ONE METRO CENTER
                              700 12TH STREET, N.W.
                                    SUITE 900
                              WASHINGTON, DC 20005

                   WRITER'S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER: (202) 508-4615

                                 April 28, 2006

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Ms. Rebecca Marquigny
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Investment Management
901 E Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20549-0504

Re:      REGISTRANT:       BB&T Variable Insurance Funds
         FILE NOS.:        811-21682; 333-121205
         FILING TYPE:      Post-Effective Amendment No. 2 to the Fund's Registration Statement on Form N-1A
         FILING DATE:      March 1, 2006

Dear Ms. Marquigny:

         Per your request, please find below our responses to your comments on
Post-Effective Amendment No. 2 to BB&T Variable Insurance Funds' Registration
Statement on Form N-1A. BB&T Variable Insurance Funds (the "Trust") acknowledges
that staff comment or changes in response to staff comment with respect to the
Trust's Registration Statement filed on March 1, 2006 do not foreclose the
Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") from taking any action
with respect to the filing. BB&T Variable Insurance Funds hereby represents that
the Trust will not use the comment process between the Trust and the Commission
with respect to the Registration Statement as a defense in any securities
related litigation against the Trust. This representation should not be
construed as confirming that there is or is not, in fact, an inquiry or
investigation or other matter involving the Trust.


COMMENT:           With respect to the BB&T Large Cap VIF Fund, please add
                   "preferred stocks" as a principal investment risk on page 3,
                   since it is mentioned in the Principal Investment Strategies

RESPONSE:          At your request, we have added risk disclosure regarding
                   preferred stocks. As we previously discussed, however, we do
                   not view the risks associated with the Fund's investments in
                   preferred stock to constitute "principal investment risks"
                   since the Fund does not invest heavily in such stocks, and
                   has no intention of doing so. For the fiscal year ended
                   December 31, 2005, 97.3% of the Fund's assets were in common
                   stocks; none were in preferred stocks. Further, as we
                   discussed, the portfolio managers have represented to us that
                   they do not intend to invest over 5% in preferred stocks in
                   the coming fiscal year. The inclusion of preferred stocks in
                   the Fund's 80% investment policy is intended to clarify that
                   the Fund considers such stocks to constitute "equity
                   securities issued by large capitalization

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                   companies" for purposes of application of the 80% policy.

COMMENT:           With respect to the BB&T Large Cap VIF, clarify the Fund's
                   rationale for changing its benchmark indices.

RESPONSE:          We have so clarified the disclosure.

COMMENT:           For each Fund, specifically state in the preamble to each of
                   the performance chart, fee table and expense example the
                   effect of separate account or insurance contract fees and
                   charges on the figures shown.

RESPONSE:          We have added disclosure to the fee table and expense
                   examples to clarify that separate account or insurance
                   contract fees and charges would result in higher costs. The
                   preamble to the performance chart already states, "This
                   information does not reflect charges and fees associated with
                   a separate account that invests in the Fund or any insurance
                   contract for which the Fund is an investment option. These
                   charges and fees will reduce returns." We believe that this
                   disclosure is responsive to your comment.

COMMENT:           With respect to the BB&T Large Cap VIF, the BB&T Mid Cap
                   Growth VIF, and the BB&T Large Cap Growth VIF, add a
                   capitalization range to the "Principal Investment Strategies"
                   section to clarify what the respective fund considers to
                   constitute a "large" or "mid" capitalization company, as

RESPONSE:          We have added capitalization ranges to the "Principal
                   Investment Strategies" section of those funds.

COMMENT:           For each Fund, clarify in the "Market Timing/Short-Term
                   Trading" section the issues associated with application of
                   the policy to an omnibus account.

RESPONSE:          This section already states "While the Fund discourages
                   market timing and excessive short-term trading, the Fund
                   cannot always know or reasonably detect such trading,
                   particularly if it is facilitated by financial intermediaries
                   or done through omnibus account arrangements or insurance
                   company separate accounts. In addition, monitoring and
                   discouraging market timing and excessive trading may require
                   the cooperation of insurance companies or other financial
                   intermediaries, which cannot necessarily be assured."

