Exhibit 10-e-1


                          This Amendment is entered into this 10th day of
March, 1993 by and between Nordson Corporation, an Ohio corporation (the
"Company"), and William P. Madar (the "Executive").
                          WHEREAS, the Company and the Executive entered into
an Employment Agreement dated January 30, 1986 (the "Agreement") providing for
the employment of the Executive by the Company for the consideration and upon
the terms set forth therein; and
                          WHEREAS, the Company and the Executive desire to
amend the Agreement in certain respects, each of them hereby agrees as follows:
                          1.  All capitalized terms used herein and not
otherwise specifically defined shall have the meanings ascribed thereto in the
                          2.  Section 2 of the Agreement is deleted in its
entirety and a new Section 2 shall read as follows:
                          The Executive's employment shall continue until
                   terminated by either party.  Either the Company or the
                   Executive may terminate the Executive's employment by giving
                   the other party written notice six (6) months in advance, to
                   the extent reasonably practicable, but in any event, at
                   least sixty (60) days in advance of the termination date.

                          3.  Section 3 of the Agreement is deleted in its

                          4.  Section 4 of the Agreement is deleted in its


                          5.  Section 5 of the Agreement is deleted in its
entirety and a new Section 5 shall read as follows:

                          5. CASH COMPENSATION.  The Company shall set the
         Executive's base salary as of the beginning of each fiscal year of the
         Company ("Fiscal Year"); provided, however, that for purposes of
         Sections 10(a) and 11(a) of the Agreement, the Executive's base salary
         shall not be less than $565,150.00.  Moreover, the Executive shall
         participate in and receive incentive compensation under the terms of
         the Company's Management Incentive Compensation Plan for so long as
         the Company continues to maintain such plan.

                          6.  Section 6(a) of the Agreement is deleted in its

                          7.  Except for purposes of paragraph 10 of this
Amendment, the existing subparagraph (b) of Section 6 of the Agreement is
redesignated as subparagraph (a).

                          8.  Except for purposes of paragraph 10 of this
Amendment, Section 6(c) of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety.

                          9.  Except for purposes of paragraph 10 of this
Amendment, Section 6(d) of the Agreement is redesignated as subparagraph (b)
and amended to insert the following words after "any restricted stock" on line

         issued to him by the Company on February 15, 1991 and February 15,

and to insert the following words after "restricted stock" on line 9:

         issued to him by the Company on February 15, 1991 and February 15, 1992


                          10.  Section 7(a) of the Agreement is hereby deleted
and a new Section 7(a) shall read as follows:

                          (a)  Upon approval by the shareholders of an Omnibus
         Stock Plan of the Company to be submitted to the Shareholders of the
         Company at the 1993 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, the Company shall
         grant to the Executive options to purchase 50,000 shares of the
         Company's common stock at an exercise price equal to the lower of (i)
         the fair market value of the underlying shares or (ii) $46.50 per

                          All options granted pursuant to this Section 7(a)
         shall vest sixty (60) days after the date of grant and shall be
         exercisable by the Executive, or by the executor or administrator of
         the Executive's estate, until the tenth anniversary of the date of
         grant, notwithstanding the termination of the employment of the
         Executive for any reason, or the death or disability of the Executive.
         So long as the Executive's employment has not been terminated, the
         Executive shall be eligible to receive grants of stock options and
         shall be considered for such grants as part of the Company's employee
         stock option program.

                          In the event shareholder approval of such Omnibus
         Stock Plan is not obtained at the 1993 Annual Meeting of Shareholders,
         the Company shall grant 30,000 shares of restricted stock to the
         Executive, of which one-half may not be sold, transferred, pledged,
         assigned or otherwise alienated or hypothecated otherwise than by will
         or the laws of descent and distribution prior to February 14, 1994 and
         the remaining one-half of such shares may not be sold, transferred,
         pledged, assigned or otherwise alienated or hypothecated otherwise
         than by will or the laws of descent and distribution prior to February
         14, 1995.  Any restricted stock granted hereunder shall also be
         subject to the conditions and obligations of the Executive and the
         Company described in Section 6(b), 6(c) and 6(d) of the unamended
         January 30, 1986 Agreement and in Section 11 of the Agreement, as
         amended by this Amendment.


