Exhibit 10(xiv)(i)

                                                 February 25, 1993

Jon G. Hettinger
Borden, Inc.
180  East Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio

Dear Jon:

This letter will confirm our discussions concerning your decision
to resign your positions with the Company, by mutual agreement.  It
will also serve to cover various related matters so there will be
no future confusion regarding them.

1.   The time between now and May 31, 1993, will serve as a notice
     period during which you will either take vacation or perform
     special assignments as requested.  Commencing June 1, 1993,
     through May 31, 1994, you will be an employee on limited
     service,  but will accrue no vacation rights during that
     period.   During this notice and limited service period, you
     will receive your regular salary of $15,416.67 semi-monthly
     (less normal deductions).  Should you, prior to June 1, 1994,
     accept other employment or embark upon a business venture as
     a principal, your employment status with the Company will
     cease at that time but,    subject to your obligations under
     paragraph 13 below, the payments under this paragraph 1 shall

     In the event that by June 1, 1994, you have not secured other
     employment or embarked upon a business venture as a principal,
     your salary and status as a limited employee will be continued
     until the earlier of (a) your commencement of employment; (b)
     your commencement of a business venture as a principal; or (c)
     September 1, 1994.

2.   Effective immediately, you will resign your position as an
     officer and Executive Vice president of Borden, Inc.  by
     signing the attached resignation letter.


Jon G. Mettinger
February 25, 1993

3.   You understand that you will not participate in the annual
     Management Incentive plan, the 1992-94 long-term cycle or the
     1993-1995 cycle.  However, the stock options which you now
     hold will continue to be in effect until the date payments
     cease under paragraph 1 above, or until such earlier time as
     you are employed by another company.

4.   The Company will extend your Core benefits until August 31,
     1993, i.e., country club dues and luncheon club dues (but not
     expenses for non-Borden related items), and financial
     counseling and  home/auto  insurance  reimbursement.    Your
     parking privileges, medical accumulation and survivor income
     capital account will continue through May 31, 1993.  Your
     umbrella insurance benefit will continue through December 31,
     1993.  You will assume responsibility for your car phone
     expenses at the beginning of its next billing cycle.

5.   Your other regular employee benefits (medical, life, pension
     and savings plan) will continue until the earlier of the date
     payments cease under paragraph 1 above , or the date on which
     you commence other employment or commence a business venture
     as a principal.  However, you will not be eligible for salary
     continuance, long-term or short-term disability after May 31,

6.   As special consideration to assist  you in locating a new
     position, and to defray the expenses you will incur for
     office, telephone and secretarial assistance, the Company will
     pay you a lump sum amount of $12,000, as soon as practicable.
     In addition, you will be permitted $10,000 for personal travel
     expenses or outplacement counseling in connection with a job
     search.   Requests for reimbursement for these latter items
     should be submitted on a regular expense form with
     accompanying receipts.

     You presently have Company computer equipment in your home.
     If the present value of that equipment is less than $4,000,
     you will retain it.  If the value exceeds $4,000, the Company
     will provide you with computer equipment up to that value.
     You will promptly return to the Company all of its books,
     records,  files, equipment or other property now in your


Jon G. Hettinger                                                 3
February 25, 1993

7.   You will transfer  to  the Company  the equity in your golf
     memberships at the Muirfield Golf Club and the New Albany
     Country Club as soon as practicable, but no later than August
     31, 1993.  You will transfer the equity in your membership in
     The Golf Club as of October 1, 1994, or, if you prefer, pay to
     the Company its value as of that time.

8.   In the event you decide to embark upon a business venture as
     a principal, the Company will, upon your request, pay all of
     the monies due you under paragraph 1 above, less $100,000, in
     a lump sum.  The balance of $100,000 will be paid to you on
     May 31, 1994, or earlier if mutually agreed.

9.   Under the Management Incentive Plan, you may have elected to
     defer incentive awards.    Deferred awards under the Plan, if
     any, will be paid to you consistent with the provisions of the
     Plan upon the completion of your limited service.

10.  You acknowledge executing a Security and Invention Agreement
     on May 2, 1973 (copy attached), and you agree to comply with
     the terms and conditions of that Agreement

11.  Because of the unusual arrangement being provided to you, we
     will expect and you agree, that you will conduct yourself in
     a manner which does not disparage Borden, Inc., its employees,
     officers, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and which is not
     contrary to the best interest of these organizations.  The
     Company,  through its Core Management and officers, will not
     disparage you.  This obligation will not be construed to
     prohibit the Company from making truthful statements about its
     business; nor shall it prohibit you from making truthful
     statements responsive to any statements made by the Company.

12.  You agree to be available, as reasonably necessary and upon
     reasonable notice, with no expense to yourself (expenses
     include transportation,    meals and lodging) for legal
     proceedings, whether administrative, civil, or criminal, if
     any, which are already pending or which may arise in the
     future with respect to events which occurred during your
     employment with Borden, Inc.  You further agree to assist and
     cooperate with Borden, Inc. in any such proceedings.


