- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  SCHEDULE 14A
                                   (RULE 14a)
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                             (AMENDMENT NO.      )
Filed by the Registrant  [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  [ ]
Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement                [ ]  CONFIDENTIAL, FOR USE OF THE COMMISSION
                                                     ONLY (AS PERMITTED BY RULE 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to sec.240.14a-11(c) or sec.240.14a-12

                         CENTERIOR ENERGY CORPORATION
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
         filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     (5) Total fee paid:
[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     (1) Amount Previously Paid:
     (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     (3) Filing Party:
     (4) Date Filed:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[OHIO EDISON LOGO]                                       [CENTERIOR ENERGY LOGO]
     The Boards of Directors of Ohio Edison Company and Centerior Energy
Corporation have agreed on a merger designed to create a stronger competitor in
the electric utility industry. The new company will be named FirstEnergy Corp.,
and will be headquartered in Akron, Ohio.
     We expect that the merger will enhance long-term value to you, our
shareholders, and provide our customers with reliable service at more stable and
competitive prices. The merger is a natural alliance of two companies with
adjoining service areas which already share ownership in many of their major
generating plants. We believe the merger will allow us to eliminate duplicative
costs, maximize efficiencies, reduce debt and capital expenditures and increase
management flexibility. We also believe that these factors will allow us to
enhance revenues and cash flow and be a more effective competitor in the
increasingly competitive electric utility industry.
     We expect the merger to improve the long-term value of your share ownership
and provide a stable dividend base. If the merger is completed, Ohio Edison
shareholders will receive one share of FirstEnergy common stock for each share
of Ohio Edison common stock that they own, and Centerior shareholders will
receive 0.525 of a share of FirstEnergy common stock for each share of Centerior
common stock that they own. We estimate that Ohio Edison shareholders initially
will own approximately two-thirds of the outstanding common stock of FirstEnergy
after the merger, while Centerior shareholders initially will own approximately
one-third of the outstanding common stock of FirstEnergy after the merger.
     The merger cannot be completed unless the shareholders of both companies
approve it. We have scheduled special meetings for our shareholders to vote on
the merger.
     The dates, times and places of the meetings are as follows:
March 27, 1997, 2:00 p.m., Eastern time
John S. Knight Center, 77 East Mill Street,
Akron, Ohio
March 27, 1997, 2:00 p.m., Eastern time
Executive Caterers at Landerhaven, 6111 Landerhaven Drive, Mayfield Heights,
     YOUR VOTE IS VERY IMPORTANT. Whether or not you plan to attend your
meeting, we urge you to vote now. Please sign, date and return the accompanying
proxy card in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. If you sign, date and mail
your proxy card without indicating how you want to vote, your proxy will be
voted in favor of the merger.
     This Proxy Statement provides you with detailed information about the
proposed merger. In addition, you may obtain information about our companies
from documents that we have filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
We encourage you to read this entire document carefully.
     If you are a holder of Ohio Edison common stock and have questions, please
call Ohio Edison toll-free at (800) 631-8945. This special number will be in
effect from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Eastern time, Monday through Friday until the
special meetings. If you are a holder of Centerior common stock and have
questions, please call Centerior toll-free at (800) 433-7794 during normal
business hours.
     We appreciate your support in this very important transaction.

/s/ Willard R. Holland

Willard R. Holland
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
Ohio Edison Company
/s/ Robert J. Farling

Robert J. Farling
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
Centerior Energy Corporation
                          CENTERIOR ENERGY CORPORATION
                                                               February 12, 1997
     A special meeting of the share owners of Centerior Energy Corporation will
be held at Executive Caterers at Landerhaven, 6111 Landerhaven Drive, Mayfield
Heights, Ohio on March 27, 1997, at 2:00 p.m., Eastern time, for the purpose of
acting on the following matters:
     1. To consider and vote upon a proposal to approve and adopt an Agreement
and Plan of Merger between Ohio Edison Company, an Ohio corporation, and
Centerior, and the transactions contemplated thereby. The merger agreement
provides for the mergers of (i) Centerior with and into FirstEnergy Corp., an
Ohio corporation (immediately after the merger of a subsidiary of FirstEnergy
with and into Centerior) and (ii) another wholly owned subsidiary of FirstEnergy
with and into Ohio Edison, whereby the shares of Ohio Edison common stock and
Centerior common stock will be converted into the right to receive shares of
FirstEnergy's common stock, all as described in the accompanying Proxy
     2. To transact such other business as may properly be brought before the
     The owners of Centerior common stock at the close of business on February
5, 1997 will be entitled to vote at the meeting. Please sign, date and return
the accompanying proxy card in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.
                                          By order of the Board of Directors,

                                          JANIS T. PERCIO, Secretary
                             JOINT PROXY STATEMENT

                              OHIO EDISON COMPANY

                          CENTERIOR ENERGY CORPORATION

                               FIRSTENERGY CORP.

                          COMMON STOCK, $.10 PAR VALUE
                          TO BE HELD ON MARCH 27, 1997
                          TO BE HELD ON MARCH 27, 1997
                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

SUMMARY...............................................................................    3
COMPARATIVE MARKET PRICES AND DIVIDENDS...............................................   12
RISK FACTORS..........................................................................   13
  Increased Leverage..................................................................   13
  Nuclear Facilities..................................................................   13
  Competitive and Regulatory Conditions...............................................   13
  Forward-Looking Information.........................................................   13
MEETINGS, VOTING AND PROXIES..........................................................   14
  Ohio Edison Meeting.................................................................   14
     Purpose of Ohio Edison Meeting...................................................   14
     Date, Place and Time; Record Date................................................   14
     Voting Rights....................................................................   15
     Proxies..........................................................................   15
  Centerior Meeting...................................................................   15
     Purpose of Centerior Meeting.....................................................   15
     Date, Place and Time; Record Date................................................   16
     Voting Rights....................................................................   16
     Proxies..........................................................................   16
THE MERGER............................................................................   17
  Background of the Merger............................................................   17
  Reasons for the Merger..............................................................   18
  Recommendation of the Ohio Edison Board of Directors................................   19
  Recommendation of the Centerior Board of Directors..................................   20
  Opinions of Financial Advisors......................................................   21
     Ohio Edison's Financial Advisor..................................................   21
     Historical Exchange Ratios.......................................................   23
     Pro Forma Financial Analysis.....................................................   23
     Contribution Analysis............................................................   24
     Discounted Cash Flow Analysis....................................................   24
     Comparable Public Company Analysis...............................................   24
     Comparable Merger Analysis.......................................................   25
     Dividend Discount Analysis.......................................................   26
     Centerior's Financial Advisor....................................................   27
     Stock Trading History............................................................   29
     Discounted Cash Flow Analysis....................................................   29
     Comparable Transactions Analysis.................................................   29
     Publicly Traded Comparable Utilities Analysis....................................   30
     Pro Forma Merger Analysis........................................................   30
  Interests of Certain Persons in the Merger..........................................   31
     Board of Directors...............................................................   31
     FirstEnergy Employment Agreements................................................   31
     FirstEnergy Severance Arrangements...............................................   31
     Ohio Edison Severance Agreements.................................................   32
     Centerior Severance Agreements and Employee Plans................................   32
  Stock Based Plans...................................................................   32
  Material Tax Consequences of the Merger.............................................   33
  Accounting Treatment................................................................   34
  Dividend Policy.....................................................................   34
  Stock Exchange Listing of FirstEnergy Common Stock..................................   34
  Federal Securities Law Consequences.................................................   35
  Dissenters' Rights..................................................................   35


REGULATORY MATTERS....................................................................   36
  Federal Power Act...................................................................   36
  Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935..........................................   36
  State Approvals and Related Matters.................................................   37
  Atomic Energy Act...................................................................   39
  Antitrust Considerations............................................................   39
THE MERGER AGREEMENT..................................................................   40
DESCRIPTION OF FIRSTENERGY CAPITAL STOCK..............................................   41
  FirstEnergy Common Stock............................................................   41
     Voting Rights....................................................................   41
     Dividends........................................................................   41
     Liquidation......................................................................   41
     Preemptive Rights................................................................   41
  FirstEnergy Preferred Stock.........................................................   41
COMPARISON OF SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS......................................................   42
  Comparison of Ohio Edison, Centerior and FirstEnergy Articles and Regulations.......   42
     Board of Directors...............................................................   42
     Removal of Directors.............................................................   42
     Amendments to Articles of Incorporation..........................................   42
     Amendments to Regulations........................................................   43
     Cumulative Voting................................................................   43
     Voting...........................................................................   43
     Restrictions on Issuance of Securities Representing Unsecured Indebtedness.......   43
     Special Meetings of Shareholders.................................................   44
     Nominations......................................................................   44
     Indemnification..................................................................   44
  Business of Ohio Edison.............................................................   52
  Business of Centerior...............................................................   52
  Relationships Between Ohio Edison and Centerior.....................................   53
FIRSTENERGY FOLLOWING THE MERGER......................................................   55
  Management of FirstEnergy...........................................................   55
  Operations of FirstEnergy...........................................................   55
EXPERTS...............................................................................   55
LEGAL MATTERS.........................................................................   56
WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION...................................................   56
GLOSSARY OF DEFINED TERMS.............................................................   58


Appendix A    Agreement and Plan of Merger
Appendix B1   Opinion of McDonald & Company Securities, Inc.
Appendix B2   Opinion of Barr Devlin & Co. Incorporated
Appendix C    Form of Amended Articles of Incorporation of FirstEnergy Corp.
Appendix D    Form of Amended Regulations of FirstEnergy Corp.
Appendix E    Section 1701.85 of the Ohio General Corporation Law

                             QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
A:  We are asking you to vote on a merger between Ohio Edison Company and
    Centerior Energy Corporation which would result in the formation of a new
    company called FirstEnergy Corp.
A:  Our merger means that you will have a stake in one of the nation's largest
    electric utility systems under a new holding company, FirstEnergy. You will
    own a larger company with more resources to meet the challenges of a
    changing electric utility industry. We believe that the alliance will
    enhance the long-term value of your investment in ways that otherwise would
    not be possible. Our two companies have adjoining service areas, and we
    already share ownership in many of our major generating plants. Together, we
    believe we can increase revenues and cash flow, eliminate duplicative costs,
    maximize efficiencies, reduce debt and capital expenditures and increase
    management flexibility. In determining whether to vote for the merger,
    however, you should also carefully consider the matters discussed in the
    "Risk Factors" section of this Proxy Statement.
A:  Our Boards of Directors have unanimously approved the plan to merge and
    recommend that you also vote in favor of the merger.
A:  Ohio Edison shareholders will receive one share of FirstEnergy common stock
    for each share of Ohio Edison common stock they own.
    Example:  If you currently own 100 shares of Ohio Edison common stock, you
    will receive 100 shares of FirstEnergy common stock.
    Centerior shareholders will receive 0.525 of a share of FirstEnergy common
    stock for each share of Centerior common stock they own. FirstEnergy will
    not issue fractional shares, although you may still own fractional shares
    in FirstEnergy's dividend reinvestment plan, which will replace our
    existing plans. Each Centerior shareholder who would otherwise receive a
    fractional share of FirstEnergy common stock will instead receive cash
    based on the market value of the fractional share after trading in
    FirstEnergy common stock begins on the New York Stock Exchange.
    Example:  If you currently own 100 shares of Centerior common stock, after
    the merger you will be entitled to receive 52 shares of FirstEnergy common
    stock and a check for the market value of the .5 fractional share in
    exchange for your Centerior common stock.
A:  Before the merger, we expect no changes in our dividend policies, although
    the merger agreement permits Ohio Edison to increase its annual dividend
    from the current level of $1.50 to a maximum of $1.60 per share. Before the
    merger is completed, the Boards of Directors of both companies will
    coordinate dividend payment dates so that all shareholders receive dividends
    on the same day. Because the Boards are changing their companies' usual
    dividend payment dates, the amounts of the dividends will be pro rated to
    reflect the change.
    After the merger, we expect the initial annual dividend of FirstEnergy to
    be the same as Ohio Edison's annual dividend rate at that time, although
    the actual dividend will be determined by the FirstEnergy Board of
    Directors. An annual rate of $1.50 per share of FirstEnergy common stock
    would provide former Ohio Edison shareholders with the same amount of cash
    as they are currently receiving and former Centerior shareholders with
    almost the same amount of cash that they are currently receiving.
    Example:  If you currently hold 100 shares of Ohio Edison common stock, you
    will hold 100 shares of FirstEnergy common stock after the merger. This
    means that after the merger we anticipate that you will receive at least
    $150 (that is, $1.50 x 100) of annual dividends, which is the same amount
    that you are currently receiving on your Ohio Edison common stock.
    Example:  If you currently hold 100 shares of Centerior common stock, you
    will hold 52 shares of FirstEnergy common stock after the merger. At the
    current Centerior annual dividend rate of $.80 per share, you are receiving
    $80 in dividends annually. After the merger we anticipate that you will
    receive $1.50 in annual dividends for each share of FirstEnergy common
    stock that you hold. This equates to $78 annually (that is, $1.50 x 52).
A:  Once the merger has been completed, your whole and fractional shares within
    the plan will be converted into FirstEnergy shares in the FirstEnergy
    dividend reinvestment plan in the same ratios described above.
A:  If you are an Ohio Edison shareholder, we expect that your exchange of
    shares will be tax-free for federal income tax purposes.
    If you are a Centerior shareholder, we expect that your exchange of shares
    will be tax-free, except for taxes on cash received for fractional shares.
    You will recognize a gain or loss for such cash equal to the difference
    between the amount of such cash and your tax basis in such fractional
A:  Just mail your signed, dated proxy card in the enclosed envelope as soon as
    possible. That way, your shares will be represented at the special meetings,
    which will be held on March 27, 1997, for both Ohio Edison and Centerior.
A:  Your broker will vote your shares only if you provide written instructions
    on how to vote. Absent such instructions, your shares held in what is called
    "street name" will not be voted. Therefore, we urge you to instruct your
    broker in writing to vote your shares for the merger. To ensure that your
    broker receives your instructions, we would suggest that you send them by
    fax or by certified mail, return receipt requested, and that you also call
    your broker to make sure your instructions were received.
A:  To approve the merger:
    - Ohio Edison needs approval from the holders of at least two-thirds of its
      outstanding shares of common stock; and
    - Centerior needs approval from the holders of at least a majority of its
      outstanding shares of common stock.
A:  If you do not vote, it is, in effect, a vote against the merger. Abstentions
    are also considered votes against the merger. If you sign and return your
    proxy card without marking your choice, your shares will be voted for the
A:  No. After the merger is completed, we will send you written instructions for
    exchanging your stock certificates for certificates representing FirstEnergy
    common stock.
A:  Yes. We intend to apply for listing on the New York Stock Exchange of the
    shares of FirstEnergy common stock to be issued in connection with the
A:  We are trying to complete the merger as quickly as possible. However,
    circumstances over which we have no control, such as shareholder and
    regulatory approval, could affect the completion date.
     This summary highlights selected information from this document and may not
contain all of the information that is important to you. To understand the
Merger more fully and for a more complete description of the legal terms of the
Merger, you should carefully read this entire document and the documents to
which we have referred you. See "Where You Can Find More Information" (page 56).
     For your convenience in reading this Proxy Statement, we have included a
Glossary of Defined Terms (see page 58) where you can find explanations of
frequently used terms.
                                 THE COMPANIES
76 South Main Street
Akron, Ohio 44308
(800) 736-3402
     FirstEnergy was recently created as a holding company and prior to the
Merger, it will have no operations. If the Merger were completed today,
FirstEnergy Corp. would have a service territory of 13,200 square miles,
spanning northern and central Ohio and Western Pennsylvania, and a customer base
of 2.1 million. It would be the parent company of:
     - Ohio Edison Company (which would remain Pennsylvania Power Company's
       parent company);
     - The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company; and
     - The Toledo Edison Company.
And, based on electric sales, FirstEnergy would be the 11th largest
investor-owned electric utility system in the United States.
76 South Main Street
Akron, Ohio 44308
(800) 736-3402
     Ohio Edison is an electric public utility that operates in Ohio and owns
generating facilities in both Ohio and Pennsylvania. Ohio Edison furnishes:
     - electric service to communities in a 7,500 square mile area of central
       and northeastern Ohio;
     - transmission services and electric energy for resale to certain
       municipalities; and
     - transmission services to certain rural cooperatives.
Ohio Edison also engages in the sale, purchase and interchange of electric
energy with other electric companies.
     Ohio Edison's Penn Power subsidiary furnishes:
     - electric service to communities in a 1,500 square mile area of western
       Pennsylvania; and
     - transmission services and electric energy for resale to certain
       municipalities in Pennsylvania.
     During the 12 months ended September 30, 1996, Ohio Edison's fuel used for
energy generation consisted of 75.4% fossil and 24.6% nuclear.
6200 Oak Tree Boulevard
Independence, Ohio 44131
(800) 443-7794
     Centerior is a public utility holding company. Its electric public utility
subsidiaries, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison
Company, furnish:
     - electric service in a 4,200 square mile area of northeastern and
       northwestern Ohio; and
     - transmission services and electric energy for resale to other electric
       utility companies and to certain municipalities and rural cooperatives in
       Centerior's service area.
Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison also engage in the sale, purchase and
interchange of electric energy with other electric companies and power
     Since Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison became affiliated in 1986,
operations and administration of the two utilities have been substantially
consolidated. On October 17, 1996, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
authorized the combination of Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison. The Merger
Agreement between Ohio Edison and Centerior requires the approval of Ohio Edison
prior to consummation of the proposed combination of Cleveland Electric and
Toledo Edison. Ohio Edison requested this approval right
because the combination would be a major change in organization, and Ohio Edison
needed time to evaluate its effects on such factors as name recognition and
customer and community acceptance. Ohio Edison does not expect to reach a
decision on that combination prior to the special meetings of shareholders of
Ohio Edison and Centerior at which the shareholders of Ohio Edison and Centerior
will be asked to vote to approve the Merger.
     During the 12 months ended September 30, 1996, Centerior's sources of
energy generation consisted of 63.2% fossil, 31.0% nuclear and 5.8%
                                OUR REASONS FOR
                                   THE MERGER
     The Merger is a natural alliance of two companies with adjoining service
areas which we believe will create a company that is better positioned to
compete in the electric utility industry. We expect that the Merger will enhance
long-term value to shareholders and provide customers with reliable service at
more stable and competitive prices. We expect to achieve such results by:
     - improving coordination, control and operation of major generating plants
       and transmission facilities;
     - accelerating debt reduction;
     - eliminating duplicative activities;
     - reducing operating expenses and cost of capital;
     - eliminating or deferring certain capital expenditures;
     - developing opportunities for sales of energy-related products and
     - enhancing cash flow; and
     - enhancing purchasing capabilities for goods and services.
     For more information on reasons for the Merger, see "The Merger -- Reasons
for the Merger" on page 18.
                              OUR RECOMMENDATIONS
                                TO SHAREHOLDERS
     In reaching its recommendations in favor of the Merger, each of our Boards
of Directors considered a number of factors relating to the business and
financial aspects of the Merger and sought advice from independent professional
advisors. For information on the factors considered by the Ohio Edison Board of
Directors, see "The Merger -- Recommendation of the Ohio Edison Board of
Directors" and "The Merger -- Opinions of Financial Advisors -- Ohio Edison's
Financial Advisor" on pages 19 and 21. For information on the factors considered
by the Centerior Board of Directors, see "The Merger -- Recommendation of the
Centerior Board of Directors" and "The Merger -- Opinions of Financial
Advisors -- Centerior's Financial Advisor" on pages 20 and 27.
                                   THE MERGER
     The Merger Agreement provides for a series of transactions that will result
in FirstEnergy's becoming the parent company of Ohio Edison, Cleveland Electric
and Toledo Edison, with Penn Power remaining a subsidiary of Ohio Edison.
     We encourage you to read the Merger Agreement, which is attached as
Appendix A to this Proxy Statement, as it is the document that governs the
     As a result of the Merger, Ohio Edison shareholders will receive one share
of FirstEnergy Common Stock for each share of Ohio Edison Common Stock that they
     Centerior shareholders will receive 0.525 of a share of FirstEnergy Common
Stock for each share of Centerior Common Stock that they own. No fractional
shares will be issued, although you may still own fractional shares in
FirstEnergy's dividend reinvestment plan, which will replace our existing plans.
Instead, each Centerior shareholder who would otherwise receive a fractional
share of FirstEnergy Common Stock will receive a check in payment for that
fractional share based on the market value of FirstEnergy Common Stock on its
first day of trading on the New York Stock Exchange.
     Shareholders should not send in their stock certificates until asked to do
so after the Merger is completed.
     Initially, Ohio Edison shareholders will own approximately two-thirds, and
Centerior shareholders will own approximately one-third, of the outstanding
FirstEnergy Common Stock after the Merger. Based on the number of shares of Ohio
Edison and Centerior Common Stock currently outstanding, we anticipate that
FirstEnergy will issue approximately 230 million shares of FirstEnergy Common
Stock in the Merger.
     Upon completion of the Merger, Willard R. Holland, who is the Chairman of
the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Ohio Edison, will be Chairman of the
Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of FirstEnergy. Robert J. Farling,
who is the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Centerior, will be
Vice Chairman of FirstEnergy. We expect that the FirstEnergy Board of Directors
will consist of 12 members, selected initially by the Ohio Edison Board. See
"The Merger Agreement" on page 40 and "FirstEnergy Following the
Merger -- Management of FirstEnergy" on page 55.
     We can complete the Merger only if a number of conditions are satisfied,
including the following:
     - the approval by the holders of at least two-thirds of Ohio Edison Common
       Stock and by the holders of at least a majority of Centerior Common
       Stock; and
     - the approval by governmental authorities without burdensome conditions.
     We can complete the Merger only if a number of other conditions are either
satisfied or waived, including the delivery of tax opinions.
     We have received the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio's approval of an
acceptable rate plan for Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison, which approval
was a condition to the Merger.
     See "The Merger Agreement" on page 40.
     We can agree to terminate the Merger Agreement by mutual written consent,
and either of us can terminate the Merger Agreement if any of the following
     - the other party materially breaches the Merger Agreement;
     - a court or other governmental authority permanently prohibits the Merger;
     - the Board of Directors of either party determines that its fiduciary
       obligations require acceptance of an offer from a third party to enter
       into a takeover transaction;
     - the Board of Directors of the other party modifies or repeals its
       resolution approving the Merger or adopts a resolution inconsistent with
       the Merger Agreement;
     - we do not complete the Merger by June 30, 1998;
     - we do not receive the required shareholder approvals;
     - the business of the other party materially changes for the worse; or
     - a law, order, rule or regulation is adopted by a governmental authority
       which has the effect, for such party, of prohibiting the Merger.
     See "The Merger Agreement" on page 40.
     The Merger Agreement generally requires Ohio Edison or Centerior to pay to
the other a termination fee of $10 million (plus expenses) if the Merger
Agreement terminates because of such party's breach of a representation,
warranty, covenant or agreement set forth in the Merger Agreement.
     In addition, the Merger Agreement generally requires Ohio Edison or
Centerior to pay to the other a termination fee of $55 million (plus expenses)
if (i) the Merger Agreement terminates under certain circumstances and it has
received an offer to enter into a takeover transaction with a third party and
(ii) within two and one-half years after such termination, it agrees to enter
into or completes a takeover transaction with a third party.
     See "The Merger Agreement" on page 40.
     We have filed applications with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
seeking approval of the Merger and a new transmission tariff.
     We have filed an application with the Securities and Exchange Commission
seeking approval of the Merger under The Public Utility Holding Company Act of
1935. Following completion of the Merger, FirstEnergy believes it will be
entitled to an exemption from registration under the 1935 Act. The companies are
currently exempt from the registration and most other requirements of the 1935
     We have received the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio's approval of a
Regulatory Plan for Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison as described under
"Regulatory Matters -- State Approvals and Related Matters" on page 37.
     We have filed an application with the Pennsylvania Public Utility
Commission seeking approval of the Merger, in the event the agency determines it
has the statutory jurisdiction to approve the Merger.
     We have filed requests with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission seeking
approval of the transfer of control of certain nuclear facility operating
     The Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvement Act of 1976, as amended,
prohibits us from completing the Merger until after we have furnished certain
information and materials to the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of
Justice and the Federal Trade Commission and a required waiting period has
ended. Both agencies have the authority to challenge the Merger on antitrust
grounds before or after the Merger is completed.
     See "Regulatory Matters" on page 36.
     In deciding to approve the Merger, our Boards of Directors considered
opinions from their respective financial advisors as to the fairness of the
exchange ratio from a financial point of view. Ohio Edison received an opinion
from its financial advisor, McDonald & Company Securities, Inc., to the effect
that the exchange ratio for Ohio Edison Common Stock is fair, from a financial
point of view, to Ohio Edison shareholders. Centerior received an opinion from
its financial advisor, Barr Devlin & Co. Incorporated, to the effect that the
exchange ratio for Centerior Common Stock is fair, from a financial point of
view, to Centerior shareholders. These opinions are attached as Appendices B1
and B2 to this Proxy Statement. We encourage you to read these opinions.
     In connection with delivering these opinions, McDonald and Barr Devlin
separately performed a variety of analyses, including:
     - comparing Ohio Edison's and Centerior's stock prices and financial
       multiples to each other and to those of other selected publicly traded
     - comparing the financial terms of the Merger to those of other publicly
       announced transactions; and
     - estimating the relative values and contributions of Ohio Edison and
       Centerior based on past and anticipated future performance and the
       anticipated benefits of the Merger. See "The Merger -- Opinions of
       Financial Advisors -- Ohio Edison's Financial Advisor" on page 21 and
       "-- Centerior's Financial Advisor" on page 27.
     In addition, Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated assisted each of our Boards
in the structuring of the proposed combination. See "The Merger -- Background of
the Merger" on page 17.
     You have the right to dissent from consummation of the Merger and, upon
compliance with the procedural requirements under Ohio law, to receive the "fair
cash value" of your shares if the Merger is completed. If you elect to exercise
your rights to dissent, you must not vote your shares in favor of the Merger and
you must deliver to the issuer of your shares, not later than ten days after the
date of the issuer's special meeting, a written demand for payment of the "fair
cash value" of your shares. See "The Merger -- Dissenters Rights" on page 35.
     We have structured the Merger so that none of Ohio Edison, Centerior,
FirstEnergy or our respective shareholders will recognize any gain or loss for
federal income tax purposes in the Merger (except as a result of cash received
by Centerior shareholders instead of fractional shares or by shareholders of
either company exercising dissenters' rights). We have conditioned the Merger on
our receipt of legal opinions to that effect, although either of us may waive
this condition. If delivery of
tax opinions is waived, we will resolicit proxies from you after informing you
about the new tax consequences in the event that there is any change in your tax
treatment, and we also will resolicit proxies if there is any material change in
the tax treatment of any of the companies. See "The Merger -- Material Tax
Consequences of the Merger" on page 33.
     Shares of Ohio Edison and Centerior Common Stock are listed on the New York
Stock Exchange and certain other stock exchanges. On September 13, 1996, the
last full trading day on the New York Stock Exchange prior to the public
announcement of the Merger, Ohio Edison Common Stock closed at $20 3/4 per share
and Centerior Common Stock closed at $7 5/8 per share. On January 28, 1997, Ohio
Edison Common Stock closed at $23 1/8 per share and Centerior Common Stock
closed at $10 3/4 per share. The ticker symbol for Ohio Edison Common Stock is
"OEC" and the ticker symbol for Centerior Common Stock is "CX." See "Comparative
Market Prices and Dividends" on page 12.
     FirstEnergy intends to apply for listing on the New York Stock Exchange of
the shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock to be issued in connection with the
Merger. See "The Merger -- Stock Exchange Listing of FirstEnergy Common Stock"
on page 34.
     We expect the initial annual dividend rate paid to FirstEnergy shareholders
after the completion of the Merger to be the same as Ohio Edison's annual
dividend rate at that time, although FirstEnergy dividends will be determined by
the FirstEnergy Board. An annual dividend rate of $1.50 per share (which is Ohio
Edison's current annual rate) will provide Ohio Edison shareholders with the
same, and Centerior shareholders with almost the same, dividends that they
currently receive. The determination of dividends by the FirstEnergy Board will
depend on business conditions, its financial position and earnings and other
factors. See "The Merger -- Dividend Policy" on page 34.
     The Merger Agreement provides that, following the Merger, the Articles of
Incorporation and Regulations of FirstEnergy will be in the forms that are
attached to this Proxy Statement as Appendices C and D.
     The Merger Agreement provides that FirstEnergy will honor certain
employment and/or severance agreements entered into by Ohio Edison or Centerior
prior to the date of the Merger Agreement.
     In July and September 1996, Centerior entered into severance agreements
with five of its senior executives, which agreements will be triggered by
consummation of the Merger. Ohio Edison also has severance agreements with four
of its senior executives, which it entered into in February 1995. These
agreements will not be triggered by consummation of the Merger. However, under
the Merger Agreement, most senior officers of Ohio Edison or Centerior may elect
to accept severance benefits set forth in the Merger Agreement itself. Those
benefits include:
     - a lump sum payment to the terminated executive equal to a multiple of the
       officer's most recent three years' average base salary plus the average
       of the most recent three years' incentive compensation; and
     - continuation of health care coverage for three years after termination.
                             FINANCIAL INFORMATION
     We are providing the following financial information to aid you in your
analysis of the financial aspects of the Merger. We derived this information
from audited financial statements for 1991 through 1995 and unaudited financial
statements for the nine months ended September 30, 1996 and 1995. The
information is only a summary and you should read it in conjunction with our
historical financial statements (and related notes) contained in the annual
reports and other information that we have filed with the SEC. See "Where You
Can Find More Information" on page 56.

                                    AT OR FOR THE
                                     NINE MONTHS
                                   ENDED SEPTEMBER
                                     (UNAUDITED)           AT OR FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                  -----------------   -----------------------------------------------
                                   1996      1995      1995      1994      1993      1992      1991
                                  -------   -------   -------   -------   -------   -------   -------
                                  (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)
Operating revenue...............  $ 1,858   $ 1,849   $ 2,466   $ 2,368   $ 2,370   $ 2,332   $ 2,359
Net income......................      243       242       317       304        83       277       265
Earnings on common stock........      233       225       295       282        59       253       240
Earnings per common share.......     1.62      1.57      2.05      1.97       .39      1.70      1.60
Dividends declared and paid per
  common share..................    1.125     1.125      1.50      1.50      1.50      1.50      1.50
Book value per common share.....    17.24     16.60     16.73     16.15     14.70     15.78     15.55
Total assets....................    8,996     8,976     8,824     8,994     8,918     7,830     7,812
Preferred and preference stock
  subject to mandatory
  redemption....................      155        40       160        40        46        60        66
Long-term debt..................    2,595     2,877     2,786     3,167     3,039     3,122     3,243


                                    AT OR FOR THE
                                     NINE MONTHS
                                   ENDED SEPTEMBER
                                     (UNAUDITED)           AT OR FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                  -----------------   -----------------------------------------------
                                   1996      1995      1995      1994      1993      1992      1991
                                  -------   -------   -------   -------   -------   -------   -------
                                  (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)
Operating revenue...............  $ 1,941   $ 1,934   $ 2,516   $ 2,421   $ 2,474   $ 2,438   $ 2,560
Net income (loss)...............       99       191       220       204      (943)      212       237
Earnings (loss) per common
  share.........................      .67      1.29      1.49      1.38     (6.51)     1.50      1.71
Dividends declared and paid per
  common share..................      .60       .60       .80       .80      1.60      1.60      1.60
Book value per common share.....    13.27     13.20     13.40     12.71     12.14     20.22     20.37
Total assets....................   10,305    10,567    10,643    10,691    10,710    12,071    11,829
Preferred stock subject to
  mandatory redemption..........      189       220       220       253       313       364       332
Long-term debt (including
  nuclear fuel lease
  obligations)..................    3,755     3,949     3,871     3,916     4,273     3,997     4,182

     Our companies report quarterly and annual earnings results in our SEC
filings using methods required by GAAP. Sometimes the financial results reported
in this way include unusual or infrequent events and factors that are not
expected to occur regularly in the future. Unusual or infrequent events and
transactions that we believe would be helpful to review in understanding our
companies' past performance and future prospects are briefly described below.
     Significant Events Affecting Ohio Edison's Earnings Trends
     Ohio Edison's net income and earnings on common stock for 1993 were reduced
by after-tax charges of approximately $218 million ($1.43 per share of common
stock) relating primarily to the termination of Perry Unit 2, partially offset
by the cumulative effect of a change in accounting for unbilled revenues.
     Significant Events Affecting Centerior's Earnings Trends
     Centerior's net income for 1993 was reduced as a result of write-offs and
other charges by $1.150 billion or $7.95 per share, resulting in a net loss of
$943 million or $6.51 per share for 1993. These charges included a $1.023
billion after-tax write-off of its Perry Unit 2 investment and phase-in plan
deferred charges, along with other one-time charges totaling $39 million after
taxes and a charge of $87 million after taxes associated with an early
retirement program.
     Centerior's net income for the nine months ended September 30, 1996
declined in comparison to net income for the nine months ended September 30,
1995. This decline resulted from the effect of required accounting changes
implemented in December 1995 associated with the rate increase granted in April
1996, from delay in realizing the full financial benefits of strategic plan
initiatives and from Toledo Edison's write-down of two inactive facilities.
     Ohio Edison's operating revenues, net income, earnings on common stock and
earnings per share of common stock for the year ended December 31, 1996 were
$2,469,785,000, $315,170,000, $302,673,000 and $2.10, respectively.
     Centerior's operating revenues, net income and earnings per share of common
stock for the year ended December 31, 1996 were $2,553,249,000, $121,065,000 and
$.82, respectively.
     These results reflect a continuation of the trends for each company for the
nine month period ended September 30, 1996. In the case of Centerior, the
decline in net income reflects a continuation of the effects described above.
     Notwithstanding the Merger and the discussions with the PUCO concerning the
effect of the Regulatory Plan on Centerior's nuclear generating assets,
Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison each believe it is reasonable to assume
that rates will be set at levels that will recover all current and anticipated
costs associated with their nuclear operations, including all associated
regulatory assets, and such rates can be charged to and collected from
customers. See "REGULATORY MATTERS -- State Approvals and Related Matters" on
page 37.
     The Merger is expected to be accounted for as a purchase in accordance with
GAAP. Under the purchase method of accounting, the common equity of FirstEnergy
will be equal to the book common equity of Ohio Edison at the time of the Merger
plus the purchase price for Centerior, based on the average sale price for Ohio
Edison Common Stock three days before and three days after the announcement of
the Merger ($20.125 per share).
     Centerior's net assets must be adjusted to fair market value on
FirstEnergy's balance sheet as of the date of consummation. To the extent the
purchase price exceeds the fair market value of Centerior's net assets, goodwill
will be recognized on FirstEnergy's balance sheet. Any goodwill resulting from
the Merger will be
amortized over a period not to exceed 40 years. If the purchase price is less
than the fair market value of Centerior's net assets, FirstEnergy's utility
plant assets will be reduced accordingly. No adjustment will be made to Ohio
Edison's assets and liabilities in connection with the Merger.
     The reported income of FirstEnergy in the first financial reporting period
following consummation of the Merger will include results of operations of Ohio
Edison for the entire period and of Centerior from the date of consummation
forward. See "The Merger -- Accounting Treatment" on page 34.
     We have presented below unaudited pro forma financial information that is
intended to give you a better picture of what our businesses might have looked
like had they been combined on January 1, 1995 for purposes of the pro forma
income statement items, and as of the end of the period for purposes of the pro
forma balance sheet items. We prepared the pro forma income statement and
balance sheet by adding or combining the historical results of operations for
each company and making estimated adjustments resulting from the Merger. You
should not rely on the pro forma information as being indicative of the
historical results that we would have had or of the future results that we will
experience after the Merger. See "FirstEnergy Unaudited Pro Forma Financial
Information" on page 46.

                                                                AT OR FOR THE               AT OR FOR
                                                                 NINE MONTHS                 THE YEAR
                                                             ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,              ENDED
                                                       -------------------------------     DECEMBER 31,
                                                           1996              1995              1995
                                                       -------------     -------------     ------------
                                                       (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)
Operating revenues...................................     $ 3,785           $ 3,770          $  4,965
Net income...........................................         352               436               542
Earnings per common share............................        1.59              1.97              2.44
Dividends declared and paid per common share(1)......        1.13              1.13              1.51
Book value per common share..........................       18.25                --                --
Total assets.........................................      18,154                --                --
Preferred stock subject to mandatory redemption......         330                --                --
Long-term debt (including nuclear fuel lease
  obligations).......................................       6,366                --                --

- ---------------
(1) For purposes of this pro forma presentation, we have assumed that, upon
    consummation of the Merger, the initial annual dividend rate will be the
    same as Ohio Edison's annual dividend rate at that time. An annual rate of
    $1.50 per share of FirstEnergy Common Stock would provide Ohio Edison
    shareholders with the same amount of dividends that they currently receive
    and Centerior shareholders with almost the same amount of dividends that
    they currently receive. The dividends declared per common share in the
    FirstEnergy Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information reflect the sum of the
    dividends declared and paid by both companies divided by the number of
    shares that would have been outstanding for the periods presented after
    adjusting the Centerior shares by the exchange ratio of 0.525. See
    "FirstEnergy Corp. Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial
    Statements" on page 51.
     We have summarized below the per share information for our respective
companies on a pro forma, equivalent and historical basis. The Centerior Per
Share Equivalents are calculated by multiplying the FirstEnergy Unaudited Pro
Forma per share amounts by 0.525. Centerior shareholders will receive 0.525 of a
share of FirstEnergy Common Stock in exchange for each share of Centerior Common
Stock. The Ohio Edison Per Share Equivalents are not shown because they are the
same as the FirstEnergy Unaudited Pro Forma due to the one-to-one share exchange
ratio for Ohio Edison shareholders.

                                                     AT OR FOR THE
                                                      NINE MONTHS
                                                         ENDED           AT OR FOR THE YEAR ENDED
                                                     SEPTEMBER 30,             DECEMBER 31,
                                                    ----------------    --------------------------
                                                     1996      1995      1995      1994      1993
                                                    ------    ------    ------    ------    ------
Earnings per common share.........................  $ 1.59    $ 1.97    $ 2.44        --        --
Dividends declared and paid per common share......    1.13      1.13      1.51        --        --
Book value per common share.......................   18.25        --        --        --        --

Earnings per common share.........................     .83      1.03      1.28        --        --
Dividends declared and paid per common share......     .59       .59       .79        --        --
Book value per common share.......................    9.58        --        --        --        --

Earnings per common share.........................    1.62      1.57      2.05      1.97       .39
Dividends declared and paid per common share......   1.125     1.125      1.50      1.50      1.50
Book value per common share.......................   17.24     16.60     16.73     16.15     14.70

Earnings (loss) per common share..................     .67      1.29      1.49      1.38     (6.51)
Dividends declared and paid per common share......     .60       .60       .80       .80      1.60
Book value per common share.......................   13.27     13.20     13.40     12.71     12.14

     Ohio Edison Common Stock and Centerior Common Stock are traded on the NYSE
and on the Chicago Stock Exchange. Centerior Common Stock is also traded on The
Pacific Stock Exchange. The ticker symbol for Ohio Edison Common Stock is "OEC"
and the ticker symbol for Centerior Common Stock is "CX." The following table
shows the high and low prices of, and dividends paid on, Ohio Edison Common
Stock and Centerior Common Stock.

                                                             OHIO EDISON                     CENTERIOR
                                                  -------------------------------    -----------------------------
                                                  HIGH        LOW       DIVIDENDS    HIGH      LOW       DIVIDENDS
                                                  ----        ----      ---------    -----     ----      ---------
  First Quarter.................................   22 3/4    18 7/8       .375       13 3/8     10 5/8      .20
  Second Quarter................................   19 1/4    16 1/2       .375       11 3/4      9 7/8      .20
  Third Quarter.................................   19 5/8    17 1/2       .375       10 5/8      8 7/8      .20
  Fourth Quarter................................   19 1/4    17 7/8       .375        9 1/2      8          .20
  First Quarter.................................   21 1/2    18 1/2       .375       10          8 11/16    .20
  Second Quarter................................   22 5/8    19 3/4       .375        9 7/8      8 5/8      .20
  Third Quarter.................................   22 7/8    21 1/4       .375       11          9 1/2      .20
  Fourth Quarter................................   23 3/4    22 1/4       .375       11 1/ 4     8 1/2      .20
  First Quarter.................................   24 7/8    21 7/8       .375        9 5/8      7 5/8      .20
  Second Quarter................................   23        20 1/4       .375        8          6 3/4      .20
  Third Quarter.................................   22 1/4    19 1/4       .375        9 1/2      6 3/4      .20
  Fourth Quarter................................   23 1/4    19 3/8       .375       10 3/4      9 1/8      .20
  First Quarter (through January 28, 1997)......   23 7/8    22 1/2                  11 1/8     10 1/2

