Exhibit 10.26

                              CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.

                               SECTION 1 - PURPOSE

            The Cardinal Health, Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan is adopted
and established by Cardinal Health, Inc., an Ohio corporation, on the date set
forth below, effective as of July 1, 2000, for the general benefit of the
Employees of the Company and of certain of its Subsidiaries. The purpose of the
Plan is to facilitate the purchase of Shares by Eligible Employees.

                             SECTION 2 - DEFINITIONS

a.    "ACT" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

b.    "ADMINISTRATOR" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company, a
      designated committee thereof, or the person(s) or entity delegated the
      responsibility of administering the Plan, which initially shall be the
      Cardinal Health, Inc. Profit Sharing and Retirement Savings Plan

c.    "AGENT" shall mean the bank, brokerage firm, financial institution, or
      other entity or person(s) engaged, retained or appointed to act as the
      agent of the Employer and of the Participants under the Plan, which
      initially shall be Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, & Smith, Inc.

d.    "BOARD" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.

e.    "CLOSING VALUE" shall mean, as of a particular date, the value of a Share
      determined by the closing sales price for such Share (or the closing bid,
      if no sales were reported) as quoted on The New York Stock Exchange for
      the last market trading day prior to the date of determination, as
      reported in The Wall Street Journal or such other source as the
      Administrator deems reliable.

f.    "CODE" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and
      currently in effect, or any successor body of federal tax law.

g.    "COMPANY" shall mean Cardinal Health, Inc., including any successor

h.    "COMPENSATION", unless otherwise required by local law, shall mean wages,
      salaries, fees for professional services and other amounts received for
      personal services actually rendered in the course of employment with the
      Employer (including, but not limited to, commissions paid to salesmen,
      compensation for services on the basis of a percentage of profits,
      commissions on insurance premiums, tips and bonuses) including amounts
      excludible from the Employee's gross income under Code Section 402(a)(8)
      (relating to a Code Section 401(k) arrangement), Code Section 402(h)
      (relating to a Simplified Employee Pension), Code Section 125 (relating to
      a cafeteria plan) or Code Section 403(b) (relating to a tax-sheltered
      annuity) and compensation paid by the Employer to an Employee through
      another person under the common paymaster provisions of Code Sections
      3121(s) and 3306(p) or under applicable savings or pension plans of
      Employer of the Employee. Compensation does not include, unless otherwise
      required by local law: (1) amounts realized from the exercise or sale of a
      non-qualified stock option, or (2) amounts realized when restricted stock
      (or property) held by an Employee either becomes freely transferable or is
      no longer subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture or becomes fully
      owned by the Employee, or (3) amounts realized from the exercise, sale,
      exchange, or other disposition of stock acquired under a qualified or
      incentive stock option, (4) moving allowances, automobile allowances,
      tuition reimbursement, financial/tax planning reimbursement, lunch
      vouchers, house allowances, and other allowances that receive special tax

                                                                          Page 1

      other extraordinary compensation, including tax "gross-up" payments, and
      imputed income from other employer-provided benefits, and (5) other
      amounts that receive special tax benefits, such as premiums for group term
      life insurance or contributions made by the Employer (whether or not under
      salary reduction agreement) or mandatory payments made by the Employer to
      the Employee under the applicable law of the jurisdiction in which the
      Employer of this Employee is located or the Employee is employed or

i.    "DESIGNATED SUBSIDIARIES" shall mean all Subsidiaries whose Employees have
      been designated by the Administrator, in its sole discretion, as eligible
      to participate in the Plan.

j.    "ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE" shall mean an Employee of the Designated Subsidiary
      who is designated to participate in the Plan at the sole discretion of the
      Designated Subsidiary; provided, however, that such discretion shall not
      be exercised in violation of the applicable labor or other laws relating
      to discrimination based on gender, race, disability, age, national or
      social origin, political opinion, union membership or religious belief, or
      collective bargaining or other negotiated agreements.

