Exhibit 2.2

                         UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT
                              DISTRICT OF DELAWARE

In re:                            :
                                  :   CHAPTER 11
                        -----     :   CASE NO. 04-10558 (JBR)
             DEBTORS.             :


          The above-captioned debtors and debtors in possession (collectively,
the "Debtors") hereby propose the following additions and modifications to the
Second Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization of Debtors and Debtors in Possession
(in the form dated as of July 30, 2004 and included in the contents of the
solicitation packages distributed to certain creditors entitled to vote thereon,
the "Plan"), pursuant to section 1127 of the Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. ss.ss.
101-1330, and Section XIII.C of the Plan:(1)

          1. Section I.A.60 of the Plan is modified and restated as follows:

               "New Warrants" means the warrants [exercisable for 30 days after
     the Effective Date to buy] to purchase New Common Stock on the terms set
     forth on Exhibit I.A.[60.] 60, which will be exercisable for 30 days after
     the later to occur of the Effective Date or the effectiveness of the
     Registration Statement.

          2. *Section I.A.96 of the Plan is deleted in its entirety as follows
and replaced with the notation "[Intentionally Omitted]":

               ["Rights Offering" means the rights offering relating to the New
     Preferred Stock and conducted pursuant to the Registration Statement.]

- --------
(1)      All modified and restated Plan provisions are marked to reflect the
         modifications thereto. In addition, sections of the Plan that have been
         added or further modified since the First Amended Modifications (D.I.
         1689) filed with the Court on September 28, 2004 are marked with an
         asterisk (*). These Second Amended Modifications were identified in
         open Court on October 4, 2004. Among other things, they reflect the
         Debtors' settlement with the objecting Shareholders that resolved the
         latter's objection to confirmation of the Plan.

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          3. *Section III.B.3.a of the Plan is modified and restated as follows:

               On the Effective Date, the Old Senior Secured Notes and the Old
     Senior Secured Notes Purchase Agreement will be Reinstated pursuant to
     Section I.A.91.b and section 1124(2) of the Bankruptcy Code, and any and
     all defaults thereunder shall be cured with a Cash payment equal to the
     accrued and unpaid interest (including paid-in-kind interest) on the Old
     Senior Secured Notes at the non-default rate through the Effective Date.
     Immediately thereafter, the Reinstated Old Senior Secured Notes will be
     redeemed and satisfied in full by the Reorganized Debtors with a Cash
     payment of 106% of principal amount of the Old Senior Secured Notes (which,
     for purposes of calculating the 6% prepayment premium, such principal
     amount shall include the paid-in-kind interest, including any paid-in-kind
     interest paid on the Effective Date in connection with Reinstatement),
     [plus the] and a Cash payment of any accrued and unpaid interest thereon at
     the non-default rate through the date of such payment, in accordance with
     the terms of the Old Senior Secured Notes Purchase Agreement.

          4. Section III.C.2 of the Plan is modified and restated as follows:

               Class 7 Claims (Old Senior Subordinated Note Claims) are
     impaired. The Old Senior Subordinated Note Claims are hereby allowed in the
     aggregate principal amount of $105,611,111.11. On the Effective Date (but
     subsequent to the redemption of the Reinstated Old Senior Secured Notes as
     described in this Article III), each holder of an Allowed Old Senior
     Subordinated Note Claim will receive in respect of such Allowed Claim
     against all of the Debtors its Pro Rata share of approximately 2,928,571
     shares of New Common Stock [(and any accompanying Share Purchase Rights in
     accordance with the Share Purchase Rights Agreement and Section IV.I)].

          5. Section III.C.4 of the Plan is modified and restated as follows:

               Class 10 Interests (Old Common Stock of Oglebay) are impaired.
     [On the Effective Date, each] Each holder of an Allowed Interest on account
     of Old Common Stock of Oglebay will receive New Warrants to purchase
     one-tenth (1/10th) of a share of New Common Stock [(and any accompanying
     Share Purchase Rights in accordance with the Share Purchase Rights
     Agreement and Section IV.I)] for each share of Old Common Stock held on the
     Distribution Record Date. A holder of Old Common Stock of Oglebay who does
     not hold an Allowed Interest on the Distribution Record Date will not
     receive any New Warrants.