                          11.  Section 7(b) of the Agreement is deleted in its

                          12.  Section 9 of the Agreement is hereby deleted in
its entirety and a new Section 9 shall read as follows:

                          9. SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION BENEFITS.

                          (a)  DEFINITIONS.  For purposes of this Section 9,
         the following terms shall have the meanings hereinafter set forth.

                          (1)  The term "Highest Consecutive 36-Month Average
                 Annual Compensation" shall mean one-third of the aggregate
                 amount of the Executive's base salary and incentive
                 compensation as determined under Section 5 with respect to the
                 36-consecutive-calendar-month period which produces a higher
                 average than any other 36-consecutive-calendar-month period;
                 provided, however, that in the event the Executive becomes
                 disabled prior to the attainment of age 65, he shall be deemed
                 to receive the base salary and incentive compensation he
                 received during the Fiscal Year prior to his disability for
                 the period of such disability until the earlier of attainment
                 of age 65 or commencement of supplemental pension benefits
                 under this Section 9.  For purposes of this Section 9, 1/12th
                 of the Executive's incentive compensation for each Fiscal Year
                 shall be allocated to each month of the Fiscal Year for which
                 the incentive compensation is awarded and any portion of the
                 Executive's base salary or incentive compensation that is
                 deferred pursuant to any deferred compensation program
                 sponsored by the Company shall be included as base salary or
                 incentive compensation, respectively, for the month in which
                 it would otherwise have been paid or allocated, as the case
                 may be.


                          (2)  The term "Highest Consecutive 36-Month Average
                 Annual Compensation Percentage" shall mean a percentage of the
                 Executive's Highest Consecutive 36-Month Average Annual
                 Compensation that is equal to the lesser of: (i) 56 percent,
                 or (ii) the product of 1.6 percent multiplied by a fraction
                 the numerator of which is 248 plus the number of months of
                 service for benefit accrual purposes credited to the Executive
                 under the Nordson Pension Plan and the denominator of which is

                          (3)  The term "IRS Tables" shall mean tables attached
                 hereto as Exhibit A.

                          (4)  The term "PBGC Interest Rates" shall mean the
                 interest rate or rates for immediate or deferred annuities, as
                 applicable, utilized by the Pension Benefit Guaranty
                 Corporation for plans terminating on the date a determination
                 of a lump sum benefit is made.

                          (b)  COMPUTATION OF BENEFITS.  Upon termination of
         the Executive's employment with the Company, the Executive shall be
         eligible to receive an annual straightlife supplemental pension
         benefit equal to his Highest Consecutive 36-Month Average Annual
         Compensation multiplied by his Highest Consecutive 36-month Average
         Annual Compensation Percentage reduced by .4166% for each full
         calendar month by which the Executive's supplemental pension benefit
         commences prior to age 60, and reduced further by the sum of:

                          (i)  $42,956 upon attainment of age 65 by the

                          (ii)  the annual straight-life pension benefit
                 payable to the Executive under any tax-qualified defined
                 benefit pension plan of the Company which is attributable to
                 contributions of the Company; and


                          (iii)  50 percent of the annual Primary Social
                 Security Benefit payable to the Executive at age 65.

         Any reduction of the Executive's supplemental pension benefit under
         subparagraphs (i) and (iii) above shall be made only on and after
         November 3, 2004 and any such reduction under subparagraph (ii) above
         shall be made only when such benefits are actually payable to the
         Executive.  Exhibit B attached hereto illustrates the method by which
         such annual supplemental pension benefit is to be calculated.

