Washington, D.C.  20549

                                   FORM 11-K

                Transition Report Pursuant to Section 15(d) of

                      the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                         For the transition period from
                       June 1, 1994 to December 31, 1994

                        Commission file number:  1-1499

                       EAGLE-PICHER SALARIED 401(k) PLAN

                      (Formerly Eagle-Picher Savings Plan)


                         EAGLE-PICHER INDUSTRIES, INC.

                              An Ohio Corporation

           580 Walnut Street, P.O. Box 779, Cincinnati, Ohio  45201

                    Issuer's Telephone Number:  513-721-7010

                       EAGLE-PICHER SALARIED 401(k) PLAN
                      (Formerly Eagle-Picher Savings Plan)

                               Table of Contents


Independent Auditors' Report                                   3

Statement of Assets Available for Plan Benefits, with
  Fund Information - December 31, 1994                         4

Statement of Assets Available for Plan Benefits, with
  Fund Information - May 31, 1994                              5

Statements of Changes in Assets Available for Plan Benefits,
  with Fund Information - Seven month period ended
  December 31, 1994 and year ended May 31, 1994                6

Notes to Financial Statements                                  7

Schedule 1, Schedule of Investments - December 31, 1994       12

Signatures                                                    13

Exhibit Index                                                 14

Exhibit 23, Independent Auditors' Consent                     15

                          Independent Auditors' Report

The Administrative Committee
Eagle-Picher Salaried 401(k) Plan
(Formerly Eagle-Picher Savings Plan):

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets available for plan
benefits of the Eagle-Picher Salaried 401(k) Plan as of December 31, 1994 and
May 31, 1994, and the related statements of changes in assets available for
plan benefits for the seven month period ended December 31, 1994 and year ended
May 31, 1994.  These financial statements are the responsibility of the Plan's
management.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial
statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis
for our opinion.

As discussed in Note 5, on January 7, 1991, Eagle-Picher Industries, Inc. and
seven of its subsidiaries, filed voluntary petitions for relief under Chapter
11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court
and are currently operating their businesses as debtors-in-possession under the
jurisdiction of the Bankruptcy Court.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the assets available for plan benefits of the Plan as of
December 31, 1994 and May 31, 1994, and the changes in assets available for
plan benefits for the seven month period ended December 31, 1994 and for the
year ended May 31, 1994, in conformity with generally accepted accounting

Our audits were performed for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic
financial statements taken as a whole.  The supplemental schedule of
Investments is presented for the purpose of additional analysis and is not a
required part of the basic financial statements but is supplementary
information required by the Department of Labor's Rules and Regulations for
Reporting and Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
1974.  The Fund Information in the statements of assets available for plan
benefits and the statements of changes in assets available for plan benefits is
presented for purposes of additional analysis rather than to present the assets
available for plan benefits and changes in assets available for plan benefits
of each fund.  The supplemental schedule and Fund Information have been
subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audits of the basic
financial statements and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all material
respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole.

                                               /s/ KPMG PEAT MARWICK LLP 
                                                KPMG PEAT MARWICK LLP
Cincinnati, Ohio
May 26, 1995


                                                 EAGLE-PICHER SALARIED 401(k) PLAN
                                               (Formerly Eagle-Picher Savings Plan)

                              Statement of Assets Available for Plan Benefits, with Fund Information

                                                         December 31, 1994

                                                                       Fund Information
                                                             Eagle-                            Small       First of
                                     Money        S&P 500    Picher    Eagle-Picher            Stock       America
                                     Market       Index      Stock     Stock Fund   Bond       Index       Bank Trust
                                     Fund         Fund       Fund      Prior Plan   Fund       Fund        (note 2)   Total
                                     ----------   ---------  ------    -----------  ---------  ---------   -------    ---------
Investments, at fair value (note 3):
 Participation in Master Trust Fund 
   as reported by Wachovia Bank,    
   Trustee                           $9,609,510   7,708,951      -       -          2,125,110   4,103,056      -      23,546,627
 Common stock of employer            
   (note 5)                               -           -       43,894   1,639            -                                 45,533 
 Mutual funds                             -           -          -        -             -          -        573,775      573,775
 Other                                    -           -          -        -             -          -         21,255       21,255
                                     ----------   ---------   ------   -----        ---------   ---------   -------   ----------
        Total investments             9,609,510   7,708,951   43,894   1,639        2,125,110   4,103,056   595,030   24,187,190
Cash                                      -           -          939      79            -          -           -           1,018
Contributions receivable:           
  Participants                            5,121       6,105      -       -              2,954       5,514      -          19,694
  Employer                                1,484       1,649      -       -                880       1,484      -           5,497
                                     ----------   ---------   ------   -----        ---------   ---------   -------   ----------
   Assets available for             
   plan benefits                     $9,616,115   7,716,705   44,833   1,718        2,128,944   4,110,054   595,030   24,213,399
                                     ==========   =========   ======   =====        =========   =========   =======   ==========