          6. *Section IV.C.3.a of the Plan is modified and restated as follows:

               Subject to Section IV.C.3.b, as of the Effective Date, each of
     the Reorganized Debtors will have authority to: (i) maintain, reinstate,
     amend,[or] revise or terminate existing employment, retirement, welfare,
     incentive, severance, indemnification and other


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     agreements with its active and retired directors, officers and
     employees, subject to the terms and conditions of any such agreement; (ii)
     enter into new employment, retirement, welfare, incentive, severance,
     indemnification and other agreements for active and retired employees;
     (iii) enter into and implement the Management Incentive Plan; and (iv)
     enter into, implement and make the initial grants under the Management
     Stock Plan. On the Effective Date, Reorganized Oglebay will enter into new
     change in control agreements with Michael D. Lundin, Julie A. Boland,
     Sylvie A. Bon, Michael J. Minkel and Rochelle F. Walk, on the terms set
     forth in Exhibit IV.C.3.a. In addition, without limiting the generality of
     the foregoing, on the Effective Date, the Debtors will Reinstate, among
     other things, the TRA Supplemental Benefit Retirement Plan and the Oglebay
     Norton Company Supplemental Savings and Stock Ownership Plan.

          7. *Section IV.E.1 of the Plan is modified and restated as follows:


               a. Except as otherwise provided in the Plan or in any contract,
          instrument, release or other agreement entered into or delivered in
          connection with the Plan, in accordance with section 1123(b) of the
          Bankruptcy Code, the Reorganized Debtors will retain and may enforce
          any claims, demands, rights, defenses and causes of action that the
          Debtor or the Estate may hold against any entity. Each Reorganized
          Debtor or its successor may pursue such retained claims, demands,
          rights, defenses or causes of action, as appropriate, in accordance
          with the best interests of such Reorganized Debtor or its successor
          holding such claims, demands, rights, defenses or causes of action.

               b. [On the Effective Date, the Debtors will be deemed to have
          released and abandoned the Recovery Actions.][Intentionally Omitted]

          8. *Section IV.E.3.a of the Plan is modified and restated as follows:

               Except as otherwise expressly set forth in the Plan (including
     with respect to Reinstated Claims), on and after the Effective Date, the
     Debtors are released from all Liabilities from the beginning of time.

          9. *Section IV.E.3.b of the Plan is deleted in its entirety as follows
and replaced with the notation "[Intentionally Omitted]":

               [General Releases by Debtors and Reorganized Debtors]

               [Without limiting any other applicable provisions of or releases
     contained in the Plan, as of the Effective Date, the Debtors and the
     Reorganized Debtors, on behalf of themselves and their affiliates, the
     Estates and their respective successors, assigns and any and all entities
     who may purport to claim by, through, for or because of them, including any
     person appointed pursuant to section 1123(b)(3) to pursue Recovery Actions,
     will forever release, waive and discharge all Liabilities that they have,
     had or may have against any Released Party.]


Language indicated as being shown by strike out in the typeset document
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          10. Section IV.F.2 of the Plan is modified and restated as follows:

               From and after the Effective Date, each of the Debtors' insurance
     policies in existence as of the Effective Date shall be reinstated and
     continued in accordance with [their] its terms and, to the extent
     applicable, shall be deemed assumed [or assumed and assigned] by the
     applicable [Debtor or] Reorganized Debtor pursuant to section 365 of the
     Bankruptcy Code and Section [V.A of the Plan. Each insurance carrier under
     such insurance policies shall continue to honor and administer the policies
     with respect to] V.A of the Plan. Nothing in the Plan, including the
     injunction and release provisions of Sections IV.E.3, XI.A and XI.B of the
     Plan, shall affect, impair or prejudice the rights of the insurance
     carriers or the Reorganized Debtors under the insurance policies in any
     manner, and such insurance carriers and Reorganized Debtors shall retain
     all rights and defenses under such insurance policies, and such insurance
     policies shall apply to, and be enforceable by and against, the Reorganized
     Debtors in the same manner and according to the same terms and practices,
     if any, applicable to the Debtors, as existed prior to the Effective Date.

