
                          REINSURANCE CONTRACT BETWEEN
                           MILBANK INSURANCE COMPANY,
                               DATED JULY 1, 1996
                            MILBANK INSURANCE COMPANY

                              REINSURANCE CONTRACT

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE NO.                     TITLE                                  PAGE
- -----------                     -----                                  ----

ARTICLE I                       BUSINESS COVERED                        1

ARTICLE II                      EXCLUSIONS                              1 - 2

ARTICLE III                     TERM                                    3

ARTICLE IV                      TERRITORY                               3

ARTICLE V                       AMOUNT OF LIMIT AND RETENTION           3

ARTICLE VI                      ULTIMATE NET LOSS                       3 - 4

ARTICLE VII                     NET RETAINED LINES                      4

ARTICLE VIII                    UNDERLYING EXCESS                       4

ARTICLE IX                      DEFINITION OF LOSS OCCURRENCE           4 - 6


ARTICLE XI                      PREMIUM                                 6

ARTICLE XII                     CURRENCY                                6

ARTICLE XIII                    OFFSET                                  7

ARTICLE XIV                     ACCESS TO RECORDS                       7

ARTICLE XV                      ERRORS AND OMISSIONS                    7

ARTICLE XVI                     TAXES                                   7

ARTICLE XVII                    INSOLVENCY                              8

ARTICLE XVIII                   ARBITRATION                             8 - 9


                              REINSURANCE CONTRACT


                            MILBANK INSURANCE COMPANY





                                    ARTICLE I


               The Reinsurer shall indemnify the Company for the net excess
               liability as hereinafter provided and specified, which may accrue
               to the Company as a result of any loss or losses which may occur
               during the currency of the Contract under any and all policies,
               contracts, binders and other evidence of insurance and
               reinsurance, oral or written (hereinafter referred to as
               "Policies") heretofore or hereafter issued or entered into by or
               on behalf of the Company and classified by the Company as Fire,
               Allied Lines, Homeowners (property coverages), Farmowners
               (property coverages), Commercial Multiple Peril policies
               (property coverages), Ocean Marine, Inland Marine and Automobile
               Physical Damage.

                                   ARTICLE II


               The following shall be excluded from the scope of this Contract:

               1.   Business written and classified by the Company as:

                    a)   Aviation Insurance; 
                    b)   Casualty Insurance (i.e. Accident, Health, Third Party
                         Liability, Workers Compensation and Employers
                         Liability, Fidelity, Plate Glass and Burglary and Theft
                         when written as such);
                    c)   Credit Insurance;
                    d)   Financial Guarantee Insurance;
                    e)   Insolvency Insurance;
                    f)   Life Insurance;

                                   PAGE 1 OF 9


                    g)   Mortgage Impairment Insurance;
                    h)   Title Insurance;
                    i)   Surety;
                    j)   Flood Insurance when written as such;
                    k)   Earthquake Insurance when written as such;
                    l)   Difference in Conditions Insurance;
                    m)   Ocean Marine Insurance, except yachts;
                    n)   Boiler and Machinery;
                    o)   Multiple Peril policies other than the Property
                         coverages as included in the Business Covered Section,
                    p)   Reinsurance, but not to exclude so-called agency
                         reinsurance, reinsurance of an individual risk or
                         policy, or any intercompany pooling arrangements.

               2.   Wind and Hail on growing and standing crops.

               3.   Manufacture, processing, storage, filling or breaking down
                    of explosives.

               4.   Oil and petrochemical refineries and pipelines and oil or
                    gas drilling rigs.

               5.   Excess of Loss insurance or reinsurance where the deductible
                    exceeds $99,999.

               6.   Bridges and Tunnels where the Total Insured Value over all
                    interests exceeds $250,000,000.

               7.   Extra Contractual Obligations and Losses in Excess of Policy
                    Limits as per attached Exclusion Clause.