     On September 13, 1996, the last full trading day before the public
announcement of the execution and delivery of the Merger Agreement, the high,
low and closing prices per share of (i) Ohio Edison Common Stock were $20 7/8,
20 5/8 and 20 3/4, respectively, and (ii) Centerior Common Stock were $7 5/8,
7 1/2 and 7 5/8, respectively. On January 28, 1997, the closing price of Ohio
Edison Common Stock was $23 1/8 and the closing price of Centerior Common Stock
was $10 3/4.
     The market prices of Ohio Edison Common Stock and Centerior Common Stock
are subject to fluctuation. Ohio Edison shareholders and Centerior shareholders
are encouraged to obtain current market quotations for Ohio Edison Common Stock
and Centerior Common Stock.
     All stock prices listed above are as reported on the NYSE Composite Tape.
                                  RISK FACTORS
     In determining whether to vote to approve the Merger Agreement and the
transactions contemplated thereby, you should carefully consider the following
     Upon consummation of the Merger, FirstEnergy will have a relatively high
amount of debt compared to its total capitalization. On a pro forma consolidated
basis as of September 30, 1996, FirstEnergy's debt would be approximately 56% of
total capitalization, as compared to 47.6% for Ohio Edison and 59.1% for
Centerior on a stand-alone basis. In addition, Ohio Edison, which currently has
credit ratings for its senior secured debt from Standard & Poor's of BBB- and
from Moody's Investors Service of Baa2, was put on credit watch with negative
implications on September 16, 1996 by each of these two ratings agencies. On
September 17, 1996, Duff & Phelps Credit Rating Company (current rating BBB+)
put Ohio Edison's securities on rating watch with uncertain implications. On
September 18, 1996, Fitch Investors Service affirmed Ohio Edison's rating of
BBB. All of these Ohio Edison ratings are investment grade. Cleveland Electric
and Toledo Edison, which currently have credit ratings for their senior secured
debt from Standard & Poor's of BB and from Moody's Investors Service of Ba2,
were put on credit watch by these two ratings agencies, but with positive
implications, on September 16, 1996. On September 17, 1996, Duff & Phelps Credit
Rating Company (current rating BB) put Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison's
securities on rating watch with uncertain implications. On September 18, 1996,
Fitch Investors Service affirmed Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison's rating
of BB. None of these Centerior ratings are investment grade. In addition, since
the announcement of the Merger on September 16, 1996, decreased market prices
for Ohio Edison's outstanding senior fixed income securities suggest there would
be a slightly higher cost of any new borrowing for Ohio Edison. Conversely,
higher prices for Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison outstanding senior fixed
income securities during this period suggest lower costs for any new borrowings
by those companies.
     Although Ohio Edison, Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison have substantial
interests in four nuclear generating units, Ohio Edison previously has not owned
an interest in the Davis-Besse nuclear unit or had operational responsibility
for any nuclear units. In addition, Centerior previously has not owned an
interest in Beaver Valley Unit 1. Once the Merger is completed, FirstEnergy will
have ownership interests in all four nuclear generating units and operational
responsibilities for the Davis-Besse and Perry Unit 1 nuclear units. Risks of
substantial liability arise from the ownership and operation of nuclear
facilities, including, among others, the storage, handling and disposal of
radioactive materials, limitations on the amounts and types of insurance
coverages commercially available and uncertainties with respect to the
technological and financial aspects of decommissioning nuclear facilities at the
end of their useful lives.
     The Merger will combine companies that share a common regulatory and
competitive environment as well as a number of factors currently affecting
certain electric utilities, including high cost nuclear power plants, relatively
high levels of debt and competition from municipal and other alternative
providers of electric service. As a result of the Merger, these factors may
affect FirstEnergy to a greater degree than would be the case for either Ohio
Edison or Centerior on a stand-alone basis.
     We have made forward-looking statements in this document with respect to
the financial condition, results of operations and business of FirstEnergy
following the consummation of the Merger, which involve certain risks and
uncertainties. Forward-looking statements are included under "Summary," "Summary
Selected Historical and Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information," these "Risk
Factors," "Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information," "The Merger -- Reasons
for the Merger," "-- Savings," and "Regulatory Matters -- State Approvals and
Related Matters," as well as in statements about future performance or
results, including any statements using the words "believe," "expect,"
"anticipate" or similar words. For all of those statements, we claim the
protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Factors that may cause actual
results to differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking
statements include, among others, the following possibilities: (1) expected cost
savings from the Merger are not fully realized; (2) regional competitive
pressure in the electric utility industry increases significantly; (3) costs or
difficulties related to the integration of the businesses of Ohio Edison and
Centerior are greater than expected; (4) state and federal regulatory
initiatives are implemented that further increase competition, threaten cost and
investment recovery or impact rate structures; and (5) national and regional
economic conditions are less favorable than expected. Further information on
other factors which could affect the financial results of FirstEnergy after the
Merger is included in the SEC filings incorporated by reference herein.
                          MEETINGS, VOTING AND PROXIES
     We are furnishing this Proxy Statement to holders of Ohio Edison Common
Stock and holders of Centerior Common Stock in connection with the solicitation
of proxies by the Ohio Edison Board and the Centerior Board for use at the Ohio
Edison Meeting and the Centerior Meeting. At the Special Meetings, holders of
Ohio Edison Common Stock and Centerior Common Stock will be asked to vote to
approve and adopt the proposed mergers and certain related transactions
contemplated by the Merger Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto as
Appendix A.
     The Merger Agreement provides, among other things, for the mergers of (i)
Centerior with and into FirstEnergy (immediately after the merger of Centerior
Acquisition Sub with and into Centerior) and (ii) Ohio Edison Acquisition Sub
with and into Ohio Edison, pursuant to which (a) each outstanding share of Ohio
Edison Common Stock will be converted into the right to receive one share of
FirstEnergy Common Stock and (b) each outstanding share of Centerior Common
Stock will be converted into the right to receive 0.525 (525/1000) of a share of
FirstEnergy Common Stock. Cash will be paid to Centerior shareholders in lieu of
fractional shares except shares held by Centerior's dividend reinvestment plan
agent. The Merger will become effective upon the filing of the Certificates of
Merger with the Secretary of State of the State of Ohio or at such time
thereafter as is provided in the Certificates of Merger.
     Following the Merger, FirstEnergy would be a holding company which would
directly hold all of the issued and outstanding common stock of Ohio Edison and
all of the issued and outstanding common stock of Centerior's direct
subsidiaries, which include, among others, Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison.
Penn Power would remain a wholly owned subsidiary of Ohio Edison. As a result of
the Merger, the holders of Ohio Edison Common Stock and Centerior Common Stock
would own all of the outstanding shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock. All other
classes of capital stock of Ohio Edison and its subsidiaries and of the
subsidiaries of Centerior would be unaffected by the Merger and would remain
     Purpose of Ohio Edison Meeting.  The purpose of the Ohio Edison Meeting is
to vote upon the proposal to approve and adopt the Merger Agreement and the
transactions contemplated thereby. The enclosed proxy card, upon due execution,
authorizes the voting of shares represented by the proxy on any other matter
that may properly come before the Ohio Edison Meeting, and any adjournment or
postponement of the meeting, unless otherwise indicated. The proxy holders will
take such action in accordance with their best judgment. Ohio Edison expects
that no other business will be considered at the Ohio Edison Meeting.
     The Ohio Edison Board believes that the Merger is in your best interests
and unanimously recommends that the shareholders of Ohio Edison vote FOR the
proposal to approve and adopt the Merger Agreement and the transactions
contemplated thereby. The Ohio Edison Board approved and adopted the Merger
Agreement after consideration of a number of factors described under the heading
"The Merger -- Reasons for the Merger" and "-- Recommendations of the Ohio
Edison Board of Directors."
     Date, Place and Time; Record Date.  The Ohio Edison Meeting will be held on
March 27, 1997, at 2:00 p.m., Eastern time, at the John S. Knight Center, 77
East Mill Street, Akron, Ohio. Holders of record of
Ohio Edison Common Stock at the close of business on February 5, 1997 will be
entitled to notice of, to vote at and to participate in the Ohio Edison Meeting
on the proposal to approve and adopt the Merger Agreement and the transactions
contemplated thereby. At the close of business on February 5, 1997, there were
152,569,437 shares of Ohio Edison Common Stock issued and outstanding and
entitled to vote.
     Any Ohio Edison shareholder with a hearing impairment who plans to attend
the Ohio Edison Meeting may request that Ohio Edison provide a sign language
interpreter at the Ohio Edison Meeting. Requests for an interpreter must be
received by Investor Services no later than March 3, 1997.
     Voting Rights.  Each share of Ohio Edison Common Stock entitles its holder
to one vote with respect to the proposed Merger Agreement and the transactions
contemplated thereby. Holders of Ohio Edison preferred stock are not entitled to
vote on the Merger.
     There must be present in person or by proxy the holders of record of shares
entitling them to exercise two-thirds of the voting power of Ohio Edison Common
Stock in order to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the
Ohio Edison Meeting.
     The affirmative votes of the holders of at least two-thirds of the
outstanding shares of Ohio Edison Common Stock are required to approve and adopt
the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby. ABSTENTIONS AND
other nominees are not permitted to vote at the Ohio Edison Meeting without
instructions from their beneficial owners. If such brokers and other nominees do
not vote, such "non-votes" will have the effect of a vote against the approval
of the Merger Agreement.
     The directors and executive officers of Ohio Edison, together with their
affiliates, beneficially own less than 1% of the outstanding shares of Ohio
Edison capital stock.
     Proxies.  Holders of Ohio Edison Common Stock (including shares held for
participants in the Ohio Edison Sharebuilder Investment Plan) may vote either in
person or by properly executed proxy. By completing and returning the proxy
card, an Ohio Edison shareholder authorizes the persons named on the card to
vote all the Ohio Edison shares on his, her or its behalf. If a properly
executed proxy is returned without any voting directions, such shares will be
voted FOR approval and adoption of the Merger Agreement and the transactions
contemplated thereby. A properly executed proxy received prior to closing of the
polls during the Ohio Edison Meeting will be voted in the manner set forth on
the proxy unless specifically directed otherwise by the shareholder, in which
case it will be voted as directed. An Ohio Edison shareholder may revoke a proxy
at any time prior to its vote at the Ohio Edison Meeting by properly executing a
proxy bearing a later date or by giving notice of revocation to Ohio Edison in
writing or in open meeting. The attendance of an Ohio Edison shareholder at the
Ohio Edison Meeting, without express action, will not revoke a previously
executed proxy.
     Ohio Edison will bear the cost of soliciting proxies for the Ohio Edison
Meeting, except that Ohio Edison and Centerior will share equally expenses
incurred in connection with printing and filing this Proxy Statement. See "The
Merger Agreement -- Expenses." In addition to soliciting proxies by mail,
officers and employees of Ohio Edison may solicit proxies by telephone,
telecopy, telegram or in person. Ohio Edison has retained Georgeson & Company
Inc., a proxy solicitation firm, to aid in the solicitation of proxies. The fee
of such firm is expected to be $50,000 plus reimbursement for out-of-pocket
     The Ohio Edison Meeting may be adjourned to another date and/or place for
any proper purpose, including, without limitation, to solicit additional
     Purpose of Centerior Meeting.  The purpose of the Centerior Meeting is to
vote upon the proposal to approve and adopt the Merger Agreement and the
transactions contemplated thereby. The enclosed proxy card, if properly
executed, authorizes the voting of shares represented by the proxy on any other
matter that may properly come before the Centerior Meeting, and any adjournment
or postponement of the meeting,
unless otherwise indicated. The proxy holders will take such action in
accordance with their best judgment. Centerior expects that no other business
will be considered at the Centerior Meeting.
     The Centerior Board believes that the Merger is in your best interests and
unanimously recommends that the shareholders of Centerior vote FOR the proposal
to approve and adopt the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated
thereby. The Centerior Board approved and adopted the Merger Agreement after
consideration of a number of factors described under the heading "The
Merger -- Reasons for the Merger" and "-- Recommendations of the Centerior Board
of Directors."
     Date, Place and Time; Record Date.  The Centerior Meeting will be held on
March 27, 1997, at 2:00 p.m., Eastern time, at Executive Caterers at
Landerhaven, 6111 Landerhaven Drive, Mayfield Heights, Ohio. Only holders of
record of Centerior Common Stock at the close of business on February 5, 1997
will be entitled to vote at and participate in the Centerior Meeting. At the
close of business on February 5, 1997, there were 148,025,928 shares of
Centerior Common Stock issued and outstanding and entitled to vote.
     Any Centerior shareholder with a hearing impairment who plans to attend the
Centerior Meeting may request that Centerior provide a sign language interpreter
at the Centerior Meeting. Requests for an interpreter must be received by Share
Owner Services at Centerior no later than March 21, 1997.
     Voting Rights.  Each share of Centerior Common Stock entitles its holder to
one vote with respect to the proposed Merger Agreement and the transactions
contemplated thereby.
     In order to constitute a quorum, there must be present in person or by
proxy the holders of record of shares entitled to exercise a majority of the
voting power of Centerior Common Stock.
     The affirmative votes of the holders of at least a majority of the
outstanding shares of Centerior Common Stock are required to approve and adopt
the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby. ABSTENTIONS AND
other nominees are not permitted to vote at the Centerior meeting without
instructions from their beneficial owners. If such brokers and other nominees do
not vote, such "non-votes" will have the effect of a vote against the approval
of the Merger Agreement.
     The directors and executive officers of Centerior, together with their
affiliates, beneficially own less than 1% of the outstanding shares of Centerior
Common Stock.
     Proxies.  Holders of Centerior Common Stock may vote either in person or by
properly executed proxy. By completing and returning the proxy card, a Centerior
shareholder authorizes the persons named on the card to vote all the Centerior
shares on his, her or its behalf. If a properly executed proxy is returned
without any voting directions, such shares will be voted FOR approval and
adoption of the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby. A
properly executed proxy received prior to closing of the polls during the
Centerior Meeting will be voted in the manner set forth on the proxy unless
specifically directed otherwise by the shareholder, in which case it will be
voted as directed. A Centerior shareholder may revoke a proxy at any time prior
to its vote at the Centerior Meeting by properly executing a proxy bearing a
later date or by giving notice of revocation to Centerior in writing or in open
meeting. The attendance of a Centerior shareholder at the Centerior Meeting,
without express action, will not revoke a previously executed proxy.
     Shares held for participants in the Centerior Dividend Reinvestment and
Stock Purchase Plan will be voted by the respective custodian the same way as
the Centerior share owners' shares of record, if any, are voted.
     Centerior will bear the cost of soliciting proxies for the Centerior
Meeting, except that Ohio Edison and Centerior will share equally expenses
incurred in connection with printing and filing this Proxy Statement. See "The
Merger Agreement -- Expenses." In addition to soliciting proxies by mail,
officers and employees of Centerior may solicit proxies by telephone, telecopy,
telegram or in person. Centerior has retained Morrow & Co., Inc., a proxy
solicitation firm, to aid in the solicitation of proxies. The fee of such firm
is expected to be $25,000 plus reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses.
     The Centerior Meeting may be adjourned to another date and/or place for any
proper purpose, including, without limitation, to solicit additional proxies.
                                   THE MERGER
     Ohio Edison and Centerior (and its predecessors) have had a lengthy
relationship characterized by joint activity and cooperation. Ohio Edison,
Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison have been members of CAPCO since 1967,
together with Duquesne and Ohio Edison's wholly owned subsidiary, Penn Power.
See "Selected Information Concerning Ohio Edison and Centerior -- Relationships
Between Ohio Edison and Centerior." Since the formation of CAPCO, there have
been various proposals and discussions for closer forms of association and
combination among and between the various members. Those discussions led, for
example, in 1986, to the affiliation of Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison as
wholly owned subsidiaries of Centerior.
     The discussions that led to the execution of the Merger Agreement commenced
in the late spring of 1996, when Willard R. Holland, Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer of Ohio Edison, and Robert J. Farling, Chairman,
President and Chief Executive Officer of Centerior, began to discuss the
potential strategic benefits of a combination of the companies. On April 11,
1996, the PUCO had issued its order with respect to a rate application by
Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison, in which it had recommended that the two
companies undertake various financial and accounting actions related to their
nuclear properties. Centerior had begun to consider its responses to that order,
and to identify its various strategic alternatives and options. On May 6,
Messrs. Holland and Farling agreed to establish small working teams to evaluate
the potential for a combination and to consider possible synergies. It was
agreed that discussions about possible exchange ratios would be deferred until
the parties had exchanged sufficient information to enable each to further
evaluate the financial and operational effects of a possible combination. In
addition, the companies jointly retained McKinsey on May 20 to assist management
in a preliminary evaluation of the possible synergies resulting from a
     Morgan Stanley has regularly provided financial advisory services to both
Ohio Edison and Centerior over the past several years, and thus has substantial
knowledge of both companies and the electric utility industry generally. Because
of this experience and knowledge, the managements and Boards of each of the two
companies determined that it would be beneficial to retain Morgan Stanley to
assist in the structuring of a possible business combination. Each Board engaged
Morgan Stanley on June 18 to assist management's financial and related analyses
in connection with the structuring of a possible combination on the
understanding Morgan Stanley would establish and maintain separate working teams
for each company.
     At its May 28 meeting, the Centerior Board of Directors appointed an ad hoc
committee consisting of Messrs. Farling, Mosier, Savage, Miller and Williams of
the Centerior Board and Paul B. Campbell of Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P., to
evaluate Centerior's strategic alternatives in light of the April 11 PUCO order
and the preliminary discussion with Ohio Edison and report its recommendations
to the Centerior Board. On June 1, Ohio Edison and Centerior entered into a
confidentiality agreement, including stand still provisions, to facilitate the
exchange of confidential information so that each could appropriately evaluate
the potential advantages and disadvantages of a combination. Also in June,
Centerior retained Barr Devlin as a financial advisor and to provide a fairness
opinion to the Centerior Board should one be needed. Over the course of June and
July, the companies exchanged financial and operational information, evaluated
that information, met with financial advisors, accountants and lawyers on the
benefits and consequences of a combination and met to discuss a proposed form of
agreement for a possible combination. The status of the discussions was reviewed
with the Board of each company, and in Centerior's case, by the ad hoc
committee, at the meetings of those Boards in June and July. On June 25, the
Centerior Board adopted a Shareholder Rights Plan after considering prevailing
conditions in the electric industry, the trading level of its common stock as
compared to historical levels, and the possibility that Centerior might become a
more visible potential target of acquisition as a result of the discussions with
Ohio Edison, were those discussions to become public.
     In early August, Centerior retained Deloitte & Touche to assist its
management in identifying and quantifying the potential synergies. During early
August, there were meetings among each companies' working teams and their
financial advisors, counsel and accountants to review financial and operational
due diligence matters. On August 23, the Ohio Edison Board held a special
meeting to discuss the combination. Following that meeting, Mr. Holland
indicated to Mr. Farling that Ohio Edison would be prepared to proceed with the
combination based on an exchange ratio in the range of .5 to 1. In response, Mr.
Farling suggested that each
company's financial advisors meet to explore exchange ratio parameters. On
August 30, 1996, Ohio Edison retained McDonald to act as Ohio Edison's financial
advisor and to provide a fairness opinion, if required.
     Throughout early September, lawyers for and representatives of the
companies began meeting to draft a merger agreement. In the first two weeks of
September, Barr Devlin and both companies' Morgan Stanley Teams met to discuss
ranges of possible exchange ratios, without reaching agreement. Over the course
of September 12 and 13, Messrs. Holland, Farling, Anthony J. Alexander,
Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Ohio Edison, Terrence G.
Linnert, Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and General Counsel of
Centerior, and H. Peter Burg, President and Chief Operating Officer of Ohio
Edison, discussed and agreed to present to their Boards of Directors a
transaction involving an exchange ratio of .525 to 1. They also agreed to
present to their respective Boards proposals on the method of Board selection
and termination fees in connection with the Merger Agreement.
     On September 13, the Ohio Edison and Centerior Boards each met, determined
that the proposed transaction was in the best interests of their respective
shareholders and approved the proposed transaction and the Merger Agreement. At
these meetings, McDonald and Barr Devlin delivered their fairness opinions to
the Ohio Edison Board and the Centerior Board, respectively. After these
meetings, the Merger Agreement was executed by both companies. Public
announcement of the transaction was made on September 16, 1996.
     We believe that the Merger will create a company that is better positioned
to compete in the electric utility industry than either Ohio Edison or Centerior
on a stand-alone basis, enhancing long-term shareholder value and providing
customers with reliable service at more stable and competitive prices. We expect
to achieve such results through:
     (a) improved coordination, control and operation of major generating plants
         and transmission facilities;
     (b) accelerated debt reduction;
     (c) elimination of duplicative activities;
     (d) reduced operating expenses and cost of capital;
     (e) elimination or deferral of certain capital expenditures;
     (f) development of opportunities for sales of energy-related products and
     (g) enhanced cash flow; and
     (h) enhanced purchasing capabilities for goods and services.
     We believe the combination of Ohio Edison and Centerior is a natural
alliance of two companies with adjoining service areas who already share
ownership in many of their major generating assets and which will realize
opportunities to eliminate duplicative costs, maximize efficiencies and increase
management flexibility in order to enhance revenues, cash flow and earnings and
be a more effective competitor in the increasingly competitive electric utility
     We believe that the Merger will provide the following benefits:
     - SAVINGS
     We anticipate that the combination of the businesses of Ohio Edison and
Centerior will result in substantial savings, estimated at approximately $1
billion, net of costs to achieve (estimated to be approximately $130 million),
over ten years. The Regulatory Plan approved by the PUCO provides for a portion
of these savings to be allocated to ratepayers by the PUCO in the form of lower
rates for retail customers of Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison and by the
reduction of the carrying cost of existing assets. See "Regulatory
Matters  -- State Approvals and Related Matters." The savings, which we believe
could not be achieved without the Merger, are in addition to the estimated
effects of cost reduction programs currently underway at Ohio Edison and
Centerior and result primarily from the reduction of duplicative functions and
positions, reductions in duplicative corporate and administrative expenses,
joint dispatch of generating facilities and procurement efficiencies. We expect
reductions in labor to comprise slightly over half the estimated savings, based
on a reduction of approximately 900 positions in the FirstEnergy organization.
These reductions are expected to be phased in over a five-year period. We
believe that such reductions will be
attained through attrition, controlled hiring and voluntary and involuntary
severance programs. We expect reductions in duplicative corporate and
administrative expenses, such as insurance, facilities, professional services
and advertising, to comprise about a quarter of estimated savings. Cost savings
from the joint dispatch of generating facilities and procurement efficiencies
comprise the balance of the estimated savings.
     In addition, both companies' ongoing cost reduction and efficiency
improvement programs will be available for implementation throughout the new
organization. Through such programs, as well as reductions in new capital
requirements and lower overheads resulting from combining operations, we expect
to reduce system-wide debt by at least $2.5 billion through the year 2000,
yielding additional long-term financial savings in the form of lower interest
     If the Merger were completed today, FirstEnergy would be the 11th largest
investor-owned electric utility system in the U.S., based on combined annual
sales of approximately 64 billion kWh. With assets of over $18 billion, a
customer base of 2.1 million and a service area of 13,200 square miles located
within a 500 mile radius of one-half of the U.S. population, FirstEnergy will be
one of the nation's largest electric utility systems with more resources and
opportunities to compete successfully in the increasingly competitive electric
utility industry. We expect that FirstEnergy will be able to provide customers
with a wider range of energy services and products and enhanced service
capabilities than either Ohio Edison or Centerior could alone, key advantages as
our industry becomes more competitive.
     FirstEnergy will have complete or majority ownership and operational
control over the 2,360 MW Bruce Mansfield Plant (coal); the 600 MW Sammis Unit 7
(coal); the 600 MW Eastlake Unit 5 (coal); the 883 MW Davis-Besse Unit
(nuclear); and the 1,194 MW Perry Unit 1 (nuclear). FirstEnergy will also have
majority ownership of the 1,630 MW Beaver Valley Plant (nuclear). With our
combined ownership shares, we will be better able to enhance the operating
efficiency of the units, helping us reduce the financial risks related to
operations in a more competitive electric industry.
     Our Regulatory Plan, which has been approved by the PUCO, would extend to
Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison customers a rate reduction program to
become effective upon consummation of the Merger. The Regulatory Plan calls for:
(i) a base rate freeze through 2005 followed by an immediate $310 million base
rate reduction; (ii) interim residential rate reductions of $3 per month
beginning six months after the Merger, increasing to $4 per month on July 1,
2000, and to $5 per month from July 1, 2001 through the year 2005; (iii) interim
rate reductions for certain commercial customers; (iv) a $75 million economic
development loan/lease program; (v) a $30 million energy efficiency program for
residential customers; (vi) a $2 billion aggregate reduction in assets through
2005, resulting from amounts that will have been revalued, amortized and/or
depreciated on an accelerated basis; and (vii) earnings caps, that would enable
customers to share in any additional benefits from the Merger, limiting returns
on common equity, for regulatory purposes, of Cleveland Electric and Toledo
Edison to 11.5% for calendar years from inception of the Regulatory Plan through
1999, 12.0% in 2000 and 2001 and 12.59% from 2002 through 2005. See "Regulatory
Matters -- State Approvals and Related Matters" on page 37.
     In reaching its recommendation in favor of approval and adoption of the
Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby, the Ohio Edison
Board consulted with Ohio Edison's management and its legal and financial
advisors and considered a number of factors including:
          (a) the respective businesses, operations, assets, management,
     geographic location and prospects, particularly the relative quality,
     capacity and mix of electric generating facilities and the contiguous
     nature of the service territories;
          (b) the joint ownership of major generating units and the ability to
     maximize operating efficiencies and performance of such facilities in an
     increasingly competitive electric utility industry;
          (c) prices and trading information with respect to Ohio Edison Common
     Stock and Centerior Common Stock, particularly with respect to each other;
          (d) the financial condition and results of operations of Ohio Edison
     and Centerior on a historical and prospective basis;
          (e) the presentations of management, including potential operating and
     financial synergies anticipated from the Merger, which indicated estimated
     savings of approximately $1 billion, net of costs to achieve, over a
     10-year period;
          (f) the expected treatment of the Merger as a purchase under GAAP;
          (g) the fact that the Merger will be tax-free to Ohio Edison
     shareholders, except with respect to cash payments to dissenters;
          (h) the opinion of McDonald that the Ohio Edison exchange ratio is
     fair, from a financial point of view, to holders of Ohio Edison Common
          (i) the advice of the Morgan Stanley Ohio Edison Team concerning
     various financial aspects of a proposed combination, the financial terms of
     the Merger Agreement and other matters related to the Merger;
          (j) the fact that, compared to recently proposed or completed utility
     mergers involving significant premiums, the exchange ratio is favorable to
     Ohio Edison, when viewed as a multiple of earnings per share, cash flow,
     book value, EBIT and EBITDA, notwithstanding the approximately 41% premium
     to be paid over Centerior's share price immediately prior to the
     announcement of the Merger;
          (k) the importance of size and economies of scale in the increasingly
     competitive electric utility industry;
          (l) the potential for enhanced economic development of the combined
     service areas due to a better mix of location sites and infrastructure;
          (m) the incremental increase in the relative ownership interests in,
     and operating responsibility for, nuclear facilities;
          (n) the selection of the directors and management of FirstEnergy by
     the Ohio Edison Board;
          (o) Ohio Edison's direction of the integration and transition
     management of the companies;
          (p) the requirement of the approval by the PUCO of an acceptable
     regulatory plan for Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison; and
          (q) the fact that the Merger would provide benefits to shareholders
     and customers that would not be available on a stand-alone basis.
     The foregoing discussion of information and factors considered and given
weight by the Ohio Edison Board is not intended to be exhaustive. In view of the
wide variety of factors considered in connection with its evaluation of the
terms of the Merger, the Ohio Edison Board did not find it practicable to, and
did not, quantify or otherwise attempt to assign relative weights to the
specific factors considered in reaching their determinations. In addition,
individual members of the Ohio Edison Board may have given different weights to
different factors.
     In reaching its recommendation in favor of approval and adoption of the
Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby, the Centerior Board
consulted with Centerior's management and its legal and financial advisors, and
considered a number of factors, including the following:
          (a) the respective businesses, operations, assets, management and
     prospects of Centerior and Ohio Edison, including their contiguous service
     territories and shared ownership of major generating facilities;
          (b) the financial condition and results of operations of Centerior and
     Ohio Edison on a historical and prospective basis, including the potential
     for financial synergies resulting in more rapidly improved credit ratings
     for Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison;
          (c) prices and trading information with respect to Centerior and Ohio
     Edison Common Stock separately and in relation to each other;
          (d) the opinion of Barr Devlin that, as of September 13, 1996, the
     Centerior exchange ratio is fair, from a financial point of view, to the
     holders of Centerior Common Stock;
          (e) the advice of Barr Devlin and the Morgan Stanley Centerior Team
     concerning various financial aspects of a proposed combination, the
     financial terms of the Merger Agreement and other matters related to the
          (f) management's preliminary synergies analysis, which indicated
     estimated savings of approximately $1 billion, net of costs to achieve,
     over a 10-year period;
          (g) the premium over the then current market price of Centerior Common
          (h) the stabilization of the Centerior dividend rate;
          (i) the expected treatment of the Merger under purchase accounting;
          (j) the requirement for the approval by the PUCO of an acceptable
     regulatory plan for Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison;
          (k) the tax-free nature of the Merger to Centerior and its
     shareholders (except with respect to cash payments to dissenters and in
     lieu of fractional shares);
          (l) the importance of size, resources and economies of scale in the
     increasingly competitive electric utility industry;
          (m) the anticipated increase in cash flow, which should lead to the
     more rapid reduction of debt, lower financing costs and improved earnings
     and credit ratings;
          (n) the potential for enhanced economic development of the combined
     service areas due to a better mix of location sites and infrastructure;
          (o) the incremental increase in the relative ownership interests in
     nuclear facilities; and
          (p) the anticipated benefits to shareholders and customers of
     Centerior which could not be realized on a stand-alone basis.
     The foregoing discussion of information and factors considered by the
Centerior Board is not intended to be exhaustive. In view of the wide variety of
factors considered in connection with its evaluation of the terms of the Merger,
the Centerior Board did not find it practicable to, and did not, quantify or
otherwise attempt to assign relative weights to the specific factors considered
in reaching its determination. In addition, individual members of the Centerior
Board may have given different weights to different factors.
Ohio Edison's Financial Advisor.
     On August 30, 1996, Ohio Edison retained McDonald to act as Ohio Edison's
financial advisor in connection with the Merger. On September 13, 1996, McDonald
delivered its opinion to the Ohio Edison Board to the effect that, as of such
date and based upon the assumptions made, matters considered and limits of
review set forth in the opinion, the Ohio Edison Conversion Number is fair from
a financial point of view to holders of Ohio Edison Common Stock.
     In connection with the McDonald Opinion, McDonald reviewed, among other
things: (i) the Merger Agreement; (ii) Annual Reports to shareholders and Annual
Reports on Form 10-K of Ohio Edison and Centerior for the five years ended
December 31, 1995; (iii) certain interim reports to shareholders and Quarterly
Reports on Form 10-Q of Ohio Edison and Centerior; (iv) certain FERC Forms 1 of
Ohio Edison, Penn Power, Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison; (v) certain other
communications from Ohio Edison and Centerior to their respective shareholders;
and (vi) certain internal financial analyses and estimates of certain operating
efficiencies and financial synergies expected to be achieved as a result of the
proposed combination. McDonald also held discussions with members of the senior
management of Ohio Edison and Centerior regarding past and current business
operations, financial condition and future prospects of their respective
companies and their analyses of the strategic benefits of the proposed
combination, including, without limitation, the amount and timing of realization
of the synergies related to the proposed combination. In addition, McDonald
reviewed the reported price and trading activity information for Ohio Edison
Common Stock and Centerior Common Stock, compared certain financial and stock
market information for Ohio Edison and Centerior with similar information for
certain other companies, the securities of which are publicly traded, reviewed
the financial terms of certain recent business combinations in the electric
utility industry and performed such other studies and analyses as McDonald
considered appropriate.
     In its review and analysis and in arriving at the McDonald Opinion,
McDonald assumed and relied upon the accuracy and completeness of all of the
financial and other information provided to it or publicly available and assumed
and relied upon the representations and warranties of Ohio Edison and Centerior
contained in the Merger Agreement. McDonald was not engaged to verify, nor did
McDonald independently attempt to verify, any of such information. McDonald also
relied upon the managements of Ohio Edison and Centerior as to the
reasonableness and achievability of the financial and operating projections (and
the assumptions and bases therefor) provided to it, and, with the consent of
Ohio Edison, McDonald assumed that such projections reflect the best currently
available estimates and judgments of such respective managements of Ohio Edison
and Centerior and that such projections and forecasts will be realized in the
amounts and in the time periods currently estimated by the managements of Ohio
Edison and Centerior. McDonald was not engaged to assess the achievability of
such projections or the assumptions upon which they were based and expresses no
view as to such projections or assumptions. In addition, McDonald did not
conduct a physical inspection or appraisal of any of the assets, properties or
facilities of either Ohio Edison or Centerior, nor was McDonald furnished with
any such evaluation or appraisal. In addition, McDonald further assumed that
obtaining any necessary regulatory or third party approvals for the Merger will
not have an adverse effect on Ohio Edison or Centerior. Ohio Edison did not
place any limitations upon McDonald with respect to the procedures followed or
factors considered by McDonald in rendering its opinion. The McDonald Opinion is
based on economic and market conditions and other circumstances existing on, and
information made available as of, September 13, 1996, and does not address any
matters subsequent to such date.
     The matters considered by McDonald in arriving at the McDonald Opinion are
based on numerous macroeconomic, operating and financial assumptions with
respect to industry performance and general business and economic conditions,
many of which are beyond the control of Ohio Edison and Centerior, and involve
the application of complex methodologies and educated judgment. Any estimates
incorporated in the analyses performed by McDonald are not necessarily
indicative of actual past or future results or values, which may be
significantly more or less favorable than such estimates. Estimated values do
not purport to be appraisals and do not necessarily reflect the prices at which
businesses or companies may be sold in the future. The McDonald Opinion does not
present a discussion of the relative merit of the Merger as compared to any
other business plan or opportunity that might be presented to Ohio Edison, or
the effect of any other arrangement in which Ohio Edison might become involved.
     The following is a summary of the material financial and comparative
analyses performed by McDonald in arriving at its September 13, 1996 opinion.
You should refer to the Glossary of Defined Terms on page 58 for definitions of
certain terms used in this summary. McDonald derived implied exchange ratios for
Ohio Edison Common Stock and Centerior Common Stock based upon what these
analyses, considered in light of the judgment and experience of McDonald,
suggested about their relative values. The McDonald Opinion is based on
McDonald's consideration of the collective results of all such analyses,
together with other factors referred to in its opinion letter. In concluding
that the Ohio Edison Conversion Number is fair to Ohio Edison shareholders in
light of the Centerior Conversion Number and in its discussions with the Ohio
Edison Board, McDonald compared the ratio of the Centerior Conversion Number to
the Ohio Edison Conversion Number to each range of implied exchange ratios set
forth below, which were derived from the analyses performed by McDonald, and
noted as generally supporting its opinion that a Direct Exchange Ratio of 0.525
was consistent with the ranges of such implied exchange ratios for Centerior
Common Stock to Ohio Edison Common Stock derived from historical exchange ratios
(0.348 to 0.624), pro forma financial analysis, contribution analysis (0.530 to
1.129, with a median implied exchange ratio of 0.867), discounted cash flow
analysis (0.535 to 0.852 with a median implied exchange ratio of 0.697 in the
less conservative case; 0.444 to 0.759 with a median implied exchange ratio of
0.604 in the more conservative case), comparable public company analysis (0.327
to 0.964, with a median implied exchange ratio of 0.606), comparable merger
transaction analysis (0.584 to 1.326, with a median implied exchange ratio of
0.880), and dividend discount analysis (0.650 to 0.763 with a median implied
exchange ratio of 0.707 in the less conservative case; 0.546 to 0.624 with a
median implied exchange ratio of 0.585 in the more conservative case). The mean
range of implied exchange ratios for the latter five financial analyses
(contribution, discounted cash flow, comparable public company, comparable
merger transaction, and dividend discount) had a low mean value of 0.517 and a
high mean value of 0.917, with a median implied exchange ratio of 0.707.
     Historical Exchange Ratios.  McDonald reviewed the per-share market price
of Centerior Common Stock and Ohio Edison Common Stock over the five-year period
ended September 10, 1996. McDonald also calculated the average ratio of the
per-share market price of Centerior Common Stock to the per-share market price
of Ohio Edison Common Stock over the five-year period from September 10, 1991 to
September 10, 1996; over the one-year period from September 10, 1995 to
September 10, 1996; over the six-month period from March 10, 1996 to September
10, 1996; and over the one-month period from August 10, 1996 to September 10,
1996. Over the five-year period, the average ratio of the per-share market price
of Centerior Common Stock to the per-share market price of Ohio Edison Common
Stock was 0.624. Over the one-year period, the average ratio of the per-share
market price of Centerior Common Stock to the per-share market price of Ohio
Edison Common Stock was 0.382. Over the six-month period, the average ratio of
the per-share market price of Centerior Common Stock to the per-share market
price of Ohio Edison Common Stock was 0.348. Over the one-month period, the
average ratio of the per-share market price of Centerior Common Stock to the
per-share market price of Ohio Edison Common Stock was 0.361. As of September
10, 1996 the ratio of the per-share market price of Centerior Common Stock to
the per-share market price of Ohio Edison Common Stock was 0.3636.
     Pro Forma Financial Analysis.  McDonald analyzed certain pro forma effects
resulting from the Merger, including the potential impact to earnings per share
of Ohio Edison Common Stock. Using the projected earnings for the years 1998 to
2006 provided by the respective managements of Ohio Edison and Centerior,
McDonald compared the projected earnings per share of Ohio Edison on a
stand-alone basis to the earnings per share of FirstEnergy Common Stock,
assuming certain estimated synergies that Ohio Edison management expects to
achieve as a result of the Merger. In addition, to reflect a more aggressive
assumption provided by Ohio Edison management as to the effects of increased
competition in the electric utility industry, McDonald made a similar comparison
assuming a reduction in average revenue beginning in fiscal year 2001. The
estimates provided by Ohio Edison management did not include, and the analysis
by McDonald did not give any effect to, among other things, the regulatory plan
that must be approved by the PUCO for Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison as a
condition to the Merger, or the full financial statement impact that Ohio
Edison expects as a result of accounting for the Merger as a purchase.
McDonald's analysis indicated that, overall, if the Merger went forward at a
Direct Exchange Ratio of 0.525, the Merger would be accretive to the projected
earnings per share of Ohio Edison shareholders for the period analyzed, and led
McDonald to conclude that the accretive effect would commence in 1998.
     Contribution Analysis.  McDonald calculated the relative contribution of
Ohio Edison and Centerior to the combined company's EBITDA, net income, total
assets, and book value, for the latest twelve months ended June 30, 1996 and,
using certain projections provided by the respective managements of Ohio Edison
and Centerior, for the projected fiscal years 1996 and 1997. McDonald also
analyzed a scenario which assumed a $1 billion ($650 million after-tax)
write-down of assets of Centerior immediately upon closing, which reduced net
income for projected fiscal year 1996 and book value for the latest twelve
months ended June 30, 1996. The analysis of EBITDA yielded an implied exchange
ratio for Centerior Common Stock to Ohio Edison Common Stock of 0.867 to 1 for
the latest twelve months ended June 30, 1996; of 0.900 to 1 for projected fiscal
year 1996; and of 0.922 to 1 for projected fiscal year 1997. The analysis of net
income yielded an implied exchange ratio of Centerior Common Stock to Ohio
Edison Common Stock of 0.530 to 1 for the latest twelve months ended June 30,
1996 and of 0.656 for projected fiscal year 1997; the Centerior Write-Down
Assumption made the calculation of an implied exchange ratio based on net income
for projected fiscal year 1996 not meaningful. The analysis of total assets
after taking account of the Centerior Write-Down Assumption yielded an implied
exchange ratio for Centerior Common Stock to Ohio Edison Common Stock of 1.129
to 1 for the latest twelve months ended June 30, 1996. The analysis of book
value yielded an implied exchange ratio for Centerior Common Stock to Ohio
Edison Common Stock of 0.535 to 1 for the latest twelve months ended June 30,
     Discounted Cash Flow Analysis.  In order to determine an implied exchange
ratio range based upon a discounted cash flow analysis, McDonald performed an
unlevered discounted cash flow analysis for each of Ohio Edison and Centerior
using the same projected earnings for the years 1996 to 2006 provided by the
respective managements of Ohio Edison and Centerior, and calculated ranges of
value for Ohio Edison Common Stock and Centerior Common Stock.
     Ohio Edison's discounted cash flow was based upon the discount to present
value, assuming discount rates ranging from 7.50% to 8.50%, of (i) its projected
unlevered free cash flow for the years 1996 through 2006, and (ii) its 2006
terminal value based upon a range of multiples from 4.0x to 6.0x its projected
2006 EBITDA. Based upon these analyses, McDonald calculated a range of values
for Ohio Edison Common Stock from $2.6 billion to $3.7 billion.
     Centerior's discounted cash flow was based upon the discount to present
value, assuming discount rates ranging from 8.0% to 9.0%, of (i) its projected
unlevered free cash flow for the years 1996 through 2006, and (ii) its 2006
terminal value based upon a range of multiples from 4.0x to 6.0x its projected
2006 EBITDA. These analyses were performed under two sets of assumptions as to
projected earnings for the years 1996 through 2006, one of which assumed the
reduction in average revenue referred to under "Pro Forma Financial Analysis",
beginning in fiscal year 2001, to reflect increased competition. Based upon
these analyses and assumptions, McDonald calculated a range of value for
Centerior Common Stock from $1.2 billion to $2.8 billion.
     Utilizing discounted cash flow analysis in the less conservative case,
McDonald calculated the implied exchange ratio for Centerior Common Stock to
Ohio Edison Common Stock as a range from 0.535 to 0.852 with a median of 0.697.
Utilizing discounted cash flow analysis in the more conservative case, McDonald
calculated the implied exchange ratio for Centerior Common Stock to Ohio Edison
Common Stock as a range from 0.444 to 0.759 with a median of 0.604.
     Comparable Public Company Analysis.  Using publicly available information,
McDonald compared certain financial and operating information and ratios
(described below) for Ohio Edison and Centerior, respectively, with the
corresponding financial and operating information and ratios for a group of
publicly traded companies that McDonald deemed to be reasonably comparable to
both Ohio Edison and Centerior. The companies included in the comparable public
company analysis were American Electric Power Company,
Inc., DQE Inc., DTE Energy Company, Eastern Utilities Associates, Illinova
Corporation, New England Electric System, Northeast Utilities, PECO Energy
Company, PP&L Resources Inc., Unicom Corporation, and The United Illuminating
Company. McDonald selected the Comparable Companies from the universe of
possible comparable utility companies based upon McDonald's views as to the
comparability of financial and operating characteristics to Ohio Edison and to
     In order to determine an implied exchange ratio based upon comparable
public company analysis, McDonald compared the market value of Ohio Edison
Common Stock and Centerior Common Stock as a multiple of (a) estimated 1996 EPS,
which estimates were obtained from First Call, (b) estimated 1997 EPS, which
estimates were obtained from First Call, (c) net income for the last twelve
months ended June 30, 1996, (d) book value of common equity as of June 30, 1996,
as adjusted to reflect an assumed write-down of assets as discussed above and
(e) indicated dividend yield, to the corresponding ratios for the Comparable
Companies. First Call is a data service which monitors and publishes a
compilation of earnings estimates produced by selected research analysts on
companies of interest to investors. The results of the foregoing were used to
establish an implied equity valuation range and a resulting implied per-share
value for each of Ohio Edison and Centerior. Assuming the per share price of
Ohio Edison Common Stock on September 10, 1996 to be $20.63 per share, these
implied valuations established an implied exchange ratio of Centerior Common
Stock to Ohio Edison Common Stock, the mean of which ranged from a low of 0.321
to a high of 0.960 with a median of 0.604. Adjusted to reflect the Centerior
Write-Down Assumption, the mean of the implied exchange ratio of Centerior
Common Stock to Ohio Edison Common Stock ranged from a low of 0.327 to a high of
0.964 with a median of 0.606.
     Comparable Mergers Analysis.  Using publicly available information,
McDonald reviewed eleven transactions announced between October 29, 1990 and
August 16, 1996, involving the proposed or completed mergers of selected
electric utility companies. The Comparable Mergers, together with the date each
such transaction was announced, were as follows:
- - IES Industries Inc., Interstate Power Company and WPL Holdings, Inc. into
  Interstate Energy Corporation, August 1996;
- - IES Industries Inc. into MidAmerican Energy Company, August 1996;
- - Portland General Corporation into Enron Corporation, July 1996;
- - Kansas City Power & Light Company into Western Resources, Inc., April 1996;
- - Kansas City Power & Light Company and UtiliCorp United Inc. into Maxim
  Energies, Inc., January 1996;
- - Potomac Electric Power Company and Baltimore Gas and Electric Company into
  Constellation Energy Corp., September 1995;
- - CIPSCO and Union Electric Company into Ameren Corporation, August 1995;
- - PP&L Resources and PECO Energy Company, August 1995;
- - PSI Resources Inc. and The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company into CINergy
  Corporation, December 1993;
- - Gulf States Utilities Company into Entergy Corporation, June 1992; and
- - Kansas Gas and Electric Company and Kansas Power & Light Company into Western
  Resources, Inc., October 1990.
     In order to determine an implied exchange ratio based on comparable merger
transactions analysis, McDonald (i) compared the equity value in each of the
Comparable Mergers as a multiple of the then publicly available (a) LTM Net
Income Multiple, (b) LTM Cash Flow Multiple, and (c) Book Value Multiple; and
(ii) compared the enterprise value for each of the Comparable Mergers as a
multiple of the then publicly available (x) LTM Revenue Multiple, (y) LTM EBIT
Multiple, and (z) LTM EBITDA Multiple, to the corresponding multiples for Ohio
Edison Common Stock and Centerior Common Stock. These
multiples established an implied equity valuation range and a range of implied
values per share for each of the measures of value. The mean implied value per
share established the implied exchange ratio for comparable merger transactions
analysis. Using Comparable Mergers analysis, the mean of the implied exchange
ratio of Centerior Common Stock to Ohio Edison Common Stock ranged from a low of
0.669 to a high of 1.492 with a median of 1.014. Adjusting for the effect of the
Centerior Write-Down Assumption, the mean of the implied exchange ratio of
Centerior Common Stock to Ohio Edison Common Stock ranged from a low of 0.584 to
a high of 1.326 with a median of 0.880.
     Dividend Discount Analysis.  In order to determine an implied exchange
ratio based upon dividend discount analysis, McDonald calculated ranges of value
for the Ohio Edison Common Stock based upon the sum of the present value,
assuming equity discount rates ranging from 7.5% to 8.5% (approximately equal to
current market yield), of (a) Ohio Edison's projected dividends for the years
1996 through 2006 using various management scenarios as to projected earnings
and dividends, and (b) the 2006 terminal value of Ohio Edison. McDonald
calculated ranges of value for the Centerior Common Stock based upon the sum of
the present value, assuming equity discount rates ranging from 11.0% to 12.0%
(approximately equal to current market yield), of (x) Centerior's projected
dividends for the years 1996 through 2006 using various management scenarios as
to projected earnings and dividends, and (y) the 2006 terminal value of
     Utilizing dividend discount analysis in the less conservative case,
McDonald calculated an implied exchange ratio of Centerior Common Stock to Ohio
Edison Common Stock ranging from a low of 0.650 to a high of 0.763 with a median
of 0.707. Utilizing dividend discount analysis in the more conservative case,
McDonald calculated an implied exchange ratio of Centerior Common Stock to Ohio
Edison Common Stock ranging from a low of 0.546 to a high of 0.624 with a median
of 0.585.
     The summary set forth above does not purport to be a complete description
of the analyses performed by McDonald in arriving at the McDonald Opinion. The
preparation of a fairness opinion is a complex process not necessarily
susceptible to partial or summary description. Although the ratio of the
Centerior Conversion Number to the Ohio Edison Conversion Number is outside of
certain of the ranges of implied exchange ratios calculated above, McDonald
believes that its analysis must be considered as a whole and that selecting
portions of analyses and of the factors considered by it, without considering
all such factors and analyses, could create a misleading view of the process
underlying its analyses set forth in the McDonald Opinion. No company in the
Comparable Companies is identical to either Ohio Edison or Centerior, and none
of the Comparable Mergers is identical to the Merger. Accordingly, an analysis
of comparable publicly traded companies and comparable acquisition transactions
is not mathematical; rather, it involves complex considerations and judgments
concerning differences in financial and operating characteristics of the
Comparable Companies and other factors that could affect the public trading
value of the Comparable Companies or the company to which they are being
     Pursuant to the terms of an engagement letter dated September 10, 1996,
Ohio Edison has agreed to pay McDonald (i) $375,000 payable upon delivery of the
McDonald Opinion, and (ii) $375,000 payable upon approval of the Merger by the
shareholders of Ohio Edison. Ohio Edison has also agreed to reimburse McDonald
for all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with the
performance of its duties, including but not limited to reasonable fees and
reasonable expenses of legal counsel retained by McDonald, and to indemnify
McDonald and certain related persons against certain costs and liabilities in
connection with its engagement, including certain liabilities under the federal
securities laws.
     McDonald is a full service securities firm and as such, in the ordinary
course of its business may from time to time effect transactions for its own
account or the account of customers, and hold long or short positions in the
securities of, or in options on the securities of, either Ohio Edison or
Centerior or both. McDonald has provided certain investment banking services to
Ohio Edison and to Centerior from time to time, including acting as an
underwriter of securities offerings, and has received customary compensation for
such services.
Centerior's Financial Advisor.
     On July 1, 1996, Centerior entered into an engagement letter with Barr
Devlin pursuant to which Barr Devlin was retained to act as Centerior's
financial advisor in connection with a possible business combination with Ohio
Edison. Barr Devlin has delivered its written opinion to the Centerior Board,
dated September 13, 1996, to the effect that, on and as of the date of such
opinion, and based upon assumptions made, matters considered, and limits of the
review, as set forth in the opinion, the Centerior Conversion Number was and is
fair, from a financial point of view, to the holders of Centerior Common Stock.
     In connection with rendering its opinion, Barr Devlin (i) reviewed the
Annual Reports, Forms 10-K and the related financial information for the
three-year period ended December 31, 1995, and the Forms 10-Q and the related
unaudited financial information for the quarterly periods ended March 31, 1996
and June 30, 1996, for Centerior, Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison; (ii)
reviewed the Annual Reports, Forms 10-K and the related financial information
for the three-year period ended December 31, 1995, and the Forms 10-Q and the
related unaudited financial information for the quarterly periods ended March
31, 1996 and June 30, 1996, for Ohio Edison and Penn Power; (iii) reviewed
certain other filings with the SEC and other regulatory authorities made by
Centerior, Cleveland Electric, Toledo Edison, Ohio Edison and Penn Power during
the last three years, including proxy statements, FERC Forms 1, Forms 8-K and
registration statements; (iv) reviewed certain internal information, including
financial forecasts, relating to the business, earnings, capital expenditures,
cash flow, assets and prospects of Centerior and Ohio Edison furnished to Barr
Devlin by Centerior and Ohio Edison; (v) conducted discussions with members of
senior management of Centerior and Ohio Edison concerning their respective
businesses, regulatory environments, prospects and strategic objectives and
possible operating, administrative and capital synergies which might be realized
for the benefit of FirstEnergy following the Merger; (vi) reviewed the
historical market prices and trading activity for shares of Centerior Common
Stock and Ohio Edison Common Stock and compared them with those of certain
publicly traded companies deemed by Barr Devlin to be relevant; (vii) compared
the results of operations of Centerior and Ohio Edison with those of certain
companies deemed by Barr Devlin to be relevant; (viii) compared the proposed
financial terms of the Merger with the financial terms of certain utility
industry business combinations deemed by Barr Devlin to be relevant; (ix)
analyzed the respective contributions in terms of assets, earnings, cash flow
and shareholders' equity of Centerior and Ohio Edison to FirstEnergy; (x)
analyzed the valuation of shares of Centerior Common Stock and Ohio Edison
Common Stock using various valuation methodologies deemed by Barr Devlin to be
appropriate; (xi) considered the pro forma capitalization, earnings and cash
flow of FirstEnergy; (xii) compared the pro forma capitalization ratios,
earnings per share, dividends per share and payout ratio of FirstEnergy with
each of the corresponding current and projected values for Centerior and Ohio
Edison on a stand-alone basis; (xiii) reviewed the Merger Agreement; and (xiv)
reviewed such other studies, conducted such other analyses, considered such
other financial, economic and market criteria, performed such other
investigations and took into account such other matters as Barr Devlin deemed
necessary or appropriate for purposes of its opinion.
     In preparing its opinion, Barr Devlin relied, without independent
verification, on the accuracy and completeness of all financial and other
information publicly available or otherwise furnished or made available to it by
Centerior and Ohio Edison, and upon the assurances of management of Centerior
and Ohio Edison that they were not aware of any facts that would make such
information inaccurate or misleading. With respect to the financial projections
of Centerior and Ohio Edison (including, without limitation, projected cost
savings benefits), Barr Devlin relied upon assurances of management of Centerior
and Ohio Edison that such projections were reasonably prepared and reflected the
best currently available estimates and judgments of the management of Centerior
and Ohio Edison as to the future financial performance of Centerior and Ohio
Edison, as the case may be, and as to the projected outcomes of legal,
regulatory and other contingencies. Barr Devlin was not provided with and did
not undertake an independent evaluation or appraisal of the assets or
liabilities (contingent or otherwise) of Centerior or Ohio Edison, nor did Barr
Devlin make any physical inspection of the properties or assets of Centerior or
Ohio Edison. In addition, Barr Devlin was not requested
to, and did not, solicit any indications of interest from third parties with
respect to the purchase of all or a part of Centerior.
     In arriving at its opinion, Barr Devlin assumed that the Merger will be
treated for Federal income tax purposes, as to Ohio Edison, as a transfer within
the meaning of Section 351(a) of the Code and the regulations thereunder, and as
to Centerior, as a reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the
Code and the regulations thereunder, and that Centerior, Ohio Edison and
shareholders of Centerior and Ohio Edison who exchange their shares solely for
FirstEnergy Common Stock will recognize no gain or loss for Federal income tax
purposes as a result of the consummation of the Merger. In addition, Barr Devlin
has assumed that the Merger will be accounted for by the purchase method of
accounting. Barr Devlin's opinion is based upon general financial, stock market
and other conditions and circumstances as they existed and could be evaluated,
and the information made available to it, as of the date of the opinion. Barr
Devlin's opinion is directed only to the Centerior Board and the fairness of the
Centerior Conversion Number from a financial point of view, does not address any
other aspect of the Merger and does not constitute a recommendation to any
holder of Centerior Common Stock as to how such holder should vote at the
Centerior Meeting. Although Barr Devlin evaluated the fairness of the Centerior
Conversion Number from a financial point of view to the holders of Centerior
Common Stock, the specific Centerior Conversion Number was determined by
Centerior and Ohio Edison through arm's-length negotiations. Centerior did not
place any limitations upon Barr Devlin with respect to the procedures followed
or factors considered by Barr Devlin in rendering its opinion.
     Barr Devlin has advised Centerior that, in its view, the preparation of a
fairness opinion involves various determinations as to the most appropriate and
relevant methods of financial analysis and the application of those methods to
the particular circumstances, and, therefore, such an opinion is not readily
susceptible to summary description. Furthermore, in arriving at its fairness
opinion, Barr Devlin did not attribute any particular weight to any analysis or
factor considered by it, nor did Barr Devlin ascribe a specific range of fair
values to Centerior; rather, Barr Devlin made its determination as to the
fairness of the Centerior Conversion Number on the basis of qualitative
judgments as to the significance and relevance of each of the financial and
comparative analyses and factors described below. Accordingly, notwithstanding
the separate factors summarized below, Barr Devlin believes that its analyses
must be considered as a whole and that considering any portions of these
analyses and factors, without considering all analyses and factors, could create
a misleading or incomplete view of the evaluation process underlying its
opinion. In its analyses, Barr Devlin made many assumptions with respect to
industry performance, general business and economic conditions and other
matters, many of which are beyond Centerior's and Ohio Edison's control. Any
estimates in these analyses do not necessarily indicate actual values or predict
future results or values, which may be significantly more or less favorable than
as set forth therein. In addition, analyses relating to the value of businesses
do not purport to be appraisals or to reflect the prices at which businesses
actually may be sold.
     In connection with rendering its opinion, and preparing its various written
and oral presentations to the Centerior Board, Barr Devlin performed a variety
of financial and comparative analyses and considered a variety of factors of
which the material analyses and factors are summarized below. While this summary
describes the material analyses performed and factors considered, it does not
purport to be a complete description of the analyses performed or factors
considered by Barr Devlin. You should refer to the Glossary of Defined Terms on
page 58 for definitions of certain terms used in this summary. The results of
the analyses described in this summary were discussed with the Centerior Board
at its meeting on September 13, 1996. Barr Devlin derived implied exchange
ratios for Centerior Common Stock and Ohio Edison Common Stock based upon what
these analyses, when considered in light of the judgment and experience of Barr
Devlin, suggested about the relative values of their respective Common Stocks.
Barr Devlin's opinion is based upon its consideration of the collective results
of all such analyses, together with the other factors referred to in its
opinion. Because each share of Ohio Edison Common Stock is being converted into
one share of FirstEnergy Common Stock, these implied exchange ratios can be
compared to the 0.525 shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock that each share of
Centerior Common Stock will be converted into pursuant to the Merger. In
concluding that the Centerior Conversion Number is fair, from a financial point
of view, to the holders of Centerior Common Stock and in its discussions with
the Centerior Board, Barr Devlin noted that 0.525 was
within each range of implied exchange ratios set forth below, which were derived
from the analyses performed by it.
     Stock Trading History.  Barr Devlin reviewed the performance of the per
share market prices and trading volumes of Centerior Common Stock and Ohio
Edison Common Stock and compared such per share market price movements to
movements in (i) the Dow Jones Utility Index and (ii) the Standard and Poor's
500 Composite Index to provide perspective on the current and historical stock
price performance of Centerior and Ohio Edison relative to one another and
selected market indices. Barr Devlin also calculated the ratio of the per share
weekly closing market price of Centerior to the per share weekly closing market
price of Ohio Edison for the period September 10, 1993 to September 6, 1996.
This analysis showed that over this three-year period Centerior Common Stock
traded at a price as high as 0.711 times, as low as 0.315 times and at an
average of 0.481 times the then-current per share market price of Ohio Edison
Common Stock. For the one-month and twelve-month periods ending September 11,
1996, Centerior Common Stock traded at an average of 0.365 and 0.380 times,
respectively, the then-current per share market price of Ohio Edison Common
Stock. This analysis was utilized to provide historical background for the
manner in which the public trading market had valued Centerior and Ohio Edison
in absolute terms and relative to each other.
     Discounted Cash Flow Analysis.  To determine an implied exchange ratio
based upon a discounted cash flow analysis, Barr Devlin prepared and reviewed
the results of unleveraged discounted cash flow analyses for both Centerior and
Ohio Edison, assuming that Centerior and Ohio Edison performed in accordance
with the operating and financial projections provided by their respective
managements for the period 1996 through 2005, as revised by Barr Devlin to
reflect certain adjustments it deemed appropriate. The purpose of the discounted
cash flow analysis was to determine the present value of each of Centerior and
Ohio Edison. To calculate the present value, the projected unleveraged free cash
flows for each year during the Projection Period, together with the estimated
value of the business in the final year of the Projection Period, were
discounted to the present. Barr Devlin estimated terminal values for Centerior
and Ohio Edison by applying multiples to the projected EBITDA in 2005. The
multiples applied were based on analyses of the corresponding multiples of
certain public companies comparable to Centerior and Ohio Edison. For the
purposes of these analyses, the terminal multiple ranges used were 5.5x-6.5x for
Centerior and Ohio Edison with respect to EBITDA. The cash flow streams and
terminal values were then discounted to present value using discount rates that
ranged from 9.0% to 10.0% for both Centerior and Ohio Edison. This analysis
produced reference values of $9.69 to $16.51 per share in the case of Centerior
and $20.78 to $27.08 per share in the case of Ohio Edison. The implied range of
exchange ratios resulting from these reference values was 0.358 to 0.795, with a
midpoint value of 0.547.
     Barr Devlin also prepared a discounted cash flow analysis of FirstEnergy
based on the above-mentioned forecasts, as further revised by Barr Devlin to
reflect retention of a portion of the synergies forecasted. Using the Centerior
Conversion Number, this analysis produced reference values for FirstEnergy of
$11.38 to $16.08 per share of Centerior Common Stock.
     Comparable Transactions Analysis.  Barr Devlin reviewed certain
transactions involving mergers between regulated electric or electric and gas
utilities or holding companies for regulated electric or electric and gas
utilities. The Comparable Transactions were selected because they were strategic
combinations of electric, or electric and gas, utility companies (or their
holding companies) which possessed general business, operating and financial
characteristics representative of companies in the industry in which Centerior
and Ohio Edison operate.
     Barr Devlin calculated the implied equity consideration for each of the
Comparable Transactions as a multiple of each company's latest 12-month net
income available to common stock, latest 12-month cash flow, and book value of
common equity for the most recently available fiscal quarter preceding the
transaction. In addition, Barr Devlin calculated the "implied total
consideration" (defined as the sum of the implied equity consideration plus the
liquidation value of preferred stock, the principal amount of debt, capitalized
lease obligations and minority interests, minus cash and option proceeds, if
any) for each of the Comparable Transactions as a multiple of each company's
latest 12-month EBIT and EBITDA. The Comparable
Transactions included in this analysis consisted of MidAmerican Energy
Company/IES Industries Inc., Enron Corp./Portland General Corporation, Western
Resources, Inc./Kansas City Power & Light Company, PECO Energy/PP&L Resources,
Inc., Baltimore Gas and Electric Company/Potomac Electric Power Company, Union
Electric Company/CIPSCO Incorporated, The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company/PSI
Resources, Inc., Entergy Corporation/Gulf States Utilities Company, The Kansas
Power and Light Company/Kansas Gas and Electric Company and PacifiCorp/Utah
Power & Light Company. This analysis produced reference values of $16.38 to
$21.45 per share in the case of Centerior and $24.47 to $32.45 per share in the
case of Ohio Edison. The implied range of exchange ratios resulting from these
reference values was 0.505 to 0.877, with a midpoint value of 0.665.
     Barr Devlin also calculated the premium paid over unaffected market price
for each of the Comparable Transactions. Applying a representative range of such
premiums to Centerior's stock price as of September 12, 1996 produced reference
values of $9.12 to $11.48 per share of Centerior Common Stock. Comparing such
values to the stock price for Ohio Edison of $20.50 as of the same date resulted
in an implied range of exchange ratios of 0.445 to 0.560, with a midpoint value
of 0.503.
     Because the reasons for and circumstances surrounding each of the
Comparable Transactions analyzed were diverse and because of the inherent
differences between the operations of Centerior, Ohio Edison and the companies
in the selected transactions, Barr Devlin believed that a purely quantitative
comparable transaction analysis would not be particularly meaningful in the
context of the Merger. Barr Devlin believed that an appropriate use of a
comparable transaction analysis in this instance would involve qualitative
judgments concerning differences between the characteristics of these
transactions and the Merger which would affect the relative values of Centerior
and Ohio Edison.
     Publicly Traded Comparable Utilities Analysis.  Using publicly available
information, Barr Devlin compared selected financial information and ratios
(described below) for Centerior and Ohio Edison with the corresponding financial
information and ratios for a group of electric or electric and gas utilities (or
their holding companies) deemed by Barr Devlin to be comparable to Centerior and
Ohio Edison. The Comparable Utilities were selected on the basis of being
companies which possessed general business, operating and financial
characteristics representative of companies in the industry in which Centerior
and Ohio Edison operate. The Comparable Utilities included DQE, Inc., Entergy
Corporation, GPU, Inc., Illinova Corporation, PECO Energy Company, Pinnacle West
Capital Corporation and Unicom Corporation.
     In evaluating the current market values of Centerior Common Stock and Ohio
Edison Common Stock, Barr Devlin determined ranges of multiples for selected
financial ratios for the Comparable Utilities, including: (i) the market value
of outstanding common stock as a multiple of (a) net income available to common
stock for the LTM Period, (b) projected net income available to common stock for
the 12-month period ended December 31, 1996, (c) book value of common equity for
the most recently available fiscal quarter ended June 30, 1996, and (d)
after-tax cash flow from operations for the LTM Period, and (ii) the "aggregate
market value" (defined as the sum of the market value of common stock, plus the
liquidation value of preferred stock, the principal amount of debt, capitalized
lease obligations and minority interests, minus cash and cash equivalents) as a
multiple of (a) EBIT for the LTM Period and (b) EBITDA for the LTM Period. This
analysis produced reference values of $9.29 to $12.84 per share in the case of
Centerior and $18.91 to $24.99 per share in the case of Ohio Edison. The implied
range of exchange ratios resulting from these reference values was 0.372 to
0.679, with a midpoint value of 0.504.
     Pro Forma Merger Analysis.  Barr Devlin analyzed certain pro forma effects
to the holders of Centerior Common Stock resulting from the Merger, based on the
Centerior Conversion Number, for the period 1998 through 2000. This analysis was
based on the respective forecasts of the managements of Centerior and Ohio
Edison, as revised by Barr Devlin to reflect certain adjustments it deemed
appropriate, including retention of a portion of the synergies forecasted and
additional asset revaluation on a basis consistent with the regulatory plan
referred to in the Merger Agreement. The analysis showed significant accretion
to holders of Centerior Common Stock in dividends and earnings per share.
     Barr Devlin was selected as Centerior's financial advisor because Barr
Devlin and principals of Barr Devlin have a long history of association in the
investment banking and electric and gas utility industries. Barr Devlin is a
privately held investment banking firm specializing in strategic and merger
advisory services to the electric and gas utility industries, the energy
industry and selected other industries. In this capacity, Barr Devlin and
principals of Barr Devlin have been involved as advisors in numerous
transactions and advisory assignments in the electric, gas and energy industries
and are constantly engaged in the valuation of businesses and securities in
those industries.
     Pursuant to the terms of Barr Devlin's engagement, Centerior has agreed to
pay Barr Devlin for its services in connection with the Merger (i) a financial
advisory retainer fee of $62,500 per quarter commencing July 1, 1996; (ii) an
initial financial advisory progress fee of $1,340,000 payable upon execution of
the Merger Agreement; (iii) a second financial advisory progress fee estimated
at $1,510,000 payable upon Centerior shareholder approval of the Merger
Agreement; and (iv) a transaction fee based on the aggregate consideration to be
received by Centerior and holders of Centerior Common Stock in connection with
the Merger at the Effective Time, ranging from 0.45% of such aggregate
consideration (for a transaction with an aggregate consideration of $1 billion)
to 0.41% of such aggregate consideration (for a transaction with an aggregate
consideration of $2 billion). All financial advisory retainer fees payable
during the term of the engagement, all financial advisory progress fees and an
additional $187,500 would be credited against any transaction fee payable to
Barr Devlin. Centerior has agreed to reimburse Barr Devlin for its out-of-pocket
expenses, including fees and expenses of legal counsel and other advisors
engaged with the consent of Centerior, and to indemnify Barr Devlin against
certain liabilities, including liabilities under the federal securities laws,
relating to or arising out of its engagement.
     In considering the recommendations of the Ohio Edison Board and the
Centerior Board with respect to the Merger, shareholders should be aware that
certain members of the Ohio Edison Board, the Centerior Board and the management
of Ohio Edison and Centerior have certain interests in the Merger that are not
shared by the shareholders of Ohio Edison and Centerior generally. The Ohio
Edison Board and the Centerior Board were aware of these respective interests
when they approved the Merger Agreement.
     Board of Directors.  As provided in the Merger Agreement, it is intended
that the FirstEnergy Board will consist of a number of directors between nine
and sixteen, with the number initially expected to be twelve, comprised of such
individuals as the Ohio Edison Board designates prior to the Effective Time.
Willard R. Holland, who currently serves as Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer of Ohio Edison, will serve as Chairman of the Board, President
and Chief Executive Officer of FirstEnergy from the Effective Time until
otherwise determined by the FirstEnergy Board. See "FirstEnergy Following the
Merger -- Management of FirstEnergy." To date, Ohio Edison has not determined
the other individuals who will be designated to serve as directors of
FirstEnergy at the Effective Time.
     FirstEnergy Employment Agreements.  In the Merger Agreement, Ohio Edison
and Centerior have agreed to cause FirstEnergy and its subsidiaries, following
the Effective Time, to honor, without modification, all contracts, agreements,
collective bargaining agreements and commitments of the parties prior to or at
the date of the Merger Agreement or made in the Merger Agreement which apply to
any current or former employee or current or former director of Ohio Edison or
Centerior. This undertaking is not intended to prevent FirstEnergy or its
subsidiaries from enforcing such contracts, agreements, collective bargaining
agreements and commitments in accordance with their terms, including, without
limitation, any reserved right to amend, modify, suspend, revoke or terminate
any such contract, agreement, collective bargaining agreement or commitment.
     FirstEnergy Severance Arrangements.  Under the Merger Agreement, officers
(excluding assistant officers and officers over the age of 62) of Ohio Edison
and Centerior (including Service) may, if an adequate position is not available
following the Merger or their employment is terminated, elect to obtain
severance compensation equal to 2.99 times the executive's three-year average
annual salary and bonus, plus health care benefits for three years. Furthermore,
any officer of Ohio Edison or Centerior who has entered into one of the
severance agreements described below may elect to cancel that severance
agreement and accept the same benefits offered to other terminated officers
under the Merger Agreement.
     Ohio Edison Severance Agreements.  Ohio Edison has severance agreements
with four of its executives, none of which is triggered by the Merger. If the
employment of Ohio Edison's executive officers were terminated on December 31,
1996, under circumstances giving rise to entitlements to benefits under the
Merger Agreement, the estimated aggregate value of such benefits would have been
approximately $6,853,101, including the following estimated amounts that would
have been payable to Ohio Edison executive officers: Willard R.
Holland -- $1,981,317; H. Peter Burg -- $887,069; Anthony J. Alexander --
$749,313; John A. Gill -- $718,142; and Earl T. Carey -- $527,091.
     Centerior Severance Agreements and Employee Plans.  Certain of Centerior's
employee benefit plans and awards thereunder will be affected by consummation of
the Merger. Limitations on restricted stock awarded under Centerior's Directors
Restricted Stock Plan and Equity Compensation Plan will lapse automatically upon
consummation of the Merger, and thereupon holders will be entitled to receive
0.525 of a share of FirstEnergy Common Stock for every share of restricted stock
held. Under Centerior's Equity Compensation Plan, the consummation of the Merger
will constitute a change in control. As a result, all outstanding stock options
will become immediately exercisable in full and will be converted to options to
purchase FirstEnergy Common Stock, exercisable at prices adjusted to reflect the
exchange ratio.
     In July and September 1996, Centerior entered into severance agreements
with five of its senior executives: Robert J. Farling, Murray R. Edelman, Fred
J. Lange, Jr., Gary R. Leidich and Terrence G. Linnert. The severance agreements
will become effective only at the Effective Time. The severance agreements of
Messrs. Farling and Edelman provide that in the event of a termination of
either's employment (other than for cause), he is entitled to receive a payment
equal to 2.99 multiplied by the sum of (i) his highest base salary for any year
commencing prior to the Merger plus (ii) his average bonus for the three
complete calendar years prior to the Merger. In addition, (i) certain benefit
plans will be continued for the three-year period subsequent to termination of
his employment, (ii) certain retirement benefits will be computed as if his
employment had continued through age 65 (in the case of Mr. Edelman, 62), and
(iii) certain additional payments will be made to him if he is subject to an
excise tax. Mr. Farling is obligated to render consulting services to
FirstEnergy for a period of 42 months following termination of his employment,
for which he will be compensated at a monthly rate of .055833 of his highest
base salary for any year commencing prior to the Merger. Mr. Edelman is
obligated to render consulting services to FirstEnergy for a period of 24 months
following termination of his employment, for which he will be compensated at a
monthly rate of $10,000.
     The severance agreements of Messrs. Lange, Leidich and Linnert provide that
in the event of a termination of employment (other than for cause, death or
disability), the affected individual shall be entitled to receive a payment
equal to three times his base salary. In addition, (i) certain benefit plans
would be continued for the three-year period following termination, (ii) the
individual would be entitled to a payment reflecting the retirement benefit he
would have been entitled to had his employment continued for the three-year
period following termination of his employment, and (iii) certain additional
payments will be made to him if he is subject to an excise tax.
     If the employment of Centerior's executive officers were terminated on
December 31, 1996, under circumstances giving rise to entitlements to benefits
under such agreements, the estimated aggregate value of such benefits would
have been approximately $9,697,228, including the following estimated amounts
that would have been payable to Centerior executive officers: Mr. Farling --
$2,420,208; Mr. Edelman -- $1,778,782; Mr. Lange -- $972,816; Mr. Leidich --
$979,935 and Mr. Linnert -- $934,288.
     At the Effective Time, outstanding shares of Ohio Edison Common Stock held
by Ohio Edison's Sharebuilder Investment Plan and outstanding shares of
Centerior Common Stock held by the Centerior Dividend Reinvestment and Stock
Purchase Plan will be converted into shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock
pursuant to the Ohio Edison Conversion Number and the Centerior Conversion
Number, respectively. At the Effective Time, FirstEnergy will have adopted a
Dividend Reinvestment Plan for its shareholders which will be substantially
similar to and will replace the existing Ohio Edison and Centerior plans.
     The following is a brief discussion of the material tax consequences of the
Merger. The Merger is intended to qualify, as to Ohio Edison, as a transfer
within the meaning of Section 351(a) of the Code, and, as to Centerior, as a
tax-free reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code.
Accordingly, under current law, assuming that the Merger and related
transactions will take place as described in the Merger Agreement:
          (i) Centerior and FirstEnergy will each be a party to a reorganization
     within the meaning of Section 368(b) of the Code;
          (ii) no gain or loss will be recognized by Ohio Edison, Centerior or
     FirstEnergy in the Merger;
          (iii) no gain or loss will be recognized by Ohio Edison or Centerior
     shareholders that exchange Ohio Edison Common Stock and Centerior Common
     Stock for FirstEnergy Common Stock, except that a Centerior shareholder
     that receives cash in lieu of a fractional share of FirstEnergy Common
     Stock will be treated as having exchanged such fractional share for cash
     and, therefore, will recognize gain or loss equal to the difference between
     the amount of cash received and the tax basis allocable to such fractional
     share (which gain or loss will be capital gain or loss if such share is
     held as a capital asset at the Effective Time);
          (iv) the tax basis of the shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock received
     by the Ohio Edison or Centerior shareholders will be the same as the tax
     basis of their shares of Ohio Edison Common Stock or Centerior Common Stock
     exchanged therefor (reduced by any tax basis allocable to a fractional
     share for which cash is received); and
          (v) the holding period of the shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock in
     the hands of the Ohio Edison or Centerior shareholders will include the
     holding period of their shares of Ohio Edison Common Stock or Centerior
     Common Stock exchanged therefor, provided such shares of Ohio Edison Common
     Stock or Centerior Common Stock are held as capital assets at the Effective
     A condition precedent to each of Ohio Edison's and Centerior's obligation
to effect the Merger is (i) in the case of Ohio Edison, receipt from Winthrop,
Stimson, Putnam & Roberts and (ii) in the case of Centerior, receipt from
Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P., of an opinion of counsel, which opinion may be
based on appropriate representations of Ohio Edison, Centerior and FirstEnergy,
in form and substance satisfactory to
such counsel, to the effect that, among other things, the Merger will be
treated, as to Ohio Edison, as a transfer within the meaning of Section 351(a)
of the Code and, as to Centerior, as a reorganization within the meaning of
Section 368(a) of the Code. This condition may be waived by Ohio Edison or
Centerior. If delivery of tax opinions is waived, the waiving company will
resolicit proxies from its shareholders after informing them about the new tax
consequences, in the event that there is any change in the shareholders' tax
treatment, and the waiving company also will resolicit proxies if there is any
material change in the corporate tax treatment of the Merger.
     Ohio Edison Common Stock has been exempt, to date, from existing
Pennsylvania personal property taxes because Ohio Edison pays Pennsylvania taxes
on its activities there. Centerior Common Stock is not exempt from Pennsylvania
personal property taxes. It is not anticipated that FirstEnergy itself will
engage in activities in Pennsylvania or that FirstEnergy Common Stock will be
exempt from Pennsylvania personal property taxes.
     The Merger is expected to be accounted for as a purchase in accordance with
GAAP. Under the purchase method of accounting, the common equity of FirstEnergy
will be equal to the book common equity of Ohio Edison at the time of the Merger
plus the purchase price for Centerior, based on the average sale price for Ohio
Edison Common Stock three days before and three days after the announcement of
the Merger ($20.125 per share).
     Centerior's net assets must be adjusted to fair market value on
FirstEnergy's balance sheet as of the date of consummation. To the extent the
purchase price exceeds the fair market value of Centerior's net assets, goodwill
will be recognized on FirstEnergy's balance sheet. Any goodwill resulting from
this transaction will be amortized over a period not to exceed 40 years. If the
purchase price is less than the fair market value of Centerior's net assets,
FirstEnergy's utility plant assets will be reduced accordingly. No adjustment
will be made to Ohio Edison's assets and liabilities in connection with the
     The reported income of FirstEnergy in the first financial reporting period
following consummation of the Merger will include results of operations of Ohio
Edison for the entire period and Centerior from the date of consummation
     Representatives of Arthur Andersen are expected to be present at the
Centerior and Ohio Edison Meetings and will be available to respond to
questions. See "FirstEnergy Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information."
     The holders of FirstEnergy Common Stock will be entitled to receive
dividends when and as declared by the FirstEnergy Board. Ohio Edison and
Centerior expect that the initial annual dividend rate paid to FirstEnergy
shareholders after the completion of the Merger will be the same as Ohio
Edison's annual dividend rate at that time. FirstEnergy's ability to pay
dividends will depend upon the ability of its direct and indirect subsidiaries
to pay dividends or otherwise transfer funds to it. The articles of
incorporation, certain mortgages and other agreements, as supplemented, of these
subsidiaries contain provisions which, under certain conditions, will restrict
the ability of these subsidiaries of FirstEnergy to transfer funds to
FirstEnergy in the form of cash dividends.
     FirstEnergy will apply for the listing of FirstEnergy Common Stock on the
NYSE. Approval of the listing on the NYSE of the shares of FirstEnergy Common
Stock, issuable in the Merger, upon official notice of issuance, is a condition
precedent to the consummation of the Merger. So long as Ohio Edison and
Centerior continue to meet the applicable requirements, Centerior Common Stock
and Ohio Edison Common Stock will continue to be listed on the NYSE and the
Chicago Stock Exchange and Centerior Common Stock will continue to be listed on
The Pacific Stock Exchange until the Effective Time.
     All shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock received by Ohio Edison and
Centerior shareholders in the Merger will be freely transferable, except that
shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock received by persons who are deemed to be
"affiliates" (as such term is defined under the Securities Act) of Ohio Edison
or Centerior prior to the Merger may be resold by them only in transactions
permitted by the resale provisions of Rule 145 promulgated under the Securities
Act (or Rule 144 in the case of such persons who become affiliates of
FirstEnergy upon consummation of the Merger) or as otherwise may be permitted
under the Securities Act. The Merger Agreement requires each of Ohio Edison and
Centerior to use its best efforts to cause each of its affiliates to execute a
written agreement to the effect that such affiliate will not offer or sell or
otherwise dispose of any of the shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock issued to
such affiliate in the Merger in violation of the Securities Act or the rules and
regulations promulgated by the SEC thereunder.
     This Proxy Statement does not cover any resales of the securities to be
received by persons who are affiliates of Ohio Edison and Centerior prior to the
consummation of the Merger or affiliates of FirstEnergy after consummation of
the Merger.
     The following summary of dissenters' rights does not purport to be complete
and is qualified in its entirety by reference to Section 1701.85 of the Ohio
Statute, the text of which is attached hereto as Appendix E.
     Any holder of Ohio Edison Common Stock or Centerior Common Stock as of the
applicable record date whose shares are not voted in favor of the approval of
the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby is entitled, if
the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement are consummated, to be
paid the fair cash value of shares held on the applicable record date, provided
that such shareholder serves a written demand upon Ohio Edison or Centerior, as
the case may be, not later than ten days after the date on which the vote was
taken at the applicable special meeting and provided the shareholder otherwise
complies with Section 1701.85 of the Ohio Statute. Failure to vote does not
constitute a waiver of dissenters' rights. Any written demand must specify the
shareholder's name and address, the number of shares of Ohio Edison Common Stock
or Centerior Common Stock held by the shareholder on the applicable record date
as to which relief is sought, and the amount claimed by the shareholder as the
fair cash value of such shares.
     If Ohio Edison or Centerior and any dissenting shareholder cannot agree on
the fair cash value of dissenting shares, either the dissenting shareholder or
the applicable company may, within three months after the service of the demand
by the shareholder, file a petition for a determination of the fair cash value
of the shares in the Court of Common Pleas of Summit County, Ohio (Akron) or
Cuyahoga County, Ohio (Cleveland), as appropriate. Fair cash value is determined
as of the day prior to that on which the shareholder vote was taken and excludes
any appreciation or depreciation resulting from the Merger.
     Voting against, or a direction on the accompanying proxy to vote against,
the approval of the Merger Agreement will not constitute the written demand
required by Section 1701.85 of the Ohio Statute.
     The right of any dissenting shareholder to be paid the fair cash value of
dissenting shares will terminate if: (a) the shareholder fails to comply with
the requirements of Section 1701.85 of the Ohio Statute, unless the directors of
the applicable company waive such failure; (b) for any reason, the transactions
contemplated by the Merger Agreement are not consummated; (c) the demand is
withdrawn by the shareholder with the consent of the Ohio Edison Board or the
Centerior Board; or (d) the applicable company and the shareholder shall not
have come to an agreement as to the fair cash value per share, and neither shall
have timely filed a petition in the appropriate court for a determination of the
fair cash value of the shares.
     Neither Ohio Edison nor Centerior intends to send any further notice to
shareholders as to the date on which the vote is to be taken, except in the
event of a postponement of one of the companies' Special Meetings. See the text
of Section 1701.85 of the Ohio Statute attached hereto as Exhibit E for
provisions relating to the method and procedures of demanding and determining
the fair cash value of shares, the
assessment or apportionment of costs of any appraisal proceedings and the
suspension of shareholders' rights from the time of giving the demand.
                               REGULATORY MATTERS
     As indicated below, consummation of the Merger is subject to numerous
regulatory approvals, which are currently anticipated to be received within 12
to 18 months.
     Under the Merger Agreement, Ohio Edison and Centerior have agreed to use
their best efforts to take all action necessary, proper or advisable to
consummate the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement. Various
parties may seek intervention in these proceedings to oppose the Merger or to
have conditions imposed upon the receipt of necessary approvals. While Ohio
Edison and Centerior believe that they will receive the requisite regulatory
approvals for the Merger, there can be no assurance as to the timing of such
approvals or the ability of such parties to obtain such approvals on
satisfactory terms or otherwise. It is a condition to the consummation of the
Merger that final orders approving the Merger be obtained from the various
federal and state governmental entities described below, which orders shall not
impose terms and conditions which, in the aggregate, would have, or insofar as
reasonably can be foreseen, could have, a material adverse effect on the
business, operations, properties, assets, conditions (financial or otherwise),
prospects or results of operations or property of FirstEnergy. There can be no
assurance that any such approvals will not contain terms or conditions that
cause such approvals to fail to satisfy this condition to the consummation of
the Merger.
     Section 203 of the Federal Power Act provides that no public utility shall
sell or otherwise dispose of its jurisdictional facilities or, directly or
indirectly, merge or consolidate such facilities with those of any other person
or acquire any security of any other public utility without first having
obtained authorization from the FERC. The approval of the FERC is required in
order to consummate the Merger. Under Section 203 of the Federal Power Act, the
FERC will approve a merger if it finds the merger to be "consistent with the
public interest." In undertaking its review of a utility merger transaction, the
FERC generally has evaluated (i) whether the merger will adversely affect
competition, (ii) whether the merger will adversely affect operating costs and
rates, (iii) whether the merger will impair the effectiveness of regulation,
(iv) whether the purchase price is reasonable, (v) whether the merger is the
result of coercion and (vi) whether the accounting treatment is reasonable.
However, the FERC has indicated in its new merger policy statement issued on
December 18, 1996 that rather than utilizing the six-factor test described
above, it will instead focus only on the following three factors: (i) the effect
on competition; (ii) the effect on rates; and (iii) the effect on federal
regulation. The new policy statement, which is effective immediately, states the
FERC's intention to address the specific application of the policy to pending
cases on a case-by-case basis. Ohio Edison and Centerior have filed an
application with the FERC requesting that the FERC approve the Merger and a
joint dispatch agreement under Sections 203 and 205 of the Federal Power Act,
and a separate application pursuant to Section 205 for approval of an open
access transmission tariff offering transmission services over the combined
companies' system at a single transmission rate contingent upon the FERC's
approval of the Merger.
     FirstEnergy is required to obtain SEC approval under Section 9(a)(2) of the
1935 Act in connection with the Merger. Section 9(a)(2) of the 1935 Act provides
that it is unlawful for any person to acquire any security of any public utility
company if that person owned, or by virtue of that transaction will come to own,
5% or more of the voting securities of that public utility company and of any
other public utility company, without the prior approval of the SEC. An
application for approval of the Merger under the 1935 Act was filed by
FirstEnergy on January 24, 1997. Under the applicable standards of the 1935 Act,
the SEC is directed to approve a proposed acquisition unless it finds that (i)
the acquisition would tend towards detrimental interlocking relations or a
detrimental concentration of control, (ii) the consideration to be paid in
connection with the acquisition is not reasonable, (iii) the acquisition would
unduly complicate the capital structure of
the applicant's holding company system or would be detrimental to the public
interest or the interest of investors or consumers or the proper functioning of
the applicant's holding company system or (iv) the acquisition would violate
applicable state law. In order to approve a proposed acquisition, the SEC must
also find that the acquisition would tend towards the economical and efficient
development of an integrated public utility system and would otherwise conform
to the 1935 Act's integration and corporate simplification standards.
     Ohio Edison is currently exempt from the registration and other
requirements of the 1935 Act, other than from Section 9(a)(2) thereof, pursuant
to Section 3(a)(2) of the 1935 Act. Centerior Energy is also currently exempt
from the registration and other requirements of the 1935 Act, other than from
Section 9(a)(2) thereof, pursuant to Section 3(a)(1). FirstEnergy believes that,
after consummation of the Merger, it will be entitled to an exemption from the
registration and other requirements of the 1935 Act, other than Section
(9)(a)(2) thereof, pursuant to Section 3(a)(1) and that Ohio Edison's existing
exemption with respect to its ownership of Penn Power will continue.
     Ohio Edison, Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison are currently subject to
the jurisdiction of the PUCO. FirstEnergy, Ohio Edison and Centerior believe
that the approval of the Merger by the PUCO is not required. However, the Merger
Agreement is conditioned upon, among other matters, the PUCO's approval of a
regulatory plan for Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison that is mutually
acceptable to Ohio Edison and Centerior, which approval, as described below, has
been obtained. The PUCO has adopted a resolution stating that it intends to
intervene in the proceedings before the FERC described above under the Federal
Power Act and to coordinate its consideration of any other Merger-related
filings made by Ohio Edison, Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison with the
schedule of such FERC proceedings.
     Ohio Edison, Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison are subject to the
provisions of SFAS 71 and comply with its provisions. SFAS 71 provides, among
other things, for the deferral of certain incurred costs that are probable of
future recovery in rates. Criteria that could give rise to discontinuation of
the application of SFAS 71 include, but are not limited to: (i) increasing
competition which significantly restricts the ability to charge prices which
allow full recovery of operating costs, a fair return on invested capital and
the amortization of regulatory assets; and (ii) a significant change in the
manner in which rates are set by the PUCO, from cost-based regulation to some
other form of regulation. Regulatory assets represent probable future revenues
associated with certain incurred costs, which are expected to be recovered from
customers through the ratemaking process.
     As part of an Ohio Edison regulatory plan approved by the PUCO in October
1995, it is expected that Ohio Edison will collect revenues sufficient to
amortize substantially all of its regulatory assets during the ten-year period
of the plan (i.e., through December 31, 2005).
     In April 1996, the PUCO granted increases totaling $119 million in
annualized revenue to Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison. The PUCO provided
for recovery of all regulatory assets in the approved rates, and Cleveland
Electric and Toledo Edison continue to comply with the provisions of SFAS 71. In
August 1996, various intervenors appealed the PUCO Order to the Ohio Supreme
Court. Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison did not appeal the PUCO Order to the
Ohio Supreme Court.
     In connection with its April 1996 Order, the PUCO recommended that
Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison write down certain assets for regulatory
purposes by an aggregate of $1.25 billion through 2001. Although the Regulatory
Plan discussed below would fully satisfy these recommendations, if the Merger is
not consummated, the Regulatory Plan would be null and void. On a stand-alone
basis, Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison continue to intend to freeze rates
through at least 2002, and agree with the concept of accelerating the
recognition of costs and the recovery of assets, as such concept is consistent
with the objective to become more competitive. Cleveland Electric and Toledo
Edison believe that such an acceleration also must be consistent with the
reduction of debt and the opportunity for owners of Centerior Common Stock to
receive a fair return on their investment. Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison
continue to examine various accelerated cost recognition and asset recovery
plans on a stand-alone basis. If there is a change in their
evaluation of the competitive environment, regulatory framework or other
factors, or if the PUCO significantly reduces the value of their assets or
reduces the approved return on equity of 12.59% and the overall rate of return
of 10.06%, or both, for future regulatory purposes, Cleveland Electric and
Toledo Edison may be required to record material charges to earnings.
     The Merger Agreement is conditioned upon, among other matters, the PUCO's
approval of a regulatory plan for Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison (to
become effective only upon consummation of the Merger) which is mutually
acceptable to Ohio Edison and Centerior. The Regulatory Plan, which was filed
with the PUCO on November 15, 1996, was approved by the PUCO on January 30,
1997. The Regulatory Plan provides for Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison: (i)
a base rate freeze through 2005 followed by an immediate $310 million base rate
reduction; (ii) interim residential rate reductions of $3 per month beginning
six months after the Merger, increasing to $4 per month on July 1, 2000, and to
$5 per month from July 1, 2001 through the year 2005; (iii) interim rate
reductions for certain commercial customers; (iv) a $75 million economic
development loan/lease program; (v) a $30 million energy efficiency program for
residential customers; (vi) a $2 billion aggregate reduction in assets through
2005, resulting from amounts that will have been revalued, amortized and/or
depreciated on an accelerated basis; and (vii) earnings caps, that would enable
customers to share in any additional benefits from the Merger, limiting returns
on common equity, for regulatory purposes, of Cleveland Electric and Toledo
Edison to 11.5% for calendar years from inception of the Regulatory Plan through
1999, 12.0% in 2000 and 2001 and 12.59% from 2002 through 2005. The Regulatory
Plan permits Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison to dispose of generating
assets and to enter into associated power purchase arrangements in order to
comply with its provisions.
     FirstEnergy believes that the Regulatory Plan would not provide for the
full recovery of costs associated with Cleveland Electric's and Toledo Edison's
nuclear operations. Explicit recognition of that circumstance by the PUCO is
contained in its order approving the Regulatory Plan. Accordingly, FirstEnergy
expects Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison to discontinue the application of
SFAS 71 for their nuclear operations if and when consummation of the Merger
becomes probable. The remainder of their business would be expected to continue
to comply with the provisions of SFAS 71, as discussed below. As a result,
Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison would be required to write off certain of
their regulatory assets, the amounts of which will be determined at the time of
discontinuance; the resulting charge to income would be reflected prior to
consummation of the Merger. FirstEnergy estimates that at September 30, 1996,
the write-off would have been approximately $750 million. Although the nuclear
generating units are not impaired at Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison, a
purchase price adjustment, as required by Accounting Principles Board Opinion
No. 16 (APB 16), to the fair value of the nuclear generating units, estimated at
$1.25 billion, has been recognized in the FirstEnergy Unaudited Pro Forma
Financial Information. If events cause Cleveland Electric and/or Toledo Edison
to conclude they no longer meet the criteria for applying SFAS 71 for the
remainder of their business, they would be required to write off the remaining
regulatory assets and measure all other assets for impairment. Such effects
would also result in an adjustment to the estimated goodwill presented in the
FirstEnergy Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Balance Sheet on page 47.
     FirstEnergy believes that the criteria for application of SFAS 71 continue
to apply to the nonnuclear operations of Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison
under the Regulatory Plan. Specifically, rates for regulated services from their
nonnuclear operations will continue to be established by the PUCO, and such
rates will continue to recover costs associated with nonnuclear operations.
Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison have also considered the impact of
competition during the recovery period of their assets, including the impact of
legislative changes such as retail access, and believe they will continue to be
able to bill and collect such cost-based rates.
     Notwithstanding the Merger and the discussions with the PUCO concerning the
effect of the Regulatory Plan on Centerior's nuclear generating assets,
Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison each believe it is reasonable to assume
that rates will be set at levels that will recover all current and anticipated
costs associated with their nuclear operations, including all associated
regulatory assets, and such rates can be charged to and collected from
     Penn Power is currently subject to the jurisdiction of the PPUC. Penn Power
believes that, under Pennsylvania law, the approval of the PPUC is not required
for the consummation of the Merger. The PPUC has adopted a policy essentially
stating that whenever a change in control of a Pennsylvania utility occurs,
irrespective of Pennsylvania law, it will assume jurisdiction over the
transaction. Penn Power believes no change of control will occur as a result of
the Merger since (i) Penn Power will continue to be a wholly owned subsidiary of
Ohio Edison, (ii) the Ohio Edison Board designates the FirstEnergy Board and
(iii) approximately two-thirds of FirstEnergy's Common Stock immediately after
consummation of the Merger will be owned by former Ohio Edison shareholders.
Penn Power is seeking a declaratory order of the PPUC that it does not have
jurisdiction over the Merger. Penn Power has in the alternative filed an
application with the PPUC seeking approval of the Merger if the PPUC elects to
assert jurisdiction.
     On December 3, 1996, Pennsylvania enacted "The Electricity Generation
Customer Choice and Competition Act", pursuant to which residents of
Pennsylvania, including customers of Penn Power, will be permitted to choose
their electric generation supplier, while transmission and distribution will
continue to be provided by existing providers. Customer choice will be phased in
over three years, commencing in 1999, after a two year pilot program. The new
Pennsylvania law also establishes procedures and standards for the recovery of
stranded costs over an eight to nine-year period in the form of a transition
charge on customer billings, and allows utilities to seek PPUC approval to
securitize, or refinance, stranded costs which have been determined by the PPUC
to be recoverable. FirstEnergy believes that this legislation will continue to
provide for cost recovery in a manner which meets the criteria for application
of SFAS 71.
     Upon consummation of the Merger, Ohio Edison, Cleveland Electric and Toledo
Edison will remain subject to regulation in Ohio and Penn Power will remain
subject to regulation in Pennsylvania.
     Ohio Edison and Penn Power each holds an NRC operating license authorizing
it to hold ownership or leasehold interests in the Beaver Valley Unit 1 nuclear
unit and (along with OES Nuclear Inc., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of
Ohio Edison) the Perry Unit 1 nuclear unit. Ohio Edison also holds an NRC
operating license authorizing it to hold an ownership or a leasehold interest in
Beaver Valley Unit 2. Each of Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison holds an NRC
operating license authorizing them to hold ownership or leasehold interests in
Perry Unit 1, Beaver Valley Unit 2 and the Davis-Besse nuclear unit (and, in the
case of Cleveland Electric, along with Service, to operate Perry Unit 1 and in
the case of Toledo Edison, along with Service, to operate Davis-Besse). The
Davis-Besse facility also includes a generally licensed independent spent fuel
storage installation. The Atomic Energy Act provides that no NRC license may be
transferred, assigned, or in any manner disposed of, directly or indirectly,
through transfer of control of any license to any person unless the NRC finds
that the transfer is in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act and consents to
the transfer. Ohio Edison and Centerior have filed requests with the NRC seeking
approval of the transfer of control of their nuclear facility operating licenses
to FirstEnergy pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act.
     The HSR Act and the rules and regulations thereunder provide that certain
transactions (including the Merger) may not be consummated until certain
information has been submitted to the DOJ and the FTC and specified HSR Act
waiting period requirements have been satisfied. The expiration or termination
of the HSR Act waiting period would not preclude the DOJ or the FTC from
challenging the Merger on antitrust grounds. If the Merger is not consummated
within 12 months after the expiration or termination of the HSR Act waiting
period, Ohio Edison and Centerior would be required to submit new premerger
notifications to the DOJ and the FTC and a new HSR Act waiting period would have
to expire or be terminated before the Merger could be consummated. Ohio Edison
and Centerior will comply with the provisions of the HSR Act.
                              THE MERGER AGREEMENT
     The following is a brief summary of the material provisions of the Merger
Agreement. A copy of the Merger Agreement is attached as Appendix A. We
encourage you to carefully read the Merger Agreement which establishes the
rights and obligations of Ohio Edison and Centerior in connection with the
     The Merger Agreement provides for a series of three merger transactions,
involving FirstEnergy, Ohio Edison, Centerior and two temporary corporations
(Ohio Edison Acquisition Sub and Centerior Acquisition Sub) formed to facilitate
the Merger. In this Proxy Statement, we refer to these mergers collectively as
the Merger. After all of those transactions have been consummated, Ohio Edison,
Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison will each be a wholly owned (as to Common
Stock) subsidiary of FirstEnergy, and the former holders of Ohio Edison and
Centerior Common Stock will become the holders of FirstEnergy Common Stock on
the basis discussed above (see "Summary -- The Merger -- What Ohio Edison
Shareholders and Centerior Shareholders Will Receive"). We expect that Ohio
Edison shareholders initially will own slightly less than two-thirds of the
FirstEnergy Common Stock and Centerior shareholders will own slightly more than
one-third of the FirstEnergy Common Stock.
     The Merger Agreement contains customary representations and warranties by
each of Ohio Edison and Centerior regarding, among other things, the status of
the organization, financial condition, properties, assets, liabilities and
operations of the respective companies. In addition, each of Ohio Edison and
Centerior has agreed that from the date of the Merger Agreement until the
consummation of the Merger, each company will conduct its business in the
ordinary course substantially as previously conducted, except as the parties may
otherwise agree in writing, and that, except where the fiduciary duty of the
Board of either Ohio Edison or Centerior may require it to consider other
proposals, neither company will take any action which is likely to lead to a
merger or similar transaction with any third party.
     The Merger Agreement provides for the establishment of a management task
force on transition matters involving the companies prior to the consummation of
the Merger, to be headed by Willard R. Holland, who currently serves as Chairman
of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Ohio Edison. The FirstEnergy Board,
upon consummation of the Merger, is expected to be made up of twelve individuals
designated by the Ohio Edison Board prior to the consummation of the Merger. The
initial officers of FirstEnergy, following consummation of the Merger, will
include Mr. Holland, who will serve as Chairman of the Board, President and
Chief Executive Officer, and Mr. Farling, who will serve as Vice Chairman. The
Merger Agreement requires FirstEnergy, Centerior and Ohio Edison to indemnify
the officers and directors of each for certain liabilities arising in connection
with their duties as officers and directors, to the full extent permitted by
     Consummation of the Merger is subject to the fulfillment by the companies
of a number of conditions, including: approval by the necessary votes of the
shareholders of Ohio Edison and Centerior; obtaining the necessary governmental
approvals and completing the regulatory processes described above (see
"Regulatory Matters") under conditions reasonably acceptable to Ohio Edison and
Centerior; and the holders of not more than ten percent of the common shares of
Ohio Edison or Centerior having dissented from the Merger. Consummation of the
Merger is also subject to the fulfillment by the companies of a number of
additional conditions that may be waived, including; the representations and
warranties concerning each of Ohio Edison and Centerior continuing to be true;
the receipt of opinions of counsel to the effect that the tax effects of the
Merger are as described above (see "The Merger -- Material Tax Consequences of
the Merger"); and each of Ohio Edison and Centerior having performed or complied
with its obligations under the Merger Agreement.
     The Merger Agreement may be terminated by the mutual written consent of
Ohio Edison and Centerior, and either party may terminate upon certain events,
including: a material breach by the other party; if the Merger has not been
consummated by June 30, 1998; if the required shareholder votes are not
obtained; if any court or other order preventing consummation of the Merger has
become final; if any law or regulation has been adopted that prohibits the
Merger; or if either party receives a takeover proposal from a third party and a
series of triggering provisions are met. In the event of termination for breach,
the breaching party must pay a $10 million fee, and in the event of termination
as a result of a takeover proposal, the non-terminating party is entitled to a
$55 million fee under certain circumstances, plus, in each case, the
out-of-pocket expenses of the other party.
     In general, all expenses in connection with the Merger are paid by the
party incurring them. Joint expenses, including those to prepare and print this
Proxy Statement and those incurred in connection with regulatory filings, will
be shared equally.
     The Merger Agreement may be amended by the Ohio Edison and Centerior Boards
except where such amendment would require additional shareholder votes under the
laws of the State of Ohio, the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations
promulgated thereunder, the NYSE rules or any other applicable laws.
     Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, at the Effective Time the FirstEnergy
Articles and FirstEnergy Regulations will be amended and restated in the forms
attached hereto as Appendices C and D, respectively. The authorized capital
stock of FirstEnergy as of the Effective Time will consist of 300,000,000 shares
of FirstEnergy Common Stock. The description of FirstEnergy's capital stock set
forth herein does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by
reference to the FirstEnergy Articles and the FirstEnergy Regulations,
respectively, as well as applicable statutory or other law.
     Voting Rights.  The holders of FirstEnergy Common Stock will be entitled to
one vote on each matter submitted to a vote at a meeting of shareholders for
each share of FirstEnergy Common Stock held of record by such holder as of the
record date for such meeting. Adoption of a plan of merger, consolidation or
reorganization, as well as adoption of certain amendments to the FirstEnergy
Articles, authorization of a sale or other disposition of all or substantially
all of the assets of FirstEnergy not made in the usual and regular course of its
business or adoption of a resolution of dissolution of FirstEnergy, requires
authorization by the holders of two-thirds of the outstanding shares of
FirstEnergy Common Stock, unless the FirstEnergy Board provides otherwise by
resolution, in which case such authorization shall be by a majority of the
voting power of FirstEnergy, to the extent not inconsistent with the FirstEnergy
Articles or the FirstEnergy Regulations.
     Dividends.  The holders of FirstEnergy Common Stock will be entitled to
receive dividends when and as declared by the FirstEnergy Board. FirstEnergy's
ability to pay dividends depends primarily upon the ability of its subsidiaries
to pay dividends or otherwise transfer funds to it. The articles of
incorporation, certain mortgages and other agreements, as supplemented, of Ohio
Edison, Penn Power, Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison, which will be
FirstEnergy's direct and indirect electric utility subsidiaries following the
Merger, contain provisions which, under certain conditions, will restrict the
ability of these subsidiaries to transfer funds to FirstEnergy in the form of
cash dividends.
     Liquidation.  In the event of a liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
the affairs of FirstEnergy, the holders of FirstEnergy Common Stock will be
entitled to share ratably in any assets remaining after payment in full of all
liabilities of FirstEnergy.
     Preemptive Rights.  The holders of FirstEnergy Common Stock will have no
preemptive rights to acquire or subscribe to any shares, or securities
convertible into shares, of FirstEnergy Common Stock. The holders of FirstEnergy
Common Stock will have no redemption or conversion rights.
     It is a condition to the consummation of the Merger that FirstEnergy Common
Stock be approved for listing on the NYSE subject to official notification of
     Pursuant to Article IV of the FirstEnergy Articles, FirstEnergy is
authorized to issue five million shares of preferred stock. The FirstEnergy
Board has the authority to issue preferred stock from time to time in one or
more classes or series. Pursuant to Article V of the FirstEnergy Articles, the
FirstEnergy Board is authorized to adopt amendments to the FirstEnergy Articles
to fix or change the express terms of any unissued or treasury shares of any
class, including preferred stock.
     If the Merger is consummated, the persons who were holders of Ohio Edison
Common Stock and Centerior Common Stock will become holders of FirstEnergy
Common Stock, whose rights as shareholders will be governed by the FirstEnergy
Articles and the FirstEnergy Regulations (rather than the Ohio Edison Articles
and Ohio Edison Regulations or Centerior Articles and Centerior Regulations,
respectively) and by the Ohio Statute. The significant differences between the
rights of shareholders of FirstEnergy and shareholders of Ohio Edison and
Centerior are set forth below.
     The following discussion is not intended to be complete and is qualified in
its entirety by reference to the FirstEnergy Articles and the FirstEnergy
Regulations, which are attached to this Proxy Statement as Appendices C and D,
respectively, and to the Ohio Statute.
     Ohio Edison.  The size of the Ohio Edison Board may be set by the Ohio
Edison Board or the shareholders, subject to a minimum of three board members.
     Centerior.  The Centerior Board may consist of a minimum of three and a
maximum of 15 directors elected annually.
     FirstEnergy.  Pursuant to Section 11 of the FirstEnergy Regulations, the
FirstEnergy Board will consist of not less than nine nor more than 16 directors,
as may be determined from time to time only (i) by a vote of a majority of the
entire FirstEnergy Board or (ii) by the affirmative vote of the holders of at
least 80% of the voting power of FirstEnergy, voting together as a single class.
The directors will be divided into three classes with staggered three year
terms. This structure may make takeover attempts more difficult, as shareholders
may only elect one-third of the FirstEnergy Board at any given annual meeting.
     Ohio Edison.  Any director may be removed, with or without cause, by the
vote of the holders of a majority of the shares present at a meeting called for
the purpose, subject to certain exceptions.
     Centerior.  All directors or any individual director may be removed from
office, without cause, by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of
Centerior Common Stock at an annual meeting or a special meeting called for such
purpose, subject to certain exceptions.
     FirstEnergy.  Under Section 13 of the FirstEnergy Regulations, any
director, or the entire FirstEnergy Board, may be removed from office by the
affirmative vote of the holders of at least 80% of the voting power of
FirstEnergy, voting together as a single class.
     Ohio Edison.  An amendment of the Ohio Edison Articles may be effected by
the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of Ohio Edison Common Stock.
     Centerior.  An amendment of the Centerior Articles may be effected by the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of Centerior Common Stock.
     FirstEnergy.  Certain amendments of the FirstEnergy Articles may be
effected by the affirmative vote of the holders of two-thirds of FirstEnergy
Common Stock, unless, under Article IX of the FirstEnergy Articles, the
FirstEnergy Board provides otherwise by resolution, in which case such
amendments may be effected by a majority of the voting power of FirstEnergy.
Certain other amendments to the FirstEnergy Articles, as specified in Article X,
can only be effected upon the affirmative vote of 80% of the voting power of
     Ohio Edison.  Ohio Edison may, by the affirmative vote or by the written
consent of the holders of a majority of voting shares, amend the Ohio Edison
     Centerior.  The Centerior Regulations may be amended by the affirmative
vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of Centerior Common Stock at an
annual meeting or special meeting called for such purpose or without a meeting
by the written consent of a majority of the Centerior Common Stock.
     FirstEnergy.  The FirstEnergy Articles and Section 36 of the FirstEnergy
Regulations provide, with limited exceptions, that the FirstEnergy Regulations
may be amended or repealed at any meeting of shareholders if the amendment has
been described in the notice of such meeting. The sections in the FirstEnergy
Regulations relating to time and place of meetings, special meetings, order of
business, number, election and terms of directors, newly created directorships
and vacancies, removal of directors, nomination and election of directors and
indemnification and amendment of the regulations may be amended or repealed only
with the affirmative vote of the holders of at least 80% of the voting power of
FirstEnergy, voting together as a single class. No amendment to sections
relating to indemnification, insurance or agreements of FirstEnergy to indemnify
others will be effective to eliminate or diminish the indemnification rights of
persons specified in those sections existing at the time immediately preceding
such amendment.
     Ohio Edison.  At all elections of directors of Ohio Edison, each
shareholder entitled to vote for directors has the right to cumulate his shares
and to give to one candidate for whom he may vote as many votes as equals the
number of directors to be elected by the holders of the class of stock held by
such shareholder multiplied by the number of his shares, or to distribute them
on the same principle among as many such candidates as he sees fit.
     Centerior.  The Centerior Articles are silent as to cumulative voting;
therefore, Section 1701.55 of the Ohio Statute applies and permits each
shareholder entitled to vote to cumulate his shares and to give one candidate
for whom he may vote as many votes as equals the number of directors to be
elected multiplied by the number of his shares, or to distribute his votes on
the same principle among as many candidates as he sees fit.
     FirstEnergy.  Pursuant to Article VI of the FirstEnergy Articles, with
certain exceptions, the holders of FirstEnergy Common Stock will not be entitled
to cumulative voting rights in the election of directors.
     Ohio Edison.  Each share of Ohio Edison Common Stock entitles its holder to
one vote on all matters submitted generally to a vote of the shareholders of
Ohio Edison. Two-thirds of the voting power of the shares issued and outstanding
and entitled to vote, present in person or by proxy, will constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business at the Ohio Edison Meeting.
     Centerior.  Each share of Centerior Common Stock entitles its holder to one
vote on all matters submitted generally to a vote of the shareholders of
Centerior. A majority of the voting power of the shares issued and outstanding
and entitled to vote, present in person or by proxy, will constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business at the Centerior Meeting.
     FirstEnergy.  See "Description of FirstEnergy Capital Stock -- FirstEnergy
Common Stock."
     Ohio Edison.  The Ohio Edison Articles contains certain provisions with
respect to Ohio Edison Preferred Stock and Class A Preferred Stock (as defined
therein) that restrict Ohio Edison's ability, in certain circumstances, to issue
or assume any unsecured notes, debentures or other securities representing
unsecured indebtedness.
     Centerior.  The Centerior Articles and the Centerior Regulations do not
restrict the issuance of securities representing unsecured indebtedness.
     FirstEnergy. The FirstEnergy Articles and the FirstEnergy Regulations do
not restrict the issuance of securities representing unsecured indebtedness.
     Ohio Edison. The Ohio Edison Regulations do not address the subject of
special meetings of shareholders, but under Ohio law, unless otherwise provided
in articles or regulations, special meetings of the shareholders may be called
at any time by the Chairman of the Board, the President, a Vice President or by
the directors by action at a meeting or a majority of the directors acting
without a meeting, or by shareholders holding 25% or more of the outstanding
shares entitled to vote thereat (excluding any shares of any class entitled to
vote for directors by virtue of a default or contingency).
     Centerior. Special meetings of the share owners may be called at any time
by the Chairman of the Board, the President, a Vice President or by the
directors by action at a meeting or a majority of the directors acting without a
meeting, or by share owners holding 25% or more of the outstanding shares
entitled to vote thereat (excluding any shares of any class entitled to vote for
directors by virtue of a default or contingency) or by such persons and in such
event and manner as the Centerior Articles may provide. Such meetings may be
held within or without the State of Ohio at such place and time as may be
specified in the notice thereof.
     FirstEnergy.  Section 3 of the FirstEnergy Regulations provides that
special meetings of shareholders of FirstEnergy may be called by the Chairman of
the FirstEnergy Board, the President, a majority of the directors acting with or
without a meeting or by holders of not less than 50% of the outstanding shares
entitled to vote thereat. Such meetings may be held within or without the State
of Ohio at such time and place as may be specified in the notice thereof.
     Ohio Edison.  Neither the Ohio Edison Articles nor the Ohio Edison
Regulations address shareholder nominations. However, the Nominating Committee
of the Ohio Edison Board will consider timely shareholder proposals for
nomination at the next annual meeting of Ohio Edison shareholders.
     Centerior.  Neither the Centerior Articles nor the Centerior Regulations
address shareholder nominations. However, Centerior's Executive and Nominating
Committee will consider timely shareholder proposals for nomination at the next
annual meeting of Centerior shareholders.
     FirstEnergy.  Section 14 of the FirstEnergy Regulations provides that
nomination of candidates for election as directors may be made only at an annual
meeting of shareholders by the FirstEnergy Board or a committee thereof or by a
shareholder entitled to vote at the meeting who has complied with applicable
procedures. These procedures include, without limitation, time periods for
receipt of notice, and the furnishing of certain information related to the
person making the nomination as well as the nominee.
     Ohio Edison.  Ohio Edison shall indemnify any person who is or was a
director, officer, employee or agent of Ohio Edison or who is or has served at
the request of Ohio Edison as a director, officer, employee, agent or trustee of
another enterprise, against expenses, including attorneys' fees, judgments,
fines and amounts paid in settlement, actually and reasonably incurred by him by
reason of the fact that he is or was such director, officer, employee, agent or
trustee in connection with any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or
proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative to the full
extent and according to the procedures and requirements set forth in any
applicable law as the same may be in effect from time to time.
     Centerior.  Centerior shall indemnify any director or officer of Centerior,
any such former director or officer and any such director or officer who, at the
request of Centerior, is serving or has served as a director, officer, employee,
agent or trustee of another enterprise, against expenses and liabilities,
including but not limited to attorney's fees, judgments, fines and amounts paid
in settlement, actually and reasonably incurred by him by reason of the fact
that he is or was such a director, officer, employee, agent or trustee in
connection with any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding,
whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, to the full extent
permitted by applicable law.
     The indemnification provided for in the Centerior Regulations does not
restrict Centerior from indemnifying employees, agents and others to the extent
not prohibited by law, to purchase and maintain insurance with respect thereto
and to enter into agreements with any such person indemnifying him against
liability asserted against him or expense incurred by him, whether or not such
indemnity is specifically provided for in the Centerior Regulations.
     FirstEnergy.  Section 31 of the FirstEnergy Regulations provides that
FirstEnergy shall indemnify, to the full extent permitted by law, any person who
was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending
or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative
or investigative, by reason of the fact that he or she is or was a member of the
FirstEnergy Board or an officer, employee or agent of FirstEnergy, or is or was
serving at the request of FirstEnergy as a director, trustee, officer, employee
or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other
enterprise. FirstEnergy shall pay, to the full extent then required by law,
expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred by a member of the FirstEnergy
Board in defending any such action, suit or proceeding as they are incurred, in
advance of the final disposition thereof, and may pay, in the same manner and to
the full extent then permitted by law, such expenses incurred by any other
person. The indemnification and payment of expenses provided by Section 31 shall
not be exclusive of, and shall be in addition to, any other rights granted to
those seeking indemnification under any law, the FirstEnergy Articles, any
agreement, vote of shareholders or disinterested members of the FirstEnergy
Board, or otherwise, both as to action in official capacities and as to action
in another capacity while he or she is a member of the FirstEnergy Board, or an
officer, employee or agent of FirstEnergy, and shall continue as to a person who
has ceased to be a member of the FirstEnergy Board, trustee, officer, employee
or agent and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, and
administrators of such a person. The FirstEnergy Regulations also permit
FirstEnergy to purchase and maintain insurance providing for the indemnification
of the persons described above and, upon approval of the FirstEnergy Board, to
enter into indemnification agreements with such persons.
     The unaudited pro forma balance sheet of FirstEnergy at September 30, 1996,
set forth below, gives effect to the Merger as if it had been consummated on
such date. The unaudited pro forma statements of income of FirstEnergy for the
nine month periods ended September 30, 1996 and 1995, set forth below, give
effect to the Merger as if it had been consummated on January 1, 1995. These
statements are prepared based on accounting for the Merger as a purchase with
the assumptions specified in the notes thereto. Purchase accounting adjustments
are estimates and therefore subject to change.
     The following pro forma financial information has been prepared from, and
should be read in conjunction with, the historical consolidated financial
statements and related notes thereto of Ohio Edison and Centerior incorporated
by reference herein. The following information does not reflect any potential
cost reductions or synergies associated with the Merger and is not necessarily
indicative of the financial position or operating results that would have
occurred had the Merger been consummated on the date as of which, or at the
beginning of the periods for which, the Merger is being given effect, nor is it
necessarily indicative of future financial position or operating results.
     The unaudited pro forma financial statements have been adjusted for the
expected impact of the Regulatory Plan (as described under "Regulatory Matters
- -- State Approvals and Related Matters" on page 37), the result of which is to
discontinue the application of SFAS 71 for Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison
nuclear operations. The adjustments reflect the write off of $750 million of
regulatory assets at Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison, and, as required by
APB 16, a fair value adjustment of $1.25 billion to reduce the carrying value of
the nuclear generating units at FirstEnergy. This purchase price allocation is
preliminary. The ultimate fair value of Cleveland Electric's and Toledo Edison's
net assets to be determined at the time of consummation of the Merger is
expected to be based on a combination of estimates of fair value arrived at by
reference to replacement costs, third party appraisals and discounted cash flow
modeling, and could require an adjustment which may be more or less than the
assumption used for purposes of the unaudited pro forma financial statements.
Any difference between the ultimate net asset valuation and the preliminary
purchase price allocation assumed in the unaudited pro forma financial
statements will be reflected as an adjustment of the goodwill recognized in
connection with the Merger.
                               FIRSTENERGY CORP.
                               SEPTEMBER 30, 1996
                                 (IN MILLIONS)

