Exhibit (a)(1)

                      World Communications, Inc.

                                 Consolidated Financial Statements
                                         with Supplemental Material
                              Years Ended December 31, 1994 and 1993

                          World Communications, Inc.

Independent Auditors' Report                                                    1

Consolidated Financial Statements
      Balance sheets                                                            2
      Statements of income                                                      3
      Statements of stockholders' equity                                        4
      Statements of cash flows                                                  5
      Summary of accounting policies                                          6-7
      Notes to consolidated financial statements                              8-14

Supplemental Material
      Consolidating balance sheet - 1994                                       15
      Consolidating statement of income -  1994                                16
      Consolidating balance sheet - 1993                                       17
      Consolidating statement of income -  1993                                18

                                 BDO Seidman
                         Accountants and Consultants
                         720 Olive Street, Suite 2300
                          St. Louis, Missouri  63101
                           Telephone:(314) 231-7575
                              Fax:(314) 621-6891

Independent Auditors' Report

Board of Directors
World Communications, Inc.
St. Louis, Missouri

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of World
Communications, Inc. (the Company) as of December 31, 1994, and the related
consolidated statements of income, stockholders' equity, and cash flows for the
year then ended. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility
of the Company's management.   Our responsibility is to express an opinion on
these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. The financial
statements of World Communications, Inc. as of December 31, 1993 were audited
by other auditors whose report dated April 22, 1994, expressed an unqualified
opinion on those statements.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement.  An audit includes examIning, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation.  We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis
for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of World
Communications, Inc. as of December 31, 1994 and the results of their
operations and their cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles.

Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the consolidated
financial statements taken as a whole. The consolidating information included
in the supplemental material presented for purposes of additional analysis of
the consolidated financial statements rather than to present the financial
position and results of operations of the individual companies. The
consolidating information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied
in the audits of the consolidated financial statements and, in our opinion, is
fairly presented in all material respects in relation to the consolidated
financial statements taken as a whole.

St. Louis, Missouri
April 7, 1995 (except for Note 3
which is May 10, 1995)

Consolidated Financial Statements


December 31                                                   1994            1993
   Cash                                                 $  184,112     $   186,894
   Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful
     accounts of $46,500 and $41,000, at December 31,
     1994 and 1993, respectively                           486,073         361,307
   Prepaid expenses                                         93,969          45,024
   Other current assets                                      3,029             479
Total Current Assets                                       767,183         593,704
Operating Equipment (Note 5)
   Telecommunication equipment                           5,344,296       3,767,232
   Telephone equipment held for installation               225,151         159,976
                                                         5,569,447       3,927,208

   Less accumulated depreciation and amortization       (2,015,225)     (1,491,212)
                                                         3,554,222       2,435,996
Leasehold Improvements, Equipment, Furniture and
   Fixtures (Note 5), net of accumulated depreciation and
   amortization of $131,954 and $90,851 at December 31,
   1994 and 1993, respectively                             284,358         152,363

Intangible Assets (Note 2)
   Site license contracts, net                             534,375          82,333
   Agreements not to compete, net                          294,167          12,500
Total Intangible Assets                                    828,542          94,833

Other Assets                                               228,701          99,359

                                                       $ 5,663,006     $ 3,376,255

                          World Communications, Inc.
                         Consolidated Balance Sheets

December 31,                                                  1994            1993
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

   Accounts payable                                     $  495,492     $   326,398
   Accrued expenses                                        405,305         257,292
   Current maturities of deferred revenue                   40,000          40,000
   Current maturities of long-term debt:
     Notes payable (Note 3)                                551,926          98,166
     Obligations under capital lease (Note 5)              477,416         285,944
Total Current Liabilities                                1,970,139       1,007,800

Deferred Revenue, less current maturities                    7,562          50,994

Long-term Debt, less current maturities
   Notes payable (Note 3)                                1,512,694       1,069,237
   Obligations under capital lease (Note 5)                925,794         580,491
   Subordinated convertible debentures (Note 4)          1,140,000         680,000
Total Liabilities                                        5,556,189       3,388,522

Commitments and Contingencies (Notes 4 and 5)

Stockholders' Equity (Note 8)
   Common stock, $.01 par - shares authorized, 500,000;
     issued and outstanding, 269,938 in 1994 and 1993        2,699           2,699
   Additional paid-in capital                              476,951         476,951
   Accumulated deficit                                    (372,833)       (491,917)
Total Stockholders' Equity                                 106,817         (12,267)

                                                       $ 5,663,006     $ 3,376,255

                             See accompanying independent auditors' report, summary of
                        accounting policies and notes to consolidated financial statements.


