1 MAY 30, 1997 CONFIDENTIAL MATERIALS PREPARED FOR DISCUSSION ANTHEM, INC. 2 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. TRANSACTION STRUCTURE 3. CSFB VALUATION SUMMARY 4. GOING PRIVATE CONSIDERATIONS 5. APPENDICES A. ACORDIA, INC. MARKET AND SHAREHOLDER DATA B. ACORDIA BROKERS VALUATION C. ACORDIA HEALTH VALUATION ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 4 CONFIDENTIAL 1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. OBJECTIVE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solve the business tension between Anthem and Acordia in the health sector in response to competitive pressures * Focus on core healthcare-related business * Reduce costs in order to remain competitive * Acquire the health operations of Acordia * Exit non-core businesses * Maximize the value of Anthem's investment in Acordia ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 5 CONFIDENTIAL 2 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. WHERE WE ARE TODAY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SALE OF ACORDIA BROKERS ----------------------- * 45 parties contacted; 26 signed confidentiality agreements * 11 preliminary indications of interest on March 19, 1997 * 3 potential buyers completed on-site due diligence and attended management presentations * Bain Capital/Goldman Sachs * Kelsar & Company/Insurance Partners * PennCorp/Knightsbridge Capital Fund I * Final bids submitted by 2 potential buyers on May 9, 1997 * Discussions with PennCorp/Knightsbridge Capital Fund I ongoing at $335 million ACQUISITION OF ACORDIA, INC. ---------------------------- * Preliminary understanding reached with Acordia's Independent Committee for purchase of Acordia, Inc. for $40.00 per share * Documentation drafted ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 6 CONFIDENTIAL 3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. TRANSACTION STRUCTURE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEP 1: TENDER FOR ACORDIA SHARES - ---------------- Anthem, Inc. - ---------------- : : : 100% : : : : ------------ -------- : Cash : Merger Sub ---------------------------> Public : Acordia, Inc. shares : ------------ <------------------------- -------- : : : : : --------------- : : : - ------------------------ Acordia, Inc. ------------ 66.8% --------------- 33.2% : : : ------------------- : 100% : : : ----------- ----------- Acordia Anthem Brokers' Related Companies Companies ----------- ----------- ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 7 CONFIDENTIAL 4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. TRANSACTION STRUCTURE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEP 2: SQUEEZE-OUT MERGER - ---------------- ---------- Cash Anthem, Inc. -------------------------------> Public - ---------------- ---------- : : : : : : 100% :---------------------- : -------------------- : : ------------ ----------------- Merge Merger Sub -------> Acordia, Inc. ------------ ----------------- : : : ------------------- : 100% : : : ----------- ----------- Acordia Anthem Brokers' Related Companies Companies ----------- ----------- ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 8 CONFIDENTIAL 5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. TRANSACTION STRUCTURE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEP 3: SALE OF ACORDIA BROKERS ------------- Anthem, Inc. ------------- : 100% : : ------------ ------- Cash Acordia, Inc. <-------------------------------------- Buyer Shares of ------------ --------------------------------------> ------- : Acordia Brokers' Companies : : ------------------- : 100% : : : ----------- ----------- Acordia Anthem Brokers' Related Companies Companies ----------- ----------- ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 9 CONFIDENTIAL 6 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. TRANSACTION STRUCTURE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEP 4: POST-TRANSACTION STRUCTURE - ---------------- -------------- Anthem, Inc. Buyer - ---------------- -------------- : : : : : 100% : 100% : : : : - ---------------- --------------- Acordia Acordia, Inc. Brokers' Companies - ---------------- --------------- : : : 100% ------------- Anthem Related Companies ------------- ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 10 CONFIDENTIAL 7 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON'S VALUATION APPROACH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acordia, Inc. was valued on a total company and segment basis: * Segments analyzed were Acordia Brokers and Acordia Health * Consolidated Acordia, Inc. equity valuation equals value of Acordia Brokers plus value of Acordia Health plus operating cash and equivalents (including cash from option and warrant exercise) less Acordia, Inc. debt and applicable taxes Credit Suisse First Boston has primarily utilized the following analytical techniques: * Comparable Publicly-Traded Companies analysis, which applies selected stock price multiples of historical and estimated financial data for comparable publicly-traded companies to historical and projected financial data of Acordia's business segments * Comparable Acquisition analysis