                                                                             PRO FORMA         PRO FORMA
                                              OHIO EDISON     CENTERIOR     ADJUSTMENTS        COMBINED
                                              -----------     ---------     -----------        ---------
Utility plant, net of depreciation..........    $ 5,487        $  6,914       $(1,250)(3a)      $11,151
Other property and investments..............      1,029             225                           1,254
Current assets..............................        489             638           (12)(3b)        1,115
Regulatory assets...........................      1,729           2,260          (750)(3a)        3,239
Goodwill....................................          0               0           865 (3c)          865
Other deferred charges......................        262             268                             530
                                                -------        --------      --------           -------
Total Assets................................    $ 8,996        $ 10,305       $(1,147)          $18,154
                                                =======        ========      ========           =======
Common shareholders' equity:
  Common stock and other paid-in capital....    $ 2,100        $  2,321       $  (757)(3d)      $ 3,664
  Retained earnings (deficit)...............        542            (356)          356 (3d)          542
  Unallocated ESOP common shares............       (156)              0                            (156)
                                                -------        --------      --------           -------
  Total common shareholders' equity.........      2,486           1,965          (401)            4,050
Preferred stock:
  Not subject to mandatory redemption.......        161               0          (161)(3e)            0
  Subject to mandatory redemption...........         20               0           (20)(3e)            0
Preferred stock of consolidated
  Not subject to mandatory redemption.......         51             448           161 (3e)          660
  Subject to mandatory redemption...........         15             189             6 (3e)(3f)      210
Ohio Edison obligated mandatorily redeemable
  preferred securities of subsidiary trust
  holding solely Ohio Edison subordinated
  debentures................................        120               0                             120
Long-term debt..............................      2,595           3,755            16 (3f)        6,366
                                                -------        --------      --------           -------
Total Capitalization........................      5,448           6,357          (399)           11,406
Current liabilities.........................      1,305             875           (12)(3b)        2,168
Accumulated deferred income taxes...........      1,756           1,900          (690)(3k)        2,966
Accumulated deferred investment tax
  credits...................................        203             254           (64)(3k)          393
Other liabilities...........................        284             919            18 (3g)        1,221
                                                -------        --------      --------           -------
Total Capitalization and Liabilities........    $ 8,996        $ 10,305       $(1,147)          $18,154
                                                =======        ========      ========           =======

                               FIRSTENERGY CORP.
                      NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1996

                                                                             PRO FORMA        PRO FORMA
                                              OHIO EDISON     CENTERIOR     ADJUSTMENTS       COMBINED
                                              -----------     ---------     -----------       ---------
Operating revenues..........................    $ 1,858        $ 1,941         $ (14)(3h)      $ 3,785
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Fuel and purchased power....................        346            348            (3)(3h)          691
Other operation and maintenance expenses....        491            595           (11)(3h)        1,075
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Total operation and maintenance expenses....        837            943           (14)            1,766
Depreciation and amortization, net..........        285            259           (40)(3i)          504
General taxes...............................        185            247                             432
Income taxes................................        146             94            20 (3k)          260
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Total operating expenses and taxes..........      1,453          1,543           (34)            2,962
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Operating income............................        405            398            20               823
Other income (expense)......................         25             (5)                             20
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Total income................................        430            393            20               843
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Interest charges............................        178            254                             432
Allowance for borrowed funds used during
  construction and capitalized interest.....         (3)            (2)                             (5)
Subsidiaries' preferred stock dividend
  requirements..............................         12             42            10 (3j)           64
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Net interest and other charges..............        187            294            10               491
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Net income..................................        243             99            10               352
Preferred stock dividend requirements.......         10              0           (10)(3j)            0
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Earnings on common stock....................    $   233        $    99         $  20           $   352
                                                =======        =======         =====           =======
Average common shares outstanding...........        144            148           (70)              222
                                                =======        =======         =====           =======
Earnings per share of common stock..........    $  1.62        $   .67                         $  1.59
                                                =======        =======                         =======