k.    "EMPLOYEE" shall mean individual who is a regular full time or part time
      Employee of the Employer for at least 30 days. An Employee may work either
      full time or part time work schedule and is normally included in the
      authorized staffing target and budget. Employee also includes the Employee
      who has been hired on a temporary contract but who is expected to fill a
      permanent staffing need and who is classified as a "PRN" or "on-call
      Employee". The Employee shall not include unionized Employee as defined by
      the regular practices of the Employer participating in the Plan to the
      extent permissible under local law.

l.    "EMPLOYER" means, individually and collectively, the Company and the
      Designated Subsidiaries.

m.    "ENROLLMENT PERIOD" shall mean the period immediately preceding the
      Offering Period that is designated by the Administrator in its discretion
      as the period during which an Eligible Employee may elect to participate
      in the Plan.

n.    "OFFERING PERIOD" shall mean the period during which Participants in the
      Plan authorize payroll deductions or provide alternative contributions to
      fund the purchase of Shares on their behalf under the Plan pursuant to the
      options granted to them hereunder or the period during which participants
      in the Plan provide alternative contributions. Alternative contributions
      for the purpose of this Plan shall mean payment of contributions through
      personal checks of the Participants or such other means of contributing to
      the Plan as authorized by the Administrator.

o.    "PARTICIPANT" shall mean any Eligible Employee who has elected to
      participate in the Plan for an Offering Period by authorizing payroll
      deductions or by making alternative contributions and following all
      applicable procedures established by the Administrator during the
      Enrollment Period for such Offering Period.

p.    "PLAN" shall mean this Cardinal Health, Inc. Global Employee Stock
      Purchase Plan as amended from time to time.

q.    "PLAN ACCOUNT" shall mean the individual account established for each
      Participant for purposes of accounting for and/or holding each
      Participant's payroll deductions, alternative contributions, Shares, etc.

r.    "PLAN YEAR" shall mean the fiscal year of the Company.

s.    "PURCHASE PRICE" shall mean, for each Share purchased in accordance with
      Section 4 hereof, an amount equal to the lesser of (1) eighty-five percent
      (85%) of the Closing Value of a Share on the first Trading Day of each
      Offering Period (which for Plan purposes shall be deemed to be the date
      the option to purchase such Shares was granted to each Eligible Employee
      who is, or elects to become, a Participant); or (2) eighty-five percent
      (85%) of the Closing Value of such Share on the last Trading Day of the
      Offering Period (which for Plan purposes shall be deemed to be the date
      each such option to purchase such Shares was exercised).

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t.    "SHARES" means the Class A common shares, without par value, of the

u.    "SUBSIDIARY" shall mean a corporation or other entity, domestic or
      foreign, of which not less than fifty percent (50%) of the voting shares
      are held by the Company or a Subsidiary (except for the U.K. in which this
      term shall mean a corporation or other entity, domestic or foreign, of
      which more than fifty percent (50%) ownership of the voting shares are
      held by the Company or a Subsidiary) whether or not such corporation or
      other entity now exists or is hereafter organized or acquired by the
      Company or a Subsidiary (or as otherwise may be defined in Code Section

v.    "TRADING DAY" shall mean a day on which The New York Stock Exchange is
      open for trading.

                         SECTION 3 - ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES

            a.    In General. Participation in the Plan is voluntary. All
Eligible Employees of an Employer are eligible to participate in the Plan. All
Eligible Employees granted options to purchase Shares hereunder shall have the
same rights and privileges as every other such Eligible Employee, and only
Eligible Employees of an Employer satisfying the applicable requirements of the
Plan will be entitled to be granted options hereunder.

            b.    Limitations on Rights. An Employee who otherwise is an
Eligible Employee shall not be entitled to purchase Shares under the Plan if
such purchase would cause such Eligible Employee to own Shares (including any
Shares which would be owned if such Eligible Employee purchased all of the
Shares made available for purchase by such Eligible Employee under all options
or rights then held by such Eligible Employee, whether or not then exercisable)
representing five percent (5%) or more of the total combined voting power or
value of all classes of stock of the Company or any Subsidiary.


