AMENDING AGREEMENT

          THIS AMENDING AGREEMENT made as of the 12th day of September, 2005.


               HARRIS CORPORATION, a corporation existing under the laws of the
               State of Delaware

               (hereinafter referred to as "Harris")

                                                               OF THE FIRST PART

               - and -

               LEITCH TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION, a corporation subsisting under the
               laws of the Province of Ontario

               (hereinafter referred to as "Leitch")

                                                              OF THE SECOND PART

     WHEREAS Harris and Leitch entered into an Arrangement Agreement dated as of
August 31, 2005 (the "Arrangement Agreement").

     AND WHEREAS Harris and Leitch wish to amend the Arrangement Agreement as
set forth herein.

     WITNESSETH THAT in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
herein contained and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged), the Parties hereto covenant and
agree as follows:

1.   Any capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings
     ascribed to them in the Arrangement Agreement.

2.   The parties hereto hereby agree to amend the Arrangement Agreement as

     (a)  by deleting Section 2.1(a) and replacing it with the following clause:

          all of the Leitch Options granted and outstanding immediately prior to
     the Effective Time shall, without any further action on behalf of any
     Leitch Option holder, be transferred by the holders thereof to Leitch
     without any act or formality on its or their part in exchange for a cash
     amount equal to the excess, if any, of (i) the product of the


     number of Common Shares underlying Leitch Options held by such holder and
     the Cash Consideration over (ii) the aggregate exercise price payable under
     such Leitch Options by the holder to acquire the Common Shares underlying
     such Leitch Options. All Leitch Options issued and outstanding immediately
     prior to the Effective Time shall thereafter immediately be cancelled;

     (b)  by deleting Section 4.1(d) and replacing it with the following clause:

          Financing. Harris has sufficient funds or adequate arrangements
     (within the meaning of applicable securities Laws) for financing in place
     to fund the payment of the Aggregate Cash Consideration Payable on the
     Effective Date in accordance with the terms hereof.

     (c)  by deleting Section 5.6(i) and replacing it with the following clause:

          ensure Harris Acquireco has sufficient funds to fund the payment of
     the Common Share Consideration to holders of Common Shares and that it or
     one of its subsidiaries has sufficient funds to lend to Leitch pursuant to
     SECTION 5.9 to fund the payment of the Option Consideration to holders of
     Leitch Options on the Effective Date and shall on behalf of Harris
     Acquireco cause the Common Share Consideration payable to holders of Common
     Shares and on behalf of Leitch cause the Option Consideration payable to
     holders of Leitch Options to be deposited with the Depositary not later
     than immediately prior to the Effective Time.

     (d)  by adding Section 5.9 as follows:


          No later than immediately prior to the Effective Time, (i) Harris
     agrees to loan or cause one of its subsidiaries to loan to Leitch, and
     Leitch agrees to borrow from Harris or such subsidiary, as the case may be,
     an amount equal to the Option Consideration by way of an interest-free loan
     payable on demand following the Effective Date, and (ii) Leitch agrees to
     execute and deliver to Harris a promissory note evidencing such loan in
     favour of Harris or its subsidiary, as the case may be, and an irrevocable
     direction to Harris or its subsidiary, as the case may be, to deposit the
     proceeds of such loan with the Depositary for the purpose of effecting
     payment of the Option Consideration on behalf of Leitch to holders of
     Leitch Options, in each case in a form reflecting the terms hereof and to
     be mutually agreed by the Parties, acting reasonably.

     (e)  by deleting Section 6.2(c) and replacing it with the following clause:

          Harris shall have caused the Common Share Consideration payable to
     holders of Common Shares to be deposited on behalf of Harris Acquireco and
     the Option Consideration payable to holders of Leitch Options to be
     deposited on behalf of Leitch with the Depositary not later than
     immediately prior to the Effective Time.


     (f)  by deleting Schedule C to the Arrangement Agreement and replacing it
          with Schedule C attached hereto.

3.   The foregoing amendments shall be effective as of September 12, 2005.

4.   Except for the foregoing amendments, the parties hereto acknowledge that
     the Arrangement Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, unamended.

5.   In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of this Amending
     Agreement and the terms of the Arrangement Agreement, the provisions of
     this Amending Agreement shall prevail.

