
                        THE PROGRESSIVE CORPORATION 1997

                              EXECUTIVE BONUS PLAN

                                                                Exhibit 10(D)

                           THE PROGRESSIVE CORPORATION
                            1997 EXECUTIVE BONUS PLAN

1.   The Progressive Corporation and its subsidiaries ("Progressive") have
     designed an executive compensation program consisting of three components:
     salary, annual bonus and equity-based incentives in the form of
     non-qualified stock options. These components have been structured to
     reflect the market for executive compensation and to promote both the
     achievement of corporate goals and performance that is in the long-term
     interests of shareholders. The annual bonus component of this program is
     performance-based and focuses on current results.

2.   The 1997 Executive Bonus Plan (the "Plan") shall be administered by or
     under the direction of the Executive Compensation Committee (the
     "Committee") of the Board of Directors. Executive officers of Progressive
     may be selected by the Committee to participate in the Plan for one or more
     Plan years. Plan years shall coincide with Progressive's fiscal years.

3.   The following executive officers have been selected for participation in
     the Plan: Charles B. Chokel and Peter B. Lewis (the "participants").

4.   Subject to the following sentence, the amount of the annual bonus earned by
     any participant under the Plan ("Annual Bonus") will be determined by
     application of the following formula:

       Annual Bonus = Paid Salary x Target Percentage x Performance Factor

     The Annual Bonus payable to any participant with respect to any Plan year
     shall not exceed $2,500,000.00.

5.   The salary rate of each Plan participant for any Plan year shall be
     established by the Committee no later than ninety (90) days after
     commencement of such Plan year. For purposes of the Plan, "salary" and
     "Paid Salary" shall include regular, vacation, sick, holiday and funeral
     pay received by the participant during the Plan year for work or services
     performed by the participant as an officer or employee of Progressive, but
     shall not include any (a) short-term or long-term disability payments, (b)
     lump sum merit adjustments, (c) discretionary or other bonus or incentive
     payments or (d) the earnings replacement component of any worker's
     compensation award.

6.   The Target Percentages for the participants in the Plan are as follows:

            PARTICIPANT            POSITION                  TARGET PERCENTAGE
            -----------            --------                  -----------------
           Charles B. Chokel       Chief Financial Officer            125%
           Peter B. Lewis          Chief Executive Officer            135%

     Target Percentages may be changed from year to year by the Committee.


7.   The Performance Factor
     A.   General
          The Performance Factor shall be determined by the performance results
          achieved with respect to one or more of the following components: Core
          Business Gainsharing and Investment Performance, as described below
          (the "Bonus Components"). An appropriate combination of Bonus
          Components will be designated for each participant, and the designated
          Bonus Components will be weighted, based on such participant's
          assigned responsibilities.

          The combination of Bonus Components designated for each of the
          participants, and the relative weighting of those Components, are as

                             CORE BUSINESS      INVESTMENT              
                             GAINSHARING        PERFORMANCE             
               PARTICIPANT    COMPONENT          COMPONENT              
               Chokel             70%               30%             
               Lewis              80%               20%             

          The relative weighting of the Bonus Components may vary among Plan
          participants and may be changed from year to year by the Committee.

          Actual performance results achieved for any Plan year, as used to
          calculate the performance score achieved for each of the applicable
          Bonus Components, must be certified by the Committee prior to payment
          of the Annual Bonus.

          For purposes of computing the amount of the Annual Bonus for any Plan
          year, the performance score achieved for each of the designated Bonus
          Components will be multiplied by the applicable weighting factor to
          produce a Weighted Performance Score. The sum of the Weighted
          Performance Scores will equal the Performance Factor. The Performance
          Factor can vary from 0 to 2.0, based on actual performance versus the
          pre-established objectives.