            a.    Enrolling in the Plan. To participate in the Plan, an Eligible
Employee must enroll in the Plan. Enrollment for a given Offering Period will
take place during the Enrollment Period for such Offering Period. The
Administrator shall designate the initial Enrollment Period and each subsequent
Enrollment Period and the Offering Period to which each Enrollment Period
relates. Participation in the Plan with respect to any one or more of the
Offering Periods shall neither limit nor require participation in the Plan for
any other Offering Period.

            b.    The Offering Period. Any Employee who is an Eligible Employee
and who desires to be granted options to purchase Shares hereunder must enroll
in accordance with the procedures established by the Administrator during an
Enrollment Period. Such authorization shall be effective for the Offering Period
immediately following such Enrollment Period. The duration of an Offering Period
shall be determined by the Administrator prior to the Enrollment Period and
shall commence on the first day (or the first Trading Day) of the Offering
Period and end on the last day (or the last Trading Day) of the Offering Period;
provided, however, that if the Administrator terminates the Plan during an
Offering Period, pursuant to its authority in Section 17 of the Plan, such
Offering Period shall be deemed to end on the date the Plan is terminated. The
termination of the Plan and the Offering Period shall end the Participant's
rights to contribute amounts to the Plan or continue participation in the
Offering Period. The date of termination of the Plan shall be deemed to be the
final day of the Offering Period for purposes of determining the Purchase Price
under the Offering Period and all amounts contributed during the Offering Period
will be used as of such termination date to purchase Shares in accordance with
the provisions of Section 9 of this Plan.

            The Administrator may designate one or more Offering Periods during
each Plan Year during the term of this Plan. On the first day (or the First
Trading Day) of each Offering Period, each Participant shall be granted an
option to purchase Shares under the Plan. Each option granted hereunder shall
expire at the end of the Offering Period for which it was granted. In no event
may an option granted hereunder be exercised after the expiration of 27 months
from the date of grant.

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            c.    Changing Enrollment. The offering of Shares pursuant to
options granted under the Plan shall occur only during an Offering Period and
shall be made only to Participants. Once an Eligible Employee is enrolled in the
Plan, the Administrator or Employer will inform the Agent of such fact. Once
enrolled, a Participant shall continue to participate in the Plan for each
successive Offering Period (s) until he or she terminates his or her
participation by revoking his or her payroll deduction authorization or by
revoking his or her alternative contribution authorization or not contributing
his or her alternative contributions or ceases to be an Eligible Employee. Once
a Participant has elected to participate under the Plan, that Participant's
payroll deduction authorization or alternative contribution authorization shall
apply to all subsequent Offering Periods unless and until the Participant ceases
to be an Eligible Employee, or modifies or terminates said authorization. If a
Participant desires to change his or her rate of contribution, he or she may do
so effective for the next Offering Period by following the procedures
established by the Administrator during the Enrollment Period immediately
preceding such Offering Period.

                            SECTION 5 - TERM OF PLAN

            This Plan shall be in effect from July 1, 2000, until it is
terminated by action of the Board.


            Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 16 hereof, the total
number of Shares made available for purchase by Participants granted options
which are exercised under Section 9 hereof is 3 million, which may consist of
authorized but unissued shares, treasury shares, or shares purchased by the Plan
in the open market. The provisions of Section 9 b. shall control in the event
the number of Shares covered by options which are exercised for any Offering
Period exceeds the number of Shares available for sale under the Plan. If all of
the Shares authorized for sale under the Plan have been sold, the Plan shall
either be continued through additional authorizations of Shares made by the
Board (such authorizations must, however, comply with Section 17 hereof), or
shall be terminated in accordance with Section 17 hereof.