                               FIRSTENERGY CORP.
                      NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995

                                                                             PRO FORMA        PRO FORMA
                                              OHIO EDISON     CENTERIOR     ADJUSTMENTS       COMBINED
                                              -----------     ---------     -----------       ---------
Operating revenues..........................    $ 1,849        $ 1,934         $ (13)(3h)      $ 3,770
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Fuel and purchased power....................        347            361            (4)(3h)          704
Other operation and maintenance expenses....        549            579            (9)(3h)        1,119
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Total operation and maintenance expenses....        896            940           (13)            1,823
Depreciation and amortization, net..........        188            162           (40)(3i)          310
General taxes...............................        184            246                             430
Income taxes................................        149            115            20 (3k)          284
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Total operating expenses and taxes..........      1,417          1,463           (33)            2,847
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Operating income............................        432            471            20               923
Other income................................          8             35                              43
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Total income................................        440            506            20               966
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Interest charges............................        203            271                             474
Allowance for borrowed funds used during
  construction and capitalized interest.....         (4)            (2)                             (6)
Deferred nuclear unit interest..............         (4)             0                              (4)
Subsidiaries' preferred stock dividend
  requirements..............................          3             46            17 (3j)           66
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Net interest and other charges..............        198            315            17               530
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Net income..................................        242            191             3               436
Preferred stock dividend requirements.......         17              0           (17)(3j)            0
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Earnings on common stock....................    $   225        $   191         $  20           $   436
                                                =======        =======         =====           =======
Average common shares outstanding...........        143            148           (70)              221
                                                =======        =======         =====           =======
Earnings per share of common stock..........    $  1.57        $  1.29                         $  1.97
                                                =======        =======                         =======

                               FIRSTENERGY CORP.
                          YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995

                                                                             PRO FORMA        PRO FORMA
                                              OHIO EDISON     CENTERIOR     ADJUSTMENTS       COMBINED
                                              -----------     ---------     -----------       ---------
Operating revenues..........................    $ 2,466        $ 2,516         $ (17)(3h)      $ 4,965
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Fuel and purchased power....................        465            465            (8)(3h)          922
Other operation and maintenance expenses....        737            777           (12)(3h)        1,502
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Total operation and maintenance expenses....      1,202          1,242           (20)            2,424
Depreciation and amortization, net..........        262            228           (53)(3i)          437
General taxes...............................        243            322             2 (3h)          567
Income taxes................................        192            135            26 (3k)          353
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Total operating expenses and taxes..........      1,899          1,927           (45)            3,781
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Operating income............................        567            589            28             1,184
Other income................................         14             47            (1)(3h)           60
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Total income................................        581            636            27             1,244
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Interest charges............................        267            358                             625
Allowance for borrowed funds used during
  construction and capitalized interest.....         (6)            (3)                             (9)
Deferred nuclear unit interest..............         (4)             0                              (4)
Subsidiaries' preferred stock dividend
  requirements..............................          7             61            22 (3j)           90
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Net interest and other charges..............        264            416            22               702
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Net income..................................        317            220             5               542
Preferred stock dividend requirements.......         22              0           (22)(3j)            0
                                                -------        -------         -----           -------
Earnings on common stock....................    $   295        $   220         $  27           $   542
                                                =======        =======         =====           =======
Average common shares outstanding...........        144            148           (70)              222
                                                =======        =======         =====           =======
Earnings per share of common stock..........    $  2.05        $  1.49                         $  2.44
                                                =======        =======                         =======

                               FIRSTENERGY CORP.
                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
     Certain reclassifications have been made to the Centerior unaudited
historical financial statements to conform to the presentation expected to be
used by the merged companies.
     Under the Merger Agreement, each outstanding share of Ohio Edison Common
Stock will be converted into one share of FirstEnergy Common Stock, and each
outstanding share of Centerior Common Stock will be converted into 0.525 of a
share of FirstEnergy Common Stock. These conversion numbers were used in
computing share and per share amounts in the accompanying unaudited pro forma
combined condensed financial statements.
     (a) As required by APB 16, a pro forma adjustment has been recognized by
FirstEnergy to adjust the Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison nuclear
generating units to fair value. This purchase price allocation is preliminary.
For purposes of the pro forma financial statements, such adjustment has been
based upon the estimated discounted future cash flows expected to be generated
by the nuclear generating units. The actual adjustment is expected to be based
on a combination of estimates of fair value arrived at by reference to
replacement costs, third party appraisals and discounted cash flow modeling. As
a result of discontinuing SFAS 71 for Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison
nuclear assets and operations, a pro forma adjustment has been made to reflect
the write-off of certain regulatory assets prior to consummation of the Merger.
All other regulatory assets are expected to continue to be recovered through
rates associated with the remainder of their business.
     (b) A pro forma adjustment has been made to eliminate accounts receivable
and payable between Ohio Edison and Centerior as of the balance sheet date.
     (c) A pro forma adjustment has been made to recognize goodwill in
connection with the Merger. The goodwill represents the excess of the purchase
price over Centerior's net assets after taking into account the adjustments
described in (a) above. The carrying cost for all other assets and liabilities
(except as described in (f) and (g) below) is assumed to be equal to fair market
value. If it is ultimately determined that the fair market value of Centerior's
net assets is more or less than their carrying value at the time of
consummation, goodwill would be adjusted accordingly. The purchase price was
based on the imputed value to holders of Centerior Common Stock using a market
value of Ohio Edison Common Stock of $20.125 per share.
     (d) Pro forma equity adjustments recognize the elimination of Centerior's
accumulated deficit as of the consummation of the Merger and the purchase price
computed as described in (c) above.
     (e) Pro forma adjustments have been made to reclassify Ohio Edison
preferred stock outstanding to subsidiary preferred stock outstanding on
FirstEnergy's balance sheet.
     (f) A pro forma adjustment has been made to recognize Centerior's preferred
stock of consolidated subsidiaries subject to mandatory redemption and long-term
debt at estimated fair market value.
     (g) A pro forma adjustment has been made to recognize Centerior's net
unamortized transition obligation related to certain retirement benefits.
     (h) Pro forma adjustments have been made to eliminate revenue and expense
transactions between Ohio Edison and Centerior.
     (i) Pro forma adjustments have been made to recognize amortization of
goodwill in connection with the Merger over a 40-year period, offset by
reductions in depreciation expense and amortization of regulatory assets
resulting from the assumed revaluation of Centerior's assets described in (a)
above. Any difference between the actual asset revaluation and the revaluation
assumed for purposes of the pro forma financial
statements would correspondingly affect the net depreciation and amortization
adjustments included in the unaudited combined condensed statements of income.
     (j) A pro forma adjustment has been made to reclassify Ohio Edison's
preferred stock dividend requirements to subsidiaries' preferred stock dividend
requirements (a reduction to net income) on FirstEnergy's statement of income.
     (k) Pro forma adjustments have been made for the estimated tax effects of
the adjustments discussed in (a), (f), (g) and (i) above.
     Ohio Edison was organized under the laws of the State of Ohio in 1930 and
owns property and does business as an electric public utility in that state.
Ohio Edison also has ownership interests in certain facilities located in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Ohio Edison's principal executive offices are
located at 76 South Main Street, Akron, Ohio 44308, telephone number (800)
     Ohio Edison furnishes electric service to communities in a 7,500 square
mile area of central and northeastern Ohio. It also provides transmission
services and electric energy for resale to certain municipalities in its service
area and transmission services to certain rural cooperatives. Ohio Edison also
engages in the sale, purchase and interchange of electric energy with other
electric companies. The area it serves has a population of approximately
     Ohio Edison owns all of the outstanding common stock of Penn Power, a
Pennsylvania corporation, which furnishes electric service to communities in a
1,500 square mile area of western Pennsylvania. Penn Power also provides
transmission services and electric energy for resale to certain municipalities
in Pennsylvania. The area served by Penn Power has a population of approximately
     Sources of generation for Ohio Edison and Penn Power during the twelve
months ended September 30, 1996 were 75.4% fossil and 24.6% nuclear.
     Centerior was organized under the laws of the State of Ohio in 1985 for the
purpose of allowing Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison to affiliate by
becoming wholly owned subsidiaries of Centerior. Centerior's principal executive
offices are located at 6200 Oak Tree Boulevard, Independence, Ohio 44131,
telephone number (800) 443-7794.
     Centerior's Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison subsidiaries furnish
electric service in a 4,200 square mile area of northeastern and northwestern
Ohio. Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison also provide transmission services
and electric energy for resale to other electric utility companies and to
certain municipalities and rural cooperatives in Toledo Edison's service area.
Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison also engage in the sale, purchase and
interchange of electric energy with other electric companies and power
producers. The areas Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison serve have a
population of approximately 2,450,000.
     Since Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison became affiliated in 1986,
efforts have been made to consolidate operations and administration as much as
possible to achieve maximum cost savings. On October 17, 1996, the FERC issued
an order authorizing the merger of Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison without
a hearing and without significant conditions. The order included the FERC's
conclusion that it was not necessary to require the applicants to turn over
control of their facilities to an independent system operator. The FERC also
approved Cleveland Electric's and Toledo Edison's recently filed single-system,
open access transmission tariff. The Merger Agreement requires the approval of
Ohio Edison prior to consummation of the proposed Cleveland Electric-Toledo
Edison merger.
     During the twelve months ended September 30, 1996, Centerior's sources of
generation consisted of 63.2% fossil, 31.0% nuclear and 5.8% pumped-storage.
     Ohio Edison, Penn Power, Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison are members
of CAPCO. Duquesne is also a member of CAPCO. CAPCO affords each of the
companies greater reliability and lower cost of providing electric service
through coordinated generating unit operations and maintenance and generating
reserve back-up among the five companies. In addition, CAPCO has completed
programs to construct larger electric generating units and to strengthen
interconnections between the companies.
     The CAPCO companies have placed in service nine major generating units.
Each CAPCO company owns, as a tenant-in-common, or leases a portion of certain
of these generating units. Each company has the right to the net capability and
associated energy of its respective ownership and leasehold portions of the
units and is, severally and not jointly, obligated for the capital and operating
costs equivalent to its respective ownership and leasehold portions of the units
and the required fuel, except that the obligations of Pennsylvania Power are the
joint and several obligations of that company and Ohio Edison and the leasehold
obligations of Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison are joint and several. For
most plants, the company in whose service area a generating unit is located is
responsible for the operation of that unit for all the owners, except for the
procurement of nuclear fuel for a nuclear generating unit. The Mansfield Plant,
which is located in Duquesne's service area, is operated by Penn Power, and the
Sammis Unit 7, which is not in the service area of any CAPCO company, is
operated by Ohio Edison. Each company owns the necessary interconnecting
transmission facilities within its service area, and the other CAPCO companies
contribute toward fixed charges and operating costs of those transmission
     The following tables set forth for Ohio Edison and Centerior the CAPCO unit
ownership percentages for each company and its subsidiaries.
                                  OHIO EDISON

                                                OHIO EDISON        PENN POWER
                                                 OWNERSHIP*         OWNERSHIP
                                       NDC     --------------     -------------
            CAPCO UNIT                (MW)      (%)     (MW)       (%)     (MW)      UNIT OPERATOR
- -----------------------------------   -----    -----    -----     -----    ----    ------------------
Beaver Valley Unit 1...............    810     35.00     283      17.50    142     Duquesne
Beaver Valley Unit 2...............    820     41.88     343       0.00      0     Duquesne
Bruce Mansfield Unit 1.............    780     60.00     468       4.20     33     Penn Power
Bruce Mansfield Unit 2.............    780     39.30     307       6.80     53     Penn Power
Bruce Mansfield Unit 3.............    800     35.60     285       6.28     50     Penn Power
Perry Unit 1.......................  1,194     30.00     358       5.24     63     Cleveland Electric
Sammis Unit 7......................    600     48.00     288      20.80    125     Ohio Edison
                                                        ----              ----
                                                       2,332               466


                                               ELECTRIC          TOLEDO EDISON
                                              OWNERSHIP*          OWNERSHIP*
                                   NDC      ---------------     ---------------
          CAPCO UNIT              (MW)       (%)      (MW)       (%)      (MW)        UNIT OPERATOR
- -------------------------------   -----     -----     -----     -----     -----     ------------------
Beaver Valley Unit 2...........     820      24.47      201      19.91      163      Duquesne
Bruce Mansfield Unit 1.........     780       6.50       51       0.00        0      Penn Power
Bruce Mansfield Unit 2.........     780      28.60      223      17.30      135      Penn Power
Bruce Mansfield Unit 3.........     800      24.47      196      19.91      159      Penn Power
Davis Besse Unit 1.............     883      51.38      454      48.62      429      Toledo Edison
Eastlake Unit 5................     597      68.80      411       0.00        0      Cleveland Electric
Perry Unit 1...................   1,194      31.11      371      19.91      238      Cleveland Electric
                                                     ------               -----
                                                      1,907               1,124

- ---------------
Megawatt ownership is based on the current net demonstrated capacity ratings of
the CAPCO units.
* Includes leasehold interests.
     The service territories of Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison are not
contiguous, so that transactions between Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison
must be scheduled with Ohio Edison under the CAPCO agreements. The tariff filed
in connection with the required FERC approval contains the same non-rate terms
as are included in Ohio Edison's and Centerior's existing tariffs, and similar
rates except where changes are necessary to reflect averaging Ohio Edison,
Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison costs.
     On April 24, 1996, the FERC issued Order 888, which generally requires
nondiscriminatory transmission access and pricing by public utilities. Order 888
also requires that "loose pools," defined as any multi-lateral arrangements
which contain discounted or special transmission arrangements, must file joint,
pool-wide transmission tariffs by December 31, 1996, removing any preferential
transmission access and pricing provisions from the loose pool arrangements.
Ohio Edison, Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison believe that CAPCO is not a
power pool because it does not jointly dispatch any generation, address
day-to-day transmission reliability concerns or have authority to control
transfer or take emergency switching actions to maintain the bulk power grid of
its member companies.
     All of the CAPCO companies are members of ECAR, which is comprised of 29
major electric power suppliers and 11 associate members located in nine
east-central states, serving 36 million people. ECAR's purpose is to improve
reliability of bulk power supply through coordination of planning and operation
of member companies' generation and transmission facilities.
     Ohio Edison, Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison continue to engage in
numerous arms-length, short-term, non-firm wholesale power transactions pursuant
to interconnection agreements, in order to meet customers' needs in a least cost
manner. Ohio Edison and Cleveland Electric have five 345kV and four 138kV
interconnections, while Ohio Edison and Toledo Edison have one 345kV, one 138kV
and one 69kV interconnection, all of which are subject to the interconnection
agreements. In connection with the FERC application, FirstEnergy requested
approval of a joint dispatch agreement which will provide for the central
dispatch of all generating units on a cost-effective basis.
     Ohio Edison and Centerior have controls in place to provide for appropriate
cost allocation between Ohio Edison and Penn Power, on one hand, and between
Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison on the other hand. It is anticipated that a
similar arrangement will be implemented to provide for intercompany billings by
one subsidiary of FirstEnergy for goods and services provided to the other
     Under the Merger Agreement, the Ohio Edison Board and the Centerior Board
shall take such actions as may be necessary to cause the number of directors
comprising the full FirstEnergy Board at the Effective Time to be such number
and such individuals as are designated by Ohio Edison prior to the Effective
Time. The Merger Agreement provides that from the Effective Time until otherwise
determined by the FirstEnergy Board, Mr. Holland shall serve as Chairman of the
Board, President and Chief Executive Officer and Mr. Farling shall serve as Vice
Chairman. All other officers of FirstEnergy and directors and officers of
FirstEnergy's subsidiaries will be designated by the FirstEnergy Board. See "The
Merger--FirstEnergy Employment Agreements."
     Following the Merger, FirstEnergy will be a holding company which will
directly hold all of the issued and outstanding common stock of Ohio Edison and
all of the issued and outstanding common stock of Centerior's direct
subsidiaries, which include, among others, Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison.
As a result of the Merger, the respective common stock shareholders of Ohio
Edison and Centerior will own all of the outstanding shares of FirstEnergy
Common Stock. All other classes of capital stock of Ohio Edison and its
subsidiaries and of the subsidiaries of Centerior will be unaffected by the
Merger and will remain outstanding.
     The corporate headquarters and principal executive offices of FirstEnergy
will be located in Akron, Ohio.
     The PUCO has approved the Regulatory Plan filed by FirstEnergy which, upon
consummation of the Merger, will extend to Cleveland Electric and Toledo Edison
customers: (i) a base rate freeze through 2005 followed by an immediate $310
million base rate reduction; (ii) interim residential rate reductions of $3 per
month beginning six months after the Merger, increasing to $4 per month on July
1, 2000, and to $5 per month from July 1, 2001 through the year 2005; (iii)
interim rate reductions for certain commercial customers; (iv) a $75 million
economic development loan/lease program; (v) a $30 million energy efficiency
program for residential customers; (vi) a $2 billion aggregate reduction in
assets through 2005, resulting from amounts that will have been revalued,
amortized and/or depreciated on an accelerated basis; and (vii) earnings caps,
that would enable customers to share in any additional benefits from the Merger,
which limit returns on common equity, for regulatory purposes, of Cleveland
Electric and Toledo Edison to 11.5% for calendar years from inception of the
Regulatory Plan through 1999, 12.0% in 2000 and 2001 and 12.59% from 2002
through 2005. See "Regulatory Matters -- State Approvals and Related Matters" on
page 37.
     The consolidated financial statements and related schedule incorporated by
reference or included in Ohio Edison's Annual Report on Form 10-K, incorporated
by reference in this Proxy Statement, have been audited by Arthur Andersen as
indicated in its reports dated February 8, 1996 with respect thereto, and are
incorporated by reference herein in reliance upon the authority of said firm as
experts in accounting and auditing in giving said reports. Reference is made to
said reports, which include an explanatory paragraph with respect to the Ohio
Edison change in its method of accounting for unbilled revenues as discussed in
Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements.
     With respect to the unaudited interim consolidated financial information of
Ohio Edison for the quarters ended March 31, 1996 and 1995, June 30, 1996 and
1995, and September 30, 1996 and 1995, Arthur Andersen has applied limited
procedures in accordance with professional standards for reviews of that
information. However, their separate reports thereon state that they did not
audit and they do not express an opinion on that interim consolidated financial
information. Accordingly, the degree of reliance on their reports on that
information should be restricted in light of the limited nature of the review
procedures applied. In addition, the accountants are not subject to the
liability provisions of Section 11 of the Securities Act for their reports on
the unaudited interim consolidated financial information because those reports
are not "reports" or
"parts" of the Registration Statement prepared or certified by the accountants
within the meaning of Sections 7 and 11 of the Securities Act.
     The consolidated financial statements and related schedule included in
Centerior's Annual Report on Form 10-K, incorporated by reference in this Proxy
Statement, have been audited by Arthur Andersen as indicated in its report dated
February 21, 1996 with respect thereto, and are incorporated by reference herein
in reliance upon the authority of said firm as experts in accounting and
auditing in giving said report. Reference is made to said report, which includes
an explanatory paragraph that describes a change in the method of accounting for
postretirement benefits other than pensions in 1993, as discussed in Note 9 to
the consolidated financial statements.
                                 LEGAL MATTERS
     Anthony J. Alexander, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Ohio
Edison, will pass upon the legality of the shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock
issued in connection with the Merger.
     Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts is representing Ohio Edison in
connection with the Merger.
     Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P. is representing Centerior in connection
with the Merger.
     Ohio Edison and Centerior file annual, quarterly and special reports, proxy
statements and other information with the SEC. You may read and copy any
reports, statements or other information we file at the SEC's public reference
rooms in Washington, D.C., New York, New York and Chicago, Illinois. Please call
the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 for further information on the public reference rooms.
Our SEC filings are also available to the public from commercial document
retrieval services and at the web site maintained by the SEC at
     FirstEnergy has filed a Registration Statement with the SEC on Form S-4 to
register FirstEnergy Common Stock to be issued to Ohio Edison and Centerior
shareholders in the Merger. This Proxy Statement is a part of that Registration
Statement and constitutes a prospectus of FirstEnergy in addition to being a
Proxy Statement of Ohio Edison and Centerior for the Special Meetings. As
allowed by SEC rules, this Proxy Statement does not contain all the information
you can find in the Registration Statement or the exhibits to the Registration
     The SEC allows us to "incorporate by reference" information into this Proxy
Statement, which means that we can disclose important information to you by
referring you to another document filed separately with the SEC. The information
incorporated by reference is deemed to be part of this Proxy Statement, except
for any information superseded by information in this Proxy Statement. This
Proxy Statement incorporates by reference the documents set forth below that we
have previously filed with the SEC. These documents contain important
information about our companies and their finances.

          (FILE NO. 1-2578)                                PERIOD
    ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
    Annual Report on Form 10-K                Year ended December 31, 1995

    Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q            Quarters ended March 31, 1996, June 30, 1996
                                              and September 30, 1996

    Current Reports on Form 8-K               Dated June 27, 1996, September 17, 1996,
                                              November 25, 1996 and January 28, 1997


    CENTERIOR SEC FILINGS (FILE NO. 1-9130)                       PERIOD
    ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
    Annual Report on Form 10-K                Year ended December 31, 1995

    Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q            Quarters ended March 31, 1996, June 30, 1996
                                              and September 30, 1996

    Current Reports on Form 8-K               Dated April 11, 1996, June 25, 1996, August 21,
                                              1996, September 13, 1996 and January 28, 1997

     We are also incorporating by reference additional documents that we file
with the SEC between the date of this Proxy Statement and the dates of the
Special Meetings of our shareholders.
     Ohio Edison has supplied all information contained or incorporated by
reference in this Proxy Statement relating to Ohio Edison and Centerior has
supplied all such information relating to Centerior.
     If you are a shareholder, we may have sent you some of the documents
incorporated by reference, but you can obtain any of them through us or the SEC.
Documents incorporated by reference are available from us without charge,
excluding all exhibits unless we have specifically incorporated by reference an
exhibit in this Proxy Statement. Shareholders may obtain documents incorporated
by reference in this Proxy Statement by requesting them in writing or by
telephone from the appropriate party at the following addresses:

          Ohio Edison Company             Centerior Energy Corporation
          Investor Services               Share Owner Services
          76 South Main Street            6200 Oak Tree Boulevard
          Akron, Ohio 44308               Independence, Ohio 44131
          Tel: (800) 736-3402             Tel: (800) 433-7794

     If you would like to request documents from us, please do so by March 3,
1997 to receive them before the Special Meetings.
     For your convenience in reading this Proxy Statement, we have included this
Glossary of Defined Terms where you can find explanations of frequently used
                           GLOSSARY OF DEFINED TERMS

Arthur Andersen...........................  Arthur Andersen LLP, independent accountants for
                                            both Ohio Edison and Centerior.
Barr Devlin...............................  Barr Devlin & Co. Incorporated, financial
                                            advisors to Centerior.
CAPCO.....................................  Central Area Power Coordination Group, the
                                            members of which are Ohio Edison, Penn Power,
                                            Cleveland Electric, Toledo Edison and Duquesne.
Centerior Conversion Number...............  In the Merger, each outstanding share of
                                            Centerior Common Stock shall be converted into
                                            the right to receive 0.525 (525/1000) of a share
                                            of FirstEnergy Common Stock.
Centerior Merger..........................  The merger of Centerior with and into FirstEnergy
                                            (immediately after Centerior Acquisition Sub is
                                            merged with and into Centerior, with Centerior as
                                            the surviving corporation), with FirstEnergy as
                                            the surviving corporation.
Centerior Record Date.....................  The close of business on February 5, 1997.
Centerior Write-Down Assumption...........  Write-down of Centerior assets immediately upon
                                            consummation of the Merger, assumed by McDonald
                                            in its financial analysis.
Code......................................  The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
Deloitte & Touche.........................  Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group, a division of
                                            Deloitte & Touche LLP.
Dividend Ratio............................  A comparison of the market value of Ohio Edison
                                            Common Stock and Centerior Common Stock, stated
                                            in terms of relative dividends, as determined by
DOJ.......................................  The Antitrust Division of the United States
                                            Department of Justice.
DRP Agent.................................  The Agent for Centerior's Dividend Reinvestment
                                            and Stock Purchase Plan.
Duquesne..................................  Duquesne Light Company, a member of CAPCO.
EBIT......................................  Earnings before interest and taxes, used by
                                            McDonald and Barr Devlin in their financial
EBITDA....................................  Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
                                            amortization, used by McDonald and Barr Devlin in
                                            their financial analyses.
ECAR......................................  East Central Area Reliability Council.
EPS.......................................  Earnings per share.
Exchange Act..............................  The Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
FERC......................................  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
FTC.......................................  Federal Trade Commission.


GAAP......................................  Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
HSR Act...................................  The Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act
                                            of 1976, as amended.
LTM.......................................  The latest 12 months, used by McDonald in its
                                            financial analyses.
LTM Period................................  The latest 12-month period ended June 30, 1996,
                                            used by Barr Devlin in its financial analysis.
McDonald..................................  McDonald & Company Securities, Inc., financial
                                            advisor to Ohio Edison.
McKinsey..................................  McKinsey & Co., retained by Ohio Edison and
                                            Centerior to assist management in the performance
                                            of preliminary synergy analyses.
Merger....................................  Collectively, the mergers of (i) Centerior with
                                            and into FirstEnergy (immediately after the
                                            merger of Centerior Acquisition Sub with and into
                                            Centerior), and (ii) Ohio Edison Acquisition Sub
                                            with and into Ohio Edison, pursuant to the Merger
Morgan Stanley............................  Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, financial
                                            advisor to Ohio Edison and Centerior.
NRC.......................................  Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
NYSE......................................  New York Stock Exchange.
Ohio Edison Conversion Number.............  In the Merger, each outstanding share of Ohio
                                            Edison Common Stock shall be converted into the
                                            right to receive one share of FirstEnergy Common
Ohio Edison Record Date...................  The close of business on February 5, 1997.
Ohio Statute..............................  The Ohio Revised Code.
PPUC......................................  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.
Projection Period.........................  The period 1996 through 2005, as used by Barr
                                            Devlin in its financial analysis.
PUCO......................................  Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
Regulatory Plan...........................  The Regulatory Plan (to become effective only
                                            upon consummation of the Merger), which was
                                            approved by the PUCO on January 30, 1997, and
                                            which provides for Cleveland Electric and Toledo
                                            Edison: (i) a base rate freeze through 2005
                                            followed by an immediate $310 million base rate
                                            reduction; (ii) interim residential rate
                                            reductions of $3 per month beginning six months
                                            after the Merger, increasing to $4 per month on
                                            July 1, 2000, and to $5 per month from July 1,
                                            2001 through the year 2005; (iii) interim rate
                                            reductions for certain commercial customers; (iv)
                                            a $75 million economic development loan/lease
                                            program; (v) a $30 million energy efficiency
                                            program for residential customers; (vi) a $2
                                            billion aggregate reduction in assets through
                                            2005, resulting from amounts that will have been
                                            revalued, amortized and/or depreciated on an
                                            accelerated basis; and (vii) earnings caps, that
                                            would enable customers to share in any additional
                                            benefits from the Merger, limiting returns on
                                            common equity, for regulatory purposes, of


                                            Electric and Toledo Edison to 11.5% for calendar
                                            years from inception of the Regulatory Plan
                                            through 1999, 12.0% in 2000 and 2001 and 12.59%
                                            from 2002 through 2005.
SEC.......................................  Securities and Exchange Commission.
Securities Act............................  The Securities Act of 1933.
Service...................................  Centerior Service Company, a wholly owned
                                            subsidiary of Centerior.
SFAS 71...................................  Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 71,
                                            which provides, among other things, for the
                                            deferral of certain costs incurred by utilities
                                            that are probable of recovery in the future
                                            through rates, if certain criteria are met.
Task Force................................  A special transition management task force to be
                                            created by Ohio Edison and Centerior, headed by
                                            Willard R. Holland as Chairman and Robert J.
                                            Farling as Vice Chairman, with members consisting
                                            of representatives of Ohio Edison and Centerior
                                            as designated by Mr. Holland in consultation with
                                            Mr. Farling.
1935 Act..................................  The Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935.
1996 EPS..................................  Estimated 1996 earnings per share, obtained from
                                            First Call and used by McDonald in connection
                                            with its financial analysis.
1997 EPS..................................  Estimated 1997 earnings per share, obtained from
                                            First Call and used by McDonald in connection
                                            with its financial analysis.

                                                                      APPENDIX A
                                                                [CONFORMED COPY]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER
                              OHIO EDISON COMPANY
                          CENTERIOR ENERGY CORPORATION
                         DATED AS OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                   ARTICLE I

1.1     Organization of FirstEnergy......................................................   A-2
1.2     Directors and Officers of FirstEnergy............................................   A-2
        (a)   Prior to the Effective Time................................................   A-2
        (b)   As of the Effective Time...................................................   A-2
1.3     Organization of Merger Companies.................................................   A-2

                                   ARTICLE II
                                   THE MERGER

2.1     Closing..........................................................................   A-2
2.2     Effective Time of the Merger.....................................................   A-2
2.3     Effects of the Merger............................................................   A-2
2.4     Directors and Officers of the Surviving Corporation..............................   A-3

                                  ARTICLE III

3.1     Manner of Converting Shares......................................................   A-3
        (a)   Capital Stock of Merger Companies..........................................   A-3
        (b)   Capital Stock of Centerior and Ohio Edison.................................   A-3
        (c)   Capital Stock of Centerior.................................................   A-3
        (d)   Stock Options of Centerior.................................................   A-4
        (e)   Cancellation of Treasury Stock and Certain Ohio Edison and
              Centerior Common Stock.....................................................   A-4
        (f)   Adjustment Upon Changes in Capitalization..................................   A-4
        (g)   Shares of Dissenting Holders...............................................   A-5
        (h)   Capital Stock of FirstEnergy...............................................   A-5
3.2     Exchange of Certificates.........................................................   A-5
        (a)   Exchange Agent.............................................................   A-5
        (b)   Exchange Procedures........................................................   A-5
        (c)   Distributions with Respect to Unexchanged Shares...........................   A-6
        (d)   No Further Ownership Rights in Centerior and Ohio Edison Common Stock......   A-6
        (e)   No Fractional Shares.......................................................   A-6
        (f)   Application of Exchange Fund...............................................   A-7
        (g)   No Liability...............................................................   A-7

                                   ARTICLE IV

4.1     Organization, Standing and Power.................................................   A-7
4.2     Capital Structure................................................................   A-8
4.3     Corporate Authority..............................................................   A-8
4.4     No Violation.....................................................................   A-8
4.5     Consents and Approvals...........................................................   A-9
4.6     Centerior SEC Documents..........................................................  A-10


4.7     No Undisclosed Liabilities.......................................................  A-10
4.8     Information Supplied.............................................................  A-10
4.9     Compliance with Applicable Laws..................................................  A-11
4.10    Litigation.......................................................................  A-11
4.11    Taxes............................................................................  A-11
4.12    Employee Matters.................................................................  A-12
4.13    Absence of Certain Changes or Events.............................................  A-14
4.14    Opinion of Centerior Financial Advisor...........................................  A-14
4.15    Vote Required....................................................................  A-14
4.16    Accounting Matters...............................................................  A-14
4.17    No Change in Capital Structure...................................................  A-14
4.18    Ownership of Ohio Edison Stock...................................................  A-14
4.19    Centerior Subsidiaries...........................................................  A-14
4.20    Environmental Protection.........................................................  A-15
        (a)   Compliance.................................................................  A-15
        (b)   Environmental Permits......................................................  A-15
        (c)   Environmental Claims.......................................................  A-16
        (d)   Releases...................................................................  A-16
        (e)   Predecessors...............................................................  A-16
        (f)   Disclosure.................................................................  A-16
4.21    Regulation as a Utility..........................................................  A-17
4.22    Insurance........................................................................  A-17

                                   ARTICLE V

5.1     Organization, Standing and Power.................................................  A-18
5.2     Capital Structure................................................................  A-18
5.3     Corporate Authority..............................................................  A-19
5.4     No Violation.....................................................................  A-19
5.5     Consents and Approvals...........................................................  A-19
5.6     Ohio Edison SEC Documents........................................................  A-20
5.7     No Undisclosed Liabilities.......................................................  A-20
5.8     Information Supplied.............................................................  A-20
5.9     Compliance with Applicable Laws..................................................  A-21
5.10    Litigation.......................................................................  A-21
5.11    Taxes............................................................................  A-21
5.12    Employee Matters.................................................................  A-22
5.13    Absence of Certain Changes or Events.............................................  A-24
5.14    Opinion of Ohio Edison Financial Advisor.........................................  A-24
5.15    Vote Required....................................................................  A-24
5.16    Accounting Matters...............................................................  A-24
5.17    No Change in Capital Structure...................................................  A-24
5.18    Ownership of Centerior Stock.....................................................  A-24
5.19    Ohio Edison Subsidiaries.........................................................  A-24
5.20    Environmental Protection.........................................................  A-25
        (a)   Compliance.................................................................  A-25
        (b)   Environmental Permits......................................................  A-25
        (c)   Environmental Claims.......................................................  A-25
        (d)   Releases...................................................................  A-25
        (e)   Predecessors...............................................................  A-26
        (f)   Disclosure.................................................................  A-26


5.21    Regulation as a Utility..........................................................  A-26
5.22    Insurance........................................................................  A-26

                                   ARTICLE VI

6.1     Ordinary Course..................................................................  A-26
6.2     Dividends; Changes in Stock......................................................  A-27
6.3     Issuance of Securities...........................................................  A-28
6.4     Constituent Documents............................................................  A-28
6.5     No Solicitations.................................................................  A-28
6.6     Acquisitions.....................................................................  A-29
6.7     Dispositions.....................................................................  A-29
6.8     Indebtedness.....................................................................  A-29
6.9     No Actions.......................................................................  A-29
6.10    Cooperation, Notification........................................................  A-29
6.11    Rights Agreements................................................................  A-30
6.12    Collective Bargaining Agreements.................................................  A-30
6.13    Employee Benefit Covenant........................................................  A-30
6.14    Tax Covenant.....................................................................  A-31
6.15    Capital Expenditures.............................................................  A-31
6.16    Transmission, Generation.........................................................  A-31
6.17    Modifications to Facilities......................................................  A-31
6.18    Accounting.......................................................................  A-31
6.19    Tax-Free Status..................................................................  A-31
6.20    Affiliate Transactions...........................................................  A-31
6.21    Rate Matters.....................................................................  A-31
6.22    Third-Party Consents.............................................................  A-32
6.23    Tax-Exempt Status................................................................  A-32
6.24    FirstEnergy Actions..............................................................  A-32

                                  ARTICLE VII
                             ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS

7.1     Preparation of S-4 and the Joint Proxy Statement.................................  A-32
7.2     Letters of Centerior's Accountants...............................................  A-32
7.3     Letters of Ohio Edison's Accountants.............................................  A-32
7.4     Access to Information............................................................  A-33
7.5     Shareholder Approvals............................................................  A-33
7.6     Satisfaction of Conditions to the Merger.........................................  A-33
7.7     Rule 145 Affiliates..............................................................  A-34
7.8     Stock Exchange Listing...........................................................  A-34
7.9     Employee Benefit Plans...........................................................  A-34
7.10    Expenses.........................................................................  A-34
7.11    Brokers or Finders...............................................................  A-35
7.12    FirstEnergy Board of Directors and Officers......................................  A-35
7.13    Indemnification; Directors' and Officers' Insurance..............................  A-35


7.14    Further Assurances...............................................................  A-37
7.15    Tax Treatment....................................................................  A-38
7.16    Accounting Treatment.............................................................  A-38
7.17    Disclosure Schedules.............................................................  A-38
7.18    Public Announcements.............................................................  A-38
7.19    Employee Agreements..............................................................  A-38
7.20    Transition Management............................................................  A-39

                                  ARTICLE VIII
                              CONDITIONS PRECEDENT

8.1     Conditions to Each Party's Obligation To Effect the Merger.......................  A-39
        (a)   Shareholder Approvals......................................................  A-39
        (b)   NYSE Listing...............................................................  A-39
        (c)   Regulatory Approvals.......................................................  A-39
        (d)   S-4 Effective..............................................................  A-40
        (e)   No Injunctions or Restraints...............................................  A-40
        (f)   Letter from Rule 145 Affiliates............................................  A-40
        (g)   Regulatory Order...........................................................  A-40
        (h)   Dissenters' Rights.........................................................  A-40
8.2     Conditions to Obligations of Ohio Edison.........................................  A-40
        (a)   Representations and Warranties.............................................  A-40
        (b)   Performance of Obligations of Centerior....................................  A-41
        (c)   Tax Opinion................................................................  A-41
        (d)   No Amendments to Resolutions...............................................  A-41
        (e)   Rights Agreement...........................................................  A-41
        (f)   Consents Under Agreements..................................................  A-41
        (g)   Centerior Material Adverse Effect..........................................  A-41
        (h)   Ohio Edison Fairness Opinion...............................................  A-41
8.3     Conditions to Obligations of Centerior...........................................  A-41
        (a)   Representations and Warranties.............................................  A-41
        (b)   Performance of Obligations of Ohio Edison..................................  A-42
        (c)   Tax Opinion................................................................  A-42
        (d)   No Amendments to Resolutions...............................................  A-42
        (e)   Rights Agreement...........................................................  A-42
        (f)   Consents Under Agreements..................................................  A-42
        (g)   Ohio Edison Material Adverse Effect........................................  A-42
        (h)   Centerior Fairness Opinion.................................................  A-42

                                   ARTICLE IX
                           TERMINATION AND AMENDMENT

9.1     Termination......................................................................  A-43
9.2     Effect of Termination............................................................  A-44
9.3     Amendment........................................................................  A-44
9.4     Extension; Waiver................................................................  A-44
9.5     Termination Fee; Expenses........................................................  A-44
        (a)   Termination Fee Upon Breach................................................  A-44
        (b)   Additional Termination Fee.................................................  A-44
        (c)   Rights; Expenses...........................................................  A-45

                                   ARTICLE X
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

10.1    Nonsurvival of Representations and Warranties....................................  A-45
10.2    Further Assurances...............................................................  A-45
10.3    Notices..........................................................................  A-46
10.4    Interpretation...................................................................  A-46
10.5    Descriptive Headings.............................................................  A-47
10.6    Counterparts.....................................................................  A-47
10.7    Entire Agreement.................................................................  A-47
10.8    No Third Party Beneficiaries.....................................................  A-47
10.9    Governing Law....................................................................  A-47
10.10   Severability.....................................................................  A-47
10.11   Publicity........................................................................  A-47
10.12   Binding Effect...................................................................  A-47
10.13   Assignment.......................................................................  A-47
10.14   Amendments; Waiver...............................................................  A-47
Exhibit A    Form of Ohio Edison Merger Agreement
Exhibit B    Form of Centerior Merger Agreement
Exhibit C    Form of initial Articles of Incorporation of FirstEnergy
Exhibit D    Form of Regulations of FirstEnergy
Exhibit E    Officers of FirstEnergy Corp.
Exhibit F    Form of amended Articles of Incorporation of FirstEnergy
Exhibit G    Form of amended Regulations of FirstEnergy
Exhibit H    Form of amendment to Ohio Edison Rights Agreement
Exhibit I    Form of Letter Identifying Rule 145 Affiliates
Exhibit J    Form of Affiliate Agreement with Form of Rule 145 Compliance Letter attached
             thereto as Annex A

                                 DEFINED TERMS

AEA.....................................................................................  9
Agreement...............................................................................  1
Blue-Sky Filings........................................................................  9
Blue-Sky Laws...........................................................................  9
Business Combination....................................................................  45
Centerior...............................................................................  1
Centerior 1995 Financials...............................................................  14
Centerior Acquisition Corp..............................................................  1
Centerior Acquisition Corp. Common Stock................................................  3
Centerior Advisors......................................................................  14
Centerior Certificates..................................................................  5
Centerior Common Stock..................................................................  1
Centerior Controlled Group Plans........................................................  12
Centerior Disclosure Schedule...........................................................  8
Centerior Fairness Advisor..............................................................  14
Centerior Conversion Number.............................................................  3
Centerior Indemnified Liabilities.......................................................  36
Centerior Indemnified Parties...........................................................  35
Centerior Indemnifying Party............................................................  35
Centerior Material Adverse Effect.......................................................  7
Centerior Merger........................................................................  1
Centerior Merger Agreement..............................................................  1
Centerior Option........................................................................  4
Centerior Permits.......................................................................  11
Centerior Preferred.....................................................................  8
Centerior Right.........................................................................  1
Centerior Rights Agreement..............................................................  1
Centerior SEC Documents.................................................................  10
Centerior Stock Plans...................................................................  8
Centerior Subs Preferred................................................................  14
Certificate of Merger...................................................................  2
Closing.................................................................................  2
Closing Date............................................................................  2
Code....................................................................................  1
Confidentiality Agreement...............................................................  33
Conversion Number.......................................................................  3
Disclosure Schedules....................................................................  38
Dissenting Holder.......................................................................  5
DOJ.....................................................................................  9
DRP Agent...............................................................................  5
Effective Time..........................................................................  2
Environmental Claim.....................................................................  16
Environmental Laws......................................................................  17
Environmental Permits...................................................................  15
ERISA...................................................................................  12
Exchange Act............................................................................  9
Exchange Agent..........................................................................  5
Exchange Fund...........................................................................  5
FERC....................................................................................  9
FERC Approvals..........................................................................  9
Final Order.............................................................................  40


FirstEnergy.............................................................................  1
FirstEnergy Common Stock................................................................  1
FirstEnergy Merger......................................................................  1
FirstEnergy Option......................................................................  4
FPA.....................................................................................  9
FTC.....................................................................................  9
GAAP....................................................................................  1
Governmental Entity.....................................................................  9
Hazardous Materials.....................................................................  17
HSR Act.................................................................................  9
Injunction..............................................................................  40
IRS.....................................................................................  12
Joint Proxy Statement...................................................................  9
Joint venture...........................................................................  15
Local Approvals.........................................................................  9
Merger..................................................................................  1
NRC.....................................................................................  9
NRC Approvals...........................................................................  9
Ohio Edison.............................................................................  1
Ohio Edison Acquisition Corp............................................................  1
Ohio Edison Acquisition Corp. Common Stock..............................................  3
Ohio Edison Advisors....................................................................  24
Ohio Edison Certificates................................................................  5
Ohio Edison Class A Preferred...........................................................  18
Ohio Edison Common Stock................................................................  1
Ohio Edison Controlled Group Plans......................................................  22
Ohio Edison Conversion Number...........................................................  3
Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule.........................................................  19
Ohio Edison Fairness Advisor............................................................  24
Ohio Edison Indemnified Liabilities.....................................................  37
Ohio Edison Indemnified Parties.........................................................  36
Ohio Edison Indemnifying Party..........................................................  36
Ohio Edison Material Adverse Effect.....................................................  18
Ohio Edison Merger......................................................................  1
Ohio Edison Merger Agreement............................................................  1
Ohio Edison Permits.....................................................................  21
Ohio Edison Preference..................................................................  18
Ohio Edison Preferred...................................................................  18
Ohio Edison Right.......................................................................  1
Ohio Edison Rights Agreement............................................................  1
Ohio Edison SEC Documents...............................................................  20
Ohio Edison Subs Preferred..............................................................  24
Ohio Edison 1995 Financials.............................................................  24
Ohio GCL................................................................................  3
Payment Date............................................................................  28
PCBs....................................................................................  17
PUHCA...................................................................................  9
Release.................................................................................  17
S-4.....................................................................................  9
SEC.....................................................................................  1
SEC PUHCA Order.........................................................................  9
Securities Act..........................................................................  10
Services................................................................................  30


Significant Subsidiary..................................................................  7
State Takeover Approvals................................................................  9
Subsidiary..............................................................................  4
Takeover Proposal.......................................................................  28
Target Party............................................................................  45
Task Force..............................................................................  39
Tax.....................................................................................  12
Taxable.................................................................................  12
Taxes...................................................................................  12
Taxing..................................................................................  12
Unrecorded Transfer.....................................................................  6
Violation...............................................................................  8
Voting Debt.............................................................................  8

     AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER dated as of September 13, 1996 (the
"Agreement"), between OHIO EDISON COMPANY, an Ohio corporation with its
principal executive offices in Akron, Ohio ("Ohio Edison"), and CENTERIOR
ENERGY CORPORATION, an Ohio corporation with its principal executive offices in
Independence, Ohio ("Centerior").
     WHEREAS, the respective Boards of Directors of Ohio Edison and Centerior
deem it advisable and in the best interests of their respective shareholders to
consummate, and have approved, the business combination transactions provided
for herein in which
          (i) Ohio Edison and Centerior will form an Ohio holding company,
     FirstEnergy Corp. ("FirstEnergy"),
          (ii) (A) FirstEnergy will form two subsidiaries, one of which ("Ohio
     Edison Acquisition Corp.") will merge with and into Ohio Edison with Ohio
     Edison continuing as the surviving corporation (the "Ohio Edison Merger")
     pursuant to the Ohio Edison Merger Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A
     (the "Ohio Edison Merger Agreement"), and the other of which ("Centerior
     Acquisition Corp.") will merge with and into Centerior with Centerior
     continuing as the surviving corporation (the "Centerior Merger") pursuant
     to the Centerior Merger Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit B (the
     "Centerior Merger Agreement"), and
              (B) whereby
                  (I)  each issued and outstanding share of common stock, par
        value $9 per share, of Ohio Edison ("Ohio Edison Common Stock"), and
        any associated right (an "Ohio Edison Right") that may be issued
        pursuant to the Rights Agreement, dated as of October 16, 1990, between
        Ohio Edison and Citibank, N.A., as Rights Agent (the "Ohio Edison Rights
        Agreement"), and
                  (II)  each issued and outstanding share of common stock,
        without par value, of Centerior ("Centerior Common Stock"), and any
        associated right (a "Centerior Right") that may be issued pursuant to
        the Shareholder Rights Agreement, dated as of June 25, 1996, between
        Centerior and KeyBank National Association, as Rights Agent (the
        "Centerior Rights Agreement"),
     in each case not owned directly or through a wholly-owned Subsidiary by
     Ohio Edison or Centerior, will be converted into the right to receive
     common stock, par value $0.10 per share, of FirstEnergy ("FirstEnergy
     Common Stock"),
          (iii) immediately after the Centerior Merger, Centerior will merge
     with and into FirstEnergy with FirstEnergy continuing as the surviving
     corporation (the "FirstEnergy Merger"; the Ohio Edison Merger, the
     Centerior Merger and the FirstEnergy Merger together being referred to
     herein as the "Merger"), and
          (iv) as a result of the Merger, the respective common shareholders of
     Ohio Edison and Centerior will own all of the outstanding shares of
     FirstEnergy Common Stock and each share of any other class of capital stock
     of Ohio Edison and its Subsidiaries and of the Subsidiaries of Centerior
     will be unaffected by the Merger and will remain outstanding;
     WHEREAS, for Federal income tax purposes, it is intended that the Merger
qualify, as to Ohio Edison, as a tax-free transfer within the meaning of Section
351(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and, as
to Centerior, as a tax-free reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(a)
of the Code;
     WHEREAS, for accounting purposes, it is intended that the Merger will be
accounted for on a purchase accounting basis in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis ("GAAP") and
applicable regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC");
     WHEREAS, Centerior and Ohio Edison desire to make certain representations,
warranties and agreements in connection with the Merger and also to prescribe
various conditions to the Merger;
     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the respective
representations, warranties, covenants and agreements set forth in this
Agreement, the parties agree as follows:
                                   ARTICLE I
     1.1  Organization of FirstEnergy.  As promptly as practicable following the
execution of this Agreement, Ohio Edison and Centerior shall cause FirstEnergy
to be organized under the laws of the State of Ohio. The initial Articles of
Incorporation and Regulations of FirstEnergy shall be in the forms attached
hereto as Exhibits C and D, respectively. The authorized capital stock of
FirstEnergy shall consist initially of 100 shares of common stock, par value
$0.10 per share, of which 50 shares will be issued to Ohio Edison and 50 shares
will be issued to Centerior.
     1.2  Directors and Officers of FirstEnergy.
          (a)  Prior to the Effective Time.  Upon formation of FirstEnergy, Ohio
     Edison and Centerior shall cause one individual selected by each company to
     be elected as directors of FirstEnergy and the individuals designated on
     Exhibit E hereto to be elected as the officers of FirstEnergy, holding the
     position(s) designated on Exhibit E. Each such officer and director (or any
     replacement officer or director designated as set forth above) shall remain
     in office until his successor is elected.
          (b)  As of the Effective Time.  As of the Effective Time, the parties
     hereto agree that the Board of Directors and officers of FirstEnergy shall
     be designated as provided in Section 7.12 of this Agreement.
     1.3  Organization of Merger Companies.  As promptly as practicable after
the formation of FirstEnergy, the parties shall cause FirstEnergy to cause Ohio
Edison Acquisition Corp. and Centerior Acquisition Corp. to be organized under
the laws of the State of Ohio. The Articles of Incorporation and Regulations of
Ohio Edison Acquisition Corp. and Centerior Acquisition Corp. shall be in such
form as shall be determined by FirstEnergy. Upon formation of each company,
FirstEnergy shall designate the Boards of Directors and officers of each of Ohio
Edison Acquisition Corp. and Centerior Acquisition Corp.
                                   ARTICLE II
                                   THE MERGER
     2.1  Closing.  The closing of the Merger (the "Closing") will take place
at 10:00 a.m., on a date to be specified by the parties, which shall be no later
than the second business day following the date on which the last of the closing
conditions set forth in Article VIII has been met or waived, at the offices of
Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, 4900 Key Tower, 127 Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio,
unless another date or place is agreed to in writing by the parties hereto (the
"Closing Date").
     2.2  Effective Time of the Merger.  Subject to the provisions of this
Agreement, certificates of merger shall be duly prepared, executed and
acknowledged by an appropriate officer of each of the corporations involved in
the Merger (the "Certificates of Merger") and thereafter delivered on the
Closing Date to the Secretary of State of the State of Ohio for filing, as
provided by Ohio law, as soon as practicable on or after the Closing Date. The
Merger shall become effective upon the filing of the Certificates of Merger with
the Secretary of State of the State of Ohio or at such time thereafter as is
provided in the Certificates of Merger (the "Effective Time").
     2.3  Effects of the Merger.  At the Effective Time, and subject to such
changes as Ohio Edison and Centerior shall agree to be necessary to secure
required regulatory approvals,
          (a) the separate existence of Ohio Edison Acquisition Corp. shall
     cease and Ohio Edison Acquisition Corp. shall be merged with and into Ohio
     Edison with Ohio Edison continuing as the surviving corporation,
          (b) the separate existence of Centerior Acquisition Corp. shall cease
     and Centerior Acquisition Corp. shall be merged with and into Centerior
     with Centerior continuing as the surviving corporation,
          (c) the separate existence of Centerior shall cease and Centerior
     shall be merged with and into FirstEnergy with FirstEnergy continuing as
     the surviving corporation,
          (d) the Merger shall have all the effects of applicable law,
     including, without limitation, Section 1701.82 of the Ohio General
     Corporation Law (the "Ohio GCL"), and
          (e) the Articles of Incorporation and Regulations of FirstEnergy shall
     be amended and restated in their entirety in the form attached hereto as
     Exhibits F and G, respectively.
     2.4  Directors and Officers of the Surviving Corporation.  As of the
Effective Time, the directors and officers of the respective surviving
corporations of the Merger shall be designated as provided in Section 7.12 of
this Agreement.
                                  ARTICLE III
     3.1  Manner of Converting Shares.  As of the Effective Time, by virtue of
the Merger and without any action on the part of the holder of any shares of
capital stock of the corporations involved:
          (a) Capital Stock of Merger Companies.  The shares of common stock of
     Ohio Edison Acquisition Corp, par value $0.10 per share ("Ohio Edison
     Acquisition Corp. Common Stock"), which are issued and outstanding
     immediately prior to the Effective Time, shall be converted into and become
     shares of Ohio Edison Common Stock at a rate of one (1) share of Ohio
     Edison Common Stock for each share of Ohio Edison Acquisition Corp. Common
     Stock, and the shares of common stock of Centerior Acquisition Corp., par
     value $0.10 per share (the "Centerior Acquisition Corp. Common Stock"),
     which are issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time,
     shall be converted into and become shares of Centerior Common Stock at a
     rate of one (1) share of Centerior Common Stock for each share of Centerior
     Acquisition Corp. Common Stock.
          (b) Capital Stock of Centerior and Ohio Edison.
             (i) Subject to Section 3.1(e), (f) and (g), each share of Centerior
        Common Stock issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective
        Time, including any Centerior Right, and each share of Ohio Edison
        Common Stock issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective
        Time, including any Ohio Edison Right, shall be converted into and
        become a right to receive fully paid and nonassessable shares of
        FirstEnergy Common Stock at the rate of 0.525 (525/1000) share of
        FirstEnergy Common Stock for each share of Centerior Common Stock (the
        "Centerior Conversion Number") and at the rate of one share of
        FirstEnergy Common Stock for each share of Ohio Edison Common Stock (the
        "Ohio Edison Conversion Number" and each, a "Conversion Number").
             (ii) All shares of Centerior and Ohio Edison Common Stock referred
        to in Section 3.1(b)(i) and so converted shall no longer be outstanding
        and shall automatically be canceled and retired and shall cease to
        exist, and, except as provided under Section 1701.85 of the Ohio GCL,
        each holder of a certificate representing any such shares shall cease to
        have any rights with respect to such certificate, except the right to
        receive certificates for shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock to be issued
        in consideration therefor upon the surrender of such certificate in
        accordance with Section 3.2, without interest.
          (c) Capital Stock of Centerior.  The shares of Centerior Common Stock
     which are issued and outstanding immediately prior to the FirstEnergy
     Merger shall be canceled and retired and shall cease to exist.
          (d) Stock Options of Centerior.
             (i) Each unexpired and unexercised option to purchase Centerior
        Common Stock (each, a "Centerior Option") under Centerior's Equity
        Compensation Plan shall be deemed to be automatically converted into an
        option (a "FirstEnergy Option") to purchase a number of shares of
        FirstEnergy Common Stock equal to the number of shares of Centerior
        Common Stock that could have been purchased under the Centerior Option
        multiplied by the Centerior Conversion Number (with the resulting number
        of shares rounded up or down to the nearest whole share), at an exercise
        price per share of FirstEnergy Common Stock equal to the option exercise
        price of the Centerior Option determined pursuant to the Centerior
        Option divided by the Centerior Conversion Number (with the resulting
        exercise price rounded up or down to the nearest whole cent).
             (ii) Each such FirstEnergy Option shall otherwise be subject to the
        same terms and conditions as the Centerior Option.
             (iii) The date of grant of the substituted FirstEnergy Option shall
        be the date on which the corresponding Centerior Option was granted.
             (iv) At the Effective Time, the parties shall cause FirstEnergy to
                (A) assume all of Centerior's obligations with respect to all
           Centerior Options as contemplated by this Section 3.1(d),
                (B) reserve for issuance the number of shares of FirstEnergy
           Common Stock that will become subject to FirstEnergy Options pursuant
           to this Section 3.1(d),
                (C) from and after the Effective Time, upon exercise of the
           FirstEnergy Options in accordance with the terms thereof, make
           available for issuance all shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock covered
           thereby, and
                (D) as soon as practicable after the Effective Time, issue to
           each holder of an outstanding Centerior Option a document evidencing
           the foregoing assumption by FirstEnergy.
          (e) Cancellation of Treasury Stock and Certain Ohio Edison and
     Centerior Common Stock.
             (i) Any shares of Centerior or Ohio Edison Common Stock that are
        owned immediately prior to the Effective Time by any of the parties
        hereto or by any other wholly-owned Subsidiary of Centerior or Ohio
        Edison, including any such common stock which constitutes treasury stock
        in the hands of the holder thereof, shall be canceled and retired and
        shall cease to exist, and no FirstEnergy Common Stock or other
        consideration shall be issued or delivered in exchange therefor, and
        each holder of a certificate representing any such shares shall cease to
        have any rights with respect thereto.
             (ii) As used in this Agreement, a "Subsidiary" of a person means
        any corporation or other organization, whether incorporated or
        unincorporated, of which such person or any other Subsidiary of such
        person is a general partner (excluding partnerships, the general
        partnership interests of which held by such person or any Subsidiary of
        such person do not have a majority of the voting interests in such
        partnership) or directly or indirectly owns or controls at least a
        majority of the securities or other interests having by their terms
        ordinary voting power to elect a majority of the Board of Directors or
        others performing similar functions with respect to such corporation or
        other organization.
          (f) Adjustment Upon Changes in Capitalization.  In the event of any
     change in Centerior or Ohio Edison Common Stock by reason of stock
     dividends, splitups, mergers (other than the Merger), recapitalizations,
     combinations, exchange of shares or the like, the type and number of shares
     or securities to be issued upon conversion of the Centerior or Ohio Edison
     Common Stock, as the case may be, and the applicable Conversion Number
     provided in Section 3.1(b), shall be adjusted appropriately.
          (g) Shares of Dissenting Holders. Any issued and outstanding shares of
     Centerior or Ohio Edison Common Stock held by a person who objects to the
     applicable Merger and complies with all provisions of applicable law
     concerning the right of such person to dissent from such Merger and demand
     appraisal of such shares (a "Dissenting Holder") shall not be converted
     into a right to receive FirstEnergy Common Stock as set forth in Section
     3.1(b) but shall from and after the Effective Time represent only the right
     to receive such consideration as may be determined to be due to such
     Dissenting Holder pursuant to such applicable laws, Articles of
     Incorporation or Regulations; provided, however, that shares of Centerior
     or Ohio Edison Common Stock outstanding immediately prior to the Effective
     Time and held by a Dissenting Holder who shall, after such Effective Time,
     withdraw the demand for appraisal or lose the right of appraisal, in either
     case pursuant to such applicable law, of such shares, shall be deemed to be
     converted, as of the Effective Time, into the right to receive the shares
     of FirstEnergy Common Stock specified in Section 3.1(b), without interest.
          (h) Capital Stock of FirstEnergy.  The shares of FirstEnergy Common
     Stock which are issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective
     Time shall be canceled and retired and shall cease to exist.
     3.2  Exchange of Certificates.
          (a) Exchange Agent.  As of the Effective Time, FirstEnergy shall have
     deposited with such bank or trust company designated by Ohio Edison, with
     the approval of Centerior which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld
     (the "Exchange Agent"), for the benefit of the holders of shares of
     Centerior or Ohio Edison Common Stock, as the case may be, for exchange in
     accordance with this Article III, through the Exchange Agent, certificates
     representing the shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock (such shares of
     FirstEnergy Common Stock and monies for payment in lieu of fractional
     shares as hereinafter provided being hereinafter referred to as the
     "Exchange Fund") issuable pursuant to Section 3.1 in exchange for
     outstanding shares of Centerior and Ohio Edison Common Stock.
          (b) Exchange Procedures.
             (i) As soon as reasonably practicable after the Merger, the
        Exchange Agent shall mail to each holder of record of a certificate or
        certificates which immediately prior to the Effective Time represented
        outstanding shares of Centerior Common Stock (the "Centerior
        Certificates") or Ohio Edison Common Stock (the "Ohio Edison
        Certificates") whose shares were converted into the right to receive
        shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock pursuant to Section 3.1(b),
                (A) a letter of transmittal (which shall specify that delivery
           shall be effected, and risk of loss and title to the Centerior
           Certificates or Ohio Edison Certificates, as the case may be, shall
           pass, only upon delivery of the Centerior Certificates or Ohio Edison
           Certificates, as the case may be, to the Exchange Agent and shall be
           in such form and have such other provisions as FirstEnergy may
           reasonably specify) and
                (B) instructions for use in effecting the surrender of the
           Centerior Certificates or Ohio Edison Certificates, as the case may
           be, in exchange for certificates representing shares of FirstEnergy
           Common Stock.
             (ii) Upon surrender of a Centerior Certificate or an Ohio Edison
        Certificate, as the case may be, for cancellation to the Exchange Agent
        or to such other agent or agents as may be appointed by FirstEnergy,
        together with such letter of transmittal, duly executed, the holder of
        such Centerior Certificate or Ohio Edison Certificate, as the case may
        be, shall be entitled to receive in exchange therefor a certificate
        representing that number of whole shares (except in the case of the
        agent for Centerior's Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan (the
        "DRP Agent"), which shall be entitled to whole and fractional shares)
        of FirstEnergy Common Stock (including the right to receive cash in lieu
        of fractional shares as contemplated in Section 3.2(e)) which such
        holder has the right to receive pursuant to the provisions of this
        Article III, and the Centerior Certificate or Ohio Edison Certificate,
        as the case may be, so surrendered shall forthwith be canceled.
             (iii) In the event of a transfer of ownership of Centerior Common
        Stock or Ohio Edison Common Stock which is not registered in the
        transfer records of Centerior or Ohio Edison, as the case may be (an
        "Unrecorded Transfer"), a certificate representing the proper number of
        shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock (including the right to receive cash
        in lieu of fractional shares as contemplated in Section 3.2(e)) may be
        issued to a transferee of an Unrecorded Transfer if the Centerior
        Certificate or Ohio Edison Certificate, as the case may be, representing
        such Centerior Common Stock or Ohio Edison Common Stock is presented to
        the Exchange Agent, accompanied by all documents required to evidence
        and effect the Unrecorded Transfer and by evidence that any applicable
        stock transfer taxes have been paid.
             (iv) Until surrendered as contemplated by this Section 3.2, each
        Centerior Certificate and Ohio Edison Certificate, as the case may be,
        shall be deemed at any time after the Effective Time to represent the
        number of whole (and, in the case of the DRP Agent, fractional) shares
        of FirstEnergy Common Stock which the holder of record thereof has the
        right to receive upon such surrender. Cash in lieu of any fractional
        shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock as contemplated by this Section 3.2
        shall only be paid upon such surrender and shall be paid without
        interest or any other accretion.
          (c) Distributions with Respect to Unexchanged Shares.
             (i) Dividends or other distributions declared or made after the
        Effective Time with respect to FirstEnergy Common Stock with a record
        date after the Effective Time shall be paid to the holder of any
        unsurrendered Centerior Certificate or Ohio Edison Certificate, as the
        case may be, with respect to the whole (and, in the case of the DRP
        Agent, fractional) shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock represented
             (ii) Subject to the effect of applicable laws, following surrender
        of any such Centerior Certificate or Ohio Edison Certificate, as the
        case may be, there shall be paid to the record holder of the
        certificates representing whole shares of FirstEnergy Common stock
        issued in exchange therefor, without interest, at the time of such
        surrender, the amount of any cash payable in lieu of a fractional share
        of FirstEnergy Common Stock to which such holder is entitled pursuant to
        Section 3.2(e).
          (d) No Further Ownership Rights in Centerior and Ohio Edison Common
             (i) All shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock issued in the Merger
        upon conversion of shares of Centerior and Ohio Edison Common Stock in
        accordance with the terms hereof (including any cash paid in lieu of
        fractional shares pursuant to Section 3.2(e)) shall be deemed to have
        been issued in full satisfaction of all rights pertaining to such shares
        of Centerior and Ohio Edison Common Stock, subject, however, to the
        obligation of FirstEnergy to pay any dividends or make any other
        distributions with a record date prior to the Effective Time which may
        have been declared or made by Centerior on such shares of Centerior
        Common Stock or by Ohio Edison on such shares of Ohio Edison Common
        Stock in accordance with the terms of this Agreement or prior to the
        date hereof and which remain unpaid at the Effective Time, and there
        shall be no further registration of transfers on the stock transfer
        books of Centerior or Ohio Edison, as the case may be, of the shares of
        Centerior Common Stock or Ohio Edison Common Stock which were
        outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time.
             (ii) If, after the Effective Time, Centerior Certificates or Ohio
        Edison Certificates are presented to FirstEnergy for any reason, they
        shall be canceled and exchanged as provided in this Article III.
          (e) No Fractional Shares.
             (i) Except with respect to the DRP Agent, no certificates or scrip
        representing fractional shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock shall be
        issued upon the surrender for exchange of Centerior or Ohio Edison
        Certificates, and such fractional share interests will not entitle the
        owner thereof to vote or to any rights of a shareholder of FirstEnergy.
             (ii) To the extent a holder of Centerior Common Stock or Ohio
        Edison Common Stock would otherwise have been entitled to receive a
        fractional share of FirstEnergy Common Stock, such holder shall be
        entitled to receive payment in cash therefor, without interest, in an
        amount equal to such fraction multiplied by the closing price of
        FirstEnergy Common Stock on the New York Stock Exchange on the date of
        the Effective Time or, if such stock does not trade on such exchange on
        that date, on the first day after the date of the Effective Time that
        such stock trades on such exchange. Payments in lieu of fractional
        shares pursuant to this Section 3.2(e) are merely intended to provide a
        mechanism for "rounding off" fractional shares and do not constitute
        separately bargained for consideration.
             (iii) As soon as practicable after the determination of the amount
        of cash, if any, to be paid to holders of Centerior and Ohio Edison
        Common Stock in lieu of any fractional share interests, the Exchange
        Agent shall make available such amounts to such holders of Centerior and
        Ohio Edison Common Stock.
          (f) Application of Exchange Fund.  Any certificates for shares of
     FirstEnergy Common Stock and any monies for payment in lieu of fractional
     shares in the Exchange Fund which remain undistributed to the holders of
     Centerior and Ohio Edison Common Stock for 12 months after the Effective
     Time shall be delivered to FirstEnergy, upon demand, and any holders of
     Centerior or Ohio Edison Common Stock who have not theretofore complied
     with this Article III shall thereafter look only to FirstEnergy for payment
     of their claim for FirstEnergy Common Stock and any cash in lieu of
     fractional shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock.
          (g) No Liability.  No party to this Agreement shall be liable to any
     holder of shares of Centerior Common Stock, Ohio Edison Common Stock or
     FirstEnergy Common Stock, as the case may be, for such shares (or dividends
     or distributions with respect thereto) or cash delivered to a public
     official pursuant to any applicable abandoned property, escheat or similar
                                   ARTICLE IV
     Centerior represents and warrants to Ohio Edison as follows:
     4.1  Organization, Standing and Power.
          (a) Each of Centerior and its Significant Subsidiaries
             (i) is a corporation or partnership duly organized, validly
        existing and in good standing under the laws of its state of
        incorporation or organization,
             (ii) has all requisite power and authority, and has been duly
        authorized by all necessary approvals and orders of Governmental
        Entities (as defined in Section 4.4), to own, lease and operate its
        properties and to carry on its business as now being conducted, and
             (iii) is duly qualified and in good standing to transact business
        in each jurisdiction in which the nature of its business or the
        ownership or leasing of its properties makes such qualification
        necessary, other than in such jurisdictions where the failure to be so
        qualified and in good standing would not, when taken together with all
        other such failures, have a material adverse effect on the business,
        operations, properties, assets, condition (financial or otherwise),
        business prospects or the results of operations of Centerior and its
        Subsidiaries taken as a whole or on the consummation of the transactions
        contemplated hereby (a "Centerior Material Adverse Effect").
          (b) As used in this Agreement, a "Significant Subsidiary" means any
     Subsidiary that would constitute a significant subsidiary within the
     meaning of Rule 1-02 of Regulation S-X of the SEC.
     4.2  Capital Structure.
          (a) As of the date hereof, the authorized capital stock of Centerior
     consists of (i) 180,000,000 shares of Centerior Common Stock of which, as
     of July 31, 1996, 148,025,928 shares were issued and outstanding and
     2,673,996 shares were held by Centerior in its treasury or by any of its
     wholly-owned Subsidiaries and not more than 7,700,000 shares of Centerior
     Common Stock were reserved for issuance pursuant to the Equity Compensation
     Plan, Employee Savings Plan, Restated Stock Purchase Plan, Dividend
     Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan and Directors Restricted Stock Plan
     (collectively, the "Centerior Stock Plans"); and (ii) 5,000,000 shares of
     preferred stock, without par value (the "Centerior Preferred"), of which,
     as of the date hereof, no shares were issued and outstanding and no shares
     were held by Centerior in its treasury or by any of its wholly-owned
     Subsidiaries; and no bonds, debentures, notes or other indebtedness having
     the right to vote (or convertible into securities having the right to vote)
     on any matters on which shareholders may vote ("Voting Debt") are issued
     or outstanding.
          (b) All outstanding shares of Centerior's capital stock are validly
     issued, fully paid and nonassessable and are not subject to preemptive
          (c) As of the date of this Agreement (except pursuant to this
     Agreement or the Centerior Stock Plans), there are no options, warrants,
     calls, rights, commitments or agreements of any character to which
     Centerior or any Subsidiary of Centerior is a party or by which it is bound
     obligating Centerior or any Subsidiary of Centerior to issue, deliver or
     sell, or cause to be issued, delivered or sold, additional shares of
     capital stock or any Voting Debt of, or other equity interest in, Centerior
     or any Subsidiary of Centerior or securities convertible or exchangeable
     for such shares, Voting Debt or other equity interests, or obligating
     Centerior or any Subsidiary of Centerior to grant, extend or enter into any
     such option, warrant, call, right, commitment or agreement.
     4.3  Corporate Authority.
          (a) Centerior has all requisite corporate power and authority to enter
     into this Agreement and, subject to the approval of this Agreement and the
     transactions contemplated hereby and to the adoption of the Centerior
     Merger Agreement by the shareholders of Centerior, to consummate the
     transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.
          (b) The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the consummation
     of the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly authorized by all
     necessary corporate action on the part of Centerior, subject to the
     approval of this Agreement and to the adoption of the Centerior Merger
     Agreement by the shareholders of Centerior.
          (c) This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by Centerior
     and, subject to the approval of this Agreement and to the adoption of the
     Centerior Merger Agreement by the shareholders of Centerior, constitutes a
     valid and binding obligation of Centerior enforceable in accordance with
     its terms, except as may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency,
     reorganization or other similar laws affecting the enforcement of
     creditors' rights generally, and except that the availability of equitable
     remedies, including specific performance, may be subject to the discretion
     of any court before which any proceeding may be brought.
     4.4  No Violation.  Except as set forth in Section 4.4 of the disclosure
schedule delivered by Centerior (the "Centerior Disclosure Schedule") or as
contemplated by Section 4.5, the execution and delivery of this Agreement do
not, and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will not,
conflict with, or result in any violation of or default (with or without notice
or lapse of time, or both) under, or give rise to a right of termination,
cancellation or acceleration of any obligation or the loss of a material benefit
under, or the creation of a lien, pledge, security interest or other encumbrance
on assets pursuant to (any such conflict, violation, default, right of
termination, cancellation or acceleration, loss or creation, a "Violation"),
          (a) any provision of the Articles of Incorporation or Regulations of
     Centerior or any Subsidiary of Centerior,
          (b) any provision of any loan or credit agreement, note, bond,
     mortgage, indenture, lease, Centerior Controlled Group Plan (as defined in
     Section 4.12) or other agreement, obligation, instrument, permit,
     concession, franchise, license of any kind to which Centerior or any of its
     Subsidiaries is a party or by which any of them or any of their respective
     properties or assets may be bound or affected, or
          (c) any judgment, order, injunction, writ, decree, statute, law,
     ordinance, rule, regulation, permit or license of any court, administrative
     agency or commission or other governmental authority or instrumentality,
     domestic or foreign (a "Governmental Entity") applicable to Centerior or
     any of its Subsidiaries or their respective properties or assets,
which Violation, in the case of each of clauses (b) and (c), would have a
Centerior Material Adverse Effect.
     4.5  Consents and Approvals.  No consent, approval, order or authorization
of, or registration, declaration or filing with, any Governmental Entity, is
required by or with respect to Centerior or any of its Subsidiaries in
connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement by Centerior or the
consummation by Centerior of the transactions contemplated hereby, the failure
of which to obtain would have a Centerior Material Adverse Effect, except for:
          (a) the filing of a premerger notification report with the Federal
     Trade Commission (the "FTC") and the Department of Justice (the "DOJ")
     under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended
     (the "HSR Act"),
          (b) the filing with the SEC of
               (i) a proxy statement in definitive form relating to the meeting
     of Centerior's and Ohio Edison's shareholders to be held in connection with
     the Merger (the "Joint Proxy Statement"),
               (ii) a registration statement on Form S-4 to be filed by
     FirstEnergy in connection with the issuance of shares of FirstEnergy Common
     Stock in the Merger (the "S-4") and
               (iii) such reports under Sections 13(a), 13(d) and 16(a) of the
     Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), as may
     be required in connection with this Agreement and the transactions
     contemplated hereby, and the obtaining from the SEC of such orders as may
     be so required,
          (c) the obtaining from the SEC of an order pursuant to Section 10 of
     the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, as amended ("PUHCA"),
     approving the transactions contemplated hereby (the "SEC PUHCA Order"),
          (d) the filing of such documents with, and the qualification with, the
     various state securities authorities under state securities or legal
     investment laws (the "Blue-Sky Laws"), that are required in connection
     with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (the "Blue-Sky
          (e) the filing of Certificates of Merger with the Secretary of State
     of the State of Ohio in accordance with applicable law,
          (f) such filings, authorizations, orders and approvals of the Federal
     Energy Regulatory Commission (the "FERC") under the Federal Power Act, as
     amended (the "FPA"), that may be required in connection with the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement (the "FERC Approvals"),
          (g) such filings, authorizations, orders and approvals of the Nuclear
     Regulatory Commission (the "NRC") under the Atomic Energy Act, as amended
     (the "AEA"), that may be required in connection with the transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement (the "NRC Approvals"),
          (h) such filings, authorizations, orders and approvals as may be
     required of state and local governmental authorities, including state and
     local utility commissions (the "Local Approvals"), and
          (i) such filings and approvals as may be required pursuant to state
     takeover laws ("State Takeover Approvals").
     4.6  Centerior SEC Documents.
          (a) Centerior has made available to Ohio Edison a true and complete
     copy of each report, schedule, registration statement and definitive proxy
     statement filed by Centerior with the SEC since January 1, 1993 (as such
     documents have since the time of their filing been amended, the "Centerior
     SEC Documents") which are all the documents (other than preliminary
     material) that Centerior was required to file with the SEC since such date.
          (b) As of their respective dates, the Centerior SEC Documents complied
     in all material respects with the requirements of the Securities Act of
     1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), or the Exchange Act, as the case
     may be, and the rules and regulations of the SEC promulgated thereunder
     applicable to such Centerior SEC Documents, and none of the Centerior SEC
     Documents contained any untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to
     state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make
     the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they
     were made, not misleading.
          (c) The financial statements of Centerior included in the Centerior
     SEC Documents comply as to form in all material respects with applicable
     accounting requirements and with the published rules and regulations of the
     SEC with respect thereto, have been prepared in accordance with GAAP
     applied on a consistent basis during the periods involved (except as may be
     indicated in the notes thereto or, in the case of the unaudited statements,
     as permitted by Form 10-Q of the SEC) and fairly present (subject, in the
     case of the unaudited statements, to normal, recurring adjustments) the
     consolidated financial position of Centerior and its consolidated
     Subsidiaries as at the dates thereof and the consolidated results of their
     operations and cash flows for the periods then ended.
     4.7  No Undisclosed Liabilities.
          (a) Except as and to the extent set forth in Centerior's Annual Report
     on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995, as of December 31, 1995,
     neither Centerior nor any of its Subsidiaries had any liabilities or
     obligations of any nature, whether or not accrued, contingent or otherwise,
     that would be required by GAAP to be reflected on a consolidated balance
     sheet (including the notes thereto) of Centerior and its Subsidiaries.
          (b) Since December 31, 1995, except as set forth in the Centerior SEC
     Documents filed by Centerior with the SEC since December 31, 1995 and prior
     to the date of this Agreement, neither Centerior nor any of its
     Subsidiaries has incurred any liabilities of any nature, whether or not
     accrued, contingent or otherwise, which would have, individually or in the
     aggregate, a Centerior Material Adverse Effect.
     4.8  Information Supplied.
          (a) None of the information supplied or to be supplied by Centerior
     for inclusion or incorporation by reference in
               (i) the S-4 will, at the time it is filed with the SEC and at the
     time it becomes effective under the Securities Act, contain any untrue
     statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact required to
     be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not
     misleading and
               (ii) the Joint Proxy Statement will, at the date mailed to the
     shareholders of Centerior and the shareholders of Ohio Edison and at the
     time of the meetings of such shareholders to be held in connection with the
     Merger, contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state
     any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to
     make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which
     they are made, not misleading.
          (b) The Joint Proxy Statement will comply as to form in all material
     respects with the provisions of the Exchange Act and the rules and
     regulations thereunder.
     4.9  Compliance with Applicable Laws.
          (a) Centerior and its Subsidiaries hold all permits, licenses,
     variances, exemptions, orders and approvals of all Governmental Entities
     which are material to the operation of the businesses of Centerior and its
     Subsidiaries, taken as a whole (the "Centerior Permits").
          (b) Centerior and its Subsidiaries are in compliance with the terms of
     the Centerior Permits, except where the failure so to comply would not have
     a Centerior Material Adverse Effect.
          (c) Except as disclosed in the Centerior SEC Documents filed prior to
     the date of this Agreement, the businesses of Centerior and its
     Subsidiaries are not being conducted in violation of any law, ordinance or
     regulation of any Governmental Entity, except for possible violations which
     individually or in the aggregate do not, and, insofar as reasonably can be
     foreseen, in the future will not, have a Centerior Material Adverse Effect.
          (d) Except as disclosed in the Centerior SEC Documents filed prior to
     the date of this Agreement, as of the date of this Agreement,
             (i) no investigation or review by any Governmental Entity with
        respect to Centerior or any of its Subsidiaries is pending or, to the
        knowledge of Centerior, threatened, and
             (ii) no Governmental Entity has indicated an intention to conduct
        any such investigation or review,
other than, in each case, those the outcome of which, as far as reasonably can
be foreseen, will not have a Centerior Material Adverse Effect.
     4.10  Litigation.  As of the date of this Agreement, except as disclosed in
the Centerior SEC Documents filed prior to the date of this Agreement,
          (a) there is no suit, action or proceeding pending or, to the
     knowledge of Centerior, threatened against or affecting Centerior or any of
     its Subsidiaries which is reasonably likely to have a Centerior Material
     Adverse Effect, and
          (b) there is no judgment, decree, injunction, rule or order of any
     Governmental Entity or arbitrator outstanding against Centerior or any of
     its Subsidiaries having, or which is reasonably likely to have, a Centerior
     Material Adverse Effect.
     4.11  Taxes.
          (a) Except as set forth in Section 4.11 of the Centerior Disclosure
     Schedule, each of Centerior and its Subsidiaries (including any
     predecessors) has timely filed when due all Tax returns required to be
     filed by any of them and has paid (or Centerior has paid on its behalf), or
     has made adequate provision for or set up in accordance with GAAP an
     adequate accrual or reserve for the payment of, all Taxes required to be
     paid in respect of all periods for which returns have been filed or are due
     (whether or not shown as being due on any Tax returns), and has established
     an adequate accrual or reserve for the payment of all Taxes payable in
     respect of any period for which no return has been filed or is due, and the
     most recent financial statements contained in the Centerior SEC Documents
     reflect in accordance with GAAP a reserve for all Taxes payable by
     Centerior and its Subsidiaries accrued through the date of such financial
          (b) Except as set forth in Section 4.11 of the Centerior Disclosure
     Schedule, no material deficiencies for any Taxes have been proposed,
     asserted or assessed against Centerior or any of its Subsidiaries, and no
     audit of the Tax returns of Centerior or any of its Subsidiaries is
     currently being conducted by any Taxing authority.
          (c) Except with respect to any claims for refunds and except as set
     forth in Section 4.11 of the Centerior Disclosure Schedule, the Federal
     income Tax returns of Centerior and each of its Subsidiaries consolidated
     in such returns for all such periods ended on or before December 31, 1990
     have been
     examined by and settled with the United States Internal Revenue Service
     (the "IRS"), or the applicable statute of limitations with respect to such
     years, including extensions thereof, has expired.
          (d) Copies of all Federal Tax returns required to be filed by
     Centerior or any of its Subsidiaries (including any predecessors) for each
     of the last three years, together with all schedules and attachments
     thereto, have been delivered by Centerior to Ohio Edison.
          (e) Except as set forth in Section 4.11 of the Centerior Disclosure
     Schedule, none of Centerior or any of its Subsidiaries (including any
     predecessors) is a party to, is bound by, or has any obligation under any
     Tax sharing or similar agreement.
          (f) For the purpose of this Agreement, the term "Tax" (including,
     with correlative meaning, the terms "Taxes", "Taxing", and "Taxable")
     shall include all Federal, state, local and foreign income, profits,
     franchise, gross receipts, payroll, sales, employment, use, property,
     gains, transfer, recording, license, value-added, withholding, excise and
     other taxes, duties or assessments of any nature whatsoever (whether
     payable directly or by withholding), together with any and all estimated
     Tax interest, penalties and additions to Tax imposed with respect to such
     amounts and any obligations in respect thereof under any Tax sharing, Tax
     allocation, Tax indemnity or similar agreement as well as any obligations
     arising pursuant to Code Regulation Section 1.1502-6 or comparable state,
     local or foreign provision.
     4.12  Employee Matters.
          (a)  With respect to each employee benefit plan (including, without
     limitation, any "employee benefit plan," as defined in Section 3(3) of the
     Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA")),
     and any bonus, pension, profit sharing, deferred compensation, incentive
     compensation, stock ownership, stock purchase, stock option, phantom stock,
     retirement, vacation, severance, disability, death benefit,
     hospitalization, insurance or other plan, arrangement or understanding
     (whether or not legally binding) (all the foregoing being herein called the
     "Centerior Controlled Group Plans"), maintained or contributed to by
     Centerior, any of its Subsidiaries or any other organization which is a
     member of a controlled group of organizations (within the meaning of
     Sections 414(b), (c), (m) or (o) of the Code) of which Centerior is a
     member, Centerior has made available to Ohio Edison, or will deliver to
     Ohio Edison within 30 days after the date hereof, a true and correct copy
             (i) the most recent annual report (Form 5500) filed with the IRS,
             (ii) any such Centerior Controlled Group Plan,
             (iii) each trust agreement and group annuity contract, if any,
        relating to any such Centerior Controlled Group Plan and
             (iv) the most recent actuarial report or valuation relating to any
        such Centerior Controlled Group Plan subject to Title IV of ERISA.
          (b) (i) Except as set forth in Section 4.12(b) of the Centerior
     Disclosure Schedule, each of the Centerior Controlled Group Plans intended
     to be "qualified" within the meaning of Section 401(a) of the Code has been
     determined by the IRS to be so qualified, and, to the best knowledge of
     Centerior, no circumstances exist that are reasonably expected by Centerior
     to result in the revocation of any such determination.
             (ii) Centerior is in compliance in all material respects with, and
        each Centerior Controlled Group Plan is and has been operated in all
        material respects in compliance with, all applicable laws, rules and
        regulations governing such plan, including, without limitation, ERISA
        and the Code.
             (iii) Each Centerior Controlled Group Plan intended to provide for
        the deferral of income, the reduction of salary or other compensation or
        to afford other income tax benefits complies with the requirements of
        the applicable provisions of the Code or other laws, rules and
        regulations required to provide such income tax benefits.
          (c) With respect to the Centerior Controlled Group Plans, individually
     and in the aggregate, no event has occurred, and to the knowledge of
     Centerior or any of its Subsidiaries, there exists no condition or set of
     circumstances in connection with which Centerior or any of its Subsidiaries
     could be subject to any liability that is reasonably likely to exceed
     $1,000,000 (except liability for benefits claims and funding obligations
     payable in the ordinary course) under ERISA, the Code or any other
     applicable law.
          (d) Except as set forth in Section 4.12(d) of the Centerior Disclosure
     Schedule, with respect to each Centerior Controlled Group Plan, there are
     no material funded benefit obligations for which contributions have not
     been made or properly accrued and there are no material unfunded benefit
     obligations which have not been accounted for by reserves, or otherwise
     properly footnoted in accordance with GAAP, on the financial statements of
     Centerior or any of its Subsidiaries.
          (e) Except as set forth in Section 4.12(e) of the Centerior Disclosure
     Schedule or as provided for in this Agreement, as of the date of this
     Agreement, neither Centerior nor any of its Subsidiaries is a party to any
     union or collective bargaining agreement.
          (f) Except as set forth in Section 4.12(f) of the Centerior Disclosure
     Schedule, no Centerior Controlled Group Plan is a multiemployer plan
     (within the meaning of Section 3(37) or Section 4001(a)(3) of ERISA or
     Section 414(f) of the Code).
          (g) For each Centerior Controlled Group Plan which is intended to be
     an employee stock ownership plan (within the meaning of Section 4975(e)(7)
     of the Code) or a tax credit employee stock ownership plan (within the
     meaning of Section 409(a) of the Code), each of the following is true:
             (i) except as disclosed on Section 4.12(g) of the Centerior
        Disclosure Schedule, there is no securities acquisition loan (within the
        meaning of Section 133 of the Code) outstanding with respect to the
             (ii) except for the transactions contemplated in this Agreement, no
        event has occurred and no condition exists which would give rise to the
        recapture of any Tax credit previously claimed with respect to the plan
        or to any Tax or penalties assessable against Centerior, any of its
        Subsidiaries or FirstEnergy; and
             (iii) except for the transactions contemplated in this Agreement,
        no event has occurred and no condition exists which would cause the
        termination of the plan and the distribution of all amounts held
        thereunder to give rise to the recapture of any Tax credit previously
        claimed with respect to the plan or to any Tax or penalties assessable
        against Centerior, any of its Subsidiaries or FirstEnergy.
          (h) Except as set forth in Section 4.12(h) of the Centerior Disclosure
     Schedule, none of the Centerior Controlled Group Plans that are welfare
     plans (within the meaning of Section 3(l) of ERISA) provides for any
     retiree benefits.
          (i) Except as set forth in Section 4.12(i) of the Centerior Disclosure
             (i) the consummation or announcement of any transaction
        contemplated by this Agreement will not (either alone or upon the
        occurrence of any additional or further acts or events) result in any
                (A) payment (whether of severance pay or otherwise) becoming due
           from Centerior or any of its Subsidiaries to any officer, employee,
           former employee or director thereof or to the trustee under any
           "rabbi trust " or similar arrangement, or
                (B) benefit under any Centerior Controlled Group Plan being
           established or becoming accelerated, vested or payable, and
             (ii) neither Centerior nor any of its Subsidiaries is a party to
                (A) any management, employment, deferred compensation, severance
           (including any payment, right or benefit resulting from a change in
           control), bonus or other contract for personal services with any
           officer, director or employee,
                (B) any consulting contract with any person who prior to
           entering into such contract was a director or officer of Centerior,
                (C) any plan, agreement, arrangement or understanding similar to
           any of the foregoing.
     4.13  Absence of Certain Changes or Events.  Except as disclosed in the
Centerior SEC Documents filed prior to the date of this Agreement or in the
audited consolidated balance sheet of Centerior and its Subsidiaries as at
December 31, 1995, and the related consolidated statements of income, cash flows
and changes in shareholders' equity (the "Centerior 1995 Financials"), true and
correct copies of which have been delivered to Ohio Edison, or except as
contemplated by this Agreement, since the date of the Centerior 1995 Financials,
Centerior and its Subsidiaries have conducted their respective businesses only
in the ordinary and usual course, and, as of the date of this Agreement, there
has not been
          (a) any damage, destruction or loss, whether covered by insurance or
     not, which has, or insofar as reasonably can be foreseen in the future is
     reasonably likely to have, a Centerior Material Adverse Effect;
          (b) any declaration, setting aside or payment of any dividend or other
     distribution (whether in cash, stock or property) with respect to any of
     Centerior's or its Subsidiaries' capital stock, except for regular
     quarterly cash dividends of $0.20 per share on Centerior Common Stock and
     regular dividends on Centerior Subsidiaries' preferred stock (the
     "Centerior Subs Preferred") with usual record and payment dates for such
     dividends and dividends on common stock paid by a wholly-owned Subsidiary
     of Centerior; or
          (c) any transaction, commitment, dispute or other event or condition
     (financial or otherwise) of any character (whether or not in the ordinary
     course of business) individually or in the aggregate having, or which,
     insofar as reasonably can be foreseen, in the future is reasonably likely
     to have, a Centerior Material Adverse Effect.
     4.14  Opinion of Centerior Financial Advisor.  Centerior has received the
opinion of Barr Devlin & Co. Incorporated (hereinafter referred to as "Centerior
Fairness Advisor" and collectively with Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, as
"Centerior Advisors"), dated the date hereof, to the effect that, as of such
date, the Centerior Conversion Number is fair to holders of Centerior Common
Stock from a financial point of view, and copies of such opinion have been
previously delivered to Ohio Edison.
     4.15  Vote Required.  The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of
the outstanding shares of Centerior Common Stock is the only vote of the holders
of any class or series of Centerior capital stock necessary to approve this
Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.
     4.16  Accounting Matters.  Neither Centerior nor, to its best knowledge,
any of its affiliates has through the date of this Agreement taken or agreed to
take any action that would prevent FirstEnergy from accounting for the business
combination to be effected by the Centerior Merger on a purchase accounting
basis in accordance with GAAP and applicable regulations of the SEC.
     4.17  No Change in Capital Structure.  There has been no material change in
the information set forth in the first sentence of Section 4.2 between the close
of business on July 31, 1996 and the date hereof.
     4.18  Ownership of Ohio Edison Stock.  As of the date of this Agreement,
Centerior and its affiliates do not "beneficially own" (as such term is defined
in the Ohio Edison Rights Agreement) any shares of Ohio Edison Common Stock.
     4.19  Centerior Subsidiaries.
          (a) Section 4.19(a) of the Centerior Disclosure Schedule sets forth a
     description as of the date hereof of all Subsidiaries and joint ventures of
     Centerior, including the name of each such entity, a brief description of
     the principal line or lines of business conducted by each such entity and
     Centerior's interest therein.
          (b) Except as set forth in Section 4.19(b) of the Centerior Disclosure
     Schedule, none of such entities is a "public utility company", a "holding
     company", a "subsidiary company" or an "affiliate" of any public utility
     company within the meaning of Section 2(a)(5), 2(a)(7), 2 (a)(8) or
     2(a)(11) of PUHCA, respectively.
          (c) Except as set forth in Section 4.19(c) of the Centerior Disclosure
     Schedule, all of the issued and outstanding shares of capital stock of each
     Subsidiary of Centerior are validly issued, fully paid, nonassessable and
     free of preemptive rights, are owned directly or indirectly by Centerior
     free and clear of any liens, claims, encumbrances, security interests,
     equities, charges and options of any nature whatsoever, and there are no
     outstanding subscriptions, options, calls, contracts, voting trusts,
     proxies or other commitments, understandings, restrictions, arrangements,
     rights or warrants, including any right of conversion or exchange under any
     outstanding security, instrument or other agreement, obligating any such
     Subsidiary to issue, deliver or sell, or cause to be issued, delivered or
     sold, additional shares of its capital stock or obligating it to grant,
     extend or enter into any such agreement or commitment. As used in this
     Agreement, the term "wholly-owned Subsidiary" shall include Subsidiaries
     the preferred stock or similar non-voting securities of which need not be
     owned by the entity as to which such Subsidiary is a subsidiary.
          (d) As used in this Agreement, the term "joint venture" of a person
     shall mean any corporation or other entity (including partnerships and
     other business associations and joint ventures) in which such person or one
     or more of its subsidiaries owns an equity interest that is less than a
     majority of any class of the outstanding voting securities or equity, other
     than equity interests held for passive investment purposes which are less
     than 5% of any class of the outstanding voting securities or equity of any
     such entity.
     4.20  Environmental Protection.
        (a) Compliance.
             (i) Except as set forth in Section 4.20(a) of the Centerior
        Disclosure Schedule, each of Centerior and its Subsidiaries is in
        compliance with all applicable Environmental Laws (as hereinafter
        defined), except where the failure to be in compliance would not have a
        Centerior Material Adverse Effect.
             (ii) Except as set forth in Section 4.20(a) of the Centerior
        Disclosure Schedule, neither Centerior nor any of its Subsidiaries has
        received any communication (written or oral) from any person or
        Governmental Entity that alleges that Centerior or any of its
        Subsidiaries is not in compliance with applicable Environmental Laws,
        except where the failure to be in compliance would not have a Centerior
        Material Adverse Effect.
          (b) Environmental Permits.  Except as set forth in Section 4.20(b) of
     the Centerior Disclosure Schedule, each of Centerior and its Subsidiaries
     has obtained or has applied for all environmental, health and safety
     permits and governmental authorizations (collectively, the "Environmental
     Permits") necessary for the construction of their facilities or the
     conduct of their operations, and all such permits are in good standing or,
     where applicable, a renewal application has been timely filed and is
     pending agency approval, and Centerior and each of its Subsidiaries is in
     material compliance with all terms and conditions of the Environmental
     Permits, except where the failure to obtain or be in compliance with such
     Environmental Permit would not have a Centerior Material Adverse Effect.
          (c) Environmental Claims.  Except as set forth in Section 4.20(c) of
     the Centerior Disclosure Schedule, to the best knowledge of Centerior upon
     diligent review, there is no Environmental Claim (as hereinafter defined)
             (i) against Centerior or any of its Subsidiaries or joint ventures,
             (ii) against any person or entity whose liability for any
        Environmental Claim Centerior or any of its Subsidiaries or joint
        ventures has or may have retained or assumed either contractually or by
        operation of law, or
             (iii) against any real or personal property or operations which
        Centerior or any of its Subsidiaries or joint ventures owns, leases or
        manages, in whole or in part,
     which, if adversely determined, would have in the aggregate a Centerior
     Material Adverse Effect.
          (d) Releases.  Except as set forth in Section 4.20(d) of the Centerior
     Disclosure Schedule, Centerior has no knowledge of any Releases (as
     hereinafter defined) of any Hazardous Material (as hereinafter defined)
     that would be reasonably likely to form the basis of any Environmental
     Claim against Centerior or any Subsidiaries or joint ventures of Centerior,
     or its Subsidiaries, or against any person or entity whose liability for
     any Environmental Claim Centerior or any Subsidiaries or joint ventures of
     Centerior or its Subsidiaries has or may have retained or assumed either
     contractually or by operation of law, except for Releases of Hazardous
     Materials the liability for which would not have, in the aggregate, a
     Centerior Material Adverse Effect.
          (e) Predecessors.  Except as set forth in Section 4.20(e) of the
     Centerior Disclosure Schedule, Centerior has no knowledge, with respect to
     any predecessor of Centerior or any Subsidiary or joint venture of
     Centerior, of any Environmental Claim pending or threatened, or of any
     Release of Hazardous Materials that would be reasonably likely to form the
     basis of any Environmental Claim, which would have a Centerior Material
     Adverse Effect.
          (f) Disclosure.  To Centerior's best knowledge upon a good faith
     effort, Centerior has disclosed to Ohio Edison all material facts which
     Centerior reasonably believes form the basis of a Centerior Material
     Adverse Effect arising from
             (i) the cost of pollution control equipment currently required or
        known to be required in the future;
             (ii) current remediation costs or remediation costs known to be
        required in the future; or
             (iii) any other environmental matter affecting Centerior or its
          (g) As used in this Agreement:
             (i) "Environmental Claim" means any and all administrative,
        regulatory or judicial actions, suits, demands, demand letters,
        directives, claims, liens, investigations, proceedings or notices of
        noncompliance or violation (written or oral) by any person or entity
        (including any Governmental Entity) alleging potential liability
        (including, without limitation, potential liability for enforcement,
        investigatory costs, cleanup costs, governmental response costs, removal
        costs, remedial costs, natural resources damages, property damages,
        personal injuries, or penalties) arising out of, based on or resulting
                (A) the presence, or Release or threatened Release into the
           environment, of any Hazardous Materials at any location, whether or
           not owned, operated, leased or managed by Centerior or any Subsidiary
           or joint venture of Centerior or its Subsidiaries (for purposes of
           this Section 4.20), or by Ohio Edison or any of its Subsidiary or
           joint ventures of Ohio Edison or its Subsidiaries (for purposes of
           Section 5.20); or
                (B) circumstances forming the basis of any violation, or alleged
           violation, of any Environmental Law; or
                (C) any and all claims by any third party seeking damages,
           contribution, indemnification, cost recovery, compensation or
           injunctive relief resulting from the presence or Release of any
           Hazardous Materials.
             (ii) "Environmental Laws" means all Federal, state and local laws,
        rules and regulations relating to pollution or protection of human
        health or the environment (including without limitation, ambient air,
        surface water, groundwater, land surface or subsurface strata),
        including, without limitation, laws and regulations relating to Releases
        or threatened Releases of Hazardous Materials, or otherwise relating to
        the manufacture, processing, distribution, use, treatment, storage,
        disposal, transport or handling of Hazardous Materials.
             (iii) "Hazardous Materials" means
                (A) any petroleum or petroleum products, radioactive materials,
           asbestos in any form that is or could become friable, urea
           formaldehyde foam insulation, and transformers or other equipment
           that contain dielectric fluid containing polychlorinated biphenyls
           ("PCBs"); and
                (B) any chemicals, materials or substances which are now defined
           as or included in the definition of "hazardous substances",
           "hazardous wastes", "hazardous materials", "extremely hazardous
           wastes", "restricted hazardous wastes", "toxic substances", "toxic
           pollutants", or words of similar import, under any Environmental Law;
                (C) any other chemical, material, substance or waste, exposure
           to which is now prohibited, limited or regulated under any
           Environmental Law in a jurisdiction in which Centerior or any
           Subsidiary or joint venture of Centerior operates (for purposes of
           this Section 4.20) or in which Ohio Edison or any Subsidiary or joint
           venture of Ohio Edison operates (for purposes of Section 5.20).
             (iv) "Release" means any release, spill, emission, leaking,
        injection, deposit, disposal, discharge, dispersal, leaching or
        migration into the atmosphere, soil, surface, water, groundwater or
     4.21  Regulation as a Utility.
          (a) Except as set forth in Section 4.21 of the Centerior Disclosure
     Schedule, neither Centerior nor any "subsidiary company" or "affiliate" of
     Centerior is subject to regulation as a public utility or public service
     company (or similar designation) by any state in the United States or any
     foreign country.
          (b) Centerior is an exempt holding company under Section 3(a)(1) of
          (c) Section 4.21 of the Centerior Disclosure Schedule sets forth each
     "affiliate" and each "subsidiary company" of Centerior which may be deemed
     to be a "public utility company" or a "holding company" within the meaning
     of PUHCA.
          (d) As used in this Section 4.21 and in Section 5.21, the terms
     "subsidiary company" and "affiliate" shall have the respective meanings
     ascribed to them in PUHCA.
     4.22 Insurance. Except as set forth in Section 4.22 of the Centerior
Disclosure Schedule:
          (a) Each of Centerior and its Subsidiaries is as of the date hereof,
     and has been continuously since January 1, 1990 through the date hereof,
     insured with financially responsible insurers in such amounts and against
     such risks and losses as are customary for companies conducting the
     businesses as conducted by Centerior and its Subsidiaries during such time
          (b) Centerior hereby covenants and agrees to maintain all such
     insurance for itself and its Subsidiaries from the date of this Agreement
     through the Effective Time so long as such insurance is available on
     commercially reasonable terms.
          (c) (i) Neither Centerior nor its Subsidiaries have received any
     notice of cancellation or termination with respect to any material
     insurance policy of Centerior or its Subsidiaries.
             (ii) The insurance policies of Centerior and each of its
        Subsidiaries are valid and enforceable policies.
                                   ARTICLE V
     Ohio Edison represents and warrants to Centerior as follows:
     5.1  Organization, Standing and Power.
          (a) Each of Ohio Edison and its Significant Subsidiaries
             (i) is a corporation or partnership duly organized, validly
        existing and in good standing under the laws of its state of
        incorporation or organization,
             (ii) has all requisite power and authority, and has been duly
        authorized by all necessary approvals and orders of Governmental
        Entities (as defined in Section 4.4), to own, lease and operate its
        properties and to carry on its business as now being conducted, and
             (iii) is duly qualified and in good standing to transact business
        in each jurisdiction in which the nature of its business or the
        ownership or leasing of its properties makes such qualification
        necessary, other than in such jurisdictions where the failure to be so
        qualified and in good standing would not, when taken together with all
        other such failures, have a material adverse effect on the business,
        operations, properties, assets, condition (financial or otherwise),
        business prospects or the results of operations of Ohio Edison and its
        Subsidiaries taken as a whole or on the consummation of the transactions
        contemplated hereby (a "Ohio Edison Material Adverse Effect").
     5.2 Capital Structure.
          (a) As of the date hereof, the authorized capital stock of Ohio Edison
     consists of (i) 175,000,000 shares of Ohio Edison Common Stock of which, as
     of July 31, 1996, 152,569,437 shares were issued and outstanding and no
     shares were held by Ohio Edison in its treasury or by any of its
     wholly-owned Subsidiaries and no shares of Ohio Edison Common Stock were
     reserved for any purpose; (ii) 6,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock, $100
     par value (the "Ohio Edison Preferred") of which, as of the date hereof,
     859,650 shares were issued and outstanding and no shares were held by Ohio
     Edison in its treasury or by any of its wholly-owned Subsidiaries; (iii)
     8,000,000 shares of Class A Preferred Stock, $25 par value (the "Ohio
     Edison Class A Preferred") of which, as of the date hereof, 4,000,000
     shares were issued and outstanding and no shares were held by Ohio Edison
     in its treasury or by any of its wholly-owned Subsidiaries; and (iv)
     8,000,000 shares of Preference Stock, without par value (the "Ohio Edison
     Preference") of which, as of the date hereof, no shares were issued and
     outstanding and no shares were held by Ohio Edison in its treasury or by
     any of its wholly-owned Subsidiaries; and no Voting Debt is issued or
          (b) All outstanding shares of Ohio Edison's capital stock are validly
     issued, fully paid and nonassessable and are not subject to preemptive
          (c) As of the date of this Agreement (except pursuant to this
     Agreement or the Ohio Edison Dividend Reinvestment Plan), there are no
     options, warrants, calls, rights, commitments or agreements of any
     character to which Ohio Edison or any Subsidiary of Ohio Edison is a party
     or by which it is bound obligating Ohio Edison or any Subsidiary of Ohio
     Edison to issue, deliver or sell, or cause to be issued, delivered or sold,
     additional shares of capital stock or any Voting Debt of, or other equity
     interest in, Ohio Edison or any Subsidiary of Ohio Edison or securities
     convertible or exchangeable for such shares, Voting Debt or other equity
     interests, or obligating Ohio Edison or any Subsidiary of Ohio Edison to
     grant, extend or enter into any such option, warrant, call, right,
     commitment or agreement.
     5.3  Corporate Authority.
          (a) Ohio Edison has all requisite corporate power and authority to
     enter into this Agreement and, subject to the approval of this Agreement
     and the transactions contemplated hereby and to the adoption of the Ohio
     Edison Merger Agreement by the shareholders of Ohio Edison, to consummate
     the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.
          (b) The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the consummation
     of the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly authorized by all
     necessary corporate action on the part of Ohio Edison, subject to the
     approval of this Agreement and to the adoption of the Ohio Edison Merger
     Agreement by the shareholders of Ohio Edison.
          (c) This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by Ohio Edison
     and, subject to the approval of this Agreement and to the adoption of the
     Ohio Edison Merger Agreement by the shareholders of Ohio Edison,
     constitutes a valid and binding obligation of Ohio Edison enforceable in
     accordance with its terms, except as may be limited by applicable
     bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or other similar laws affecting the
     enforcement of creditors' rights generally, and except that the
     availability of equitable remedies, including specific performance, may be
     subject to the discretion of any court before which any proceeding may be
     5.4  No Violation.  Except as set forth in Section 5.4 of the disclosure
schedule delivered by Ohio Edison (the "Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule") or as
contemplated by Section 5.5, the execution and delivery of this Agreement do
not, and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will not,
result in a Violation under or pursuant to,
          (a) any provision of the Articles of Incorporation or Regulations of
     Ohio Edison or any Subsidiary of Ohio Edison,
          (b) any provision of any loan or credit agreement, note, bond,
     mortgage, indenture, lease, Ohio Edison Controlled Group Plan (as defined
     in Section 5.12) or other agreement, obligation, instrument, permit,
     concession, franchise, license of any kind to which Ohio Edison or any of
     its Subsidiaries is a party or by which any of them or any of their
     respective properties or assets may be bound or affected, or
          (c) any judgment, order, injunction, writ, decree, statute, law,
     ordinance, rule, regulation, permit or license of any Governmental Entity
     applicable to Ohio Edison or any of its Subsidiaries or their respective
     properties or assets,
which Violation, in the case of each of clauses (b) and (c), would have an Ohio
Edison Material Adverse Effect.
     5.5  Consents and Approvals.  No consent, approval, order or authorization
of, or registration, declaration or filing with, any Governmental Entity, is
required by or with respect to Ohio Edison or any of its Subsidiaries in
connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement by Ohio Edison or
the consummation by Ohio Edison of the transactions contemplated hereby, the
failure of which to obtain would have an Ohio Edison Material Adverse Effect,
except for:
          (a) the filing of a premerger notification report with the FTC and the
     DOJ under the HSR Act,
          (b) the filing with the SEC of
             (i) the Joint Proxy Statement,
             (ii) the S-4 and
             (iii) such reports under Sections 13(a), 13(d) and 16(a) of the
        Exchange Act as may be required in connection with this Agreement and
        the transactions contemplated hereby, and the obtaining from the SEC of
        such orders as may be so required,
          (c) the SEC PUHCA Order,
          (d) the Blue-Sky Filings,
          (e) the filing of Certificates of Merger with the Secretary of State
     of the State of Ohio in accordance with applicable law,
          (f) the FERC Approvals,
          (g) the NRC Approvals,
          (h) the Local Approvals, and
          (i) State Takeover Approvals.
     5.6  Ohio Edison SEC Documents.
          (a) Ohio Edison has made available to Centerior a true and complete
     copy of each report, schedule, registration statement and definitive proxy
     statement filed by Ohio Edison with the SEC since January 1, 1993 (as such
     documents have since the time of this filing been amended, the "Ohio Edison
     SEC Documents") which are all the documents (other than preliminary
     material) that Ohio Edison was required to file with the SEC since such
          (b) As of their respective dates, the Ohio Edison SEC Documents
     complied in all material respects with the requirements of the Securities
     Act or the Exchange Act, as the case may be, and the rules and regulations
     of the SEC promulgated thereunder applicable to such Ohio Edison SEC
     Documents, and none of the Ohio Edison SEC Documents contained any untrue
     statement of a material fact or omitted to state a material fact required
     to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in the
     light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.
          (c) The financial statements of Ohio Edison included in the Ohio
     Edison SEC Documents comply as to form in all material respects with
     applicable accounting requirements and with the published rules and
     regulations of the SEC with respect thereto, have been prepared in
     accordance with GAAP applied on a consistent basis during the periods
     involved (except as may be indicated in the notes thereto or, in the case
     of the unaudited statements, as permitted by Form 10-Q of the SEC) and
     fairly present (subject, in the case of the unaudited statements, to
     normal, recurring adjustments) the consolidated financial position of Ohio
     Edison and its consolidated Subsidiaries as at the dates thereof and the
     consolidated results of their operations and cash flows for the periods
     then ended.
     5.7  No Undisclosed Liabilities.
          (a) Except as and to the extent set forth in Ohio Edison's Annual
     Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995, as of December
     31, 1995, neither Ohio Edison nor any of its Subsidiaries had any
     liabilities or obligations of any nature, whether or not accrued,
     contingent or otherwise, that would be required by GAAP to be reflected on
     a consolidated balance sheet (including the notes thereto) of Ohio Edison
     and its Subsidiaries.
          (b) Since December 31, 1995, except as set forth in the Ohio Edison
     SEC Documents filed by Ohio Edison with the SEC since December 31, 1995 and
     prior to the date of this Agreement, neither Ohio Edison nor any of its
     Subsidiaries has incurred any liabilities of any nature, whether or not
     accrued, contingent or otherwise, which would have, individually or in the
     aggregate, an Ohio Edison Material Adverse Effect.
     5.8  Information Supplied.
          (a) None of the information supplied or to be supplied by Ohio Edison
     for inclusion or incorporation by reference in
             (i) the S-4 will, at the time it is filed with the SEC and at the
        time it becomes effective under the Securities Act, contain any untrue
        statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact required
        to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not
        misleading and
             (ii) the Joint Proxy Statement will, at the date mailed to the
        shareholders of Ohio Edison and the shareholders of Centerior and at the
        time of the meetings of such shareholders to be held in connection with
        the Merger, contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to
        state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in
        order to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances
        under which they are made, not misleading.
          (b) The Joint Proxy Statement will comply as to form in all material
     respects with the provisions of the Exchange Act and the rules and
     regulations thereunder.
     5.9  Compliance with Applicable Laws.
          (a) Ohio Edison and its Subsidiaries hold all permits, licenses,
     variances, exemptions, orders and approvals of all Governmental Entities
     which are material to the operation of the businesses of Ohio Edison and
     its Subsidiaries, taken as a whole (the "Ohio Edison Permits").
          (b) Ohio Edison and its Subsidiaries are in compliance with the terms
     of the Ohio Edison Permits, except where the failure so to comply would not
     have an Ohio Edison Material Adverse Effect.
          (c) Except as disclosed in the Ohio Edison SEC Documents filed prior
     to the date of this Agreement, the businesses of Ohio Edison and its
     Subsidiaries are not being conducted in violation of any law, ordinance or
     regulation of any Governmental Entity, except for possible violations which
     individually or in the aggregate do not, and, insofar as reasonably can be
     foreseen, in the future will not, have an Ohio Edison Material Adverse
          (d) Except as disclosed in the Ohio Edison SEC Documents filed prior
     to the date of this Agreement, as of the date of this Agreement,
             (i) no investigation or review by any Governmental Entity with
        respect to Ohio Edison or any of its Subsidiaries is pending or, to the
        knowledge of Ohio Edison, threatened, and
             (ii) no Governmental Entity has indicated an intention to conduct
        any such investigation or review,
     other than, in each case, those the outcome of which, as far as reasonably
     can be foreseen, will not have an Ohio Edison Material Adverse Effect.
     5.10  Litigation.  As of the date of this Agreement, except as disclosed in
the Ohio Edison SEC Documents filed prior to the date of this Agreement,
          (a) there is no suit, action or proceeding pending or, to the
     knowledge of Ohio Edison, threatened against or affecting Ohio Edison or
     any of its Subsidiaries which is reasonably likely to have an Ohio Edison
     Material Adverse Effect, and
          (b) there is no judgment, decree, injunction, rule or order of any
     Governmental Entity or arbitrator outstanding against Ohio Edison or any of
     its Subsidiaries having, or which is reasonably likely to have, an Ohio
     Edison Material Adverse Effect.
     5.11  Taxes.
          (a) Except as set forth in Section 5.11 of the Ohio Edison Disclosure
     Schedule, each of Ohio Edison and its Subsidiaries (including any
     predecessors) has timely filed when due all Tax returns required to be
     filed by any of them and has paid (or Ohio Edison has paid on its behalf),
     or has made adequate provision for or set up in accordance with GAAP an
     adequate accrual or reserve for the payment of, all Taxes required to be
     paid in respect of all periods for which returns have been filed or are due
     (whether or not shown as being due on any Tax returns), and has established
     an adequate accrual or reserve for the payment of all Taxes payable in
     respect of any period for which no return has been filed or is due, and the
     most recent financial statements contained in the Ohio Edison SEC Documents
     reflect in accordance with GAAP a reserve for all Taxes payable by Ohio
     Edison and its Subsidiaries accrued through the date of such financial
          (b) Except as set forth in Section 5.11 of the Ohio Edison Disclosure
     Schedule, no material deficiencies for any Taxes have been proposed,
     asserted or assessed against Ohio Edison or any of its Subsidiaries, and no
     audit of the Tax returns of Ohio Edison or any of its Subsidiaries is
     currently being conducted by any Taxing authority.
          (c) Except with respect to any claims for refunds and except as set
     forth in Section 5.11 of the Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule, the Federal
     income Tax returns of Ohio Edison and each of its Subsidiaries consolidated
     in such returns for all such periods ended on or before December 31, 1990
     have been examined by and settled with the IRS or the applicable statute of
     limitations with respect to such years, including extensions thereof, has
          (d) Copies of all Federal Tax returns required to be filed by Ohio
     Edison or any of its Subsidiaries (including any predecessors) for each of
     the last three years, together with all schedules and attachments thereto,
     have been delivered by Ohio Edison to Centerior.
          (e) Except as set forth in Section 5.11 of the Ohio Edison Disclosure
     Schedule, none of Ohio Edison or any of its Subsidiaries (including any
     predecessors) is a party to, is bound by, or has any obligation under any
     Tax sharing or similar agreement.
     5.12 Employee Matters.
          (a) With respect to each employee benefit plan (including, without
     limitation, any "employee benefit plan," as defined in Section 3(3) of the
     ERISA, and any bonus, pension, profit sharing, deferred compensation,
     incentive compensation, stock ownership, stock purchase, stock option,
     phantom stock, retirement, vacation, severance, disability, death benefit,
     hospitalization, insurance or other plan, arrangement or understanding
     (whether or not legally binding) (all the foregoing being herein called the
     "Ohio Edison Controlled Group Plans"), maintained or contributed to by
     Ohio Edison, any of its Subsidiaries or any other organization which is a
     member of a controlled group of organizations (within the meaning of
     Sections 414(b), (c), (m) or (o) of the Code) of which Ohio Edison is a
     member, Ohio Edison has made available to Centerior, or will deliver to
     Centerior within 30 days after the date hereof, a true and correct copy of
             (i) the most recent annual report (Form 5500) filed with the IRS,
             (ii) any such Ohio Edison Controlled Group Plan,
             (iii) each trust agreement and group annuity contract, if any,
        relating to any such Ohio Edison Controlled Group Plan and
             (iv) the most recent actuarial report or valuation relating to any
        such Ohio Edison Controlled Group Plan subject to Title IV of ERISA.
          (b) (i) Except as set forth in Section 5.12(b) of the Ohio Edison
     Disclosure Schedule, each of the Ohio Edison Controlled Group Plans
     intended to be "qualified" within the meaning of Section 401(a) of the
     Code has been determined by the IRS to be so qualified, and, to the best
     knowledge of Ohio Edison, no circumstances exist that are reasonably
     expected by Ohio Edison to result in the revocation of any such
             (ii) Ohio Edison is in compliance in all material respects with,
        and each Ohio Edison Controlled Group Plan is and has been operated in
        all material respects in compliance with, all applicable laws, rules and
        regulations governing such plan, including, without limitation, ERISA
        and the Code.
             (iii) Each Ohio Edison Controlled Group Plan intended to provide
        for the deferral of income, the reduction of salary or other
        compensation or to afford other income tax benefits complies with the
        requirements of the applicable provisions of the Code or other laws,
        rules and regulations required to provide such income tax benefits.
          (c) With respect to the Ohio Edison Controlled Group Plans,
     individually and in the aggregate, no event has occurred, and to the
     knowledge of Ohio Edison or any of its Subsidiaries, there exists no
     condition or set of circumstances in connection with which Ohio Edison or
     any of its Subsidiaries could be subject to any liability that is
     reasonably likely to exceed $1,000,000 (except liability for benefits
     claims and funding obligations payable in the ordinary course) under ERISA,
     the Code or any other applicable law.
          (d) Except as set forth in Section 5.12(d) of the Ohio Edison
     Disclosure Schedule, with respect to each Ohio Edison Controlled Group
     Plan, there are no material funded benefit obligations for which
     contributions have not been made or properly accrued and there are no
     material unfunded benefit obligations which have not been accounted for by
     reserves, or otherwise properly footnoted in accordance with GAAP, on the
     financial statements of Ohio Edison or any of its Subsidiaries.
          (e) Except as set forth in Section 5.12(e) of the Ohio Edison
     Disclosure Schedule and except as provided for in this Agreement, as of the
     date of this Agreement, neither Ohio Edison nor any of its Subsidiaries is
     a party to any union or collective bargaining agreement.
          (f) Except as set forth in Section 5.12(f) of the Ohio Edison
     Disclosure Schedule, no Ohio Edison Controlled Group Plan is a
     multiemployer plan (within the meaning of Section 3(37) or Section
     4001(a)(3) of ERISA or Section 414(f) of the Code).
          (g) For each Ohio Edison Controlled Group Plan which is intended to be
     an employee stock ownership plan (within the meaning of Section 4975(e)(7)
     of the Code) or a tax credit employee stock ownership plan (within the
     meaning of Section 409(a) of the Code), each of the following is true:
             (i) except as disclosed on Section 5.12(g) of the Ohio Edison
        Disclosure Schedule, there is no securities acquisition loan (within the
        meaning of Section 133 of the Code) outstanding with respect to the
             (ii) except for the transactions contemplated in this Agreement, no
        event has occurred and no condition exists which would give rise to the
        recapture of any Tax credit previously claimed with respect to the plan
        or to any Tax or penalties assessable against Ohio Edison, any of its
        Subsidiaries or FirstEnergy; and