     B.   Core Business Gainsharing Component
          The Core Business Gainsharing Component measures overall operating
          performance of Progressive's core personal and commercial automobile
          insurance business ("Core Business") for the Plan year. For purposes
          of computing a Performance Score for this Component, operating
          performance results are measured by the Gainsharing Matrix, as
          established by or under the direction of the Committee for the Plan
          year, which assigns a Performance Score to various combinations of
          profitability (as measured by the Gainsharing Combined Ratio) and
          growth (based on year-to-year change in Net Written Premium) outcomes.


          The Gainsharing Combined Ratio is determined for the Core Business as

          1.   Each year, target combined ratios are established by or under the
               direction of the Committee by Product, Distribution Channel and
               New/Renewal business ("Designated Segments"), determined to yield
               an average policy life target combined ratio of 96.

          2.   A weighted target combined ratio is calculated based on the
               various target combined ratios, weighted based on the Net Earned
               Premium generated by each Designated Segment for the Plan year.

          3.   The actual GAAP combined ratio achieved by the Core Business for
               the Plan year is subtracted from the weighted target combined
               ratio to determine the extent to which performance is over or
               under target. This result, whether positive or negative, is
               subtracted from the average policy life combined ratio target of
               96 to determine the Gainsharing Combined Ratio.

          The Gainsharing Combined Ratio is then matched with growth in Net
          Written Premium using the Gainsharing Matrix to determine a
          Performance Score for the Core Business Gainsharing Component.

C.        Investment Performance Component

          The Investment Performance Component compares the investment
          performance of the individual segments of Progressive's investment
          portfolio ("Portfolio Segments") against the performance of selected
          groups of comparable investment funds ("Investment Benchmarks") over
          such period or periods as shall be determined by the Committee.
          Investment results are marked to market in order to calculate total
          return, which is then compared against the designated Investment
          Benchmarks to produce a Performance Score for each Portfolio Segment.

          The Portfolio Segments and Investment Benchmarks are as follows:
          Equities (internally managed)      Rogers Casey Large Cap Value Funds
          Equities (externally managed)
          Short Term Fixed Income            70% Rogers Casey Intermediate 
                                             Fixed Income Funds

                                             30% Rogers Casey Limited Duration 
                                             Fixed Income Funds

               Investment Benchmarks, and the funds which comprise the
               Investment Benchmarks, may be changed from year to year by the
               Committee. Funds which announce or initiate a fundamental change
               in investment strategy during the course of a Plan year may be
               deleted from the Investment Benchmark.

               At the conclusion of a Plan year, the investment funds which
               comprise an Investment Benchmark are ranked according to their
               respective performances for the Plan year. The investment
               performance achieved by each Portfolio Segment for the Plan year
               is then compared against the performance of the several
               investment funds which comprise the applicable Investment
               Benchmark to determine the decile in which such Portfolio
               Segment's performance falls ("Decile Ranking"). The Performance
               Score for each Portfolio Segment is determined by its Decile
               Ranking for the Plan year, as follows:

                    --------------- --------------------  
                    DECILE              PERFORMANCE       
                    RANKING                SCORE          
                    --------------- --------------------  
                    1st                    2.00          
                    --------------- --------------------  
                    2nd                    1.78           
                    --------------- --------------------  
                    3rd                    1.56           
                    --------------- --------------------  
                    4th                    1.33           
                    --------------- --------------------  
                    5th                    1.11           
                    --------------- --------------------  
                    6th                     .89           
                    --------------- --------------------  
                    7th                     .67           
                    --------------- --------------------  
                    8th                     .44           
                    --------------- --------------------  
                    9th                     .22           
                    --------------- --------------------  
                    10th                      0           
                    --------------- --------------------  
                  The Performance Scores for the several Portfolio Segments are
                  weighted, based on the average amounts invested in each such
                  Segment during the Plan year, and the weighted Performance
                  Scores for the Portfolio Segments are then combined to produce
                  the Investment Performance Score. Investment expense is not
                  included in determining investment performance vs. benchmark.

          8.   The Annual Bonus for any Plan year will be paid to participants
               as soon as practicable after the Committee has certified
               performance results for the Plan year, but no later than March 31
               of the immediately following year. The provisions of this
               Paragraph shall be subject to Paragraph 9 hereof.