               8.   Loss/or Damage/or Costs/or Expenses arising from seepage
                    and/or Pollution and/or Contamination, other than
                    Contamination from Smoke Damage. Nevertheless, this
                    exclusion does not preclude payment of the cost of removal
                    of debris of property damaged by a loss otherwise covered
                    hereunder, but subject always to a limit of 25% of the
                    Company's property loss under the original policy.

               9.   Loss in respect of overhead transmission and distribution
                    lines and their supporting structure other than those on or
                    within 150 meters (or 500 feet) of the insured premises. It
                    is understood and agreed that public utilities extension
                    and/or suppliers extension and/or contingent business
                    interruption coverages are not subject to this exclusion,
                    provided that these are not part of a transmitters' or
                    distributors' policy.

               10.  Insolvency Fund Exclusion Clause.

               11.  War Risk Exclusion Clause.

               12.  Pools and Associations Exclusion Clause.

               13.  Nuclear Incident Exclusion Clauses - Physical Damage -
                    Reinsurance - U.S.A. and Canada.

                                   PAGE 2 OF 9


                                   ARTICLE III


               The term of this Contract shall be from 12:01 A.M. Standard Time,
               July 1, 1996 to 12:01 A.M. Standard Time, July 1, 1997.

               If the liability of the Reinsurer under this Contract terminates
               while a loss occurrence giving rise to a claim hereunder is in
               progress, then the Reinsurer shall be liable as if the whole loss
               occurrence had occurred during the term of this Contract,
               provided that no part of that loss occurrence is claimed against
               any renewal or replacement of this Contract.

                                   ARTICLE IV


               This Contract shall cover wherever the Company's Policies cover.

                                    ARTICLE V


               No claim shall be made hereunder unless and until the Company and
               other members of the State Auto Insurance Companies Group, being
               State Automobile Mutual Insurance Company, State Auto Property
               and Casualty Insurance Company, Milbank Insurance Company, and
               State Auto National Insurance Company, hereinafter referred to as
               the "Group", on a pooled basis where applicable, shall first have
               sustained an Ultimate Net Loss in excess of $120,000,000,
               regardless of the number of Policies under which such loss is
               payable or the number of interests insured. The Reinsurer shall
               then be liable for the amount of Ultimate Net Loss for the
               Company in excess of $120,000,000 Ultimate Net Loss each
               occurrence, but the sum recoverable from the Reinsurer in respect
               of each loss occurrence shall not exceed $100,000,000, nor more
               than $100,000,000 in respect of all loss occurrences during the
               term of this contract.

               The amount of coverage is subject to at least two risks being
               involved in the same loss occurrence.

                                   ARTICLE VI


               The term "ultimate net loss" shall mean the amount that the
               Company pays, such loss to include all expenses incurred by the
               Company in connection with the settlement of losses or resistance
               to or negotiations concerning a loss, including salaries and
               expenses of employees of the Company while diverted from their
               normal duties to the service of field adjustment

                                   PAGE 3 OF 9


               but shall not include any office expenses of the Company.
               However, nothing in this Article shall be construed to prevent
               the Company from including all such amounts defined as ultimate
               net loss attributable to the Group on a pooled basis for the
               first $120,000,000 of ultimate net loss.

               All salvages and recoveries and payments (net of the cost of
               obtaining any salvage, recovery or payment), whether recovered or
               received prior or subsequent to loss settlement under this
               Contract, including amounts recoverable under all Reinsurances
               whether collected or not, shall be applied as if recovered or
               received prior to the aforesaid settlement and shall be deducted
               from the actual loss incurred to arrive at the amount of ultimate
               net loss. Nothing in this Article shall be construed to mean
               losses are not recoverable until the ultimate net loss to the
               Company has been ascertained.

                                   ARTICLE VII


               This Contract applies to only that portion of any policy which
               the Company and the other member of the Group, on a pooled basis
               where applicable, retains net for its own account.

               The amount of the Reinsurer's liability hereunder in respect of
               any loss shall not be increased by reason of the inability of the
               Company to collect from any other Reinsurer, whether specific or
               general, any amounts which may have become due whether such
               inability arises from the insolvency of such other Reinsurer or

                                  ARTICLE VIII


               The Company has in force underlying catastrophe excess of loss
               reinsurance and recoveries thereunder shall be disregarded for
               all purposes of this Contract and shall inure to the sole benefit
               of the Company.

