ARRANGEMENT AGREEMENT


                               HARRIS CORPORATION


                          LEITCH TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION


                                 AUGUST 31, 2005


ARTICLE I             DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION.............................................................1

         1.1      Definitions....................................................................................1

         1.2      Interpretation Not Affected by Headings.......................................................10

         1.3      Number and Gender.............................................................................10

         1.4      Date for Any Action...........................................................................10

         1.5      Currency......................................................................................10

         1.6      Accounting Matters............................................................................10

         1.7      Knowledge.....................................................................................11

         1.8      Disclosure....................................................................................11

         1.9      Construction..................................................................................11

         1.10     Statutory References..........................................................................11

         1.11     Schedules.....................................................................................11

ARTICLE II            THE ARRANGEMENT...........................................................................12

         2.1      The Arrangement...............................................................................12

         2.2      Press Release Announcing the Transaction......................................................12

         2.3      Interim Order.................................................................................12

         2.4      Articles of Arrangement.......................................................................13

         2.5      Shareholders' Meeting and Circular............................................................13

         2.6      Preparation of Filings........................................................................14

         2.7      Communications................................................................................14

ARTICLE III           REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF LEITCH..................................................15

         3.1      Representations and Warranties................................................................15

         3.2      Survival of Representation and Warranties.....................................................32

                                      - 2 -

ARTICLE IV            REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF HARRIS..................................................32

         4.1      Representations and Warranties................................................................32

         4.2      Survival of Representations and Warranties....................................................34

ARTICLE V             COVENANTS.................................................................................34

         5.1      Covenants of Leitch Regarding the Conduct of Business.........................................34

         5.2      Covenants of Leitch Regarding the Performance of Obligations..................................37

         5.3      Recommendation of the Board of Directors......................................................39

         5.4      Covenant of Leitch Regarding Non-Solicitation.................................................40

         5.5      Right to Match................................................................................41

         5.6      Covenants of Harris Regarding the Performance of Obligations..................................42

         5.7      Mutual Covenants..............................................................................43

         5.8      Pre-Acquisition Reorganization................................................................43

ARTICLE VI            CONDITIONS................................................................................44

         6.1      Mutual Conditions.............................................................................44

         6.2      Additional Conditions Precedent to the Obligations of Leitch..................................45

         6.3      Additional Conditions Precedent to the Obligations of Harris..................................46

         6.4      Merger of Conditions..........................................................................46

         6.5      Notice and Cure Provisions....................................................................46

ARTICLE VII           AGREEMENT AS TO DAMAGES AND OTHER ARRANGEMENTS............................................47

         7.1      Agreement as to Damages.......................................................................47

         7.2      Reimbursement of Expenses.....................................................................48

         7.3      Liquidated Damages............................................................................48

         7.4      Access to Information; Confidentiality........................................................49

         7.5      Insurance and Indemnification.................................................................49

         7.6      Brokers.......................................................................................50

ARTICLE VIII          TERMINATION...............................................................................50

         8.1      Termination by the Parties....................................................................50

         8.2      Effect of Termination.........................................................................51

         8.3      Waiver........................................................................................52

ARTICLE IX            GENERAL PROVISIONS........................................................................52

         9.1      Notices.......................................................................................52

         9.2      Entire Agreement..............................................................................53

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         9.3      Miscellaneous.................................................................................53

         9.4      Investigations................................................................................53

         9.5      Governing Law.................................................................................54

         9.6      Venue.........................................................................................54

         9.7      Injunctive Relief.............................................................................54

         9.8      Time of Essence...............................................................................54

         9.9      Binding Effect and Assignment.................................................................54

         9.10     Severability..................................................................................54

         9.11     Counterparts..................................................................................54

         9.12     No Personal Liability.........................................................................55

         9.13     Amendment.....................................................................................55

                              ARRANGEMENT AGREEMENT



         HARRIS CORPORATION, a corporation existing under the laws of the State
         of Delaware ("HARRIS")

                                     - and -

         LEITCH TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION, a corporation subsisting under the laws
         of the Province of Ontario ("LEITCH")

WHEREAS the Leitch Board of Directors has unanimously approved this Agreement
and has unanimously agreed to recommend that Shareholders vote in favour of the
Arrangement Resolution, following the unanimous recommendation from the special
committee of the Leitch Board of Directors regarding the Arrangement and the
Cash Consideration to be paid to the Shareholders hereunder.

AND WHEREAS Harris has required that Leitch execute and deliver the Executive
Agreements as a condition to Harris entering into this Agreement, and Leitch has
executed and delivered the Executive Agreements.

WITNESSETH THAT in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein
contained and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency
of which are hereby acknowledged), the Parties hereto covenant and agree as

                                    ARTICLE I


         In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:

"ACQUISITION PROPOSAL" means (i) any merger, amalgamation, take-over bid, tender
offer, arrangement, recapitalization, liquidation, dissolution, reorganization
or other business combination or similar transaction directly or indirectly
involving Leitch or a wholly-owned subsidiary of Leitch; (ii) the acquisition in
any manner, directly or indirectly, of assets of Leitch or any of its
subsidiaries which individually or in the aggregate exceed 20% of the book value
of the consolidated assets of Leitch (or any lease, long term supply agreement
or other arrangement having a similar economic effect to a purchase or sale of
assets); (iii) the acquisition in any manner, directly or indirectly, of
beneficial or registered ownership of any shares or securities convertible,
exercisable or exchangeable for securities which exceed 20% of the outstanding

                                     - 2 -

voting securities of Leitch; or (iv) a bona fide proposal, arrangement for or
announcement of an intention to do any of the foregoing, in each case whether in
a single transaction or series of related transactions and any grant of an
option or right to take any such action, excluding the Arrangement contemplated
by this Agreement and any transaction to which Harris or an affiliate of Harris
is a party. Any amendment to an Acquisition Proposal shall be considered a new
Acquisition Proposal.

"AFFILIATE" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the OBCA.

"AGGREGATE CASH CONSIDERATION PAYABLE" means the aggregate of the Common Share
Consideration and the Option Consideration.

"AGREEMENT" means this Agreement, all Schedules and exhibits hereto, and any
amendments hereto made in accordance with SECTION 9.13.

"APPROPRIATE REGULATORY APPROVALS" means those sanctions, rulings, consents,
orders, exemptions, permits and other approvals (including the lapse, without
objection, of a prescribed time under a statute or regulation that states that a
transaction may be implemented if a prescribed time lapses following the giving
of notice without an objection being made) referred to in SCHEDULE A hereto.

"ARRANGEMENT" means the arrangement contemplated herein to be made on the terms
set out in the Plan of Arrangement, subject to any amendments or variations
thereto made in accordance with this Agreement and SECTION 6.1 of the Plan of
Arrangement or made at the direction of the Court in the Final Order (with the
consent of Leitch and Harris, each acting reasonably).

"ARRANGEMENT RESOLUTION" means the special resolution of the Shareholders to be
considered at the Meeting, to be substantially in the form set out in SCHEDULE B

"ARTICLES OF ARRANGEMENT" means the articles of arrangement of Leitch in respect
of the Arrangement, to be filed with the Director after the Final Order is made.

"BUSINESS" means the business carried on by Leitch and its subsidiaries as
described in Leitch's Annual Information Form dated July 29, 2005.

"BUSINESS DAY" means any day, other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a statutory
holiday in Toronto, Ontario or New York City, New York.

"CANADIAN GAAP" means Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.

"CANADIAN SECURITIES ADMINISTRATORS" means the securities regulatory authorities
in each of the provinces and territories of Canada.

"CASH CONSIDERATION" means $14.00 in cash, subject to increase as provided in
SECTION 2.7 or SECTION 5.5 of this Agreement or as otherwise agreed to by Harris
and Leitch.

"CERTIFICATE OF ARRANGEMENT" means the certificate of arrangement giving effect
to the Arrangement, issued pursuant to subsection 183(2) of the OBCA.

                                     - 3 -

"CIRCULAR" means the Leitch Notice of Meeting and the accompanying management
information circular, including all appendices thereto and all amendments from
time to time made thereto, to be sent to Shareholders in connection with the

"COMMISSIONER" means the Commissioner appointed under the Competition Act.

"COMMON SHARE CONSIDERATION" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Plan of

"COMMON SHARES" means the issued and outstanding common shares in the capital of
Leitch (including common shares issued upon the exercise of Leitch Options and
Restricted Share Awards) and shall include any shares into which the Common
Shares may be reclassified, subdivided, consolidated or converted and any rights
and benefits arising therefrom including the right to receive any extraordinary
distributions of securities which may be declared in respect of the Common
Shares after the date hereof (except in accordance with the Plan of

"COMPETITION ACT" means the Competition Act (Canada).

"CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT" means the agreement dated as of July 8, 2005 between
Harris and Leitch as the same may be amended from time to time in accordance
with its terms.

"CONFIDENTIALITY PROVISIONS" has the meaning ascribed thereto in SUBSECTION

"CONTAMINATION" means the emission, discharge or release of any Hazardous
Material to, on, onto or into the environment and the effects of such emission,
discharge or release, including, without limitation, the presence, existence, or
threatened presence or existence of any such Hazardous Material.

"CONTRACT" means any contract, agreement, licence, franchise, lease, permit,
arrangement, commitment, understanding or other right or obligation to which
Leitch or any of its subsidiaries is a party or by which Leitch or any of its
subsidiaries is bound or affected.

"COURT" means the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario).

"DEPOSITARY" means Computershare Investor Services Inc. or such other Person as
is appointed to act as depositary for the purposes of the Arrangement by Harris,
acting reasonably;

"DIRECTOR" means the Director appointed pursuant to Section 278 of the OBCA.

"DISSENT RIGHTS" means the rights of dissent of a Shareholder in respect of the
Arrangement Resolution described in the Plan of Arrangement.

"DISSENTING SHAREHOLDER" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Plan of

"DISSENTING SHARES" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Plan of Arrangement.

"EFFECTIVE DATE" means the date of the Certificate of Arrangement giving effect
to the Arrangement.

"EFFECTIVE TIME" means 12:01 a.m. (Eastern Time) on the Effective Date.

                                     - 4 -

"ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS" means, collectively, any and all Laws, including common
laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, directives, orders, authorizations,
decrees, notices, permits, binding plans, demand letters or other mandates,
proscriptions or prescriptions of any nature of a Governmental Entity, in each
case to the extent legally binding, relating in any way to Contamination, any
Hazardous Material, protection of the environment (indoor and outdoor),
protection or conservation of natural resources, or protection of health and
safety, including, without limitation, those relating to exposures or threatened
exposures of any Person to, or emissions, discharges, releases, or threatened
emissions, discharges, or releases to, on, onto or into the environment, of any
Hazardous Material.

"ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY" shall mean any and all liabilities, losses, claims,
penalties, damages, costs, expenses, investigation, remediation or inspection
costs and any expenses (including, without limitation, attorney, consultant and
engineer fees and expenses) of whatever nature or kind, currently known or
unknown, contingent or otherwise, relating in any way to compliance with or
arising under or from any Environmental Law or arising under any theory of law
or equity and relating to, or arising from, Contamination or the use, treatment,
storage, disposal, transport, generation, management, exposure to or handling of
any Hazardous Material.

"ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS" means any and all permits, authorizations, certificates,
registrations, approvals and consents necessary under Environmental Laws for
Leitch and its subsidiaries to own, lease, licence and operate their respective
properties and conduct their respective businesses as currently conducted.

"EXCHANGE ACT" means the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

"EXCLUSIVITY AGREEMENT" means the exclusivity agreement dated as of August 12,
2005 between Leitch and Harris.

"EXECUTIVE AGREEMENTS" means the agreements of even date between Leitch and each
of Timothy Thorsteinson and David Toews providing for their respective terms of
employment by Leitch effective upon completion of the Arrangement.

"FINAL ORDER" means the final order of the Court approving the Arrangement, as
such order may be amended by the Court (with the consent of Leitch and Harris,
each acting reasonably) at any time prior to the Effective Date or, if appealed,
then, unless such appeal is withdrawn or denied, as affirmed or amended on

"FIRST ACQUISITION PROPOSAL" has the meaning ascribed thereto in SUBSECTION

"GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY" means (a) any multinational, national, federal,
provincial, state, regional, municipal, local or other government, governmental
or public department, central bank, court, tribunal, arbitral body, commission,
board, bureau or agency, domestic or foreign; (b) any subdivision, agent,
commission, board or authority of any of the foregoing; (c) any
quasi-governmental or private body exercising any regulatory, expropriation or
taxing authority under or for the account of any of the foregoing; or (d) any
self-regulatory agencies or organizations exercising any regulatory,
expropriation or taxing authority.

"HARRIS ACQUIRECO" means a wholly-owned subsidiary of Harris.

                                     - 5 -

"HAZARDOUS MATERIAL" shall mean any element, substance, chemical, compound or
mixture (including, without limitation, any constituent or any degradation
product thereof) whether solid, liquid or gaseous, that is (a) subject to
regulation pursuant to Environmental Law; or (b) the exposure, presence,
existence, or threatened exposure, presence or existence to or of which may give
rise to any Environmental Liability.

"HSR ACT" means the United States Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act
of 1976.

"INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" means all rights to and interests in:

         (a)      all business and trade names, trade-marks and service marks
                  (whether used with wares or services and including the
                  goodwill attaching to such trade-marks or service marks),
                  applications for trade-marks and service marks (and all future
                  income from such trade-marks and service marks), Internet
                  domains and domain names (including all sub-domains and
                  related domain names), corporate names, brand names and
                  slogans (whether registered or unregistered) that are Related
                  to the Business;

         (b)      all inventions (whether patentable or unpatentable and whether
                  or not reduced to practice), patents, patent rights, patent
                  applications (including all reissues, divisions,
                  continuations, continuations-in-part and extensions of any
                  patent or patent application), industrial designs and
                  applications for registration of industrial designs that are
                  Related to the Business;

         (c)      all published and unpublished works of authorship that are
                  Related to the Business, whether or not entitled to copyright
                  protection, all copyrights in such works, registrations and
                  applications for such copyrights, all related renewals,
                  extensions, restorations, and reversions of such copyrights
                  and all future income from or related to such copyrights;

         (d)      all customer and supplier lists, pricing and cost information
                  and business and marketing plans and proposals that are
                  Related to the Business;

         (e)      all rights, however acquired, of privacy or publicity that are
                  Related to the Business;

         (f)      all rights and interests in and to Technology;

         (g)      all of the intellectual property affected by the registrations
                  and applications for registration listed in the Leitch
                  Disclosure Letter and the permissions and licenses listed in
                  the Leitch Disclosure Letter;

         (h)      all other intellectual and industrial property rights
                  throughout the world Related to the Business;

         (i)      all licenses of the intellectual property listed in items (a)
                  to (h) above;

                                     - 6 -

         (j)      all future income and proceeds from any of the intellectual
                  property listed in items (a) to (h) above and the licenses
                  listed in item (i) above; and

         (k)      all rights to damages and profits by reason of the
                  infringement of any of the intellectual property listed in
                  items (a) to (i) above.

"INTERIM ORDER" means the interim order of the Court, as the same may be amended
by the Court (with the consent of Leitch and Harris, each acting reasonably),
containing a declaration and directions in respect of the notice to be given in
respect of and the conduct of the Meeting with respect to the Arrangement.

"LAWS" means all laws, by-laws, statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes,
decrees principles of law, published policies and guidelines, judicial or
arbitral or administrative or ministerial or departmental or regulatory
judgements, orders, decisions, rulings or awards, including general principles
of common and civil law, and the terms and conditions of any grant of approval,
permission, authority or licence of any Governmental Entity (including the TSX),
and the term "APPLICABLE" with respect to such Laws and in a context that refers
to one or more Parties, means such Laws as are applicable to such Party or its
business, undertaking, property or securities and emanate from a Person having
jurisdiction over the Party or Parties or its or their business, undertaking,
property or securities.

"LEASE" has the meaning ascribed thereto in SUBSECTION 3.1(o).

"LEITCH DISCLOSURE LETTER" means the letter of even date herewith signed by the
President and Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer of Leitch
and delivered by Leitch to Harris, in a form accepted by and initialled on
behalf of Harris, with respect to the disclosure of certain matters in this

"LEITCH FINANCIAL STATEMENTS" has the meaning ascribed thereto in SUBSECTION

"LEITCH INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" means any and all Intellectual Property that is
wholly owned by Leitch or its subsidiaries.

"LICENSED INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" means all right and interest of Leitch or its
subsidiaries in and to any and all Intellectual Property that is licensed by
Leitch or its subsidiaries from another Person.

"LEITCH ITALIA" means Leitch Italia S.R.L.

"LEITCH OPTION" means an option to purchase a Common Share, including without
limitation any performance or inducement options to acquire Common Shares,
granted under the Leitch Stock Option Plan or under specific Leitch employment
agreements provided to Harris.

"LEITCH PLANS" has the meaning ascribed thereto in SUBSECTION 3.1(s).

"LEITCH STOCK OPTION PLAN" means the Leitch stock option plan, as revised, dated
September 11, 2001.

                                     - 7 -

"LIEN" means any mortgage, lien (statutory or other), pledge, assignment, deed
of trust, hypothecation, adverse claim, charge, option, right of first refusal,
pre-emptive right, security interest, or other encumbrance of any kind or
nature, or any interest or title of any vendor, lessor, lender or other secured
party under any conditional sale, capital lease, trust receipt or other title
retention agreement.

"MATERIAL ADVERSE EFFECT" means, when used in connection with a Person, any
change, effect, event, occurrence, circumstance or state of facts, prospective
or otherwise, that separately or taken together with any other change, effect,
event, occurrence, circumstance or state of facts, is or would reasonably be
expected to be material and adverse to the business, operations, results of
operations, affairs, liabilities (including any contingent liabilities that may
arise through outstanding, pending or threatened litigation or otherwise),
capitalization, financial condition, licences, permits, rights, privileges or
prospects of such Person and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole, other than (i)
any change, effect, event, occurrence, circumstance or state of facts relating
to general political, financial or economic conditions or securities markets in
general except to the extent such change, effect, event, occurrence,
circumstance or state of facts has a disproportionate effect on such Person or
its subsidiaries, taken as a whole, as compared to other Persons in the
industries in which such Person and its subsidiaries operate, (ii) any change,
effect, event, occurrence or state of facts arising from the announcement of
this Agreement or the pending consummation of the Arrangement in accordance with
this Agreement or (iii) any change, effect, event, occurrence or state of facts
arising from acts of war, sabotage or terrorism, or any escalation of such acts
of war, sabotage or terrorism threatened or underway as of the date of this
Agreement except to the extent such change, event, effect or occurrence has a
disproportionate effect on such Person and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole,
as compared to other Persons in the industries in which such Person and its
subsidiaries operate.

"MATERIAL FACT" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Securities Act.

"MATERIAL CONTRACT" has the meaning ascribed thereto in SECTION 3.1(x).

"MEETING" means the special meeting of Leitch Shareholders, and all adjournments
and postponements thereof, called and held to, among other things, consider and
approve the Arrangement Resolution.

"MEETING DATE" has the meaning ascribed thereto in SECTION 5.2(h).

"OBCA" means the Business Corporations Act (Ontario).

"OPTION CONSIDERATION" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Plan of

"OPTIONHOLDER" means a holder of Leitch Options and "OPTIONHOLDERS" means the
holders of Leitch Options.

"ORDINARY COURSE OF BUSINESS" means the ordinary course of business of Leitch
and its subsidiaries consistent with past custom and practice (including with
respect to quantity and frequency).

                                     - 8 -

"OUTSIDE DATE" means November 30, 2005 or such later date as may be mutually
agreed by the Parties to this Agreement; provided that the Outside Date shall be
automatically extended if the Effective Date does not occur because Appropriate
Regulatory Approvals have not been obtained, including because the waiting
period under the HSR Act or other similar Laws has not expired, until such
approval is obtained or denied, or such waiting period expires; provided
further, however, in no event shall the Outside Date be extended beyond December
31, 2005.

"PARTIES" means Leitch and Harris; and "PARTY" means either of them.

"PERSON" means and includes any individual, partnership, association, limited or
unlimited liability company, joint venture, body corporate, trustee, executor,
administrator, legal representative, government (including any Governmental
Entity) or any other entity, whether or not having legal status.

"PLAN OF ARRANGEMENT" means the plan of arrangement substantially in the form of
SCHEDULE C hereto as amended or varied pursuant to the terms hereof and thereof.

