Audited Financial Statements.


                          Audited Financial Statements
                           and Supplemental Schedules

                              Robbins & Myers, Inc.
                              Employee Savings Plan

                      Years ended August 31, 1995 and 1994
                       with Report of Independent Auditors


                              Robbins & Myers, Inc.
                              Employee Savings Plan

                          Audited Financial Statements
                           and Supplemental Schedules

                      Years ended August 31, 1995 and 1994


Report of Independent Auditors...........................................................................   1

Audited Financial Statements

Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits -- 1995..............................................   2
Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits -- 1994..............................................   3
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits -- 1995...................................   4
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits -- 1994...................................   5
Notes to Financial Statements............................................................................   6

Supplemental Schedules

Assets Held for Investment -- 1995.......................................................................   9
Transactions or Series of Transactions in Excess of 5% of the
   Current Value of Plan Assets -- 1995.................................................................   10


                         Report of Independent Auditors

Corporate Benefits Committee
Robbins & Myers, Inc.

We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets available for plan
benefits of the Robbins & Myers, Inc. Employee Savings Plan as of August 31,
1995 and 1994 and the related statements of changes in net assets available for
plan benefits for the years then ended. These financial statements are the
responsibility of the Plan's management. Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the net assets available for plan benefits of the Robbins
& Myers, Inc. Employee Savings Plan at August 31, 1995 and 1994, and the changes
in its net assets available for plan benefits for the years then ended, in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Our audits were made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the financial
statements taken as a whole. The accompanying supplemental schedules of assets
held for investment at August 31, 1995 and transactions or series of
transactions in excess of 5 percent of the current value of plan assets for 
the year ended August 31, 1995 are presented for purposes of additional
analysis and are not a required part of the basic financial statements, but are
supplementary information required by the Department of Labor's Rules and
Regulations for Reporting and Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974. The supplemental schedules have been subjected to the
auditing procedures applied in our audit of the basic financial statements and,
in our opinion, are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the
basic financial statements taken as a whole.

                                /s/ERNST & YOUNG LLP

January 12, 1996              



                   Robbins & Myers, Inc. Employee Savings Plan

               Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits

                                 August 31, 1995

                                              COMPANY                       FIXED             NEW                        
                                               STOCK        EQUITY          INCOME          HORIZONS      PARTICIPANT 
                                                FUND         FUND            FUND             FUND           LOANS         TOTAL

Investments at fair value                     $2,336,010    $3,035,811    $2,870,953       $1,308,574     $         -  $ 9,551,348
Employee contribution receivable                   6,230        20,935        21,576            9,704               -       58,445
Employer contributions receivable                 63,110             -             -                -               -       63,110
Loans receivable from participants                     -             -             -                -         367,414      367,414

Net assets available for plan benefits        $2,405,350    $3,056,746    $2,892,529       $1,318,278        $367,414  $10,040,317

See accompanying notes.



                   Robbins & Myers, Inc. Employee Savings Plan

               Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits

                                 August 31, 1994

                                        COMPANY                  FIXED       NEW    
                                         STOCK      EQUITY      INCOME     HORIZONS   PARTICIPANT
                                          FUND       FUND        FUND        FUND        LOANS        TOTAL
Investments at fair value              $1,181,496  $2,734,651  $2,900,297   $900,735  $         -  $7,717,179
Employee contribution receivable            4,422      21,769      22,948      9,658            -      58,797
Employer contributions receivable          64,175           -           -          -            -      64,175
Loans receivable from participants              -           -           -          -      338,155     338,155
Total assets                            1,250,093   2,756,420   2,923,245    910,393      338,155   8,178,306

Withdrawals payable                        11,191      66,012      29,288     12,214            -     118,705
Net assets available for plan 
  benefits                             $1,238,902  $2,690,408  $2,893,957   $898,179     $338,155  $8,059,601

See accompanying notes.


                   Robbins & Myers, Inc. Employee Savings Plan

         Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits

                           Year ended August 31, 1995

                                      COMPANY                       FIXED              NEW
                                       STOCK       EQUITY          INCOME            HORIZONS         PARTICIPANT
                                       FUND          FUND            FUND              FUND              LOANS           TOTAL
Contributions from employees       $   128,518  $   269,978       $   290,230      $   124,205       $         -    $     812,931
Contributions from employer            245,107            -                 -                -                 -          245,107
Interest and dividend income             7,470      236,528           178,801           86,727                 -          509,526
Dividend income -- Robbins & 
   Myers, Inc. stock                    22,755            -                 -                -                 -           22,755
Participant loans granted                    -            -                 -                -           202,700          202,700
Transfers between funds                146,925     (133,945)            5,357          (12,670)           (5,667)               -
                                       550,775      372,561           474,388          198,262           197,033        1,793,019