                                   ARTICLE IX


               The term "loss occurrence" shall mean the sum of all individual
               losses directly occasioned by any one disaster, accident or loss
               or series of disasters, accidents or losses arising out of one
               event which occurs within the area of one state of the United
               States or province of Canada and states or provinces contiguous
               thereto and to one another. However, the duration and extent of
               any one "loss occurrence" shall be limited to all individual
               losses sustained by the Company occurring during any period of
               one hundred sixty-eight (168) consecutive hours arising out of
               and directly occasioned by the same event except that the term
               "loss occurrence" shall be further defined as follows:

                                   PAGE 4 OF 9


                    A.   As regards windstorm, hail, tornado, hurricane,
                         cyclone, including ensuing collapse and water damage,
                         all individual losses sustained by the Company
                         occurring during any period of seventy-two (72)
                         consecutive hours arising out of and directly
                         occasioned by the same event. However, the event need
                         not be limited to one state or province or states or
                         provinces contiguous thereto.

                    B.   As regards riot, riot attending a strike, civil
                         commotion, vandalism and malicious mischief, all
                         individual losses sustained by the Company occurring
                         during any period of seventy-two (72) consecutive hours
                         within the area of one municipality or county and the
                         municipalities or counties contiguous thereto arising
                         out of and directly occasioned by the same event. The
                         maximum duration of seventy-two (72) consecutive hours
                         may be extended in respect of individual losses which
                         occur beyond such seventy-two (72) consecutive hours
                         during the continued occupation of an insured's
                         premises by strikers, provided such occupation
                         commenced during the aforesaid period.

                    C.   As regards earthquake (the epicentre of which need not
                         necessarily be within the territorial confines referred
                         to in the opening paragraph of this Article) and fire
                         following directly occasioned by the earthquake, only
                         those individual fire losses which commence during the
                         period of one hundred and sixty-eight (168) consecutive
                         hours may be included in the Company's "loss

                    D.   As regards "freeze", only individual losses directly
                         occasioned by collapse, breakage of glass and water
                         damage (caused by bursting of frozen pipes and tanks)
                         may be included in the Company's "loss occurrence".

               For all "loss occurrences" except as referred to under
               sub-paragraph B, the Company may choose the date and time when
               any such period of consecutive hours commences, provided that it
               is not earlier than the date and time of the occurrence of the
               first recorded individual loss sustained by the Company arising
               out of that disaster, accident, or loss and provided that only
               one such period of one hundred and sixty-eight (168) consecutive
               hours shall apply with respect to one event, except for those
               "loss occurrences" referred to in sub-paragraph A above, where
               only one such period of seventy-two (72) consecutive hours shall
               apply with respect to one event, regardless of the duration of
               the event.

               As respect those "loss occurrences" referred to in sub-paragraph
               B above, if the disaster, accident or loss occasioned by the
               event is of greater duration than seventy-two (72) consecutive
               hours, then the Company may divide that disaster, accident or
               loss into two or more "loss occurrences" provided no two periods
               overlap and no individual loss is included in more than one such
               period and provided that no period commences earlier than the
               date and time of the occurrence of the first recorded individual
               loss sustained by the Company arising out of that disaster,
               accident or loss.

                                   PAGE 5 OF 9


               No individual losses occasioned by an event that would be covered
               by seventy-two (72) hours clauses may be included in any "loss
               occurrence" claimed under the one hundred and sixty-eight (168)
               hours provision.

                                    ARTICLE X


               The Company shall adjust, settle, or compromise all claims and
               losses hereunder.

               All loss settlements by the Company which comply with the terms
               hereof shall be unconditionally binding upon the Reinsurer.

               The Company shall advise the Reinsurer promptly of all claims and
               any subsequent developments pertaining thereto, which may, in the
               Company's opinion, develop into losses involving Reinsurance
               hereunder. Inadvertent omission or oversight in dispatching such
               advices shall in no way affect the liability of the Reinsurer
               under this Contract provided the Company informs the Reinsurer of
               such omission or oversight promptly upon its discovery.