             (iii) except for the transactions contemplated in this Agreement,
        no event has occurred and no condition exists which would cause the
        termination of the plan and the distribution of all amounts held
        thereunder to give rise to the recapture of any Tax credit previously
        claimed with respect to the plan or to any Tax or penalties assessable
        against Ohio Edison, any of its Subsidiaries or FirstEnergy.
          (h) Except as set forth in Section 5.12(h) of the Ohio Edison
     Disclosure Schedule, none of the Ohio Edison Controlled Group Plans that
     are welfare plans (within the meaning of Section 3(l) of ERISA) provides
     for any retiree benefits.
          (i) Except as set forth in Section 5.12(i) of the Ohio Edison
     Disclosure Schedule,
             (i) the consummation or announcement of any transaction
        contemplated by this Agreement will not (either alone or upon the
        occurrence of any additional or further acts or events) result in any
                (A) payment (whether of severance pay or otherwise) becoming due
           from Ohio Edison or any of its Subsidiaries to any officer, employee,
           former employee or director thereof or to the trustee under any
           "rabbi trust" or similar arrangement, or
                (B) benefit under any Ohio Edison Controlled Group Plan being
           established or becoming accelerated, vested or payable, and
             (ii) neither Ohio Edison nor any of its Subsidiaries is a party to
                (A) any management, employment, deferred compensation, severance
           (including any payment, right or benefit resulting from a change in
           control), bonus or other contract for personal services with any
           officer, director or employee,
                (B) any consulting contract with any person who prior to
           entering into such contract was a director or officer of Ohio Edison,
                (C) any plan, agreement, arrangement or understanding similar to
           any of the foregoing.
     5.13  Absence of Certain Changes or Events.  Except as disclosed in the
Ohio Edison SEC Documents filed prior to the date of this Agreement or in the
audited consolidated balance sheet of Ohio Edison and its Subsidiaries as at
December 31, 1995, and the related consolidated statements of income, cash flows
and changes in shareholders' equity (the "Ohio Edison 1995 Financials"), true
and correct copies of which have been delivered to Centerior, or except as
contemplated by this Agreement, since the date of the Ohio Edison 1995
Financials, Ohio Edison and its Subsidiaries have conducted their respective
businesses only in the ordinary and usual course, and, as of the date of this
Agreement, there has not been
          (a) any damage, destruction or loss, whether covered by insurance or
     not, which has, or insofar as reasonably can be foreseen in the future is
     reasonably likely to have, an Ohio Edison Material Adverse Effect;
          (b) any declaration, setting aside or payment of any dividend or other
     distribution (whether in cash, stock or property) with respect to any of
     Ohio Edison's or its Subsidiaries' capital stock, except for regular
     quarterly cash dividends of $0.375 per share on Ohio Edison Common Stock
     and regular dividends on Ohio Edison's Preferred, Ohio Edison's Class A
     Preferred and Ohio Edison Subsidiaries' preferred securities (the "Ohio
     Edison Subs Preferred") with usual record and payment dates for such
     dividends and dividends on common stock paid by wholly-owned Subsidiaries
     of Ohio Edison; or
          (c) any transaction, commitment, dispute or other event or condition
     (financial or otherwise) of any character (whether or not in the ordinary
     course of business) individually or in the aggregate having, or which,
     insofar as reasonably can be foreseen, in the future is reasonably likely
     to have, an Ohio Edison Material Adverse Effect.
     5.14  Opinion of Ohio Edison Financial Advisor.  Ohio Edison has received
the opinion of McDonald & Company Securities, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as
"Ohio Edison Fairness Advisor" and collectively with Morgan Stanley & Co.
Incorporated, as "Ohio Edison Advisors"), dated the date hereof, to the effect
that, as of such date, the Ohio Edison Conversion Number is fair to holders of
Ohio Edison Common Stock from a financial point of view, and copies of such
opinion have been previously delivered to Centerior.
     5.15  Vote Required.  The affirmative vote of the holders of two-thirds of
the outstanding shares of Ohio Edison Common Stock is the only vote of the
holders of any class or series of Ohio Edison capital stock necessary to approve
this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.
     5.16  Accounting Matters.  Neither Ohio Edison nor, to its best knowledge,
any of its affiliates has through the date of this Agreement taken or agreed to
take any action that would prevent FirstEnergy from accounting for the business
combination to be effected by the Centerior Merger on a purchase accounting
basis in accordance with GAAP and applicable regulations of the SEC.
     5.17  No Change in Capital Structure.  There has been no material change in
the information set forth in the first sentence of Section 5.2 between the close
of business on July 31, 1996 and the date hereof.
     5.18  Ownership of Centerior Stock.  As of the date of this Agreement, Ohio
Edison and its affiliates do not "beneficially own" (as such term is defined in
the Centerior Rights Agreement) any shares of Centerior Common Stock.
     5.19  Ohio Edison Subsidiaries.
          (a) Section 5.19(a) of the Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule sets forth
     a description as of the date hereof of all Subsidiaries and joint ventures
     of Ohio Edison, including the name of each such entity, a brief description
     of the principal line or lines of business conducted by each such entity
     and Ohio Edison's interest therein.
          (b) Except as set forth in Section 5.19(b) of the Ohio Edison
     Disclosure Schedule, none of such entities is a "public utility company",
     a "holding company", a "subsidiary company" or an "affiliate" of any
     public utility company within the meaning of Section 2(a)(5), 2(a)(7), 2
     (a)(8) or 2(a)(11) of PUHCA, respectively.
        (c) Except as set forth in Section 5.19(c) of the Ohio Edison Disclosure
     Schedule, all of the issued and outstanding shares of capital stock of each
     Subsidiary of Ohio Edison are validly issued, fully paid, nonassessable and
     free of preemptive rights, are owned directly or indirectly by Ohio Edison
     free and clear of any liens, claims, encumbrances, security interests,
     equities, charges and options of any nature whatsoever, and there are no
     outstanding subscriptions, options, calls, contracts, voting trusts,
     proxies or other commitments, understandings, restrictions, arrangements,
     rights or warrants, including any right of conversion or exchange under any
     outstanding security, instrument or other agreement, obligating any such
     Subsidiary to issue, deliver or sell, or cause to be issued, delivered or
     sold, additional shares of its capital stock or obligating it to grant,
     extend or enter into any such agreement or commitment.
     5.20 Environmental Protection.
        (a) Compliance.
             (i) Except as set forth in Section 5.20(a) of the Ohio Edison
        Disclosure Schedule, each of Ohio Edison and its Subsidiaries is in
        compliance with all applicable Environmental Laws, except where the
        failure to be in compliance would not have an Ohio Edison Material
        Adverse Effect.
             (ii) Except as set forth in Section 5.20(a) of the Ohio Edison
        Disclosure Schedule, neither Ohio Edison nor any of its Subsidiaries has
        received any communication (written or oral) from any person or
        Governmental Entity that alleges that Ohio Edison or any of its
        Subsidiaries is not in compliance with applicable Environmental Laws,
        except where the failure to be in compliance would not have an Ohio
        Edison Material Adverse Effect.
          (b) Environmental Permits. Except as set forth in Section 5.20(b) of
     the Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule, each of Ohio Edison and its
     Subsidiaries has obtained or has applied for all Environmental Permits
     necessary for the construction of their facilities or the conduct of their
     operations, and all such permits are in good standing or, where applicable,
     a renewal application has been timely filed and is pending agency approval,
     and Ohio Edison and each of its Subsidiaries is in material compliance with
     all terms and conditions of the Environmental Permits, except where the
     failure to obtain or be in compliance with such Environmental Permit would
     not have an Ohio Edison Material Adverse Effect.
          (c) Environmental Claims. Except as set forth in Section 5.20(c) of
     the Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule, to the best knowledge of Ohio Edison
     upon diligent review, there is no Environmental Claim (as hereinafter
     defined) pending
             (i) against Ohio Edison or any of its Subsidiaries or joint
             (ii) against any person or entity whose liability for any
        Environmental Claim Ohio Edison or any of its Subsidiaries or joint
        ventures has or may have retained or assumed either contractually or by
        operation of law, or
             (iii) against any real or personal property or operations which
        Ohio Edison or any of its Subsidiaries or joint ventures owns, leases or
        manages, in whole or in part,
     which, if adversely determined, would have in the aggregate an Ohio Edison
     Material Adverse Effect.
          (d) Releases. Except as set forth in Section 5.20(d) of the Ohio
     Edison Disclosure Schedule, Ohio Edison has no knowledge of any Releases of
     any Hazardous Material that would be reasonably likely to form the basis of
     any Environmental Claim against Ohio Edison or any Subsidiaries or joint
     ventures of Ohio Edison, or its Subsidiaries, or against any person or
     entity whose liability for any Environmental Claim Ohio Edison or any
     Subsidiaries or joint ventures of Ohio Edison or its Subsidiaries has or
     may have retained or assumed either contractually or by operation of law,
     except for Releases of Hazardous
     Materials the liability for which would not have, in the aggregate, an Ohio
     Edison Material Adverse Effect.
          (e) Predecessors. Except as set forth in Section 5.20(e) of the Ohio
     Edison Disclosure Schedule, Ohio Edison has no knowledge, with respect to
     any predecessor of Ohio Edison or any Subsidiary or joint venture of Ohio
     Edison, of any Environmental Claim pending or threatened, or of any Release
     of Hazardous Materials that would be reasonably likely to form the basis of
     any Environmental Claim, which would have an Ohio Edison Material Adverse
          (f) Disclosure. To Ohio Edison's best knowledge upon a good faith
     effort, Ohio Edison has disclosed to Centerior all material facts which
     Ohio Edison reasonably believes form the basis of an Ohio Edison Material
     Adverse Effect arising from
             (i) the cost of pollution control equipment currently required or
        known to be required in the future;
             (ii) current remediation costs or remediation costs known to be
        required in the future; or
             (iii) any other environmental matter affecting Ohio Edison or its
     5.21  Regulation as a Utility.
          (a) Except as set forth in Section 5.21 of the Ohio Edison Disclosure
     Schedule, neither Ohio Edison nor any "subsidiary company" or "affiliate"
     of Ohio Edison is subject to regulation as a public utility or public
     service company (or similar designation) by any state in the United States
     or any foreign country.
          (b) Ohio Edison is an exempt holding company under Section 3(a)(2) of
          (c) Section 5.21 of the Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule sets forth
     each "affiliate" and each "subsidiary company" of Ohio Edison which may
     be deemed to be a "public utility company" or a "holding company" within
     the meaning of PUHCA.
     5.22  Insurance.  Except as set forth in Section 5.22 of the Ohio Edison
Disclosure Schedule:
          (a) Each of Ohio Edison and its Subsidiaries is as of the date hereof,
     and has been continuously since January 1, 1990 through the date hereof,
     insured with financially responsible insurers in such amounts and against
     such risks and losses as are customary for companies conducting the
     businesses as conducted by Ohio Edison and its Subsidiaries during such
     time period.
          (b) Ohio Edison hereby covenants and agrees to maintain all such
     insurance for itself and its Subsidiaries from the date of this Agreement
     through the Effective Time so long as such insurance is available on
     commercially reasonable terms.
          (c) (i) Neither Ohio Edison nor its Subsidiaries has received any
     notice of cancellation or termination with respect to any material
     insurance policy of Ohio Edison or its Subsidiaries.
             (ii) The insurance policies of Ohio Edison and each of its
        Subsidiaries are valid and enforceable policies.
                                   ARTICLE VI
     During the period from the date of this Agreement and continuing until the
Effective Time (except as expressly contemplated or permitted by this Agreement
or to the extent that the other party shall otherwise consent in writing),
Centerior and Ohio Edison each agree that:
     6.1  Ordinary Course.
          (a) Each party hereto shall, and shall cause its respective
     Subsidiaries to, carry on their respective businesses in the usual, regular
     and ordinary course in substantially the same manner as heretofore
     conducted and use all commercially reasonable efforts to preserve intact
     their present business organizations and goodwill, preserve the goodwill
     and relationships with customers, suppliers and others having business
     dealings with them and, subject to prudent management of workforce needs
     and ongoing programs currently in force, keep available the services of
     their present officers and employees.
          (b) Except as set forth in Section 6.1 of the Centerior or Ohio Edison
     Disclosure Schedule, no party shall, nor shall any party permit any of its
     Subsidiaries to, enter into a new line of business, or make any change in
     the line of business it engages in as of the date hereof involving any
     investment of assets or resources or any exposure to liability or loss, in
     excess of $5 million, in each case inclusive of their respective
     Subsidiaries, taken as a whole.
     6.2  Dividends; Changes in Stock.  No party shall, nor shall any party
permit any of its Subsidiaries to,
          (a) declare or pay any dividends on or make other distributions in
     respect of any of its capital stock, except that
             (i) Centerior may continue the declaration and payment of regular
        quarterly cash dividends not in excess of $0.20 per share of Centerior
        Common Stock,
             (ii) Centerior Subs may continue the declaration and payment of
        regularly scheduled dividends on the Centerior Subs Preferred,
             (iii) Ohio Edison may continue the declaration and payment of
        regular quarterly cash dividends not in excess of $0.40 per share of
        Ohio Edison Common Stock and regularly scheduled dividends, on Ohio
        Edison Class A Preferred, Ohio Edison Preferred Stock and Ohio Edison
        Preference Stock,
             (iv) Ohio Edison Subsidiaries may continue the declaration and
        payment of regularly scheduled dividends on the Ohio Edison Subs
     in each case with usual record and payment dates for such dividends in
     accordance with such parties' past dividend practice, and except for
     dividends on common stock by a wholly-owned Subsidiary of such party or
     such Subsidiary,
          (b) split, combine or reclassify any of its capital stock or issue or
     authorize or propose the issuance of any other securities in respect of, in
     lieu of or in substitution for shares of its capital stock, or
          (c) repurchase, redeem or otherwise acquire, or permit any Subsidiary
     to purchase or otherwise acquire, any shares of its capital stock, other
             (i) redemptions, purchases or acquisitions required by the
        respective terms of any series of Centerior Preferred, Centerior Subs
        Preferred, Ohio Edison Preferred, Ohio Edison Class A Preferred, or Ohio
        Edison Subs Preferred,
             (ii) in connection with refunding of such Preferred Stocks with
        preferred stock or debt at a lower cost of funds (calculating such cost
        on an after-tax basis),
             (iii) in connection with intercompany purchases,
             (iv) for the purpose of funding employee stock ownership or
        dividend reinvestment and stock purchase plans in accordance with past
        practice, or
             (v) as set forth on Section 6.2(c) of the Centerior or Ohio Edison
        Disclosure Schedules.
          (d) notwithstanding Section 6.2(a), each of Ohio Edison and Centerior
     shall declare a dividend on each share of its Common Stock to holders of
     record of such shares as of the close of business on the business day next
     preceding the Effective Time in an amount equal to the product of
             (i) a fraction,
                (A) the numerator of which equals the number of days between the
           payment date with respect to the most recent regular dividend paid by
           Ohio Edison and Centerior, as the case may be, and the Effective
           Time, and
                (B) the denominator of which equals 91, and
             (ii) the amount of the regular cash dividend most recently paid by
        Ohio Edison or Centerior, as the case may be;
     provided, however, that if either Ohio Edison or Centerior has declared a
     regular quarterly dividend on shares of its Common Stock with a payment
     date (the "Payment Date") after the Effective Time, then no dividend as
     provided for in this Section 6.2(d) shall be declared or paid with respect
     to such shares and the dividend of the other party or parties shall be
     calculated by substituting "Payment Date" for "Effective Time" in clause
     (i)(A) of this Section 6.2(d).
     6.3  Issuance of Securities.  Except as set forth in Section 6.3 of the
Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule, no party shall, nor shall any party permit any
of its Subsidiaries to, issue, deliver or sell, or authorize or propose the
issuance, delivery or sale of, any shares of its capital stock of any class, any
Voting Debt or any securities convertible into, or any rights, warrants or
options to acquire, any such shares, Voting Debt or convertible securities,
other than
          (a) the issuance of common stock or stock appreciation or similar
     rights, as the case may be, pursuant to the Centerior Stock Plans or the
     Ohio Edison Dividend Reinvestment Plan, in each case consistent in kind and
     amount with past practice and in the ordinary course of business under such
     Plans in accordance with their present terms,
          (b) issuances of Preferred Stocks in connection with refundings as
     contemplated by Section 6.2(c)(iii),
          (c) the issuance and reservation of Ohio Edison and Centerior capital
     stock pursuant to any rights plan in accordance with Section 6.11.
     6.4  Constituent Documents.  No party shall amend or propose to amend its
articles of incorporation or its regulations.
     6.5  No Solicitations.
            (a) No party shall, nor shall any party permit any of its
     Subsidiaries to, nor shall it authorize or permit any of its officers,
     directors or employees or any investment banker, financial advisor
     (including the Centerior Advisors and the Ohio Edison Advisors), attorney,
     accountant or other representative retained by it or any of its
     Subsidiaries to, solicit or encourage (including by way of furnishing
     information), or take any other action to facilitate, any inquiries or the
     making of any proposal which constitutes, or may reasonably be expected to
     lead to, any Takeover Proposal, or agree to, endorse, recommend or approve
     any Takeover Proposal.
            (b) Each party shall promptly advise the other party orally and in
     writing of any such inquiries or Takeover Proposals.
            (c) As used in this Agreement, "Takeover Proposal" shall mean any
     tender or exchange offer, proposal for a merger, consolidation or other
     business combination involving a party hereto or any Significant Subsidiary
     of such party or any proposal or offer to acquire in any manner a
     substantial equity interest in, or a substantial portion of the assets of,
     such party or any of its Significant Subsidiaries other than the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
          (d) Notwithstanding anything in this Section 6.5 to the contrary,
     unless the approvals of the shareholders of Ohio Edison and Centerior have
     been obtained, a party may, to the extent that the Board of Directors of
     such party determines in good faith with the written advice of outside
     counsel that a failure to do so would result in a breach of its fiduciary
     duties under applicable law, participate in discussions or negotiations
     with, furnish information to, and afford access to the properties, books
     and records of such party and its Subsidiaries to any person in connection
     with a possible Takeover Proposal with respect to such party by such
     6.6  Acquisitions.  Except as set forth in Section 6.6 of the Centerior or
Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule, other than acquisitions by a party and its
Subsidiaries not in excess of $25 million, no party shall, nor shall any party
permit any of its Subsidiaries to, acquire or agree to acquire by merging or
consolidating with, or by purchasing a substantial equity interest in or
substantial portion of the assets of, or by any other manner, any business or
any corporation, partnership, association or other business organization or
division thereof that would constitute a Significant Subsidiary of such party or
otherwise acquire or agree to acquire any assets not in the ordinary course of
business. Centerior further agrees that unless approved by Ohio Edison,
Centerior shall not consummate the merger of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating
Company and The Toledo Edison Company.
     6.7  Dispositions.  Other than dispositions by a party and its affiliates
of less than $10 million singularly or in the aggregate or as set forth in
Section 6.7 of the Centerior or Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule, no party shall,
nor shall any party permit any of its Subsidiaries to, sell, lease, license,
encumber or otherwise dispose of, or agree to sell, lease, license, encumber or
otherwise dispose of, any of its assets, other than dispositions, including,
without limitation, dispositions of accounts receivable, in the ordinary course
of business of such party or such Subsidiary consistent with past practices.
     6.8  Indebtedness.  Except as set forth in Section 6.8 of the Centerior or
Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule, or as permitted in Section 6.2 in connection
with the refunding of Preferred Stock, no party shall, nor shall any party
permit any of its Subsidiaries to, incur (which shall not be deemed to include
entering into credit agreements, lines of credit or similar arrangements until
borrowings are made under such arrangements) any indebtedness for borrowed money
or guarantee any such indebtedness or issue or sell any debt securities or
warrants or rights to acquire any debt securities of such party or any of its
Subsidiaries or guarantee any debt securities of others other than
          (a) for short-term indebtedness in the ordinary course of business
     consistent with prior practice,
          (b) as may be necessary in connection with acquisitions permitted by
     Section 6.6 or new lines of business permitted by Section 6.1,
          (c) the incurrence of long-term indebtedness, issuances of debt
     securities or guarantees not aggregating in excess of $50 million, or
          (d) indebtedness incurred to refund or refinance outstanding
     indebtedness of such party or such Subsidiary so long as the amount of such
     indebtedness so incurred does not exceed the amount of indebtedness so
     refunded or refinanced and any accrued interest and premium, if any,
     6.9  No Actions.  No party shall, nor shall any party permit any of its
Subsidiaries to, take any action that would or is reasonably likely to result in
          (a) any of its representations and warranties set forth in this
     Agreement being untrue as of the date made (to the extent so limited),
          (b) any of the conditions to the Merger set forth in Article VIII not
     being satisfied, or
          (c) a material breach of any provision of this Agreement.
     6.10  Cooperation, Notification.  Each party shall, and shall cause its
Subsidiaries to, (i) confer on a regular and frequent basis with one or more
representatives of the other party to discuss material operational
matters and the general status of its ongoing operations; (ii) promptly notify
the other party of any significant changes in its business, properties, assets,
condition (financial or other), results of operations or prospects; (iii) advise
the other party of any change or event which has had or, insofar as reasonably
can be foreseen, is reasonably likely to result in, a material adverse effect on
the party so advising or any of its Subsidiaries; and (iv) promptly provide the
other party (or the other party's counsel) with copies of all filings made by
such party or any of its Subsidiaries with any state or Federal court,
administrative agency, commission or other Governmental Entity in connection
with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.
     6.11  Rights Agreements.
          (a) As promptly as practicable after the date hereof but in any event
     before the "Distribution Date" (as defined in the Ohio Edison Rights
     Agreement), Ohio Edison shall cause to be amended the Ohio Edison Rights
     Agreement to effect the changes contemplated by the form of amendment
     attached hereto as Exhibit H, which amendment has been authorized as of the
     date hereof by Ohio Edison.
          (b) Except as otherwise provided in this Section 6.11, Ohio Edison
     shall not redeem the Ohio Edison Rights, or amend (other than to delay the
     "Distribution Date" (as defined therein) or to render the Ohio Edison
     Rights inapplicable to the Merger) or terminate the Ohio Edison Rights
     Agreement prior to the Effective Time unless required to do so by order of
     a court of competent jurisdiction.
          (c) Ohio Edison shall take all action so that the Ohio Edison Rights
     will no longer be outstanding upon the Merger.
          (d) Except as otherwise provided in this Section 6.11, Centerior shall
     not redeem the Centerior Rights, or amend (other than to delay the
     "Distribution Date" (as defined therein) or to render the Centerior Rights
     inapplicable to the Merger) or terminate the Centerior Rights Agreement
     prior to the Effective Time unless required to do so by order of a court of
     competent jurisdiction.
          (e) Centerior shall take all action so that the Centerior Rights will
     no longer be outstanding upon the Merger.
     6.12  Collective Bargaining Agreements.  During the period from the date of
this Agreement and continuing until the Effective Time, each party agrees, as to
itself and its Subsidiaries, that each of them will consult with the other party
prior to entering into any substantive negotiations with respect to any
collective bargaining agreement, or the modification or amendment thereof.
     6.13  Employee Benefit Covenant.  During the period from the date of this
Agreement and continuing until the Effective Time, except as set forth in
Section 6.13 of the Centerior Disclosure Schedule, as may be required by
applicable law or as contemplated by this Agreement, Centerior agrees as to
itself and its Subsidiaries that it will not, and will not permit any of its
Subsidiaries to, without the prior written consent of Ohio Edison,
          (a) enter into, adopt, amend (except as may be required by law) or
     terminate any Centerior Controlled Group Plan or any other agreement,
     arrangement, plan or policy between Centerior or Centerior Services Company
     ("Services") and one or more of the directors or officers of Centerior or
     Services or
          (b) except for normal increases in the ordinary course of business
     consistent with past practice that, in the aggregate, do not result in a
     material increase in benefits or compensation expense to Centerior or
     Services, as the case may be, increase in any manner the compensation or
     fringe benefits of any director or officer of Centerior or Services or
          (c) pay any benefit not required by any Centerior Controlled Group
     Plan or arrangement as in effect as of the date hereof (including, without
     limitation, the granting of stock options, stock appreciation rights,
     restricted stock or performance units) to any director or officer of
     Centerior or Services or
          (d) enter into any contract, agreement, commitment or arrangement to
     do any of the foregoing, or enter into or amend any employment, severance
     or special pay arrangement with respect to the
     termination of employment or other similar contract, agreement or
     arrangement with any director or officer or other employee of Centerior or
     any of its Subsidiaries; or
          (e) make any change in any defined benefit Plan of Centerior or any of
     its Subsidiaries which accelerates or increases benefits thereunder (except
     as may be required by law).
     6.14  Tax Covenant.  During the period from the date of this Agreement and
continuing until the Effective Time, each party agrees, as to itself and its
Subsidiaries, that each of them will not, except in the ordinary course of
business consistent with prior practice, make any Tax election or settle or
compromise any Tax liability.
     6.15  Capital Expenditures.  Except as set forth in Section 6.15 of the
Centerior or Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule or as required by law, no party
shall, nor shall any party permit any of its Subsidiaries to make any annual
capital expenditures, including expenditures for sulfur dioxide emission
allowances as provided for by the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, in excess of
each company's respective aggregate capital budget for 1996. Ohio Edison and
Centerior agree to endeavor mutually to reduce their capital expenditures to the
extent practicable.
     6.16  Transmission, Generation. Except as required pursuant to tariffs on
file with the FERC as of the date hereof or as set forth in Section 6.16 of the
Centerior or Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule, no party shall, nor shall any
party permit any of its Subsidiaries to,
          (a) commence construction of any additional generating capacity or
     transmission or delivery capacity, except for such projects ongoing or
     mandated by a binding legal commitment existing on the date hereof or, in
     the case of transmission or delivery capacity, required to satisfy such
     party's obligation to serve, or
          (b) obligate itself to purchase or otherwise acquire, or to sell or
     otherwise dispose of, or to share, any additional generation (including,
     without limitation, the energy produced by generating facilities),
     transmission or delivery capacity, other than in the ordinary course of
     business consistent with past practice.
     6.17  Modifications to Facilities.  Except as set forth in Section 6.17 of
the Centerior or Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule, no party shall, nor shall any
party permit any of its Subsidiaries to, enter into any binding commitment to
make any modification to any of its or its Subsidiaries' existing facilities
that would require any material investment or expenditure.
     6.18  Accounting.  No party shall, nor shall any party permit any of its
Subsidiaries to, make any changes in its accounting methods, except as required
by law, rule, regulation or GAAP.
     6.19  Tax-Free Status.  No party shall, nor shall any party permit any of
its Subsidiaries to, take any actions which would, or would be reasonably likely
to, adversely affect the status of the Merger as a tax-free transaction (except
as to dissenters' rights and fractional shares) under the Code.
     6.20  Affiliate Transactions.  Except as set forth in Section 6.20 of the
Centerior or Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule, no party shall, nor shall any
party permit any of its Subsidiaries to, enter into any agreement or arrangement
with any of their respective affiliates (other than wholly-owned Subsidiaries of
such party or Subsidiary) on terms to such party or its Subsidiaries materially
less favorable than could be reasonably expected to have been obtained with an
unaffiliated third party on an arm's length basis.
     6.21  Rate Matters.  Each party shall, and shall cause its Subsidiaries to,
discuss with the other party any changes in its or its Subsidiaries' rates or
charges (other than pass-through fuel rates or charges), standards of service or
accounting from those in effect on the date of this Agreement and consult with
the other party prior to making any filing (or any amendment thereto), or
effecting any agreement, commitment, arrangement or consent, whether written or
oral, formal or informal, with respect thereto, and no party will make, or
permit any Subsidiary to make, any filing to change its rates on file with the
FERC or any other
regulatory commission that would have a material adverse effect on the benefits
associated with the business combination provided herein. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, however, each party and its Subsidiaries shall be permitted to enter
into arrangements with customers in the ordinary course of business consistent
with past practices.
     6.22  Third-Party Consents.
          (a) Each party shall, and shall cause its Subsidiaries to, use all
     commercially reasonable efforts to obtain any third-party consents
     necessary to consummate the Merger.
          (b) Each party shall promptly notify the other of any failure or
     prospective failure to obtain any such consents and, if requested, shall
     provide copies of all consents obtained to the other party.
     6.23  Tax-Exempt Status.  No party shall, nor shall any party permit any
Subsidiary to, take any action that would likely jeopardize the qualification of
the outstanding revenue bonds issued for the benefit of such party or any of its
Subsidiaries which qualify on the date hereof under Code Section 142(a) as
"exempt facility bonds" or as tax-exempt industrial development bonds under
Section 103(b)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended prior to the
Tax Reform Act of 1986.
     6.24  FirstEnergy Actions.  Ohio Edison and Centerior shall cause
FirstEnergy to take only those actions, from the date hereof until the Effective
Time, that are required or contemplated by this Agreement to be so taken by
FirstEnergy, including, without limitation, the declaration, filing or
registration with, or notice to or authorization, consent or approval of, any
Governmental Entity, to obtain the consents or approvals contemplated by
Sections 4.5 and 5.5 of this Agreement.
                                  ARTICLE VII
                             ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS
     7.1  Preparation of S-4 and the Joint Proxy Statement.
          (a) Ohio Edison and Centerior shall promptly prepare and file with the
     SEC the Joint Proxy Statement and shall cause FirstEnergy to prepare and
     file with the SEC the S-4, in which the Joint Proxy Statement will be
     included as a prospectus.
          (b) Each of Ohio Edison and Centerior shall use its best efforts to
     have the S-4 declared effective under the Securities Act as promptly as
     practicable after such filing.
          (c) Ohio Edison and Centerior shall also cause FirstEnergy to take any
     action required to be taken under any applicable Blue-Sky Law in connection
     with the issuance of FirstEnergy Common Stock pursuant to the Merger and
     Ohio Edison and Centerior shall furnish all information concerning
     themselves and the holders of their common stock as may be reasonably
     requested in connection with any such action.
     7.2  Letters of Centerior's Accountants. Centerior shall use its best
efforts to cause to be delivered to FirstEnergy and Ohio Edison a "comfort"
letter of Arthur Andersen LLP, Centerior's independent auditors, addressed to
FirstEnergy and Ohio Edison, dated a date within two business days before the
date on which the S-4 shall become effective, and confirmed in writing as of the
Effective Time, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to FirstEnergy and
Ohio Edison and customary in scope and substance for letters delivered by
independent public accountants in connection with registration statements
similar to the S-4.
     7.3  Letters of Ohio Edison's Accountants.  Ohio Edison shall use its best
efforts to cause to be delivered to FirstEnergy and Centerior a "comfort" letter
of Arthur Andersen LLP, Ohio Edison's independent auditors, addressed to
FirstEnergy and Centerior, dated a date within two business days before the date
on which the S-4 shall become effective and confirmed in writing as of the
Effective Time, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to FirstEnergy and
Centerior and customary in scope and substance for
letters delivered by independent public accountants in connection with
registration statements similar to the S-4.
     7.4  Access to Information.
          (a) Upon reasonable notice, Centerior and Ohio Edison shall each (and
     shall cause each of their respective Subsidiaries to) afford to the
     officers, employees, accountants, counsel and other representatives of the
     other, reasonable access, during normal business hours during the period
     prior to the Effective Time, to all its properties, books, contracts,
     commitments and records (including, but not limited to, Tax returns but
     excluding any documents with respect to which an attorney-client privilege
     is available) and, during such period, each of Centerior and Ohio Edison
     shall (and shall cause each of their respective Subsidiaries to) furnish
     promptly to the other
             (i) a copy of each report, schedule, registration statement and
        other document filed or received by it during such period pursuant to
        the requirements of Federal securities laws, or filed with or sent to
        the SEC, the FERC, the NRC, the DOE, the Department of Justice, the FTC,
        the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio or any other Federal or state
        regulatory agency or commission, and
             (ii) all other information concerning its business, properties and
        personnel as such other party may reasonably request.
          (b) Any information delivered by Centerior to Ohio Edison, or by Ohio
     Edison to Centerior, shall be subject to the Confidentiality Agreement,
     dated June 1, 1996, between Centerior and Ohio Edison (the "Confidentiality
     Agreement"), which agreement shall be extended hereby through the
     Effective Time.
     7.5  Shareholder Approvals.
          (a) Ohio Edison and Centerior shall each call a meeting of their
     respective shareholders to be held as promptly as practicable for the
     purpose of voting upon this Agreement and the transactions contemplated
          (b) Ohio Edison and Centerior will, through their respective Boards of
     Directors, recommend to their respective shareholders approval of such
     matters; provided, however, that neither Board of Directors shall be
     obligated to recommend approval of this Agreement and the Merger to its
     respective shareholders if such Board of Directors, acting with the advice
     of counsel and financial advisors, determines that such recommendation
     would be contrary to their legal obligations as Directors.
          (c) Centerior and Ohio Edison will coordinate and cooperate with
     respect to the timing of such shareholder approvals and shall use their
     best efforts to hold such meetings on the same day and to secure such
     approvals as soon as practicable after the date on which the S-4 becomes
     7.6  Satisfaction of Conditions to the Merger.
          (a) Each of Ohio Edison and Centerior will take all reasonable actions
     necessary to comply promptly with all legal requirements which may be
     imposed on itself with respect to this Agreement.
          (b) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, each of the
     parties hereto agrees to use its best efforts to take, or cause to be
     taken, all action and to do, or cause to be done, all things necessary,
     proper or advisable under applicable laws and regulations to consummate and
     make effective the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (subject to
     the appropriate vote of shareholders of Ohio Edison and Centerior,
     respectively, described in Section 7.5), including full cooperation with
     the other party and including the provision of information and making of
     all necessary filings in connection with, among other things, the approvals
     under the HSR Act, the Securities Act and the Exchange Act, the FERC
     Approvals, the NRC Approvals, the SEC PUHCA Order, the Blue-Sky Filings,
     the Local Approvals and the State Takeover Approvals.
          (c) In connection therewith, the parties agree that, as between them,
             (i) Ohio Edison shall be primarily responsible for the preparation
        and processing of the filings necessary to obtain the approvals required
        for the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby under the
        Securities Act and the Exchange Act, the FERC Approvals, the SEC PUHCA
        Order and the Local Approvals required from the State of Ohio or any
        other State, as well as the Blue-Sky Filings, and
             (ii) Centerior shall be primarily responsible for the preparation
        and processing of the filings necessary to obtain the NRC Approvals.
          (d) Each of Ohio Edison and Centerior will, and will cause its
     Subsidiaries and FirstEnergy and its Subsidiaries to, take all reasonable
     actions necessary to obtain (and will cooperate with each other in
     obtaining) any consent, authorization, order or approval of, or any
     exemption by, any Governmental Entity required to be obtained or made by
     Ohio Edison, FirstEnergy, Centerior or any of their Subsidiaries in
     connection with the Merger or the taking of any action contemplated thereby
     or by this Agreement.
     7.7  Rule 145 Affiliates.
          (a) Prior to the date of the meetings of their respective shareholders
     referred to in Section 7.5, Ohio Edison and Centerior shall deliver to
     FirstEnergy a letter substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit
     I, identifying all persons who may be, at the time this Agreement is
     submitted for approval to such shareholders, "affiliates" of Ohio Edison or
     Centerior, as the case may be, for purposes of Rule 145 under the
     Securities Act and the SEC's Accounting Series Release 135.
          (b) Ohio Edison and Centerior shall use their best efforts to cause
     each such person to deliver to FirstEnergy on or prior to the date of the
     applicable meeting of shareholders referred to in Section 7.5 a written
     agreement substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit J.
     7.8  Stock Exchange Listing.  Centerior and Ohio Edison shall use their
best efforts to cause the shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock to be issued in the
Merger and, if necessary under the Benefit Plans referred to in Section 7.9,
after the Merger, to be approved for listing on the NYSE and such other national
securities exchanges as may be selected by FirstEnergy, subject to official
notice of issuance, prior to the Closing.
     7.9 Employee Benefit Plans.
          (a) Ohio Edison and Centerior agree that the Ohio Edison Controlled
     Group Plans and the Centerior Controlled Group Plans in effect at the date
     of this Agreement shall, to the extent practicable, remain in effect until
     otherwise determined after the Effective Time.
          (b) In the case of Ohio Edison Controlled Group Plans and Centerior
     Controlled Group Plans which are continued and under which the employees'
     interests are based upon or valued in relation to Ohio Edison Common Stock
     or Centerior Common Stock, as the case may be, Ohio Edison and Centerior
     agree that such interests shall be based on FirstEnergy Common Stock in an
     equitable manner (and in the case of any such interests existing at the
     Effective Time, on the basis of the applicable Conversion Number);
     provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed as
     requiring FirstEnergy to continue any specific plans.
          (c) Except as set forth in Section 7.9(c) of the Ohio Edison
     Disclosure Schedule, Centerior and Ohio Edison agree not to make any
     changes in severance benefits for officers of Centerior, Services or Ohio
     Edison, as the case may be, from those disclosed in Section 4.12(i) of the
     Centerior Disclosure Schedule or Section 5.12(i) of the Ohio Edison
     Disclosure Schedule, as the case may be.
     7.10  Expenses.  Except as set forth in Section 9.5, whether or not the
Merger is consummated, all costs and expenses incurred in connection with this
Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby shall be paid by the party
incurring such expense, and, in connection therewith, each of Ohio Edison and
shall pay, with its own funds and not with funds provided by the other party,
any and all property or transfer taxes imposed on such party resulting from the
Merger, except that
          (a) expenses incurred in connection with printing and mailing the
     Joint Proxy Statement and the S-4 shall be shared equally by Ohio Edison
     and Centerior,
          (b) all out-of-pocket costs of the parties (including attorneys' fees)
     incurred to obtain the FERC Approvals, the SEC PUHCA Order, the NRC
     Approvals (including, without limitation, all such costs incurred for all
     filings and proceedings relating thereto) and the Local Approvals shall be
     shared equally by Ohio Edison and Centerior, and
          (c) all other out-of-pocket expenses of a joint nature incurred in
     connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall be
     shared equally by Ohio Edison and Centerior.
     7.11  Brokers or Finders.  Each of Ohio Edison and Centerior represents, as
to itself, its Subsidiaries and its affiliates, that no agent, broker,
investment banker, financial advisor or other firm or person is or will be
entitled to any broker's or finder's fee or any other commission or similar fee
in connection with any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
except for Centerior Advisors, whose fees and expenses will be paid by Centerior
in accordance with Centerior's agreements with such firms (copies of which have
been delivered by Centerior to Ohio Edison prior to the date of this Agreement),
and except for Ohio Edison Advisors, whose fees and expenses will be paid by
Ohio Edison in accordance with Ohio Edison's agreements with such firms (copies
of which have been delivered by Ohio Edison to Centerior prior to the date of
this Agreement), and each of Ohio Edison and Centerior agree to indemnify and
hold the other harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities or
obligations with respect to any other fees, commissions or expenses asserted by
any person on the basis of any act or statement alleged to have been made by
such party or its affiliate.
     7.12  FirstEnergy Board of Directors and Officers.
          (a) Ohio Edison's and Centerior's Boards of Directors shall take such
     actions as may be necessary to cause the number of Directors comprising the
     full Board of Directors of FirstEnergy at the Effective Time to be such
     number and such individuals as are designated by Ohio Edison prior to the
     Effective Time.
          (b) From the Effective Time until otherwise determined by the
     FirstEnergy Board of Directors, Mr. Willard R. Holland shall serve as
     Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of
          (c) From the Effective Time until otherwise determined by the
     FirstEnergy Board of Directors, Mr. Robert J. Farling shall serve as Vice
     Chairman of FirstEnergy.
          (d) All other officers of FirstEnergy will be designated by the
     FirstEnergy Board of Directors.
          (e) Directors and officers of FirstEnergy's Subsidiaries will be
     designated by the FirstEnergy Board of Directors.
     7.13  Indemnification; Directors' and Officers' Insurance.
          (a) Centerior and, from and after the Effective Time, FirstEnergy
     (each of Centerior and FirstEnergy, as the case may be, is referred to
     herein as a "Centerior Indemnifying Party") shall indemnify, defend, and
     hold harmless each person who is now, or has been at any time prior to the
     date of this Agreement or who becomes prior to the Effective Time, an
     officer, director, or employee of Centerior or any of its Subsidiaries (the
     "Centerior Indemnified Parties") against
             (i) all losses, claims, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities or
        judgments or amounts that are paid in settlement with the approval of
        the Centerior Indemnifying Party (which approval shall not be
        unreasonably withheld) of or in connection with any claim, action, suit,
        proceeding or investigation based in whole or in part on or arising in
        whole or in part out of the fact that such
        person is or was a director, officer or employee of Centerior or any of
        its Subsidiaries, whether pertaining to any matter existing or occurring
        at or prior to the Effective Time and whether asserted or claimed prior
        to, or at or after, the Effective Time (the "Centerior Indemnified
        Liabilities"), and
             (ii) all Centerior Indemnified Liabilities based in whole or in
        part on, or arising in whole or in part out of, or pertaining to this
        Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, in each case to the
        full extent a corporation is permitted under applicable law to indemnify
        its own directors, officers, and employees, as the case may be (and the
        applicable Centerior Indemnifying Party will pay expenses as incurred in
        advance of the final disposition of any such action or proceeding to
        each Centerior Indemnified Party to the full extent permitted by
        applicable law).
          (b) (i) Without limiting the foregoing, in the event any such claim,
     action, suit, proceeding, or investigation is brought against any Centerior
     Indemnified Party (whether arising before or after the Effective Time),
                  (A) the Centerior Indemnified Parties may retain counsel
        satisfactory to them and approved by the Centerior Indemnifying Party,
        which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld,
                  (B) the Centerior Indemnifying Party shall pay all reasonable
        fees and expenses of such counsel for the Centerior Indemnified Parties
        promptly as statements therefor are received, and
                  (C) the Centerior Indemnifying Party will use all reasonable
        efforts to assist in the vigorous defense of any such matter.
             (ii) However, no Centerior Indemnifying Party shall be liable for
        any settlement of any claim effected without its written consent, which
        consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
             (iii) Any Centerior Indemnified Party wishing to claim
        indemnification under this Section 7.13, upon learning of any such
        claim, action, suit, proceeding, or investigation, shall notify the
        applicable Centerior Indemnifying Party (but the failure so to notify a
        Centerior Indemnifying Party shall not relieve it from any liability
        which it may have under this Section 7.13 except to the extent such
        failure prejudices such party).
             (iv) The Centerior Indemnified Parties as a group may retain only
        one law firm to represent them with respect to each such matter unless
        there is, under applicable standards of professional conduct, a conflict
        on any significant issue between the positions of any two or more
        Centerior Indemnified Parties.
          (c) For a period of six years after the Effective Time, FirstEnergy
     shall cause to be maintained in effect the current policies of directors'
     and officers' liability insurance maintained by Centerior (provided that
     FirstEnergy may substitute therefor policies of at least the same coverage
     and amounts containing terms and conditions which, in the aggregate, are no
     less advantageous than the current policies maintained by Centerior with
     respect to its directors and officers) with respect to claims arising from
     facts or events which occurred before the Effective Time to the extent
     available on commercially reasonable terms; provided, however, that in no
     event shall FirstEnergy be required to expend, in order to maintain or
     procure insurance coverage pursuant to this Section 7.13(c), any amount per
     annum in excess of 200% of the aggregate premiums paid by Centerior in 1995
     on an annualized basis for such purpose.
          (d) Ohio Edison and, from and after the Effective Time, FirstEnergy
     (each of Ohio Edison and FirstEnergy, as the case may be, is referred to
     herein as an "Ohio Edison Indemnifying Party") shall indemnify, defend,
     and hold harmless each person who is now, or has been at any time prior to
     the date of this Agreement or who becomes prior to the Effective Time, an
     officer, director, or employee of Ohio Edison or any of its Subsidiaries
     (the "Ohio Edison Indemnified Parties") against
             (i) all losses, claims, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities or
        judgments or amounts that are paid in settlement with the approval of
        the Ohio Edison Indemnifying Party (which approval shall not be
        unreasonably withheld) of or in connection with any claim, action, suit,
        proceeding or
        investigation based in whole or in part on or arising in whole or in
        part out of the fact that such person is or was a director, officer or
        employee of Ohio Edison or any of its Subsidiaries, whether pertaining
        to any matter existing or occurring at or prior to the Effective Time
        and whether asserted or claimed prior to, or at or after, the Effective
        Time (the "Ohio Edison Indemnified Liabilities"), and
             (ii) all Ohio Edison Indemnified Liabilities based in whole or in
        part on, or arising in whole or in part out of, or pertaining to this
        Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, in each case to the
        full extent a corporation is permitted under applicable law to indemnify
        its own directors, officers, and employees, as the case may be (and the
        applicable Ohio Edison Indemnifying Party will pay expenses as incurred
        in advance of the final disposition of any such action or proceeding to
        each Ohio Edison Indemnified Party to the full extent permitted by
        applicable law).
          (e) (i) Without limiting the foregoing, in the event any such claim,
     action, suit, proceeding, or investigation is brought against any Ohio
     Edison Indemnified Party (whether arising before or after the Effective
                  (A) the Ohio Edison Indemnified Parties may retain counsel
        satisfactory to them and approved by the Ohio Edison Indemnifying Party,
        which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld,
                  (B) the Ohio Edison Indemnifying Party shall pay all
        reasonable fees and expenses of such counsel for the Ohio Edison
        Indemnified Parties promptly as statements therefor are received, and
                  (C) the Ohio Edison Indemnifying Party will use all reasonable
        efforts to assist in the vigorous defense of any such matter.
             (ii) However, no Ohio Edison Indemnifying Party shall be liable for
        any settlement of any claim effected without its written consent, which
        consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
             (iii) Any Ohio Edison Indemnified Party wishing to claim
        indemnification under this Section 7.13, upon learning of any such
        claim, action, suit, proceeding, or investigation, shall notify the
        applicable Ohio Edison Indemnifying Party (but the failure so to notify
        an Ohio Edison Indemnifying Party shall not relieve it from any
        liability which it may have under this Section 7.13 except to the extent
        such failure prejudices such party).
             (iv) The Ohio Edison Indemnified Parties as a group may retain only
        one law firm to represent them with respect to each such matter unless
        there is, under applicable standards of professional conduct, a conflict
        on any significant issue between the positions of any two or more Ohio
        Edison Indemnified Parties.
          (f) For a period of six years after the Effective Time, FirstEnergy
     shall cause to be maintained in effect the current policies of directors'
     and officers' liability insurance maintained by Ohio Edison (provided that
     FirstEnergy may substitute therefor policies of at least the same coverage
     and amounts containing terms and conditions which, in the aggregate, are no
     less advantageous than the current policies maintained by Ohio Edison with
     respect to its directors and officers) with respect to claims arising from
     facts or events which occurred before the Effective Time to the extent
     available on commercially reasonable terms; provided, however, that in no
     event shall FirstEnergy be required to expend, in order to maintain or
     procure insurance coverage pursuant to this Section 7.13(f), any amount per
     annum in excess of 200% of the aggregate premiums paid by Ohio Edison in
     1995 on an annualized basis for such purpose.
          (g) The provisions of this Section 7.13 are intended to be for the
     sole benefit of, and shall be enforceable by, each Indemnified Party and
     his or her heirs and representatives.
     7.14  Further Assurances.  In case at any time after the Effective Time any
further action is necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of this
Agreement or to vest FirstEnergy or its Subsidiaries with full title
to all properties, assets, rights, approvals, immunities and franchises of Ohio
Edison and Centerior, the proper officers and directors of Ohio Edison and
Centerior shall take all such necessary action.
     7.15  Tax Treatment.  Ohio Edison and Centerior each agree to treat the
Merger, as to Ohio Edison, as a transfer within the meaning of Section 351(a) of
the Code and, as to Centerior, as a reorganization within the meaning of Section
368(a) of the Code.
     7.16  Accounting Treatment.  Ohio Edison and Centerior each agree to, and
to cause FirstEnergy to, account for the Centerior Merger on a purchase
accounting basis in accordance with GAAP and applicable SEC regulations.
     7.17  Disclosure Schedules.
          (a) On the date hereof,
             (i) Centerior has delivered to Ohio Edison a Centerior Disclosure
        Schedule, accompanied by a certificate signed by the chief financial
        officer of Centerior stating the Centerior Disclosure Schedule is being
        delivered pursuant to this Section 7.17(a), and
             (ii) Ohio Edison has delivered to Centerior an Ohio Edison
        Disclosure Schedule, accompanied by a certificate signed by the chief
        financial officer of Ohio Edison stating the Ohio Edison Disclosure
        Schedule is being delivered pursuant to this Section 7.17(a).
          (b) The Centerior Disclosure Schedule and the Ohio Edison Disclosure
     Schedule are collectively referred to herein as the "Disclosure Schedules."
          (c) (i) The Disclosure Schedules constitute an integral part of this
     Agreement and modify the respective representations, warranties, covenants
     or agreements of the parties hereto contained herein to the extent that
     such representations, warranties, covenants or agreements expressly refer
     to the Disclosure Schedules.
          (ii) Anything to the contrary contained herein or in the Disclosure
     Schedules notwithstanding, any and all statements, representations,
     warranties or disclosures set forth in the Disclosure Schedules shall be
     deemed to have been made on and as of the date hereof.
     Disclosure of any matters in one part of the Centerior Disclosure Schedule
or the Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule, any other Schedule hereto or in this
Agreement shall be deemed to be a disclosure of such matters in response to any
other provision of this Agreement (including any other part of a Centerior or an
Ohio Edison Disclosure Schedule, as the case may be) to which such matter may be
     7.18  Public Announcements.  Subject to each party's disclosure obligations
imposed by law, Ohio Edison and Centerior will cooperate with each other in the
development and distribution of all news releases and other public information
disclosures with respect to this Agreement or any of the transactions
contemplated hereby and shall not issue any public announcement or statement
prior to consultation with the other party.
     7.19  Employee Agreements.  Ohio Edison and Centerior shall cause
FirstEnergy and its Subsidiaries, following the Effective Time, to honor,
without modification, all contracts, agreements, collective bargaining
agreements and commitments of the parties prior to or at the date hereof or made
herein which apply to any current or former employee or current or former
director of the parties hereto; provided, however, that this undertaking is not
intended to prevent FirstEnergy or its Subsidiaries from enforcing such
contracts, agreements, collective bargaining agreements and commitments in
accordance with their terms, including, without limitation, any reserved right
to amend, modify, suspend, revoke or terminate any such contract, agreement,
collective bargaining agreement or commitment.
     7.20  Transition Management.
          (a) As promptly as practicable after the date hereof, Centerior and
     Ohio Edison shall create a special transition management task force (the
     "Task Force") headed by Mr. Holland (or an individual designated by him or
     by the Board of Directors of Ohio Edison) as Chairman with Mr. Farling (or
     an individual designated by him or by the Board of Directors of Centerior)
     as Vice Chairman. Members of the Task Force shall consist of
     representatives of Ohio Edison and Centerior as designated by the Chairman
     in consultation with the Vice Chairman.
          (b) The functions of the Task Force shall include
             (i) to serve as a conduit for the flow of information and documents
        between the companies and their subsidiaries as contemplated by Section
             (ii) to review and evaluate proposed exceptions to the restrictions
        on the conduct of business pending the Merger set forth in Article VI,
        provided, however, that a consent by either Centerior or Ohio Edison to
        an exception to the restrictions set forth in Article VI shall be
        effective only if set forth in a writing that describes in reasonable
        detail the actions proposed to be taken and that is signed by Mr.
        Holland (or his designee) and Mr. Farling (or his designee),
             (iii) development of regulatory plans and proposals, corporate
        organizational and management plans, workforce combination proposals,
        and such other matters as they deem appropriate, and
             (iv) to evaluate and recommend the manner in which best to organize
        and manage the business of FirstEnergy after the Effective Time.
          (c) The Chairman of the Task Force, or his designee, shall be
     responsible for directing all activities of the Task Force contemplated by
     this Section 7.20.
          (d) From time to time, Mr. Holland shall report on such matters as he
     deems appropriate to the respective board of directors of Centerior and
     Ohio Edison. After the date hereof and prior to the Effective Time, Mr.
     Holland may attend meetings of Centerior's Board of Directors and Mr.
     Farling may attend meetings of Ohio Edison's Board of Directors.
                                  ARTICLE VIII
                              CONDITIONS PRECEDENT
     8.1  Conditions to Each Party's Obligation To Effect the Merger.  The
respective obligation of each party to effect the Merger shall be subject to the
satisfaction prior to the Closing Date of each of the following conditions:
          (a) Shareholder Approvals.  This Agreement, and the transactions
     contemplated hereby, shall have been approved and adopted by the
     affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of
     Centerior Common Stock and by the affirmative vote of the holders of
     two-thirds of the outstanding shares of Ohio Edison Common Stock.
          (b) NYSE Listing.  The shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock issuable to
     holders of Centerior Common Stock and Ohio Edison Common Stock pursuant to
     this Agreement and such other shares required to be reserved for issuance
     in connection with the Merger shall have been authorized for listing on the
     NYSE upon official notice of issuance.
          (c) Regulatory Approvals.
             (i) Other than the filings provided for by Section 2.2, all
        authorizations, consents, orders or approvals of, or declarations or
        filings with, or expirations of waiting periods imposed by, any
        Governmental Entity the failure to obtain which would have a material
        adverse effect on FirstEnergy and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole,
        shall have been filed, occurred or been obtained, as the case may be,
        including but not limited to the FERC Approvals, the NRC Approvals, the
        SEC PUHCA
        Order, the Local Approvals, and the State Takeover Approvals and all
        applicable waiting periods, if any, including any extensions thereof,
        under any applicable law, statute, regulations or rule, including but
        not limited to the HSR Act, shall have expired or terminated.
             (ii) (A) All such authorizations, consents, orders and approvals
        shall have become Final Orders (as hereinafter defined) and such Final
        Orders (unless Ohio Edison and Centerior shall have agreed, by way of
        stipulation or otherwise, to the terms of such Final Order) shall not
        impose terms or conditions which, in the aggregate, would have, or
        insofar as reasonably can be foreseen, could have, a material adverse
        effect on the business, operations, properties, assets or condition
        (financial or other) or results of operations or prospects of
        FirstEnergy and its prospective subsidiaries taken as a whole or which
        would be inconsistent with the agreements of the parties contained
        herein. It is agreed that any condition that would require changes in
        the conduct of the respective retail businesses in the retail service
        areas of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, The Toledo Edison
        Company or Ohio Edison will be considered material and adverse, unless
        waived in writing by Centerior and Ohio Edison, which waiver shall not
        be unreasonably withheld.
                  (B) A "Final Order" means action by the relevant regulatory
        authority which has not been reversed, stayed, enjoined, set aside,
        annulled or suspended, with respect to which any waiting period
        prescribed by law before the transactions contemplated hereby may be
        consummated has expired, and as to which all conditions to the
        consummation of such transactions prescribed by law, regulation or order
        have been satisfied.
             (iii) FirstEnergy shall have received all permits and other
        authorizations necessary under the Blue-Sky Laws to issue the
        FirstEnergy Common Stock in exchange for the Centerior Common Stock and
        the Ohio Edison Common Stock and to consummate the Merger.
          (d) S-4 Effective.  The S-4 shall have become effective under the
     Securities Act and shall not be the subject of any stop order, or
     proceedings seeking a stop order, under Section 8 of the Securities Act.
          (e) No Injunctions or Restraints.  No temporary restraining order,
     preliminary or permanent injunction or other order issued by any court of
     competent jurisdiction or other legal restraint or prohibition (an
     "Injunction") preventing the consummation of the Merger, or materially
     changing the transactions contemplated hereby, shall be in effect.
          (f) Letter from Rule 145 Affiliates.  FirstEnergy shall have received
     from each person named in the letters from Centerior and Ohio Edison
     referred to in Section 7.7, an executed copy of an agreement substantially
     in the form of Exhibit J hereto.
          (g) Regulatory Order.  Centerior Subsidiaries shall have received
     formal written approval, or assurance of such approval, in a form
     reasonably acceptable to Ohio Edison and Centerior, from the Public
     Utilities Commission of Ohio, with respect to the Regulatory Plan described
     in Section 8.1(g) of the Centerior Disclosure Schedule.
          (h) Dissenters' Rights.  The number of shares held by Dissenting
     Holders shall not constitute more than 10% of the number of issued and
     outstanding shares of Ohio Edison Common Stock in the case of Ohio Edison
     shareholders or more than 10% of the number of issued and outstanding
     shares of Centerior Common Stock in the case of Centerior shareholders.
     8.2  Conditions to Obligations of Ohio Edison.  The obligation of Ohio
Edison to effect the Merger is subject to the satisfaction of each of the
following conditions unless waived by Ohio Edison:
          (a) Representations and Warranties.  Except as otherwise contemplated
     by this Agreement, the representations and warranties of Centerior set
     forth in this Agreement shall be true and correct in all material respects
     as of the date of this Agreement (except to the extent such representations
     and warranties speak as of an earlier date) and as of the Closing Date as
     though made on and as of the Closing Date, and FirstEnergy and Ohio Edison
     shall have received a certificate signed on behalf of Centerior by its
     chief executive officer and chief financial officer to such effect.
          (b) Performance of Obligations of Centerior.  Centerior shall have
     performed in all material respects all obligations required to be performed
     by it under this Agreement at or prior to the Closing Date, and FirstEnergy
     and Ohio Edison shall have received a certificate signed on behalf of
     Centerior by its chief executive officer to such effect.
          (c) Tax Opinion.  Ohio Edison shall have received an opinion, dated on
     or about the date of, and referred to in, the S-4 and the Proxy Statement
     of Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts, counsel to Ohio Edison, which
     opinion may be based on appropriate representations of Centerior, Ohio
     Edison and FirstEnergy which are in form and substance satisfactory to such
     counsel, and in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Ohio Edison,
     to the effect that
             (i) the Merger will be treated for Federal income tax purposes, as
        to Ohio Edison, as a transfer within the meaning of Section 351(a) of
        the Code and, as to Centerior, as a reorganization within the meaning of
        Section 368(a) of the Code,
             (ii) FirstEnergy and Centerior will each be a party to such
        reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(b) of the Code, and
             (iii) no gain or loss will be recognized by Ohio Edison or
        Centerior shareholders that exchange Ohio Edison Common Stock or
        Centerior Common Stock for FirstEnergy Common Stock in the Merger
        (except as to fractional shares and dissenters).
          (d) No Amendments to Resolutions.  Neither the Board of Directors of
     Centerior nor any committee thereof shall have amended, modified, rescinded
     or repealed the resolutions adopted by them on September 13, 1996 (accurate
     and complete copies of which have been provided to Ohio Edison) and shall
     not have adopted any other resolutions in connection with this Agreement
     and the transactions contemplated hereby inconsistent with such
          (e) Rights Agreement.  Under the Centerior Rights Agreement, no
     "flip-in" or "flip-over" or similar event commonly described in rights
     plans, or a Trigger Event as defined therein, shall have occurred with
     respect to the Centerior Rights Agreement that would increase the number of
     shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock to be issued under the Merger, or the
     rights issued thereunder shall not have become nonredeemable.
          (f) Consents Under Agreements.  Centerior shall have obtained the
     consent or approval of each person (other than the Government Entities
     referred to in Section 8.1(c)), whose consent or approval shall be required
     in order to permit Centerior to consummate the transactions contemplated
     hereby, except those for which failure to obtain such consents and
     approvals would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a material
     adverse effect on
             (i) the business, operations, properties, assets, condition
        (financial or otherwise), business prospects or the results of
        operations of FirstEnergy and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole or
             (ii) the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby
     (any such material adverse effect being referred to as a "FirstEnergy
     Material Adverse Effect").
          (g) Centerior Material Adverse Effect.  Since June 30, 1996, there
     shall not have been any event which constitutes a Centerior Material
     Adverse Effect.
          (h) Ohio Edison Fairness Opinion.  The fairness opinion letter
     delivered by the Ohio Edison Fairness Advisor to Ohio Edison shall not, in
     good faith, have been withdrawn by the Ohio Edison Fairness Advisor.
     8.3 Conditions to Obligations of Centerior.  The obligation of Centerior to
effect the Merger is subject to the satisfaction of each of the following
conditions unless waived by Centerior:
          (a) Representations and Warranties.  Except as otherwise contemplated
     by this Agreement, the representations and warranties of Ohio Edison set
     forth in this Agreement shall be true and correct in all
     material respects as of the date of this Agreement (except to the extent
     such representations and warranties speak as of an earlier date) and as of
     the Closing Date as though made on and as of the Closing Date, and
     FirstEnergy and Centerior shall have received a certificate signed on
     behalf of Ohio Edison by its chief executive officer and chief financial
     officer to such effect.
          (b) Performance of Obligations of Ohio Edison.  Ohio Edison shall have
     performed in all material respects all obligations required to be performed
     by it under this Agreement at or prior to the Closing Date, and FirstEnergy
     and Centerior shall have received a certificate signed on behalf of Ohio
     Edison by its chief executive officer to such effect.
          (c) Tax Opinion.  Centerior shall have received an opinion, dated on
     or about the date of, and referred to in, the S-4 and the Proxy Statement
     of Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, counsel to Centerior, which opinion may be
     based on appropriate representations of Ohio Edison, Centerior and
     FirstEnergy which are in form and substance satisfactory to such counsel,
     and in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Centerior, to the
     effect that
             (i) the Merger will be treated for Federal income tax purposes, as
        to Ohio Edison, as a transfer within the meaning of Section 351(a) of
        the Code and, as to Centerior, as a reorganization within the meaning of
        Section 368(a) of the Code,
             (ii) FirstEnergy and Centerior will each be a party to such
        reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(b) of the Code, and
             (iii) no gain or loss will be recognized by Ohio Edison or
        Centerior shareholders that exchange Ohio Edison Common Stock or
        Centerior Common Stock for FirstEnergy Common Stock in the Merger
        (except as to fractional shares or dissenters).
          (d) No Amendments to Resolutions.  Neither the Board of Directors of
     Ohio Edison nor any committee thereof shall have amended, modified,
     rescinded or repealed the resolutions adopted by the Ohio Edison Board of
     Directors at a meeting duly called and held on September 13, 1996 (accurate
     and complete copies of which have been provided to Centerior), and shall
     not have adopted any other resolutions in connection with this Agreement
     and the transactions contemplated hereby inconsistent with such
          (e) Rights Agreement.  Under the Ohio Edison Rights Agreement, no
     "flip-in" or "flip-over" or similar event commonly described in rights
     plans, or a Trigger Event as defined therein, shall have occurred with
     respect to the Ohio Edison Rights Agreement that would increase the number
     of shares of FirstEnergy Common Stock to be issued under the Merger, or the
     rights issued thereunder shall not have become nonredeemable.
          (f) Consents Under Agreements.  Ohio Edison shall have obtained the
     consent or approval of each person (other than the Government Entities
     referred to in Section 8.1(c)), whose consent or approval shall be required
     in order to permit Ohio Edison to consummate the transactions contemplated
     hereby, except those for which failure to obtain such consents and
     approvals would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a FirstEnergy
     Material Adverse Effect.
          (g) Ohio Edison Material Adverse Effect.  Since June 30, 1996, there
     shall not have been any event which constitutes an Ohio Edison Material
     Adverse Effect.
          (h) Centerior Fairness Opinion.  The fairness opinion letter delivered
     by the Centerior Fairness Advisor to Centerior shall not, in good faith,
     have been withdrawn by the Centerior Fairness Advisor.
                                   ARTICLE IX
                           TERMINATION AND AMENDMENT
     9.1  Termination.  At any time prior to the Effective Time, whether before
or after approval of the matters presented in connection with the Merger by the
holders of Ohio Edison Common Stock or by the holders of Centerior Common Stock,
this Agreement may be terminated:
          (a) by mutual written consent of Ohio Edison and Centerior;
          (b) by either Ohio Edison or Centerior
             (i) if there has been a material breach of any representation,
        warranty, covenant or agreement on the part of the other set forth in
        this Agreement which breach has not been cured within ten (10) business
        days following receipt by the breaching party of notice of such breach
        or adequate assurance of such cure shall not have been given by or on
        behalf of the breaching party within such ten (10) business day period,
             (ii) if any permanent Injunction or other order of a court or other
        competent authority preventing the consummation of the Merger shall have
        become final and nonappealable;
          (c) by Ohio Edison, upon two days' prior notice to Centerior, if, as a
     result of a Takeover Proposal involving Ohio Edison or any of its
     Significant Subsidiaries, the Board of Directors of Ohio Edison determines
     in good faith that its fiduciary obligations under applicable law require
     that such Takeover Proposal be accepted; provided, however, that
             (i) the Board of Directors of Ohio Edison shall have been advised
        in writing by outside counsel that notwithstanding a binding commitment
        to consummate an agreement of the nature of this Agreement entered into
        in the proper exercise of its applicable fiduciary duties, such
        fiduciary duties would also require the Board to reconsider such
        commitment as a result of such Takeover Proposal; and
             (ii) prior to any such termination, Ohio Edison shall, and shall
        cause its respective financial and legal advisors to, negotiate with
        Centerior to make such adjustments in the terms and conditions of this
        Agreement as would enable Ohio Edison to proceed with the transactions
        contemplated herein;
          (d) by Centerior, upon two days' prior notice to Ohio Edison, if, as a
     result of a Takeover Proposal involving Centerior or any of its Significant
     Subsidiaries, the Board of Directors of Centerior determines in good faith
     that its fiduciary obligations under applicable law require that such
     Takeover Proposal be accepted; provided, however, that
             (i) the Board of Directors of Centerior shall have been advised in
        writing by outside counsel that notwithstanding a binding commitment to
        consummate an agreement of the nature of this Agreement entered into in
        the proper exercise of its applicable fiduciary duties, such fiduciary
        duties would also require the Board to reconsider such commitment as a
        result of such Takeover Proposal; and
             (ii) prior to any such termination, Centerior shall, and shall
        cause its respective financial and legal advisors to, negotiate with
        Ohio Edison to make such adjustments in the terms and conditions of this
        Agreement as would enable Centerior to proceed with the transactions
        contemplated herein;
          (e) by either Ohio Edison or Centerior if the Merger shall not have
     been consummated before June 30, 1998; provided, however, that the right to
     terminate the Agreement under this Section 9.1(e) shall not be available to
     any party whose failure to fulfill any obligation under this Agreement has
     been the cause of, or resulted in, the failure of the Effective Time to
     occur on or before this date;
          (f) by either Ohio Edison or Centerior if the required approval of the
     holders of Ohio Edison Common Stock or the holders of Centerior Common
     Stock shall not have been obtained by reason of the
     failure to obtain the required approval upon a vote taken at a duly held
     meeting of shareholders or at any adjournment thereof; or
          (g) by either Ohio Edison or Centerior if any state or Federal law,
     order, rule or regulation is adopted or issued, which has the effect, as
     supported by the written opinion of outside counsel, for such party, of
     prohibiting the Merger.
     9.2  Effect of Termination.
     In the event of termination of this Agreement by either Centerior or Ohio
Edison as provided in Section 9.1, this Agreement shall forthwith become void
and there shall be no liability or obligation on the part of Ohio Edison or
Centerior or their respective officers or directors, except
             (i) with respect to Sections 7.4(b), 7.10, 7.11 and 9.5, and
             (ii) to the extent that such termination results from the willful
        breach by a party hereto of any of its representations, warranties,
        covenants or agreements set forth in this Agreement.
     9.3  Amendment.
     This Agreement may be amended by the parties hereto, by action taken or
authorized by their respective Boards of Directors, at any time before or after
approval of the matters presented in connection with the Merger by the holders
of Ohio Edison Common Stock or the holders of Centerior Common Stock but, after
any such approval, no amendment shall be made which by law or applicable rule of
the NYSE requires further approval by such shareholders without such further
     9.4  Extension; Waiver.
          (a) At any time prior to the Effective Time, the parties hereto, by
     action duly taken, may, to the extent legally allowed,
             (i) extend the time for the performance of any of the obligations
        or other acts of the other parties hereto,
             (ii) waive any inaccuracies in the representations and warranties
        contained herein or in any document delivered pursuant hereto, and
             (iii) waive compliance with any of the agreements or conditions
        contained herein.
          (b) Any agreement on the part of a party hereto to any such extension
     or waiver shall be valid only if set forth in a written instrument signed
     on behalf of such party.
     9.5  Termination Fee; Expenses
          (a) Termination Fee Upon Breach.  If this Agreement is terminated at
     such time that this Agreement is terminable pursuant to Section 9.1(b)(i)
     (other than solely pursuant to a non-curable breach of a representation or
     warranty unless such breach was willful) by one of the parties but not the
     other, then the breaching party shall promptly (but not later than five
     business days after receipt of notice from the non-breaching party) pay, in
     addition to its own expenses, to the non-breaching party in cash an amount
     equal to $10 million, plus cash in an amount equal to all documented
     out-of-pocket expenses and fees incurred by the non-breaching party
     (including, without limitation, fees and expenses payable to all legal,
     accounting, financial, public relations and other professional advisors)
     arising out of, in connection with or related to the Merger or the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
          (b) Additional Termination Fee.
           (i) If
                (A) this Agreement
                    (I) is terminated by any party pursuant to Section 9.1(c) or
               Section 9.1(d), or
                    (II) is terminated by any party pursuant to Section 9.1(f)
               or is terminated as a result of a party's material breach of
               Section 6.5, and
                (B) at the time of such termination or prior to the meeting of
           such party's shareholders there shall have been a Takeover Proposal
           with respect to such party or any of its Significant Subsidiaries
           which at the time of such termination or of the meeting of such
           party's shareholders shall not have been
                    (I) rejected by such party and its board of directors, and
                    (II) withdrawn by the third-party offeror, and
                (C) within two and one-half years of any such termination
           described in clause (A) above, the party or its Significant
           Subsidiary which is the subject of the Takeover Proposal (the "Target
           Party") becomes a subsidiary of such third-party offeror or a
           subsidiary of an affiliate of such third-party offeror or accepts a
           written offer to consummate or consummates a Business Combination
           with such third-party offeror or affiliate thereof,
     then such third-party offeror, together with its affiliates, on the one
     hand, will, at the closing (and as a condition to the closing) of such
     Target Party so becoming a subsidiary or of such Business Combination, pay
     to the other party hereto a termination fee equal to $55,000,000 in cash,
     plus cash in an amount equal to all documented out-of-pocket expenses and
     fees incurred by such other party (including, without limitation, fees and
     expenses payable to all legal, accounting, financial, public relations and
     other professional advisors) arising out of, in connection with or related
     to the Merger or the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
             (ii) For purposes of this Agreement, a "Business Combination" shall
        mean any merger, sale of a material portion of assets or other business
          (c) Rights; Expenses.
             (i) The successful exercise of the rights under this Section 9.5
        shall constitute an election of remedies, but the existence of such
        rights shall not constitute an election of remedies or in any way limit
        or impair a party's right to pursue any other remedy against the other
        party to which it may be entitled under this Agreement, at law or in
        equity, or otherwise.
             (ii) The parties agree that the agreements contained in this
        Section 9.5 are an integral part of the transactions contemplated by the
        Agreement, that the damages that would be suffered by a party upon
        breach of this Agreement by the other party are inherently insusceptible
        of calculation, and that the agreements contained in this Section 9.5
        therefore constitute liquidated damages and not a penalty.
             (iii) If one party fails to pay promptly to the other any fee due
        hereunder, the defaulting party shall pay the costs and expenses
        (including legal fees and expenses) in connection with any action,
        including the filing of any lawsuit or other legal action, taken to
        collect payment, together with interest on the amount of any unpaid fee
        at the publicly announced prime rate of Citibank, N.A. from the date
        such fee was required to be paid.
                                   ARTICLE X
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS
     10.1  Nonsurvival of Representations and Warranties.  None of the
representations and warranties in this Agreement or in any instrument delivered
pursuant to this Agreement shall survive the Effective Time.
     10.2  Further Assurances.  Each party will execute and deliver all such
further documents and instruments and take all such further action as may be
necessary in order to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.
     10.3  Notices.  Any notice or communication required or permitted hereunder
shall be in writing and either delivered personally or telecopied (with
confirmation of receipt) or sent by certified or registered mail, postage
prepaid, and shall be deemed to be given, dated and received when so delivered
personally or telecopied (with confirmation of receipt) or, if mailed, five
business days after the date of mailing to the following address or telecopy
number, or to such other address or addresses as such person may subsequently
designate by notice given hereunder.
      (a) if to Ohio Edison, to
          Ohio Edison Company
          76 South Main Street
          Akron, OH 44308

