WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

(Mark One)

                     QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d)
          X          OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the quarterly period ended June 30, 1996.


         ___         TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d)
                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the transition period from _______________ to _________________.

Commission file number 0-5734

                       Pioneer-Standard Electronics, Inc.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

       Ohio                                               34-0907152
- - -------------------------------           ------------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of           (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
incorporation or organization)

4800 East 131st Street, Cleveland, OH                      44105
- - -------------------------------------                      -----
(Address of principal executive offices)                (Zip code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (216) 587-3600

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the Registrant was
required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes  X   No 
    ---     ---

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
Common Shares, as of the latest practical date: COMMON SHARES, WITHOUT PAR
VALUE, AS OF AUGUST 1, 1996: 22,534,167.



                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                                                       June 30, 1996                      
                                                        (Unaudited)        March 31, 1996 
                                                        -----------        -------------- 
Current assets                                                                            
    Cash                                                 $ 31,713             $ 24,440    
    Accounts receivable - net                             204,973              189,296    
    Merchandise inventory                                 263,914              238,370    
    Prepaid expenses                                        1,802                2,922    
    Deferred income taxes                                  11,454               11,454    
                                                         --------             --------    
           Total current assets                           513,856              466,482    
Intangible assets                                          42,148               42,446    
Other assets                                                1,488                1,503    
Property and equipment, at cost                            86,572               84,024    
Accumulated depreciation                                   38,611               35,345    
                                                         --------             --------    
    Net                                                    47,961               48,679    
                                                         --------             --------    
                                                         $605,453             $559,110    
                                                         ========             ========    
LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                      

Current liabilities                                                                   
    Notes payable to banks                               $ 29,500             $ 21,000    
    Accounts payable                                      163,576              184,946    
    Accrued liabilities                                    38,212               32,825    
    Long-term debt due within                                                             
           one year                                         2,888                2,871    
                                                         --------             --------    
           Total current liabilities                      234,176              241,642    
Long-term debt                                            212,481              164,447    
Deferred income taxes                                       2,328                2,328    
Shareholders' equity                                                                      
    Common stock, at stated value                           6,675                6,667    
    Capital in excess of stated value                      17,517               17,221    
    Retained earnings                                     131,982              126,506    
    Foreign currency translation adjustment                   294                  299    
                                                         --------             --------    
           Net                                            156,468              150,693    
                                                         --------             --------    
                                                         $605,453             $559,110    
                                                         ========             ========    

See accompanying notes.



                 (Dollars in Thousands Except Per Share Amounts)

                                              Quarter ended
                                                  June 30,
                                           1996           1995
                                           ----           ----
Net sales                                $375,156      $224,724

Cost and expenses:
  Cost of goods sold                      308,990       181,114
  Warehouse, selling and
       administrative expense              51,348        31,148
                                      -----------   -----------
Operating profit                           14,818        12,462

Interest expense                            3,904         1,449
Equity in earnings of
  50%-owned company                            --           451
                                      -----------   -----------

Income before income taxes                 10,914        11,464

Provision for income taxes                  4,763         4,648
                                      -----------   -----------

Net income                                 $6,151        $6,816
                                      ===========   ===========

Average shares outstanding             23,138,433    23,085,351

Shares outstanding at end of period    22,534,167    22,427,731

Earnings per share - primary and
   fully diluted                             $.27          $.29

Dividends per share                          $.03         $.023

See accompanying notes.



                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                                                       Three months ended,
                                                              June 30,      
                                                         1996        1995
                                                         ----        ----

Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income                                             $6,151      $6,816
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
   used in operating activities:
      Depreciation and amortization                     3,554       2,173
      Undistributed earnings of affiliate                  --        (451)
      Increase in operating working capital           (56,132)    (12,491)
      Increase in other assets                             15           1
      Deferred taxes                                       --          36
                                                     --------    --------
         Total adjustments                            (52,563)    (10,732)
                                                     --------    --------

         Net cash used in operating activities        (46,412)     (3,916)

