Exhibit 3(i)

                             CERTIFICATE OF ADOPTION




                          THE LINCOLN ELECTRIC COMPANY

                  H. Jay Elliott, Senior Vice President, and Frederick G.
Stueber, Secretary, of The Lincoln Electric Company, an Ohio corporation with
its principal office in the City of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio (the
"Corporation"), do hereby certify that:

                  1. A meeting of the Directors of the Corporation was duly
called and held on May 28, 1997, at which meeting a quorum of the Directors of
the Corporation was present, and, by the unanimous vote of such Directors of the
Corporation, the following resolutions were adopted:

                  RESOLVED, that the officers of the Company (and each of them),
         acting in accordance with O.R.C. sec.1701.73, are authorized to execute
         for and on behalf of the Company, a Certificate of Amendment to the
         Company's Restated Articles of Incorporation setting forth the
         amendments to such Articles as approved by the Company's shareholders
         at the Company's 1997 Annual Meeting (the "1997 Amendments") and to
         cause the same to be filed with the Secretary of State of Ohio and to
         do all acts and things whatsoever which may be necessary or appropriate
         to make the 1997 Amendments effective.

                  FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon the effectiveness of the 1997
         Amendments, the Restated Articles of Incorporation of the Company, as
         amended, be restated in their entirety to consolidate all prior
         amendments to such Articles by replacing the current Restated Articles
         of Incorporation, as amended, with Second Restated Articles of
         Incorporation of the Company, a copy of which has been presented to the
         Board of Directors, and the officers of the Company (and each of them)
         are hereby authorized to execute for and on behalf of the Company, a
         Certificate setting forth such Second Restated Articles of
         Incorporation of the Company and to cause the same to be filed with the
         Secretary of State of Ohio and to do all acts and things whatsoever
         necessary or appropriate to make such Second Restated Articles of
         Incorporation effective.

                  2. The Second Restated Articles of Incorporation of the
Corporation were adopted by the Directors for the purpose of consolidating the
existing Restated Articles of Incorporation of 



the Corporation and all previously adopted amendments to the Restated Articles
of Incorporation of the Corporation pursuant to Section 1701.72(B) of the Ohio
Revised Code.

                  3. The Second Restated Articles of Incorporation of the
Corporation are attached hereto as EXHIBIT A and supersede all previous Restated
Articles of Incorporation, and amendments thereof, of the Corporation.

                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this
Certificate of Adoption of Second Restated Articles of Incorporation this __ day
of May, 1997.

                                      H. Jay Elliott, Senior Vice

                                      Frederick G. Stueber, Secretary


                                                                       EXHIBIT A

                         THE LINCOLN ELECTRIC COMPANY


                  ARTICLE FIRST: The name of the Corporation shall be THE

                  ARTICLE SECOND: The place in the State of Ohio where its
principal office is located is the City of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County.

                  ARTICLE THIRD: The Corporation is formed for the purpose of
manufacturing, repairing, buying, selling and dealing in all varieties and kinds
of electrical machinery, tools and appliances, and doing all things necessary
and incident thereto.

                  ARTICLE FOURTH: Section 1. The maximum number of shares which
the Corporation is authorized to have outstanding is one hundred twenty million
(120,000,000), consisting of sixty million (60,000,000) Common Shares, without
par value ("Common Shares"), and sixty million (60,000,000) Class A Common
Shares, without par value ("Class A Common Shares"). The shares of each class
shall have the express terms set forth in this Article Fourth.

         Upon the Certificate of Adoption of Amendment to Restated Articles of
Incorporation setting forth these amendments becoming effective pursuant to
Section 1701.73 of the Ohio Revised Code (the "Reclassification Effective
Time"), and without any further action on the part of the Corporation or its
shareholders, (i) each whole Class B Common Share, without par value ("Class B
Common Shares"), then issued shall automatically be changed and converted into
0.5809 fully paid and nonassessable Common Share and (ii) certificates
representing Class B Common Shares outstanding prior to the Reclassification
Effective Time shall be deemed to represent the same number of Common Shares
multiplied by 0.5809. No fractional shares shall be issued; instead any
fractional share shall become a right to receive cash in an amount equal to such
fraction multiplied by $37.875.

         The powers, preferences and rights of the Common Shares and Class A
Common Shares (collectively, the "Common Equity") and the qualifications,
limitations and restrictions thereof, shall in all respects be identical, except
as otherwise required by law or as expressly provided in these Restated Articles
of Incorporation. The "Effective Time" means June 7, 1995.

                  Section 2.  Voting.

                  Section 2.1. Each shareholder of the Corporation shall be
entitled to one vote for each Common Share standing in such shareholder's name
on the books of the Corporation.


                                                                          Page 2

                  Section 2.2. The holders of Class A Common Shares shall not be
entitled to vote on any matter submitted to shareholders for their vote,
consent, waiver, release or other action except as required by statute.