"PRE-ACQUISITION REORGANIZATION" has the meaning ascribed thereto in SECTION

"PROCEEDING" means any judicial, administrative, investigative or arbitral
actions, suits or proceedings by or before any Governmental Entity.

"PUBLICLY DISCLOSED BY LEITCH" means disclosed by Leitch in a public filing made
by it with the Canadian Securities Administrators during the three year period
prior to the date hereof.

"RELATED TO THE BUSINESS" means, directly or indirectly, used in, arising from
or relating in any manner to the Business.

"RESTRICTED SHARE AWARDS" means the awards of restricted common shares to (a)
Timothy Thorsteinson pursuant to the terms of the letter agreement dated
November 17, 2003 between Timothy Thorsteinson and Leitch and (b) David Toews
pursuant to the terms of the letter from Leitch to David Toews dated July 1,

"SECURITIES ACT" means the Securities Act (Ontario).

"SHAREHOLDERS" means the holders of Common Shares and "Shareholder" means a
holder of Common Shares.

"SIMILAR CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT" has the meaning ascribed thereto in SECTION

"SMT ASSETS" has the meaning ascribed thereto in SECTION 5.1(a)(iv).

"SUBSEQUENT ACQUISITION PROPOSAL" has the meaning ascribed thereto in SECTION

"SUBSIDIARY" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Securities Act.

                                     - 9 -

"SUPERIOR PROPOSAL" means an unsolicited bona fide written Acquisition Proposal
involving not less than 90% of the Common Shares or 90% of the consolidated
assets (measured on the basis of book value) of Leitch:

         (a)      in respect of which the Board of Directors of Leitch, after
                  consultation with outside counsel, has determined in good
                  faith that it is required to provide non-public information to
                  or enter into negotiations or discussions with the proposing
                  party to comply with its fiduciary duties in accordance with
                  applicable Laws;

         (b)      in respect of which the Board of Directors of Leitch, after
                  consultations with its financial advisers, has determined in
                  good faith would, if consummated in accordance with its terms
                  (but not assuming away any risk of non-completion), result in
                  a transaction (1) more favourable from a financial point of
                  view to Shareholders than the Arrangement taking into account
                  all of the terms and conditions thereof (including any
                  proposal made by Harris in response to such Acquisition
                  Proposal or otherwise), (2) having consideration with a value
                  greater than the value of the consideration provided by the
                  Arrangement, and (3) reasonably capable of being completed
                  within a reasonable period of time, taking into account all
                  legal, financial and regulatory aspects of such Acquisition
                  Proposal and the Person making such Acquisition Proposal;

         (c)      in respect of which Leitch has provided written notice to
                  Harris to the effect that it intends to furnish non-public
                  information to, or enter into substantive discussions or
                  negotiations with, the proposing party and has otherwise
                  complied with the provisions hereof; and

         (d)      in respect of which Leitch has provided a copy of all material
                  terms and conditions to Harris, including the identity of the
                  Person making the Acquisition Proposal.

"TAX ACT" means the Income Tax Act (Canada).

"TAX" AND "TAXES" means, with respect to any Person, all income taxes (including
any tax on or based upon net income, gross income, income as specially defined,
earnings, profits or selected items of income, earnings or profits) and all
capital taxes, gross receipts taxes, environmental taxes, sales taxes, use
taxes, ad valorem taxes, value added taxes, transfer taxes, franchise taxes,
licence taxes, withholding taxes, payroll taxes, employment taxes, pension plan
premiums, excise, severance, social security premiums, workers' compensation
premiums, unemployment insurance or compensation premiums, stamp taxes,
occupation taxes, premium taxes, property taxes, windfall profits taxes,
alternative or add-on minimum taxes, excise taxes, goods and services tax,
customs duties or other taxes, fees, imports, assessments or charges of any kind
whatsoever, together with any interest and any penalties or additional amounts
imposed by any taxing authority (domestic or foreign) on such entity, and any
interest, penalties, additional taxes and additions to tax imposed with respect
to the foregoing.

"TAX RETURN" OR "RETURN" means any return, declaration, report, claim for
refund, election, information return or similar statement filed or required to
be filed with respect to any Taxes

                                     - 10 -

(including any electronic copy of any of the foregoing), including any schedule
or attachment thereto, and including any amendment thereof.

"TECHNOLOGY" means all trade secrets, know-how, technologies in development,
computer software (including source code and object code), operating systems,
websites and related code, browsers, website content, user interfaces,
algorithms, architecture, structure, display screens, layouts, developments,
development tools, typographies, instructions, templates, evaluation systems,
servers, hardware, flowcharts, formulae and information, manufacturing,
engineering and other drawings and manuals, processes, designs, lab journals,
notebooks, data, data bases, files, blue prints, research and development
reports, agency agreements, technical information, technical assistance,
engineering data, specifications or other technology or related information,
whether completed or in the course of development, and any similar materials
recording or evidencing expertise or information which are Related to the

"TERMINATION FEE" has the meaning ascribed thereto in SECTION 7.1 hereof.

"TSX" means the Toronto Stock Exchange.


         The division of this Agreement into Articles, Sections, subsections and
paragraphs and the insertion of headings are for convenience of reference only
and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.
Unless the contrary intention appears, references in this Agreement to an
Article, Section, subsection, paragraph or Schedule by number or letter or both
refer to the Article, Section, subsection, paragraph or Schedule, respectively,
bearing that designation in this Agreement. References in this Agreement to


         In this Agreement, unless the contrary intention appears, words
importing the singular include the plural and vice versa, and words importing
gender include all genders.


         If the date on which any action is required to be taken hereunder by a
Party is not a Business Day in the place in which the action is required to be
taken, such action shall be required to be taken on the next succeeding day
which is a Business Day in such place.

1.5      CURRENCY

         Unless otherwise stated, all references in this Agreement to sums of
money or currency are expressed in lawful money of Canada.


         Unless otherwise stated, all accounting terms used in this Agreement in
respect of Leitch or any of its subsidiaries shall have the meanings
attributable thereto under Canadian GAAP and

                                     - 11 -

all determinations of an accounting nature in respect of Leitch or any of its
subsidiaries required to be made shall be made in accordance with Canadian GAAP
applied on a consistent basis and consistent with Leitch's past practice.

1.7      KNOWLEDGE

         In this Agreement, references to "THE KNOWLEDGE OF" means, with respect
to Leitch, the actual knowledge of Timothy Thorsteinson, David Toews, Jim
Sterling, Stan Moote and, only in the case of SECTION 3.1(s), Bob Phillips, and,
only in the case of SECTION 3.1(m), Bob Schonbeck, after reasonable inquiry, and
shall include any matter that reasonably would be expected to be known by an
officer holding a similar office as such Persons in a company of similar scope
and size of Leitch.


         Where in this Agreement reference is made to disclosure in writing to
Harris, such disclosure shall be made in writing in the Leitch Disclosure Letter
and a substantially completed draft of which shall be delivered to Harris not
later than 10 a.m. (EST) on August 29, 2005. Disclosure of items in such Leitch
Disclosure Letter shall make reference to the applicable Sections and
subsections of this Agreement. Any matter disclosed in a certain section of the
Leitch Disclosure Letter shall be deemed to be disclosed for purposes of all
other applicable sections of the Leitch Disclosure Letter only to the extent the
relevance of such disclosed matter to such other applicable sections of the
Leitch Disclosure Letter is reasonably apparent.


         The language used in this Agreement is the language chosen by the
Parties to express their intent, and no rule of construction to the effect that
any ambiguity is to be resolved against the drafting Party shall be applied
against any Party.


         A reference to a statute includes all rules, regulations, policies and
blanket orders made pursuant to such statute and, unless otherwise specified the
provisions of any statute, regulation, rule, policy or blanket order which
amends, supplements and supersedes any such statute, regulation, rule, policy or
blanket order.

1.11     SCHEDULES

         The following Schedules are annexed to this Agreement and are
incorporated by reference into this Agreement and form a part hereof:

         Schedule A        -        Appropriate Regulatory Approvals

         Schedule B        -        Arrangement Resolution

         Schedule C        -        Plan of Arrangement

                                     - 12 -

                                   ARTICLE II
                                 THE ARRANGEMENT


         The Arrangement shall be comprised of substantially the following
events or transactions, taken in the sequence indicated, each of which shall be
taken following receipt of necessary Shareholder and Court approvals and
fulfilment or waiver of the other conditions set forth in ARTICLE VI hereof:

         (a) all of the Leitch Options granted and outstanding immediately prior
to the Effective Time shall, without any further action on behalf of any Leitch
Option holder, be transferred by the holders thereof to Harris Acquireco without
any act or formality on its or their part in exchange for a cash amount equal to
the excess, if any, of (i) the product of the number of Common Shares underlying
Leitch Options held by such holder and the Cash Consideration over (ii) the
aggregate exercise price payable under such Leitch Options by the holder to
acquire the Common Shares underlying such Leitch Options. All Leitch Options
issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall thereafter
immediately be cancelled; and

    (b) all of the Common Shares issued and outstanding immediately prior to the
Effective Time held by each Shareholder (other than any Dissenting Shares held
by Dissenting Shareholders who are ultimately entitled to be paid the fair value
of the Dissenting Shares held by such Dissenting Shareholder, and any Common
Shares held by Harris and its affiliates, which shall not be transferred under
the Arrangement) shall, without any further action on behalf of such
Shareholder, be transferred by the holders thereof, and acquired by, Harris
Acquireco without any act or formality on its or their part in exchange for a
cash amount equal to the product of the number of Common Shares held by such
holder and the Cash Consideration and Harris Acquireco shall be deemed to be the
legal and beneficial owner thereof, free and clear of all Liens.


         Subject to compliance with the policies of the TSX and the New York
Stock Exchange, each of Leitch and Harris shall issue their respective form of
press release with the prior consent of the other Party as soon as possible
after execution of this Agreement.


         The notice of motion for the application for the Interim Order shall
request that the Interim Order provide:

         (a)      for the class of Persons to whom notice is to be provided in
                  respect of the Arrangement and the Meeting and for the manner
                  in which such notice shall be provided;

         (b)      that the requisite approval for the Arrangement Resolution
                  shall be 66 2/3% of the votes cast on the Arrangement
                  Resolution by Shareholders present in person or represented by
                  proxy at the Meeting;

                                     - 13 -

         (c)      that in all other respects, the terms, restrictions and
                  conditions of the by-laws and articles of Leitch, including
                  quorum requirements and all other matters, shall apply in
                  respect of the Meeting; and

         (d)      for the grant of Dissent Rights as contemplated in the Plan of


         The Articles of Arrangement shall provide for each of the steps set out
in SECTION 2.1 hereof and such other matters as are necessary to effect the


         (a) As promptly as practical after the execution and delivery of this
Agreement and in accordance with the Interim Order, Leitch shall call the
Meeting, establish the record date for determining Shareholders entitled to vote
at the Meeting and prepare the Circular together with any other documents
required by applicable corporate and securities Laws in connection with the
Arrangement and Leitch shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cause the
Circular and other documentation required in connection with the Meeting to be
sent in any event before September 30, 2005 to each Shareholder and each
Optionholder of record on the record date for the Meeting and such other Persons
including beneficial Shareholders as may be required by the Interim Order and
applicable corporate and securities Laws and to be filed with securities
regulatory authorities as required by the Interim Order and applicable corporate
and securities Laws.

         (b) Harris shall be entitled to review and comment on the Circular and
all other documentation contemplated by SUBSECTION 2.5(a) (including the form of
proxy) and Leitch will consider (acting reasonably) all Harris comments,
provided that all information relating to Harris included in the Circular shall
be in form and content satisfactory to Harris, acting reasonably.

         (c) Leitch shall ensure that the Circular complies in all material
respects with all applicable Laws, and, without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, that the Circular does not contain any untrue statement of a material
fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary
to make the statements contained therein not misleading in light of the
circumstances in which they are made (other than with respect to any information
relating to and provided by Harris and Harris Acquireco) and provides
Shareholders with information in sufficient detail to permit them to form a
reasoned judgement concerning the matters to be placed before them at the

         (d) Harris will furnish to Leitch all such information concerning
Harris and Harris Acquireco as may be reasonably required by Leitch in the
preparation of the Circular and Harris covenants that no such information
furnished by it will contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to
state a material fact required to be stated in the Circular in order to make any
information so furnished not misleading in light of the circumstances in which
it is furnished.

         (e) Leitch shall diligently do all such acts and things as may be
necessary to comply, in all material respects, with National Instrument 54-101
of the Canadian Securities

                                     - 14 -

Administrators in relation to the Meeting and, without limiting the generality
of the foregoing, shall, in consultation with Harris, use all commercially
reasonable efforts to benefit from the accelerated meeting timing permitted by
such instrument.


         (a) Leitch and Harris shall co-operate in the preparation of
applications for the Appropriate Regulatory Approvals and the approval of any
other Governmental Entity with jurisdiction over the transactions contemplated
hereby and the preparation of any required documents reasonably deemed by the
Parties to be necessary to discharge their respective obligations under
applicable Laws and in that regard each shall, upon request, furnish to the
other all such information concerning it and, in the case of Leitch, the
Shareholders, as may be reasonably required for such purposes.

         (b) Leitch and Harris shall promptly notify the other Party of any
communication to a Party from any Governmental Entity in respect of the
Arrangement and shall not participate in any meeting with any Governmental
Entity in respect of any filings, investigations or other inquiry related to the
Arrangement unless it consults with the other Party in advance and, to the
extent permitted by such Governmental Entity, gives the other Party the
opportunity to attend and participate thereat.

         (c) Leitch and Harris shall each promptly notify the other if at any
time before the Effective Time it becomes aware that the Circular or an
application for an order described in SECTION 2.3 contains an untrue statement
of a material fact or omits to state a material fact required to be stated
therein or necessary to make the statements contained therein not misleading in
light of the circumstances in which they are made, or that otherwise requires an
amendment or supplement to the Circular or such application, and the Parties
shall co-operate in the preparation of any amendment or supplement to the
Circular or application, as required, and Leitch shall promptly mail any
amendment or supplement to the Circular to Shareholders and file same with the
Canadian Securities Administrators and as otherwise required by applicable Laws.


         (a) Leitch and Harris agree to co-operate in the preparation of public
statements and presentations to analysts, media and Shareholders regarding the
Arrangement, provided that no Party shall issue any press release with respect
to this Agreement or the Arrangement without the review and consent of the other
Party (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld).

         (b) Leitch shall not make any filing with any Governmental Entity with
respect to the Plan of Arrangement without the consent of Harris (such consent
not to be unreasonably withheld) and Harris shall not make any filing with any
Governmental Entity with respect to the Plan of Arrangement without advising
Leitch and providing a copy of such filing to Leitch prior thereto.

         (c) SUBSECTIONS 2.7 (a) AND (b) shall be subject to each Party's
overriding obligation to make disclosure in accordance with applicable Laws, and
if such disclosure is required and the other Party has not reviewed or commented
on the disclosure, the Party making such disclosure shall use reasonable
commercial efforts to give prior notice to the other Party, and if such prior

                                     - 15 -

notice is not possible, to give such notice immediately following the making of
such disclosure or filing.

         (d) Leitch agrees that Harris may at any time directly or through a
soliciting dealer actively solicit proxies in favour of the Arrangement and that
the Circular shall constitute a proxy circular of Harris and shall disclose that
Harris may make such solicitations; provided that in exercising such rights,
Harris and its agents shall co-operate with Leitch.

         (e) Harris shall be entitled, at any time prior to the Meeting, to
propose modifications to the Arrangement to: (i) increase the consideration it
or Harris Acquireco is prepared to make available to Shareholders pursuant to
the Arrangement, whether or not the Board of Directors of Leitch has changed its
recommendation, provided that Harris shall use its commercially reasonable
effects to provide not less than one Business Day's prior written notice of such
proposal to Leitch; or (ii) subject to SECTION 5.8, modify the terms of the
Arrangement to achieve tax planning objectives of Harris and Harris Acquireco,
including without limitation to provide for one or more amalgamations of
subsidiaries of Harris and/or Leitch, which, in the opinion of Leitch, acting
reasonably, (A) would not prejudice it or the Shareholders, or (B) would not
impede or materially delay the completion of the transactions contemplated
hereby provided that Harris or Harris Acquireco has provided notice of such
modification to Leitch not less than 15 Business Days prior to the Meeting Date.
Subject to SECTION 5.8, the Parties hereto shall enter into an amended agreement
reflecting Harris' proposed amendments to the Arrangement (provided that such
agreement shall be on and subject to the same terms and conditions as this
Agreement, mutatis mutandis, except with respect to the modifications proposed
by Harris), the Plan of Arrangement shall be modified accordingly in accordance
with its terms and Leitch and Harris shall at the expense of Harris use their
respective commercially reasonable efforts to communicate any such modifications
to Shareholders and to ensure that any such modifications are presented to
Shareholders at the Meeting.

                                  ARTICLE III


         Leitch hereby represents and warrants to and in favour of Harris as
follows and acknowledges that Harris is relying upon such representations and
warranties in entering into this Agreement and the Arrangement.

         (a) Board Approval and Fairness. Acting upon the unanimous
recommendation in favour of the Arrangement by the special committee of the
Board of Directors of Leitch, the Board of Directors of Leitch has determined
unanimously that the Arrangement is fair to the Shareholders and is in the best
interests of Leitch and has resolved unanimously to recommend to the
Shareholders to vote their Common Shares in favour of the Arrangement
Resolution. The Board of Directors of Leitch has received a written opinion from
CIBC World Markets Inc. that, as of the date of this Agreement, the Arrangement
is fair, from a financial point of view, to the Shareholders, and such opinion
has not been withdrawn, amended or modified.

                                     - 16 -

         (b) Organization and Qualification. Leitch and each of its subsidiaries
is a corporation duly incorporated or an entity duly created and validly
existing under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation, continuance or
creation and has the requisite power and authority to own, lease and operate its
properties as now owned, leased and operated and to carry on its business as it
is now being conducted. Leitch and each of the subsidiaries is duly registered,
qualified or otherwise authorized to do business and each is in good standing in
each jurisdiction in which the character of its properties, owned, leased,
licenced or otherwise held, or the nature of its activities makes such
registration, qualification or authorization necessary, except where the failure
to be so registered, qualified or in good standing or otherwise authorized to do
business would not have a Material Adverse Effect on Leitch. Copies of the
constating or other governing documents and by-laws of Leitch and each of its
subsidiaries furnished to Harris are accurate and complete and have not been
amended or superseded.

         (c) Authority Relative to this Agreement. Subject to Shareholder
approval of the Arrangement Resolution, Leitch has the requisite corporate power
and authority to enter into this Agreement and to carry out its obligations
hereunder. The execution and delivery of this Agreement has been duly authorized
by the Board of Directors of Leitch, and, subject to Shareholder approval of the
Arrangement Resolution, no other corporate proceedings, on the part of Leitch
are necessary to authorize this Agreement or any of the transactions
contemplated herein. This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by
Leitch and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of Leitch
enforceable against Leitch in accordance with its terms, subject to the
qualification that such enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency,
reorganization or other laws of general application relating to or affecting
rights of creditors and that equitable remedies, including specific performance,
are discretionary and may not be ordered.

         (d) No Violations.