                          World Communications, Inc.

                      Consolidated Statements of Income

Years Ended December 31.                                   1994            1993
   Coin calls                                           $2,783,519      $2,324,646
   Non-coin calls                                        4,689,651       4,444,086
   Other                                                    61,746          86,618

                                                         7,534,916       6,855,350

Cost of Revenues
   Line access charges                                   3,272,195       2,950,299
   Commissions                                             869,656         791,052
   Service and collection                                  848,980         841,094
   Depreciation and amortization                           570,038         567,308
                                                         5,560,869       5,149,753
Gross Profit                                             1,974,047       1,705,597

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses             1,583,076       1,143,574
Operating Income                                           390,971         562,023

Other Income (Expense)
   Interest expense                                       (380,253)       (328,781)
   Gain on sale of assets                                   67,256         154,823
   Other income                                             41,110          19,661
Total Other Income (Expense)                              (271,887)       (154,297)
Income before Taxes on Income                              119,084         407,726

Taxes on Income (Note 6)                                         -               -

Net Income                                              $  119,084      $  407,726

                              See accompanying independent auditors' report, summary, of
                          accounting policies and notes to consolidated financial statements.


                          World Communications, Inc.
                Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity

                                             Additional                  Total
                                   Common      paid-in    Accumulated  stockholders'
                                     stock     capital     deficit     equity (deficit)
Balance, January 1, 1993           $2,689    $466,961    $(899,643)   $(429,993)

Issuance of 1,000 shares of
   $.01 par
   value common stock                  10       9,990            -       10,000

Net income                              -                  407,726      407,726
Balance, December 31, 1993          2,699     476,951     (491,917)     (12,267)

Net income                                          -      119,084      119,084

Balance, December 31, 1994         $2,699    $476,951    $(372,833)    $106,817

                                See accompanying independent auditors' report, summary of
                           accounting policies and notes to consolidated financial statements.


                          World Communications, Inc.
                    Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

Years Ended December 31,                                               1994           1993
Operating Activities
  Net income                                                     $      119,084    $      407,726
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided
     by operating activities:
       Depreciation and amortization                                    653,695           625,511
       Gain on sale of property and equipment                           (67,256)         (154,823)
       Changes in assets and liabilities:
         Accounts receivable                                           (124,766)           25,743
         Prepaid, other current assets and other assets                (192,490)          (47,421)
         Accounts payable                                               169,094          (137,566)
         Accrued expenses                                                78,013           (22,697)
         Deferred revenue                                               (43,432)           79,513
Cash Provided by Operating Activities                                   591,942           775,986

Investing Activities
   Acquisitions of telecommunication equipment,
     site licenses and agreements not to compete
   Purchases of telecommunication equipment, leasehold               (1,126,618)         (271,800)
     improvements and office furniture and equipment                   (616,039)         (492,372)
   Proceeds from sale of equipment                                      164,352           249,200
Cash Used in Investing Activities                                    (1,578,305)         (514,972)

Financing Activities
   Net borrowings (payments) under line of credit agreements            140,805          (100,000)
   Principal payments on notes payable to bank                         (151,958)         (297,515)
   Principal payments on notes payable to stockholders                 (259,000)         (450,594)
   Principal payments on capital lease obligations                     (325,636)         (337,860)
   Proceeds from issuance of notes payable to bank                      954,370                 -
   Proceeds from issuance of notes payable to stockholders              250,000           622,685
   Proceeds from issuance of subordinated convertible debentures        375,000           269,000
   ProCeeds from sale of common stock                                         -            10,000
Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities                         983,581          (284,284)
Decrease in Cash                                                         (2,782)          (23,270)
Cash, beginning of year                                                 186,894           210,164

Cash, end of year                                                    $  184,112         $ 186,894

                                     See accompanying independent auditors' report, summary of
                                accounting policies and notes to consolidated financial statements.