                  Section 3. Dividends. Dividends may be declared and paid to
the holders of Common Shares and Class A Common Shares in cash, property, or
other securities of the Corporation (including shares of any class whether or
not shares of such class are already outstanding) out of funds legally available
therefor. No dividend shall be paid on the outstanding Common Shares or Class A
Common Shares unless an equal dividend per share is paid on each of the
outstanding Common Shares and Class A Common Shares subject to the following:

                  (a)      no cash dividend shall be declared or paid on one
                           class of Common Equity unless a cash dividend of the
                           same amount per share is simultaneously declared and
                           paid on the other class of Common Equity;

                  (b)      dividends payable on the Common Equity in capital
                           stock shall be made to all holders of Common
                           Equity provided that: (i) such a dividend on Class
                           A Common Shares shall be paid or made only in
                           Class A Common Shares and (ii) a dividend on Class
                           A Common Shares paid or made in Class A Common
                           Shares and a dividend on Common Shares paid or
                           made in either Common Shares or Class A Common
                           Shares shall be deemed an equal dividend per share
                           within the meaning of this Section 3 if paid in
                           the same proportion regardless of the fair market
                           value of such shares received in payment of such

                  Section 4. Merger, Consolidation, Combination or Dissolution
of the Corporation. In the event of merger, consolidation or combination of the
Corporation with another entity (whether or not the Corporation is the surviving
entity) or in the event of dissolution of the Corporation, holders of Class A
Common Shares shall be entitled to receive in respect of each Class A Common
Share the same indebtedness, other securities, cash, rights, or any other
property, or any combination of shares, evidences of indebtedness, securities,
cash, rights or any other property, as holders of Common Shares shall be
entitled to receive in respect to each share.

                  Section 5. Splits or Combinations of Shares. If the
Corporation shall in any manner split, subdivide or combine the outstanding
Common Shares or Class A Common Shares, the outstanding shares of the other such
class shall be proportionately split, subdivided or combined in the same manner
and on the same basis as the outstanding shares of the other class that have
been split, subdivided or combined.


                                                                          Page 3

                  Section 6. Change in Number of Authorized Class A Common
Shares. The number of authorized Class A Common Shares may be increased or
decreased (but not below the number then outstanding) by the affirmative vote of
the holders of a majority of the aggregate number of outstanding Common Shares
entitled to vote in the election of directors.

                  Section 7. No Preemptive Rights. No shareholder of the
Corporation shall have any preemptive right as such shareholder to subscribe for
or purchase shares of the Corporation.

                  Section 8. Class A Common Shares Protection Provisions.

                  Section 8.1. If, after the Effective Time, a Person or group,
as defined in Section 8.11, acquires beneficial ownership of shares representing
15% or more of the number of then outstanding Common Shares and such Person or
group (a "Significant Shareholder") does not then beneficially own an equal or
greater percentage of all then outstanding Class A Common Shares, all of which
Class A Common Shares must have been acquired by such Significant Shareholder
after the first issuance by the Corporation of Class A Common Shares (the
"Distribution Date"), such Significant Shareholder must, within a ninety (90)
day period beginning the day after becoming a Significant Shareholder, make a
public cash tender offer in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations
to acquire additional Class A Common Shares as provided in this Section 8 of
Article Fourth (a "Class A Protection Transaction").

                  Section 8.2. In each Class A Protection Transaction, the
Significant Shareholder must make a public tender offer to acquire that number
of additional Class A Common Shares determined by (i) multiplying the percentage
of the number of outstanding Common Shares beneficially owned and acquired after
the Effective Time by such Significant Shareholder by the total number of Class
A Common Shares outstanding on the date such Person or group became a
Significant Shareholder, and (ii) subtracting therefrom the excess (if any) of
the number of Class A Common Shares beneficially owned by such Significant
Shareholder on the date such Person or group became a Significant Shareholder
(including shares acquired at or prior to the time such Person or group became a
Significant Shareholder) over the number of Class A Common Shares beneficially
owned on the Distribution Date (as adjusted for stock splits, stock dividends
and similar recapitalization). The Significant Shareholder must acquire all
shares validly tendered; or if the number of Class A Common Shares tendered to
the Significant Shareholder exceeds the number of shares required to be acquired
pursuant to this Section 8.2, the number of Class A Common Shares acquired from
each tendering holder shall be pro rata based on the percentage that the number
of shares tendered by such shareholder bears to the total number of shares
tendered by all tendering holders.