             Other than as set forth in the Leitch Disclosure Letter:

         (i)      Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement by Leitch
                  nor the completion of the Arrangement contemplated hereby nor
                  compliance by Leitch with any of the provisions hereof will:
                  (1) violate, conflict with, change the rights or obligations
                  of any party under (including triggering a right of first
                  refusal, change of control or termination rights under any
                  Material Contract), or result in a breach of any provision of,
                  require any consent, approval or notice under, or constitute a
                  default (or an event which, with notice or lapse of time or
                  both, would constitute a default) or result in a right of
                  termination or acceleration, or result in the creation of any
                  Lien upon any of the properties or assets of Leitch or any of
                  its subsidiaries or cause any indebtedness of Leitch or any of
                  its subsidiaries to come due before its stated maturity or
                  cause any credit currently available to Leitch or any of its
                  subsidiaries to cease to be available, under any of the terms,
                  conditions or provisions of (A) their respective charters
                  (including articles of incorporation) or by-laws or (B) any
                  material note, bond, mortgage, indenture, loan agreement, deed
                  of trust, agreement, Lien, Contract or other instrument or
                  obligation to which Leitch or any of its subsidiaries is a
                  party or to which any of Leitch, its subsidiaries or any of
                  the respective properties or assets of Leitch, or any of its

                                     - 17-

                  subsidiaries is subject or by which Leitch or any of its
                  subsidiaries is bound; or (2) subject to compliance with the
                  statutes and regulations referred to in SCHEDULE A -
                  Appropriate Regulatory Approvals, violate any Law, judgement,
                  ruling, order, writ, injunction, determination, award, decree,
                  statute, ordinance, rule or regulation applicable to Leitch or
                  any of its subsidiaries or any of their respective properties
                  or assets (except, in the case of each of SUBSECTIONS
                  3.1(d)(i)(1)(B) and 3.1(d)(i)(2) above, for such violations,
                  conflicts, changes in the rights or obligations of any party,
                  breaches, defaults, terminations, accelerations, creations of
                  Liens or cessations of available credit which, or any
                  consents, approvals or notices which if not given or received,
                  would not have a Material Adverse Effect on Leitch or prevent
                  or materially impair the consummation of the transactions
                  contemplated by this Agreement); or (3) cause the suspension
                  or revocation of any authorization, consent, approval or
                  licence currently in effect which would have a Material
                  Adverse Effect on Leitch or could prevent or materially impair
                  the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this

         (ii)     No consent, approval, licence, permit, order or authorization
                  of, or declaration, registration or filing with, any
                  Governmental Entity is required to be obtained or made by
                  Leitch or any of its subsidiaries in connection with the
                  execution and delivery of this Agreement, the completion of
                  the Arrangement or the delivery or filing of the Circular
                  other than (1) compliance with the provisions of applicable
                  securities Laws and the OBCA, including filings with the TSX
                  and the Director under the OBCA; (2) receipt of all
                  Appropriate Regulatory Approvals in respect of the
                  Arrangement; (3) any approvals required by the Interim Order;
                  (4) the Final Order; (5) such registrations and other actions
                  required under federal, provincial, state and territorial
                  securities Laws as are contemplated by this Agreement; and (6)
                  any other consents, approvals, orders, authorizations,
                  declarations or filings of or with a Governmental Entity
                  which, if not obtained or made, would not, individually or in
                  the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Leitch or
                  prevent or materially impair the consummation of the
                  transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

         (e) Capitalization. The authorized share capital of Leitch consists of
an unlimited number of Common Shares and an unlimited number of preference
shares. As of the date hereof, there are issued and outstanding 39,350,922
Common Shares and there are no other shares of any class or series of Leitch
outstanding. As of the date hereof, there are 3,339,075 Common Shares issuable
upon the exercise of Leitch Options of which 2,908,837 are in-the-money by
reference to the Cash Consideration and 22,514 Restricted Share Awards. Except
as set out in this SUBSECTION 3.1(e) and the list of Optionholders (which shall
include details of all outstanding Leitch Options, including date of grant,
number outstanding, number vested and exercise price) set out in the Leitch
Disclosure Letter, there are no options, warrants or other rights, shareholder
rights plans, agreements or commitments of any character (whether contingent or
otherwise) whatsoever requiring the issuance, sale or transfer by Leitch of any
securities of Leitch (including Common Shares) or any securities convertible
into, or exchangeable or exercisable for, or otherwise evidencing a right to
acquire, any securities of Leitch (including Common Shares or any securities
with entitlements or rights similar to Common Shares (including phantom stock,
stock appreciation rights and deferred, restricted or performance share units)).

                                     - 18 -

All outstanding Common Shares have been duly authorized and validly issued, are
fully paid and non-assessable and are not subject to, nor were they issued in
violation of, any pre-emptive rights, and all Common Shares issuable upon the
exercise of outstanding Leitch Options in accordance with their respective terms
have been duly authorized and, upon issuance, will be validly issued as fully
paid and non-assessable and will not be subject to any pre-emptive rights. Other
than the Leitch Options and the Restricted Share Awards, there are no securities
of Leitch or of any subsidiary outstanding which have the right to vote
generally (or are exercisable, convertible into or exchangeable for securities
having the right to vote generally) with the Shareholders on any matter. Except
as set out in the Leitch Disclosure Letter, there are no outstanding contractual
or other obligations of Leitch or any subsidiary to repurchase, redeem or
otherwise acquire any of its securities or with respect to the voting or
disposition of any outstanding securities of any of the subsidiaries.

         (f) Ownership of Subsidiaries. The Leitch Disclosure Letter includes a
list of (i) all subsidiaries of Leitch and the number and percentage of shares
(equity and voting) of each subsidiary owned, directly or indirectly, by Leitch
and (ii) all other investment interests of Leitch, including any minority (less
than 50% voting control) investment in any Person or any partnership, joint
venture, coventurer or other similar interest or investment. Except as set forth
in the Leitch Disclosure Letter, all of the outstanding shares of capital stock
and other ownership interests in Leitch's subsidiaries are duly authorized,
validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable, and all such shares and other
ownership interests indicated as owned directly or indirectly by Leitch are
owned free and clear of all Liens, and there are no outstanding options, rights,
entitlements, understandings or commitments (contingent or otherwise) regarding
the right to acquire any such shares of capital stock or other ownership
interests in or material assets or properties of any of Leitch's subsidiaries.

         (g) Financial Statements; Reports. As of their respective dates or,
where no such date is specified, the date of filing with applicable securities
regulatory authorities: (i) Leitch's consolidated audited financial statements
as at and for the fiscal years ended April 30, 2003, April 30, 2004, April 30,
2005 and the draft unaudited interim financial statements as at and for the
first quarter ended July 31, 2005 as provided to Harris on August 29, 2005
(collectively, the "LEITCH FINANCIAL STATEMENTS"); (ii) Leitch's Annual
Information Form dated July 29, 2005 (including all documents incorporated by
reference therein); (iii) Leitch's Management Information Circular dated July
26, 2005 in respect of its 2005 Annual Meeting of Shareholders; (iv) all Leitch
material change reports, or similar documents filed with the Canadian Securities
Administrators since April 30, 2005; and (v) all prospectuses or other offering
documents used by Leitch in the offering of its securities or all reports filed
by Leitch with securities regulators pursuant to applicable securities Laws
(including periodic and other reports filed under the Exchange Act) since
September 1, 2003: (1) at their respective effective dates did not (or, in the
case of the interim financial statements referred to above, will not) contain
any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact
required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in
light of the circumstances in which they were made, not misleading; and (2)
complied (or, in the case of the interim financial statements referred to above,
will comply) with all applicable securities Laws except where any non-compliance
would not individually or in the aggregate have a Material Adverse Effect on
Leitch. The Leitch Financial Statements, and all financial statements of Leitch
and its subsidiaries included or incorporated by reference in such information
circulars forms, reports, statements, prospectuses

                                     - 19 -

and other documents, were prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP applied on a
consistent basis (except (A) as otherwise indicated in such financial statements
and the notes thereto or, in the case of audited statements, in the related
report of Leitch's independent auditors, or (B) in the case of unaudited interim
statements, to the extent they may not include footnotes, are subject to normal
year end adjustments, or may be condensed or summary statements), and fairly
present the consolidated financial position, results of operations and changes
in financial position of Leitch and its subsidiaries, as of the dates thereof
and for the periods indicated therein (subject, in the case of any unaudited
interim financial statements, to normal year-end adjustments and reduced note
disclosure) and reflect reserves required by Canadian GAAP, applied on a
consistent basis, in respect of contingent liabilities of Leitch and its
subsidiaries on a consolidated basis. Leitch is not currently aware of any
year-end adjustments that are expected to be material. There has been no change
in Leitch's accounting policies, except as described in the notes to the Leitch
Financial Statements, since April 30, 2005. Leitch owns a ten percent interest
in LC Limited, a Hong Kong joint venture. Leitch also has a relationship with
Leitch Italia S.R.L. ("LEITCH ITALIA"). Leitch has not consolidated the
financial statements of LC Limited or Leitch Italia with Leitch or disclosed
these entities as variable interest entities. If Leitch would have been required
to consolidate or disclose the financial position and results of operations of
LC Limited or Leitch Italia in any of the Leitch Financial Statements, such
consolidation or disclosure would not have materially adversely impacted
Leitch's financial position, results of operations or cash flows, as of the
dates and for the periods indicated in each of the Leitch Financial Statements.

         (h) Books and Records. The financial books, records and accounts of
Leitch and its subsidiaries in all material respects (i) have been maintained in
accordance with good business practices on a basis consistent with prior years,
(ii) are stated in reasonable detail and accurately and fairly reflect the
material transactions and dispositions of the assets of Leitch and its
subsidiaries and (iii) accurately and fairly reflect the basis for the Leitch
Financial Statements. Leitch has devised and maintains a system of internal
accounting controls sufficient to provide reasonable assurances that (x)
transactions are executed in accordance with managements' general or specific
authorization; and (y) transactions are recorded as necessary to permit
preparation of financial statements in conformity with Canadian GAAP. Leitch's
and its subsidiaries' corporate records and minute books have been maintained
substantially in compliance with applicable Laws and are complete and accurate
in all material respects, and full access thereto has been provided to Harris,
except with respect to matters relating to the transactions contemplated by this

         (i) Litigation. Except as set out in the Leitch Disclosure Letter,
there is no investigation, inquiry, request for information, audit, charge,
claim, action, suit or other Proceeding pending or, to the knowledge of Leitch,
threatened, affecting Leitch or any of its subsidiaries or affecting any of the
property or assets of Leitch (including the Intellectual Property), or any of
its subsidiaries at law or in equity before or by any Governmental Entity which
investigation, inquiry, request for information, audit, charge, claim, action,
suit or other Proceeding (a) involves, or could reasonably involve or lead to a
judgement or claim against or potential liability of Leitch or its subsidiaries
which, individually or in the aggregate, would have a Material Adverse Effect on
Leitch or could prevent or materially impair the consummation of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement, (b) sought or seeks injunctive
relief against Leitch or its subsidiaries as of the date hereof or which, as at
the Effective Time, has sought or is

                                     - 20 -

seeking injunctive relief against Leitch or its subsidiaries which, individually
or in the aggregate, would have a Material Adverse Effect on Leitch or could
prevent or materially impair the consummation of the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement, or (c) is related to the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement as of the date hereof or which, as at the Effective Time, is related
to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and which, individually or in
the aggregate, would have a Material Adverse Effect on Leitch or could prevent
or materially impair the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement. Except as set out in the Leitch Disclosure Letter or as Publicly
Disclosed by Leitch, neither Leitch nor any of its subsidiaries or the
respective assets or properties of Leitch or any of its subsidiaries is subject
to any outstanding judgement, order, writ, injunction or decree that has had or
would have a Material Adverse Effect on Leitch or could prevent or materially
impair the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

         (j) Taxes.

         (i)      Leitch and each of its subsidiaries have timely filed (taking
                  into account any extension of time to file granted or
                  obtained), all material Tax Returns required to be filed by
                  them (all of which returns were correct and complete in all
                  material respects), have timely paid, all material Taxes due
                  (whether or not shown on any Tax Return), and have satisfied
                  in full in all respects all material Tax withholding, deposit
                  and remittance requirements imposed on or with respect to any
                  of Leitch and its subsidiaries, and the most recently
                  published financial statements of Leitch contain an adequate
                  provision in accordance with Canadian GAAP for all material
                  Taxes payable in respect of each period covered by such
                  financial statements and all prior periods to the extent such
                  material Taxes have not been paid, whether or not due and
                  whether or not shown as being due on any Tax Returns. Leitch
                  and each of its subsidiaries have made adequate provision in
                  accordance with Canadian GAAP in their books and records for
                  material Taxes accruing in respect of any accounting period
                  ending subsequent to the period covered by such financial

         (ii)     Neither Leitch nor any subsidiary of Leitch has received any
                  written notification that any material issue involving
                  material Taxes has been raised (and is currently pending) by
                  the Canada Revenue Agency, the United States Internal Revenue
                  Service or any other taxing authority, including, without
                  limitation, any sales tax authority, in connection with any of
                  the material Tax Returns filed or required to be filed, and no
                  waivers of statutes of limitations or objections to any
                  assessments or reassessments involving material Taxes have
                  been given, filed or requested with respect to Leitch or any
                  subsidiary of Leitch. All material liability of Leitch and its
                  subsidiaries for Canadian federal and provincial income and
                  capital taxes has been assessed by the Canada Revenue Agency
                  and, where applicable, Canadian provincial tax authorities for
                  all fiscal years up to and including the fiscal year ended
                  April 30, 2005. Neither Leitch nor any of its subsidiaries has
                  received any notice from any taxing authority to the effect
                  that any material Tax Return is being examined or of any Tax
                  audit or other material Tax issue. No deficiency for
                  additional material Taxes has been proposed against Leitch or
                  any of its subsidiaries. To the knowledge of Leitch, no claim
                  has ever been made in

                                     - 21 -

                  writing by any Tax authority in a jurisdiction where neither
                  Leitch nor any of its subsidiaries files material Tax Returns
                  that Leitch or any of its subsidiaries is or may be subject to
                  taxation by that jurisdiction. There are no material Tax Liens
                  on any assets of Leitch or any of its subsidiaries except for
                  Taxes not yet due and payable and Taxes being contested in
                  good faith. Neither Leitch nor any of its subsidiaries has
                  received a refund of any material Taxes to which it was not
                  entitled. Except for the employment agreements between Leitch
                  and each of Timothy Thorsteinson dated November 17, 2003, Jim
                  Sakaguchi dated May 25, 2004 and February 21, 2005, Robert
                  Schonbeck dated January 4, 2005 and Simon Gatt dated April 20,
                  2004 updated in June 2005, copies of which have been provided
                  to Harris, neither Leitch nor any of its subsidiaries is a
                  party to any Tax sharing, allocation or other similar
                  agreement or arrangement or any Tax indemnification agreement
                  of any nature with any other Person (other than among Leitch
                  and any of its subsidiaries) pursuant to which Leitch or any
                  of its subsidiaries has or could have, individually or in the
                  aggregate, any material liability in respect of Taxes.

         (iii)    The Leitch Disclosure Letter sets forth a list of estimated
                  Tax loss carry-forwards prepared for financial statement
                  purposes as of April 30, 2005 of Leitch and its subsidiaries,
                  organized by entity subject to filing of relevant Tax Returns
                  and audit adjustments or reassessments by the relevant taxing

         (k) Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities. Except as Publicly Disclosed by
Leitch in the Leitch Financial Statements as at and for the year ended April 30,
2005, neither Leitch nor any of its subsidiaries has any material obligations or
liabilities of any nature, whether or not matured or unmatured, accrued, fixed,
contingent or otherwise, and whether or not required to be disclosed in a
balance sheet or in the notes thereto prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP
that, individually or in the aggregate, could reasonably be expected to have a
Material Adverse Effect on Leitch.

         (l) Absence of Change; No Material Adverse Effect. Except as Publicly
Disclosed by Leitch, since April 30, 2005, there has not been any Material
Adverse Effect on Leitch. Since April 30, 2005, the Business has been conducted
in the Ordinary Course of Business.

         (m) Environmental. Except as set out in the Leitch Disclosure Letter or
as would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect:

         (i)      Leitch and each of its subsidiaries are, and in the past three
                  years have been, in compliance with all applicable
                  Environmental Laws.

         (ii)     Leitch and each of its subsidiaries currently possess and are
                  in compliance with the terms of all Environmental Permits and
                  other approvals required under Environmental Laws to conduct
                  their respective operations.

         (iii)    To the knowledge of Leitch, there is no Contamination
                  migrating onto, emanating from or present at any owned real
                  property or leased real property or, to the knowledge of
                  Leitch, any location formerly owned, operated or leased by

                                     - 22 -

                  or any subsidiary except in compliance with Environmental Law.
                  In addition, neither the owned real property or leased real
                  property nor, to the knowledge of Leitch, any location
                  formerly owned, operated or leased by Leitch or any subsidiary
                  is the subject of any enforcement actions or other
                  investigations by a Governmental Entity or other third party
                  that would reasonably be expected to lead to Environmental
                  Liability for Leitch or any subsidiary. No underground storage
                  tanks containing Hazardous Materials are, or to the knowledge
                  of Leitch, have been, located on any property or facility
                  owned or operated by Leitch or any of its subsidiaries.

         (iv)     To the knowledge of Leitch, there is no Contamination present
                  at or migrating from any off-site location to which Leitch or
                  any subsidiary transported Hazardous Materials or arranged for
                  the transportation of Hazardous Materials, or at which any
                  Hazardous Materials for which Leitch or any subsidiary would
                  reasonably be expected to have Environmental Liability have
                  been deposited, disposed or otherwise placed. In addition, to
                  the knowledge of Leitch, no such off-site location is the
                  subject of any enforcement actions or other investigations by
                  any Governmental Entity or other third party that would
                  reasonably be expected to lead to Environmental Liability for
                  Leitch or any subsidiary.

         (v)      Neither Leitch nor any subsidiary has within the past three
                  years received any written request for information, notice,
                  demand letter, administrative inquiry, or compliance notice,
                  or notice of claim or other inquiry from a Governmental Entity
                  or third party with respect to the presence of Contamination
                  or threatened Contamination, in, on, under, about, migrating
                  onto or emanating from the owned real property or leased real
                  property or any real property formerly owned, operated or
                  leased by Leitch or any subsidiary.

         (vi)     Neither Leitch nor any subsidiary has received any written
                  request for information, notice, demand letter or inquiry from
                  a Governmental Entity or other third party concerning
                  Contamination or threatened Contamination present at or
                  migrating from any off-site location or locations to which
                  Leitch or any subsidiary transported or arranged for
                  transportation of any Hazardous Material or Hazardous
                  Material-containing substance generated by Leitch or any

         (vii)    During the past three years, neither Leitch nor any subsidiary
                  has received any written communication from a Governmental
                  Entity or any Person alleging that Leitch or any subsidiary is
                  not in compliance with Environmental Law or has or is subject
                  to an Environmental Liability.

         (viii)   Neither Leitch nor any subsidiary has entered into or agreed
                  to any order or is subject to any judgement requiring
                  compliance with any Environmental Law or the investigation or
                  cleanup of Contamination or threatened Contamination.

         (ix)     Neither Leitch nor any subsidiary is aware of any changes or
                  proposed changes to the terms of any Environmental Permits or
                  any review by any Governmental Entity of such Environmental

                                     - 23 -

         (x)      Leitch has made available to Harris copies of all material
                  environmental audits, evaluations, assessments, studies and
                  reports dealing with environmental matters for Leitch and any
                  subsidiary or affiliate, and that are in the possession or
                  control of Leitch or any subsidiary.

This Section (m) contains all the representations and warranties in this
Agreement with respect to environmental matters, and no other representations
and warranties shall be construed as applicable to the subject matter covered

         (n) Owned Real Property; Assets. The Leitch Disclosure Letter sets out
a list of all owned real property interests of Leitch or any of its subsidiaries
or affiliates. Except as set forth in the Leitch Disclosure Letter, Leitch
and/or each of its subsidiaries has good, marketable, valid and insurable title
in fee simple to its owned real property interests, free and clear of all
material Liens, including mortgages, other than (i) easements and zoning
restrictions which do not materially interfere with the use of such owned real
property interests in the operation of the Business, and (ii) Liens incurred not
in connection with the borrowing of money which do not and would not reasonably
be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect
on the occupancy, use or value of the affected assets. Leitch and its
subsidiaries are the beneficial owners of, and have title to, all the material
assets owned by Leitch and its subsidiaries which are used in connection with
their respective businesses.

         (o) Leased Real Property. The Leitch Disclosure Letter lists each real
property lease to which Leitch or one of its subsidiaries is a party (a
"LEASE"). Each material Lease has been validly executed and delivered by the
tenant and is unmodified except as set forth in the Leitch Disclosure Letter and
is in full force and effect. Each material Lease represents the entire agreement
between the landlord and the tenant in respect of the leased premises and the
tenant has no charge, Lien or right of set-off in respect of, or credit or right
to a credit in respect of, the rents payable thereunder. With respect to each
material Lease, Leitch or its subsidiary has taken possession of the leased
premises and all material improvements to the leased premises that are the
landlord's responsibility have been completed. Leitch is not in default of any
of its material obligations under any material Lease and there is no outstanding
material dispute between Leitch and the landlord in respect of any material
Lease. There are no material unpaid allowances, incentives, inducements or other
moneys or benefits (including free rent) owing or which may become owing by the
landlord to Leitch at any time under the Lease.

         (p) Licences. Leitch and each of its subsidiaries has obtained and is
in compliance with all licences, permits, certificates, consents, orders, grants
and other authorizations of or from any Governmental Entity necessary to conduct
its current businesses as they are now being or are proposed to be conducted,
other than such licences, permits, certificates, consents, orders, grants and
authorizations the absence of which would not individually or in the aggregate
have a Material Adverse Effect on Leitch.