See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                       EAGLE-PICHER SALARIED 401(k) PLAN
                      (Formerly Eagle-Picher Savings Plan)

          Statement of Assets Available for Plan Benefits, with Fund Information

                                  May 31, 1994

                                                         Fund Information                               
                                                               Eagle-                                   Small   
                                     Money         S&P 500     Picher     Eagle-Picher                  Stock   
                                     Market        Index       Stock      Stock Fund       Bond         Index   
                                     Fund          Fund        Fund       Prior Plan       Fund         Fund         Total
                                     ----------    ---------   -------    ------------     ---------   ----------    ---------
Investments, at fair value (note 3):                                                                    
   Common stock funds                $     -       7,086,382      -          -                 -        2,601,134    9,687,516
   U.S. Government securities              -           -          -          -             1,676,171       -         1,676,171
   Short-term investment fund         9,016,081      141,822      -          -               224,026      137,779    9,519,708
   Common stock of employer                                                                             
     (note 5)                           -              -       138,217    5,624                -           -           143,841
                                     ----------    ---------   -------    -----            ---------    ---------   ----------
          Total investments           9,016,081    7,228,204   138,217    5,624            1,900,197    2,738,913   21,027,236     
Cash                                      1,729        2,922     8,356       31                7,531       -            20,569 
Contributions receivable:                                                                               
   Participants                           4,894        5,891      -          -                 2,591        4,970       18,346   
   Employer                               2,324        2,798      -          -                 1,632        2,361        9,115 
Dividends and                            
   interest receivable                   30,351          230      -          -                14,278          239       45,098 
                                     ----------    ---------   -------    -----            ---------    ---------   ----------
Assets available for plan benefits   $9,055,379    7,240,045   146,573    5,655            1,926,229    2,746,483   21,120,364    
                                     ==========    =========   =======    =====            =========    =========   ==========

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


                                                 EAGLE-PICHER SALARIED 401(k) PLAN
                                               (Formerly Eagle-Picher Savings Plan)
                        Statements of Changes in Assets Available for Plan Benefits, with Fund Information

                              Seven month period ended December 31, 1994 and year ended May 31, 1994
                                                                        Fund Information
                                                                Eagle-                             Small    First of
                                      Money         S&P 500     Picher  Eagle-Picher               Stock     America
                                      Market         Index      Stock    Stock Fund     Bond       Index    Bank Trust
                                       Fund           Fund       Fund    Prior Plan     Fund        Fund     (note 2)     Total
                                     ---------     ---------   --------- ----------   --------- ----------- ---------  -----------

Assets available for plan benefits,
   May 31, 1993                      9,634,667     5,753,059   1,615,981     67,913     984,267     811,960  -          18,867,847