                            SECTION 7 - USE OF FUNDS

            All payroll deductions or alternative contributions received or held
by an Employer under the Plan will be used to purchase Shares in accordance with
the provisions of this Plan. Any amounts held by an Employer or other party
holding amounts in connection with or as a result of payroll withholding or
alternative contribution made pursuant to the Plan and pending the purchase of
Shares hereunder shall be considered a non-interest-bearing, unsecured
indebtedness extended to the Employer or other party by the Participants, unless
otherwise required under applicable local law or securities regulatory body
requirements of the country in which the Employer of the Employee is located or
the Employee is employed or resides, as the case may be. Administrative expenses
of the Plan shall be allocated to each Participant's Plan Account unless such
expenses are paid by the Employer.


            a.    Payroll Withholding or Payroll Deduction or Alternative
Contributions. Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, the Purchase
Price will be payable by each Participant by means of payroll withholding. The
withholding or alternative contributions shall be in increments of one percent
(1%). Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, the minimum withholding
or alternative contributions permitted shall be an amount equal to one percent
(1%) of a Participant's Compensation and the maximum withholding or alternative
contributions shall be an amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of a
Participant's Compensation. In any event, the total withholding or alternative
contributions permitted to be made by any Participant for a calendar year shall
be limited to the sum of legal currency equivalent of U.S. $21,250. The actual
percentage of Compensation to be deducted or contributed shall be specified by a
Participant in his or her authorization to participate in the Plan. Unless
otherwise authorized by the Administrator, Participants may not deposit any
separate cash payments into their Plan Accounts.

            b.    Application of Withholding Rules. Payroll withholding will
commence with the first payroll issued during the Offering Period and will,
except as otherwise provided herein, continue with each payroll

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throughout the entire Offering Period, except for pay periods for which such
Participant receives no compensation (e.g., uncompensated personal leave, leave
of absence). A pay period which ends at such time that it is administratively
impracticable to credit any payroll for such pay period to the then-current
Offering Period will be credited in its entirety to the immediately subsequent
Offering Period. A pay period which overlaps Offering Periods will be credited
in its entirety to the Offering Period in which it is paid. Alternative
contributions will be made in accordance with the procedure established by the
Administrator. Payroll withholding or alternative contributions shall be
retained by the Employer or other party, designated by the Administrator or the
Employer as the case may be, until applied to the purchase of Shares as
described in Section 9 hereof and the satisfaction of any related federal,
state, local or other tax withholding obligations (including any employment tax

            At the time the Shares are purchased, or at the time some or all of
the Shares issued under the Plan are disposed of, Participants must make
adequate provision for the Employer's federal, state, local or other tax
withholding obligations (including employment taxes), if any, which arise upon
the purchase or disposition of the Shares. At any time, the Employer may
withhold from each Participant's Compensation the amount necessary for the
Employer to meet applicable withholding obligations, including any withholding
required to make available to the Employer any tax deductions or benefits
attributable to the sale or early disposition of Shares by the Participant. Each
Participant, as a condition of participating under the Plan, agrees to bear
responsibility for all federal, state, local and other income taxes required to
be withheld from his or her Compensation as well as the Participant's portion of
FICA (both the OASDI and Medicare components), and other applicable social
security or similar such taxes, with respect to any Compensation arising on
account of the purchase or disposition of Shares. The Employer may increase
income and/or employment tax withholding on a Participant's Compensation after
the purchase or disposition of Shares in order to comply with federal, state,
local and other tax laws, and each Participant agrees to sign any and all
appropriate documents to facilitate such withholding.


