THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is between ELECTRONIC DATA SYSTEMS
CORPORATION ("EDS"), a Texas corporation with an address at 5400 Legacy Drive,
Plano, Texas 75024, and COBANCORP, INC. ("Customer"), an Ohio Corporation with
an address at 124 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio 44036.

        WHEREAS, Customer desires to purchase certain information technology
services from EDS, a provider of such services.

        NOW, THEREFORE, Customer and EDS hereby agree as follows:

                           ARTICLE I - DEFINITIONS

1.1     DEFINITIONS. In this Agreement:

        (a)     "Additional Services" are the Services described in Section 

        (b)     "Basic Services" are the Services listed in Schedule A.

        (c)     "Business Day" is each weekday, Monday through Friday, which 
                is not a holiday of Customer.
        (d)     "Conversion Services" are the Services described in Section 

        (e)     "CPI" is the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers,      
                U.S. City  Average, for All Items (1982-1984 = 100) as
                published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S.
                Department of Labor. If the Bureau of Labor Statistics stops
                publishing the CPI, the parties will substitute another
                comparable measure published by a mutually agreeable source.
                However, if such change is merely to redefine the base period
                for the CPI from 1982-1984 to some other period, the parties
                will continue to use the CPI but will, if necessary, convert
                the two CPI's being compared to the same basis by multiplying
                one of them by the appropriate conversion factor.

        (f)     "Data Center" is the space at one or more locations where EDS 
                performs Services, excluding Customer locations.

        (g)     "EDS Systems" are all Systems, except for Systems provided by 
                Customer, used by EDS to provide Services, including without
                limitation any improvements, modifications or enhancements made
                by EDS to any System and provided to Customer under this

        (h)     "Effective Date" is the date that this Agreement is executed 
                by EDS pursuant to Section 9.10.
        (i)     "Equipment" is all telecommunications lines, modems and other
                equipment, including without limitation terminals, control
                units, ports, logical units, and all related data transmission
                services required by EDS for Customer to access the EDS
                Systems, transmit data to EDS and receive reports and other
                output from EDS.

        (j)     "Initial Term" is defined in Section 2.1.


        (k)     "Operational Date" is the later of (i) the Effective Date, or 
                (ii) the first day of the calendar month in which any
                Conversion Services are completed and Customer has the
                capability to input transactions or data for processing
                by EDS.

        (l)     "Optional Services" are the Services listed in Schedule B.

        (m)     "Renewal Terms" is defined in Section 2.1.

        (n)     "Service" or "Services" are all of the services to be 
                provided by EDS under this Agreement, which include the Basic
                Services, Optional Services, Conversion Services and
                Additional Services.

        (o)     "System" or "Systems" are (i) computer programs, including 
                without limitation software, firmware, application programs,
                operating systems, files and utilities; (ii) supporting
                documentation for such computer programs, including without
                limitation input and output formats, program listings,
                narrative descriptions, operating instructions and procedures,
                user and training documentation, special forms, and source code;
                and (iii) the tangible media upon which such programs are
                recorded, including without limitation  chips, tapes, disks and 

                               ARTICLE II - TERM

2.1     TERM. This Agreement will begin on the Effective Date and, unless
        terminated earlier under Section 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 or 9.5, will
        continue for a period of seven (7) years from the Operational Date (the
        "Initial Term"). Thereafter, this Agreement will automatically renew
        for successive terms of seven (7) years each (the "Renewal Terms")
        unless either party gives the other party written notice at least six
        (6) months prior to the expiration date of the Initial Term or the
        Renewal Term then in effect that the Agreement will not be renewed
        beyond such term.


3.1     SERVICES PROVIDED. EDS or its subcontractors will provide Customer with
        the following Services:

        (a)     BASIC SERVICES. Customer's requirements for Basic Services.

        (b)     OPTIONAL SERVICES. The Optional Services that Customer 
                requests and EDS agrees to provide.

        (c)     CONVERSION SERVICES. On a mutually agreeable schedule EDS will
                provide those services and instructions ("Conversion Services")
                reasonably required for Customer to convert to and use the EDS
                Systems. Customer will cooperate in the conversion effort and
                timely provide whatever information, data, clerical and office
                support, management decisions, approvals and signoffs that EDS
                reasonably requires. According to a plan to be developed by
                Customer and EDS, EDS will train a mutually designated group of
                Customer's personnel in the proper use of the EDS Systems to
                enable such personnel to train Customer's user personnel in the
                use of the EDS Systems. Customer will cooperate with EDS in
                scheduling training in conjunction with Customer's conversion
                to the EDS Systems.



        (d)     ADDITIONAL SERVICES. If Customer requests EDS to perform any 
                Service which is not a Basic Service, an Optional Service or a
                Conversion Service, then EDS may provide such service as
                an "Additional Service".


        (a)     Beginning on the Operational Date, operate the EDS Systems at 
                the Data Center, and accept data and other input from Customer.
                EDS will make daily, monthly and other reports and output,
                including specially requested reports, available to Customer at
                the Data Center for delivery or transmit them to Customer,
                subject to Customer's timely delivery or transmission of data
                and other input to the Data Center for processing. EDS will
                provide the Services in accordance with the schedule provided
                to Customer by EDS upon commencement of the Services, which may
                be updated by EDS from time to time. EDS will not be    
                responsible for the loss of any input or output during transit.

        (b)     Provide all Equipment at Customer's expense, including related
                shipping, installation and maintenance charges, and advise
                Customer on the compatibility of its Equipment with the EDS
                Systems. Customer may elect, with EDS' approval, to provide
                such Equipment at Customer's expense, subject to charges for
                Additional Services required for EDS Systems access or  

        (c)     Provide for Customer's use one copy of EDS' standard user 
                documentation and one copy of any revisions describing the
                preparation of input for and use of output from the EDS
                Systems.  Such documentation will address the reports provided
                under this Agreement. Upon Customer's request, EDS will provide 
                additional copies of such documentation at EDS' then standard

        (d)     Correct any errors in customer files that result in errors in 
                reports or other output where such errors (A) are due solely to
                either malfunctions of EDS' equipment or the EDS Systems or
                errors of EDS' operators, programmers or other personnel, and
                (B) are called to EDS' attention within the time frames
                specified in Section 5.3. EDS will, to the extent reasonably
                practicable, correct any other errors as an Additional

        (e)     Provide standard EDS forms for use at the Data Center.

        (f)     Establish, modify or substitute from time to time any Equipment,
                processing priorities, programs or procedures used in the
                operation of the EDS Systems or the provision of the Services
                that EDS reasonably deems necessary, and notify Customer of
                any such changes that will affect Customer's operations.

        (g)     With the cooperation of Customer, develop, maintain and, as 
                necessary in the event of a disaster, execute a disaster
                recovery plan for the Data Center. EDS will provide Customer
                and its auditors and inspectors with access to a summary of
                such disaster recovery plan at all reasonable times.

3.3     AUDITS. EDS will provide auditors and inspectors that Customer
        designates in writing with reasonable access to the Data Center for the
        limited purpose of performing audits or inspections of Customer's
        business. EDS will provide to such auditors and inspectors reasonable
        assistance, and Customer will compensate EDS for any Additional
        Services provided in connection with the audit or inspection. EDS will
        not be required to provide access to data of other EDS customers.

3.4     REGULATORV COMPLIANCE. EDS will endeavor to maintain the EDS Systems so
        that they will not be disapproved by any federal or state regulatory
        authority with jurisdiction over Customer's business. If Customer
        believes that any modifications to the EDS Systems are required under
        any laws, rules or regulations, Customer will promptly so inform EDS.
        EDS will perform any modifications to the EDS Systems or recommend
        changes to operating procedures of Customer that EDS determines are
        necessary or desirable at no additional charge to Customer to meet
        regulatory requirements. New or enhanced EDS System features,
        functions, reports or other Services that may result from such
        modifications or recommendations may be provided as an Additional
        Service. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Customer acknowledges that the
        EDS Systems may, from time to time, consist in part of System(s)
        licensed by EDS from third-party vendor(s) and, therefore, EDS shall
        have no duty or responsibility to modify any such third-party System
        under this Section 3.4 except to the extent that the vendor thereof has
        such a duty or responsibility to modify such System pursuant to the
        applicable license agreement between EDS and such vendor.

3.5     FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND EDP AUDIT. Upon request, EDS will provide at
        no charge one copy of EDS' most recent audited financial statements to
        Customer. Upon request, EDS will also provide to Customer one copy of
        EDS' most recent independent Data Center EDP audit at EDS' then
        standard charge for such copy.

                          ARTICLE IV - PAYMENTS TO EDS

4.1     SERVICE CHARGES. Customer will pay EDS for the Services as follows:

        (a)     For Basic Services, the monthly charges listed in Section 1 of
                Schedule C.

