Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    Form l0-Q

              [X] QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION l3 or l5(d)
                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF l934

                For the quarterly period ended December 31, 1996

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                 For the transition period from ____ to ____

                          Commission File Number l-3863

                               HARRIS CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Delaware                                  34-0276860
- - ---------------------------             ---------------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of          (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
incorporation or organization)

                            l025 West NASA Boulevard
                           Melbourne, Florida            32919
               (Address of principal executive offices)(Zip Code)

                                 (407) 727-9100
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (l) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section l3 or l5 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act of l934
during the preceding l2 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant
was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.
                                               Yes   X   No
                                                    ---    ---

The number of shares outstanding of the registrant's common stock, as of January
30, 1997 was 39,002,938 shares.


                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

ITEM 1.  Financial Statements
- - -----------------------------


The following information for the quarters ended December 31, 1996 and December
31, 1995, has not been audited by independent accountants, but in the opinion of
management reflects all adjustments (consisting only of normal recurring
accruals) necessary for a fair presentation of the results for the indicated
periods. The results of operations for the quarter ended December 31, 1996 are
not necessarily indicative of the results for the full fiscal year.

                                            Quarter Ended             Two Quarters Ended
                                     --------------------------   -------------------------
                                     December 31,  December 31,   December 31, December 31,
                                         1996          1995           1996         1995
                                     ------------  ------------   ------------ ------------
                                             (In millions, except per share amounts)

  Revenue from sales, rentals
   and services                         $945.9        $916.6        $1,829.3      $1,733.3
  Interest                                 9.1           9.3            18.2          18.0
                                        ------        ------        --------      --------
                                         955.0         925.9         1,847.5       1,751.3

Costs and Expenses
  Cost of sales, rentals and
    services                             634.3         615.5         1,220.0       1,160.6
  Engineering, selling and
    administrative expenses              239.0         223.0           469.9         434.5
  Interest                                16.0          15.7            30.8          30.7
  Other - net                             (3.8)          9.6             (.9)         11.8
                                        ------        ------         -------      --------

Income before income taxes                69.5          62.1           127.7         113.7
Income taxes                              24.0          21.7            44.1          39.8
                                        ------        ------         -------      --------

Net Income                              $ 45.5        $ 40.4         $  83.6      $   73.9
                                        ======        ======         =======      ========

Net Income Per Common Share (Primary)    $1.17         $1.03           $2.15         $1.89
                                         =====         =====           =====         =====

Cash Dividends Paid Per Common Share      $.38          $.34            $.76          $.68
                                          ====          ====            ====          ====

                        See Notes to Financial Statements




                                                                                    June 30,
                                                                    December 31,      1996
                                                                       1996        (audited)
                                                                    ------------   ---------
ASSETS                                                                   (In millions)
Current Assets
  Cash and cash equivalents                                          $   61.4      $   74.6
  Marketable securities                                                 117.2          24.8
  Trade accounts and notes receivable - net, less allowance for
    collection losses of $32,800,000 at December 31, 1996
    and $31,300,000 at June 30, 1996                                    756.1         727.8
  Unbilled costs and accrued earnings on fixed price contracts
    based on percentage-of-completion accounting, less progress
    payments of $238,200,000 at December 31, 1996 and
    $216,600,000 at June 30, 1996                                       401.1         397.8
    Work in process and finished products                               472.9         412.7
    Raw materials and supplies                                          133.9         131.4
                                                                      -------       -------
                                                                        606.8         544.1
  Deferred income taxes                                                 138.9         171.8
                                                                      -------       -------
          Total Current Assets                                        2,081.5       1,940.9

Plant and equipment, less allowances for depreciation of
  $1,270,400,000 at December 31, 1996 and $1,278,100,000 at
  June 30, 1996                                                         827.3         721.7

Notes receivable - net                                                  217.9         190.7
Intangibles resulting from acquisitions                                 210.9         212.8
Other assets                                                            175.0         140.6
                                                                     --------      --------
                                                                     $3,512.6      $3,206.7
                                                                     ========      ========