         (q) Intellectual Property.

                  Other than such Intellectual Property, the unavailability of
                  which would not have a Material Adverse Effect on Leitch, and
                  except as disclosed in the Leitch Disclosure Letter:

                                     - 24 -

         (i)      The Leitch Intellectual Property and the Licensed Intellectual
                  Property are together sufficient to permit the Business to be
                  carried on immediately after the Effective Date in
                  substantially the same manner as it was conducted by Leitch
                  and its subsidiaries as of the Effective Date.

         (ii)     The Leitch Disclosure Letter contains a complete and accurate
                  list of all the registrations of, and applications for
                  registration of, the Leitch Intellectual Property. All of the
                  registrations and applications for registration of the Leitch
                  Intellectual Property are valid and subsisting in good
                  standing and are recorded in the name of Leitch or its
                  subsidiaries as applicable. No Person has challenged the
                  validity of any registrations for the Leitch Intellectual
                  Property or the ownership by Leitch or any of its subsidiaries
                  of any of the Leitch Intellectual Property. Neither the
                  current or past use of the Leitch Intellectual Property or the
                  Licensed Intellectual Property by Leitch or its subsidiaries
                  nor the conduct of the Business has infringed or currently
                  infringes or has been alleged to infringe upon the industrial
                  or intellectual property rights of any other Person, except
                  for claims or allegations of infringement that have been
                  settled or are no longer being actively pursued. No
                  application for registration of any Leitch Intellectual
                  Property has received a final rejection.

         (iii)    Leitch and its subsidiaries own all right, title and interest
                  in and to the Leitch Intellectual Property. Leitch or its
                  subsidiaries are licensed or possess legally enforceable
                  rights to use the Licensed Intellectual Property. Neither the
                  Leitch Intellectual Property nor the Licensed Intellectual
                  Property is subject to any Lien, option, right of first
                  refusal or offer or security interest of any kind. None of the
                  material Leitch Intellectual Property is jointly owned by
                  Leitch with any third party.

         (iv)     The Leitch Intellectual Property and the conduct of the
                  Business have not and do not infringe, misappropriate or
                  otherwise violate any intellectual or industrial property
                  rights of any other Person, and, to the knowledge of Leitch,
                  no other Person or intellectual or industrial property owned
                  by any other Person has infringed, misappropriated or
                  otherwise conflicted with or harmed any of the Leitch
                  Intellectual Property or the right and interest of Leitch or
                  its subsidiaries in the Licensed Intellectual Property.

         (v)      Leitch and its subsidiaries have taken all commercially
                  reasonable steps to protect their respective ownership rights
                  in the Leitch Intellectual Property. Leitch and its
                  subsidiaries have maintained the confidentiality of all trade
                  secrets and confidential information except for such
                  disclosure to other Persons as may have been made in the
                  Ordinary Course of Business and in accordance with standard
                  practices ordinarily followed by manufacturers of broadcasting

         (vi)     Leitch and its subsidiaries have taken all commercially
                  reasonable steps to obtain the ownership of all Leitch
                  Intellectual Property created or modified by its employees and
                  consultants, and all authors of any material Leitch
                  Intellectual Property and all persons, including all employees
                  and consultants of Leitch and its

                                     - 25 -

                  subsidiaries, involved in the development of material Leitch
                  Intellectual Property have assigned their intellectual
                  property rights thereto to Leitch and its subsidiaries, as
                  applicable, and have waived all moral rights that they may
                  have therein

         (vii)    Leitch and its subsidiaries have all permissions and licenses
                  necessary to use the Licensed Intellectual Property and no
                  additional consent, permission or license from any Person is
                  required to use the Licensed Intellectual Property, other than
                  normal course renewals.

         (viii)   Except in the Ordinary Course of Business, Leitch and its
                  subsidiaries have not permitted or licensed any Person to use
                  any of the Leitch Intellectual Property.

         (ix)     To the knowledge of Leitch, no Material Contract, or any
                  material part thereof, to which Leitch or one of its
                  subsidiaries is a party and that relates to the Leitch
                  Intellectual Property or the Licensed Intellectual Property is
                  unenforceable, and neither Leitch nor any of its subsidiaries
                  is in breach of any such Material Contract or has repudiated
                  such Material Contract. Neither Leitch nor any of its
                  subsidiaries, has given notice of an intention to terminate,
                  cancel, fail to renew or change the terms of such Material

         (r) Technology.

         (i)      The hardware and software comprising any part of the
                  Technology is in good operating condition.

         (ii)     Other than copyright protection and license enforcement
                  restrictions included in the Ordinary Course of Business, to
                  the knowledge of Leitch no portion of the Technology contains
                  any disabling mechanism or protection feature designed to
                  prevent its use, computer virus, worm, software lock, drop
                  dead device, Trojan-horse routine, trap door, time bomb or any
                  other codes or instructions that may be used to access,
                  modify, delete, damage or disable any of the Technology or any
                  computer system on which any of the Technology is installed or
                  in connection with which it may operate.

         (s) Pension and Employee Benefits.

                  Other than the Executive Agreements:

         (i)      The Leitch Disclosure Letter sets out a complete and accurate
                  list of all written or oral employee benefit, welfare,
                  supplemental unemployment benefit, bonus, pension, retirement
                  income, profit sharing, executive compensation, change of
                  control benefit, current or deferred compensation, incentive
                  compensation, stock compensation, stock purchase, stock
                  option, stock appreciation, phantom stock option, savings,
                  severance or termination pay, retirement, supplementary
                  retirement, hospitalization insurance, salary continuation,
                  legal, health or other medical, dental, life, disability or
                  other insurance (whether insured or self-insured), and every
                  other written or oral benefit plan, program, agreement or

                                     - 26 -

                  arrangement sponsored, maintained or contributed to or
                  required to be contributed to by Leitch or a subsidiary of
                  Leitch for the benefit of employees or former employees and
                  their dependants or beneficiaries which are currently
                  maintained or were maintained by Leitch or a subsidiary at any
                  time in the last five years or with respect to which Leitch or
                  a subsidiary participates in or has any actual or potential
                  liability or obligations (collectively, the "LEITCH PLANS").
                  The term "U.S. Plan" shall mean any Leitch Plan that is
                  maintained in the United States or that is otherwise subject
                  to the United States Employee Retirement Income Security Act
                  of 1974, as amended ("ERISA"), the United States Internal
                  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("IRC") or any other Law of
                  the United States. With respect to any U.S. Plan or any
                  reference to ERISA or the IRC, under this SECTION 3.1(s),
                  references to "subsidiaries" shall include any trade or
                  business (whether or not incorporated) under common control
                  with the meaning of Section 4001(b)(1) of ERISA with Leitch or
                  which together with Leitch is treated as a single employer
                  under Section 414(t) of the IRC. The Leitch Disclosure Letter
                  sets forth a complete list of the U.S. Plans.

         (ii)     Leitch has furnished or made available to Harris true,
                  correct, up-to-date and complete copies of all the Leitch
                  Plans, or where oral, written summaries of the most important
                  terms thereof, as amended together with all current and past
                  related documentation and all amendments thereto including
                  trust agreements, funding agreements, funding and financial
                  information returns and statements, copies of significant
                  correspondence with all regulatory authorities with respect to
                  each Leitch Plan and plan summaries, employee booklets and
                  personnel manuals. None of the Leitch Plans is a
                  multi-employer pension plan as defined under applicable Laws
                  including a "multiemployer plan" as defined in Section 3(37)
                  of ERISA or Section 414(f) of the IRC or a "multiple employer
                  plan" within the meaning of Section 210(a) of ERISA or Section
                  413(c) of the IRC. None of the Leitch Plans is a "defined
                  benefit plan" or contains a "defined benefit provision" or
                  provides "defined benefits" as defined or used in applicable
                  Laws including a "defined benefit plan" as defined in Section
                  3(35) of ERISA, a pension plan subject to the funding
                  standards of Section 302 of ERISA or Section 412 of the IRC.
                  None of the Leitch Plans requires the preparation of an
                  actuarial report in accordance with applicable Laws.

         (iii)    All of the Leitch Plans are and have been established,
                  registered, qualified, invested, funded and administered in
                  accordance in all material respects, with their terms, with
                  all applicable Laws, with the terms of any applicable
                  collective agreements and with the terms of agreements,
                  written or oral, between Leitch, a subsidiary or both, as the
                  case may be, and any other party. To the knowledge of Leitch,
                  no fact or circumstance exists that could reasonably be
                  expected to adversely affect the existing tax status of any of
                  the Leitch Plans. To the knowledge of Leitch, no event has
                  occurred respecting any Leitch Plan which would entitle any
                  Person to cause the wind-up or termination of such Leitch Plan
                  in whole or in part. No Taxes, penalties or fees are owing or
                  exigible under any of the Leitch Plans. Each U.S. Plan
                  intended to be qualified under Section 401(a) of the IRC is so
                  qualified and has heretofore been determined by the United

                                     - 27 -

                  Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS") to be so qualified, and
                  each trust created thereunder has heretofore been determined
                  by the IRS to be exempt from tax under the provisions of
                  Section 501(a) of the IRC, and nothing has occurred since the
                  date of any such determination that, to the knowledge of
                  Leitch, could reasonably be expected to give the IRS grounds
                  to revoke such determination.

         (iv)     No insurance policy or any other contract or agreement
                  affecting any of the Leitch Plans requires or permits a
                  retroactive increase in premiums or payments due thereunder.
                  The level of insurance reserves under each insured Leitch Plan
                  is reasonable and sufficient to provide for all incurred but
                  unreported claims.

         (v)      All liabilities of Leitch and each of its subsidiaries
                  (whether accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise) related
                  to the Leitch Plans have been fully and accurately accrued and
                  disclosed in all material respects and reported in accordance
                  with Canadian GAAP in the Leitch Financial Statements. No
                  changes have occurred or are expected to occur to any of the
                  Leitch Plans which would materially affect the most recent
                  financial statement prepared in respect of the applicable
                  Leitch Plan and required to be provided to Harris pursuant to
                  this Agreement.

         (vi)     No Leitch Plan, nor any related trust or funding medium
                  thereunder, is subject to any pending, or, to the knowledge of
                  Leitch, threatened or anticipated investigation, examination
                  or Proceeding, other than routine claims for benefits.

         (vii)    Except as expressly provided under this Agreement or the
                  Executive Agreements or as set out in the Leitch Disclosure
                  Letter, the execution of this Agreement and the completion of
                  the transactions contemplated herein will not (either alone or
                  in conjunction with any additional or subsequent events)
                  constitute an event under any Leitch Plan that will or may
                  result in any payment (whether of severance pay or otherwise),
                  acceleration of payment or vesting of benefits, forgiveness of
                  indebtedness, vesting, distribution, restriction of funds,
                  increase in benefits or obligation to fund benefits with
                  respect to any employee of Leitch or a subsidiary.

         (viii)   No U.S. Plan is or at any time was funded through a "welfare
                  benefit fund" as defined in Section 419(e) of the IRC, and no
                  benefits under any U.S. Plan are or at any time have been
                  provided through a voluntary employees' beneficiary
                  association (within the meaning of subsection 501(c)(9) of the
                  IRC) or a supplemental unemployment benefit plan (within the
                  meaning of Section 501(c)(17) of the IRC).

         (ix)     Neither Leitch nor its subsidiaries has agreed or committed to
                  institute any plan, program, arrangement or agreement for the
                  benefit of employees or former employees of Leitch or its
                  subsidiaries other than the Leitch Plans, or to make any
                  amendments to any of the Leitch Plans. Except as set out in
                  the Leitch Disclosure Letter, no Leitch Plan provides benefits
                  to retired employees or to the beneficiaries or dependants of
                  retired employees. No Leitch Plan provides benefits to any
                  individual who is not an employee, officer or director of
                  Leitch or

                                     - 28 -

                  its subsidiaries, or the dependents or other beneficiaries of
                  any such employee, officer or director.

         (x)      Leitch or its subsidiaries, as applicable, has reserved all
                  rights necessary to amend or terminate each of the U.S. Plans
                  without the consent of any other Person.

         (xi)     Except as disclosed in the Leitch Disclosure Letter, no amount
                  that could be received (whether in cash or property or the
                  vesting of property) as a result of any of the transactions
                  contemplated by this Agreement by any employee, officer or
                  director of Leitch or any of its affiliates who is a
                  "disqualified individual" (as such term is defined in United
                  States Treasury Regulation Section 1.280G-1) under any
                  employment, severance or termination agreement, other
                  compensation arrangement or Leitch Plan currently in effect
                  would be characterized as an "excess parachute payment" (as
                  such term is defined in SECTION 280G(b)(1) of the IRC).

         (t) Employment Agreements and Collective Agreements. Other than the
Executive Agreements and except as set out in the Leitch Disclosure Letter,
neither Leitch nor any of its subsidiaries is a party to:

         (i)      except as implied by or pursuant to applicable Law, any
                  employment, retention or change of control agreement with any
                  employee or any written or oral agreement, arrangement or
                  understanding providing for retention, severance or
                  termination payments or payments upon a change of control of
                  Leitch or its subsidiaries to any director, officer or
                  employee of Leitch or a subsidiary;

         (ii)     any collective bargaining agreement, any actual or to the
                  knowledge of Leitch, threatened, application for certification
                  or bargaining rights in respect of Leitch or each subsidiary;

         (iii)    any labour dispute, strike or lock-out relating to or
                  involving any employee of Leitch or a subsidiary or has, in
                  the 24 months prior to the date of this Agreement, been a
                  party to any such labour dispute, strike or lock-out; or

         (iv)     any actual or, to the knowledge of Leitch, threatened, claim,
                  charge, complaint or other Proceeding (including without
                  limitation with respect to an unfair labour practice before
                  the United States National Labor Relations Board, a union
                  grievance or a complaint before the United States Equal
                  Employment Opportunity Commission) arising out of or in
                  connection with employment by Leitch or any of its
                  subsidiaries or the termination of such employment, other than
                  such claims that individually and in the aggregate do not have
                  a Material Adverse Effect on Leitch.

         (u) Compliance with Laws. Leitch and its subsidiaries are in compliance
with and have since April 30, 2002 complied with applicable Laws, other than
non-compliance or violations which would, individually or in the aggregate, not
have a Material Adverse Effect on Leitch. Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, all outstanding securities of Leitch (including all options, rights
or other convertible or exchangeable securities) have been issued in compliance
with all applicable securities Laws.

                                     - 29 -

         (v) Restrictions on Business Activities. There is no agreement,
judgement, injunction, order or decree binding upon Leitch or any of its
subsidiaries that has or would reasonably be expected to have the effect of
prohibiting, restricting or impairing any business practices of Leitch or such
subsidiary except for such agreements, judgements, injunctions, orders or
decrees which individually or in the aggregate do not have a Material Adverse
Effect on Leitch.

         (w) Reporting Status and Securities Laws Matters. Leitch is a
"REPORTING ISSUER" under the applicable Canadian provincial securities Laws and
a "foreign private issuer" under United States federal securities Laws. Leitch
is not in material default of any material requirement of any securities Laws.
Leitch properly filed on June 27, 2005 in compliance in all material respects
with all requirements of the Exchange Act a Form 15 with the United States
Securities and Exchange Commission. Except as set forth in the Leitch Disclosure
Letter, no delisting, suspension of trading in or cease trading order with
respect to any securities of Leitch is in effect or ongoing or, to the knowledge
of Leitch, expected to be implemented or undertaken. Leitch is not an investment
company registered or required to be registered under the U.S. Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended.

         (x) Contracts.

         (i)      The Leitch Disclosure Letter sets out a list of all Contracts
                  that are material to the business, operations, results of
                  operations, or financial condition of Leitch and its
                  subsidiaries considered as a whole (the "MATERIAL CONTRACTS"),
                  comprising the following types of material Contracts,
                  agreements or understandings:

                  (A)      any Contract or agreement relating to indebtedness
                           for borrowed money (including any guarantee of or
                           obligation to guarantee the indebtedness for borrowed
                           money of any Person other than a subsidiary) having
                           an outstanding principal amount in excess of
                           $500,000, and, for each such Contract or agreement,
                           the aggregate principal amount outstanding as of the
                           date of this Agreement;

                  (B)      any Contract or agreement relating to a Lien imposed
                           on any material asset or property of Leitch or a

                  (C)      any currency exchange, interest rate exchange,
                           commodity exchange or similar Contract or agreement;

                  (D)      any Contract or agreement with any supplier,
                           distributor or customer for the furnishing of
                           services or purchase or sale of goods, equipment,
                           inventory or other assets to or by Leitch or any
                           subsidiary requiring payment of or receipt over the
                           remaining life of such Contract or agreement of more
                           than $1,000,000;

                  (E)      any manufacturing Contract or original equipment
                           manufacturing Contract or agreement requiring payment
                           of or receipt over the remaining life of such
                           Contract or agreement of more than $1,000,000;

                                     - 30 -

                  (F)      any Intellectual Property Contract or licence,
                           excluding standard, off-the-shelf computer software

                  (G)      any Contract or agreement in connection with
                           acquisitions, dispositions or the purchase or sale of
                           shares or assets (other than in the Ordinary Course
                           of Business) completed within three years of the date
                           of this Agreement, including any Contract or other
                           agreement entered into in connection with such
                           purchase or sale Contract with continuing rights
                           flowing to, or continuing obligations of, Leitch or
                           any of its subsidiaries (including ongoing payments
                           or royalties and ongoing indemnification

                  (H)      any partnership, joint venture or similar agreement
                           or arrangement;

                  (I)      any Contract or agreement that limits or purports to
                           limit the ability of Leitch or any subsidiary to
                           compete with any Person or in any line of business or
                           in any geographic area or during any period of time;

                  (J)      any Contract or agreement (other than dealer,
                           reseller or distributor agreements) that creates or
                           imposes any exclusivity right or obligation with
                           respect to Leitch or any of its subsidiaries or the
                           other party to such Contract or agreement; and

                  (K)      any other Contract to which Leitch or any subsidiary
                           is a party which is material to Leitch and its
                           subsidiaries taken as a whole.

         (ii)     None of Leitch, its subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of
                  Leitch, any of the other parties thereto, is in default or
                  breach of, in any material respect, nor have Leitch or its
                  subsidiaries received any notice of default or breach in any
                  material respect of, or termination under, any Material
                  Contract, and, to the knowledge of Leitch, there exists no
                  state of facts which after notice or lapse of time or both
                  would constitute a material default or breach of such Material
                  Contract, except as would not, individually or in the
                  aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on Leitch.

         (iii)    Except as set forth in the Leitch Disclosure Letter, no
                  Material Contract (a) would be violated, contravened or
                  breached by, or under which a default would occur; (b)
                  requires any consent or prior approval be obtained from any
                  Person (including consents relating to the change of control
                  of Leitch); or (c) would terminate; in each case, upon the
                  execution of this Agreement or the completion of the
                  transactions provided for herein.

         (y) Insurance. Leitch and its subsidiaries have policies of insurance
with responsible insurers in full force and effect naming Leitch and its
subsidiaries, as applicable, as insured which provide coverage on a basis that
is customary in the industries in which it and they participate and that, having
regard to the nature of their risk, Leitch believes are reasonable.

         (z) Related Parties. To the knowledge of Leitch, no director or senior
officer of Leitch or such director's or senior officer's associated entities
(within the meaning of applicable securities Laws) beneficially owns or
exercises control or direction over, within the meaning of

                                     - 31 -

Ontario Securities Commission Rule 61-501, one per cent or more of the Common
Shares on the date hereof.