which applies selected multiples of acquisition prices paid to historical financial data for transactions involving companies in similar lines of business to Acordia's business segments * Discounted Cash Flow ("DCF") analysis, which discounts to present value projected cash flows provided by Acordia broker's business segments under a variety of operating scenarios * Leveraged Buy-Out ("LBO") analysis, which looks at the range of equity returns supported by Acordia Brokers' projected cash flows under a variety of capital structures ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 11 CONFIDENTIAL 8 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA, INC. -- VALUATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PER SHARE VALUATION (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AND SHARES) --------------------------------------------------------------------- VALUE RANGE ------------------------------------- LOW HIGH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CSFB Enterprise Value Reference Range - Acordia Brokers $ 325.0 -- $ 375.0 Tax paid on sale (1) (19.7) -- (39.7) ------- ------- Acordia Brokers after-tax consideration (2) $ 305.3 -- $ 335.3 CSFB Enterprise Value Reference Range - Acordia Health 340.0 -- 440.0 Operating cash and equivalents 13.6 -- 13.6 Cash from option and warrant exercise 75.7 -- 75.7 Debt outstanding (3) (202.7) -- (202.7) ACO EQUITY VALUE(4) $ 531.9 -- $ 661.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACO PER SHARE VALUE $ 33.45 -- $ 41.63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shares and equivalents outstanding (5) 15,902 -- 15,902 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) Calculated based on net proceeds after assumption of Acordia Brokers debt, 40% tax rate and tax basis of $230.0mm. (2) Brokerage operations after-tax consideration includes assumption of $45.9mm in Acordia Brokers debt. (3) Includes earn-out obligations. (4) Gross of option and warrant exercise proceeds of $75.7mm. (5) Common shares outstanding and outstanding options and warrants in 000s. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 12 CONFIDENTIAL 9 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA, INC. -- MULTIPLE ANALYSIS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AND SHARES) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PER SHARE PRICE ------------------------------------------ ACORDIA, INC. LOW END HIGH END DATA $33.45 $40.00 $41.63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple of: 1996A EPS(1) $ 1.98 16.9x 20.2x 21.0x LTM EPS(2) 1.97 17.0 20.3 21.1 1997E EPS(2) 2.10 15.9 19.0 19.8 1998E EPS(2) 2.30 14.5 17.4 18.1 ACO Enterprise value $645.3 $749.5 $775.3 LTM Revenues $ 662.0 1.0x 1.1x 1.2x LTM EBITDA 103.0 6.3 7.3 7.5 LTM EBIT 61.6 10.5 12.2 12.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Net of $2.8mm (pretax) gain on sale of assets. (2) Per First Call estimates as of 5/27/97. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 13 CONFIDENTIAL 10 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA BROKERS VALUATION DISCUSSION - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Key valuation issues are: (1) lack of reported net income due to acquisitions; (2) ability of Acordia Brokers to achieve pro forma financial results; and, (3) value of non-Anthem TPA businesses * The most comparable publicly-traded companies are Arthur J. Gallagher, Hilb, Rogal & Hamilton and Poe & Brown ==================================================================================================== P/E MULTIPLES ENTERPRISE VALUE/LTM ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 1996A LTM 1997E 1998E REVENUES EBITDA EBIT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AJG 12.1x 11.9x 11.6x 10.9x 1.0x 5.6x 6.4x HRH 16.9 16.3 16.3 15.1 1.3 6.7 10.4 POBR 15.6 14.9 13.4 11.6 2.0 6.6 8.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Merger activity in the insurance brokerage sector has accelerated in the last 12 months and valuations have varied dramatically ==================================================================================================== ENTERPRISE VALUE/LTM ------------------------ ACQUIROR/TARGET REVENUES EBITDA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marsh & McLennan/ Johnson & Higgins 1.5x 10.2x Aon Corp./ Minet Group 0.2 NM Aon Corp./ Alexander & Alexander 0.9 6.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 14 CONFIDENTIAL 11 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA BROKERS -- VALUATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACORDIA BROKERS VALUATION SUMMARY -- ENTERPRISE VALUE (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS) ===================================================================== ACORDIA VALUE RANGE -------------------------------------- ANALYSIS BROKERS DATA LOW HIGH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comparable Companies Analysis $321 -- $396 Comparable Acquisition Analysis 300 -- 400 Discounted Cash Flow Analysis 325 -- 400 LBO Analysis 365 -- 416 CSFB ENTERPRISE VALUE REFERENCE RANGE $325 -- $375 ==== ==== Reference Range as a multiple of: 1996A Net Income(1) $ (1.0) NM -- NM 1997E Net Income(1) 7.8 35.8x -- 42.2x LTM Revenues 336.2 1.0 -- 1.1 LTM EBITDA 34.2 9.5 -- 11.