        (b)     For Optional Services, EDS' standard charges for such Services
                at the time they are provided, or, if EDS then has no standard
                charges for such Services, upon whatever other basis
                that the parties agree.

        (c)     For Conversion Services, the applicable conversion charge 
                listed in Section 2 of Schedule C.

        (d)     For Additional Services, EDS' then standard charges for such 
                Services, or, if EDS then has no standard charges for such
                Services, upon whatever other basis that the parties

4.2     ADDITIONAL CHARGES. Customer will also pay EDS the following, if

        (a)     All costs incurred by EDS (i) in mailing reports or other 
                output to Customer, its customers or third parties, and (ii) in
                transporting, shipping or delivering reports, output or input
                between the Data Center and Customer's locations.

        (b)     All actual, out-of-pocket costs and expenses, including, without
                limitation, travel and travel-related expenses, which are
                incurred by EDS in providing Services when incurred at
                Customer's request.

        (c)     Any other charges expressly provided in this Agreement.

        (d)     All taxes, however designated or levied, based upon any 
                charges under this Agreement, or upon this Agreement or the
                Systems, Services or materials provided hereunder, or their
                use, including without limitation state and local       
                privilege or excise taxes based on gross revenue, sales and use



                taxes, and any taxes or amounts in lieu thereof paid or payable
                by EDS in respect of the foregoing, exclusive, however, of
                franchise taxes and taxes based on the net income of EDS.

4.3     TIME OF PAYMENT. All charges under this Agreement will be due and
        payable within ten (10) days of invoice date. Any charges not paid
        within thirty (30) days of invoice date will bear interest until paid
        at a rate equal to the lesser of one-and-one-half percent (1.5%) per
        month or the maximum interest rate allowed by applicable law. Customer
        authorizes EDS to collect charges for Services through applicable
        clearing house procedures.

4.4     COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT. Except as provided below, and no more than
        once in any twelve (12) month period, EDS may, at its option and by
        giving Customer written notice, increase the charges for Basic Services
        by a percentage not to exceed the percentage by which the CPI as of
        that time is higher than the CPI as of (j) for the first adjustment,
        the earlier of the Effective Date or the date of the last adjustment
        previously made pursuant to any immediately prior agreement, if any,
        under which EDS provided the same or similar Services to Customer, and
        (ii) thereafter, the previous time that EDS adjusted its charges to
        Customer pursuant to this Section. These increased charges will remain
        in effect until EDS adjusts them again pursuant to this Section. If,
        however, before the expiration of any twelve (12) month period after
        any such adjustment, the CPI has increased by more than eight percent
        (8%) from the CPI as of the time of the previous adjustment, then EDS
        may increase the charges for such Services by a percentage not to
        exceed the percentage by which the CPI as of such time is greater than
        the CPI as of the time of such previous adjustment.


5.1     MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT. Customer will maintain all Equipment owned or
        leased by Customer in good working order in accordance with
        manufacturer's specifications.

5.2     PROVISION OF CUSTOMIZED FORMS. Unless otherwise agreed in writing,
        Customer will provide or pay for all customized forms required by
        Customer. These forms will conform to EDS' reasonable specifications.
        Customer will also provide all forms produced or printed at Customer's
        premises and required for the performance of Services, or will pay
        mutually agreed charges to EDS for such forms if provided by EDS
        at Customer's request.

5.3     CORRECTION OF REPORTS AND OUTPUT. Customer will balance reports to
        verify master file information and will inspect and review all reports
        and other output (whether printed, microfiched or electronically
        transmitted) created from data provided by Customer to EDS. Customer
        will reject all incorrect reports or output within two (2) Business
        Days after receipt of daily reports or output, within five (5) Business
        Days after receipt of annual, quarterly or monthly reports or output,
        and within three (3) Business Days after receipt of all other
        reports or output.

5.4     PROVISION OF DATA. Customer will he responsible for the quality and
        accuracy of all data and other input provided to EDS. EDS may, at its
        option, return to Customer for correction before processing any data
        submitted by Customer which is incorrect, illegible or not in proper
        form. If Customer does not provide its data to EDS in accordance with
        EDS' specified format and schedule, EDS will use reasonable efforts to
        reschedule and process the data as promptly as possible. Related
        expenses incurred by EDS will be charged to Customer.

5.5     USE OF SYSTEM, PROCEDURES, ETC. Customer will comply with all operating
        instructions for the EDS Systems which are issued by EDS from time to
        time. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Customer will be
        responsible for the supervision, management and control of its use
        of the EDS


        Systems, including without limitation (i) implementing sufficient
        procedures to satisfy its requirements for the security and accuracy of
        the data and other input Customer provides, (ii) implementing
        reasonable procedures to verify reports and other output from EDS
        within the time frames specified in Section 5.3, and (iii) specifying
        the methods of accrual calculation to be used by EDS in providing
        the Services from the options available in the EDS Systems.


6.1     EDS SYSTEMS. All EDS Systems are and will remain the exclusive property
        of EDS or licensors of such EDS Systems, as applicable, and, except as
        expressly provided in this Agreement, Customer shall have no ownership
        interest or other rights in any EDS System. Customer acknowledges that
        the EDS Systems include EDS proprietary information and agrees to keep
        the EDS Systems confidential at all times. Upon the expiration or
        termination of this Agreement, Customer will return all copies of all
        items relating to the EDS Systems which are in the possession of
        Customer and certify to EDS in writing  that Customer has retained no
        material relating to the EDS Systems.

6.2     CUSTOMER'S INFORMATION. Information relating to Customer or its
        customers contained in Customer's data files is the exclusive property
        of Customer and EDS will only be the custodian of that information. 
        EDS agrees to hold in confidence all proprietary information of
        Customer and its customers provided to EDS. However, upon the request
        of any appropriate federal or state regulatory authority with
        jurisdiction over Customer's business and after EDS has, when
        reasonably possible, notified Customer of such request, EDS will allow
        such authority access to all records and other information of Customer
        and its customers in the possession of EDS and provide as an Additional
        Service any related assistance that is required. Promptly after the
        termination or expiration of this Agreement and the payment to EDS of
        all sums due and owing, including without limitation any amounts due
        under Sections 7.6 or 7.7, EDS will, at Customer's request and expense,
        return to Customer all of Customer's information, data and files in
        EDS' then standard machine-readable format and  media.

6.3     CONFIDENTIALITY. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, EDS
        and Customer each agree that all information communicated to one by the
        other or the other's affiliates, whether before or after the Effective
        Date, will be received in strict confidence, will he used only for
        purposes of this Agreement, and except for the requirements of Section
        6.2 will not be disclosed by the recipient party, its agents,
        subcontractors or employees without the prior written consent of the
        other party. Each party agrees to take all reasonable precautions to
        prevent the disclosure to outside parties of such information,
        including, without limitation, the terms of this Agreement, except as
        required by legal, accounting or regulatory requirements beyond the
        reasonable control of the recipient party. The provisions of this
        Section will survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement
        for any reason.

6.4     SAFEGUARDING DATA INTEGRITY. EDS will maintain internal computer data
        integrity safeguards (such as access codes and passwords) to protect
        against the accidental or unauthorized deletion or alteration of
        Customer's data in the possession of EDS. EDS will provide additional
        internal computer data integrity safeguards that Customer reasonably
        requests as an Additional Service. EDS will also employ and
        maintain controlled access Systems in the Data Center.

6.5     CONTINGENCY PLANNING. The parties' responsibilities with respect to
        contingency planning will be as follows:

        (a)     EDS will develop, maintain and, as necessary in the event of a
                disaster, execute a disaster recovery plan (the "EDS Plan") for
                the Data Center and will provide to Customer and its auditors
                and inspectors such access to the EDS Plan as Customer may
                reasonably request from


        time to time. EDS will not be required to provide access to
        information of other EDS customers.

(b)     Customer will develop, maintain and, as necessary in the event of a
        disaster, execute a business resumption plan (the "Customer Plan") 
        for all Customer locations and the telecommunications links between the
        customer locations and the Data Center and will provide to EDS such
        access to the Customer Plan as EDS may reasonably request from
        time to time.

(c)     EDS will provide to Customer such information as may be reasonably
        required for Customer to assure that the Customer Plan is compatible
        with the EDS Plan.

(d)     Each party will be responsible for the training of its own personnel as
        required in connection with all applicable contingency planning 

(e)     Each party's contingency planning activities will comply, as
        appropriate, with such of the following regulatory policies as may be
        applicable to Customer's business, as the same may be amended or
        replaced from time to time:

                Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Bank Letter BL-22-88 
                dated July 14, 1989

                Federal Reserve System Supervision and Regulation Number 
                SR-89-16 dated August 1, 1989

                Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Banking Circular 
                Number BC177 dated July 12, 1989

                Office of Thrift Supervision Bulletin Number TB30 dated July 
                19, 1989

        If compliance with any amendments or replacements of the policies
        listed above would significantly increase EDS' cost of providing
        Services, EDS will be entitled to increase the charges under this
        Agreement by an amount that reflects a pro rata al]ocation of EDS'
        increased cost among the applicable EDS customers.