6.   This Amending Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with
     the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada
     applicable therein. The parties hereto submit to the exclusive jurisdiction
     of the courts of the Province of Ontario.

7.   This Amending Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts (by
     original or facsimile signature) with such counterparts together
     constituting one original document which shall be effective as of the date



          IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Amending
Agreement as of the date above written.

                                     HARRIS CORPORATION

                                     Per: /s/ Gary L. McArthur
                                          Authorized Signing Officer

                                     Per: /s/ Scott T. Mikuen
                                          Authorized Signing Officer

                                     LEITCH TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION

                                     Per: /s/ David Chaikof
                                          Authorized Signing Officer-Director

                                     Per: /s/ Stan Kabala
                                          Authorized Signing Officer/Director


                                   SCHEDULE C

                                     FORM OF
                      PLAN OF ARRANGEMENT UNDER SECTION 182

                                    ARTICLE I

SECTION 1.1 DEFINITIONS. In this Plan of Arrangement unless there is something
in the subject matter or context inconsistent therewith, the following words and
phrases shall have the meanings hereinafter set forth:

     "AFFILIATE" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the OBCA;

     "ARRANGEMENT" means the arrangement contemplated herein to be made on the
     terms set out in this Plan of Arrangement subject to any amendments or
     variations thereto made in accordance with the Arrangement Agreement and
     the terms hereof or made at the direction of the Court in the Final Order
     (with the consent of Leitch and Harris, each acting reasonably);

     "ARRANGEMENT AGREEMENT" means the Arrangement Agreement providing for this
     Plan of Arrangement by and between Harris and Leitch dated as of August 31,
     2005, as amended as of September 12, 2005, as the same may be further
     amended, supplemented and/or restated from time to time;

     "ARRANGEMENT RESOLUTION" means the special resolution in respect of the
     Arrangement to be considered and approved by holders of Common Shares at
     the Meeting to be substantially in the form of Schedule B annexed to the
     Arrangement Agreement;

     "ARTICLES OF ARRANGEMENT" means the articles of arrangement of Leitch in
     respect of the Arrangement that are required by the OBCA to be filed with
     the Director after the Final Order is made;

     "BOARD OF DIRECTORS" means the board of directors of Leitch;

     "BUSINESS DAY" means any day, other than a Saturday, a Sunday or statutory
     holiday in Toronto, Ontario or New York City, New York;

     "CASH CONSIDERATION" means $14.00 in cash, subject to increase as provided
     in the Arrangement Agreement;

     "CERTIFICATE OF ARRANGEMENT" means the certificate of arrangement giving
     effect to the Arrangement, endorsed upon the Articles of Arrangement of
     Leitch by the Director pursuant to SUBSECTION 183(2) of the OBCA;


     "CIRCULAR" means the notice of the Meeting and accompanying management
     information circular, including the schedules attached thereto and all
     amendments from time to time made thereto, to be sent to Shareholders in
     connection with the Meeting;

     "COMMON SHARE CONSIDERATION" means the aggregate cash payable by Harris
     Acquireco pursuant to SECTION 2.2(B);

     "COMMON SHARES" means the issued and outstanding common shares in the
     capital of Leitch (including common shares issued upon the exercise of
     Leitch Options and Restricted Share Awards) and shall include any shares
     into which the Common Shares may be reclassified, subdivided, consolidated
     or converted and any rights or benefits arising therefrom including any
     extraordinary distribution of securities which may be declared in respect
     of the Common Shares (except in accordance with this Plan of Arrangement);

     "COURT" means the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario);

     "CRA" means the Canada Revenue Agency;

     "DEPOSITARY" means Computershare Investor Services Inc. at its offices
     specified in the Letter of Transmittal;

     "DIRECTOR" means the Director appointed pursuant to SECTION 278 of the

     "DISSENT RIGHTS" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in SECTION 3.1;

     "DISSENTING SHAREHOLDER" means a Shareholder who dissents in respect of the
     Arrangement Resolution in strict compliance with the Dissent Rights;

     "DISSENTING SHARES" means the Common Shares of any Shareholder who has
     demanded and perfected Dissent Rights in respect of such Common Shares in
     accordance with the Interim Order and who, as of the Effective Time, has
     not effectively withdrawn or lost such Dissent Rights;

     "EFFECTIVE DATE" means the date of the Certificate of Arrangement;

