, as the same has been amended and may be amended, modified,
     supplemented or replaced from time to time.


b)   The "CREDIT EVENT UPON MERGER" provisions of Section 5(b)(iv) will apply to
     Party A and to Party B. Provided, however, with respect to Party B, Credit
     Event Upon Merger shall not apply if (a) Party B is the surviving entity,
     (b) the consideration paid in connection with any such merger or
     acquisition does not exceed an amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of
     Party B'S Consolidated Total Assets (as defined in the Credit Agreement) at
     the date of the consummation of such transaction, prior to giving effect to
     such transaction.


     Section 6 of this Agreement is amended by the addition of the following
     Section 6(f):

     "(f) Upon the designation of any Early Termination Date, the party that is
     not the Defaulting Party or Affected Party ("X") may, without prior notice
     to the Defaulting or Affected Party ("Y"), set off any sum or obligation
     (whether or not arising under this Agreement, whether matured or unmatured,
     whether or not contingent and irrespective of the currency, place of
     payment or booking office of the sum or obligation) owed by Y to X or any
     Affiliate of X (the "X Set Off Amount") against any sum or obligation
     (whether or not arising under this Agreement, whether matured or unmatured,
     whether or not contingent and irrespective of the currency, place of
     payment or booking office of the sum or obligation) owed by X or any
     Affiliate of X to Y (the "Y Set Off Amount"). X will give notice to the
     other party of any set off effected under this Section 6(f).

     For this purpose, either the X Set Off Amount or the Y Set Off Amount (or
     the relevant portion of such set off amounts) may be converted by X into
     the currency in which the other set off amount is denominated at the rate
     of exchange at which X would be able, acting in a reasonable manner and in
     good faith, to purchase the relevant amount of such currency.

     If a sum or obligation is unascertained, X may in good faith estimate that
     obligation and set-off in respect of the estimate, subject to the relevant
     party accounting to the other when the obligation is ascertained.

     Nothing in this Section 6(f) shall be effective to create a charge or other
     security interest. This Section 6(f) shall be without prejudice and in
     addition to any right of set-off, combination of accounts, lien or other
     rights to which any party is at anytime otherwise entitled (whether by
     operation of law, contract or otherwise)."


     9. Please confirm that the foregoing correctly sets forth the terms of our
     agreement by having an authorized officer sign this Confirmation and return
     it via facsimile or e-mail to:

        Attention: Derivative Documentation
        Telephone: 44 20 7547 4755
        Facsimile: 44 20 7545 9761
        E-mail: Derivative.Documentation@db.com

     This message will be the only form of Confirmation dispatched by us. If you
     wish to exchange hard copy forms of this Confirmation, please contact us.

     Yours sincerely,

     Deutsche Bank AG

     By: /s/ Bianca Mueller

     Name: Bianca Mueller
     Authorized Signatory

     By: /s/ Jamie Hunt

     Name: Jamie Hunt
     Authorized Signatory

     Confirmed as of the date first written above:

     Health Care REIT, Inc

     By: /s/ Michael A. Crabtree
     Name: Michael A. Crabtree
     Title: Treasurer