   Participants                        758,660       893,465   -            -           545,481     718,664  -           2,916,270
   Employer                            299,675       331,591   -            -           203,100     254,624  -           1,088,990
Investment income (loss):                                                                                    
   Interest                            299,647         1,564   -            -            73,045       1,619  -             375,875
   Dividends                           -             179,602   -            -         -              24,452  -             204,054
   Net appreciation (depreciation) in                                                                        
      fair value of investments        -              72,729  (1,215,767)   (46,134)    (36,974)     61,303  -          (1,164,843)
Distributions to participants         (649,588)     (295,646)    (28,095)   (16,124)   (131,705)    (46,671) -          (1,167,829)
Interfund transfers, net            (1,287,682)      303,681    (225,546)   -           289,015     920,532  -         -
                                    ----------     ---------   --------- ----------   --------- ----------- ---------  -----------
Assets available for plan benefits,                                                                          
   May 31, 1994                     $9,055,379     7,240,045     146,573      5,655   1,926,229   2,746,483  -          21,120,364
                                    ==========     =========   ========= ==========   ========= =========== =========  ===========
   Participants                        445,126       562,805   -            -           272,522     514,994  -           1,795,447
   Employer                            190,682       202,137   -            -           111,092     178,770  -             682,681
Assets transferred from Michigan                                                                             
   Automotive Research Corporation       6,244        74,947   -            -         -             368,172    595,030   1,044,393
Investment income (loss):
   Net change in participation 
      in Master Trust Fund as 
      reported by Wachovia Bank, 
      Trustee                          264,198       170,670   -            -            39,047      54,594  -             528,509
   Net (depreciation) in                                                                                     
      fair value of investments       -            -             (87,557)    (2,944)  -           -                        (90,501) 
Distributions to participants         (407,443)     (242,275)     (8,229)      (993)   (129,309)    (79,245) -            (867,494)
Interfund transfers, net                61,929      (291,624)     (5,954)   -           (90,637)    326,286  -           -
                                    ----------     ---------   --------- ----------   --------- ----------- ---------  -----------
Assets available for plan benefits,                                                                          
   December 31, 1994                $9,616,115     7,716,705      44,833      1,718   2,128,944   4,110,054    595,030  24,213,399
                                    ==========     =========   ========= ==========   ========= =========== =========  ===========

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                       EAGLE-PICHER SALARIED 401(k) PLAN
                      (Formerly Eagle-Picher Savings Plan)

                         Notes to Financial Statements

(1)      Plan Description
The following description of the Eagle-Picher Salaried 401(k) Plan (formerly
Eagle-Picher Savings Plan) (the Plan) provides only general information.
Effective December 31, 1994, the Michigan Automotive Research Corporation
Employees Retirement Savings Plan (the MARCO plan) was merged into the Plan.
Since that date the Plan has been comprised of two plan documents with assets
held in two separate trusts.  Non-manager employees of MARCO (the MARCO plan
participants) participate under the MARCO plan document (the MARCO document)
and the related assets are held in trust at First of America Bank.  All other
participants participate under the Eagle-Picher Salaried 401(k) Plan document
(the Eagle-Picher document), and the related assets are held in trust at
Wachovia Bank and Trust Company, N.A.  Participants under each of the plan
documents should refer to their specific Summary Plan Description or Plan
Document for a more complete description of the provisions applicable to them.

The Plan is a defined contribution plan and is subject to the provisions of the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).  All salaried
employees (except nonresident aliens) of Eagle-Picher Industries, Inc.(EPI), of
its subsidiaries, Daisy Parts, Inc., Eagle-Picher Minerals, Inc., and Hillsdale
Tool & Manufacturing Co., and the managers of its Michigan Automotive Research
Corporation (MARCO) subsidiary are eligible to participate under the
Eagle-Picher document after one year of service.  The MARCO plan participants
are eligible to participate under the MARCO document after age 20 1/2 and
completion of six months of employment.

Participants under the Eagle-Picher document may make a pre-tax deferral of a
percentage of their base compensation up to the limits established under
Internal Revenue Code 401(a)(17).  These pre-tax deferrals may be made only in
whole percentage increments of one to fifteen percent of the participant's base
compensation.  Participants under the MARCO document may designate a dollar
amount to be deferred from each pay check on a pre-tax basis.  These pre-tax
deferrals under either document may not exceed limitations established under
Section 402(g) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

The employers of participants under the Eagle-Picher document currently match
50% of the first six percent of compensation which participants contribute.
MARCO matches deferrals under the MARCO document at a rate determined by the
administrative committee.  Both the participant deferrals and the employer      
match under each document are invested in such of the funds described in Note 3
in accordance with the participants' elections.

         Rollover Contributions 

Funds previously held for a participant's account in another employee
benefit plan may be rolled over to the Plan on a tax-free basis.  A participant
is fully vested at all  times in such amounts transferred into the Plan.
Rollover contributions share in income and earnings under the terms of the
Plan, but no employer  contributions are made with respect to any rollover

         Participant Accounts

Earnings and losses attributable to investments are allocated to participants'
accounts on a pro rata basis according to the proportion each individual account
balances bears to the total of all participants' account balances.