7.1     ARBITRATION. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of,
        connected with, or relating to this Agreement, or the breach,
        termination, validity, or enforceability of any provision of this
        Agreement, will be resolved by final and binding arbitration by a panel
        of three (3) arbitrators in accordance with and subject to the
        Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association
        ("AAA") then in effect. Following notice of a party's election to
        require arbitration, each party will within thirty (30) days select one
        arbitrator, and those two arbitrators will within thirty (30) days
        thereafter select a third arbitrator. If the two arbitrators are unable
        to agree on a third arbitrator within thirty (30) days, the AAA will
        within thirty (30) days thereafter select such third arbitrator.
        Discovery as permitted by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure then in
        effect will be allowed in connection with arbitration to the extent
        consistent with the purpose of the arbitration and as allowed by the
        arbitrators. Judgment upon the award rendered in any arbitration may be
        entered in any court of competent jurisdiction, or application may be
        made to such court for a judicial acceptance of the award and an
        enforcement, as the law of the state having jurisdiction may require or
        allow. During any arbitration proceed ings, EDS will continue to
        provide Services, and Customer will continue to make payments to EDS in
        accordance with this Agreement. The fact that arbitration is or may be
        allowed will not impair the exercise of any termination rights under
        this Agreement.


7.2     TERMINATION DUE TO ACQUISITION. If fifty percent (50%) or more of the
        stock or assets of Customer are acquired by another person or entity,
        whether by merger, reorganization, sale, transfer or other similar
        transaction, EDS and Customer will negotiate in good faith the terms
        and conditions upon which this Agreement may be modified to accommodate
        such transaction. If the parties are unable to agree upon such
        modification, either party upon written notice to the other may
        terminate this Agreement upon the consummation of such acquisition or   
        on a mutually agreeable date thereafter.

7.3     TERMINATION FOR NON-PAYMENT. If Customer defaults in the payment of any
        charges or other amounts due under this Agreement and fails to cure
        such default within ten (10) days after receiving written notice
        specifying such default, then EDS may, by giving Customer at least
        thirty (30) days prior written notice thereof, terminate this Agreement
        as of a date specified in such notice.

7.4     TERMINATION FOR CAUSE. If either party materially defaults in its
        performance under this Agreement, except for non-payment of amounts due
        to EDS, and fails to either substantially cure such default within
        ninety (90) days after receiving written notice specifying the default
        or, for those defaults which cannot reasonably be cured within ninety
        (90) days, promptly commence curing such default and thereafter proceed
        with all due diligence to substantially cure the default, then the
        party not in default may, by giving the defaulting party at least
        thirty (30) days prior written notice thereof, terminate this
        Agreement as of a date specified in such notice.

7.5     TERMINATION FOR INSOLVENCY. If Customer becomes or is declared
        insolvent or bankrupt, is the subject of any proceedings relating to
        its liquidation or insolvency or for the appointment of a receiver,
        conservator or similar officer, or makes an assignment for the benefit
        of all or substantially all of its creditors or enters into any
        agreement for the composition, extension, or readjustment of all or
        substantially all of its obligations, then EDS may, by giving Customer
        prior written notice thereof, terminate this Agreement as of a date
        specified in such notice.

7.6     PAYMENT UPON TERMINATION. The parties acknowledge that upon termination
        of this Agreement for any reason, including under Section 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
        or 7.5 (but excluding by election by either party not to renew pursuant
        to Section 2.1 or termination by Customer pursuant to Section 7.4 or
        9.5), EDS will incur damages resulting from such termination that will
        be difficult or impossible to ascertain.  Therefore, prior to such
        termination and in addition to all other amounts then due and owing to
        EDS, Customer will pay to EDS as reasonable liquidated damages an
        amount equal to the sum of subsections (a) and (b):

        (a)     All costs reasonably incurred by EDS in connection with such
                termination, including without limitation telecommunication
                line disengagement expenses and costs of terminating leases on
                or shipping or storing any Equipment provided to Customer by or
                through EDS under this Agreement, plus a twenty-five percent
                (25%) management fee on such costs, plus EDS' charges for any
                Additional Services reasonably requested by Customer for
                deconversion assistance and EDS' then standard charges for the
                resources utilized to prepare any test or conversion tapes
                (together, the "Termination Costs"). EDS may, at its option,
                invoice Customer for the lesser of (i) EDS' good faith estimate
                of the Termination Costs, or (ii) the aggregate of the charges
                payable to EDS pursuant to Article IV for the two calendar
                months preceding the month in which notice of termination is
                given. If the actual Termination Costs are greater or less than
                the amount of EDS' invoice that is paid by Customer under the
                immediately preceding sentence, then Customer will pay EDS, or
                EDS will refund to Customer, as the case may be, the difference
                between the actual Termination  Costs and the amount paid.

         (b)    Eighty percent (80%) of the total compensation which would have
                been paid or reimbursed to EDS under this Agreement during the 
                remainder of its term.  The amount of total

                compensation will be computed by multiplying the total number
                of months remaining in the Initial Term or the Renewal Term
                then in effect from the effective date of the termination by
                the average monthly charge to Customer for Services under this
                Agreement during the twelve (12) calendar months immediately
                preceding the calendar month in which notice of termination was
                given, and multiplying that number by eighty percent (80%). 
                This is expressed mathematically as follows: Number of months
                remaining in term x average monthly charge for Services during
                the twelve (12) months preceding notice of termination x eighty
                percent (80%).  If this Agreement has been in effect less than
                twelve (12) calendar months prior to the giving of the notice
                of termination, then the parties will compute the amount due
                under this subsection (b) using the average monthly charge for
                Services made during such lesser number of calendar months. If
                termination of this Agreement occurs prior to the Operational
                Date, then the parties will compute the amount due under this
                subsection (b) assuming that the Operational Date had occurred
                when scheduled by EDS and using the average monthly charges
                reasonably estimated to be paid by Customer.

        All amounts payable under this Section 7.6 will be invoiced and paid
        prior to the effective date of such termination and prior to the
        release of any test tapes or other data of Customer.

7.7     PAYMENT UPON NONRENEWAL. If Customer gives or receives notice not to
        renew this Agreement pursuant to Section 2.1, or Customer terminates
        this Agreement under Section 9.5, Customer will pay to EDS an amount
        equal to all amounts then due and payable to EDS, plus (a) EDS' charges
        for any Additional Services reasonably requested by Customer for
        deconversion assistance, (b) EDS' then standard charges for the
        resources utilized to prepare any test or conversion tapes, and (c) all
        other costs reasonably incurred by EDS in connection with such election
        not to renew or termination that are described in Section 7.6(a) and
        that relate to obligations that Customer approved, which extend beyond
        the then current term of this Agreement or earlier termination date
        under Section 9.5. All amounts payable under this Section 7.7 will be
        invoiced and paid prior to the expiration date and prior to the
        release of any test tapes or other data of Customer.


8.1     LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Section 3.2(d) sets forth Customer's exclusive
        remedies for errors in reports or other output provided by EDS under
        this Agreement. If EDS becomes liable to the Customer under this
        Agreement for any other reason, whether arising by negligence, willful
        misconduct or otherwise, then (a) the damages recoverable against EDS
        for all events, acts, delays, or omissions will not exceed in the
        aggregate the compensation payable to EDS pursuant to Section 4.1 of
        this Agreement for the lesser of the months that have elapsed since the
        Operational Date or the three (3) months ending with the latest month
        in which occurred the events, acts, delays or omissions for which
        damages are claimed, and (b) the measure of damages will not include
        any amounts for indirect, consequential or punitive damages of any
        party, including third parties, or damages which could have been
        avoided had the output provided by EDS been verified before use.
        Customer may not assert any cause of action against EDS of which the
        Customer knew or should have known more than two (2) years prior to
        such assertion.  In connection with the conduct of any litigation with
        third parties relating to any liability of EDS to Customer or to such
        third parties, EDS will have all rights which are appropriate to its
        potential responsibilities or liabilities. EDS will have the right to
        participate in all such litigation and to settle or compromise its
        liability to third parties.





8.3     FORCE MAJEURE. Each party will be excused from performance under this
        Agreement, except for any payment obligations, for any period and to
        the extent that it is prevented from performing, in whole or in part,
        as a result of delays caused by the other party or any act of God, war,
        civil disturbance, court order, labor dispute, third party
        nonperformance or other cause beyond its reasonable control, including
        failures, fluctuations or nonavailability of electrical power, heat,
        light, air conditioning or telecommunications equipment. Such
        nonperformance will not be a default or a ground for termination as
        long as reasonable means are taken to expeditiously remedy the problem
        causing such nonperformance.