     "EFFECTIVE TIME" means 12:01 a.m. (Eastern time) on the Effective Date;

     "FINAL ORDER" means the final order of the Court approving the Arrangement,
     as such order may be amended by the Court (with the consent of Leitch and
     Harris, each acting reasonably) at any time prior to the Effective Date or,
     if appealed, then, unless such appeal is withdrawn or denied, such order as
     affirmed or amended on appeal;

     "GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY" means (a) any multinational, federal, provincial,
     state, regional, municipal, local or other government, governmental or
     public department, central bank, court, tribunal, arbitral body,
     commission, board, bureau or agency, domestic or foreign; (b) any
     subdivision, agent, commission, board or authority of any of the foregoing;
     (c) any quasi-governmental or private body exercising any regulatory,
     expropriation or


     taxing authority under or for the account of any of the foregoing; or (d)
     any self-regulatory agencies or organizations;

     "HARRIS" means Harris Corporation, a corporation subsisting under the laws
     of the State of Delaware;

     "HARRIS ACQUIRECO" means 2081259 Ontario Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of
     Harris incorporated under the OBCA;

     "INTERIM ORDER" means the interim order of the Court, as the same may be
     amended by the Court (with the consent of Leitch and Harris, each acting
     reasonably), in respect of the Arrangement;

     "LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL" means the letter of transmittal for use by
     Shareholders, in the form accompanying the Circular;

     "LEITCH" means Leitch Technology Corporation, a corporation incorporated
     under the OBCA;

     "LEITCH OPTIONS" means options to purchase Common Shares, including without
     limitation any performance or inducement options to acquire Common Shares
     granted under the Leitch Stock Option Plan or under specific Leitch
     employment agreements;

     "LEITCH STOCK OPTION PLAN" means Leitch's stock option plan, as revised,
     dated September 11, 2001;

     "MEETING" means the special meeting of Shareholders, and all adjournments
     and postponements thereof, called and held to, among other things, consider
     and approve the Arrangement Resolution;

     "OBCA" means the Business Corporations Act (Ontario), including the
     regulations made thereunder, as amended;

     "OPTION CONSIDERATION" means the aggregate cash payable by Leitch pursuant
     to SECTION 2.2(A);

     "PERSON" means and includes any individual, partnership, association,
     limited or unlimited liability company, joint venture, body corporate,
     trustee, executor, administrator, legal representative, government
     (including any Governmental Entity) or any other entity, whether or not
     having legal status;

     "RESTRICTED SHARE AWARDS" means the awards of restricted common shares to
     (a) Timothy Thorsteinson pursuant to the terms of the letter agreement
     dated November 17, 2003 between Timothy Thorsteinson and Leitch, and (b)
     David Toews pursuant to the terms of the letter from Leitch to David Toews
     dated July 1, 2005;

     "SHAREHOLDERS" means the holders of Common Shares;


     "TRADING DAY" means, with respect to any stock exchange or over-the-counter
     market, a day on which shares may be traded through the facilities of such
     stock exchange or on such over-the-counter market, and otherwise means a
     day on which shares may be traded through the facilities of the Toronto
     Stock Exchange;

     "TRANSFER AGENT" means Computershare Investor Services Inc. at its offices
     located in Toronto, Ontario; and

     references mean and refer to this plan of arrangement.

Words and phrases used herein that are defined in the OBCA or the Arrangement
Agreement and not defined herein shall have the same meaning herein as in the
OBCA or the Arrangement Agreement, as applicable, unless the context otherwise

Plan of Arrangement into Articles, Sections and other portions and the insertion
of headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the
construction or interpretation hereof.

SECTION 1.2 GENDER AND NUMBER. Unless the context requires the contrary, words
importing the singular only shall include the plural and vice versa and words
importing the use of any gender shall include all genders.

SECTION 1.3 DATE FOR ANY ACTION. In the event that the date on which any action
is required to be taken hereunder by any of the parties is not a Business Day,
such action shall be required to be taken on the next succeeding day which is a
Business Day.

SECTION 1.4 GOVERNING LAW. This Plan of Arrangement shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal
laws of Canada applicable therein.

SECTION 1.5 CURRENCY. All references to currency herein are to lawful money of
Canada unless otherwise specified.