                                                                          Page 4

                  Section 8.3. The offer price for any Class A Common Shares
required to be purchased by the Significant Shareholder pursuant to this Section
8 shall be the greatest of (i) the highest price per share paid by the
Significant Shareholder for any Common Shares or Class A Common Shares during
the six-month period ending on the date such Person or group became a
Significant Shareholder, (ii) the highest reported sale price of a Common Share
or Class A Common Share on the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
Automated Quotation System ("NASDAQ") National Market System (or such other
securities exchange or quotation system as is then the principal trading market
for such shares) during the 30 day period preceding such Person or group
becoming a Significant Shareholder, and (iii) the highest reported sale price of
a Common Share or Class A Common Share on the NASDAQ National Market System (or
such other securities exchange or quotation system as is then the principal
trading market for such shares) on the business day preceding the date the
Significant Shareholder makes the tender offer required by this Section 8. For
purposes of Section 8.4, the applicable date for each calculation required by
clauses (i) and (ii) of the preceding sentence shall be the date on which the
Significant Shareholder becomes required to engage in the subsequent Class A
Protection Transaction for which such calculation is required. In the event that
the Significant Shareholder has acquired Common Shares or Class A Common Shares
in the six month period ending on the date such Person or group becomes a
Significant Shareholder for consideration other than cash, the value of such
consideration per Common Share or Class A Common Share shall be as determined in
good faith by the Board of Directors.

                  Section 8.4. A Class A Protection Transaction shall also be
required to be effected by any Significant Shareholder each time that the
Significant Shareholder acquires after the Effective Time beneficial ownership
of additional Common Shares equal to or greater than the next higher integral
multiple of 5% in excess of 15% (e.g., 20%, 25%, 30%, etc.) of the number of
outstanding Common Shares if such Significant Shareholder does not then own an
equal or greater percentage of the Class A Common Shares (all of which Class A
Common Shares must have been acquired by such Significant Shareholder after the
Distribution Date). Such Significant Shareholder shall be required to make a
public cash tender offer to acquire that number of Class A Common Shares
prescribed by the formula set forth in Section 8.2, and must acquire all shares
validly tendered or a pro rata portion thereof, as specified in Section 8.2, at
the price determined pursuant to Section 8.3, even if a previous Class A
Protection Transaction resulted in fewer Class A Common Shares being tendered
than required in the previous offer.

                  Section 8.5. If any Significant Shareholder fails to make an
offer required by this Section 8, or to purchase shares validly tendered and not
withdrawn (after proration, if any), such Significant Shareholder shall not be
entitled to vote any Common Shares beneficially owned by such Significant


                                                                          Page 5

unless and until such requirements are complied with or unless and until all
Common Shares causing such offer requirement to be effective are no longer
beneficially owned by such Significant Shareholder. The requirement to engage in
a Class A Protection Transaction is satisfied by the making of the requisite
offer and purchasing validly tendered shares pursuant to this Section 8, even if
the number of shares tendered is less than the number of shares included in the
required offer.

                  Section 8.6. The Class A Protection Transaction requirement
shall not apply to any increase in percentage beneficial ownership of Common
Shares resulting solely from a change in the aggregate number of Common Shares
outstanding, provided that any acquisition after such change which results in
any Person or group beneficially owning fifteen percent (15%) or more of the
number of outstanding Common Shares (or an additional 5% or more of the number
of Common Shares after the last acquisition which triggered the requirement for
a Class A Protection Transaction) shall be subject to any Class A Protection
Transaction requirement that would be imposed pursuant to this Section 8.

                  Section 8.7. In connection with Sections 8.1 through 8.4 of
this Section 8, the following Common Shares shall be excluded for the purpose of
determining the shares beneficially owned by such Person or group but not for
the purpose of determining shares outstanding:

                  (a)      shares beneficially owned by such Person or group
                           at the Effective Time;

                  (b)      shares acquired by will or by the laws of descent and
                           distribution, or by gift that is made in good faith
                           and not for the purpose of circumventing this Section
                           8 or by foreclosure of a bona fide loan;

                  (c)      shares acquired upon issuance or sale by the

                  (d)      shares acquired by operation of law (including a
                           merger or consolidation effected for the purpose of
                           recapitalizing such Person or reincorporating such
                           Person in another jurisdiction but excluding a merger
                           or consolidation effected for the purpose of
                           acquiring another Person);

                  (e)      shares acquired in exchange for Class A Common
                           Shares by a holder of Class A Common Shares (or by
                           a parent, lineal descendant or donee of such
                           holder of Class A Common Shares who received such
                           Class A Common Shares from such holder) if the
                           Class A Common Shares so exchanged were acquired
                           by such holder directly from the Corporation as a
                           dividend on Common Shares; and


                                                                          Page 6

                  (f)      shares acquired by a plan of the Corporation
                           qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal
                           Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or any successor
                           provision thereto, or acquired by reason of a
                           distribution from such a plan.

                  Section 8.8. In connection with Sections 8.1 through 8.4 of
this Section 8, for purposes of calculating the number of Class A Common Shares
beneficially owned by any Persons or group:

                  (a)      Class A Common Shares acquired by gift shall be
                           deemed to be beneficially owned by such Person or
                           member of a group if such gift was made in good faith
                           and not for the purpose of circumventing the
                           operations of this Section 8; and

                  (b)      only Class A Common Shares owned of record by such
                           Person or member of a group or held by others as
                           nominees of such Person or member of a group and
                           identified as such to the Corporation shall be
                           deemed to be beneficially owned by such Person or
                           group (provided that Class A Common Shares with
                           respect to which such Person or member of a group
                           has sole investment and voting power shall be
                           deemed to be beneficially owned thereby).