8.4     CROSS INDEMNITY. EDS and Customer each will indemnify, defend and hold
        harmless the other from any and all claims, actions, damages,
        liabilities, costs and expenses, including without limitation
        reasonable attorney's fees and expenses, arising out of (a) the death
        or bodily injury of any agent, employee, customer or business invitee
        of the indemnitor, and (b) the damage, loss or destruction of any
        property of the indemnitor.

8.5     PATENT INDEMNITY. EDS and Customer each will indemnify, defend and hold
        harmless the other from any and all claims, actions, damages,
        liabilities, costs and expenses, including without limitation
        reasonable attorney's fees and expenses, arising out of any claims of
        infringement by the indemnitor of any United States letters patent, any
        trade secret, or any copyright, trademark, service mark, trade name or
        similar proprietary rights conferred by common law or by any law of the
        United States or any state alleged to have occurred because of Systems
        provided or work performed by the indemnitor. However, this indemnity
        will not apply unless the indemnitee informs the indemnitor as soon as
        practicable of any claim or action alleging such infringement and has
        given the indemnitor full opportunity to control the response thereto
        and the defense thereof, including, without limitation, any agreement
        relating to settlement.

8.6     RELIANCE ON INSTRUCTIONS. EDS is entitled to rely upon and act in
        accordance with any instructions, guidelines or information provided to
        EDS by Customer, which are given by persons having actual or apparent
        authority to provide such instructions, guidelines or information, and
        will incur no liability in doing so. Customer will indemnify, defend
        and hold harmless EDS from any and all claims, actions, damages,
        liabilities, costs and expenses, including without limitation
        reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, arising out of or
        resulting from EDS acting in accordance with this Agreement.

                         ARTICLE IX - MISCELLANEOUS

9.1     BINDING NATURE AND ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement will be binding on the
        parties and their respective successors and assigns. Customer may not
        assign this Agreement unless it obtains the prior written consent of
        EDS, which will not be unreasonably withheld.

9.2     HIRING OF EMPLOYEES. During the term of this Agreement and for a period
        of twelve (12) months thereafter, neither party will, without the prior
        written consent of the other, offer employment to or employ any person
        employed then or within the preceding twelve (12) months by the other
        party, if the person was involved in providing or receiving



9.3     NOTICES. Any notice under this Agreement will be deemed to be given
        when delivered by hand or when mailed by United States mail, first
        class postage prepaid, and addressed to the recipient party at its
        address set forth above and to the attention of its President in the
        case of Customer and to the attention of Division President, Financial
        Services Division in the case of EDS. Either party may from time to
        time change its address for notification purposes, by giving the other
        prior written notice of the new address and the date upon which it will
        become effective.

9.4     RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES. EDS, in providing Services, is acting as an
        independent contractor and does not undertake by this Agreement or
        otherwise to perform any regulatory or contractual obligation of the
        Customer. EDS has the sole right and obligation to supervise, manage,
        contract, direct, procure, perform or cause to be performed, all work
        to be performed by EDS under this Agreement.

9.5     MODIFICATION. EDS may from time to time modify any of the provisions of
        this Agreement to be effective at any time on or after the expiration
        of the Initial Term by giving Customer at least six (6) months prior
        written notice describing the modification and the date upon which it
        will be effective (the "Modification Date"). If EDS gives Customer
        notice of a modification pursuant to this Section, Customer may, by
        giving EDS written notice at least three (3) months prior to the
        Modification Date, terminate this Agreement as of such Modification
        Date or at a specified later date. Unless Customer provides such
        notice, the modification will be effective for any period after the     
        Modification Date.

9.6     WAIVER. A waiver by either of the parties of any of the covenants,
        conditions, or agreements to be performed by the other or any breach
        thereof will not be construed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach
        or of any other covenant, condition or agreement contained in this

9.7     MEDIA RELEASES. All media releases, public announcements and public
        disclosures by Customer or Customer's employees or agents relating to
        this Agreement or the subject matter of this Agreement, including
        without limitation promotional or marketing material, but not including
        any announcement intended solely for internal distribution by Customer
        or any disclosure required by legal, accounting or regulatory
        requirements beyond the reasonable control of Customer, will be
        coordinated with and approved by EDS prior to release.

9.8     ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement and all attached Schedules constitute
        the entire agreement between EDS and Customer with respect to the
        subject matter of this Agreement. There are no understandings or
        agreements relative to this Agreement which are not fully expressed
        herein and no change, waiver or discharge of this Agreement will be
        valid unless in writing and executed by the party against whom such
        change, waiver or discharge is sought to be enforced. This Agreement
        may be amended only by an amendment in writing, signed by the   

9.9     GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in
        accordance with the laws of the State of Texas.

9.10    EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT. Three (3) original copies of this Agreement
        will be executed and submitted to EDS by Customer. This Agreement will
        become effective when EDS executes this Agreement. EDS will return one
        of the executed copies to Customer. By executing this Agreement,
        Customer represents that this Agreement has been duly authorized and
        constitutes a valid, fully enforceable  and legally binding obligation
        of Customer. Customer will maintain this Agreement as an official 
        record of Customer continuously from the time of its execution.



        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, EDS and Customer each have caused this Agreement to
be signed and delivered by its duly authorized representative.


By: /s/ Max Tipton        By: /s/ John S. Kreighbaum
   -----------------         -----------------------

Printed                   Printed
Name:   Max Tipton        Name:  John S. Kreighbaum

Title:  Area Manager      Title:  President & Chief Executive Officer

Date: Feb 15, 1995        Date:  2/15/95



This Addendum ("Addendum") to the Agreement for Information Technology Services
COBANCORP, INC. ("Customer"), dated of even date herewith, is between Customer
and EDS.

The parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows:

1.      Section 1.1(k) of the Agreement is amended to read as follows:

                "Operational Date" is the date that Customer has the capability
                to input transactions or data for processing by EDS using the
                ITI System. EDS will use commercially reasonable efforts to
                accomplish the Operational Date on or before June 30, 1995,
                subject to compliance by Customer with its obligations under
                this Agreement; provided, however, that if either the Effective
                Date is later than February 15, 1995, or EDS is unable to
                schedule services from a third party consultant conversion
                group, then the Operational Date will be a mutually agreed
                later date.

2.      New Sections 1.1(p) and 1.1(q) are added to the Agreement to read as

        (p)     "ITI System" is the EDS System licensed from Information 
                Technology, Inc.

        (q)     "Conversion Period" is the one hundred twenty (120) day period
                preceding the Operational Date.

3.      Section 2.1 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows:

                This Agreement will begin on the Effective Date and, unless
                terminated earlier under Section 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.8, 7.9,
                or 9.5, will continue for a period of seven (7) years from the
                Operational Date (the "Initial Term"). Thereafter, this
                Agreement will automatically renew for successive terms of
                seven (7) years each (the "Renewal Terms") unless either party
                gives the other party written notice at least six (6) months
                prior to the expiration date of the Initial Term or the Renewal
                Term then in effect that the Agreement will not be renewed
                beyond such term.

4.      A new Section 2.2 is added to the Agreement to read as follows:

                EXISTING AGREEMENTS. Effective as of the Operational Date, this
                Agreement shall replace and supersede in all respects the
                Agreement for Information Technology Services between EDS and
                LCB Bancorp, Inc. (predecessor-in-interest to Customer) dated
                as of August 5, 1991, as amended (the "Prior Agreement").
                Effective as of the Operational Date, the Prior Agreement shall
                be terminated and each party thereto, together with its
                affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and agents, shall
                be released and forever discharged from all obligations,
                responsibilities and liabilities arising from or relating to
                the Prior Agreement, except that Customer shall remain
                obligated to pay any amounts due to EDS under the Prior
                Agreement that have not been paid prior to the Operational
                Date. Effective as of the Effective Date, the Lease Agreement
                between EDS and Lorain County Bank dated November 7, 1991, as
                amended or modified, shall be terminated and each party
                thereto, together with its affiliates, officers, directors,
                employees, and agents, shall be released and forever discharged
                from all obligations, responsibilities and liabilities
                arising from or relating to such lease agreement.

5.      Section 3.1(c) of the Agreement is amended to read as follows:

                During the Conversion Period, EDS will provide those services
                and instructions ("Conversion Services") reasonably required
                for Customer to convert to and use the EDS Systems, as set
                forth in Schedule E. Customer will cooperate in the conversion
                effort, perform its obligations set forth in Schedule E, and
                timely provide whatever information, data, clerical and office
                support, management decisions, approvals and signoffs that EDS
                reasonably requires. During the Conversion Period and in
                accordance with the plan set forth in Schedule F, EDS will
                train designated Customer personnel in the proper use of the
                ITI System to enable such personnel to train Customer's user
                personnel in the use of such ITI Systems. Customer will
                cooperate with EDS in scheduling training in conjunction        
                with Customer's conversion to such ITI Systems.