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Adjusted for debt and equivalents equal to $45.9 million at March 31, 1997. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 15 CONFIDENTIAL 12 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA HEALTH VALUATION DISCUSSION - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * There is uncertainty surrounding the valuation of Acordia Health due to the unique relationship between Anthem and Acordia * The intrinsic value of Acordia Health depends largely on the future profitability permitted by Anthem since Acordia Health is dependent on Anthem for revenues and profits - Existing contract with Acordia can be canceled by Anthem without penalty - Future profitability of Acordia Health is expected to fall dramatically as Anthem transitions to managed care * As a result, different valuation techniques give markedly different valuations for Acordia Health - None of the comparable companies or comparable acquisitions analyzed by CSFB have an analogous customer relationship - Publicly-traded healthcare service and administration companies all have high (18.5% - 19.9%) projected rates of earnings growth in contrast to Acordia Health - In determining CSFB's reference range for Acordia Health, we have placed more emphasis on our DCF valuation since it is the valuation technique which takes into account the future earnings potential of Acordia Health ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 16 CONFIDENTIAL 13 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA HEALTH -- VALUATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACORDIA HEALTH VALUATION SUMMARY -- ENTERPRISE VALUE (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS) ===================================================================== ACORDIA VALUE RANGE ------------------------------------ ANALYSIS HEALTH DATA LOW HIGH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comparable Companies Analysis $400 -- $500 Comparable Acquisition Analysis 450 -- 550 Discounted Cash Flow Analysis 225 -- 325 CSFB Enterprise Value Reference Range $340 -- $440 ==== ==== Reference Range as a multiple of: 1996A Net Income $ 36.0 9.4x -- 12.2x 1997E Net Income(1) 33.9 10.0 -- 13.0 LTM Revenues 325.8 1.0 -- 1.4 LTM EBITDA 68.9 4.9 -- 6.4 LTM EBIT 60.1 5.7 -- 7.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Acordia Health has no debt allocated to its operations. (1) Adjusted for non-recurring $6.0 million payment for termination of Anthem US relationship. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 17 CONFIDENTIAL 14 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. IMPLIED VALUE OF ACORDIA HEALTH @ $40.00 PER SHARE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS) ===================================================================== ACORDIA HEALTH ACORDIA BROKERS ENTERPRISE VALUE --------------------------------------------------- DATA $325 $335 $375 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implied Value of Acordia Health $444.1 $438.1 $414.1 As a multiple of: 1996A Net Income $ 36.0 12.3x 12.2x 11.5x 1997E Net Income(1) 33.9 13.1 12.9 12.2 LTM Revenues 325.8 1.4 1.3 1.3 LTM EBITDA 68.9 6.4 6.4 6.0 LTM EBIT 60.1 7.4 7.3 6.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Adjusted for non-recurring $6.0 million payment for termination of Anthem US relationship. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 18 CONFIDENTIAL 16 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. CONSIDERATIONS IN TAKING ACORDIA PRIVATE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Purchase by a controlling shareholder of all the remaining shares (termed a "minority squeeze-out") generally requires a premium to prevailing market price * Since Anthem announced that it was reviewing its investment in Acordia, Inc. on February 6, 1997, Acordia's stock price has appreciated 28.7% versus a 8.8% increase in the S&P 500 and a 14.0% increase in the Brokers Index over the same period * The indicated value range for Acordia relative to premiums paid in similar situations is as follows: ACQUISITION PREMIUM ANALYSIS FOR ACORDIA VALUATION INDICATED MARKET PREMIUM =================================================================== DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acordia per share value $33.452 $40.000 $41.627 Premium to current market(1) $35.875 (6.8)% 11.5% 16.0% Premium to one day prior to 2/6/97 27.875 20.0 43.5 49.3 Premium to one week prior to 2/6/97 28.000 19.5 42.9 48.7 Premium to one month prior to 2/6/97 27.875 20.0 43.5 49.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) As of 5/23/97. 1990--1996 "SQUEEZE-OUT" TRANSACTIONS =================================================================== PREMIUM TO STOCK PRICE PRIOR TO ANNOUNCEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------- ONE DAY ONE WEEK ONE MONTH --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75th Percentile 36.0% 42.7% 47.7% MEAN 20.0% 23.1% 25.9% MEDIAN 26.1% 29.6% 31.4% 25th Percentile 10.8% 12.5% 8.2% Transactions 105 105 106 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source: Securities Data Company and Credit Suisse First Boston Database. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 19 CONFIDENTIAL 16 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA, INC. LTM STOCK PRICE AND VOLUME GRAPH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACORDIA, INC.: MAY 23, 1996 TO MAY 23, 1997 LTM DAILY TRADING VOLUME/LTM DAILY CLOSING PRICE LTM Daily Trading Volume (In thousands) LTM Daily Closing Price [ ] Volume - Price Close 5/23/96 7/9/96 8/21/96 10/4/96 11/18/96 1/3/97 2/18/97 4/3/97 5/16/97 Volume XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Price Close XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Earnings Release 10/31/96 Announcement Date 2/6/97 ACO Press Release 5/20/97 ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 20 CONFIDENTIAL 17 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA, INC. STOCK PRICE AND VOLUME GRAPH SINCE IPO - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACORDIA, INC.: IPO TO MAY 23, 1997 DAILY TRADING VOLUME/DAILY CLOSING PRICE Daily Trading Volume (In thousands) Daily Closing Price [ ] Volume - -- Price Close 10/21/92 4/21/93 10/18/93 4/15/94 10/13/94 4/12/95 10/10/95 4/9/96 10/4/96 4/4/97 Volume XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Price XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Community Mutual Insurance Co. Ann. Date 11/29/94 Blue Cross & Blue Shield of NJ Ann. Date 5/28/96 Blue Cross & Blue Shield of CT Ann. Date 10/1/98 ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 21 CONFIDENTIAL 18 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA, INC. SHAREHOLDER PROFILE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACORDIA, INC. OWNERSHIP ANALYSIS (IN THOUSANDS) ================================================================================ PRIMARY FULLY-DILUTED ------------------------------- ---------------------------------- SHARES OWNERSHIP SHARES OWNERSHIP INSTITUTION HELD PERCENTAGE HELD PERCENTAGE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anthem, Inc.(1) 8,693.1 66.8% 8,693.1 54.7% American Financial Corp. 800.0 6.2% 2,300.0(2) 14.5% Harris Associates 501.3 3.9% 501.3 3.2% Barclays Bank plc 245.6 1.9% 245.6 1.5% Ruane Cunniff 220.3 1.7% 220.3 1.4% Mellon Bank Corp. 134.2 1.0% 134.2 0.8% U.S. Bancorp 105.7 0.8% 105.7 0.7% NY State Teachers 102.5 0.8% 102.5 0.6% Dimensional Fund Advisors 71.5 0.5% 71.5 0.4% Bankers Trust NY Corp. 70.2 0.5% 70.2 0.4% State Street Boston Co. 51.6 0.4% 51.6 0.3% IBM Ret Plan 36.8 0.3% 36.8 0.2% Kennedy Capital Mgt 30.4 0.2% 30.4 0.2% ANB Investment Mgt 29.8 0.2% 29.8 0.2% Century Capital Mgt 25.0 0.2% 25.0 0.2% Colonial Management 21.5 0.2% 21.5 0.1% Calif State Teachers Ret Fund 20.9 0.2% 20.9 0.1% World Asset Mgt 11.9 0.1% 11.9 0.1% Colorado Public Emp 9.9 0.1% 9.9 0.1% Morgan Stanley Group 8.3 0.1% 8.3 0.1% -------- ----- -------- ----- Sub-total, 20 Largest Holders 11,190.4 86.0% 12,690.4 79.8% All Others 1,815.1 14.0% 1,815.1 11.4% -------- ----- -------- ----- Total Shares Outstanding 13,005.5 100.0% 14,505.5(2) 91.2% ======== ===== -------- Stock Options 1,396.1 8.8% -------- ----- Total Shares and Equivalents 15,901.6 100.0% ======== ===== - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: Anthem, Inc., Acordia, Inc. proxy and CDA/Spectrum. (1) Includes shares reserved under Anthem's Acordia stock ownership program. (2) Includes 1,500,000 warrants. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 22 CONFIDENTIAL 19 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. RELATIVE PRICE PERFORMANCE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) - ---- ACO ---BROKERS 5/23/96 7/12/96 8/31/96 10/20/96 12/9/96 1/28/97 3/19/97 5/8/97 - ------------------------------------------------ (1) Brokers Index comprised of Aon Corp; Arthur J. Gallagher; E.W. Blanch; Hilb, Rogal and Hamilton; Marsh & McLennan; and Poe & Brown. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 23 CONFIDENTIAL 20 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. PRICE AND VOLUME DISTRIBUTION OF ACORDIA, INC. TRADES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRADING ANALYSIS -- TRADING ANALYSIS -- RANGES OF CLOSING PRICES RANGES OF CLOSING PRICES MAY 23, 1996 TO MAY 23, 1997 OCTOBER 21, 1992 TO MAY 23, 1997 - ---------------------------- -------------------------------- $27-$28 3.85% $14-$17 10.87% $28-$29 18.09% $17-$20 7.44% $29-$30 9.02% $20-$23 19.17% $30-$31 15.66% $23-$26 19.81% $31-$32 19.02% $26-$29 20.12% $32-$33 22.00% $29-$32 13.76% $33-$34 5.13% $32-$35 7.68% $34-$35 0.00% $35-$38 1.14$ $35-$36 3.38% $36-$37 3.85% Source: FactSet Research Systems, Inc. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 24 CONFIDENTIAL 21 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. PRICE AND VOLUME DISTRIBUTION OF ACORDIA, INC. TRADES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRADING ANALYSIS -- TRADING ANALYSIS -- RANGES OF CLOSING PRICES RANGES OF CLOSING PRICES FEBRUARY 5, 1996 TO FEBRUARY 5, 1997 FEBRUARY 3, 1995 TO FEBRUARY 5, 1997 - ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ $27-$28 6.86% $23-$24 3.67% $28-$29 51.84% $24-$25 0.96% $29-$30 7.57% $25-$26 2.12% $30-$31 13.29% $26-$27 2.32% $31-$32 12.46% $27-$28 11.96% $32-$33 5.51% $28-$29 31.42% $33-$34 2.47% $29-$30 11.02% $30-$31 12.21% $31-$32 11.38% $32-$33 7.03% $33-$34 5.53% $34-$35 0.38% Source: FactSet Research Systems, Inc. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 25 CONFIDENTIAL 22 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA BROKERS -- VALUATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACORDIA BROKERS VALUATION SUMMARY -- ENTERPRISE VALUE (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS) ===================================================================== ACORDIA VALUE RANGE -------------------------------------- ANALYSIS BROKERS DATA LOW HIGH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comparable Companies Analysis $321 -- $396 Comparable Acquisition Analysis 300 -- 400 Discounted Cash Flow Analysis 325 -- 400 LBO Analysis 365 -- 415 CSFB ENTERPRISE VALUE REFERENCE RANGE $325 -- $375 ==== ==== Reference Range as a multiple of: 1996A Net Income(1) $ (1.0) NM -- NM 1997E Net Income(1) 7.8 35.8x -- 42.2x LTM Revenues 336.2 1.0 -- 1.1 LTM EBITDA 34.2 9.5 -- 11.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Adjusted for debt and equivalents equal to $45.9 million at March 31, 1997. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 26 CONFIDENTIAL 23 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. COMPARISON OF SELECTED PUBLICLY-TRADED INSURANCE BROKERS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF MARKET MULTIPLES AS OF MAY 23, 1997 (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA) ================================================================ EQUITY ADJUSTED I/B/E/S STOCK MARKET MARKET P/E MULTIPLES EST. 5 YR ADJ. MKT VALUE/LTM --------------------------- ------------------------- COMPANY TICKER PRICE VALUE VALUE 1996A LTM 1997E 1998E EPS GROWTH REVENUES EBITDA EBIT - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACORDIA, INC. ACO $35 7/8 $ 466.6 $630.6 18.1X 18.2X 17.1X 15.6X 12.0% 1.0X 6.1X 10.2X Aon Corp. AOC 47 5/8 7,948.6 9,722.1 22.5x 26.9x 20.6x 15.1x 11.5% 2.3x 14.7x 19.2x Arthur J. Gallagher AJG 31 7/8 521.8 446.2 12.1 11.9 11.6 10.9 8.5 1.0 5.6 6.4 EW Blanch EWB 23 7/8 298.8 316.2 15.6 14.5 12.4 10.8 14.3 2.6 7.5 8.9 Hilb, Rogal & Hamilton HRH 14 3/8 189.2 217.0 16.9 16.3 16.3 15.1 8.0 1.3 6.7 10.4 Marsh & McLennan MMC 130 3/4 10,837.5 12,033.0 20.8 19.8 18.4 15.8 10.6 2.3 12.1 14.8 Poe & Brown POBR 29 11/16 258.3 242.9 15.6 14.9 13.4 11.6 20.0 2.0 6.6 8.3 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- High(1) 22.5x 26.9x 20.6x 15.8x 20.6% 2.6x 14.7x 19.2x Mean(1) 17.2 17.4 15.4 13.2 13.2 1.9 8.9 11.3 Median(1) 16.3 15.6 14.9 13.3 13.3 2.1 7.1 9.6 Low(1) 12.1 11.9 11.6 10.8 10.8 1.0 5.6 6.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) All statistics exclude Acordia. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 27 CONFIDENTIAL 24 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. COMPARABLE COMPANIES VALUATION OF ACORDIA BROKERS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPARABLE COMPANIES VALUATION OF ACORDIA BROKERS (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS) ================================================================================ ACORDIA BROKERS PUBLIC MARKET RELEVANT IMPLIED DATA MULTIPLE RANGE MULTIPLE RANGE VALUE RANGE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C> Net Income 1996A $ (1.0) 12.1x -- 22.5x 12.1x -- 16.9x NM -- NM 1997E 7.8 11.6 -- 20.6 11.6 -- 16.3 $ 90 -- $ 127 LTM Revenues 336.2 1.0 -- 2.6 1.0 -- 1.2 290 -- 358* LTM EBITDA 34.2 5.6 -- 14.7 5.6 -- 7.0 145 -- 193* LTM EBIT 1.5 6.4 -- 19.2 6.4 -- 9.0 NM -- NM* CSFB EQUITY REFERENCE RANGE BEFORE CONTROL PREMIUM $200 -- $275 25% Control Premium $250 -- $344 35% Control Premium 270 -- 371 CSFB EQUITY REFERENCE RANGE AFTER CONTROL PREMIUM $275 -- $350 Debt and Equivalents 46 -- 46 ---- ---- CSFB ENTERPRISE REFERENCE RANGE AFTER CONTROL PREMIUM $321 - $396 ==== ==== - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Net of debt and equivalents equal to $45.9 million at March 31, 1997. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 28 CONFIDENTIAL 25 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. SELECTED U.S. INSURANCE BROKERAGE ACQUISITIONS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF ACQUISITION MULTIPLES(1) 1995--1997 YTD ===================================================================== HIGH MEDIAN MEAN LOW --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PURCHASE PRICE AS A MULTIPLE OF LTM: Net Income 24.3x 21.7x 19.3x 6.0x Tangible Book Value 27.0 18.6 18.0 8.4 Book Value 27.0 3.9 8.3 1.7 ADJUSTED PURCHASE PRICE AS A MULTIPLE OF LTM:(2) Revenues 2.0x 0.9x 1.0x 0.2x EBITDA 10.2 6.9 6.9 3.5 EBIT 13.2 8.2 9.0 4.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Transactions over $20.0 million, of which there were 12 during the period analyzed. (2) Equal to Purchase Price plus target company debt and preferred stock, if any. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 29 CONFIDENTIAL 26 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. COMPARABLE ACQUISITIONS VALUATION OF ACORDIA BROKERS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comparable Acquisitions Valuation of Acordia Brokers (Dollars in Millions) ===================================================================== ACORDIA COMPARABLE BROKERS ACQUISITIONS RELEVANT IMPLIED DATA MULTIPLE RANGE MULTIPLE RANGE VALUE RANGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996A Net Income $ (1.0) 6.0x -- 24.3x 20.0x -- 24.0x NM -- NM LTM Revenues 336.2 0.2 -- 2.0 0.9 -- 1.2 $303 -- $403 LTM EBITDA 34.2 3.5 -- 10.2 6.0 -- 8.0 205 -- 273 LTM EBIT 1.5 4.2 -- 13.2 8.0 -- 12.0 NM -- NM CSFB REFERENCE RANGE $300 -- $400 ==== ==== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 30 CONFIDENTIAL 27 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA BROKERS - DCF VALUATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DCF analysis based on 1997 projections supplied by Acordia, Inc. with CSFB projecting operating results for 1998-2006. * CSFB discounted projected 10-year cash flows at discount rates of 10%, 12% and 14% based on weighted average cost of capital ("WACC") analysis for the same companies used in the comparable companies valuation, which generated results ranging from 10% to 12%. * CSFB has used a range of discount rates that extend above the results of our WACC analysis to account for what we believe are higher capital costs for Acordia, Inc. versus the larger, better established public companies used in our analysis and the perceived risk inherent in management's projections, which have historically been inaccurate. * CSFB performed DCF analysis under three scenarios: - Base Case: 4.3% revenue growth (based on Acordia's actual 1996 internal growth rate) and margin improvement to 15.2% in 1997 (based on Acordia's 1997 pro forma projected margin) and held constant thereafter. - Margin Decrease Case: 4.3% revenue growth and margins decreased by 0.8% per year until reaching 11.0% in 2002 and held constant thereafter. - Margin Increase Case: 4.3 % revenue growth and margins increased by 0.8% per year until reaching 19.8% in 2003 and held constant thereafter. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 31 CONFIDENTIAL 28 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA BROKERS -- DCF VALUATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DCF VALUATION OF ACORDIA BROKERS (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS) ===================================================================== TERMINAL MULTIPLE OF 2006E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANALYSIS REVENUES (1) NET INCOME (2) EBITDA (3) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Base Case $304 -- $454 $257 -- $353 $291 -- $418 Margin Decrease Case 278 -- 420 192 -- 252 233 -- 327 Margin Increase 332 -- 490 327 -- 464 354 -- 518 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSFB ENTERPRISE VALUE REFERENCE RANGE: $325 - $400 MILLION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Terminal multiple range of 2006E Revenues: 0.9x - 1.2x. (2) Terminal multiple range of 2006E Net Income: 12.0x - 15.0x. (3) Terminal multiple range of 2006E EBITDA: 5.5x - 7.0x ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 32 CONFIDENTIAL 29 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA BROKERS -- LBO ANALYSIS SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Since the buyer of Acordia Brokers will be a financial buyer, CSFB has analyzed the potential returns in a highly leveraged acquisition of Acordia Brokers * CSFB has assumed an equity investor in a leveraged buy-out of Acordia Brokers would require a 25% to 35% IRR on its equity investment * Assuming a base case similar to the DCF base case, with revenue growth of 4.3% annually, EBITDA margins in 1997 of 15.2% growing to 19.0% by 2001 in three scenarios (i.e., Scenarios A, B and C) and held constant in the other (i.e., Scenario D), no incremental acquisitions and a 10% carried interest for Acordia Broker's management, this produces returns as shown in the following table based on various purchase price scenarios as follows: ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 33 CONFIDENTIAL 30 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. LBO ANALYSIS OF ACORDIA BROKERS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACORDIA BROKERS -- POTENTIAL RETURNS TO LBO INVESTOR (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS) ========================================================== SCENARIO --------------------------------------------------------------------- A B C D --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSUMPTIONS: Total Purchase Price $367 $392 $417 $367 Equity Contribution 35 60 85 35 Margins: 1997 15.2% 15.2% 15.2% 15.2% 2001 19.0% 19.0% 19.0% 15.2% EXIT MULTIPLE OF EBITDA: PROJECTED RETURNS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.5x 49% 34% 24% 32% 7.0 53% 37% 28% 37% 7.5 57% 41% 31% 42% 8.0 60% 44% 34% 46% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSFB ENTERPRISE VALUE REFERENCE RANGE: $365 -- $415 MILLION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 34 CONFIDENTIAL 31 