                          (c)  METHOD OF PAYMENT.  The annual supplemental
         pension benefit computed under Section 9(b) shall be payable to the
         Executive in either (i) a lump sum utilizing the IRS Tables and the
         PBGC Interest Rates and/or (ii) any optional method of payment
         available to a participant in the Nordson Pension Plan utilizing the
         IRS Tables and the PBGC Interest Rates.

                          13.  Section 10(a) of the Agreement is deleted in its
entirety and a new Section 10(a) shall read as follows:
                          (a)  CASH COMPENSATION.  The Executive or his estate
         shall continue for the two-year period following his death or
         Disability Termination Date to receive his base salary at the rate
         then in effect under Section 5 for the Fiscal Year in which his death
         or Disability Termination Date occurs.

                          14.  Section 10(d) of the Agreement is deleted and a
new Section 10(d) shall read as follows:

                          (d)  INSURANCE AND PENSION BENEFITS.  The Company
         shall continue to provide medical coverage for so long as the
         Executive, his spouse or any dependent child is living and shall
         continue to provide group life insurance coverage to the Executive for
         so long as he is living.  In addition, the Company's obligations under
         Section 9 shall remain in full force and effect.  Any supplemental
         pension benefit payable under Section 9 shall be payable to the
         Executive in the event of his disability without any reduction


         for commencement of benefits prior to age 60.  In the event of the
         Executive's death prior to the termination of his employment, the
         Company shall, in satisfaction of its obligations under Section 9,
         provide a monthly survivor benefit to the Executive's surviving spouse
         which is equal to one-half of the actuarial equivalent of the
         supplemental pension benefit computed under Section 9 as of the date
         of the Executive's death, but without any reduction for early
         commencement under Section 9(b)(iv), and payable immediately in a 50
         percent joint and survivor form computed using the IRS Tables and PBGC
         Interest Rates.  In the event of the Executive's disability, the
         Executive shall be deemed to continue in the employ of the Company and
         shall accrue months of benefit service for purposes of the
         supplemental pension benefit computed under Section 9 until the
         earlier of (i) attainment of age 65 and (ii) commencement of the
         Executive's supplemental pension benefit.  If the employment of the
         Executive is terminated by reason of disability, any supplemental
         pension benefits paid to the Executive prior to his attainment of age
         65 pursuant to the provisions of Section 9 shall be reduced by the
         amount of disability benefits received by the Executive from or
         through the Company or the Social Security Administration.

                          15.  The caption of Section 11 and the first
paragraph thereof shall be revised to read in their entirety as follows:

                          11.  EFFECTS OF TERMINATION BY THE COMPANY OR
         RESIGNATION OR RETIREMENT BY THE EXECUTIVE.  If the Company terminates
         the Executive's employment other than pursuant to Section 13 hereof,
         or if the Executive's employment is terminated by reason of his
         resignation or retirement, the Company's obligations under Part II
         hereof shall terminate except as provided below.

                          16.  Section 11(a) of the Agreement is deleted in its
entirety and a new Section 11(a) shall read as follows:


                          (a)  CASH COMPENSATION.  The Executive shall continue
         for the one-year period following the date of his termination of
         employment to receive his base salary at the rate then in effect under
         Section 5 with respect to the Fiscal Year in which his termination of
         employment occurs, plus an additional amount equal to 20 percent of
         such base salary.

                          17.  Section 11(d) of the Agreement is deleted in its
entirety and a new Section 11(d) shall read as follows:

                          (d)  INSURANCE AND PENSION BENEFITS.  The Company
         shall continue to provide medical coverage for so long as the
         Executive, his spouse, or any dependent child is living and shall
         continue to provide group life insurance coverage to the Executive for
         so long as the Executive is living; provided, however, that such
         medical coverage or group life insurance coverage, as the case may be,
         shall cease if the Executive receives medical coverage or group life
         insurance coverage through other employment.  In addition, the
         Company's obligations under Section 9 shall remain in full force and
         effect.  For purposes of Section 9, if the Executive elects to receive
         payment of his supplemental pension benefits thereunder on or after
         the date of his termination of employment and has not attained age 56,
         he shall be deemed to have attained age 56 for purposes of computing
         any reduction in his supplemental pension benefit under Section
         9(b)(iv) with respect to commencement of benefits prior to age 60.