                                   ARTICLE II

SECTION 2.1 BINDING EFFECT. This Plan of Arrangement will become effective at,
and be binding at and after, the Effective Time on (i) Harris, (ii) Harris
Acquireco, (iii) Leitch, (iv) all holders and all beneficial owners of Common
Shares and (v) all holders and all beneficial owners of Leitch Options.

SECTION 2.2 ARRANGEMENT. Commencing at the Effective Time, subject to the terms
and conditions of the Arrangement Agreement, the following events or
transactions shall occur and shall be deemed to occur in the following sequence
without any further act or formality:

     (a)  all of the Leitch Options granted and outstanding immediately prior to
          the Effective Time shall, without any further action on behalf of any
          Leitch Option


          holder, be transferred by the holders thereof to Leitch without any
          act or formality on its or their part in exchange for a cash amount
          equal to the excess, if any, of (i) the product of the number of
          Common Shares underlying Leitch Options held by such holder and the
          Cash Consideration over (ii) the aggregate exercise price payable
          under such Leitch Options by the holder to acquire the Common Shares
          underlying such Leitch Options. All Leitch Options issued and
          outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall thereafter
          immediately be cancelled; and

     (b)  all of the Common Shares issued and outstanding immediately prior to
          the Effective Time held by each Shareholder (other than any Dissenting
          Shares held by Dissenting Shareholders who are ultimately entitled to
          be paid the fair value of the Dissenting Shares held by such
          Dissenting Shareholder, and any Common Shares held by Harris and its
          affiliates, which shall not be transferred under the Arrangement)
          shall, without any further action on behalf of such Shareholder, be
          transferred by the holders thereof, and acquired by, Harris Acquireco
          without any act or formality on its or their part in exchange for a
          cash amount equal to the product of the number of Common Shares held
          by such holder and the Cash Consideration and Harris Acquireco shall
          be deemed to be the legal and beneficial owner thereof, free and clear
          of all Liens.

                                   ARTICLE III
                                RIGHTS OF DISSENT

SECTION 3.1 RIGHTS OF DISSENT. Registered holders of Common Shares may exercise
rights of dissent with respect to such shares pursuant to and, except as
expressly indicated to the contrary in this SECTION 3.1, in the manner set forth
in SECTION 185 of the OBCA and this SECTION 3.1 (the "DISSENT RIGHTS") in
connection with the Arrangement Resolution as the same may be modified by the
Interim Order or the Final Order; provided that, notwithstanding SUBSECTION
185(6) of the OBCA, the written objection to the Arrangement Resolution referred
to in SUBSECTION 185(6) of the OBCA must be actually received by Leitch not
later than 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on the Business Day preceding the Meeting;
and provided further that, notwithstanding the provisions of SECTION 185 of the
OBCA, holders of Common Shares who duly exercise such rights of dissent and who:

     (a)  are ultimately determined to be entitled to be paid fair value for
          their Common Shares, which fair value, notwithstanding anything to the
          contrary contained in SECTION 185 of the OBCA, shall be determined as
          of the Effective Time, shall be deemed to have transferred such Common
          Shares as of the Effective Time at the fair value of such shares
          determined as of the Effective Time, without any further act or
          formality and free and clear of all Liens, to Leitch and such shares
          so transferred to Leitch shall be cancelled as of the Effective Date;

     (b)  are ultimately determined not to be entitled, for any reason, to be
          paid fair value for their Common Shares shall be deemed to have
          participated in the Arrangement on the same basis as any
          non-dissenting holder of Common Shares and shall receive the Cash
          Consideration per share, as provided in ARTICLE 2,


but in no case shall Harris, Harris Acquireco, Leitch, the Transfer Agent or any
other Person be required to recognize such holders as holders of Common Shares
after the Effective Time, and the names of such holders of Common Shares shall
be deleted from the register of holders of Common Shares at the Effective Time.
In addition to any other restrictions under section 185 of the OBCA, none of the
following shall be entitled to exercise Dissent Rights: (i) holders of Leitch
Options and (ii) Shareholders who vote in favour of the Arrangement Resolution.

