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6901 Glenn Highway
Cambridge, OH 43725-9757
Phone: 740-435-2020
Fax:   740-432-2743 [Private Fax]

                                   EXHIBIT 99   --------------------------------
                                                Richard C. Baylor, President/CEO
                                                Phone: 740-435-2020

                                  NEWS RELEASE


         Cambridge, Ohio - [NASDAQ symbol: "CAFI"] Camco Financial Corporation
will implement an Enterprise Risk Management structure during the remainder of
2005. This new structure will monitor functions for the company covering areas
of internal controls, interest rate risk, regulatory and non-regulatory
compliance, internal policies and procedures, operations and reputational risk.

         Richard C. Baylor, CEO and President said "The Board of Directors on
behalf of our stockholders, has approved management's plan as a logical
progression to provide continuing support and oversight to mitigate risks to the
corporation's operations. The collective approach to monitor risks under a
single function of management will allow Camco Financial Corporation to further
strengthen controls and operations which should help us avoid undue risks that
exist in today's business environment."

         "Robin Mayhugh, Chief Risk Officer, will be leading this effort for
Camco Financial Corporation and its subsidiaries. Ms. Mayhugh joined Camco
Financial Corporation in 2004 as its Internal Auditor and is a Certified Public
Accountant and Certified Bank Auditor. The corporation has hired an additional
person to replace Ms. Mayhugh as Internal Auditor," commented Baylor.

          NASDAQ: CAFI o EMAIL: camco@camco.cc o www.camcofinancial.com

         Camco Financial Corporation, holding company for Advantage Bank, is a
$1.07 billion multi-state community bank holding company headquartered in
Cambridge, Ohio. Advantage Bank and its affiliates offer community banking; that
includes commercial, business and consumer financial services, internet banking
and title insurance services from 30 offices in 23 communities in Ohio, Kentucky
and West Virginia.

Additional information about Camco Financial may be found on Camco's web site:

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          NASDAQ: CAFI o EMAIL: camco@camco.cc o www.camcofinancial.com