               The Reinsurer shall tender all loss payments as soon as
               practicable after receipt of any proof of loss.

                                   ARTICLE XI


               The premium to be paid to the Reinsurer shall be $3,000,000,
               payable in four equal quarterly installments.

                                   ARTICLE XII


               All retentions, limits and premiums referenced in this Contract
               are expressed in United States Dollars and all payments made by
               either party shall be made in United States Dollars.

               Amounts paid or received by the Company in any other currency
               shall be converted to United States Dollars at the rate of
               exchange at the date such transaction is entered on the books of
               the Company.

                                   PAGE 6 OF 9


                                  ARTICLE XIII


               The Company and the Reinsurer, each at its option, may offset any
               balance or balances, whether on account of premiums, claims and
               losses, loss expenses or salvages due from one party to the other
               under this Contract; provided, however, that in the event of the
               insolvency of a party hereto, offsets shall only be allowed in
               accordance with applicable statutes and regulations.

                                   ARTICLE XIV


               The Company shall place at the disposal of the Reinsurer at all
               reasonable times, and the Reinsurer shall have the right to
               inspect through its designated representatives, during the term
               of this Contract and thereafter, all books, records and papers of
               the Company in connection with any reinsurance hereunder, or the
               subject matter hereof.

                                   ARTICLE XV


               Any inadvertent delay, omission or error shall not be held to
               relieve either party hereto from any liability which would attach
               to either party if such delay, omission or error had not been
               made, provided such delay, omission or error is rectified as soon
               as practicable after discovery.

                                   ARTICLE XVI


               In consideration of the terms under which this Contract is
               issued, the Company undertakes not to claim any deduction of the
               premium hereon when making Canadian tax returns, or when making
               tax returns, other than income or profits tax returns, to any
               state or territory of the United States of America or to the
               District of Columbia.

                                  ARTICLE XVII


               The reinsurance under this Contract shall be payable by the
               Reinsurer on the basis of the liability of one or more of the
               Companies under the Policy or Policies reinsured without
               diminution because of the insolvency of one or more of the
               Companies reinsured or because

                                   PAGE 7 OF 9


               the liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor of
               the Company(ies) has failed to pay all or a portion of any claim.

               In the event of the insolvency of one or more of the Companies
               reinsured, the liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory
               successor of the Company(ies) shall give written notice to the
               Reinsurer of the pendency of a claim against the insolvent
               Company(ies) on the Policy or Policies reinsured within a
               reasonable time after such claim is filed in the insolvency
               proceeding and during the pendency of such claim the Reinsurer
               may investigate such claim and interpose, at its own expense, in
               the proceeding where such claim is to be adjudicated any defense
               or defenses which it may deem available to the Company(ies) or
               its liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor. The
               expense thus incurred by the Reinsurer shall be chargeable
               subject to court approval against the insolvent Company(ies) as
               part of the expense of liquidation to the extent of a
               proportionate share of the benefit which may accrue to the
               Company(ies) solely as a result of the defense undertaken by the

               Where two or more Reinsurers are involved in the same claim and a
               majority in interest elect to interpose defense to such claim,
               the expense shall be apportioned in accordance with the terms of
               this Contract as though such expense had been incurred by the

               In the event of the insolvency of one or more of the Companies
               reinsured, the reinsurance under this Contract shall be payable
               by the Reinsurer directly to the Company(ies) or to the
               liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor, except
               as provided by subsection (A) of section 4118 of the Insurance
               Law of New York or except where (I) the Contract specifies
               another payee of such Reinsurance in the event of the insolvency
               of the Company(ies) and (II) the Reinsurer with the consent of
               the direct insureds and, with the prior approval of the
               Superintendent of Insurance of New York to the certificate of
               assumption issued to New York direct insureds, has assumed such
               policy obligations of the Company(ies) as its direct obligations
               to the payees under such policies, in substitution for the
               obligations of the Company(ies) to such payees.