                                   ARTICLE IV

SECTION 4.1 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. At the time of mailing the Circular or as
soon as practicable after the Effective Date, Leitch shall forward to each
Shareholder and each holder of Leitch Options at the address of such holder as
it appears on the register maintained by or on behalf of Leitch in respect of
the holders of Common Shares or Leitch Options, as the case may be, the Letter
of Transmittal in the case of the holders of Common Shares and instructions for
obtaining delivery of the Common Share Consideration or the Option Consideration
payable to such holders following the Effective Date pursuant to this Plan of


     (a)  Not later than immediately before the Effective Time, Harris shall
          cause to be deposited in immediately available funds (at Toronto) with
          the Depositary (i) on behalf of Harris Acquireco, the Common Share
          Consideration and (ii) on behalf of Leitch, the Option Consideration.

     (b)  On or as soon as practicable after the Effective Date, upon the holder
          having validly deposited with the Depositary such share certificates
          representing Common Shares held by such holder accompanied by a duly
          completed Letter of Transmittal and such other documents and
          instruments as the Depositary may reasonably require, the Depositary
          shall deliver on behalf of Harris Acquireco to such holder, or
          otherwise in accordance with the Letter of Transmittal, a cheque
          representing the payment of the Common Share Consideration to which
          such holder is entitled in accordance with this Plan of Arrangement.

     (c)  On or as soon as practicable after the Effective Date, the Depositary
          shall deliver on behalf of Leitch to each holder of Leitch Options as
          reflected on the books and records of Leitch a cheque or other form of
          payment agreed to by the holder representing the payment of the Option
          Consideration to which such holder is entitled in accordance with this
          Plan of Arrangement.

     (d)  The Common Share Consideration and the Option Consideration deposited
          with the Depositary shall be held in separate interest bearing
          accounts and any interest earned on the Common Share Consideration
          shall be for the account of Harris Acquireco and any interest earned
          on the Option Consideration shall be for the account of Leitch.


SECTION 4.3 EXPIRATION OF RIGHTS. Any certificates formerly representing Common
Shares that, following the Effective Date, are not duly presented for payment
with the Depositary, together with a duly executed Letter of Transmittal, and
such other documents as the Depositary deems necessary, or any payment made by
way of cheque by the Depositary on behalf of Harris Acquireco of the Common
Share Consideration or on behalf of Leitch of the Option Consideration that has
not been deposited or has been returned to the Depositary, or that otherwise
remains unclaimed, in each case on or before the sixth anniversary of the
Effective Date, shall cease to represent a right or claim of any kind or nature
and the right of the holder of such securities to receive the Common Share
Consideration or the Option Consideration, as the case may be, pursuant to this
Plan of Arrangement and shall be deemed to be surrendered and forfeited to
Harris Acquireco or Leitch, as the case may be, for no consideration.

SECTION 4.4 LOST CERTIFICATES. In the event any certificate which immediately
prior to the Effective Time represented outstanding Common Shares that were
exchanged pursuant to ARTICLE 2 hereof shall have been lost, stolen or
destroyed, upon the making of an affidavit of that fact by the Person claiming
such certificate to be lost, stolen or destroyed, the Depositary will issue in
exchange for such lost, stolen or destroyed certificate, a cheque for the Cash
Consideration to which such holder is entitled deliverable in respect thereof as
determined in accordance with ARTICLE 2 and such holder's Letter of Transmittal.
When seeking such payment in exchange for any lost, stolen or destroyed
certificate, the Person to whom the Cash Consideration is payable shall, at the
discretion of Harris Acquireco, as a condition precedent to the delivery
thereof, give a bond satisfactory to Harris, Harris Acquireco and the
Depositary, in such sum as the parties may reasonably direct or otherwise
indemnify Harris and Harris Acquireco against any claim that may be made against
Harris, Harris Acquireco or the Depositary with respect to the certificate
alleged to have been lost, stolen or destroyed.

                                    ARTICLE V
                               WITHHOLDING RIGHTS

SECTION 5.1 WITHHOLDING RIGHTS. Harris Acquireco, Leitch and the Depositary
shall deduct and withhold from the proceeds or amounts distributable or payable
pursuant to this Arrangement to any holder or former holder of Common Shares or
Leitch Options such amount as may be required by law (as advised by outside tax
counsel for Harris and Harris Acquireco) to be deducted or withheld therefrom
under any provision of United States or Canadian federal, state, provincial,
regional, local or foreign tax law or under any other applicable legal
requirement. To the extent that amounts are so deducted or withheld, such
amounts shall be treated for all purposes hereof as having been paid to the
holder of the Common Shares or Leitch Options, as the case may be, in respect of
which such deduction and withholding was made, provided that such withheld
amounts are actually remitted to the appropriate taxing authority within the
time required and in accordance with applicable law and that such holder has
been provided forthwith with a receipt evidencing such remittance.