          11. Section IV.G.1 of the Plan is modified and restated as follows:

               Except as provided in any contract, instrument or other agreement
     or document entered into or delivered in connection with the Plan, on the
     Effective Date and concurrently with the applicable distributions made
     pursuant to Article III, the Old Senior Subordinated Note Indenture and the
     Old Senior Subordinated Notes will be deemed canceled and of no further
     force and effect against the Debtors, without any further action on the
     part of any Debtor; provided, however, that such cancellation of the Old
     Senior Subordinated Note Indenture and the Old Senior Subordinated Notes
     and the related distributions to holders of Claims in Class 7 as described
     in Article III shall only take effect after the redemption of the
     Reinstated Old Senior Secured Notes as described in Article III. The
     holders of the Old Senior Subordinated Notes will have no rights against
     the Debtors arising from or relating to such instruments and other
     documentation or the cancellation thereof, except the rights provided
     pursuant to the Plan; provided, however, that no distribution under the
     Plan will be made to or on behalf of any holder of an Allowed Old Senior
     Subordinated Note Claim until such Old Senior Subordinated Notes are
     received by the applicable Third Party Disbursing Agent to the extent
     required in Section VI.I. Upon the cancellation of the Old Senior
     Subordinated Note Indenture on the Effective Date as described herein, the
     Indenture Trustee shall have no further duties or obligations under such
     Indenture from and after the Effective Date, including, without limitation,
     any duties or obligations with respect to distributions to or for the
     benefit of the holders of the Old Senior Subordinated Notes under the Plan.
     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, (a) the
     indemnification provisions relating to the Indenture Trustee in the Old
     Senior Subordinated Note Indenture shall survive until the entry of a Final
     Order resolving Adversary Proceeding No. 04-54122(JBR) in the Chapter 11
     Cases, (b) any valid claims under such indemnification provisions that
     arise after Confirmation and prior to the Effective Date shall constitute
     an obligation of the Debtors, pursuant to the provisions of Article
     III.A.1.e. and (c) any valid claims under such indemnification


Language indicated as being shown by strike out in the typeset document
is enclosed in brackets "[" and "]" in the electronic format.

     provisions that arise after the Effective Date shall constitute an
     obligation of the Reorganized Debtors.

          12. Section IV.G.2 of the Plan is modified and restated as follows:

               The Old Common Stock of Oglebay shall be deemed canceled and of
     no further force and effect on the Effective Date. The holders of or
     parties to such canceled securities and other documentation will have no
     rights arising from or relating to such securities and other documentation
     or the cancellation thereof, except the rights provided pursuant to the
     Plan[; provided, however, that no exercise of a New Warrant distributed
     under the Plan will be recognized, and no shares of New Common Stock
     distributed to or on behalf of any holder of Old Common Stock of Oglebay
     exercising such New Warrant, until such Old Common Stock is received by
     Reorganized Oglebay or the applicable Third Party Disbursing Agent to the
     extent required in Section VI.I.].

          13. Section IV.H of the Plan is modified and restated as follows:

               Except as otherwise provided in the Plan or in any contract,
     instrument, release or other agreement or document entered into or
     delivered in connection with the Plan, on the Effective Date and consistent
     with the treatment provided for Claims and Interests in Article III, all
     mortgages, deeds of trust, liens or other security interests against the
     property of any Estate will be fully released and discharged, and all of
     the right, title and interest of any holder of such mortgages, deeds of
     trust, liens or other security interests, including any rights to any
     collateral thereunder, will revert to the applicable Reorganized Debtor and
     its successors and assigns. As of the Effective Date, the Reorganized
     Debtors shall be authorized to execute and file on behalf of creditors Form
     UCC-3 Termination Statements or such other forms as may be necessary or
     appropriate to implement the provisions of this Section IV.H.
     Notwithstanding the foregoing, any security interests or lien rights
     relating to Claims Reinstated under Article III of the Plan shall be
     retained and/or Reinstated on the Effective Date. In addition,
     notwithstanding the foregoing, on and after the Effective Date, the
     security interests of the holders of the Old Senior Secured Notes will
     continue in substantially all of the Debtors' or Reorganized Debtors'
     assets, as applicable, until the earlier to occur of: (1) the Old Senior
     Secured Notes are redeemed and satisfied in full in accordance with Old
     Senior Secured Notes Purchase Agreement, as contemplated by the Plan, or
     (2) the Bankruptcy Court enters a Final Order providing otherwise.

          14. Section IV.J of the Plan is modified and restated as follows:

               On the Effective Date, Reorganized Oglebay and certain of the New
     Equity Investors [may] shall enter into the New Registration Rights
     Agreement[. If the New Registration Rights Agreement is executed, each of
     the parties thereto will be bound thereby on and after the Effective Date.]