                                  ARTICLE XVIII


               If any dispute shall arise between the parties to this Contract,
               either before or after its termination, with reference to the
               interpretation of this Contract or the rights of either party
               with respect to any transactions under this Contract, including
               the formation or validity thereof, the dispute shall be referred
               to three (3) arbitrators as a condition precedent to any right of
               action arising under this Contract. The arbitrators shall be
               active or retired disinterested officers of insurance or
               reinsurance companies or Lloyd's Underwriters other than the
               parties or their affiliates. One arbitrator shall be chosen by
               each party and the third by the two so chosen. If either party
               refuses or neglects to appoint an arbitrator within thirty (30)
               days after the receipt of written notice from the other party
               requesting it to do so, the requesting party may nominate two (2)
               arbitrators who shall choose the third.

               In the event the arbitrators do not agree on the selection of the
               third arbitrator within thirty (30) days after both arbitrators
               have been named, the Company shall petition the American
               Arbitration Association to appoint the third arbitrator. If the
               American Arbitration

                                   PAGE 8 OF 9


               Association fails to appoint the third arbitrator within thirty
               (30) days after it has been requested to do so, either party may
               request a justice of a court of general jurisdiction of the state
               in which the arbitration is to be held, to appoint an officer or
               retired officer of an insurance or reinsurance company or Lloyd's
               Underwriter as the third arbitrator. In the event both parties
               request the appointment of the third arbitrator, the third
               arbitrator shall be the soonest named in writing by the justice
               of the court.

               Each party shall submit its case to the arbitrators within thirty
               (30) days of the appointment of the arbitrators. The arbitrators
               shall consider this Contract an honorable engagement rather than
               merely a legal obligation; they are relieved of all judicial
               formalities and may abstain from following the strict rules of
               law. The decision of a majority of the arbitrators shall be final
               and binding on both the Company and the Reinsurer. Judgment may
               be entered upon the award of the arbitrators in any court having

               Each party shall bear the fee and expenses of its own arbitrator,
               one half of the fee and the expenses of the third arbitrator and
               one half of the other expenses of the arbitration. In the event
               both arbitrators are chosen by one party, the fees of the
               arbitrators shall be equally divided between the parties.

               Any such arbitration shall take place in Columbus, Ohio unless
               some other location is mutually agreed upon by the parties.

                                   PAGE 9 0F 9

This Agreement excludes: All liability of the Company arising, by contract,
operation of law, or otherwise, from its participation or membership, whether
voluntary or involuntary, in any insolvency fund. "Insolvency Fund" includes any
guaranty fund, insolvency fund, plan, pool, association, fund or other
arrangement, howsoever denominated, established or governed, which provides for
any assessment of or payment or assumption by the Company of part or all of any
claim, debt, charge, fee or other obligation of an insurer, or its successors or
assigns, which has been declared by any competent authority to be insolvent, or
which is otherwise deemed unable to meet any claim, debt, charge, fee, or other
obligation in whole or in part.


Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, the Reinsurer shall not be
liable to the Reassured for any Extra Contractual Obligations or Losses in
Excess of Policy Limits.

"Extra Contractual Obligations" means those liabilities of the Reassured,
together with any legal costs and expenses incurred in connection therewith,
paid or payable by the Reassured as a result of an action against it, by any
assured, the assignee of any assured, or a third party claimant, which arise
from the handling of any claim on any insurance policy, such liabilities arising
because of, but not limited to, the following; failure by the Reassured to
settle within the policy limit, or by reason of alleged or actual negligence,
fraud, or bad faith in rejecting an offer of settlement or in the preparation of
the defense or in the trial of any action against its assured or in the
preparation or prosecution of an appeal consequent upon such action.

"Losses in Excess of Policy Limits" means those losses of the Reassured in
excess of the limit of any policy of insurance reinsured hereunder, such loss in
excess of the limit having been incurred because of failure by the Reassured to
settle within the policy limit or by reason of alleged or actual negligence,
fraud, or bad faith in rejecting an offer or settlement or in the preparation of
the defense or in the trial of any action against its assured or in the
preparation or prosecution of an appeal consequent upon such action.