                                   ARTICLE VI


     (a)  Harris, Harris Acquireco and Leitch reserve the right to amend, modify
          and/or supplement this Plan of Arrangement at any time and from time
          to time prior to the Effective Date provided that any such amendment,
          modification, or supplement must be contained in a written document
          which is (i) subject to SECTION 6.1(B), agreed to by Harris, Harris
          Acquireco and Leitch, (ii) filed with the Court and, if made following
          the Meeting, approved by the Court subject to such conditions as the
          Court may impose and (iii) communicated to holders of Common Shares in
          the manner if and as required by the Court.

     (b)  Subject to the Arrangement Agreement, Harris shall be entitled, at any
          time prior to the Meeting, to modify this Plan of Arrangement to: (i)
          increase the consideration it or Harris Acquireco is prepared to make
          available to Shareholders pursuant to the Arrangement, whether or not
          the Board of Directors of Leitch has changed its recommendation,
          provided that Harris shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to
          provide not less than one Business Day's prior written notice of such
          proposal to Leitch; or (ii) modify the terms of the Plan of
          Arrangement to achieve tax planning objectives of Harris and Harris
          Acquireco, including without limitation to provide for one or more
          amalgamations of subsidiaries of Harris and/or Leitch, which, in the
          opinion of Leitch, acting reasonably, (A) would not prejudice it or
          the Shareholders, or (B) would not impede or materially delay the
          completion of the transactions contemplated hereby provided that
          Harris or Harris Acquireco has provided notice of such modification to
          Leitch not less than 15 Business Days prior to the Meeting Date.

     (c)  Any amendment, modification or supplement to this Plan of Arrangement
          referred to in SECTION 6.1(A) OR (B), if so proposed and, subject to
          SECTION 6.1(B), accepted by the Persons voting at the Meeting (other
          than as may be required under the Interim Order), shall become part of
          this Plan of Arrangement for all purposes.

     (d)  Any amendment, modification or supplement to this Plan of Arrangement
          which is approved by the Court following the Meeting shall be
          effective only (i) if, subject to SECTION 6.1(B), it is agreed to by
          Harris, Harris Acquireco and Leitch, and (iii) if required by the
          Court, it is consented to by holders of Common Shares voting in the
          manner directed by the Court.

Any amendment, modification or supplement to this Plan of Arrangement may be
made following the Effective Date unilaterally by Harris Acquireco, provided
that it concerns a matter which, in the reasonable opinion of Harris Acquireco,
is of an administrative nature required to better give effect to the
implementation of this Plan of Arrangement and is not adverse to the financial
or economic interests of the holders of Common Shares or the Leitch Options.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, no amendment, modification or supplement to this
Plan of Arrangement made following the Effective Date shall be effective prior
to the issuance by the Director of a Certificate of Arrangement endorsing
amended Articles of Arrangement.

                                   ARTICLE VII

SECTION 7.1 FURTHER ASSURANCES. Notwithstanding that the transactions and events
set out herein shall occur and be deemed to occur in the order set out in this
Plan of Arrangement without any further act or formality, each of the parties to
the Arrangement Agreement shall make, do and execute, or cause to be made, done
and executed, all such further acts, deeds, agreements, transfers, assurances,
instruments or documents as may reasonably be required by any of them in order
further to document or evidence any of the transactions or events set out

SECTION 7.2 PARAMOUNTCY. From and after the Effective Time (i) this Plan of
Arrangement shall take precedence and priority over any and all rights related
to Common Shares and Leitch Options issued prior to the Effective Time, (ii) the
rights and obligations of the holders of Common Shares and Leitch Options and
any trustee and transfer agent therefore, shall be solely as provided for in
this Plan of Arrangement, and (iii) all actions, causes of actions, claims or
proceedings (actual or contingent, and whether or not previously asserted) based
on or in any way relating to Common Shares or Leitch Options shall be deemed to
have been settled, compromised, released and determined without liability except
as set forth herein.