                          World Communications, Inc.

                        Summary of Accounting Policies

Principles of            The consolidated financial statements include the
Consolidation            accounts of World Communications, Inc. and its
                         wholly-owned subsidiaries, Northern Florida Telephone 
                         Corporation (North Florida) and West Texas 
                         Communications, Inc. (West Texas) (collectively, the 
                         Company) through the date of its disposition, June 1, 
                         1993. West Texas was incorporated in June 1988, and
                         North Florida was acquired in April 1990. All
                         significant intercompany balances and transactions
                         have been eliminated in consolidation.

Revenue Recognition      The Company's principal sources of revenue are monies
                         received from long distance operator services,
                         commissions, phone vending (coin calls), and
                         dial-around revenue.  Long distance operator services
                         revenue is reported at the gross amount with expenses
                         reflected in cost of revenue. Commissions, which
                         represent similar earnIngs, are recorded at their net
                         amount received as gross revenue and expense details
                         are not provided to the Company.  Dial-around revenue
                         is included in commissions and consists of payments of
                         $6 to $9 per phone per month received from long-
                         distance carriers as payment for connection and call
                         transfer services.

Operating                Telephone equipment held for installation is carried
Equipment                at lower of cost or market and consists principally of
                         telephones and related parts and supplies.  Once 
                         installed, the equipment is recorded in property and 
                         equipment and depreciated.

                         Telecommunication equipment is stated at cost.  The
                         Company capitalizes, as part of the cost of the
                         telecommunication equipment, the cost of initial
                         installation. Equipment held under capital leases is
                         initially recorded at the lower of fair market value
                         of the equipment or the present value of minimum lease
                         payments at the inception of the lease. Repairs and
                         maintenance are expensed as incurred.

                         Depreciation of operating equipment is computed using
                         the straight- line method over the estimated useful
                         life of the asset. Equipment held under capital leases
                         is amortized using the straight-line method over the
                         estimated useful life of the respective asset as the
                         leases contain bargain purchase options. The estimated
                         useful lives range from four to ten years.


                          World Communications, Inc.

                        Summary of Accounting Policies

Intangible Assets        Intangible assets consist of costs allocated to site
                         license contracts and covenants not to compete. Site
                         license contracts represent the value assigned to
                         purchased contracts as a result of acquired equipment.
                         These contracts are valued at the lower of cost or
                         approximate gross profit remaining on the contracts at
                         the acquisition date.

                         Amortization for site license contracts is computed
                         using the straight-line method over the estimated life
                         of the contracts, estimated to be four years.  The
                         covenants not to compete are being amortized over the
                         life of the respective agreements.

Income Taxes             Effective January 1, 1993, the Company adopted
                         Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109,
                         "Accounting for Income Taxes" (FAS 109). Under the
                         asset and liability method FAS 109, deferred tax
                         assets and liabilities are recognized for the future
                         tax consequences attributable to the difference
                         between financial statement carrying amounts of
                         existing assets and liabilities and their respective
                         tax bases.  Deferred tax assets and liabilities are
                         measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to
                         taxable income in the years in which those temporary
                         differences are expected to be recovered or settled.
                         Under FAS 109, the effect on deferred tax assets and
                         liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in
                         income in the period that includes the enactment date.

                         The cumulative effect of a change in method of
                         accounting for income taxes as of January 1, 1993 was
                         not material to the overall presentation of the
                         Company's consolidated financial statements.

Cash and Cash            For purposes of the statements of cash flows, the
Equivalents              Company considers all highly liquid debt instruments
                         purchased with a maturity of three months or less to 
                         be cash equivalents.