No inference shall be drawn from the foregoing exclusion of liabilities that
this Contract or any portion of this Contract otherwise covers such liabilities
in the absence of said exclusion.

                              REINSURANCE - CANADA

                                 JANUARY 1, 1985
                                   (SEE NOTE)

1.   This Agreement does not cover any loss or liability accruing to the
Reinsured, directly or indirectly, and whether as Insurer or Reinsurer, from any
Pool of Insurers or Reinsurers formed for the purpose of covering Atomic or
Nuclear Energy risks.

2.   Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph 1 of this Clause,
this Agreement does not cover any loss or liability accruing to the Reinsured,
directly or indirectly, and whether as Insurer or Reinsurer, from any insurance
against Physical Damage (including business interruption or consequential loss
arising out of such Physical Damage) to:

     (A)      Nuclear reactor power plants including all auxiliary property on
              the site, or

     (B)      Any other nuclear reactor installation, including laboratories
              handling radioactive materials in connection with reactor
              installations, and critical facilities as such, or

     (C)      Installations for fabricating complete fuel elements or for
              processing substantial quantities of prescribed substances, and
              for reprocessing, salvaging, chemically separating, storing or
              disposing of spent nuclear fuel or waste materials, or

     (D)      Installations other than those listed in (C) above using
              substantial quantities of radioactive isotopes or other products
              of nuclear fission.

3.   Without in any way restricting the operations of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this
Clause, this Agreement does not cover any loss or liability by radioactive
contamination accruing to the Reinsured, directly or indirectly, and whether as
Insurer or Reinsurer from any insurance on property which is on the same site as
a nuclear reactor power plant or other nuclear installations and which normally
would be insured therewith, except that this paragraph 3 shall not operate

     (A)      Where the Reinsured does not have knowledge of such nuclear
              reactor power plant or nuclear installation, or

     (B)      Where the said insurance contains a provision excluding coverage
              for damage to property caused by or resulting from radioactive
              contamination, however caused.


4.   Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of
this Clause, this Agreement does not cover any loss or liability by radioactive
contamination accruing to the Reinsured, directly or indirectly, and whether as
Insurer or Reinsurer, when such radioactive contamination is a named hazard
specifically insured against.

5.   This Clause shall not extend to risks using radioactive isotopes in any 
form where the nuclear exposure is not considered by the Reinsured to be the 
primary hazard.

6.   The term "prescribed substances" shall have the meaning given it by the 
Atomic Energy Control Act R.S.C. 1974, or by any law amendatory thereof.

7.   The Reinsured to be sole judge of what constitutes:

     (A)      substantial quantities, and

     (B)      the extent of installation, plant or site.

8.   Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of
this Clause, this Agreement does not cover any loss or liability accruing to the
Reinsured, directly or indirectly, and whether as Insurer or Reinsurer caused by
any nuclear incident as defined in the Nuclear Liability Act, nuclear explosion
or contamination by radioactive material.

NOTE:        In addition, this Clause is applicable to all original contracts of
             the Reinsured in effect prior to January 1, 1985 whether new,
             renewal or replacement which incorporate a Nuclear
             Incident/Radioactive Contamination Exclusion as contained in form 
             IBC 1105 1-82.

                              REINSURANCE - U.S.A.

         1. This Reinsurance does not cover any loss or liability accruing to
the Reassured, directly or indirectly, and whether as Insurer or Reinsurer, from
any Pool of Insurers or Reinsurers formed for the purpose of covering Atomic or
Nuclear Energy risks.

         2. Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph (1) of
this Clause, this Reinsurance does not cover any loss or liability accruing to
the Reassured, directly or indirectly and whether as Insurer or Reinsurer, from
any insurance against Physical Damage (including business interruption or
consequential loss arising out of such Physical Damage) to:

         I.       Nuclear reactor power plants including all auxiliary property
                  on the site, or

         II.      Any other nuclear reactor installation including laboratories
                  handling radioactive materials in connection with reactor
                  installations, and "critical facilities" as such, or

         III.     Installations for fabricating complete fuel elements or for
                  processing substantial quantities of "special nuclear
                  material," and for reprocessing, salvaging, chemically
                  separating, storing or disposing of "spent" nuclear fuel or
                  waste materials, or

         IV.      Installations other than those listed in paragraph (2) III
                  above using substantial quantities of radioactive isotopes or
                  other products of nuclear fission.