         (aa) Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Neither Leitch or any subsidiary
nor any current officer, director or employee nor, to the knowledge of Leitch,
any former officer, director or employee or any current or former representative
or agent of Leitch or any subsidiary acting on behalf of Leitch or any
subsidiary has offered or given, and no Person acting on behalf of Leitch or any
subsidiary has offered or given on its behalf anything of value to: (a) any
member or official of a Governmental Entity, any political party, or official of
any political party, or any candidate for political office; (b) any customer of
any Governmental Entity; or (c) any other Person, in any such case while knowing
or having reason to know that all or a portion of such money or thing of value
may be offered, given, or promised, directly or indirectly, to any customer,
member, or official of any Governmental Entity or candidate for political office
for the purpose of the following: (x) influencing any action or decision of such
Person, in his, her, or its official capacity, including a decision to fail to
perform his, her, or its official function; (y) inducing such Person to use his,
her, or its influence with any Governmental Entity affect or influence any act
or decision of such Governmental Entity to assist Leitch or any subsidiary in
obtaining or retaining business for, or with, or directing business to, any
Person; or (z) where such money or thing of value would constitute a bribe,
kickback, or illegal or improper payment to assist Leitch or any of its
subsidiaries, in obtaining or retaining business for, or with, or directing
business to, any Person; or otherwise taken any other action by or on behalf of
Leitch or its subsidiaries that, in any case, would cause Leitch to be in
violation in any material respect of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of the
United States of America or the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act

         (bb) Disclosure/Internal Controls. Leitch has designed disclosure
controls and procedures to ensure that material information relating to Leitch,
including its subsidiaries, is made known to the management of Leitch by others
within those entities. With respect to Leitch's most recent annual report on
Form 40-F, Leitch's principal executive officer and its principal financial
officer have disclosed, based on their most recent evaluation, to Leitch's
auditors (i) all significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the
internal controls that are reasonably likely to adversely affect Leitch's
ability to record, process, summarize and report financial data and have
identified for Leitch's auditors any material weakness in internal controls, and
(ii) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other
employees who have a significant role in Leitch's internal controls.

         (cc) Product Warranties; Product Liabilities. The terms of Leitch's and
its subsidiaries' standard written product warranties Related to the Business
have been made available to Harris. Except as set forth therein or in the
related Material Contract, Leitch and its subsidiaries have made no express
warranty with respect to any product of the Business. Except as described in the
Leitch Disclosure Letter, for matters for which a reserve exists on the most
recent Leitch Financial Statements or for such matters that are not likely to
have a Material Adverse Effect on Leitch, (a) no claims have been made or are,
to the knowledge of Leitch, threatened, under the product warranties of the
Business in excess of the reserves on the most recent Leitch Financial Statement
designated for warranty liability or product liability claims, (b) there are no
written notices by any Government Entity or any product testing laboratory
stating that any product of the Business is unsafe or fails to meet any
standards promulgated by such Governmental Entity

                                     - 32 -

or testing laboratory, (c) the products of the Business meet all of their
applicable existing respective specifications for which a written warranty is
provided to customers.

         (dd) Competition Law Matters. Leitch and its affiliates do not have
assets in Canada that exceed $110,000,000, or gross revenues from sales in, from
or into Canada, that exceed $110,000,000, all as determined in accordance with
Part IX of the Competition Act (Canada) and the Notifiable Transactions
Regulations thereunder.


         The representations and warranties of Leitch contained in this
Agreement shall survive the execution and delivery of this Agreement and shall
terminate on the earlier of the termination date of this Agreement in accordance
with its terms and the Effective Date. Any investigation by a Party or its
advisors shall not mitigate, diminish or affect the representations and
warranties of the other Party.

                                   ARTICLE IV


         Harris hereby represents and warrants to and in favour of Leitch as
follows and acknowledges that Leitch is relying upon such representations and
warranties in entering into this Agreement and the Arrangement:

         (a) Organization and Qualification. Harris is a corporation duly
organized and validly existing under the laws of its jurisdiction of
incorporation and has the requisite corporate power and authority to own its
properties and to carry on its business as it is now being conducted. At the
Effective Time, Harris Acquireco will be a corporation duly organized and
validly existing under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation and will
have the requisite corporate power and authority to own its properties and to
give effect to the transaction contemplated in this Agreement.

         (b) Authority Relative to this Agreement. Harris has the requisite
corporate authority to enter into this Agreement and to carry out its
obligations hereunder. At the Effective Time, all of the outstanding shares in
the capital of Harris Acquireco will be owned directly or indirectly by Harris,
free and clear from any liens. The execution and delivery of this Agreement and
consummation of the Arrangement as contemplated hereby have been duly authorized
by Harris by its board of directors, and no other corporate proceedings on the
part of Harris is necessary to authorize this Agreement or the participation of
Harris in the Arrangement. This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered
by Harris and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of Harris
enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, subject to the
qualification that such enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency,
reorganization or other laws of general application relating to or affecting
rights of creditors and that equitable remedies, including specific performance,
are discretionary and may not be ordered.

                                     - 33 -

         (c) No Violations.

         (i)      Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement by Harris
                  nor the making or completion of the Arrangement by Harris and
                  Harris Acquireco contemplated hereby nor compliance by Harris
                  with any of the provisions hereof will: (1) violate, conflict
                  with, change the rights or obligations of any parties under
                  (including triggering a right of first refusal, change of
                  control, or termination rights under any material note, bond,
                  mortgage, indenture, loan agreement, deed of trust, agreement,
                  Lien, contract or other instrument or obligation to which
                  Harris or Harris Acquireco is a party or to which either of
                  them or any of their respective assets is subject or by which
                  either of them is bound) or result in a breach of any
                  provision of, require any consent, approval or notice under,
                  or constitute a default (or an event which, with notice or
                  lapse of time or both, would constitute a default) or result
                  in a right of termination or acceleration, or cause any
                  indebtedness of Harris or Harris Acquireco to come due before
                  its stated maturity or result in the creation of any Lien upon
                  any of the properties or assets of Harris or Harris Acquireco
                  under, any of the terms, conditions or provisions of (A) their
                  respective charters or by-laws or (B) any material note, bond,
                  mortgage, indenture, loan agreement, deed of trust, agreement,
                  Lien, contract or other instrument or obligation to which
                  Harris or Harris Acquireco is a party or to which either of
                  them or any of their respective assets is subject or by which
                  either of them is bound; or (2) subject to compliance with the
                  statutes and regulations referred to in SCHEDULE A,
                  "APPROPRIATE REGULATORY APPROVALS", violate any Law,
                  judgement, ruling, order, writ, injunction, determination,
                  award, decree, statute, ordinance, rule or regulation
                  applicable to Harris or Harris Acquireco or any of their
                  respective properties or assets (except, in the case of each
                  of SUBSECTIONS 4.1(d)(i)(1)(B) and 4.1(d)(i)(2), for such
                  violations, conflicts, breaches, defaults, terminations,
                  accelerations or creations of Liens which, or any consents,
                  approvals or notices which if not given or received, would not
                  impair the ability of Harris or Harris Acquireco to complete
                  the Arrangement); or (3) cause the suspension or revocation of
                  any authorization, consent, approval or licence issued to or
                  held by Harris or Harris Acquireco currently in effect which
                  would prevent, make illegal or materially delay or interfere
                  with the completion of the Arrangement.

         (ii)     Subject to obtaining the Appropriate Regulatory Approvals and
                  other than in connection with or in compliance with the
                  provisions of applicable securities Laws, the OBCA and the
                  Appropriate Regulatory Approvals, (1) there is no legal
                  impediment to completion of the Arrangement by Harris or
                  Harris Acquireco, and (2) no filing or registration with, or
                  authorization, consent or approval of, any domestic or foreign
                  public body or authority, including any Governmental Entity is
                  required of Harris in connection with the execution, delivery
                  and performance of this Agreement or by Harris or Harris
                  Acquireco in connection with the completion of the
                  Arrangement, except for such filings or registrations which,
                  if not made, or for such authorizations, consents or approvals
                  which, if not received, would not prevent, make illegal or
                  materially delay or interfere with the completion of the

                                     - 34 -

         (d) Financing. Harris has sufficient funds or adequate arrangements
(within the meaning of applicable securities Laws) for financing in place to pay
the Aggregate Cash Consideration Payable on the Effective Date.

         (e) Common Shares. Neither Harris nor any of its affiliates owns or
exercises control or direction over any Common Shares on the date hereof.

         (f) Competition Law Matters. Harris and its affiliates do not have
assets in Canada that exceed $225,000,000, or gross revenues from sales in, from
or into Canada, that exceed $180,000,000, all as determined in accordance with
Part IX of the Competition Act (Canada) and the Notifiable Transactions
Regulations thereunder.


         The representations and warranties of Harris contained in this
Agreement shall survive the execution and delivery of this Agreement and shall
terminate on the earlier of the termination date of this Agreement in accordance
with its terms and the Effective Date. Any investigation by a Party or its
advisors shall not mitigate, diminish or affect the representations and
warranties of the other Party.

                                   ARTICLE V


         Leitch covenants and agrees that, during the period from the date of
this Agreement until the earlier of the Effective Date and the time that this
Agreement is terminated in accordance with its terms, or as is otherwise
expressly permitted or specifically contemplated by this Agreement or the
Arrangement or set forth in the Leitch Disclosure Letter:

         (a) (i) the Business shall be conducted only in, and Leitch and its
subsidiaries shall not take any action except in, the Ordinary Course of
Business, and Leitch shall use all commercially reasonable efforts to maintain
and preserve its and their business organization, assets, employees, goodwill
and advantageous business relationships;

         (ii)     Leitch shall not, and shall not permit any of its subsidiaries
                  to, directly or indirectly: (1) amend its charter or by-laws;
                  (2) declare, set aside or pay any dividend or other
                  distribution or payment (whether in cash, shares or property)
                  in respect of the Common Shares or the securities of any
                  subsidiary; (3) issue, grant, sell or pledge or agree to
                  issue, grant, sell or pledge any shares of Leitch or its
                  subsidiaries, or securities convertible into or exchangeable
                  or exercisable for, or otherwise evidencing a right to
                  acquire, shares of Leitch or its subsidiaries, other than (A)
                  Leitch Options issued consistent with past practice and share
                  issuances in respect thereof (provided any such issuance is
                  disclosed to Harris prior to such grant or issuance); (B)
                  10,000 Leitch Options and cash payment to be issued to Mr. Ian
                  McElroy as Publicly Disclosed by Leitch; (C) the issuance of
                  Common Shares issuable pursuant to the respective terms of the
                  outstanding Leitch Options or 22,514 Restricted Share Awards
                  or in consideration of their termination by the

                                     - 35 -

                  Optionholders, (D) transactions between two or more Leitch
                  wholly-owned subsidiaries or between Leitch and a Leitch
                  wholly-owned subsidiary, and (E) pursuant to pledge
                  commitments contained in written agreements entered into prior
                  to the date hereof and which are disclosed in the Leitch
                  Disclosure Letter; (4) redeem, purchase or otherwise acquire
                  any of its outstanding securities, unless otherwise required
                  by the terms of such securities and other than in transactions
                  between two or more Leitch wholly-owned subsidiaries or
                  between Leitch and a Leitch wholly-owned subsidiary; (5) amend
                  the terms of any of its securities other than Leitch Options
                  in accordance with the terms hereof and the Restricted Share
                  Awards in accordance with the terms of the Executive
                  Agreements; (6) adopt a plan of liquidation or resolution
                  providing for the liquidation, dissolution, merger,
                  consolidation or a reorganization of Leitch or any of its
                  subsidiaries; (7) amend the terms of the Executive Agreements;
                  or (8) enter into, modify or terminate any contract,
                  agreement, commitment or arrangement with respect to any of
                  the foregoing;

         (iii)    Leitch shall conduct itself so as to keep Harris informed in
                  all material respects as to the important decisions or actions
                  required to be made or taken by Leitch's Board of Directors
                  with respect to the operation of its Business (for greater
                  certainty, other than in respect to any Acquisition Proposal,
                  which shall be governed by SECTIONS 5.3 and 5.4); provided, in
                  each case, that such disclosure is not otherwise prohibited by
                  reason of a confidentiality obligation owed to a third party
                  or otherwise prevented by applicable Law or is in respect of
                  customer specific or competitively sensitive information;

         (iv)     Leitch shall not, and shall not permit any of its subsidiaries
                  to, directly or indirectly: (1) sell, pledge, lease, dispose
                  of or encumber any assets of Leitch or of any subsidiary,
                  except in the Ordinary Course of Business, or except as become
                  redundant as a direct result of outsourcing, the details of
                  each of which were included in the electronic data room
                  maintained by the IntraLinks in connection with the
                  transactions contemplated in this Agreement and has been
                  discussed with one or more members of the Harris due diligence
                  team and excluding any assets comprising part of the SMT line
                  acquired by Leitch pursuant to a purchase agreement between
                  Leitch and Mydata (the "SMT ASSETS") (i) prior to October 25,
                  2005 or (ii) subsequent to October 25, 2005 in the event that
                  Harris has provided notice in writing to Leitch prior thereto
                  that the SMT Assets are not to be sold in which event Harris
                  shall indemnify Leitch in respect of any cancellation or other
                  charges under its purchase order number 9733081 dated July 27,
                  2005 entered into in respect of certain of the SMT Assets with
                  Mydata provided that such indemnification obligation shall be
                  subject to Leitch not being in breach in any material respect
                  of its obligations hereunder; (2) acquire (by merger,
                  amalgamation, consolidation or acquisition of shares or
                  assets) any corporation, partnership or other business
                  organization or division thereof, or, except for investments
                  in securities made in the Ordinary Course of Business, make
                  any investment either by the purchase of securities,
                  contributions of capital, property transfer, or, purchase of
                  any property or assets of any other individual or entity
                  (other than in each case to wholly-owned subsidiaries); (3)
                  incur any

                                     - 36 -

                  indebtedness for borrowed money or any other liability or
                  obligation or issue any debt securities or assume, guarantee,
                  endorse or otherwise as an accommodation become responsible
                  for the obligations of any other individual or entity, or make
                  any loans or advances, except in the Ordinary Course of
                  Business, except for refinancing of existing debt on
                  substantially the same or more favourable terms, and except
                  for daylight employee assistance loans in connection with the
                  exercise of Leitch Options; (4) pay, discharge or satisfy any
                  claims, liabilities or obligations other than the payment,
                  discharge or satisfaction, in the Ordinary Course of Business,
                  of liabilities reflected or reserved against in the Leitch
                  Financial Statements or incurred in the Ordinary Course of
                  Business; (5) authorize, recommend or propose any release or
                  relinquishment of any contractual right, other than in the
                  Ordinary Course of Business; (6) waive, release, grant or
                  transfer any rights of material value or modify or change any
                  existing Material Contract; (7) except in the Ordinary Course
                  of Business or as required by applicable Laws, enter into or
                  modify any Material Contract; (8) enter into any Contract that
                  can not be terminated by Leitch on or prior to the second
                  anniversary thereof without penalty; (9) make or amend any Tax
                  elections or amend any Tax Returns; (10) acquire or commit to
                  acquire any assets except for purchases of inventory in the
                  Ordinary Course of Business and except for capital
                  expenditures contemplated by the capital plan approved by the
                  Board of Directors and provided to Harris and identified as
                  the capital plan referenced by this subsection, or (11)
                  authorize or propose any of the foregoing, or enter into or
                  modify any Contract, agreement, commitment or arrangement to
                  do any of the foregoing; provided, however, that the foregoing
                  shall not apply to any action, transaction or agreement
                  (including a series of transactions) with a value of less than
                  $1 million individually or $3 million in the aggregate (for
                  greater certainty in the case of any joint venture,
                  partnership or similar arrangement to which Leitch is a party,
                  value shall be measured only as the value of Leitch's
                  proportionate interest) but excluding any SMT Assets except in
                  accordance with SUBCLAUSE 5.1(a)(IV)(1) above;

         (v)      Except as previously agreed to by Harris or as set forth in
                  the Leitch Disclosure Letter or as contemplated by this
                  Agreement or the Executive Agreements, Leitch shall not, and
                  shall cause its subsidiaries not to, grant to any officer or
                  director, an increase in compensation in any form, grant any
                  general salary increase, grant to any other employee any
                  increase in compensation in any form, make any loan to any
                  officer or director except for daylight employee assistance
                  loans in connection with the exercise of Leitch Options, or
                  take any action with respect to the grant of any retention,
                  severance or termination pay to, or the entering into of any
                  employment or change of control agreement with, any officer or
                  director of Leitch or any of its subsidiaries, or with respect
                  to any increase of benefits payable under its current
                  severance or termination pay policies, other than in the
                  Ordinary Course of Business (including annual salary
                  increases, bonuses and option grants);

         (vi)     Leitch shall accelerate the vesting of any unvested Leitch
                  Options, but shall not otherwise amend, vary or modify the
                  Leitch Stock Option Plan or the Restricted

                                     - 37 -

                  Share Awards except as contemplated by this Agreement or the
                  Executive Agreements;

         (vii)    Leitch shall not settle or compromise any claim brought by any
                  present, former or purported holder of its securities in
                  connection with the transactions contemplated by this
                  Agreement or the Arrangement prior to the Effective Date
                  without the prior written consent of Harris, which consent
                  shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed;

         (viii)   other than in the Ordinary Course of Business or pursuant to
                  existing employment, collective bargaining, pension,
                  supplemental pension, termination, severance, or compensation
                  agreements, plans, arrangements or policies or as is necessary
                  to comply with applicable Laws or as disclosed in the Leitch
                  Disclosure Letter, or as contemplated by this Agreement,
                  neither Leitch nor any of its subsidiaries shall adopt or
                  amend in any significant manner or make any contribution to
                  any Leitch Plan or any other bonus, profit sharing, option,
                  pension, retirement, deferred compensation, insurance,
                  incentive compensation, other compensation or other similar
                  plan, agreement, trust, fund or arrangement for the benefit of

         (ix)     Leitch shall use its reasonable commercial efforts to cause
                  its current insurance (or re-insurance) policies maintained by
                  Leitch or any subsidiary, including directors' and officers'
                  insurance, not to be cancelled or terminated or any of the
                  coverage thereunder to lapse, unless simultaneously with such
                  termination, cancellation or lapse, replacement policies
                  underwritten by insurance or re-insurance companies of
                  nationally recognized standing having comparable deductions
                  and providing coverage equal to or greater than the coverage
                  under the cancelled, terminated or lapsed policies for
                  substantially similar premiums are in full force and effect;

         (x)      Leitch shall not adopt, approve or implement a shareholder
                  rights plan or similar poison pill arrangement.

         (b) To the extent that the covenants or agreements contained herein
relate directly or indirectly to a subsidiary of Leitch, each such provision
shall be construed as a covenant or agreement by Leitch to cause (to the fullest
extent to which it is legally capable) such subsidiary to perform the required


         Leitch shall and shall cause its subsidiaries to perform all
obligations required to be performed by Leitch or any of its subsidiaries under
this Agreement, co-operate with Harris in connection therewith, and do all such
other commercially reasonable acts and things as may be necessary or desirable
in order to consummate and make effective, as soon as reasonably practicable,
the transactions contemplated in this Agreement and, without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, Leitch shall and where appropriate shall cause its
subsidiaries to:

                                     - 38 -

         (a)      as soon as reasonably practicable after the execution of this
                  Agreement, apply to the Court in a manner acceptable to
                  Harris, acting reasonably, under section 182 of the OBCA for
                  the Interim Order and thereafter proceed with such application
                  and diligently seek the Interim Order;

         (b)      provide or cause to be provided to Harris from time to time
                  all proxy return information and dissent notices with respect
                  to the Meeting on a timely basis;

         (c)      provide lists of Shareholders prepared by its transfer agent
                  and a list of holders of Leitch Options and any other rights,
                  warrants or convertible securities currently outstanding (with
                  full particulars as to the purchase, exercise or conversion
                  price, vesting and expiry date) as well as a security position
                  listing from each depositary, including The Canadian
                  Depositary for Securities Limited, and deliver any such lists
                  to Harris promptly following the date hereof and promptly
                  deliver to Harris upon demand thereafter supplemental lists
                  setting out changes thereto;

         (d)      use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain all necessary
                  waivers, consents and approvals required to be obtained by it
                  from other parties to loan agreements, joint venture
                  agreements, partnerships, leases, licences and other Contracts
                  to consummate the Arrangement and permit the Business to be
                  carried on in a manner substantially consistent with its
                  current operation following the Effective Date, except for
                  such waivers, consents and approvals which if not obtained
                  would not have a Material Adverse Effect on Leitch;

         (e)      apply for and obtain all Appropriate Regulatory Approvals
                  relating to Leitch or any of its subsidiaries and in doing so,
                  keep Harris informed as to the status of the proceedings
                  related to obtaining such Appropriate Regulatory Approvals,
                  including but not limited to, providing Harris with copies of
                  all related applications and notifications in draft form
                  (other than commercially sensitive material that may be
                  required to be filed by Leitch under the HSR Act in connection
                  with obtaining the Appropriate Regulatory Approvals), in order
                  for Harris to provide its reasonable comments;

         (f)      effect all necessary registrations, filings, applications and
                  submissions of information required by a Governmental Entity
                  from Leitch or any of its subsidiaries in connection with the
                  Arrangement and, if necessary, participate and appear in any
                  proceedings of either Party before or by any Governmental

         (g)      defend or appeal any Proceeding relating to any injunction or
                  restraining order or other order or action seeking to stop or
                  otherwise adversely affecting the ability of the Parties to
                  consummate the transactions contemplated hereby;

         (h)      use its commercially reasonable efforts to convene and hold
                  the Meeting for the purpose of considering the Arrangement
                  Resolution (and for such other proper purposes as may be set
                  out in the notice calling the Meeting) on or before October
                  31, 2005 but in any event convene and hold the Meeting not
                  later than the fifth

                                     - 39 -

                  Business Day preceding the Outside Date (the "MEETING DATE")
                  except as contemplated by this Agreement;

         (i)      except as required for quorum purposes, not adjourn, postpone,
                  cancel (or propose the adjournment, postponement or
                  cancellation of) or fail to call the Meeting without the prior
                  written consent of Harris (not to be unreasonably withheld),
                  except as required by applicable Laws or as contemplated by
                  this Agreement (including in order to comply with disclosure

         (j)      subject to SECTION 5.3, recommend that the Shareholders vote
                  in favour of the Arrangement Resolution;

         (k)      subject to SECTION 5.3, solicit from the Shareholders proxies
                  in favour of the approval of the Arrangement Resolution and
                  take all other reasonable action that is necessary or
                  desirable to secure the approval of the Arrangement

         (l)      subject to obtaining the approvals (including Shareholder
                  approval) as required by the Interim Order, proceed with and
                  diligently pursue the application to the Court for the Final
                  Order as soon as practicable following the Meeting and
                  satisfaction or waiver of the other conditions herein
                  contained in favour of each Party;

         (m)      as soon as practicable following receipt of the Final Order
                  and satisfaction or waiver of the other conditions herein
                  contained in favour of each Party, promptly send to the
                  Director, for endorsement and filing, the Articles of
                  Arrangement and such other documents as may be required; and

         (n)      immediately after the Effective Time, obtain the resignations
                  of each member of the Leitch Board of Directors and assist in
                  causing them to be replaced by individuals nominated by Harris
                  and Harris Acquireco.