            a.    Maintenance of Plan Account. Upon the exercise of a
Participant's initial option to purchase Shares under the Plan, the Agent shall
establish a Plan Account in the name of such Participant. At the close of each
Offering Period, the aggregate amount deducted during such Offering Period by
the Employer from a Participant's Compensation, or alternative contributions
made to the Plan by the Participant (and credited to an account maintained by
the Employer or other party for bookkeeping purposes) will be communicated by
the Employer to the Agent and shall thereupon be credited by the Agent to such
Participant's Plan Account (unless the Participant has given notice to the
Administrator of his or her revocation of authorization prior to the date such
communication is made). As of the last day of each Offering Period, or as soon
thereafter as is administratively practicable, each Participant's option to
purchase Shares will be exercised automatically for him or her by the Agent with
respect to those amounts reported to the Agent by the Administrator or Employer
as creditable to that Participant's Plan Account. On the date of exercise, the
amount then credited to the Participant's Plan Account for the purpose of
purchasing Shares hereunder will be divided by the Purchase Price and there
shall be transferred to the Participant's Plan Account by the Agent the number
of whole and/or fractional shares which results, as permitted by local law.

            The Agent shall hold in its name, or in the name of its nominee, all
Shares so purchased and allocated. No certificate will be issued to a
Participant for Shares held in his or her Plan Account unless he or she so
requests in writing or unless such Participant's active participation in the
Plan is terminated due to death, disability, separation from service or
retirement. Participation in the Plan, purchase, ownership and sale of Shares
under the Plan, is subject to risk of fluctuation in Shares' price and currency

            b.    Insufficient Number of Available Shares. In the event the
number of Shares covered by options which are exercised for any Offering Period
exceeds the number of Shares available for sale under the Plan, the number of
Shares actually available for sale hereunder shall be limited to the remaining
number of Shares authorized for sale under the Plan and shall be allocated by
the Agent among the Participants in proportion to each Participant's
Compensation during the Offering Period over the total Compensation of all
Participants during the Offering Period. Any excess amounts withheld and
credited to Participants' Plan Accounts then shall be returned to the
Participants as soon as is administratively practicable.

                                                                          Page 5

            c.    Handling Excess Shares. In the event that the number of Shares
which would be credited to any Participant's Plan Account in any Offering Period
exceeds the limit specified in Section 3 b. hereof, such Participant's Plan
Account shall be credited with the maximum number of Shares permissible, and the
remaining amounts will be refunded in cash as soon as administratively

            d.    Status Reports. Statements of each Participant's Plan Account
shall be given to Participants at least annually.


            a.    Reinvestment of Dividends. Subject to applicable law, cash
dividends and other cash distributions received by the Agent on Shares held in
its custody hereunder will be credited to the Plan Accounts of individual
Participants in accordance with such Participants' interests in the Shares with
respect to which such dividends or distributions are paid or made, and will be
applied, as soon as practical after the receipt thereof by the Agent, to the
purchase in the open market at prevailing market prices of the number of whole
Shares capable of being purchased with such funds (after deduction of any bank
service fees, brokerage charges, transfer taxes, and any other transaction fee,
expense or cost payable in connection with the purchase of such Shares and not
otherwise paid by the Employer and subject to the Company's obligation to
withhold federal, state, or other local taxes ).

            b.    Shares to Be Held in Agent's Name. All purchases of Shares
made pursuant to this Section will be made in the name of the Agent or its
nominee, shall be held as provided in Section 9 hereof, and shall be transferred
and credited to the Plan Account(s) of the individual Participant(s) to which
such dividends or other distributions were credited. Dividends paid in the form
of Shares will be allocated by the Agent, as and when received, with respect to
Shares held in its custody hereunder to the Plan Accounts of individual
Participants in accordance with such Participants' interests in such Shares with
respect to which such dividends were paid. Property, other than Shares or cash,
received by the Agent as a distribution on Shares held in its custody hereunder,
shall be sold by the Agent for the accounts of the Participants, and the Agent
shall treat the proceeds of such sale in the same manner as cash dividends
received by the Agent on Shares held in its custody hereunder.

            c.    Tax Responsibilities. The automatic reinvestment of dividends
under the Plan will not relieve a Participant (or Eligible Employee with a Plan
Account) of any income or other tax that may be due on or with respect to such
dividends. The Agent shall report to each Participant (or Eligible Employee with
a Plan Account) the amount of dividends credited to his or her Plan Account.