6.      Section 3.2(a) of the Agreement is amended to read as follows:

                 (i)    Beginning on the Operational Date, operate the EDS 
                        Systems at the Data Center, and accept data and other
                        input from Customer. EDS will make daily, monthly and
                        other reports and output, including specially requested
                        reports, available to Customer at the Data Center for
                        delivery or transmit them to Customer, subject to
                        Customer's timely delivery or transmission of data and  
                        other input to the Data Center for processing.

                (ii)    EDS will provide the Services in accordance with the 
                        schedule provided to Customer by EDS upon commencement
                        of the Services, which may be updated by EDS from time
                        to time ("Services Schedule"). EDS will provide
                        Customer 30 days prior written notice describing
                        changes to the Services Schedule that materially affect
                        Customer's operations ("Material Schedule Change") and
                        giving the date on which such Material Schedule Change
                        will be effective. If EDS gives Customer notice of a
                        Material Schedule Change and Customer gives EDS written
                        notice of Customer's objection to such change at least
                        15 days prior to the effective date of such Material
                        Schedule Change, then the parties will mutually agree
                        on a revised Services Schedule. Until the parties are
                        able to agree on a revised Services Schedule, however,
                        EDS will provide Services in accordance with its then
                        standard Services Schedule.

               (iii)    EDS will not be responsible for the loss of any input 
                        during transit (including, without limitation, transit
                        by courier service or over datacommunication lines);
                        provided, however, that EDS will be responsible for
                        input or output from the time such input or output is
                        received by EDS at the Data Center until the time such
                        input or output is released at the Data Center for
                        transmission or delivery to Customer.

7.      The first sentence of Section 3.2(d) of the Agreement is amended to
        read as follows:

                At no additional charge to Customer, correct any errors in
                customer files that result in errors in reports or other output
                where such errors (i) are due solely to either malfunctions of
                EDS' equipment or the EDS Systems or errors of EDS' operators,
                programmers or other personnel, and (ii) are called to EDS'     
                attention within the time frames specified in Section

8.      A new second sentence is added to Section 3.2(f) to read as follows:

                If any such change will have a material adverse effect on
                Customer's operations, then EDS



                will give Customer 30 days' prior notice of such change.

9.      A new Section 3.2(h) is added to the Agreement to read as follows:

                So long as John Kreighbaum is an executive officer of Customer
                and Max Tipton is an EDS employee, EDS will assign Max Tipton
                (or another mutually agreeable EDS employee) as the primary
                contact responsible for managing activities relating to the
                Services provided to Customer.

10.     The second sentence of Section 3.3 of the Agreement is amended to read
        as follows:

                EDS will provide to such auditors and inspectors reasonable
                assistance, and Customer will compensate EDS for any Additional
                Services provided in connection with the audit or inspection;
                provided, however, that if Customer provides EDS with at least
                48 hours prior notice of the audit or inspection, then EDS will
                waive the charges for up to eight man hours per year of
                Additional Services provided in connection with such audit
                or inspection.

11.     The first sentence of Section 3.4 of the Agreement is amended to read
        as follows:

              EDS will make reasonable commercial efforts to maintain the EDS
              Systems so that they will not be disapproved by any federal or
              state regulatory authority with jurisdiction over Customer's

12.     New sixth sentence is added to Section 3.4 of the Agreement to read as

                EDS will identify such third-party System(s) to Customer.

13.     The second sentence of Section 3.5 of the Agreement is amended to read
        as follows:

                Upon request, EDS will also provide to Customer one copy of
                EDS' most recent independent Data Center EDP audit at the
                lesser of (a) $50.00 per copy, or (b) EDS' then standard
                charge for such copy.

14.     A new Section 3.6 is added to the Agreement to read as follows:

                FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES. EDS will use commercially reasonable
                efforts to maintain a level of technology that EDS reasonably
                and in good faith determines is appropriate for the performance
                of the Basic Services. In addition, EDS will advise Customer of
                advances in technology relating to Customer's operating needs
                of which EDS becomes aware and which EDS believes Customer may
                be interested in implementing. EDS will make available to
                Customer as an Additional Service any technologies for which
                EDS develops commercially available capabilities in the

15.     The second sentence of Section 6.2 of the Agreement is amended to read
        as follows:

                EDS agrees to hold in confidence all proprietary information of
                Customer and its customers provided to EDS, and the provisions
                of this sentence will survive the expiration or termination
                of this Agreement for any reason.

16.     The first sentence of Section 7.2 of the Agreement is amended to read
        as follows:

                If fifty percent or more of the stock or assets of
                either CoBancorp, Inc. or PREMIERBank &



                Trust are acquired by another person or entity (whether by
                merger, reorganization, sale, transfer, or other similar
                transaction) and, in the case of an acquisition of PREMIERBank
                & Trust, PREMIERBank & Trust does not continue to operate under
                its current banking charter after such transaction, then EDS
                and Customer will negotiate in good faith the terms and
                conditions upon which this Agreement may be modified to
                accommodate such transaction.

17.     Section 7.3 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows:

        (a)     If Customer defaults in the payment of any charges or other 
                amounts due under this Agreement and fails to cure such default
                within ten (10) days after receiving written notice specifying
                such default, then EDS may, by giving Customer at least thirty
                (30) days prior written notice thereof, terminate this          
                Agreement as of a date specified in such notice.

        (b)     Notwithstanding Section 7.3(a), EDS may not terminate this 
                Agreement pursuant to Section 7.3(a) for Customer's failure to
                pay to EDS any amount that is reasonably disputed by Customer
                in good faith so long as: (i) Customer notifies EDS promptly
                after the receipt of the notice specified in Section 7.3(a) of
                any disputed amount being withheld from EDS and specifies the
                reasons why that amount is disputed; and (ii) all such amounts
                so withheld are, by the end of the cure period specified in
                Section 7.3(a), deposited into an Escrow Account
                (defined below) as provided in Section 7.10.

18.     Section 7.5 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows:

                If either party becomes or is declared insolvent or bankrupt, 
                is the subject of any proceedings relating to its liquidation
                or insolvency or for the appointment of a receiver, conservator
                or similar officer, or makes an assignment for the benefit of
                all or substantially all of its creditors or enters into any
                agreement for the composition, extension, or readjustment of
                all or substantially all of its obligations, then the other
                party may, by giving such party prior written notice thereof,
                terminate this Agreement as of a date specified in such

19.     The first sentence of Section 7.6 of the Agreement is amended to read
        as follows:

                The parties acknowledge that upon termination of this 
                Agreement for any reason, including under Section 7.2, 7.3, or
                7.4 (but excluding by election by either party not to renew
                pursuant to Section 2.1 or termination by Customer pursuant to
                Section 7.4, 7.5, 7.8, 7.9, or 9.5), EDS will incur damages
                resulting from such termination that will be difficult if not
                impossible to ascertain.

20.     New fourth and fifth sentences are added to Section 7.6(a) of the
        Agreement to read as follows:

                As of the Effective Date, EDS' charge for master file tapes 
                is $250.00 per tape and EDS' charge for file layouts is $100.00
                per layout. These charges are subject to change by EDS at any

21.     All references to "eighty percent (80%)" in Section 7.6(b) of the
        Agreement are changed to "sixty percent (60%)."

22.     A new Section 7.8 is added to the Agreement to read as follows:

            any reason Customer is



        dissatisfied with the ITI System, then Customer may terminate this
        Agreement as of the second anniversary of the Operational Date;
        provided, however, that in order to terminate this Agreement under this
        Section 7.8 Customer must give EDS at least ninety (90) days prior
        written (a) notice of such termination, and (b) certification that
        Customer is not deconverting to another Information Technology, Inc.
        System. Upon the effective date of any termination under this Section
        7.8, Customer will pay to EDS a payment calculated in accordance with   
        Section 7.7.

23.     A new Section 7.9 is added to the Agreement to read as follows:

        TERMINATION DUE TO AUDIT FINDINGS. If EDS receives a qualified going
        concern opinion in connection with EDS' audited financial statements
        and EDS fails to either (a) substantially cure the qualified findings
        that concern Customer within ninety (90) days after receiving written
        notice from Customer specifying the qualified findings that concern
        Customer, or (b) for those findings that cannot reasonably be cured
        within ninety (90) days, promptly commence curing such finding and
        thereafter proceed with all due diligence to substantially cure the
        finding, then Customer may, by giving EDS at least thirty (30) days
        prior written notice thereof, terminate this Agreement as of a date
        specified in such notice. Upon the effective date of any termination
        under this Section 7.9, Customer will pay to EDS a payment Calculated
        in accordance with Section 7.7.

