relating to shares in HJF Acquisition Corporation

The J.M. Smucker Company (VENDOR)
SPC Ardmona Limited (PURCHASER)



DETAILS                                                                       3

AGREED TERMS                                                                  4

1.       DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION                                       4
1.1      Definitions                                                          4
1.2      Interpretation                                                       4
1.3      Headings                                                             4

2.       VARIATIONS TO THE AGREEMENT                                          4
2.1      Variations to clause 1.1                                             4
2.2      Variations to clause 7.6                                             5
2.3      Variations to clause 7.7                                             7
2.4      Insertion of new clause 10.11                                        8
2.5      Insertion of Warranty 8.13 of Schedule 5                             8
2.6      Confirmation                                                         8

3.       MISCELLANEOUS                                                        8
3.1      Alterations                                                          8
3.2      Assignment                                                           9
3.3      Costs                                                                9
3.4      Counterparts                                                         9
3.5      Governing law and jurisdiction                                       9

SIGNING PAGE                                                                 10


DATE                                JUNE 2004


Name                    The J.M. Smucker Company (a corporation incorporated in
                        the State of Ohio, United States of America)

Short form name         VENDOR

Notice details          Strawberry Lane, Orville, OH 44667-0280, United States
                        of America
                        Facsimile: + 1 330 684 3026
                        Attention: General Counsel

Name                    SPC Ardmona Limited

ABN                     68 059 317 618

Short form name         PURCHASER

Notice details          19-25 Camberwell Road, Hawthorn East, Victoria,
                        Australia, 3123
                        Facsimile: + 61 03 5822 2121
                        Attention: Managing Director and Company Secretary


A     The parties entered into a share sale agreement on 12 May 2004 under which
      the Vendor has agreed to sell, and the Purchaser has agreed to purchase,
      the Shares (AGREEMENT).

B     The parties acknowledge that Completion is scheduled to take place on 16
      June 2004.

C     The parties also acknowledge that the Purchaser will not have had the
      opportunity to properly review the Completion Accounts and the Adjustment
      Amount in accordance with clause 7.6 of the Agreement prior to Completion.

D     The parties have agreed to amend the Agreement to preserve the Purchaser's
      rights to dispute the Completion Accounts and/or the Adjustment Amount
      post Completion, on the terms of this deed.




      In this deed, a term defined in the Agreement and not otherwise defined in
      this deed has the same meaning in this deed.


      In this deed, unless the contrary intention appears:

      (a)   the singular includes the plural and vice versa;

      (b)   words importing natural persons includes bodies corporate and vice

      (c)   reference to clauses and schedules are references to clauses and
            schedules of this deed;

      (d)   a reference to time is to Victoria, Australia time;

      (e)   a reference to any document or agreement (including this deed)
            includes that document or agreement as amended, novated,
            supplemented or replaced;

      (f)   a reference to a party to this deed or any other document or
            agreement includes that party's successors or permitted assigns;

      (g)   a rule of construction does not apply to the disadvantage of a party
            because the party was responsible for the preparation of this
            agreement or any part of it; and

      (h)   if a day on or by which an obligation must be performed or an event
            must occur is not a Business Day, the obligation must be performed
            or the event must occur on or by the next Business Day.


      In this deed, headings are for convenience only and do not affect



      (a)   The parties agree to delete the definition of "Completion Date" and
            replace it with the following definition:

            "COMPLETION DATE means 16 June 2004."

      (b)   The parties agree that the following new definitions are to be
            inserted in clause 1.1 of the Agreement:

            "ESCROW ACCOUNT" means the bank account to be established under
            clause 4.6(b).

            "ESCROW AGENT" means Baker & McKenzie Solicitors of Level 39, 525
            Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia.

            "ESCROW AMOUNT" means the total amount of $200,000, comprising:

            (i)   the Labelling Escrow Amount; and

            (ii)  the Transfer Pricing Escrow Amount.

            "ESCROW BALANCE" means the balance of the Escrow Account, including
            all interest (payable under clause 4.6(g)), after deducting any bank
            charges and Taxes payable on the operation of the Escrow Account.