                          SECTION 11 - VOTING OF SHARES

            A Participant shall have no interest or voting right in the Shares
covered by his or her option until such option has been exercised. Shares held
for a Participant (or Eligible Employee with a Plan Account) in his or her Plan
Account will be voted in accordance with the Participant's (or Eligible
Employee's) express directions. In the absence of any such directions, such
Shares will not be voted.


            a.    Sale of Shares. Subject to the provisions of Section 19
hereof, a Participant may at any time, and without withdrawing from the Plan, by
giving notice to the Agent, direct the Agent to sell all or part of the Shares
held on behalf of the Participant. Upon receipt of such a notice, the Agent
shall, as soon as practicable after receipt of such notice, sell such Shares in
the marketplace at the prevailing market price and transmit the net proceeds of
such sale (less any bank service fees, brokerage charges, transfer taxes, and
any other transaction fee, expense or cost) to the Participant.

            b.    In-Service Share Distributions. A Participant may, without
withdrawing from the Plan, request that a certificate for all or part of the
whole number of Shares held in his or her Plan Account be sent to him or her
after the relevant Shares have been purchased and allocated subject to the
requirement that such Shares be held in the Participant's Plan Account for a
period of at least 24 months after the date of exercise, as described in

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Section 9 a., above. All such requests must be submitted in writing to the
Agent. No certificate for a fractional Share will be issued; the fair value of
fractional Shares on the date of withdrawal of all Shares credited to a
Participant's Plan Account shall be paid in cash to such Participant. The Plan
may impose a reasonable charge, to be paid by the Participant, for each stock
certificate so issued prior to the date active participation in the Plan ceases;
such charge shall be paid by the Participant to the Administrator or Employer
prior to the date any distribution of a certificate evidencing ownership of such
Shares occurs.


            A Participant may at any time, by giving notice to the Administrator
or Employer, revoke his or her authorization for payroll deduction or
alternative contributions for the Offering Period in which such revocation is
made. A Participant who revokes authorization or does not make alternative
contributions for payroll deduction may not again participate under the Plan
until the next Offering Period immediately subsequent to the Offering Period
during which the Participant revoked payroll deduction authorization or did not
make alternative contributions with respect thereto.


            Separation from employment for any reason, including death,
disability, termination or retirement shall be deemed to be a cessation of
active participation in the Plan as described under Section 13 hereof.

                             SECTION 15 - ASSIGNMENT

            Neither payroll deductions nor alternative contributions credited to
a Participant's Plan Account nor any rights to purchase Shares under the Plan
may be assigned, alienated, transferred, pledged, or otherwise disposed of in
any way by a Participant other than by will or the laws of descent and
distribution. Any such assignment, alienation, transfer, pledge, or other
disposition shall be without effect, except that the Administrator may treat
such act as an election to withdraw from the Plan. A Participant's right to
purchase Shares under this Plan may be exercisable during the Participant's
lifetime only by the Participant. A Participant's Plan Account shall be payable
to the Participant's estate upon his or her death.


            If at any time after the effective date of the Plan the Company
shall subdivide or reclassify the Shares which have been or may be optioned
under the Plan, or shall declare thereon any stock split or dividend payable in
Shares, or shall alter the capital structure of the Shares or the Company in any
similar manner, then the number and class of shares held in the Plan and which
may thereafter be optioned (in the aggregate and to any Participant) shall be
adjusted accordingly, and in the case of each option outstanding at the time of
any such action, the number and class of shares which may thereafter be
purchased pursuant to such option and the Purchase Price shall be adjusted
accordingly, as necessary to preserve the rights of the holder(s) of such Shares
and option(s).


            The Board shall have the right, at any time, to amend, modify or
terminate the Plan without notice; provided, however, that no Participant's
existing options shall be adversely affected by any such amendment, modification
or termination, except to comply with applicable law, stock exchange rules or
accounting rules. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board shall have the right
to terminate the Plan with respect to all future payroll deductions and related
purchases at any time. Such termination of the Plan shall also terminate any
current Offering Period in accordance with Section 4 of the Plan.

