

                              1996 PROCESS

                         MANAGEMENT BONUS PLAN


                   1996 PROCESS MANAGEMENT BONUS PLAN

1.       The Progressive Corporation and its subsidiaries
         ("Progressive") have created the 1996 Process Management Bonus
         Plan (the "Plan") to provide Process Leaders with incentives to
         foster teamwork, and provide strong leadership and performance,
         in the pursuit of Progressive's process improvement objectives.

2.       The Plan will be administered by or under the direction of the
         Executive Compensation Committee (the "Committee") of the Board
         of Directors. Progressive's Process Leaders are eligible to be
         selected for participation in the Plan. Progressive's Chief
         Executive Officer ("CEO") will select the individuals who will
         participate in the Plan with respect to each Plan year
         ("participants"). Plan years shall coincide with Progressive's
         fiscal years. The individuals who have been selected to
         participate in the Plan for 1996 are identified on Exhibit A

3.       Subject to the following sentence, the amount of the process
         management bonus earned by any participant under the Plan for
         any Plan year ("Process Management Bonus") will be determined
         by application of the following formula:

         Process Management Bonus = Paid Salary x Target Percentage x
         Performance Factor

         The Process Management Bonus payable to any participant with
         respect to any Plan year may not exceed $300,000.00.

4.       The salary rate of each Plan participant for any Plan year
         shall be as established or approved by the Committee (or by the
         CEO with respect to any participants who are not executive
         officers) no later than ninety (90) days after commencement of
         such Plan year. For purposes of the Plan, "salary" and "Paid
         Salary" shall include (a) regular, vacation, sick, holiday and
         funeral pay received by the participant during the Plan year
         for work or services performed by the participant as an officer
         or employee of Progressive; (b) merit cash awards based on
         performance that "exceeds" expectations that are paid during
         the Plan year and (c) retroactive payments of any of the
         foregoing items paid during the same Plan year.

         For purposes of the Plan, "salary" and "Paid Salary" shall not
         include any (a) short-term or long-term disability payments,
         (b) discretionary bonus payments or (c) the earnings
         replacement component of any worker's compensation award.

         Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the sum of the regular, vacation,
         sick, holiday and funeral pay received by a participant during
         a Plan year exceeds his/her salary range maximum for that Plan
         year, then his/her Paid Salary for that Plan year shall equal
         his/her salary range maximum, plus any merit cash awards
         received by such participant during that Plan year.

5.       The Target Percentage for all participants in the Plan shall be
         forty percent (40%) for the 1996 Plan year and for each Plan year
         thereafter until otherwise determined by the Committee.


6.      The Performance Factor
        A.      General

                The Performance Factor, which measures process
                management performance, shall be determined annually for
                each participant by evaluating (a) the contribution made
                by such participant, in terms of leadership, performance
                and teamwork, as a member of his/her assigned Process
                Team and Progressive's Policy Team, and (b) the
                performance of such participant's Process Team (or other
                function assigned for purposes of this Plan) in meeting
                its assigned objectives for the Plan year, as approved
                by the Policy Team.

        B.      Basis of Evaluation

                For purposes of the Plan, and in accordance with the
                Process Management Bonus Matrix set forth below, process
                management performance for a given Plan year will be
                evaluated as follows:

                      (1)      The Policy Team will evaluate the results
                               of each Process Team for that Plan year
                               against criteria and by a process
                               mutually developed and agreed to by all
                               Policy Team members.
                      (2)      The Policy Team, through a peer review
                               process, will evaluate the process
                               management contribution of each Process
                               Leader, as well as his/her overall
                               contributions to the Policy Team.

                Process Leaders are expected to demonstrate leadership,
                teamwork and innovation within their respective process
                areas and with respect to specific areas of cost
                reduction and/or service improvement and as a member of
                the Policy Team.  A participant that demonstrates the
                expected level of leadership, teamwork, innovation and
                achievement of assigned process performance objectives
                will earn a Performance Management Bonus Matrix score of
                1.0.  Such score can vary from 0 to 2.0, depending on


      C.   Process Management Bonus Matrix

Process management performance results will be measured by the following
Bonus Matrix:

Process Team
- ------------
Exceeds           0                  .75               1.25              1.50                2.0

Meet/Exceeds      0                  .675              1.125             1.25                1.75

Meets             0                  .50               1.00              1.125               1.50

Meets/DNM         0                  .25                .50               .675               1.0

Does Not Meet     0                  0                 0                 0                   0

                 No                  Some              Sustained         Extraordinary       World Class
                 Significant         Significant       Significant       Process/Team        Profit/Volume
Individual       Process/Team        Process/Team      Process/Team      Leadership &        producing break-
Contribution:    Contribution        Contributions     Contributions     Innovation          throughs
- -------------

Process Team performance is expected to at least "meet" objectives,
while individual participants are expected to make at least "sustained
significant contributions" to their assigned Process Teams.

The Process Management Bonus Matrix may be changed or adjusted from year
to year by the CEO, subject to Paragraph 3 hereof.

7.      The Process Management Bonus earned for any Plan year shall be
        paid to participants as soon as practicable after the results
        for the Plan year have been determined, but no later than March
        1 of the immediately following year.  The provisions of this
        Paragraph shall be subject to Paragraph 8 hereof.

        Process Management Bonuses payable under this Plan may not be
        deferred under The Progressive Corporation Executive Deferred
        Compensation Plan.

8.      Unless otherwise determined by the Committee, in order to be
        entitled to receive a Process Management Bonus for any Plan
        year, the participant must be employed by Progressive on the
        date designated for payment thereof.  Process Management Bonus
        payments made to participants will be net of any legally
        required deductions for federal, state and local taxes and
        other items.

9.      The right to any Process Management Bonus hereunder shall not be
        transferred, assigned or encumbered by any participant.  Nothing
        herein shall prevent any participant's interest hereunder from
        being subject to involuntary attachment, levy or other legal

10.     The Plan shall be administered by or under the direction of the
        Committee.  The Committee shall have the authority to adopt,
        alter and repeal such rules, guidelines, procedures and
        practices governing the Plan as it shall, from time to time, in
        its sole discretion deem advisable.


         The Committee shall have full authority to determine the
         manner in which the Plan will operate. Subject to the
         foregoing, the CEO shall have full authority to interpret the
         provisions of the Plan and to make all determinations
         thereunder. All such interpretations and determinations shall
         be final and binding on Progressive, all Plan participants and
         all other parties. No such interpretation or determination
         shall be relied on as a precedent for any similar action or

11.      The Plan may be terminated, amended or revised, in whole or in
         part, at any time and from time to time by the Committee, in
         its sole discretion.

12.      The Plan will be unfunded and all payments due under the Plan
         shall be made from Progressive's general assets.

13.      Nothing in the Plan shall be construed as conferring upon any
         person the right to become or remain a participant in the Plan
         or to remain employed by Progressive, nor shall the Plan limit
         Progressive's right to discipline or discharge any of its
         officers or employees or change their job duties or

14.      Progressive shall have the unrestricted right to set off
         against or recover out of any bonuses or other sums owed to any
         participant under the Plan any amounts owed by such participant
         to Progressive.

15.      This Plan shall be effective for 1996 and for each year
         thereafter, unless and until terminated by or with the approval
         of the Committee.

16.      This Plan shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with
         the laws of the State of Ohio.


               1996 Process Management Bonus Plan Participants
                               Process Leaders

                                  Alan Bauer
                                Tom Forrester
                                 Willy Graves
                                 Bob McMillan
                                Glenn Renwick

                               EXHIBIT A