Cash flows from investing activities:
   Additions to property and equipment                 (2,554)     (6,018)
                                                     --------    --------
         Net cash used in investing activities         (2,554)     (6,018)

Cash flows from financing activities:
   Increase (decrease) in short-term financing          8,500      (4,000)
   Increase in revolving credit borrowings             48,000      21,000
   Increase (decrease) in other long-term 
       debt obligations                                    51         (64)
   Issuance of common shares under company         
       stock option plan                                  304         400
   Dividends paid                                        (675)       (522)
                                                     --------    --------
         Net cash provided by financing activities     56,180      16,814

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                    59         (24)
                                                     --------    --------

Net increase in cash                                    7,273       6,856

Cash at beginning of period                            24,440       9,598
                                                     --------    --------
Cash at end of period                                 $31,713     $16,454
                                                     ========    ========

See accompanying notes.


NOTES - Pioneer-Standard Electronics, Inc.


Net income per common share is computed using the weighted average common shares
and common share equivalents outstanding during the quarters ended June 30, 1996
and 1995. Common share equivalents consist of shares issuable upon exercise of
stock options computed by using the treasury stock method.


On July 25, 1995, the Board of Directors declared a three-for-two stock split
effected in the form of a 50% share dividend of the Company's common shares
payable September 6, 1995 to shareholders of record August 16, 1995. The share
and per share data have been restated for the periods presented to reflect the
stock split.


The information furnished herein reflects all normal and recurring adjustments
which are, in the opinion of management, necessary to provide a fair statement
of the results of operations for the quarters ended June 30, 1996 and 1995. The
results of operations for the three month period are not necessarily indicative
of results which may be expected for a full year.



                     Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Financial Condition and Results of Operations


Current assets increased by $47.4 million and current liabilities decreased by
$7.5 million during the three-month period ended June 30, 1996, resulting in an
increase of $54.8 million of working capital. The increase in working capital is
attributable to the increased level of business activity. The current ratio was
2.2:1 at June 30, 1996 compared with 1.9:1 at year-end, March 31, 1996.

During the first three months of the current year, total interest-bearing debt
increased by $56.5 million. The increase in debt is attributable to funding the
working capital and capital expenditure needs arising from an increased level of
business activity. The ratio of interest-bearing debt to capitalization was 61%
at June 30, 1996 compared with 56% at March 31, 1996.

A Form S-3 Registration Statement for $200 million of debt and/or equity related
securities filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission became effective
July 11, 1996. On August 12, 1996, the Company completed a public offering of
$150 million principal amount of 8.50% Senior Notes due 2006. The indenture
under which the notes were issued limits (i) the creation of liens, (ii) sale
and leaseback transactions, (iii) consolidations, mergers and transfers of all
or substantially all of the Company's assets, and (iv) indebtedness of the
Company's restricted subsidiaries. These limitations are subject to a number of
important qualifications and exceptions. In addition, the Notes are subject to
mandatory purchase by the Company at the option of the holders in the event of a
change of control of the Company. The indebtedness evidenced by the Notes rank
pari passu in right of payment with all other unsubordinated indebtedness of the

Net proceeds from the sale of the Notes were applied to the repayment of a
portion of the borrowings under the Company's revolving credit facility. The
remainder of the revolving credit facility was repaid with the proceeds of
borrowings under a new revolving credit facility with four banks effective
August 12, 1996. The new revolving credit facility of $125 million has an
initial term of three years and replaces the former $200 million facility which
was due to expire in 1998. In addition, on an annual basis, the new facility may
be extended for a three-year period upon the Company's request, with the consent
of all members of the bank group. All or any portion of the outstanding loans
may be prepaid at any one time and the commitments may be terminated, in whole
or in part, at the Company's option with no prepayment penalty. Interest rates
on borrowings are based on various floating rate alternative pricing mechanisms.
There is a commitment fee on the unborrowed amount. The terms of the credit
facility provide for, among other things, restrictions regarding minimum working
capital requirements, limitations on other borrowings and capital expenditures
and the maintenance of certain financial ratios. At the close of business on
August 12, 1996, borrowings under the new facility totaled $53 million.