            Designations of participating corporations may be made from time to
time from among a group of corporations consisting of the Employer, its parent
and its Subsidiaries (including corporations that become Subsidiaries or a
parent after the adoption and approval of the Plan).

                                                                          Page 7

            The Company may amend or modify the Plan or make regulations for the
operation of the Plan that are not inconsistent with these rules to apply to
Employees and Participants who are employed or resident outside of the United
States of America in accordance with the relevant law. "Relevant law" shall mean
the applicable law of the jurisdiction in which the Employer of the Employee is
located or where the Employee is employed or resides and the securities
regulatory body requirements and the taxation requirements of that same

                           SECTION 18 - ADMINISTRATION

            a.    Administration. The Plan shall be administered by the
Administrator. The Administrator shall be responsible for the administration of
all matters under the Plan which have not been delegated to the Agent. The
Administrator shall have full and exclusive discretionary authority to construe,
interpret and apply the terms of the Plan, to determine eligibility and to
adjudicate all disputed claims filed under the Plan. Any rule or regulation
adopted by the Administrator shall remain in full force and effect unless and
until altered, amended or repealed by the Administrator.

            b.    Specific Responsibilities. The Administrator's
responsibilities shall include, but shall not be limited to:

                  (1)   interpreting the Plan (including issues relating to the
                  definition and application of "Compensation");

                  (2)   identifying and compiling a list of persons who are
                  Eligible Employees for an Offering Period;

                  (3)   identifying those Eligible Employees not entitled to be
                  granted options or other rights for an Offering Period on
                  account of the limitations described in Section 3 b. hereof;

                  (4)   providing to Participants upon request Company financial
                  statements which are publicly available.

The Administrator may from time to time adopt rules and regulations for carrying
out the terms of the Plan. Interpretation or construction of any provision of
the Plan by the Administrator shall be final and conclusive on all persons,
absent specific and contrary action taken by the Board. Any interpretation or
construction of any provision of the Plan by the Board shall be final and


            Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, no
payroll deductions or alternative contributions shall take place and no Shares
may be purchased under the Plan until a registration statement has been filed
and become effective with respect to the issuance of the Shares covered by the
Plan under the Act and any other required action has been taken under any other
applicable law of the jurisdiction in which the Employer of the Employee is
located or the Employee is employed or resides. Prior to the effectiveness of
such registration statement, Shares subject to purchase under the Plan may be
offered to Eligible Employees only pursuant to an exemption from the
registration requirements of the Act and pursuant to any other action that is
required under any other applicable law of the jurisdiction in which the
Employer of the Employee is located or the Employee is employed or resides.


            Nothing in the Plan shall be construed to be a contract of
employment between an Employer or its parent or any Subsidiary and any Employee,
or any group or category of Employees (whether for a definite or specific
duration or otherwise), or to prevent the Employer, its parent or any Subsidiary
from terminating any Employee's employment at any time, without notice or
recompense to the extent permissible under local law.

                                                                          Page 8

Nothing in this Plan shall be construed as conferring any rights of a
shareholder in any Employee or any other person until the option to purchase
shares granted to the Employee hereunder has been exercised.

                           SECTION 21 - APPLICABLE LAW

            The Plan shall be construed, administered and governed in all
respects under the laws of the State of Ohio to the extent such laws are not
preempted or controlled by federal law.

                      SECTION 22 - MERGER OR CONSOLIDATION

            If the Company shall at any time merge into or consolidate with
another corporation or business entity, each Participant will thereafter be
entitled to receive at the end of the Offering Period (during which such merger
or consolidation occurs) the securities or property which a holder of Shares was
entitled to upon and at the time of such merger or consolidation. A sale of all
or substantially all of the assets of the Company shall be deemed a merger or
consolidation for the foregoing purposes.

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