                  Section 8.9. To the extent that the voting power of any Common
Share cannot be exercised pursuant to this Section 8, that Common Share shall
not be included in the determination of the voting power of the Corporation for
any purpose under these Restated Articles of Incorporation or the Ohio Revised

                  Section 8.10. All calculations with respect to percentage
beneficial ownership of issued and outstanding shares of either Common Shares or
Class A Common Shares will be based upon the numbers of issued and outstanding
shares reflected in either the records of or a certificate from the
Corporation's stock transfer agent or reported by the Corporation on the last to
be filed of (i) the Corporation's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, (ii)
its most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, (iii) its most recent Current
Report on Form 8-K, (iv) its most recent report on Form 10-C, and (v) its most
recent definitive proxy statement filed with the Securities and Exchange

                  Section 8.11. For purposes of this Section 8, the term
"Person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, association, trust, or
other entity (other than the Corporation). Subject to Sections 8.7 and 8.8,
"beneficial ownership" shall be determined pursuant to Rule 13d-3 promulgated
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "1934 Act"), or any
successor regulation and the formation or existence of a "group" shall be
determined pursuant to Rule 13d-5(b) under the 1934 Act or any successor
regulation, subject to the following


                                                                          Page 7


                  (a)      relationships by blood or marriage between or among
                           any Persons will not constitute any of such Persons
                           as a member of a group with such other Person, absent
                           affirmative attributes of concerted action; and

                  (b)      any Person acting in his official capacity as a
                           director or officer of the Corporation shall not
                           be deemed to beneficially own shares where such
                           ownership exists solely by virtue of such Person's
                           status as a trustee (or similar position) with
                           respect to shares held by plans or trusts for the
                           general benefit of employees or former employees
                           of the Corporation, and actions taken or agreed to
                           be taken by a Person in such Person's official
                           capacity as an officer or director of the
                           Corporation will not cause such Person to become a
                           member of a group with any other Person.

                  Section 9. Conversion of Class A Common Shares. Each Class A
Common Share (whether or not then issued) shall convert automatically into one
Common Share upon the earliest to occur of:

                  (a)      any time the aggregate number of the outstanding
                           Common Shares as reflected on the stock transfer
                           records of the Corporation is less than 20% of the
                           aggregate number of outstanding Common Shares and
                           Class A Common Shares.  For purposes of the
                           immediately preceding sentence, any Common Shares
                           or Class A Common Shares repurchased by the
                           Corporation and held as treasury shares or
                           cancelled by the Corporation shall not be deemed
                           "outstanding" from and after the date of

                  (b)      the date ("Conversion Date") which shall be ten years
                           from the Distribution Date of the Class A Common
                           Shares as defined in Section 8.1; provided, however,
                           that the Board of Directors by resolution adopted by
                           two-thirds of the entire number of Directors then in
                           office no earlier than thirty months and no later
                           than twenty-four months prior to the initial or any
                           subsequently established Conversion Date may extend
                           the Conversion Date for an additional five years. Any
                           such new Conversion Date and all subsequently
                           extended Conversion Dates may be extended in like
                           manner and for a like period; and

                  (c)      upon resolution by the Board of Directors if, as a
                           result of the existence of the Class A Common
                           Shares, either the Common Shares or Class A Common


                                                                          Page 8

                           Shares is, or both are, excluded from quotation on
                           the NASDAQ National Market System, and all other
                           national quotation systems then in existence and
                           are excluded from trading on all the principal
                           national securities exchanges then in existence.

Upon such conversion, the total number of Common Shares the Corporation shall
have authority to issue shall be 120,000,000 shares, and the total number of
Class A Common Shares shall be zero (0) shares and all references to Class A
Common Shares shall be of no further force or effect. In making the
determination referred to in (a) or (c) of this Section 9, the Board of
Directors may conclusively rely on any information or documentation available to
it, including but not limited to filings made with the United States Securities
and Exchange Commission, any stock exchange, the National Association of
Securities Dealers, Inc. or any national quotation system or any other
government or regulatory agency, or the records of or certification from the
Corporation's stock transfer agent. At such time as set forth in (a), (b) or (c)
of this Section 9, the Class A Common Shares shall be deemed to be automatically
converted into Common Shares and stock certificates formerly representing Class
A Common Shares shall thereupon and thereafter be deemed to represent a like
number of Common Shares. The determination of the Board of Directors that either
(a) or (c) of this Section 9 has occurred shall be conclusive and binding and
the conversion of each Class A Common Share into one Common Share shall remain
effective regardless of whether either (a) or (c) has occurred in fact.

                  ARTICLE FIFTH: The Board of Directors of the Corporation is
hereby authorized to fix at any time and from time to time the amount of
consideration for which the Corporation may from time to time issue its shares
without par value, whether now or hereafter authorized and whether or not
greater consideration could be received upon the issue or sale of the same
number of shares of another class.