Reclassifications        Certain changes in the presentation of the accounts of
                         the December 31, 1993 financial statements have been
                         made to conform to the December 31, 1994 presentation.
                         These changes have had no effect on net income for the
                         periods presented.


                          World Communications, Inc.
                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Business              The principal business activity of the Company is the
                         installation and service of pay telephones. The
                         Company began operations in March 1988. At December
                         31, 1994, the Company had approximately 2,600
                         telephones operating in eight states.

2.  Acquisitions and     Acquisitions
                         During the years ended December 31, 1994 and 1993, the
                         Company acquired certain assets of various independent
                         payphone operators including the following:

                                                                                      allocated to
                                                                             Purchase  intangibles
                         Acquisition date            Selling company           price    acquired
                         Year ended December 31,
                             October 1994          Advanced Projects, Inc.    $464,000  $257,600
                             November 1994         Florida Telephone          $640,000  $422,700

                         Year ended December 31,
                             February 1993         Phone Masters, Inc.        $272,000  $106,500

                         The purchase method of accounting was used to record
                         each of the above acquisitions. Accordingly, the
                         purchase price was allocated to the assets acquired
                         based on the estimated fair values at the purchase
                         dates.  Operating results for the respective companies
                         have been included in the Company's results of
                         operations from the respective purchase dates.


                         On June 1, 1993, the Company completed the sale of
                         substantially all of the assets of West Texas to an
                         unrelated entity.  The Company received approximately
                         $249,000 in cash and recorded a gain on the sale of
                         approximately $144,000.  The funds were utilized to
                         reduce certain outstanding bank debt.


                          World Communications, Inc.

                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

3. Notes Payable         At December 31, 1994 and 1993, notes payable consist
                         of the following:

                         December 31,                                           1994         1993
                         $500,000 line of credit, principal due
                         September 1995, interest payable monthly
                         at the bank's prime lending rate (8.5% at
                         December 31, 1994) plus 1%                          $ 315,805   $        -

                         $200,000 line of credit, principal due April
                         1995, interest payable monthly at the bank's
                         prime lending rate plus 1.75%                               -      100,000

                         $75,000 line of credit, principal due April
                         1995, interest payable monthly at the bank's
                         prime lending rate plus 1 %                                 -       75,000

                         Promissory notes payable to bank, interest
                         rate at bank's prime lending rate plus 1%,
                         principal and interest payable in monthly
                         installments ranging from $999 to $5,971,
                         with payment of the remaining principal
                         balance at maturity in August 1995                    749,807      848,403

                         Promissory notes payable to bank, interest
                         rate at bank's prime lending rate plus 1 %,
                         principal and interest payable in monthly
                         installments ranging from $5,362 to $5,971,
                         with payment of the remaining principal
                         balance at maturity in November 2001                  949,008            -

                         Note payable to various stockholders with no
                         specified principal payment terms, interest
                         payable monthly at prime plus 3% (Note 7)              50,000      144,000
                                                                             2,064,620    1,167,403
                         Less current maturities                               551,926       98,166
                                                                            $1,512,694   $1,069,237

                         The Company's debt is secured by substantially all of
                         the assets of the Company, the related telephone site
                         license contracts and personal guarantees of officers
                         and stockholders of the Company.

                         Subsequent to year end, the Company renewed the
                         promissory notes payable to bank maturing in August
                         1995. Terms under the new agreements require monthly
                         principal payments of $8,877 plus interest at the
                         bank's prime lending rate plus 1 % with payment of the
                         remaining principal balance at maturity in May 1998.


                          World Communications, Inc.

                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                      The aggregate maturities of long-term debt are as follows:

                           Year Ending December 31,
                                 1995                          $  551,926
                                 1996                             287,612
                                 1997                             237,612
                                 1998                             575,774
                                 1999                             134,328
                                 Thereafter                       277,368


4.  Subordinated         The Company has issued two separate series of
    Convertible          subordinated convertible debentures (the debentures)
    Debentures           during 1994 and 1993 to various stockholders bearing
                         interest at .10% payable twice annually. The 
                         debentures issued in 1994 mature in five years and 
                         are callable by the Company at any time following the 
                         date of issuance. The holders may convert these 
                         debentures into common stock at a conversion rate of 
                         $10 per share at any time prior to the redemption of 
                         these debentures.