Current Liabilities
  Short-term debt                                                    $  270.2      $  181.3
  Trade accounts payable                                                214.8         209.0
  Compensation and benefits                                             193.6         209.3
  Other accrued items                                                   209.6         190.8
  Advance payments and unearned income                                  296.8         287.8
  Income taxes                                                           83.6         102.7
  Current portion of long-term debt                                       2.1           2.2
                                                                     --------      --------
          Total Current Liabilities                                   1,270.7       1,183.1

Deferred income taxes                                                    70.6          62.2
Long-term debt                                                          689.0         588.5
Shareholders' Equity
  Capital stock:
    Preferred Stock, without par value:
      Authorized - 1,000,000 shares; issued - none                          -             -
    Common Stock, par value $1 per share:
      Authorized - 250,000,000 shares; issued 39,002,888 shares
        at December 31, 1996 and 38,871,603 at June 30, 1996             39.0          38.9
  Other capital                                                         277.6         266.0
  Retained earnings                                                   1,126.9       1,072.7
  Net unrealized gain on securities available-for-sale (net
    of taxes)                                                            65.5          11.1
  Unearned compensation                                                  (5.9)           .3
  Cumulative translation adjustments                                    (20.8)        (16.1)
                                                                     --------      --------
          Total Shareholders' Equity                                  1,482.3       1,372.9
                                                                     --------      --------
                                                                     $3,512.6      $3,206.7
                                                                     ========      ========

                        See Notes to Financial Statements



                                                        Two Quarters Ended
                                                     December 31,  December 31,
                                                         1996          1995
                                                     ------------- ------------
                                                           (In millions)
Cash flows from operating activities
  Net income                                            $ 83.6        $ 73.9
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
    cash provided by operating activities:          
      Depreciation of plant and equipment                 85.5          81.1
    Non-current deferred income tax                        8.4           3.5
  (Increase) decrease in:                    
    Accounts and notes receivable                        (54.8)        (20.3)
    Unbilled costs and inventories                       (65.4)        (69.7)
    Other assets                                         (37.4)        (44.6)
  Increase (decrease) in:
    Trade payables and accrued expenses                    8.6         (26.0)
    Advance payments and unearned income                   9.0          13.4
    Income taxes                                         (21.0)        (14.4)
  Other                                                    8.8           3.2
                                                         -----         -----

Net cash provided by operating activities                 25.3            .1
                                                         -----         -----
Cash flows from investing activities
  Cash paid for acquisitions                              (5.6)        (34.5)
  Additions of plant and equipment                      (197.5)       (106.7)
                                                        ------        ------

Net cash used in investing activities                   (203.1)       (141.2)
                                                        ------        ------

Cash flows from financing activities
  Increase in short-term debt                             88.8         110.1
  Increase in long-term debt                             100.4          12.4
  Proceeds from sale of Common Stock                       5.0           4.0
  Purchase of Common Stock for treasury                      -         (11.1)
  Cash dividends                                         (29.5)        (26.5)
                                                         -----         -----

Net cash provided by financing activities                164.7          88.9
                                                         -----         -----

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash
  equivalents                                              (.1)         (3.1)
                                                         -----         -----

Net decrease in cash and cash
  equivalents                                           $(13.2)       $(55.3)

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year              74.6         119.3
                                                        ------        ------

Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                $ 61.4        $ 64.0
                                                        ======        ======

                        See Notes to Financial Statements




December 31, 1996

Note A -- Basis of Presentation
- - -------------------------------

The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been
prepared in accordance with the instructions to Form 10-Q and Rule 10-01 of
Regulation S-X. Accordingly, they do not include all information and footnotes
necessary for a complete presentation of financial position, results of
operations, and changes in cash flows in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles. For further information refer to the financial statements
and notes to financial statements included in the Corporation's Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1996.

Note B -- Reclassifications
- - ---------------------------

Prior year amounts have been reclassified to conform with current year

Note C -- Credit Arrangements
- - -----------------------------

In November 1996, the Corporation replaced its existing $500 million revolving
credit agreement with an $800 million syndicated credit facility consisting of 
a 364-Day $300 million facility and a five year $500 million facility. These
agreements provide for drawings at interest rates determined by a pricing
matrix based upon the Corporation's long-term debt rating.