            "ESCROW LETTER" means a letter from the Vendor to the Purchaser and
            the Escrow Agent regarding the appointment of the Escrow Agent, as
            agreed between the parties prior to Completion.

            "INDEPENDENT EXPERT" means:

            (a)   for all disputes other than disputes relating to the Labelling
                  Issue, the Independent Accountant; and

            (b)   in the case of a dispute relating to the Labelling Issue, the
                  Queens Counsel.

            "LABELLING ESCROW AMOUNT" means the amount of $150,000.

            "LABELLING ISSUE" means the issue relating to origin labelling of
            products under the Food Standards and the Trade Practices Act (and
            related State and Territory Fair Trading Acts), other than issues
            arising from undertakings given by the Purchaser to ACCC.

            "QUEENS COUNSEL" means the Queens Counsel appointed in accordance
            with clause 7.7(d).

            "TRANSFER PRICING ISSUE" means the issue relating to the treatment
            of transfer pricing in the Completion Accounts for the supply of the
            Transition Products.

            "TRANSFER PRICING ESCROW AMOUNT" means the amount of $50,000."


      The parties agree that clause 4.2 of the Agreement is deleted and replaced
      with the following clause:

      "On the Completion Date the Purchaser must pay:

      (a)   the Escrow Amount to the Escrow Agent; and

      (b)   the Purchase Price less the Escrow Amount to the Vendor."


      The parties agree that a new clause 4.6 is to be inserted in the Agreement
      as follows:

      "4.6  ESCROW AMOUNT

      (a)   On Completion, the Vendor and the Purchaser must sign and deliver
            the Escrow Letter to the Escrow Agent.

      (b)   The parties must direct the Escrow Agent to invest the Escrow Amount
            in an interest bearing account with a reputable financial
            institution on 24 hour call in the joint names of the Vendor and the
            Purchaser, with the Escrow Agent named as the sole signatory to the
            Escrow Account.

      (c)   Payment may only be made out of the Escrow Account:

            (i)   to the Vendor as required under clauses 4.6(d) and/or (e); or

            (ii)  to the Vendor or the Purchaser:

                  (A)   upon receipt by the Escrow Agent of a written direction
                        as to quantum and recipient(s) of the relevant payment
                        or payments to be made by the Escrow Agent (including
                        for the purpose of distributing any funds remaining in

                        Escrow Account after the provisions of this clause 4.6
                        have been exhausted) signed by both of the parties; or

                  (B)   as determined by the Independent Expert under clause 7.7
                        in respect of the quantum (including interest) and
                        recipient(s) of the relevant payment or payments
                        (including for the purpose of distributing any funds
                        remaining in the Escrow Account after the provisions of
                        this clause 4.6 have been exhausted).

      (d)   Subject to clauses 4.6(c)(ii) and 4.6(e), the parties must direct
            the Escrow Agent to pay the Escrow Balance to the Vendor from the
            Escrow Account within 2 Business Days of the earlier of:

            (i)   if the Purchaser does not raise the Labelling Issue or the
                  Transfer Pricing Issue (as the case may be) as a dispute as
                  provided in clause 7.7, the Final Objection Date;

            (ii)  if the Purchaser gives the Vendor a Dispute Notice under
                  clause 7.7(a) on the basis of the Labelling Issue and/or the
                  Transfer Pricing Issue (as the case may be) and the parties
                  resolve the matter in dispute within 10 Business Days, the
                  date on which the dispute is resolved; and

            (iii) if the dispute relating to the Labelling Issue and/or the
                  Transfer Pricing Issue (as the case may be) is submitted for
                  determination to the Independent Expert(s), the date on which
                  the relevant Independent Expert issues its determination.