                         The debentures issued in 1993 also mature in five
                         years and are callable by the Company at any time
                         following the date of issuance. The holders may
                         convert these debentures into common stock at a
                         conversion rate of $6 per share at any time prior to
                         the redemption of these debentures.

                         For both the 1994 and 1993 debentures, if called
                         within three years of issuance, the debentures shall
                         be redeemed at 102% of face value.

                         At December 31, 1994 and 1993, the outstanding balance
                         of the debentures were $1,140,000 and $680,000,


                          World Communications, Inc.
                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

5.  Leases               Capital Leases

                         The Company leases telephone equipment and telephone
                         equipment held for installation from third parties
                         under capital lease agreements.  Terms of the leases
                         include monthly payments ranging from approximately
                         $26 to $4,300 with final installments payable through
                         April 1998.  The gross amount of telephone equipment,
                         related costs, related accumulated amortization and
                         telephone equipment held for installation recorded
                         under the capital leases is as follows:

                                                             1994          1993
                         Telecommunication equipment       $1,789,432   $ 1,832,996
                         Other equipment                      192,239        67,208
                                                            1,981,671     1,900,204
                         Less accumulated amortization       (315,836)     (683,683)
                                                           $1,665,835    $1,216,521

                         Future minimum lease payments under capital lease
                         agreements at December 31, 1994 are as follows:

                         Year Ending December 31.
                         1995                                           $   634,188
                         1996                                               570,609
                         1997                                               458,036
                         1998                                                40,033
                         Total minimum lease payments                     1,702,866
                         Less amounts representing interest                (299,656)
                         Present value of future minimum lease payments   1,403,210
                         Less current maturities                            477,416
                                                                         $  925,794


                          World Communications, Inc.
                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                         Amortization of assets held under capital leases is
                         included within depreciation and amortization expense.

                         Operating Leases

                         At December 31, 1994, the Company was committed to an
                         operating lease of its St. Louis Office through June
                         30, 1999 and of its Florida office through March 31,

                         Total rent expense under all operating leases was
                         $76,766 and $38,721 for the years ended December 31,
                         1994 and 1993, respectively.

                         Future minimum lease payments under an operating lease
                         agreement at December 311994 are as follows:

                                      1995                   $ 61,489
                                      1996                     68,831
                                      1997                     69,719
                                      1998                     72,561
                                      1999                     36,917
                                      Total                  $309,517

6.  Taxes on             The Company adopted FAS 109 as of January 1, 1993.
    Income               There was no effect on pretax income from applying FAS
                         109 for the year ended December 31, 1993.

                         Income tax expense (benefit) differed from the amounts
                         computed by applying the blended U.S. Federal and
                         state income tax rate of 36% to income before
                         provision for income taxes as a result of the

                                                                            1994             1993
                         Computed "expected" tax expense                $ 42,870        $ 146,781
                         Increase in income tax expense (benefit)
                           resulting from:
                              Other                                            -            8,442
                             Utilization of net operating loss and
                               contribution carryforward                 (42,870)        (155,223)
                                                                         $     -        $       -


                          World Communications, Inc.
                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                         The tax effects of temporary differences that give
                         rise to significant portions of the deferred tax
                         assets are presented below:

                                                                  1994      1993
                         Deferred tax assets:
                           Net operating loss carryforwards    $83,000   $131,000
                           Less valuation allowance             83,000    131,000
                         Net Deferred Tax Assets               $     -   $      -

                         At December 31, 1994, the Company has net operating
                         loss carry forwards for Federal income tax purposes
                         of approximately $245,000, which are available to
                         offset future Federal taxable amounts.  Net operating
                         loss carryforwards begin to expire in 2005.

7.  Related Party        A law firm in which certain partners are stockholders
    Transactions         of the Company provided legal services amounting of
                         approximately $47,000 and $45,000 for the years ended 
                         December 31, 1994 and 1993, respectively.