                          18.  Sections 5 through 11 of the Agreement are
redesignated as Sections 3 through 9, and any references to such Sections shall
be redesignated consistent therewith.

                          19.  Section 12 of the Agreement is deleted in its


                          20.  Sections 13 through 21 of the Agreement are
redesignated as Sections 10 through 18, and any references to such Sections
shall be redesignated consistent therewith.

                          21.  Except as expressly provided in this Amendment,
the terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect
as set forth therein.
                          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed
this Amendment as of the date first set forth above.
                                           NORDSON CORPORATION          
                                           By:  /s/ Eric T. Nord               
                                                      Eric T. Nord      
                                                /s/ William P. Madar          
                                                      William P. Madar  


                                                                       EXHIBIT A

APPENDIX E.  Life Expectancy Tables

                                    TABLE 1
                           (Single Life Expectancy)*

          AGE        DIVISOR           AGE         DIVISOR
- ----------------------------------------------------------------                          
          35         47.3              73          13.9
          36         46.4              74          13.2
          37         45.4              75          12.5
          38         44.4              76          11.9
          39         43.5              77          11.2
          40         42.5              78          10.6
          41         41.5              79          10.0
          42         40.6              80           9.5
          43         39.6              81           8.9
          44         38.7              82           8.4
          45         37.7              83           7.9
          46         36.8              84           7.4
          47         35.9              85           6.9
          48         34.9              86           6.5
          49         34.0              87           6.1
          50         33.1              88           5.7
          51         32.2              89           5.3
          52         31.3              90           5.0
          53         30.4              91           4.7
          54         29.5              92           4.4
          55         28.6              93           4.1
          56         27.7              94           3.9
          57         26.8              95           3.7
          58         25.9              96           3.4
          59         25.0              97           3.2
          60         24.2              98           3.0
          61         23.3              99           2.8
          62         22.5             100           2.7
          63         21.6             101           2.5
          64         20.8             102           2.3
          65         20.0             103           2.1
          66         19.2             104           1.9
          67         18.4             105           1.8
          68         17.6             106           1.6
          69         16.8             107           1.4
          70         16.0             108           1.3
          71         15.3             109           1.1
          72         14.6             110           1.0

*Table I does not provide for IRA owners younger than 35 years of age. For
additional life expectancy tables, see Publication 939.


                                                                       EXHIBIT B

February 9, 1993
Ref: NDP 1012

MEMO TO:         W. W. Colville

COPY TO:         Mary Ann Jorgenson
                 W. P. Madar

FROM:            N. D. Pellecchia


Bill Madar asked me to forward the attached pension calculation (assuming an
age 56 retirement) to you for your review. 

Some additional information regarding the assumptions noted on the worksheets

1.       Pensionable earnings for purposes of the calculation are based on
         average estimated calendar year earnings for 1993-1995.  A gross
         annual pension amount was arrived at by applying the service formula
         stated in the contract against average annual earnings for the period.
         We reduced the gross amount by 18.33% to reflect a February 1996
         retirement date.  This factor is the product of .4166 multiplied by 44
         months (the number of months that the retirement date precedes age

2.       Pensionable earnings for Nordson qualified plan calculations are
         higher than previous calculations provided.  In brief, the qualified
         plan bases pensionable earnings on a "highest five out of ten year
         salary history."  An age 56 retirement assumption would include
         earnings from the years 1986 through 1988 in the ten year history.
         Pensionable earnings in these years are higher than later years since
         starting in 1990, pensionable earnings for purposes of qualified plan
         calculations were "capped" by law.  Limits range from $200,000 in 1990
         to $228,860 in 1992.  Earlier calculations were based on an age 60
         retirement.  Accordingly, the 1986-1988 period was not included in the
         ten year history.