24.     A new Section 7.10 is added to the Agreement to read as follows:

        ESCROW ACCOUNT. An interest~bearing escrow account (the "Escrow 
        Account") shall be established as follows:

        (a)     The Escrow Account shall be an interest-bearing account 
                established by Customer in the name of Customer at a major
                national bank selected by Customer and reasonably acceptable to
                EDS, and shall be and remain the property of Customer subject
                to the disbursement of funds provisions set forth below.        
                Customer will pay all costs associated with the Escrow Account.

        (b)     The Escrow Account shall be established pursuant to an escrow 
                agreement that provides that the funds therein, including
                accrued interest, shall be disbursed to EDS or Customer, as
                applicable, only in accordance with the mutual agreement of EDS
                and Customer or an arbitration or judicial decision binding on  
                EDS and Customer.

        (c)     After resolution of any dispute with respect to which funds 
                were placed in the Escrow Account pursuant to the mutual
                agreement of EDS and Customer or an arbitration or judicial
                decision binding on EDS and Customer, and after payment from
                the Escrow Account of all amounts due to EDS with respect to
                that dispute, including accrued interest as agreed upon by the
                parties or awarded by such arbitral or judicial tribunal, any
                remaining portion of the funds which were placed in the Escrow
                Account with respect to that dispute, including undisbursed
                accrued interest thereon, shall be promptly paid to Customer.

        (d)     If the funds which were placed in the Escrow Account with 
                respect to any dispute are not sufficient to satisfy any
                arbitral or judicial award or mutually agreed amount due to EDS
                with respect to that dispute, then Customer shall promptly
                pay to EDS the balance due, including accrued interest thereon
                as agreed upon by the parties or awarded by such arbitral or
                judicial tribunal.


25.     A new Section 7.11 is added to the Agreement to read as follows:


        (a)     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Section 6.2 or 
                7.6, EDS will release to Customer test tapes and other data of
                Customer in the event (i) Customer terminates this Agreement
                under Section 7A, (ii) EDS reasonably disputes in good faith
                Customer's right to terminate this Agreement under Section 7.4,
                and (iii) prior to the effective date of such termination,
                Customer deposits one-third of the amount described in Section
                7.6 into the Escrow Account as provided in Section 7.10.

        (b)     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Section 7.7, EDS 
                will release to Customer test tapes and other data of Customer
                in the event (i) Customer does not renew this Agreement under
                Section 2.1, (ii) Customer reasonably disputes in good faith
                the amount owed under Section 7.7, and (iii) prior to the
                expiration date, Customer deposits the amount described in
                Section 7.7 into the Escrow Account as provided in Section

26.  The second sentence of Section 8.1 of the Agreement is amended to read
     as follows:

        If EDS becomes liable to the Customer under this Agreement for any
        other reason, whether arising by negligence or otherwise, then (a)
        except for damages recoverable against EDS for EDS' willful misconduct,
        the damages recoverable against EDS for all events, acts, delays, or
        omissions will not exceed in the aggregate the compensation payable to
        EDS pursuant to Section 4.1 of this Agreement for the lesser of the
        months that have elapsed since the Operational Date or the six (6)
        months ending with the latest month in which occurred the events, acts,
        delays or omissions for which damages are claimed, and (b) the measure
        of damages will not include any amounts for indirect, consequential or
        punitive damages of any party, including third parties, or damages
        which could have been avoided had the output provided by EDS been
        verified before use.

27.  The first sentence of Section 8.3 of the Agreement is amended to read
     as follows:

        Each party will be excused from performance under this Agreement,
        except for any payment obligations, for any period and to the extent
        that it is prevented from performing, in whole or in part, as a result
        of delays caused by the other party or any act of God, war, civil
        disturbance, court order, labor dispute, severe inclement weather (such
        as snow or ice storms) third party nonperformance or other cause beyond
        its reasonable control, including failures, fluctuations or non
        availability of electrical power, heat, light, air conditioning or
        telecommunications equipment.

28.  The first sentence of Section 8.6 of the Agreement is amended to read
     as follows:

        EDS is entitled to rely upon and act in accordance with any 
        instructions, guidelines or information provided to EDS by Customer,
        which are given by persons designated by Customer to EDS in writing
        from time to time, and will incur no liability in doing so.

29.  The first sentence of Section 9.3 of the Agreement is amended to read
     as follows:

        Any notice under this Agreement will be deemed to be given when 
        delivered by hand, by a

          nationally recognized overnight courier service, or when mailed
          by United States mail, first class postage prepaid, and addressed to
          the recipient party at its address set forth above and to the
          attention of its President in the case of Customer and to the
          attention of Division President, Financial Services Division in the
          case of EDS.

30.     Section 9.9 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows:

          This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with
          the laws of the State of Ohio. Arbitration of any dispute under this
          Agreement will be conducted in Cleveland, Ohio, unless the
          parties agree to another location.

31.     A new Article X is added to the Agreement to read as follows:

                         ARTICLE X - LEASED PREMISES

        10.1    DEFINITIONS. In this Article X:

        (a)     "Common Areas" means areas of each Building that are for the 
                common use of, or made available for use by, all tenants of
                such Building, including without limitation common entrances,
                halls, lobbies, elevators, stairways and accessways and ramps,
                delivery passages, public toilets, parking lots, drives,
                walkways, green spaces, or other facilities related to such
                Building owned, operated or maintained, in whole or in part, by

        (b)     "Lease" means the agreement set forth in this Article X.

        (c)     "Elyria Lease Term" means the period commencing on the 
                Effective Date and terminating on the earlier of (i) the
                expiration or termination of this Agreement, or (ii) the date
                the Lease of the Elyria Premises is terminated as set forth in
                this Article X. "Powell Lease Term" means the period
                commencing on the date on which the Powell Building is ready
                for occupancy, as determined by the issuance of a certificate
                of occupancy issued by the appropriate regulatory authority,
                and terminating on the earlier of (i) the expiration or
                termination of this Agreement, or (ii) the date the Lease of
                the Powell Premises is terminated as set forth in this
                Article X.

        (d)     "Premises" means (i) approximately 6,500 square feet in the 
                building (the "Elyria Building") located at 6020 Lake Avenue,
                Elyria, Ohio 44036; and (ii) approximately 3,500 square feet in
                the building (the "Powell Building") to be located at lot 1778
                Wedgewood Section 6, Liberty Township, Ohio. The Premises
                located in the Elyria Building is referred to as the "Elyria
                Premises" and the Premises located in the Powell Building is
                referred to as the "Powell Premises." The Elyria Building and
                the Powell Building are collectively referred to as the

        (e)     "Elyria Rental" means $30,000.00 per year or $2,500.00 per 

        (f)     "Powell Rental" means $30,000 per year or $2,500.00 per month.

10.2    GRANTING CLAUSE. Customer, in consideration of the covenants and
        agreements to be performed by EDS under this Article X, and upon the
        terms and conditions stated in this Article X, does hereby lease,
        demise and let unto EDS, and EDS does hereby take from Customer, (a)
        the Elyria Premises, to have and to hold for the Flyria Lease Term, and
        (b) the Powell Premises, to have and to hold for the Powell Lease



10.3    USE. EDS shall use the Premises for general office and computer data
        processing uses and for any other purpose which is related to EDS' 

1OA     RENT.

        (a)     During the Elyria Lease Term, monthly installments of Elyria 
                Rental shall be due and payable on or before the first day of
                each calendar month. Rental for any fractional month shall
                be prorated on actual days.

        (b)     During the Powell Lease Term, monthly installments of Powell 
                Rental shall be due and payable on or before the first day of
                each calendar month. Rental for any fractional month shall
                be prorated on actual days.

        (c)     The Elyria Rental and the Powell Rental shall be referred to
                collectively as the "Rental." Rental shall include any and all
                operating expenses (including, without limitation, taxes,
                insurance, utilities, repairs, maintenance and replacements for
                the Premises, the Buildings and the Common Areas) and use of
                existing furniture and equipment owned by Customer. EDS shall   
                be responsible for obtaining telephone semoes at EDS' sole cost
                and expense.

        (d)     Customer may increase the Rental each year by the same 
                percentage that EDS is entitled to increase the charges for
                Services under Section 4.4 of this Agreement.

10.5    REPAIRS. Customer shall, at Customer's sole expense, without pass
        through to EDS, keep the Buildings, including the Premises, in good
        repair and free from nuisance of any kind.  Customer shall perform all
        such repairs promptly and in a workmanlike manner, and shall not
        unreasonably interfere with EDS' conduct of its business, its use of or
        access to the Premises during such repairs.

