AMENDMENT NUMBER SEVEN
                                     TO THE

                  WHEREAS, Harris Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the
"Corporation"), has heretofore adopted and maintains the Harris Corporation
Retirement Plan, as amended and restated effective January 1, 2003 (the "Plan");

                  WHEREAS, the Corporation has the authority to amend the Plan
pursuant to Section 17.1 of the Plan; and

                  WHEREAS, the Corporation, by action of its Board of Directors
(the "Board") at the Board's meeting held on December 3, 2004, authorized the
Employee Benefits Committee of the Corporation (the "Committee") to execute all
such instruments and documents that the Committee deems necessary, advisable or
appropriate to amend the Plan to exclude from participation therein any employee
eligible to participate in the Harris Orkand Information Services Corporation
401(k) Plan.

                  NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the power of amendment in Section
17.1 of the Plan and the Board's authorization, the definition of "Eligible
Employee" in Article 2 of the Plan hereby is amended in its entirety to read as
follows, effective January 1, 2005:

                  Eligible Employee. An Employee other than an Employee (i) the
                  terms of whose employment are subject to a collective
                  bargaining agreement which does not provide for the
                  participation of such Employee in the Plan; (ii) who does not
                  receive any Compensation payable in United States dollars;
                  (iii) who is not treated as an employee of an Employer on such
                  Employer's payroll records (notwithstanding any determination
                  by a court or administrative agency that such individual is an
                  Employee); (iv) who is not a United States citizen or a
                  resident alien who provides services in a location other than
                  the United States or (v) who is performing

                  services for an Employer for its separate and distinct
                  business unit that is designated business unit 00211, which is
                  known as Harris Orkand Information Systems (or such other
                  designation and name for the unit that may be instituted from
                  time to time). No individual who renders services for an
                  Employer shall be an Eligible Employee if such individual
                  renders services pursuant to an agreement or arrangement
                  (written or oral) (i) that such services are to be rendered by
                  the individual as an independent contractor; (ii) with an
                  entity, including a leasing organization within the meaning of
                  section 414(n)(2) of the Code, that is not an Employer or
                  Affiliate or (iii) that contains a waiver of participation in
                  the Plan.

on this 21st day of December, 2004.


                                              /s/ John D. Gronda