         3. Without in any way restricting the operations of paragraphs (1) and
(2) hereof, this Reinsurance does not cover any loss or liability by radioactive
contamination accruing to the Reassured, directly or indirectly, and whether as
Insurer or Reinsurer, from any insurance on property which is on the same site
as a nuclear reactor power plant or other nuclear installation and which
normally would be insured therewith except that this paragraph (3) shall not

         (A)      Where the Reassured does not have knowledge of such nuclear
                  reactor power plant or nuclear installation, or

         (B)      Where said insurance contains a provision excluding coverage
                  for damage to property caused by or resulting from radioactive
                  contamination, however caused. However on and after 1st
                  January 1960 this sub-paragraph (B) shall only apply provided
                  the said radioactive contamination exclusion provision has
                  been approved by the Governmental Authority having
                  jurisdiction thereof.

         4. Without in any way restricting the operations of paragraphs (1), (2)
and (3) hereof, this Reinsurance does not cover any loss or liability by 
radioactive contamination accruing to the Reassured, directly or indirectly, and
whether as Insurer or Reinsurer, when such radioactive contamination is a named 
hazard specifically insured against.


         5. It is understood and agreed that this Clause shall not extend to 
risks using radioactive isotopes in any form where the nuclear exposure is not 
considered by the Reassured to be the primary hazard.

         6. The term "special nuclear material" shall have the meaning given it 
in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, or by any law amendatory thereof.

         7. The Reassured to be sole judge of what constitutes:

            (A)      substantial quantities, and

            (B)      the extent of installation, plant or site.

NOTE:    Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph (1) hereof, 
            it is understood and agreed that:

            (A)   all policies issued by the Reassured on or before 31st
                  December 1957 shall be free from the application of the other
                  provision of this Clause until expiry date or 31st December
                  1960, whichever first occurs whereupon all the provisions of
                  this Clause shall apply,

            (B)   with respect to any risk located in Canada policies issued by
                  the Reassured on or before 31st December 1958 shall be free
                  from the application of the other provisions of this Clause
                  until expiry date or 31st December 1960, whichever first
                  occurs whereupon all the provisions of this Clause shall




         (1)      All Business derived directly or indirectly from any Pool,
                  Association or Syndicate which maintains its own reinsurance

         (2)      Any Pool or Scheme (whether voluntary or mandatory) formed
                  after March 1, l968 for the purpose of insuring Property
                  whether on a country-wide basis or in respect of designated
                  areas. This exclusion shall not apply to so-called Automobile
                  Insurance Plans or other Pools formed to provide coverage for
                  Automobile Physical Damage.


It is agreed that business written by the Company for the same perils, which is
known at the time to be insured by, or in excess of underlying amounts placed in
the following Pools, Associations, or Syndicates, whether by way of insurance or
reinsurance, is excluded hereunder:

         Industrial Risk Insurers; Associated Factory Mutuals; Improved Risk 

         Any Pool, Association or Syndicate formed for the purpose of writing
         Oil, Gas or Petro-Chemical Plants and/or Oil or Gas Drilling Rigs.

         United States Aircraft Insurance Group, Canadian Aircraft Insurance
         Group, Associated Aviation Underwriters, American Aviation 

SECTION B does not apply:

         (1)      Where the Total Insured Value over all interests of the risk
                  in question is less than $250,000,000.

         (2)      To interests traditionally underwritten as Inland Marine or
                  Stock and/or Contents written on a Blanket basis.

         (3)      To Contingent Business Interruption, except when the Company
                  is aware that the key location is known at the time to be
                  insured in any Pool, Association or Syndicate named above,
                  other than as provided for under Section B (1).