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          15. Section IV.K of the Plan is modified and restated as follows:

               The President and Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial
     Officer or any Vice President of each Debtor or Reorganized Debtor will be
     authorized to execute, deliver, file or record such contracts, instruments,
     releases and other agreements or documents and take such actions as may be
     necessary or appropriate to effectuate and implement the provisions of the
     Plan. The Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of each Debtor or
     Reorganized Debtor will be authorized to certify or attest to any of the
     foregoing actions. Pursuant to section 1146(c) of the Bankruptcy Code, the
     following will not be subject to any stamp Tax, real estate transfer Tax,
     mortgage recording Tax or similar Tax: (1) the issuance, transfer or
     exchange of New Common Stock, New Warrants or New Preferred Stock; (2) the
     making of the New Equity Investment; (3) the creation of any mortgage, deed
     of trust, lien or other security interest; (4) the making or assignment of
     any lease or sublease; (5) the execution and delivery of the Confirmation
     Facility; (6) any Restructuring Transaction; or (7) the making or delivery
     of any deed or other instrument of transfer under, in furtherance of or in
     connection with the Plan, including any merger agreements, agreements of
     consolidation, restructuring, disposition, liquidation or dissolution,
     deeds, bills of sale, or assignments executed in connection with any of the
     foregoing or pursuant to the Plan.

          16. Section VI.A of the Plan is modified and restated as follows:

               Except as otherwise provided in this Article VI, distributions of
     Cash[,] and New Common Stock [and] to be made on the Effective Date and
     distributions of New Warrants to be made on the Effective Date or
     thereafter to holders of Claims or Interests as provided by Article III or
     Article V that are allowed as of the Effective Date shall be deemed made on
     the Effective Date if made on the Effective Date or as promptly thereafter
     as practicable, but in any event no later than: (1) 60 days after the
     Effective Date or, with respect to New Warrants, 15 days after the later to
     occur of the Effective Date or the effectiveness of the Registration
     Statement; or (2) with respect to any particular Claim, such later date
     when the applicable conditions of Section V.B (regarding cure payments for
     Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases being assumed), Section VI.D.2
     (regarding undeliverable distributions) or Section VI.I (regarding
     surrender of canceled instruments and securities) are satisfied.
     Distributions on account of Claims that become Allowed Claims after the
     Effective Date will be made pursuant to Section VII.C.

          17. Section VI.D.1.b.ii of the Plan is modified and restated as

               With respect to the Allowed Old Senior Subordinated Note Claims,
     on the Effective Date (or as soon as practicable thereafter in accordance
     with Section VI.A), the Reorganized Debtors will distribute the New Common
     Stock on account of the Allowed Old Senior Subordinated Note Claims to DTC,
     which is the sole record holder of the Old Senior Subordinated Notes;
     provided, however, that such distribution shall be made only after the
     redemption of the Reinstated Old Senior Secured Notes as described in
     Article III. DTC then will distribute the New Common Stock in accordance
     with the Plan to the holders of the Allowed Old Senior Subordinated Note
     Claims who surrender


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     the Old Senior Subordinated Notes to DTC in accordance with Sections
     IV.G.1 and VI.I and DTC procedures. For purposes of distributions under
     this Section, DTC shall be considered a Disbursing Agent.

          18. Section VI.D.1.b.iv of the Plan is modified and restated as

               [Subject to the requirements of Section VI.I, distributions]
     Distributions to holders of Allowed Interests on account of Old Common
     Stock of Oglebay will be made by a Disbursing Agent at the address of such
     record holder listed with the registrar or transfer agent for such
     Interest, to be provided by such registrar or transfer agent to the
     Disbursing Agent within five Business Days after the Distribution Record

          19. Sections VI.I.4, VI.I.5 and VI.I.6 of the Plan are deleted in
their entirety as follows:

               [4. Tender of Old Common Stock of Oglebay]

               [Except as provided in Section VI.I.5 for lost, stolen, mutilated
     or destroyed Old Common Stock of Oglebay, each holder of any such Old
     Common Stock not held through book entry must tender such Old Common Stock
     to Reorganized Oglebay in accordance with a letter of transmittal to be
     provided to such holders by Reorganized Oglebay as promptly as practicable
     following the Effective Date. All surrendered Old Common Stock of Oglebay
     will be marked as canceled and delivered to Reorganized Oglebay.]

               [5. Lost, Stolen, Mutilated or Destroyed Old Common Stock of

               [Any holder of an Allowed Interest on account of Old Common Stock
     of Oglebay with respect to which the underlying Old Common Stock of Oglebay
     certificate has been lost, stolen, mutilated or destroyed must, in lieu of
     surrendering such certificate, deliver to Reorganized Oglebay: (a) evidence
     satisfactory to Reorganized Oglebay of the loss, theft, mutilation or
     destruction; and (b) such security or indemnity as may be required by
     Reorganized Oglebay to hold Reorganized Oglebay harmless from any damages,
     liabilities or costs incurred in treating such individual as a holder of
     such Old Common Stock. Upon compliance with this Section VI.I.5 by a holder
     of an Allowed Interest on account of Old Common Stock of Oglebay, such
     holder will, for all purposes under the Plan, be deemed to have surrendered
     the applicable stock certificate.]