Participants are fully vested with respect to all contributions (participant,
and employer and roll over) and earnings (losses) of the Plan.

                       EAGLE-PICHER SALARIED 401(k) PLAN
                      (Formerly Eagle-Picher Savings Plan)

                    Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

         Plan Description, Continued


At a participant's request, distributions may be made when
the participant reaches the age of 59 1/2, regardless of the participant's
employment status at such time.  A participant's account may also
be distributed because of termination of employment, permanent disability,
death, or financial hardship.

Benefit payments must commence by the March allocation date in the calendar     
year following the calendar year in which a participant reaches age 70- 1/2,
even if the participant has not separated from service or elected to commence
benefit payments.

Amounts included in assets available for plan benefits which are allocated to
the accounts of persons who have withdrawn from participation in the earnings
and operations of the Plan totalled approximately $196,000 and $389,000 at      
December 31, 1994 and May 31, 1994, respectively.  Because the plan's Form 5500
reflects these amounts as benefits payable, they are reconciling items to the
Plan's financial statements.

         Change in Plan Name 
Effective June 1, 1994, the Plan changed its name from the Eagle-Picher
Savings Plan to the Eagle-Picher Salaried 401(k) Plan.

         Change in Fiscal Year
The Plan changed its fiscal year end from May 31 to December 31.  This change
was effective June 1, 1994.

         Plan Amendment or Termination 
Although EPI does not currently expect to amend or terminate the Plan, it
reserves the right to amend or to terminate the Plan, in whole or in part, at
any time.  Any of the adopting employers reserve the right to withdraw from
the Plan at any time.   In the event of termination of the Plan or an
employer's withdrawal from the Plan, the assets will be distributed to
participants in accordance with the Plan's provisions and existing laws and

(2)      Significant Accounting Policies
The accompanying financial statements of the Plan have been prepared on an
accrual basis of accounting.

         Master Trust Held by Wachovia Bank
Under the terms of a trust agreement between Wachovia Bank and Trust Company,
N.A. (Trustee) and EPI, the Trustee serves as Trustee Custodian for a Master
Trust Fund in which the Plan participates.  The Master Trust Fund Trustee
invests the contributions in the funds designated by the participants.

Income, gains or losses on the investment transactions and unrealized gains or
losses are allocated on a percentage participation basis to the trust funds
which comprise the Master Trust Fund.

Investments are stated at fair value.  Fair value of investments in securities
is determined by the Trustee.  

Investment transactions are accounted for on the trade-date (the date the order
to buy or sell is executed).  The basis used in the calculation of realized
gains and losses on sales of securities is determined using the average cost
         Common Stock of Eagle-Picher Industries, Inc.
Since November 15, 1993, the securities of EPI have been traded 
over-the-counter (see Note 5).  The fair value is determined by the bid price.
Prior to that date, the fair value of these securities was determined from
the closing price on the New York Stock Exchange.

                       EAGLE-PICHER SALARIED 401(k) PLAN
                      (Formerly Eagle-Picher Savings Plan)

                    Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

         Significant Accounting Policies, Continued

         First of America Bank Trust (FAB Trust)
The assets related to the MARCO plan participants are held in trust by First of
America Bank (the FAB Trustee) under the terms of a trust agreement with MARCO.

Investments are stated at fair value.  Fair value of investments in securities
is determined by the FAB Trustee.

All expenses of administering the Plan are paid by the employers.

(3)      Investments
EPI has entered into a trust agreement with the Trustee with respect to the
operation of the Plan and the establishment and management of the trust fund
(except as to the assets related to the MARCO plan participants).  Until
November 30, 1992, the Trustee invested all participant contributions to the
Plan in three investment funds, as directed by the individual participants.
The three funds are:

         *                THE MONEY MARKET FUND - A money market fund managed
                          by the Trustee seeking stability of value while
                          earning current interest rates available from
                          commercial paper, certificates of deposit and other
                          short term investments.

         *                THE S&P 500 INDEX FUND - A diversified common stock
                          fund managed by the American National Bank with the
                          primary objective of long-term capital growth, with
                          income and safety as secondary considerations.  It
                          invests in the Common Stock of the companies that
                          comprise the Standard and Poor's 500 Index.

         *                THE EAGLE-PICHER STOCK FUND - A fund invested
                          entirely in common stock of EPI.  Dividends on such
                          stock were discontinued in November, 1988; however,
                          prior to that time, these dividends were reinvested
                          in such stock.