                   While we believe that this disclosure addresses the issues
                   associated with the application of each Fund's market timing
                   policy to omnibus accounts, in response to your comment, we
                   have added the following:

                            Insurance companies and other financial
                            intermediaries may be unable to enforce our market
                            timing policies for various reasons, including
                            contract restrictions. It is our intent that such
                            insurance companies and other financial
                            intermediaries apply our market timing policies
                            uniformly against underlying account holders.

COMMENT:           On the back cover page of each Fund's prospectus, state
                   whether the Fund makes available its SAI and annual and
                   semi-annual reports, free of charge, on or through the Fund's
                   Web site at a specified Internet address, in accordance with
                   Item 1(b) of Form N-1A. If it does

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                   not, disclose the reasons why it does not do so.

RESPONSE:          Each Fund is available as an underlying investment medium
                   only to insurance company separate accounts and to qualified
                   pension and retirement plans. Such entities represent the
                   primary contact by the underlying beneficial owners. As such,
                   the Trust does not maintain a Web site. We have added
                   disclosure to that effect on the back cover page.

COMMENT:           On the back cover page of each Fund's prospectus, change the
                   telephone number for the Securities and Exchange Commission
                   from 1-202-942-8090 to 1-202-551-8090.

RESPONSE:          We have revised the disclosure accordingly.

COMMENT:           For the BB&T Capital Manager Equity VIF, briefly mention the
                   risks of investing in a fund-of-funds structure under
                   "Principal Investment Risks," and add a full discussion under
                   "Risk Considerations."

RESPONSE:          We have added disclosure regarding the risks of investing in
                   a fund-of-funds structure in the section entitled "Principal
                   Investment Risks." Please note that the "Risk Considerations"
                   section already included a full discussion of the risks
                   associated with the fund-of-funds structure on page 8 under
                   the subheading "Investment in Underlying Funds." However, we
                   have expanded this disclosure in response to your comment.

COMMENT:           For the BB&T Capital Manager Equity Fund, identify more
                   specifically the type of funds in which the Fund will invest
                   in the section entitled "Principal Investment Strategies."

RESPONSE:          We have added a list of funds in which the BB&T Capital
                   Manager Equity Fund may invest. We have also added
                   permissible investment ranges for each underlying fund.

COMMENT:           For the BB&T Capital Manager Equity Fund, reformat the
                   footnotes to the fee table to make clear that the second
                   paragraph of the footnote is a part of the footnote.

RESPONSE:          We have modified the disclosure accordingly.

COMMENT:           For the BB&T Capital Manager Equity Fund, clarify in the
                   footnotes to the fee table that the expense waivers for the
                   Underlying Funds do not extend for a full year from the
                   prospectus date.

RESPONSE:          We have noted in the footnote that the expense waivers for
                   the Underlying Funds are contractual only through January 31,
                   2007, and that after that time, they are voluntary and may be
                   terminated at any time.

COMMENT:           For the BB&T Capital Manager Equity Fund, add disclosure
                   under "Portfolio Manager" on page 10 clarifying each team
                   member's role on the portfolio management team.

RESPONSE:          We have modified the disclosure accordingly.

COMMENT:           For the BB&T Special Opportunities Equity VIF, add a "Foreign
                   Investment Risk" header on

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                   page 4 before the fourth paragraph under "Market Risk."

RESPONSE:          We have added the appropriate header.

COMMENT:           With respect to the BB&T Special Opportunities Equity VIF,
                   disclose the fee payable to the sub-adviser on page 7, under
                   "Management of the Fund -- Investment Adviser," in accordance
                   with Item 5(a)(1)(ii) of Form N-1A.