The Company also has unsecured short-term lines of credit aggregating $40
million available for use. These lines, which may be withdrawn at the option of
the lenders, permit the Company to borrow at varying interest rates. There were
no borrowings under these lines as of August 12, 1996.

Effective July 2, 1996, the Company entered into a Share Subscription Agreement
and Trust with Wachovia Bank of North Carolina, N.A., as Trustee, pursuant to
which the Trustee subscribed for 5,000,000 Common Shares of the Company which
will be paid for over the 15 year term of the Trust. The proceeds from the sale
of the Common Shares will be used to fund Company obligations under various
employee benefit plans, to pay cash bonuses and other similar employee related
Company obligations. Under Ohio law, the subscribed for Common Shares are deemed
to be issued and outstanding for voting and dividend purposes, but will not be
fully paid and nonassessable until payment for such Common Shares is received as
provided in the Trust. According to generally accepted accounting principles,
none of the 5,000,000 Common Shares will be deemed outstanding for purposes of
calculating earnings per share until payment is received for the Common Shares
as provided in the Trust.

Management estimates that capital expenditures for the current year will
approximate $23 million ($2.6 million was expended in the first three months of
the current year). Under present business conditions, it is anticipated that
funds from current operations and available financial facilities will be
sufficient to finance both capital spending and working capital needs for the
balance of the current fiscal year.


Three Months ended June 30, 1996 Compared with
the Three Months ended June 30, 1995

Net sales for the three-month period ended June 30, 1996 of $375.2 million
increased 67% over sales of the prior year three-month period of $224.7 million.
The current quarter sales include the sales of Pioneer-Standard of Maryland,
Inc., the Company's former affiliate which Pioneer acquired in November, 1995.
The Company's net sales, excluding the newly acquired affiliate were $268.5
million, up 19% over the comparable period a year ago. The increase in net sales
reflect strong demand especially for computer systems products. Semiconductor
products accounted for 41% of the Company's sales in the current quarter,
compared with 34% a year ago. Computer systems products were 38% of sales in
1996 versus 40% last year. Passive and electromechanical products were 18% of
the Company's business in 1996 compared with 24% a year earlier. Miscellaneous
products accounted for 3% and 2% of sales in 1996 and 1995, respectively.

Cost of goods sold increased 71% compared with the prior year quarter, resulting
in a gross margin of 17.6% in the current quarter compared with 19.4% a year
ago. A shift in product mix was the principal factor impacting current year

Warehouse, selling and administrative expenses of $51.3 million increased by 65%
over the $31.1 million incurred during the prior year three-month period. This
resulted in a ratio of these expenses to sales of 13.7% for the current quarter
compared with 13.9% a year ago.


The operating profit resulting from the activity described above of $14.8
million, or 4.0% of sales in the current period was up 19% compared with $12.5
million, or 5.5% of sales a year ago.

Interest expense was $3.9 million in the current quarter compared with $1.4
million a year ago. The higher interest expense is due to increased debt
resulting from the purchase of the Company's former affiliate and to fund
working capital needs to support the growth of the business.

The consolidated statement of income for the current three month period includes
the operating results of the Pioneer Maryland. For the prior year three month
period ended June 30, 1995, results only included the Company's 50% equity
interest in Pioneer Maryland's earnings of $.5 million.

The effective tax rate for the current year three-month period was 43.6%
compared with 40.5% for the same period a year ago. The increase in the current
year rate is primarily attributable to the equity in earnings of the Company's
affiliate included in the prior year's pre-tax income.

Primarily as a result of the factors above, the Company's net income for the
three-month period ending June 30, 1996 of $6.2 million was $.6 million less
than the $6.8 million earned a year earlier.

                    (a)  EXHIBITS
                    Number         Description
                    ------         -----------
                    11             Calculation of Primary Earnings Per Share
                    27             Financial Data Schedule


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                              PIONEER-STANDARD ELECTRONICS, INC.