                  ARTICLE SIXTH: The Corporation may from time to time pursuant
to authorization by the Board of Directors and without action by the
shareholders, purchase or otherwise acquire shares of the Corporation of any
class or classes in such manner, upon such terms and in such amounts as the
Board of Directors shall determine without regard to whether less consideration
could be paid upon the purchase of the same number of shares of another class,
subject, however, to such limitation or restriction, if any, as is contained in
the express terms of any class of shares of the Corporation outstanding at the
time of the purchase or acquisition in question.

                  ARTICLE SEVENTH: The holders of shares of the Corporation
shall not be entitled to cumulative voting rights in elections of Directors.

                  ARTICLE EIGHTH: Section 1. A higher than majority


                                                                          Page 9

shareholder vote for certain Business Combinations (as defined below) shall be
required as follows:

                  A. In addition to any affirmative vote required by law or
                  these Articles or the terms of any series of Preferred Stock
                  or any other securities of the Corporation and except as
                  otherwise expressly provided in Section 2 of this Article

                           (1) any merger or consolidation of the Corporation or
                           any Subsidiary with (i) any Interested Shareholder or
                           with (ii) any other corporation (whether or not
                           itself an Interested Shareholder) which is, or after
                           such merger or consolidation would be, an Affiliate
                           or Associate of an Interested Shareholder;

                           (2) any sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge,
                           transfer or other disposition (in one transaction or
                           a series of transactions whether or not related) to
                           an Interested Shareholder (or an Affiliate or
                           Associate of an Interested Shareholder) of any assets
                           of the Corporation or a Subsidiary having an
                           aggregate Fair Market Value of $1,000,000 or more;

                           (3) any sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge,
                           transfer or other disposition (in one transaction or
                           a series of transactions whether or not related) to
                           or with the Corporation or a Subsidiary of any assets
                           of an Interested Shareholder (or an Affiliate or
                           Associate of an Interested Shareholder) having an
                           aggregate Fair Market Value of $1,000,000 or more;

                           (4) the issuance or sale by the Corporation or any
                           Subsidiary (in one transaction or a series of
                           transactions whether or not related) of any
                           securities of the Corporation or of any Subsidiary to
                           an Interested Shareholder or any Affiliate or
                           Associate of an Interested Shareholder in exchange
                           for cash, securities or other consideration (or a
                           combination thereof) having an aggregate Fair Market
                           Value of $1,000,000 or more except an issuance of
                           securities upon conversion of convertible securities
                           of the Corporation or of a Subsidiary which were not
                           acquired by such Interested Shareholder (or such
                           Affiliate or Associate) from the Corporation or a

                           (5) the adoption of any plan or proposal for the
                           liquidation or dissolution of the Corporation
                           proposed by or on behalf of an Interested Shareholder
                           or an Affiliate or Associate of an Interested
                           Shareholder; or


                                                                         Page 10

                           (6) any reclassification of securities (including any
                           reverse stock split) or recapitalization of the
                           Corporation or a Subsidiary or any other transaction
                           (whether or not with or into or otherwise involving
                           an Interested Shareholder) which has the effect,
                           directly or indirectly, of increasing the
                           proportionate share of the outstanding shares of any
                           class of equity securities or securities convertible
                           into equity securities of the Corporation or a
                           Subsidiary which is directly or indirectly owned by
                           any Interested Shareholder or an Affiliate or
                           Associate of an Interested Shareholder;

                  shall require the affirmative vote of (i) the holders of at
                  least two-thirds of the combined voting power of the then
                  outstanding shares of capital stock of the Corporation
                  entitled to vote generally in an annual election of Directors
                  or entitled by law or by the terms of the capital stock to
                  vote on the transaction in question (the "Voting Shares") and
                  (ii) the holders of at least two-thirds of the combined voting
                  power of the then outstanding Voting Shares held by
                  Disinterested Shareholders, in each case voting together as a
                  single class. Such affirmative vote shall be required
                  notwithstanding the fact that no vote may be required, or that
                  a lesser percentage may be specified, by law, by any other
                  provisions of these Articles or by the terms of any series of
                  Preferred Stock or any other securities of the Corporation.

                  B. The term "Business Combination" as used in this Article
                  Eighth shall mean any transaction which is referred to in any
                  one or more of clauses (1) through (6) of paragraph A of
                  Section 1 of this Article Eighth.

                  Section 2. The provisions of Section 1 of this Article Eighth
shall not be applicable to any Business Combination, and such Business
Combination shall require only such affirmative vote (if any) as is required by
law, any other provisions of these Articles, the terms of any of the classes or
series of Common Equity of the Corporation or of any of the classes or series of
capital stock of the Corporation entitled to a preference over the Common Equity
as to dividends or upon liquidation, or the terms of any other securities of the
Corporation, if all of the conditions specified in either of the following
paragraphs A or B are met:

                  A.  The Business Combination shall have been approved
                  by a majority of the Disinterested Directors; or

                  B.  All the following six conditions shall have been


                                                                         Page 11

                           (1) The transaction constituting the Business
                           Combination shall provide for a consideration to be
                           received by holders of Common Equity in exchange for
                           their Common Equity, and the aggregate amount of the
                           cash and the Fair Market Value as of the date of the
                           consummation of the Business Combination of
                           consideration other than cash to be received per
                           share by holders of Common Equity in such Business
                           Combination shall be at least equal to the highest of
                           the following:

                                    (a) (if applicable) the highest per share
                                    price (including any brokerage commissions,
                                    transfer taxes and soliciting dealers' fees)
                                    paid in order to acquire any shares of
                                    Common Equity beneficially owned by the
                                    Interested Shareholder which were acquired
                                    (x) within the two-year period immediately
                                    prior to the first public announcement of
                                    the proposed Business Combination (the
                                    "Announcement Date") or (y) in the
                                    transaction in which it became an Interested
                                    Shareholder, whichever is higher;

                                    (b) the Fair Market Value per share of
                                    Common Equity on the Announcement Date or on
                                    the date on which the Interested Shareholder
                                    became an Interested Shareholder (the
                                    "Determination Date"), whichever is higher;

                                    (c) (if applicable) the price per share
                                    equal to the Fair Market Value per share of
                                    Common Equity determined pursuant to clause
                                    (b) immediately preceding, multiplied by the
                                    ratio of (x) the highest per share price
                                    (including any brokerage commissions,
                                    transfer taxes and soliciting dealers' fees)
                                    paid in order to acquire any shares of
                                    Common Equity beneficially owned by the
                                    Interested Shareholder which were acquired
                                    within the two-year period immediately prior
                                    to the Announcement Date to (y) the Fair
                                    Market Value per share of Common Equity on
                                    the first day in such two-year period on
                                    which the Interested Shareholder
                                    beneficially owned any shares of Common
                                    Equity, whether or not such Shareholder was
                                    an Interested Shareholder on that day.

                           (2) If the transaction constituting the Business
                           Combination shall provide for a consideration to be
                           received by holders of any class of outstanding
                           Voting Shares other than Common Equity, the aggregate
                           amount of the cash and the Fair Market


                                                                         Page 12

                           Value as of the date of the consummation of the
                           Business Combination of consideration other than cash
                           to be received per share by holders of such Voting
                           Shares shall be at least equal to the highest of the
                           following (it being intended that the requirements of
                           this clause B(2) shall be required to be met with
                           respect to every class of outstanding Voting Shares,
                           whether or not the Interested Shareholder
                           beneficially owns any shares of a particular class of
                           Voting Shares):

                                    (a) (if applicable) the highest per share
                                    price (including any brokerage commissions,
                                    transfer taxes and soliciting dealers' fees)
                                    paid in order to acquire any shares of such
                                    class of Voting Shares beneficially owned by
                                    the Interested Shareholder which were
                                    acquired (x) within the two-year period
                                    immediately prior to the Announcement Date
                                    or (y) in the transaction in which it became
                                    an Interested Shareholder, whichever is

                                    (b) (if applicable) the highest preferential
                                    amount per share to which the holders of
                                    shares of such class of Voting Shares are
                                    entitled in the event of any voluntary or
                                    involuntary liquidation, dissolution or
                                    winding up of the Corporation;

                                    (c) the Fair Market Value per share of such
                                    class of Voting Shares on the Announcement
                                    Date or on the Determination Date, whichever
                                    is higher; and

                                    (d) (if applicable) the price per share
                                    equal to the Fair Market Value per share of
                                    such class of Voting Shares determined
                                    pursuant to clause (c) immediately
                                    preceding, multiplied by the ratio of (x)
                                    the highest per share price (including any
                                    brokerage commissions, transfer taxes and
                                    soliciting dealers' fees) paid in order to
                                    acquire any shares of such class of Voting
                                    Shares beneficially owned by the Interested
                                    Shareholder which were acquired within the
                                    two-year period immediately prior to the
                                    Announcement Date to (y) the Fair Market
                                    Value per share of such class of Voting
                                    Shares on the first day in such two-year
                                    period on which the Interested Shareholder
                                    beneficially owned any shares of such class
                                    of Voting Shares, whether or not such
                                    Shareholder was an Interested Shareholder on
                                    that day.


                                                                         Page 13

                           (3) The consideration to be received by holders of a
                           particular class of Voting Shares or Common Equity
                           shall be in cash or in the same form as was
                           previously paid in order to acquire shares of such
                           class of shares which are beneficially owned by the
                           Interested Shareholder and, if the Interested
                           Shareholder beneficially owns shares of any class of
                           shares which were acquired with varying forms of
                           consideration, the form of consideration to be
                           received by the holders of such class of shares shall
                           be either cash or the form used to acquire the
                           largest number of shares of such class of Voting
                           Shares beneficially owned by it. The prices
                           determined in accordance with clauses (1) and (2) of
                           paragraph B of this Section 2 shall be subject to an
                           appropriate adjustment in the event of any stock
                           dividend, stock split, subdivision, combination of
                           shares or similar event.