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA HEALTH -- VALUATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACORDIA HEALTH VALUATION SUMMARY - ENTERPRISE VALUE (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS) ===================================================================== ACORDIA VALUE RANGE ------------------------------------ ANALYSIS HEALTH DATA LOW HIGH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comparable Companies Analysis $400 -- $500 Comparable Acquisition Analysis 450 -- 550 Discounted Cash Flow Analysis 225 -- 325 CSFB ENTERPRISE VALUE REFERENCE RANGE $340 -- $440 ==== ==== Reference Range as a multiple of: 1996A Net Income $ 36.0 9.4x -- 12.2x 1997E Net Income(1) 33.9 10.0 -- 13.0 LTM Net Revenues 325.8 1.0 -- 1.4 LTM EBITDA 68.9 4.9 -- 6.4 LTM EBIT 60.1 5.7 -- 7.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Acordia Health has no debt allocated to its operations. (1) Adjusted for non-recurring $6.0 million payment for termination of Anthem US relationship. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 35 CONFIDENTIAL 32 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. COMPARISON OF SELECTED PUBLICLY-TRADED HEALTH INSURANCE SERVICE COMPANIES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF MARKET MULTIPLES AS OF MAY 23, 1997 (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS EXCEPT PER SHARE) ================================================================================ I/B/E/S EST. EQUITY ADJUSTED P/E MULTIPLES 5 YR ADJ. MKT VALUE/LTM STOCK MARKET MARKET ----------------------------- EPS ------------------------ COMPANY TICKER PRICE VALUE VALUE 1996A LTM 1997E 1998E GROWTH REVENUES EBITDA EBIT - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACORDIA, INC. ACO $ 35 7/8 $ 466.6 $ 630.5 18.1x 18.2x 17.1x 15.6x 12.0% 1.0x 6.1x 10.2x HealthCare Compare HCCC 46 1/4 1,524.2 1,524.2 20.6 19.9 17.7 15.1 19.5 6.0 10.6 11.7 Health Plan Services HPS 16 5/8 249.3 285.2 22.2 22.5 15.0 11.5 19.9 1.2 9.4 16.6 CoreVel Corp CRVL 28 128.6 128.6 17.8 17.2 13.4 NM 18.5 1.1 7.5 9.7 Crawford & Co. CRD.B 16 544.0 595.1 18.6 18.0 17.1 14.2 NA 0.9 6.6 8.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- High(1) 22.2x 22.5x 17.7 15.1x 19.9% 1.2x 10.6x 16.6x Mean(1) 19.8 19.4 15.8 13.6 19.3 1.1 8.5 10.7 Median(1) 19.6 19.0 16.1 14.2 19.5 1.1 8.5 10.7 Low(1) 17.8 17.2 13.4 11.5 18.5 0.9 6.6 8.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) All statistics exclude Acordia. Revenue multiples exclude HCCC. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 36 CONFIDENTIAL 33 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. COMPARABLE COMPANIES VALUATION OF ACORDIA HEALTH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPARABLE COMPANIES VALUATION OF ACORDIA HEALTH (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS) ===================================================================== ACORDIA PUBLIC MARKET RELEVANT IMPLIED ENTERPRISE HEALTH DATA MULTIPLE RANGE MULTIPLE RANGE VALUATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net Income 1996A $ 36.0 17.8x -- 22.2x 17.0x -- 19.0x $612 -- $684 1997E(1) 33.9 13.4 -- 17.7 13.5 -- 17.0 458 -- 576 LTM Revenues 325.8 0.9 -- 1.2 0.9 -- 1.2 293 -- 391 LTM EBITDA 68.9 6.6 -- 10.6 7.0 -- 9.0 482 -- 620 LTM EBIT 60.1 8.0 -- 16.6 8.0 -- 10.0 480 -- 601 CSFB ENTERPRISE VALUE REFERENCE RANGE $400 - $500 ==== ==== --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Based on Acordia, Inc.'s forecast of $52mm in pretax income and 38% tax rate. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 37 CONFIDENTIAL 34 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. COMPARABLE ACQUISITIONS VALUATION OF ACORDIA HEALTH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPARABLE ACQUISITIONS VALUATION OF ACORDIA HEALTH (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS) ================================================================= ACORDIA HEALTH COMPARABLE ACQUISITIONS RELEVANT IMPLIED DATA MULTIPLE RANGE MULTIPLE RANGE VALUE RANGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996A Net Income $ 36.0 10.6x -- 67.3x 12.0x -- 15.0x $432 -- $540 LTM Revenues 325.8 0.5 -- 9.9 0.9 -- 1.4 293 -- 456 LTM EBITDA 68.9 4.9 -- 34.5 6.5 -- 8.0 448 -- 551 LTM EBIT 60.1 4.0 -- 39.0 8.0 -- 12.0 480 -- 721 CSFB ENTERPRISE REFERENCE RANGE $450 -- $550 ==== ==== --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 38 CONFIDENTIAL 35 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. SELECTED INSURANCE TPA ACQUISITIONS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF ACQUISITION MULTIPLES(1) 1991--1996 YTD ===================================================================== HIGH MEAN MEDIAN LOW --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PURCHASE PRICE AS A MULTIPLE OF LTM: Net Income 67.3x 29.2x 28.8x 10.6x Tangible Book Value 93.4 20.9 10.3 2.1 Book Value 93.4 12.6 6.1 1.8 ADJUSTED PURCHASE PRICE AS A MULTIPLE OF LTM:(2) Revenues 9.9x 1.8x 1.1x 0.5x EBITDA 34.5 12.6 8.6 4.9 EBIT 39.0 15.6 11.4 4.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Transactions over $20.0 million, of which there were 18 during the period analyzed. (2) Equal to Purchase Price plus target company debt and preferred stock, if any. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 39 CONFIDENTIAL 36 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA HEALTH - DCF VALUATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSFB has been provided with two 5-year projections of future revenues for Acordia's Anthem-related business: * Anthem Planned Case: Anthem achieves its planned growth in managed care members and traditional health insurance customers are reduced over time. Acordia Health continues to serve Anthem's customers, but does not earn any revenue for managed care service which Anthem provides. * Do Nothing/Margin Drop Case: There is no change in Acordia's compensation or Anthem's cost, and as a result Anthem's business shrinks substantially due to competitive factors. Acordia's revenues fall by $57.4 million and as a result, Acordia Health's EBITDA margin falls to 10% in 1998 and improves at 1% per year thereafter. ACORDIA HEALTH REVENUES PROJECTED BY ANTHEM (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS) ===================================================================== 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM PLANNED CASE Anthem-Related Revenues $285.9 $235.3 $215.4 $200.8 $184.9 Total Revenues 318.9 269.9 251.8 239.0 225.0 EBITDA Margin 20.1% 19.1% 18.1% 17.1% 16.1% DO NOTHING/MARGIN DROP CASE Anthem-Related Revenues $285.9 $226.8 $204.2 $173.5 $147.5 Total Revenues 318.9 261.5 240.6 211.7 187.6 EBITDA Margin 20.1% 10.0% 11.0% 12.0% 13.0% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 40 CONFIDENTIAL 37 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA HEALTH - DCF VALUATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition, CSFB has projected two other scenarios of future revenues for Acordia's Anthem-related business: * Independent Acordia Case: Acordia and Anthem sever their business relationship at the end of 1998, and Acordia places 100% of its business with unaffiliated carriers. * Slow Transition Case: Anthem achieves its planned growth unmanaged care members but at a slower rate than currently planned. ACORDIA HEALTH REVENUES PROJECTED BY CSFB (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS) ===================================================================== 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDEPENDENT ACORDIA CASE Anthem-Related Revenues $285.9 $226.8 $ -- $ -- $ -- Total Revenues 318.9 261.5 274.6 288.3 302.7 EBITDA Margin 20.1% 19.1% 18.1% 17.1% 16.1% SLOW TRANSITION CASE Anthem-Related Revenues $285.9 $274.7 $263.5 $257.2 $241.0 Total Revenues 318.9 309.4 299.9 290.5 281.1 EBITDA Margin 20.1% 20.1% 20.1% 20.1% 20.1% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 41 CONFIDENTIAL 38 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA HEALTH - DCF VALUATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For the Anthem Planned Case and the Independent Acordia Case, CSFB assumed an EBITDA margin of 20.1% (based on a historical blended EBITDA margin rate and the Anthem projections) and have reduced this margin by 1% per year due to the uncertainties surrounding changes in Acordia Health. * For the Do Nothing/Margin Drop Case, CSFB projected Acordia Health's EBITDA margin to drop to 10% in 1998 due to a projected loss of revenue and inability to cut costs at the same rate and to improve at 1% per year thereafter. * For the Slow Transition Case, CSFB assumed a constant EBITDA margin of 20.1% due to less uncertainty surrounding a gradual change in Acordia Health's business. * In each case, CSFB assumed that non-Anthem revenues in Acordia Health (which represented approximately 11% of Acordia Health revenue in 1996) grow at 5% per year. * CSFB discounted projected 5-year cash flows at discount rates of 11%, 12% and 13% based on a WACC analysis for the same companies used in the comparable companies valuation, which generated results ranging from 11% to 13%. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON 42 CONFIDENTIAL 39 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTHEM, INC. ACORDIA HEALTH -- DCF VALUATION SUMMARY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DCF VALUATION OF ACORDIA HEALTH (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS) ===================================================================== TERMINAL MULTIPLE OF(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCENARIO REVENUES EBITDA NET INCOME ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anthem Planned $179 -- $233 $162 -- $218 $205 -- $254 Do Nothing/Margin Drop 128 -- 173 163 -- 212 115 -- 144 Independent Acordia 232 -- 306 210 -- 285 277 -- 347 Slow Transition 234 -- 304 251 -- 338 333 -- 416 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSFB ENTERPRISE VALUE REFERENCE RANGE: $225 - $325 MILLION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Based on discount rates of 11.0% to 13.0% and terminal multiples of: - 1.1x to 1.4x Revenues - 6.0x to 8.0x EBITDA - 16.0x to 19.0x Net Income Note: No debt has been allocated to Acordia Health. ____ CREDIT : FIRST _______________________________________________________ SUISSE : BOSTON