         (4)      To risks as follows: Offices, Hotels, Apartments, Hospitals,
                  Educational Establishments, Public Utilities (other than
                  Railroad Schedules) and Builder's Risks on the classes of
                  risks specified in this subsection (4) only.



Where this Clause attaches to catastrophe excesses, the following Section C is

NEVERTHELESS the Reinsurer specifically agree that liability accruing to the
Company from its participation in:

         (l)      The following so-called "Coastal Pools":



         (2)      All "FAIR Plan" and "Rural Risk Plan" business, including the
                  Florida Residential Property and Casualty Joint Underwriting
                  Association and the Florida Property and Casualty Joint
                  Underwriting Association ("JUA").

         For all perils otherwise protected hereunder shall not be excluded,
except, however, that this reinsurance does not include any increase in such
liability resulting from:

         (1)      the inability of any other participant in such "Coastal Pool"
                  and/or "FAIR Plan" and/or "Rural Risk Plan" and/or Residual
                  Market Mechanisms to meet its liability.

         (2)      any claim against such "Coastal Pool" and/or "FAIR Plan"
                  and/or "Rural Risk Plan" and/or Residual Market Mechanisms or
                  any participant therein, including the Company, whether by way
                  of subrogation or otherwise, brought by or on behalf of any
                  Insolvency Fund (as defined in the Insolvency Fund Exclusion
                  Clause incorporated in this Contract).



Notwithstanding Section C above, in respect of the FWUA, FPCJUA and RPCJUA,
where an assessment is made against the Company by the FWUA, the FPCJUA, the
RPCJUA, or any combination thereof, the maximum loss that the Company may
include in the Ultimate Net Loss in respect of any loss occurrence hereunder
shall not exceed the lesser of:

         (1)      The Company's assessment from the relevant entity (FWUA,
                  FPCJUA and/or RPCJUA) for the accounting year in which the
                  loss occurrence commenced, or

         (2)      The product of the following:

                  a)     The Company's percentage participation in the relevant
                         entity for the accounting year in which the loss
                         occurrence commenced; and

                  b)     The relevant entity's total losses in such loss

Any assessments for accounting years subsequent to that in which the loss
occurrence commenced may not be included in the Ultimate Net Loss hereunder.
Moreover, notwithstanding Section C above, in respect of the FWUA, the FPCJUA
and/or the RPCJUA, the Ultimate Net Loss hereunder shall not include any monies
expended to purchase or retire bonds as a consequence of being a member of the
FWUA, the FPCJUA and/or the RPCJUA. For the purposes of this Contract, the
Company may not include in the Ultimate Net Loss any assessment or any
percentage assessment levied by the FWUA, the FPCJUA and/or the RPCJUA to meet
the obligations of an insolvent insurer member or other party, or to meet any
obligations arising from the deferment by the FWUA, FPCJUA and/or RPCJUA of the
collection of monies.


        Approved by Lloyd's Underwriters' Fire and Non-Marine Association

"As regards interests which at time of loss or damage are on shore, no liability
shall attach hereto in respect of any loss or damage which is occasioned by war,
invasion, hostilities, acts of foreign enemies, civil war, rebellion,
insurrection, military or usurped power, or martial law or confiscation by order
of any government or public authority.

This War Exclusion Clause shall not, however, apply to interests which at time
of loss or damage are within the territorial limits of the United States of
America (comprising the fifty States of the Union and the District of Columbia,
its territories and possessions including Panama Canal Zone and the Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico and including Bridges between the U.S.A. and Mexico provided they
are under United States ownership), Canada, St. Pierre and Miquelon, provided
such interests are insured under policies, endorsements or binders containing a
standard war or hostilities or warlike operations exclusion clause."

Nevertheless, this Clause shall not be construed to apply to riots, strikes,
civil commotion, vandalism, malicious damage including acts committed by the
agent of any government, party or faction engaged in war, hostilities, or other
warlike operation, providing such agent is acting secretly and not in connection
with any operations of military or naval armed forces in the country where the
interest insured is situated.