          Telecopy: (330) 384-5922
          Telephone: (330) 384-5973

               Attention: Anthony J. Alexander

          with a copy to
          Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts
          One Battery Park Plaza
          New York, NY 10004
          Telecopy: (212) 858-1500
          Telephone: (212) 858-1000
               Attention: John H. Byington, Jr.
       (b) if to Centerior, to
           Centerior Energy Corporation
           P.O. Box 94661
           Cleveland, Ohio 44101-4661

           Telecopy: (216) 447-2592
           Telephone: (216) 447-3121
               Attention: Terrence G. Linnert

           with a copy to

           Squire, Sanders & Dempsey
           4900 Key Tower
           Cleveland, OH 44114

           Telecopy: (216) 479-8780
           Telephone: (216) 479-8500

               Attention: Gordon S. Kaiser
     10.4  Interpretation.
          (a) When a reference is made in this Agreement to Sections, such
     reference shall be to a Section of this Agreement unless otherwise
          (b) Whenever the words "include", "includes" or "including" are used
     in this Agreement, they shall be deemed to be followed by the words
     "without limitation".
          (c) The phrase "made available" in this Agreement shall mean that the
     information referred to has been made available if requested by the party
     to whom such information is to be made available.
     10.5  Descriptive Headings.  The descriptive headings herein are inserted
for convenience of reference only and are not intended to be part of or to
affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.
     10.6  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in two or more
counterparts, all of which shall be considered one and the same agreement and
shall become effective when two or more counterparts have been signed by each of
the parties and delivered to the other parties, it being understood that all
parties need not sign the same counterpart.
     10.7  Entire Agreement.  This Agreement (including the documents and the
instruments referred to herein) and the Confidentiality Agreement constitute the
entire agreement and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, both
written and oral, among the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.
     10.8  No Third Party Beneficiaries.  Except as provided in Section 7.13
(which covenants shall be enforceable by the persons affected thereby following
the Effective Time), this Agreement (including the documents and the instruments
referred to herein) is not intended to confer upon any person other than the
parties hereto any rights or remedies hereunder.
     10.9  Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed and construed in
accordance with the internal substantive laws of the State of Ohio without
regard to any applicable conflicts of law.
     10.10  Severability.
          (a) The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this
     Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the other
     provisions of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect.
          (b) In the event any court or other competent authority holds any
     provision of this Agreement to be null, void or unenforceable, the parties
     hereto shall negotiate in good faith the execution and delivery of an
     amendment to this Agreement in order, as nearly as possible, to effectuate,
     to the extent permitted by law, the intent of the parties hereto with
     respect to such provision.
     10.11  Publicity.  Except as otherwise required by law or the rules of the
NYSE, so long as this Agreement is in effect, neither Centerior nor Ohio Edison
shall, or shall permit any of their respective Subsidiaries to, issue or cause
the publication of any press release or other public announcement with respect
to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement without the consent of the
other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
     10.12  Binding Effect.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to
the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective
successors and permitted assigns.
     10.13  Assignment.  Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests
or obligations hereunder shall be assigned by any of the parties hereto (whether
by operation of law or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the other
     10.14  Amendments; Waiver.  This Agreement may be amended by the parties
hereto and the terms and conditions hereof may be waived only by an instrument
in writing signed on behalf of each of the parties hereto, or, in the case of a
waiver, by an instrument signed on behalf of the party waiving compliance.
     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ohio Edison and Centerior have caused this Agreement to
be signed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized, all as of the
date first above written.

/s/ Robert J. Farling                            /s/ Willard R. Holland

By:                                              By:
Name: Robert J. Farling                          Name: Willard R. Holland
Title: Chairman, President                       Title: President and Chief
      and Chief Executive Officer                      Executive Officer

                                                                       EXHIBIT A
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                                MERGER AGREEMENT
                                  BY AND AMONG
                              OHIO EDISON COMPANY,
                               FIRSTENERGY CORP.
                         OHIO EDISON ACQUISITION CORP.
                         DATED AS OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1996
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                          OHIO EDISON MERGER AGREEMENT

  ARTICLE I     Merger of Ohio Edison Acquisition Corp. into Ohio Edison.............  a-1
  ARTICLE II    The Merger -- Manner and Effect of Conversion
                and Exchange.........................................................  a-2
  ARTICLE III   Effective Time of the Merger.........................................  a-2
  ARTICLE IV    Articles of Incorporation............................................  a-3
  ARTICLE V     Regulations..........................................................  a-3
  ARTICLE VI    Directors and Officers of the Surviving Corporation..................  a-3
  ARTICLE VII   Miscellaneous........................................................  a-3

                          OHIO EDISON MERGER AGREEMENT
     THIS MERGER AGREEMENT ("Merger Agreement") is entered into as of September
13, 1996, pursuant to Section 1701.78 of the Ohio Revised Code, by and among
OHIO EDISON COMPANY, an Ohio corporation ("Ohio Edison"), FIRSTENERGY CORP., an
Ohio corporation ("FirstEnergy"), and OHIO EDISON ACQUISITION CORP., an Ohio
corporation ("OEAC") (the parties to this Merger Agreement are hereinafter
sometimes collectively referred to as the "Constituent Corporations").
     WHEREAS, OEAC is a wholly owned subsidiary of FirstEnergy;
     WHEREAS, Ohio Edison and Centerior Energy Corporation, an Ohio corporation
("Centerior") have entered into, and FirstEnergy has approved, an Agreement and
Plan of Merger dated September 13, 1996 (the "Reorganization Agreement"),
providing for the mergers of OEAC into Ohio Edison and Centerior Acquisition
Corp., an Ohio corporation ("CAC"), into Centerior and resulting in Ohio Edison
and Centerior becoming subsidiaries of FirstEnergy and the common shareholders
of Ohio Edison and Centerior becoming common shareholders of FirstEnergy;
     WHEREAS, the directors of each of the Constituent Corporations have
heretofore approved and the shareholders of FirstEnergy have heretofore adopted
the Reorganization Agreement and this Merger Agreement;
     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises hereof and the mutual
agreements contained herein and in the Reorganization Agreement, and in
accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio, the Constituent Corporations have
agreed, and do hereby agree that, subject to the terms and conditions of this
Merger Agreement and the Reorganization Agreement, OEAC shall be merged into
Ohio Edison (the "Merger"), which shall be the corporation surviving the Merger
(hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Surviving Corporation"), the
outstanding common stock, par value $0.10 per share, of OEAC ("OEAC Common")
shall be converted into shares of common stock, par value $9 per share, of Ohio
Edison ("Ohio Edison Common") and the outstanding Ohio Edison Common shall be
converted into shares of common stock, par value $0.10 per share, of FirstEnergy
("FirstEnergy Common"), and that the terms and conditions of the Merger, the
mode of carrying it into effect, and the manner of converting and exchanging
shares shall be as follows:
                                   ARTICLE I
                        MERGER OF OEAC INTO OHIO EDISON
     1.1  OEAC shall be merged into Ohio Edison, Ohio Edison shall be the
surviving corporation of the Merger, and the Surviving Corporation shall
continue to have the name Ohio Edison Company and be governed by the laws of the
State of Ohio.
     1.2  The OEAC Common issued and outstanding at the Effective Time, as
defined in Article III below, shall thereupon and without more be converted into
and become that number of common shares of the Surviving Corporation which shall
be equivalent to the aggregate number of shares of OEAC Common outstanding
immediately prior to the Effective Time.
     1.3  Each share of Ohio Edison Common issued and outstanding at the
Effective Time (excluding any shares of Ohio Edison Common as to which a
shareholder of Ohio Edison has perfected rights as a dissenting shareholder
under Section 1701.85 of the Ohio Revised Code unless those rights are
terminated otherwise than by purchase) shall thereupon and without more be
converted into and become one share of FirstEnergy Common.
     1.4  Each share of Ohio Edison preferred stock, $100 par value (the "Ohio
Edison $100 Preferred Stock") and Ohio Edison Class A preferred stock, $25 par
value (the "Ohio Edison $25 Preferred Stock") that shall be issued and
outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time (and each share of Ohio
$100 Preferred Stock and Ohio Edison $25 Preferred Stock held in the treasury of
Ohio Edison at the Effective Time) shall remain unchanged and shall continue to
be one share of Ohio Edison $100 Preferred Stock and Ohio Edison $25 Preferred
Stock, as the case may be.
                                   ARTICLE II
     2.1  Matters Affecting Capital Stock.  Those provisions of Article III of
the Reorganization Agreement that affect the capital stock and share
certificates of OEAC and Ohio Edison and the common stock and related share
certificates of FirstEnergy are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference
     2.2  Certain Effects of the Merger.  At the Effective Time, the effect of
the Merger shall be as provided by the applicable provisions of Ohio law.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and subject thereto, at the
Effective Time: the separate existence of OEAC shall cease; the Surviving
Corporation shall possess all assets and property of every description, and
every interest therein, wherever located, and the rights, privileges,
immunities, powers, franchises and authorities of a public, as well as of a
private, nature of OEAC and Ohio Edison; all obligations belonging to or due
OEAC and Ohio Edison shall be vested in, and become the obligations of, the
Surviving Corporation without further act or deed; title to any real estate or
any interest therein vested in OEAC or Ohio Edison shall not revert or in any
way be impaired by reason of the Merger; all rights of creditors and all liens
upon any property of OEAC and Ohio Edison shall be preserved unimpaired; and the
Surviving Corporation shall be liable for all the obligations of OEAC and Ohio
Edison, and any claim existing, or action or proceeding pending, by or against
OEAC or Ohio Edison may be prosecuted to judgment with right of appeal as if the
Merger had not taken place.
     2.3  Further Assurances.  If at any time contemporaneous with or after the
Effective Time either the Surviving Corporation or FirstEnergy shall consider it
to be advisable that any further conveyances, agreements, documents, instruments
and assurances of law or any other things are necessary or desirable to vest,
perfect, confirm or record in the Surviving Corporation the title to any
property, rights, privileges, obligations, powers and franchises of OEAC or Ohio
Edison or otherwise to carry out the provisions of this Merger Agreement, the
proper directors and officers of the Surviving Corporation or the proper
directors and officers of Ohio Edison last in office shall execute and deliver,
upon request of either the Surviving Corporation or FirstEnergy, any and all
proper conveyances, agreements, documents, instruments and assurances of law,
and do all things necessary or proper to vest, perfect, or confirm title to such
property, rights, privileges, obligations, powers and franchises in the
Surviving Corporation and otherwise to carry out the provisions of this Merger
     2.4  Effect on Ohio Edison Preferred and Debt Instruments.  The Merger
shall not have any effect upon the Ohio Edison $100 Preferred Stock and $25
Preferred Stock or upon the bonds, notes and other debt securities of Ohio
Edison issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time, and all
such securities shall remain unchanged and shall be the obligations of the
Surviving Corporation after the Effective Time.
                                  ARTICLE III
                          EFFECTIVE TIME OF THE MERGER
     If this Merger Agreement is duly adopted by the holders of shares of Ohio
Edison Common as provided in the Reorganization Agreement, if the conditions set
forth in the Reorganization Agreement are duly satisfied, or waived by Ohio
Edison, and if this Merger Agreement has not been terminated pursuant to Section
7.2 hereof, at the time specified in the Reorganization Agreement a certificate
of merger, duly executed in accordance with Section 1701.81(A) of the Ohio
Revised Code, shall be filed by the Constituent Corporations with the Secretary
of State of Ohio. The Effective Time shall be the time at which said certificate
of merger is so filed or at such time thereafter as is provided in the
certificate of merger.
                                   ARTICLE IV
                           ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
     The Amended Articles of Incorporation of Ohio Edison, as in effect
immediately prior to the Effective Time, shall constitute the "Articles" of the
Surviving Corporation within the meaning of Section 1701.01(D) of the Ohio
Revised Code and shall remain in effect until thereafter duly altered, amended,
or repealed in accordance with the provisions thereof and applicable law.
                                   ARTICLE V
     The Regulations of Ohio Edison, as in effect immediately prior to the
Effective Time, shall constitute the Regulations of the Surviving Corporation
and shall remain in effect until thereafter duly altered, amended, or repealed
in accordance with the provisions thereof, the Articles of Incorporation of the
Surviving Corporation and applicable law.
                                   ARTICLE VI
     The directors and officers of Ohio Edison in office at the Effective Time
shall be the directors and officers of the Surviving Corporation after the
Effective Time and shall continue in office in accordance with the Articles and
Regulations of the Surviving Corporation and applicable law.
                                  ARTICLE VII
     7.1  Waiver and Amendment.  Any Constituent Corporation may, at any time
prior to the Effective Time, by action taken by its directors or officers
thereunto duly authorized, waive any of the terms or conditions of this Merger
Agreement and/or agree to the amendment or modification of this Merger
Agreement; provided, however, that after a favorable vote by the shareholders of
a Constituent Corporation any such action shall be taken by that Constituent
Corporation only if, in the opinion of its directors or officers, such waiver or
such amendment or modification will not have any material adverse effect on the
benefits intended under this Merger Agreement for the shareholders of such party
and will not require resolicitation of any proxies from such shareholders.
     7.2  Termination.  This Merger Agreement may be terminated and the Merger
abandoned at any time prior to the Effective Time as provided in Article IX of
the Reorganization Agreement. If the Reorganization Agreement is terminated in
accordance with Article IX thereof, then this Merger Agreement shall
simultaneously terminate and the Merger shall be abandoned without further
action by the Constituent Corporations. In the event of termination of this
Merger Agreement, the directors of the Constituent Corporations shall each
direct their officers not to file the certificate of merger in the Office of the
Secretary of State of Ohio, notwithstanding favorable action by the shareholders
of the respective Constituent Corporations.
     7.3  Limitation on Rights.  Except as otherwise specifically provided
herein, nothing expressed or implied in this Merger Agreement is intended or
shall be construed to confer upon or give any person, firm or corporation, other
than the Constituent Corporations and their respective shareholders, any rights
or remedies under or by reason of this Merger Agreement or any transactions
contemplated hereby.
     7.4  Captions; Governing Law.  The captions in this Merger Agreement are
for convenience only and shall not be considered a part or affect the
construction or interpretation of any provision of this Merger Agreement. This
Merger Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
of the State of Ohio.
     7.5  Counterparts.  This Merger Agreement may be executed in any number of
counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall be
considered one and the same agreement and shall become effective when one or
more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the
other parties.
     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Merger Agreement, pursuant to the
approval and authority duly given by resolutions adopted by their respective
Boards of Directors, have each caused this Merger Agreement to be executed and
attested by its President and Secretary.

                                                  OHIO EDISON ACQUISITION CORP.
_____________________, Secretary                  By                            
                                                     ________________, President

                                                  FIRSTENERGY CORP.
Attest:                                           By
_____________________, Secretary                     ________________, President
                                                  OHIO EDISON COMPANY
Attest:                                           By
_____________________, Secretary                     ________________, President

                                                                       EXHIBIT B
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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                                MERGER AGREEMENT
                                  BY AND AMONG
                          CENTERIOR ACQUISITION CORP.,
                               FIRSTENERGY CORP.
                          CENTERIOR ENERGY CORPORATION
                         DATED AS OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ARTICLE I     Merger of Centerior Acquisition Corporation into
                Centerior Energy Corporation.........................................  b-1
ARTICLE II    The Merger -- Manner and Effect of Conversion
                and Exchange.........................................................  b-2
ARTICLE III   Effective Time of the Merger...........................................  b-2
ARTICLE IV    Articles of Incorporation..............................................  b-2
ARTICLE V     Regulations............................................................  b-3
ARTICLE VI    Directors and Officers of the Surviving Corporation....................  b-3
ARTICLE VII   Miscellaneous..........................................................  b-3

     THIS MERGER AGREEMENT ("Merger Agreement") is entered into as of September
13, 1996, pursuant to Section 1701.78 of the Ohio Revised Code, by and among
Ohio corporation ("FirstEnergy"), and CENTERIOR ENERGY CORPORATION, an Ohio
corporation ("Centerior") (the parties to this Merger Agreement are hereinafter
sometimes collectively referred to as the "Constituent Corporations").
     WHEREAS, CAC is a wholly owned subsidiary of FirstEnergy;
     WHEREAS, Ohio Edison Company, an Ohio corporation ("Ohio Edison") and
Centerior have entered into, and FirstEnergy has approved, an Agreement and Plan
of Merger dated September 13, 1996 (the "Reorganization Agreement"), providing
for the mergers of Ohio Edison Acquisition Corp., an Ohio corporation ("OEAC"),
into Ohio Edison and CAC into Centerior and resulting in Ohio Edison and
Centerior becoming subsidiaries of FirstEnergy and the common shareholders of
Ohio Edison and Centerior becoming common shareholders of FirstEnergy;
     WHEREAS, the directors of each of the Constituent Corporations have
heretofore approved and the shareholders of FirstEnergy have heretofore adopted
the Reorganization Agreement and this Merger Agreement;
     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises hereof and the mutual
agreements contained herein and in the Reorganization Agreement, and in
accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio, the Constituent Corporations have
agreed, and do hereby agree that, subject to the terms and conditions of this
Merger Agreement and the Reorganization Agreement, CAC be merged into Centerior
(the "Merger"), which shall be the corporation surviving the Merger (hereinafter
sometimes referred to as the "Surviving Corporation"), the outstanding common
stock, par value $0.10 per share, of CAC ("CAC Common") shall be converted into
shares of Centerior common stock, without par value ("Centerior Common") and the
outstanding Centerior Common shall be converted into shares of common stock, par
value $0.10 per share, of FirstEnergy ("FirstEnergy Common"), and that the terms
and conditions of the Merger, the mode of carrying it into effect, and the
manner of converting and exchanging shares shall be as follows:
                                   ARTICLE I
                          MERGER OF CAC INTO CENTERIOR
     1.1  CAC shall be merged into Centerior, Centerior shall be the surviving
corporation of the Merger, and the Surviving Corporation shall continue to have
the name Centerior Energy Corporation and be governed by the laws of the State
of Ohio.
     1.2  The CAC Common issued and outstanding at the Effective Time, as
defined in Article III below, shall thereupon and without more be converted into
and become that number of common shares of the Surviving Corporation which shall
be equivalent to the aggregate number of shares of CAC Common outstanding
immediately prior to the Effective Time.
     1.3  Each share of Centerior Common issued and outstanding at the Effective
Time (excluding any shares of Centerior Common as to which a shareholder of
Centerior has perfected rights as a dissenting shareholder under Section 1701.85
of the Ohio Revised Code unless those rights are terminated otherwise than by
purchase) shall thereupon and without more be converted into and become 0.525 of
a share of FirstEnergy Common.
                                   ARTICLE II
     2.1  Matters Affecting Capital Stock.  Those provisions of Article III of
the Reorganization Agreement that affect the capital stock and share
certificates of CAC and Centerior and the Common Stock and related share
certificates of FirstEnergy are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference
     2.2  Certain Effects of the Merger.  At the Effective Time, the effect of
the Merger shall be as provided by the applicable provisions of Ohio law.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and subject thereto, at the
Effective Time: the separate existence of CAC shall cease; the Surviving
Corporation shall possess all assets and property of every description, and
every interest therein, wherever located, and the rights, privileges,
immunities, powers, franchises and authorities of a public, as well as of a
private, nature of CAC and Centerior; all obligations belonging to or due CAC
and Centerior shall be vested in, and become the obligations of, the Surviving
Corporation without further act or deed; title to any real estate or any
interest therein vested in CAC or Centerior shall not revert or in any way be
impaired by reason of the Merger; all rights of creditors and all liens upon any
property of CAC and Centerior shall be preserved unimpaired; and the Surviving
Corporation shall be liable for all the obligations of CAC and Centerior, and
any claim existing, or action or proceeding pending, by or against CAC or
Centerior may be prosecuted to judgment with right of appeal as if the Merger
had not taken place.
     2.3  Further Assurances.  If at any time contemporaneous with or after the
Effective Time either the Surviving Corporation or FirstEnergy shall consider it
to be advisable that any further conveyances, agreements, documents, instruments
and assurances of law or any other things are necessary or desirable to vest,
perfect, confirm or record in the Surviving Corporation the title to any
property, rights, privileges, obligations, powers and franchises of CAC or
Centerior or otherwise to carry out the provisions of this Merger Agreement, the
proper directors and officers of the Surviving Corporation or the proper
directors and officers of Centerior last in office shall execute and deliver,
upon request of either the Surviving Corporation or FirstEnergy, any and all
proper conveyances, agreements, documents, instruments and assurances of law,
and do all things necessary or proper to vest, perfect, or confirm title to such
property, rights, privileges, obligations, powers and franchises in the
Surviving Corporation and otherwise to carry out the provisions of this Merger
     2.4  Effect on Centerior Debt Instruments.  The Merger shall not have any
effect upon the Centerior bonds, notes and other debt securities of Centerior
issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time, and all such
securities shall remain unchanged and shall be the obligations of the Surviving
Corporation after the Effective Time.
                                  ARTICLE III
                          EFFECTIVE TIME OF THE MERGER
     If this Merger Agreement is duly adopted by the holders of shares of
Centerior Common as provided in the Reorganization Agreement, if the conditions
set forth in the Reorganization Agreement are duly satisfied, or waived by
Centerior, and if this Merger Agreement has not been terminated pursuant to
Section 7.2 hereof, at the time specified in the Reorganization Agreement a
certificate of merger, duly executed in accordance with Section 1701.81(A) of
the Ohio Revised Code, shall be filed by the Constituent Corporations with the
Secretary of State of Ohio. The Effective Time shall be the time at which said
certificate of merger is so filed or at such time thereafter as is provided in
the certificate of merger.
                                   ARTICLE IV
                           ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
     The Amended Articles of Incorporation of Centerior, as in effect
immediately prior to the Effective Time, shall constitute the "Articles" of the
Surviving Corporation within the meaning of Sec-
tion 1701.01(D) of the Ohio Revised Code and shall remain in effect until
thereafter duly altered, amended, or repealed in accordance with the provisions
thereof and applicable law.
                                   ARTICLE V
     The Regulations of Centerior, as in effect immediately prior to the
Effective Time, shall constitute the Regulations of the Surviving Corporation
and shall remain in effect until thereafter duly altered, amended, or repealed
in accordance with the provisions thereof, the Articles of Incorporation of the
Surviving Corporation and applicable law.
                                   ARTICLE VI
     The directors and officers of Centerior in office at the Effective Time
shall be the directors and officers of the Surviving Corporation after the
Effective Time and shall continue in office in accordance with the Articles and
Regulations of the Surviving Corporation and applicable law.
                                  ARTICLE VII
     7.1  Waiver and Amendment.  Any Constituent Corporation may, at any time
prior to the Effective Time, by action taken by its directors or officers
thereunto duly authorized, waive any of the terms or conditions of this Merger
Agreement and/or agree to the amendment or modification of this Merger
Agreement; provided, however, that after a favorable vote by the shareholders of
a Constituent Corporation any such action shall be taken by that Constituent
Corporation only if, in the opinion of its directors or officers, such waiver or
such amendment or modification will not have any material adverse effect on the
benefits intended under this Merger Agreement for the shareholders of such party
and will not require resolicitation of any proxies from such shareholders.
     7.2  Termination.  This Merger Agreement may be terminated and the Merger
abandoned at any time prior to the Effective Time as provided in Article IX of
the Reorganization Agreement. If the Reorganization Agreement is terminated in
accordance with Article IX thereof, then this Merger Agreement shall
simultaneously terminate and the Merger shall be abandoned without further
action by the Constituent Corporations. In the event of termination of this
Merger Agreement, the directors of the Constituent Corporations shall each
direct their officers not to file the certificate of merger in the Office of the
Secretary of State of Ohio, notwithstanding favorable action by the shareholders
of the respective Constituent Corporations.
     7.3  Limitation on Rights.  Except as otherwise specifically provided
herein, nothing expressed or implied in this Merger Agreement is intended or
shall be construed to confer upon or give any person, firm or corporation, other
than the Constituent Corporations and their respective shareholders, any rights
or remedies under or by reason of this Merger Agreement or any transactions
contemplated hereby.
     7.4  Captions; Governing Law.  The captions in this Merger Agreement are
for convenience only and shall not be considered a part or affect the
construction or interpretation of any provision of this Merger Agreement. This
Merger Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
of the State of Ohio.
     7.5  Counterparts.  This Merger Agreement may be executed in any number of
counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall be
considered one and the same agreement and shall become effective when one or
more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties and delivered to the
other parties.
     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Merger Agreement, pursuant to the
approval and authority duly given by resolutions adopted by their respective
Boards of Directors, have each caused this Merger Agreement to be executed and
attested by its President and Secretary.

                                                  CENTERIOR ACQUISITION CORP.

Attest:                                           By            
        ________________, Secretary                  ________________, President

                                                  FIRSTENERGY CORP.

