ONE GROUP(R) INVESTMENT TRUST

                               CODE OF ETHICS FOR
                             PRESIDENT AND TREASURER

         This Code of Ethics applies to the President and Treasurer ("Senior
Financial Officers") of One Group Mutual Funds and One Group Investment Trust
(collectively, the "Trust"). Its purpose is to promote honest and ethical
conduct and compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations,
particularly as related to the maintenance of the Trust's financial records and
the preparation of financial statements filed with the Securities and Exchange

1.       Each Senior Financial Officer shall carry out his or her
         responsibilities honestly and with integrity, maintaining and promoting
         high standards of ethical conduct, while exercising at all times his or
         her independent judgement.

2.       Senior Financial Officers are responsible for full, fair, accurate,
         timely and understandable disclosure in the periodic reports required
         to be filed by the Trust with the Securities and Exchange Commission
         and in other public communications made by the Trust. Accordingly, it
         is the responsibility of each Senior Financial Officer promptly to
         bring to the attention of the Chief Legal Officer any material
         information of which he or she may become aware that affects the
         disclosures made by the Trust in its public filings or otherwise assist
         the appropriate personnel in fulfilling their responsibilities as
         specified in the Trust's policies related to financial reporting and
         disclosure, and internal controls.

3.       Each Senior Financial Officer must at all times seek to provide
         information to the Trust's service providers (e.g., investment adviser,
         administrator, outside auditor, independent counsel, and custodian)
         that is accurate, complete, objective, relevant, timely and

4.       Each Senior Financial Officer shall promptly bring to the attention of
         the Chief Legal Officer any information he or she may have concerning
         (a) significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal
         controls which could adversely affect the Trust's ability to record,
         process, summarize and report financial data or (b) any fraud, whether
         or not material, that involves personnel who have a significant role in
         the Trust's financial reporting, disclosures or internal controls.

5.       Each Senior Financial Officer shall promptly bring to the attention of
         the Chief Legal Officer any information he or she may have concerning
         any actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and
         professional relationships, involving the Senior Financial Officers or
         other personnel who have a significant role in the Trust's financial
         reporting, disclosures or internal controls.

6.       Each Senior Financial Officer must comply with the securities or other
         laws, rules or regulations applicable to the Trust and the operation of
         its business. Each Senior Financial Officer shall promptly bring to the
         attention of the Chief Legal Officer any information concerning
         evidence of a material violation of an applicable United States federal
         or state securities laws or a material breach of fiduciary duty arising
         under United States or state law, or a similar material violation of
         any United States or state law by the Trust (or any officer, director,
         employee, or agent of the Trust ("Material Violation").

7.       Each Senior Financial Officer must at all times act in good faith and
         with due care, competence and diligence, without misrepresenting
         material facts or allowing his or her independent judgment to be
         subordinated. Each Senior Financial Officer must conduct the affairs of
         the Trust in a responsible manner, consistent with this Code of Ethics.
         Each Senior Financial Officer shall promptly report to the Chief Legal
         Officer any violation or suspected violation of this Code.

8.       Each Senior Financial Officer must respect and protect the
         confidentiality of information acquired in the course of his or her
         professional duties, except when authorized by the Trust to disclose
         such information or where such disclosure is otherwise legally
         mandated. Each Senior Financial Officer may not use confidential
         information acquired in the course of their work for personal

9.       The Trust's Chief Legal Officer and Qualified Legal Compliance
         Committee (the "QLCC") shall interpret and apply this Code of Ethics.
         The Chief Legal Officer shall investigate all reports made under this
         Code of Ethics and determine what, if any, actions are appropriate. The
         Chief Legal Officer shall report all reports made under this Code of
         Ethics to the QLCC on a quarterly basis that are not required to be
         promptly reported to the QLCC pursuant to the next sentence. In
         addition, following appropriate investigation and analysis by the Chief
         Legal Officer, the Chief Legal Officer shall promptly report the
         following to the QLCC: (a) any violations of this Code of Ethics or (b)
         any Material Violations. Requests for legal advice from a Senior
         Financial Officer to the Chief Legal Officer shall not be considered a
         report under this Code of Ethics unless the Senior Financial Officer
         has indicated to the Chief Legal Officer that he is making a report
         under this Code of Ethics. The reporting obligation of the Chief Legal
         Officer under this Code of Ethics is independent of any separate
         reporting obligation that the Chief Legal Officer may have under the
         Procedures of the QLCC.

         The QLCC shall make such investigations and take such other actions in
         accordance with the Procedures of the QLCC. If, in accordance with the
         Procedures of the QLCC, the QLCC concurs that a material Code of Ethics
         violation has occurred, it will inform and make a recommendation to the
         Trust's Board of Trustees, which will consider appropriate action,
         which may include review of, and appropriate modifications to,
         applicable policies and procedures; notification to appropriate
         personnel of the Trust's investment adviser, principal underwriter,
         administrator, transfer agent, custodian or accountant or their boards;
         or removal of the applicable Senior Financial Officer as an Officer of
         the Trust.

As adopted:   November 13, 2003