               [6. Failure to Surrender Old Common Stock of Oglebay]

               [Any holder of an Allowed Interest on account of Old Common Stock
     of Oglebay not held through book entry that fails to surrender or is deemed
     not to have surrendered the applicable stock certificate by the deadline to
     exercise the New Warrant will have its right to exercise the New Warrant or
     to receive distributions pursuant to the Plan on account of its Allowed
     Interest discharged and will be forever barred from]


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     [asserting any such Interest or related Claims against the Reorganized
     Debtors or their respective property.]

          20. *Section VII.A.3 of the Plan is modified and restated as follows:

               The resolution of Disputed Claims that also are Insured Claims,
     including Tort Claims, pursuant to this Section VII.A shall be subject to
     the provisions of Section IV.F of the Plan.

          21. Section XI.A.1 of the Plan is modified and restated as follows:

               Except as provided in the Plan (including with respect to
     Reinstated Claims) or in the Confirmation Order, the rights afforded under
     the Plan and the treatment of Claims and Interests under the Plan will be
     in exchange for and in complete satisfaction, discharge and release of all
     Claims and termination of all Interests arising on or before the Effective
     Date, including any interest accrued on Claims from and after the Petition
     Date. Except as provided in the Plan (including with respect to Reinstated
     Claims) or in the Confirmation Order, Confirmation will, as of the
     Effective Date and immediately after cancellation of the Old Common Stock
     of Oglebay: (a) discharge the Debtors from all Claims or other debts that
     arose on or before the Effective Date, and all debts of the kind specified
     in section 502(g), 502(h) or 502(i) of the Bankruptcy Code, whether or not
     (i) a proof of Claim based on such debt is Filed or deemed Filed pursuant
     to section 501 of the Bankruptcy Code, (ii) a Claim based on such debt is
     allowed pursuant to section 502 of the Bankruptcy Code or (iii) the holder
     of a Claim based on such debt has accepted the Plan; and (b) terminate all
     Interests and other rights of holders of Interests in the Debtors.

          22. Section XI.B of the Plan is deleted in its entirety and replaced
with the following modified language:

               As of the Effective Date, except as provided in the Plan
     (including with respect to Reinstated Claims) or the Confirmation Order or
     agreed to by the Debtors or the Reorganized Debtors, all entities and
     persons that have held, currently hold or may hold any claims, obligations,
     suits, judgments, damages, demands, debts, rights, causes of action or
     liabilities that are discharged or released or an Interest or other right
     of a holder of an Interest that is terminated pursuant to the terms of the
     Plan will be permanently enjoined from taking any of the following
     enforcement actions against the Debtors, the Reorganized Debtors, any
     released party or any of their respective property on account of any such
     discharged or released claims, obligations, suits, judgments, damages,
     demands, debts, rights, causes of action or liabilities or terminated
     Interests or rights: (a) commencing or continuing in any manner any action
     or other proceeding, other than litigation related to Reinstated Tort
     Claims; (b) enforcing, attaching, collecting or recovering in any manner
     any judgment, award, decree or order, other than with respect to litigation
     related to Reinstated Tort Claims; (c) creating, perfecting or enforcing
     any lien or encumbrance (except with respect to any Reinstated liens); (d)
     asserting a setoff, right of subrogation or recoupment of any kind against
     any debt, liability or obligation


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     due to any Debtor, Reorganized Debtor or released entity; and (e)
     commencing or continuing any action, in any manner, in any place that does
     not comply with or is inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan.

                  [Remainder of page intentionally left blank.]


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Dated:  November 12, 2004           Respectfully submitted,

                                    ONCO INVESTMENT COMPANY, on its own behalf
                                    and on behalf of each affiliate Debtor

                                    By:      /s/ Rochelle F. Walk
                                    Name:    Rochelle F. Walk
                                    Title:   Vice President and Secretary


Daniel J. DeFranceschi (DE 2732)
Paul N. Heath (DE 3704)
One Rodney Square
P.O. Box 551
Wilmington, Delaware 19899
(302) 651-7700 (Telephone)
(302) 658-6548 (Facsimile)

         - and -

David G. Heiman (OH 0038271)
Heather Lennox (OH 0059649)
Carl E. Black (OH 0069479)
901 Lakeside Avenue
North Point
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
(216) 586-3939 (Telephone)
(216) 579 0212 (Facsimile)

Michelle Morgan Harner
77 West Wacker
Chicago, Illinois  60601
(312) 269-4289 (Telephone)
(312) 782-8585 (Facsimile)



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