3.       The interest rate assumption used for calculating lump sum amounts is
         5.75%--the current PBGC rate in effect for calculating immediate
         annuities - PBGC regulation 2619.26(b)(2)(IV).


Memo To: W. Colville           Page 2                        February 9, 1993

4.       The life expectancy assumption is based on Appendix E (Table I, Single
         Life Expectancy), IRS Publication 590, 1992 edition.  Prior
         calculations were based on life expectancy data included in IRS
         Publication 575, 1988 edition.  Life expectancies under both tables
         are the same.

5.       The lump sum amount noted on the attached calculation is approximately
         $1.3 million higher than the lump sum amount (calculated using
         identical life expectancy and interest rate assumptions) noted in my
         memorandum to you dated September 2, 1992.

         The most significant factor contributing to this difference is a
         higher assumed average annual earnings amount.  For the attached
         calculation, we assumed that base salary will grow at a 5% annual
         rate, while annual bonus amounts will be earned at a rate of 135% of
         target or roughly 108% of base salary.  For purposes of the September
         calculation, we applied a 5% annual increase factor to actual total
         annual compensation amounts through 1991.  During this period, the
         relation of bonus to base pay averaged 85%.

If you need any further information, please let me know.


NORDSON CORPORATION                                                                         PREP. BY:               JRL
PENSION CALCULATION                                                                         DATE:                 03/09/93
AGE 56 RETIREMENT                                                                                                 09:17 AM
                                                                                            FILE: WPMPENPV.WQ! 
     Note: Pension benefit paid from Nordson is paid at beginning of each period.
     Life Expectancy - 27.7 years at age 56. 

YEAR:                              0           1           2           3         4           5          6          7          8

PAYMENT NUMBER:                    1           2           3           4         5           6          7          8          9

DATE:                         Feb-96      Feb-97      Feb-98      Feb-99  Feb-2000    Feb-2001   Feb-2002   Feb-2003   Feb-2004

AGE:                              56          57          58          59        60          61         62         63         64
                           ---------   ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------

PENSION BENEFIT (1)          494,977     494,977     494,977     494,977    494,977    494,977    494,977    494,977    494,977




SOCIAL SECURITY (7)                                                               
                           ---------   ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------

TOTAL OFFSETS                      0           0           0           0          0          0          0          0          0
                           ---------   ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
PAYABLE FROM NORDSON         494,977     494,977     494,977     494,977    494,977    494,977    494,977    494,977    494,977
                           =========   =========  ==========  ==========  =========  =========  =========  =========  =========

YEAR:                              9          10          11          12        13          14         15         16         17

PAYMENT NUMBER:                   10          11          12          13        14          15         16         17         18

DATE:                       Feb-2005    Feb-2006    Feb-2007    Feb-2008  Feb-2009    Feb-2010   Feb-2011   Feb-2012   Feb-2013

AGE:                              65          66          67          68        69          70         71         72         73
                           ---------   ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------

PENSION BENEFIT (1)          494,977     494,977     494,977     494,977    494,977    494,977    494,977    494,977    494,977


STANDARD OIL PENSION (2)      42,956      42,956      42,956      42,956     42,956     42,956     42,956     42,956     42,956

PENSION (3)                   70,785      70,785      70,785      70,785     70,785     70,785     70,785     70,785     70,785

SOCIAL SECURITY (7)            7,019       7,019       7,019       7,019      7,019      7,019      7,019      7,019      7,019
                           ---------   ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------

TOTAL OFFSETS                120,760     120,760     120,760     120,760    120,760    120,760    120,760    120,760    120,760
                           ---------   ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
PAYABLE FROM NORDSON         374,217     374,217     374,217     374,217    374,217    374,217    374,217    374,217    374,217
                           =========   =========  ==========  ==========  =========  =========  =========  =========  =========