         The Circular shall include the unanimous recommendation of the Board of
Directors of Leitch that Shareholders vote in favour of the Arrangement
Resolution and shall confirm the prior unanimous recommendation to the Leitch
Board of Directors in respect of the Arrangement from the special committee of
the Leitch Board of Directors. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Agreement, the Board of Directors of Leitch may change its recommendation to the
Shareholders and refrain from complying with its obligations under SECTION
5.2(k) if and to the extent that the Board of Directors determines, in good
faith (after consultation with outside counsel) that such action is necessary
for the Board of Directors to act in a manner consistent with its fiduciary
duties or applicable Laws. The foregoing shall not relieve Leitch from its
obligation to proceed to call and hold the Meeting and to hold the vote on the
Arrangement Resolution except in circumstances where this Agreement is
terminated in accordance with the terms hereof.



         (a) Leitch shall not, directly or indirectly, through any officer,
director, employee, representative or agent of Leitch or any of its
subsidiaries, solicit, initiate, knowingly facilitate or knowingly encourage
(including by way of furnishing non-public information or entering into any form
of agreement, arrangement or understanding) the initiation of any inquiries or
proposals regarding an Acquisition Proposal; provided that nothing contained in
this Agreement shall prevent the Board of Directors of Leitch, after the date
hereof, considering, negotiating, accepting, approving, recommending to the
Shareholders or entering into a Similar Confidentiality Agreement and providing
information pursuant to this SECTION 5.4 or entering into an agreement,
understanding or arrangement in respect of an Acquisition Proposal that is a
Superior Proposal where: (i) the Person making such Superior Proposal or the
making of the Superior Proposal is not in breach of any agreement between such
Person and Leitch or its subsidiaries; and (ii) such Superior Proposal did not
result from a breach by Leitch of its obligations set forth in this SECTION 5.4
or in SECTION 5.5.

         (b) Leitch shall immediately cease and cause to be terminated any
existing discussions or negotiations with any parties (other than Harris or its
representatives) with respect to any potential Acquisition Proposal. Leitch
agrees not to release any third party from any confidentiality agreement to
which such third party is a party. Leitch further agrees not to release any
third party from any standstill agreement or provision to which such third party
is a party unless such third party has made a Superior Proposal to the extent of
such Superior Proposal. Leitch shall immediately request the return or
destruction of all information previously provided to any third party which has
entered into, at any time in the two year period prior to the date of this
Agreement, a confidentiality agreement with Leitch relating to a potential
Acquisition Proposal and shall use all reasonable commercial efforts to ensure
that such requests are honoured.

         (c) Leitch shall promptly notify Harris of any Acquisition Proposal and
communications related thereto of which any of its directors or officers become
aware after the date hereof (including the renewal of any Acquisition Proposal
made prior to the date hereof), or any amendments to the foregoing, or any
request for non-public information relating to Leitch or any of its
subsidiaries, in connection with an Acquisition Proposal or for access to the
properties, books or records of Leitch or any subsidiary by any Person or entity
that informs Leitch or such subsidiary that it is considering making, or has
made, an Acquisition Proposal. Such notice shall include a copy of any written
Acquisition Proposal and any amendment thereto and a description of all material
terms of any oral or other communications related to an Acquisition Proposal,
including the identity of the Person making such Acquisition Proposal.

         (d) If Leitch receives a request for material non-public information
from a Person who proposes a bona fide Acquisition Proposal and the Board of
Directors of Leitch determines that such proposal would be a Superior Proposal
made in compliance with SUBSECTION 5.4(a) and takes all such necessary actions
as to ensure compliance with the terms thereof then, and only in such case, the
Board of Directors of Leitch may, subject to the execution by such Person of a
confidentiality agreement having confidentiality and standstill provisions and
other terms at least as restrictive as the Confidentiality Agreement (a "SIMILAR
CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT"), provide such Person with access to information
regarding Leitch or its subsidiaries; provided,


however that the Person making the Acquisition Proposal shall not be precluded
thereunder from making such Acquisition Proposal, and provided further that
Leitch sends a copy of any such Similar Confidentiality Agreement to Harris
promptly upon its execution and Harris is promptly provided with a list and,
upon request, copies of all information provided to such Person and is promptly
provided with access to information similar to that which was provided to such

         (e) Leitch shall ensure that its senior officers and directors and any
financial or other advisors or representatives retained by it are aware of the
provisions of this SECTION 5.4, and it shall be responsible for any breach of
this SECTION 5.4 by any such Person or its advisors or representatives.


         (a) Leitch shall not accept, approve, recommend or enter into any
agreement, arrangement or understanding to implement a Superior Proposal (other
than a Similar Confidentiality Agreement) without:

         (i)      complying fully with the provisions of SECTION 5.4;

         (ii)     providing to Harris (1) written notice that the Board of
                  Directors of Leitch has determined that it has received and is
                  prepared to accept a Superior Proposal, and (2) a copy of any
                  proposal or commitment to make a Superior Proposal executed by
                  the Person making the Superior Proposal, in each case, as soon
                  as possible but in any event not less than five Business Days
                  prior to acceptance of the Superior Proposal by the Board of

         (iii)    if such five Business Day period would not terminate on or
                  before the date fixed for the Meeting, Leitch shall adjourn
                  the Meeting to a date that is not less than two nor more than
                  five Business Days after the expiration of the five Business
                  Day period;

         (iv)     providing Harris with an opportunity (but not the obligation),
                  before the expiration of such five Business Day period, to
                  propose to amend this Agreement to provide for consideration
                  having a value and financial and other terms equivalent to or
                  more favourable to the Shareholders than those contained in
                  such Superior Proposal with the result that the Superior
                  Proposal would cease to be a Superior Proposal; and

         (v)      terminating this Agreement pursuant to SECTION 8.1(e) and
                  paying the Termination Fee to Harris.

         (b) In the event that Harris agrees to amend this Agreement in the
manner described in SUBSECTION 5.5(a)(iv), but otherwise on terms substantially
the same as the terms of this Agreement, the Board of Directors of Leitch shall
consider the terms of the amendment and if it concludes the Superior Proposal is
no longer a Superior Proposal, Leitch shall not implement the proposed Superior
Proposal and may not terminate this Agreement pursuant to SECTION 8.1(e), and
shall agree to the amendments to this Agreement.


         (c) In the event that Harris does not agree to amend this Agreement as
contemplated by SUBSECTION 5.5(b) and immediately prior to the termination of
this Agreement such Superior Proposal constitutes a Superior Proposal in
comparison with the terms hereof, Leitch may terminate this Agreement in
accordance with SECTION 8.1(e) and thereafter may enter into an agreement in
order to implement the Superior Proposal.


         Harris shall perform all obligations required to be performed by Harris
under this Agreement, co-operate with Leitch in connection therewith, and use
its commercially reasonable efforts to do all such other acts and things as may
be necessary or desirable in order to consummate and make effective, as soon as
reasonably practicable, the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and,
without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Harris shall and where
appropriate Harris shall cause its other subsidiaries to:

         (a)      apply for and use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain
                  all Appropriate Regulatory Approvals relating to Harris and,
                  in doing so, keep Leitch informed as to the status of the
                  proceedings related to obtaining the Appropriate Regulatory
                  Approvals, including, but not limited to, providing Leitch
                  with copies of all related applications and notifications, in
                  draft form (other than commercially sensitive material that
                  may be required to be filed by Harris under the HSR Act in
                  connection with obtaining the Appropriate Regulatory
                  Approvals), in order for Leitch to provide its reasonable
                  comments. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall
                  Harris or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates be obligated
                  to propose or agree to accept any undertaking or condition,
                  enter into any consent decree, make any divestiture, accept
                  any operational restriction or take or commit to take any
                  action that would reasonably be expected to materially limit
                  Harris' ability to retain, own or operate any of the Business
                  or portions thereof, or alter or restrict in any material way
                  the Business or commercial practices of Harris or its
                  subsidiaries or affiliates, and Leitch shall not, without
                  Harris' prior written consent, take or commit to take any
                  action that would reasonably be expected to result in any of
                  the foregoing;

         (b)      cooperate with Leitch in the preparation of the Circular;

         (c)      ensure that its representatives attend the Meeting and the
                  hearings in respect of the Interim Order and the Final Order;

         (d)      use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain all necessary
                  waivers, consents and approvals required to be obtained to
                  consummate the Arrangement;

         (e)      vote any Common Shares owned or over which control or
                  direction is exercised by it in favour of the Arrangement
                  Resolution and any related matters at the Meeting;

         (f)      effect all necessary registrations, filing, applications and
                  submissions of information required by a Governmental Entity
                  from Harris in connection with


                  the Arrangement and, if necessary, participate and appear in
                  any proceedings of either Party before or by any Governmental

         (g)      defend or appeal any Proceeding relating to any injunction or
                  restraining order or other order or action seeking to stop or
                  otherwise adversely affecting the ability of the Parties to
                  consummate the transactions contemplated hereby;

         (h)      after the Effective Date, cause Leitch to maintain the
                  corporate governance and code of ethics policies of Leitch in
                  effect at the Effective Date until such time as Leitch ceases
                  to be a reporting issuer under applicable securities Laws; and

         (i)      ensure Harris Acquireco has sufficient funds to pay the
                  Aggregate Cash Consideration Payable to holders of Common
                  Shares and Leitch Options on the Effective Date and shall
                  cause the Common Share Consideration payable to holders of
                  Common Shares and the Option Consideration payable to holders
                  of Leitch Options at or after the Effective Time to be
                  deposited with the Depositary not later than immediately prior
                  to the Effective Time.


         Each of the Parties covenants and agrees that, except as otherwise
expressly contemplated in this Agreement, during the period from the date of
this Agreement until the earlier of the Effective Date and the time that this
Agreement is terminated in accordance with its terms:

         (a)      it shall not take any action which would reasonably be
                  expected to significantly impede the making or completion of
                  the Arrangement; and

         (b)      it shall use its reasonable commercial efforts to conduct its
                  affairs so that all of its representations and warranties
                  contained herein shall (i) to the extent qualified by
                  materiality, be true and correct in all respects, and (ii) to
                  the extent not qualified by materiality, be true and correct
                  in all material respects, in each case, on and as of the
                  Effective Date as if made thereon.


         Leitch agrees to effect prior to the Effective Date, at Harris'
expense, such reorganizations of its business, operations and assets or such
other transactions (each, a "PRE-ACQUISITION REORGANIZATION") as Harris may
reasonably request prior to the Effective Date, and the Plan of Arrangement, if
required, shall be modified accordingly in accordance with its terms, provided
that Harris shall provide written notice in reasonable detail to Leitch of any
proposed Pre-Acquisition Reorganization at least fifteen Business Days prior to
the Meeting Date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Leitch shall not be obligated
to effect any Pre-Acquisition Reorganization which, in the opinion of Leitch,
acting reasonably, (A) would prejudice it or the Shareholders, or (B) would
impede or materially delay the completion of the transactions contemplated
hereby. Harris agrees to indemnify and hold Leitch harmless from and against any
cost, liability or expense incurred by Leitch as a result of any Pre-Acquisition
Reorganization undertaken if this Agreement is terminated. Harris acknowledges
and agrees that the


consummation of any Pre-acquisition Reorganization requested by Harris shall not
be a condition to completion of the transactions contemplated hereby or
effectiveness of the Arrangement.

                                   ARTICLE VI


         The obligations of Leitch and Harris to complete the transactions
contemplated hereby are subject to fulfilment of the following conditions on or
before the Effective Date or such other time prior thereto as is specified

         (a)      the Interim Order shall have been obtained in form and
                  substance satisfactory to the Parties, acting reasonably, and
                  shall not have been set aside or modified in a manner
                  unacceptable to either of the Parties, acting reasonably, on
                  appeal or otherwise;

         (b)      the Shareholders shall have approved the Arrangement
                  Resolution in accordance with the terms of the Interim Order;

         (c)      the Final Order shall have been granted before the Outside
                  Date in form and substance satisfactory to the Parties, acting
                  reasonably, and shall not have been set aside or modified in a
                  manner unacceptable to either of the Parties, acting
                  reasonably, on appeal or otherwise;

         (d)      there shall be no Proceeding in progress of a judicial or
                  administrative nature or otherwise brought by or before a
                  Governmental Entity that would reasonably be expected to
                  result in an order, ruling, judgement or decree, or any Law
                  proposed, enacted, promulgated or applied, which:

                  (i)      makes illegal or otherwise directly or indirectly
                           restrains, enjoins or prohibits the Arrangement, or

                  (ii)     imposes damages, directly or indirectly, relating to
                           the transactions contemplated hereby which causes a
                           Material Adverse Effect on the Party to which it
                           applies; and

         (e)      all Appropriate Regulatory Approvals and the expiry of any
                  waiting periods, in connection with, or required to permit,
                  the completion of the Arrangement, the failure to obtain which
                  or the non-expiry of which would have a Material Adverse
                  Effect on either of the Parties or prevent, make illegal or
                  materially delay the completion of the Arrangement, shall have
                  been obtained or received on terms which will not have a
                  Material Adverse Effect on either of the Parties, and
                  reasonably satisfactory evidence thereof shall have been
                  delivered to each Party and shall not be subject to any
                  stop-order or Proceeding seeking a stop-order or revocation.


         The foregoing conditions are for the mutual benefit of each of the
Parties and may be waived, in whole or in part, by either Party at any time,
provided that no Party may waive any mutual condition on behalf of the other
Party. If any of such conditions shall not have been complied with or waived on
or before the date required for their performance, either Party may terminate
this Agreement by written notice to the other and shall have no other right or
remedy against the other Party except as may be provided by ARTICLE VII or
ARTICLE VIII. No Party may rely on the failure to satisfy any of the above
conditions precedent as a basis for non-compliance by the Party of its
obligations under this Agreement if the condition precedent would have been
satisfied but for a material default by the Party in complying with its
obligations hereunder.


         The obligations of Leitch hereunder to complete the transactions
contemplated hereby are subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions on
or before the Effective Date or such other time prior thereto as is specified

         (a)      the representations and warranties made by Harris in this
                  Agreement shall be true and correct in all material respects
                  as of the Effective Date as if made on and as of such date
                  (except to the extent that such representations and warranties
                  speak as of an earlier date) and Harris shall have provided a
                  certificate of two seniors officers certifying, in such
                  capacity and not personally, such truth and correctness on the
                  Effective Date;

         (b)      Harris shall have complied in all material respects with its
                  covenants herein and on the Effective Date Harris shall have
                  provided to Leitch a certificate of two senior officers
                  certifying, in such capacity and not personally, that Harris
                  has so complied with its covenants herein; and

         (c)      Harris shall have deposited the Common Share Consideration
                  payable to holders of Common Shares and the Option
                  Consideration payable to holders of Leitch Options at or after
                  the Effective Time with the Depositary not later than
                  immediately prior to the Effective Time.

         The foregoing conditions are for the benefit of Leitch and may be
waived, in whole or in part, by Leitch in its sole discretion in writing at any
time and, unless otherwise provided in a written waiver, will be limited to the
specific condition waived. If any of such conditions shall not have been
complied with or waived by Leitch on or before the date required for their
performance, Leitch may terminate this Agreement by written notice to Harris and
shall have no other right or remedy against Harris or Harris Acquireco except as
may be provided by ARTICLE VII or ARTICLE VIII. Leitch may not rely on the
failure to satisfy any of the above conditions precedent as a basis for
non-compliance by Leitch of its obligations under this Agreement if the
condition precedent would have been satisfied but for a material default by
Leitch in complying with its obligations hereunder.



         The obligation of Harris to complete the transactions contemplated
hereby is subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions on or before
the Effective Date or such other time prior thereto as is specified below:

         (a)      the representations and warranties made by Leitch in this
                  Agreement shall (i) to the extent qualified by materiality be
                  true and correct in all respects and (ii) to the extent not
                  qualified by materiality be true and correct in all material
                  respects, in each case, as of the Effective Date as if made on
                  and as of such date (except to the extent that such
                  representations and warranties speak as of an earlier date)
                  and Leitch shall have provided a certificate of two seniors
                  officers certifying, in such capacity and not personally, such
                  truth and correctness on the Effective Date;

         (b)      Leitch shall have complied in all material respects with its
                  covenants herein and on the Effective Date Leitch shall have
                  provided to Harris a certificate of two senior officers
                  certifying, in such capacity and not personally, that Leitch
                  has so complied with its covenants herein;

         (c)      rights of dissent in relation to the Arrangement shall not
                  have been duly exercised by the holders of more than 10% of
                  the Common Shares; and

         (d)      from the date hereof (or prior to the date hereof to the
                  extent the relevant change, event, occurrence or development
                  shall have been disclosed generally or to Harris only after
                  the date of this Agreement) up to and including the Effective
                  Date there shall not have occurred a Material Adverse Effect
                  on Leitch.

         The foregoing conditions are for the benefit of Harris and may be
waived, in whole or in part, by Harris in its sole discretion, in writing at any
time and, unless otherwise provided in the written waiver, will be limited to
the specific condition waived. If any of such conditions shall not have been
complied with or waived by Harris on or before the date required for their
performance, Harris may terminate this Agreement by written notice to Leitch and
shall have no other right or remedy against Leitch except as may be provided by
ARTICLE VII or ARTICLE VIII. Harris may not rely on the failure to satisfy any
of the above conditions precedent as a basis for non-compliance by Harris of its
obligations under this Agreement if the condition precedent would have been
satisfied but for a material default by Harris in complying with its obligations


         The conditions set out in SECTIONS 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 shall be
conclusively deemed to have been satisfied, waived or released upon the filing
of the Articles of Arrangement as contemplated by this Agreement.


         Each Party will give prompt notice to the other of the occurrence, or
failure to occur, at any time from the date hereof until the earlier to occur of
the termination of this Agreement and


the Effective Time of any event or state of facts which occurrence or failure
would, or would be likely to:

         (a)      cause any of the representations or warranties of either Party
                  contained herein qualified as to materiality to be untrue or
                  inaccurate or any of those not so qualified to be untrue or
                  inaccurate in any material respect on the date hereof or at
                  the Effective Date; or

         (b)      result in the failure to comply with or satisfy any covenant,
                  condition or agreement to be complied with or satisfied by
                  either Party hereunder prior to the Effective Date.