                           (4) After such Interested Shareholder has become an
                           Interested Shareholder and prior to the consummation
                           of such Business Combination:

                                    (a) except as approved by a majority of the
                                    Disinterested Directors, there shall have
                                    been no failure to declare and pay at the
                                    regular date therefor any full quarterly
                                    dividends (whether or not cumulative) on any
                                    outstanding Preferred Stock or other capital
                                    stock entitled to a preference over the
                                    Common Equity as to dividends or upon

                                    (b) except as approved by a majority of the
                                    Disinterested Directors, there shall have
                                    been (x) no reduction in the annual amount
                                    of dividends paid on the Common Equity
                                    (except as necessary to reflect any
                                    subdivision of the Common Equity) and (y) no
                                    failure to increase the annual amount of
                                    dividends as necessary to prevent any such
                                    reduction in the event of any
                                    reclassification (including any reverse
                                    stock split), recapitalization,
                                    reorganization or similar transaction which
                                    has the effect of reducing the number of
                                    outstanding shares of the Common Equity;

                                    (c) such Interested Shareholder shall not
                                    have become the beneficial owner of any
                                    additional Voting Shares except as part of
                                    the transaction in which it became an
                                    Interested Shareholder; and

                                    (d) there shall have always been at least
                                    four (4) Disinterested Directors on the


                                                                         Page 14

                           of Directors.

                           (5) After such Interested Shareholder has become an
                           Interested Shareholder, such Interested Shareholder
                           shall not have received the benefit, directly or
                           indirectly (except proportionately as a shareholder),
                           of any loans, advances, guarantees, pledges or other
                           financial assistance or any tax credits or other tax
                           advantages provided by the Corporation, whether in
                           anticipation of or in connection with such Business
                           Combination or otherwise.

                           (6) A proxy or information statement describing the
                           proposed Business Combination and complying with the
                           requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                           and the rules and regulations thereunder (or any
                           subsequent provisions replacing such Act, rules or
                           regulations) shall be mailed to shareholders at least
                           thirty (30) days prior to the consummation of such
                           Business Combination (whether or not such proxy or
                           information statement is required to be mailed
                           pursuant to such Act, rules, regulations or
                           subsequent provisions).

                  Section 3. For purposes of this Article Eighth:

                  A. A "person" shall mean any individual, a partnership, a
                  corporation, an association, a trust or other entity.

                  B. "Interested Shareholder" at any particular time shall mean
                  any person (other than the Corporation or any Subsidiary or
                  any employee benefit plan or trust of the Corporation or any
                  Subsidiary) who or which:

                           (1) is at such time the beneficial owner, directly or
                           indirectly, of five percent (5%) or more of the
                           voting power of the Voting Shares;

                           (2) is an Affiliate of the Corporation and at any
                           time within the two-year period immediately prior to
                           the date in question was the beneficial owner,
                           directly or indirectly, of five percent (5%) or more
                           of the voting power of the Voting Shares; or

                           (3) is at such time an assignee of or has otherwise
                           succeeded to the beneficial ownership of any Voting
                           Shares which were at any time within the two-year
                           period immediately prior to the date in question
                           beneficially owned by an Interested Shareholder (as
                           defined in (1) and (2) above), if such assignment or
                           succession shall have occurred in the course of a
                           transaction or series of


                                                                         Page 15

                           transactions not involving a public offering within
                           the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933.

                  C. "Disinterested Shareholder" shall mean a shareholder of the
                  Corporation who is not an Interested Shareholder (or an
                  Affiliate or an Associate of an Interested Shareholder) who is
                  involved, directly or indirectly, in the proposed Business
                  Combination in question, except that as used in Section 6 of
                  this Article Eighth, the term "Disinterested Shareholder"
                  shall mean a shareholder of the Company who is not an
                  Interested Shareholder.

                  D. A person shall be a "beneficial owner" of any Voting

                           (1)  which such person or any of its Affiliates or
                           Associates beneficially owns, directly or

                           (2) which such person or any of its Affiliates or
                           Associates has (i) the right to acquire (whether or
                           not such right is exercisable immediately) pursuant
                           to any agreement, arrangement or understanding or
                           upon the exercise of conversion rights, exchange
                           rights, warrants or options or otherwise or (ii) the
                           right to vote pursuant to any agreement, arrangement
                           or understanding; or

                           (3) which are beneficially owned, directly or
                           indirectly, by any other person with which such
                           person or any of its Affiliates or Associates has any
                           agreement, arrangement or understanding for the
                           purpose of acquiring, holding, voting or disposing of
                           any Voting Shares.

                  E. For the purpose of determining whether a person is an
                  Interested Shareholder pursuant to paragraph B of this Section
                  3, the number of Voting Shares deemed to be outstanding shall
                  include shares deemed owned by an Interested Shareholder
                  through application of paragraph D of this Section 3 but shall
                  not include any other Voting Shares which may be issuable
                  pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or understanding, or
                  upon the exercise of conversion rights, exchange rights,
                  warrants or options or otherwise.