Participant withdrawals                 76,945      248,187           475,816           89,285                 -          890,233
Repayment of loan principal                  -            -                 -                -           167,774          167,774
Net additions (deductions)             473,830      124,374            (1,428)         108,977            29,259          735,012

Net realized and unrealized 
   appreciation (depreciation) 
   in fair value of investments        692,618      241,964                 -          311,122                 -        1,245,704
Net increase (decrease)              1,166,448      366,338            (1,428)         420,099            29,259        1,980,716
Net assets available for plan 
   benefits at beginning of year     1,238,902    2,690,408         2,893,957          898,179           338,155        8,059,601


Net assets available for plan 
   benefits at end of year           $2,405,350   $3,056,746        $2,892,529       $1,318,278          $367,414      $10,040,317

See accompanying notes.


                   Robbins & Myers, Inc. Employee Savings Plan

         Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits

                           Year ended August 31, 1994

                                     COMPANY                           FIXED             NEW
                                      STOCK             EQUITY        INCOME           HORIZONS      PARTICIPANT
                                      FUND               FUND          FUND              FUND           LOANS            TOTAL
Contributions from employees       $   125,649       $   284,432    $   345,829         $113,895    $         -      $   869,805
Contributions from employer            198,256                 -              -                -              -          198,256
Interest and dividend income             4,985           185,549        164,638          120,404              -          475,576
Dividend income -- Robbins & 
   Myers, Inc. stock                    16,678                 -              -                -              -           16,678
Participant loans granted                    -                 -              -                -        192,300          192,300
Transfers between funds               (198,754)          141,639        (20,900)          78,015              -                -
                                       146,814           611,620        489,567          312,314        192,300        1,752,615

Participant withdrawals                 20,345           230,602        330,532           53,554              -          635,033
Repayment of loan principal                  -                 -              -                -        226,901          226,901
Net additions (deductions)             126,469           381,018        159,035          258,760        (34,601)         890,681

Net realized and unrealized
   (depreciation) appreciation
   in fair value of investments         (7,699)           42,106              -          (50,921)             -          (16,514)

Net increase (decrease)                118,770           423,124        159,035          207,839        (34,601)         874,167
Net assets available for plan 
   benefits at beginning of year     1,120,132         2,267,284      2,734,922          690,340        372,756        7,185,434


Net assets available for plan 
   benefits at end of year        $1,238,902     $2,690,408     $2,893,957      $898,179      $338,155    $8,059,601

See accompanying notes.

                   Robbins & Myers, Inc. Employee Savings Plan

                          Notes to Financial Statements

                                 August 31, 1995


Robbins & Myers, Inc. Employee Savings Plan's (the Plan's) financial statements
are prepared on the accrual basis of accounting.

The Plan offers participating employees five different investment options: the
Company Stock Fund, which invests in stock of the Company; the T. Rowe Price
Equity Income Fund, which invests primarily in dividend-paying common stocks of
established companies; the T. Rowe Price New Horizons Fund, which invests
primarily in common stocks of small, rapidly growing companies; the T. Rowe
Price Stable Value Fund, which invests in insurance company guaranteed-insurance
contracts; and the T. Rowe Price United States Treasury Fund, which invests in
United States treasury bills.

The common stock of Robbins & Myers, Inc. (the Company) is valued at closing
market price. Investments in the T. Rowe Price pooled funds (Equity Fund and New
Horizons Fund) are carried at current value as determined by the valuation at
market of net assets applicable to outstanding units of the T. Rowe Price pooled
funds. The T. Rowe Price Stable Value Fund and the United States Treasury Fund
(Fixed Income Fund) are valued at cost which approximates market.


The Plan is a defined contribution plan. Employees of the Fluids Handling Group
and corporate staff who have completed six months of service are eligible to
participate in the Plan, except: (i) those individuals covered by a collective
bargaining agreement, (ii) leased employees, and (iii) foreign employees who
receive no U.S. service income. Contributions made to the Plan are comprised of
employee and employer contributions. Employees may elect to have up to 12% of
their compensation deducted and contributed to the Plan. Participants receive a
40% match of their contribution on the first 6% of their compensation. In
addition to the matched contribution percentage, an annual discretionary
contribution, based on Company performance, of up to an additional 10% of
matched contributions may be made.


                              Robbins & Myers, Inc.

                              Employee Savings Plan

                    Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


Participant contributions can be invested in any of the funds at the option of
the participant. Quarterly, the participants have the opportunity to change
options previously selected. All employer contributions are invested in the
common stock of the Company and are included in the Company Stock Fund.