                         See Notes 3 and 4 relating to notes payable and
                         subordinated debt with stockholders.  It is the
                         stockholders intent not to request repayment of the
                         notes payable in 1995.

8.  Subsequent           On January 16, 1995, the Company's Board of Directors
    Events               authorized an increase in the authorized shares of
                         common stock from 500,000 to 1,000,000.

                         In February of 1995, the Company acquired
                         substantially all the assets of Acuquik Pay Phones,
                         Inc. for a purchase price of $275,000. Approximately
                         $132,000 was allocated to intangibles acquired. In
                         conjunction with this acquisition, the Company issued
                         a promissory note payable to a financial institution
                         in the amount of $245,000. Terms of this agreement
                         require monthly principal payments of $2,920 plus
                         interest at the bank's prime lending rate plus 1% with
                         payment of the remaining principal balance at maturity
                         in February 1998.


                          World Communications, Inc.
                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

9.  Supplemental         The Company paid $373,866 and $345,565 for interest in
    Cash Flow            the years ended December 31, 1994 and 1993, 
    Information          respectively.   

                         Non-cash Transactions

                         For the years ended December 31, 1994 and 1993,
                         capital lease obligations of $910,411 and $398,677,
                         respectively, were incurred when the Company entered
                         into leases for telephone equipment, related costs and
                         vehicles.  Accordingly, capital expenditures exclude
                         assets recorded under the capital lease obligations.

                         In 1994 and 1993, approximately $85,000 and $411,000,
                         in stockholder and related party debt was converted
                         into subordinated convertible debentures,
                         respectively. The effects of this transaction have
                         been excluded from the statement of cash flows.



                                        Supplemental Material


                                                      World         Florida
                                                 Communications,   Telephone
December 31, 1994                                     Inc.        Corporation    Combined   Eliminations  Consolidated

  Cash                                             $  120,166  $      63,946  $   184,112  $         -    $   184,112
  Accounts receivable, net                            430,106         55,967      486,073            -        486,073
  Intercompany receivables                          1,156,588              -    1,156,588   (1,156,588)
  Prepaid expenses                                     84,042          9,927       93,969            -         93,969
  Other current assets                                  2,850            179        3,029            -          3,029
Total Current Assets                                1,793,752        130,019    1,923,771   (1,156,588)       767,183
Operating Equipment
  Telecommunication equipment                       4,062,613      1,281,683    5,344,296            -      5,344,296
  Telephone equipment held for installation           165,336         59,815      225,151            -        225,151
                                                    4,227,949      1,341,498    5,569,447            -      5,569,447
  Less accumulated depreciation and amortization   (1,578,038)      (437,187)  (2,015,225)           -     (2,015,225)
                                                    2,649,911        904,311    3,554,222            -      3,554,222

Leasehold Improvements, Equipment, Furniture
  and Fixtures, net of accumulated depreciation
  and amortization                                    257,736         26,622      284,358            -       284,358

Investment in Subsidiary                             (486,769)                   (486,769)     486,769

Intangible Assets
  Site license contracts, net                          56,329        478,046      534,375            -       534,375
  Agreements not to compete, net                        2,500        291,667      294,167            -       294,167
                                                       58,829        769,713      828,542            -       828,542
Other Assets                                          218,149         10,552      228,701            -       228,701
                                                  $ 4,491,608     $1,841,217  $ 6,332,825  $  (669,819)  $ 5,663,006

                          World Communications, Inc.
                   Supplemental Consolidating Balance Sheet

                                                      World         Florida
                                                 Communications,   Telephone
December 31, 1994                                     Inc.        Corporation    Combined   Eliminations  Consolidated
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
  Accounts payable                            $      413,264        $  82,228    $  495,492  $        -     $  495,492
  Intercompany payables                              618,149          538,439     1,156,588   1,156,588
  Accrued expenses                                   250,283          155,022       405,305           -        405,305
  Current maturities of deferred revenue              40,000                -        40,000           -         40,000
  Current maturities of long-term debt:
    Notes payable                                    343,634          208,292       551,926           -        551,926
    Obligations under capital lease                  434,897           42,519       477,416           -        477,416
Total Current Liabilities                          2,100,227        1,026,500     3,126,727   1,156,588      1,970,139