                  F. "Affiliate" means a person that directly, or indirectly
                  through one or more intermediaries, controls, or is controlled
                  by, or is under common control with, the person specified.
                  "Associate", which is used to indicate a relationship with any
                  person, means (1) any corporation or organization (other than
                  the Corporation or a majority-owned subsidiary of the
                  Corporation) of which such person is an officer or


                                                                         Page 16

                  partner or is, directly or indirectly, the beneficial owner of
                  ten percent (10%) or more of any class of equity securities,
                  (2) any trust or other estate in which such person has a
                  substantial beneficial interest or as to which such person
                  serves as trustee or in a similar fiduciary capacity, and (3)
                  any relative or spouse of such person, or any relative of such
                  spouse, who has the same home as such person or who is a
                  director or officer of the Corporation or any of its parents
                  or subsidiaries.

                  G. "Subsidiary" means any corporation of which a majority of
                  any class of equity security is owned, directly or indirectly,
                  by the Corporation; provided, however, that for the purposes
                  of the definition of Interested Shareholder set forth in
                  paragraph B of this Section 3, the term "Subsidiary" shall
                  mean only a corporation of which a majority of each class of
                  equity security is owned, directly or indirectly, by the

                  H. "Disinterested Director" means any member of the Board of
                  Directors who is unaffiliated with, and not a representative
                  or nominee of, the Interested Shareholder who is involved,
                  directly or indirectly, in the proposed Business Combination
                  in question, and was (a) a member of the Board prior to the
                  time that such Interested Shareholder became an Interested
                  Shareholder or (b) recommended to succeed a Disinterested
                  Director by a majority of the Disinterested Directors then on
                  the Board.

                  I. "Fair Market Value" means: (a) in the case of stock, the
                  highest closing sale price (or closing bid price for any day
                  on which a closing sale price is not available) during the
                  30-day period immediately preceding the date in question of a
                  share of such stock on the Composite Tape for New York Stock
                  Exchange Listed Stocks, or, if such stock is not quoted on the
                  Composite Tape, on the New York Stock Exchange, or if such
                  stock is not listed on such Exchange, on the principal United
                  States securities exchange registered under the Securities
                  Exchange Act of 1934 on which such stock is listed, or if such
                  stock is not listed on any such exchange, the highest closing
                  bid quotation with respect to a share of such stock during the
                  30-day period preceding the date in question on the NASDAQ or
                  any other system then in use, or if no such quotations are
                  available, the fair market value on the date in question of a
                  share of such stock as determined by a majority of the
                  Disinterested Directors in good faith; and (b) in the case of
                  property other than cash or stock, the fair market value of
                  such property on the date in question as determined by a
                  majority of the Disinterested Directors in good faith. If


                                                                         Page 17

                  classes of Common Equity of the Corporation have different
                  Fair Market Values based on the determinations to be made
                  under subsection (a), then the term "Fair Market Value" of
                  Common Equity shall mean the highest value then ascribed to a
                  share of any of the various classes of Common Equity.

                  J. In the event of any Business Combination in which the
                  Corporation survives, the phrase "consideration other than
                  cash to be received" as used in paragraph B of Section 2 of
                  this Article Eighth shall include the shares of Common Equity
                  and the shares of any other class of outstanding Voting Shares
                  retained by the holders of such shares.

                  Section 4. A majority of the Disinterested Directors of the
Corporation shall have the power and duty to determine for the purpose of this
Article Eighth, on the basis of information known to them after reasonable
inquiry, (1) whether a person is an Interested Shareholder, (2) the number of
Voting Shares beneficially owned by any person, (3) whether a person is an
Affiliate or Associate of another, (4) whether the requirements of Section 2 of
this Article Eighth have been met with respect to any Business Combination, and
(5) whether the assets which are subject to any Business Combination have, or
the consideration to be received for the issuance or transfer of securities by
this Corporation or any Subsidiary in any Business Combination has, an aggregate
Fair Market Value of $1,000,000 or more. Any such determination made in good
faith shall be binding and conclusive on all parties.

                  Section 5. Nothing contained in this Article Eighth shall be
construed to relieve any Interested Shareholder from any fiduciary obligation
imposed by law.

                  Section 6. In addition to any requirements of law and any
other provisions of these Articles or the terms of any class or series of
capital stock of the Corporation entitled to a preference over the Common Equity
as to dividends or upon liquidation, or the terms of any other securities of the
Corporation (and notwithstanding the fact that a lesser percentage may be
specified by law, these Articles or any such terms), the affirmative vote of

                  A.  the holders of two-thirds or more of the combined
                  voting power of the Voting Shares, voting together as a
                  single class, and

                  B.  two-thirds of the combined voting power of the
                  Voting Shares held by the Disinterested Shareholders,
                  voting together as a single class,

shall be required to amend, alter or repeal or adopt any provision inconsistent
with, this Article Eighth.


                                                                         Page 18

                  ARTICLE NINTH: The foregoing Second Restated Articles of
Incorporation hereby supersede existing Restated Articles of Incorporation as
heretofore amended.