All expenses incident to the operation and management of the Plan are to be
borne by the Company. The Company has the right to terminate the Plan and to
discontinue contributions without liability. In the event of termination of the
Plan, the assets of the trust are to be allocated based upon the proportionate
interest of each person in the Plan as of the date of termination or

Participant contributions and related earnings thereon are immediately vested.
Employer contributions become vested at a rate of 20% per year and are fully
vested after five full years of continuous service. Forfeitures of nonvested
employer contributions are used to reduce future employer contributions.

As of August 31, 1995, there were 261 employees participating in the Plan.


The Plan's investments are held by T. Rowe Price Investment Services Company.

The fair value of individual investments that represent 5% or more of the Plan's
net assets are as follows:

                                                                  AUGUST 31
                                                            1995              1994
Robbins & Myers, Inc. common stock                         $2,336,010        $1,181,496
T. Rowe Price Equity Income Fund                            3,035,811         2,734,651
T. Rowe Price Stable Value Fund                             2,756,668         2,795,832
T. Rowe Price New Horizons Fund                             1,308,574           900,735


                              Robbins & Myers, Inc.
                              Employee Savings Plan

                    Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

                 Robbins & Myers, Inc. Employee Savings Plan

                   Notes to Financial Statements (continued)


During fiscal year l995, the Plan purchased 31,119 shares for $652,244 and
distributed 7,651 shares of Robbins & Myers, Inc. common stock (21,839 shares
purchased for $405,274 and 15,666 shares distributed in 1994).


The Internal Revenue Service has ruled that the Plan, as amended, qualifies
under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and is, therefore, not
subject to tax under present income tax laws. Once qualified, the Plan is
required to operate in conformity with the IRC to maintain its qualification.
During fiscal year 1992, the Plan was amended. A tax ruling or determination
letter involving this amendment has not been obtained. The Corporate Benefits
Committee is not aware of any course of action or series of events that have
occurred that might adversely affect the Plan's qualified status.

A participant in the Plan makes contributions from pre tax income, which reduces
the amount of a participant's current compensation that would otherwise be in
taxable income for federal income tax purposes. The income accruing to the
participant's account is not subject to federal income tax until the participant
makes a partial or complete withdrawal from the account. Employer contributions
made for the benefit of the participant, as required by the Plan, are not
subject to federal income tax until the participant makes a partial or complete
withdrawal from the account.

The foregoing is only a summary and applies only to federal income taxes. The
law on which the above discussion is based is subject to change at any time.
Employees should consult their own tax advisers concerning the application of
federal taxes, as well as any state or local taxes, applicable to their
particular situations.


Certain 1994 amounts were reclassified to conform with the 1995 presentation.


Subsequent to the plan year-end, the assets of the Plan were merged into
the R&M, Inc. Savings Plan for Employees of Cheminur Edlon, and Pfaudler.


                             SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES

                   Robbins & Myers, Inc. Employee Savings Plan

                           Assets Held for Investment

                                 August 31, 1995

            BORROWER,                        DESCRIPTION OF                                    CURRENT 
        OR SIMILAR PARTY                       INVESTMENT                      COST             VALUE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robbins & Myers, Inc.            85,139 shares of common
                                    stock                                   $1,439,481        $2,336,010

T. Rowe Price Trust Company      162,953 shares of Equity Income Fund        2,565,056         3,035,811

T. Rowe Price Trust Company      2,756,668 shares of Stable Value Fund       2,756,668         2,756,668

T. Rowe Price Trust Company      63,308 shares of New Horizons Fund            976,648         1,308,574

T. Rowe Price Trust Company      114,285 shares of United States 
                                   Treasury Fund                               114,285           114,285

Total investments                                                           $7,852,138        $9,551,348

                   Robbins & Myers, Inc. Employee Savings Plan

   Transactions or Series of Transactions in Excess of 5% of the Current Value
                                 of Plan Assets

                           Year ended August 31, 1995

                                                                                      EXPENSES                VALUE
         IDENTITY               DESCRIPTION       NUMBER                              INCURRED      COST    OF ASSET ON     NET
         OF PARTY                   OF              OF        PURCHASE   SELLING        WITH         OF     TRANSACTION    GAIN 
         INVOLVED                 ASSETS       TRANSACTIONS     PRICE     PRICE      TRANSACTION    ASSET      DATE       (LOSS)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

T. Rowe Price Trust         TRP Stable Value 
  Company                     Fund                  21         $    -   $483,067     $    -       $483,067    $483,067    $   -

T. Rowe Price Trust         TRP Stable              24         $    -   $286,473     $    -       $286,473    $286,473    $   -
  Company                     Value Fund

There were no category (i), (ii), or (iv) reportable transactions during the
plan year ended August 31, 1995.