Deferred Revenue, less current maturities              7,562                -         7,562                      7,562

Long-term Debt, less current maturities
  Notes payable                                      228,257        1,284,437     1,512,694           -      1,512,694
  Obligations under capital lease                    908,747           17,047       925,794           -        925,794
  Subordinated convertible debentures              1,140,000                      1,140,000           -      1,140,000
Total Liabilities                                  4,384,793        2,327,984     6,712,777   1,156,588      5,556,189

Stockholders' Equity
  Common stock                                         2,699            1,000         3,699       1,000          2,699
  Additional paid-in capital                         476,951                -       476,951           -        476,951
  Accumulated deficit                                372,833         (487,768)     (860,601)   (487,768)      (372,833)
Total Stockholders' Equity                           106,817         (486,768)     (379,951)   (486,768)       106,817
                                                 $ 4,491,610       $1,841,216   $ 6,332,826  $  669,820    $ 5,663,006

                          World Communications, Inc.

                Supplemental Consolidating Statement of Income

                                                      World         Florida
                                                 Communications,   Telephone
Year Ended December 31, 1994                          Inc.        Corporation    Combined     Eliminations  Consolidated
  Coin calls                                    $2,112,629         $  670,890    $2,783,519    $     -      $2,783,519
  Non-coin calls                                 4,243,795            445,856     4,689,651          -       4,689,651
  Other                                             61,683                 63        61,746          -          61,746
                                                 6,418,107          1,116,809     7,534,916          -       7,534,916
Cost of Revenues                                                                                          
  Line access charges                            2,736,266            535,929     3.272,195          -       3,272,195
  Commissions                                      748,663            120,993       869,656          -         869,656
  Service and collection                                                                                  
  Depreciation and amortization                    678,350            170,630       848,980                    848,980
                                                   437,416            132,622       570,038          -         570,038
                                                 4,600,695            960,174     5,560,869          -       5,560,869
Gross Profit                                     1,817,412            156,635     1,974,047          -       1,974,047
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses     1,392,886            190,190     1,583,076          -       1,583,076
Operating Income (Loss)                            424,526            (33,555)      390,971          -         390,971
Other Income (Expense)                                                                                    
  Interest expense                                (296,753)           (83,500)     (380,253)         -        (380,253)
  Gain on sale of assets                            65,632              1,624        67,256          -          67,256
  Equity in subsidiary                            (223,731)                 -      (223,731)      (223,731)          -
  Other income                                     149,410            108,300        41,110                     41,110

Net Income (Loss)                                $ 119,084         $ (223,731)   $ (104,647)     $(223,731)  $ 119,084



                                                      World         Florida
                                                 Communications,   Telephone
December 31, 1993                                     Inc.        Corporation    Combined    Eliminations  Consolidated
  Cash                                          $     133,080      $  53,814  $   186,894     $       -   $   186,894
  Accounts receivable, net                            297,147         64,160      361,307             -       361,307
  Intercompany receivables                            151,079              -      151,079      (151,079)
  Prepaid expenses                                     41,928          3,096       45,024             -        45,024
  Other current assets                                    300            179          479             -           479
Total Current Assets                                  623,534        121,249      744,783      (151,079)      593,704

Operating Equipment
  Telecommunication equipment                       2,944,307        822,925    3,767,232             -     3,767,232
  Telephone equipment held for installation           120,264         39,712      159,976             -       159,976
                                                    3,064,571        862,637    3,927,208             -     3,927,208
  Less accumulated depreciation and amortization   (1,171,501)      (319,711)  (1,491,212)            -    (1,491,212)
                                                    1,893,070        542,926    2,435,996             -     2,435,996

Leasehold Improvements, Equipment, Furniture
  and Fixtures, net of accumulated depreciation
  and amortization                                    139,477         12,886      152,363             -       152,363