RESPONSE:          Instruction No. 3 to Item 5(a)(1)(ii) states "If a Fund has
                   more than one investment adviser, disclose the aggregate fee
                   paid to all of the advisers, rather than the fees paid to
                   each adviser, in response to this Item." The prospectus
                   currently discloses the aggregate fee payable to the Fund's
                   investment adviser. Accordingly, we have not modified the

COMMENT:           With respect to the BB&T Total Return Bond VIF, add a risk
                   regarding portfolio turnover since the portfolio turnover for
                   this Fund was 197% in the last fiscal year.

RESPONSE:          We have added risk disclosure under "Principal Investment
                   Risks" on page 3. Please note that the prospectus already
                   contains risk disclosure regarding "Active Trading" on page 5
                   under "Investment Objectives, Strategies, and Risks."


COMMENT:           Under "Management Information," add the ages of each trustee
                   and officer.

RESPONSE:          We have added such disclosure.

COMMENT:           In the "Conflicts of Interest" section, specify whether
                   individual portfolio managers are subject to different
                   conflicts with respect to their management of the Funds. In
                   addition, state whether there is a policy in place to address
                   these potential conflicts.

RESPONSE:          The conflicts described in this section are common to the
                   portfolio managers. The Fund does not consider any particular
                   conflicts to be unique to one manager rather than another,
                   and accordingly, have not disclosed any variances. In
                   addition, the statement of additional information discloses,
                   where applicable, whether a code of ethics or other
                   procedures have been adopted to address conflicts of

COMMENT:           If the method of compensation varies between portfolio
                   managers, describe such variation.

RESPONSE:          The method of compensation varies between portfolio managers
                   within the categories described in the Statement of
                   Additional Information. For example, one component of the
                   incentive compensation is the management of personnel.
                   Accordingly, a portfolio manager who manages other investment
                   professionals, such as a team leader in a fund that is
                   managed by a team (see, e.g., the BB&T Capital Manager Equity
                   VIF), may receive higher incentive compensation than an
                   individual who does not manage other personnel. We believe
                   that this variance is adequately described within the
                   statement of additional information.

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Page 5

COMMENT:           In the section entitled "Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings,"
                   provide the following information:

                       (1)  Pursuant to Item 11(f)(1)(iii) -- the frequency of
                            disclosure and the lag, if any, between the date of
                            the information and the date on which the
                            information is disclosed;

                       (2)  Pursuant to Item 11(f)(1)(vi) -- The procedures that
                            the Fund uses to ensure that disclosure of
                            information about portfolio securities is in the
                            best interests of Fund shareholders, including
                            procedures to address conflicts between the
                            interests of Fund shareholders, on the one hand, and
                            those of the Fund's investment adviser; principal
                            underwriter; or any affiliated person of the Fund,
                            its investment adviser, or its principal
                            underwriter, on the other.

                       (3)  Pursuant to Item 11(f)(2) -- Modify the current
                            disclosure regarding service providers to
                            specifically identify the entities which might
                            receive information regarding portfolio holdings.

RESPONSE:              (1)  The statement of additional information currently
                            states two circumstances in which information
                            regarding portfolio holdings may be available to
                            third parties: (1) in the Fund's annual or
                            semi-annual report or Form N-Q; and (2) in marketing
                            materials, provided that the information is at least
                            fifteen days old. We believe that the frequency of
                            disclosure and the lag time is clear for these two
                            circumstances. With respect to situations in which
                            the Fund has a legitimate business purpose for
                            disclosing portfolio holdings information, it is not
                            possible to determine the frequency and/or lag time
                            in advance. We have added disclosure to that effect
                            in the SAI.

                       (2)  We have added disclosure noting that the Fund's
                            policies permit disclosure of information only where
                            a legitimate business purpose exists for such
                            disclosure, and addresses the conflicts between the
                            interests of Fund shareholders and those of the
                            Fund's investment adviser, principal underwriter, or
                            affiliated persons of the Fund, its investment
                            adviser or its principal underwriter by imposing a
                            duty of confidentiality on the recipient of such

                       (3)  We have added the identities of the service
                            providers who may receive information where relevant
                            to duties to be performed for the Fund.

         If you have any further questions or comments please call me at (202)


                                        /s/ KATHERINE S. MILIN

                                        Katherine S. Milin