      (e)   If at any of the respective dates described in clause 4.6(d), one or
            the other of the Labelling Issue or the Transfer Pricing Issue
            remains outstanding, then:

            (i)   the amount that the parties must direct the Escrow Agent to
                  pay under that clause will be the Escrow Balance less the
                  Labelling Escrow Amount (if the Labelling Issue remains
                  outstanding) or the Transfer Pricing Amount (if the Transfer
                  Pricing Issue remains outstanding) (the remaining amount in
                  the Escrow Account being the Shortfall Amount); and

            (ii)  subject to clause 4.6(c)(ii), the parties must direct the
                  Escrow Agent to pay the Shortfall Amount (plus all interest
                  payable under clause 4.6(g), less any bank charges and Taxes)
                  to the Vendor from the Escrow Account within 2 Business Days
                  of the earlier of the respective dates described in clause

      (f)   Each party agrees to direct the Escrow Agent in writing so as to
            give full effect to this agreement (including clause 4.6(g)).
            Neither the Vendor nor the Purchaser will instruct the Escrow Agent
            to deal with the Escrow Balance, the Escrow Amount, the Labelling
            Escrow Amount or the Transfer Pricing Escrow Amount other than in
            accordance with the provisions of this clause 4.6.

      (g)   The parties agree that interest on any part of the Escrow Amount is
            to be paid as follows:

            (i)   any interest accruing during the period up to and including
                  the Final Objection Date is to be paid to the Purchaser;

            (ii)  any interest accruing from the Final Objection Date up to the
                  end of the 10 Business Days following the provision of the
                  Dispute Notice under clause 7.7(b) is to be shared equally by
                  the parties if the dispute is resolved within that period; and

            (iii) if the dispute is not resolved within the period referred to
                  in clause 4.6(g), any interest accruing from the Final
                  Objection Date until determination by the Independent Expert
                  under clause 7.7(g) is to be paid in accordance with the
                  Independent Expert's determination."


      The parties to agree to amend clause 6.3(a) of the Agreement by deleting
      the reference to "amount under clause 4.1" and replacing it with "amounts
      under clause 4.2".


      The parties agree to delete the first sentence of clause 7.6 of the
      Agreement and replace it with the following clause:

      "The Purchaser has the period of 14 days after the Completion Date to
      dispute the Completion Accounts (including the Purchaser pursuing a
      dispute in relation to the Labelling Issue and/or the Transfer Pricing
      Issue) and the Adjustment Amount (the last date of that period, FINAL
      OBJECTION DATE), after which the Completion Accounts and the Adjustment
      Amount will be final and binding on the parties if the Purchaser does not
      dispute the Completion Accounts or the Adjustment Amount as provided in
      clause 7.3. If the Purchaser disputes the Completion Accounts or the
      Adjustment Amount on or before the Final Objection Date, the dispute will
      be determined in accordance with clause 7.7."


      (a)   The parties agree that clause 7.7(a) of the Agreement is amended so

            (i)   only the Purchaser is defined as the "Disputing Party"; and

            (ii)  the words "(including the Purchaser pursuing a dispute in
                  relation to the Labelling Issue and/or the Transfer Pricing
                  Issue)" are added after the words "Completion Accounts".

      (b)   The parties agree that clauses 7.7(c), 7.7(e), 7.7(f) and 7.7(g) of
            the Agreement are amended so that the words "Independent Accountant"
            are replaced with "Independent Expert" wherever those words appear
            in those clauses.

      (c)   The parties agree that clause 7.7(d) of the Agreement is deleted and
            replaced with the following clause:

            "The Queens Counsel (in the case of a dispute relating to the
            Labelling Issue) and/or the Independent Accountant (in the case of
            all other disputes) must be agreed by the Vendor and the Purchaser.
            If the Vendor and the Purchaser cannot agree within 5 Business Days
            of the other party giving the Response to the Disputing Party, then
            the relevant Independent Expert will be nominated:

            (i)   in the case of a dispute relating to the Labelling Issue, at
                  the request of either the Vendor or the Purchaser, by the
                  President of the Victorian Bar Association; and

            (ii)  in the case of all other disputes, at the request of either
                  the Vendor or the Purchaser, by the President of the Institute
                  of Chartered Accountants (Victorian Branch)."

      (d)   The parties agree that clause 7.7(h) of the Agreement is deleted and
            replaced with the following clause:

            "If the final Adjustment Amount determined in accordance with clause
            7.7(g) is:

            (i)   more than the Adjustment Account included in the Purchase
                  Price, then within 5 Business Days the Purchaser must pay an
                  amount equal to the excess to the Vendor in accordance with
                  clause 4.3; and

            (ii)  less than the Adjustment Amount included in the Purchase
                  Price, then within 5 Business Days the Vendor must pay an
                  amount equal to the shortfall to the Purchaser in accordance
                  with clause 4.3."