Investment in Subsidiary                             (263,037)             -     (263,037)      263,037

Intangible Assets
  Site license contracts, net                          82,333              -       82,333             -        82,333
  Agreements not to compete, net                       12,500              -       12,500             -        12,500
                                                       94,833              -       94,833             -        94,833

Other Assets                                           89,944          9,414       99,358             -        99,358

                                                  $ 2,577,821      $ 686,475  $ 3,264,296     $ 111,958   $ 3,376,254

                          World Communications, Inc.
                   Supplemental Consolidating Balance Sheet

                                                      World         Florida
                                                 Communications,   Telephone
December 31, 1993                                     Inc.        Corporation    Combined   Eliminations  Consolidated
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
  Accounts payable                               $    262,560     $   63,838     $   326,398    $      -    $  326,398
  Intercompany payables                                     -        151,079         151,079     151,079
  Accrued expenses                                    205,233         52,059         257,292           -       257,292
  Current maturities of deferred revenue               40,000              -          40,000           -        40,000
  Current maturities of long-term debt:
    Notes payable                                      27,160         71,006          98,166           -        98,166
    Obligations under capital lease                   237,460         48,484         285,944           -       285,944
Total Current Liabilities                             772,413        386,466       1,158,879     151,079     1,007,800

Deferred Revenue, less current maturities              50,994              -          50,994           -        50,994

Long-term Debt, less current maturities
  Notes payable                                       525,085        544,152       1,069,237           -     1,069,237
  Obligations under capital lease                     561,596         18,895         580,491           -       580,491
  Subordinated convertible debentures                 680,000              -         680,000           -       680,000
Total Liabilities                                   2,590,088        949,513       3,539,601     151,079     3,388,522

Stockholders' Equity
  Common stock                                          2,699          1,000           3,699       1,000         2,699
  Additional paid-in capital                          476,951              -         476,951           -       476,951
  Accumulated deficit                                (491,917)      (264,037)       (755,954)   (264,037)     (491,917)
Total Stockholders' Equity                            (12,267)      (263,037)       (275,304)   (263,037)      (12,267)

                                                  $ 2,577,821      $ 686,476     $ 3,264,297  $(111,958)   $ 3,376,255


                          World Communications, Inc.
                Supplemental Consolidating Statement of Income

                                   World        Florida     West Texas
                              Communications,  Telephone  Communications,
Year Ended December 31, 1994       Inc.       Corporation      Inc.        Combined    Eliminations    Consolidated
  Coin calls                    $1,537,755  $   719,030      $ 67,861    $2,324,646   $       -      $2,324,646
  Non-coin calls                 3,840,875      579,382        23,829     4,444,086           -       4,444,086
  Other                             83,050        2,284         1,284        86,618           -          86,618
                                 5,461,680    1,300,696        92,974     6,855,350           -       6,855,350

Cost of Revenues
  Line access charges            2,457,240      462,560        30,499     2,950,299           -       2,950,299
  Commissions                      589,569      183,157        18,326       791,052           -         791,052
  Service and collection           642,802      179,940        18,352       841,094           -         841,094
  Depreciation and amortization    360,609      188,699        18,000       567,308           -         567,308
                                 4,050,220    1,014,356        85,177     5,149,753           -       5,149,753
Gross Profit                     1,411,460      286,340         7,797     1,705,597           -       1,705,597

Selling, General and Administrative
  Expenses                         996,427      137,895         9,252     1,143,574           -       1,143,574
Operating Income (Loss)            415,033      148,445        (1,455)      562,023           -         562,023

Other Income (Expense)
  Interest expense                (264,532)     (64,249)            -      (328,781)          -        (328,781)
  Gain on sale of equipment         10,791            -       144,032       154,823           -         154,823
  Equity in subsidiary             109,265            -             -       109,265    (109,265)           -
  Other income                     137,169     (107,508)      (10,000)       19,661           -          19,661

Net Income (Loss)              $   407,726   $  (23,312)     $132,577     $ 516,991   $(109,265)      $ 407,726