Effective December 1, 1992, the Plan was amended and restated so that
participants no longer have the option of contributing to the Eagle-Picher
Stock Fund.  However, two additional investment funds were added so that
participants may diversify their accounts:

         *                THE BOND FUND - A fund seeking higher interest rates,
                          it invests in high quality short-term and
                          intermediate-term notes and bonds with a maximum
                          maturity of five years.
         *                THE SMALL STOCK INDEX FUND - A diversified common
                          stock fund managed by American National Bank
                          aggressively seeking long-term capital growth.  It
                          invests in the stock of smaller publicly-traded

In addition, a sixth fund (Eagle-Picher Stock Fund - Prior Plan) is maintained
by the Trustee.  This fund consists of the balances maintained in the Prior
Plan, whichautomatically became a part of the Plan upon its inception.

The investments, with the exception of the Eagle-Picher Stock Fund, the Eagle - 
Picher Stock Fund - Prior Plan and the assets related to the MARCO plan
participants, are in the Master Trust which was established for the investment
of assets of the Plan and another employer sponsored 401(k) plan.  Each
participating plan has an individual interest in the Master Trust.  At December
31, 1994, the Plan's interest in the net assets of the Master Trust was
approximately 95.9%.  Investment income is allocated to the individual plans
based upon average quarterly balances invested by each plan.

                       EAGLE-PICHER SALARIED 401(k) PLAN
                      (Formerly Eagle-Picher Savings Plan)

                    Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

         Investments, Continued
The following table presents the fair values of investments and total assets
for the Master Trust at December 31, 1994:

            Short-term Investment Fund:
               *Wachovia Bank Diversified
                   Short-Term Investment Fund                     $11,333,327
            Common Stock Funds:
                American National Bank Multiple
                   S&P 500 Index Fund                               7,717,581
                American National Bank Multiple
                   Minicap Equity Fund                              3,708,078

            United States government and government agency
               obligations                                          1,709,912

            Accrued investment income                                  71,298
            Cash                                                          138
         * Denotes party-in-interest.

    Investment income for the Master Trust for the period ended December 31,
1994 was as follows:

    Investment income:
          Net Appreciation (depreciation) in fair value
             of investments

          Common Stock Funds                                  $   66,090
          United States government and government agency
             obligations                                         (13,592)
          Dividends and interest                                 479,668
                                                              $  532,166
In connection with the merger of the MARCO plan into the Plan on December 31,
1994, the FAB Trustee held the assets related to the MARCO plan participants in
the following investment fund options at December 31, 1994:

                                                                  Fair Value
          *Parkstone Equity Fund                                  $138,203 
          *Parkstone Prime Obligation Money Market Fund            106,096 
          *Parkstone Bond Fund                                      74,622 
          *Parkstone Balanced Fund                                  72,172
          *Parkstone High Income Equity Fund                        67,854 
          *Parkstone Small Capital Fund                             52,021
          *Parkstone Limited Maturity Bond Fund                     33,987 
          *Parkstone International Discovery Fund                   28,820
           Other                                                    21,255
*Denotes party-in-interest

                       EAGLE-PICHER SALARIED 401(k) PLAN
                      (Formerly Eagle-Picher Savings Plan)

                    Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

         Investments, Continued

At May 31, 1994, the following investments were in excess of 5% of assets
available for plan benefits:                 

                                                         Cost              Value 
                                                      ----------        ----------
             Securities of participating employer:
               *Eagle-Picher Industries, Inc.
                Common Stock (See note 5)              $2,941,103         143,841

             Securities of unaffiliated issuers:
                Short-term Investment Fund:
               *Wachovia Bank Diversified
                    Short Term Investment Fund          9,519,708       9,519,708

             Common Stock Funds:
                American National Bank Multiple
                    S&P 500 Index Fund                  4,922,352       7,086,382 
                American National Bank Multiple
                    Minicap Equity Fund                 2,495,983       2,601,134

* Denotes party-in-interest.