ITEM 2. Management's Discussion & Analysis of Financial Condition & Results of
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - ----------

Results for the second quarter and first two quarters were higher than the
comparable periods a year ago. Segment net sales, operating profit and net
income were as follows:

                                                 Quarter Ended                                   Two Quarters Ended
                                    ----------------------------------------            -------------------------------------
                                    Dec. 31          Dec. 31        Percent             Dec. 31       Dec. 31       Percent
                                      1996             1995        Inc./(Dec)             1996          1995       Inc./(Dec)
                                    ----------------------------------------            -------------------------------------
                                                                   (Dollars in millions)
Communications                        $248.4          $212.8           17              $  456.5       $  393.4         16
Lanier Worldwide                       294.1           287.5            2                 553.5          537.3          3
Electronic Systems                     242.1           236.2            2                 496.5          449.9         10
Semiconductor                          161.3           180.1          (10)                322.8          352.7         (8)
                                       -----           -----                            -------        -------
Total                                 $945.9          $916.6            3              $1,829.3       $1,733.3          4
                                       =====           =====                            =======        =======

Communications                        $ 22.0          $ 20.2            9                $ 41.6         $ 36.0         16
Lanier Worldwide                        33.0            32.0            3                  55.6           53.4          4
Electronic Systems                      17.3            17.0            2                  36.6           37.4         (2)
Semiconductor                           19.1            20.3           (6)                 39.8           39.4          1
Corporate Expense                       (5.9)          (11.7)         (48)                (15.1)         (21.8)       (31)
Interest Expense                       (16.0)          (15.7)           2                 (30.8)         (30.7)         -
                                       -----           -----                               ----          -----
  Total                               $ 69.5          $ 62.1           12                $127.7         $113.7         12
                                       =====           =====                              =====          =====

Communications                         $11.2           $ 9.4           19                 $20.8          $17.0         22
Lanier Worldwide                        16.7            14.7           14                  27.2           23.6         15
Electronic Systems                       8.0             6.3           27                  16.0           13.9         15
Semiconductor                            9.6            10.0           (4)                 19.6           19.4          1
                                        ----            ----                               ----           ----
  Total                                $45.5           $40.4           13                 $83.6          $73.9         13
                                        ====            ====                               ====           ====

Communications segment sales and earnings were up strongly over the prior year
periods, led by strong demand for the segment's microwave and broadcast
products. Net income benefited from lower tax rates resulting from tax benefits
of foreign operations.

Sales and operating profit were up slightly in the Lanier Worldwide segment,
while net income was up 14 percent for the quarter and 15 percent year-to-date.
Lower interest expense, favorable foreign exchange rates and lower income taxes
contributed to the strong increase in net income.

Electronic Systems segment sales were up slightly in the second quarter and
moderately for the year, while operating profit was relatively unchanged. Net
income was up sharply for the quarter as the segment recognized tax benefits
associated with the sale of a building. The first two quarters include
write-offs on certain programs that have been substantially offset by the gain
on the sale of a building.

Sales were moderately lower for the Semiconductor segment for both the quarter
and the year due to an industry-wide downturn. Earnings were somewhat lower for
the quarter and slightly higher for the year as the impact of lower sales has
been offset by higher royalty income and improved margins in military and space
products and intelligent power circuits.

Cost of sales as a percentage of net sales decreased to 67.1 percent in the
second quarter and 66.7 percent in the first two quarters of this year compared
to 67.2 percent and 67.0 percent for the respective periods last year. For the
year, cost ratios were lower in the Semiconductor segment due to increased
royalties and in the Lanier segment due to favorable exchange rates.


Engineering, selling, and administrative expenses as a percentage of net sales
increased to 25.3 percent in the second quarter and 25.7 percent for the year
compared to 24.3 percent and 25.1 percent for the comparable prior year periods.
Operating expenses were somewhat higher in all expense categories, including
research and development, which is $12 million higher for the current year.

Interest expense is only slightly higher for the quarter and the year despite
higher average borrowings as additional interest on borrowings has been
capitalized as a component of plant and equipment under construction.
"Other-net" expenses were significantly lower for the quarter and the year due
to a gain on the sale of a building and foreign currency gains.

The provision for income taxes as a percentage of pretax income was 34.5 percent
in both the second quarter and the first two quarters compared to 35.0 percent
for the same periods a year ago. The statutory federal tax rate for all periods
was 35.0 percent. Tax rates on foreign source income and export sales benefited
the current year periods.