         No Party may elect not to complete the transactions contemplated hereby
pursuant to the conditions set forth herein or exercise any termination right
arising therefrom unless forthwith and in any event prior to the Effective Time,
the Party intending to rely thereon has delivered a written notice to the other
Party specifying in reasonable detail all breaches of covenants, representations
and warranties or other matters which the Party delivering such notice is
asserting as the basis for the non-fulfilment of the applicable condition or
exercise of the termination right, as the case may be. If any such notice is
delivered, provided that a Party is proceeding diligently to cure such matter
and such matter is capable of being cured (except matters arising out of the
failure to make appropriate disclosure in the Leitch Disclosure Letter), no
Party may terminate this Agreement until the later of the Outside Date and the
expiration of a period of 30 days from such notice. If such notice has been
delivered prior to the making of the application for the Final Order or the
filing of the Articles of Arrangement with the Director, such application and
such filing shall be postponed until the expiry of such period. For greater
certainty, in the event that such matter is cured within the time period
referred to herein, this Agreement may not be terminated.

                                   ARTICLE VII


         Notwithstanding the provisions of SECTION 7.2, if, after the execution
of this Agreement, the Arrangement is not consummated and:

         (a)      Harris shall have terminated this Agreement pursuant to
                  SECTION 8.1(c);

         (b)      a bona fide Acquisition Proposal is publicly announced,
                  proposed, offered or made to the Shareholders or to Leitch
                  prior to the Meeting and after such Acquisition Proposal shall
                  have been made known, made or announced the Arrangement
                  Resolution does not receive the required approval of the
                  Shareholders or the Arrangement Resolution is not submitted
                  for approval of the Shareholders and, in either event, that
                  Acquisition Proposal (the "FIRST ACQUISITION PROPOSAL") or any
                  other Acquisition Proposal publicly announced, proposed,
                  offered or made to the Shareholders or to Leitch while the
                  First Acquisition Proposal is outstanding (a "SUBSEQUENT
                  ACQUISITION PROPOSAL") or while any Subsequent Acquisition
                  Proposal is outstanding is completed


                  substantially in accordance with its terms on or prior to the
                  first anniversary of the Meeting Date; or

         (c)      Leitch shall have terminated this Agreement pursuant to
                  SECTION 8.1(e);

then, Leitch shall pay to Harris, within two Business Days of the first to occur
of the foregoing, a fee in the amount of $14,800,000 (the "TERMINATION FEE") as
liquidated damages in cash or immediately available funds to an account
designated by Harris.


         (a) Subject to SUBSECTION 2.7(e), CLAUSE 5.1(a)(iv), SECTION 5.8 and
SUBSECTIONS 7.2(b) and (c), each Party shall pay all fees, costs and expenses
incurred by such Party in connection with this Agreement, the Arrangement and
the transactions contemplated therein.

         (b) If this Agreement is terminated by Harris pursuant to SUBSECTIONS
8.1(f) or 8.1(h) or if the Arrangement Resolution is not approved by the
Shareholders then, within five Business Days following receipt by Leitch of
notice of such termination or forthwith following the Meeting, as the case may
be, Leitch shall pay to Harris in cash or immediately available funds to an
account designated by Harris an amount equal to up to $2,500,000 as payment in
respect of Harris' actual costs and expenses incurred in connection with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement (the amount of such costs and
expenses to be certified by Harris to Leitch in writing in reasonable detail).

         (c) No fees shall be payable by Leitch under SUBSECTION 7.2(b) if
Leitch has paid the Termination Fee, and any fees paid by Leitch under
SUBSECTION 7.2(b) shall be credited against the Termination Fee to the extent
that it subsequently becomes payable by Leitch.

         (d) If this Agreement is terminated by Leitch pursuant to SUBSECTION
8.1(g) then, within five Business Days following receipt by Harris of notice of
such termination, Harris shall pay to Leitch in cash or immediately available
funds to an account designated by Leitch an amount equal to up to $2,500,000 as
payment in respect of Leitch's actual costs and expenses incurred in connection
with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (the amount of such costs
and expenses to be certified by Leitch to Harris in writing in reasonable


         Each Party acknowledges that all of the payment amounts set out in this
ARTICLE VII are payments of liquidated damages which are a genuine pre-estimate
of the damages which the Party entitled to such damages will suffer or incur as
a result of the event giving rise to such damages and the resultant termination
of this Agreement and are not penalties. Each Party irrevocably waives any right
it may have to raise as a defence that any such liquidated damages are excessive
or punitive. For greater certainty, the Parties agree that, subject to ARTICLE
VIII, payment of an amount determined pursuant to SECTION 7.1 OR 7.2(b) OR
7.2(d) in the manner provided in respect thereof is the sole monetary remedy of
the Party receiving such payment. Nothing contained herein shall preclude a
Party from seeking injunctive relief to restrain any breach or threatened breach
of the covenants or agreements set forth in this Agreement or


otherwise to obtain specific performance of any of such acts, covenants or
agreements, without the necessity of posting a bond or security in connection


         (a) Subject to the Confidentiality Agreement and applicable Laws, from
the date hereof until the earlier of the Effective Date and the termination of
this Agreement, upon reasonable notice, Leitch shall, and shall cause its
subsidiaries and its respective officers, directors, employees and agents to,
permit to Harris and to the officers, employees, agents and representatives of
Harris such reasonable access as Harris may reasonably require to Leitch's
officers, employees, agents, properties, books, records and Contracts, and shall
furnish Harris with all data and information as Harris may reasonably request.

         (b) Reference is made to the confidentiality provisions set forth in
the Confidentiality Agreement (the "CONFIDENTIALITY PROVISIONS"). The Parties
covenant and agree to observe the Confidentiality Provisions as if they were set
forth in this SECTION 7.4(b) mutatis mutandis.


         (a) Harris will, or will cause Leitch to, at Harris' option, either (i)
maintain in effect without any reduction in scope or coverage for not less than
six years from the Effective Date customary policies of directors' and officers'
liability insurance providing protection comparable to the protection provided
by the policies maintained by Leitch in favour of the directors and officers of
Leitch and each of its subsidiaries which are in effect immediately prior to the
Effective Date and providing protection in respect of claims arising from facts
or events which occurred prior to the Effective Time or (ii) purchase as an
extension of Leitch's current insurance policies, prepaid non cancellable
run-off directors' and officers' liability insurance providing coverage
comparable to that contained in Leitch's existing policy for six years from the
Effective Time with respect to claims arising from or related to facts or events
that occurred at or prior to the Effective Time.

         (b) Harris agrees that all rights to indemnification or exculpation
(including rights under Leitch's corporate by-laws) now existing in favour of
any present or former officer or director of Leitch or any of its subsidiaries
shall survive the completion of the Arrangement and shall continue in full force
and effect for a period of not less than six years from the Effective Date and
Harris hereby assumes, effective upon completion of the Arrangement, all such
liability with respect to matters arising prior to the Effective Time.

         (c) In the event that Leitch or any of its successors or assigns (i)
consolidates with or merges into any other Person and shall not be the
continuing or surviving corporation or entity of such consolidation or merger,
or (ii) transfers all or substantially all of its properties and assets to any
Person, then, and in each such case, proper provision shall be made so that such
successors and assigns of Leitch or, at Harris' option, Harris shall assume the
obligations set forth in this SECTION 7.5 without releasing in any respect
Harris' obligations hereunder.

         (d) The provisions of this SECTION 7.5 are (i) for the benefit of, and
shall be enforceable by, each indemnified Party, his or her heirs, executors,
administrators and other legal representatives and (ii) are in addition to, and
not in substitution for, any other rights to


indemnification or contribution that any such person may have by contract or
otherwise, and the rights granted under this SUBSECTION 7.5(d) shall be held by
Leitch in trust for such persons provided, however, that no approval of any
beneficiary of such trust shall be required in connection with an amendment or
variation of this section prior to the Effective Date.

7.6      BROKERS

         Leitch and Harris represent and warrant to each other that, except for
CIBC World Markets Inc. in the case of Leitch and Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc. in
the case of Harris, no broker, finder or investment banker is entitled to any
brokerage, finder's or other fee or commission, or to the reimbursement of any
of its expenses, in connection with this Agreement or the Arrangement. Leitch
has provided to Harris a correct and complete copy of all agreements relating to
the arrangements between it and CIBC World Markets Inc. relating to the payment
of fees and expenses which are in effect at the date hereof and agrees not to
hereafter amend the terms of any such agreements without the prior written
approval of Harris.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


         This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the Effective
Date (without further action on the part of the Shareholders if terminated after
the Meeting):

         (a)      by the written agreement of Harris and Leitch (notwithstanding
                  any approval of the Arrangement by the Shareholders);

         (b)      by either Harris or Leitch, if any Law makes the Arrangement
                  or any part of it illegal or otherwise prohibited and such
                  illegality or prohibition becomes final and non-appealable, or
                  if any judgement, injunction, order or decree of a
                  Governmental Entity enjoining Harris or Leitch from proceeding
                  with or completing the Arrangement or any part of it is
                  entered and such judgement, injunction, order or decree has
                  become final and non-appealable;

         (c)      by Harris, if (i) the Board of Directors of Leitch fails to
                  recommend or confirm its recommendation to Shareholders to
                  vote in favour of the Arrangement Resolution within three
                  Business Days of being requested to do so by Harris, or if the
                  Board of Directors of Leitch withdraws, modifies, or changes
                  its approval or recommendation of the Arrangement Resolution
                  in a manner adverse to Harris (it being understood that a
                  neutral position or no recommendation by the Board of
                  Directors of Leitch shall be considered to be adverse to
                  Harris) or if it shall have resolved to do so; (ii) Leitch has
                  materially breached its obligations under any of SECTIONS 5.4
                  or 5.5; or (iii) the Board of Directors of Leitch accepts,
                  approves, recommends or enters into an agreement (other than a
                  Similar Confidentiality Agreement) with any Person with
                  respect to a Superior Proposal;

         (d)      by either Harris or Leitch if at the Meeting, the Arrangement
                  Resolution does not receive the required approval of the


         (e)      by Leitch, if the Board of Directors of Leitch shall have
                  accepted, approved, and concurrently with such termination,
                  entered into an agreement, arrangement or understanding to
                  implement a Superior Proposal in accordance with the
                  provisions of SECTION 5.4 (provided that such Superior
                  Proposal did not result from a breach of SECTION 5.4 OR 5.5 by
                  Leitch), provided that Leitch shall have paid to Harris the
                  Termination Fee;

         (f)      by Harris, if Leitch has breached any of its representations,
                  warranties, agreements or obligations in this Agreement, the
                  breach of which would result in the failure to satisfy the
                  conditions in SECTION 6.3(a) or (b);

         (g)      by Leitch, if Harris has breached any of its representations,
                  warranties, agreements or obligations in this Agreement, the
                  breach of which would result in the failure to satisfy one or
                  more of the conditions set forth in SECTION 6.2(a) or (b);

         (h)      by Harris, if there shall have occurred after the date hereof
                  (or prior to the date hereof to the extent the relevant
                  change, event, occurrence or development shall have been
                  disclosed generally or to Harris only after the date of this
                  Agreement) up to and including the Effective Date, a Material
                  Adverse Effect on Leitch; or

         (i)      by either Party if the Effective Date does not occur on or
                  before the Outside Date provided that the failure of the
                  Effective Date to so occur is not the result of the breach of
                  a representation, warranty or covenant by the Party
                  terminating this Agreement.


         In the event of the termination of this Agreement in the circumstances
set out in this ARTICLE VIII, this Agreement shall forthwith become void and of
no force or effect, and no Party shall have any liability or further obligation
to the other Party hereunder except with respect to the obligations set forth in
SECTIONS 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4(b) and the first sentence of SECTION 7.6, which
shall survive such termination. However, nothing contained in this SECTION 8.2
or in ARTICLE VII including the payment of an amount under ARTICLE VII shall
relieve or have the effect of or result in relieving (i) in the event that the
Termination Fee has been paid by Leitch to Harris in accordance with SECTION
7.1, (A) Leitch in any way from liability for damages incurred or suffered by
Harris as a result of a breach of this Agreement by Leitch acting in bad faith
or in a manner intended and designed to result in the conditions precedent to
the completion of this Agreement not being satisfied, or (B) Harris in any way
from liability for damages incurred or suffered by Leitch as a result of a
breach of this Agreement by Harris, including without limitation as a result of
any inaccuracy in Harris' representations and warranties and any non-performance
by Harris of its covenants made herein; and (ii) in all other events, any Party
in any way from liability for damages incurred or suffered by a Party as a
result of a breach of this Agreement by a Party, including without limitation as
a result of any inaccuracy in its representations and warranties and any
non-performance by it of its covenants made herein.


8.3      WAIVER

         Any Party may (i) extend the time for the performance of any of the
obligations or acts of the other Party, (ii) waive compliance with any of the
other Party's agreements or the fulfilment of any conditions to its own
obligations contained herein, or (iii) waive inaccuracies in the other Party's
representations or warranties contained herein or in any document delivered by
the other Party; provided, however, that any such extension or waiver shall be
valid only if set forth in an instrument in writing signed on behalf of such
Party and, unless otherwise provided in the written waiver, will be limited to
the specific breach or condition waived.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

9.1      NOTICES

         All notices and other communications given or made pursuant hereto
shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given or made as of
the date delivered or sent if delivered personally or sent by electronic
transmission (including pdf), or as of the following Business Day in the
jurisdiction to which the notice or communication was sent, if sent by prepaid
overnight courier, to the Parties at the following addresses (or at such other
addresses as shall be specified by either Party by notice to the other given in
accordance with these provisions):

         (a)      to Leitch:

                  Leitch Technology Corporation
                  150 Ferrand Drive
                  Suite 700
                  Toronto, Ontario M3C 3E5

                  Attention:  Ian McElroy, Chairman - Special Committee of the
                              Board of Directors
                  E-mail:     ianmcelroy@rogers.com

                  with a copy to:

                  Torys LLP
                  Suite 3000, Box 270, TD Centre
                  79 Wellington Street West
                  Toronto, ON M5K 1N2

                  Attention:  James E. A. Turner and John E. Emanoilidis
                  E-mail:     jturner@torys.com/jemanoilidis@torys.com


         (b)      to Harris:

                  Harris Corporation
                  1025 West NASA Blvd.
                  Melbourne, FL 32934

                  Attention:  Scott T. Mikuen
                  E-mail:     scott.mikuen@harris.com

                  with a copy to:

                  Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
                  199 Bay Street
                  P.O. Box 25
                  Commerce Court West
                  Toronto, ON  M5L 1A9

                  Attention:  David J. Toswell
                  E-mail:     david.toswell@blakes.com


         This Agreement and the Confidentiality Agreement and the attached
schedules (including the Leitch Disclosure Letter) constitute the entire
agreement between the Parties pertaining to the subject matter hereof and
supersede all other prior and contemporaneous discussions, agreements and
understandings, both written and oral, among the Parties, including for greater
certainty the Exclusivity Agreement and there are no representations,
warranties, terms, conditions, undertakings or collateral agreements, expressed
or implied, between the Parties in connection with the subject matter of this
Agreement except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, the Confidentiality
Agreement and the Leitch Disclosure Letter.


         This Agreement shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the
Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns and, except for
SECTION 7.5 and the Plan of Arrangement as it relates to the rights of
Shareholders and holders of other securities of Leitch, is not intended to
confer upon any other Person any rights or remedies hereunder. The Parties shall
be entitled to rely upon delivery of an executed facsimile copy of this
Agreement, and such facsimile copy shall be legally effective to create a valid
and binding agreement between the Parties.


         Any investigation of Leitch and its subsidiaries by Harris and its
representatives and advisors will not mitigate, diminish or affect, in any way,
the representations and warranties of Leitch set out in SECTION 3.1 of this



         This Agreement and the Plan of Arrangement shall be governed, including
as to validity, interpretation and effect, by the laws of the Province of
Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein (without application
of their conflict of law principles), and shall be construed and treated in all
respects as an Ontario contract.

9.6      VENUE

         For the purpose of all legal Proceedings, this Agreement and the Plan
of Arrangement will be deemed to have been performed in the Province of Ontario
and the courts of the Province of Ontario will have exclusive jurisdiction to
entertain any action arising under this Agreement and the Plan of Arrangement.
Each Party hereby attorns to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the
Province of Ontario.


         The Parties agree that irreparable damage would occur in the event that
any of the provisions of this Agreement were not performed in accordance with
their specific terms or were otherwise breached. It is accordingly agreed that
the Parties shall be entitled to an injunction or injunctions to prevent
breaches of this Agreement and to enforce specifically the terms and provisions
hereof in any Court of the Province of Ontario having jurisdiction, this being
in addition to any other remedy to which they are entitled at law or in equity.


         Time shall be of the essence in this Agreement.


         Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations
hereunder may be assigned by any of the Parties without the prior written
consent of the other Parties.


         If any term or other provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal or
incapable of being enforced by any rule or Law or public policy, all other
conditions and provisions of this Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full
force and effect so long as the economic or legal substance of the transactions
contemplated hereby is not affected in any manner materially adverse to any
Party. Upon such determination that any term or other provision is invalid,
illegal or incapable of being enforced, the Parties shall negotiate in good
faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original intent of the
Parties as closely as possible in an acceptable manner to the end that the
transactions contemplated hereby are fulfilled to the fullest extent possible.


         This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of
which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which together shall
constitute one and the same instrument.



         (a) No director or officer of Harris or any of its subsidiaries shall
have any personal liability whatsoever to Leitch under this Agreement, or any
other document delivered in connection with the Arrangement on behalf of Harris.

         (b) No director or officer of Leitch or any of its subsidiaries shall
have any personal liability whatsoever to Harris under this Agreement, or any
other document delivered in connection with the Arrangement on behalf of Leitch.

9.13     AMENDMENT

         This Agreement may, at any time and from time to time before or after
the holding of the Meeting but not later than the Effective Time, be amended by
mutual written agreement of the Parties hereto.



         IN WITNESS WHEREOF Harris and Leitch have caused this Agreement to be
executed as of the date first written above by their respective officers
thereunto duly authorized.

                                      HARRIS CORPORATION

                                      by: /s/ HOWARD L. LANCE
                                         Chairman, President and
                                         Chief Executive Officer

                                      by: /s/ BRYAN R. ROUB
                                         Senior Vice President
                                         and Chief Financial Officer

                                      LEITCH TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION

                                      by: /s/ DAVID CHAIKOF
                                         David Chaikof, Director

                                      by: /s/ GRAHAM SAVAGE
                                         Graham Savage, Director

                                   SCHEDULE A



o        Expiration (without any action by the Federal Trade Commission or
         Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice) of all applicable
         waiting periods under the HSR Act after a filing of an application with
         the Federal Trade Commission and Antitrust Division of the Department
         of Justice or earlier termination thereof, including any voluntary
         agreed upon extensions.


o        Declarations or approvals from the competent competition authorities in
         jurisdictions in which declarations or approvals are required under
         applicable antitrust and competition laws that the Arrangement is in
         compliance with such laws and that it may be consummated, or expiration
         of the applicable waiting periods under such laws.

                                   SCHEDULE B

                             ARRANGEMENT RESOLUTION

                          LEITCH TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION


1.       The arrangement (the "ARRANGEMENT") under SECTION 182 of the Business
         Corporations Act (Ontario) (the "OBCA") involving Leitch Technology
         Corporation (the "CORPORATION") and Harris Corporation, as more
         particularly described and set forth in the management information
         circular (the "CIRCULAR") of the Corporation accompanying the notice of
         this meeting (as the Arrangement may be modified or amended in
         accordance with its terms) is hereby authorized, approved and adopted.

2.       The plan of arrangement (the "PLAN OF ARRANGEMENT") involving the
         Corporation, the full text of which is set out as Schedule C to the
         arrangement agreement made as of August 31, 2005 between the
         Corporation and Harris Corporation (the "ARRANGEMENT AGREEMENT"), (as
         the Plan of Arrangement may be modified or amended in accordance with
         its terms) is hereby authorized, approved and adopted.

3.       Notwithstanding that this resolution has been passed, and the
         Arrangement adopted, by the holders of common shares of the Corporation
         ("COMMON SHARES") or that the Arrangement has been approved by the
         Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the directors of the Corporation are
         hereby authorized and empowered without further notice to or approval
         of the holders of Common Shares (i) to amend the Arrangement Agreement
         or the Plan of Arrangement, to the extent permitted by the Arrangement
         Agreement, and (ii) subject to the terms of the Arrangement Agreement,
         not to proceed with the Arrangement.

4.       Any officer or director of the Corporation is hereby authorized and
         directed for and on behalf of the Corporation to execute, under the
         seal of the Corporation or otherwise, and to deliver articles of
         arrangement and such other documents as are necessary or desirable to
         the Director under the OBCA in accordance with the Arrangement
         Agreement for filing.