Attest:                                           By
        ________________, Secretary                  ________________, President
                                                  CENTERIOR ENERGY CORPORATION

Attest:                                           By
        ________________, Secretary                  _______________, President

                                                                     APPENDIX B1

                                             MCDONALD & COMPANY SECURITIES, INC.
                                               MEMBER NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE
                                                 McDONALD INVESTMENT CENTER
                                                    800 SUPERIOR AVENUE
                                                 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44114-2603
                               SEPTEMBER 13, 1996
- -------------------------
Board of Directors
Ohio Edison Company
76 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44305-1890
     You have requested our opinion as to the fairness, from a financial point
of view, as of the date hereof, to the holders of the outstanding common shares,
par value $9.00 per share (the "Company Common Shares"), of Ohio Edison Company
(the "Company") of the exchange ratio at which Company Common shares will be
exchanged (the "Company Exchange Ratio") for common shares, $0.10 par value, of
FirstEnergy Corp. ("FirstEnergy"), pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Merger
to be dated as of September 13, 1996 (the "Agreement") by and between the
Company and Centerior Energy Corporation ("Centerior"), in light of the
Centerior Exchange Ratio (as defined below). Pursuant to the Agreement, the
Company and Centerior will form FirstEnergy, a holding company. The Company will
be merged with a subsidiary of FirstEnergy, and each of the outstanding Company
Common Shares will be converted into the right to receive one common share, par
value $0.10 per share, of FirstEnergy (the "FirstEnergy Common Shares").
Centerior will be merged into FirstEnergy, and each of the outstanding common
shares, no par value, of Centerior (the "Centerior Common Shares") will be
converted into the right to receive .525 shares of FirstEnergy Common Shares
(the "Centerior Exchange Ratio").
     McDonald & Company Securities, Inc., as part of its investment banking
business, is customarily engaged in the valuation of businesses and their
securities in connection with mergers and acquisitions, negotiated
underwritings, competitive biddings, secondary distributions of listed and
unlisted securities, private placements and valuations for estate, corporate and
other purposes.
     In connection with this opinion, we have reviewed, among other things: (i)
the Agreement; (ii) Annual Reports to shareholders and Annual Reports on Form
10-K of the Company and Centerior for the five years ended December 31, 1995;
(iii) certain interim reports to shareholders and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q
of the Company and Centerior; (iv) certain FERC Forms 1 of the Company and
Centerior; (v) certain other communications from the Company and Centerior to
their respective shareholders; and (vi) certain internal financial analyses and
forecasts of certain operating efficiencies and financial synergies expected to
be achieved as a result of the proposed combination, which were prepared jointly
by the managements of the Company and Centerior, with the assistance of third
party consultants. We also have held discussions with members of the senior
management of the Company and Centerior regarding the past and current business
operations, financial conditions and future prospects of their respective
companies and their analyses of the strategic benefits of the proposed
combination, including, without limitation, the amount and timing of realization
of the synergies related to the proposed combination. In addition, we have
reviewed the reported price and trading activity information for Company Common
Shares and Centerior Common Shares, compared certain financial and stock market
information for the Company and Centerior with similar information for certain
other companies the securities of which are publicly traded, reviewed the
financial terms of certain recent business combinations in the electric utility
industry and performed such other studies and analyses as we considered
     In our review and analysis and in arriving at our opinion, we have assumed
and relied upon the accuracy and completeness of all of the financial and other
information provided us or publicly available and have assumed and relied upon
the representations and warranties of the Company and Centerior contained in the
Agreement. We have not been engaged to verify, nor have we independently
attempted to verify, any of such information. We have also relied upon the
managements of the Company and Centerior as to the reasonableness and
achievability of the financial and operating projections (and the assumptions
and bases therefor) provided to us and, with your consent, we have assumed that
such projections reflect the best currently available estimates and judgments of
such respective managements of the Company and Centerior and that such
projections and forecasts will be realized in the amounts and in the time
periods currently estimated by the managements of the Company and Centerior. We
have not been engaged to assess the achievability of such projections or the
assumptions upon which they were based and express no view as to such
projections or assumptions. In addition, we have not conducted a physical
inspection or appraisal of any of the assets, properties or facilities of either
the Company or Centerior nor have we been furnished with any such evaluation or
appraisal. In addition, we have further assumed that obtaining any necessary
regulatory or third party approvals for the transaction contemplated by the
Agreement will not have an adverse effect on the Company or Centerior.
     It should be noted that this opinion is based on economic and market
conditions and other circumstances existing on, and information made available
as of, the date hereof and does not address any matters subsequent to such date,
including the value of the Company Common Shares or the Centerior Common Shares
at the time of the consummation of the proposed combination. In addition, our
opinion is, in any event, limited to the fairness, from a financial point of
view, as of the date hereof, to the holders of the Company Common Shares of the
Company Exchange Ratio, in light of the Centerior Exchange Ratio, and does not
address the Company's underlying business decision to effect the proposed
combination or any other terms of the proposed combination.
     We will receive from the Company a fee for rendering this opinion, a
significant portion of which is contingent upon the approval of the proposed
combination by the holders of the Company Common Shares. The Company has. also
agreed to indemnify us under certain circumstances. We have also provided
certain investment banking services to the Company and Centerior from time to
time, including acting as an underwriter of certain securities offerings, and
have received customary compensation for such services. In the ordinary course
of our business, we may actively trade securities of both the Company and
Centerior for our own account and for the accounts of customers and,
accordingly, may at any time hold a long or short position in such securities.
     Our opinion is directed to the Board of Directors and does not constitute a
recommendation to any shareholder of the Company as to how such shareholder
should vote at the shareholders' meeting held in connection with the proposed
     Based upon and subject to the foregoing and based upon such other matters
as we consider relevant, it is our opinion that as of the date hereof, the
Company Exchange Ratio specified in the Agreement, in light of the Centerior
Exchange Ratio, is fair from a financial point of view, to the holders of the
Company Common Shares.
                                           Very truly yours,
                                           McDONALD & COMPANY SECURITIES, INC.
                                           By: /s/ Richard D. Weber
                                             Richard D. Weber
                                             Senior Vice President
                        BARR DEVLIN & CO. INCORPORATED
                                                                     APPENDIX B2
                                                              September 13, 1996
The Board of Directors
Centerior Energy Corporation
6200 Oak Tree Boulevard
Independence, Ohio 44131
Dear Members of the Board;
     We understand that Centerior Energy Corporation, an Ohio corporation
("Centerior"), and Ohio Edison Company, an Ohio corporation ("Ohio Edison"),
have determined to engage in a strategic business combination. The terms and
conditions of the business combination are set forth in the Agreement and Plan
of Merger, dated as of September 13, 1996 (the "Agreement") between Ohio Edison
and Centerior. The Agreement provides for, among other things, (i) the formation
of FirstEnergy Corp., an Ohio corporation ("FirstEnergy"), 50% of whose capital
stock will be owned by Centerior and 50% of whose capital stock will be owned by
Ohio Edison, (ii) the merger of a subsidiary of FirstEnergy with and into Ohio
Edison (the "Ohio Edison Merger"), (iii) the merger of another subsidiary of
FirstEnergy with and into Centerior (the "Centerior Merger"), and (iv)
immediately after the Centerior Merger, the merger of Centerior with and into
FirstEnergy (the "FirstEnergy Merger") (the Ohio Edison Merger, the Centerior
Merger and the FirstEnergy Merger together being referred to herein as the
"Merger"). Pursuant to the Agreement, each issued and outstanding share of
common stock, par value $9 per share, of Ohio Edison ("Ohio Edison Common
Stock") will be converted into common stock, par value $0.10 per share, of
FirstEnergy ("FirstEnergy Common Stock") at the rate of one share of FirstEnergy
Common Stock for each share of Ohio Edison Common Stock (the "Ohio Edison
Conversion Number"); and each issued and outstanding share of common stock,
without par value, of Centerior ("Centerior Common Stock") will be converted
into FirstEnergy Common Stock at the rate of 0.525 shares of FirstEnergy Common
Stock for each share of Centerior Common Stock (the "Centerior Conversion
Number"). The terms and conditions of the Merger are set forth in more detail in
the Agreement. Capitalized terms used herein without definition have the
respective meanings assigned to such terms in the Agreement.
     We have been requested by Centerior to render our opinion with respect to
the fairness, from a financial point of view, to holders of Centerior Common
Stock of the Centerior Conversion Number to be offered in the Merger.
     In arriving at our opinion, we have, among other things:
      (1) Reviewed the Annual Reports, Forms 10-K and the related financial
          information for the three-year period ended December 31, 1995, and the
          Forms 10-Q and the related unaudited financial information for the
          quarterly periods ended March 31, 1996 and June 30, 1996, for
          Centerior, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo
          Edison Company;

   450 Park Avenue New York New York 10022 (212) 308-2700 FAX (212) 308-2706
                        BARR DEVLIN & CO. INCORPORATED

      (2) Reviewed the Annual Reports, Forms 10-K and the related financial
          information for the three-year period ended December 31, 1995, and the
          Forms 10-Q and the related unaudited financial information for the
          quarterly periods ended March 31, 1996 and June 30, 1996, for Ohio
          Edison and Pennsylvania Power Company;
      (3) Reviewed certain other filings with the Securities and Exchange
          Commission and other regulatory authorities made by Centerior, The
          Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, The Toledo Edison Company,
          Ohio Edison and Pennsylvania Power Company during the last three
          years, including proxy statements, FERC Forms 1, Forms 8-K and
          registration statements;
      (4) Reviewed certain internal information including financial forecasts,
          relating to the business, earnings, capital expenditures, cash flow,
          assets and prospects of Centerior and Ohio Edison furnished to us by
          Centerior and Ohio Edison;
      (5) Conducted discussions with members of senior management of Centerior
          and Ohio Edison concerning their respective businesses, regulatory
          environments, prospects and strategic objectives and possible
          operating, administrative and capital synergies which might be
          realized for the benefit of FirstEnergy following the Merger;
      (6) Reviewed the historical market prices and trading activity for shares
          of Centerior Common Stock and Ohio Edison Common Stock and compared
          them with those of certain publicly traded companies which we deemed
          to be relevant;
      (7) Compared the results of operations of Centerior and Ohio Edison with
          those of certain companies which we deemed to be relevant;
      (8) Compared the proposed financial terms of the Merger with the financial
          terms of certain utility industry business combinations which we
          deemed to be relevant;
      (9) Analyzed the respective contributions in terms of assets, earnings,
          cash flow and shareholders' equity of Centerior and Ohio Edison to
     (10) Analyzed the valuation of shares of Centerior Common Stock and Ohio
          Edison Common Stock using various valuation methodologies which we
          deemed to be appropriate;
     (11) Considered the pro forma capitalization, earnings and cash flow of
     (12) Compared the pro forma capitalization ratios, earnings per share,
          dividends per share and payout ratio of FirstEnergy with each of the
          corresponding current and projected values for Centerior and Ohio
          Edison on a stand-alone basis;
     (13) Reviewed the Agreement; and
     (14) Reviewed such other studies, conducted such other analyses, considered
          such other financial, economic and market criteria, performed such
          other investigations and taken into account such other matters as we
          deemed necessary or appropriate for purposes of this opinion.
     In rendering our opinion, we have relied, without independent verification,
upon the accuracy and completeness of all financial and other information
publicly available or otherwise furnished or made available to us by Centerior
and Ohio Edison and have further relied upon the assurances of management of
Centerior and Ohio Edison that they are not aware of any facts that would make
such information inaccurate or misleading. With respect to the financial
projections of Centerior and Ohio Edison (including, without limitation,
projected cost savings benefits), we have relied upon the assurances of
management of Centerior and Ohio Edison that such projections have been
reasonably prepared and reflect the best currently available estimates and
judgments of the management of Centerior and Ohio Edison as to the future
financial performance of Centerior and Ohio Edison, as the case may be, and as
to the projected outcomes of legal, regulatory and other contingencies. In
arriving at our opinion, we have not made or been provided with an independent
evaluation or appraisal of the assets or liabilities (contingent or otherwise)
of Centerior or Ohio Edison, nor have we made any physical inspection of the
properties or assets of Centerior or Ohio Edison. We
have assumed that the Merger will be treated for Federal income tax purposes, as
to Ohio Edison, as a transfer within the meaning of Section 351 (a) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and the regulations
thereunder, and as to Centerior, as a reorganization within the meaning of
Section 368 (a) of the Code, and that Centerior, Ohio Edison and shareholders of
Centerior and Ohio Edison who exchange their shares solely for FirstEnergy
Common Stock will recognize no gain or loss for federal income tax purposes as a
result of the consummation of the Merger. We have also assumed that the
Centerior Merger will be accounted for by the purchase method of accounting. You
have not authorized us to solicit, and we have not solicited, any indications of
interest from any third party with respect to the purchase of all or a part of
Centerior. Our opinion herein is necessarily based upon financial, stock market
and other conditions and circumstances existing and disclosed to us as of the
date hereof.
     We have acted as financial advisor to Centerior in connection with the
Merger and will receive certain fees for, our services. In addition, we, have in
the past rendered certain investment banking and financial advisory services to
Centerior for which we received customary compensation.
     Our advisory services and the opinion expressed herein are provided for the
use of Centerior's Board of Directors in evaluating the Merger and are not
provided on behalf of, or intended to confer rights or remedies upon, any
stockholder of Centerior, Ohio Edison or any person other than Centerior's Board
of Directors. Except for its publication in the Joint Proxy Statement which will
be distributed to holders of Centerior Common Stock and Ohio Edison Common Stock
in connection with approval of the Merger, our opinion may not be published or
otherwise used or referred to without our prior written consent. This opinion is
not intended to be and does not constitute a recommendation to any stockholder
as to how such stockholder should act with respect to the Merger.
     Based upon and subject to the foregoing, our experience as investment
bankers and other factors we deem relevant, we are of the opinion that, as of
the date hereof, the Centerior Conversion Number to be offered in connection
with the Merger is fair, from a financial point of view, to the holders of
Centerior Common Stock.
                                            Very truly yours,
                                            /s/ BARR DEVLIN & CO. INCORPORATED

                                            BARR DEVLIN & CO. INCORPORATED
                                                                      APPENDIX C
                           ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                               FIRSTENERGY CORP.
                                   ARTICLE I
     The name of the corporation is FirstEnergy Corp. (the "Corporation").
                                   ARTICLE II
     The place in the State of Ohio where the Corporation's principal office is
located is the City of Akron, Summit County.
                                  ARTICLE III
     The purpose of the Corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity
for which corporations may be formed under Sections 1701.01 to 1701.98,
inclusive, of the Ohio Revised Code.
                                   ARTICLE IV
     A. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL STOCK.  The Corporation is authorized to issue 305
million shares of capital stock, consisting of five (5) million shares of
preferred stock, with par value of $100 per share ("Preferred Stock"), and 300
million shares of common stock, with par value of $0.10 per share ("Common
     B. PREFERRED STOCK.  The Board of Directors shall have authority to issue
Preferred Stock from time to time in one or more classes or series. The express
terms of shares of a different series of any particular class shall be identical
except for such variations as may be permitted by law.
     C. COMMON STOCK.  Subject to any Preferred Stock Designation (as defined
herein), the holders of shares of Common Stock shall be entitled to one vote on
each matter submitted to a vote at a meeting of shareholders for each share of
Common Stock held of record by such holder as of the record date for such
                                   ARTICLE V
     The Board of Directors shall be authorized hereby to exercise all powers
now or hereafter permitted by law providing rights to the Board of Directors to
adopt amendments to these Articles of Incorporation to fix or change the express
terms of any unissued or treasury shares of any class, including, without
limiting the generality of the foregoing: division of such shares into series
and the designation and authorized number of shares of each series; voting
rights of such shares (to the extent now or hereafter permitted by law);
dividend or distribution rates; dates of payment of dividends or distributions
and the dates from which they are cumulative; liquidation price; redemption
rights and price; sinking fund requirements; conversion rights; and restrictions
on the issuance of shares of the same series or any other class or series; all
as may be established by resolution of the Board of Directors from time to time
(collectively, a "Preferred Stock Designation").
                                   ARTICLE VI
     Except as may be provided in any Preferred Stock Designation, the holders
of shares of capital stock of the Corporation shall not be entitled to
cumulative voting rights in the election of directors.
                                  ARTICLE VII
     Except as may be provided in any Preferred Stock Designation, no holder of
any shares of capital stock of the Corporation shall have any preemptive right
to acquire any shares of unissued capital stock of any class or series, now or
hereafter authorized, or any treasury shares or securities convertible into such
shares or carrying a right to subscribe to or acquire such shares of capital
                                  ARTICLE VIII
     The Corporation may from time to time, pursuant to authorization by the
Board of Directors and without action by the shareholders, purchase or otherwise
acquire capital stock of the Corporation of any class or classes in such manner,
upon such terms and in such amounts as the Board of Directors shall determine;
subject, however, to such limitation or restriction, if any, as is contained in
any Preferred Stock Designation at the time of such purchase or acquisition.
                                   ARTICLE IX
     Subject to any Preferred Stock Designation, to the extent applicable law
permits these Amended Articles of Incorporation expressly to provide or permit a
lesser vote than a two-thirds vote otherwise provided by law for any action or
authorization for which a vote of shareholders is required, including, without
limitation, adoption of an amendment to these Articles of Incorporation,
adoption of a plan of merger, authorization of a sale or other disposition of
all or substantially all of the assets of the Corporation not made in the usual
and regular course of its business or adoption of a resolution of dissolution of
the Corporation, such action or authorization shall be by such two-thirds vote
unless the Board of Directors of the Corporation shall provide otherwise by
resolution, then such action or authorization shall be by the affirmative vote
of the holders of shares entitling them to exercise a majority of the voting
power of the Corporation on such proposal and a majority of the voting power of
any class entitled to vote as a class on such proposal; provided, however, this
Article IX (and any resolution adopted pursuant hereto) shall not alter in any
case any greater vote otherwise expressly provided by any provision of these
Articles of Incorporation or the Code of Regulations. For purposes of these
Articles of Incorporation, "voting power of the Corporation" means the aggregate
voting power of (1) all the outstanding shares of Common Stock of the
Corporation and (2) all the outstanding shares of any class or series of capital
stock of the Corporation that has (i) rights to distributions senior to those of
the Common Stock including, without limitation, any relative, participating,
optional, or other special rights and privileges of, and any qualifications,
limitations or restrictions on, such shares and (ii) voting rights entitling
such shares to vote generally in the election of directors.
                                   ARTICLE X
     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Articles of
Incorporation, the affirmative vote of the holders of at least 80% of the voting
power of the Corporation, voting together as a single class, shall be required
to amend or repeal, or adopt any provision inconsistent with, Article V, Article
VI, Article VII, Article VIII or this Article X; provided, however, that this
Article X shall not alter the voting entitlement of shares that, by virtue of
any Preferred Stock Designation, are expressly entitled to vote on any amendment
to these Articles of Incorporation.
                                   ARTICLE XI
     Any and every statute of the State of Ohio hereafter enacted, whereby the
rights, powers or privileges of corporations or of the shareholders of
corporations organized under the laws of the State of Ohio are increased or
diminished or in any way affected, or whereby effect is given to the action
taken by any number, less than all, of the shareholders of any such corporation,
shall apply to the Corporation and shall be binding not only upon the
Corporation but upon every shareholder of the Corporation to the same extent as
if such statute had been in force at the date of filing these Articles of
Incorporation in the office of the Secretary of State of Ohio.
                                                                      APPENDIX D
                               FIRSTENERGY CORP.
                              CODE OF REGULATIONS
                              SHAREHOLDER MEETINGS
     1. TIME AND PLACE OF MEETINGS.  All meetings of the shareholders for the
election of directors or for any other purpose will be held at such time and
place, within or without the State of Ohio, as may be designated by the Board of
Directors or, in the absence of a designation by the Board of Directors, the
Chairman of the Board of Directors, if any (the "Chairman"), the President, or
the Secretary, and stated in the notice of meeting. The Board of Directors may
postpone and reschedule any previously scheduled annual or special meeting of
the shareholders.
     2. ANNUAL MEETING.  An annual meeting of the shareholders will be held at
such date and time as may be designated from time to time by the Board of
Directors, at which meeting the shareholders will elect directors to succeed
those directors whose terms expire at such meeting and will transact such other
business as may be brought properly before the meeting in accordance with
Regulation 9.
     3. SPECIAL MEETINGS.  (a) Special meetings of shareholders may be called by
the Chairman or the President or by a majority of the Board of Directors acting
with or without a meeting or by any person or persons who hold not less than 50%
of all the shares outstanding and entitled to be voted on any proposal to be
submitted at said meeting. Special meetings of the holders of shares that are
entitled to call a special meeting by virtue of any Preferred Stock Designation
may call such meetings in the manner and for the purposes provided in the
applicable terms of such Preferred Stock Designation. For purposes of this Code
of Regulations, "Preferred Stock Designation" has the meaning ascribed to such
term in the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation, as may be amended from
time to time.
     (b) Upon written request by any person or persons entitled to call a
meeting of shareholders delivered in person or by certified mail to the
Chairman, the President or the Secretary, such officer shall forthwith cause
notice of the meeting to be given to the shareholders entitled to notice of such
meeting in accordance with Regulation 4. If such notice shall not be given
within 60 days after the delivery or mailing of such request, the person or
persons requesting the meeting may fix the time of the meeting and give, or
cause to be given, notice in the manner provided in Regulation 4.
     4. NOTICE OF MEETINGS.  Except to the full extent that notice is legally
permitted (now or hereafter) to be given by any other form of media, including
any form of electronic or other communications, written notice of every meeting
of the shareholders called in accordance with these Regulations, stating the
time, place and purposes for which the meeting is called, will be given by or at
the direction of the Chairman, the President, a Vice President, the Secretary or
an Assistant Secretary (or in case of their refusal, by the person or persons
entitled to call the meeting under Regulation 3). Such notice will be given not
less than 7 nor more than 60 calendar days before the date of the meeting to
each shareholder of record entitled to notice of such meeting. If such notice is
mailed, it shall be addressed to the shareholders at their respective addresses
as they appear on the records of the Corporation, and notice shall be deemed to
have been given on the day so mailed. Notice of adjournment of a meeting need
not be given if the time and place to which it is adjourned are fixed and
announced at such meeting.
     5. INSPECTORS.  Inspectors of election may be appointed to act at any
meeting of shareholders in accordance with Ohio law.
     6. QUORUM.  To constitute a quorum at any meeting of shareholders, there
shall be present in person or by proxy shareholders of record entitled to
exercise not less than a majority of the voting power of the Corporation in
respect of any one of the purposes for which the meeting is called, unless a
greater or lesser
number is expressly provided for with respect to a particular class or series of
capital stock by the terms of any applicable Preferred Stock Designation. Except
as may be otherwise provided in any Preferred Stock Designation, the holders of
a majority of the voting power of the Corporation represented in person or by
proxy at a meeting of shareholders, whether or not a quorum be present, may
adjourn the meeting from time to time. For purposes of this Code of Regulations,
"voting power of the Corporation" has the meaning ascribed to such term in the
Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation, as may be amended from time to
     7. VOTING.  Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, the Articles of
Incorporation or this Code of Regulations, at any meeting of shareholders at
which a quorum is present, a majority of the votes cast, whether in person or by
proxy, on any matter properly brought before such meeting in accordance with
Regulation 9 will be the act of the shareholders. An abstention shall not
represent a vote cast. Every proxy must be duly executed and filed with the
Secretary. A shareholder may revoke any proxy that is not irrevocable by
attending the meeting and voting in person or by filing with the Secretary
written notice of revocation or a later appointment. The vote upon any question
brought before a meeting of the shareholders may be by voice vote, unless
otherwise required by law, the Articles of Incorporation or this Code of
Regulations or unless the presiding officer otherwise determines.
     8. RECORD DATES.  In order that the Corporation may determine the
shareholders entitled to notice of or to vote at any meeting of shareholders or
any adjournment thereof, the Board of Directors may fix a record date, which
will not be less than 7 nor more than 60 calendar days before the date of such
meeting. If no record date is fixed by the Board of Directors, the record date
for determining shareholders entitled to notice of or to vote at a meeting of
shareholders will be the date next preceding the day on which notice is given,
or, if notice is waived, at the date next preceding the day on which the meeting
is held.
     9. ORDER OF BUSINESS.  (a) The Chairman, or such other officer of the
Corporation designated by a majority of the total number of directors that the
Corporation would have if there were no vacancies on the Board of Directors
(such number being referred to as the "Whole Board"), will call meetings of
shareholders to order and will act as presiding officer thereof. Unless
otherwise determined by the Board of Directors prior to the meeting, the
presiding officer of the meeting of shareholders will also determine the order
of business and have the authority in his or her sole discretion to regulate the
conduct of any such meeting including, without limitation, by imposing
restrictions on the persons (other than shareholders of the Corporation or their
duly appointed proxies) who may attend any such shareholders' meeting, by
ascertaining whether any shareholder or his proxy may be excluded from any
meeting of shareholders based upon any determination by the presiding officer,
in his sole discretion, that any such person has unduly disrupted or is likely
to disrupt the proceedings of the meeting, and by determining the circumstances
in which any person may make a statement or ask questions at any meeting of
     (b) At an annual meeting of the shareholders, only such business will be
conducted or considered as is properly brought before the meeting. To be
properly brought before an annual meeting, business must be (i) specified in the
notice of meeting (or any supplement thereto) given by or at the direction of
the Chairman, the President, a Vice President, the Secretary or an Assistant
Secretary in accordance with Regulation 4, (ii) otherwise properly brought
before the meeting by the presiding officer or by or at the direction of a
majority of the Whole Board, or (iii) otherwise properly requested to be brought
before the meeting by a shareholder of the Corporation in accordance with
Regulation 9(c).
     (c) For business to be properly requested by a shareholder to be brought
before an annual meeting, the shareholder must (i) be a shareholder of the
Corporation of record at the time of the giving of the notice for such annual
meeting provided for in this Code of Regulations, (ii) be entitled to vote at
such meeting, and (iii) have given timely notice thereof in writing to the
Secretary. To be timely, a shareholder's notice must be delivered to or mailed
and received at the principal executive offices of the Corporation not less than
60 calendar days prior to the annual meeting; provided, however, that in the
event public announcement of the date of the annual meeting is not made at least
70 calendar days prior to the date of the annual meeting, notice by the
shareholder to be timely must be so received not later than the close of
business on the 10th calendar day following the day on which public announcement
is first made of the date of the annual meeting. A shareholder's notice to the
Secretary must set forth as to each matter the shareholder proposes to bring
the annual meeting (A) a description in reasonable detail of the business
desired to be brought before the annual meeting and the reasons for conducting
such business at the annual meeting, (B) the name and address, as they appear on
the Corporation's books, of the shareholder proposing such business and of the
beneficial owner, if any, on whose behalf the proposal is made, (C) the class
and number of shares of the Corporation that are owned beneficially and of
record by the shareholder proposing such business and by the beneficial owner,
if any, on whose behalf the proposal is made, and (D) any material interest of
such shareholder proposing such business and the beneficial owner, if any, on
whose behalf the proposal is made in such business. Notwithstanding the
foregoing provisions of this Code of Regulations, a shareholder must also comply
with all applicable requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder with respect to the matters
set forth in this Regulation 9(c). For purposes of this Regulation 9(c) and
Regulation 14, "public announcement" means disclosure in a press release
reported by the Dow Jones News Service, Associated Press, or comparable national
news service or in a document publicly filed by the Corporation with the
Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Sections 13, 14, or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or publicly filed by the
Corporation with any national securities exchange or quotation service through
which the Corporation's stock is listed or traded, or furnished by the
Corporation to its shareholders. Nothing in this Regulation 9(c) will be deemed
to affect any rights of shareholders to request inclusion of proposals in the
Corporation's proxy statement pursuant to Rule 14a-8 under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
     (d) At a special meeting of shareholders, only such business may be
conducted or considered as is properly brought before the meeting. To be
properly brought before a special meeting, business must be (i) specified in the
notice of the meeting (or any supplement thereto) given by or at the direction
of the Chairman, the President, a Vice President, the Secretary or an Assistant
Secretary (or in case of their failure to give any required notice, the other
persons entitled to give notice) in accordance with Regulation 4 or (ii)
otherwise brought before the meeting by the presiding officer or by or at the
direction of a majority of the Whole Board.
     (e) The determination of whether any business sought to be brought before
any annual or special meeting of the shareholders is properly brought before
such meeting in accordance with this Regulation 9 will be made by the presiding
officer of such meeting. If the presiding officer determines that any business
is not properly brought before such meeting, he or she will so declare to the
meeting and any such business will not be conducted or considered.
     10. FUNCTION AND QUALIFICATION.  (a) Except where the law, the Articles of
Incorporation, or this Code of Regulations requires action to be authorized or
taken by the shareholders, all of the authority of the Corporation shall be
exercised by or under the direction of the Board of Directors.
     (b) In order to qualify for service as a director of the Corporation,
within 90 days following election to the Board of Directors in accordance with
Regulations 11, 12 and 14, each director will become and will remain the
beneficial owner of not less than 100 shares of Common Stock of the Corporation,
except where such ownership would be inconsistent with or prohibited by (i) any
applicable law, rule, regulation, order or decree of any governmental authority
or (ii) any policy, contract, commitment or arrangement authorized by the
     11. NUMBER, ELECTION AND TERMS OF DIRECTORS.  Except as may be otherwise
provided in any Preferred Stock Designation, the number of the directors of the
Corporation will not be less than nine nor more than 16 as may be determined
from time to time only (i) by a vote of a majority of the Whole Board, or (ii)
by the affirmative vote of the holders of at least 80% of the voting power of
the Corporation, voting together as a single class. The directors, other than
those who may be expressly elected by virtue of the terms of any Preferred Stock
Designation, will be classified with respect to the time for which they
severally hold office into three classes, as nearly equal in size as possible
and consisting of not less than three directors in each class, designated Class
I, Class II, and Class III. The directors first appointed to Class I will hold
office for a term expiring at the annual meeting of shareholders to be held in
1998; the directors first appointed to Class II will
hold office for a term expiring at the annual meeting of shareholders to be held
in 1999; and the directors first appointed to Class III will hold office for a
term expiring at the annual meeting of shareholders to be held in 2000, with the
members of each class to hold office until their successors are elected. Except
as may be otherwise provided in any Preferred Stock Designation, at each annual
meeting of the shareholders of the Corporation, the persons chosen at that
meeting to succeed the class of directors whose term expires shall be elected by
plurality vote of all votes cast at such meeting and shall hold office for a
term expiring at the annual meeting of shareholders held in the third year
following the year of their election. Except as may be otherwise provided in any
Preferred Stock Designation, directors may be elected by the shareholders only
at an annual meeting of shareholders. No decrease in the number of directors
constituting the Board of Directors may shorten the term of any incumbent
director. Election of directors of the Corporation need not be by written ballot
unless requested by the presiding officer or by the holders of a majority of the
voting power of the Corporation present in person or represented by proxy at a
meeting of the shareholders at which directors are to be elected.
     12. NEWLY CREATED DIRECTORSHIPS AND VACANCIES.  Except as may be otherwise
provided in any Preferred Stock Designation, any vacancy (including newly
created directorships resulting from any increase in the number of directors and
any vacancies on the Board of Directors resulting from death, resignation,
disqualification, removal or other cause) may be filled only (i) by the
affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining directors then in office, even
though less than a quorum of the Board of Directors, or by a sole remaining
director or (ii) by the affirmative vote of the shareholders after a vote to
increase the number of directors at a meeting called for that purpose in
accordance with this Code of Regulations. Any director elected in accordance
with the preceding sentence will hold office for the remainder of the full term
of the class of directors in which the new directorship was created or the
vacancy occurred and until such director's successor has been elected.
     13. REMOVAL.  Except as may be otherwise provided in any Preferred Stock
Designation, any director or the entire Board of Directors may be removed only
upon the affirmative vote of the holders of at least 80% of the voting power of
the Corporation, voting together as a single class.
     14. NOMINATIONS OF DIRECTORS; ELECTION.  (a) Except as may be otherwise
provided in any Preferred Stock Designation, only persons who are nominated in
accordance with this Regulation 14 will be eligible for election at a meeting of
shareholders to be members of the Board of Directors of the Corporation.
     (b) Nominations of persons for election as directors of the Corporation may
be made only at an annual meeting of shareholders (i) by or at the direction of
the Board of Directors or a committee thereof or (ii) by any shareholder who is
a shareholder of record at the time of giving of notice provided for in this
Regulation 14, who is entitled to vote for the election of directors at such
meeting, and who complies with the procedures set forth in this Regulation 14.
All nominations by shareholders must be made pursuant to timely notice in proper
written form to the Secretary.
     (c) To be timely, a shareholder's notice must be delivered to or mailed and
received at the principal executive offices of the Corporation not less than 60
calendar days prior to the annual meeting of shareholders; provided, however,
that in the event that public announcement of the date of the annual meeting is
not made at least 70 calendar days prior to the date of the annual meeting,
notice by the shareholder to be timely must be so received not later than the
close of business on the 10th calendar day following the day on which public
announcement is first made of the date of the annual meeting. To be in proper
written form, such shareholder's notice must set forth or include: (i) the name
and address, as they appear on the Corporation's books, of the shareholder
giving the notice and of the beneficial owner, if any, on whose behalf the
nomination is made; (ii) a representation that the shareholder giving the notice
is a holder of record of stock of the Corporation entitled to vote at such
annual meeting and intends to appear in person or by proxy at the annual meeting
to nominate the person or persons specified in the notice; (iii) the class and
number of shares of stock of the Corporation owned beneficially and of record by
the shareholder giving the notice and by the beneficial owner, if any, on whose
behalf the nomination is made; (iv) a description of all arrangements or
understandings between or among any of (A) the shareholder giving the notice,
(B) the beneficial owner on whose behalf the notice is given, (C) each nominee,
and (D) any other person or persons (naming such
person or persons) pursuant to which the nomination or nominations are to be
made by the shareholder giving the notice; (v) such other information regarding
each nominee proposed by the shareholder giving the notice as would be required
to be included in a proxy statement filed pursuant to the proxy rules of the
Securities and Exchange Commission had the nominee been nominated, or intended
to be nominated, by the Board of Directors; and (vi) the signed consent of each
nominee to serve as a director of the Corporation if so elected. The presiding
officer of any annual meeting may, if the facts warrant, determine that a
nomination was not made in accordance with this Regulation 14, and if he or she
should so determine, he or she will so declare to the meeting, and the defective
nomination will be disregarded. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this
Regulation 14, a shareholder must also comply with all applicable requirements
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules and
regulations thereunder with respect to the matters set forth in this Regulation
     15. RESIGNATION.  Any director may resign at any time by giving written
notice of his resignation to the Chairman or the Secretary. Any resignation will
be effective upon actual receipt by any such person or, if later, as of the date
and time specified in such written notice.
     16. REGULAR MEETINGS.  Regular meetings of the Board of Directors may be
held immediately after the annual meeting of the shareholders and at such other
time and place either within or without the State of Ohio as may from time to
time be determined by a majority of the Whole Board. Notice of regular meetings
of the Board of Directors need not be given.
     17. SPECIAL MEETINGS.  Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be
called by the Chairman or the President on one day's notice to each director by
whom such notice is not waived, given either personally or by mail, telephone,
telegram, telex, facsimile or similar medium of communication, and will be
called by the Chairman or the President, in like manner and on like notice, on
the written request of not less than one-third of the Whole Board. Special
meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at such time and place either
within or without the State of Ohio as is determined by a majority of the Whole
Board or specified in the notice of any such meeting.
     18. QUORUM AND VOTE.  At all meetings of the Board of Directors, one-third
of the total number of directors then in office will constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business. Except for the designation of committees as hereinafter
provided and except for actions required by this Code of Regulations to be taken
by a majority of the Whole Board, the act of a majority of the directors present
at any meeting at which a quorum is present will be the act of the Board of
Directors. If a quorum is not present at any meeting of the Board of Directors,
the directors present thereat may adjourn the meeting from time to time to
another time or place, without notice other than announcement at the meeting,
until a quorum is present.
Board of Directors or of any committee of the Board of Directors may be held
through any means of communications equipment if all persons participating can
hear each other, and such participation will constitute presence in person at
such meeting.
     20. COMMITTEES.  The Board of Directors may from time to time create an
executive committee or any other committee or committees of directors to act in
the intervals between meetings of the Board of Directors and may delegate to
such committee or committees any of its authority other than that of filling
vacancies among the Board of Directors or in any committee of the Board of
Directors. No committee shall consist of less than three directors. The Board of
Directors may appoint one or more directors as alternate members of any such
committee to take the place of absent committee members at meetings of such
committee. Unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors, a majority of the
members of any committee appointed by the Board of Directors pursuant to this
Regulation 20 shall constitute a quorum at any meeting thereof, and the act of a
majority of the members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall
be the act of such committee. Action may be taken by any such committee without
a meeting by a writing or writings signed by all of its members. Any such
committee may prescribe its own rules for calling and holding meetings and its
method of procedure, subject to any rules prescribed by the Board of Directors,
and will keep a written record of all action taken by it.
     21. COMPENSATION.  The Board of Directors may establish the compensation
and expense reimbursement policies for directors in exchange for membership on
the Board of Directors and on committees of the Board of Directors, attendance
at meetings of the Board of Directors or committees of the Board of Directors,
and for other services by directors to the Corporation or any of its
subsidiaries. No director that is also an officer or employee of the Corporation
shall receive compensation as a director.
     22. BYLAWS.  The Board of Directors may adopt Bylaws for the conduct of its
meetings and those of any committees of the Board of Directors that are not
inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation or this Code of Regulations.
     23. GENERALLY.  The Corporation may have a Chairman, elected by the
directors from among their number, and shall have a President, a Secretary and a
Treasurer. The Corporation may also have one or more Vice Chairmen and Vice
Presidents and such other officers and assistant officers as the Board of
Directors may deem appropriate. If the Board of Directors so desires, it may
elect a Chief Executive Officer to manage the affairs of the Corporation,
subject to the direction and control of the Board of Directors. All of the
officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, by specific action, the Board of Directors may authorize the Chairman
or the President to appoint any person to any office other than Chairman,
President, Secretary, or Treasurer. Any number of offices may be held by the
same person, and no two offices must be held by the same person. Any of the
offices may be left vacant from time to time as the Board of Directors may
determine. In case of the absence or disability of any officer of the
Corporation or for any other reason deemed sufficient by a majority of the Board
of Directors, the Board of Directors may delegate the absent or disabled
officer's powers or duties to any other officer or to any director.
     24. AUTHORITY AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS.  The officers of the Corporation
shall have such authority and shall perform such duties as are customarily
incident to their respective offices, or as may be specified from time to time
by the Board of Directors, the Chairman or the President regardless of whether
such authority and duties are customarily incident to such office.
     25. COMPENSATION.  The compensation of all officers and agents of the
Corporation who are also members of the Board of Directors of the Corporation
will be fixed by the Board of Directors or by a committee of the Board of
Directors. The Board of Directors may fix, or delegate the power to fix, the
compensation of the other officers and agents of the Corporation to the Chief
Executive Officer or any other officer of the Corporation.
     26. SUCCESSION.  The officers of the Corporation will hold office until
their successors are elected. Any officer may be removed at any time by the
affirmative vote of a majority of the Whole Board. Any vacancy occurring in any
office of the Corporation may be filled by the Board of Directors or by the
Chairman or President as provided in Regulation 23.
     27. TRANSFER AND REGISTRATION OF SHARES.  The Board of Directors shall have
authority to make such rules and regulations as they deem expedient concerning
the issuance, transfer and registration of shares and may appoint transfer
agents and registrars thereof.
     28. SUBSTITUTED CERTIFICATES. Any person claiming a certificate for shares
to have been lost, stolen or destroyed shall make an affidavit or affirmation of
that fact, shall give the Corporation and its transfer agent or agents a bond of
indemnity or other assurance satisfactory to the Board of Directors or a
committee thereof or to the President or a Vice President and the Secretary or
the Treasurer, whereupon a new certificate may be executed and delivered of the
same class and series or type and for the same number of shares as the one
alleged to have been lost, stolen or destroyed.
     29. VOTING OF SHARES HELD BY THE CORPORATION.  Unless otherwise ordered by
the Board of Directors, the President in person or by proxy or proxies appointed
by him will have full power and authority on behalf of
the Corporation to vote, act and consent with respect to any shares issued by
other corporations that the Corporation may own.
     30. OWNERS OF SHARES.  The Corporation will be entitled to treat the person
in whose name shares are registered on the books of the Corporation as the
absolute owner thereof, and will not be bound to recognize any equitable or
other claim to, or interest in, such share on the part of any other person,
whether or not the Corporation has knowledge or notice thereof, except as
expressly provided by applicable law.
                         INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE
     31. INDEMNIFICATION.  The Corporation shall indemnify, to the full extent
then permitted by law, any person who was or is a party or is threatened to be
made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding,
whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, by reason of the fact
that he or she is or was a member of the Board of Directors or an officer,
employee or agent of the Corporation, or is or was serving at the request of the
Corporation as a director, trustee, officer, employee or agent of another
corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise. The
Corporation shall pay, to the full extent then required by law, expenses,
including attorney's fees, incurred by a member of the Board of Directors in
defending any such action, suit or proceeding as they are incurred, in advance
of the final disposition thereof, and may pay, in the same manner and to the
full extent then permitted by law, such expenses incurred by any other person.
The indemnification and payment of expenses provided hereby shall not be
exclusive of, and shall be in addition to, any other rights granted to those
seeking indemnification under any law, the Articles of Incorporation, any
agreement, vote of shareholders or disinterested members of the Board of
Directors, or otherwise, both as to action in official capacities and as to
action in another capacity while he or she is a member of the Board of
Directors, or an officer, employee or agent of the Corporation, and shall
continue as to a person who has ceased to be a member of the Board of Directors,
trustee, officer, employee or agent and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs,
executors and administrators of such a person.
     32. INSURANCE.  The Corporation may, to the full extent then permitted by
law and authorized by the Board of Directors, purchase and maintain insurance or
furnish similar protection, including but not limited to trust funds, letters of
credit or self-insurance, on behalf of or for any persons described in
Regulation 31 against any liability asserted against and incurred by any such
person in any such capacity, or arising out of his status as such, whether or
not the Corporation would have the power to indemnify such person against such
liability. Insurance may be purchased from or maintained with a person in which
the Corporation has a financial interest.
     33. AGREEMENTS.  The Corporation, upon approval by the Board of Directors,
may enter into agreements with any persons whom the Corporation may indemnify
under this Code of Regulations or under law and undertake thereby to indemnify
such persons and to pay the expenses incurred by them in defending any action,
suit or proceeding against them, whether or not the Corporation would have the
power under law or this Code of Regulations to indemnify any such person.
     34. FISCAL YEAR.  The fiscal year of the Corporation will end on the
thirty-first day of December in each calendar year or such other date as may be
fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors.
     35. SEAL.  The Board of Directors may adopt a corporate seal and use the
same by causing it or a facsimile thereof to be impressed or affixed or
reproduced or otherwise.
     36. AMENDMENTS.  Except as otherwise provided by law or by the Articles of
Incorporation or this Code of Regulations, these Regulations or any of them may
be amended in any respect or repealed at any time at any meeting of
shareholders, provided that any amendment or supplement proposed to be acted
upon at any such meeting has been described or referred to in the notice of such
meeting. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence or anything to the contrary
contained in the Articles of Incorporation or this Code of Regulations,
Regulations 1, 3(a), 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 31 and 36 may not be amended or repealed
by the shareholders, and no
provision inconsistent therewith may be adopted by the shareholders, without the
affirmative vote of the holders of at least 80% of the voting power of the
Corporation, voting together as a single class. Notwithstanding the foregoing
provisions of this Regulation 36, no amendment to Regulations 31, 32 or 33 will
be effective to eliminate or diminish the rights of persons specified in those
Regulations existing at the time immediately preceding such amendment.
                                                                      APPENDIX E
     (A) (1) A shareholder of a domestic corporation is entitled to relief as a
dissenting shareholder in respect of the proposals described in sections
1701.74, 1701.76, and 1701.84 of the Revised Code, only in compliance with this
     (2) If the proposal must be submitted to the shareholders of the
corporation involved, the dissenting shareholder shall be a record holder of the
shares of the corporation as to which he seeks relief as of the date fixed for
the determination of shareholders entitled to notice of a meeting of the
shareholders at which the proposal is to be submitted, and such shares shall not
have been voted in favor of the proposal. Not later than ten days after the date
on which the vote on the proposal was taken at the meeting of the shareholders,
the dissenting shareholder shall deliver to the corporation a written demand for
payment to him of the fair cash value of the shares as to which he seeks relief,
which demand shall state his address, the number and class of such shares, and
the amount claimed by him as the fair cash value of the shares.
     (3) The dissenting shareholder entitled to relief under division (C) of
section 1701.84 of the Revised Code in the case of a merger pursuant to section
1701.80 of the Revised Code and a dissenting shareholder entitled to relief
under division (E) of section 1701.84 of the Revised Code in the case of a
merger pursuant to section 1701.801 of the Revised Code shall be a record holder
of the shares of the corporation as to which he seeks relief as of the date on
which the agreement of merger was adopted by the directors of that corporation.
Within twenty days after he has been sent the notice provided in section 1701.80
or 1701.801 of the Revised Code, the dissenting shareholder shall deliver to the
corporation a written demand for payment with the same information as that
provided for in division (A)(2) of this section.
     (4) In the case of a merger or consolidation, a demand served on the
constituent corporation involved constitutes service on the surviving or the new
entity, whether the demand is served before, on, or after the effective date of
the merger or consolidation.
     (5) If the corporation sends to the dissenting shareholder, at the address
specified in his demand, a request for the certificates representing the shares
as to which he seeks relief, the dissenting shareholder, within fifteen days
from the date of the sending of such request, shall deliver to the corporation
the certificates requested so that the corporation may forthwith endorse on them
a legend to the effect that demand for the fair cash value of such shares has
been made. The corporation [shall promptly](1) return such endorsed certificates
to the dissenting shareholder. A dissenting shareholder's failure to deliver
such certificates terminates his rights as a dissenting shareholder, at the
option of the corporation, exercised by written notice sent to the dissenting
shareholder within twenty days after the lapse of the fifteen-day period, unless
a court for good cause shown otherwise directs. If shares represented by a
certificate on which such a legend has been endorsed are transferred, each new
certificate issued for them shall bear a similar legend, together with the name
of the original dissenting holder of such shares. Upon receiving a demand for
payment from a dissenting shareholder who is the record holder of uncertificated
securities, the corporation shall make an appropriate notation of the demand for
payment in its shareholder records. If uncertificated shares for which payment
has been demanded are to be transferred, any new certificate issued for the
shares shall bear the legend required for certificated securities as provided in
this paragraph. A transferee of the shares so endorsed, or of uncertificated
securities where such notation has been made, acquires only such rights in the
corporation as the original dissenting holder of such shares had immediately
after the service of a demand for payment of the fair cash value of the shares.
A request under this paragraph by the corporation is not an admission by the
corporation that the shareholder is entitled to relief under this section.
     (B) Unless the corporation and the dissenting shareholder have come to an
agreement on the fair cash value per share of the shares as to which the
dissenting shareholder seeks relief, the dissenting shareholder or the
corporation, which in case of a merger or consolidation may be the surviving or
new entity, within three months after the service of the demand by the
dissenting shareholder, may file a complaint in the court of
- ---------------
1 Act reads "promptly shall"
common pleas of the county in which the principal office of the corporation that
issued the shares is located or was located when the proposal was adopted by the
shareholders of the corporation, or, if the proposal was not required to be
submitted to the shareholders, was approved by the directors. Other dissenting
shareholders, within that three-month period, may join as plaintiffs or may be
joined as defendants in any such proceeding, and any two or more such
proceedings may be consolidated. The complaint shall contain a brief statement
of the facts, including the vote and the facts entitling the dissenting
shareholder to the relief demanded. No answer to such a complaint is required.
Upon the filing of such a complaint, the court, on motion of the petitioner,
shall enter an order fixing a date for a hearing on the complaint and requiring
that a copy of the complaint and a notice of the filing and of the date for
hearing be given to the respondent or defendant in the manner in which summons
is required to be served or substituted service is required to be made in other
cases. On the day fixed for hearing on the complaint or any adjournment of it,
the court shall determine from the complaint and from such evidence as is
submitted by either party whether the dissenting shareholder is entitled to be
paid the fair cash value of any shares and, if so, the number and class of such
shares. If the court finds that the dissenting shareholder is so entitled, the
court may appoint one or more persons as appraisers to receive evidence and to
recommend a decision on the amount of the fair cash value. The appraisers have
such power and authority as is specified in the order of their appointment. The
court thereupon shall make a finding as to the fair cash value of a share and
shall render judgment against the corporation for the payment of it, with
interest at such rate and from such date as the court considers equitable. The
costs of the proceeding, including reasonable compensation to the appraisers to
be fixed by the court, shall be assessed or apportioned as the court considers
equitable. The proceeding is a special proceeding and final orders in it may be
vacated, modified, or reversed on appeal pursuant to the Rules of Appellate
Procedure and, to the extent not in conflict with those rules, Chapter 2505. of
the Revised Code. If, during the pendency of any proceeding instituted under
this section, a suit or proceeding is or has been instituted to enjoin or
otherwise to prevent the carrying out of the action as to which the shareholder
has dissented, the proceeding instituted under this section shall be stayed
until the final determination of the other suit or proceeding. Unless any
provision in division (D) of this section is applicable, the fair cash value of
the shares that is agreed upon by the parties or as fixed under this section
shall be paid within thirty days after the date of final determination of such
value under this division, the effective date of the amendment to the articles,
or the consummation of the other action involved, whichever occurs last. Upon
the occurrence of the last such event, payment shall be made immediately to a
holder of uncertificated securities entitled to such payment. In the case of
holders of shares represented by certificates, payment shall be made only upon
and simultaneously with the surrender to the corporation of the certificates
representing the shares for which the payment is made.
     (C) If the proposal was required to be submitted to the shareholders of the
corporation, fair cash value as to those shareholders shall be determined as of
the day prior to the day on which the vote by the shareholders was taken, and,
in the case of a merger pursuant to section 1701.80 or 1701.801 of the Revised
Code, fair cash value as to shareholders of a constituent subsidiary corporation
shall be determined as of the day before the adoption of the agreement of merger
by the directors of the particular subsidiary corporation. The fair cash value
of a share for the purposes of this section is the amount that a willing seller
who is under no compulsion to sell would be willing to accept and that a willing
buyer who is under no compulsion to purchase would be willing to pay, but in no
event shall the fair cash value of a share exceed the amount specified in the
demand of the particular shareholder. In computing such fair cash value, any
appreciation or depreciation in market value resulting from the proposal
submitted to the directors or to the shareholders shall be excluded.
     (D) (1) The right and obligation of a dissenting shareholder to receive
such fair cash value and to sell such shares as to which he seeks relief[ ] (2)
and the right and obligation of the corporation to purchase such shares and to
pay the fair cash value of them [terminate] (3) if any of the following applies:
     (a) The dissenting shareholder has not complied with this section, unless
the corporation by its directors waives such failure;
- ---------------
2 Act contains a comma
3 Act reads "Terminates"
     (b) The corporation abandons the action involved or is finally enjoined or
prevented from carrying it out, or the shareholders rescind their adoption of
the action involved;
     (c) The dissenting shareholder withdraws his demand, with the consent of
the corporation by its directors;
     (d) The corporation and the dissenting shareholder have not come to an
agreement as to the fair cash value per share, and neither the shareholder nor
the corporation has filed or joined in a complaint under division (B) of this
section within the period provided in that division.
     (2) For purposes of division (D)(1) of this section, if the merger or
consolidation has become effective and the surviving or new entity is not a
corporation, action required to be taken by the directors of [a] (4) corporation
shall be taken by the general partners of a surviving or new partnership or the
comparable representatives of any other surviving or new entity.
     (E) From the time of the dissenting shareholder's giving of the demand
until either the termination of the rights and obligations arising from it or
the purchase of the shares by the corporation, all other rights accruing from
such shares, including voting and dividend or distribution rights, are
suspended. If[,] (5) during the suspension, any dividend or distribution is paid
in money upon shares of such class or any dividend, distribution, or interest is
paid in money upon any securities issued in extinguishment of or in substitution
for such shares, an amount equal to the dividend, distribution, or interest
[that], (6) except for the suspension, would have been payable upon such shares
or securities[ ](7) shall be paid to the holder of record as a credit upon the
fair cash value of the shares. If the right to receive fair cash value is
terminated other than by the purchase of the shares by the corporation, all
rights of the holder shall be restored and all distributions [that],(8) except
for the suspension, would have been made shall be made to the holder of record
of the shares at the time of termination.
- ---------------
4 Act reads "the"
5 Omitted from Act
6 Act reads "which"
7 Act contains a comma
8 Act reads "which"
                               [PASTE-UP CEC MAP]
                          CENTERIOR ENERGY CORPORATION
                 6200 OAK TREE BLVD., INDEPENDENCE, OHIO 44131
                                                               February 12, 1997
Dear Share Owner:
Attached below is your proxy card for the special meeting of the share owners of
Centerior Energy Corporation to be held on March 27, 1997.
The single issue being voted upon at the meeting is the proposed merger of
Centerior Energy Corporation and Ohio Edison Company into a new company called
FirstEnergy Corp. We expect that the merger will enhance long-term value to you,
our share owners, and provide our customers with reliable service at more stable
and competitive prices. We believe the merger will allow us to eliminate
duplicative costs, maximize efficiencies and reduce debt and capital
expenditures. We also believe that all these factors will allow us to enhance
revenues and cash flow position and be a more effective competitor in the
increasingly competitive electric utility industry.
The issue is described more fully in the enclosed proxy statement. The Board of
Directors recommends a vote FOR the proposal.
The merger is important to you as a share owner. To help us obtain the
representation needed to approve the merger at the meeting, we urge you to
return your signed proxy card promptly in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. We
appreciate your support.
                                        /s/ ROBERT J. FARLING
                                        Robert J. Farling
                                        Chairman, President &
                                        Chief Executive Officer
The undersigned hereby appoints E. Lyle Pepin and Janis T. Percio (and if only
one is present then by that one and with full power of substitution and
revocation) as proxies, with the powers the undersigned would possess if
personally present, to vote all shares of Common Stock of the undersigned in
Centerior Energy Corporation (and to exercise all other share owner rights and
powers) at the special meeting of its share owners to be held on March 27, 1997,
and at any adjournments thereof, upon all matters that may properly come before
the meeting, including the matter identified on the reverse side of this proxy
and described in the Proxy Statement furnished herewith, subject to any
directions indicated on the reverse side of this proxy.
                          CENTERIOR ENERGY CORPORATION

                                                              The Directors recommend a vote FOR
                                                                        Proposal No. 1
                                                             FOR           AGAINST         ABSTAIN
Proposal No. 1--To approve and adopt the Agreement and       [ ]             [ ]             [ ]
Plan of Merger described in the Proxy Statement, and
the transactions contemplated thereby.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------
                                                         Date ___________, 1997
- -----------------------------------------------------