YEAR:                             18          19          20          21        22          23         24         25         26

PAYMENT NUMBER:                   19          20          21          22        23          24         25         26         27

DATE:                       Feb-2014    Feb-2015    Feb-2016    Feb-2017  Feb-2018    Feb-2019   Feb-2020   Feb-2021   Feb-2022

AGE:                              74          75          76          77        78          79         80         81         82
                           ---------   ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------

PENSION BENEFIT (1)          494,977     494,977     494,977     494,977    494,977    494,977    494,977    494,977    494,977


STANDARD OIL PENSION (2)      42,956      42,956      42,956      42,956     42,956     42,956     42,956     42,956     42,956

PENSION (3)                   70,785      70,785      70,785      70,785     70,785     70,785     70,785     70,785     70,785

SOCIAL SECURITY (7)            7,019       7,019       7,019       7,019      7,019      7,019      7,019      7,019      7,019
                           ---------   ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------

TOTAL OFFSETS                120,760     120,760     120,760     120,760    120,760    120,760    120,760    120,760    120,760
                           ---------   ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
PAYABLE FROM NORDSON         374,217     374,217     374,217     374,217    374,217    374,217    374,217    374,217    374,217
                           =========   =========  ==========  ==========  =========  =========  =========  =========  =========

YEAR:                             27        27.7                     (6)

PAYMENT NUMBER:                   28          29                 PRESENT

DATE:                       Feb-2023    Oct-2023                VALUE AT

AGE:                              83          84       TOTAL        5.75%
                           ---------   ---------  ----------  ----------

PENSION BENEFIT (1)          494,977     346,484  14,205,840   7,273,090


STANDARD OIL PENSION (2)      42,956      30,069     846,233     318,823

PENSION (3)                   70,785      49,549   1,394,455     525,369

SOCIAL SECURITY (7)            7,019       4,913     138,274      52,096
                           ---------   ---------  ----------  ----------

TOTAL OFFSETS                120,760      84,532   2,378,963     896,288
                           ---------   ---------  ----------  ----------
PAYABLE FROM NORDSON         374,217     261,952  11,826,877   6,376,802
                           =========   =========  ==========  ==========



        1,175,450  EST. CY 1993 PENSIONABLE EARNINGS
        1,234,233  EST. CY 1994 PENSIONABLE EARNINGS
        1,295,934  EST. CY 1995 PENSIONABLE EARNINGS
        3,705,606  SUBTOTAL
             0.33  /36 MO. X 12 MO.
        1,235,202  AVERAGE FOR HIGHEST 36 MONTHS
                   TIMES: LESSER OF 56% OR
            49.07% 1.6% X ((248 + MOS. OF NORDSON SERVICE) / 12)
          606,072  TOTAL PENSION INCOME
            81.67%   0.4166% REDUCTION FOR EACH MONTH PRIOR TO AGE 60

        2/15/86 THROUGH 2/15/96

        2/15/96 THROUGH 11/03/99
        MONTHS PRIOR TO AGE 60 = 44

     BEGINS AT AGE 65.   AGE 65 AMT             FACTOR
                             42,956        X     100%    =    42,956

           EARNINGS ARE REDUCED BY IRS LIMIT (when applicable)
       55% TIMES 55%
  =======  Section 415 test passed?  NO
   70,785  NORDSON PENSION PAYABLE AT AGE 65 After Section 415 Limit

(4): Life Expectancy is from Appendix E (Table 1, Single Life Expectancy),
     IRS Publication 590, 1992 Edition.

(5): Payments are 70% of full year amounts.

(6): Interest rate is based on PBGC Regulation Section 2619.26(b)(2)(iv).
     This is the PBGC interest rate for immediate annuities in effect on the
     valuation date.
     On  01/01/93 the rate in effect is  5.75%

(7): 50% of estimated Social Security benefit for the year in which employee
     attains age 65.
     From Hewitt Associates table (1993 version).