Jon G. Hettinger
February 25, 1993

13.  As a former Executive Vice President and officer of Borden,
     Inc., your knowledge of our customers, markets and plans in
     all facets of the business is extensive and a valuable asset.
     Accordingly, you agree that until August 31, 1994, you Will
     not engage, without prior written consent of the Chief
     Executive Officer (not to be unreasonably withheld), directly
     or indirectly on your own account, or as agent, employee,
     partner, major stockholder or otherwise, in any of the
     following activities with respect to any product or service
     sold  by  Borden,   Inc.,  its  subsidiaries  or  affiliates
     (hereinafter "the Company") in any unit in which you were
     employed or for which you had any responsibility during the
     past two (2) years, or any product or service similar to,
     competitive with, or intended to compete with any product or

     a)   Sell, manufacture, distribute or solicit
          orders for any such product or service in any
          geographical   area   for  which  you   were
          responsible as a representative of the Company
          at any time during the two (2) years preceding
          this  agreement  or  engage  in any such
          activities in any other area where they result
          in or involve the shipment or delivery of such
          product to, or performance of such service in,
          any geographical area in which you acted as an
          employee of the Company at any time during
          such two (2) year period.

     b)   In any geographical area, solicit, sell or
          contact with a view to selling, any such
          product or service, any person, firm or
          corporation from whom you solicited any order
          directly or indirectly or otherwise dealt with
          on behalf of the Company at any time during
          the two (2) year period set forth above.

14.  This agreement is personal and not assignable by you.  In the
     event of your death during the term hereof, this agreement
     shall terminate as of the last day of the month during which
     your death occurred and your designated beneficiary, which may
     be a trust, or if none is so designated, your estate will be
     paid all monies due up through the month of your death, and,
     in addition, the balance of any of the pay due as noted in
     paragraph 1 above.  If that death occurs while you are still
     in an "employee" staus, your widow would be entitled to the
     benefits applicable to widows under the benefit plans in which
     you are participating at the time of your death.


Jon G. Hettinger                                                 5
February 25, 1993

15.  In the event of a material breach of your obligation not to
     compete under this agreement you understand and agree to pay
     to Borden, Inc., any monies received under this agreement up
     to $400,000, and acknowledge that no further sums would be due
     hereunder.  This remedy is in addition to any remedy Borden,
     Inc. has to specifically enforce your agreement and is not to
     be construed as a limitation on its right to recover any
     greater amount of damage Borden can prove.

16.  We agree that this agreement and its attachments supersedes
     any and all other agreements relating to your employment with
     the Company including, but not limited to, your Core
     Arrangement, Team Agreement and Supplemental Benefits
     Agreement.  This agreement shall be governed by the laws of
     the State of Ohio and shall inure to the benefit of the
     successors and assigns of Borden, Inc.  Any provision of the
     agreement deemed by a court to be too broad to be legally
     enforced shall be modified but only to the extent required to
     be so legally enforceable.

17.  In consideration of these foregoing benefits provided to you,
     you hereby release and discharge Borden, Inc., its
     subsidiaries and affiliates, their officers, employees and
     agents from any and all current liabilities, claims for money,
     employment, re-employment, reinstatement and for any and all
     causes of action whatsoever which you may now have against
     them including those arising out of your employment, the
     termination thereof, or discrimination based on age,
     disability, race, sex or other reasons, except any vested
     pension rights which you may have acquired or as specifically
     noted herein; provided, however, that this release shall not
     be construed to prevent you from pursuing any rights you may
     have under the terms of any employee benefit plan to which you
     are a party and under ERISA; any rights you have to COBRA
     benefits; any rights you have to unemployment compensation;
     and any rights you have to enforce the terms of this letter.

18.  You affirm that you are entering into this agreement and
     release voluntarily in order to receive payments and other
     benefits described above.  You understand that  the Company
     would not make these payments or extend these benefits to you
     without your voluntary consent to this agreement.

19.  In making your decision, you recognize that you have the right
     to seek advice and counsel from others, including that of an
     attorney if you so choose.  You acknowledge that you have 21
     days within which to consider this offer.


Jon G. Hettinger
February 25, 1993

20.   You have seven calendar days from the date you sign this
      Agreement to cancel it in writing.  You also understand that
      this Agreement will not bind you or the Company until after
      the seven-day period you have to cancel.  No payments will be
      made under this Agreement until it becomes binding.  You maY
      cancsl this Agreement by signing the cancellation notice below
      (or by any other written signed notice) and delivering it to
      Borden, Inc. within seven days of your signing this Agreement.

I believe that this completely and accurately describes our
understanding and ask that you indicate your agreement by signing
the original of this letter and returning it to me.  I wish you
every success in your future endeavors.

                               For:  Borden, Inc.

                             By: ______________________
                                 A. S. D'Amato



___________________________                  ________________
Jon G. Hettinger                                 DATE

                        CANCELLATION NOTICE

          (To cancel this Agreement, sign below and
          deliver this copy of the Agreement to the
          Company within seven (7) days of the date
          you signed the Agreement.)

          I hereby cancel this Agreement.

          ____________     _______________________
          (Date)                   (Signature).