               Any Plan participant who is eligible to participate in The
               Progressive Corporation Executive Deferred Compensation Plan
               ("Deferral Plan") may elect to defer all or a portion of the
               Annual Bonus otherwise payable under this Plan, subject to and in
               accordance with the terms of the Deferral Plan.

          9.   Unless otherwise determined by the Committee, in order to be
               entitled to receive an Annual Bonus for any Plan year, the
               participant must be employed by Progressive on the date
               designated for payment thereof. Annual Bonus payments made to
               participants will be net of any legally required deductions for
               federal, state and local taxes and other items.

          10.  The right to any of the Annual Bonuses hereunder may not be
               transferred, assigned or encumbered by any participant. Nothing
               herein shall prevent any participant's interest hereunder from
               being subject to involuntary attachment, levy or other legal

     11.  The Plan will be administered by or under the direction of the
          Committee. The Committee will have the authority to adopt, alter and
          repeal such rules, guidelines, procedures and practices governing the
          Plan as it, from time to time, in its sole discretion deems advisable.

          The Committee will have full authority to determine the manner in
          which the Plan will operate, to interpret the provisions of the Plan
          and to make all determinations thereunder. All such interpretations
          and determinations will be final and binding on Progressive, all Plan
          participants and all other parties. No such interpretation or
          determination may be relied on as a precedent for any similar action
          or decision.

          The Plan will be administered by the Committee in accordance with the
          requirements of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, as
          amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder (the

     12.  The Plan will be subject to approval by the holders of Progressive's
          Common Shares, $1.00 par value ("shareholders") in accordance with the
          requirements of Section 162(m) of the Code and no Annual Bonus will be
          paid hereunder unless the Plan has been so approved.

     13.  The Plan may be terminated, amended or revised, in whole or in part,
          at any time and from time to time by the Committee, in its sole
          discretion; provided that the Committee may not increase the amount of
          compensation payable hereunder to any participant above the amount
          that would otherwise be payable upon attainment of the applicable
          performance goals, or accelerate the payment of any portion of the
          Annual Bonus due to any participant under the Plan without discounting
          the amount of such payment in accordance with Section 162(m) of the
          Code, and further provided that any amendment or revision of the Plan
          required to be approved by shareholders pursuant to Section 162(m) of
          the Code will not be effective until approved by Progressive's
          shareholders in accordance with the requirements of Section 162(m).

     14.  The Plan will be unfunded and all payments due under the Plan will be
          made from Progressive's general assets.

     15.  Nothing in the Plan shall be construed as conferring upon any person
          the right to remain a participant in the Plan or to remain employed by
          Progressive, nor shall the Plan limit Progressive's right to
          discipline or discharge any of its officers or employees or change any
          of their job titles, duties or compensation.

     16.  Progressive shall have the unrestricted right to set off against or
          recover out of any bonuses or other sums owed to any participant under
          the Plan any amounts owed by such participant to Progressive.

     17.  This Plan supersedes all prior plans, agreements, understandings and
          arrangements regarding bonuses or other cash incentive compensation
          payable or due to any participant from Progressive. Without limiting
          the generality of the foregoing, this Plan supersedes and replaces The
          Progressive Corporation 1995 Executive Bonus Plan, as heretofore in
          effect (the "Prior Plan"), which is and shall be deemed to be
          terminated as of December 31, 1996 (the "Termination Date"); provided,
          that any bonuses or other sums earned under the Prior Plan prior to
          the Termination Date shall be unaffected by such termination and shall
          be paid to the appropriate participants when and as provided

     18.  This Plan is adopted and, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 12
          hereof, is to be effective, as of January 1, 1997. Subject to the
          provisions of Paragraph 12, this Plan shall be effective for 1997 and
          for each year thereafter unless and until terminated by the Committee.

     19.  This Plan shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the
          laws of the State of Ohio.