Date:  August 14, 1996                            /s/    James L. Bayman
     --------------------------               -----------------------------
                                               Chairman, President and CEO

Date:  August 14, 1996                            /s/    John V. Goodger
     --------------------------               -----------------------------
                                                Vice President & Treasurer


                       Pioneer-Standard Electronics, Inc.
                                  Exhibit Index

Exhibit No.                                      Description                         Page No.               
- - -----------                                      -----------                         --------               
  4.(a)             Credit Agreement, dated as of August 12, 1996 by and among                
                         Pioneer-Standard Electronics, Inc., the Banks                        
                         identified on the signature pages thereto and National               
                         City Bank, as Agent.                                                         
    (b)             Rights Agreement dated as of April 25, 1989 by and between                
                         the Company and AmeriTrust Company National                          
                         Association, which is incorporated herein by reference               
                         from the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the                
                         year ended March 31, 1989.                                    N/A        
    (c)             Note Purchase Agreement dated as of October 31, 1990 by and               
                         between the Company and Teachers Insurance and Annuity               
                         Association of America, which is incorporated herein by              
                         reference from the Company's Quarterly Report on Form                
                         10-Q for the quarter ended December 31, 1990.                 N/A       
    (d)             Amendment No. 1 to Note Purchase Agreement dated as of                    
                         November 1, 1991 by and between the Company and                      
                         Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America,               
                         which is incorporated herein by reference from the                   
                         Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended       N/A       
                         March 31, 1993.                                                      
    (e)             Amendment No. 2 to Note Purchase Agreement dated as of                    
                         November 30, 1995 by and between the Company and                     
                         Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America.        N/A    
    (f)             Amendment No. 3 to Note Purchase Agreement dated as of                    
                         August 12, 1996 by and between the Company and Teachers              
                         Insurance and Annuity Association of America, which is            
                         incorporated herein by reference from the Company's                  
                         Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31,              
    (g)             Form of Indenture with respect to the 8 1/2% Senior Notes                 
                         due 2001, which is incorporated from the Company's                   
                         Registration Statement on Form S-3 (Reg. No.                         
                         333-07665).                                                   N/A    
    (h)             8 1/2 % Senior Notes due 2001.                                    
    (i)             Officer's Certificate containing terms relating to the                   
                         8 1/2% Senior Notes due 2001.                                          

10. (a)             Retirement Agreement effective March 31, 1996 by and between
                         the Company and Preston B. Heller, Jr. which is        
                         incorporated herein by reference from the Company's    
                         Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31,
                         1996.                                                         N/A


Exhibit No.                                      Description                                      Page No.   
- - -----------                                      -----------                                      --------   
    (b)                Employment Agreement effective as of April 1, 1996 by and                             
                            between the Company and James L. Bayman, which is                                
                            incorporated herein by reference from the Company's                              
                            Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31,                  N/A              
    (c)                Employment Agreement effective as of April 1, 1996 by and                             
                            between the Company and Arthur Rhein, which is                                   
                            incorporated herein by reference from the Company's                              
                            Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31,                  N/A          
    (d)                Employment Agreement effective as of April 1, 1996 by and                             
                            between the Company and John V. Goodger, which is                                
                            incorporated herein by reference from the Company's                              
                            Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31,                  N/A        
    (e)                1982 Incentive Stock Option Plan, as amended, which is                                
                            incorporated by reference from the Company's Annual                              
                            Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended March 31,                  N/A        
    (f)                Amended and Restated 1991 Stock Option Plan, which is                                 
                            incorporated by reference from the Company's Form S-8                            
                            Registration Statement dated April 28, 1994.                             N/A        
    (g)                Amended 1995 Stock Option Plan for Outside Directors, which                           
                            is incorporated by reference from the Company's Form                             
                            S-8 Registration Statement dated June 28, 1996.                          N/A        
    (h)                Share Subscription Agreement and Trust, effective July 2,                          
                            1996, between the Company and Wachovia Bank of North                             
                            Carolina, N.A., which is incorporated by reference from                          
                            the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-3 (Reg.                   N/A        
                            No. 333-07665).                               

    11                 Calculation of Primary Earnings Per Share

    27                 Financial Data Schedule