5.       Any officer or director of the Corporation is hereby authorized and
         directed for and on behalf of the Corporation to execute or cause to be
         executed, under the seal of the Corporation or otherwise, and to
         deliver or cause to be delivered, all such other documents and
         instruments and to perform or cause to be performed all such other acts
         and things as in such Person's opinion may be necessary or desirable to
         give full effect to the foregoing resolutions and the matters
         authorized thereby, such determination to be conclusively evidenced by
         the execution and delivery of such document or instrument or the doing
         of any such act or thing.

                                   SCHEDULE C

                                     FORM OF
                      PLAN OF ARRANGEMENT UNDER SECTION 182

                                    ARTICLE I

SECTION 1.1 DEFINITIONS. In this Plan of Arrangement unless there is something
in the subject matter or context inconsistent therewith, the following words and
phrases shall have the meanings hereinafter set forth:

         "AFFILIATE" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the OBCA;

         "ARRANGEMENT" means the arrangement contemplated herein to be made on
         the terms set out in this Plan of Arrangement subject to any amendments
         or variations thereto made in accordance with the Arrangement Agreement
         and the terms hereof or made at the direction of the Court in the Final
         Order (with the consent of Leitch and Harris, each acting reasonably);

         "ARRANGEMENT AGREEMENT" means the Arrangement Agreement providing for
         this Plan of Arrangement by and between Harris and Leitch dated as of
         August 31, 2005, as the same may be amended, supplemented and/or
         restated from time to time;

         "ARRANGEMENT RESOLUTION" means the special resolution in respect of the
         Arrangement to be considered and approved by holders of Common Shares
         at the Meeting to be substantially in the form of Schedule B annexed to
         the Arrangement Agreement;

         "ARTICLES OF ARRANGEMENT" means the articles of arrangement of Leitch
         in respect of the Arrangement that are required by the OBCA to be filed
         with the Director after the Final Order is made;

         "BOARD OF DIRECTORS" means the board of directors of Leitch;

         "BUSINESS DAY" means any day, other than a Saturday, a Sunday or
         statutory holiday in Toronto, Ontario or New York City, New York;

         "CASH CONSIDERATION" means $14.00 in cash, subject to increase as
         provided in the Arrangement Agreement;

         "CERTIFICATE OF ARRANGEMENT" means the certificate of arrangement
         giving effect to the Arrangement, endorsed upon the Articles of
         Arrangement of Leitch by the Director pursuant to SUBSECTION 183(2) of
         the OBCA;

         "CIRCULAR" means the notice of the Meeting and accompanying management
         information circular, including the schedules attached thereto and all
         amendments from time to time made thereto, to be sent to Shareholders
         in connection with the Meeting;

         "COMMON SHARE CONSIDERATION" means the aggregate cash payable by Harris
         Acquireco pursuant to SECTION 2.2(b);

         "COMMON SHARES" means the issued and outstanding common shares in the
         capital of Leitch (including common shares issued upon the exercise of
         Leitch Options and Restricted Share Awards) and shall include any
         shares into which the Common Shares may be reclassified, subdivided,
         consolidated or converted and any rights or benefits arising therefrom
         including any extraordinary distribution of securities which may be
         declared in respect of the Common Shares (except in accordance with
         this Plan of Arrangement);

         "COURT" means the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario);

         "CRA" means the Canada Revenue Agency;

         "DEPOSITARY" means Computershare Investor Services Inc. at its offices
         specified in the Letter of Transmittal;

         "DIRECTOR" means the Director appointed pursuant to SECTION 278 of the

         "DISSENT RIGHTS" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in SECTION

         "DISSENTING SHAREHOLDER" means a Shareholder who dissents in respect of
         the Arrangement Resolution in strict compliance with the Dissent

         "DISSENTING SHARES" means the Common Shares of any Shareholder who has
         demanded and perfected Dissent Rights in respect of such Common Shares
         in accordance with the Interim Order and who, as of the Effective Time,
         has not effectively withdrawn or lost such Dissent Rights;

         "EFFECTIVE DATE" means the date of the Certificate of Arrangement;

         "EFFECTIVE TIME" means 12:01 a.m. (Eastern time) on the Effective Date;

         "FINAL ORDER" means the final order of the Court approving the
         Arrangement, as such order may be amended by the Court (with the
         consent of Leitch and Harris, each acting reasonably) at any time prior
         to the Effective Date or, if appealed, then, unless such appeal is
         withdrawn or denied, such order as affirmed or amended on appeal;

         "GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY" means (a) any multinational, federal, provincial,
         state, regional, municipal, local or other government, governmental or
         public department, central bank, court, tribunal, arbitral body,
         commission, board, bureau or agency, domestic or foreign; (b) any
         subdivision, agent, commission, board or authority of any of the
         foregoing; (c) any quasi-governmental or private body exercising any
         regulatory, expropriation or taxing authority under or for the account
         of any of the foregoing; or (d) any self-regulatory agencies or

         "HARRIS" means Harris Corporation, a corporation subsisting under the
         laws of the State of Delaware;

         "HARRIS ACQUIRECO" means o, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Harris
         incorporated under the OBCA;

         "INTERIM ORDER" means the interim order of the Court, as the same may
         be amended by the Court (with the consent of Leitch and Harris, each
         acting reasonably), in respect of the Arrangement;

         "LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL" means the letter of transmittal for use by
         Shareholders, in the form accompanying the Circular;

         "LEITCH" means Leitch Technology Corporation, a corporation
         incorporated under the OBCA;

         "LEITCH OPTIONS" means options to purchase Common Shares, including
         without limitation any performance or inducement options to acquire
         Common Shares granted under the Leitch Stock Option Plan or under
         specific Leitch employment agreements;

         "LEITCH STOCK OPTION PLAN" means Leitch's stock option plan, as
         revised, dated September 11, 2001;

         "MEETING" means the special meeting of Shareholders, and all
         adjournments and postponements thereof, called and held to, among other
         things, consider and approve the Arrangement Resolution;

         "OBCA" means the Business Corporations Act (Ontario), including the
         regulations made thereunder, as amended;

         "OPTION CONSIDERATION" means the aggregate cash payable by Harris
         Acquireco pursuant to SECTION 2.2(a);

         "PERSON" means and includes any individual, partnership, association,
         limited or unlimited liability company, joint venture, body corporate,
         trustee, executor, administrator, legal representative, government
         (including any Governmental Entity) or any other entity, whether or not
         having legal status;

         "RESTRICTED SHARE AWARDS" means the awards of restricted common shares
         to (a) Timothy Thorsteinson pursuant to the terms of the letter
         agreement dated November 17, 2003 between Timothy Thorsteinson and
         Leitch, and (b) David Toews pursuant to the terms of the letter from
         Leitch to David Toews dated July 1, 2005;

         "SHAREHOLDERS" means the holders of Common Shares;

         "TRADING DAY" means, with respect to any stock exchange or
         over-the-counter market, a day on which shares may be traded through
         the facilities of such stock exchange or on

         such over-the-counter market, and otherwise means a day on which shares
         may be traded through the facilities of the Toronto Stock Exchange;

         "TRANSFER AGENT" means Computershare Investor Services Inc. at its
         offices located in Toronto, Ontario; and

         like references mean and refer to this plan of arrangement.

Words and phrases used herein that are defined in the OBCA or the Arrangement
Agreement and not defined herein shall have the same meaning herein as in the
OBCA or the Arrangement Agreement, as applicable, unless the context otherwise

Plan of Arrangement into Articles, Sections and other portions and the insertion
of headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the
construction or interpretation hereof.

SECTION 1.3 GENDER AND NUMBER. Unless the context requires the contrary, words
importing the singular only shall include the plural and vice versa and words
importing the use of any gender shall include all genders.

SECTION 1.4 DATE FOR ANY ACTION. In the event that the date on which any action
is required to be taken hereunder by any of the parties is not a Business Day,
such action shall be required to be taken on the next succeeding day which is a
Business Day.

SECTION 1.5 GOVERNING LAW. This Plan of Arrangement shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal
laws of Canada applicable therein.

SECTION 1.6 CURRENCY. All references to currency herein are to lawful money of
Canada unless otherwise specified.

                                   ARTICLE II

SECTION 2.1 BINDING EFFECT. This Plan of Arrangement will become effective at,
and be binding at and after, the Effective Time on (i) Harris, (ii) Harris
Acquireco, (iii) Leitch, (iv) all holders and all beneficial owners of Common
Shares and (v) all holders and all beneficial owners of Leitch Options.

SECTION 2.2 ARRANGEMENT. Commencing at the Effective Time, subject to the terms
and conditions of the Arrangement Agreement, the following events or
transactions shall occur and shall be deemed to occur in the following sequence
without any further act or formality:

         (a)      all of the Leitch Options granted and outstanding immediately
                  prior to the Effective Time shall, without any further action
                  on behalf of any Leitch Option holder, be transferred by the
                  holders thereof to Harris Acquireco without any act or
                  formality on its or their part in exchange for a cash amount
                  equal to the excess,

                  if any, of (i) the product of the number of Common Shares
                  underlying Leitch Options held by such holder and the Cash
                  Consideration over (ii) the aggregate exercise price payable
                  under such Leitch Options by the holder to acquire the Common
                  Shares underlying such Leitch Options. All Leitch Options
                  issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time
                  shall thereafter immediately be cancelled; and

         (b)      all of the Common Shares issued and outstanding immediately
                  prior to the Effective Time held by each Shareholder (other
                  than any Dissenting Shares held by Dissenting Shareholders who
                  are ultimately entitled to be paid the fair value of the
                  Dissenting Shares held by such Dissenting Shareholder, and any
                  Common Shares held by Harris and its affiliates, which shall
                  not be transferred under the Arrangement) shall, without any
                  further action on behalf of such Shareholder, be transferred
                  by the holders thereof, and acquired by, Harris Acquireco
                  without any act or formality on its or their part in exchange
                  for a cash amount equal to the product of the number of Common
                  Shares held by such holder and the Cash Consideration and
                  Harris Acquireco shall be deemed to be the legal and
                  beneficial owner thereof, free and clear of all Liens.

                                   ARTICLE III
                                RIGHTS OF DISSENT

SECTION 3.1 RIGHTS OF DISSENT. Registered holders of Common Shares may exercise
rights of dissent with respect to such shares pursuant to and, except as
expressly indicated to the contrary in this SECTION 3.1, in the manner set forth
in SECTION 185 of the OBCA and this SECTION 3.1 (the "DISSENT RIGHTS") in
connection with the Arrangement Resolution as the same may be modified by the
Interim Order or the Final Order; provided that, notwithstanding SUBSECTION
185(6) of the OBCA, the written objection to the Arrangement Resolution referred
to in SUBSECTION 185(6) of the OBCA must be actually received by Leitch not
later than 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on the Business Day preceding the Meeting;
and provided further that, notwithstanding the provisions of SECTION 185 of the
OBCA, holders of Common Shares who duly exercise such rights of dissent and who:

         (a)      are ultimately determined to be entitled to be paid fair value
                  for their Common Shares, which fair value, notwithstanding
                  anything to the contrary contained in SECTION 185 of the OBCA,
                  shall be determined as of the Effective Time, shall be deemed
                  to have transferred such Common Shares as of the Effective
                  Time at the fair value of such shares determined as of the
                  Effective Time, without any further act or formality and free
                  and clear of all Liens, to Leitch and such shares so
                  transferred to Leitch shall be cancelled as of the Effective
                  Date; or

         (b)      are ultimately determined not to be entitled, for any reason,
                  to be paid fair value for their Common Shares shall be deemed
                  to have participated in the Arrangement on the same basis as
                  any non-dissenting holder of Common Shares and shall receive
                  the Cash Consideration per share, as provided in ARTICLE 2,

but in no case shall Harris, Harris Acquireco, Leitch, the Transfer Agent or any
other Person be required to recognize such holders as holders of Common Shares
after the Effective Time, and the names of such holders of Common Shares shall
be deleted from the register of holders of Common Shares at the Effective Time.
In addition to any other restrictions under section 185 of the OBCA, none of the
following shall be entitled to exercise Dissent Rights: (i) holders of Leitch
Options and (ii) Shareholders who vote in favour of the Arrangement Resolution.

                                   ARTICLE IV

SECTION 4.1 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. At the time of mailing the Circular or as
soon as practicable after the Effective Date, Leitch shall forward to each
Shareholder and each holder of Leitch Options at the address of such holder as
it appears on the register maintained by or on behalf of Leitch in respect of
the holders of Common Shares or Leitch Options, as the case may be, the Letter
of Transmittal in the case of the holders of Common Shares and instructions for
obtaining delivery of the Common Share Consideration or the Option Consideration
payable to such holders following the Effective Date pursuant to this Plan of


         (a)      Not later than immediately before the Effective Time, Harris
                  shall on behalf of Harris Acquireco deposit in immediately
                  available funds (at Toronto) with the Depositary, the Common
                  Share Consideration and the Option Consideration.

         (b)      On or as soon as practicable after the Effective Date, upon
                  the holder having validly deposited with the Depositary such
                  share certificates representing Common Shares held by such
                  holder accompanied by a duly completed Letter of Transmittal
                  and such other documents and instruments as the Depositary may
                  reasonably require, Leitch shall cause the Depositary to
                  deliver to such holder, or otherwise in accordance with the
                  Letter of Transmittal, a cheque representing the payment of
                  the Common Share Consideration to which such holder is
                  entitled in accordance with this Plan of Arrangement.

         (c)      On or as soon as practicable after the Effective Date, the
                  Depositary shall deliver to each holder of Leitch Options as
                  reflected on the books and records of Leitch a cheque or other
                  form of payment agreed to by the holder representing the
                  payment of the Option Consideration to which such holder is
                  entitled in accordance with this Plan of Arrangement.

         (d)      The Common Share Consideration and the Option Consideration
                  deposited with the Depositary shall in each case be held in an
                  interest bearing account and any interest earned on such funds
                  shall be for the account of Harris Acquireco.

SECTION 4.3 EXPIRATION OF RIGHTS. Any certificates formerly representing Common
Shares that, following the Effective Date, are not duly presented for payment
with the Depositary, together with a duly executed Letter of Transmittal, and
such other documents as the Depositary deems necessary, or any payment made by
way of cheque by the Depositary on behalf of Harris Acquireco of the Common
Share Consideration or Option Consideration that has not been

deposited or has been returned to the Depositary, or that otherwise remains
unclaimed, in each case on or before the sixth anniversary of the Effective
Date, shall cease to represent a right or claim of any kind or nature and the
right of the holder of such securities to receive the Common Share Consideration
or the Option Consideration, as the case may be, pursuant to this Plan of
Arrangement and shall be deemed to be surrendered and forfeited to Harris
Acquireco for no consideration.

SECTION 4.4 LOST CERTIFICATES. In the event any certificate which immediately
prior to the Effective Time represented outstanding Common Shares that were
exchanged pursuant to ARTICLE 2 hereof shall have been lost, stolen or
destroyed, upon the making of an affidavit of that fact by the Person claiming
such certificate to be lost, stolen or destroyed, the Depositary will issue in
exchange for such lost, stolen or destroyed certificate, a cheque for the Cash
Consideration to which such holder is entitled deliverable in respect thereof as
determined in accordance with ARTICLE 2 and such holder's Letter of Transmittal.
When seeking such payment in exchange for any lost, stolen or destroyed
certificate, the Person to whom the Cash Consideration is payable shall, at the
discretion of Harris Acquireco, as a condition precedent to the delivery
thereof, give a bond satisfactory to Harris, Harris Acquireco and the
Depositary, in such sum as the parties may reasonably direct or otherwise
indemnify Harris and Harris Acquireco against any claim that may be made against
Harris, Harris Acquireco or the Depositary with respect to the certificate
alleged to have been lost, stolen or destroyed.

                                    ARTICLE V
                               WITHHOLDING RIGHTS

SECTION 5.1 WITHHOLDING RIGHTS. Harris Acquireco, Leitch and the Depositary
shall deduct and withhold from the proceeds or amounts distributable or payable
pursuant to this Arrangement to any holder or former holder of Common Shares or
Leitch Options such amount as may be required by law (as advised by outside tax
counsel for Harris and Harris Acquireco) to be deducted or withheld therefrom
under any provision of United States or Canadian federal, state, provincial,
regional, local or foreign tax law or under any other applicable legal
requirement. To the extent that amounts are so deducted or withheld, such
amounts shall be treated for all purposes hereof as having been paid to the
holder of the Common Shares or Leitch Options, as the case may be, in respect of
which such deduction and withholding was made, provided that such withheld
amounts are actually remitted to the appropriate taxing authority within the
time required and in accordance with applicable law and that such holder has
been provided forthwith with a receipt evidencing such remittance.

                                   ARTICLE VI


         (a)      Harris, Harris Acquireco and Leitch reserve the right to
                  amend, modify and/or supplement this Plan of Arrangement at
                  any time and from time to time prior to the Effective Date
                  provided that any such amendment, modification, or supplement
                  must be contained in a written document which is (i) subject
                  to SECTION 6.1(b), agreed to by Harris, Harris Acquireco and
                  Leitch, (ii) filed with

                  the Court and, if made following the Meeting, approved by the
                  Court subject to such conditions as the Court may impose and
                  (iii) communicated to holders of Common Shares in the manner
                  if and as required by the Court.

         (b)      Subject to the Arrangement Agreement, Harris shall be
                  entitled, at any time prior to the Meeting, to modify this
                  Plan of Arrangement to: (i) increase the consideration it or
                  Harris Acquireco is prepared to make available to Shareholders
                  pursuant to the Arrangement, whether or not the Board of
                  Directors of Leitch has changed its recommendation, provided
                  that Harris shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to
                  provide not less than one Business Day's prior written notice
                  of such proposal to Leitch; or (ii) modify the terms of the
                  Plan of Arrangement to achieve tax planning objectives of
                  Harris and Harris Acquireco, including without limitation to
                  provide for one or more amalgamations of subsidiaries of
                  Harris and/or Leitch, which, in the opinion of Leitch, acting
                  reasonably, (A) would not prejudice it or the Shareholders, or
                  (B) would not impede or materially delay the completion of the
                  transactions contemplated hereby provided that Harris or
                  Harris Acquireco has provided notice of such modification to
                  Leitch not less than 15 Business Days prior to the Meeting

         (c)      Any amendment, modification or supplement to this Plan of
                  Arrangement referred to in SECTION 6.1(a) OR (b), if so
                  proposed and, subject to SECTION 6.1(b), accepted by the
                  Persons voting at the Meeting (other than as may be required
                  under the Interim Order), shall become part of this Plan of
                  Arrangement for all purposes.

         (d)      Any amendment, modification or supplement to this Plan of
                  Arrangement which is approved by the Court following the
                  Meeting shall be effective only (i) if, subject to SECTION
                  6.1(b), it is agreed to by Harris, Harris Acquireco and
                  Leitch, and (iii) if required by the Court, it is consented to
                  by holders of Common Shares voting in the manner directed by
                  the Court.

Any amendment, modification or supplement to this Plan of Arrangement may be
made following the Effective Date unilaterally by Harris Acquireco, provided
that it concerns a matter which, in the reasonable opinion of Harris Acquireco,
is of an administrative nature required to better give effect to the
implementation of this Plan of Arrangement and is not adverse to the financial
or economic interests of the holders of Common Shares or the Leitch Options.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, no amendment, modification or supplement to this
Plan of Arrangement made following the Effective Date shall be effective prior
to the issuance by the Director of a Certificate of Arrangement endorsing
amended Articles of Arrangement.

                                   ARTICLE VII

SECTION 7.1 FURTHER ASSURANCES. Notwithstanding that the transactions and events
set out herein shall occur and be deemed to occur in the order set out in this
Plan of Arrangement without any further act or formality, each of the parties to
the Arrangement Agreement shall

make, do and execute, or cause to be made, done and executed, all such further
acts, deeds, agreements, transfers, assurances, instruments or documents as may
reasonably be required by any of them in order further to document or evidence
any of the transactions or events set out herein.

SECTION 7.2 PARAMOUNTCY. From and after the Effective Time (i) this Plan of
Arrangement shall take precedence and priority over any and all rights related
to Common Shares and Leitch Options issued prior to the Effective Time, (ii) the
rights and obligations of the holders of Common Shares and Leitch Options and
any trustee and transfer agent therefore, shall be solely as provided for in
this Plan of Arrangement, and (iii) all actions, causes of actions, claims or
proceedings (actual or contingent, and whether or not previously asserted) based
on or in any way relating to Common Shares or Leitch Options shall be deemed to
have been settled, compromised, released and determined without liability except
as set forth herein.