Net income as a percentage of sales was 4.8 percent and 4.6 percent for the
second quarter and year-to-date, compared to 4.4 percent and 4.3 percent in the
same periods last year for the previously stated reasons.

Working capital increased from 757.8 at June 30, 1996, to 810.8 at the end of
the second quarter. The Corporation continues to invest heavily in the capital
expansion of its Semiconductor business. Total capital expenditures for the
Corporation in fiscal 1997 are expected to be between $300-$400 million. The
requirement for funds to finance this investment and other operational
requirements during fiscal 1997 will be met by cash flow from operations and
unused borrowing capacity. In January 1997, the Corporation's long-term debt
rating was raised by Standard and Poor's Ratings Group to A- from BBB+ and was
reaffirmed by Moody's Investors Service as A3.

From time to time, the Corporation invests in emerging technology companies that
complement existing product lines. These investments are normally accounted for
on a cost basis. One such investment, Advanced Fibre Communications, Inc., (AFC)
undertook an initial public offering of its common stock on October 1, 1996.
Based upon the quoted market price of AFC on December 31, 1996, the unrealized
gain on this investment was $57.3 million after tax. On January 24, 1997, AFC
filed a registration statement with the SEC relating to a proposed secondary
public offering. The Corporation has indicated that it intends to sell up to
300,000 AFC shares pursuant to this offering. Based upon certain agreements
entered into with the underwriters, the Corporation will not sell any of its
other AFC shares for the ninety-day period following the closing of the proposed
secondary public offering. At the present time the Corporation has no definitive
plans to sell other AFC shares when the restrictions expire.



                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders. 
- - -------------------------------------------------------------

          At the Annual meeting of shareholders held on October 25, 1996, the
          following proposals were adopted by the margins indicated.

          1. To elect three nominees to the Board of Directors:

             NOMINEES                     NUMBER OF SHARES
             --------                     ----------------
                                         FOR          WITHHELD
                                         ---          --------
             Robert Cizik             33,248,734       94,439
             John T. Hartley          33,248,298       94,875
             Karen Katen              33,243,666       99,507

          2. To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent
             public auditors of the Company for the current fiscal year.

             For                      33,230,049
             Against                      44,818
             Abstain                      68,306

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.
- - ------------------------------------------

     (a) Exhibits:

         (10) Material Contracts

              Harris Corporation Bank Credit Agreements:

               (i)   $300,000,000 364-Day Credit Agreement, dated as of 
                     November 6, 1996.

               (ii)  $500,000,000 5-Year Credit Agreement, dated as of 
                     November 6, 1996.

         (11) Statement re:  computation of per share earnings.

         (27) Financial Data Schedule.

     (b) Reports on Form 8-K.

         The Registrant filed with the Commission a Current Report on Form 8-K
         on October 23, 1996, relating to the filing of a Prospectus Supplement
         concerning the proposed offer and sale of up to $150,000,000 aggregate
         initial public offering price of the Registrant's Medium Term Notes and
         the issuance of a press release announcing its financial results for
         the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 1996.

         The Registrant filed with the Commission a Current Report on Form 8-K
         on December 6, 1996, relating the adoption of a new Stockholder
         Protection Rights Plan and the related declaration of a dividend of one
         Right for each outstanding share of Common Stock of the Registrant held
         of record at the close of business on December 6, 1996.

         Items 2, 3 and 5 of Part II are not applicable and have been omitted.



     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                            HARRIS CORPORATION

Date:  February 11, 1997                 By:/s/Bryan R. Roub
                                            Bryan R. Roub
                                            Senior Vice President & Chief
                                            Financial Officer (principal
                                            financial officer and duly
                                            authorized officer)



                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

               Exhibit No.
               Under Reg.
              S-K, Item 601                            Description
              --------------                           -----------
[S]                                          [C]         
                  (10)(i)                      Harris Corporation $300,000,000
                                               364-Day Credit Agreement, dated
                                               as of November 6, 1996.

                  (10)(ii)                     Harris Corporation $500,000,000
                                               5-Year Credit Agreement, dated
                                               as of November 6, 1996.

                  (11)                         Statement re:  computation of per
                                               share earnings.

                  (27)                         Financial Data Schedule.