      The parties agree that clause 7.8(b) of the Agreement is amended so that
      the words "Independent Accountant" are replaced with "Independent Expert".


      The parties agree that a new clause 10.11 is to be inserted in the
      Agreement as follows:

      "From the Completion Date until the last Category A Member or Category B
      Member's benefits have been paid out of the HJF Fund:

      (a)   one nominee of the Vendor, as notified in writing to the Purchaser
            from time to time, will be permitted to attend as an observer at
            meetings of the Board of directors of HJF Superannuation Nominees;

      (b)   the observer nominated under clause 10.11(a) will be provided notice
            of any directors' meeting by the Purchaser promptly after the
            Purchaser's nominees on the Board of HJF Superannuation Nominees
            receive that notice;

      (c)   the observer nominated under clause 10.11(a) will be permitted to
            speak at such directors' meetings subject to the constitution of HJF
            Superannuation Nominees and directions of the Chairman of the
            meeting and the trust deed of the HJF Fund; and

      (d)   any matters debated, discussed or decided by the Board of directors
            of HJF Superannuation Nominees shall be kept confidential by the
            observer until the directors otherwise determine, provided always
            that the observer may inform the Vendor and its advisers of, or
            provide any copies to the Vendor of, any resolution made by the
            Board which would increase any unfunded liability of the HJF Fund
            for the purposes of clause 10.7 or expose the Vendor to provide
            indemnification under clause 12.4."


      The parties agree that warranty 8.5 in Schedule 5 of the Agreement is
      amended so that the words "To the Vendor's knowledge, the" are replaced
      with "The".


      The parties agree that a new warranty 8.13 is to be inserted in Schedule 5
      of the Agreement as follows:

      "Prior to and as at Completion there has been no breach of the governing
      rules of the HJF Fund, any award, industrial agreement, employment
      contract or applicable law, in respect of Henry Jones Food's obligation to
      make superannuation contributions in respect of a Completion Employee who
      is a Category A Member or Category B Member in the HJF Fund."


      The parties confirm that, other than the variations in this deed, the
      provisions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect in accordance
      with their terms and continue to bind the parties.



      This deed may be altered only in writing signed by each party.


      A party may only assign this deed or a right under this deed with the
      prior written consent of the other party.

3.3   COSTS

      Each party must pay its own costs of negotiating, preparing and executing
      this deed.


      (a)   This deed may be executed in counterparts. All executed counterparts
            constitute one document.

      (b)   This deed is binding on the parties on exchange of duly executed


      This deed is governed by the law of Victoria and each party irrevocably
      and unconditionally submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the
      courts of Victoria.


EXECUTED as a deed.


/s/ Nigel Garrard                    /s/ Monika Maedler
- ---------------------------          -------------------------------------------
Signature of director                Signature of director/company secretary
                                     (Please delete as applicable)
                                     Monika Maedler

Nigel Garrard

- ---------------------------          -------------------------------------------
Name of director (print)             Name of director/company secretary (print)

The J. M. Smucker Company

/s/ Richard K. Smucker
- -------------------------------------------

Richard K. Smucker, President, Co-Chief Executive Officer, and

Chief Financial Officer

/s/ Barry C. Dunaway
- -------------------------------------------

Barry C. Dunaway, Vice President - Corporate Development

State of Ohio           )

                        ) SS:

County of Wayne         )

On this 16th day of June, 2004, personally appeared before me, Richard K.
Smucker, the President, Co-Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Financial Officer
of The J. M. Smucker Company and Barry C. Dunaway, Vice President - Corporate
Development of The J. M. Smucker Company, each to me known to be the person
named in and who executed the above instrument, and acknowledged to me that each
executed the same for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned.

Date: 6-16-04           /s/ Jeannette Knudsen

                        Notary Public

                        Notary Seal        Jeannette L. Knudsen, Attorney-At-Law

                        State of Ohio      Notary Public - Sate of Ohio

                                           My Commission has no expiration date

                                           Sec. 147.03 R.C.