(4)      Federal Income Taxes
The Plan obtained its latest determination letter on February 11, 1988, in
which the Internal Revenue Service stated that the Plan, as then designed, was  
in compliance with the applicable requirements of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Plan has been amended and restated since receiving such determination
letter.  However, the Plan administrator and the Plan's tax counsel believe
that the Plan is currently designed and being operated in compliance with the
applicable requirements of the Internal Revenue Code.  Therefore, they believe
that the Plan remains qualified, and its underlying trust is tax-exempt under
the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.  An application for
determination of the qualified status of the amended and restated Plan was
filed with the Internal Revenue Service on March 31, 1995.

(5)      Bankruptcy Filing and Related Matters Affecting the Employers
On January 7, 1991, EPI and seven of its domestic subsidiaries filed voluntary
petitions for relief under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in
the United States Bankruptcy Court and are currently operating their respective
businesses as debtors in possession under the jurisdiction of the
Bankruptcy Court. Neither the Plan nor any of its assets are subject to these
Chapter 11 proceedings.  However, to the extent that certain participants'
accounts may be invested, in whole or in part, in EPI's Common Stock, such
stock investments will be affected by the outcome of the Chapter 11

On February 28, 1995, EPI filed a plan of reorganization that provides a basis
for EPI and its subsidiaries to emerge from Chapter 11.  The plan of
reorganization was filed in conjunction with the Injury Claimants' Committee    
and the Legal Representative for Future Claimants.  It is not currently a
consensual plan as the Unsecured Creditors' Committee and the Equity Security
Holders' Committee, the other statutory committees appointed in the Chapter 11
case, have not agreed to it.  The plan of reorganization is a proposed plan
that remains subject to the confirmation process in the Bankruptcy Court. 

Under the Bankruptcy Code, shareholders are not entitled to any distribution
under a plan of reorganization unless all classes of pre-petition unsecured
creditors receive satisfaction in full of their allowed claims or accept a plan
which allows shareholders to participate in the reorganized company or to
receive a distribution.   The plan of reorganization that was filed does not
provide for any distribution to the existing common shareholders of EPI; their
shares would be cancelled.  As a consequence of announcing that an agreement had
been reached as to the principal elements of the plan of reorganization on
November 10, 1993, trading in EPI's Common Stock was suspended, and subsequently
EPI's Common Stock was removed from listing and registration on the New York
Stock Exchange effective June 9, 1994.

                                                                      Schedule 1

                       EAGLE-PICHER SALARIED 401(k) PLAN
                          (Eagle-Picher Savings Plan)

                            Schedule of Investments

                               December 31, 1994

  Description of Investment                      Cost                 Value
  ---------------------------              --------------         ------------
   Participation in Master Trust           $    21,119,298        $ 23,546,627

   Common Stock of employer                      2,845,209              45,533

   First of America Bank:

     * Parkstone Equity Fund                       134,032             138,203
     * Parkstone Prime Obligation Money                          
     *    Market Fund                              106,096             106,096
     * Parkstone Bond Fund                          85,492              74,622
     * Parkstone Balanced Fund                      67,005              72,172
     * Parkstone High Income Equity Fund            72,099              67,854
     * Parkstone Small Capital Fund                 46,612              52,021
     * Parkstone Limited Maturity Bond Fund         36,132              33,987
     * Parkstone International Discovery Fund       32,646              28,820
       Other                                        21,255              21,255
                                            --------------       -------------
                                            $   24,565,876       $  24,187,190 
                                            ==============       =============
* Denotes party-in-interest


         THE PLAN.  Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, the Plan Administrators have duly signed this transition report on
behalf of the Eagle-Picher Salaried 401(k) Plan (formerly the Eagle-Picher
Savings Plan).

                                  EAGLE-PICHER SALARIED 401(k) PLAN

Date:  June 22, 1995              /s/ Carroll D. Curless           
                                  Carroll D. Curless, Member of the
                                  Administrative Committee

Date:  June 22, 1995              /s/ David N. Evans               
                                  David N. Evans, Member of the
                                  Administrative Committee

Date:  June 22, 1995              /s/ David N. Hall                
                                  David N. Hall, Member of the
                                  Administrative Committee

Date:  June 27, 1995              /s/ Harry A. Neely               
                                  Harry A. Neely, Member of the
                                  Administrative Committee

Date:  June 22, 1995              /s/ James A. Ralston             
                                  James A. Ralston, Member of the
                                  Administrative Committee

                                 Exhibit Index

Exhibit Number                                             Page
- -------------                                              ----

     23            Independent Auditors' Consent            15