10.6    CUSTOMER'S INSURANCE. Customer shall, at its sole cost and expense,
        obtain and maintain all risk property insurance for the Buildings,
        including the Premises, upon a full replacement cost basis, with no
        coinsurance requirement; commercial general liability insurance,
        including blanket contractual liability coverage, with limits of not
        less than $2,000,000.00, combined single limit, for personal injury and
        property damage; and statutory workers compensation and employers
        liability coverage. Customer shall deliver, upon written request, a
        certificate evidencing such coverages. Such insurance policies shall
        provide for no cancellation or material alteration without thirty
        (30) days' prior written notice to EDS.

        (a)     In the event either the Elyria Premises or the Powell Premises
                should be (i) totally destroyed by fire, tornado or other
                casualty (such determination to be completed within thirty (30)
                days of destruction, except as otherwise provided herein, by an
                architect (the "Architect") of recognized good reputation
                selected by Customer and approved by EDS, which approval shall
                not be unreasonably withheld or delayed), (ii) damaged to the
                extent that rebuilding or repairs cannot be completed within
                one hundred twenty (120) days (as estimated by the Architect)
                after the date of casualty, or (iii) either of the Buildings or
                the Premises is damaged to the extent rendering
                such Premises unsuitable for the use in effect as of the
                beginning of the applicable Lease Term, the Lease of the
                applicable Premises shall terminate as of the date of



                casualty, and Customer and EDS shall be released from any and
                all obligations under this Lease related to such Premises,
                including the payments of Rental, retroactive to the
                casualty date.

        (b)     If either the Elyria Premises or the Powell Premises should be
                partially damaged by fire, tornado or other casualty covered by
                Customer's insurance and can be rebuilt within one hundred
                twenty (120) days of the casualty date, as reflected in the
                Architect's certificate, or if the damage is such that neither
                Customer nor EDS elect to terminate the Lease of such Premises,
                then Customer shall, at its sole cost and expense, without pass
                through to EDS, commence to rebuild or repair the damaged
                Premises and shall proceed with diligence to restore the
                damaged Premises to substantially the same condition in which
                it was immediately prior to the casualty.  EDS shall be allowed
                a proportionate diminution of Rental during the time the
                Premises or any portion thereof is unfit for occupancy.

        (c)     Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, in the 
                event the repair of such damage has not been completed within
                one hundred twenty (120) days of the casualty, EDS may
                terminate the Lease as to the damaged Premises by giving
                written notice to Customer within thirty (30) days after the
                expiration of one hundred twenty (120) days after the casualty.
                Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event such damage or
                destruction occurs in the last twelve (12) months of the
                applicable Lease Term, or any renewal or extension thereof, EDS
                or Customer shall have the option to terminate the Lease as to
                the damaged Premises.

10.8    FORCE MAJEURE. Neither Customer nor EDS shall be deemed to be in
        default of this Lease if such default is due to acts of God, acts of
        the public enemy, acts of governmental authority, or any other 
        circumstances which are not within the parties' respective control.

10.9    INDEMNIFICATION. Notwithstanding Section 8.4 of this Agreement, EDS and
        Customer shall indemnify, defend and hold the other party harmless from
        any and all liabilities, responsibilities or claims arising from any
        breach or default in the performance of any obligation to be performed
        by indemnitor under the terms of this Article X or arising from any
        act, neglect, fault or omission of indemnitor or indemnitor's
        respective agents, representatives or employees, and from and against
        all costs, reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses and liabilities
        incurred in or about such claim or any action or proceeding brought
        thereon. In case any action or proceeding shall be brought against
        indemnitee by reason of any such claim, indemnitor, upon receipt of
        notice from indemnitee, shall defend the same at its expense.

10.10   HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Customer and EDS shall indemnify, defend and hold
        the other harmless from all claims, costs, expenses, actions, causes of
        action or liabilities incurred or suffered by indemnitee which may
        arise with regard to Hazardous Materials (defined below) in or about
        either of the Premises, either of the Buildings or any other buildings
        in the development, including, without limitation, the non~compliance
        of Customer or EDS, either of the Premises, either of the Buildings, or
        the property on which they are located with the Law (defined below).
        The term "Hazardous Materials" shall mean any chemical, substance,
        material, or waste, or component thereof, whether in a solid, liquid or
        gaseous state, which is now or hereafter listed, defined, or regulated
        as a hazardous or toxic chemical, substance, material, or waste, or
        component thereof, pursuant to the Law, or which would trigger any
        employee or community "right-to-know" requirements adopted by any such
        body, or for which any such body has adopted any requirements for the
        preparation or distribution of any material safety data sheet. The term
        "Law" shall mean any and all applicable laws, statutes,



        ordinances, codes, rules or regulations promulgated by any federal,
        state or local governing or regulatory body having jurisdiction. In
        case any action or proceeding shall be brought against the indemnitee
        by reason of any such claim, cost, expense, action, cause of action or
        liability, the indemnitor, upon notice from indemnitee, shall defend
        the same at its sole cost and expense.

10.11   BUILDING COMPLIANCE. Customer will be solely responsible for the
        compliance of the Premises, the Buildings (including all Common Areas),
        and all exterior facilities of the Buildings with the Law (including,
        without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Act). In addition,
        Customer represents and covenants that, to the best of Customer's
        knowledge, (a) each of the Buildings is in compliance with the Law
        (and, upon completion, the Powell Building will be in compliance with
        the Law), and (b) no release or spill of Hazardous Materials has
        occurred in or about either of the Buildings which has  not been cured.


        (a)     Either EDS or Customer may terminate (i) the Lease of either 
                or both Premises by giving the other party one-hundred eighty
                (180) days' prior written notice, or (ii) if an event of force
                majeure described in Section 10.8 occurs, immediately the Lease
                of the damaged Premises by giving the other party written
                notice. If Customer does not purchase the Services described as
                Back Office Services in Schedule B to this Agreement, then EDS
                may, by giving prior written notice to Customer, terminate this
                the Lease of either or both Premises as of a date specified
                in such notice.

        (b)     If the Lease is terminated as set forth in Section 10.12(a), 
                then all obligations for Rental as to such Premises shall cease
                as of the effective date of such termination.

10.13   SURRENDER OF PREMISES. At the end of the Lease Term, EDS may remove all
        movable trade fixtures installed by EDS and all furniture and equipment
        owned by EDS. EDS will remove such fixtures, furniture and equipment in
        a reasonable and workmanlike manner so as not to damage the


(a)     SCOPE OF TERM "CUSTOMER". The term "Customer" when used in any
        provision of the Agreement or any other instrument or document executed
        in connection with the Agreement that sets forth a duty, obligation,
        liability, representation, warranty or covenant of any nature of
        Customer ("Obligation") includes both (i) CoBancorp, Inc., and (ii) the
        Affiliated Institution (as defined below) and any Additional
        Institutions (as defined below) to the extent that any such
        institutions may be the appropriate party or parties to satisfy or
        perform any such Obligation. However, EDS will have the right (but not
        the obligation) to rely solely upon CoBancorp, Inc. for the
        satisfaction or performance of each such Obligation, and CoBancorp,
        Inc. agrees to satisfy or perform or to cause the satisfaction or
        performance of each such Obligation and to take all actions necessary
        or advisable in connection therewith. "Affiliated Institution" means
        PREMIERBank & Trust (successor-in-interest to Lorain County Bank), an
        Ohio state bank.

        "Additional Institutions" as used herein means state or national banks
        that are no less than majority-owned directly or indirectly by
        CoBancorp, Inc. for which EDS agrees to provide Services upon the
        written request of CoBancorp, Inc.

(b)     AGENCY. CoBancorp, Inc. represents and warrants to EDS that it has the
        authority to act as



                the duly authorized and designated agent of each Affiliated
                Institution for and on behalf of such institution with respect
                to all matters relating to the Agreement, including without
                limitation the giving or withholding of any agreement,
                approval, acceptance, consent, notice or other action required
                or permitted by the Agreement or any Ratification Agreement (as
                defined below), the making of all payments to EDS and the
                waiver, amendment or modification of any provision of the
                Agreement or any Ratification Agreement.

        (c)     PAYMENT. Until such time, if ever, that there is a default in 
                the payment when due of any amount due to EDS under the
                Agreement, EDS acknowledges that it will receive payment from
                CoBancorp, Inc. for all amounts due under the Agreement;
                provided, however, that each Affiliated Institution will at all
                times be liable for its pro rata share of the amount due for
                the Services that are allocable to the Affiliated Institution.
                Upon any default in the payment of any amount due to EDS under
                the Agreement, each Affiliated Institution will, at EDS'
                request, thereafter pay EDS directly for its pro rata share of
                all amounts due for the Services that are allocable to the
                Affiliated Institution, including without limitation the
                Affiliated Institution's pro rata share of all amounts due
                under Section 7.6 of the Agreement, if applicable.
                Notwithstanding any other provision of the Agreement,
                CoBancorp, Inc. will in all events be liable for all amounts
                due or  to become due under the Agreement.


                (i)     The Affiliated Institution will execute the Financial 
                        Institution Ratification and Acceptance Agreement
                        ("Ratification Agreement") in the form attached as
                        Schedule D concurrently with the execution of the

                (ii)    EDS will have no obligation to provide Services to an 
                        Additional Institution unless such Additional
                        Institution has executed and delivered to EDS a
                        Ratification Agreement. Upon and as of such event, such
                        Additional Institution will be deemed an Affiliated
                        Institution within the meaning of, and a party to, the
                        Agreement (without the necessity of CoBancorp, Inc.
                        re~executing the Agreement as agent for such Additional
                        Institution). CoBancorp, Inc. and EDS agree to amend
                        the Agreement to reflect the inclusion of Additional
                        Institutions that become Affiliated Institutions within
                        the meaning of the Agreement.

        (e)     TERMINATION OF AFFILIATION. An Affiliated Institution may not 
                cease to be a party to, bound by, and an Affiliated Institution
                under, the Agreement without the prior written consent of EDS,
                even if such Affiliated Institution ceases to be an
                affiliate of CoBancorp, Inc.

33.     Except as amended by this Addendum, the Agreement will be and remain in
        full force and effect in accordance with its terms. Capitalized terms
        used in this Addendum will be as defined in the Agreement unless
        otherwise expressly defined in this Addendum.

34.     Three (3) original copies of this Addendum will be executed and
        submitted to EDS by Customer. This Addendum will become effective when
        EDS executes this Addendum. EDS will return one of the executed
        copies to Customer.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum as of the date 
set forth above.

By: /s/ Max Tipton              By: /s/ John S. Kreighbaum
   -------------------             ------------------------

Printed                         Printed
Name: Max Tipton                Name: John S. Kreighbaum
Title:  Area Manager            Title:  President & Chief Executive Officer
Date: Feb 15, 1995              Date: 2/15/95




THIS ADDENDUM ("Addendum") to the Agreement for Information Technology Services
("Customer"), dated of even date herewith as amended and modified (the
"Agreement"), is between Customer and EDS.

The parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows:

1.      DEFINITIONS. In this Addendum, the terms listed in Exhibit A will be as
        defined in Exhibit A.

2.      EDS SYSTEMS. Section 1.1(g) of the Agreement is amended to read as

                "EDS Systems" are all Systems, except for Systems provided by
                Customer and the Output Management Software, that EDS uses to
                provide Services, including without limitation any
                improvements, modifications or enhancements made by EDS to any
                System and provided to Customer under this Agreement.


        (a)     In the provision of Services, EDS will make the Output 
                Management Equipment available to Customer at Customer's
                principal location. Notwithstanding the location of the Output
                Management Equipment at Customer's location, all rights, title,
                and interest in and to the Output Management Equipment will be
                and remain in EDS and, except as expressly provided in this     
                Addendum, Customer will have no interest in the Output
                Management Equipment.

        (b)     EDS will arrange for the initial transportation of the Output
                Management System to Customer's principal location. The initial
                installation of the Output Management System will be performed
                by EDS at no cost to Customer. Customer will be responsible for
                any relocation of the Output Management System. Customer will
                provide prior written notice to EDS of all such relocations.

        (c)     EDS will arrange with the vendor of any Output Management 
                Software owned by a third party for a direct license, or a
                sublicense through EDS, for Customer for such System.  Customer
                agrees to execute any such license or sublicense required by
                the vendor.

        (d)     EDS will be responsible for maintenance at Customer's location,
                commonly known as "site maintenance", of the Output Management
                System after installation and Customer will pay EDS the then
                standard charges of EDS for such maintenance.

        (e)     After installation of the Output Management System, EDS will
                electronically transmit Reports to Customer, subject to
                Customer's timely delivery or transmission of data and other
                input to the Data Center for processing. Notwithstanding any
                provision of the Agreement to the contrary, neither hard copies
                nor microfiche of Reports will be made available for delivery
                to Customer. EDS will transmit the Reports in accordance with
                the schedule provided to Customer by EDS upon installation of
                the Output Management System, which may be updated by EDS
                from time to time.

        (f)     EDS will provide for Customer's use one copy of EDS' standard 
                user documentation and one copy of any revisions describing the
                use of the Output Management System.  Upon


                Customer's request, EDS will provide additional copies of such
                documentation at EDS' then standard charges.

        (g)     EDS will establish, modify or substitute from time to time any
                processing priorities, programs, procedures, or
                telecommunication lines, modems or other equipment used in the
                operation of the Output Management System or the provision of
                the Services provided under this Addendum that EDS reasonably
                deems necessary, and notify Customer of any such changes that
                will affect Customer's operations.

        (h)     EDS will archive on optical media the Reports previously 
                transmitted to Customer pursuant to Section 3(e) of this
                Addendum. If Customer requests information from such optical
                media, EDS will make such information available to Customer and
                Customer will pay EDS the then standard charges of EDS for such 


        (a)     Customer, with the advice of EDS, will prepare and maintain 
                the space in which the Output Management Equipment will be
                installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications
                as to environment, power, HVAC and the like. In addition,
                Customer is responsible for providing, installing, maintaining,
                and paying all costs associated with (i) the cabling for the
                Output Management Equipment, and (ii) the dial-up
                telecommunication line required for use of the Output
                Management System.

        (b)     Customer will take good care of the Output Management 
                Equipment and will use such equipment only in the manner
                contemplated by the manufacturers thereof. Upon the expiration
                or earlier termination of this Agreement, the Output Management
                Equipment will be in the same condition as when delivered,      
                ordinary wear and tear excepted.

        (c)     Without EDS' prior written consent, Customer will not (i) 
                install any System other than the Output Management Software on
                the Output Management Equipment or otherwise modify the Output
                Management System, (ii) sell, assign, lease, transfer, or
                disclose to any third party the Output Management System, (iii)
                copy or reproduce the Output Management Software, or (iv)
                reverse assemble, reverse compile, or otherwise recreate the
                Output Management Software.

        (d)     Customer will comply with all operating instructions for the 
                Output Management System which are issued by EDS from time to
                time. Except as otherwise provided in this Addendum, Customer
                will be responsible for the supervision, management, and
                control of its use of the Output Management System.

        (e)     At the expiration or earlier termination of the Agreement for 
                any reason, Customer will make the Output Management System
                available to EDS for pickup.

5.      EDS CHARGES. Customer will pay EDS for the Output Management System as
        set forth in Exhibit C to this Addendum. The charges set forth in
        Exhibit C will be subject to the adjustment provisions of the
        Agreement, including without limitation the cost of living
        adjustment provision of the Agreement.

6.      OUTPUT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE. All Output Management Software is and will
        remain the exclusive property of EDS or licensors of such Output
        Management Software, as applicable, and except as expressly provided in
        this Addendum, Customer shall have no ownership interest or other
        rights in any Output Management Software. Customer acknowledges that
        the Output Management Software includes EDS proprietary information and
        agrees to keep the Output Management Software 


        confidential at all times. Upon the expiration or termination of this
        Addendum, Customer will return all copies of all items relating to the
        Output Management Software which are in the possession of Customer and
        certify to EDS in writing that Customer has retained no material
        relating to the Output Management Software.

7.      ADDENDUM CONTROLS. The terms and conditions of this Addendum apply
        solely to the Output Management System and do not modify either party's
        obligations relating to other Systems, Services or equipment being
        provided under the Agreement. The Agreement will also apply, to the
        extent appropriate, to the provision by EDS of the Output Management
        System and the related Services described in this Addendum. However,
        with regard to the Output Management System and the related Services
        described in this Addendum, in the event of any conflict between the
        Agreement and this Addendum, the terms and conditions of this
        Addendum will control.

8.      AGREEMENT. Except as amended by this Addendum, the Agreement will be
        and remain in full force and effect in accordance with its terms.
        Capitalized terms used in this Addendum will be as defined in the
        Agreement unless otherwise expressly defined in this Addendum.

9.      EFFECTIVE DATE. Three (3) original copies of this Addendum will be
        executed and submitted to EDS by Customer. This Addendum will become
        effective as of the date set forth below when EDS executes this
        Addendum. EDS will return one of the executed copies to Customer.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum as of the date set
forth above.  


By: /s/ Max Tipton               By: /s/ John S. Kreighbaum
   -----------------------          -----------------------------

Printed                          Printed
Name: Max Tipton                 Name: John S. Kreighbaum
Title:  Area Manager             Title:  President & Chief Executive Officer
Date: Feb 15, 1995               Date: 2/15/95
